Crop Science
Crop Science
Crop Science
Multiple Choice c) To optimize translocation during
the day
1. C3 plants have d) To balance their temperature
with the surrounding air
a) Only one CO2 fixation pathway
b) Two CO2 fixation pathways
separated in space 7. Both photosynthesis and respiration are
c) Two CO2 fixation pathways influenced by
separated in time
d) Three CO2 fixation pathway a) Relative humidity and CO2
2. This phytohormone is also called b) Oxygen concentration
ripening hormone c) Temperature and CO2
a) IAA c ) Gibberelin d) Temperature and Relative
b) Cytokinin d ) Ethylene Humidity
3. This light reaction phase of 8. Solutes move into and out of the
photosynthesis takes place in vacuole resulting in
6. Certain plant organs move when 11. Adjustments of modern crop production
exposed to water stress system to achieve sustainability should
a) To maintain high leaf water
potential a) Holistic in approach
b) Fragmentary to be effective
c) Fast and problem specific c) Non-renewable resources are well
d) Precise and profit oriented managed
d) Management of the
12. The features of a sustainable crop agroecosystem remains the same
production are over time
13. A crucial component of sustainable crop 18. Based on the frameworks of sustainable
production system which can be crop production, the indicators of the
achieved through crop polyculture performance of an agroecosystem are
a) The management capability of 30. Crops that are likely to show significant
the farmers reduction of biomass when exposed to
b) Market demand heat stress are
c) Competition among farmers
d) Availability of postharvest a) Subtropical species
facilities b) Tropical species
c) Temperate species
25. The relatively high frequency of rainfall d) Desert species
on the windward side of a mountain
range is attributed to 31. Plants that grow relatively well under
drought condition usually have
a) Orographic effects
b) Warm temperature a) Long diagravitropic roots
c) Variable wind speed b) Short orthogravitropic roots
d) Constant relative humidity c) Long orthogravitropic roots
d) Short diagravitropic roots
26. The yield of various filed crops exposed
to unreliable water supply usually drops 32. Gene recombination occur as a result of
significantly when droughts occur during
a) Vegetative propagation
a) Early vegetative stage b) Clonal propagation
b) Mid-reproductive stage c) Self-pollination of a pureline
c) Flowering stage d) Sexual reproduction
d) Mid- vegetative stage
33. In rice, the best time of the day to
27. Rainfall data that are most meaningful in conduct emasculation is
formulating appropriate cropping
calendars are
a) In the morning c ) At noon a) Seeds are germinated under dark
time conditions
b) In the afternoon d) Anytime of b) Seeds germinate in paper boxes
the day c) Seeds are pre-germinated in
water and then sown in the field
34. Seeds which can be dried to a low d) Seeds are germinated in moist
moisture level but cannot tolerate low paper towels in the cabinet
temperature like coffee and papaya are
considered 40. Grafting is done to
39. Seeds germination indicated the quality 44. Cropping system must be appropriately
of seeds. Germination percentage is designed to achieved the following
reduced when one of the following
conditions occurs a) Enrich the soil with organic
b) Improve nutritional status of d) All of the above
c) Improved soil structure 50. Water utilization at lower depths can be
d) Improve soil irrigation and achieved under the following conditions
a) Plants has more lateral roots
45. Multiple cropping is the planting of more b) Plants has deeper roots
crops per unit area. What advantages c) Growing environment is suitable
can be achieved through multiple to the plants
cropping d) The soil is terraced to conserve
soil moisture
a) Increase yield per unit area
b) Enhance biodiversity 51. To induce flowering of citrus by
c) Increases use of efficiency for irrigation, the plant should be
nutrients and water
d) Less incidence of pests and a) Irrigated continuously
diseases b) Subject to water stress and not
46. What do you expect when you increase c) Subject to water stress and
organic matter of the soil? irrigate
d) Do not subject to water stress
a) Decrease the amount of nitrogen
to apply 52. Gravimetric method is the determination
b) Increase the nitrogen to apply of water by
c) Maintain the nitrogen to apply
d) You don’t apply nitrogen a) Allowing water to flow to a
gravimetric meter
47. In leaves of many plants b) Getting fresh weight of water
c) Measuring the amount of water
a) N is higher than P than K leached from the soil
b) K is higher than P than N d) Getting the dry weight and fresh
c) K is higher than N than P weight of soil and getting
d) N is higher than K than P percentage water therefrom
48. Mulching is the practice of placing 53. Surface irrigation is typified by furrow
biodegradable or non-biodegradable irrigation. For water to be uniformly
materials on soil surface to achieved the distributed in the field, the furrow should
following but one purpose be
49. Transpiration in plants increases the loss 54. Drainage can be achieved by
of water from the soil to the plant to the
atmosphere. Transpiration increases a) Raising the beds up to 30 cm
when b) Cultivation
c) Subsoiling
a) Atmospheric temperature is high
b) Atmospheric relative humidity is 55. Poorly drained soil result in
c) Wind velocity is high
a) Increase ethylene content in the d) Poor site in poor location
leaf resulting to yellowing and
defoliation 61. When you go away from the equator
b) Increase incidence of root
diseases a) Difference between day and night
c) Increase rooting intensity period increases
d) All of the above b) Temperature is not affected
c) Day length is not affected
56. At higher temperature , the tendency of d) Temperature and daylenght
the plant is to produce poor size fruits variation increases
because of the
62. All agricultural crops in the Philippines
a) Fruit cannot get nutrients from belongs to
the soil
b) Fruit is scanscald a) Angiospermae
c) Fruit matures even before it b) Gymnospermae
reaches full size c) Spermatophytes
d) Fruit is affected by insect pests d) Thallophytes
which occurs at higher
temperature 63. In lowland rice production, land
preparation requires puddling the soil in
57. At low light intensity order to
58. Coronas climatic classification is based 64. Both moldboard plow and disc plow are
on used in the preparation of
59. When climate is evenly distributed, one 65. A kind of triangle that is formed in the
of the following may not be achieved triangular system of planting
60. Exacting crops should be established in 67. Wider plant spacing is adapted when
68. Which of the following is not among the 75. Aerial plantlets formed on the axis of the
objectives of pruning leaves or flower stalk of Agave are called
73. Trees propagated by sexual method are 80. Premature and overmature harvesting of
sugarcane will result to
a) True-to-type
b) Early bearing a) Increase in tonnage and increase
c) Tall and big in sucrose yield
d) Uniform b) Increase in tonnage and decrease
sucrose yield
74. Which of the following does not have c) Decrease in tonnage and
modified stem decrease in sucrose yield
d) Decrease in tonnage and increase
sucrose yield 89. The respiration rate is highest in
81. Parts of the plant cell not found in a) Rambutan c ) Young cob corn
animal cells b) Banana d ) Rice
a) Eggplant c ) Mangosteen 94. Leafy vegetables are very brittle and rot
b) Banana d ) Coconut faster when harvested
87. The organic acids found in apples 95. The first genetically modified food crop
a) Malic acid c ) Benzoic acid
b) Citric Acid d ) Ascorbic acid a) Tomato c ) Corn
b) Eggplant d ) Soybeans
88. A high rate of respiration in plants is
associated with 96. What moisture content of the seeds
inhibit insect activity or little insect
a) Long storage life activity
b) Short storage life
c) High photosynthetic rate a) 45-60% c ) 18-20 %
d) High transpiration rate b) 14-45 % d ) Below 8-9 %
a) Encourage preservation of
97. Seedling of rice on wet bed method are tomatoes
ready for transplanting in b) Plant during rainy season
c) Use substitute to tomatoes
a) 10-15 days c ) 25-30 days d) Avoid using tomatoes
b) 15-20 days d ) 30-35 days
104. The Department of Agriculture
98. Land preparation for one hectare using noted that only 1/3 of the palay
draft animal requires produced are used to advantage. What
measures was adopted to save observed
a) 15 man days harvested wastage?
b) 20 man days
c) 25 man days a) Palay drying and storage
d) 30 man days b) Rice milling process
c) Rice transplanting method
99. What is the probability of getting BB d) Palay exchange and marketing
offspring from BB x bb cross ?
105. Cooperatives established by
a) ½ c)1 farmers failed to thrive well because
b) 1/4 d)0
a) Cooperative activities are poorly
100. The recommend seeding rate of managed and implemented
peanut is 90 kilogram per hectare. How b) Members distrusts their
many kilogram seed is needed if the cooperative officials
germination test is only 80 percent c) Seed money for cooperatives
shared by senators and
a) 120 congressman are poorly
b) 112.5 administered
c) 125.0 d) Farmers were used to dole outs
d) 128.5
106. There are two big pineapple
101. The International Rice Research factories in the Philippines. Which is
Institute in UP Los Banos has introduced located in Cotabato?
varieties for all season. Name the most
popular one that was exported in the a) Dole
70’s b) Del Monte Fresh Produce
c) Lapanday Diversified
d) Stanphilco
Dinorado c ) Sampaguita
C-5 Variety d ) C-4 Variety 107. New techniques in food
production are learned through ______
102. The most important crop in the
world in terms of hectarage of
production a) Television modules
b) Radio comments
Rice c ) Potato c) Editorials and cartoons
Maize d ) Wheat d) Barangay Forum
109. Agriculture centers have found 115. The CIAT ( Centro Internationale
lately varieties of coconut propagation. Agricule Tropicale ) is located in
How did their varieties get discovered
and distributed? a. Philippines
b. Mexico
a) Putting up nurseries c. Colombia
b) Laboratory tissue culture d. Nigeria
c) Fielding scholars
d) Seed selection process 116. The IITA (International Institute
of Tropical Agriculture ) is located in
110. The best direction for treating
bamboo shoots is a) Philippines
b) Mexico
a) Dry and brush with chemicals c) Colombia
b) Dry by mulching d) Nigeria
c) Expose to windy heights
d) Expose all to direct sunlight 117. The International Potato Center
(CIP) is located in
111. Created the Magna Carta of Small
Farmers a. Peru
b. India
c. Kenya
a) RA 7670 c ) RA 7760 d. Ethiopia
b) RA 6077 d ) RA 7607
118. The ICRISAT ( International
112. The government approach to Crops Research Institute for the Semi-
avoid low prices for products during Arid Tropics ) is located in
harvest is through____
a. Peru
a) Putting up bonded warehouse b. India
b) Organizing cooperatives among c. Kenya
farmers d. Ethiopia
c) Giving business capital to farmers
d) Exchange of products 119. The ILRAD ( International
Laboratory for Research on Animal
113. Very lately, Philippines mangoes Diseases ) is located in
were exported to Australia, but a new
country has produced more quality a. Peru
mangoes and mango products. This is b. India
in_________ c. Kenya
d. Ethiopia
a) Korea c ) Vietnam
b) Thailand d ) Indonesia
127. Which of the following is not 134. The method of extracting fiber
among the objectives of pruning from abaca is done manually by
a. Decortication d. All of the above
b. Retting e. A and B
c. Tuxying
d. Hagutan method 141. What is the average economic life
of Jatropha?
135. Which among the following is not
a steps in the primary processing of a. 10 years c. 35 years
coffee b. 25 years d. 75 years
a. Cotton c. Coconut
b. Cacao d. Abaca
137. Totipotency is a state of cell 143. The Jatropha seed matures when
development in which a nonembryonic the capsules changes from green to
cell differentiate into an embryonic cell yellow about _________ after flowering.
and develops into a complete new plant
if the environment is suitable a. 2-3 months c. 9-12 months
b. 5-8 months d. 11-15 months
a. True c. Maybe
b. False d. Cannot tell 144. Jatropha can be tissue cultured
a. General Santos
b. Camarines Sur
c. Nueva Ecija
d. Negros Occidental
a. Magat
b. Ambuklao
c. San Roque
d. Pulangi
a. China
b. India and Indo-Malayan Center
c. Central Asia
d. Near East