History of Dentistry: 1. Imprint
History of Dentistry: 1. Imprint
History of Dentistry: 1. Imprint
History of dentistry
1. Imprint
Education program: English Dentistry Division, general academic profile, full time
1. Acquaintance with the history of dentistry in the world and in Poland with reference to the greatest achievements
in the history of medicine.
2. Acquaintance with major events and outstanding people in medicine and dentistry throughout history.
3. Acquaintance with the history of the development of the dental workshop equipment since ancient times.
Strona 1 z 4
Załącznik nr 2 do zarządzenia nr 54/2015 Rektora WUM z dnia 14.07.2015 r.
Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses
3. Initial requirements
5. Forms of classes
Lecture 20 1
Seminar 20 1
Practical classes 0 0
L1 & S1 – Lecture 1 and Seminar 1 – Why history of medicine and dentistry? – U1 (20.02.2020, 8:00-11:15)
L2 & S2 – Lecture 2 and Seminar 2 – The most important discoveries and developments in medicine and their
significance for dentistry – W1, W2, W3, U1 (27.02.2020; 8:00-11:15)
L3 & S3 – Lecture 3 and Seminar 3 – Chronology of the most important and most interesting events in the history
of dentistry – W1, W2, W3, U1 (05.03.2020; 8:00-11:15)
L4 & S4 – Lecture 4 and Seminar 4 – Pierre Fauchard and other ‘fathers’ of world dentistry – W1, W2, U1
(19.03.2020; 8:00-11:15)
L5 & S5 – Lecture 5 and Seminar 5 – Dentistry in painting – W1, W2, W3, U1 (26.03.2020; 8:00-11:15)
L6 & S6 – Lecture 6 and Seminar 6 – The interesting history of teeth extraction – W1, W2, U1 (02.04.2020;
L7 & S7 – Lecture 7 and Seminar 7 – Dental drill and not only… - W1, W2, U1 (09.04.2020; 8:00-11:15)
Strona 2 z 4
Załącznik nr 2 do zarządzenia nr 54/2015 Rektora WUM z dnia 14.07.2015 r.
Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses
L8 & S8 – Lecture 8 and Seminar 8 – Dentists as honorary doctors of Medical University of Warsaw – W1, W2, W3,
U1 (23.04.2020; 8:00-11:15)
L9 & S9 – Lecture 9 and Seminar 9 – Evolution of dentistry in the second half of the 20 th century – W1, W2, W3, U1
(07.05.2020; 8:00-11:15)
L10 & S10 – Lecture 10 and Seminar 10 – Aesthetics in dentistry. Quo vadimus? – W1, W2, U1 (14.05.2010;
8. Evaluation criteria
Grade Criteria
9. Literature
Obligatory literature:
Supplementary literature:
2. Ackerknecht E. H.: A Short History of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London 1982.
3. Barnett R.: The Smile Stealers. The Fine + Foul Art of Dentistry, Thames & Hudson, London 2017.
4. Porter R. (ed.): Cambridge Illustrated History. Medicine, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2001.
5. Ring M. E.: Dentistry. An Illustrated History, Abradale Press 1992.
6. Skrzypek E.: Portraits of the Honorary Doctors, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2016.
7. Wynbrandt J.: The Excruciating History of Dentistry. Toothsome Tales & Oral Oddities from Babylon to Braces,
St. Martin’s Griffin, New York 2000.
Strona 3 z 4
Załącznik nr 2 do zarządzenia nr 54/2015 Rektora WUM z dnia 14.07.2015 r.
Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses
Lectures 20 0.8
Seminars 20 0.8
Practical classes 0 0
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