Analysis of Cracking-Moment Calculation Method of Pre-Stressed Sheet Pile

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MTMCE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 392 (2018) 062084 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/392/6/062084

Analysis of cracking-moment calculation method of

pre-stressed sheet pile

Huang Jianhua1,2, Qin Shaojie1,2, Chang Jianhua1,2, Zhu Yongtao1,2

College of Civil Engineering, Fujian University of Technology, No33 Xueyuan Road,
Fuzhou 350118, China.
Key Laboratory of Underground Engineering, Fujian Province University, Fuzhou
350118, China.
Correspondence should be addressed to HUANG Jianhua;

Abstract: The two existing calculation methods of cracking moment for the pre-stressed
high-strength concrete piles are analyzed in this paper. Through systematically calculation
analysis of characteristics, sources, processes, errors in the two formulas, also the calculation
results are compared with the field-tested data, the differences of the two methods and their
advantages and disadvantages are pointed out. Results showed that the two calculation methods
can be used in general engineering projects, also process of production and construction. The
appropriate analysis methods can be chosen to calculate the cracking moments according to the
characteristics and needs of the projects.

1. Introduction
In 1993, Japan developed a new type of pile and issued the industrial standard of JISA5334 "Concrete
Sheet -Pile". This kind of concrete sheet-pile has good mechanical properties, steel savings, and good
durability. It has the advantages of low overall construction cost and short construction period. It has
been widely used in retaining walls, embankments, foundation pit enclosures, pier embankments and
other engineering areas. At present, the new type of sheet pile has the advantages of various sections,
large rigidity, good water stopping effect, low cost and high economic and social benefits[1].
As a new type of prestressed prefabricated retaining pile, the analysis and research of its
mechanical properties is still lagging behind the production demand. In the process of production,
assembly, transportation, application and use, sheet pile is inevitably subjected to tensile stress.
However, the tensile strength of concrete is too small to bear the tensile force. In order to avoid the
failure of the sheet pile, the calculation of the anti-crack moment of the sheet pile is very important.
This paper compares and analyzes the method for calculating the crack bending moment (called
Method 1) which adopted by each existing sheet pile manufacturing enterprise, and the calculation
method for "Code for design of concrete structures" (GB50010-2010)[2] (called Method 2). The
optimization analysis method is put forward for the calculation of the crack resistance of prestressed
slab piles to meet the industrial production and popularization of prestressed sheet pile.

2. The analysis of two kind of anti-crack bending moment

2.1 Introduction to Calculation Methods of Crack bengding moment

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MTMCE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 392 (2018) 062084 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/392/6/062084

The calculation method of two kinds of crack bending moment is to calculate the prestress loss of the
steel bar and then calculate the concrete prestressing stress at the edge of the bending member. Finally,
the anti-crack bending moment is calculated by using the formula derived from the material mechanics
formula. The difference between the two methods is that the calculation method of the prestress loss is
different, and the prestressed concrete stress is different after the prestress loss is calculated.
In this paper, we introduce the derivation of the calculation formula of the anti-crack moment in the
two methods, and then introduce the method of calculating the prestress loss respectively.

2.2 Introduction to the formula of cracking bending moment

The two existing methods for calculating the crack bending moment of slab piles are calculated as
When calculating the crack moment of the normal section, the stress of the loading to the tensile
edge of the component is zero, and the bending moment of the component is the anti-crack bending
moment. Set the external bending moment is M 0 , it has:
M 0   pcIIW0
M cr
When the concrete is about to crack, Set the external bending moment is . For prestressed
M cr
concrete flexural members, there are two ways to determine .
(1)Calculated by elastic material.
Without considering the plasticity of the concrete in the tensile zone, the concrete stress is
distributed in a straight line. When the stress of the loading to the tensile edge is equal to the standard
value of the concrete axial tensile strength, it has:
M cr1   peII  f tk W0
 pe
Here, is tensile stress of prestressed reinforcement(N/mm²); f tk is standard value of concrete
axial tensile strength(N/mm); W0 is the elastic resistance moment of the tensile edge of the reduced
(2) Consider the plasticity of the tensile concrete.
When considering the concrete plasticity in the tensile zone of the component section, the
equivalent transformation is the linear distribution, stress on the tensile edge is  ftk .When the loading
to the tensile edge is about to crack, following material mechanics formula:
M cr 2   peII   ftk W0
Equation (4) can be used to calculate the influence coefficient of the section resistance moment
plasticity of concrete member.
 120 
   0.7   m
 h  (4)
Here,  is the influence coefficient of the section resistance moment plasticity of concrete
member;  m is a basic value, which is 1.4.

2.3 Introduction of first calculation method to the tensile stress of prestressed reinforcement

This method is the calculation method that the enterprise is producing and using. pe is the concrete
prestress at the edge of the flexural member after the second batch of prestress loss is completed, the
calculation process is as follows:
(1) Calculation of tensile stress of prestressed reinforcement after prestressing:
 con
 pt  Ap
1 n A (5)

MTMCE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 392 (2018) 062084 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/392/6/062084

 pt
Here is tensile stress of prestressed reinforcement after prestressing(N/mm2);  con is initial
 con  0.70 f ptk f ptk
tensile stress of prestressed reinforcement(N/mm2), ; is tensile strength of
prestressed reinforcement(N/mm²); is Cross-sectional area of prestressed reinforcement(mm2);
A is the cross-sectional area of sheet-pile(mm2); n is ratio of elastic modulus of prestressed
reinforcement to elastic modulus of post-tensioned concrete.
(2) Calculation of tensile stress loss caused by concrete creep and shrinkage of concrete:
n    cpt  E p   s
 l5 
  
1  n  cpt   1  
 pt  2 

Here,  l 5 is Prestress loss caused by concrete creep and shrinkage of concrete(N/mm2); cpt is
 pt  Ap

;  is the creep coefficient of
 cpt
the preloading stress of the post-tensioned concrete(N/mm²), A

concrete, value of 2.0;  s is Shrinkage of concrete, value of 1.5•10-4. p is elastic modulus of
prestressed reinforcement(N/mm2); r0 is relaxation coefficient of prestressed reinforcement;
(3) Calculation of tensile stress loss due to relaxation of prestressed reinforcement:
 l 4  r0  pt  2 l 5 
Here  l 4 is tensile stress loss due to relaxation of prestressed reinforcement(N/mm2); r0 is
relaxation coefficient of prestressed reinforcement.
(4) Calculation of effective tensile stress of prestressed reinforcement bars:
 pe   pt   l 5   l 4
 pe
Here is effective tensile stress of prestressed reinforcement bars.
(5) Finally, the ultimate tensile stress of prestressed reinforcement is calculated:
 A
 peII  pe p
A (9)
2.4 Introduction of second calculation method to the tensile stress of prestressed reinforcement
Using the method in "Code for design of concrete structures" (GB50010-2010), the calculation process
is as follows:
(1) Calculation of tension control stress of reinforcement:
 con  0.70 f ptk
 con
Here is tension control stress of reinforcement.
(2) Calculation of prestress loss caused by stress relaxation of prestressed reinforcement bars:
 
 l 4  0.125  con  0.5   con
 f ptk 
  (11)
(3) Calculation of tensile stress loss caused by concrete creep and shrinkage of concrete:
 pc
60  340
f cu
 l5 
1  15 (12)
A  AP
 P
A0 (13)

MTMCE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 392 (2018) 062084 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/392/6/062084

A0 
A p  Ap   A
Np N pep0
 pc   y0
A0 I (15)
N p   con   l 4  Ap   con   l4  Ap

 con   l 4  Ap y p   con
   l4  Ap y p
ep0 
Here A0 is total area of the concrete section and all the longitudinal prestressed reinforcement and
non-prestressed reinforcement section area are converted into the section area of concrete(mm2); p
is the stress of prestressed reinforcement and non-prestressed reinforcement only deduct the stress
after the prestress loss(N); is the distance between the center of gravity of the conversion section

and the joint point of prestressed reinforcement and non-prestressed reinforcement(mm); pc is
compressive stress of concrete which is applied to the joint of the prestressed reinforcement bars in the
y y
tensile zone(N/mm2); p and p is the distance between the resultant points of the longitudinal
prestressed reinforcement bars and the center of gravity in tensile zone and the compression zone(mm);
Ap Ap
and is area of prestressed reinforcement section of tensile zone and compression zone(mm2);
 l4 is prestress loss caused by stress relaxation of prestressed reinforcement bars in compression

zone(N/mm2);  con and  con is tension control stress of prestressed reinforcement bars in tension

area and compression zone(N/mm²); f cu is according to the concrete compressive strength standard
value(N/mm²); I is the sum of the moment of inertia of the net section and the moment of inertia of
the conversion section(mm4)
(4) Finally, the ultimate tensile stress of prestressed reinforcement is calculated:
 peII   con   l 5   l 4  p
A0 (18)

3. Comparative analysis of engineering examples

3.1 Introduction to the engineering examples

The engineering example is the high strength prestressed slot sheet pile, the section shape of
prestressed sheet pile is shown in FIG. 1, The connection of sheet pile is shown in figure 2, its
calculation model is shown in figure 3. A symmetric cross section of 996mm is taken from two
prestressed sheet piles. In the calculation process, the Angle force of the sheet pile is negligible, so the
cross section of the sheet pile is equivalent to a T section. After the equivalent t-shaped section, the
calculation model of bending coefficient is shown in FIG. 4.

Figure 1. Calculation section diagram of Figure 2. Row diagram of prestressed sheet piles.
prestressed sheet pile.

MTMCE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 392 (2018) 062084 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/392/6/062084

Figure 3. Calculation model of prestressed sheet Figure 4. T-section Calculation diagram of

piles. prestressed sheet piles.
The section size of the calculation model of sheet pile is as follows:
Let t1 be the flange height, its value is 120mm; let l be the flange width, its value is 996mm; let
be the Web height, its value is 480mm; let b be the web width, its value is 320mm; let h be the
overall depth of section, its value is 600mm; let yc be the centroid position, its value is 382.89mm;
let A be the cross-sectional area, its value is 250930mm2, let I 0 be net section moment of inertia,
its value is 8799691767mm3.
The steel reinforcement adopts 16 diameter 12.6mm prestressed steel wire, the nominal total area is
2000mm2. The 8 steel bars are arranged on the t-shaped flange, and another 8 bars are arranged in
the lower web. The concrete grade is C60, Specific parameters of concrete and steel are shown in table
1 and table 2.
Table 1. Concrete parameters of strength and elastic modulus

Strength Standard value of Design value of Standard value of Design value of Elasticity
grade of compressive strength. compressive tensile strength. tensile strength. modulus.
concrete fck(kPa) strength. fc(kPa) ftk(kPa) ft(kPa) Ec(N/mm²)
C60 38.50 27.50 2.85 2.04 3.60×104
Table 2. Material parameters of PC stranded wire
Standard value Design value
The number Diameter of Nominal Design value of 1000h
of tensile of tensile
of prestressed steel sectional compressive Relaxation
strength. strength.
bars. wire.(mm) area. (mm²) strength fpc(MPa) value(%)
fptk(MPa) fpt(MPa)
16 12.6 125 ≥1420 1005 386 ≤2.0

3.2 The crack bending moment of sheet pile is calculated by first method
When the first method is used to calculate the crack bending moment of the above section, all 16 steel
bars are used as tensile bars to calculate the crack bending moment.
Calculation of tensile stress of prestressed reinforcement after prestressing:
 con  0.70 f ptk  1420  0.7  994N
 con 994
 pt    951.82 N mm 2
1  n A 1  5.56  250930
Ap 2000
Calculation of prestress loss of concrete shrinkage and creep:
n cpt  E p s 5.56  2  7.586  2.0  105  1.5  104
 l5    105.05 N mm 2
1  n cptpt 1  2   1  22 

1  5.56  951.82


MTMCE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 392 (2018) 062084 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/392/6/062084

 pt  Ap 951.82  2000
 cpt    7.586 N mm 2
A 250930 (22)
Calculation of prestress loss caused by stress relaxation of prestressed reinforcement bars:
 l 4  r0  pt  2 l 5  =0.025 (951.82-2  105.05)=18.543 N mm 2
Calculation of effective tensile stress of prestressed reinforcement bars:
 pe   pt   l 5   l 4   951.82  105.05  18.543  828.227 N mm 2
After the second batch of prestress losses, the pre-compressive stress of the concrete subjected to
the bending member is:
  A 828.227  2000
 peII  pe p   6.60 N mm 2
A 250930 (25)
Calculation of the elastic resistance moment of the tensile edge of the section:
I I0  I g
W0  
y0 y0 (26)
Calculation of the moment of inertia of prestressed reinforcement:
Ep 20
I g  As   yc  as    2000   382.89  60  
2 2
 1158421690mm 4
Ec 3.6 (27)
W0 = =26007765.83mm 3
382.89 (28)
Calculation of crack resistance moment:
 120   120 
   0.7    m   0.7    1.4  1.26
 h   600  (29)
M cr 2   peII   f tk W0   6.60  1.26  2.85   26007765.83  265.08kN  m

3.3 The crack bending moment of sheet pile is calculated by second method
Calculation of initial tensile stress of prestressed reinforcement:
 con  0.70 f ptk  0.7  1420  994 N mm 2
Calculation of prestress loss caused by stress relaxation of prestressed reinforcement bars:
 
 l 4  0.125  con  0.5   con  0.125   0.7  0.5   994  24.85 N mm 2
 f 
 ptk  (32)
Calculation of prestress loss of concrete shrinkage and creep:
Ep 200000
A0 
 Ap  Ap   A 
 1000  1000   250930  262041.11mm 2
Ap  Ap 2000
   0.00763
A0 262041.11 (34)
N p   con   l 4  Ap   con   l 4  Ap
  
  994  24.85   1000   994  24.85   1000  1938300N

MTMCE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 392 (2018) 062084 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/392/6/062084

 con   l 4  Ap y p   con
   l4  Ap y p
ep0 
969.15  1000  157.11  969.15  1000  322.89
  82.90mm
1938300 (36)
N N e
 pc  p  p p 0 y0
A0 I
 1938300 1938300  82.90  382.89 
    13.58 N mm

 262041.11 9958113457  (37)

 pc
60  340
f cu 60  340  13.58
 l5   38.5
 161.45 N mm 2
1  15 1  15  0.00763 (38)
After the second batch of prestress losses, the pre-compressive stress of the concrete subjected to
the bending member is:
A 1000
 peII   con   l 5   l 4  p   994  161.45  24.85    3.08 N mm 2
A0 262041.11 (39)
Calculation of the elastic resistance moment of the tensile edge of the section:
I0  I g
W0 =
y0 (40)
Calculation of the relative compression zone of the section
E p Ap  2bh0 Ec 
x  1  1
Ec b  E p Ap 

5.56  1000  2  320  540 
   1   1  120.71mm
320  5.56  1000  (41)
Here x is the relative compression zone of the section.
Calculation of the moment of inertia of prestressed reinforcement:
2 Ep 20
I g  Ap  h0  x   2000   540  120.71 
 1953378934mm 4
Ec 3.6 (42)
Here is the moment of inertia of prestressed reinforcement.
I 0  I g 8799691767  1953378934
W0    28083968.51mm3
yc 382.89 (43)
 120   120 
   0.7    m   0.7    1.4  1.26
 h0   600 
Calculation of crack bending moment:
M cr 2   pc   f tk W0   3.08  1.26  2.85   28083968.51  187.35kN  m

3.4 Comparison and analysis of two kinds of calculation results

Compared with the last calculation results of the two algorithms, it can be found that the crack bending
moment calculated by the first method is about one third larger than the crack bending moment
 peII
calculated by the second method. The difference is caused by the difference in value calculated

MTMCE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 392 (2018) 062084 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/392/6/062084

by two algorithms. The calculation result of peII by first method is 6.6N/mm2, and which is
3.08N/mm2 by second method. The reasons for the difference between the two H values are as
1)In the first calculation method, all 16 prestressed steel wires are treated as tensile steel bars in the
tensile zone when calculating the crack bending moment, not considering the influence of the
prestressed reinforcement in compressive zone to component to calculate crack bending moment. In
this calculation, all 16 prestressed steel bars are used, and the total sectional area of steel is 2000mm2.
In the first calculation method, only 8 prestressed bars in the tensile zone are used to calculate the
anti-crack moment. In second method, the total sectional area of steel reinforcement is 1000mm2, and
the sectional area of the reinforcement is one half of the first calculation method. Therefore, the

second result of peII is much smaller than the first result, which is the main reason for the
anti-cracking moment of both.
2)The first calculation method used in the calculation process of area are not considering the
conversion of prestressed reinforced concrete section area, and the second method considering the

prestressed conversion sectional area, lead to small peII results.
3)The first calculation method uses the formula of the international prestress association model
(CEB-FIP) to calculate the prestress loss caused by creep, and the calculated  l 5 is smaller, which

makes the final peII larger.
4)In the first calculation method, the moment of inertia of the steel bar conversion section is
calculated by using the actual tensile zone. The second calculation method is calculated by using the
steel bar conversion section, so that The total inertia moment of the cross section calculated is small.
Finally, the calculated anti-crack bending moment value is small than the first calculation method
3.5 Comparison and analysis of two kinds of calculation results with the experimental results
Table 3. Calculation and experimental results
Height of Number and diameter of Breadth of
Sectional bending
section. prestressed section.
area.(mm2) moment.
h(m) reinforcement bars l(m)
600 16×12.6 996 250930 265.08
600 16×12.6 996 250930 187.35
600 16×12.6 966 250930 454
al result
It can be found from the comparison of the three sets of data in the above table that the actual
anti-crack bending moment is larger than that of the two calculation methods, and the reasons for the
difference are as follows:
1)When calculating, the steel and concrete parameters used are design values, while the actual
measurement is the ultimate anti-crack bending moment of the sheet pile, so the calculation results are
relatively conservative.
2)When calculating, the unit cross section is used to calculate, while the actual measuring sheet pile
is a 15m-long entity, and the actual situation is different from the assumption in our calculation, which
is bound to produce a difference.
3)When the sheet pile is produced, four lumbar muscles are added at the center of the sheet pile,
which is used as the anti-twist construction reinforcement. In the calculation, the effect of the lumbar
tendon on the fracture bending moment is not considered.

MTMCE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 392 (2018) 062084 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/392/6/062084

4. Conclusion
1)The two methods have their own characteristics in calculation, and the calculation method is more
rigorous, and the method is more suitable for general working conditions. For example, the first
method using all prestressed reinforcement bars while calculating the crack bending moment, and the
other is calculated by prestressed reinforcement in the tensile zone. In the calculation of all prestressed
reinforcement bars, the differences between the prestressed reinforcement bars and the compression
zones are ignored, and the assumptions in this method under certain conditions are not in line with the
actual situation, leading to the larger error of cracking bending moment. However, this method can
meet the general engineering requirements. In the actual working conditions, all the prestressed bars
exert pressure on the concrete members, so that the concrete does not bear the tension. Therefore, it is
more useful to consider using the first method in general engineering.
2)The first calculation method is based on the old standard, there are many details in the calculation
that are not considered, resulting in errors. The first calculation method has been used for a long time
in the production and construction of the enterprise, which indicates that the error does not affect the
application of the actual engineering. Process of the second method is detailed and comprehensive,
and the formula is derived strictly according to the formula of material mechanics, but the calculation
results are conservative and cannot fully reflect the use value of the components. In practical
engineering application, it is necessary to further improve the algorithm and formula to meet the actual
working condition demand, and to make the calculation result is more reasonable and effective. In the
case of high environmental grade and demanding engineering quality, the more rigorous and thorough
second method is applicable, and the calculation results of its anti-crack bending moment are more
conservative, which can guarantee the engineering quality and safety.
3)In the process of production and construction, a suitable analytical method can be used to
calculate the crack bending moment according to the engineering characteristics and requirements.
From the point of comparison on the results of the experiment, the calculation results of two methods
relative experimental results are relatively small, using these two kinds of calculation methods are
relatively safe, which is able to meet the general engineering situation. Therefore, we can use the first
method for calculation in general engineering design, which is beneficial for enterprises to reduce
costs and save capital, which also helps to save building materials. And when the situation is more
complicated or engineering quality requirement is high, we can use second method in the precision of
design and calculation, in order to ensure the construction process to meet the more stringent quality,
environmental requirements.

Fund program: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51678153);
Supported by the Science and Technology Planning Project of Fuzhou (No. 2017-G-69); Supported by
the Industry Cooperative Development Fund Project of Fujian University of Technology

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MTMCE IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 392 (2018) 062084 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/392/6/062084

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