Kachchh University: Physics

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Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma

Kachchh University
Mundra Road
BHUJ :370 001

B. Sc. Semester III & IV

Code : CEPH – 303, 304
CEPH – 405, 406

With effect from June 2016


K S K V Kachchh University
B. Sc. (Physics) CBCS Syllabus
(In force from June 2016)

Semester - III

CEPH – 303 Thermodynamics, Optics, Atmospheric Physics

Thermodynamic Variables; Extensive and intensive Variables; Maxwell’s Thermo
dynamical Relations; Applications of Maxwell’s Thermodynamic Relations; Specific
Heat Equation; Temperature change in Adiabatic Process; Clausius-Clapeyron’s
Equation (First Latent Heat Equation); Thermodynamic Potentials; Significance of
Thermodynamic Potentials; Relation of Thermodynamical Potentials with their
Variables; Relation between Cp, Cv and µ; The TdS Equations; Clapeyron’s Latent
Heat Equation using Maxwell’s Thermodynamical Relations; Clapeyron Latent Heat
Equation using Carnot’s Cycle; Adiabatic Stretching of a wire; Internal Energy of
Ideal and Real Gases; Entropy and the Second law of Thermodynamics; Joule-Kelvin
Coefficient; Temperature of Inversion; Heating effect of Hydrogen and Helium at
Room Temperature.
Ref. : Heat and Themodynamics and Statistical Physics
by Brijlal, Subrahmanyam, Hemme. S. Chand & Company (Reprint 2012)
(Chapter 6 Art. 6.1 to 6.3, 6.4, 6.4.1, 6.4.6, 6.4.7, 6.5 to 6.13, 6.15, 6.16, 6.4.4, 6.4.5)

Statistical Mechanics
Statistical Basis; Probability; Principle of Equal A Priori Probability; Probability and
Frequency; Some Basic Rules of Probability Theory; Permutations and Combinations;
Macrostate and Microstate; Thermodynamic Probability.

Laws in Statistical Mechanics: Degrees of Freedom; Position Space; Momentum

Space; Phase Space; The mu-space and Gamma Space; Division of Phase Space into
Cells; Applications; Fundamental Postulates of Statistical Mechanics; Density of
Quantum States of Energy of a Particles; Statistical Ensembles; Microcanonical
Ensemble; Canonical Ensemble; Grand- Canonical Ensemble; Comparison of
Ensembles; Bridge with Macroscopic Physics; Theories Based on Statistical Mechanics;
Entropy and Probability; Boltzmann’s Canonical Distribution Law; Application of
Boltzmann’s Canonical Distribution Law; The Equipartition of energy.
Ref. : Heat and Themodynamics and Statistical Physics
by Brijlal, Subrahmanyam, Hemme. S. Chand & Company (Reprint 2012)
(Chapter 9, Art. 9.1 to 9.8; Chapter 10, Art. 10.1 to 10.11, 10.13 to 10.18)

Fresnel Diffraction: Introduction; Huygens-Fresnel Theory; Fresnel’s Assumptions;
Rectilinear Propagation of Light; Zone Plate; Action of a zone plate for an incident
spherical wave front; Difference between a zone plate and a convex lens; Distinction
between Interference and Diffraction; Fresnel and Fraunhoffer Types of diffraction;
Diffraction at a Circular Aperture; Mathematical Treatment of Diffraction at a circular
Aperture; Intensity at a Point away from the centre.

Fraunhoffer Diffraction: Introduction; Fraunloffer Diffraction at a Single Slit;

Fraunhoffer Diffraction at Double Slit; Interference and Diffraction.
Ref. : A Textbook of OPTICS by Subrahmanyam, Brijlal, Avadhanulu
S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi. Twenty fourth Revised Edition 2010
(Chapter 17, Art. 17.1 to 17.8; Chapter 18, Art. 18.1, 18.2, 18.4, 18.5)

Atmospheric Physics
Composition of Planetary atmospheres; Evolution of atmospheres; Earth’s neutral
atmosphere; Composition of air at the surface; Atmospheric divisions; Other divisions;
Pressure and density variations; Static Atmosphere; Dynamic atmosphere; Density and
Temperature distribution models; Energetic of the lower atmosphere;
Thermodynamics of dry air; Entropy and potential temperature; Heat budget of the
atmosphere; Atmospheric circulation; General principles; Coriolis force and angular
momentum; Classes of Winds; Basics equations for large scale flow; General
atmospheric circulation; Wind pattern with altitude; Thermospheric winds; Acoustic
and internal gravity waves.
Ref. : An introductory course on Space Science and Earth’s atmosphere
by S. S. Degaonkar.
(Chapter 3, Art. 3.3, 3.4, 3.6 to 3.9)


(1) Flatness of plate by Newton’s rings

(2) Thickness of a glass plate and radius of curvature of convex lens by optical
(3) Resolving power of Telescope
(4) ‘L’ by Maxwell’s Bridge
(5) Study of Transformer
(6) Caushy’s Constants
(7) Experimental check up by Multimeter
(Power supply, resistor, Transistor, Diode, Capacitor)
(8) Absorption co-efficient of Liquid by photocell.



In each theory paper there will be FOUR Questions (Q.1 to Q.4), one question from
every unit. A question will be of 15 Marks. Duration of the exam: 2 Hrs 30 Min.
Passing standard: 24 Marks out of 60 Marks.

The structure for each question is as under:

Section (A) Objective type (no internal option) 5 Marks

The types of questions for section (A) are varied, like: One line answers,
Two line answers, Definitions, Reasoning, Drawing figures etc.

Section (B) Descriptive type (with internal option) 10 Marks

The types of questions for section (B) are varied, like: Derivations,
Short notes, Problems etc.


There will be FOUR Exercises in each Practical, as under, total of 30 Marks

(1) Approach (2) Readings and Calculations (3) Viva (4) Practical Journal

Duration of the exam: 3 Hrs. Passing standard: 12 Marks out of 30 Marks.

CEPH – 304 Electricity, Magnetism, Electronics

Electrostatic Energy; Electric Dipol; Dipole in Uniform Electric Field;
Electric dipole in Non-Uniform Electric Field; Mutual Potential energy of Two
Dipoles; Electric Double layers; Electric Quadrupole.

Conductors and Insulators; Conductor in an Electrostatic field; Electric Field at a

surface of a Charged Conductor; Capacitors; Electric Response of a Non-conducting
medium to an Electric field; Polarization.

Ref. : Electromagnetics by B. B. Laud

(Chapter 1, Art. 1.14 to 1.20; Chapter 2, Art. 2.1 to 2.4, 2.6, 2.7)

Electric Current; Ohm’s law-Electrical conductivity; The calculation of Resistance;
Magnetic effect; The Magnetic field; Force on a Current; Bio-Savart law; The laws of
Manetostatics; The Magnetic Potential; Magnetic media; Magnetization; Magnetic
field vector; Magnetic Susceptibility and Permiability.

Ref.: Electromagnetics by B.B. Laud

(Chapter 4, Art. 4.1 to 4.9, 4.14 to 14.17)

Bipolar Transistors: Introduction; Construction of Junction Transistor; Operation of
a PNP Transistor; Operation of NPN Transistor; Supply voltage connection; Current
Amplification Factors; Transistor leakage Currents; Characteristic Curve of a
Transistor in Common-Emitter Connection and Definitions of h-Parameters;
Characteristic Curve of a Transistor in Common-Base Connection and Definitions of
h-Parameters; Transistor current and Voltage Notations; Transistor as an Amplifier;
Basic Transistor Amplifier Circuits; D.C. Load Line; Graphical Analysis of Common-
Emitter Voltage Amplifier; A.C. Load Line.

Ref. : Elements of Electronics by Bagde and Singh

(Chapter 3, Art. 3.1 to 3.15)

Electronic Devices: FET; MosFET; UJT; LED; SCR; Tunnel Diode; Solar cell.

D.C. Bias and Stabilization: Introduction; Factors which cause shift of the Operating
point; Stability factor; Fixed Bios circuit; Collector to Base Bios; Emitter Bias; Bias
Compensation; Thermal Runaway; Thermal Resistance; Condition for thermal

Ref.: Elements of Electronics by Bagde and Singh

(Chapter 4, Art. 4.1 to 4.10)
Principles of Electronics by V.K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta. S. Chand & Company


(1) Study of X-ray diffraction pattern

(2) ‘g’ By bar pendulum
(3) Logic Gates
(4) High R by Leakage
(5) Characteristics of FET
(6) Hartman Formula
(7) Permeability of Free space
(8) Numerical Differentiation



In each theory paper there will be FOUR Questions (Q.1 to Q.4), one question from
every unit. A question will be of 15 Marks. Duration of the exam: 2 Hrs 30 Min.
Passing standard: 24 Marks out of 60 Marks.

The structure for each question is as under:

Section (A) Objective type (no internal option) 5 Marks

The types of questions for section (A) are varied, like: One line answers,
Two line answers, Definitions, Reasoning, Drawing figures etc.

Section (B) Descriptive type (with internal option) 10 Marks

The types of questions for section (B) are varied, like: Derivations,
Short notes, Problems etc.


There will be FOUR Exercises in each Practical, as under, total of 30 Marks

(1) Approach (2) Readings and Calculations (3) Viva (4) Practical Journal

Duration of the exam: 3 Hrs. Passing standard: 12 Marks out of 30 Marks.

K S K V Kachchh University
B. Sc. (Physics) CBCS Syllabus
(In force from June 2016)

Semester - IV

CEPH – 405
Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Solid State Physics, Optics

Classical Mechanics
Mechanics of System of particles; Motion of a system with variable mass;
Moving Coordinate system: Coordinate system with relative translational motions;
Rotating coordinate systems; The coriolis force; Motion on the earth; Effect of coriolis
force on a freely falling particle.
Ref. : Introduction to Classical Mechanics by R.G. Takwale & P.S. Puranik
(Chapter 3, Art. 3.5 & 3.6; Chapter 9, Art. 9.1 to 9.5)

Quantum Mechanics
Difficulties with classical models; Optical Spectra; Blackbody radiation; The Franck-
Hertz experiment.
Photons as particles: The Compton effect; Particle diffraction.
Ref.: Quantum Mechanics by John. L. Powell, Bernd Crasemann
(Chapter 1, Art. 1.1 to 1.3, 1.5; Chapter 2, Art. 2.1, 2.2)
Quantum Mechanics; The wave equation; Schrodinger’s Equation: Time Dependent
form; Expectation Values; Schrodinger’s Equation: Steady state form; Particle in Box.
Ref.: Concepts of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser.
(Chapter 5, Art. 5.1 to 5.6)

Solid State Physics
Crystallography: Introduction; Single and Polycrystalline crystals; Symmetry
considerations; Periodicity in crystals; Unit cell; Number of atoms or lattice points per
unit cell; Representation of planes: Miller indices; Spacing of planes in crystal lattice;
Density of lattice points; Symmetry elements; Symmetry groups; Point groups; Space
group; Characteristics of space group; Determination of space group; Classification of
crystals; Bravais lattice in two dimensions; Bravais lattice in three dimensions; Different
crystal structures; Hexagonal close-packed structure; Face-centered cubic or cubic
close-packed structure; Body-centered cubic structure; Simple cubic structure;
Diamond structure; Zinc blende structure; Sodium chloride structure; Cesium chloride
Diffraction of X-rays: Determination of Crystal Structure; Bragg’s law; Bragg’s law
in one dimension; Bragg’s law in three dimension; Characteristics features of Bragg’s
Ref.: Fundamentals of Solid state physics by Saxena Gupta Saxena
(Chapter 1, Art. 1.1 to 1.18; Chapter 2, Art. 2.1, 2.2)
Rudiments of Material Science by S.O. Pillai & Sivakami Pillai

Resolving Power: Resolving Power; Rayleigh’s Criterion; Limit of Resolution of the
Eye; Limit of resolution of a Convex lens; Resolving power of optical instruments;
Criterion for Resolution according to lord Rayleigh; Resolving power of a Telescope;
Resolving power of a microscope; Ways of increasing resolution; Magnification versus

Fiber optics : Introduction; Optical fiber; Necessity of Cladding; Optical fiber System;
Optical Fiber Cable; Total internal reflection; Propagation of light through and optical
fiber; Critical Angle of Propagation; Acceptance Angle; Fractional refractive index;
Numerical aperture; Fiber optic Communication system; Merits of Optical Fiber.

Ref.: A Textbook of OPTICS by Subrahmanyam, Brijlal, Avadhanulu

S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi. Twenty fourth Revised Edition 2010
(Chapter 19, Art. 19.1 to 19.10; Chapter 24, Art. 24.1 to 24.6, 24.21, 24.22)


(1) Wavelength of prominent Lines of Hg spectrum by Grating

(2) Wavelength of light by Edser’s diffraction pattern
(3) Double refraction in calcite prism.
(4) Characteristics of UJT
(5) Figure of merit of Ballistic Galvanometer.
(6) e/m by Thomson’s Method
(7) Resonance pendulum
(8) Numerical Interpolation




In each theory paper there will be FOUR Questions (Q.1 to Q.4), one question from
every unit. A question will be of 15 Marks. Duration of the exam: 2 Hrs 30 Min.
Passing standard: 24 Marks out of 60 Marks.

The structure for each question is as under:

Section (A) Objective type (no internal option) 5 Marks

The types of questions for section (A) are varied, like: One line answers,
Two line answers, Definitions, Reasoning, Drawing figures etc.

Section (B) Descriptive type (with internal option) 10 Marks

The types of questions for section (B) are varied, like: Derivations,
Short notes, Problems etc.


There will be FOUR Exercises in each Practical, as under, total of 30 Marks

(1) Approach (2) Readings and Calculations (3) Viva (4) Practical Journal

Duration of the exam: 3 Hrs. Passing standard: 12 Marks out of 30 Marks.

CEPH – 406 Atomic Spectra, Nuclear Physics, Relativity, Plasma

Unit –I
Atomic Spectra
Orbital Magnetic Dipole moment: Bohar Magnetron; Larmor Precession; space
quantization; Electron Spin; Vector model of the atom; Spectroscopic terms and their
notations; The Stern-Gerlach experiment;

Normal and Anomalous Zeeman effect; Explanation of Normal Zeeman effect;

Explanation of Anomalous Zeeman effect.

Ref. : Atomic and Molecular Spectra By Rajkumar (Kedar Nath Ramnath Publication)
(Chapter 4, Art. 1 to 7; Chapter 12, Art. 1 to 3)

Nuclear Physics
Physical Tools: Interaction between particles and matter: A brief survey ; Detectors for
Nuclear Particles: (i) Proportional Counter (ii) The Geiger Counter (iii) Scintillation
Counter (iv) Solid state or Semi conductor Detector (vi) Cloud and Bubble Chambers;
Particle Accelerators: (i) Van de Graaff Generator (ii) The cyclotron.

The Q Equation: Introduction; Types of Nuclear Reactions; The balance of Mass and
Energy in Nuclear Reaction; The Q Equation; Solution of Q Equation.

Ref. : Nuclear Physics by S.B Patel

(Chapter 1, Art.1.I.2 to 1.I.4; Chapter 3, Art. 3.1 to 3.5)

Gallalion Transformation equations; Concept of Ether; Michelson Morley Experiment;
Lorentz Transformation equations.

Postulates of Special Relativity; Time Dilation; Doppler Effect; Length Contraction;

Twin Paradox; Relativity of Mass; Mass and energy; Mass less particles.

Ref.: Concepts of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser.

(Chapter 1, Art. 1.1 to 1.5, 1.7 to 1.9)


Introduction; composition and characteristics of a plasma; Collisions; Surface
phenomena; Transport phenomena; Diffusion and Mobility: Ambipolar diffusion;
Viscosity: Conductivity; Recombination; Ohm’s law; Gas Discharge; Comparison of
Various natural and Man-made plasmas; Plasma diagnostics; Plasma waves and
instabilities; Space plasma.
Ref. : Elements of Plasma Physics By S. N. Goswami
(Chapter 1, Art. 1.1 to 1.14)


(1) Y- By Koening’s Method

(2) Study of Electron Diffraction pattern
(3) C1/C2 by Desauty’s Method
(4) h- Parameters
(5) Transistor Amplifier
(6) Measurements by C.R.O
(7) Nand Gate as universal gate
(8) Numerical solution of secular Determinant




In each theory paper there will be FOUR Questions (Q.1 to Q.4), one question from
every unit. A question will be of 15 Marks. Duration of the exam: 2 Hrs 30 Min.
Passing standard: 24 Marks out of 60 Marks.

The structure for each question is as under:

Section (A) Objective type (no internal option) 5 Marks

The types of questions for section (A) are varied, like: One line answers,
Two line answers, Definitions, Reasoning, Drawing figures etc.

Section (B) Descriptive type (with internal option) 10 Marks

The types of questions for section (B) are varied, like: Derivations,
Short notes, Problems etc.


There will be FOUR Exercises in each Practical, as under, total of 30 Marks

(1) Approach (2) Readings and Calculations (3) Viva (4) Practical Journal

Duration of the exam: 3 Hrs. Passing standard: 12 Marks out of 30 Marks.


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