Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9 (4a's METHOD)
Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9 (4a's METHOD)
Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9 (4a's METHOD)
At the end of the class session, the Grade 9 students must be able to do the following with at
least 80% level of accuracy;
Grade Level: 9
Content Standard: Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,
inequalities, functions, and rational algebraic equations.
1. Transform the quadratic equation into
standard form ax2+bx+c=0 if necessary.
2. Factor the quadratic expression.
3. Apply the zero product property by setting
each factor of the quadratic expression equal
to zero.
4. Solve each resulting equation.
5. Check the values of the variable obtained
by substituting each in the original equation.
6x(x+3)=0 Factor the expression
6x = 0 x+3=0 Step 2
C. Abstraction (Generalization)
Solving quadratic equation by factoring is Ma’am, if two numbers a and b are multiplied
based on the zero-product property of real together and the resulting product is 0, then at least
numbers. Now, who can tell me the definition one of the numbers must be 0.
of a zero-product property? If ab = 0, then either a = 0 or b = 0 or both a = 0 and
b = 0.
Very good! How about the steps in solving Ma’am the steps in solving the quadratic equation by
quadratic equation by factoring? Who can factoring are:
enumerate what are those? 1. Transform the quadratic equation into standard
form ax2+bx+c=0 if necessary.
2. Factor the quadratic expression.
3. Apply the zero product property by setting each
factor of the quadratic expression equal to zero.
4. Solve each resulting equation.
5. Check the values of the variable obtained by
substituting each in the original equation.
Definitely! It’s good to know that you really
pay attention to what I have discussed earlier.
D. Application
At this moment, let us test your
understanding. I have prepared some
exercises for you to answer. I will just flash the Yes, ma’am!
questions on the screen and the selected
players of each team will answer through the
chat box. Are you ready?
You will be given 2 minutes to solve each
equation. Again, if the selected player cannot
answer within the allotted time, his/her answer
is already invalid and we will pick another
team and a player to play the game. So, I will (student answering the equation)
now play the randomizer to give us the first
lucky player for this round. (Playing the
randomizer) The lucky player is from group ___
number ____.
(After 2 minutes)
You got it right player (name of the student).
You earn 5 points in your team. (play the (student answering the equation)
randomizer) Now let’s proceed to group ____
number _____.
(After 2 minutes)
Very good player (student’s name). You add 5 (student answering the equation)
points for your team. And for the remaining
group your representative is number __.
(After 2 minutes)
Your answer is correct player (student’s
name)! Please give a round of applause
everyone for a job well done!
IV. Evaluation:
Directions: Find the solutions of the following quadratic equation by matching column A
to column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before the number.
Column A Column B
_____ 2.) x2 + 7x + 12 = 0 B. ( ± 3 )
F. ( -4, -3)
V. Assignment:
Directions: Solve for the following quadratic equations by factoring method. Show your
complete solution and checking.
1. t (2t + 3) = 2(t + 3)
2. (2p + 7) (p – 3) = 2p
3. x (x + 1) = 12
Prepared by:
Jallorina, Grasha May M. Mandado, Ella V.