Smis PPT Final

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Case Study: an Information

System Management Model


Summaries the case in detail.

This article presents the purchase management information system, finance management
information system and security information system, their interdependence and tight
The aim of any information system is to provide the system with all necessary and relevant
information for seamless execution of processes and system administration.
Purchase management information system is a complicated system enabling communication of
the company with its buyers and suppliers, keeping track of capital goods flow, all condition
for monitoring business relationships, preparing and transferring data into the finance
management information system, more precisely, into process accountancy.
The purchase process and its sub-processes are used for purchasing or commissioning
information, commodities, other capital goods, services and labor.
Purchasing better capital goods at prices lower than their real value generates profit, and cuts
purchase costs.
The purpose of PMIS is to achieve the set goals related to supplying the organization it belong
to with all capital goods at the most reasonable prices available at right time at right place with
right quality

Finance Management Information System

The purpose of the finance management information system is recording all business events in
companies, in financial and value expression.
Finance management information system and its event-recording modules are similar in
numerous organizations, given that, at the end of the process, they must meet all the rules
defined by the provisions of the Accounting law.
The software of the finance management information system includes the following set of
modules : the ledger module, the analytic book keeping module (and other auxiliary books)
comprising sub modules such as accounting records of long-term assets, accounting records of
inventories, raw materials, payroll, human resources records, sub modules of customers and
suppliers balance accounts, and account records of stationery and spare parts.
The creation of financial report from the data available in FMIS.

Security Management Information System

The most common assaults on information systems originate from the employees themselves.
The second largest source of errors in information system is hardware malfunction, the
Third place belongs to employees using their position in the institution for their own personal
gain, or employees using this to express their dissatisfaction or hostility to the firm or their
Data Protection With Physical Procedures and Passwords
Kensington locks are security systems used for protecting mice and other entry and
output devices from theft.
by using protectors, sensor lights, surveillance cameras, special systems for locking
rooms and lockers used for storing computer equipment, alarm systems, and locators..
Giving limited access to employee according to his position and job description.
Setting a strong password and regularly changing it.
Keeping up to date anti virus
Temporary database in the main database
Duplicate data base in a secondary location outside the firm.

How management system are helpful in the strategic point of view ?

Purchase management information system

Financial management information system

Integrate financial system from multiple source.
Provide easy access to financial information in summarize form.
Enable financial analysis using easy-to-use tools.
Compare past and current financial activity.

Security management information


is to protect information within the organization.

Physically protection measures- it includes all defense measures to
protect the computer infrastructure and data.
Restricted access to data according to job specification. Leakage of
data is reduced.
Database protection temporary database created inside the main
database .
In some cases a duplicate database will created outside the
organization mainframe.
These measures help to safeguard from effects of any manipulation
or data corruption.

What are the practical issues with respect to

information management system ?


What are the key merits and demerits of integrating

all the functional databases ?


Complete visibility into all the important processes, across various departments of an

Automatic and coherent workflow from one department/function to another, to ensure

a smooth transition and quicker completion of processes. This also ensures that all the
inter-departmental activities are properly tracked and none of them is missed out.

A unified and single reporting system to analyze the statistics/status etc. in real-time,
across all functions/departments.


e-commerce integration is possible with ERP systems most

of them can handle web-based order tracking/ processing.


a Database system is implemented on the backend to store all the

information required by the ERP system, it enables centralized
storage/back-up of all enterprise data.


provide better company-wide visibility and hence enable

better/faster collaboration across all the departments.


are more secure as centralized security policies can be applied to

them. All the transactions happening via the ERP systems can be tracked.



The cost of ERP Software, planning, customization, configuration, testing,

implementation, etc. is too high.

Deployments are highly time-consuming projects may take 1-3 years (or
more) to get completed and fully functional.

Too little customization may not integrate the system with the business
process & too much customization may slow down the project and make it
difficult to upgrade.

Implementations are difficult to achieve in decentralized organizations

with disparate business processes and systems.


participation of users is very important for successful

implementation hence, exhaustive user training and simple
user interface might be critical.


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