International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 7 (4) - 1550-1570
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 7 (4) - 1550-1570
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 7 (4) - 1550-1570
Received: 29.07.2020
Received in revised form: 15.08.2020
Accepted: 10.09.2020
Nur Akcanca
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Nur Akcanca, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Early Childhood Education
at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University. Her research interests include research methods and
teacher training, science education, science education in early childhood, teaching approaches.
Comics, which attract attention with their adaptation to changing conditions in the historical
process, are increasing their popularity both in current life and in the field of education. They
can be used as a powerful supplementary teaching tool concretizing abstract concepts,
especially in lessons such as Science. They can also be used to convey abstract concepts to
students in an entertaining way. From this point of view, the study aimed to reveal the general
characteristics, structure, elements, and historical development of comics at a theoretical level.
The study, which adopted a qualitative research design, was based on a wide range of a
literature review focusing on comics in an educational context as alternative resources to use
in science education. The data collected were coded, grouped, and reorganized as a report to
present within the context of science education for the teachers who might plan to use comics
in their classes, and researchers who might scrutinize the influence of comics in teaching
science at different levels.
Keywords: Comics, supplementary tools, education and training, science education, abstract
Current developments in the field of education in the 21st century have led to a series of
changes in our understanding of education. Meeting our teaching needs in our age has led to
the necessity of preparing teaching materials with a new perspective in the classroom where
modern education and training practices are performed together. It is possible to mention many
positive effects of teaching materials such as increasing efficiency in the classroom, active
participation of students (Tekmen, 2016), and providing permanent learning (Aşçı, 2020).
The most used course material in the process of gaining scientific knowledge of science is
undoubtedly the textbooks prepared in accordance with acquisitions in the program. Textbooks
allow the subject to be handled systematically as a guide both for teachers and students (Ünal
& Demirkaya, 2019); however, in lessons such as science, which has abstract concepts which
are difficult to understand, using only the textbook and not supporting it with other course
materials may decrease students' interest in the lesson or decrease efficiency.
At this point, we come across comics that are becoming more and more popular in the field
of education (Lazarinis, Mazaraki, Verykios & Panagiotakopoulos, 2015; Topkaya, 2016). The
combination of images and texts in comics helps students to see the process more attractive by
changing their perspective on learning processes (Astuti, Kismini & Prasetyo, 2014). In this
respect, different researches have revealed that using comics as a teaching material will have
positive contributions to the learning-teaching process (Mamola, 2019; Yang, 2003). In order
to understand comics better, it is necessary to express how they are defined, to discuss their
features and elements, and to include examples in the historical process. In addition, it is
thought that focusing on the use of comics by addressing the role of comics in educational
environments will be beneficial for teachers who will use them in their lessons.
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2020, 7(4), 1550-1570.
1. Comics
Rapid technological developments and changes in our age change our perspective on
teaching materials used in education and training environments. Comics, which have become
popular in recent years thanks to their content and visuality, are one of these teaching materials.
Studies refer to the difficulty of making a general description of comics. Emphasizing this
issue, Kireççi (2008) suggests that comics can only be defined according to the current culture
and time. At this point, it is important how Rodolhe Töpffer, who is considered to be the
founder of modern comics and is also an art critic and educational scientist, defines comics. It
is seen that Töpffer describes comics as a consecutive communication tool on a paper with
images and texts and points out that the text would be incomplete without the image and that
the image would be incomplete without the text (Paltani-Sargologos, 2011). Comics can also
be defined as an art of fiction in which a narrative style, formed by the combination of two
main elements, text and image, is adopted (Cantek, 2016). In another definition, it is mentioned
that comics convey realistic or imaginary ideas by using visual images, and the humour aspect
is also emphasized while conveying important messages (Toh, Cheng, Jiang & Lim, 2016).
Looking at the definitions, it is seen that the researchers emphasized the combination of text
and image. What needs to be noted here is that this combination comes together with a real
composition, not as a simple match (Kunzle, 1973). In this case, it would not be wrong to say
that comics consist of neither an image nor a text and that they are a synthesis which is achieved
by combining images and texts (Cihan, 2014).
The comics industry has gone through many historical stages. Considering the term comics
in general, it will be possible to divide them into branches such as graphic novel, newspaper
strips, single-panel gag cartoon, superhero comics, web comics, manga, underground comics,
alternative comics, and western comics (Bıçakcı, 2018). It is thought that comics, which are
accepted as an art type formed in the modern age, carry the function of images and visuals one
step further by including the text in the process (Orçan & Kandil İngeç, 2016). The purpose of
comics, which contain intentional images created by the combination of side-by-side images,
may be to convey information to the audience or to produce only an aesthetic response
(McCloud, 1993).
Comics are a form of storytelling. They use a series of static images while presenting a story
as a tool (Lazarinis et al., 2015). Unlike regular books, paintings, or movies, it would not be
correct to characterize comics as better or worse than other genres; however, it should be
admitted that they differ from other genres (Karczewski, 2013). It is important to reveal the
basic characteristics of comics which are shaped by a writer in order to understand them better.
The basic features of comics are given in Figure 1.
Comics are a type of story in which images that support each other
create a series of subject integrity and fit into a short timeline.
In comics, speech or text is included in the image, and the image and
text form a whole. Comics dominated by pictures or texts can also
be seen.
Figure 1. Common features of comics (Cantek, 2014; Uslu Üstten, 2014)
Considering the basic features in Figure 1, it is seen that the image in comics is at least as
important as the story. At this point, it would be appropriate to mention a specific structural
feature of comics. For the meaning integrity of comics, the relationship between the frames is
important rather than the image in the frame. The meaning of comics in the spaces between
two sequential images is related to the human mind. We complete the story of comics ourselves
by creating what is not written and drawn on paper or what does not exist, in our mind. The
reason for this is that our mind constructs meaning by establishing a connection between the
total symbols formed by written and visual texts while transitioning from one frame to another
(Gündüz, 2004). This connection is important for comic book readers to have actions in their
minds more easily and to achieve meaningful and permanent learning (Akkaya, 2013).
1.1. Comics in Historical Timeline
Researchers have different comments and opinions regarding how old the history of comics
are. According to some, the birth of comics is based on hieroglyphs in ancient times, while
some other researchers point out that comics are based on illustrations in Leonardo da Vinci's
notebook (McCloud, 1993; McCloud & Manning, 1998). However, comics are neither just
images nor texts (Derdiyok, 2019). For this reason, there is no consensus on the starting point
of the historical process of comics. One of the most important factors affecting the development
of comics is undoubtedly the presence of a printing house. With the advent of the printing
press, over time, pictures have taken on a complementary role to stories. It is, therefore, not
surprising that the object was ultimately combined with art to make illustrated and narrated
series (Olson, 1993).
Comics first became known in France and Belgium in the 1800s. The work named "Voyages
et aventures du Docteur Festus" (Travels and Adventures of Doctor Festus), which is the first
comic book in history, was completed in 1831 and was published in 1840 with the signature of
Rudolphe Töpffer (Gündüz, 2004).
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2020, 7(4), 1550-1570.
Figure 2. A section from the comic book named "Voyages et aventures du Docteur
Festus" (Project Gutenberg Canada, 2013)
In the comic book seen in Figure 2, it is seen that the image and text are given together. In
addition, Töpfer chose space travels with his imagination as the subject of his stories (Olson,
1993). A few years later, in 1854, French artist Gustave Doré published “L'Histoire de la Sainte
Russie”, a series of 477 consecutive drawings which describe the history of Russia. Around
1865, Wilhelm Busch published "Max and Mauritz", the story of two malevolent children and
their hardship and final punishment. This comic book, which has a colourful image on almost
every page in addition to the text, had been popular for a long time (Olson, 1993). "Les
Aventures de Tintin" (The Adventures of Tintin), published by Georges Lemi in the 1920s, is
a comic book that achieved a significant success in those years (Uslu Üstten & Pilav, 2016).
An example section of this comic book is given in Figure 3.
Figure 3. A section from the comic book named "Les Aventures de Tintin"
With these developments in the historical processes, comics, which created a readership in
Europe, first appeared in the United States in the modern sense at the end of the 19th century
(Aşçı, 2020; Symeon, 2008). For the first time, Rudolph Dirks published the comic book "The
Katzenjammer Kids" for the New York Times on December 12, 1897 (Armor, 1987).
Meanwhile, comics in England developed under the influence of American publications, while
Germany fell behind in the field of comics due to the social and economic conditions that
emerged after the war (Uslu Üstten & Pilav, 2016).
In our country, the first comics entered our lives after the First World War. When the first
comic book examples in Turkey are considered, it is seen that the character of “Amcabey”
drawn by the cartoonist Cemal Nadir Güler in 1929 is important. The main character of this
comic book is given in Figure 4.
Figure 4. The main character in the comic book named "Amcabey" by Cemal Nadir
In the following years, the magazine named "Binbir Roman" published in Istanbul made an
important contribution with its comic book content compared to the developments in the period
(Kurt, 2019). It can be stated that qualified publications started with "Phantom" in the 1940s.
In the following years, comics, which won the appreciation of our country's readers, started to
appear in newspapers, especially with series of drama, adventure, love, and comedy. With the
publication of colorful magazines depicting western heroes such as Mandrake, Zagor, Mister
No, Flash Gordon and Tarzan, a serious comic culture was formed in that period (Çetin, 2010).
Turkish comics tradition, which started with the translation method at first, later had a realistic,
rational, local, and national direction that fed on Turkish history (Karagöz, 2018).
When we look at the historical process of comics, it is understood that they were accepted
as a second-class type of literature or a low art form for a period, and they did not, therefore,
see the value they deserved (Jacobs, 2007; Upson & Hall, 2013). The fact that comics mostly
consist of images and that they do not deal with subjects deeply is accepted as the main reasons
for being unfairly ignored (Tatalovic, 2009). In addition, it was suggested that comics were
designed for children, people who did not like reading, or adults clinging to adolescence (Lo
et al., 2019). For these reasons, there was a tendency among many educators and parents to
believe that comics were created only for entertainment purposes and had little or no real
educational and literary values (Lo et al., 2019). In fact, these beliefs at first prevented the use
of comics in the education and training process. To exemplify, similar situations were
experienced during periods when it was considered objectionable to teach comics in schools,
and it was prohibited to read comics during the education process (Toh, Cheng, Ho, Jiang &
Lim, 2017). Comics were traditionally seen as the "enemy" of schools, and students caught
reading comics in schools were referred to the disciplinary committee (Cleaver, 2008).
However, these periods did not last long, and comics, which are now appreciated as a
potentially important educational tool to attract students' interest in various academic subjects,
have regained the value and importance they have deserved (Tilley, 2008; Lo et al., 2019).
Today's comic books, which are more entertaining and engaging than the ones in the past
and include subjects for adults, have significantly increased their popularity through comic
book films and television series in recent years (Çetin, 2010). The Road to Perdition, Ghost
World, Incredible Hulk, Sin City, X-Men, The Fantastic Four and Snowpiercer are among the
comics adapted into films. With these films, which are the adaptations of comic book stories,
the educational value of comics, which have proven their influence on popular culture, has
begun to be re-evaluated by different researches (Lo et al., 2019).
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2020, 7(4), 1550-1570.
Elements of Comics
Time in Comics
Themes in
Graphic Elements
in Comics
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2020, 7(4), 1550-1570.
on the researchers conducted to reveal the effect of comics in the field of education, the benefits
of using comics in the education and training process are shown in Figure 7.
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2020, 7(4), 1550-1570.
one of the most accessible and useful written tools in science education is comics (Roswati et
al., 2019).
Besides being a popular art form especially for children, comics provide a potential
environment for science education (Tatalovic, 2009). In this context, comics that address
children's interests can be used as alternative resources in science education (Koutníková,
2017; Seitz, 2012; Shurkin, 2015). Comics are very useful tools for educators to teach complex
science subjects in a short, appropriate and effective manner, to help explain a world made up
of abstract science concepts to students (Morel et al., 2019), and to prevent misconceptions that
may occur in students (Asci, 2020). Comics prepared to convey a subject in science education
lead students to think about science, which can be used to explain scientific knowledge (Orçan
& Kandil İngeç, 2016). Educational comics, which are used for science concepts to get rid of
complexity and abstraction, can provide the permanence of knowledge and eliminate forgetting
caused by rote learning since they are visually attractive to students (Şengül & Dereli, 2010).
While reading comics, students try to establish a relationship between the text and the image
and participate fully and actively in the learning-teaching process (Dalacosta, Kamariotaki-
Paparrigopoulou, Palyvos & Spyrellis.2009; Rota & Izquierdo, 2003).
In science education, comics are also used to involve students in complex hypothetical
scenarios before the real physical classroom experience (Upson & Hall, 2013). Olson (2008)
and Tilley (2008) found that using comics improved science literacy by increasing students'
opportunities to read and discuss science topics. For example, a science teacher who would
like his students to have a sufficient understanding of the nature of science and to be science
literate can explain the process of creating scientific knowledge by using comics or use comics
as documents to shed light on the relevant period. Figure 8 shows an example comic book.
comics is not proper for the culture of students, the content of some may not be suitable for
learning science (Özdemir, 2017; Roswati et al., 2019). In this case, it may be necessary for
teachers to prepare the teaching material to be used by themselves.
At this point, it will be useful to focus on some characteristics that need to be considered
while preparing comics in science education.
• Scientific information in speech bubbles should be short and clear in order to increase
the effectiveness of comics.
• The drawings of the comics to be used in science education should be simple and should
be associated with the objectives of the lesson.
• The characters and texts in the comics to be used in science education must be related
to daily life.
• Comics should be prepared within a fiction and should have some basic characteristics
such as place, time, and character support.
• It is preferred that the comics to be used in science education are short and consist of 3
to 5 frames.
• In order to reveal whether students have acquired the desired scientific knowledge or
not, a discussion environment where opinions can be expressed freely should be created
and questions should be asked where opinions can be evaluated (Cantek, 2016; Kireççi,
2008; Özdemir, 2010).
In Figure 9, three separate sections of comics prepared with drawing for science lesson are
Figure 9. Three separate sections of comics prepared with drawing for science lesson
When looking at the sample sections in Figure 9, it is seen that different science concepts
and events are discussed (Volcanoes, importance of forests, and weather events). It is
understood that the comics were created by combining the texts and images effectively,
reflecting the emotion of the characters through body language, drawing speech or imagination
bubbles, and reflecting the relevant scientific subject correctly.
In general, studies on the use of comics in science education show that comics are an
exciting tool to increase the interaction with science (Farinella, 2018a; Shurkin, 2015). In these
studies, although the effect of comics in science teaching is mentioned, the quantitative effects
of comics have not been explored to a large extent (Farinella, 2018b). From a more general
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2020, 7(4), 1550-1570.
perspective, the common result of those studies on the use of comics in science education is
that science is important and worth introducing through comics (Tatalovic, 2009).
2.3. Educational Comic Book Examples Which Can Be Used in Science Education
In this section, examples of comics that can be used as alternative teaching materials in
science education will be introduced.
2.3.1. Fen Öyküleri (Science Stories)
In the relevant book, the author presents his science stories to the reader in single-page
comic sections. Figure 10 contains three examples of comics in the book.
Figure 11. A three-page section from the book entitled Robotik ile bilim çizgi roman
serisi-2 enerji (Science Comics Series with Robotics-2 Energy) (Öncü, 2020)
In the comic book in Figure 11, the combination of text and visual elements stands out. In
this book, which makes it easier for readers to find something from themselves with the
selection of child characters, science concepts which are perceived as difficult are also reflected
in an entertaining way.
2.3.3. Bilimin Çizgi Romanı (Comics of Science)
There is a total of 26 books in this comics series, and in this way, it is aimed for children to
grasp the basics of Science and to explore the world of science in a fun way. When we look at
the subjects discussed in this series, it is seen that they are selected from a wide range of
subjects from electricity to heat, from magnetism to gravity, and from systems to life cycles.
Figure 12 contains sections of the comics in three separate books in the series.
Figure 12. Sample sections in three separate books in Bilimin Çizgi Romanı (Comics of
Science) (Midthun & Hiti, 2016a; 2016b; 2017)
In Figure 12, there are one-page sample sections from "matter and properties", "structure
and classification of plants" and "sound" books, respectively. In each book, a main character
is determined in relation to the subject, and the story is given over that character. Every concept
mentioned by this main character in the story is explained in the glossary section at the end of
the book.
2.3.4. Dünyaya Yön Verenler Serisi (Those Shaping the World’ Series)
This series consists of 5 books including scientists such as Issac Newton, Albert Einstein
and Aziz Sancar. In each book, a short journey is made to the lives of scientists covered in that
book. Figure 13 contains a sample section from the book "Albert Einstein".
Figure 13. A sample section from the book ‘Albert Einstein’ (Akgül, 2017)
Figure 13 shows that an entertaining narrative style was adopted in the comic book named
Albert Einstein. In this comic book drawn by the author, scientific subjects such as space-time
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2020, 7(4), 1550-1570.
relationship, photoelectric effect, Brownian motion and energy are presented in a simple but
understandable language from Einstein's mouth.
3. Conclusion and Recommendation
In the 21st century, educational comics have become a trend again with its power to guide
students to acquire concepts in the education and training process. The complex combination
of image and text and the harmony they reveal create a new context with the story they tell. In
this respect, it is thought that educational comics go one step ahead of traditional textbooks.
The integration of comics with teaching activities will open a new window to students'
imagination and thus contribute to their creative thinking processes. In addition, these visually
enriched teaching materials are considered to be important in developing children's visual
perception skills and preparing them for the future world. For this reason, it is thought that the
relationships students establish with comics should not be ignored.
In science classes there are huge number of concepts that are abstract and difficult to
conceptualize for students and real challenges for teachers to teach. However, today, teachers,
experts, academics and even parents discover numerous ways to make the educational process
fruitful, joyful, interactive and memorable for the learners. Educational comics are among the
most easily accessible and affordable resources to use in the classes for teaching any subject
effectively. Therefore, educational comics that enable students to be interested in an academic
subject can also be used easily in science education. While using educational comics in science
education, special attention should be paid to the blending of entertainment or excitement
elements with scientific knowledge. In these comics, it is absolutely necessary to adhere to the
gains in the curriculum. From this perspective, it is thought that transferring scientific
knowledge to students in an interesting way will be effective in terms of students' perception
of science subjects, with which they often have a difficulty, with a clearer meaning in a more
interesting way.
Choosing the topics of educational comics to be used in science education from daily life
will enable students to find a harmony between their life activities and school experiences. By
combining visual information with verbal explanations, the permanence of the information
acquired by students will increase, and they will participate more actively in science lessons
with this interesting teaching tool. This will affect students' science learning and contribute to
their learning more meaningfully. In this way, it is thought that possible misconceptions that
may occur in students can be prevented. At the same time, including information on social
problems including science and technology in educational comics will increase students'
science literacy. Considering their contribution to the education and training process, it is
recommended to include educational comics in different courses, especially in science.
In this study, various samples and ideas are presented to increase awareness about how
comics can be made use of in science education. The documents presented shows comics can
easily be used for entertaining and educating purposes in science classes. In some documents
this feature of comics makes them true edutainment tools to consider as alternative education
tools. Researchers, teachers and academics may conduct deeper and wider researches on the
types of comics, adopting them in to educational settings in relation with different educational
theories and practices.
4. Conflict of Interest
The author confirms that the study does not need ethics committee approval according to
the research integrity rules in their country.
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