Sistema Eletrico Kad 300

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Workshop Manual B

Fuel System EDC I 2(0)

Fuel System EDC I

Marine engines


Safety information ................................................ 2 Needle lift sensor .............................................. 28

Charge air temperature sensor .......................... 29
General information ............................................. 5 Engine speed sensor ........................................ 29
Coolant temperature sensor .............................. 30
Repair instructions ............................................... 6 Solenoid valve (reverse gear) ............................ 30
DC/DC converter ............................................... 31
Special tools ........................................................ 8 Potentiometer (controls) .................................... 32

Changing the control module ........................... 33

Design and function ............................................. 9
Disassembly ..................................................... 33
Introduction ......................................................... 9
Assembly .......................................................... 34
Reading fault codes .......................................... 11
Venting the fuel system .................................... 35
Erasing fault codes ........................................... 12
Design differences ............................................ 13
Adjusting idling speed ...................................... 36
Component description ..................................... 14
Calibration of controls ....................................... 37
Guide ................................................................ 14
Control module .................................................. 15
Injection pump .................................................. 16 Fault code register ............................................. 42
Compressor ...................................................... 17
Sensor .............................................................. 18 Wiring Diagram .................................................. 53
Relays .............................................................. 20 Component location (engine) ............................. 53
Fuses ............................................................... 21 KA(M)D44P-A ................................................... 54
Diagnostic connector ........................................ 22 KA(M)D44P-B ................................................... 56
Stop button ....................................................... 22 KA(M)D44P-C, KA(M)D300-A ............................ 58
DC/DC converter ............................................... 22 Instrument panels ............................................. 60
Controls ............................................................ 23 Control panels ................................................... 66
Solenoid valves (reverse gear) .......................... 24 Color codes, EDC cables .................................. 78
Gear shift actuator (stern drive) ......................... 25 Electronic controls ............................................ 81
Mechanical controls .......................................... 84
Electrical fault finding ....................................... 26
Position sensor ................................................. 27
Fuel temperature sensor ................................... 27
Actuator ............................................................ 27
Solenoid valve (timing) ...................................... 27
Electromagnetic clutch ..................................... 28

Safety information

This workshop manual contains technical data, de- Make sure that the warning or information labels
scriptions and repair instructions for the Volvo Penta on the product are always clearly visible. Re-
products or product versions noted in the table of con- place labels which have been damaged or paint-
tents. Make sure that you use the correct workshop ed over.
Read this safety information and the General Informa- Never start an engine without the air filter in
tion and Repair Instructions in the workshop manual place. The rotating compressor turbine in the
carefully before starting work. turbocharger can cause severe injury. Foreign
bodies in the inlet pipe can also cause severe
Important mechanical damage.

The following special warning signs are used in the

workshop manual and on the product. Never use start spray or similar products as a
starting aid. Explosions could occur in the inlet
WARNING! Warns for the risk of personal injury, manifold. Danger of personal injury.
major damage to product or property, or serious
malfunctions if the instruction is ignored.
IMPORTANT! Is used to call attention to things Avoid opening the coolant filling cap when the
which could cause damage or malfunctions to engine is hot. Steam or hot coolant can spray
product or property. out at the same time as the pressure which has
built up is lost. Open the filler cap slowly, and
NOTE! Is used to call attention to important informa- release the pressure in the cooling system if the
tion, to facilitate work processes or operation. filling cap or tap has to be opened, or if a plug or
coolant hose has to be removed when the en-
To give you a perspective on the risks which always gine is hot. Steam or hot coolant can stream out
need to be observed and precautions which always in an unexpected direction.
have to be taken, we have noted them below.

Hot oil can cause burns. Avoid skin contact with

Make it impossible to start the engine by cutting hot oil. Make sure that the oil system is de-pres-
system current with the main switch(es) and surized before doing any work on it. Never start
lock it (them) in the off position before starting or run the engine with the oil filler cap removed,
service work. Fix a warning sign by the helms- because of the risk of oil spillage.
man’s seat.

Stop the engine and close the sea cocks before

All service work should normally be done on a doing any work on the cooling system.
stationary engine. Some work, such as adjust-
ments, need the engine to be running, however.
Going close to a running engine is a safety risk. Only start the engine in a well-ventilated area.
Remember that loose clothes, long hair etc. can When operated in a confined space, exhaust
catch on rotating components and cause severe fumes and crankcase gases must be ventilated
injury. from the engine bay or workshop area.
If work is done adjacent to a running engine, a
careless movement or a dropped tool can lead
to personal injury in the worst case. Be careful Always use goggles when doing any work where
with hot surfaces (exhaust pipes, turbos, charge there is any risk of splinters, grinding sparks,
air pipes, starting heaters etc.) and hot fluids in acid splash or other chemicals. Your eyes are
pipes and hoses on an engine which is running extremely sensitive, injury could cause blind-
or which has just stopped. Re-install all guards ness!
which have been removed during service work,
before re-starting the engine.

Avoid skin contact with oil! Long-term or repeat- Batteries must never be exposed to open
ed skin contact with oil can make your skin dry flames or electric sparks. Do not smoke close
out. The consequence is irritation, dry skin, ec- to the batteries. The batteries generate hydro-
zema and other skin disorders. gen gas when charged, which forms an explo-
sive gas when mixed with air. This gas is very
Used oil is more hazardous to health than new
flammable and highly explosive. A spark, which
oil. Use protective gloves and avoid oil-soaked
can be formed if the batteries are wrongly con-
clothes and rags. Wash regularly, especially be-
nected, is enough to make a battery explode
fore meals. Use special skin cream to avoid dry-
and cause damage. Do not move the connec-
ing and facilitate skin cleaning.
tions when you attempt to start the engine (risk
of arcing), and do not stand and lean over one of
Most chemicals intended for the product (e.g. the batteries.
engine and transmission oils, glycol, petrol (gas-
oline) and diesel oil) or chemicals for workshop
Never mix up the battery positive and negative
use (e.g. degreasers, paints and solvents) are
poles when the batteries are installed. If the bat-
hazardous. Read the instruction on the packag-
teries are wrongly connected, this can cause se-
es carefully! Always observe the safety advice
vere damage to the electrical equipment. Please
(e.g. use of breathing protection, goggles,
check the wiring diagram!
gloves etc.). Make sure that other personnel are
not inadvertently exposed to hazardous sub-
stances, such as via the air they breathe. En- Always use goggles when charging and handling
sure good ventilation. Handle used and surplus batteries. Battery electrolyte contains highly cor-
chemicals in the prescribed manner. rosive sulfuric acid. If this comes into contact
with your skin, wash at once with soap and a lot
of water. If you get battery acid in your eyes,
Be very careful when searching for leaks in the
flush at once with a generous amount of water,
fuel system and testing fuel injectors. Use gog-
and get medical assistance at once.
gles. The jet which comes from a fuel injector
has very high pressure and considerable pene-
tration ability. Fuel can force its way deep into Stop the engine and cut the system current with
body tissue and cause severe injury. Risk of the main switch(es) before doing any work on
blood poisoning (septicemia). the electrical system.

All fuels, and many chemicals, are flammable. The clutch must be adjusted with the engine
Make sure that open flames or sparks can not shut off.
set them alight. Petrol (gasoline), some thinners
and hydrogen gas from batteries are extremely
flammable and explosive when mixed with air in The existing lugs on the engine/reverse gear
the correct ratio. Do not smoke! Provide good should be used for lifting. Always check that the
ventilation and take the necessary precautions lifting devices are in good condition and that
before you start welding or grinding work in the they have the correct capacity for the lift (the
vicinity. Always have a fire extinguisher easily weight of the engine plus the reverse gear and
available near the workplace. extra equipment if installed).
The engine should be lifted with a customized or
adjustable lifting boom for safe handling and to
Make sure that oil and fuel soaked rags, and avoid damaging components on top of the en-
used fuel and oil filters are stored in a safe gine. All chains or cables should be parallel to
place. Oil soaked rags can self-ignite in certain each other and should be as square as possible
circumstances. Used fuel and oil filters are pol- to the top of the engine. If other equipment con-
luting waste and must be handed to an approved nected to the engine has altered its centre of
waste management facility for destruction, to- gravity, special lifting devises may be needed to
gether with used lubrication oil, contaminated obtain the correct balance and safe handling.
fuel, paint residue, solvents, degreasers and Never do any work on an engine which just
wash residue. hangs from a lifting devise.

Never work alone when heavy components are Fuel delivery pipes must not be bent or straight-
to be dismantled, even when safe lifting devises ened under any circumstances. Damaged pipes
such as lockable blocks & tackle are used. must be replaced.
Even when lifting devises are used, two people
are needed in most cases. One who operates
the lifting devise and other who makes sure that Remember the following when washing with a
components move freely and are not damaged high pressure washer: Never aim the water jet at
during lifting. seals, rubber hoses or electrical components.
When you work aboard a boat, always make Never use a high pressure washer for engine
sure that there is enough space for disassembly cleaning.
where you are working, with no risk for personal
or material damage.
Only use the fuels recommended by Volvo Pen-
ta. Please refer to the instruction book. The use
Components in the electrical and fuel systems of fuel of inferior quality can damage the engine.
on Volvo Penta products have been designed to In a diesel engine, poor fuel can cause the con-
minimize the risks of explosion and fire. The en- trol sleeve to bind and the engine will over-rev,
gine must not be operated in environments with with a strong risk of personal injury and machin-
adjacent explosive media. ery damage. Poor fuel can also lead to higher
maintenance costs.


We reserve the right to make design changes and amendments without prior notice.
Printed on environmentally compatible paper.

General information

About the workshop manual Certified engines

This workshop manual contains information, descrip- When service or repairs are done to an emission certi-
tions and instructions for engines with standard equip- fied engine, which is used in an area where exhaust
ment. This workshop manual refers to engines KAD/ emissions are regulated by law, it is important to be
KAMD44P-A, B, C and KAD/KAMD300-A aware of the following:
The workshop manual can illustrate tasks done on Certification means that an engine type has been
any of the engines noted above. This means that the checked and approved by the relevant authority. The
illustrations and photographs which clarify certain de- engine manufacturer guarantees that all engines made
tails might not correspond with other engines in some of the same type are equivalent to the certified engine.
cases. The repair methods are similar in all important This put special demands on service and repair work,
respects, however. If this is not the case, this will be as follows:
noted and important differences will be shown sepa-
rately. The engine designation and number are noted ● Maintenance and service intervals recommended
on the number plate. The engine designation and num- by Volvo Penta must be complied with.
ber must always be given in all correspondence about
● Only Volvo Penta original spares may be used.
an engine.
● Service to injection pumps, pump settings and in-
The workshop manual has been primarily prepared for
jectors must always be done by an authorized Vol-
Volvo Penta service workshops and their qualified per-
vo Penta workshop.
sonnel. This assumes that people who use the Manu-
al have basic knowledge of marine drive systems and ● The engine must not be converted or modified, ex-
can do the tasks of a mechanical or electrical nature cept for the accessories and service kits which
associated with the trade. Volvo Penta has approved for the engine.
Volvo Penta constantly improves its products, so we ● No installation changes to the exhaust pipe and
reserve the right to make modifications without prior engine air inlet ducts may be done.
notification. All information in this manual is based on ● No seals may be broken by unauthorized personnel.
product data which was available up to the date on
which the manual was printed. Any material changes The general advice in the instruction book about oper-
introduced into the product or service methods after ation, care and maintenance apply.
this date are notified by means of Service Bulletins. IMPORTANT! Delayed or inferior care/mainte-
nance, and the use of non-original spares, mean
that AB Volvo Penta can no longer be responsi-
Spare parts ble for guaranteeing that the engine complies
with the certified version.
Spare parts for electrical and fuel systems are subject Damage, injury and/or costs which arise from
to various national safety requirements such as the this will not be compensated by Volvo Penta.
US Coast Guard Safety Regulations. Volvo Penta
Original Spares comply with these requirements.
No damage whatever, caused by use of non-original
Volvo Penta spares for the product, will be compen-
sated by the warranty offered by Volvo Penta.

Repair instructions

The warning signs which occur in the workshop manual

(please refer to “Safety information” for their meanings)
Our common responsibility
Each engine consists of a large number of collaborat-
ing systems and components. Any deviation of a com-
ponent from its technical specification can dramatically
increase the environmental impact of an otherwise
IMPORTANT! good engine. For this reason, it is extremely important
that specified wear tolerances are maintained, that sys-
tems with adjustment facilities are correctly adjusted
NOTE! and that Volvo Penta Original Spares are used for the
are not comprehensive in any way, since we can not of engine. The times noted in the engine maintenance
course foresee everything, since service work is done schedule must be observed.
in highly varying circumstances. For this reason, all we Some systems, such as components in the fuel sys-
can do is to point out the risks which we believe could tem, may require special competence and special test
occur due to incorrect work in a well-equipped work- equipment. For environmental reasons etc., some com-
shop, using work methods and tools tested by us. ponents are sealed at the factory. It is only permissible
In the workshop manual, all tasks for which there are to work on sealed components if you are authorized to
Volvo Penta special tools, are done using these tools. do such work.
Special tools are specially prepared to permit the saf- Remember that most chemical products, incorrectly
est and most rational work methods possible. For this used, damage the environment. Volvo Penta recom-
reason, it is the responsibility of the person who uses mends the use of biodegradable degreasers whenever
other tools or other work methods than those recom- engine components are de-greased, unless otherwise
mended by us, to ensure that there is no risk of per- specified in the workshop manual. When working
sonal injury or material damage, and that they can not aboard a boat, be careful to ensure that oils, wash resi-
cause any malfunctions. due etc. are processed for destruction, and are not in-
In some cases, special safety regulations and user in- advertently discharged with bilge water into the environ-
structions are available for the tools and chemicals ment.
mentioned in the workshop manual. These rules must
always be observed, so there are no special instruc-
tions about this in the workshop manual.
Tightening torque
The majority of risks can be prevented by taking cer-
tain elementary precautions and using common sense. The tightening torque for vital fasteners, which should
A clean workplace and a clean engine eliminate many be tightened with a torque wrench, are listed in “Techni-
risks of both personal injury and malfunction. cal Data”. Tightening torque” and noted in the job de-
Above all, when work on fuel systems, lubrication sys- scriptions in the book. All torque specifications apply to
tems, induction systems, turbocharger, bearing caps clean screws, screw heads and mating faces. The
and seals is done, it is extremely important that no dirt torque specifications apply to lightly oiled or clean
or other kinds of foreign particles are able to get in, screws. If lubricants, locking fluids or sealants are
since this would otherwise cause malfunctions or short- needed on a fastener, the type of preparation to be
ened engine life. used will be noted in the job description and in “Tight-
ening Torques”.

Important notes on repair of
EDC engines
The following instructions must always be ob-
served, to avoid damage to the control modul:
• If the 42-pin connector on the control module is
undone or connected, the system voltage to the
EDC system must first be disconnected.
Note Cut the current by turning the starter key to
the stop position on the active control station.
Then make sure that the starter keys are at 0 on
all control stations.
Check that the current is disconnected by press-
ing and releasing the diagnosis button. If no an-
swering flashes come from the diagnostic dis-
play, the system current to the EDC system is
• During welding, the 42 pin connector on the con-
trol module must first be disconnected.
• When the batteries are quick charged, turn the
main switch(es) off or disconnect the battery ca-
Note During normal maintenance charging, the
main switch(es) do(es) not need to be turned off.
• Only batteries may be used for start help.
Quick starting units can give excess voltages

and damage the control modul.


• Never disconnect the battery cables when the en-


gine is running.
• Never disconnect the current with the main switch
when the engine is running.
The following instructions must always be ob-
served, to minimize contact problems:
• When a connector is undone, be careful to avoid
contaminating its contact pins with dirt, oil, etc.
• Before a connector is put together, clean off any
dirt on the contact pins and apply contact grease
(part no. 1161417).
Note Too much contact grease can make it diffi-
cult to put the connector together.

Special tools

885293 885344 /885345 885337

885352 885334 9510060

885293-1 Diagnostic key with cables and transport 885337-6 Communication cable RS232/J1708 incl.
case, but without program cassette and order form for PC diagnostic program.
user manual. 885352-5 Extension cable with switch to choose
885344-4 Program cassette for diagnostic key and between two engines. To be used with di-
user manual with English, German, agnostic key and PC.
French and Swedish menu choices. (The 885334-3 Special pliers for disassembling EDC 2x8
cassette is marked with no. 885339). connector.
885345-9 Program cassette and user manual. 9510060 Multimeter.
Same software as 885344-2 but with
Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese and Italian
menu choices. (The cassette is marked
with no. 885340).

Design and function

Main components Fuel control
EDC means “Electronic Diesel Control”, and is an elec- The fuel requirements of the engine are calculated
tronic system for diesel engine control. The system in- three times per engine revolution.
cludes fuel control, diagnostics, electronic speed con- This analysis gives the control module information
trol and gear shifting. about the amount of fuel which the engine needs to
The main components of the EDC system are a elec- maintain or reach the engine speed demanded.
tronic control modul, an electronically controlled injec- The result is compared with the amount of fuel which
tion pump and a number of sensors located on the en- is currently being injected, available air mass and fuel
gine and controls. temperature.
The sensors give the control module continuous infor- If necessary, the fuel volume and injection timing are
mation about fuel supply, engine speed, charge pres- adjusted via the injection pump.
sure, engine temperature and operator commands.
During a cold start, the control module pre-heats the
The information reflects the current operation state and engine by allowing it to crank up to four revolutions
is used by the control module to calculate the correct before fuel is injected.
fuel volume, control the compressor, check the engine
condition etc.

2 5

1. Control module KAD44P-C

2. Injection pump
3. Control panel
4. Gear shift actuator
5. Potentiometer

Design and function

Engine speed control and shifting The diagnostic funktion automatically generates fault
codes for any malfunctions registered by the EDC
A potentiometer in the engine control lever transmits
engine speed commands to the injection pump and
gear shift commands to the solenoid valves in the re- Read the fault code and look it up in the fault code
verse gear or to the gear shift actuator for stern drive. register, for information about the reason, reaction and
information about measures to be taken for the mal-
Shifting is also monitored by the control module which
function in question.
prevents shifting at too high engine speeds when nec-
essary, which could cause damage to the transmis- A diagnostic key or a PC with diagnostic program
sion. must be connected to the diagnostic connector on the
engine for full diagnostic information, and to read or
Diagnostic function erase all fault codes.
If the control module receives abnormal values from
one or more sensors, the diagnostic function will take
various measures to protect the engine.
If the coolant temperature, charge air temperature or
charge pressure is too high, for example, the diagnos-
tic function will reduce the amount of fuel injected (re-
duce engine power) until the relevant value has been
In addition, there are “Limp-home” values stored in the
control module. These values are used if there is a
sensor failure, and permits continued operation at re-
duced engine speed.
If there is a fault in the EDC system which could
cause engine failure, the engine is stopped. Diagnostic key

Engine speed
Gear position
Throttle opening Fuel quantity
Control rod position Injection timing
Coolant temperature Compressor
Charge air temperature Gear
Charge air pressure Diagnosis
Fuel temperature
Injection timing *

Control module with incoming and outgoing signals.

* Does not apply to KA(M)D44P-A

Design and function

Reading fault codes

Fault codes visible on the control panel
Fault codes for malfunctions which are reported by a
flashing light on the diagnostic button can be read off
via the control panel.
The codes are flashed out once the diagnostic button
is pressed and then released.
The fault code consists of two groups of flashes, sep-
arated by a pause of two seconds. A fault code is ob-
tained by counting the number of flashes in each
Control panel (Type I)
Example: pause = Fault code 2.4

The fault code is stored and can be read as long as

the malfunction remains.
Read as follows:
1. Check that the starter key is in position “I” (drive
2. Press the diagnostic button.
3. Release the diagnostic button and make a note of
the fault that is flashed out.
4. Repeat items 2–3. A new fault code is flashed out
if more are stored.
Repeat until the first fault code is repeated.

Fault codes NOT visible on the

control panel
Fault codes for malfunctions which are not reported by
a flashing light on the diagnostic button can only be
read with a diagnostic key or PC with diagnostic pro-
NOTE! This means that malfunctions can be regis-
tered, although the lamp in the diagnostic button does
not flash. For this reason, always use a diagnostic
key or PC with diagnostic program to make sure that
no fault codes are stored.

Historical fault codes

In KA(M)D44P-C and KA(M)D300-A, a copy of all fault
codes which occur is stored for historical reasons.
This copy is an inactive fault code and does not affect
the engine.
Historical fault codes can only be read by a diagnostic Diagnostic program for PC
key or PC with diagnostic program.

Design and function

Erasing fault codes

Always erase stored fault codes once malfunction(s)
have been attended to.
NOTE! If the diagnostic program has trigged a reac-
tion (such as stopping the engine), the fault code
must be erased before the engine can be started

1. Turn the starter key to the stop position “S” and
Control panel (Type II)
release it.
2. Press the diagnosis button and keep it depressed
at the same time as you turn the starter key to
position “I” (operating position). Then keep the
switch depressed for a further 3 seconds.
3. The fault codes are now erased.

KA(M)D44P-C and KA(M)D300-A

The fault code memory in the diagnostic function is
“erased” every time system voltage to the engine is
shut off.
NOTE! The system voltage must be completely cut
off. Stop the engine and check that the ignition key(s)
is(are) in position 0 in all control positions.
When system voltage is switched on again, the diag-
nostic function checks to see whether there are any
faults in the EDC system. If this is the case, new fault
codes are set.
This means that:
1. Fault codes for malfunctions which have been at-
tended to or which have disappeared are automat-
ically erased by cutting off system voltage and
switching on again.
2. Fault codes for malfunctions which have not been
attended to must be acknowledged every time the
system voltage is switched on.

Erasing historical codes

In KA(M)D44P-C and KA(M)D300-A, a copy of all fault
codes which occur is stored for historical reasons.
This copy is an inactive fault code and does not affect
the engine. These fault codes can only be erased by a
diagnostic key or PC with diagnostic program
NOTE! Historical material should be erased when mal-
Diagnostic key
functions have been attended to, so that the history
will be new next time the engine is serviced.

Design and function

Design differences, engine

The most important differences between the EDC sys-
tems on the engine versions in this manual are:

KA(M)D44P-A ➜ KA(M)D44P-B
KA(M)D44P-B has:
• New software.
• New starting procedure – the “active station” but-
ton must be depressed before starting.
• Reduced number of fault codes communicated via
the control panel.
Needle lift sensor
• Needle lift sensor to check injection timing.
KA(M)D44P-B/C, KA(M)D300-A
• EDC cables with 2x8 pin connectors.
• Stop button installed on engine.
• EDC system separated from instrument circuit by
7.5 A flat pin fuse.
• Compressor electromagnetic clutch separated
from EDC system circuit and provided with a 7.5
A flat pin fuse (not from production start).

KA(M)D44P-B ➜ KA(M)D44P-C
KA(M)D44P-C has:
• New software.
DC/DC converter
• Simpler erasing of fault codes
KA(M)D44P-C, KA(M)D300-A
• DC/DC converter
• Faster gear actuator (stern drive)
• Fault codes stored for history
• Screw terminal for separate power supply to EDC
system removed (replaced by DC/DC converter).

KA(M)D44P-C ➜ KA(M)D300-A
KA(M)D300-A has:
• New software and a new injection pump designed
for the higher power.
Screw terminal for separate power supply
to EDC system

Component description
NOTE! Component position numbers in the illustrations in this manual correspond with the position numbers in the
relevant wiring diagram. Components without position numbers are marked (–).

12 26 10 11 13 15 22

27 16



17, 18, 19, 21, 32


9. Starter relay ............................................. page 20 19. Actuator .................................................. page 16
10. Main relay ............................................... page 20 21. Stop solenoid .......................................... page 16
11. Stop relay ................................................ page 20 22. Engine speed sensor ............................... page 18
12. Ground relay ............................................ page 20 26. Diagnostic connector ............................... page 22
13. Circuit breakers ....................................... page 21 27. Needle lift sensor .................................... page 19
14. Control module EDC ................................ page 15 28. Stop button .............................................. page 22
15. Charge air temperature sensor ................. page 18 29. Flat pin fuse ............................................ page 21
16. Coolant temperature sensor ..................... page 18 31. DC/DC converter/Diode ........................... page 22
17. Position sensor ....................................... page 16 32. Injection pump ......................................... page 16
18. Fuel temperature sensor .......................... page 16

Component description

Control module
Control module (14)
Voltage: ............................................................. 12 V
Connector ........................................................ 42 pin
The control module, which is the central unit in the
EDC system, is located beside the fine fuel filter on
the left of the engine.

The following values are programmed into the control

module memory at the factory:
• Alarm values
Highest permissible values of charge air tempera-
ture, coolant temperature etc. If the alarm values
are exceeded, the control module reduces the fuel
volume until the relevant value has been normal-
The following alarm limit values are pro-
grammed in the control module:
– Highest permissible charge air
temperature ..................................... 95°C (203°F)
– Highest permissible fuel
temperature ..................................... 90°C (194°F)
– Highest permissible coolant
temperature (on) ............................ 100°C (212°F)
– Highest permissible coolant
temperature (off) .............................. 97°C (207°F) 25

– Highest permissible charge 0

1300 1900 2600 3200 3800 rpm
pressure (Max) ........... please refer to the diagram 1000 1600 2300 2900 3500 4100
– Lowest permissible charge
pressure (Min) ............ please refer to the diagram Max
Limp home
• Extreme values Min
If an extreme value is exceeded, a clock is start-
Diagram for charge pressure
ed in the control module which measures the high-
est or lowest value and the length of time that the
extreme value has been exceeded.
The information is stored and can be read by
means of a diagnostic tool.
The following extreme values are programmed
in the control module: • “Limp home” values
– High charge air temperature ............. 70°C (158°F) The basic values which the control module uses
– Low charge air temperature ................. 5°C (41°F) (instead of stopping the engine) if there is an open
– High fuel temperature ...................... 85°C (185°F) or short circuit in the signal from each sensor.
– Low fuel temperature ......................... 15°C (59°F) The following “limp home” values are pro-
– High charge pressure ................ 190 kPa (27,5psi) grammed in the control module:
(Absolute pressure = Charge – Charge air temperature .................... 55°C (131°F)
pressure+Atmospheric pressure) – Fuel temperature ............................. 60°C (140°F)
– High engine speed ................................. 3910 rpm – Coolant temperature ............................ 5°C (41°F)
– High coolant temperature ............... 100°C (212°F) – Throttle opening ..................................... 1000 rpm
– Low coolant temperature ...................... 5°C (41°F) – Charge air pressure .... please refer to the diagram

Component description

Injection pump
Injection pump (32)
The injection pump is a distributor type unit, located
on the left of the engine. It is driven from the timing
The injection pump contains several electronic com-
ponents (described below). These are used by the
control module to both regulate and control the fuel
supply to the engine.
Function check: Please refer to the “Electrical fault
tracing” chapter.
Location of injection pump

Position sensor (17)

The position sensor provides the control module with
information about the position of the control sleeve,
which corresponds to the amount of fuel which is cur- 17
rently being injected.

Fuel temperature sensor (18)

A 21
The fuel temperature sensor provides the control mod-
ule with information about the temperature of the fuel.
The control module can then calculate the correct
amount of fuel, with consideration also given to the
energy content of the fuel.

Actuator (19)
The control module uses the actuator to regulate the
amount of fuel injected. The actuator is a solenoid
which turns an eccentric, affecting the movement of B
the control sleeve and thus the amount of fuel inject-
Solenoid valve (20)
The control module uses the solenoid to govern the
A. Eccentric
instant at which injection starts. The solenoid valve B. Control sleeve
controls the flow of control fluid, which influences the C. Injection advance adjuster
injection advance adjuster. 17. Position sensor
18. Fuel temperature sensor
19. Actuator
Stop solenoid (21) 20. Solenoid valve
The stop solenoid is a 1-pole, sliding solenoid valve. 21. Stop solenoid
When the starter key is turned to the stop position,
current is supplied to the stop solenoid at the same
time as the ground relay is activated, and make the
electrical system 1-pole. This makes the stop sole-
noid valve body slide out and cut the fuel supply.

Component description

Compressor (–)
The engine is equipped with a mechanical compressor
which is driven by a Poly-Vee drive belt via the cirula-
tion pump.
The compressor provides the engine with air at lower
engine speeds. After this, the turbocharger takes over
and provides air. This interaction gives the engines
extremely high torque at all engine speeds.

Electromagnetic clutch (23)

The compressor is engaged and disengaged by an
electromagnetic clutch.
The control modul decides when the compressor
should be engaged, depending on operation situation
and a number of parameters, as follows:

• After starting: The compressor is engaged to

make the engine warm up faster and reduce white
smoke when the engine is cold.
– coolant temperature below 60°C (140°F)
– reverse gear in neutral
Note: The lower the coolant temperature is, the
longer is the time that the compressor is en-

• In normal operation: The compressor is en-

gaged to give extra power for critical situations,
headwinds or increased speed.
– injected fuel volume (load)
– engine speed ~1000–2800 rpm.

• On rapid acceleration: The compressor is en-

gaged immediately on rapid acceleration (“kick-
– difference between demanded and current
engine speed exceeds 1000 rpm.
– engine speed 700–2800 rpm.

Function check: Please refer to the “Electrical fault

tracing” chapter.

Component description

Charge air temperature sensor (15)
Type: Thermistor with negative temperature coeffi-
cient, so-called NTC resistor.
Measurement range ........................ – 40°C (– 40°F)
to +150°C (302°F)
The sensor is installed on top of the inlet mainfold.
This provides the control module with information
about the charge air temperature.
The sensor has low mass, for rapid temperature
changes. It consists of a non-linear resistor. The re-
sistance falls as the temperature rises.
Function check: Please refer to the “Electrical fault
tracing” chapter.

Coolant temperature sensor (16)

Type: Thermistor with negative temperature coeffi-
cient so-called NTC resistor.
Measurement range ........................ – 30°C (– 22°F)
to +120°C (248°F)
The sensor is installed underneath the exhaust main-
fold. This provides the control module with information
about the coolant temperature.
The sensor has large mass, for slow temperature
changes. It consists of a non-linear resistor. The re-
sistance falls as the temperature rises.
Function check: Please refer to the “Electrical fault
tracing” chapter.

Engine speed sensor (22)

The sensor is installed in the bell housing. It provides
the control module with information about engine
speed and the cylinder which is next in line for fuel in-
This is an inductive sensor. It senses the indication
holes in the flywheel. There are two indication holes
for cylinder 1 and only one hole for each of the other
If there is a fault in the engine speed sensor, the en-
gine stops.
Function check: Please refer to the “Electrical fault
tracing” chapter.

Component description

Needle lift sensor (27)

The needle lift sensor* is located in the injector for cyl-
inder 1. It sends a signal to the control module when
injection starts.
By comparing this signal with the signal from the engine
speed sensor, the control module can calculate the dif-
ference between the calculated injection advance and
the true difference, and make corrections as necessary.
Function check: Please refer to the “Electrical fault
tracing” chapter.
* Not installed on the KA(M)D44P-A.

Charge air pressure sensor (–)

The sensor is integrated into the control module. It
senses the charge air pressure via a pipe from the in-
take mainfold to the T-nipple underneath the control
The sensor first measures atmospheric pressure, and
when the engine has started, the sensor also mea-
sures the charge air pressure, i.e. the absolute pres-
Since the sensor is integrated into the control module,
it can not be replaced separately, the entire control
module must be changed.
IMPORTANT! Never twist or undo the T-nipple
beneath the control modul. This can damage the
charge air pressure sensor.
Function check: This must be done with a diagnostic
key or a PC with diagnostic program.

Other sensors
For information about the fuel temperature sensor and
position sensor: Please refer to the “Injection pump”
For information about the potentiometer: Please refer
to the “Controls” section.

Component description

Starter relay (9)
Type: .............................................................. closing
12 V ................................................................... 40 A
The starter relay activates the starter motor when the
starter key is turned to the start position.

Main relay (10)

Type: ........................................................... switching
12 V ............................................................... 20/30 A
The main relay is controlled by the control module. It
supplies system current to the injection pump and the
position sensor in the gear shift actuator (stern drive)
or solenoid valves (reverse gear).
NOTE! Relays 10, 11 and 12 are identical and are in-
terchangeable. Location can vary. Always identify the
relay by means of the cable colors.
Cable colors Orange, Red/Black, Red x 3

Stop relay (11)

Type: ........................................................... switching
12 V ............................................................... 20/30 A
The stop relay supplies current to the stop solenoid
when the starter key is turned to the stop position.
Fuel supply is cut and the engine stops.
NOTE! Relays 10, 11 and 12 are identical and are in-
terchangeable. Location can vary. Always identify the
relay by means of the cable colors.
Cable colors: Black, Violet x 2, Red x 3

Ground relay (12)

Type: ........................................................... switching
12 V ............................................................... 20/30 A Identify the relay by means of the cable colors.

The ground relay makes the electrical system 1-pole

when the starter key is turned to the stop position (the
negative conductor is connected to the engine block).
NOTE! Relays 10, 11 and 12 are identical and are in-
terchangeable. Location can vary. Always identify the
relay by means of the cable colors.
Cable colors: White/Black, Violet, Black x 2

Component description

Fuses (13)
2 circuit breakers .................................................. 8 A
The circuit breakers are located in the distribution box.
If any circuit breaker trips, the current to the instru-
ment panel and key switch is cut, with the following
KA(M)D44P-A: The engine stops and can not be start-
ed until the circuit breaker has been re-set.
KA(M)D44P-B/C and KA(M)D300-A: The engine con-
tinues running but can not be stopped with the starter
key (use the stop button) until the circuit breakers
have been re-set.
The circuit breakers are re-set by pressing the red but-
ton on each breaker, once any faults have been at-
tended to.

Fuses (29)
2 flat pin fuses* .................................................. 7.5 A
The fuses are located in the distribution box.
Fuse (A) blows when there is a short circuit in the ac-
tuator motor (19) or solenoid valve (20). System cur-
rent to the injection pump is disconnected. The engine
stops and can not be started until the fuse has been 29
Fuse (B) blows when there is a short-circuit in the
magnetic clutch for the compressor. The compressor
stops working (fault code 5.3 is set).
Note: There are two spare fuses in the distribution box
on delivery.
* There are no flat pin fuses (29) on the KA(M)D44P-A.

Fuse (–)
1 flat pin fuse, gear actuator ................................. 5 A
The gear shift actuator fuse is mounted on, or close to
the starter motor. If the fuse blows, system current is
cut and the gear shift actuator stops in the position it
is in.

Component description

Diagnostic connector etc.

Diagnostic connector (26)
Connector .......................................................... 2 pin
A diagnostic key or a PC with diagnostic program
must be used to read and erase all fault codes.
The diagnostic tool is connected to the engine via the
2-pin connector in the distribution box. The
KA(M)D44P-A also has a diagnostic connector in the
EDC cables by the helmsman’s seat(s).
NOTE! System current must be switched on when
fault codes are read out.

Stop button (28)

The stop button* is located beside the distribution
box. This allows the engine to be stopped, even if the
key switch does not work.
* There is no stop button on the KA(M)D44P-A.

DC/DC converter/Diode (31)

KA(M)D44P-C and KA(M)D300-A have a DC/DC con-
verter installed in the distribution box. This stabilizes
the voltage supplied to the control module during start-
ing, and replaces the function of the diode (see be-
On KA(M)D44P-A/B, position (31), one or diodes are
installed in the junction box. The diodes allow the en-
gine to be stopped when the starter key is turned to
the stop position.
Function check (DC/DC): Please refer to the “Electri-
cal fault tracing” chapter.

Component description

Controls (–)
Both electronic and mechanical controls can be used
for engines with EDC. If mechanical controls are
used, they are connected to a separate control adapt-
er with a potentiometer.
NOTE! When a control is changed, the new controls
must be calibrated (Please refer to the section entitled
“Calibration of controls”).

Potentiometer (–)
The potentiometer registers the movements of the
control lever and gives the control module information
about engine speed and gear shift commands.
The potentiometer is installed in the control (or in a
separate control adapter if mechanical controls is
NOTE! When a potentiometer is changed, the controls
must be calibrated (Please refer to the section entitled
“Calibration of controls”)
Function check: Please refer to the “Electrical fault
tracing” chapter.

MS unit (–)
The MS unit is a separate memory unit which is used
if the boat has more than one helmsman’s seat. An
MS unit is required for each helmsman’s seat. The
boat can be equipped with up to seven extra helms-
man’s seats.
The MS unit stores calibration information and informs
the control module about the helmsman’s seat which
is active.
NOTE! When an MS unit is changed, the control must
be calibrated (Please refer to the section entitled “Cali-
bration of controls”).

Component description

Solenoid valves
(reverse gear)
Solenoid valves (–)
Electric shifting of the reverse gear is arranged by two
solenoid valves installed in the hydraulic unit on the
reverse gear.
A cable harness (with separate markings) is connect- 1
ed to each solenoid valve. The direction of rotation of
the reverse gear depends on the cable harness con-
nected to each solenoid valve.
If the direction of rotation of the reverse gear needs to
be changed, this is arranged by switching over the ca-
ble harnesses between the two solenoids.
Function check: Please refer to the “Electrical fault
tracing” chapter.


Emergency shifting
If there is a fault in one of the solenoid valves, or if
the reverse gear can not be operated from the helms-
man’s seat for other reasons, it can be engaged man-
The description below is for manual engagement of
the reverse gear, for forward travel.

IMPORTANT! Once the reversing gear has been

engaged manually, the cable harnesses must be
disconnected from both solenoid valves.

WARNING! If the reverse gear is engaged man- A

ually, it can not be disconnected by using the
control lever. Forward motion can then only be
cut off by stopping the engine with the ignition
key or stop button.

HS1A-E: 2

1. Undo the domed nut (1) on the side where the ca-
ble harness marked “Primary” is connected.
2. Screw in the slotted-head screw located in the 1
end of the shaft where the domed nut was locat-
3. Disconnect the cable harnesses from both sole-
noid valves. HS63AE, HS63VE

1. Undo the screw (1) on the side where the cable
harness marked A is connected.
2. Remove washer (2) and tighten the screw.
3. Disconnect the cable harnesses from both sole-
noid valves.

Component description

Gear shift actuator (stern

Gear shift actuator (–)
This is shifted electrically by means of a gear shift ac-
tuator. The gear shift actuator is located on a bracket
installed in the engine room, close to the stern drive.
Gear shifting is done mechanically, the gear shift ac-
tuator shaft moves forward or backward, and operates
the gear shift mechanism of the stern drive via a con-
trol cable.
Microswitches in the gear shift actuator provide infor-
mation to the control module about the current posi-
tion of the gear shift actuator (forward, reverse or neu-
Each time system voltage is switched on, the unit is
synchronized when the gear shift actuator quickly

moves backward and forward, then sets itself to neu-


Emergency shifting
If there is a fault in the gear shift actuator, the stern
drive can be shifted manually. This is done by remov-
ing the gear shift actuator from its bracket, and then
moving it backward or forward to give the desired di-
rection of travel.
Note: First check the gear shift actuator fuse which is
mounted on, or close to the starter motor.
WARNING! If the drive has been engaged man-
ually, forwards drive is locked and can not be
disengaged with the control lever. Forward mo-
tion can only be cut off by stopping the engine
with the ignition key or stop button.

Electrical fault finding
General information
Electrical fault finding is described for the following
– Position sensor (injection pump)
– Fuel temperature sensor (injection pump)
– Actuator (injection pump)
– Solenoid valve (injection pump)
– Electromagnetic clutch (compressor)
– Needle lift sensor
– Charge air temperature sensor
– Engine speed sensor
– Coolant temperature sensor
– Solenoid valve (reverse gear)
– DC/DC converter
– Potentiometer
All measurements described are done with a multim-
Read off any fault codes before electrical fault-finding
A first check of relays, senders, control panels and
sensor values is easy to do with a diagnostic key or
PC with diagnostic program.
If system voltage is switched on after a connector has
been undone, a fault code for that component is set.
Before a connector is put together, clean off any dirt
on the contact pins and apply contact grease, part no.

Measurement of position sensor

1. Undo the connector on the injection pump cable
2. Measure the resistance between pins 1 and 2.
The multimeter should show 9.8–13.0 Ω.
3. Measure the resistance between pins 2 and 3.
The multimeter should show 4.9–6.5 Ω.


Measurement of fuel temperature

1. Undo the connector on the injection pump cable
2. Measure the resistance between pins 5 and 6.
The multimeter should show the following values at:
10°C (50°F) ............................................ 3.2 kΩ
20°C (68°F) ............................................ 2.1 kΩ
40°C (104°F) .......................................... 1.0 kΩ
60°C (140°F) .......................................... 0.5 kΩ

Measurement of actuator motor

1. Undo the connector on the injection pump cable
2. Measure the resistance between pins 4 and 7.
The multimeter should show 0.4–1.0 Ω.

Measuring the solenoid valve (timing)

1. Undo the solenoid valve connector by the injec-
tion pump.
2. Measure between the two pins in the connector.
The multimeter should show 14.3–17.3 Ω.

Electrical fault finding

Checking the electromagnetic

If the compressor can not be engaged, this could be
because fault code 5.3 has not been erased, or that
fuse (29) has blown (this fuse is not installed on
If the fuse has blown, the diode in the cable harness
can be damaged (passes current), which causes a
short circuit, or the cables or connector can be dam-

Check that the clutch functions normally,

as follows:
1. Undo the connector on the electromagnetic clutch.
2. Apply 12 V to the connection pin.
IMPORTANT! Reverse polarity will damage the
diode. Connect the positive terminal to the pin – +
with the red wire in the connector, and the nega-
tive terminal to the pin with the white wire.
3. Check that the clutch pulls (the air gap between
the pressure plate and the friction plate should

If the clutch does not pull, the clutch solenoid can

be measured as follows:
1. Undo the connector on the electromagnetic cou-
2. Measure the resistance between the contact pins.
The multimeter should show 3.4 Ω ± 10%

Measurement of needle lift sensor

1. Undo the connector (the needle lift sensor does
not need to be removed).
2. Use the multimeter to measure across the two
contact pins.
The multimeter should show 100 Ω ± 10 Ω.

Electrical fault finding

Measurement of charge air

temperature sensor
Temperature information supplied by the charge air
temperature sensor to the control modul can be read
by a diagnostic key or PC with diagnostic program
NOTE! The sensor is highly sensitive to temperature
changes. It is enough to breathe on it, or hold it in
your hand to get an incorrect value.
1. Undo the charge air temperature sensor connector.
2. Use the multimeter to measure across the two
contact pins on the sensor.
The multimeter should show the following values at:
0°C (32°F) ............................. 15.7 kΩ ± 2.0 kΩ
10°C (50°F) ............................. 9.4 kΩ ± 1.3 kΩ
20°C (68°F) ............................. 5.8 kΩ ± 0.8 kΩ
30°C (86°F) .............................. 3.0 kΩ ± 0.5 kv
40°C (104°F) ........................... 2.4 kΩ ± 0.3 kΩ
50°C (122°F) ........................... 1.6 kΩ ± 0.2 kΩ

Tightening torque ............... max. 30 Nm (22 lbf-ft)

Measurement of engine speed

1. Undo the connector and remove the engine speed
2. Check that the engine speed sensor does not
have any external damage, or any debris contami-
nants stuch to its tip.

3. Measure between the contact pins. The resis-

tance should be between 775–945 Ω.
4. Move a metal object past the sensor, at a maxi-
mum distance of 1 mm (3/64”) and check that the
multimeter gives a slight reading.

IMPORTANT! If the engine speed sensor is

changed, make sure that any adjustment spac-
ers are re-installed.

Electrical fault finding

Measuring the coolant

temperature sensor
Temperature information supplied by the coolant tem-
perature sensor to the control modul can be read by a
diagnostic key or PC with diagnostic program
NOTE! The sensor is highly sensitive to temperature
changes. It is enough to hold it in your hand to get an
incorrect measurement value.
1. Undo the coolant temperature sensor connector.
2. Use the multimeter to measure across the two
contact pins on the sensor.
The multimeter should show the following values
0°C (32°F) .............................. 4.9 kΩ ± 670 kΩ
20°C (68°F) .............................. 1870 Ω ± 220 Ω
40°C (104°F) ............................... 800 Ω ± 80 Ω
60°C (140°F) ............................... 370 Ω ± 35 Ω
80°C (176°F) ............................... 190 Ω ± 15 Ω
100°C (212°F) ............................... 104 Ω ± 7 Ω

Tightening torque ............... max. 30 Nm (22 lbf-ft)

Checking the solenoid valve

(reverse gear)
If the reverse gear can not be engaged, check the so-
lenoid valve by connecting 12 V to the solenoid valve
connector. When the solenoid valve receives current,
the valve will open and a “click” should be heard.

IMPORTANT! The solenoid valves on HS63AE,

VE are marked 24 V. They are intended for 12 V
systems and must not be used on 24 V sys-

Solenoid valves can also be measured as follows:

1. Undo the connector.
2. Use the multimeter to measure across the two
contact pins in the connector. The multimeter
should show 18–20 Ω ± 10 Ω at 15°C (59°F).

Electrical fault finding

Checking the DC/DC converter

When the voltage varies between 3,5 V and 7.9 V, the
DC/DC converter still supplies a stable voltage of 8 V
to the control modul.
If the voltage is below 3,5 V or above 8 V, the DC/DC
converter supplies the same voltage as it is supplied

IN (V)

Check that the DC/DC converter functions normal-

ly, by applying voltages to it as follows: 1
1. Connect the black cable to the negative terminal.
2. Take one of the red/blue cables with a spade ter-
minal (1) and connect to a voltage of at least 8 V.
3. Reduce the voltage to between 3.5 but not ex-
ceeding 7.9 V
4. Read the voltage between the negative terminal
and one of the two red/blue cables with a socket
terminal (2).
5. Read the multimeter. It should show 8 V.

Electrical fault finding

Measuring the potentiometer in

the control unit

1. Electronic controls:
Undo the potentiometer cable. Remove the control
unit if necessary.

Mechanical controls with control adapter:

Remove the control cable from the potentiometer
control arm. Then remove the potentiometer from
the control adapter.

2. Use a multimeter to measure between pins 1 and

2 on the potentiometer.
The multimeter should show 2.0 kΩ ± 10%.

3. Move the control lever / control arm between its

two end positions. Use a multimeter to measure
between pins 1 and 3 and between pins 2 and 3
on the potentiometer.
The multimeter should show a value greater than
0.90 kΩ at one end position and a value not ex-
ceeding 2.9 kΩ at the other end position.

Changing the control modul

System voltage must be disconnected when the 42-
pin connector on the control modul is connected or
disconnected, or the control modul will be damaged.
Cut the current by turning the starter key to the “S” po-
sition on the active control panel. Then check that the
starter keys are at position “0” on all control panels.
Check that the current is disconnected by pressing
and releasing the diagnosis button. If no answering
flashes come from the diagnostic display, the system
current to the EDC system is disconnected.

1. Cut the system voltage to the EDC system

2. Clean the fine fuel filter bracket carefully.

3. Insert a screwdriver between the red catch arm

and the connector.

4. Turn the screwdriver to partly pull the catch arm

out of the connector.

5. Pull the catch arm down at the same time as you

pull the connector back.

6. Undo the pipe from the T-nipple underneath the

control modul (wrench size 15 mm).

IMPORTANT! Never twist or undo the T-

nipple beneath the control modul. This can
damage the charge air pressure sensor in
the control modul.

7. Unscrew the fine fuel filter. Use a filter wrench for

disassembly if necessary. Be careful not to spill

8. Remove the control modul union (wrench size 27

mm). Remove the control modul.

Changing the control unit

1. Wipe the new control modul gasket with oil.
Then put the control modul in the fuel filter
bracket and fix it in place by tightening the pipe
Tightening torque: 38 ± 6 Nm (28±4 lbf-ft).

2. Clean any dirt off the connector and its contact

pins. Then apply a thin layer of contact grease
(part no. 1161417) to the connection pins.

3. Connect the connector to the control modul.

IMPORTANT! Connect the connector by

press it forwards towards the control modul
at the same time as you press the red
catch arm upwards. This is important, to
avoid damaging the contact pins.

4. Connect the pipe to the T-nipple beneath the con-

trol modul.

5. Check that the fine fuel filter is absolutely clean

and that the gasket is undamaged. Moisten the
fine fuel filter gasket with oil.

6. Screw down the fine fuel filter by hand, until the

gasket just touches mating surface on the bracket.
Then turn it another half turn by hand.

7. Vent the fuel system as per the instructions on

the next page.

8. Calibrate all controls with the new control modul.

Pleas refer to the “Calibration of engine controls”

9. Start the engine and check that the engine, con-

trols etc. function normally.

Changing the control unit

Venting the fuel system

The fuel system must be vented when the control
modul has been changed.

1. Avoid fuel spillage. Put a suitable container under-

neath the fine fuel filter.

2. Open the vent screw on the fuel filter bracket,

about four turns.

3. Operate the hand pump on the feed pump until

fuel without air bubbles comes out from the vent-
ing screw. Continue pumping and tighten the vent
screw at the same time.
NOTE! If pump action is poor, turn the engine
round slightly, to make the pump drive cam
change position.

4. Start the engine and check that no leakage oc-


If the engine does not start, continue venting as


5. Operate the hand pump on the feed pump for

about a half minute, to automatically vent the in-
jection pump.

6. Loosen the delivery pipe nuts about a half turn on

all injectors.

7. Crank the engine with the starter motor until fuel

comes out from the delivery pipes. Avoid fuel

8. Tighten the delivery pipe nuts. Start the engine

and check that no leakage occurs.

Adjusting idle speed

General information
The idle speed is set to 600 rpm at the factoy. If nec-
essary, the idle speed can be adjusted in the area be-
tween 600–700 rpm. Do the adjustment when the en- 700
gine is warm.
NOTE! If the boat has several control panels, adjust- 600
ment can only be done from the main control panel.
The main control panel is the control panel connected
directly to the engine without an MS unit (normally the
control panel in the cabin).

1. Check that all control levers are in neutral/idle po-

2. Turn the ignition key to “S” (stop position) and re-

lease it, so that it springs back to position “0”.
3. Depress the neutral button and keep it depressed
until item 5.

4. Turn the ignition key to position “I” (drive position).

The diagnosis button lamp lights up.

5. Release the neutral button when the diagnosis

button lamp goes out.

6. The lamps in the neutral and diagnosis buttons

now flash to confirm that the idle speed can be
If the boat has two engines: Repeat the proce-
dure above, so that both engines idle speed can
be adjusted at the same time.

7. Start the engine and use the control lever to ad-

just the idle speed.

8. Confirm the set speed by pressing the neutral but-


9. Finish adjustment by moving the control lever to

the neutral/idle position.

Calibration of controls

General information
The controls must be calibrated after the control
modul, MS unit, potentiometer or complete control unit
have been changed.
Calibration is defined as a number of pre-determined
control lever positions for the EDC system.
IMPORTANT! If the boat has mechanical con-
trols, the control must first be provided with a
neutral switch, which closes when the control le-
ver is in neutral.

Electronic single lever control

During calibration, the control modul checks the type
of control and marine gearbox (with or without electric
shifting) used.
In calibration mode, the number of flashes from the di-
agnostic indication show the equipment which has
been identified.
The flashes are repeated during the entire calibration
procedure as follows:

One flash:
Electronic single lever control and electronic operation
of the reversing gear.

Two flashes: Mechanical two lever control with mechanical shifting.

Electronic two lever control or mechanical single or
two lever control with two control adapters and elec-
tronic operation of the reversing gear.

Three flashes:
Mechanical single or two lever control with one control
adapter and mechanical operation of the reversing
gear or stern drive.

Four flashes:
Electronic single lever control and electronic actuator
for shifting the reversing gear.

Five flashes:
Electronic two lever control or mechanical single or
two lever control with two control adapters and elec-
tronic actuator for shifting the reversing gear.
Mechanical two lever control with electric shifting.

Calibration of controls

Putting the EDC system in calibration
Before the control lever is calibrated, the EDC system
must be put in calibration mode as per the description
NOTE! The EDC system will not go into calibration
mode if there are any fault codes stored (except fault
codes 1.6 and 1.7). Attend to any malfunctions before

1. Put the control lever(s) in neutral/idle position.

2. Turn the ignition key to “S” (stop position) and re-
lease it, so that it springs back to position “0”.
3. Depress the neutral button and keep it depressed
until item 5.
4. Turn the ignition key to position “I” (drive position).
The diagnosis button lamp lights up.
5. Release the neutral button when the diagnosis
button lamp goes out.
6. The lamps in the neutral and diagnosis buttons
now flash to confirm that the EDC system is in
calibration mode.
7. If the boat has two engines, repeat the procedure
for the other engine, so that the levers for both en-
gines can be calibrated at the same time.

Calibration of controls

Electronic single lever control
NOTE! When you calibrate the controls for two en-
gines, calibrate both levers on the control at the same
time, to give the same lever positions for both en-

1. Put the EDC system in calibration mode as in-

structed in “Preparations”.
2. Move the lever to the position where throttle open-
ing for forwards motion should start (1).
Release the lever and acknowledge the position
by pressing the neutral button for three seconds.
3. Move the lever to the position for full throttle for-
wards (2).
Release the lever and acknowledge the position
by pressing the neutral button for three seconds.
4. Move the lever to the position where throttle open-
ing for aft motion should start (3).
Release the lever and acknowledge the position
by pressing the neutral button for three seconds.
5. Move the lever to the position for full throttle
backwards (4).
Release the lever and acknowledge the position
by pressing the neutral button for three seconds.
6. Move the control lever back to neutral. Release
the lever.
7. Acknowledge and finish calibration by pressing
the neutral button twice for three seconds each
The neutral and diagnostic button lamps stop
flashing, to confirm that calibration is completed
and the indication for the active control panel
lights up.

Calibration of controls

Mechanical single lever control
NOTE! When you calibrate the controls for two en-
gines, calibrate both levers on the control at the same
time, to give the same lever positions for both en-

Some third party control levers have been found to

give more travel (A) at full throttle with the reversing
gear in neutral than at full throttle with the reversing
gear engaged. Measure the control cable movement
(A) at the potentiometer bracket at full throttle, with
the reversing gear engaged. Note the value.
1. Put the EDC system in calibration mode as in-
structed in “Preparations”.
2. Disengage the shift function and move the lever
forwards to the position for full throttle (1). Re-
lease the lever.
Controls of other makes: Check that the control
cable movement does not exceed the previously
noted value.
3. Acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral
switch for at least three seconds.
4. Move the control lever to neutral position (2). Re-
lease the lever and acknowledge the position by
pressing the neutral button for at least 3 seconds.
5. Move the lever to the position where throttle open-
ing for forwards motion should start (3). Release
the lever and acknowledge the position by press-
ing the neutral button for three seconds.
6. Move the lever to the position where throttle open-
ing for aft motion should start (4). Release the le-
ver and acknowledge the position by pressing the
neutral button for three seconds.
7. Move the lever to neutral. Release the lever.
8. Acknowledge and finish calibration by pressing
the neutral button twice for three seconds each
The neutral and diagnostic button lamps stop flash-
ing, to confirm that calibration is completed and the
indication for the active control panel lights up.

Calibration of controls

Electronic/Mechanical two lever control
NOTE! When you calibrate the controls for two en-
gines, calibrate both levers on the control at the same
time, to give the same lever positions for both en-

1. Put the EDC system in calibration mode as in-

structed in “Preparations”.
2. Move the shift lever to the neutral position (N).
3. Move the throttle lever to full throttle position (1).
Release the lever.
Acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral
switch for at least three seconds.
4. Move the lever to neutral position (2). Release the
lever and acknowledge the position by pressing
the neutral button for three seconds.
5. Move the shift lever to the position where the re-
versing gear is engaged for forward motion (3).
Release the lever.
Acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral
switch for at least three seconds.
6. Move the shift lever to the position where the re-
versing gear is engaged for reverse (4). Release
the lever.
Acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral
switch for at least three seconds.
7. Move the levers to neutral and idle respectively.
Release the levers.
8. Acknowledge and finish calibration by pressing
the neutral button twice for three seconds each
The neutral and diagnostic button lamps stop
flashing, to confirm that calibration is completed
and the indication for the active control panel
lights up.

Fault code register

Explanation for fault code register:

Fault codes are presented in numerical order, with information about reason, reaction and proposed measures to
be taken. Please note that there are fault codes which are not indicated, or which can not be read from the control
panel. The number varies, depending on the engine version. These fault codes can only be read and erased by a
diagnostic key or PC with diagnostic program. The way that the fault code is read is shown in the fault code regis-
ter (below).

= Fault code can be read from the control panel = Fault code can be read by a diagnostic tool

Code 5.6 Charge air pressure A/B/C A/B/C

Fault code number

Fault code heading
A = Applies to KA(M)D44P-A
B = Applies to KA(M)D44P-B
C = Applies to KA(M)D44P-C, KA(M)D300-A

NOTE! A diagnostic key or PC with diagnostic program must be used for full diagnosis information, these tools al-
lows reading and erasing all fault codes. These diagnostic tools are connected to the engine diagnostic connector
in the distribution box. The KA(M)D44P-A also has a diagnostic connector in the EDC cables by the helmsman’s

26 connector

Diagnostic key
Distribution box

Fault code register

Code 1.1 “No fault” A/B/C A/B/C

There are no fault codes to flash out via the control panel.

Code 1.2 Calibration A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Neutral gear position is wrong in relation to potentiometer value.
Reaction: Calibration is not approved.
• Erase fault code.
• Re-calibrate controls.
• If the fault remains: Check mounting of controls and potentiometer.

Code 1.3 Calibration A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Angle between throttle opening start and full throttle is too small.
Reaction: Calibration is not approved.
• Erase fault code.
• Re-calibrate controls.
• If the fault remains: Check mounting of controls and potentiometer.

Code 1.4 Calibration A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Neutral position is not large enough (angle between throttle opening for forward motion
and throttle operation for reverse is not large enough).
Reaction: Calibration is not approved.
• Erase fault code.
• Re-calibrate controls.
• If the fault remains: Check mounting of controls and potentiometer.

Code 1.5 Calibration A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Control system can not be identified by the control modul.
Reaction: Engine controls can not be calibrated.
• Check fuses, connectors and cables for main relay, controls and reverse gear/gear actuator.
• Erase fault code.
• Re-calibrate controls.

Code 1.6 Calibration A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Controls on main control panel (normally the control panel in the cabin) are not calibrated.
Reaction: The starter motor is not activated / it is not possible to activate the control panel. When
the fault code has been read, the engine can be started. Engine speed is then limited to 1000 rpm.
• Calibrate the controls.

Fault code register

Code 1.7 Calibration A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Controls on alternative control panel have not been calibrated.
Reaction: It is not possible to activate the control panel.
• Calibrate the controls.

Code 2.2 Injection pump A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit in signal from control sleeve position sensor.
Reaction: The engine is stopped.
• Check connections on injection pump and control module.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the position sensor function (please refer to the “Electrical fault fin-
ding” chapter).

Code 2.3 Injection pump A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: The control sleeve position actuator motor draws too much current. Or it does draw
enough current, or no current at all.
Reaction: The engine is stopped.
• Check connections on injection pump and control modul.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the actuator motor function (please refer to the “Electrical fault finding”

Code 2.4 Engine speed sensor A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: The engine speed sensor does not give a signal on starting. Or there is no signal from
the starter relay to the starter motor, or a short circuit/open circuit in the starter motor.
Reaction: The engine does not start/starter motor is not activated.
• Check connectors and cables on the engine speed sensor and control modul, between the star-
ter relay and starter motor.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the engine speed sensor function (please refer to the “Electrical fault
finding” chapter) and check the starter motor.

Code 2.5 Engine speed sensor A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on signal from engine speed sensor during operation.
Reaction: The engine is stopped.
• Check connections and cables on engine speed sensor and control modul.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the engine speed sensor function (please refer to the “Electrical fault
finding” chapter).

Fault code register

Code 2.6 Potentiometer A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on power supply to potentiometer in controls.
Reaction: The gear is disengaged (does not apply to KA(M)D44-A) and engine speed is cut to
1000 rpm. The fault applies to the current control panel, i.e. it is possible to operate from another
control panel if the boat has more than one control panel.
• Check cables and connections up to control panel.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the potentiometer function (please refer to the “Electrical fault finding”
• It is possible to do an emergency shift (please refer to the “Electrical fault finding” chapter).

Code 2.7 Potentiometer A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: The control module does not receive information from the potentiometer in the control
lever base (applies to the potentiometer for the engine speed lever in a twin lever control.).
Reaction: The gear is disengaged (does not apply to KA(M)D44-A) and engine speed is cut to
1000 rpm. The fault applies to the current control panel, i.e. it is possible to operate from another
control panel if the boat has more than one control panel.
• Check cables and connections up to control panel.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the potentiometer function (please refer to the “Electrical fault finding”
• It is possible to do an emergency shift (please refer to the “Electrical fault finding” chapter).

Code 3.1 Potentiometer A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: The control module does not receive information from the potentiometer in the control
lever base (only applies to twin lever control.).
Reaction: The gear is disengaged (does not apply to KA(M)D44-A) and engine speed is cut to
1000 rpm. The fault applies to the current control panel, i.e. it is possible to operate from another
control panel if the boat has more than one control panel.
• Check the connections and cables for the potentiometer and up to the control panel.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the potentiometer function (please refer to the “Electrical fault finding”
• It is possible to do an emergency shift (please refer to the “Electrical fault finding” chapter).

Code 3.2 Charge air temperature sensor A A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on signal from charge air temperature sensor.
Reaction: Charge air temperature set to 55°C (131°F). Engine power reduced, excessive smoke
if engine is cold .
• Check connections on charge air temperature sensor and control module.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the charge air temperature sensor function (please refer to the “Elec-
trical fault finding” chapter).

Fault code register

Code 3.3 Coolant temperature sensor A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on signal from coolant temperature sensor.
Reaction: Engine very difficult to start, excessive smoke if engine is cold.
• Check connections on coolant temperature sensor and control modul.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the coolant temperature sensor function (please refer to the “Electri-
cal fault finding” chapter).

Code 3.4 Gear shift actuator A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on position signal from gear shift actuator. Or the gear shift ac-
tuator can not adopt the correct position, because of mechanical binding or faulty installation.
Reaction: It is not possible to shift gear.
WARNING! Forward motion can only be cut off by stopping the engine with the ignition key or
stop button.
• Check the fuse for the gear shift actuator, the connectors and cables for the gear shift actuator
and control modul.
• Check the gear shift actuator installation, stern drive shift mechanism and control cable.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains, it is possible to do an emergency shift (please refer to the “Electrical fault fin-
ding” chapter).

Code 3.5 Neutral button A A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on cables from neutral button. Or the button has been activated
for more than two minutes.
Reaction: It is not possible to shift gears until two minutes have passed.
• Check cables and connections up to control panel.
• Check button function.
• Erase fault code.

Code 3.6 Diagnostic button A A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on cables from diagnostic button. Or the button has been acti-
vated for more than two minutes.
Reaction: Diagnostic button indication gives constant light. It is not possible to read the fault code
from the control panel.
• Check cables and connections up to control panel.
• Check button function.
• Erase fault code.

Fault code register

Code 4.1 Activation button A A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on cables from activation button (active station). Or the button
has been activated for more than two minutes.
Reaction: It is not possible to activate the control panel.
• Check cables and connections up to control panel.
• Check button function.
• For twin installation and control panel type II: Check the relay in the cables for the control panel.
• Erase fault code.

Code 4.3 Temperature alarm A A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on cables from instrument panel.
Reaction: High coolant temperature warning lamp gives constant light. Or it does not light up
when the engine temperature is too high.
• Check connections and cables on instrument panel and control modul.
• Erase fault code.

Code 4.4 Engine speed synchronizing A A/B/C

Reason: No output signal for engine speed synchronization (twin installation).
Reaction: Engine speed synchronization does not work.
• Check cables and connections to control panel.
• Check that there is contact between the engines, via the cables going to the control panel. On
cables with a 16-pin connector: Measure between pin 13 in each cable’s male connection at
the engine. If there is an 8-pin connector: Measure between pin 5 in each cable’s male con-
nection at the engine.
• Check the ground cable between the starter motors on the engines.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.

Code 4.5 Solenoid valve A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Incorrect signal from control module to solenoid valve (timing). Or fault solenoid valve.
Reaction: Engine power is reduced.
• Check connections and cables to control module and to solenoid valve on injection pump.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the solenoid valve function (please refer to the “Electrical fault fin-
ding” chapter).

Code 4.6 Starter relay A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on control current to starter relay.
Reaction: Engine can not be started.
• Check the fuses (13), the connectors and cables for the starter relay and control module.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check starter relay function.

Fault code register

Code 5.1 Main relay A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on cables from main relay.
Reaction: Engine can not be started/stopped.
• Check the fuses (13), the connectors and cables for the main relay and control modul.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check main relay function.

Code 5.2 Neutral indication A A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on cables from neutral indication.
Reaction: Neutral button indication does not light up when the control lever is in neutral.
• Check cables and connections up to control panel.
• Erase fault code.
• If the fault remains: Control panel type I: Change control panel Control panel type II: Change
the bulb in the neutral button.

Kod 5.3 Compressor A A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on cables to electromagnetic clutch for compressor.
Reaction: compressor is not engaged.
• Check cables and connections to electromagnetic clutch.
• Check fuse (29). (Not installed on the KA(M)D44P-A).
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the clutch function (please refer to the “Electrical fault finding” chapter).

Code 5.4 Reverse gear–forward A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit / open circuit on cable to reverse gear/stern drive actuator for forward gear.
Reaction: It is not possible to shift gear.
• Reverse gear: Disengage gear (if possible).
• Stern drive: Stop the engine with the gear which was engaged when the fault occurred. The
engine can only be started immediately after the fault code has been read out.
WARNING! If the engine is started with a gear engaged, forward motion can only be cut off
by stopping the engine with the ignition key or stop button.
• Check the connectors and cables for the reverse gear/gear shift actuator and fuse for gear shift
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• It is possible to do an emergency shift (please refer to the “Electrical fault finding” chapter).

Fault code register

Code 5.5 Reverse gear–reverse A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit / open circuit on cable to reverse gear/stern drive actuator for reverse gear.
Reaction: It is not possible to shift gear.
• Reverse gear: Disengage gear (if possible).
• Stern drive: Stop the engine with the gear which was engaged when the fault occurred. The
engine can only be started immediately after the fault code has been read out.
WARNING! If the engine is started with a gear engaged, forward motion can only be cut off
by stopping the engine with the ignition key or stop button.
• Check the connectors and cables for the reverse gear/gear shift actuator and fuse for gear shift
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• It is possible to do an emergency shift (please refer to the “Electrical fault finding” chapter).

Code 5.6 Charge air pressure A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Too high charge air pressure
Reaction: Engine power is cut until normal values are obtained.
• Check the air filter and the pipe between the inlet manifold and control module.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the compressor and turbocharger.

Code 6.1 Fuel temperature A A/B/C

Reason: Excessive fuel temperature.
Reaction: Engine power is reduced (volume compensation ceases).
• Check the installation of the fuel tank, fuel pipes and ventilation of the engine room.
• Fill up with fuel (the temperature-raising effect of returned fuel is reduced if there is more fuel in
the fuel tank).
• Erase fault code.

Code 6.2 Charge air temperature A A/B/C

Reason: Excesive charge air temperature.
Reaction: Engine power is cut until normal values are obtained. Power reduction ceases (for sa-
fety reasons) at idle speeds.
• Check the aftercooler.
• Check the installation if the engine roomtemperature is too high.
• Erase fault code.

Fault code register

Code 6.3 Fuel temperature sensor A A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on signal from fuel air temperature sensor in injection pump.
Reaction: Fuel temperature is set to 60°C (140°F). Engine power is reduced.
• Check cables and connections to injection pump.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the fuel temperature sensor function (please refer to the “Electrical
fault finding” chapter). If the fuel temperature sensor is faulty, change the injection pump.

Code 6.4 MS unit A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Incorrect signals from the potentiometer or control panel at an alternative helmsman’s
seat. Or faulty MS unit.
Reaction: It is not possible to operate from an alternative helmsman’s seat.
• Check the connectors and cables on the controls and control panel at the alternative
helmsman’s seat.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the potentiometer function (please refer to the “Electrical fault finding”

Code 6.5 MS unit A A/B/C

Reason: Fault in one of the press-buttons/indication lamps in the control panel at the alternative
helmsman’s seat.
Reaction: The alternative helmsman’s seat can not be used.
• Check the connectors and cables on the control panel at the alternative helmsman’s seat.
• Erase fault code.
• If the fault remains: Control panel type I: Change control panel Control panel type II: Check the

Code 7.1 Needle lift sensor B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on signal from the needle lift sensor.
Reaction: Engine power is reduced.
• Check the connectors and cables for the needle lift sensor (injector for cylinder 1) and the con-
trol modul.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the needle lift sensor function (please refer to the “Electrical fault fin-
ding” chapter).

Fault code register

Code 7.2 Injection timing B/C B/C

Reason: Injection timing outside permissible value. Fault in injection timing setting device in in-
jection pump or faulty installation of flywheel.
Reaction: Engine power is reduced.
• Check flywheel installation and position.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check injection timing setting device function.

Code 7.3 Solenoid valve B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on signal from solenoid valve (alpha).
Reaction: Correct injection timing can not be achieved. Engine power is reduced.
• Check connections and cables to control module and to solenoid valve on injection pump.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Check the solenoid valve function (please refer to the “Electrical fault fin-
ding” chapter) and injection pump settings.

Code 8.1 Control module A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Fault in control module.
Reaction: Engine is stopped, can not be started, helmsman’s seat can not be activated.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Change the control module.

Code 8.2 Control module (internal sensor) A A/B/C

Reason: Short circuit/open circuit on signal from charge air pressure sensor in control module.
Reaction: Engine power is cut until normal values are obtained. This can cause increased ex-
haust smoke.
• Check the air filter and the capillary pipe between the inlet manifold and control module.
• Erase fault code.
• If the fault remains: Change the control module.

Code 8.3 Calibration A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Calibration values can not be stored by the control module.
Reaction: The control lever base must be calibrated before each start.
• Erase fault code.
• Re-calibrate controls.
• If the fault remains: Change the control module.

Fault code register

Code 8.4 Control module A/B/C

Reason: Control module can not read from/write to its internal memory.
Reaction: It is not possible to adjust idle speed.
• Change the control module.

Code 8.5 Control module A/B/C

Reason: Control module can not read from/write to its internal memory.
Reaction: Extreme values are not stored.
• Change the control module.

Code 8.6 Control module A/B/C

Reason: Control module can not read from/write to its internal memory.
Reaction: Fault codes are not stored.
• Change the control module.

Code 9.1 MS unit A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: The MS unit does not receive a signal from the control module .
Reaction: It is not possible to operate from an alternative helmsman’s seat.
• Check the connectors and cables on the control panel and to the alternative helmsman’s seat.
• Erase fault code.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Connect a diagnostic tool. Check whether it is possible to communicate with
the control module . Internal communication: Change the control module. Communication:
Change MS unit.

Code 9.9 Program memory A/B/C A/B/C

Reason: Fault when system current is switched on, or fault in program memory. Intermittent con-
tact in power supply to control module.
Reaction: Engine can not be started.
• Cut the current completely and wait for three minutes before re-connecting it.
• Check the cables and connections for power supply (battery, starter motor, starter switch, gear
shift actuator.
• The fault codes are self-erasing.
• Start the engine.
• If the fault remains: Re-program or change the control module.

Component location (engine)

Wiring Diagram

NOTE! The control and instrument panels shown here are the most commonly oc- Instrument panel (main panel)
curring combinations for the above engine. Supplementary wiring diagrams for all
control and instrument panels are found later on in the chapter. 1. Instrument light
2. Voltmeter
3. Oil pressure gauge
4. Coolant temperature gauge
5. Connector for connecting extra war-
Control panel (twin installation), 1, 4 1, 3 1, 2 ning display (optional equipment)
6. Electronic unit (alarm)
several control locations – 7. Warning lamp, coolant temperature
single lever control 7 8. Warning lamp, oil pressure
1. Indication lamp 8 9. Charge warning lamp
2. Switch 9 10. Indication lamp (not used)
3. Connector 10 11. Switch, instrument light
4. Relay 11 12. Switch – Alarm test/Acknowledgment
5. Position switch 13. Tachometer with hour meter
6. Potentiometer 14. Key switch
7. Connector, Port - Starboard cable kit 15. Audible warning
8. 2-pin connection (diagnostic connector) 16. Connector for connection of neutral
17 12 14 position switch
9. 16-pin connection, Port engine 1, 13
10. 16-pin connection, Starboard engine 17. 16-pin connection
18. 2-pin connection (for optional board)
Engine KA(M)D44P-A
1. Battery
36 37 2. Main switch
3. Starter motor
4. Alternator
5. Battery connection, engine
6. Oil pressure monitor
7. Oil pressure sensor
8. Coolant temperature sensor
9. Starter relay*
10. Main relay*
11. Stop relay*
12. Ground relay*
13. Fuses*
14. Control modul
15. Charge air temperature sensor
16. Coolant temperature sensor (EDC)
14 17. Position sensor**
18. Fuel temperature sensor**
19. Actuator**
20. Solenoid valve Alpha**
21. Stop solenoid**
22. Engine speed sensor
23. Supercharger
24. Connector
25. Resistor*
26. Diagnostic connector*
31. Diode*
32. Injection pump
33. Connection (electronic reverse-
36. 16-pin connection (control panel)
35. Manual reserve system
37. 16-pin connection (instrument)

* Located in junction box

** Located in injection pump
NO = Normally open during operation.

Color code
32 BL = Blue SB = Black
BN = Brown LBN = Light brown
35 GN = Green VO = Violet
OR = Orange W = White
P = Pink GR = Gray
33 LBL = Light blue Y = Yellow
Cable areas in mm2 are specified after the color R = Red
code in the wiring diagram. When not otherwise
specified, 0.5 mm2 shall apply. Cables shown with

broken lines are not supplied by Volvo Penta.


Control panel (twin installation), several NOTE! The control and instrument panels shown here are the most commonly oc- Instrument panel (main panel)
curring combinations for the above engine. Supplementary wiring diagrams for all
control locations - single lever control 1. Instrument light
control and instrument panels are found later on in the chapter.
1. Press switch with indication lamp, 2. Voltmeter
“Neutral” – green 3. Oil pressure gauge
2. Press switch with indication lamp, 4. Coolant temperature gauge
“Diagnostic” – yellow 5. Connector for connecting extra war-
3. Press switch with indication lamp, 1, 4 1, 3 1, 2 ning display (optional equipment)
“Active station” – red 6. Electronic unit (alarm)
4. Press switch with indication lamp, 7. Warning lamp, coolant temperature
“Sync” – blue
7 8. Warning lamp, oil pressure
5. Press switch with indication lamp, 8 9. Charge warning lamp
“Neutral” – green 9 10. Indication lamp (not used)
6. Press switch with indication lamp, 10 11. Switch, instrument light
“Diagnostic” – yellow 11 12. Switch – Alarm test/Acknowledgment
7. Connector 13. Tachometer with hour meter
8. Connector, Port – Starboard cable kit 14. Key switch
9. Relay 15. Audible warning
10. Potentiometer, throttle opening / gear shift 16. Connector for connection of neutral po-
11. 8-pin connection (male) – Port engine 1, 13 17 12 14 sition switch
12. 8-pin connection (female) – Starboard engine 17. 16-pin connection
18. 2-pin connection (for optional board)
Engine KA(M)D44P-B
1. Battery
2. Main switch
3. Starter motor
4. Alternator
5. Battery connection, engine
6. Oil pressure monitor
7. Oil pressure sensor
8. Coolant temperature sensor (instrument)
9. Starter relay*
10. Main relay*
11. Stop relay*
12. Ground relay*
13. Fuses*
14. Control module
15. Charge air temperature sensor
16. Coolant temperature sensor (EDC)
17. Position sensor**
18. Fuel temperature sensor**
19. Actuator**
20. Solenoid valve Alpha**
21. Stop solenoid**
22. Engine speed sensor
23. Supercharger
24. Connector
25. Resistor*
26. Diagnostic connector*
27. Needle lift sensor**
28. Press button. Extra stop
29. Flat pin fuse 7.5 A
30. Fuse 55 A
31. Diode
32. Injection pump
33. Connection (electronic reverse gear)
34. For Powertrim pump
35. Manual reserve system
36. 2x8 pin connection (control panel)
37. 16-pin connection (instrument)

Colors code * Located in junction box

BL = Blue SB = Black ** Located in injection pump
BN = Brown LBN = Light brown NO = Normally open during operation.
GN = Green VO = Violet
OR = Orange W = White
P = Pink GR = Gray
LBL = Light blue Y = Yellow
R = Red

Cable areas in mm2 are specified after the color code in the wiring
diagram. When not otherwise specified, 0.5 mm2 shall apply.

Cables shown with broken lines are not supplied by Volvo Penta.

KA(M)D44P-C, KA(M)D300-A
Control panel (twin installation), several NOTE! The control and instrument panels shown here are the most commonly Instrument panel (main panel)
occurring combinations for the above engine. Supplementary wiring diagrams for
control locations – single lever control 1. Instrument light
all control and instrument panels are found later on in the chapter.
1. Control panel 2. Voltmeter
2. Connector 3. Oil pressure gauge
3. Diagnostic button 1, 4 1, 3 1, 2 4. Coolant temperature gauge
3a. LED (yellow): 5. Connector
4. Neutral button 6. Electronic unit (alarm)
4a. LED (green) 7. Warning lamp, coolant temperature
8 8. Warning lamp, oil pressure
5. Synchronization button
5a. LED (blue):
9 9. Charge warning lamp
10 10. Indication lamp (not used)
6. LED for background illumination
7. Activation button 11 11. Switch, instrument light
7a. LED, 2 pcs (red) port and starboard. 12. Switch - Alarm test/Acknowledgment
8. Potentiometer, throttle opening / gear shift 13. Tachometer with hour meter
9. 8-pin connection (male) 14. Key switch
10. 8-pin connection (female) 15. Audible warning
1, 13 17 12 14 16. Connector
17. 16-pin connection
18. 2-pin connection (for optional board)
Engine KA(M)D44P-C, KA(M)D300-A
36 37 1. Battery
2A. Main switch
2B. Main switch for manual reserve system
3. Starter motor
4. Alternator
5. –
6. Oil pressure monitor
7. Oil pressure gauge
8. Coolant temperature sensor (instrument)
9. Starter motor relay*
10. Main relay*
11. Stop relay*
12. Ground relay*
13. Fuses*
14. Control modul
15. Charge air temperature sensor
16. Coolant temperature sensor (EDC)
17. Position sensor**
18. Fuel temperature sensor**
19. Actuator**
20. Solenoid valve Alpha**
21. Stop solenoid**
22. Engine speed sensor
23. Supercharger
24. Connector
25. Resistor*
26. Diagnostic connector*
27. Needle lift sensor**
28. Press button. Extra stop
29. Flat pin fuse 7.5 A
30. Fuse 55 A
31. DC/DC converter
32. Injection pump
33. Connection (electronic reverse gear)
34. For Powertrim pump
35. Manual reserve system
36. 2x8 pin connection (control panel)
37. 16-pin connection (instrument)
Color code
BL = Blue SB = Black * Located in distribution box
BN = Brown LBN = Light brown ** Located in injection pump
GN = Green VO = Violet NO = Normally open during operation.
OR = Orange W = White
P = Pink GR = Gray
LBL = Light blue Y = Yellow
R = Red
Cable areas in mm2 are specified after the color code in the wiring diagram.
When not otherwise specified, 0.5 mm2 shall apply.

Cables shown with broken lines are not supplied by Volvo Penta.

Instrument panels

Instrument panel (main panel) Instrument panel (alternative helmsman’s seat)

1, 4 1, 3 1, 2 1, 13 12 11



7 8 9 10 14

1, 13
17 12 14
Cable areas in mm2 are specified after the color code in the wiring diagram. Instrument panel (alternative helmsman’s seat)
When not otherwise specified, 1.0 mm shall apply. Spring biased

Relationship between mm2 /AWG

mm2 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,5 10 Spring biased

AWG 20 16 (17) 15 (16) 13 7

Instrument panel (main panel)

Instrument panels
1. Instrument light 11. Switch, instrument light
2. Voltmeter 12. Switch – Alarm test/Acknowledgment
3. Oil pressure gauge 13. Tachometer with hour meter
4. Coolant temperature gauge 14. Key switch
5. Connector for connecting extra warning 15. Audible warning
display (optional equipment) 16. Connector for connection of neutral
6. Electronic unit (alarm) position switch
7. Warning lamp, coolant temperature 17. 16-pin connection
8. Warning lamp, oil pressure 18. 2-pin connection (for optional board)
9. Charge warning lamp
10. Indication lamp (not used)

Instrument kit (main helmsman’s seat)

Instrument kit (main helmsman’s seat)
1. Key switch
2. Switch – alarm test
3. Switch – instrument light
4. Audible warning
5. Electronic unit, alarm
6. Coolant temperature gauge
7. Oil pressure gauge, engine
8. Voltmeter
9. Pressure gauge, turbo pressure
10. Oil pressure gauge, reversing gear
11. Tachometer with hour meter
12. Instrument lighting
13. Joint
14. Joining piece
15. Connector CPC, 16-pin
16. Connector for connecting extra warning
display (optional equipment)

Color code
BL = Blue
BN = Brown
GN = Green
OR = Orange
P = Pink
LBL = Light blue
R = Red
SB = Black
LBN = Light brown
VO = Violet
W = White
GR = Gray
Y = Yellow

Cable areas (mm2) are given after the Color code in

the wiring diagram. Broken cables / lines are not
connected by Volvo Penta.

Instrument kit (alternative helmsman’s seat)

Instrument kit (alternative helmsman’s seat)
1. Electronic unit (alarm)
2. Connector for connecting extra warning dis-
play (optional equipment)
3. Warning lamp, coolant temperature
4. Warning lamp, oil pressure
5. Charge warning lamp
6. Indication lamp, pre-heating (TAMD71B)
7. Audible warning
8. Switch – Alarm test/Acknowledgment
9. Switch, instrument lighting
10. Connection point (can not be disassembled)
11. Instrument light
12. Tachometer with hour meter
13. Starter button
14. Stop button
15. Connector for connecting extra warning
display (optional equipment)
16. 16-pin connection

Color code
BL = Blue
BN = Brown
GN = Green
OR = Orange
P = Pink
LBL = Light blue
R = Red
SB = Black
LBN = Light brown
VO = Violet
W = White
GR = Gray
Y = Yellow

Cable areas (mm2) are given after the Color code in the
wiring diagram. Broken cables / lines are not connected
by Volvo Penta.
Control panel Type I
Single installation
KA(M)D44P-C, KA(M)D300-A

5 3

Single installation – single lever control Single installation – twin lever control

Color code Position schedule (both wiring diagrams)

BL = Blue 1. Control panel
BN = Brown 2. Connector
GN = Green 3. Diagnostic button
OR = Orange 3a. LED (yellow):
P = Pink 4. Activation button
R = Red 4a. LED (red)
SB = Black 5. Neutral button
W = White 5a. LED (green)
Y = Yellow 6. LED for background illumination
7. 8-pin moisture-proof connection (male)
Cable areas = 0.75 mm2. 8. 8-pin moisture-proof connection (female)
9. Neutral position switch (only mechanically shifted reverse-
10. Potentiometer, throttle opening / gear shift
10a. Control adapter, throttle opening
10b. Control adapter, gear shift

Control panel Type I
Twin installation
KA(M)D44P-C, KA(M)D300-A

3 3

4 4

Twin installation – single lever control

Twin installation – twin lever control

Color code Position schedule (both wiring diagrams)

BL = Blue 1. Control panel 7a. LED, 2 pcs (red) port and starboard.
BN = Brown 2. Connector 8. Potentiometer, throttle opening / gear shift
GN = Green 3. Diagnostic button 8a. Control adapter, throttle opening
OR = Orange 3a. LED (yellow): 8b. Control adapter, gear shift
P = Pink 4. Neutral button 9. 8-pin connection (male)
R = Red 4a. LED (green) 10. 8-pin connection (female)
SB = Black 5. Synchronization button 11. Neutral position switch (only mechanically shifted
W = White 5a. LED (blue): reverse gears)
Y = Yellow 6. LED for background illumination
7. Activation button
Cable areas = 0.75 mm2.

Control panel Type II
Single installation

1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2

1, 2

One helmsman’s seat – single installation – One helmsman’s seat – single installation –
single lever control twin lever control

Several helmsman’s seats – single installation – Several helmsman’s seats – single installation –
single lever control twin lever control

VP Controls:
Late model NEUTRAL
Color code Position schedule (all wiring diagrams)
BL = Blue 1. Indication lamp
BN = Brown 2. 1-pin switch
GN = Green 3. Position switch
OR = Orange 4. Connector
P = Pink 5. Potentiometer
R = Red 6. 16-pin connection
SB = Black Early model NEUTRAL 7. 2-pin connection (diagnostic connector)
W = White 8. Joint
Y = Yellow

Cable areas = 0.75 mm2.

Control panel Type II
Single installation
KA(M)D44P-B/C, KA(M)D300-A

1 2

Single installation – single lever control Single installation – twin lever control

Color code Position schedule (both wiring diagrams)

BL = Blue 1. Press switch with indication lamp, “Neutral” (green)
BN = Brown 2. Press switch with indication lamp, “Diagnostic” (yellow)
GN = Green 3. Press switch with indication lamp, “Active station” (red)
OR = Orange 4. Connector
P = Pink 5. Potentiometer, throttle opening / gear shift
R = Red 5a. Potentiometer, throttle opening
SB = Black 5b. Potentiometer, gear shift
W = White 6. Neutral position switch
Y = Yellow 7. 8-pin connection (male)
8. 8-pin connection (female)
Cable areas = 0.75 mm2. 9. Joint

Control panel Type II
Twin installation

1, 2 1, 2 1, 2

1, 2 1, 2 1, 2

Several helmsman’s seats – twin installation – single lever control

Several helmsman’s seats – twin installation – twin lever control

VP Controls: Position schedule (both wiring diagrams)

Color code Late model NEUTRAL 1. Indication lamp
BL = Blue 2. Switch
BN = Brown 3. Connector
GN = Green 4. Relay
OR = Orange 5. Position switch
P = Pink 6. Potentiometer
R = Red 7. Connector, Port - Starboard cable kit
SB = Black 8. 2-pin connection (diagnostic connector)
W = White 9. 16-pin connection, Port engine
Y = Yellow Early model NEUTRAL 10. 16-pin connection, Starboard engine
Cable areas = 0.75 mm2.

Control panel Type II
Twin installation
KA(M)D44P-B/C, KA(M)D300-A

2 3 6

1 4 5

Twin installation – single lever control

Twin installation – twin lever control

VP Controls: Position schedule (both wiring diagrams)

Late model NEUTRAL 1. Press switch with indication lamp, “Neutral” – green
Color code 2. Press switch with indication lamp, “Diagnostic” – yellow
BL = Blue 3. Press switch with indication lamp, “Active station” – red
BN = Brown 4. Press switch with indication lamp, “Sync” – blue
GN = Green 5. Press switch with indication lamp, “Neutral” – green
OR = Orange 6. Press switch with indication lamp, “Diagnostic” – yellow
P = Pink 7. Connector
R = Red 8. Connector, Port – Starboard cable kit
SB = Black 9. Relay
W = White Early model NEUTRAL 10. Potentiometer, throttle opening / gear shift
Y = Yellow 10a. Potentiometer, throttle opening
10b. Potentiometer, gear shift
Cable areas = 0.75 mm2. 11. 8-pin connection (male) – Port engine
12. 8-pin connection (female) – Starboard engine
13. Neutral position switch (only mechanically shifted reverse

Color codes, EDC cables
Single installation
Pin numbers are marked on
the connector.

M = Male connection F = Female connection

Color code for 16-pin connection, single installation.

In single installations, all connectors have the same color code
except the engine connector.

Color code
1. R 9. BL/Y
2. VO 10. LBL
3. BL/R 11. LBN
4. R/Y 12. GR
5. BN 13. GR/SB
6. OR 14. BL/W
7. R/GN 15. BN/W
8. BL/SB 16. SB

M MS unit



Color code
BL = Blue
LBL = Light blue
BN = Brown
LBN = Light brown
Y connector
GN = Green
GR = Gray
OR = Orange
Color code for connector, engine M
P = Pink
1. Y/W 9. SB/W
R = Red
2. GN/Y 10. GN/W F SB = Black
3. GN/OR 11. P/W
VO = Violet
4. GN/SB 12. Y
W = White
5. GN/BN 13. BL
Y = Yellow
6. GN 14. BL/R
7. P 15. –
8. W 16. SB

Color codes, EDC cables
Twin installation
Pin numbers are marked
on the connector.

M = Male connection F = Female connection

Color code for 16-pin connection, twin instal-

lation. In twin installations, all connectors
have the same Color code except the con-
nectors for the engine and the port and star-
board controls.

Color code
1. R 9. BL/Y
2. VO 10. LBL
3. BL/R 11. LBN
4. R/Y 12. GR
5. BN 13. GR/SB
6. OR 14. BL/W
7. R/GN 15. BN/W
8. BL/SB 16. SB
MS unit

For MS unit,
port engine
Color code for connec- Color code for connec-
tor, controls for port tor, controls for star-
engine board engine
1. Y/W 9. SB/W 1. Y/W 9. SB/W
2. GN/Y 10. GN/W 2. GN/Y 10. GN/W
3. OR/GN 11. P/W 3. OR/GN 11. P/W
4. GN/SB 12. Y 4. GN/SB 12. SB
5. GN/R 13. BL M M
5. GN/R 13. BL
6. GN 14. BL/R 6. GN 14. BL/R
7. P 15. – 7. P 15. – F F
8. W 16. SB 8. W 16. SB
Color code
BL = Blue
LBL = Light blue
BN = Brown
LBN = Light brown
Y connector GN = Green
GR = Gray
OR = Orange
Color code for connector, engine M P = Pink
1. Y/W 9. SB/W R = Red
2. GN/Y 10. GN/W F SB = Black
3. GN/OR 11. P/W VO = Violet
4. GN/SB 12. Y W = White
5. GN/BN 13. BL Y = Yellow
6. GN 14. BL/R
7. P 15. –
8. W 16. SB Engine

Color codes, EDC cables
KA(M)D44P-B/C, KA(M)D300-A

Twin installation Single installation

6 press buttons port 6 press buttons starboard 3 press buttons

Extension cable*
3, 5, 7, 9 och 11 m
(10, 16.5, 23, 29.5, 36 ft)

Extension cable*
Extension cable
3, 5, 7, 9 och 11 m
3, 5, 7, 9 och 11 m
(10, 16.5, 23, 29.5, 36 ft)
(10, 16.5, 23, 29.5, 36 ft)

MS unit

Serial communication
Y connector

Extension cable*
3, 5, 7, 9 och 11 m
(10, 16.5, 23, 29.5, 36 ft)

Engine F = Female connection

M = Male connection

Color code
BL = Blue P = Pink
LBL = Light blue R = Red
BN = Brown SB = Black
LBN = Light brown VO = Violet
GN = Green W = White
* The extension cable can be reversed Please note that the GR = Gray Y = Yellow
colors will not then be correct. OR = Orange

Electronic controls
Single installation

Control panel
Type II
Control panel
Type I

The 16 pin engine

The 2x8 pin engi-
connector is only
ne connector can
combined with a
be combined with
Type II control
a Type I or Type
II control panel

Electronic controls
Twin installation (control panel Type I)


Port Color code

Y = Yellow
GN = Green
R = Red

Electronic controls
Twin installation (control panel Type II)


Port Color code

Y = Yellow
GN = Green
R = Red

Mechanical twin lever control
Mechanical shifting

Control panel
Control panel Type II
Type I

The 16 pin engine

connector is only The 2x8 pin engi-
combined with a ne connector can
Type II control be combined with
panel a Type I or Type
II control panel

Mechanical twin lever control
Electric shifting

Control panel
Type II
Control panel
Type I

The 16 pin engine The 2x8 pin engi-

connector is only ne connector can
combined with a be combined with
Type II control a Type I or Type
panel II control panel

Report form

Do you have any comments or complaints about this manual? Please take a copy
of this page, write your comments on it and send it to us. The address is at the
bottom. We would appreciate it if you were to write in English or Swedish.

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AB Volvo Penta
Teknisk Information
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SE-405 08 Göteborg
7741576-8 English 11–2001

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