Reproductive Cloning

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Reproductive cloning

ethical and social issues

January 2004


The publication, in 1997, of the news of ‘the first cloned sheep’, Dolly, unleashed a media frenzy which
immediately focused on the possibility of cloning humans. However, the debate on human cloning began
as far back as 1966, when the Nobel Laureate molecular biologist, Joshua Lederberg, published an article
about the eugenic advantages of cloning in eliminating unpredictability in reproduction and perpetuating
‘superior’ genes1. In the 1970s, a journalist, David Rorvik, published a book supposedly describing the
cloning of a millionaire2; although undoubtedly a hoax, the scandal massively boosted sales of the book.

Despite claims by the Raelian cult to have cloned human beings at the end of 2002, there are, so far, no
proven human clones. Opinion polls shows that at least 85% of people are strongly opposed to cloning in
most countries3, yet understanding of the technicalities of cloning is low. This fact, and the sometimes
exaggerated or misconceived fears expressed about cloning, has allowed a small, but vocal group of
enthusiasts to characterise opposition to cloning as ‘Luddism’, or a religiously-motivated conservatism.
Few bioethicists have come forward with strong arguments against cloning and the US National Bioethics
Advisory Committee, for example, was only able to agree that cloning should not be permitted at present,
on the grounds of risk to the resulting child, rather than for deeper ethical or social reasons4.

The main purpose of this briefing is to examine the arguments for and against reproductive human
cloning. We aim to show that there is a very strong case for banning human cloning, but we have tried to
present the counter-arguments fairly. We have found that the popular responses to cloning are grounded
in very valid concerns, for example, about relationships between human beings and also between humans
and nature. Another clear conclusion is that cloning very starkly exemplifies the clash between a liberal
worldview, which tends to see all scientific advance as progress, and a more sceptical, conservative atti-
tude, based on traditional beliefs about human nature. This second view is not confined to Christians and
political conservatives, and, at least when it comes to cloning, includes the majority of people.

What is cloning?

Cloning is the creation of almost genetically identical organisms. (For ordinary purposes, clones can be
treated as genetically identical to the organisms from which the nuclear DNA is taken. In fact there is a
small difference, because the egg also contains a small amount of DNA in mitochondria, small bodies in
the main part of the egg. Like organisms produced by sexual reproduction, the clone inherits this DNA
only from its mother, not from the nucleus donor. This difference does not affect the ethics of cloning.)

The first step of animal cloning is to obtain eggs, by treating a female with hormones. These eggs are then
subjected to nuclear transfer: the nucleus of an egg, containing the mother's DNA, is sucked out using a
pipette, and is replaced by the nucleus of a cell from the organism to be copied (see diagram). This is
done by placing an adult cell in contact with the egg, and then passing a brief pulse of electric current
through the liquid bathing the two cells. The current causes the egg and the adult cell to fuse together,
and the resulting embryo to begin its development. The process can theoretically be repeated many times
to produce a whole series of genetically identical clones.

In this briefing we use the term 'human cloning' to mean 'reproductive cloning' ie. creating a baby by
cloning. This does not include creating embryos for research through cloning, which creates a related but
separate set of ethical issues. We use the word 'clone' to refer to the person or organism that results from
cloning, and 'clonee' to refer to the person who is genetically copied. A technique that is sometimes seen
as cloning is artificial twinning, the separation of the two cells of an embryo that has divided once. In this
briefing, cloning refers only to nuclear transfer.

History and current status of cloning

Contrary to popular belief, Dolly5was not the first cloned sheep. Scientists have been cloning sheep, cat-
tle and other animals since the mid-1980s6. However, in all
these early examples, the source of the donor nucleus was
taken from an embryo. Embryonic cells have undergone
only a few of the many changes in gene expression (see
below) that occur during the development of an adult organ-
ism, so it is less surprising that they can be ‘re-programmed’
to go back to the start of the process. Before Dolly, it was
believed impossible to re-programme adult cells.

Since Dolly in 1997, using the same or related techniques, sci-

entists have cloned mice, rats, cows, goats, cats, horses and
donkeys. While there have been some reports of high effi-
ciency cloning of cows, in most cases the efficiency is still
very low. It has not been possible to clone monkeys, dogs or
other species.

Since 1998 there have been various reports claiming the cre-
ation of cloned human embryos. The first published claims
were made by South Korean scientists7, whose laboratory
was eventually closed down by their government. In 2001,
scientists from Advanced Cell Technologies, a US biotechnol-
ogy firm published the only scientific paper to date on
cloned human embryos, only one of which grew as far as six
cells8. The company said that this research was for research
rather than reproductive purposes. There are unsubstantiat-
ed claims that Chinese scientists have cloned human
embryos, again for research purposes. Since 2000 there have The Cloning Process
been persistent claims by the Italian IVF expert, Professor
Severino Antinori, and the US scientist, Panayiotis Zavos, that they are planning to create cloned babies.
At the beginning of 2003, a Canadian-based religious cult, The Raelians, also claimed to have succeeded in
creating at least five cloned children9, but no proof has been given. It is widely thought that the claims to
be doing reproductive cloning are elaborate publicity strategies, similar to those employed by David
Rorvik in the 1970s. Reports in 2003 suggest that Ian Wilmut, the scientist who created Dolly, may be
about to start creating cloned human embryos for medical research purposes10.

Is human cloning possible?

The vast majority of embryos created by nuclear transfer do not develop normally: in the case of Dolly the
sheep, 277 attempts were necessary. Even after nearly seven years of development of the process in dif-
ferent species, the highest published success rates are around 5% (ie. 5% of the embryos created develop
into live animals). In most experiments the rate is less than 1%, and despite many attempts it has not
been possible to clone dogs or primates.

Cloned embryos mostly die at the early stages of embryonic development. They may also spontaneously
abort after a pregnancy has been established. Even when clones are born, many are abnormal and die
shortly after birth, due to a variety of physiological and anatomical problems, which vary from species to
species and are not well understood. The most well known of these problems is so-called Large Offspring
Syndrome, in which the clones are much larger than normal and often have to be delivered by caesarean
section. This condition is similar to Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome, a rare human condition which has
recently shown to be more common amongst children born through IVF11. In fact, many of the other
problems caused by cloning had previously been observed in cattle and sheep IVF, although at a lower
rate. This indicates that they are partly due to the general culturing and manipulation of embryos.

The cloned animals that survive are apparently healthy, and are capable of reproducing normally and
producing healthy offspring. However, there is evidence that there are subtle problems even in these ani-
mals caused by disturbed gene expression (see below). It has been suggested that these are likely to
become more evident as the animals age12. Dolly, the eldest of the cloned animals, was eventually put
down due to a lung tumour at only six years old, but had shown signs of arthritis even earlier. It has
been suggested that she may have aged prematurely because she was cloned from a six year old sheep,
and may have effectively already been born with DNA that had suffered the effects of six years of life13.
However, this is unproven.

The main cause of the failure of cloned embryos and the problems observed in clones appears to be dis-
turbances in ‘gene expression’ rather than direct damage to the DNA. In the normal, extremely complex,
process of development of animals from a fertilised egg, thousands of genes must be correctly expressed
(ie. DNA must be ‘transcribed’ into RNA which is then ‘translated’ to produce a protein which performs
the bio-chemical functions of the gene). The expression of different genes is switched on at different
stages of development, in different tissues, according to a regulated programme. Each type of tissue has
its own characteristic pattern of gene expression, according to which proteins it is required to produce.
Thus, when a skin cell nucleus is transferred into an egg it must be re-programmed by the egg cell, so that
it can start the developmental gene expression programme from step 1. Until Dolly was born, it was
believed that it was impossible to achieve this, and the low success rates of cloning are thought to be due
to inadequate reprogramming. A recent study showed that even in apparently healthy cloned mice 4% of
genes were incorrectly expressed14.

A further problem, which may be the cause of the failure to clone primates from adult cells (although this
has been achieved using cells taken from early embryos), involves the process of cell division in primates.
Researchers found that removal of the egg nucleus, prior to injection of the adult cell disrupted subse-
quent cell division, so embryos were unable to develop15.

It is unclear whether it will ever be technically feasible to clone humans. The persistent low success rate
with animals, despite much effort to modify the procedures, and the failure to clone primates, suggest
that it will be extremely difficult. On the other hand, advocates of cloning have pointed out that IVF was
achieved in humans more easily than in other species. Although there have not been enough studies yet
of long-term, subtle, health problems in IVF children, it is clear that IVF is safer in humans than animals.
These advocates suggest that the main problem is the conditions under which embryos are cultured, and
that the extensive experience with human IVF will make human cloning easier. Yet the root of the biolog-
ical problems with cloning is much deeper than with IVF and surely will not be solved simply by improv-
ing culture conditions. Although some people believe that there are probably already human clones,
made in secret, it is very unlikely that this is the case.

It is the safety problems associated with cloning that currently form the basis of official prohibitions on
cloning. Furthermore, the limited success that has been achieved has involved modification of the proce-
dure for each species, involving the use of many animals. To do this with humans would be highly uneth-
ical: it would involve the production of hundreds of eggs for research, involving treating women with
hormones which are far from risk-free, and would also result in many miscarriages. No matter how good
the preliminary animal evidence may become, the first attempts at human cloning will always be highly
experimental. On the other hand, in the field of reproductive technology, new techniques are often used
with very little evidence of their safety. These attempts are justified, as Professor Antinori has done, by
arguing that there is a moral imperative to help couples desperate for a child, and who are prepared to
run big risks. For those committed to cloning, unless the safety concern is enforced by law, it is not a
major deterrent. It is therefore necessary to examine arguments about whether cloning is intrinsically eth-
ically acceptable, however safe it may be.

Ethical arguments and popular responses to cloning

Cloning has given rise to a massive ethical debate, including reports by bioethics committees and many
books and articles. Due to lack of space, we have not attempted here to discuss the religious arguments
about cloning, but the bibliography provides some references on this.

There are few enthusiastic advocates of cloning, but a number of bioethicists have tried to show that pop-
ular responses, and even the more sophisticated philosophical arguments against cloning are naïve, and
cannot be sustained. These commentators have argued that people’s opposition to cloning is a ‘yuk reac-
tion’, which cannot stand up to reasoned argument. In a similar, defensive way, liberals have argued that
while cloning may not be very desirable, we should not stop other people from doing it, because that
would interfere with freedom. In this section, we will examine some of the key ethical arguments and
popular reponses, such as those about ‘playing God’. We will try to show that popular responses,
although they are sometimes overstated , are valid and are based on defending important values.

‘Cloning is unnatural’

Most people, when asked why they oppose cloning, would at some point, remark that cloning is ‘unnatu-
ral’. However, this means different things to different people. Here we examine three different concerns:
that cloning shows lack of respect for the complexity of nature; that it typifies the industrial imposition of
uniformity on nature; and that by radically altering the biological basis of human nature, it will damage
individuals and society.

Science and nature in the real world

It is certainly true in a literal sense that cloning is unnatural. Previous medical and technological inter-
ventions in human reproduction included segregation of the sexes and sterilisation in the period of state
eugenics; family planning and artificial insemination in the 1940s and 50s; legalised abortion, contracep-
tion, medicalisation of pregnancy and birth in the 1960s and 70s (including ultrasound screening for
Down’s Syndrome and Spina Bifida); and IVF and related ‘assisted reproduction technologies’ including
pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and surrogacy in the 1980s and 90s.

Cloning differs decisively from these earlier interventions in reproduction, which work with, and over-
come blocks to, natural sexual reproduction: cloning forces something that never happens naturally, and
thereby invents a form of reproduction which is entirely unnatural for humans, ie. asexual reproduction.
The gradual development of technology (often represented as a slippery slope), is hard to resist, except
when it produces something clearly different from what has gone before. Cloning is such a point, which
is one reason why it generates such strong feelings and has become such a high profile political issue.

However, the complaint about the unnaturalness of cloning means more than simply that asexual repro-
duction is unnatural. It appeals to a set of moral and social meanings, which can be strongly contested.
There is often an assumption that the natural is wholesome and good, and the artificial is inferior. Some
religious philosophies hold that it is wrong to interfere in God’s creation. In general, the term ‘unnatural’
has strong negative meanings. Liberals point out that such naïve positions cannot be sustained. For
example, everything in modern, Western societies, including medicine, is, in some sense, unnatural, yet
few people would be prepared to forego the benefits of our technology. Conversely, many things happen
in the natural world that humans find very unpleasant. Furthermore, as the liberals rightly point out,
there is no necessary connection between the natural state of things and moral rightness and wrongness.
At this point the argument usually ends with the liberals claiming victory, and concluding that there are
no valid reasons why we should not manipulate nature as we see fit.

Yet while liberals generally dismiss those concerned about unnaturalness as naïve romantics, in fact the
same charge can be levelled at them. Although it may be true that the unnatural is not necessarily bad,
negative reactions to technology are based on experience of certain persistent characteristics of the unnat-
ural, in the real world and in particular, of the role of science in Western capitalist societies. The funda-
mental basis of modern Western societies is the use of science and technology to control nature for human
benefit, and to extract profit from it. This ongoing development is defined in our societies as progress,
and the medicalisation and technologisation of human reproduction are part of this process.

While the control of nature has brought great material improvements in the quality of human life, one
problem with it is that we often have little understanding of the complexities of natural systems, and little
respect for the reasons that they operate in the ways that they do. Because the direction of science is often
driven primarily by economic incentives, there is often little wisdom in the way it is applied. The physio-
logical problems with cloned animals would seem to be just the latest in the long list of examples of the
unwisdom of profit-driven science. Over millions of years, the processes of reproduction in mammals
have been finely tuned by natural selection, and the result is a highly complex and integrated process
appropriate to mammals, which cannot easily be rad-
ically tampered with. Thus it is not surprising that
problems arise when scientists force nature down
paths that are radically different from its own. The
Cloning exemplifies the worst
problem is not merely that cloning is unnatural, but ways in which we control
that it typifies the problems that arise from the the
blind drive to overcome natural barriers. nature
Uniformity and individuality

There is a deeper concern about how the scientific control of nature produces not merely accidental prob-
lems, but systematic ones, which is strongly exemplified by cloning. In our industrialised society, the con-
trol of nature through science tends to mould nature and natural processes according to the criteria of
industrial production. Whereas nature generally maximises diversity and rarely allows one type to domi-
nate, industrial systems aim at maximum production efficiency of a single product and insist on quality
control and a high degree of uniformity. A typical example is industrial agriculture, in which farmers use
a restricted number of crop varieties, which must be genetically highly uniform. The creation of uniformi-
ty is seen most literally with cloning, which has the potential to produce many genetically identical ani-
mals. The following passage, from a practitioner of farm animal cloning neatly summarises the appeal of
cloning in factory farming of animals. Referring to cows, he says:

“... they should command a premium at each step of the way because the feedlot operator would know,
1) that this clonal line performs best on this ration, 2) that this clonal line will be ready for slaughter
after X number of days in the feedlot, and 3) that the packing plant will pay a premium for these ani-
mals because they are assured of a known uniform product. In the end the consumer will benefit with a
more uniform product.16”

The overtones of enthusiasm for the regimentation of nature, driven by economic imperatives, in this pas-
sage are chilling; the public concern about the unaturalness of cloning is partly about applying the same
drive towards uniformity, to human beings. This is often symbolically expressed in horror scenarios of
cloned soldiers, designed to have the faceless uniformity that is demanded in military control systems.
Thus, a key focus of the debate about the ethics of cloning is about individuality and human freedom.
Whereas natural sexual reproduction results in newness, variation, unpredictability and uniqueness,
cloning produces uniformity, predictability and control. The production of humans by cloning thus
offends against our deepest values, such as the importance of individuality. Below, we discuss how liter-
ally we can say that cloning undermines individuality.

Cloning and human nature

The possibility of human cloning also raises, in a very radical way, old and very fundamental questions
about human nature. Is human nature relatively fixed by biology, or can we adapt to new and different
ways of reproduction and family arangements without damaging ourselves? Each new development in
reproductive technology has raised this question, which has tended to be manifested in a ‘moral debate’
about sexuality, the family and society. This argument, which pits religious conservatives against a pro-
gressive lobby of liberals, (most) feminists and scientists and doctors, periodically erupts onto national
political agendas.

Conservatives tend to argue that biology dictates kinship patterns, and that these are part of the funda-
mental basis of human nature. Cloning certainly radically disrupts kinship patterns and conventional
relationships between biological and social parenthood. For example, an adult parenting a clone of
him/herself is parenting his/her genetic twin, and it is not difficult to see how this could lead to psycho-
logical difficulties for both parent and child. The American bioethicist, Leon Kass argues that the social
identities of parent and child, and the relationships between, them are created by and grounded in the

rules of natural sexual reproduction, and in the genetic relationships that it produces18. He sees the bio-
logical grounding as essential to give individuals clear identities, as to which family they belong to, and to
ensure the love and protection of children by their parents. Kass argues that cloning fits perfectly within
existing social trends of separation of sex from reproduction, of atomisation of the family, of individual-
ism (verging into narcissism), and of consumerism: ‘The clone is the ultimate single-parent child’.

Of course, such arguments have long been used by conservatives in the ongoing debates about trends in
family structure, and their social consequences. Liberals tend to respond by asserting the importance of
love in creating ‘families of choice’, and insisting that many different kinds of families can work well.
Using similar arguments to those about IVF, the defenders of cloning argue that infertile parents who
have had to expend great effort and expense to produce a child will love it all the more.

Some bioethicists, such as Joseph Fletcher, who view the essence of human nature to be to manipulate
nature through technology go further. Fletcher argues that artificial and eugenically controlled reproduc-
tion (including cloning is superior to and ‘more human ‘ than natural reproduction19. Likewise, some of
the more enthusiastic cloning advocates even claim that a more rationally and scientifically controlled,
planned parenthood, is superior to natural reproduction and is likely to produce better parent-child rela-
tionships20. Such liberals tend to deny the concept of a fixed human nature or human condition based
on either biology or anthropology. For these commentators, if there is any human nature it is to be self-
creating, rational species with no fixed limits21. It is not difficult to see how this ideology can be used to
legitimate the ongoing project of rationalisation of nature, including human nature, and to reject the idea
of natural limits to such a process.

We cannot, in this briefing, deal properly with the deep issues about whether there is a biologically–based
and relatively fixed core of human nature, which is common to different societies and historical periods.
However it is important to note that it is not necessary to accept either pole of the argument. Human
nature may not be fixed by biology, but that does not mean that humans are infinitely malleable and
manipulable. Likewise, although we do not have to accept the conservative insistence on biologically
determined kinship patterns, or on heterosexuality, marriage and the nuclear family, cloning does force us
to notice that not all biological arrangements are equally good. Although it is difficult to prove through
argument, it is hard to escape the feeling that the unnaturalness of asexual reproduction goes one step too
far in the rearrangement of the family, and of the human psyche.

Clones, Twins and ‘Playing God’

In the previous section we noted that cloning raises fears about uniformity. But, even though they are
genetically the same, how similar will clones really be in appearance and behaviour? Two related argu-
ments, are often made against the popular repugnance about cloning. Firstly, it is pointed out that cloning
is not like Xeroxing a person - a clone of David Beckham would be a baby with David Beckham’s DNA.
Since our behaviour, likes, talents, etc. are determined at least as much by our environment and life expe-
riences as by our genes, a clone will not be the same as the person from whom they were cloned22,23. A
clone of David Beckham might grow up hating football, or be a bad player - he would certainly be a
unique individual. For its liberal defenders, cloning presents no threat to individuality and freedom
because genes and biological origins are essentially irrelevant. Indeed, for liberals, emphasising the
importance of genes and biology immediately smacks of prejudice and right-wing politics. According to
this view, we are who we make ourselves, and cannot be controlled through our genes.

It is clearly true that some of the popular horror of cloning is based on genetic determinism, which
assumes that clones will be simple copies of the original and identical to each other in all aspects. There is
plenty of evidence from animal cloning that this is not the case. On the other hand, liberals traditionally
tend to over-emphasise the importance of environment and downplay the role of genes. Identical twins
show us that genes really do matter, for example, in many aspects of appearance, which in turn influence
the way the world treats us. Whilst overblown claims are often made for genetics, there is a considerable
amount of data which now supports a significant role of genes in many characteristics. So, while clones
of David Beckham may not turn out to be footballers, they are much more likely to do so than clones of
Luciano Pavarotti.

Moreover, in many cases, the reasons given for cloning are all about wanting to replicate a particular set
of genes, in the hope that this will produce a person very similar to the original. The egotistical self-clon-
er, the cloner who wants the best (already tried and tested) set of genes for their child (perhaps a famous
person) or the parent who wants to ‘replace’ a dead child are all very concerned to control the future char-
acteristics of the child, by controlling their genes.

A second argument notes that ‘identical’ or ‘monozygotic’ twins (i.e. twins that arise from the splitting on
a single embryo at an early stage) are genetically identical ‘natural clones’. Yet on the whole, people feel
comfortable with the existence of such twins, and do not see them as an ethical problem or a threat to
society. ‘Identical’ twins are often very different in personality, and demand the right to be treated as
individuals. Since we do not see identical twins, or the existence of genetic identicality as a problem,
what can be the problem in artificially creating the ‘identical twin of’ a parent, through cloning? It is
sometimes argued by opponents of cloning that a reason for not permitting it is that cloned children
would be discriminated against; the defenders of cloning rightly reply that this is not a valid argument,
and in any case may be untrue – IVF babies are now routine and widely accepted. We should not allow
our concern about cloning to translate into prejudice against the innocent individuals who result from it.

The key point here is that there are crucial differ-

ences between ‘identical’ twins and clones of a par- The problem is not clones, but
ent. When we clone an existing person, we already
know a lot about how the genetic endowment of the
new embryo will play out. Unlike twins, we are
repeating something that already exists, not allowing nature to create something new and beyond our
control, through random sexual reproduction. Nonetheless, the comparison between clones and twins
highlights something important: that the problem is not genetic identicality per se, but its imposition
under human control: the problem is not clones, but cloning.

‘Playing God’
The public concern about cloning is sometimes expressed in the phrase ‘playing God’. There are a variety
of meanings to this expression, some of which are very similar to the concerns about controlling nature
discussed in the last section. There are also the theological meanings concerning the usurping of God’s
role. Here we are mainly concerned with the effect that controlling our children’s genes would have on
our ethical relationship with them. In cloning we would exert total control over another person’s entire
genome, and eliminate the random mixing of genes that takes place in sexual reproduction. Although we
would not actually genetically ‘design’ them, we would have far greater control over how they turn out
than even a genetic engineer, who adds a few genes to the thousands of randomly assorted genes in a sex-
ually-conceived embryo. Leon Kass argues that cloning ‘personifies our desire to fully control the future,
whilst being subjected to no controls ourselves’18. Kass argues convincingly that the genetic novelty and
uniqueness that results from sexual reproduction is a crucially important aspect of being human. The fact
that we are new, uncontrolled, unknown and different from anyone who has gone before commands
respects and equal treatment: it compels others to take us for what we are and not imagine they have the
measure of us. Fundamental to our ethical status as persons is our creation as ‘other’ but equal to all
other human beings. The Danish Council of Ethics puts the point clearly:

‘The need to forbid the possibility of reproduction through cloning exists because the actual notion of
cloning also revolves around our attitude to that which is radically different to the other person, to the
Other, and to nature as the Other. The desire for cloning cannot be divorced from the desire to invali-
date the different, the other, the alien – that which is at variance with us, differs and never slots neatly
into our all-purpose pigeonholes.’24

Exercising control over our offspring’s genes inevitably affects the ethical relationship between the cloner
and the clone. In doing so, we would place ourselves very much in the position of God, on a level above
the clone, who would become much like any designed consumer product. The relationship between clon-
er and clone would become a designer-object relationship, rather than an equal relationship between
human subjects. This objectification would be a logical outcome of a reproduction which had become like
an industrial production process.

This may seem an abstract argument and, of course, in theory, cloned humans should be treated as per-
sons like any other, with full human rights. Yet it is perhaps not surprising that many people feel that
clones would be something less than full human beings. In religious terms, it is sometimes suggested
that, not ‘being born of man and woman’, clones would lack a soul. This perception is encouraged by sce-
narios of using clones as the source of organs for transplantation, when the clonee becomes sick or ages.
This view of clones as things rather than people is understandable, given the objectification inherent in
the way they come into being.

The welfare of cloned children

The most immediate problem for clones is the way they will be treated, and the impact of being a clone
upon their psychological development. As often happens with identical’ twins, it seems likely that
cloning parents will tend to reinforce the genetic sameness, in the way they treat the child. This is espe-
cially obvious with the egomaniac self-cloner, but is likely to be a part of the behaviour of all cloning par-
ents. It is sometimes argued that all parents manipulate their children’s development, yet we do not leg-
islate against it. Two wrongs, however, do not make a right. Moreover, the tendency seems likely to be
considerably more pronounced with clones. The very fact of objectifying a person in this way, and of
placing oneself in the position of designer, will tend to encourage it. Where ordinary parents have hopes,
cloners will have expectations; and the child will quickly pick up what is expected of him. Clones will
grow up knowing (or thinking they know) a great deal more about their future than other children
(including twins), and this will restrict their feeling of having an open future25. They may find it hard to
feel that they are truly their own person.

While very real, these concerns are hard to evaluate. Cloning would interfere with fundamental aspects
of the human condition: kinship relationships, genetic uniqueness and subjecthood. Twins often have
psychological challenges, but they do not have to cope with the added difficulties of radically disturbed
kinship, and being a designed object. However, human psychology is complex and experience has taught
that people can make the best of many kinds of bad job. We cannot predict exactly how the parents of
clones will behave. Concerns about psychology and welfare may not, therefore, be a decisive objection to
human cloning. However, we can surely say that this is a very bad job to have to make the best of.
British law requires the regulator to consider the welfare of the child in deciding whether to permit the
use of reproductive technologies and it seems unlikely that cloning would pass this test.

Cloning for infertility treatment and other scenarios

The more persuasive advocates of cloning suggest that even if it is technically feasible and is permitted,
cloning is unlikely to ever become a widely used procedure. They suggest it would be a rather spe-
cialised procedure for couples who produce either no sperm or no eggs, and who wish to have a child
that is genetically related to at least one of them and avoid the use of sperm or egg donors. It is argued
that most people will continue to reproduce sexually, since this is much easier, cheaper and more fun.
Therefore, they say, we need not deny the procedure to the few couples who need it.

Although it is likely that in the short term, cloning would be a minority pursuit, in the medium- and long-
term demand could be considerable. Firstly, according to the claims of the Raelians and Professors Zavos
and Antinori, there are already hundreds of couples prepared to pay $1-200,000 in order to be cloned; in
the Raelian case, no pretence is made that these are all infertile. As Kass notes, cloning fits perfectly with-
in existing social trends, and we are likely to see an intensification of the trend to separate sex from repro-
duction. Middle class parents will increasingly be looking for a reliable form of reproduction, which gives
their children the best possible genetic start in life. Given the existing market in the USA for (eugenical-
ly)’superior’ donor eggs and sperm, it does not seem unlikely that a market for cloned embryos from
‘superior’ individuals would develop – cloning has always attracted the eugenically-minded. Providers of
such services would be able to claim an advantage over the sperm and egg market: their embryos have an
already-known high IQ, fitness, etc. For this reason cloning, if technically feasible, may be more suited to
a mass consumer market than scenarios involving selection or genetic engineering of sexually produced
embryos. As Barbara Katz Rothman says:

‘Cloning is about control. It’s about introducing predictability into the wildly unpredictable crapshoot
that is life. If normal procreation is the roll of a hundred thousand dice, a random dip in the gene pool,
cloning is a carefully placed order. … it is order both in the sense of predictability and control, and in
the sense of the market, an order placed, a human being on order. In a perfect world, we could think
about the value of the first form of order, the value of predictability and control in procreation without
thinking about the second form of order, the power of the market. In our world, the two are hopeless-
ly, endlessly entangled.’26

The quote on page 5 is a good example of this entanglement. If a market in cloning were to develop, it
would require a huge supply of eggs, which would most likely come from poor women, in the same way
that such women are already exploited in the US surrogacy market. These women would have to under-
go the risks associated with hormone treatments.

Having said this, the question of cloning for the rare cases of infertility needs to be addressed. The ques-
tions that should be asked are: does the relief of infertility justify the use of any safe technique, no matter
what the consequences for the children produced, or for society as a whole? And must we submit to the
wishes of such parents concerning being 100% genetically related to their children? Must we suffer all the
ethical and social consequences of cloning for the sake of these desires? In HGA’s view, the answer to
these questions is no. Any bioethics worthy of the name must be able to insist that relief of suffering does
not justify any means.

A final scenario that is widely discussed, is of the

couple who wish to clone a dead child (or even a The relief of suffering does not
parent or grandparent). One can sympathise with the
desperate wish to turn back the clock and start again,
justify the use of any means
and many parents in such a situation would want to have another child. But the suggestion that one
might do so through cloning, in order to get the ‘same’ child back is very disturbing. It illustrates how we
are beginning to see human beings as customised products, and are therefore unable to accept the differ-
ence between the humans and products: that humans are unique, irreplaceable and die, whilst products
can be replaced if they break or get lost. Despite greater or lesser efforts to the contrary, parents would
surely tend to treat the cloned child as a ‘replacement’, rather than as a new individual. The cloned child
would forever live in the shadow of, and be compared to the beloved, idealised in memory, dead child.

Reproductive liberty

Liberals often argue, especially in the USA, that the concept of ‘reproductive rights’ implies that people
have a ‘right to reproduce in any way they want’. This is reinforced by a strong belief that the state has
no role to play in personal matters such as reproduction. Thus, it is argued that we should not ban
cloning, because this will infringe on basic freedoms. Although these arguments might seem plausible,
they are in our view an extremely dangerous attempt to extend the meaning of much more narrowly-
drawn rights, such as abortion rights. In essence, what is happening here is the elevation of one ethical
value - personal autonomy - above all others. A right is the strongest type of claim, one which other con-
siderations cannot outweigh. The danger of expanding ‘reproductive rights’ in this way is that we abolish
the weighing of competing ethical values (such as the welfare of the child and the effect on society at
large) in any particular issue.

This expansion of narrowly-drawn reproductive rights is increasingly being used to justify a free-market
eugenics, based on consumer choice in reproduction27. The pitfalls of this approach are discussed in
more detail in HGA’s briefing on sex selection28. In brief, while there is a ‘negative right’ of non-interfer-
ence by the state in one’s right to ‘marry and found a family’, as the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights puts it, that is a very different thing from asserting a positive right of access to any technological
means necessary to have a child. Likewise, although abortion rights protect women’s vital personal con-
trol over their own bodies, this does not imply a right to take control over the child’s characteristics.
There is no right to use a particular reproductive method, simply because one happens to want to, and no
matter what the consequences for the child or for society. We cannot pretend that reproduction exists in
some inviolable private bubble immune from normal considerations – it has always been a highly social
activity, subject to innumerable social and cultural constraints, some of which, such as restrictions on who
we can marry, are the subject of legislation.

The ethics of cloning: some conclusions
In HGA’s view, the arguments against human cloning are compelling. We have tried to show that popu-
lar revulsion at cloning and the arguments about naturalness and ‘playing God’ are based on valid con-
cerns. It is not that cloning is bad because it is unnatural, but that cloning is an example of some the
worst aspects of the way that we control nature in Western societies. Cloning shows very clearly the lack
of respect for natural complexity. It also exemplifies the way our industrial systems impose uniformity
and turn everything, even human beings, into mere objects. Although it is hard to prove, the drive to
overcome natural constraints to the manipulation of human nature seems likely to produced damaged
individuals. The problem is that the very paradigm of control of nature, which is fundamental to our
society, is, when applied to human beings, inimical to personhood, freedom and individuality. Although
the term has often been criticised as vague and meaningless, we believe it is valid to say that cloning
offends against human dignity, or, in other words, that it is a form of dehumanisation. Although human
nature may not be a fixed entity, there are some natural limits that science should not try to overcome.

We do not believe that the arguments for reproductive liberty or allowing cloning to treat infertility are
important enough to overcome these concerns. That the proponents of liberty are prepared to allow even
human cloning is a sign that that they are driven by political dogma, rather than balanced ethical reflec-
tion. We believe that the harm to individuals and society that would come from permitting human
cloning are important enough to justify a ban.

We have also emphasised the way that liberal thinking tends to justify the continual increase of techno-
logical penetration of nature and to accept no biological limits to manipulation. Against the popular and
conservative protest at the hubris of scientists, liberals argue that their opponents are equally are equally
guilty of hubris, by seeking to restrain technological and medical progress, in the name of religious and
outdated concepts of human nature29. We have tried to show that there is a third way in this debate,
which recognises the problems created by the idea of unrestricted freedom to manipulate nature, without
falling into fixed, conservative concepts of human nature.

Political and legal responses to cloning

The huge furore surrounding the announcement of Dolly the sheep led to unusually rapid political action
in some countries (it is not common for states to impose outright bans on scientific techniques). US
President Clinton immediately imposed a ban on the use of US federal funds for research involving repro-
ductive cloning. In a few countries, including Britain (see below) there was already legislation on cloning
prompted by earlier cloning of sheep and cattle in the 1980s, and by debates stretching back to the 1960s.

The loudest organised voices calling for a ban on reproductive cloning have come from Christian church-
es. Unusually, their calls have been echoed by the scientific community, which in the last two years has
made increasingly clear and united calls for a ban on reproductive cloning, through its InterAcademy
Panel30 representing national academies of science in many countries. Biotechnology industry groups
have also supported this position. There are, no doubt, many scientists who share Ian Wilmut’s personal
feelings of repugnance for the idea of reproductive cloning: however, it is clear that the scientific estab-
lishment’s moves are also politically motivated. Few scientists are interested in researching reproductive
cloning; but there are political gains to be made, especially at a time when scientists are being criticised
over issues such as GMOs, in being seen to support the banning of something at the ethical margins.
Critics have also noted that one effect of banning reproductive cloning in isolation is to implicitly legiti-
mate other activities, such as embryo research, prenatal selection and even human genetics engineering.
HGA shares this concern: in our viewan international ban on cloning should be part of a genuine ongoing
process to establish international controls over reproductive and genetic technologies and their use.

The major factor complicating progress towards a global ban on reproductive cloning is interference from
the debate on embryonic stem cell research and so called ‘therapeutic cloning’. One year after the Dolly
announcement, US scientists announced the isolation of human embryonic stem (ES) cells, and specula-
tion immediately focused on the scenario of ‘therapeutic cloning’ - the possibility of cloning cells from a
patient, followed by the extraction of ES cells from the embryo, in order to produce tissues for transplant
back into the patient. In this scenario, the role of cloning is to ensure that the tissues created are genetical-
ly identical to that of the patient, and so will not be rejected by him/her.
On this issue, religious and scientific lobbies have been on opposite sides. For the Christian and pro-life
lobbies, this idea is worse than reproductive cloning, because it involves the deliberate creation of human
life in order to destroy it. Reproductive cloning, although objectionable in many aspects to Christians,
would also create a human life, and some Christians have therefore argued that it would be better to
implant a cloned embryo than to destroy it. Scientists, biotechnology/pharmaceutical companies and
patient groups have, by contrast, focused on the potential medical benefits of ‘therapeutic cloning’, which,
in their view, outweigh the destruction of embryos. Scientists’ groups have been particularly opposed to
restriction of their freedom to research. They have therefore argued against the ban on all forms of
cloning that has been proposed by pro-life groups.

In HGA’s view, it is increasingly clear that although ES cell research may be useful, the idea of ‘therapeu-
tic cloning’ is not feasible as a regular medical treatment for many reasons. Cloning uses many eggs,
which are simply not available: to attempt to do this would involve submitting millions of women to
risky hormone treatments. There are alternative solutions to the immune recognition issue, which are
being actively researched. Thus cloning is essen-
tially irrelevant to ES research, although the
issues have become unfortunately inseparable in 45 countries have banned
the public debate. Secondly, developing and
publishing techniques for creating cloned human
reproductive cloning
embryos risks the use of the techniques for repro-
ductive cloning. We have therefore advocated a moratorium on cloning of embryos for research, at the
very least until there is an international ban on reproductive cloning. For more detail on these issues, see
HGA’s briefing on ‘therapeutic cloning’31.

The political debate on ‘therapeutic cloning’ has been particularly polarised in the USA, where, despite
the presence of Republican majorities in both houses of the US congress for the past two years, and a con-
sensus across the political spectrum that reproductive cloning should be banned, no legislation has been
passed. The same problems have frustrated efforts at the UN level for a global ban on reproductive
cloning; the pro-life Bush administration has led the group of countries calling for a UN ban on all forms
of cloning, whilst Britain has led the countries insisting on a ban on reproductive cloning only. In the lat-
est vote in December 2003, 64 countries supported the US position and 23 supported Britain. It was finally
decided to postpone discussion until 2005.

In the UK, reproductive cloning was banned at the end of 2001. However, due to loopholes in the word-
ing of the HFE Act, ‘therapeutic cloning’ would be legal. Internationally, as of October 2003, 45 countries
have banned reproductive cloning32. The majority of these countries are in Europe, and are covered by a
protocol to the Council of Europe’s Convention on Biomedicine and Human Rights. In Latin America
eight countries have banned reproductive cloning, as have seven Asian countries. Of these, the most sig-
nificant is China, which has often been reported to be pursuing reproductive cloning. The Chinese gov-
ernment issued a decree banning cloning in October 200333. In Africa, only South Africa has legislation
banning cloning.

In HGA’s view, cloning should be banned internationally. It is extremely unfortunate that the split on
‘therapeutic cloning’ is impeding progress towards a global ban. We hope that the international com-
munity can resolve this difficulty swiftly.

In the public discussion on cloning, it is often suggested that there is some inevitability about cloning, and
that attempts to ban it are futile. This is usually based on the idea that ‘you can’t stop science’, or that
nations cannot prevent the actions of maverick ‘mad scientists’. It is even argued that since cloning is
‘inevitable’ it is better to regulate it in industrialised countries than to allow its unsafe development in
countries which have no legislation.

Although these arguments are usually presented as being based on realism, we believe they are naïve. In
fact, science is anything but a juggernaut, proceeding inexorably according to its own internal logic, in a
social vacuum. The agenda of scientific research is driven by many social factors, especially economic
competition. Above all, science, needs funding. Since, as we have shown, there are great technical diffi-
culties in human cloning, it makes sense to prohibit funding for research on reproductive cloning, as the
EU has done with its funding programmes. If funding for cloning dries up, and leading scientists avoid
the area, there is no certainty that cloning will ever be achieved.
As for the maverick scientist and their wealthy funders, it is possible that cloning events will take place
before there is a global ban, with severe penalties attached. In our view, they will not, because the techni-
cal difficulties will delay success until after a ban is passed. But even if this is wrong, there is a major dif-
ference between a world in which an isolated cloning event occurs, triggering a global ban, and one in
which cloning becomes an accepted economic activity. A global ban should be accompanied by funding
to help poor countries enforce it. Although a small black market might nonetheless develop, we believe
that it is still worthwhile to ban undesirable activities, and to prevent an open market in cloned embryos.

References 28
1 Lederberg, Joshua 1966 Experimental Genetics and Human 29 President’s Council on Bioethics, Staff working paper:
Evolution American Naturalist 100 519-531. Arguments for reproductive cloning
2 Rorvik, David, 1978 In His Image: The Cloning of a Man New background/workpaper3a.html
York Lippincott Co. 30
3 See, for example id=ns99994186
DailyNews/poll010816_cloning.html. 31
4 National Bioethics Advisory Commission 1997 Cloning 32
Human Beings Rockville Maryland. Available at: 33 Leggett, K. 2003 The Asian Wall Street Journal October 13.
Further reading
5Wilmut, I et al 1997 Viable offspring derived from fetal and The Cloning Sourcebook, Klotzko, A.J. ed, Oxford University Pres,
adult mammalian cells Nature 385 810-813. Oxford 2001.
6 Willadsen, S.M. 1986 Nuclear transplantation in sheep Clones and Clones CR Sunstein and M. Nussbaum, Eds WW
embryos Nature 320 63-65. Norton and Co. New York 1997.
McGee, G. Ed. The Human Cloning Debate Berkeley, Berkeley Hill
8 Cibelli, J.B., et al. 2001 Somatic cell nuclear transfer in
Books 1998.
humans: Pronuclear and early embryonic development The
Journal of Regenerative Medicine, 2 25-31. Ronald Cole Turner Ed Human Cloning: Religious responses.
9 Westminster John Knox, Press Louisville K.Y 1997.
cloning/ Scientific and Medical Aspects of Human Reproductive Cloning, NA
10 Press 2002, Washington D.C.
11 Gicquel, C. et al 2003 American Journal of Human Human Cloning, Scientific Ethics and Public Policy, B. Mackinnon
Genetics 72, 1338-1341. Ed. University of Illinois press, Urbana Chicago, 2000
12 Jaenisch, R, 2003, The biology of nuclear cloning and the
Yes to Human Cloning, Rael 2001. Tagman Press Norwich.
potential of embryonic stem cells for transplantation therapy,
Background paper for the President’s Commission on Religious positions on cloning
Bioethics, available at: Campbell, C.S. ed, Human Cloning: fact, fiction and faith.
ground/jaenisch.html. Newsletter of the Program for ethics, science and Environment,
13 Giles, J., and Knight, J. 2003 Dolly’s death leaves Oregon State University 1997
researchers woolly on clone ageing issue. Nature 421, 776.
14 Humpherys, D, et al (2001). Epigenetic instability in ES Ebrahim, Abul Fadl Mohsin. Human Cloning. In his Organ
Transplantation, Euthanasia, Cloning and Animal
cells and cloned mice. Science 293, 95-97
Experimentation: An Islamic View, pp 68-75. Leicester, United
15 Simerly, C. et al 2003 Science 300 297. Kingdom: The Islamic Foundation, 2001.
16Prather, R.S. et al 1992 Animal Biotechnology 3, 67-80. Falls, Evelyn, Skeel, Joy D.; and Edinger, Walter. The Koan of
17 Cloning: A Buddhist Perspective on the Ethics of Human
18 Kass, L., 1997 The New Republic June 2 17-26. Cloning Technology. Second Opinion 1;44-56, September 1999.
19 Fletcher, J 1974 The Ethics of Genetic Control: Ending
Pontificia Academia Pro Vita. Reflections on cloning:Citta Del
Reproductive Roulette Henry Doubleday, NY.
Vaticano: Liberia Editirice Vatacana, 1997. Available at
20 Pence G, 1998 Who’s Afraid of Human Cloning? Rowman
& Littlefield.
21 Stephens, P.
22 Lewontin, R. (1998) The confusion over cloning, in: Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America and the
McGee, G. (Ed.) The Human Cloning Debate (Berkeley, Rabinical Council of America. Cloning Research, Jewish
Berkeley Hill Books). Tradition & Public Policy: (Available at
23 Schroten, E 2002 in Ethical Eye: Cloning Council of cloninglet.htm).
Europe Publishing, Strasbourg
24 Danish Council of Ethics 2002 Cloning – Satements (avail-
able at: Further copies of this briefing can be
25 Holm S. 2001 A Life in the Shadow, in The Cloning obtained from
Sourcebook, Klotzko, A.J. ed, Oxford University Pres, Human Genetics Alert, Unit 112, Aberdeen House,
26 Katz Rothman B. 1997 in Clones and Clones CR Sunstein
22-24 Highbury Grove, London N5 2EA
and M. Nussbaum, eds. WW Norton and Co. New York. tel: +44 (0) 20 7704 6100
27 What is immoral about eugenics? Caplan A.L. et al 1999
British Medical Journal 319 1284.

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