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Health Teaching Plan

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Seminar program about smoking and alcoholism

Name of Client: Mr. P

Nursing Diagnosis:

Setting: Hospital

General Objective: After 30 minutes of health teaching, client will be able to understand the effects of alcoholism and smoking abuse .

Learning Objectives Content Teaching Strategies Time allotted Resources Evaluation

After health
education, client will
be able to:  Smoking cessation means abstaining  Lecture  6 minutes  Pen,  What is alcoholism
 Define from cigarettes and/or other  Discussion Cartolina, and smoking?
alcoholism tobacco products for at least 6 Tape,
and smoking months, but preferably for a year. Pictures
in your own an addiction to the consumption of
words. alcoholic liquor or the mental illness
and compulsive behavior resulting
from alcohol dependency.

 Identify the  Some of the effects are liver cancer,  Lecture  8 minutes  Pen,  What are the diseases
diseases of cancers in mouth and throat, Discussion Cartolina, of smoking and
smoking and genetic factors, cardiovascular Tape, alcoholism?
alcoholism. disease and strong cravings or Pictures
mutual craving.
 Describe the  Lecture  8 minutes  Pen,  What are the
treatment  One of the treatment options are Discussion Cartolina, treatment options for
options for detox, see a therapist or a Tape, smoking and
smoking and counselor, and medications as Pictures alcoholism?
alcoholism. prescribed by the physician.

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