Abutment Design For 30m
Abutment Design For 30m
Abutment Design For 30m
Preamble : Ref :
Design of Wall Type Abutment with Pile Foundation
2. Design basis :
Codes of Indian Road Congress (IRCs)
IRC 6 - 2017 Code of Practice for Road bridges Load and Stresses
IRC 78 - 2014 Code of Practice for Road bridges Foundation and Sub Structure
IRC 112 - 2011 Code of Practice for Concrete Road bridges
3. Design data : A1 A1
Foundation Bottom Level Level = 0.000 0.000 m
Ground / Scour level = 1.800 1.800 m
Foundation Top Level = 1.800 1.800 m
HFL = 0.158 0.158 m
Abutment Cap Top level = 4.352 3.644 m
Soffit Level = 4.077 3.369 m
Finished Road Level = 7.300 6.592 m
Design is done for Crtical Abutment i.e "A1(LHS)" which can be same adopted for "A1(RHS),A2(LHS&RHS)".
1.90 1.150
2 2
1 1
0.1625 0.30 0.163
Girder B H Area No of Total Unit Total Wt Ref :
Nos Length
E.No (m) (m) 2
(M ) Girder Area Wt (kN)
1 2 0.1625 0.250 0.08 6 0.49
2 2 0.1625 0.200 0.03 6 0.20
3 1 0.300 1.900 0.57 6 3.42
4 2 0.475 0.150 0.07 6 0.43
5 2 0.475 0.150 0.14 6 0.86
Single Girder 0.90 24.40 25.0 547.5
Deck Slab 1 18.00 0.220 3.96 1 3.96 24.40 25.0 2415.6
Total 9.35 24.40 25.0 5700.5
0.313 0.625 0.313
1.90 1
2 2
Max Reaction on Abutment ( RA ) = 840.6 kN No. of 70RW on Span 0 (Taken from Staad)
Ecc of Load for most ecc position
18 /2 -0.5 - 1.2 - 2.79/2 = 5.905 m
Ecc of Load for most ecc position 70R+70R
-18 /2 -0.5 - 1.2 - 2.79/2 = -5.905 m
Ecc of Load for 3rd lane position 70R+70R
18 /2 -0.5 -7.25 - 2.79/2 = -0.145 m
Ecc of Load for 70R associated with Class A Ecc
18 /2 -0.5 - 0.15 - 2.3 - 1.2 - 2.79/2 = 3.455 m
Ecc of Load for 70R associated with 2L-Class A Ecc
18 /2 -0.5 - 0.15 - 3.5 -3.5 - 2.79/2 = -0.045 m
Ecc of Load for 70R associated with 4L-Class A Ecc
18 /2 -0.5 - 0.15 - 3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 - 2.79/2 = -7.045 m
Ecc of Load for 70R associated with 2L-Class A + 70R Ecc
18 /2 -0.5 - 7.25 - 3.5 -3.5 -2.79/2 = -7.145 m
Class A Vehicle
Longitudinal Force
Force on Abutment
(Abutment is Fixed)
Details of load LL (At Free
(At Free
mRg mR Fh Case I Case II Hor.force
1L70R 5468.9 159 273 8 200 381 -81 381
A + 70RW 5468.9 249 273 12 228 400 -58 400
4L-CL-A 5468.9 360 273 18 277 430 -14 430
2L-CLA + 70RW 5468.9 339 273 17 255 418 -35 418
70RW + 70RW 5468.9 319 273 16 250 414 -39 414
2LA + 2L-70RW 5468.9 499 273 25 305 451 7 451
4L CLA + 70RW 5468.9 519 273 26 311 455 11 455
6L CLA 5468.9 539 273 27 332 467 32 467
SV 5468.9 686 273 34 0.0 308 308 308
Live Load Cases : With Impact, Congestion & Reduction Max Reaction Max Transv Mom Max Long Mom
Factor 2LA + 2L-70RW A + 70RW 2LA + 2L-70RW
Vertical Reaction on Pier = 2501 1251 2501
Diff Vertical Load on Pier 0 0 0
Longitudinal Eccentricity = 0.000 0.000 0.000
Longitudinal Moment = 0 0 0
Transverse Eccentricity = -0.212 4.683 -0.212
Transverse Moment -531 5857 -531.121
Long Horizontal Force = 451 400 451
6. Load Calculation of Substructure and Foundation: Ref :
d) Summary of Wind Loads Vertical Wind Up "-1", Dwn "1", No, "0" 1.00
Total Earth Pressure Force at Resp Level Normal = 2334 3720 1325 2112 175 279 kN
CG of Earth Pressure Force above Resp Level = 3.07 3.07 2.31 2.31 0.84 0.84 m
LL Surcharge Pressure = 5.64 8.99 5.64 8.99 5.64 8.99 kN/sqm
LL Surcharge Force = 767 1223 578 922 210 335 kN
CG of LL Surcharge Force above Resp level = 3.650 3.650 2.750 2.750 1.000 1.000 m
Return Wall
Height of Abutment = 0.0 0.0 m
Width of Abutment = 2.05 2.05 m
Earth Pressure at Respective Level above HFL = 0 0 kN/m
At Return Wall
Vertical Load H. Load ( Long.) H.Load ( Trans.)
Description Axial V M-L M-T H-L L.A. M-L H-T L.A. M-T
kN kN-m kN-m kN m kN-m kN m kN-m
1 Earth Pressure Normal ( EP ) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0
2 LL Surcharge Normal ( LLS ) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0
3 Earth Pressure Seismic ( EP ) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0
4 LL Surcharge Seismic ( LLS ) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0
15. Summary of Seismic Loads at Abutment BaseVertical Seismic Up "-1", Dwn "1", No, "0" 1.00
Considered fixed Bearing on LHS
Vertical Load H. Load ( Long.) H.Load ( Trans.)
Description Axial V M-L M-T H-L L.A. M-L H-T L.A. M-T
kN kN-m kN-m kN m kN-m kN m kN-m
1 Dead Load ( DL ) 1632 0 0 1959 3 5978 2448 3 8202
2 Dead Load ( SIDL ) 337 0 0 404 3 1233 505 6 3029
3 Pedestal ( PD ) 14 0 0 8 3 23 21 3 57
4 Abutment Cap ( AC ) 401 -172 0 155 3 436 386 3 1090.2
5 Abutment Shaft ( AS ) 284 0 0 170 1 149 426 1 373
6 Abutment Return Wal ( AR ) 57 -87 0 34 2 84 85 2 211
7 Abutment Wing Wal ( AW ) 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 0
8 Live Load ( LL1 ) 180 0 0 0 0 0 270 7 1810
Curtai ment
lment Base
ment Abut
9 Live Load ( LL2 ) 90 0 0 0 0 0 135 7 905
10 Live Load ( LL3 ) 180 0 0 0 0 0 270 7 1810
8 Live Load ( LL1 ) 180 0 0 0 0 0 270 5 1351
9 Live Load ( LL2 ) 90 0 0 0 0 0 135 5 675
10 Live Load ( LL3 ) 180 0 0 0 0 0 270 5 1351
16. Summary of Normal Loads and other Loads at Abutment Base: Ref :
nt Base
9 Live Load ( LL2 ) 1251 0 5857 400 3.05 1220 0 0.00 0
10 Live Load ( LL3 ) 2501 0 -531 451 3.05 1376 0 0.00 0
11 Wind Load ( WL ) 381 0 0 43 3.05 132 253 6 1424
12 Live Load ( LL1 ) 2501 0 -531 451 1.35 610 0 0 0
13 Live Load ( LL2 )
1251 0 5857 400 1.35 540 0 0 0
14 Live Load ( LL3 ) 2501 0 -531 451 1.35 610 0 0 0
15 Wind Load ( WL ) 381 0 0 43 1.35 58 253 3.93 994
16 Earth Pressure Normal ( EP ) 0 0 0 1325 2.31 3060 0 0.00 0
nt Base
17 LL Surcharge Normal ( LLS ) 0 0 0 578 2.75 1590 0 0.00 0
18 Earth Pressure Seismic ( EP ) 0 0 0 1325 2.31 3060 0 0.00 0
19 LL Surcharge Seismic ( LLS ) 0 0 0 578 2.75 1590 0 0.00 0
20 Earth Pressure Normal ( EP ) 0 0 0 175 0.84 147 0 0.00 0
21 LL Surcharge Normal ( LLS )
0 0 0 210 1.00 210 0 0.00 0
21 Earth Pressure Seismic ( EP ) 0 0 0 175 0.84 147 0 0.00 0
22 LL Surcharge Seismic ( LLS ) 0 0 0 210 1.00 210 0 0.00 0
Mean value of axial tensile strength of concrete fctm = 0.259 * fck ^(2/3)
(IRC:112-2011, A-2) = 2.77 N / mm
Mu = 26269 kN m OK
Usage = 75%
Vertical Reinforcement at Outer Face of Stem
NOTE - Provide Minimum Reinforcement at outer face of Stem
Check for Total Minimum and Maximum Vertical Reinforcement ( IRC:112-2011, cl.no. 16.3.1(2))
σcp = Concrete compressive stress at the centroidal axis due to axial loading or prestressing.
ρ1 = Reinforcement ratio for longitudinal reinforcement , = Ast / (bw x d) <=0.02
K = 1.5
ρ1 = 0.0038
σcp = 0.0
VRd c min = 5622 kN
VRd c = 6611 kN
Shear Reinforcement is Required
Design yield strength of Shear Reinf ( fywd = 0.8 fywk, fywk = fyk/gs ) 348 MPa
Applied shear stress = V / 0.9bd = 0.47 MPa
Max allowable shear stress 0.225 v fck = 4.19 MPa OK
Limit of applied shear VED <=0.5bw d v f = 71979 > 7301 kN OK
Steel Shear capacity VRd.s = ( Asw / s ) z fywd cot q = 28522 kN
Status = OK
5.0 Check for Stresses and Crack Width
A) Properties of Abutment Stem
Width of Abutment Stem B = 18643 mm
Depth of Abutment Stem DS = 1000 mm
Diameter of Tensile Reinforcement f = 20 mm
CG of section from Inner face Yinner = 500 mm
CG of section from Outer face Youter = 500 mm
Area of Steel Provided Ast, prov = 65076 mm2
Effective Depth at Stem bottom deff = 928 mm
Distance of N.A. from Outer face Xu = (0.87 fy * Ast) / (0.36 fck * b)
= 121 mm
Modulus of elasticity for steel Es = 2E+05 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity for concrete Ecm = 3.2E+04 N/mm2
Long term Modular ratio (IRC:21-2000, cl. no. A.1) m = Es / ( 0.5 * Ec )
= 12.50
Inner face
Properties of Uncracked Section b
YT out = ( b * D * D/2 ) + ( ( m - 1 ) * Ast * d )
( b * D ) + (( m - 1 ) * Ast ) (d - YT out) Ast d D
IT = 3 2
( b * D /12 + b * D * ( D/2 - YT out ) ) + (( m - 1 ) * Ast * ( d - YT out) )
Inner face
Properties of Cracked Section b
b * Y out Cr / 2 = m * Ast * ( d - Yout Cr ) (d - Yout Cr) Ast d
18643 *Y out Cr /2 = 12.50 * 65076 * (928 - Yout Cr )
Yout Cr
9321.5 Y out Cr + 813454 Yout Cr - 7.5E+08 = 0 Outer face
Yout Cr = 244 mm
k = 0.65
kc = 0.4
As min = 27061 mm
fct,eff = 2.77 N / mm
ae = 6.25
esm - ecm = 0.00002
Sr max = 345.3 mm OK
Wk = 0.008 mm < 0.3 mm ( IRC:112-2011, Table 12.1 )
1.0 Check for Ductile Detailing
Dimension of pier in longitudinal direction, B = 1000 mm
Dimension of pier in transverse direction, D = 18000 mm
Length of Pier, L = 2752 mm
Clear Cover to reinforcement, c = 50 mm
Grade of concrete , fck = 35 N/mm
Design Grade of concrete , fcd = 15.6 N/mm
Grade of Longitudinal Reinforcement, fys = 500 N/mm2
Grade of Stirrup Reinforcement, fyt = 500 N/mm2
Design Yield Strength of Stirrup Reinforcement, fytd = 435 N/mm2
Effective depth longitudinal, dx = 928 mm
Effective depth transverse, dz = 17900 mm
Depth of Pier, (dx + dy)/2, d = 9414 mm
Percentage of steel provided, rL = 0.47%
Maximum axial force for seismic Case: VEd = 12608 KN
Normalised axial force for seismic case,nk = 0.02 < 0.08
Confining reinforcement is not needed =
Diameter of Longitudinal bar, Ø = 20 mm
Diameter of Stirrups, Øs = 12 mm
Max Spacing of hoops or ties in longitudinal direction, SL,max = 125 mm
(As per Cl. - IRC-112-2011,SL £ 5 times dia of smallest longitudinal
Provided Spacing of hoops or ties in longitudinal direction, SL = 100 mm
Confining Reinforcement in Longitudinal Direction : =
1.0 Design of Return Wall (Supported on Adjacent Sides)
Depth of Return Wall = 0.40 m
ka = 0.235
g = 2.000 t/m
Live load Surcharge = 1.2 m
a = 2.050
b = 5.500
Q1=ka*g*SHt Q2=ka*g*b
The end return wall has been designed as a plate fixed on its two faces i.e. at the base and on one of its vertical sides.
Height Length Uniform load due to live load surcharge over entire plate
S.NO. of return of return "a/b" Q1 (at x=a & z=0) Mb1 (at x=0 & z=0.8b) Ma1 (t-
b1 b2 g1 g2
wall (m) wall (m) (t/m )
(t-m/m) m/m)
1 5.50 2.05 0.373 0.564 0.350 0.394 0.669 0.410 -0.99 -1.12
(at x=a & z=0) Mb1 Ultimate Limit State Basic SLS Rare SLS Quasi-Permanent
(t-m/m) Factor Force Momen Factor Force Moment Factor Force Momen
Live Load Surcharge 1.20 0.677 1.194 0.80 0.451 0.796 0.00 0.000 0.000
Active Earth Pressure 1.50 3.876 4.12 1.00 2.584 2.74 1.00 2.584 2.74
Total 5 5 3 4 3 3
(at x=0 & z=0.4b) Ma1 Ultimate Limit State Basic SLS Rare SLS Quasi-Permanent
(t-m/m) Factor Force Momen Factor Force Moment Factor Force Momen
Live Load Surcharge 1.20 0.677 1.345 0.80 0.451 0.896 0.00 0.000 0.000
Active Earth Pressure 1.50 3.876 2.87 1.00 2.584 1.91 1.00 2.584 1.91
Total 5 4 3 3 3 2
Mean value of axial tensile strength of concrete fctm = 0.259 * fck ^(2/3)
(IRC:112-2011, A-2) = 2.77 N / mm
0.30 m
2.95 m
13.85 5.64
12.50 m
100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0
2.79m 1.8
2.95 m
Earth Pressure due to LL surcharge =0.235×20 ×1.2 = 5.64 kN/m
Active Earth Pressure =0.235×20 ×2.948 = 13.85 kN/m
Force at the base due to LL surcharge =5.638×2.948 = 16.62 kN/m
Force due to Active Earth Pressure =0.5×13.851×2.948 = 20.42 kN/m
Force due to Braking =40/7.868 = 5.08 kN/m
Check for Total Minimum and Maximum Vertical Reinforcement ( IRC:112-2011, cl.no. 16.3.1(2))
Ast, min = 0.0024 * Ac
= 0.0024×1000×0.300×1000
= 720 mm2 / m SAFE
σcp = Concrete compressive stress at the centroidal axis due to axial loading or prestressing.
ρ1 = Reinforcement ratio for longitudinal reinforcement , = A st / (bw x d) <=0.02
K = 2.0
ρ1 = 0.0062
σcp = 0
VRd c min = 109 kN / m
VRd c = 131 kN / m
Shear Reinforcement is Not Required
1 Design of Abutment Cap
1.1 Design Data
Width of Abutment = 1600 mm
Depth of abutment cap = 800 mm
Concrete Vol. per m width of cap 1600 X 0.225 = 360000 mm3/m
Volume of steel to be Required = 1% of the Cap Volume = 3600 mm3/m
As per CL 710.8.7 of IRC:78-2014
2. Pile Coordinates:
Sl No Long (X) Trans (Y) X2 Y2 -1.800, 8.00 1.800, 8.00
1 -1.800 8.00 3.24 64.00 6 18 3.1176915
2 -1.800 4.00 3.24 16.00 2.078461
3 -1.800 0.00 3.24 0.00 5 -1.800, 4.00 1.800, 4.00 17
4 -1.800 -4.00 3.24 16.00
5 -1.800 -8.00 3.24 64.00 4 16
6 1.800 8.00 3.24 64.00 -1.800, 0.00 1.800, 0.00
7 1.800 4.00 3.24 16.00 3 15
8 1.800 0.00 3.24 0.00
9 1.800 -4.00 3.24 16.00 2 14
-1.800, -4.00 1.800, -4.00
10 1.800 -8.00 3.24 64.00
1 13
-1.800, -8.00
1.800, -8.00 0.00 Y
0.00 X
10 32.40 320.00
3. Material Data:
Density of Concrete = 25.00 kN/m3
Bulk Density of soil = 20.00 kN/m3
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
Charecteristic strength of reinforcement ( fyk ) = 500 MPa Table 18.1, IRC 112
Partial factor of safety for steel ( gs ) = 1.150 Cl 6.2.2, IRC 112
Design value for tensile strength ( fyd = fyk/gs ) = 434.78 MPa Cl 6.2.2, IRC 112
Modulus of Elasticity of Steel ( Es ) = 200 GPa Cl 6.2.2, IRC 112
Grade of Concrete = M 35
Charecteristics compressive strength ( fck ) = 35 MPa Table 6.5, IRC 112
a = 0.670 Cl, IRC 112
Concrete material factor ( gm ) = 1.500 Cl, IRC 112
Design value for concrete compressive strength ( fcd = afck/gm ) = 15.63 MPa Cl, IRC 112
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete ( Ecm ) = 32 GPa Table 6.5, IRC 112
Modular Ratio = 11.25 Avg of Long & Short Term Cl 604.3, IRC 22
4. Pile Cap Dimension :
Diameter of Pile = 1.20 m
c/c of Pile along Longitudinal Direction = 3.60 m C C
c/c of Pile along Transverse Direction = 4.00 m
No. of Pile along Longitudinal Direction = 2
No. of Pile along Transverse Direction = 5
Pile Cap Dimension along Long Direction = 5.1 m
Pile Cap Dimension along Transv Direction = 18.000 m D D
Depth of Pile Cap = 1.80 m
Thickness of Pier = 1.00 m
Equivalent Thickness of Pier (Inscribed Square) = 1.00 m
Height of Earth over Pile Cap = 5.50 m
Density of Earth = 20 kN/m
Normal Case
Pile Capacity Vertical = 3679 kN
Pile Capacity Horizontal = 392 kN
Max Pile Load = 2048 kN OK
Min Pile Load = 1248 kN OK
Horizontal Load on Pile = 358 kN OK
Sesimic Case
Pile Capacity Vertical = 4598 kN
Pile Capacity Horizontal = 491 kN
Max Pile Load = 3431 kN OK
Min Pile Load = 0 kN OK
Horizontal Load on Pile = 950 kN
Wind Case
Pile Capacity Vertical = 4598 kN
Pile Capacity Horizontal = 491 kN
Max Pile Load = 2139 kN OK
Min Pile Load = 1227 kN OK
Horizontal Load on Pile = 363 kN OK
Pile No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 H
Load No
1 2099 2088 2076 2065 2054 2943 2932 2921 2910 2898 - - 518
2 2171 2040 1909 1778 1648 2974 2843 2712 2581 2451 - - 510
3 2099 2088 2076 2065 2054 2943 2932 2921 2910 2898 - - 518
4 1187 939 691 443 195 4614 4366 4119 3871 3623 - - 1064
5 1173 918 663 408 153 4596 4340 4085 3830 3575 - - 1060
6 1187 939 691 443 195 4614 4366 4119 3871 3623 - - 1064
7 3693 2863 2034 1204 375 4434 3605 2775 1946 1116 - - 1371
8 3639 2823 2006 1190 373 4375 3559 2742 1926 1109 - - 1345
9 3693 2863 2034 1204 375 4434 3605 2775 1946 1116 - - 1371
10 2102 2075 2047 2020 1992 2876 2848 2820 2793 2765 - - 505
11 2158 2039 1919 1800 1680 2900 2780 2661 2541 2422 - - 500
12 2102 2075 2047 2020 1992 2876 2848 2820 2793 2765 - - 505
Pile No 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 H
Load No
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 518
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 510
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 518
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1064
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1060
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1064
7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1371
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1345
9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1371
10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 505
11 - - - - - - - - - - - - 500
12 - - - - - - - - - - - - 505
6 Bending Moment, Shear Force & Corresponding Torsion at Different Section : Ref :
B ) Flexure = UNIT
Effective depth of section ( d = D - c - f/2 ) = 1.713 1.713 m
Max Strain on concrete in compression ( ecu3 ) = 0.0035 0.0035 Table 6.5, IRC 112
Max Strain on reinforcement in tension ( es = 0.002 + fyd /Es ) = 0.0042 0.0042
Max Depth of NA from comp flange [ xulim = ecu3 /( ecu3+es )] = 0.456 0.456 d
l = 0.8 0.8 Eq A2-33 & 34, IRC 112
h = 1.0 1.0 Eq A2-35 & 36, IRC 112
Max Depth of Stress Block lx = 0.365 0.365 d
Total Compression Force ( Fc = lxhfcd b) = 5.704 5.704 bd
Lever arm ( z = d - lx/2) = 0.818 0.818 d
Limiting value of R = 4.664 4.664
Required Depth of Slab [ (Mulim /Rb)^0.5 ] = 0.284 0.165 m
Status = OK OK
Depth of nutral axis from compression flange ( x ) = 0.155 0.155 m
Depth of Stress Block lx = 0.072 0.072 d
Status = OK OK
Total Compression Force ( Fc = lxhfcd b) = 34924 34924 kN
Total Tension Force ( Fs = fyd At) = 34924 34924 kN
Difference = 0 0 m Run Macro 10
Depth of lever arm ( z = d - lx/2) = 1.650 1.650 m
Moment of Resistance ( Fs z ) = 57640 57640 kN-m
Reinforcement Required due to Flexure = 9424 3202 kN-m
Reinforcement Required due to Torsion(At top & Bottom) = 37349 0 kN-m
Total Reinforcement Required at Bottom = 46772 3202 kN-m
Provided Reinforcement at Bottom 80325 80325
Usuage 0.58 0.04
Status OK OK
Pile cap reinforcement provided at top
Dia of Reinforcement ( f ) 20 16
Spacing of Reinforcement ( s ) 110 110
Area of Reinforcement ( At ) 51408 32901
Status OK OK
Reinforcement Required due to Torsion(At Side Face) 3735 0
Pile cap reinforcement provided at Side
Dia of Reinforcement ( f ) 20 16
Spacing of Reinforcement ( s ) 110 110
Area of Reinforcement ( At ) 4827 3089
Status OK OK
C ) Shear = UNIT
Dia of Shear Reinforcement ( f ) = 12 12 mm
Spacing of Reinforcement ( s ) = 110 220 mm
Distance between two Leg of Shear Reinforcement = 110 220 mm
No of Leg of Shear Reinforcement ( n ) = 165 83
Area of Shear Reinforcement ( Asw ) = 18620 9367 sqm
Effective depth of section ( d = D - c - f/2 ) = 1.713 1.713 m
av = 2.0 2.0 d Actual load away from 2d
b v = av/2d = 1.000 1.000 Cl 10.3.2, IRC 112
Modefied Ved = b VEd = 3869 -1695 kN
Equivalent Torsional Shear Ved = 21242 0 kN
Design Ved = 25111 -1695
Ved <= 0.5bdvfcd = 128247 128247 kN Eq 10.5, IRC 112
Status = OK OK
Concrete Shear capacity VRd.c = [ 0.12K(80r1.fck)0.33+0.15scp]W'd = 9563 9563 kN Cl 10.3.2, IRC 112
Min Conc Shear capacity VRd.c min = (nmin+0.15scp)bd = 6884 6884 kN Cl 10.3.2, IRC 112
Concrete Shear capacity VRd.c = 9563 9563 kN
K = 1+sqrt(200/d) <=2 = 1.342 1.342 Eq 10.2, IRC 112
nmin = 0.031K0.67fck0.5 = 0.223 0.223 Eq 10.3, IRC 112
scp = = 0.0 0.0
r1 = At /bd <= 0.02 = 0.0026 0.0026
Status = SF Reqd SF not Reqd
Member Required Shear Reinforcement
Area of Shear Reinf ( Asw ) = 18620 9367 mm2
Shear Reinf Ratio ( r = Asw/sb ) 0.0094 0.0024
Design yeild strength of Shear Reinf ( fywd = 0.8 fywk, fywk = fyk/gs ) = 348 348
Cot q = 1.0 1.0
Steel Shear capacity VRd.s = ( Asw / s ) z fywd cot q = 97174 24441
Max Shear capacity VRd.max = acwbzv1[fcd/(cot q + Tan q )] = 123600 123600
v1 = = 0.53 0.53
acw = = 1.00 1.00
Min Shear Reinf Ratio ( rmin = 0.072 sqrt(fck)/fyk ) = 0.0009 0.0009 Eq 10.20, IRC 112
Status = OK OK
Max Angle of Compression Strut q = 45.0 45.0 Degree
Maximum allowable Shear Stress tmax = 0.135fck[1-fck/310] = 4.2 4.2 mPa
Shear Stress t = Ved / 0.9bd = 0.905 -0.061 mPa
Status = OK OK
Allowable Shear Stress without Shear Reinf talw = 0.312 0.312 mPa
Status = SF Reqd SF not Reqd
Min Angle of Compression Strut q = 21.8 21.8 Degree
v = 0.6 [1-fck/310] = 0.53 0.53
Allowable Shear Stress talw = v x fcd /(cot f + tan f ) = 2.87 2.87 mPa
Angle of Compression Strut q = 45.0 45.0 Degree
Asw/S = 46.84 -3.16 mm2/m
Providing Shear reinforcement = 169.3 42.6 mm2/m Ref :
Status = OK OK
Spacing of Shear Reinforcement s = Asw 0.9d fy cot q / Ved = 571 -4259 kN Ref112
Eq 10.7, IRC :
Status = OK OK
D ) Torsion = UNIT
Total area of cross section ( A ) = 3.24E+07 3.24E+07 Eq 10.46, IRC 112
Core Area ( Ak ) = 1.69E+07 1.69E+07
Outer Perimeter of cross section ( u ) = 39600 39600 mm
tef,i = A/u or twice dist of concret face to cg of Reinf = 818 818 mm
Torsional shear stress, tt,i = 1.202 0.000 mPa
VED,i = Design Torsional Shear Force = tt,i x tef,i x Zi = 966 0 kN
where, Zi = 982 982
sin q = 0.707 0.707
cos q = 0.707 0.707
TRD,max = 2racwfcdAktefisin q cos q = 129465 129465
v1 = 0.6 0.6
acw = 1.0 1.0
tan q = 1.0 1.0
cot q = 1.0 1.0
VRd.max = acwbzv1[fcd/(cot q + Tan q )] = 162640 162640 kN
TED / TRD,max + VED / VRD,max = = 0.41 -0.01
Status = OK OK
Perimeter of core section ( uk ) = 3.63E+04 3.63E+04 mm
Long Reinf due to Torsion ( Asl = Ted uk Cot q / 2Ak fyd ) = 82167 0 mm2 Eq 10.49, IRC 112
Additional Long Reinf at Bottom due to Torsion = 37349 0 mm2
Additional Long Reinf at Side face due to Torsion = 3735 0 mm2
9. Load on Foundation for Stress and Crack Width Check :
Load Combinations
kN kN-m kN-m kN
Normal Load Combinations
Load Comb 1 18114 4325 596 3451
Load Comb 2 16864 4077 6984 3400
Load Comb 3 18114 4325 596 3451
Wind Load Combinations SECTION
Load Comb 4 17641 3862 1480 3362 A-A B-B
Load Comb 5 16703 3676 6272 3323 STRESS OK OK
Load Comb 6 15384 -229 0 2357 CRACK OK OK
Pile No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 H
Load No
1 1586 1579 1571 1564 1556 2067 2059 2052 2044 2037 - - 345
2 1634 1547 1460 1373 1285 2087 2000 1913 1826 1738 - - 340
3 1586 1579 1571 1564 1556 2067 2059 2052 2044 2037 - - 345
4 1587 1568 1550 1531 1513 2016 1997 1979 1960 1942 - - 336
5 1623 1545 1466 1388 1309 2031 1953 1875 1796 1718 - - 332
6 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 - - 236
Pile No 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 H
Load No
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 345
2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 340
3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 345
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 336
5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 332
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 236
Horizontal Force on each Pile at Pile Cap Bot Level ( H ),Strength Case = 1371 kN
Free Length of Pile ( L1 ) = 0.00 m
Diameter of Pile ( D ) = 120 cm
Clear Cover to Reinforcement ( d' ) = 7.5 cm
K = 4.33 m
Stiffness Factor 'R' = (EI/KB) = 5.00 m
L1/R = 0.00
Corresponding Lf/R ratio ( Fig 4, IS 2911-Sec 2 ) = 1.91
Length of fixity 'Lf' = 9.56 m (From Geotech Report)
Reduction factor for Fixed Head Pile for Moment 'm' = 0.72
Fixed Head Moment [H ( L1 + Lf ) m / 2 ] = 4736 kN-m
Additional Momemt on Pile due to Tilt (1 in 150) = 87 kN
Total Design Moment = 4824 kN-m
Safe Lateral Load Capacity of Pile,From permissible Deflection (1%) of daimeter of Pile = 538 KN OK
3. Design of Pile for Strength Check: Max.Axial Min.Axial
Vertical Load on Pile for Strength Check = 4614 153 4614 kN
Moment on Pile Base = 4824 4824 4824 kN-m
Pu/fckD = 0.092 0.003 0.092
Mu/fckD = 0.080 0.080 0.080
Effective Cover to Reinforcement ( d' ) = 9.1 9.1 9.1 cm
d'/D = 0.086 0.086 0.086
Value of r/fck from Chart 60 SP 16 = 0.069 0.060 0.060
Area of Steel Reqd. = 273 238 238 cm
4. Load on Pile for Stress Check as Per IS 2911: Max.Axial Min.Axial
Maximum Vertical Load on Pile for Stress Check = 2087 1551 2087 kN
Horizontal Force on each Pile at Pile Cap Bot Level ( H ) = 340 236 340 kN
Fixed Head Moment due to WCL [ H1 x D1 x m / 2 ] = 87 87 87 kN-m
Fixed Head Moment [H ( L1 + Lf ) m / 2 ] = 1174 814 1174 kN-m
Moment of inertia of cracked section about its own centroid = 8439034 8439034 8439034 cm
Eccentricity of load from the centroid of the effective section = 2.30 2.30 2.30 cm
d = 53.96 50.19 53.96 cm
Effective moment of inetria of cracked section = 12320349 12320349 12320349 cm
Calculated distance of neutral axis below CGeff (ycal) = 16.88 18.15 16.88 cm
Assumed distance of neutral axis below CGeff (yassumed) = 13.24 18.15 16.88 cm Macro 13
ycal-yassum = 3.65 0.00 0.00 cm
Stress at neutral axis = 0 0 0 cm
Compressive stress in concrete (scbc) = 55.19 39.00 55.19 kg/cm
Tensile stress in steel (ssbt) = -288.12 -191.45 -288.12 kg/cm
2 OK
Ductile Detailing
Maximum Vertical Load on Pile for Strength Check = 4614 kN
Dia of Ties 'ft' = 16 mm
Area of Shear Reinf 'Asv' = 201.06 mm
Normalised axial force 'hk' = NED/Ac.fck = 0.117 Confinement Reinf Required Eq 17.1, IRC 112
Reqd. Qty of Confining Reinf 'ww.req' = 0.108 Eq 17.6, IRC 112
Actual Qty of Confining Reinf 'wwd' = 0.213 mm
2 Eq 17.2, IRC 112
Spacing of ties to be provided in Lh 'SL' = 100 mm
Volumetric Ratio 'rw'= 4x Asv/(Dsp x SL) = 0.008 Eq 17.4, IRC 112
Critical quantity of confining reinf 'wwd'w wd.c > max(1.4*ww.req ; 0.18) = 0.180 Eq 17.7, IRC 112
Status = OK
Max SL = 160 mm Cl, IRC 112
Status = OK
Min reinf ratio 'rw.min' = 0.72 x fck / fyk = 0.09 % Eq 16.5, IRC 112
Equivalent square side 'bw' = 1063 mm
Dia of Ties elsewhere 'ft' = 12 mm
Spacing of ties to be provided elsewhere 'SL' = 100 mm
Reinf ratio 'rw' = Asw /s.bw = 0.21 %
Status = OK
Design Shear Force = 1371 kN
Equivalent Square of side = 1063 mm
Effective depth of the section = 987 mm
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
Charecteristic strength of reinforcement ( fyk ) = 500 Mpa Table 18.1, IRC 112
Partial factor for steel ( ϒs ) = 1.15 Cl 6.2.2, IRC 112
Design value for tensile strength ( fyd = fyk/gs ) = 434.78 MPa Cl 6.2.2, IRC 112
Modulus of Elasticity of Steel ( Es ) = 200 Gpa Cl 6.2.2, IRC 112
Grade of Concrete = M 35
Charecteristics compressive strength ( fck ) = 35 MPa Table 6.5, IRC 112
a = 0.67 Cl, IRC 112
Concrete material factor ( gm ) = 1.50 Cl, IRC 112
Design value for concrete compressive strength ( fcd = afck/ϒm ) = 15.63 MPa Cl, IRC 112
Dia of Shear Reinforcement ( f ) = 16 mm
Spacing of Reinforcement ( s ) or = 80 mm
Number of leg = 2
Reinforcement ( % ) = 0.038
Shear Resistance
Concrete Shear capacity VRd.c = [ 0.12K(80r1.fck) +0.15σcp]bd = 584 kN Cl 10.3.2, IRC 112
Min Conc Shear capacity nRd.c min = (nmin+0.15σcp)bd = 336 kN Cl 10.3.2, IRC 112
K = 1+sqrt(200/d) <=2 = 1.450 Eq 10.2, IRC 112
νmin = 0.031K fck
1/2 = 0.320 Eq 10.3, IRC 112
σcp = 0.00 MPa
r1 = At /bd <= 0.02 = 0.012
Status = Reinf Reqd
Members requiring Design shear reinforcement =
ϴ (in degree) = 45 °
Maximum Allowable Shear Stress = 4.160
Lever Arm = 638.421
Shear Stress at various section = 1.306
Status = OK
ϴ (in degree) = 21.80
Allowable Shear Stress corresponding to angle taken = 2.869
Status = OK
Change angle,if required = 21.80 °
Asw/s = 2.060
Providing Shear reinforcement = 5.027
Status = OK
Minimum Shear Reinf ratio for beam ( 0.072sqrt(fck)/fyk) = 0.906
Status = OK
Area of Shear Reinf ( Asw ) = 402 mm
Design yeild strength of Shear Reinf ( fywd = 0.8 fywk, fywk = fyk/gs ) = 348 Mpa
Cot q = 2.50
Steel Shear capacity VRd.s = ( Asw / s ) z fywd cot q = 3882 kN Eq 10.7, IRC 112
Status = OK
Max Shear capacity VRd.max = acwbzv1[fcd/(cot q + Tan q )] = 2710 kN Eq 10.8, IRC 112
v1 = = 0.53
acw = = 1.00
Minimum Shear Reinf ratio for beam ( 0.072sqrt(fck)/fyk) = 0.001
Status = OK