History of Dentistry: 1. Imprint

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Załącznik nr 2 do zarządzenia nr 54/2015 Rektora WUM z dnia 14.07.2015 r.

Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia

Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses

History of dentistry

1. Imprint

Faculty name: Faculty of Dental Medicine

Education program: English Dentistry Division, general academic profile, full time

Academic year: 2019/2020

Module/subject name: History of Dentistry

Subject code: 45009

Department of History of Medicine

00-575 Warsaw
Litewska 16 Str., room 207
Educational units:
22 116 92 60
e-mail: historia-medycyny@wum.edu.pl
Head of the unit/s: Ewa Skrzypek, MD, PhD

Study year: 1st

Study semester: 2nd

Module/subject type: Optional

Teachers: Ewa Skrzypek, MD, PhD


Ewa Skrzypek, MD, PhD

A person responsible for the syllabus: ewa.skrzypek@wum.edu.pl
22 116 92 60
Number of ECTS credits: 2

2. Educational goals and aims

1. Acquaintance with the history of dentistry in the world and in Poland with reference to the greatest achievements
in the history of medicine.

2. Acquaintance with major events and outstanding people in medicine and dentistry throughout history.

3. Acquaintance with the history of the development of the dental workshop equipment since ancient times.

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Załącznik nr 2 do zarządzenia nr 54/2015 Rektora WUM z dnia 14.07.2015 r.
Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses

3. Initial requirements


4. Learning outcomes corresponding to the subject

A list of course learning outcomes

The reference
Symbol of course
Description of course learning outcomes to programme learning
learning outcomes
outcomes (number)
knowledge of the history of medicine with particular
W1 D.W16
attention to the history of dentistry

knowledge of the principles of development

W2 D.W17
of new medical disciplines

knowledge of the achievements of leading

W3 D.W18
representatives of Polish medicine

responsibility for one’s own professional development

U1 and contribution to further development D.U13
of medical sciences

5. Forms of classes

Form Number of hours Number of groups

Lecture 20 1

Seminar 20 1

Practical classes 0 0

6. Subject topics and educational contents

L1 & S1 – Lecture 1 and Seminar 1 – Why history of medicine and dentistry? – U1 (20.02.2020, 8:00-11:15)

L2 & S2 – Lecture 2 and Seminar 2 – The most important discoveries and developments in medicine and their
significance for dentistry – W1, W2, W3, U1 (27.02.2020; 8:00-11:15)

L3 & S3 – Lecture 3 and Seminar 3 – Chronology of the most important and most interesting events in the history
of dentistry – W1, W2, W3, U1 (05.03.2020; 8:00-11:15)

L4 & S4 – Lecture 4 and Seminar 4 – Pierre Fauchard and other ‘fathers’ of world dentistry – W1, W2, U1
(19.03.2020; 8:00-11:15)

L5 & S5 – Lecture 5 and Seminar 5 – Dentistry in painting – W1, W2, W3, U1 (26.03.2020; 8:00-11:15)

L6 & S6 – Lecture 6 and Seminar 6 – The interesting history of teeth extraction – W1, W2, U1 (02.04.2020;

L7 & S7 – Lecture 7 and Seminar 7 – Dental drill and not only… - W1, W2, U1 (09.04.2020; 8:00-11:15)

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Załącznik nr 2 do zarządzenia nr 54/2015 Rektora WUM z dnia 14.07.2015 r.
Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses

L8 & S8 – Lecture 8 and Seminar 8 – Dentists as honorary doctors of Medical University of Warsaw – W1, W2, W3,
U1 (23.04.2020; 8:00-11:15)

L9 & S9 – Lecture 9 and Seminar 9 – Evolution of dentistry in the second half of the 20 th century – W1, W2, W3, U1
(07.05.2020; 8:00-11:15)

L10 & S10 – Lecture 10 and Seminar 10 – Aesthetics in dentistry. Quo vadimus? – W1, W2, U1 (14.05.2010;

7. Methods of verification of learning outcomes

Forms of classes Methods of verification
corresponding Credit receiving criteria
(symbol) of a learning outcome
to the subject
continuous assessment active participation in classes;
acc. to pt. 4 L; S
in the course of classes attendance (maximum two absences)

8. Evaluation criteria

Form of receiving credit in a subject:

Grade Criteria

more than two absences at seminars

and lack of active participation in classes

to receive a credit the student must attend seminars

pass (two absences are admissible)
and actively participate in classes

9. Literature

Obligatory literature:

1. All obligatory reading materials will be provided by a lecturer in .pdf files.

Supplementary literature:

2. Ackerknecht E. H.: A Short History of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London 1982.
3. Barnett R.: The Smile Stealers. The Fine + Foul Art of Dentistry, Thames & Hudson, London 2017.
4. Porter R. (ed.): Cambridge Illustrated History. Medicine, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2001.
5. Ring M. E.: Dentistry. An Illustrated History, Abradale Press 1992.
6. Skrzypek E.: Portraits of the Honorary Doctors, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2016.
7. Wynbrandt J.: The Excruciating History of Dentistry. Toothsome Tales & Oral Oddities from Babylon to Braces,
St. Martin’s Griffin, New York 2000.

10. ECTS credits calculation

Form of activity Number of hours Number of ECTS credits

Direct hours with an academic teacher:

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Załącznik nr 2 do zarządzenia nr 54/2015 Rektora WUM z dnia 14.07.2015 r.
Załącznik nr 3 do procedury opracowywania i okresowego przeglądu programów kształcenia
Appendix no. 3 to the procedure of development and periodical review of syllabuses

Lectures 20 0.8

Seminars 20 0.8

Practical classes 0 0

Student's independent work:

Student's preparation for a seminar 5 0.2

Student's preparation for a class 0 0

Preparation for obtaining credits 5 0.2

Other (please specify) 0 0

11. Additional Information

Classes take place in room 202 at Litewska 14 Str. in Warsaw, on Thursdays, from 8:00 to 11:15, on the following
dates: 20.02.2020, 27.02.2020, 05.03.2020, 19.03.2020, 26.03.2020, 02.04.2020, 09.04.2020, 23.04.2020, 07.05.2020,

Signature of the person responsible for the syllabus

Signature of the Head of the Unit

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