Act 1

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Rheeanne Mae S.


Based on the diagram that was provided, nurses have its own roles and
responsibilities these are Educator, Advocate, Manager, Collaborator, Leader,
Researcher and Care provider.
Nurse as an educator these are nurses who teaches and prepares licensed
practical nurses and registered nurses for entry into practice positions. Nurse as an
advocator this are nurses who works on behalf of patients to maintain quality of
care and protect patients' rights. Nurse as a manager they are nurses who are
responsible for supervising nursing staff in a hospital or clinical setting. Nurses
collaborate with patients, significant others, families, other nurses and other
healthcare providers to solve patient care problems and to provide the optimal
quality level of care to the patient or group of patients. Nurse leaders make hiring
and firing decisions. They also organize staff training, foster professional
development, and prepare budgets. Nurse researchers are scientists who study
various aspects of health, illness and health care. And lastly, nurse as a care
provider a nurse is a caregiver for patients and helps to manage physical needs,
prevent illness, and treat health conditions.
All of these seven are the roles and responsibilities of a nurses and must be

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