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Learning Activity Sheet: Quarter) Contact Number: 09388532732

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S.Y. 2020 - 2021

Name: Grade & Section:

Subject: ENGLISH 9 Date: March 8 – 12, 2021
Expert Teacher: Mrs. Aizelle S. Oinal Week: 2
Activity No: 4.2 (4th Quarter) Contact Number: 09388532732
Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo – American literature and other
Standard: text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use processing, assessing
word order, punctuation marks and interjections to enable him/her to participate actively
in speech choir.
Performance The learner actively participates in speech choir through using effective verbal and non –
Standard: verbal strategies based on the following criteria: focus, voice, delivery, facial
expressions, body movements, gestures and audience impact.
Learning At the end of the lesson, the following competency should meet by the students:
Competency:  Create a comic strip that infers your thoughts, feelings and intentions.
Learning Target: I can create a comic strip that infers your thoughts, feelings and intentions.
References: RO-X Self Learning Modules
Values/Attitudes Excellence


A. Clarifying Understanding (Day 1)
An inference is a reasonable conclusion you can draw from the information you have. The speaker in a
work of literature may tell us his or her thoughts and feelings.
Direction: Read the sentences in this exercise, and then read the words in the box. Choose the word
from the box that that best describes each character. Write the word in the blank. This part is good for 1

loyal   helpful          responsible

determine adventurous honest
d grateful
friendly thoughtful
_________1. Miguel said to his friends, “I’d like to live in the jungle and be the first to explore the
other parts of the Amazon!” 
________2. Daniel went to the seat of Pedro, a new boy in school, and said, “Hello! My name is
Daniel and I do hope you will like it here in our school.”
_________3. Nenita said to Gladys, “I’ll always be your friend.”
_________4. After her parents talked to her about where she wanted to go in the summer, Rose said, “I
just can’t seem to make up my mind!”
__________5. When Dino saw an old lady carrying heavy grocery bags, he said, “Ma’am, allow me
to help you.”
__________6. Danny said to himself, ― I will do my best to get that gold medal.
__________7. Kiko wrapped the gift that he would give to his mother. He said to himself, “I hope that
Mom will like the brooch that I bought for her birthday.” 
__________8. “Thank you for saving my little boy”, the mother said to the policeman.
__________9.” Sorry, I can’t join you, guys.” I have to study for our test tomorrow. If you want, you can
join me in a group study
at my house, ‖ Miguel said to his friends asking him to join them at a party.
__________10. The boy saw the wallet drop from the man’s pocket. He needed the money but he still
followed the man and said, “Mister, this is your wallet. It fell from your pocket!"

B. Processing Questions (Day 2)

An inference is an idea or conclusion that's drawn from evidence and reasoning. An inference is an
educated guess. We learn about some things by experiencing them first-hand, but we gain other
knowledge by inference — the process of inferring things based on what is already known.
Directions: Explain the following questions, before you begin answering read again the lesson carefully
and plan what you will say. Your answer should be as well as organized and as carefully written as you
can make it. Use another sheet of paper for your answer. You are given 1 hour to complete the task.

1. What is inference?

2. Why is it important to know and understand the importance of inference?

3. How can this lesson be a help in your daily life?

C. Framing Concepts (Day 3)

From these pieces of information, we may be able to infer unexpressed thoughts and feelings. We may
infer even more – what kind of person the speaker is, how the speaker would likely to act in certain
situations, and what the author’s purpose is.
Directions: Read each passage below. Write where you think the passage is happening and explain
your answer. This part is good for 1 hour.

1. As I walked in the door, I was amazed at the beautiful colors and smells. I knew it would be hard to
decide what I would buy with my P300.00. The chocolate truffles looked delicious but they were
expensive. The jelly beans were not only cheaper, but so colorful! With so much to choose from, I
knew I would be here a long time.

2. The water felt so good on such a hot day. I heard the other children laughing and yelling across the
way. The concrete was wet from a group of teenagers splashing each other in the corner. The
lifeguard watched closely to keep children from running.


3. I was allowed to push the cart. The front left wheel was broken, so the cart wobbled down each
aisle. Mother put various packages and boxes in the cart, but I didn’t notice. I was trying to keep the
cart going straight as it got heavier and heavier.

4. As we entered, a large blast of water hit the windshield. Huge flopping sponges began to slap at the
hood as we slowly moved forward. Soon, there were suds spilling over the sides. I was glad the
windows were rolled up!


5. It felt wonderful to be outside, even if only for a little while! All the swings were already taken, and
a group was playing softball on the diamond. Casey and I decided to use the monkey bars until
the teacher called us.


D. Lifelong Learning (Day 4)

The author may intend to inform, explain, describe, persuade, entertain, and tell a story. He or she may
also have more than one purpose in expressing his or her ideas in writing.
Directions: Create your own superheroes by writing a comic strip about them. Write a short story about
them. Identify the character trait of each superhero based on your description and their mission or goals
as superheroes.


Name: Grade & Section:
Subject: ENGLISH 9 Date: March 22 – 26, 2021
Expert Teacher: Mrs. Aizelle S. Oinal Week: 3
Activity No: 4.3 (4th Quarter) Contact Number: 09094480244
Topic: Limiting a topic
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo – American literature and
other text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use
processing, assessing word order, punctuation marks and interjections to enable
him/her to participate actively in speech choir.
Performance The learner actively participates in speech choir through using effective verbal
Standard: and non – verbal strategies based on the following criteria: focus, voice, delivery,
facial expressions, body movements, gestures and audience impact.
Learning At the end of the lesson, the following competency should meet by the students:
Identify the topic sentence, the topic and what about the topic
Create a paragraph to limit a topic
Learning Target: I can identify the topic sentence, the topic and what about the topic
I can create a paragraph to limit a topic
References: RO-X Self Learning Modules
Values/Attitudes: Excellence
1. Topic: Health Problem S.Y. 2020 – 2021
 ________________________________________________
 _________________________________________
 ______________________________________
2. Student’s Problem
 _____________________________________________
 ___________________________________________
 ________________________________

A.2 Directions: You are given topic sentences below. Identify its two parts. Write the topic and what
about the topic in the given blank.

1. Topic Sentence: Parents separation can affect the life of a child.

Topic: _________________________________________________________________
What about the topic_____________________________________________________


Illustration 5:
Topic Sentence: Successful students know how to manage study time.
Topic: Successful Students
What about the topic? Know how to manage study time
Illustration 6:
Topic Sentence: Knowing how to study for tests is important in high school.
Topic: Knowing how to study for tests
What about the topic? Is important in high school
Illustration 7:
Topic Sentence: Taking notes in class is another essential study skill.
Topic: Taking notes in class
What about the topic? Is another essential study skill?

A. Clarifying Understanding (Day 1)
Limiting a topic is the first step in writing a strong paragraph. Many topics are too broad to talk about in
7-9 sentences. We must focus or limit the topic so that we can talk about it completely in a single
Why do we limit our topic in writing paragraphs?

do we limit our topic in writing paragraphs?

D. Lifelong Learning (Day 4)

Once you’ve selected a topic that feels right, you need to do yourself a favor; avoid becoming
hopelessly lost at the start. Writing in all disciplines requires students to decide what is really important
about a subject. Writing situations after graduation impose similar limits. Business reports, scientific
articles, research grants, and dissertations have limits, and readers have limits; they have limited time
and massive amounts of information to absorb. Our task is to provide important information in the
space we are given.
Directions: You are going to write a paragraph about how to become successful in life. From there,
you are going to identify the topic sentence, the topic and what about the topic. Write it on a space
provided below. This part is good for 1 hour.
Name: Grade & Section:

Subject: ENGLISH 9 Date: March 29 – April 2, 2021

Expert Teacher: Mrs. Aizelle S. Oinal Week: 4

Activity No: 4.4 (4th Quarter) Contact Number: 09094480244

Topic: Prediction

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo – American literature and other text types
serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use processing, assessing word order,
punctuation marks and interjections to enable him/her to participate actively in speech choir.

Performance Standard: The learner actively participates in speech choir through using effective verbal and non – verbal
strategies based on the following criteria: focus, voice, delivery, facial expressions, body
movements, gestures and audience impact.

Learning Competency: At the end of the lesson, the following competency should meet by the students:

 Identify the Gist of the Material Viewed Based on the Title, Pictures, and Excerpts
 Predict outcome by using the events that happened in the story or situation
Learning Target: I can identify the gist of the material viewed based on the title, pictures, and excerpts
I can predict outcome by using the events that happened in the story or situation.

References: RO-X Self Learning Modules

Values/Attitudes: Excellence

S.Y. 2020 – 2021

This movie showed how Ely struggled with grief because

of Celine and met someone who was trying to win his love.

A. Clarifying Understanding (Day 1)
Predicting is an ongoing process that keeps the reader engaged as he or she tries to figure out what
is coming next by making new predictions. He or she is also revising old predictions as more
information is gathered.
Directions: Based on the title and pictures, predict the happenings in the story and the main point of
the material viewed. This part is good for 1 hour.

Title: Outwitting a Crocodile

Text from the story:
"Thank you, Sang Buaya for helping me to cross the river. This is my new home."
"What do you mean? You tricked us to help you cross the river?" shouted Sang Buaya. He
was shocked. "There isn't any feast, is there?"

Making predictions is also a valuable strategy to improve reading comprehension. Good readers
scan the text and make predictions before they read in order to get a sense of what the reading is about.
Here are some steps in making predictions:
Step 1: Read the title and make some predictions about the main idea.
B. Processing Questions (Day 2)
Most of the time, a reader sees the title of a text, looks at a picture on the cover, or reads the first
line, prior knowledge from what they've learned and/or from life experiences is used to make
predictions. From beginning readers to adults who've been reading the majority of their lives,
predictions help keep readers focused and motivated, and it shows that they understand what they
are reading.
Directions: Explain the following questions, before you begin answering read again the lesson
carefully and plan what you will say. Your answer should be as well as organized and as carefully
written as you can make it. Use another sheet of paper for your answer. You are given 1 hour to
complete the task.

1. In your own idea, what is prediction?

2. Why is it to know and understand the importance of prediction?

3. As a student, how this lesson important in your daily living?

C. Framing Concept (Day 3)

Making predictions when reading is an important reading comprehension strategy it could hasten
learners thinking skills. More advanced readers make predictions very naturally before and during
the reading process, much like when someone watches a movie and keeps interrupting it to say
what they think will happen next.
Directions: In this part, complete the chart below. It will help you to evaluate your understanding of
the lessons that will be taken on this topic. You will be asked to fill in the information in a different
section of this topic. Write your answer in the given table. You will be given 55 minutes to complete
this task.

How can I Apply this to my

What did I Learned? daily life?
What do I Know?

D. Lifelong Learning (Day 4)

Effective readers use pictures, titles, headings, and text—as well as personal experiences—to make
predictions before they begin to read. Predicting involves thinking ahead while reading and anticipating
information and events in the text. After making predictions, students can read through the text and
refine, revise, and verify their predictions.
Directions: We can predict outcome by using the events that happened in the story or situation. We
may also use the information from our experiences. Now, what you are going to do is to look for
magazines, books, newspaper or any reading materials. Post here the Grade & Section:
title, the picture or text and
make your prediction about it.
Health and Home 2019
Subject: ENGLISH 9 Date: December 1 - 4, 2020

Expert Teacher: Mrs. Aizelle S. Oinal Week: 5

Activity No: 2.5 (2nd Quarter) Contact Number: 09094480244

Topic: Types and Features of Poetry

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literatures and other text types serve as
vehicles of expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals or group; also how to use strategies
in critical reading, listening, and viewing, and affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu
and extemporaneous speeches.

Performance Standard: The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech emphasizing how to solve conflicts among
individuals or group.

Learning Competency: At the end of the lesson, the following competency should meet by the students:

 Identify types and features of poetry

Learning Target: I can identify types and features of poetry.

References: My Distance Learning Buddy 9

Values/Attitudes: Excellence


Name: Grade & Section:
Subject: ENGLISH 9 Date: April 5 - 9, 2021

Expert Teacher: Mrs. Aizelle S. Oinal Week: 5

Activity No: 4.5 (4th Quarter) Contact Number: 09094480244

Topic: Non – Verbal Communication

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo – American literature and
other text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use
processing, assessing word order, punctuation marks and interjections to enable
him/her to participate actively in speech choir.

Performance Standard: The learner actively participates in speech choir through using effective verbal
and non – verbal strategies based on the following criteria: focus, voice, delivery,
facial expressions, body movements, gestures and audience impact.

Learning Competency: At the end of the lesson, the following competency should meet by the students:

 Discuss the non – verbal communication

 Create a speech that includes gestures, non – verbal cues and body
language written.
Learning Target: I can discuss the non – verbal communication
I can create a that includes gestures, non – verbal cues and body language

References: RO-X Self Learning Modules

Values/Attitudes: Excellence
A. Clarifying Understanding (Day 1)
Your nonverbal communication cues—the way you listen, look, move, and react—tell the person you're
S.Y. 2020 – 2021
communicating with whether or not you care, if you're being truthful, and how well you're listening.
When your nonverbal signals match up with the words you're saying, they increase trust, clarity, and
Directions: From the Word Pool below, choose a word that best represents the Nonverbal
cues/language inside the graphic organizer. A space is provided for your answer.


Non-verbal communication is a system consisting of a range of features often used together to aid
expression. The combination of these features is often a subconscious choice made by native speakers or
even sub-groups/sub-cultures within a language group. The main components of the system are:
 Kinesics (body language) Body motions such as shrugs, foot tapping, drumming fingers, eye
movements such as winking, facial expressions, and gestures
B. Processing Questions (Day 2)
Nonverbal communication is important because it gives us valuable information about a situation
including how a person might be feeling, how someone receives information and how to approach a
person or group of people.
Directions: Explain the following questions, before you begin answering read again the lesson carefully
and plan what you will say. Your answer should be as well as organized and as carefully written as you
can make it. Use another sheet of paper for your answer. You are given 1 hour to complete the task.

1. In your own idea, what is non – verbal communication?

2. Why is it important to study and understand the non – verbal cues?

3. As a student, how can we apply non-verbal communication in our daily undertakings?

C. Framing Concept (Day 3)

Nonverbal communication plays a significant role in our lives, as it can improve a person's ability to
relate, engage, and establish meaningful interactions in everyday life. A better understanding of this
type of communication may lead people to develop stronger relationships with others.
Directions: Below are other examples of non-verbal communication/gestures that you may follow or
refrain from doing in delivering a speech or a report. Use words from the list as well as any other words
you can think to describe these pictures.
D. Lifelong Learning (Day 4)
In Non-verbal communication it includes covering body language, gestures, how we dress or act, where
we stand, and even our scent. There are many subtle ways that we communicate (perhaps even
unintentionally) with others. For example, the tone of voice can give clues to mood or emotional state,
whilst hand signals or gestures can add to a spoken message
Directions: Look at the pictures closely. In your module, jot down all the important messages conveyed
in these images. After that, use that information in writing a simple speech entitled “Stay at Home, Save
Lives”. In your speech, please include the non-verbal cues, gestures, body language(s) written inside
an open and close parenthesis (). Write it on a space provided below.

“As I watched people walking down the street, my heart sunk. They don’t know the danger that awaits
them”, (gloomy face).













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