124DSL-055306Draft Seniority List of RPFC-I

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No.HRM-I/RPFC-I Seniority/201Y\ '-\ o h5 Date: 1 5 NOV zo1s·


Subject: Draft Seniority List of Regional P.F Commissioners, Gr. I in Level 12 of Pay
Matrix (pre revised PB-3 of Rs. 15600-39100/- Grade Pay Rs. 7600/-) as on
01.10.2018- regarding.

A draft Seniority List in respect of Regional P.F Commissioners, Gr. I in Level 12 of Pay
Matrix (pre revised PB-3 of Rs. 15600-39100/- Grade Pay Rs. 7600/-) as on 01.10.2018 is circulated
for information of all concerned.

2. The Seniority of officers at S.No. 1 to 138 has already been finalized vide Office Order No.
HRM-I/RPFC-I Seniority/2016/8509 dated 31.07.2017 except the name of officers at S.N
45,53,70,93,99,120,134, which have been included in this list after their promotion. The officers from
S.No. 139 may submit the representation through proper channel for consideration within one month
from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum. Any correction in respect of date of birth,
education qualifications etc. may be brought to the notice of HRM Division.

If no objections are received within the stipulated time the draft seniority list will be notified
as final.

3. Receipt of this Memorandum may please be acknowledged.

(Sanjay Bisht)
Regional P.F Commissioner-I (HRM)
All concerned officers
(Through concerned Addi. CPFC (ASD)/Addl. CPFC(Zone)/RPFC, In Charge)

Copy to: (Through EPFO website)

1. Addi. CPFC (ASD),Head Office and Addi. CPFCs in the Zones.

2. Director(NATRSS)
4. Chief Vigilance Officer
5. Chief Engineer
6. All Officers in charge of Regional Offices, Incl. RPFC (ASD)
7. All Dy. Dir.(Vig.)/Zonal Audit Parties/Zonal Training Institutes
8. RPFC(NDC) for web upload.
9. PS to Central Provident Fund Commissioner ~
10. PS to Addi. CPFC(HQ)(HR)
11. ACR/GIS Section, Head Office s 1\ ~
(Sanjay Bisht)
Regional P.F Commissioner-I (HRM)
Statement showing seniority list of RPFC, GR. I in Level 12 of Pay Matrix ( in the Pay
Band of Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay Rs. 7600/-) AS ON 01.10.2018.

SI. Name oftbe Educational Date of Wheth Date of Remarks if

No. Officer S/Shri Qualification Birth er appointment any
belongs on regular
to basis
or say
I. Pradeep Kumar BA Hons l l-Jul-66 Neither 30.12.2009
2. S.Durga Prasad M.Phil 02-Jun-65 SC 22.07.2011
3. Ms. Vaishali B.Sc 12-Jul-71 Neither 08 .02.2013
4. Maneesh B.E, MBA 30-Jan-70 Neither 08.02.2013
5. Ch. Sri Sanjay MA Ol-Apr-66 Neither 08.02.2013
Mishra (Economics)
6. V.Rangnath BA I 0-Dec -65 Neither 08.02.2013
7. Samarendra MA, Export 22-0ct-64 Neither 08 .02.20 13
Kumar Marketing,
LLB, Advance
8. MSKVV M.Phil 2 l-Apr-66 Neither 08.02.2013
9. Uday Baxi B.Sc (Hons), 21-Dec-69 Neither 08.02.2013
Certificate in
10. Pankaj Raman MA 25-Feb-72 Neither 16.04.2013
11. Rajib MA 05-Nov-70 Neither 16.04.20 13
12. Arif Lohani B.Sc 20-May-70 Neither 16.04.2013
13 . Maruti Bhoyi MA (Pol. 22-Jul-62 SC 16.04.2013
Science), MA
( Sociology),
LLB (Spl), B.Ed
14. Ms. Sarojini Rane M.Sc 25-Dec-66 Neither 16.04.2013
15. P.Rajasekhar B.Sc, LLB I O-Aug-68 Neither 16.04.2013 On
Reddy deputation
16. Sanjay Kumar M.Phil 15-Sep-68 Neither 16.05.20 13
17. Rajeev Bisht B.Sc 01-Sep-72 Neither 16.05.2013
18. Ashoka Kumar M.Com, Ph.D, 23-Jun-59 Neither 01.08.2013
Singh LLB, DPM
19. Animesh Mishra M.Tech 25-Apr-69 Neither 01.08.2013
20. Mukesh Kumar MA 18-Sep-7 I Neither 02.09.2013
SI. Name of the Educational Date of Wheth Date of Remarks if
No. Officer S/Shri Qualification Birth er appointment any
belongs on regular
to basis
or say
21. Sunil Kumar MA 10-May-70 SC 04.12.2013
22. E.S.Sanjeeva Rao MA(Lit.), MA 26-Aug-60 SC 31.12.2013
23. Ajay Kumar BA 11-Mar-69 SC 31.12.2013

24. B.Lalzamang MA 2 I-Jul-68 ST 01.01.2014

25. Rabindra Sama! MA, PGDIR 05-Jan-62 Neither 22.06.2015
26. Vipin Kumar M.Sc 01-0ct-68 Neither 22.06.2015
27. Smt. Apraj ita B.Com,MA(Soc I I -Oct-75 Neither 22.06.2015
Jaggi iology), Fill ,
28. Sanjay Bisht B.Sc, LLB, Dip. 08-Dec.-65 Neither 22.06.2015
Computer Prog.
29. Shishir Kant Jha MA 14-Dec-68 Neither 22.06.2015
30. P.Hangsing BA 0 I-Sep-65 ST 23.06.2015
3 I. Ajeet Kumar MA 04-Apr-73 Neither 23.06.2015
32. Gazala Ali Khan B.Sc 03-Aug-73 Neither 22.06.2015
33. Dharmendra MA, M.Phil 06-Nov-70 Neither 22.06.2015
Kumar Singh
34. Sudeepta Ghosh BA 21-Mar-71 Neither 23.06.2015
35. P.B.Verma MA, LLB 13-Nov-71 Neither 23.06.2015
36. Saurabh Jagati MBA I 8-Aug-72 Neither 01.09.2015
37. Suraj Sharma B.Sc (Hons) 13-May-74 Neither 0I.I0.2015
38. Awadesh Kumar B.Sc (Hons) OI-Jan-66 Neither 06.10.2015
39. B.Andrew Prabhu B.Sc 03-Sep-68 Neither 18.03.2016
40. Jay Kumar BA (Hons) 31-Jan-71 Neither 18.03.2016
41. Salil Sankar LLB 02-May-71 Neither 18.03.2016
42. Julian Tobias Degree(Hons) 28-Jul-72 Neither 13.12.2016 On
43. Gautam B.Sc, PGDM 15-Jul-74 Neither 02.12.2016
44. M.M.Ashraf PG 15-Jul-74 Neither 06.03.2017
45. Amit Vashist B.Sc, MBA, 06-Jun-75 Neither 09.03.2017
46. Subrata Kumar MBA 2 I-Sep-65 Neither 09.03.2017
47. Navendu Rai MA 07-Sep-71 Neither 23.03.2017

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SI. Name of the Educational Date of Wheth Date of Remarks if
No. Officer S/Shri Qualification Birth er appointment any
belongs on regular
to basis
or say
48. Jaideep BA (Hons) 02-Dec-72 Neither 24.03.2017
49. Ms.Swagata Rai B.Sc(Hons. 23-Dec-73 Neither 31.03.2017
50. N. Gopalakrishnan MA 20-Apr-75 Neither 20.03.2017
51. Ms. Nisha O.V BA 27-Aug-76 Neither 17.04.2017
52. Jayant Kumar MA 0 I-Jul-67 Neither 21.03.2017
53. Tushar Kant B.Tech 25-0ct-68 Neither 20.03.2017
54. Rakesh Sehrawat MA 0 I-Jun-69 Neither 20.03.2017
55. Ms. Indira MA 06-Mar-70 Neither 22.03.2017
56. Rizwan Uddin B.Sc 02-Nov-70 Neither 22.03.2017
57. Bolla Chandra B.E, MBA 20-Jul-71 Neither 30.03.2017
58. Ranjay BA(Hons.) 18-Jun-77 ST 20.03.2017
59. Rajesh Kumar BA, LLB 30-Apr-64 Neither 20.03.2017
60. Soumya Kanti B.Sc 06- Mar-70 Neither 22.03.2017
61. Parampal Singh MA 22-Aug-72 Neither 20.03.2017
62. Ravi Kant B. Tech l 5-Jan-73 Neither 22.03.2017 On
63. Dinachandra MA 0 I-Jan-64 Neither 20.03.2017
Singh Samom
64. Prasant K. MSc. LLB 30-May-70 Neither 20.03.2017
65. Siddharth Singh LLB 20-Jan-72 Neither 23.03.2017
66. Rajesh Pandey BA (Hons) I 6-Dec-77 Neither 21.03.2017
67. Santanu M.Sc 28-Jan-65 Neither 21.03.2017
68. Dr. Shiv Kumar M.Sc, PhD. Ol-Mar-66 Neither 21.03.2017
69. Saurabh Suman BA(Hons.) 27-Mar-67 Neither 22.03.2017
70 . Debi Prasad M.Sc, LLB, 26-Sep-68 Neither 20.03.2017
Bhattacharya MBA
71. Sanat Kumar M.Sc I 3-Mar-70 Neither 20.03.2017
72. Manoj Yadav M.A, M.Phil 20-Mar-71 Neither 20.03.2017
73. Amardip Mishra M.Sc, MA 05-Apr-71 Neither 20.03.2017
74. Uttam Prakash MA 06-Jan-73 Neither 20.03.2017

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SI. Name of the Educational Date of Wheth Date of Remarks if
No. Officer S/Shri Qualification Birth er appointment any
belongs on regular
to basis
or say
75. Manoj Kumar B.Sc, M.Sc 05-Feb-75 Neither 21.03.2017
76. Ravindera Babra MA 30-Aug-70 SC 20.03.2017
77. Subhash Chandra BA 03-Jan-62 Neither 22.03.2017
78. Ashok Kumar BA(Hons.) OI-Jan-67 Neither 21.03.2017
79. Shashank Dinkar MPA 03-Sep-70 Neither 19.04.2017
80. Jagdish Tambe B.Sc (Agri.) 25-Mar-76 Neither 20.03.2017
81. Ms. Pooja Singh MA I 9-Jun-76 SC 20.03.2017
82. Krishna Shankar B.Sc I 5-Aug-65 Neither 21.03.2017
83. Prashant Kumar B.Sc(Hons.) 30-Jan-68 Neither 20.03.2017
84. Dhanasekar B.Sc I O-Mar-72 Neither 20.03.2017
85. Arun Kumar MA 05-May-70 Neither 21.03.2017
86. Abhishek Kumar BA(Hons.) OI-Oct-76 Neither 20.03.2017
87. Sanjay Kesari BA 05-Sept-62 Neither 22.03.2017
88. Nanda Kumar B.Sc 12-Jun-65 Neither 29.03 .2017
89. Bhupendra Singh B.Sc 03-Mar-68 SC 20.03.2017

90. K. Rupeshor B.Sc 01-Mar-71 Neither 20.03.2017


91. Shekar Kumar BA(Hons.), Dip. 02-Jun-74 Neither 20.03.2017

In Journalism
92. Sudhir Nathu M.Sc 13-Feb-75 SC 20.03.2017
93. Alok Yadav MBA 30-Jul-67 Neither 12.07.2018
94. Shyam Veer Tonk B.Com, MSW 24-Apr-72 SC 22.03.2017
95 . Ms. C. Amudha MA 30-Jan-74 SC 20.03.2017
96 . Vijay Kumar BA(Hons.) 25-Sept-74 Neither 21.03.2017
97. Vijay Kumar B.Sc 30-Sept-74 Neither 20.03.2017
98. Ranjan Kumar M.Sc (Agri) 24-J un-75 Neither 20.03.2017
99. Rina Manda! B.Sc(Hons), 30-Dec-66 SC 20.03.2017
100. M.H.Warsi BA(Hons.), PG 30-Aug-70 Neither 20.03.2017
Dip in Jour &
Mass Comm.
I 01. J.P.Chauhan MBA 06-Feb-70 SC 21.03.2017
SI. Name of the Educational Date of Wheth Date of Remarks if
No. Officer S/Shri Qualification Birth er appointment any
belongs on regular
to basis
or say
102. Md. Ashraf Kami I BA 20-Jan-75 Neither 21.03.2017
103. Rajiv Kumar Pal BA l 6-Apr-62 Neither 21.03.2017
104. Kandasamy MA I 5-Apr-65 Neither 23.03.2017
105. Jitender Kumar MBA 05-Feb-69 SC 22.03.2017
106. Vikas Sodai B.Sc 22-Jul-72 SC 03.05.2017
107. Birender Kumar B.Sc (Hons.) I 5-Aug-68 Neither 10.04.2017
108. Rakesh BA 24-Aug-68 Neither 21.03.2017
109. Abhay Kumar MA 09-Jun-69 SC 22.03.2017
110. Viswajeet Sagar M.Sc I 4-Feb-75 SC 27.03.2017
111. Rithuraj Medhi BA 29-Apr-72 ST 20.03.2017
112. Thothar Ningshen M.Sc 01-Mar-75 ST 20.03.2017
113. Ravindra Kumar B.Tech 18-J un-68 SC 30.03.2017
114. Rahul Arya MA 16-Jul-69 SC 03.04.2017 On
115. Robert B.Sc (Hons.) 30-Sep-74 ST 23.03.2017
Worchipem Kapai
116. M.S.Arya B.Sc 2 I -Aug-68 SC 28.03.2017
117. Nand Ram Meena B.E, MBA, I 5-Dec-69 ST 22.03.2017
MA(Pub. Adm.)
118. Montung Ngullie B.Sc 08-Feb-75 ST 23.03.2017
119. Dheeraj Gupta B.Tech, LLB 01-Jul-74 Neither 24.03.2017
120. Pravin Kumar B.A (Hons) 20-Mar-76 Neither 20.03.2017
121. Narender Kumar B.Com(Hons.), 24-May-75 Neither 20.03.2017
Singh CA
122. Aditya Sah B.Sc, MA 18-Jan-75 Neither 27.03.2017
123. Ms. Nidhi Singh B.Com(Hons.) 08-Nov-77 Neither 23.03.2017
124. Brijesh Kumar B.Sc 08-Nov-76 Neither 02.07.2018
125. Rakesh Kumar B.Sc, M.F.C, 22-Jun-75 Neither 20.03.2017

126. Vineet Gupta M.Sc, 03-J un-76 Neither 20.03.2017


127. Amiya Kant B.Sc 31-May-77 Neither 20.03 .2017

128. Neeraj Srivastava B.Com I 8-May-75 Neither 29.03.2017
SI. Name of the Educational Date of Wheth Date of Remarks if
No. Officer S/Shri Qualification Birth er appointment any
belongs on regular
to basis
or say
129. Nilendu Mishra M.Sc 28-Mar-74 Neither 22.03.2017
130. Kishan Pratap MA, M.Phil , 22-Apr-72 Neither 20 .03 .2017
131. Navin Kumar Master in 22-Dec-76 Neither 20.03.2017 On
Kanaujia Management deputation
132. Ganesh Kumar B.Sc (Hons.) 01-Dec-77 Neither 21.03 .2017
133. Manoranjan B.Com(P) 14-Aug-75 Neither 20.03.2017
134. Vikas Kumar B.A 06-Aug-77 Neither 30.03.2017
135. Ms. Renu B.Tech, MBA 08-Dec-75 Neither 30.03 .2017
136. Dhanwant Singh B.Sc, MBA 1O-Aug-73 Neither 20.03 .2017
137. Sunil Kumar B.Sc, Diploma 30-Jul-71 Neither 20.03.2017
Yadav in Labour Law
138. Vijay Vikaram M.Sc, M.Tech 26-Nov-76 Neither 21 .03.2017
Bahadur Singh
Seniority of Officers mentioned at S.N 1 to 138 (except S.N 45, 53, 70, 93,99,120 and 134) have
already been finalised vide office order No. HRM-1/RPFC-I Seniority/2016/8509 dated
139. Amitabh Prakash B .E (comp.), 0 l-Jan-73 Neither 31.07.2017
140. Amul Raj Singh B.Sc 04-Aug-75 Neither 27.07.2017
141. Avinash Gandhi B.A(Hons) 1 O-Dec-72 SC 07 .09.2018
142. Vinit Kumar B.Tech 29-Apr-75 Neither 06.04.2018
143. Mohammad B.Sc 25-Feb-81 Neither 06.04.2018
144. Shashi Bhushan B.A (Hons) 04-0ct-74 Neither 17.04.2018
145. Pramod Singh B.I.T 18-Mar-82 Neither 06.04.2018
146. Pooran Chandra B.Tech 1O-Feb-71 Neither 06 .04 .2018
147. Ms. Sridevi B.E 23-Apr-71 SC 06 .04.2018
148. Sudarshan Kumar B.A, LLB l 1-Sep-73 Neither 06.04.2018
149. Upendra Pratap B.Sc 17-Dec-74 Neither 06.04.2018
150. Prashant M.A, LLB 01-Jun-78 Neither 06 .04 .2018
151. Kartikey Singh B.Sc(Hons) 06-Dec-79 Neither 06.04 .2018
152. Ajay Kumar MA, M.Phil 26-Dec-75 Neither 06 .04 .2018
153 . Ashish Kumar B.Sc 26-Jun-77 Neither 06.04.2018

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SI. Name of the Educational Date of Wheth Date of Remarks if
No. Officer S/Shri Qualification Birth er appointment any
belongs on regular
to basis
or say
154. Amit Singla B.E 07-May-79 Neither 06.04.2018
155. Vishal Aggarwal M.A 04-Sep-80 Neither 06.04.2018
156. Bhupendra Yadav M.A I 1-Sep-80 Neither 06.04 .20 18
157. Sushant K Padhy B.Sc(Hons) 05-Jan-74 Neither 06.04.2018
158. Mihir Kumar B.E 20-0ct-76 Neither 06.04.2018
159. Hemong B.Tech 0 I-Nov-72 Neither 06 .04.20 18
160. Anil Kumar M.Com I 1-Jan-77 Neither 06.04.2018
161. H.M.Tirpude 8.0.S 19-Jun-77 SC 06 .04.2018
162. Saurabh Swami B.A (Hons) 26-Apr-79 Neither 06.04.2018
163. S.Murugavel B.E, MBA 07-J un- 76 Neither 06 .04.2018
164. Vanlal Muan M.A 05-0ct-76 ST 06.04.2018
165 . Mohit Kumar M.A I 3-Feb-80 SC 06.04.2018
166. Praveen Garhwal M.V.Sc, M.Sc I 3-Nov-73 Neither 06.04.2018
167. Kundan Alok B.Sc(Hons), OI-Feb-74 Neither 06.04.2018
CIC, Diploma
in Advance
168. Y ogesh Kumar B.E 25-Feb-78 Neither 06.04.2018
169. Aj itesh Kumar M.A 22-Aug-75 Neither 06.04.2018
170. Ashwini Kumar M.Sc 13-Mar-76 Neither 06.04.2018
171. Manoj Kumar B.Sc(Engineering) I 5-Feb-77 Neither 06.04.2018
172. P.Senthil Kumar B.E 23-Jan-77 Neither 06.04.2018
173. G.Siva Kumar B.V.Sc 23-May-74 Neither 06.04.2018
174. H imanshu Kumar B.Sc 01-Jan-78 Neither 06.04.2018
175 . Ramkesh Meena B.Sc 15-Jun-71 ST 06 .04.20 18
176. Reuben W.Syiem B.Sc 23-Jun-79 ST 06.04.2018
177. J.V.lngle B.Tech 08-Jun-80 SC 06.04.2018
178. Balakrishna Naik B.E 16-Aug-79 SC 06.04.2018
179. Paritosh Kumar B.A, LLB, I 3-Jan-73 SC 06.04.2018

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