Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Volume Four
• Matthew Engles • Scott Johnson
Credits • MattLG That- • Scott Yates Introduction
Lead Designer: Steve Miller gamerguy • Sean Brooks Curse of Strahd is a wonderful adventure
Writers: Steve Miller, Sven Truckenbrodt • Me-lissa • shawn kuester module. One of its best features dates
• Meto741 • Shen Zhao
back to its original version from the first
Patrons • Nicholas J Hoch-
Stephen Schuldt
edition of Dungeons & Dragons, which is
This guide was made possible through the • Nick olson • Talon ReQuo the randomization of various campaign
generous support of the following patrons. • NoSmallParts • Tamir Kushilevitz elements. This randomization is brought
• Nyadnar#17 • Tim Guinn about by drawing several cards from a
Gold Tier • Pierre Charbon- • Tom Anderson Tarokka Deck (or a normal deck of cards).
• Aaron Dotson • GolfLimaZulu neau • Trenton Mynatt Each card determines the placement of a
• Alex Bishop • Hilthalion • Rookhart • Will Brensdal particular item, and which particular NPC
• Alexander Eh- • Ian DeOrio • Ryan Katcha • Xavier Madison shall become the party’s ally against Strahd
rhardt • Isabella Orozco von Zarovich.
• Amy Moulton • J1
Platinum Tier This guide aims to flesh out the latter
• Andreas Johans- • Jako Kempen • Aaron Tinnin • Monica Jones resource: the NPC allies. There are twenty
son • Jame • Alex Rosalez • Noah Moore allies available in the adventure, and each
• Andrew Baird • Jameson McDaniel • Andy D’Amato • Skyout Dova Wan- can bring something special to the gaming
• Andy M Goldberg • Jason Reese • Brenton Snyder derer table. Within the pages of this guide you will
• Balgur • Jay Woods • Charles • Stephen Sahl find extended information on each of these
• Brandon • Jaycob Boisson- • Cisquatch • Steve Durr
characters in order to help you understand
• Brent L Ross neau • Dash Panther • Tags
their motivations, what it takes to gain their
• Bushwood • Jeffrey Sheldon • Dave Richards • Thomas Stanley,
• Edouard Jallad TheNerdlyKing trust, and suggestions on how to roleplay
• Cameron Flower • Joe Ford
• Chantelle c • Joseph B Gilliam • Fantasy Games & • Thomas van Iersel them.
• Chazzle • JOSEPH ROSS Comics • Tyler Nothing in this guide is gospel, however.
• Chris Morgan • Joseph Trueblood • Greg • Warmaster James You are free to change anything you see fit—
• Davis Herbig • Joshua Stath • HanzelMan add and remove details as you feel necessary.
• Debby • Jul • Haraka Additionally, if you’d prefer your party ally
• Dylan • Julian Gines • John Nathon with an NPC that is not listed here, then go
• edward kalinowski • Justin Scott • Justin Bas- right ahead! It’s your game, and there are no
• Eric • Kyler Christian sett-Green wrong answers.
• Garrett Eidson • Madison • Kevin Brandon
• GHSupermonkey • Matt Niiro • Lars Millahn
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Curse of Strahd, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all
other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Lunch Break Heroes.
● Having a safe haven in Barovia can be
The Mad Mage Earning the Mage’s Trust extremely helpful, even if the location
Broken One (King of Diamonds) Victor beseeches the party to help him with of Mordenkainen’s magnificent mansion
The Mad Mage of Mount Baratok has entered magic. Once they cast greater restoration on cannot be shifted.
Barovian legend barely a year before the him, a glint of recognition lights in his eyes— ● Victor learned much about Strahd. He is
characters arrive. He came out of nowhere he recognizes the characters! And while he likely to recall valuable information, often
and instigated a peasant uprising, but was is not fully restored, he remembers what he in moments of acute danger. He might
forced to retreat to the mountains. Now came back to Barovia to do. He will help them even recall the layout of sections of Castle
trapped in a madness of his own making, he defeat Strahd. Ravenloft, from his previous battle against
needs allies. He even forgot his true identity: Strahd.
he is Victor Vallakovich, come back to Barovia Weals and Woes Just as the Mad Mage’s presence can aid the
from beyond space and time to rid the land There are several possible advantages to party, he might be trouble in some situations:
of Strahd and acquire the mysteries secreted having the Mad Mage in the party:
in the devil’s library. ● Even after restoring Victor’s mind, he
A younger Victor escaped Barovia—but at ● The Mad Mage is a supremely powerful remains a difficult traveling companion.
great cost. He made a pact with the Dark spellcaster. In the module, he does He is constantly on the lookout for arcane
Powers, an act which he grew to regret. not accompany them until the final secrets—particularly dark magic—as he
He became powerful and traveled the showdown, which is disappointing. We tries to find salvation. He would still do
multiverse, but felt more trapped than want to make him a true companion with anything to advance his power, no matter
he had in Barovia. So he came back to the following modifications: the consequences for himself or others.
Barovia—to a time when there was a band (1) Victor uses the stat block of an ● Victor is unpredictable. Occasional
of adventurers who almost succeeded in archmage, but when the party first meets flashes of memory, triggered at random
eliminating Strahd. If he helps them this time him he only has access to spells up to 5th or by encountering places and people
around, they might not perish. Victor knows level, and he only has the number of spell throughout Barovia, can alter his behavior
that only Strahd’s vast library of the dark arts slots available to a 9th level wizard. radically.
could hold the key to escaping his own pact. (2) He can still cast Mordenkainen’s ● Getting Victor restored to a semi-
magnificent mansion, but only to renew it in coherent state of mind requires a greater
The Mage’s Motivation the location where the party finds him. restoration spell. If the party does not
(3) When the party advances to level 10, have access to such magic, they might
Due to his ambitious and haphazard planar and on each higher level, his spell slots need to find someone to cast it for
time travel, as much as his defeat at the expand as if he was leveling in the wizard them, or a scroll (from van Richten, for
hads of Strahd, Victor has lost much of his class. He uses the same modified spell list example).
memory, sense of self, and sanity. However, Mordenkainen uses in the module. ● Victor is extremely hesitant to return to
he is not entirely gone. The desire to Vallaki, where he may run into his past self
eliminate Strahd still burns brightly behind or his family.
his madness. He knows that something
went terribly wrong, and that he needs help
putting the puzzle of his shattered mind back And if I had a thousand years to teach you—
together if he is to see the devil’s end.
you could never comprehend…
Roleplaying The Mad Mage
In many ways, Victor is still the lonely and driven boy discovering magic by himself. His
personality can be described as, in part, a heightened version of that of Victor Vallakovich Personality
presented in this guide. In other ways, he has matured and diverged from that template. All those mages clinging to their
Victor continued to acquire his magical knowledge mostly by himself, with only intermittent formalized magicks and cautious
and brief periods of formal teaching—nobody could get along with him for long, and he disliked traditions… there is great knowledge
being led. Consequently, Victor has grown into an eccentric old mage. He thinks rules are to be gained from the multiverse, and
for the weak-minded and weak-willed, and he respects anyone who shows they can think for it teaches us through practice. I have
themselves. This might gel well with many adventuring parties. been burned worse than most, but I
Contact with many people in the multiverse has matured Victor’s understanding that no man have also learned more than most—
is an island, and he has grown to deeply regret his past transgressions against the servants of his risks are worth taking.
parents’ household and poor Stella Wachter. If he should get any chance to make things right
while he’s back in Barovia, he’ll do it. However, he won’t actively pursue this, as he is deeply Ideal. I will achieve complete
disturbed by the whole experience of coming back home. Everything is familiar, yet not, and understanding of the magicks of the
old memories and bitterness come flooding back to him. He might strenuously argue against multiverse. I know I will.
visiting certain places and people, without even realizing he’s letting his emotions take over. Bond. My pact with the Dark Powers
In particular, he has a distaste for the idea of meeting his past self—he does not wish to be was a mistake. I must find a way to rid
confronted with his sins and with how feeble of mind and understanding he was. myself of it.
Victor knows that messing with the timeline could be dangerous, but he is willing to risk it. Flaw. My wanton ambition will be my
He does not know how exactly the party failed last time, but he discusses the possibilities with destruction.
an academic cheer—including the rather unsettling idea that him having come back has set in
motion the events that will inevitably lead to their failure.
Ismark Kolyanovich Weals and Woes Just as Ismark’s presence can aid the party, he
might be trouble in some situations:
Executioner (Jack of Spades) There are several possible advantages to
● Getting Ireena to safety can be a rather
Ismark is likely one of the first friendly having Ismark in the party:
lengthy quest, and is one of the longer
faces newcomers to the village of Barovia ● With a veteran stat block, Ismark is a solid, missions to earn an ally’s trust. This is
encounter, as he spends much of his if not exceptional, fighter. Especially in somewhat offset by the fact that the group
time in the Blood of the Vine tavern. He the early phases of the adventure, he is is likely going in the same direction as
is usually looking to share a drink and a likely to be a considerable boost to the Ismark and Ireena anyways, at least for the
laugh, especially with newcomers, but party’s fighting power, and he is the first early sections of the adventure. However,
he is currently more somber than usual. possible ally most groups meet. This where Ireena can be considered “safe” is
His father, Kolyan Indirovich, is the late makes him immensely valuable in keeping difficult to predict and the mission might
burgomaster of the village of Barovia and them alive early in the adventure, and it feel like it drags on, to some players. Use
died from a heart attack some nights ago. will hit the party less hard if they misjudge this guide, both for Ismark and Ireena, to
Strahd’s minions assault the burgomaster’s any danger. make them interesting travel companions!
mansion and Strahd himself has his eye on ● While Ismark would rather chop off his ● Ismark is not exactly a fool, but the party
Ismark’s sister Ireena—all that’s on his mind sword hand than follow in his father’s shouldn’t look to him for any inspired
now is to get her to safety somewhere. footsteps and go into politics, he is the tactics. He is driven more by his emotions
natural successor to his father’s office as than reason, especially when his sister is
Ismark’s Motivation burgomaster of the village of Barovia. If threatened. He might do some truly stupid
Strahd has lorded over Barovia for as long the party can convince him to use this fact, things, potentially even endangering the
as Ismark has been alive. He saw the people he can wield some considerable power in party, if he feels it’s necessary to protect
suffer or even go through their lives as negotiating with other nobles in Barovia. his sister. This can happen, especially, in
soulless shells—and Ismark could do nothing. Most commoners in the village of Barovia tense or surprising situations where he is
Strahd has lusted after Ismark’s sister, will simply do as he says. In time, he driven to make a snap decision.
Ireena—and Ismark could do nothing. Strahd might even properly grow into the role—
has sent his minions, which his father’s old although he won’t pursue that path unless
heart could not bear—and Ismark could pushed.
do nothing. He will jump at any chance to
help bring Strahd down, if given half an