Ravenloft Gazetteer Nightmare Court

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Web of Dreams
Prologue: Each member of the Nightmare Court contributes
to maintaining the Web of Dreams, an immaterial

Lullabies and network that span the entire material plane. The
web touches on every world in existence, and
draws nightmares to it like moths to a flame. Any

creature that dreams of horror risks the attention
of the Court, who manifest in those dreams to
drive them to ever greater heights of misery.
Particularly terrible dreams might inspire members
of the Court to spirit the dreamer away in truth,
When you lie awake at night, heart pounding
vanishing their astral form into the Nightmare
in your chest. When you withe in the grip of an Lands forever. The Court are unable to affect the
unbreakable dream. When you sit with the light physical world except through the Web of Dreams.
on, waiting for the shadows to pass. These are
Walking the Web. A character that casts the
all the gifts of a single creature of myriad forms. Dream spell becomes a potential target for the Web
Once, I resisted his blessings, but now I have come of Dreams, regardless of the nature of the dream
to see them for what they are - a mercy. You see, they intend to impose on the target. A character
casting the Dream spell, Project Image or Astral
he showed me what I have long suspected in the Projecting whilst touching the body of a creature
depths of my heart - the waking world is a lie, trapped in the Web of Dreams can enter the tainted
dream in their astral form.
Other abilities that are particularly vulnerable to
Who are the Nightmare Court? being dragged into the Web of Dreams include the
Night Hag’s haunting ability, etc.
The Nightmare Court are reflections of a sinister
entity at the heart of the Nightmare Lands, a
domain of dread that holds mastery over the
The Nightmare Lands
sleeping terrors of mortals. Each member of the There is speculation that beyond the Web of
court influences and beguiles dreamers with a Dreams lies a land of strange sights and stranger
particular kind of terror. Immortal, ineffable, sounds where the Nightmare Court make their
inscrutable - these eternal horrors have plagued lair. If so, none have ever seen it and returned
the night hours of mortals longer than anyone still alive. To enter such a place would be to surrender
living can attest to. your sanity to the dream, and ascend to a new,
higher form of being. Scholars on the subject
All members of the Nightmare Court possess the have long debated whether the Nightmare Court
following trait. are remnants of those foolish enough to tread the
Dreamwalker. The Dreamwalker is aware of the paths of these ‘Nightmare Lands’, but the veracity
presence of creatures that are asleep and ensnared of this is unknown.
by the Web of Dreams. It knows what the creature
is dreaming about, and its name, but can’t sense Foils and Folklore
anything else about it. A creature protected by a
mind blank spell, a nondetection spell, or similar The immortal spirits of the Nightmare Court
magic can’t be perceived in this manner. The have terrorized the mortal world for centuries
dreamwalker can enter the dream of any creature uncountable. Those who delve into scarce texts
it can sense with this ability, turning it into a that mention the Court may find that those
Dreamscape on entering. works speak of traditional ways to ward off the

Salt en’circled, sacred line

Keep me safe, both me and mine
Iron breaks and iron binds
Touching burns and bites and blinds
Last the name of horrors say
Drive it hence, faerie away!

effects they wish, though they often choose to
Dreamscapes stay within their areas of interest. Manifesta-
A creature who has their dreams disturbed by tions do not affect members of the Court, or
the Nightmare Court is in for a rough night. Each their creatures under their command, unless
member of the court is able to transform normal they wish it.
dreams into semi-real Dreamscapes. Dreamscapes • A creature trapped in a Dreamscape acts normal-
are a part of the Web of Dreams, and follow several ly, and takes damage as they would if they were
general rules. awake. A creature reduced to 0 hit points in the
• A sleeper trapped in a Dreamscape is unable to be dream awakens with a level of exhaustion.
roused conventionally until the dreamscape has • Any effect that allows a being to move between
resolved. planes, if used, awakens the dreamer immedi-
• Elves and Half-Elves in Trance cannot be unwill- ately. A creature can also use plane shift, gate
ingly pulled into a Dreamscape, but feel the pull or similar magic to enter a dream
as a summons they may choose to answer. • Spells such as astral projection, dream and send-
• A member of the Nightmare Court decides when ing can be used to contact a creature inside a
the Dreamscape ends, allowing the dreamer’s dreamscape.
astral form to return to the waking world. • Enchantments and other magic used to affect a
• A dreamer is tethered to their sleeping form by creature’s mind do not affect that creature in
a silvery cord that extends from between their the waking world unless the ability says other-
shoulder blades and trails behind them, fading wise
to invisibility after 1 foot. This cord is their teth- • A creature can use an action to make an Charis-
er to their material body. As long as the tether ma check to alter a nonmagical object that isn’t
remains intact, they can find your way home. If being worn or carried. The same rules for dis-
the cord is cut--something that can happen only tance apply, and the DC is based on the object’s
when an effect specifically states that it does- size: DC 10 for Tiny, DC 15 for Small, DC 20
soul and body are separated, killing the affected for Medium, and DC 25 for Large or larger. On
creature instantly. a success, the creature changes the object into
• When a member of the Nightmare Court turns a another nonliving form of the same size, such as
dream into a Dreamscape by entering it, they turning a boulder into a ball of fire. The Night-
can add two minor effects and one major ef- mare Court automatically succeed on any such
fect to it from the Nightmare Manifestation list check.
below. Each kind of manifestation is associated • Creatures appear in a Dreamscape with dream
with a particular member of the Court. Mem- versions of the items they were carrying when
bers of the court can pick and choose whichever they went to sleep.

Nightmare Manifestation
Associated With Minor Effect Major Effect

Trance Hypnos The character’s body murmurs in its Whilst the character dreams, their
sleep, spilling out secrets, lies or other body gets up and obeys a single
hurtful utterances suggestion made by Hypnos
Transmogrificate Morpheus The character suffers degrading The character’s astral form is
cosmetic changes to their body, polymorphed into a beast for the
equipment or hair. duration of the dream
Masquerade The Ghost Dancer Creatures trapped in the dream are Everyone in the dream acts and sings
not aware they are dreaming. out their actions in lengthy, well-
orchestrated scenes
Forked Tongues The Rainbow Creatures have disadvantage on The character has disadvantage
Serpent Wisdom (Insight) checks on saving throws against mind-
influencing magic
Mastery of the The Nightmare Man Creatures do not remember the Damage dealt to the character in the
Dream dream when they wake dream affects their sleeping body

Witching Hour Mullonga All terrain is Difficult Terrain, seeming Plane-shifting abilities cannot be
to trip, confuse and confound those used to exit the dream.
within it

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The rabbit-headed master of change and mutability,
Morpheus preys on those who are at the brink
of some great evolution or discovery. Perhaps an
artists completing their life’s work or a Wizard on
the brink of some great discovery. Morpheus loves
nothing more than terrorizing any such victim into
the worst possible choice, by sending them vivid
nightmares of lurid landscapes, abstract horrors
and non-euclidean nonsense. Each morning, the
dreamer awakes frightened and confused at the
strange things they’ve seen, eventually succumbing
to their stress and breaking down. Of all the
Nightmare Court, Morpheus uses the power to
alter terrain with the most creativity. Soaring skies
filled with shimmering rainbows of teeth. Voids
whispering with unknown fingers of those you love.
A stairwell that extends infinitely in either direction,
trapped in an escher-like fugue.
To meet Morpheus is to know the capricious
whimsy of a creature older than the concepts of
space, time and reality. Morpheus yearns for a
return to those times, when matter and meaning
melded into one under ever-changing stars. It is
attracted to dreamers, creatives and others whose
mental energies shine brightly in the Web of
Dreams. Once it finds a victim, Morpheus harasses
them endlessly, drinking in deeply from their

Morpheus Discorporation. If Morpheus is reduced to 0 hit

points, he vanishes, reappearing in the Web of
Medium fey, chaotic neutral Dreams in 1d4 days.

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Faerie Weaknesses. Morpheus has the following
Hit Points 127 (17d8 + 51) flaws:
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. • Morpheus is Frightened of any creature that
calls him by his name, bypassing his immunity to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the condition
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) • Morpheus cannot enter the dream of a creature
protected by an unbroken circle of salt
Saving Throws DEX +7, WIS +4 • Morpheus takes 20 psychic damage if it ends its
Skills Acrobatics +7, Sleight of Hand +7 turn touching iron.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Fright-
ened Innate Spellcasting. Morpheus’ innate spellcasting
Senses Passive Perception 10 ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16). It can innately
Languages All cast the following spells, requiring no components:
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
At will: polymorph, fabricate, creation, passwall
Twisting Step (Recharge 4–6). As a bonus action,
Morpheus can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccu- 3/day each: mass polymorph, mirage arcane
pied space it can see. 1/day each: true polymorph, time stop

Dreamwalker. Morpheus is aware of the presence of

creatures that are asleep and ensnared by the Web
of Dreams. It knows what the creature is dreaming Hoof. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
about, and its name, but can’t sense anything else target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage
about it. A creature protected by a mind blank spell,
a nondetection spell, or similar magic can’t be per-
ceived in this manner. Morpheus can enter or leave
the dream of any creature it can sense with this
ability, turning it into a Dreamscape on entering.

The Ghost Dancer
The ticking of clockwork and the whirl of the
dance haunt the dreams of those visited by the
Ghost Dancer. Porcelain eyes stained black with
ichorous tears, she dances the night away, weaving
a dramatic dreamscape that survivors sometimes
describe as an ethereal ballet replete with majestic
orchestration. Within the bounds of the ballet,
actors must twirl and leap their way throughout the
grisly scenes put before them. The Ghost Dancer is
drawn to those who nurse guilt, mocking them with
their feeble remorse, and creating a horrible ballet
which always ends in tragedy. The Dancer rarely
works in anything so direct as violence, preferring
to act through oblique metaphor. A character who
bears guilt over the loss of a child, for instance,
might find themselves in a mysterious sequence,
such as one in which they chase faster and faster
after a basket downriver, which they eventually find
to be a bloody cradle. The Dancer is roused to anger
when outside forces interfere with her intricately
arranged dream tableaus and only then does she
willingly intervene, to protect the integrity of the
The Ghost Dancer visits her victims until they
resolve the source of their guilt in the waking world,
or until they perish.

The Ghost Dancer on entering.

Discorporation. If The Ghost Dancer is reduced to 0
Medium fey, chaotic neutral hit points, she vanishes, reappearing in the Web of
Dreams in 1d4 days.
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Hit Points 127 (17d8 + 51) Faerie Weaknesses. The Ghost Dancer has the fol-
Speed 45ft. lowing flaws:
• The Ghost Dancer is Frightened of any creature
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA that calls her by her name, bypassing her immu-
8 (-1) 21 (+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) nity to the condition
• The Ghost Dancer cannot enter the dream of a
Saving Throws CON +4, WIS +5 creature protected by an unbroken circle of salt
Skills Acrobatics +9, Performance +8 • The Ghost Dancer takes 20 psychic damage if it
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Fright- ends its turn touching iron.
Senses Passive Perception 11 Innate Spellcasting. The Ghost Dancer’s innate
Languages Understands all, cannot speak spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16). It
Challenge 8 (5,900 XP) can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
Wandering Steps. If the Ghost Dancer moves more
than 10 feet on her turn, she turns invisible and re- At will: enthrall, eyebite, mislead
mains so until she next moves or casts a spell.
3/day each: otto’s irresistible dance, compulsion
Dreamwalker. The Ghost Dancer is aware of the 1/day each: dominate monster
presence of creatures that are asleep and ensnared
by the Web of Dreams. It knows what the creature is
dreaming about, and its name, but can’t sense any-
thing else about it. A creature protected by a mind Inconvenient Foot. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
blank spell, a nondetection spell, or similar magic reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning
can’t be perceived in this manner. The Ghost Dancer damage.
can enter or leave the dream of any creature it can
sense with this ability, turning it into a Dreamscape

An erudite looking elven gentleman with a fancy
hat and a waistcoat, Hypnos appears the very
soul of respectability. His dreamscapes are always
the same - a psychotherapist’s lounge, replete
with couch, books and other antique decor. The
room has a single door, and exiting through the
door leaves the dreamscape. Hypnos is patient,
and calmly offers the victim advice whenever they
appear in the dreamscape - if the patient chooses
to leave, Hypnos lets them. He continues to wait,
patiently, night after night, until the victim stays
out of curiosity, or for any other reason. At this
point, Hypnos begins to corrupt them with his
honeyed suggestions, slowly dragging them down
into a mire of confusion, self-pity, and self-hatred.
He considers his work done when the victim dies.
He frequently implants suggestions into his patients
heads, which trigger during their waking hours and
serve to prove some hidden point the next time the
victim visits Hypnos in their sleep.
Hypnos seeks out dreams filled with anxiety
or confusion, looking for the vulnerable he can
manipulate into even greater disasters (ensuring he
can feed off them again and again as time goes on).
Hypnos ends his ‘sessions’ early if they degrade into
violence, but he isn’t angry - just disappointed. He
returns the next evening to revisit the topic.

Hypnos Discorporation. If Hypnos is reduced to 0 hit points,

Medium fey, chaotic neutral he vanishes, reappearing in the Web of Dreams in
1d4 days.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 127 (17d8 + 51) Faerie Weaknesses. Hypnos has the following flaws:
Speed 30ft. • Hypnos is Frightened of any creature that calls
him by him name, bypassing him immunity to the
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 21 (+6) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) • Hypnos cannot enter the dream of a creature
protected by an unbroken circle of salt
Saving Throws DEX +5, WIS +7 • Hypnos takes 20 psychic damage if it ends its
Skills Insight +7, Deception +9 turn touching iron.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Fright-
ened Innate Spellcasting. Hypnos’s innate spellcasting
Senses Passive Perception 13 ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17). It can innately
Languages all cast the following spells, requiring no components:
Challenge 6 (5,900 XP)
At will: suggestion, detect thoughts
Diplomatic Immunity. Enchantments cast by Hypnos
on creatures in a dreamscape affect those creatures 3/day each: geas, hypnotic pattern, calm emotions
in the waking world. 1/day each: modify memory, feeblemind

Dreamwalker. Hypnos is aware of the presence of

creatures that are asleep and ensnared by the Web
of Dreams. It knows what the creature is dreaming Misgiving Slap. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
about, and its name, but can’t sense anything else reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.
about it. A creature protected by a mind blank spell,
a nondetection spell, or similar magic can’t be per-
ceived in this manner. Hypnos can enter or leave the
dream of any creature it can sense with this ability,
turning it into a Dreamscape on entering.

The Rainbow Serpent
Almost a myth among the Court, the Rainbow
Serpent is without a doubt the most subtle in her
workings. She slithers into the dreams of those who
harbor paranoia, and works to widen the cracks
by whispering dark suspicions into their ears. The
Rainbow Serpent is perhaps the weakest of the
court in combat, but the hardest to pin down, as
victims are seldom aware of her presence until it
is far too late. She often appears as a close friend
or confidant to dreamers, using the implicit trust
of such a relationship to bypass suspicions. The
rainbow serpent keeps her dreamscapes as close
to the waking world as possible, to try and instill
a sense of normality in her victims, whilst she
poisons them with her rumours.
The Rainbow Serpent chooses her victims very
carefully, targeting those who are experiencing a
great strife of difficulty in their personal relations.
These are the victims she finds easiest to break -
when the targets inevitably succumbs to her lies
and engages in a disastrous break of relations with
their friends, family or loved ones, this provides the
Rainbow Serpent with a rush of emotion she craves,
Once the Rainbow Serpent has achieved this,
she leaves to find new, fresher meals to consume,
leaving woe and discord behind her.

The Rainbow Serpent on entering.

Small fey, neutral evil Discorporation. If Rainbow Serpent is reduced to 0

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) hit points, she vanishes, reappearing in the Web of
Hit Points 51 (6d10 + 18) Dreams in 1d4 days.
Speed 30ft. fly 120ft.
Faerie Weaknesses. Rainbow Serpent has the follow-
4 (-3) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 24 (+7) • Rainbow Serpent is Frightened of any creature
that calls her by her name, bypassing her immu-
Saving Throws CON +4, INT +4 nity to the condition
Skills Insight +9, Deception +15, Persuasion +15 • Rainbow Serpent cannot enter the dream of a
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Fright- creature protected by an unbroken circle of salt
ened • Rainbow Serpent takes 20 psychic damage if it
Senses Passive Perception 11 ends its turn touching iron.
Languages all
Challenge 4 (5,900 XP) Innate Spellcasting. Rainbow Serpent’s innate
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17). It
Iridescent Falsehood The Rainbow Serpent is im- can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
mune to any effect that would sense its emotions or components:
read its thoughts, as well as any divination spell that
it refuses. At will: friends

Dreamwalker. Rainbow Serpent is aware of the 3/day each: sympathy/antipathy, feeblemind

presence of creatures that are asleep and ensnared 1/day each: glibness
by the Web of Dreams. It knows what the creature is
dreaming about, and its name, but can’t sense any-
thing else about it. A creature protected by a mind
blank spell, a nondetection spell, or similar magic Truth Serum. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
can’t be perceived in this manner. Rainbow Serpent 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage and the
can enter or leave the dream of any creature it can target is poisoned for 1 minute. Whilst poisoned, the
sense with this ability, turning it into a Dreamscape target cannot knowingly tell a lie.

Perhaps the least original, but the widest ranging
of the Nightmare Court, Mullonga seeks those with
deep phobias. A hideous crone, she delights in the
harrowing of arachnaphobes with hordes of spiders,
or placing those afraid of heights on the edge of a
rooftop in a storm. Her nightmares usually take the
form of a chase, with the victim fleeing the source
of their fear down a long tunnel or up a staircase.
Each night, the monsters get a little closer, and the
victim becomes less and less willing to sleep.
Undoubtedly the least subtle of the court, Mullonga
wields fear as a mason might swing a hammer.
There is little art to her work compared to the
spiderlike intrigues of the rest of the Nightmare
Court, but she derives as much satisfaction from
her methods as the others, and her way is perhaps
more horrible than the others combined.
Mullonga’s criteria for choosing a victim is blissfully
simple - when a dreamer exhibiting a powerful
phobia touches the Web of Dreams, it sends
tremors down the strands. Mullonga seeks these
out with glee, scuttling down to invoke her hideous
magic to escalate the dream into a full fledged
nightmare. The terror begotten by this is sweet
ambrosia to Mullonga, who will stay with the same
victim for nights on end, until the dreams begin to
lose their savor.

Mullonga Discorporation. If Mullonga is reduced to 0 hit

points, she vanishes, reappearing in the Web of
Medium fey, chaotic evil Dreams in 1d4 days.

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Faerie Weaknesses. Mullonga has the following
Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45) flaws:
Speed 30ft. • Mullonga is Frightened of any creature that calls
her by her name, bypassing her immunity to the
18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) • Mullonga cannot enter the dream of a creature
protected by an unbroken circle of salt
Skills Deception +7, Insight +6, Perception +6, • Mullonga takes 20 psychic damage if it ends its
Stealth +6 turn touching iron.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Fright-
ened Innate Spellcasting. Mullonga’s innate spellcasting
Senses Passive Perception 16 ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14). It can innately
Languages all cast the following spells, requiring no components:
Challenge 5 (5,900 XP)
At will: conjure fey, major image
The Smell of Fear. Mullonga knows the direction and
distance to any creature in her Dreamscape. 3/day each: illusory dragon, fear
1/day each: weird
Dreamwalker. Mullonga is aware of the presence of
creatures that are asleep and ensnared by the Web
of Dreams. It knows what the creature is dreaming
about, and its name, but can’t sense anything else Multiattack. Mullonga makes three attacks with her
about it. A creature protected by a mind blank spell, Jagged Fingernails.
a nondetection spell, or similar magic can’t be per-
ceived in this manner. Mullonga can enter or leave Jagged Fingernails. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to
the dream of any creature it can sense with this hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing
ability, turning it into a Dreamscape on entering. damage.

The Nightmare Man The Nightmare Man can enter or leave the dream
of any creature it can sense with this ability, turn-
The Nightmare Man, thought to be the leader of ing it into a Dreamscape on entering.
the Court (though there is little evidence for this
other than the raving of dream-plagued lunatics) Discorporation. If The Nightmare Man is reduced
appears seldom. A lithe figure robed in a heavy cow, to 0 hit points, he vanishes, reappearing in the
he is instantly recognizable from the ever shifting Web of Dreams in 1d4 days.
mass of spiders that crawl in and out from under
his robes. These spiders are dreamweaver spiders, Legendary Resistance (3/day). If The Nightmare
which allow the Nightmare Man to manifest an Man fails a saving throw, he can choose to suc-
array of powers far exceeding the capabilities of his ceed instead.
peers. He rarely takes an active part in nightmares,
preferring instead to watch the dreamer struggle Magic Resistance. The Nightmare Man has advan-
from afar. Alone amongst his avatars, the Nightmare tage on saving throws against spells and other
Man retains the ability to craft Night Terrors, magical effects.
shards of shattered dreams that sift into the waking
world like sand through his fingers, and the ability Faerie Weaknesses. The Nightmare Man has the
to conjure dreamfire, an unholy weapon with the following flaws:
ability to destroy astral forms, killing the dreamer. • The Nightmare Man is Frightened of any crea-
The Nightmare Man never speaks, nor does he ture that calls him by his name, bypassing his
acknowledge the pleas or cries of his mortal prey. immunity to the condition
The Nightmare Man seeks out those dreams that • The Nightmare Man cannot enter the dream
resonate particularly strongly with grief, pain or of a creature protected by an unbroken circle
fear. The Nightmare Man has been known to display of salt
the abilities of all other members of the court, and • The Nightmare Man takes 20 psychic damage
there are fears that there are powers he has yet to if it ends its turn touching iron.
Innate Spellcasting. The Nightmare Man’s innate
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 26).
The Nightmare Man It can innately cast the following spells, requiring
Medium fey, chaotic evil no components:

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) At will: fear, phantasmal killer

Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54) 3/day each: weird, mental prison, psychic scream
Speed 30ft.
1/day each: invulnerability, time stop
1 (-5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 26 (+6) 27 (+6) 30 (+10)
Dreamweaver Spiders. Melee Weapon Attack: +8
Saving Throws DEX +8, CON +8, WIS +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) psychic
Skills Intimidation +18, Insight +14 damage. This is a magic weapon attack. On a crit-
Damage Resistances Cold, Lightning, Necrotic ical hit against a target in an astral body (as with
Damage Immunities Poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing, the astral projection spell), the Nightmare Man
and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks can cut the silvery cord that tethers the target to
Condition Immunities Charmed, Deafened, Exhaus- its material body, instead of dealing damage.
tion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned,
Prone, Stunned Dreamfire. Ranged Spell Attack: +18 to hit, reach
Senses Truesight 120ft., passive perception 16 30ft., one target. Hit: 12d6 fire damage. If this
Languages all attack hits a creature trapped in a Dreamscape,
Challenge 19 the damage affects their sleeping body in the
real world as well as their astral form. A creature
Nightmares Made Flesh. Creatures cannot be reduced to 0 hit points by Dreamfire is destroyed
immune to Frightened conditions generated by the utterly, leaving only ashes behind.
Nightmare Man. Creatures that can see the Night-
mare Man are frightened of it.

Dreamwalker. Mullonga is aware of the presence of

creatures that are asleep and ensnared by the Web
of Dreams. It knows what the creature is dreaming
about, and its name, but can’t sense anything else
about it. A creature protected by a mind blank
spell, a nondetection spell, or similar magic can’t be
perceived in this manner.

Legendary Actions
The Nightmare Man can take 3 legendary actions,
choosing from the options below. Only one legend-
ary action option can be used at a time and only at
the end of another creature’s turn. The Nightmare
Man regains spent legendary actions at the start
of its turn.
Teleport. The Nightmare Man magically teleports,
along with any equipment they are wearing or
carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space
they can see.
Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). The Nightmare Man
casts one of the spells from his Innate Spellcasting
Horror Unbound (Costs 3 Actions). The Nightmare
Man takes off his hood, briefly revealing his true
form. All creatures that can see him must succeed
on a DC26 wisdom saving throw or gain a Short
Term Madness trait until the end of their next

Lair Actions
Whilst The Nightmare Man is in a Dreamscape,
they can take lair actions as long as they aren’t
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), The
Nightmare Man can take one of the following lair
action options, or forgo using any of them in that
• The Nightmare Man conjures a night terror
which obeys his unspoken commands. Night
terrors have the statistics of maw demons, but
are fey creatures.
• The Dreamscape changes entirely in scenery and
tone. Creatures cannot be placed in immediate
harm by the use of this ability, and remain the
same distance relative to each other.
• The Nightmare Man can move through terrain
and gains a fly speed of 120ft until initiative
count 20 of the next round.


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