11 Design of Pile For Initial Load Test: 11.1 Lateral Capacity of Piles

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11 Design of Pile For Initial Load test

11.1 Lateral Capacity of Piles

The depth of fixity and lateral capacity of pile have been worked out as per IS 2911-2010 Part 1 / sec2
Appendix C (clause 6.5.2). The soil properties have been considerd in line with geotech report. Free head
condition of piles is assumed

11.1.1 Input Data

Diameter of the pile D = 1200 mm
Characteristic compressive strength of concrete fck = 40 MPa
Characteristic yield strength of steel fyk = 500 Mpa
Partial factor for Reinforcement gs = 1.15 (IRC:112-2011,cl.no.6.2.2)

Design Yield Strength of Reinforcement fyd = 435 MPa

Characteristic yield strength of stirrups fywk = 500 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity for steel Es = 2E+05 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity for concrete Ecm = 33000 mPa
Clear cover c = 75 mm
Gross cross section area of concrete AC = 1130973 mm2
Moment of Inertia I = (pi x d4) / 64
= 0.1018 m
Length of Pile L = 16.000 m
Shift due to tilt in pile S' = L/150
= 0.1067 m
Shift in Pile S = 0.0750 m
Minimum eccentricity for Vertical Load e = 0.1817 m
11.1.2 Calculation of depth of fixity

The depth of fixity is determined from the codal provisions and the graph given there.
For piles in sands & Pre loaded clays,
4 EI where; ηh is read from the Table 3
Stiffness Factor = R = KB

K = 4.5 MN / m3 (From Geotech Report)

R = 5.09 m
= 5.09 m
Free Length of pile ( L1 ) = Pile cap bottom Level - Scour Level
L1 = 0.00 m
Hence; L1 / R = 0 / 5.086
= 0.00
Therefore from the graph we read the corresponding value of " Lf / R".
Lf / R = 1.91 (IS:2911-2010, Fig.4)
Hence; Lf = 1.91 x 5.086
Lf = 9.71 m

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Actual Moment = M
Fixed End Moment = MF
MF = Q ( L1 + Lf ) (Free head Pile Condition)
M = m.MF where, m is reduction factor
M = m * Q * (L1 + Lf) obtained from IS - 2911

m = 0.3 (IS:2911-2010, Fig.5B)

Q = 88.8 T (For Initial Pile Load test)

M = 258.6 T m
= 2586.4 kN m

11.1.3 Design of Pile

Provide Diameter of londitudinal bar = 25 + 0 mm

Number of longitudinal bars = 22 16 no.
Clear spacing provided between vertical bars = 120 > 100 mm
Safe (IRC:78-2014,cl.no.709.4.4)
Diameter of lateral ties = 12 mm
Spacing of lateral ties provided = 150 mm

Effective cover d' = 99.5 mm

Effective depth of Pile deff = 1100.5 mm
Area of reinforcement provided Ast provd = 10799 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement required Astmin = 0.4% of AG
[ IRC:112-2011, cl.no. 16.2.2 (4)] 4524 mm2 OK

Percentage of steel provided pt % = 0.95 %

Effective cover to Depth Ratio d' / D = 0.08

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11.1.4 Check for Axial and Flexure Capacities
The pile is checked for maximum axial load with corresponding BM case and maximum BM with

Maximum compression capacity of pile Puz = Ac * fcd + Ay * fyd [IRC 112:2011, cl.no. 8.3.2 (4)]

where, Ac = 1130973 mm2

fcd = 17.9 N/mm2
Ay = 10799 mm2
fyd = 435 N/mm2
Puz = 24904 kN

Max Axial Load and corresponding BM

Maximum Axial Load on Pile Pmax = 9375 kN

Considering minimum Eccentricity of Load e = 0.182 m

due to tilt & shift in pile
P/Pz 0.376
a 2.00

Bending Moment, M = 1703 kN m

For, p/fck = 0.0239 Mux/fck.D^3 = 0.1 (From SP 16)

P/fckD^2 = 0.1628

Moment Capacity, .`. Mu = 6912 kN m

M / Mu = 0.25 Safe

Maximum Horizontal Force and corresponding BM

Max horizontal force at top of pile (Factored load) = 88.8 T

Hmax = 887.5 kN

Corresponding P = 100 kN (Assumed)

Maximum Bending Moment Mmax = 2586 kN m

For, p/fck = 0.0239 Mu/fck.D^3 = 0.045 (From SP 16)

P/fckD^2 = 0.0017

.`. Mu = 3110 kN m
M / Mu = 0.83 Safe

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11.1.5 Check for Shear Capacity ( IRC:112-2011, cl.no.10.3.2(2))
Effective depth deff = 1101 mm
Equivalent Width b = SQRT(3.14/4×1200^2)
1063 mm

Design shear force, VEd = 887.5

888 kN
Vccd = 0 kN For Uniform cross section
Vtd = 0 kN For Uniform cross section
VRd s = VNS = Ved - Vccd - Vtd
= 888 kN

Maximum Allowabe Shear Force ( for maximum shear force take Ɵ = 45 0 )

VRd.max = αcw x bw x z x v1 x (fcd/(cotƟ+tanƟ)) ( IRC:112-2011, cl, Eq10.8 )

αcw = 1
z = lever arm = 0.9d (For RCC)
v1 is the strength reduction factor for concrete cracked in shear
v1 = 0.52 ( IRC:112-2011, Eq10.6 )
Ɵ= 45 (CotƟ = 1)
fcd is the design value of concrete compression strength =αcc x fck /ɣm ( IRC: 112-2011, cl. no. 10.3.1 )
αcc = 0.67 (Refer IRC:112-2011, Pg.87)
ɣm = 1.50 (Partial factors for concrete for ULS)
fcd = 17.9 N/mm2
VRd.max = 4917 kN Safe

Allowable Shear Force without Shear Reinforcement

VRd c = ( 0.12 x K (80 x ρ1 x fck )0.33 + 0.15 x σcp) bw x d ( IRC:112-2011, cl 10.3.2(2) )
But, VRd.c min = (vmin + 0.15 x σcp) bw x d

where, K= 1+sqrt(200/d) <=2, where d is the depth in mm.

VRd c = The design shear resistance of the member without shear reinforcement.
vmin = 0.031 x K^3/2 x fck^1/2
σcp = Concrete compressive stress at centroidal axis due to axial loading or prestressing.
ρ1 = Reinforcement ratio for longitudinal reinforcement , = Ast / (bw x d) <=0.02
K = 1.4
ρ1 = 0.005
σcp = 0
VRd c min = 378 kN
VRd c = 357 kN

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Shear Reinforcement is Required
Provide 2L 12mm dia stirrups
Asw = 226 mm2
s= Spacing provided = 150 mm
z= lever arm = 0.9d

Ɵ = 33.95 0
Ɵ is between 21.8 & 45

Hence provide 2L 12mm dia at 150mm c/c

Volumetric Area of Shear Reinforcement = 1508 mm
Volumetric Area of Concrete = 1.7E+08 mm
Reinforcement ratio for shear reinforcement, σw = 0.0013

Check for minimum shear reinforcement:

Minimum shear reinforcement ratio, σmin =
( 0.072 x sqrt ( fck )) / fyk = Asw ( IRC:112-2011, cl.no. )
bw x s
where, fyk = The characteristic yield strength of steel
s= The spacing of the stirrups
Asw = The c/s area of the shear reinforcement

σmin = 0.0009 Safe

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