Unit VI
Unit VI
Unit VI
Implementation Plan
The MIS department will be the custodian of the new system. Hence, they have
to be gear up to support the new system. Organization of the department is
therefore necessary before the new system becomes operational. The roles of
each member of the MIS department have to be clearly laid out before the new
system becomes operational. Effort is made to ensure that the role of the MIS
staff is understood by each member of the organization. Training is provided to
those who need training on the new system so that they in turn can help
others. This process of organizing the MIS department starts much before the
actual implementation process begins as it entails some hiring and training
which requires some lead time.
Procurement of Software
The new system being implemented will have been created based on
assumptions of operating environment of the organization. Procurement of
system software is done on similar lines as the procurement of hardware. The
only difference in the case of procurement of software is that the choice of what
software to purchase is already made at the design stage of the system
development and hence, the RFP preparation process is straightforward.
The new system to be implemented will have data stores. In modern systems,
data stores are databases. These databases are relational database
management systems, which is a separate application software package. The
database has to be created and structures inside the database have to be
created in order to enable it to store data. The implementation team creates the
database, its structures and rules so that the application system being
implemented can be plugged into the database and start working.
Training of Users
Implementation is a larger issue than installation. The new system may get
installed but without proper training of users, it may not be of good use.
Implementation is a larger concept and focuses on the installation and hand-
holding part of the transition process. A training needs assessment is done to
understand the training needs of the users. A training programme is planned
and the required training given to users. This is an important part of the
implementation process and helps in reducing the resistance to change related
behavior among the user community.
The new system being implemented may require a physical infrastructure. The
implementation team must ensure that the system performance must not
suffer due to infrastructure bottlenecks.
This is the last step in the implementation process. The transition if done
wrongly leads to a lot of pain. Hence, it is necessary to move slowly on the
transition front.
General Controls
These controls apply to information systems activities throughout an
organization. The most important general controls are the measures that
control access to computer systems and the information stored or transmitted
over telecommunication networks. General controls include administrative
measures that restrict employee access to only those processes directly
relevant to their duties, thereby limiting the damage an employee can do. Some
general controls are as follows.
4. Data Security Controls – Ensures critical business data on disk and tapes
are not subject to unauthorized access, change or destruction while they are in
use or in storage.
Application Controls
1. Firewall –The firewall acts like a gatekeeper that examines each user’s
credentials before access is granted to a network. The firewall identifies
names, internet protocol (IP) addresses, applications and other
characteristics of incoming traffic. It checks this information against the
access rules that have been programmed in to the system by the network
administrator. The firewall prevents unauthorized communication into
and out of the network, allowing the organization to enforce a security
policy on traffic flowing between its network and other untrusted
networks, including the internet. Firewalls can deter but not completely
prevent, network penetration by outsiders and should be viewed as one
element in an overall security plan. To deal with internet security
effectively, broader corporate policies and procedures, user
responsibilities and security awareness training may be required.
3. Antivirus software –
Information Security
Computers and the Internet are all about information seeking, storage and
exchange. Hence, the topic of security in the digital realm relates to the
security of information. We need to operate in a climate where our
information is not stolen, damaged, compromised or restricted. The
Internet, in theory, provides everyone with an equal opportunity to access
and disseminate information. Yet, as many incidents have shown, this is not
always the case. Governments and corporations realize the importance and
value of controlling information flows, and of being able to decide when to
restrict them.
Windows Security
Password Protection
Remember your passwords and keep them safe. Do not use easy to guess
Remember that there are many programs available free on the Internet,
which will identify your
Windows password, wireless network encryption and just about any other
type of computer password you may have.
It is good practice to wipe temporary files, Internet cache and free space
on your computer.
Be careful with distributing your email address and never reply to or even
open spam messages.
5. Each business unit need to understand its role in plan and support to
maintain it.
6. The DRP project team must implement the plan and periodically check
the status.
4. High availability systems which keep both the data and system replicated
off-site, enabling continuous access to systems and data.