Class 12 Political Science Notes Chapter 9 Globalisation
Class 12 Political Science Notes Chapter 9 Globalisation
Class 12 Political Science Notes Chapter 9 Globalisation
Chapter 9 Globalisation
April 19, 2019 by Bhagya
CBSE Class 12 Political Science Notes Chapter 9 Globalisation is part of Class 12 Political
Science Notes for Quick Revision. Here we have given NCERT Political Science Class 12 Notes
Chapter 9 Globalisation.
Globalisation means the flows of ideas, capital, commodities and people across different
parts of the world. It is a multidimensional concept. It has political, economic and cultural
manifestations and these must be adequately distinguished.
Globalisation need not always be positive. It can have negative consequences for the
As a concept, globalisation fundamentally deals with flows. These flows can be ideas
moving from one part of the world to another, commodities being traded across borders
and so on.
The crucial element is the worldwide inter connectedness which is created and sustained
as a consequence of these constant flows.
Causes of Globalisation
One important aspect of globalisation is that even though it is not caused by any single
factor, technology remains a critical element.
The ability of ideas, capital, commodities and people to move more easily from one part
of the world to another has been made possible by technological advances.
Interconnections is also an important aspect of globalisation. Any event taking place in
one part of the world could have an impact on another part of the world.
Consequences of Globalisation
Political Consequences
Economic Consequences
Cultural Consequences
The consequences of globalisation can also be seen on our culture too and thus it is not
confirmed only to the sphere of politics and economy.
The process cultural globalisation poses a threat because it leads to the rise of a uniform
culture or what is called cultural homogenisation.
Cultural globalisation has both positive as well as negative effect on the world.
While cultural homogenisation is an aspect of globalisation, the same process also
generates precisely the opposite effect.
Flows pertaining to the movement of capital, commodities, ideas and people go back
several centuries in Indian History.
During the British rule, India became an exporter of primary goods and raw materials and
a consumer (importer) of finished goods.
After independence, India decided to be a self-sufficient country rather than being
dependent on others.
In 1991, India embarked on a programme of economic reforms that has sought
increasingly to de-regulate various sectors including trade and foreign investment.
Resistance to Globalisation
Globlalisation has invited strong criticism all over the globe. For some globalisation
represents a particular phase of global capitalism that makes the rich richer and the poor
Culturally, they are worried that traditional culture will be harmed and people will lose
their age-old values and ways.
It is important to note here that anti-globalisation movements too participate in global
networks, allying with those who feel like them in other countries.
The World Social Forum (WSF) is a global platform bringing together human rights
activists, environmentalists, labour, youth and women activists opposed to neo-liberal
1. Globalisation is the integration of economy of a country in the process of free flow of trade
and capital. It may also include ‘Brain drain’ across borders.
2. Globalisation increases the volume of trade in goods and services, inflows private foreign
capital, increases foreign direct investment, creates new jobs, strengthens domestic economies,
improves productive efficiency and healthy competition.
3. Globalisation may have negative impacts also as it failed to generate sufficient employment,
modern methods of cultivation are not acquainted to less educated persons, it creates income
inequality and exploits natural resources and labour force.
7. Cultural globalisation emerges and enlarges our choices and modify our culture without
overwhelming the traditional norms i.e. burger can not be a substitute for masala dosa. Hence, it
broadens our cultural outlook and promotes cultural homogenisation.
8. Globalisation has been criticised on political, economic and cultural grounds i.e. politically it
weakens the state by reducing its sovereignty. Economically it has made the rich richer and the
poor poorer creating disparities. Culturally there has been harmed traditions and lost age old
values and ways. The World Social Forum (WSF) has also opposed neo-liberal globalisation.
9. In India, Globalisation has led to setting up of foreign companies as India realised the need for
relating the Indian economy with the world by responding to 1991 financial crisis.
11. Resistance to globalisation in India has come from different quarters i.e. left wing protests to
economic liberalisation, trade unions of industrial workforce organised protest against
multinationals, the patents, resistance from political right i.e. objecting to various cultural
influences of foreign T.V. channels, celebration of Valentine’s Day and Westernisation of dress
of girls students in schools and colleges.
9. Environmental movements are the movements of groups which are environmentally conscious
to challenge environmental degradation at national or international level aiming at raising new
ideas and long term vision i.e. in Mexico, Chille, Brazil, Malaysia, Indonesia, India faced
enormous pressure.
10. Environmental movements are categorised as forest movements, movements against mining
and mineral industry for creating Water Pollution and Anti Dam Movement.
11. ‘Resources Geopolitics’ is all about who gets what, when, where and how. The practices of
neo-colonialism spread on a large scale and throughout a cold war, industrialised countries
adopted methods to ensure a steady flow of resources by deployment of military forces near
exploitation sites and sea-lanes of communications, the stock pilling of strategic resources and
efforts to prop up friendly governments.
12. The global economy relied on oil as a portable and essential fuel. The history of petroleum is
the history of war and struggle. Water is another important resource relevant to global politics.
Regional variations and increasing scaring of freshwater may also lead to conflicts in the world
to play politics.
13. Indigenous people bring the issues of environment, resources and politics together.
Indigenous people live with their social, economic, cultural customs in particular areas who
speak of their struggle, agenda, and rights to have equal status i.e. Island states in Oceanic
region, Central and South America, Africa, India and South East Asia.
14. The issues related to rights of indigenous communities have been neglected in domestic and
international politics for long. The World Council of Indigenous People was formed in 1975
which became first of 11 indigenous NGOs to receive consultative status in the UN.
We hope the given CBSE Class 12 Political Science Notes Chapter 9 Globalisation will help
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