English For Business Communication SB Module 1
English For Business Communication SB Module 1
English For Business Communication SB Module 1
A modular short course on
Student's Book
Simon Sweeney
English for Business %%
A modular short course on
Student's Book
Simon Sweeney
English for Business
Student's Book
Simon Sweeney
English for Business The focus is o n building In addition to the new self-study
Communication is a short course confidence and improving sections, the f o r m a t of the b o o k
for managers who need to improve fluency. has been increased and the
their communicative ability w h e n : c o n t e n t redesigned to make the
Key features:
course easier to use.
socialising • m o d u l a r approach for
using the t e l e p h o n e greater flexibility
presenting • focus on listening and speaking Components:
taking part in meetings • language and c o m m u n i c a t i o n Student's Book
negotiating skills checklists for all 15 units Teacher's Book
• realistic communication activities Audio Cassette Set (2)
• new self-study pages for all 15 Audio C D Set (2)
units to enhance effectiveness
English for Business
Second Edition
A short course consisting of five modules:
Cultural diversity and socialising, Telephoning,
Presentations, Meetings and Negotiations
Student's Book
Simon Sweeney
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore,
Sao Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
The course is concerned with improving your listening and speaking skills. There is a lot
of opportunity to practise understanding from the recorded material. It is important that
you try to understand the key message of the extracts, not every word you hear. Similarly,
there are several reading texts where again you should try to understand the key messages,
not necessarily every word on the page.
There are very many opportunities for discussion and plenty of role plays. The discussion
is partly designed to get you to think about what makes communication effective. The
practice material and the role plays lead to a Transfer exercise. This is a chance to connect
what you have studied with your own daily experience, either as a student or as a
professional working in business. The skills learned from this course are useful for those
preparing to start work and for those already in work.
As you use the course, practise as much as you can and prepare for meetings,
presentations or telephone calls by using the Checklists at the end of each unit. Always
refer to these when preparing a communication task. Try to develop the habit of good
preparation. Try also to develop the habit of self-assessment to help you to see where
improvements can be made. Your teacher will help you with this.
This second edition not only provides improvements to the overall appearance and
design of the book, but also responds to users' requests for more practice material. There
is now an additional page of exercises summarising key language from each unit (Quick
Communication Check), designed for self-study use. The listening material has been
extensively re-recorded with improvements throughout. Together with various small
changes, much of the practice material has also been updated.
Sumcm Sweeney
Building a relationship
AIMS Cross-cultural understanding (1)
Welcoming visitors
Small talk: keeping t h e conversation going
1 Look at the picture. In groups, discuss the situation. Decide what you think the
people are talking about. Suggest various topics. Say what you think they are
definitely not talking about. Then spend a few minutes acting out the conversation.
2 Read the text below. Identify the basic message implied by the text.
Eye contact
In many Western societies, including the United States, a person who does not maintain
'good eye contact' is regarded as being slightly suspicious, or a 'shifty' character. Americans
unconsciously associate people who avoid eye contact as unfriendly, insecure, untrustworthy,
inattentive and impersonal. However, in contrast, Japanese children are taught in school to
5 direct their gaze at the region of their teacher's Adam's apple or tie knot, and, as adults,
Japanese lower their eyes when speaking to a superior, a gesture of respect.
Latin American cultures, as well as some African cultures, such as Nigeria, have longer
looking time, but prolonged eye contact from an individual of lower status is considered
disrespectful. In the US, it is considered rude to stare - regardless of who is looking at whom.
10 In contrast, the polite Englishman is taught to pay strict attention to a speaker, to listen
carefully, and to blink his eyes to let the speaker know he or she has been understood as well
as heard. Americans signal interest and comprehension by bobbing their heads or grunting.
A widening of the eyes can also be interpreted differently, depending on circumstances
and culture. Take, for instance, the case of an American and a Chinese discussing the terms
15 of a proposed contract. Regardless of the language in which the proposed contract is carried
out, the US negotiator may interpret a Chinese person's widened eyes as an expression of
astonishment instead of as a danger signal (its true meaning) of politely expressed anger.
Adapted from Managing Cultural Differences, Fourth Edition, by Phillip R. Harris and Robert T. Moran.
© 1996 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
In what way is the advice in this section useful when doing business? Look again at
the Skills Checklist on page 12.
UNIT 1 Building a relationship
2 Welcoming visitors
Practice 1
Make a dialogue based on the following flow chart. If you need help, look at the
Language Checklist on page 12.
Visitor Receptionist
Introduce yourself,
Say you have an appointment with
Sandra Bates.
Welcome visitor.
Explain that SB will be along shortly.
Decline - ask if you can use a phone Offer a drink / refreshments.
Decline - you only need the phone. Say yes./ Offer email as well.
Thank assistant.-
. Reply - offer any other help.
Offer to book one.
Question — — ——
Comment — ~~~
Supplementary question
PETER: ( a )
JANIS: I'm sure I will.
PETER: And ... er, is the hotel all right?
JANIS: Yes, it's very comfortable.
PETER: (b) So, do you have much
time here in Scotland? Are you staying long?
JANIS: No, I have to go back tomorrow afternoon.
PETER: (C) You'll have to come
back again!
JANIS: ( d )
PETER: SO what time's your flight tomorrow?
JANIS: Early evening, 18.35.
PETER: Well, I can book you a taxi if you like, to get you there in good time.
JANIS: ( e )
PETER: N O problem at all. Was it a good flight today?
JANIS: N O , it wasn't actually.
PETER: ( f ) (g) ?
JANIS: It was raining - quite hard. There was a lot of turbulence.
PETER: ( h ) *
| » | (©) 3 Listen to the recording of four conversation extracts.
a) Match each of them to one of the four pictures below.
b) Listen to each one again. In each case, suggest how you think the conversation
might develop.
c) Do you think any of the topics included would be unacceptable in a particular
culture that you know about?
Practice 2
Look at the four pictures above and use each of them for two or three minutes of
continual conversation with a partner.
• there should be no breaks of more than three seconds in your conversation
• listen carefully to what your partner says and pick up on specific points
• keep the conversation flowing.
Role play 1
Working in pairs. Student A should look at File card 1A and Student B should look at
File card IB.
Role play 2
Keep the same A and B. Student A should look at File card 2A. Student B should look
at File card 2B.
Look at t h e Skills Checklist and prepare ideas o n these topics in relation to a country you
k n o w well either t h r o u g h w o r k or pleasure.
Discuss t h e c o u n t r y y o u choose w i t h a colleague.
UNIT 1 Building a relationship
Eating o u t
A There are certain popular universal truths about management which can
successfully be applied in various cultural contexts.
B Cultures are so varied and so different throughout the world that management has
to take account of differences rather than simply assume similarities.
C Effective management of human resources is the key to everyone achieving their
full potential.
2 Read the text again. Identify the following:
a) the problem with 'universal' management solutions
b) an example of the failure of pay-for-performance
c) an example of the failure of management by objectives schemes
d) the problem with human-resource management
e) three cultures affecting international managers
f) six areas in which different cultural interpretations apply.
What kinds of social activities in your town could be appropriate ways of entertaining
visitors from other countries?
j | (®) 1 Listen to the first example on the recording. You will hear a conversation in which
someone invites a business associate to a social event. Identify:
a) what is being suggested
b) the response
c) what will happen next.
|» | 2 Listen to the second example, where someone else invites a different business
associate to a social event. Identify:
a) what is being suggested
b) the response
c) what will happen next.
UNIT 2 Culture and entertainment
I ™ | (®) 3 Listen to the recording of three short extracts, where hosts invite their visitors to
take part in a social activity. The invitations are rejected.
a) Identify each suggested activity.
b) Give the reasons for each rejection.
c) Do you think each rejection is appropriate? Explain your answer.
4 Work in pairs. Use the advertisements below to invite your partner to something.
He/she should respond. Then change roles so you both get to invite and accept or
reject in each situation.
a) tomorrow night / a show or visit the town / or have a meal.
b) this evening / a meal in a restaurant / different colleagues.
c) when you come / what would you like to do?
Caller Visitor
Ask your visitor if he/she has tried the
local cuisine.-
• Comment.
• Accept.
Ask if he/she likes fish.
Suggest a time.
Confirm arrangement
End conversation.
• BiBBl
1 20| . 401 . 60| 1 SOI ,1OOI , 1 201 , 1 40| 160| ,130I .
0- FROM "John Callam" <jcallam2@interlink.com
TO m.j.saans.accounts@saboc.co.au
er SENT 15 March 20-10.38
Subject Munich Trade Fair y
0- —
0- Following our telephone conversation 1 confirm that we will meet at
Interlink stand at the Munich Trade Fair on Thurs May 24 sometime during
0- the morning.
1~ 1 look forward to talking about our products and services. 1 attach details
0- of some new products that 1 think will interest you. We can discuss these
when we meet.
0 =- It would be nice to meet socially when in Munich. 1 wonder if you would
be free to join me and a colleague for the evening of Thursday 24? We
0- plan to meet at the Hilton Hotel, in the lobby, at about 8.30. Do let me
know if you can join us and of course we would be pleased if you would
2~- like to bring a colleague or a partner.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
0- Best wishes, Products
0- John Callam
Product Development
I 7 services
11 ooss | Page : 1 I3 i
Role play 1
Work in pairs. Student A should look at File card 3A. Student B should look at
File card 3B.
3 Eating out
1 Imagine you are in a restaurant
with a business colleague. Work
in groups of three. Brainstorm
as many examples as you can of
the language indicated below.
Group one
recommending what to eat expressing preference ordering
Group two
commenting on the food asking for the bill offering to pay
Group three
insisting on paying inviting thanking
2 Divide into fresh groups of three and together in your new groups share all the
examples you have of different ways of saying the nine functions above.
Note any similarities between your suggestions and the language in the recording.
Note also any phrases used on the tape that you did not suggest.
Role play 2
Student A should turn to File card 4A and Student B should turn to
File card 4B.
Think of any professional or business contact you have w i t h other countries.Think a b o u t any
conventions that are different f r o m those in your c o u n t r y and may affect your dealings w i t h
people f r o m these countries. Consider for example:
• conventions of dress
• conventions regarding alcohol and f o o d
• socialising
• shaking hands
• physical contact
• gestures
• eye contact
• humour
• t h e relationship b e t w e e n w o r k and pleasure
• t h e relationship b e t w e e n family and w o r k
• family matters.
Language Checklist Skills Checklist
Socialising (2) Socialising (2)
Saying what's on and what's available Before receiving visitors to your company,
There's a (good) film / play / concert / on at ... be prepared to talk in English about your
We have a good theatre in the city ... professional field and / or your company
There are some ... and business:
- interesting museums / public buildings ... • the professional field you are involved in
- good restaurants • your professional activities
Are you interested in ... • current research and other projects
- eating out? • future plans
- visiting / seeing ... ? • the history of your company
• company organisation
Inviting • who owns the company
Would you be interested in going to see ... ? • the number of employees
I'd like to invite you to have dinner this evening. • the international involvement of your
Is that a good idea? company
• products and services
Responding to an invitation • the market
That would be very nice. • competition.
I'd like that. Be able to talk about:
Thank you. That would be a pleasure. • your country and your town
• history
Declining an invitation • tourism
I'd like to, but I'm afraid ... • museums and public buildings
That would be nice, but unfortunately ... • entertainment
- I'm rather tired ... • cultural and religious centres of interest.
- I have an appointment this evening ...
You may wish to talk about:
- I'm rather busy ...
• education
- I have some work to do ...
• transport systems
• the economy
Stating preference
• companies
I like (Japanese) cuisine very much ...
• exports and imports.
I think I'd like to ...
I think I'd prefer ...
I particularly like (classical) music ...
Looking at a menu
The (fish) sounds nice ...
I think I'd like to try ...
I think I'll have ...
Shall we have a bottle of ... ?
2 Accepting or declining
A Which of these words indicate an acceptance (A) of an invitation?
Which words indicate a rejection (R) of an invitation?
3 Eating out
Make correct sentences from the jumbled
words below.
•asea|d '||iq pue ssyco e 8 A E Q | AB|/\/ (a
a) the can menu have I please
8sea|d 'jaieM
b) I'd start like soup please vegetable to with IBJAUJIU J O a|uoq B pue auoqj-np-sajos AQJ_ (p
c) casserole have I'll chicken then a|OjasseD ua>p!ip aAeq ||,| ueL|j_ (d
d) a the water and of please cotes-du-rhone •asea|d 'dnos a|qeja6aA J J B J S O ; a>w p,| (q