CYME 5.02 Reference Manual: January 2011
CYME 5.02 Reference Manual: January 2011
CYME 5.02 Reference Manual: January 2011
Reference Manual
January 2011
© Copyright CYME International T&D Inc.
Internet :
Other Trademarks: The names of all products and services other than CYME’s
mentioned in this document are the trademarks or trade names of the respective owners.
CYME 5.02 – Reference Manual
Table of Contents
CYME 5.02 – Reference Manual
CYME 5.02 – Reference Manual
5.27 Delete........................................................................................................133
5.28 Properties .................................................................................................133
Chapter 6 The Database Menu ................................................................................135
6.1 Overview ...................................................................................................135
6.1.1 Database Formats........................................................................135
6.2 Database Manager ...................................................................................136
6.3 Create .......................................................................................................138
6.3.1 Single Database Configuration ....................................................138
6.3.2 Single Database (Equipment Only) Configuration .......................140
6.3.3 Separate Databases Configuration..............................................140
6.4 Delete........................................................................................................141
6.5 Update Network ........................................................................................141
6.6 Import........................................................................................................143
6.6.1 ASCII Files ...................................................................................144
6.6.2 XML Files .....................................................................................146
6.6.3 Previous Version of CYMDIST (prior to 4.1) ................................147
6.6.4 CYME Database...........................................................................148
6.6.5 Custom File(s) ..............................................................................149
6.7 Export........................................................................................................149
6.8 Re-Index ...................................................................................................150
6.9 Pack ..........................................................................................................151
6.10 Open Project.............................................................................................151
6.11 Save Project .............................................................................................151
6.12 Delete Project ...........................................................................................152
6.13 Close Project ............................................................................................152
6.14 Switch Status Update ...............................................................................152
6.15 Load Database Maintenance....................................................................153
6.16 Default Equipment Mapping .....................................................................154
6.17 TCC Library ..............................................................................................155
6.17.1 Select ...........................................................................................155
6.17.2 Online Update ..............................................................................155
Chapter 7 The Network Menu..................................................................................157
7.1 Select Networks........................................................................................157
7.1.1 Loaded Networks Group Box .......................................................158
7.2 Network Reduction ...................................................................................160
7.2.1 General Tab .................................................................................160
7.2.2 Device Restrictions Tab ...............................................................162
7.2.3 Node Restrictions Tab..................................................................162
7.3 Network Equivalent Calculation................................................................163
7.3.1 Network Equivalent Example .......................................................163
7.4 Network Types..........................................................................................165
7.5 Customer Types .......................................................................................166
7.5.1 Load Flow Tab..............................................................................166
7.5.2 Load Allocation Tab .....................................................................167
7.5.3 Properties Tab..............................................................................168
7.6 Environments............................................................................................168
7.6.1 General Tab .................................................................................168
7.6.2 Reliability Tab...............................................................................169
7.7 Load Growth .............................................................................................170
7.7.1 Edit Factors ..................................................................................170
7.7.2 Apply Factors ...............................................................................171
7.8 Load Model Manager................................................................................172
7.9 Section Naming Pattern............................................................................173
CYME 5.02 – Reference Manual
CYME 5.02 – Reference Manual
CYME 5.02 – Reference Manual
With an unified and straightforward interface the CYME software is distinguished for
making its complex engineering calculation features easy to use for different projects. The
seamless suite of applications of CYME provides numerous analysis functions sought by power
engineers. It also covers a wide spectrum of analyses to allow simulations, performed on any
network configuration, such as: power flow, short-circuit, transient stability, harmonics,
contingency analysis, arc flash hazards, motor starting, protective device coordination, etc.
The CYME software provides powerful modeling capabilities that support the detailed
modeling of any distribution, industrial or transmission network. Creating balanced and
unbalanced networks, secondary grids, substations, nested networks, whether radial or meshed,
three-, two- or single phased, is fully supported and can represented schematically or
geographically. To bring the network representation even closer to reality, the modeling
capabilities are supported by extensive industry-standard equipment and control libraries that can
be enhanced by the user.
A fully customizable workspace caters for the user-friendliness and suitability for different
needs of each user. The graphical representation of the network components and the display of
results in tags and and reports can be built and modified to supply the level of detail needed.
Such customization is made possible due to the availability of CYME`s large keyword collection
which outputs from equipment data and settings to different simulation results.
Innovative engineering technologies, industry practices and standards are at the core of
the CYME algorithms, flexible user interface and extensive libraries. The quality and wide-ranging
capabilities of the CYME software can provide engineers engineers and their team the
engineering solutions required to meet their analytical needs.
This document is the CYME Reference Manual. It explains how to get started with the
software, describes The CYME Interface (Chapter 2) and goes on with a description of the
menus of the application and the commands available.
Note that the Equipment menu is described at length in the Equipment Reference
Manual (this includes the definition of equipment and their settings for use in the field).
The analyses found under the Analysis menu are described in a number of separate
Users Guides. See the Help > Users Guide menu command to see which ones are available
with your license and to display the related manuals..
CYME requires an IBM PC or compatible computer using Microsoft Windows 2000, XP,
Vista, 7; or Microsoft Server 2003 or 2008. The minimum hardware requirements are:
• A Pentium IV-based computer.
• A minimum of 1024 MB of extended memory.
• 1 GB of hard disk space.
• Any mouse, monitor and printer or plotter supported by Windows.
CYME uses databases to save the equipment, network and project data. Studies are
saved in separate files (extension *.xst), not in a database. You are free to create multiple
versions of these databases, so as to keep projects separate. The databases are briefly
described below.
Note: Use the menu Database > Database Manager (section 6.2) to tell CYME
which Network and Equipment databases to use (Database Configuration).
Database type support - CYME version 5.02 and later supports the MS Access
database type. With the CYME Server Database module, it also supports: MS SQL
Server (2000, 2005, 2008), and Oracle (9, 10 and 11). CYME Server Database module is
included with CYMDIST and is an optional add-on module to the CYME software.
Please refer to Chapter 6 The Database Menu for further information on working with
The Network database contains information describing, for each network, the
connectivity of the sections, the conductors and the equipment types used, the settings of
individual equipment, the loads, the shunt capacitors and the reactors connected to every
section, and the interconnections between networks, if any.
The networks stored in the database are supposed to represent the actual situation at
some point in time (usually the present). Copies of these networks are used in studies as the
starting point.
Note: Networks that are created in a study will not be stored in the network
database, only in the study, until you use the command Update Network
(section 6.5).
The Equipment database contains the electrical characteristics of all the equipment that
is available for connection to the network.
The Project database is available if you have the CYME Advanced Project Manager
module installed. Normally, the Project database will be the same as the Network database and it
contains the modifications to the network for a specific project. The option to keep the project
data tables separate from the network ones is presented to the user at the Database > Create
menu command (see 6.3).
Using the Background Map optional module, CYME directly imports the AutoCAD .DXF
and .DWG maps, and ESRI Shapefiles .SHP. See 2.3.8 Background Map Tab. If multiple
georeferenced map files are available, a function of CYME allows keeping a link with the map
files in order to display them. The Automatically load the maps from the database function
found in the Background Map Advanced Options dialog box will permit loading only the maps
fitting the area visible on the main display.
Other map formats are supported by this function of CYME that makes a copy of the
file(s) and changes the format to MapServer’s .GDS. The following map formats are handled:
• Atlas GIS (.BNA)
• AutoCAD (.DXF)
• Digital Chart of the World (.VPF)
• ArcInfo Shape (ESRI) (.SHP)
• MapInfo (.MIF)
• Metafiles (.wmf, .emf)
• Microsoft Bitmap raster (.BMP)
• Tagged Image File (.tif)
• UK Ordnance Survey (.NTF)
• US Geological Survey (.OPT, .STD)
Unless you have created a “shortcut” icon for CYME, you will run CYME from the “Start”
menu: Start > Programs > CYME\CYME shortcut.
The title bar shows the version number of the application, followed by the revision
number. When your study is saved, the file name with the path is indicated next. Finally, the
name of the active study window is also indicated. For example, CYME version 5.02., with the
study saved and with one line “main” window active, appears as follows:
The Main Menu and Toolbar will be displayed, although most of the icons will be disabled
until you open a study. See New Study and Open Study in the File menu (sections 4.1 and 4.2).
Note: Several editor and analysis commands are now directly accessible as public
functions through the CYME COM Interface optional module. Users may write
subroutines in Basic / Visual Basic / VB.NET / C / C++ / C# to access the
functionality of CYME without opening the editor. Thus, enabling CYME to run
as a background application. For more information, please contact CYME.
The software comes with help files on the basic functions and on the analysis modules
that are found under the Help menu. You can display the Reference Manual (which is this
manual) and the Equipement Reference Manual detailing the parameters of the equipment and
their settings. A third menu item, Users Guides. provide access to the manuals about the
analysis modules for which you have a licence. You can hit the F1 key to display this Reference
Manual on your screen.
You can also display the help file text related to a dialog box by clicking on the Help icon
located at the top right hand corner of the dialog box.
Hovering your mouse over a round icon in a dialog box will display additional
information about a specific field in this dialog box.
The manuals are available through the Help menu of the program. The ones you will
have access to depend on the modules installed with CYME. Note that some manuals are
available only upon request to the CYME Technical Support service.
Two basic manuals are available. The Reference Manual (this document) describes the
user interface and the functions other than the analyses. (You can display this Reference Manual
by hitting the F1 key on your keyboard.) The Equipment Reference Manual details the
parameters of each equipment and how to set them in the field.
Note that the Users Guides provide more in-depth guidance about the equipment
settings, relevant to the analyses described. See the Help > Users Guide menu command to see
which ones are available with your license.
• The Knowledge Base Manual includes a listing of the error messages that can be
reported by CYME with their possible causes and solutions.
• The CYMVIEW – User Manual describes this complementary application that allows
viewing the CYME-generated graphics and charts and customizing their appearance.
1.7.3 Tutorials
Tutorial guides are integrated into the Help menu, helping users who are in search of
guidelines on the use of the software. Select the Help > Tutorials menu option to display the
following dialog box.
Select a subject matter in the List of tutorials to see the files that are available. Each
tutorial document describes how to use a CYME module or function, or consists in a step-by-step
exercice. Most tutorials are accompanied by a CYME self contained study file on which you apply
the steps described in the related document.
The documents are Adobe PDF files while the studies are CYME self contained studies.
Make your selection by activating the check boxes next to the file names. Click the Start Tutorial
button to display the PDF file on your screen and to load and display the self-contained study in
your CYME application.
Select Help > About CYME to view the program’s version number, list of applications
included with protection key, revision level, and date issued. You may need this information when
requesting help from the CYME customer support team.
The Read Me file contains a listing and short description of the updates since the last
revision. Display it using the Help > Read Me menu command.
The CYME web page address is: Latest news and overview information
about our software and services can be consulted there.
The Help > CYME on the Web > CYME Home Page menu option will quickly display the
CYME web page in your Internet browser.
The Help > CYME on the Web > CYME Forum menu option displays the CYME
Discussion Forum Login Page in your Internet browser. Once registered to the Forum, you will
have access to our knowledge base, post your question(s) and read questions and answers
compiled by our in-house experts.
To register to the Forum, click on the Register hyperlink and follow the instructions.
Once you will have filled in the registration page and clicked the button Submit, a message is
sent to CYME. A confirmation message will be returned to you once your request is accepted.
You will be able then to access the forum topics related to the software you have purchased.
Select the menu command Help > Technical Support to open a customer support e-
mail form (dialog box) to report technical problems to the CYME Support Team. Use this form to
attach your opened study and supporting database, system setup information and send it to our
customer support team.
Note: The e-mail address indicated here will be used as the return
address by the CYME Customer Support team.
Subject: Subject line that summarizes the support request.
Body of e-mail Enter your requests / comments.
Attach a file To select the attachment file(s) to be sent with the support e-mail.
Click on the Add button to select from your local drive(s) the file(s)
you want to attach to the message. To remove a file thus added,
highlight its name in the list and click Remove.
As a complement, enable the checkboxes besides the CYME files
you wish to send. These will be automatically attached when you will
click the Send button:
y Cymdist.ini: application startup settings
y System Information: status of your PC’s configuration (hardware
and software) and resource usage
y Self-Contained Study: a ‘stand alone’ copy of the currently
loaded study. Note that the study filename will be renamed to
“network.sxst” for diagnostic purposes. See 4.7 Save Study As
Self Contained.
y Customization files: files defined in the File > Preferences
dialog box, Configuration Files tab. (see 4.15.1).
Note: The command File > Send To Mail Recipient (see 4.17) can be used as an
alternate way to contact the CYME customer support group.
You can reach the CYME customer support team by phone or by fax.
Tel: (450) 461-3655, International & Canada
Tel: (800) 361-3627, USA & Canada
Fax: (450) 461-0966, International & Canada
Fax: (781) 229-2336, USA
Should the user desires to recover the work after an improper closing of their previous
CYME session, the program will open the right study file, or load the networks from the correct
database and the corresponding modifications.
This is the area where the network selected is displayed. You may have several different
views loaded; then, this area will be tabbed to let you access those different views.
The standard view is a Multiple Network View in which are displayed all networks that
were loaded (see 7.1 Select Networks). Networks might be displayed in this view or represented
as a symbol depending on their initial settings; while nested views will always be displayed as
symbols in this view mode. Their content can be displayed as a separate view by double-clicking
on their symbol in the main display, by clicking on the Step Into button located at the top right
hand corner of the main display or by clicking on the associated tab at the bottom of the main
display. In the nested view mode, only one network type can be viewed at a time; other types of
networks cannot be shown or added in this view. The View button provides a faster access to
various display options, including Simplified Views (see 11.11), layers and access to the View
Properties options of the Display Options dialog box (see 10.2).
Each view invoked is tabbed into the main display for easy access and display. You can
define display parameters of each of these views. Refer to Chapter 10 Display Options and 11.11
Simplified View to learn about defining and using views. CYME supports two default view styles:
georeferenced and schematic.
Finally, a global view thumbnail window, the Overview Map, located at bottom right hand
corner of the main display screen shows the whole network loaded. (see section 9.12). A blue
rectangle shows the area zoomed in. If you have two or more views of your network running,
each will contain its own overview map.
Located at the very top of the window it groups all of the commands available with the
software key(s) you have installed on your computer, in pull-down menus. Most of the commands
are disabled until you open a study. See 2.2 Menus for an overview of the menu categories
available in CYME.
Also, the Main Menu can be customized to show only the commands that are useful to
the user (see the command Customize > Menu (section 11.1).
2.1.3 Toolbars
The Toolbars are located just below the Main Menu, and feature icons representing the
most frequently used editing, navigation and analysis functions of CYME. Each icon has a
corresponding command in the Main Menu. Note that most of the icons are disabled until you
open a study.
To see the list of toolbars available, select the View > Toolbars menu option or right-
click anywhere in the Toolbar area at the top of the window to display a menu. Checkmarks
appear next to the names of the toolbars already displayed.
All Toolbars are described in section 2.5. Toolbars can be moved anywhere in the
Icons may be rearranged, removed or re-inserted in the any of the toolbars, and the
users can build their own (see 11.2 Toolbars).
This configurable area is composed of moveable tabbed multi purposed commands and
information interface that is presented in a tabular / tree structure. The commands available here
can also be accessed via menu commands.
More than one Explorer Bar window can be displayed at a time, refer to section 2.3 to
learn more about this. Within each Explorer Bar view, you can attach or detach (hide) any of the
tabs available.
To display the Explorer Bars or customize its contents, select the View > Explorer Bars
menu option (see 9.3).
2.1.5 Reports
This area is a configurable tabbed window that is displayed when reports are requested.
See Report > On Calculation (chapter 8.2). This window can be floating or docked as desired.
Located at the bottom of the screen, it consists in two lines of text that identify information
about the active database, the parameters of the selected section or node, and the cursor XY
coordinates. The first line can be customized for the users; see 11.4 Status Bar.
The dialog boxes contents depend on the CYME applications key installed on your
computer. Tabs in dialog boxes are displayed appropriately based on the available licenses; thus
avoiding confusion in distinguishing which data are required from which that are not. The
example below shows the same window shown with the CYMHARMO module installed and the
bottom one without.
The Select Network dialog box, all the Equipment dialog boxes (Equipement menu),
several analysis dialog boxes and a few others can be resized to allow the proper display of item
IDs with multiple characters. Note that all resized and repositioned dialog boxes are saved upon
exit the dialog box. Hover your mouse along the edges of the dialog box; if it can be resized, the
mouse cursor will change to a double-tipped arrow. Left click on an edge and drag with your
The left hand pane only of the Section Properties dialog box can be displayed by
clicking on the Collapse button appearing in that dialog box, thus hiding the Settings group
boxes. Clicking on the Expand button appearing in the reduced dialog box will show all the dialog
box elements again.
Note that floating toolbars can be reshaped and that floating report windows can be
resized as required.
2.2 Menus
The Main Menu at the top of the CYME screen gives access to all CYME commands.
Menu commands are enabled or disabled depending on whether there is an opened study or not.
Additional menu options will be available if you have optional modules installed.
Each menu item contains sub menu options. To displays the sub menu click on the word
with the left mouse button.
File Here you will find the commands that pertain to the general operation of
the program, the opening and saving studies, exporting studies data, as
well as printing graphics and reports. This menu also contains the
commands for setting up general characteristics of the network, such
as the system of units for length, the frequency and average earth
resistivity. (These parameters affect the calculation / characteristics of
your networks and should NOT be changed without due consideration.)
The commands of The File Menu are described in Chapter 4.
In this menu, as well, you will find access to the following tools: the
Symbol Editor (see 4.19.1), the Graphic Viewer (see 4.19.2), and the
optional Energy Profile Manager. For the latter, please refer to the
Energy Profile Manager User Guide to learn about the functionality.
Edit This menu contains the commands for finding and editing line sections.
All graphic editing tools are found here. Note that the items in this menu
are active only when a study is open.
The commands of The Edit Menu are described in Chapter 5.
Database The commands in this menu pertain to the utilization of the databases
used by CYME. This menu allows you creating your database
configurations, incorporating the ones needed, updating as well as
activating them for a given study. It also comprises commands to
update your database based on the work done on the networks.
Most of the commands in this menu are available whether there is a
study opened or not.
Chapter 6 describes the commands of The Database Menu.
Equipment Use this menu to manage the equipment in your active database (add,
delete, or modify). The equipment database is an inventory of
equipment (such as transformers), which is available for connection in
the network.
The active database is updated as soon as you click OK. You can
access this menu with or without an opened study.
The Equipment menu options are covered at lenght in the Equipment
Reference Manual.
Network The Network Menu includes commands to load the available networks
from the active database: feeders, networks and nested networks. It
also provides the means to manage your network as a whole and
define your load models names and various overall characteristics such
as the customer types and environment.
The commands found in this menu are described at Chapter 7.
Analysis This menu provides access to all of your analysis functions.
It includes all the basic analysis functions available with the CYME
license. If optional analysis modules are acquired, the user will be able
to access the additional programs via this menu.
Each analysis is covered at length in one of the User Guides available.
See the Help > Users Guide menu command to see which ones are
available with your license and display them.
Report The Report Menu includes the commands for requesting reports of
calculation results, for customizing the tabular report formats, and for
saving the reports to files. Reports can be based on simulation data or
on equipment parameters. More details in Chapter 8.
View The View Menu includes the commands that govern what you see on
the screen (and what you do not want to see!). This includes the display
of the elements of the program’s user interface. It also includes access
to the Display Options commands for the user to adjust the display of
the elements within the one-line diagrams.
It is also from this menu that you can attach a map as the background
to help you visualize the geography of the network circuits in your
The View menu is described more in details in Chapter 9. See also
Chapter 10 Display Options.
Customize The commands in The Customize Menu allow the user to modify the
CYME interface, such as the icons that appear in the toolbars, the
commands to be included in the menus, the calculation results to be
displayed, etc.
This menu also includes access to more advanced customization
functions such as the view styles, the keywords, the validation rules, the
filters, etc.
The various commands available are described in Chapter 11.
Window The Window Menu offers you the ability to open additional windows in
which to view the networks in your study, perhaps with a different
magnification, or to design another view with which to display your
networks. See section 11.11 Simplified View, 11.12 View Styles and
Chapter 10 Display Options to learn more about this.
Other standard Windows commands are available in this menu as well
(Tile, Cascade, etc.).
More details in Chapter 12.
Help From this menu, you can display an electronic version of this Reference
Manual and of the Users Guides available in the form of Help Files, the
Readme file for this version, access the CYME web page and Forum on
the Internet, open the customer support e-mail form, and display the
details about the revision number currently installed. Chapter 1.7
Getting Help describes the Help menu options along with other ways
available to obtain assistance from the CYME team.
To minimize the OLD display window. A title bar for each OLD display
minimized will be displayed at the bottom left hand corner of the main
display. Click on in this title bar to restore the view.
To tile the OLD display windows into the main display area.
To dismiss the OLD display window from the main display area.
The Explorer Bar is an area that groups a number of frequently used functions organized
under different tabs. You can have several Explorer Bar views, and within an Explorer Bar view,
you can show or hide anyone of the available tabs. Right click in a free part of the tab area and
select Add from the contextual menu. If you right click on a tab, you will be offered the choice to
Remove it from the display or to Detach and display it in a separate bar. See also View >
Explorer Bars to learn how to create your own view (section 9.3). You can also reposition the
tabs directly on the display. Left click on the tab to move and drag it while keeping the mouse
button down.
The tabs available are: Databases, Symbol Bar, Network, Detailed View, Display, Switch
Monitoring, Abnormal Conditions, Background Map and Equipment Search. If you have the
Advanced Project Manager module installed, a tab named “Projects” will be available as well.
Create Clicking on this shortcut displays the CYME Database Wizard to create
a new database configuration based on existing or new database files.
Same as Database > Create. See 6.3.
Import Displays the CYME Database Utilities Wizard with which you can
import data into a supported CYME 5.02 database type (existing or
Same as Database > Import. See 6.6.
Export Displays the CYME Database Utilities Wizard with which you can
export database data to other formats.
Same as Database > Export. See 6.7.
Database A tree-like list of the databases configurations created appears right
configurations below the New, Import and Export shortcuts.
Clicking on the “ ” icon will expand the selected branch and clicking
on the “ ” will collapse it.
If you right click on any of the database names in that list, a contextual menu will appear
with all or some of following commands:
Connect/ To select the database configuration you wish to work with, select the
Disconnect option Connect. The icon of the database that is set as the active one
will be green and its name will appear in bold, while the icons of the
other databases in the list will appear in grey.
You can also use the Database > Database Manager menu option to
achieve this (with more options). See section 6.2 for details.
Only one database can be active at any given time.
Delete Same as Database > Delete. See section 6.4 for details.
Rename To change only the name of configuration that you select in the list
(active or not).
Import Same as the Database > Import file command (see 6.6), except that
the target database will be the one already specified for the
configuration which name was highlighted in the list when you invoked
the command.
Export Same as the Database > Export file command (see 6.7), except that
the source database will be the one already specified for the
configuration which name was highlighted in the list when you invoked
the command.
Properties Displays the Database Connections Properties dialog box to modify
your database connection settings that were originally set using the
Database > Create dialog box (see 6.3).
You can also use the Database Manager dialog box (Database >
Database Manager menu command) to do those modifications. (See
When building/modifying a network, the symbol bar is used by dragging and dropping the
icons onto the main display. In most cases, once an icon is dropped onto the Main Display area,
the Properties dialog box will be displayed. When adding new equipment onto a section, double
click on the section to display the Properties dialog box in order to adjust the settings of the
equipment. Note that you can drag and drop equipment onto the network in any order (not
necessarily in their connection order) and connect them later on.
Finally, you can create symbol bar items composed of one or several elements that you
can drag and drop on the main display when building a network featuring repetitive elements.
See Create Network/Device Template.
Right-clicking on any of the symbols in any of the groups of the Symbol Bar tab will
display a contextual menu.
Add Group Displays the Customize Group dialog box (with no selection) to
create your own customized group of elements (chosen in any
category listed). Type in a group Name and Select your items to
include in your new group.
The Create Device Template contextual menu command allows the creation of
templates of devices that feature complex settings or devices with specific loads or
devices complemented with instruments. The device templates are added to the Symbol
Bar as an item that can be placed on the network as any other device. They can be
dragged and dropped onto a node or a section for immediate connection.
The templates can be added to any existing group in the Symbol Bar interface
and are available for inclusion in groups created later.
A Search command is available at the bottom of the list to quickly find the network you
are looking for. Type in its name or a part of the name and click on the Search icon ( ). Clicking
on that icon again will highlight the next instance containing the characters typed in. Note that this
command is not case sensitive.
Other commands are available for the individual networks in the list. The commands are
accessed through a contextual menu that is displayed by right-clicking on the name of the
network you wish to take action on.
Locate Zooms in and centers the display on the corresponding head node of
the network highlighted in the list.
Report Displays a tabular report containing a list of the IDs of all sections,
equipment and lines composing the network selected, along with the
lengths (when applicable) and the coordinates.
Section IDs and Equipment IDs are hyperlinked; when you click on an
ID, the element will be highlighted and centered on the main display
and the corresponding Properties dialog box will be displayed.
Load To load a network, right click on the name and select Load. Note that
Unload CYME will load the network based on the Tracing Mode currently
active in the Select Networks dialog box (see 7.1). So if one of the
options Load Network with all or with minimum dependencies is
active, the program will display only the network selected for loading
but will load all networks that have a dependency with the one selected
for loading.
You can also load all the networks in a group by selecting the Load
option from the contextual menu obtained when right clicking on the
name of that group in the tree list.
The Unload option will unload the network selected from the memory
and remove the network from the display. Note that the Unload option
will not appear in the contextual menu if you have modified that
network. You will need to use the command Update Network (see 6.5)
before being able to unload it from the memory. The name of the
network unloaded remains in the list with a “database” icon ( ) to the
left of the name indicating this status.
The Network Selection dialog box will be displayed upon loading a
network if the option Show network selection dialog when loading
from the Network Tab is enabled. This option is located at the Editor
tab of the File > Preferences dialog box (see 4.15.5).
Hide Does not unload the network but removes it from the display. You can
(Show) hide a network that has been modified.
Delete This command deletes the network from the database. You can
recuperate the network data with the modifications made using the
menu command Edit > Undo Modif. The data will be definitely deleted
once you will have used the command Database > Update Network
(see section 6.5)
Properties Displays the Network Properties dialog box corresponding to the
network selected in the list. Refer to chapter 5.9 Add Network for
explanations about the dialog box and its tab windows. Double-clicking
on the name of a network that is marked as loaded will have the same
Short-cut buttons
Auto Locate With the Auto-locate function of that menu activated, click on any of
the device names to center it in the display. Double-clicking on a
(active) device name will also display the corresponding Properties dialog
Using Section With this option activated in the contextual menu, the elements in the
Id list will be identified by the corresponding section identifier. With the
Using Device icon visible, the effect is the same.
When this option is de-activated in the contextual menu, the elements
in the list will be identified by the corresponding device number. This
is the same than having the icon visible.
Group by filter To create User-defined filters to apply to the Detailed View list. The
filters that appear in the Detailed View tab are activated through the
User Defined Filters dialog box. You can add filters to the overall list
(they will be added at the bottom) or add them to groups.
When the program identifies elements that fit a filter’s parameters, its
ID is copied into a group identified by the filter name. Click on the
icon next to a global filter to reveal the list of devices, and take further
action on any one using the contextual menu.
Note: The User-defined filters can be also used elsewhere in
CYME. See Customize > Filters (section 11.7) to learn how
to create new filters or modify existing ones.
New Group of With this functionality, you can keep a list of the devices or group of
Favorites devices you most often access or use.
Opens the New Favorite Group dialog box where you will type in the
name of the new group you wish to create. Clicking OK will add the
name of the group to the list.
To add elements to the group, highlight the IDs of the item and select
Add to Favorites from its contextual menu. You can add several
items at a time by keeping the SHIFT or the CTRL key depressed
while making your selection in the list and accessing the contextual
Contextual menu
A right click in the background of the pane displays a contextual menu containing the
options listed above plus the following ones.
Expand All / To unfold (display) all the layers and show all components / To return
Collapse All to the roots of the trees and hide all components. You can also use
the “ ” and the “ ” icons to expand or collapse the selected branch
of the list.
Evaluate all With this option enabled ( ), each time a modification is made in the
filters network and each time a simulation is run, CYME reapplies the active
filters to the network to identify all the elements that fit the parameters
of each filter.
When the option disabled, the user can reapply any filter by clicking
on its name in the Detailed View tab’s list.
A right click on a group name in the tree list (including global filters) will provide access to
a number of the functions listed above, to the Group Properties dialog box (discussed at
length at chapter 3.4), and to some or all of the following functions:
Group by To create sub-groups within a category based on a keyword. In the
Keyword example shown below, the keyword “Phase” was selected. You can
remove the grouping by selecting the option “Reset”.
Apply fault Applicable to Nodes, Lines and Cables, this option will open the Short-
Circuit Analysis dialog box to allow the execution of a short-circuit
analysis of any of the Conventional, ANSI or CEI type. Refer to the
CYMDIST Basic Analysis Users Guide or the the CYMFAULT
Reference Manual and Users Guide for more details about how to
perform the analyses.
Highlight Will place on the one-line display a circle around all devices included
in the group (or a subgroup within a group) from which the contextual
menu was invoked.
The icon of that category will show when the highlight command is on
for that category ( )
A right click on an item of the list opens its contextual menu, and depending on the item’s
type and status, you will be able to perform various operations: locate, load, unload, hide, show,
delete, connect, disconnect, etc. To that effect, refer to chapter 3.2.4 Section and Nodes
Contextual Menus to learn about the various options.
It also gives access to the related Section Properties dialog box, to edit the settings of
the device, see its failure history, etc.
For the devices, the contextual menu also contains a Display options sub menu that will
give access to the parameters relevant to the device. Selecting one of the options in this sub
menu will display the Display Options child dialog box corresponding to the selection for that
device, so the user can edit the parameters right away.. See the example below. Refer to
Chapter 10 Display Options for details.
Finally, the item contextual menu may contain a Tag > Properties option that will display
a dialog box is composed of the same Text and Options tabs that you will find in the
corresponding Tags and Text dialog box of the Display Options, however for that specific
element in the one-line display, rather than globally for that type of element. You also have the
possibility to display that specific tag or not.
With the functionality at the Switch Status Monitoring tab you can verify and monitor
the status of switching devices available on the network. The monitoring portion of this control
displays the switch status changes read from a file. Users can quickly apply the new status to the
networks loaded in the view.
Phase Click on the Filter icon ( ) at the top of the column to display the devices you
want to see based on their phase.
The user can quickly activate this tab window using the View > Background Map menu
command or by clicking on the Background Map icon of the Display toolbar (see 2.5.7).
Refer to the Background Map Users Guide for all information on the functionality of this
optional CYME module
The Equipment Search tab window is used to search the TCC curve library to find all
protective devices/instruments which names contain a given value or string. The results are
presented in a tree view according to their type. The elements in each category is then grouped
according to other criteria:
• Fuses: grouped by Manufacturer, then by Model.
• LVCBs: grouped by Type, then by Manufacturer.
• Reclosers: grouped by Type, then by Control Type.
• Overcurrent Relays: grouped by Type, then by Manufacturer
• Motor Relays: grouped by Manufacturer.
You can drag and drop any item showing a green dot on the one-line diagram to create
the device/instrument on a section. In the case of an instrument, the related Properties dialog
box will be displayed. In the case of a device, the Section Properties dialog box will displayed.
Refer to the Equipment Reference Manual for details about the properties and settings of
the devices and instruments.
Refer to the Network Forecaster User Guide for more information on the use of the
Advanced Project Manager.
2.5 Toolbars
Toolbars appear directly beneath the main menu. They contain icons that are shortcuts
to frequently used menu commands. To control which toolbar to display, use the menu
command View > Toolbars (see 9.1); or right-click on an empty part of the toolbar area to
display a contextual menu that will allow you to select the toolbars you wish to see.
To customize the contents of the toolbars, use the menu command Customize >
Toolbars (see 11.2).
Just like for the menus, the commands are enabled or disabled depending on whether
there is an opened study or not.
2.5.1 Main
NEW STUDY. Click on the button to open a new study (blank window) with
the temporary title, « New » – "Main" window). Equivalent menu command:
File > New Study. Click on the Load Networks button in this toolbar to
display the Select Networks dialog box and get started with existing
networks (see 7.1).
LOAD NETWORK(S). Displays the Load Networks dialog box that allows
you to select the networks to load and view from the active database into
the window. Equivalent menu commands: Network > Select Networks
(see 7.1).
OPEN STUDY. Displays a list of existing studies. Double-click on the one
you want to open. Equivalent menu command: File > Open Study
MERGE STUDY. Displays a list of existing studies. Double-click on the one
you want to open and merge with the study currently active. Equivalent
menu command: File > Merge Study.
SAVE STUDY. Updates the existing study file, or, if the study is new,
creates a study file with the name you specify. By default, study files have
the extension *.XST and the self-contained studies have an *.SXST
extension. Equivalent menu command: File > Save Study.
PRINT. Prints what you see in the active window section (one-line, report or
chart). Equivalent menu command: File > Print.
PRINT PREVIEW. Displays each page of the active window area (one-line,
report or chart) as it will look when printed. Equivalent menu command:
File > Print Preview (see 4.13).
Use the File > Page Setup to set the layout of your one-line print out (see
4.10). See also Report > Format for the layout setting commands available
for reports (see 8.7).
DISPLAY PRINT AREA. To select the area to be printed. When you click
on this icon the cursor will change to . You can look at the result using
the Print Preview command and print it using the Print command. When
done with your selection, click again on the icon to return the cursor to its
original state.
DISPLAY PAGE LAYOUT. To view your one-line on a page background.
Unlike the actual print area functionality, the page layout is not an area
selection mode which prevents from edition and normal interaction with the
one-line diagram. It is only a mode where a white page with a gray
background is displayed. It is possible to add elements outside the page
borders. Elements outside the page borders won’t be printed.
Click on the page icon ( ) located at the top right hand corner of the
page to display a menu that will allow you to Fit the network in page and
set the page orientation to Portrait or Landscape. These commands are
available as well in the Page Layout toolbar (see 2.5.14).
The three other options available in this menu are the same as: File > Page
Setup (see 4.10), File > Print Preview (see 4.13) and File > Print (see
Hint: Display your one-line on several “pages” using the Multiple pages
option found in the File > Page Setup dialog box (see 4.10).
GO UPSTREAM. Selects the section or the node immediately upstream
from the active section or node to be the new active one. Equivalent menu
command: Edit > Select > Previous.
LOCATE. Centers the window view and zooms in on the location of the
active section or node. Equivalent menu command: Edit > Select > Find
GO DOWNSTREAM. Selects the section immediately downstream of the
active section to be the new active section. Equivalent menu command:
Edit > Select > Next. If there are two or more possibilities, their ID will be
listed as a drop down menu to the button, from where to choose from.
UNDO MODIFICATION. To undo the last change. You may undo as many
consecutive changes as desired: click the down arrow to see the list of
modifications done. Equivalent menu command: Edit > Undo Modif.
REDO MODIFICATION. Cancels the last Undo command. You may redo
as many undone changes as desired. Not available until at least one
change has been undone. Click the down arrow to see a list of
modifications to ‘redo’. Equivalent menu command: Edit > Redo Modif.
ZOOM IN. Magnifies the view. Equivalent menu command: View > Zoom >
ZOOM TO FIT. Reduces or enlarges the view magnification so that the
entire One-Line Diagram (including any attached maps) fits in the window.
Equivalent menu command: View > Zoom > Fit.
ZOOM OUT. Reduces view magnification. Equivalent menu command:
View > Zoom > Out.
SHOW EXPLORER BAR. Shows or hides the Explorer Bar. Equivalent
menu command: View > Explorer Bars (see 9.3).
SHOW REPORTS. Displays or hides the reports that were selected in the
Reports dialog box after a simulation has been run and selected for display
in the Reports dialog box. Equivalent menu command View > Reports.
ANALYSIS REPORTS. Displays the Reports dialog box from which you
can request reports based on calculation results. Equivalent menu
command: Report > On Calculation (see 8.2).
DATA RULES EDITOR. Displays the Validation Rules Editor dialog box
where your can refine the default CYME data rules by adding your own
specific restrictions and data ranges. Equivalent menu command:
Customize > Validation Rules (see 11.8).
2.5.2 Find
HISTORY MODE. When enabled, the combo box will list only the Ids of the
searched results, allowing you to jump between recently searched items.
SEARCH FIELD. To select the item you wish to
find. Once selected, it is automatically
highlighted on the main display, zoomed in, and
centered in the window. The items available in
the combo box are filtered based on parameters
that are set in the Search dialog box.
PROPERTIES. Displays the Search dialog box where you can modify the
search parameters. Equivalent menu command: Edit > Find (see 5.4).
PREVIOUS. Shows on the main display the previous item in the filtered list of
FIND. Locates and centers in the display the item which ID appears (or is
typed in) the Search field.
NEXT. Shows on the main display the next item in the filtered list of items.
SHOW CIRCLE DEVICE. Displays a circle on the One Line around every
instances of the equipment for which a filter is active, to help you see where
they are. To use this option, you must enable the option Use Filters in the
Search Properties field of the expanded dialog box. See Edit > Find.
Hint: Choose the circle size and color via View > Display Options; click on
the Modify button in the Symbols group box (see 10.1.1) to display the
Symbols – Default symbols dialog box.
Go to the Network Symbols tree item in the list and highlight the Circle
devices option by clicking once on it. The dialog box will display the
parameters you can set.
2.5.5 Simulation
To use the commands in the Editor Tools toolbar, select the circuit symbol to be
involved in the action and then select the icon of the command wanted in the toolbar. Double-
click the left mouse button anywhere in the diagram window to display the dialog box associated
with the action. The mouse cursor will change to reflect the command chosen. For example:
The selected command remains selected until you select another one. When you have a
command selected, pressing the ESC key will deactivate the command and activate the mouse
normal mode, which is the Properties mode.
NEW NESTED VIEW. Displays the Nested View Properties dialog box.
Equivalent menu command: Edit > Add Nested View (see 5.7 for further
NEW SOURCE. Displays the Source Properties dialog box at the Source tab
to create a new head node. Use this command to create a secondary
source(s) within a substation network or not. Equivalent menu command: Edit
> Add Source (see 5.8).
NEW NETWORK. Displays the Properties dialog box at the Network tab
window to create a new network (head node), a substation, a secondary
network or a transmission line at the cursor location. Equivalent menu
command: Edit > Add Network (see 5.9).
ADD SECTION. To draw a new section from the selected node to the current
mouse position. The Section Properties dialog box is displayed automatically.
Equivalent menu command: Edit > Add Section (see 5.11).
To draw new sections without having to fill out the Section Properties data
immediately at each addition, go to File > Preferences; select the Editor tab
(see 4.15.5) and disable the Display Section Properties dialog when
adding a section option.
CUT. Copies to the clipboard the properties and symbols of a feeder or a
substation (but not its connections) and removes it from the display. The
contents of the clipboard can be copied back anywhere on the display using
the command Paste.
COPY. Copies the properties and symbols of a section and its nodes (but not
its connections and coordinates) or of a group of sections or of a feeder to the
PASTE. Copies the contents of the clipboard to the display. Reconnect the
pasted section(s) using the Edit > Connect command (see 5.19) or using the
Connect to command from the node’s contextual menu.
DELETE. Click on the icon and double-click on the selected section to delete
it. The Delete dialog box will appear to confirm the deletion. You may also
delete all the downstream sections. Equivalent menu command: Edit >
Delete. Use the command Database > Update Network (section 6.5) to
remove the deleted element from the database.
MOVE. Select multiple sections or a section with its two nodes, then drag the
selection to move it. (All connections are maintained.) Equivalent menu
command: Edit > Move (see 5.21). Note that it is the nodes that are moved,
thus if you select a section without one of its nodes, this command will not
PROPERTIES. To select sections or nodes with a left button mouse click, and
to display the Properties dialog box of the item selected with a double click.
Equivalent menu command: Edit > Properties (see 5.28).
A single click allows selecting a section or a node on the one-line diagram. To
select several, keep the CTRL key depressed while single-clicking on all the
needed sections and/or nodes. The item(s) selected are highlighted on the
display. Other group selection tools are included in this toolbar; see 2.6 Mouse
Commands below. for more details about the actions that can be done with the
use of the mouse.
Note: Properties is the mouse normal selection mode. Whenever the
mouse is in another mode (such as “Source”, “Move”, “Calc.”, etc.,
pressing the “ESC” key on the keyboard will revert the mode to that
normal mode.
REGION SELECTION. To select a group of sections in a rectangular area.
The sections highlighted (selected) will be the ones that both start and end
nodes were included into the selection rectangle.
Hint: To add or remove individual sections, press the CTRL key and hold it
down while you left click once on the sections to add or remove;
which is useful to select the components to be part of a group, or
sections that are not contiguous.
The multiple-selection tool also displays the electrical length (sum of the length
of all conductors within the selection) and the geographical distance (the direct
distance between start point and end point within selection.
CLEAR SELECTION. Un-selects any selection / active sections.
2.5.7 Display
SHOW GRID LINES. Displays a grid on the Main Display as a series of lines.
Refer to View > Display Options > View Properties tab; Window Options
group box (section 10.2.2).
SHOW GRID POINTS. Displays a grid on the Main Display as a series of dots.
Refer to View > Display Options > View Properties tab; Window Options
group box (section 10.2.2).
DISPLAY BEST FIT. Will resize all drawing elements (line width, font size,
symbol size) in relation to one another. The corresponding drawing settings
found in the Display Options dialog box are changed (see the General
Options at the View Properties tab (chapter 10.2.1) for more information
about this).
Note: The changes made to the display cannot be undone using the Undo
Modif command.
Note: You can set the program to perform this action automatically upon
opening a view. See the General Options of the View Properties tab
of the Display Options dialog box as well (chapter 10.2.1).
SELECT DEVICE VIEW. To select a filtered view and apply it to the display.
Upon selecting one of the configurations proposed, CYME displays the
simplified view as a new tab in the main display screen. To create filters to
display only the types of equipment, lines and loads wanted, select the
Customize option in the drop-down list. Keyword filters can be utilized. The
filters are created using the Customize > Simplified View dialog box (see
11.11) that is also displayed when selecting the Customize option proposed
when clicking this icon. Various views can be created and saved to be
accessed later on using the drop-down list of this button.
You can display as many simplified views as desired. Before selecting a new
simplified view to display, enable the main one-line display by clicking on its
SHOW OVERVIEW MAP. Opens the Overview Map thumbnail view on the
OLD display. See 9.12 Overview Map.
BACKGROUND MAP. Activates the Background Map Tab of the Multi-
Explorer pane (see 2.3.8) of the software to select and display a map in the
background of the one-line display. Equivalent menu command: View >
Background Map (see 9.11).
DISPLAY OPTIONS. Opens the Display Options dialog box (see
Chapter 10).
2.5.10 Database
INSERT SECTION. Adds a new section (of the same length) just upstream of
the selected section. Equivalent menu command: Edit > Add Section (see
5.11). The Section Properties dialog box is displayed automatically.
As with the Add Section command of the Editor Tools toolbar, you can
disable the automatic display of the Section Properties dialog box.
SPLIT SECTION. Like Insert Section. However, the existing section has a
length value of ‘zero’. Equivalent menu command: Edit > Split Section (see
The Section Properties dialog box is displayed automatically.
As with the Add Section command of the Editor Tools toolbar, you can
disable the automatic display of the Section Properties dialog box.
ASSIGN ZONE. To group a number of sections into a zone and attaches a
label to the sections of the zone. Click on the button and double-click on a
section on the display. The Assign Zone dialog box is displayed to specify the
parameters of the zone. Equivalent menu command: Edit > Assign Zone (see
DELETE ZONE. Removes the zone attribute from the sections in that zone.
Deleting a zone does not delete any sections. Equivalent menu command:
Edit > Delete Zone (see 5.26).
ROTATE SECTION. Double-click the
left mouse button and keep the button
depressed at the second click, then
drag anywhere on a circle with radius
equal to the section’s own length.
Note that is the ‘To Node’ of the
selected section that is being
repositioned. Equivalent menu
command: Edit > Rotate Section
(section 5.14).
Click first on the Activate Drawing Tool icon of the toolbar, and then click on the display
at the location where you want to draw elements or insert images. The elements added will be
saved with the study. If you wish to add them to the database, use the Database > Update
Network menu command (see 6.5). Note that you will need to first activate the Save text in
database option located in the File > Preferences dialog box at the Database tab (see 4.15.6).
ACTIVATE DRAWING TOOL. To activate the commands in this toolbar.
Press the ESC key to deactivate.
DRAW LINE. Click the Draw Line button and then click and hold the mouse
button while dragging in the OLD display until the line has the appropriate
length, then release the mouse button.
DRAW ARROW. Click the Draw Arrow button and then click and hold the
mouse button while dragging in the OLD display until the line has the
appropriate length, then release the mouse button; the tip of the arrow will be
at that end.
DRAW RECTANGLE. Click the Draw Rectangle button and then click and
hold the mouse button while dragging in the OLD display until the rectangle
has the appropriate shape and size, then release the mouse button.
DRAW ELLIPSE. Click the Draw Ellipse button and then click and hold the
mouse button while dragging in the OLD display until the ellipse has the
appropriate shape and size, then release the mouse button.
DRAW TEXT. Displays the Properties dialog box at the Text tab. Enter the
text to be displayed in the Text field, adjust the other properties as wanted and
click OK.
DRAW IMAGE. Click on this button, then on the one-line window to display the
Insert Image dialog box to select the image to be inserted on the one line
display. Click on to browse through your folders and select an image.
Type in a Category name to classify your images; this will be used in the View
> Image and Text Layers dialog box.
SET DEFAULT PROPERTIES. Select the line, arrow, rectangle, ellipse or text,
and then click on this button to modify the parameters. Note that when a shape
is drawn, you can access its Properties dialog box by right clicking on the
shape, and modify its parameters.
SHOW LAYER. Displays the Image and Text Layers dialog box where you
select the layers to be displayed either by shape type or by individual shapes.
2.5.13 Zoom
ZOOM IN. Automatically magnifies the view on the main display. Equivalent
menu command: View > Zoom > In.
ZOOM TO FIT. Reduces or enlarges the view magnification so that the entire
One-Line Diagram with the attached maps fit in the window. Equivalent menu
command: View > Zoom > Fit.
ZOOM OUT. Automatically reduces view magnification. Equivalent menu
command: View > Zoom > Out.
ZOOM PREVIOUS. Restores the last magnification level. Equivalent menu
command: View > Zoom > Previous.
ZOOM NEXT. Redoes the last magnification level. Equivalent menu
command: View > Zoom > Next.
MAGNIFY. Continuously magnifies the area of the main display under the
cursor. Keep the left mouse button depressed while you move the magnifying
lens over the display. Equivalent menu command: View > Magnifier >
Activate (see 9.6). To deactivate, click on this icon again.
The commands in this toolbar will be active only when the Display Page Layout
option is active. This button is located in the Main toolbar (see 2.5.1). The commands in the Page
Layout toolbar can also be accessed by clicking on the Page icon located at the upper right
corner of the main display window.
To zoom in or out the one line display in the page layout view.
A click on the button at the upper right hand corner of the display proposes
most of the options available in the Page Layout toolbar along with Page Setup (see 4.10), Print
preview and Print options.
2.5.15 Symbols
2.5.16 TCC
The functionality related to this toolbar will be active in CYMDIST with a valid CYMTCC
5.0 key.
The TCC Toolbar will become active when a TCC curve is displayed on screen and will
allow to perform the following actions on that curve. Refer to the TCC Interface User Guide for
more details on this functionality.
GRID OPTIONS. Displays the Grid Options dialog box that contains options
to adjust your grid.
PLOTTING VOLTAGE. Selected voltage at which the time-current
curve is plotted as if the device was in service at this voltage.
DEVICE MARGIN. Detects curve intersections and measures time and
current margins between curves.
RULER. Calculates the distance (current and time) between any two points
selected on the grid, and displays the results in the status bar.
MULTIPLIES THE CURRENT SCALE. Multiplies the current scale
by the chosen factor.
UPDATE SIMULATION RESULTS. Synchronizes the results of a short-circuit
and/or a load flow analysis with the curve(s) displayed.
This is done with the mouse at its normal mode, called the Properties mode.
Enable this mode by clicking on the Properties button located in the Editor Tools toolbar
(see 2.5.6). Click the left mouse button once anywhere on a node, section, equipment symbol or
tag. The element will change in color and/or handles will appear around the element. A double
left click on the item will highlight it and display the associated Properties group box
Another way to make a selection is to click the left mouse button and keep it depressed while you
draw a rectangle on the display. When you release the mouse button, the item inside the
rectangle will be highlighted. To select several sections and nodes in the same fashion, you can
enable the Enable automatic multiple selection option in the the View > Display Options >
View Properties dialog box (see 10.2.5), and then, with the mouse in the Properties mode,
when you make a rectangular selection on the display you will highlight (select) all components
within that selection, instead of only one.
Alternately, you can do multiple selections by using the Multiple Selection and the
Region Selection buttons in the Editor Tools toolbar (see 2.5.6).
A Selection Tool dialog box can be displayed automatically when clicking on a section
where there are actually two or more sections at the same coordinates or when clicking on a
device where there are in fact two or more devices overlapping at the same coordinates. The tool
lists all sections and devices at those coordinates to allow the user to make the proper selection.
To enable this option, go to the Selection options that can be found in the View >
Display Options > View Properties dialog box (see 10.2.5), and select “Yes” at the Enable
overlapping elements selection tool option.
If you double click in the background anywhere in the surface of the rectangle drawn
where you have several elements highlighted, the Group Properties dialog box will be displayed
(see 3.4). You can also right click in the area of the highlighted sections and select the Group
Properties option in the contextual menu.
You can move a group of sections and/or nodes by clicking and dragging one of the
elements of the group the same way as you would do with a single element.
The Display Multiple Selection handles button in the Display toolbar (see 2.5.7) allows
to resize and rotate a selection multiple sections. You can also enable this option using the
Multiple selection handles option in the Selection options category in the View > Display
Options > View Properties dialog box (see 10.2.5). The selection will include only the sections
that are comprised entirely into the selection rectangle drawn with the mouse.
Finally, you can change the selection color. Go to the View > Display Options dialog
box and see the options in the Selection category of the View Properties dialog box.
The Normal mouse mode ( ) allows the selection of a section or a node with one left-
click of the mouse. A right-click on a highlighted section or node will display the relevant
contextual menu (see below). A left double-click on the highlighted section or node will display
the related Properties dialog box.
A right-click in the normal mode anywhere in the background (but not within the area of a
multiple selection) will enable the Pan mode.
When selecting any of the Edit menu options that allow adding a component to your
study (network, substation, zone, etc.), the mouse cursor will reflect that choice until you revert its
mode to normal. A word like “network” or “zone”, etc. will be displayed below the mouse cursor.
press the ESC key. Note, however, that when the mouse is in the magnifying lens mode ,
you will need to deactivate this command from the menu to revert back to the normal mode. (See
9.6 Magnifier).
Note: The selected section should appear in a distinctive color. You can change the
Selection color. Go to the View > Display Options dialog box. At the View
Properties tab window, go to the Selection tree item.
To pan the OLD display using the mouse, click the right mouse button and hold it down.
Drag the mouse like to another point in the OLD display and release the button. The point
“selected” when you clicked the mouse will now be located at the point where you have released
the mouse button.
Hints You can also “pan” the OLD by using the keyboard arrow keys. Ensure the
: window focus is on the OLD workspace by clicking once in that area, and then
simply press the arrow keys to pan.
The mouse wheel can also be used to the same end. Click once on the wheel
to enable this capability; then move the mouse to pan. To disable this function,
click again on the mouse wheel. Note that while this function is enabled, you
will still be able to zoom in and out by rolling the mouse wheel.
To zoom in with the mouse (and if your mouse is equipped with a wheel) roll the mouse
wheel forward or backward to zoom the OLD display in or out. The focus of the zoom will be
where the pointer is located on the display. If your mouse is not equipped with a wheel, click
twice on the right mouse button and hold it down, then drag the mouse to draw a rectangle
around the area you wish to zoom in. Release the mouse button.
You can also “draw a rectangle” using the left mouse button in the Overview Map tool
display around the area you wish to see displayed in the main display. To display the Overview
Map tool, select the View > Overview Map (section 9.12).
Finally, you can use the zoom commands found in the Display toolbar (section 2.5.7) or
via the View > Zoom menu commands (section 9.4).
The explanations for the commands of each contextual menu that can be invoked are
included in the manual chapter where the workspace in question is described. The contextual
menus for the equipment are described in the Equipment Reference Manual.
2.8 Navigation
2.8.1 Hyperlinks
Specific elements of the One-Line Diagram interface are hyperlinked. For example:
Clicking on a substation’s nametag will open the substation’s edit / view window; clicking on a
zone tag will open the zone properties dialog box. Some elements in the tabular reports are
hyperlinked as well. The hyperlinks are shown in blue underlined typeface.
These links are designed to reduce the number of key presses (or mouse clicks)
operations required to move between the various controlling environments.
Interconnection stubs are tags highlighting the head node of a netwrok or connection
points between the loaded and un-loaded networks. Click on the stub to load the connected
If you have the optional CYME Subnetworks Modeling module or the CYME Secondary
Networks Analysis module, you will be able to navigate from the main display view (whether
georeferenced or schematic) to other nested network views. A Step Into or Step Out command
appears on the top right-hand corner whenever such views are available with the networks
loaded. Step Into allows to choose to view a different nested view, and Step Out would bring the
users back to the previous view.
In the Main toolbar the Upstream, Downstream and Locate commands allows
navigating between contiguous sections. Click on the and the buttons to go upstream
or downstream. At each click, the application will highlight the new section thus selected. When a
selected node has different downstream paths, the Go Downstream button will provide a list of
downstream sections. The corresponding section will be highlighted on the main display at the
mouse-over of each section in the Go downstream sections list.
The same buttons are available in the Section ID group box of the Section Properties
dialog boxes.
With CYME you can create and model your default equipment, lines and conductors and
then create your networks, secondary grids and substations (switch gears, network vaults, etc.)
As you build or modify your model, you can set the properties specific to each component.
This chapter provides you with an overview of the sections and node properties. Refer to
the Equipment Reference Manual to learn about the parameters and settings of the various
equipment and lines. Note that the dynamic models are detailed in the Transient Analysis User
The one line diagrams representing the network are composed of successions of
sections and nodes.
• The sections are the basic “building blocks” for your network. Equipment, lines,
loads, etc. are “installed” on sections; and each element can be parameterized with
individual settings.
• Nodes are circular markers used for connecting sections together. Nodes are an
One-Line Diagram concept and as such have no electrical value; they are not
considered by any of the analysis / calculations. A section is always associated with
its upstream node (From node) and its downstream node (To node). See section 3.3
Node Properties.
When building your network, it is recommended that you install only one equipment per
To do so, simply drag and drop your equipment directly onto the main display; the
program will display the equipment onto a section it will create.
A “section” is added to the one-line diagram using the Edit > Add Section menu
command or using the Add Section icon of the Editor Tools toolbar.
While drawing a One Line Diagram, you will create conductor sections to which you may
connect equipment at the source-end and/or at the load-end. You may also connect loads and
capacitors at the source-end, mid-point and load-end. You may also distribute a load evenly
along the conductor section.
Capacitor Capacitor
When you request a Load flow report for an individual section, you will be able to
monitor the voltage and/or current at each of the three sub-sections.
The CYMDIST Basic Analyses User Guide provide more information related to those
The Section Properties dialog box is basically composed of three parts: (1) the
identification of the section; (2) the Devices group box through which you can add or remove
devices, indicate the type of load and select the settings pane to display; and (3) a pane showing
the details of the component selected in the Devices tree list, including the specific settings that
you can adjust.
The Section Properties dialog box is automatically displayed each time you Add, Insert or
Split a section using the Edit menu items or using the related commands in the Advanced Editor
Tools toolbar (see 2.5.11).
You can display the Section Properties dialog box of an existing section by highlighting
that section on the one line display and select Properties in the contextual menu you access with
a right-click.
You may display the whole dialog box or collapse it to show only the fields identifying the
section along with the Devices group box. To do so, click on the Collapse or the Expand button
at the bottom of the dialog box, on the left side.
Section ID This is the unique identification label for the section. The section (ID)
may not contain blank spaces.
Phase Activate the checkbox(es) to define the phase(s) present in the
Zone To view to which zone a section is associated. The field is greyed out
as it is for information only. A zone is created using the command
Edit > Assign Zone (see 5.10).
Environment To associate an environmental attribute to the section. Environmental
factors are taken into account in the calculation of reliability indices in
RAM analysis. To create an environment and set its attributes, go to
the menu command Network > Environments (see 7.6).
To select the section immediately upstream , or downstream
Devices To add or remove devices, and to select in the tree list the element
for which you want to adjust the settings. When you select an
element, the pane to the right of the dialog box displays the main
settings properties of the element in question.
Also, still in the tree list, you may see sub-entries that are other types
of parameters that can be set. In other words, this is where all the
Settings dialogs are displayed. Refer to the User Guides for details
on the settings of individual equipment and lines. See also 3.3.1
Node Settings.
To add a device type from the pull down menu. The element selected
from the drop down menu is added downstream of the component
selected in the tree list.
To remove elements from the section. Click Remove, and then select
the element to remove from the pop up list that will appear. Note that
you cannot remove nodes, lines or cables.
The default properties for the devices, lines, etc. are set through the commands found
under the Equipment menu. Once a section is identified as a line or a cable, and when
equipment is connected to a section, you can make adjustments to them “in the field”. These
adjustments are called “settings” and the ones that are available for adjustment are comprised in
the right hand portion of the Section Properties dialog box.
Note: The data given in the settings pane of the Section Properties dialog box have
priority over the (default) data given when the equipment was originally defined
under the Equipment menu.
To modify the settings of a specific instance of a device, click on the elements in the
Devices list of the dialog box to select the target equipment’s layer, and sub-layers, and then
modify the related parameters in the Settings group box according to your requirement. Refer to
the Equipment Reference manual for more information.
A right-click on a highlighted section or node will display the contextual menu that will
comprise only the commands relevant its parameters and state (i.e. all or only some of the
following commands will be available). The options in the contextual menu displayed vary
depending on the elements part of the section and on where you click on the section. The
example below was obtained by clicking on the load symbol of a section with distributed load.
The possible options are identified below. Commands specific to nodes are also included
in this list.
Disconnect/ Same as Edit > Disconnect (see 5.20) See also section 5.19
Connect Connect. A checkmark next to either word indicates the current
To disconnect/connect distributed or spot loads. For shunt
capacitors and shunt reactors, disconnects the equipment without
deleting it.
In all those cases, an icon showing the state will be displayed next
to the symbol.
Move… Applies to loads. To move the load from one phase to another one
Open / Close To change the state of a switching device to open or close.
TCC Applies to protection devices. When the right click is done on a node
or on a section, the Branch Device Coordination option will be
available, where the user will be asked to select the downstream
and the upstream points of the branch to analyze. The user will also
have the possibility to request a short-circuit and/or a load flow
analysis to be run for that branch..
When the right-click is done on a device (equipment or instrument),
two more options will be offered to the user:
• Create Device Settings: to set the parameters of the
device’s time-current curve (once set, the contextual
menu option will change to Adjust Device Settings.
• Display Curve: to display the time-current curve of the
selected device in a tabbed window.
The details about the three options are provided in the TCC
Interface User Guide.
Bypass To bypass the series device selected.
Add Instrument Depending on characteristics of the node or the section on which
the right click was done, the software will propose a number of
instruments that can be installed. Selecting one instrument from the
submenu will display the Properties dialog box of the instrument.
See the Instrument chapter in the Equipment Reference manual for
more information.
The instruments can be shown on the main display or hidden by
clicking on the Display all protection instruments button in the
Display toolbar (see 2.5.7).
Display Shows a Display options menu that will give access to the
Options parameters relevant to the node or the section highlighted. Selecting
one of the options in this sub menu will display the Display Options
child dialog box corresponding to the selection, so the user can edit
the parameters right away. Refer to Chapter 10 Display Options for
Report Available in the contextual menu obtained by right-clicking on the
head node of a feeder, it displays the feeder’s topology report.
View This option is available when right-clicking on the symbol of a nested
view, and is used to display that view as a tabbed window in the
main display.
To access the Node Properties dialog box, double-click, or right click on a node and
select “Properties” from the contextual menu. You will be able to modify existing node properties
and display the node as a bus. If you have the Arc Flash Analysis optional module installed, the
dialog box will display an Arc Flash tab. To learn more about this tab, refer to the Arc Flash User
ID The unique identification label for the node. The label can contain up to
32 alphanumeric characters, but no blank spaces.
Zone To include the node in a defined zone. A zone is created using the
command Edit > Assign Zone (see 5.10).
Voltage Nominal voltage of the upstream transformer or source.
X and Y To edit the coordinates of the node, according to the coordinate system
of the network data.
Display To display as a node or as a bus. When you select the option to display
the node as a bus, you will be able to determine its length and if the bus
will represented horizontally or vertically.
In the section’s properties dialog box, under Devices, click “Nodes” in the list to display
the parameters for the section’s upstream and downstream nodes.
ID The unique identification label for the node. The label can contain up
to 32 alphanumeric characters, but no blank spaces.
X and Y Enable this radio button to display the coordinates of the node,
according to the coordinate system of the network data.
Polar Enable this radio button do display the coordinates of the node and
intermediate nodes based on their relative position, i.e. on the length
of the sub-section (between nodes), the departure angle of the From
node and the arrival angle of the To node. These values are set when
adding a section in the OLD. See Edit > Add Section (see 5.11).
Intermediate Lists the existing intermediate nodes with their position according to
nodes the coordinate system of the network data. To modify the coordinates,
highlight the data line of an intermediate node, modify the X and Y
coordinates (or the length and angle data) and click the Modify
To create intermediate points (connectors) on the section. This list
does not include either the From-node or the To-node of the section.
The Group Properties interface allows selecting a collection of elements and globally
applying changes to them.
This function can manipulate the following item types, and at any time the selection can
contain items of one or more of these types:
• Devices
• Sections
• Nodes
• Buses
• Networks
You can access the Group Properties feature via the contextual menu of the Detailed
View Tab (see 2.3.4). Select one or more items or one or more device types (which will include
all items of each device type selected), and right-click to access the command. The Group
Properties dialog box will be displayed with the data available for the items.
An alternate way to access the Group Properties feature is to select an area or a branch
and right-click in the background within the selected area to display the Group Properties dialog
box. See the selection modes in the Editor Tools toolbar (see 2.5.6).
In the Group Properties dialog box, the Types checkboxes can be used to apply a first
level of filtering to the elements to show in the list.
The Properties grid shows the common properties of all the elements in your selection.
Each element is represented by a row in the grid, while the properties of the elements are
represented by the grid columns.
You can order the data of each column numerically or alphabetically by clicking on the
column headers.
Items in the Group Properties grid can be filtered using per-column filters. Some
columns allow filtering while others do not. The column filter icon indicates which can be filtered.
When a property can be edited, the corresponding column header will show an Edit icon
( ). To change the property, click the icon and make your selection in the Edit dialog box that
will be displayed. Note that the property will be applied to the items appearing on the list.
When the value of a property has changed, the text in the grid is identified with a blue
To apply all changes made to the item properties, click the Apply button. Otherwise, click
the Cancel button and all changes made within the Group Properties dialog box will be
The File menu contains the commands that pertain to opening and saving studies,
exporting studies data, as well as printing and accessing applications complementary to CYME.
This menu also contains the commands for setting up some general characteristics of the
network, such as the system of units for length, the frequency and average earth resistivity.
(These parameters affect the calculation / characteristics of your networks and should NOT be
changed without due consideration.)
This command opens a new study in a window with a temporary title (e.g., "default.xst").
If you activate this command when another study is open and contains modifications, CYME will
inform you that there are modifications to the current study and ask if you would like to save the
opened study. You may then load existing networks into the new study or start constructing a
new network. CYME will prompt you for a study name when you save it.
CYME uses studies as the default format to save modifications and analyses done on a
network. A study consists of one file (with the extension ‘.xst’) that contains the list of the
modifications performed to the network database.
Hint: To make sure that every new study starts with the same calculation parameters
(Load Flow, Short Circuit, etc.), open a new study, set all parameters and save
the study as DEFAULT.XST.
Note: You may have two or more one-line windows for a same study. Select
Window > New One-Line Diagram Window and load your networks from
the active database (see 12.1)
When the option Display View Properties dialog when creating a new study is
enabled (see 4.15.5 Editor tab in the File > Preferences dialog box), the View Properties dialog
box is displayed when selecting the New Study menu option. This dialog box allows the user to
select among the default and the customized View Styles (see 11.12) that allows to start a study
with the wanted template of pre-defined display layers and view properties.
This command allows opening an existing study file (*.xst and *.sxst). The dialog box
opens, pointing to the last directory used, listing the names of any studies. Select one and click
The One-Line diagrams of all networks created or modified and saved previously in that
study will appear on screen. By default, networks that have been loaded in the study but never
modified before the study was saved will not be reloaded when you re-open the study. To modify
this default, refer to File > Properties, Options tab (See 4.18).
If another study is already open when you activate this command, CYME will ask you to
save the opened study before carrying out this command.
Hint: You can also re-open the last studies opened via the List of Files that appears
at the bottom of the File menu.
Hint: You can arrange to start CYME and load a study just by double-clicking on a
study file name in your Windows file explorer. To do this, you need to
associate files with the extension *.XST (and *.SXST) to the program
CYME.EXE. In Windows Explorer, right click on the study file and select
File > Open With....
Displays a list of existing studies from the project directory. Double-click on the one you
want to open and merge with to the currently opened study. The resulting new study will have the
name of the last study read.
Closes the file describing the study. If you have modified the study since you last saved
it, CYME will ask you to save it. If you close it without saving, you will lose any modifications
made since the study was last saved.
After performing the desired modifications and analyses, select the File > Save Study (or
Save Study As) menu option; or click on the Save Study icon in the Main toolbar.
Select the location where the study will be saved, enter a name for the study and click
Note: The Save Study command will overwrite the previous version of the study file.
If no name was given to the study, the command will do just as the Save
Study As command and open a Save Study As dialog box.
Warning: A study contains only the modifications performed on the network, which
are located in a database. By default, these modifications are applied to
the active one. However you can specify to save the database connection
to use with the study at reload time at the Options Tab of the File >
Properties dialog box (see 4.18.2). Thus, if the database has been moved
to another location or removed, the study will not open. The Database
Manager dialog box will then be displayed for you to indicate the database
connection to use.
Hint: If you think the database might be updated and you want to be able to open
your studies in the future, you should backup your database or use the self-
contained studies.
Allow the user to save the currently opened study under a different name, (and/or at a
different location). It is useful for creating a copy of a study.
Advantages Disadvantages
• No need to backup the database or to keep the • Much bigger file size than a study.
database static.
After performing the desired modification(s) to the network, select the File > Save Study
as Self-Contained menu option. This displays the Save as Self-Contained dialog box where
you can select the device(s) databases and additional files you wish to include in your final file.
File Name To indicate the name of your self-contained study and select the
directory where to save it.
Equipment To include in the study file the equipment that is currently used by
the networks (required equipment). The second option allows to
fine tune the list of equipment to be included (required equipment
and selected equipment). The third option displays a tree list of the
equipment from which you make your selection.
Network(s) Provides the options to either save the final network configuration,
or the original configuration with the list of modifications. The option
selected becomes the default until you select the other one.
Optional Additional data that you can include in your self-contained study:
• Failure Events and Calibration Data are generated when
running a Reliability analysis.
• The Graphical Elements are the components drawn using the
Drawing Tool toolbar commands (see 2.5.12).
Saves a snapshot of the One Line Diagram (visible portion only) to a graphic file; that can
be opened by other applications. The exported file can be imported into AutoCAD (*.DWG), and
into any *.SVG aware applications like web browsers.
File Name To indicate the name, format and location of your file to save. You
have the option to save your file as a DWG file (AutoCAD R13, R14 or
2000) or as an SVG file. Each element retains a number of properties.
Graphical The elements of the display to include in the file. Note that Images &
Element Text are the components drawn using the Drawing Tool toolbar
group box commands (see 2.5.12).
Tooltip Allows selecting the tooltip information to be saved with the file and
Information how it will be accessed in the target program. This feature works for
group box .SVG files only. Click on if you wish to modify the tooltips related to
the devices or the network for either Short-Circuit or Voltage Drop.
The Apply to options allows selecting for which devices you wish to
include the tooltips.
To export the currently active view as a .BMP or .JPEG image. This view can be a one-
line diagram, a report or a chart.
The Page Setup dialog boxes are used to set the Layout for the print out of the one-line
diagrams, the Scaling on the page along with a number of Options. If this menu option is
grayed out when you want to select it, click once in the one-line display.
Make your selections in the tab windows and click OK. To view the results prior to actual
printing, go to File > Print Preview.
Size To indicate the size of the paper to print the one-line diagram on.
Source To indicate the printer to use among the ones available to you.
Multiple pages With this option will also be able to display several pages in the
Page Layout view enabled using the Display Page Layout button
Print Scale Use page layout: Check this option to dynamically size the printed
image based on what is shown on the screen (one-line diagram).
Custom scale: To print your output to scale, check this option to
manually define the Plot Units and the Drawing Units. A Plot Unit is
the actual printed length equaling to either one millimeter or one inch,
depending on the Units of measurement selected. A Drawing Unit is a
“unit distance” defined for the one-line diagram. It is equal to the
system unit selected in the Units tab of the File > Preferences dialog
box (see 4.15.2).
For example, if:
System unit = 1 mile, Plot unit = 1 inch and Drawing unit = 10, then
CYME will print 100 square miles of the networks into 1 square inch of
Window Checking the Use Default origin option will position the printed image
origin according to what you see on screen.
Un-check User Default origin to manually define the coordinates of
the lower left corner of the printout.
Options To add on the printout the study name, the legend or a border, or
the data indicated in the User information group box below.
Colors To select black and white, or color printout with white background.
User To indicate the author or details about the printout. This data is
Information saved with your study. You can select to print it or not.
Note: If the mouse cursor was position on the Reports pane, then the Page
Setup dialog box will look different. The possible actions will be on the
margins, the borders of the cells, the page order printing and the
positioning of the report on a page.
The active TCC view generated in CYME can be exported to a study file format
compatible for the use in the CYMTCC program (compatible with the latest revision of CYMTCC
5.0). The command would be useful to users who wish to use more advanced options of the
CYMTCC program, or who need to share the coordination study with colleagues who use the
CYMTCC program only. Go to File > Export Active TCC View as TCC Study, or right-click in
the time/current plot and select Export to TCC Study in the contextual menu. A dialog box will
appear to allow the user to select the location in which the *.tcc file is to be saved.
Displays each page as it will look when printed (One Line, Graphic Plot, or Report). Click
once on the area you wish to preview, and then select this menu option. To return to the display,
either press the ESC key or click on the Close button in the preview window.
4.14 Print
The File > Print command displays your standard the Windows print dialog box. The
window containing the graphic, report or one-line diagram you wish to print must be “active”
before using this command. To make a window active, click anywhere inside it. To preview the
result before printing, use the Print Preview command.
One Line Prints what you see in the active network window. You can adjust the
detail of the drawing by first zooming on the portion you wish to print and
positioning it in the window. See also 4.10 Page Setup.
Graphic To print the graphics generated. For information about graphics, refer to
4.19.2 Graphic Viewer.
Report Prints the tabular report seen in the report window. See also 4.12 Print
4.15 Preferences
To define and customize general network parameters (that applies to ALL loaded
network) and application settings. The parameters are grouped by categories in this tabbed
dialog box. Clicking on the icons located in the selection bar at the top will display the associated
editable parameters. This dialog box is resizable.
This dialog box is used to assign the supporting files and the working directories that are
mandatory to the operation of the application. These are grouped by categories. Click on or
to expand or collapse the lists.
To edit an item, click on the icon or the icon located at the right of the item’s name
to make your selection. When the icon displays an Open dialog box, select the appropriate files
or directory and then click Open.
The Configuration Name field is disabled. This parameter can be modified with the
CYMCONFIG application.
The Reload Symbols Library button allows the user to manually reload in the symbols
library the symbols just created using the Symbol Editor tool without having to close CYME and
re-open it.
Arc Flash The folder where CYME will look for the formats of the labels to be
Labels tagged onto the field equipment to help lower the risk of electrical
Directory hazards.
GeoMap Cache The folder where CYME stores the maps uploaded as temporary
Folder files.
Ini File The folder where CYME will look for the Cymdist.ini file.
Network Folder where the device and tne network templates are saved.
Project The directory where the user will manually save the project
Templates templates created using the Advanced Project Manager.
Project/Report The folder where the study and the report files will be saved to and
Folder retrieved from.
RAM Results The folder where the result files of the Reliability Assessment
Folder Module (RAM) analyses will be saved.
Recovery Folder where the modifications done on the network are stored. In
case the recovery of the network is invoked, CYME will apply all the
modifications stored here to the original network.
Stab – Udm The directory where the temporary files generated while
Directory preparing/running a Transient Stability analysis will be saved. Note
that the complete path to the directory can contain a maximum of 40
Database The XML file that stores your database configurations settings.
Detailed View The XML file that stores the global filters along with the options set
Settings in the Detailed View Tab of the Explorer Bar (see 2.3.4).
Display The XML file that stores the settings selected at the Display Options
options dialog box (see Chapter 10).
Environment The XML file that stores environmental factors that could be taken
into account in the calculation of reliability indices in RAM analysis.
Failure Causes/ The XML file that stores the network failure causes and types.
Types These data will be used in RAM analysis.
Symbol Bar The XML file that stores the content of the Symbol Bar tab from the
Explorer Bar. Note that this content is user defined.
Symbol Library The XML file that stores the symbol information used by CYME
(user defined symbols).
Charts The XML file that contains the user-defined plotting profiles.
Contour Plot The XML file that contains the parameters set for each contour plot
template defined using the Customize > Contour Plot dialog box
(see 11.10).
Filters The XML file that stores the user-defined filters created using the
Customize > Filters command (see 11.7)
Menu The XML file that stores the modifications you made to CYME
Result Boxes The XML file that stores the parameters of the result boxes defined
using the Customize > Result Box command (see 11.5).
Shortcuts The XML file that stores the parameters of the shortcuts defined
using the Customize > Shortcuts dialog box. (see 11.3)
Simplified view The XML file containing the user-defined device views defined using
configuration the Customize > Simplified View dialog box. (see 11.11).
User Defined The XML file that stores the user defined keywords or modifications
Keywords to existing keywords.
User Defined The XML file that stores the user-defined report parameters.
User Defined The XML file that stores the parameters of the user-defined fields
Data Definition and related keyword definitions. See 11.18 User Data Extensions.
Validation The file that stores (user defined) rules used by CYME for validating
Rules network databases. The file pointed to will be created automatically
the first time you create your own rule(s).
Network The XML file that stores the parameters used by the node reduction
Reduction module.
Simulation The XML file that stores the simulation parameters for CYME
Parameters modules.
TCC Curve The equipment MDB file that contains all the time/current data points
Database and other information related to each curve.
TCC Grid The XML file that stores the grid options parameters selected in the Grid
Options Options dialog box of the TCC functionality in CYMDIST. See 2.5.16
TCC toolbar. The TCC Interface User Guide provides all information.
4.15.2 Units
Main Units Choices for the System Units are Metric (SI) or imperial (IMP)
units. Then choose the basic unit for expressing Length (feet or
mile for IMP, and meter or kilometer for SI).
Electrical Units To set the number of decimals for each type of units used in the
dialog boxes. You can set the decimals independently for Low
Voltage, Medium Voltage and High Voltage.
Impedances Impedances to select if the impedances will be displayed in
Units Ohms or in p.u. or as defined in the relevant Equipment dialog box
(specified as Ohms or p.u. on an individual basis. Note that if the
impedance of an equipment is defined originally in p.u., for
example, and that Ohms is selected here, the impedance will
appear in Ohms in the related Equipment dialog box.
Linear Impedances allows to select the unit with which the
conductor impedance will be expressed.
Default Units Load Type and Meter Demand Type defaults to use when
creating new items.
4.15.3 Text
Service To enter the texts of the column labels describing the type of periods
Restoration and the different crew types, to be used in the SRM (optional Service
Text Restoration module) dialog boxes.
4.15.4 Simulation
Load Flow & Enable the checkbox so that CYME automatically runs a load flow
Short-Circuit analysis each time a short-circuit simulation will be run, and vice-
Loss Load Represents the load factor of losses. This is an empirical method of
Factor estimating losses using Load Factor. This value is used to estimate
the annual energy lost in Load Flow Summary reports.
Load Factor Represents the ratio of average energy demand (Load) to the
(LF) maximum demand (Peak Load) during a given period of time.
Constant (k) This is the loss factor. It represents the average power factor over a
given period of time, and is used to express the losses in
transmission and distribution networks due all kind of inefficiencies.
Typical value ranges from 0.10 to 0.50.
Looped Provides the user with the options to allow looped simulations during
Simulations an analysis, with or without the display of a warning, or to halt the
analysis when that case is encountered.
Voltage To enter the minimum and the maximum allowable percentage
Mismatch difference between the system voltage and the equipment rated
Allowed voltage before transmitting a warning.
Load Growth To enter the range of years for which the growth factors may be
applied in the Load Growth Editor dialog box.
Load To indicate the meter tolerance default value CYME will use to run
Allocation Load Allocation analysis.
Result Box Lets the user select if the results will be calculated based on the
Location source end, the load end or the center of the section.
TCC Short- For each type of fault, you can select the values you want CYME to
Circuit Values transfer to CYMTCC.
4.15.5 Editor
Click on the icon located at the right of the item’s name to make your selection, or
directly enter the value when there is no drop down list to choose a value from.
Prompt for a user Enable this option to display a prompt allowing you to
description when change the description of the modification generated when
creating a you make changes to your study. This option is useful if you
modification need to use your own descriptive text in your study
summary. (The description text is limited to 256 characters.)
Expand device tree in With this option selected, the Device tree list in the Section
Section Properties Properties dialog box will be shown already expanded upon
dialog the display of the dialog box.
Notify the inversion of With this option activated, the software will display a warning
transformers and in the case of reverse power flow at a transformer or a
regulators regulator following switching.
Double-click on tag to With this option selected, the Tag Properties dialog box will
open tag properties be displayed when double-clicking directly on a tag.
Otherwise, it is the Section Properties dialog box that will
be displayed.
Enable recovery mode With this option selected, CYME will save all the
modifications made on a network and will reapply them to
the original network should an undesired interruption of the
program or the computer occurs.
Fix phasing If the option was activated when you were loading a network
incompatibilities when containing phase incompatibilities, then those errors would
loading a network be corrected automatically.
Display Select With this option selected,
Networks dialog when the Select Networks
loading from Network dialog box is displayed (see
Tab 7.1) when selecting the
Load command in the
Network tab contextual
menu, allowing to load
more than one network.
Display View With this option selected, the View Properties dialog box is
Properties dialog displayed when selecting the New Study menu option. This
when creating a new dialog box allows the user to select among the default and
study the customized View Styles (see 11.12) that allows to start a
study with the wanted template of pre-defined display layers
and view properties.
Automatically load the With this option selected, CYME will load the last active
last project on startup project upon application startup. This option works together
with the Advanced Project Manager (optional module) (see
Use the simulation With this option enabled, the simulation parameters of the
parameters of the project will be applied to the simulations part of the project
project being opened; while disabling it will apply the local
simulation parameters to it.
Tooltip Delay (ms) Time delay for the display of the tooltip upon hovering the
mouse over the one line diagram components.
To disable the tooltip display, enter a large value in this field
(ex. 100000 ms).
Note that this option does not affect the time it takes to display
the tooltips of the program commands, such as the toolbar
buttons. To disable the display of toolbars tooltips, go to the
Customize > Toolbars menu option (see 11.2).
Move Delay (ms) Number of milliseconds before being able to move an element
on the one-line display.
Scaling Factor Defines the relationship between the X-Y coordinates of your
one-line diagram and the unit of length that you are using.
Example: If you are using “feet” as the unit of length and you
want every unit along the X- or Y- axis to represent “10 feet”,
set the scaling factor to 10.
Autogen Angle Defines the angle used by the command Edit > Rearrange
One-Line Diagram (see 5.22).
4.15.6 Database
Display the delete With this option enabled, when removing a connection to a
database question database configuration, CYME will display the option to
after deleting a delete the database in question from the disk. With this
database connection option disabled, when the database connection is removed
no further option is provided to the user and the database is
left on the disk.
Save automatic CYME validates the data when loading network data. In
network corrections some cases, certain values will be automatically amended to
when updating default values. Those modifications will be listed on a report
networks displayed upon loading. Enable this option to save the
automatic changes along with the modifications made in the
opened study by the user when updating the database.
(Database > Update Network (see 6.5)).
On update network, Enable this option to save the drawing and text layers in the
save text in database database when using the Database > Update Network (see
6.5). Those layers are created using the commands in the
Drawing Tool toolbar (see 2.5.12). If this option is disabled,
the drawing and text layers will be saved with the study only.
4.15.7 Report
Clear reports when Check this option to automatically close all report windows
closing a study when you close your study.
Display Section When clicking on the ID of a section or a node, CYME
Properties dialog highlights and centers the element on the OLD display.
when clicking on Enable this option to display as well the related Properties
hyperlinks in the dialog box when clicking on its name on the tabular report.
Display the error When this option is activated, the error number (Code ID) will
identification number be displayed in one of the columns of the Error Message
Display the error When this option is activated, the error category will be
category displayed in one of the columns of the Error Message report.
The category is an information pertaining to the software
module or engine involved.
Display the error When this option is activated, the error Severity will be
displayed in one of the columns of the error message report.
Opens a new mail message session, saves the study as an autonomous study and
attaches the file to the message. contains a compressed version of the currently opened study. If the current
study is a self-contained study, the compressed study file will be named after the current study
file. If it is not, CYME will create a self-contained study named Network.sxst This file will be
compressed and added to will be saved in the temporary directory
indicated by your user environment variable TEMP in your system environment.
4.18 Properties
This dialog box is utilized to indicate information about the active study file. Most of the
fields, however, are used to add information about active projects. The latter requires the
installation of the optional Advanced Project Manager.
The General tab allows you to enter a description (e.g. purpose), along with the author
and company name. The three fields in question apply to both studies and project. The field
Project Name is used to identify the active project and this name will be the name used when
saving the file. The fields Created By and Modified By are used by the Advanced Project
Manager and show, respectively, the ID of the user (computer) who has created the file and the
ID of the user who has modified (and saved) the last modification.
The Options tab allows specifying a number of files to include or not with the study
and/or the project.
View group box The option in this group box allows saving the displayed (loaded)
networks that were not modified with the project.
Database group Displays the name of the active database configuration and allows
box saving the path to this database configuration.
Map group box Displays the name of the map file in use and saves the path to the
background map so that this map is displayed when you open the
study or the project. See Background Map Tab of the Multi-Explorer
pane of the software (see 2.3.8).
4.19 Tools
In this sub-menu, you will find access to the following tools: the Symbol Editor (see
4.19.1), the Graphic Viewer (see 4.19.2), and the Energy Profile Manager. For the latter, please
refer to the Energy Profile Manager User Guide to learn about the commands.
The Symbol Editor is an external application that is used to create, modify, or delete the
equipment symbols that are part of your symbol library. The application contains basic drawing
features along with standard file management commands (open, save, save as, cut, copy, paste,
etc.) The pane on the left of the window will show the contents of the symbol XML file that is
opened, in the form of a tree list. When you highlight the name of a device in that list, a thumbnail
will be shown at the bottom of the list. When you double click on the name of the device, its
drawing will appear on the right side of the window which is the drawing space.
Note: CYME comes with a standard symbol library (symbols.xml) containing a large
number of equipment symbols. When opening that file into the Symbol Editor,
you will notice that each symbol’s name starts with a 5-digit number: this
indicates that it is a CYME default symbol which cannot be edited.
If you want to use a default symbol to create a new one, right-click on its name
and select Copy from the contextual menu. A copy will be displayed in the
drawing space; you can completely edit this copy. You will notice in the Title
Bar of the new window a 3-digit number that is a unique identifier generated
by the program.
Note: The structure of the tree list of symbols is exactly the same than all the symbol
listings that you will find in other parts of CYME. They are grouped by
equipment types. You cannot add other equipment types.
To create a new symbol select Edit > New Symbol. You will be prompted to select the
equipment type and to enter a description for your symbol.
Upon clicking OK, a new drawing canvas will be displayed. The drawing commands that
are available are as follows. When you right-click in any part of the drawing, the commands
applicable to that specific element will be included in a contextual menu.
See Chapter 13.3 Symbols to learn about the steps for creating symbols.
Standard Toolbar
Contains the standard commands to display a canvas for a new symbol, to open
and save files; to cut, copy and paste; and printing.
Selection Toolbar
Drawing Toolbar
PROPERTIES. You can assign line properties (color, width) to each graphical
component; fill properties to the closed shapes (rectangle, closed curve, etc.).
You can also determine if the shape that is part of the symbol can be selected,
edited, moved, etc.
The text properties are limited to the content (text or keyword) and to the text
LINE. Click the Line button and then click and hold the mouse button in the
canvas until the line is the appropriate length, then release the mouse button.
POLYLINE. Click the Polyline button and then left-click on the canvas to place
the first vertex. Release the mouse button and move the cursor to the location of
the next vertex. Click again to place a vertex. Double-click to place the last
vertex and finish the polyline. Click the right mouse button to cancel the action
(before placing the last vertex).
POLYGON. Click the Polygon button and then left-click on the canvas to place
the first vertex. Release the mouse button and move the cursor to the location of
the next vertex. Click again to place a vertex, and so on. Double-click to place
the last vertex and finish the drawing. Click the right mouse button to cancel the
action (before placing the last vertex).
POLYCURVE. Click the Polycurve button and then click in the canvas to place
the first vertex. Release the mouse button and move the cursor to the location of
the next vertex. Click again to place a vertex, and so on. As you place the
vertices, the program displays a dotted line that shows the shape of the finished
line. Double-click to place the last vertex and finish the drawing.
Click the right mouse button to cancel (before placing the last vertex).
ELLIPSE. Click the Ellipse button and then click and hold the mouse button in
the canvas until the ellipse or the circle has the shape and the size you want.
(Press SHIFT to draw a circle.)
Click the Text button and then click in the canvas to position the box. Right-click
on that box to access the Properties dialog box (or double-click on it) and type in
your text the Text field. You can add dynamic text to a symbol by including
keywords. Click on the Keywords button to display the Keyword Selection
dialog box where you can make your selection.
Click OK when done. You can modify your text or adjust the text properties by
right-clicking on the text component to access again the Properties dialog box.
INPUT PORT. To place the node connected to the section, on the same side as
the section’s From Node.
OUTPUT PORT. To place the node connected to the section, on the same side
as the section’s To Node.
Note: With some device symbols like a motor or a spot load, the input node and
output node are located at the same coordinate. To see the hidden node,
you must move the visible node aside.
Structure Toolbar
To place the selected item: to the FRONT, to the BACK, one layer FORWARD or
one layer BACKWARD.
Nudge Toolbar
Zoom Toolbar
ZOOM. Once activated, left clicking on the drawing zooms in; right clicking
zooms out.
PAN. Once selected, do a left click and hold the button down to move the
Rotate Toolbar
Commands from left to right: Free Rotage, Rotate 90o left, Rotate 90o Right, Flip
Vertical, Flip Horizontal.
Canvas Toolbar
TOGGLE PAGE BOUNDS. Displays the borders of the individual sheets on the
Opens an external application (CYMVIEW), where you can view or customize the CYME
generated plots and graphics. This section provides an overview to CYMVIEW. For more
information, refer to the CYMVIEW User Manual.
To get the data in CYMVIEW, first run your analyses in CYME and generate the chart(s)
using the Chart Selection command found in the Simulation Toolbar (see 2.5.5) select your
charts and click Plot to generate them. You then have two options to make your data available to
CYMVIEW, both available through the contextual menu of the CYME-generated charts:
1. The command Send To > CYMVIEW, found in the contextual menu of the
charts, will open CYMVIEW and display your active chart, ready to be
customized. Saving will be done through the Save command in CYMVIEW.
2. The command Save (or Save As) will allow you to save the data in the directory
of your choice.
Upon selecting this menu command, CYMVIEW will appear, showing a folder for each
study. A number of “viewers” can be displayed in the CYMVIEW window. You can select them in
the View Menu of CYMVIEW. These windows can be moved and resized.
Chart Browser The top left part shows a list of the studies run. Each study may
contain several data sets. To see them (listed according to the date
and time), double-click on one data set. This opens the Chart
Selector window to select the name of the results you wish to plot
from the selected data set.
Clicking the Plot button will display the associated graphic. The
Chart Selector remains displayed for you to select other data to be
plotted. Once done with creating charts, click Done to dismiss the
Chart Selector.
Curve Manager Displays the settings summary of the chart that is selected in the
Plot Area.
Plot Area Tabbed area where the plots are displayed. A number of
commands are available to adjust the graphics. Those commands
are available by right-clicking on the Plot Area or via the Chart
Tabular Report Tabbed area where the data related to the plots is displayed. Right-
clicking in this area will display a contextual menu from which you
can select commands to format the report, save it or export it to MS
Excel or as a web page.
From this dialog box, you can define chart templates that you can save for future
use. To save your template, select “Chart” in the Components list, and enter and save
the name of the template (Theme) on the right pane of the window.
The Energy Profile Manager module is a planning tool that allows users to perform time
range analysis based on a combination of historical consumption patterns and real-time
monitoring. The module prepares a variety of tabular and graphical reports about the network,
the monitored devices, the load period, the usage of the devices and losses on the network.
The Energy Profile Manager module is an optional additional module and is the subject of
a separate User Guide.
Lists the path and filename of the four most recently studies accessed. You may open
any of them by selecting its name in the list.
4.21 Exit
Closes the program after asking you to save your work (if required).
The Edit Menu contains all the commands to allow you loading and modifying your one
line data in preparation for your studies.
Note: A modification is "Undone" in the same place where it was done the first time,
no matter which section is currently the active one.
Hint: To see the chronological list of modifications made to the study, select the
Report > Study Summary menu command (see 8.5).
Starting from the most recent operation Undo Modif restores a modification that has
been cancelled by the Undo Modif command. To cancel a Redo Modif command, use the Undo
Modif command.
Note: A modification is "redone" in the same place where it was done the first time,
no matter which section is currently the active one.
Copies the one line diagram, as a screen capture image, into the Windows clipboard, so
that you may paste it into another application, such as a report. Since it is a screen capture,
adjust the zoom level and panning to produce the result you want before using this command.
Note: The background color of the pasted image will be WHITE. Therefore, items
that are displayed in white in CYME will not appear in the pasted image.
See View > Display Options (section Chapter 10) to find out how to change
If a background map is displayed, it will be included in the image captured.
5.4 Find
Displays the Find summary dialog box that is similar to the Find toolbar (see 2.5.2). Only
the History mode button is absent from the dialog box found here.
Clicking on the Properties button will expand the dialog box and display the search
parameters fields. Click Close in the expanded dialog to hide the filter portion of the dialog box.
Search To define a search by Device ID, Section ID, Device Number, or Node
Properties ID; User-defined Filters or Text in Device Tags.
Use Filters To activate the filter to list the sections that include at least one of the
selected equipment and or load types. This will also enable the Show
Circle Device option, to display a circle on the one-line around every
instances of the equipment for which a filter is active, to help you see
where they are.
To change the color of the circle, go to the View > Display Options
dialog box, under Display Layers Selection tab window, click on
Modify in the Symbols group box (see 10.1.1). The Circle Device
option can be found under the Network Symbols category.
Devices This is where you set your search filters. The elements appear as an
expandable tree list. Expand the list by clicking on the “plus” signs and
make your selections. The program will then search only through the
groups you will have selected.
When no element in the group is selected, the checkbox is empty with
a white background. When all elements in a group are selected, the
checkbox background will be white ( ); when only some elements are
selected, the checkmark background will be grey ( ).
Centers the window view and zooms in on the location of the active section or node. At
the same time, the magnification level is adjusted to show the entire section. Same as the Locate
button in the Main toolbar (see 2.5.1).
5.6 Select
The menu item contains four sub-commands to help you navigate the One Line Diagram.
These commands are enabled only when there is a study open with network information. E.g.
Loading an existing feeder from the network, or create a new one.
Downstream Selects the section immediately downstream from the active section to
become the new ‘active section’ and places it in the center of the
display. ("Downstream" means further away from the source.)
Keyboard shortcut: “Shift” “→”.
Upstream Selects the section immediately upstream from the active section to
be the new ‘active section’ and places it in the center of the display.
("Upstream" means closer to the source.) Keyboard shortcut:
“Shift” “←”.
First Selects the section connected to the source to become the ‘active
section’ and places it in the center of the display. Keyboard shortcut:
“Shift” ↑”.
Last Selects the section furthest away from the source, along a route that
includes the current active section and places it in the center of the
display. Keyboard shortcut: “Shift” ↓”.
Nested Views can be added and modeled into your network data only if the CYME-
SubNetwork Modeling optional module is installed. Note that the commands will be disabled if
you do not have the proper key installed.
When you select this option, the mouse cursor changes to . You can also select
the New Nested View icon ( ) from the Editor Tools toolbar (see 2.5.6). Position the cursor
on the one line diagram where you would like the new nested view to be placed and double click
the left mouse button. The Nested View Properties dialog box will open.
Name Type in the Name of your nested view. Select the View Style to apply to
View your nested view. To edit the style’s parameters, click on to access
Style the View Styles dialog box (see 11.12).
User To display a symbol inside the sub network shape. Click the symbol area
symbol beneath the checkbox to open the Symbol Selection dialog box.
Click on OK to create. Double click on the nested view symbol to open a new tabbed
window in the main display and start building the associated network.
A source represents the impedance of the generation and transmission network that
supplies a substation or a network.
When you select this option, the mouse cursor changes to . To open in a new
window a substation where you want to place a new source, click on the substation symbol.
Position the cursor where you want to place the new source and double click. The Source
Properties dialog box opens for you to enter the required information.
For To indicate to which network the new source will be included in. The
Network selections in the list will comprise only the networks that are currently
displayed even if several are loaded in memory.
Note: When you are creating the first source of your network (start from
blank), then the Network Properties dialog box will be displayed
(see 5.9 Add Network).
Source Define here if the source will be an Equivalent (from the database) or a
Type User-defined Equivalent. If the second option is selected, the Device ID,
Name and Voltage fields will be removed from the dialog box.
Device ID
and Name Select a source equivalent from the Device ID pull down menu. Click
to display the Source Equivalent dialog box and view the list of available
source equivalent models and their settings. You cannot change that data
when accessed through this command. To modify it, go to Equipment >
Source (see the Equipment Reference Manual for details).
Type in a unique Name for your new source. If a node has been pre-
selected, the ID of the node will appear here.
Voltage The desired voltage value of the source. You can define a different value
for each source in your study by replacing this number.
Source The unique identification label for the source node. The label (Name) may
Node contain up to 31 letters and/or numbers, but no blank spaces. You may
associate your new source to a Zone.
Display When a node has been pre-selected, and if relevant, you will have the
choice to determine that the highlighted node is your Source Node and if it
will be displayed as a node or a bus. When the node selected is not
electrically relevant for a source node, or when no node is pre-selected,
this field will be disabled.
X and Y The coordinates of the node. When the node selected is not electrically
relevant for a source node, or when no node is pre-selected, this field will
be disabled.
Note: You may change the X and Y coordinates, either by typing in the
fields or by moving the node graphically with the mouse (or via the
Move command). Additionally, these values are used when
importing network topology from a database.
This dialog box allows entering the Demand data of the new source. Check the Enter
Network Demand checkbox to enable the fields of the dialog box. CYME supports four types:
kVA-Power Factor, A-Power factor, kW-Power factor and kW-kVAR.
To specify the utilization factor and the power factor for each type of
client at this location. The customer types shown here are defined in
the dialog box Network > Customer Types (see section 7.5).
Accesses the optional Energy Profile Manager module and displays the
network demand profiles based on the Source ID if this data is present.
Downstream Displays, for the network selected, the 3-phased and the per-phase
information totals in actual or connected kVAs, fixed actual KW, consumption in
kWh (fixed or not), the fixed kW and kVAR, the shunt capacitor KVARs
(fixed or switched), etc. This information will help you indicate
meaningful meter demand values. Click on the Details button to
display the information in a table.
Date In general, used as information only. It is used by the optional Energy
Profile Manager module.
This command governs the creation, loading, and displaying of networks, substations
and secondary networks.
When you select this option, the mouse cursor will change to the New Network mode:
You can also select the New Network icon ( ) from the Editor Tools toolbar (see
Double-click the left mouse button and hold it down. Move the mouse to position the
head node and release the button. The Network Properties dialog box is displayed. Typically,
six tabs are displayed. You may also see a Harmonic tab if you have the optional Harmonic
Analysis module installed. Refer to the corresponding Users Guide for explanations about the
contents of this tab window.
Note: The new network exists only in the study at this point. To add it to the Network
database, select Database > Update Network (see 6.5).
Select or type in the grouping you wish to apply to your new network. This will be
reflected in the networks tree list.
By default, the labels are “Area”, “Voltage Level” and Region, but you can rename them
with a meaningful name or characteristic under which to group your networks. This is set in the
File > Preferences dialog box, at the Text tab (see 4.15.3), in the Network Grouping group box.
You have the option of displaying your new network in the current view or in a nested
view created in the current study.
If you select to display your network in a nested view, you will have the possibility to
select the View Style to apply to your nested view. To edit the style’s parameters, click on
to access the View Styles dialog box (see 11.12).
Source Type To define the source of the network: use an Equivalent from the
database or select the user defined option and provide the details at
the Equivalent tab.
If the user-defined option is selected, the Device ID, Name and
Voltage fields will be removed from the dialog box.
Device ID
and Name Select a source model from the Device ID list. Click to display
the Source Equivalent dialog box and view the list of available
source equivalent models and their settings. You cannot change that
data when accessed through this command. To modify it, go to
Equipment > Source (see the Equipment Reference Manual for
Type in a unique Name for your new source. If a node has been pre-
selected, the ID of the node will appear here.
Voltage The default voltage value at the source location. You can define a
different value for each source in your study by replacing this value.
Source Node The unique identification label for the source node. The label (Name)
group box may contain up to 31 letters and/or numbers, but no blank spaces.
You may associate your new network to a Zone.
Display When a node has been pre-selected, and if relevant, you will have
the choice to determine that the highlighted node is your Source
Node and if it will be displayed as a node or a bus. When the node
selected is not electrically relevant for a source node, or when no
node is pre-selected, this field will be disabled.
X and Y The coordinates of the node. When the node selected is not
electrically relevant for a source node, or when no node is pre-
selected, this field will be disabled.
Note: You may change the X and Y coordinates, either by typing in
the fields or by moving the node graphically with the mouse
(or via the Move command). Additionally, these values are
used when importing network topology from a database.
Enter here your data for a user-defined source type (as indicated in the Source tab of the
dialog box.
To specify the utilization factor and the power factor for each type of
client at this location. The customer types shown here are defined in
the dialog box Network > Customer Types (see section 7.5).
Accesses the optional Energy Profile Manager module and displays the
network demand profiles based on the Source ID if this data is present.
Downstream Displays, for the network selected, the 3-phased and the per-phase
information totals in actual or connected kVAs, fixed actual KW, consumption in
kWh (fixed or not), the fixed kW and kVAR, the shunt capacitor KVARs
(fixed or switched), etc. This information will help you indicate
meaningful meter demand values. Click on the Details button to
display the information in a table.
Annual Specify the Load Factor that will allow annualizing the losses
Losses calculated with the Load Flow module using the formula shown. The
results are included in the Load Flow summary report. See the CYME
Basic Analysis Users Guide for details about the Load Flow reports.
Date In general, used as information only. It is used by the optional Energy
Profile Manager module.
The information indicated at this tab is utilized by the Contingency analysis module.
A limiting device is a monitoring and control location selected by the user that will be
used by the Contingency analysis module to calculate the overload factor in the case of a N-1
contingency analysis. This data is included in the contingency matrix report that can be displayed
using the Report Viewer used with the Contingency Analysis optional module. Refer to the
Contingency Analysis User Guide for more information.
This tab will be displayed if you have the optional Harmonic Analysis module installed.
Refer to the Harmonic Analysis User Guide for information.
The field in this tab allows entering a description or significant comments about the
network in question.
A Zone is a group of network elements (contiguoous or not) that you can color-code.
This feature can be useful for various uses such as viewing the protection zones,into the reports
or in an analysis.
Indicate a name for your zone, select an environment attribute (that will be used with the
Reliability Assessment module) and add a description.
Click on the Delimiters button to set the extent of your zone. To select the upstream
delimiter, enable the From radio button and click on the section on the one line display. To
indicate the extent of the zone, click on the To radio button and use the drop down list to select
the downstream node/section of your zone or click on the wanted sectin on the one-line display.
You may also use the Tracing Options to let the program assist you. As you make your
selections, the one-line diagram dynamically adjusts to highlight the zone as it is being defined.
The electrical length (sum of the length of all conductors within the selection) and the
geographical distance (the direct distance between start point and end point within selection are
also shown.
A label attached to the node from which the active section departs indicates the
beginning of a new zone. The zone extends to the end of all downstream sections, until the
beginning of another zone, or until the first delimiting. Same as the Assign Zone button found in
the Advanced Editor Tools toobar (see 2.5.11).
To see the zones on the one-line display, go to the Network Explorer bar, at the Display
Tab, and select “Zone color” or “Zone color (random)” in the Display Layers section (see 2.3.5).
To assign a specific node or section to an existing zone, display the Properties dialog
box of the node or section and select the zone ID from the Zone drop down list in the dialog box.
You may also type in the name of a new zone in that field, thus initiating the creation of
that new zone. To edit the properties of the new zone, display the Assign Zone dialog box using
the menu, contextual menu or toolbar command, select the name of your new zone from the
Name drop down list, edit the associated properties and click OK to save.
Finally, you may select your sections first using the multiple selection (that includes
tracing and limiting options), region or group selection tools (see 2.5.6 Editor Tools toolbar).
Then select Assign Zone from the Edit menu or from the contextual menu that will be displayed
when right clicking anywhere on the main display while the selection is highlighted. The Assign
Zone dialog box will appear. Note that the Delimiters option will not be available for selections
made that are not composed of contiguous sections.
To edit the properties of existing zones, double-click on a Zone label to display the
corresponding Change Zone Properties dialog box. You can also access that dialog box in the
Network Explorer bar, at the Detailed View Tab (see 2.3.4), and double-click on the zone name
in the list. The fields available are the same than the dialog box displayed at Edit > Assign Zone
(see 5.10).
To connect a new section to an active node (or to the ‘To node’ of the active section).
When you select this option, the mouse cursor changes to . First, select a node or
a section. Double-click the left mouse button and hold it down. A dashed line appears,
connecting the cursor to the node previously selected. This dashed line shows you where the
new section will be drawn. Move the mouse to position the node of the new section, and release
the button. The Section Properties dialog box for the new section appears. You can edit the
data. See 3.2 Section Properties.
Same as the Insert Section button found in the Advanced Editor Tools toobar (see
Hint: If the option ‘Show conductor length’ is enabled, the approximate new section
length will be displayed as you move the cursor. (To enable this option, refer to
View > Display Options, at the View Properties tab. Go to the Window
Options category and enable the option (see 10.2.20).
This command allows adding a new section between the active section and the previous
(upstream) section. The active section will 'stretch' to remain connected to the new section.
When you select this option, the mouse cursor changes to . First, select a section.
Double-click the left mouse button and hold it down. Two dashed lines appear. The upstream
one is the new section and the downstream one is the existing one. Move the mouse to position
the connecting node between the new section and the existing section, and release the button.
When you release the mouse button, the Section Properties dialog box for the new section
appears. You can edit the data. See 3.2 Section Properties.
Same as the Insert Section button found in the Advanced Editor Tools toobar (see
Similar to the Insert command, except that the new section takes for itself some of the
length of the active section. It will also assume part of the distributed load of the active section, in
proportion to the length.
Note: To distribute the load proportionally between the sections, you must reduce
the length of the new section BEFORE clicking OK, otherwise, the new
section will inherit 100% of the load and length values.
Think of this command as a way to place a node somewhere along an existing section,
so you can connect a lateral to it. Circuit length is not changed.
When you select this option, the mouse cursor changes to . First, select a section.
Double-click the left mouse button and hold it down. Two dashed lines appear. The upstream
one is the new section and the downstream one is the existing one. Move the mouse to position
the node of the new section and then release the button. Usually, you place the node
somewhere on a straight line between the two nodes on either side of it. When you release the
mouse button, the Section Properties dialog box for the new section appears. You can edit the
data. See 3.2 Section Properties.
Same as the Split Section button found in the Advanced Editor Tools toobar (see 2.5.11).
To change the orientation of the active section without changing its length. When you
select this option, the mouse will change to reflect the rotate mode . To use, select a
section, then double-click the left mouse button and hold it down. A dashed line appears,
indicating the orientation of the section (the length is fixed). Moving the mouse positions the To-
node of the section. Release the button when the section is in the desired orientation.
Downstream sections directly connected to the active section will be stretched to remain
connected. To revert to the normal mouse mode, press the ESC key. Same as the Rotate
Section button found in the Advanced Editor Tools toobar (see 2.5.11).
Note: It is always the downstream node that changes coordinates when using this
Re-calculates the length of the selected section, the selected section plus all downstream
sections, or all sections loaded into memory.
When you select this option, the mouse cursor changes to . Select a section and
double click to open the Recalculate Section Length dialog box. Select your action and click
OK. You can see the results in the Status Bar (end of second line). Same as the Recalculate
Length of Sections button found in the Advanced Editor Tools toobar (see 2.5.11).
When you select this option, the mouse cursor changes to . Select a section and
double click to open the Automatic Section Renaming dialog box.
You can:
y Rename only the selected section as indicated.
y Rename the selected section and all sections downstream from it.
y Rename all sections loaded into memory.
With any of the above options, you can choose to rename the device numbers and/or the
load numbers of the associated sections and/or the instrument numbers by enabling the
corresponding radio buttons.
Finally, you can include or not the nodes that correspond to the section(s) selected.
Same as the Rename Sections button found in the Advanced Editor Tools toobar (see
When you select this option, the mouse cursor will change to . You can also enable
this function using the Reconfiguration button found in the Advanced Editor Tools toobar (see
2.5.11). First, select a section. Double-click on it and hold the mouse button down. The network
downstream of the selected section will be highlighted and the Reconfiguration dialog box will
be displayed.
The first stage is to select the area you wish to rephase/reconfigure. You can change the
starting section (From) and the ending section (To) by either selecting another one from the pull
down menu, or selecting a section in the One Line window using the mouse. The one line
diagram display will automatically highlight the zone delimited each time a selection is made in
the Reconfiguration dialog box. Check the Include laterals checkbox to include all branches
between the starting section and the ending section. Disable this option to restrict the selection to
the sections that lie on the path from the starting section to the ending section. This option will
be displayed only if laterals are involved.
Click on the Details button to display a tabular information report on the selected
sections. You can select to display the results by Number of Sections or by Length of
Sections. This report is available at each step of the reconfiguration process. Click on OK to
dismiss the report and return to the previous dialog box.
Click Next to display the list of actions you can perform. This includes: Add phase (s),
Remove phase (s), Rephase or Reconductor. The last step of the process will be different
depending on the Action selected here. Select the action, click Next again and make your
selections. Click Preview to display the Reconfiguration Information dialog box with the data
updated according to your selections.
Add phase(s)
The options available in the group box will depend on the “From”
Type selected.
After adding or removing a phase or after rephasing sections, the user can opt to
continue the operation with reconductoring. Click on Finish to apply the changes.
Choose the individual conductor type to be changed, or choose ALL conductors (From
Type & ID and the To Type & ID). Note that all selected sections must have the same number of
Note: When replacing overhead lines using this command, you are replacing both
the tower configuration and the conductor size. To change just the conductor
size or just the tower configuration, make sure you have created an
appropriate line in the equipment database ahead of time.
By default, the type “Overhead line” and the ID DEFAULT are selected. However you
can choose from the following:
y All
y Overhead Line
y Cable
y By phase
y Conductor
y Spacing
For ‘Overhead Line’ and ‘Cable’, except for ID, all fields will be disabled. - Select the
desired Id from the ID list and click Finish to reconductor the selected sections.
If you select the type “By phase” the phases (A, B, C) that correspond to the selected
sections will be enabled while the other(s) will be disabled. Also, Neutral and Spacing lists will be
enabled. Enter your choice in the available lists and click Finish to reconductor the selected
Note: When using the reconductoring option in the reconfiguration command, the
type of configuration and the ID of the configuration of the section selected
as from is now the default destination configuration.
5.18 Open/Close
This command is used to operate the switching devices. When you select this option, the
cursor will change to . You can also enable this function using the Open/Close a Switch
button found in the Advanced Editor Tools toobar (see 2.5.11). Select the section where the
switching device is located, and then double-click on it, the Toggle dialog box will be displayed.
Select either the source-end or load-end device via the pull down menu, (if there are two switch
able devices on the section). Alternatively, you may right-click on the operable device and select
open (or close) from the contextual menu.
5.19 Connect
Use this command to connect the active section via its nodes to another section in the
same or in a different network.
When you select this option, the cursor changes to . You can also enable this
function using the Connect button found in the Advanced Editor Tools toobar (see 2.5.11). Click
anywhere in the OLD display. The Connect dialog box is displayed with the message: ”Please
select the node to connect”. Click once on a node. Its number will appear in the dialog box and
the Next button will be enabled, click on it. You will be prompted to select the node or subnetwork
on which to connect the selected node. Once you select (left click) that second point, its ID will be
displayed in the dialog box and the Connect button will be enabled. To complete the connection,
click on the Connect button.
When sections are present downstream of the node to be moved, the software will offer
the possibility to move all those sections and not only the node to the new location.
Hint: You can alternately connect one section to another (or create an
interconnection), by dragging and dropping one node on to another and
release the mouse. (When the cursor is within range of another node, the
node changes color, and the arrows shown on the cursor point inwards). In
this case, only the node will be moved to the new location.
You can shift the One-Line Diagram while holding down the mouse button by
pressing the arrow keys.
5.20 Disconnect
Used to disconnect a section. When you select this option, the cursor changes to .
You can also enable this function using the Disconnect button found in the Advanced Editor
Tools toobar (see 2.5.11). Select a node or a section to disconnect. Then double-click anywhere
in the display. The Disconnect dialog box appears. Select from the drop down list the node or
the section to disconnect. Click on the Disconnect button.
Hint: Alternatively, you can select your node or section to disconnect and right-click
to display the contextual menu from which you can select the Disconnect
command; this will display the Disconnect dialog box.
5.21 Move
To relocate the active section and all sections connected to it. When you select this
option, the mouse will change to reflect the move mode . To use the move command, select
a section, then double-click the left mouse button and hold it down. A dashed line is drawn
between the original location and the location of the mouse pointer. Move the mouse to position
the section and then release the button. To revert to the normal mouse mode, press the ESC key.
Hints: 1. To re-locate a node and any section(s) connected to it, simply click and
drag the node.
2. To move an equipment symbol in a nested view, select the section then
click and drag the symbol.
Rearranges all downstream sections so that their angles of departure are uniform and
equal to the Autogen Angle. The Autogen Angle is set in the File > Preferences dialog box at the
Editor tab (see 4.15.5). This angle applies where two or more sections depart from the same
section. Where only one section departs, it will be redrawn in the same direction as the upstream
section, regardless of the original angle of departure.
When you select this option, the mouse will change to reflect the Rearrange O.L.D. (or
Autogen) mode . To use, select the section immediately upstream of the sections you want
to rearrange. Double-click the left mouse button anywhere and the downstream section will be
automatically re-arranged as a schematic diagram. To revert to the normal mouse mode, press
the ESC key.
Note: This command is rarely used since most users want the circuit diagram to look
like a map, instead of a purely schematic diagram.
5.23 Cut
Deletes the multiple or the single section selection made on the one-line diagram display
and puts it in the clipboard. The software cuts the image shown along with all the properties of
the section(s) deleted. Use the Paste function (see 5.25) to add it elsewhere in the display.
The Cut function does not apply to elements drawn using the tools of the Drawing Tool
tool bar (see 2.5.12).
5.24 Copy
Copies the multiple or the single section selection made on the one-line diagram display
and puts it in the clipboard. The software copies the image shown along with all the properties of
the section(s) copied. Use the Paste function (see 5.25) to add it elsewhere in the display.
The Copy function does not apply to elements drawn using the tools of the Drawing Tool
tool bar (see 2.5.12).
5.25 Paste
CYME will request the user to associate the pasted elements to an existing network.
Once this is done, the software will paste the elements and allocate an ID to each section pasted
on the display. The ID will be incremented based on the pattern specified in the Default section
ID group box of the Network > Section Naming Pattern dialog box, if the Use the same pattern
for copied and network template elements option is enabled in that dialog box (see 7.9). If that
option is not enabled, the software will reproduce the same ID number, adding a “_COPY(#)”
suffix at the end of the ID of the original section copied.
The pasted section(s) are not connected automatically. Use the Connect node
contextual menu option to do so.
When you select this option, the cursor will change to . Double-click on a section
part of the zone you wish to delete. If the selected section is not associated with a zone, then the
confirmation dialog box will not appear. Same as the Delete button found in the Advanced Editor
Tools toobar (see 2.5.11).
5.27 Delete
This command is used to remove sections from the display. When you select this option,
the cursor changes to . Select the section you wish to delete and double-click on it (you
may alternatively right-click and select Delete from the contextual menu). The Delete dialog box
will appear to confirm the deletion. You may also delete all the downstream sections.
Use the command Database > Update Network (section 6.5) to remove the deleted
element from the database.
5.28 Properties
After selecting this menu option, highlight a symbol on the OLD display and double-click
to display its Properties dialog box. Refer to 3.2 Section Properties for more information.
Alternatively, you may select an element in the display and right-click to display the
contextual menu; select Properties to display the related Properties dialog box. Double-clicking
on any symbol or line will have the same effect.
Note: Properties is the mouse normal selection mode. Whenever the mouse is in
another mode (such as “Source”, “Move”, “Calc.”, etc., pressing the “ESC” key
on the keyboard will revert the mode to normal. With the normal mode you can
select one section, one network or one device at a time; the one selected
being highlighted on the display.
6.1 Overview
CYME is a very powerful electrical engineering analysis software for electrical networks
composed of numerous types of devices. The calculations used in the analyses of CYME can be
very precise and effective results can be generated, but the quality of the results relies mostly on
the quality and precision of the information describing each of its components.
The Import, Export, Create and Delete options found in the Database menu help you
create and manage your databases, while the Database Manager command will help you
manage the configurations that combine databases to work with (for example: equipment,
network and underlying maps) and select the one to use.
When a user is creating a study, the information is kept into CYME, allowing you to
modify anything without influencing the original database, unless you need it: other functions of
the database menu are used to update the databases with information derived from actual work
on the network.
Finally, the database menu comprises commands to capture a set of information about
the projects generated using the optional Advanced Project Manager module.
In order to use databases with CYME, as a minimum, the descriptions of the network and
the equipment associated with it have to be contained in a database. CYME version 5.02 and
later supports the MS Access database type. With the CYME Server Database module, it also
supports: MS SQL Server (2000, 2005, 2008), and Oracle (9, 10 and 11). CYME Server
Database module is included with CYMDIST and is an optional add-on module to the CYME
SQL Server database format requires SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 or SQL
Server 2008. The server can be set up to limit the access rights on the equipment and/or network
Advantages Disadvantages
• Databases can be opened through Microsoft • Requires a SQL server and a database
Access, included in Microsoft Office; or with administrator
Base, included in OpenOffice • High memory usage; the user have to set the
• Ideal for client/server network architecture, i.e. limits of memory that can be used
multiple users accessing the database
• Nothing has to be installed on the client PC
As for SQL Server, Oracle database operates on a server. CYME supports versions 9,
10 and 11.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Independent platform • Requires a server and a database administrator
• Ideal for client/server network architecture, i.e. • High memory usage; the user has to set the
multiple users accessing the database limits of memory that can be used
• Industry standard RDBMS • Installation required on client workstations
Opens the Database Manager dialog box, where you can select a database
configuration as the “active” or working database.
6.3 Create
Select the menu command Database > Create or click on the icon in the Database
Manager dialog box (see 6.2) or click on the “Create” item in the Databases Tab (see 2.3.1) of
the Explorer Bar.
This will display the Database Mode section of the CYME Database Wizard. Select if
you wish to create a single database connection or a connection to separate equipment and
network databases.
Select Single database and click the Next button to display the Database Type dialog
box. Make your selection among Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle and click
Next again to enter the details of the configuration.
For Oracle
• CYME detects automatically which version of Oracle Client is installed. Select
from the list or type in a valid Service Name from the list and type in a unique
Database Name. Enter and confirm your Password. Note that for Oracle, the
password is mandatory. Click on Next.
The following dialog box displays a summary of the configuration. To make modifications,
click on the Back button. To go ahead with the creation, click on Next.
Note: When you are creating a new configuration, it may happen that CYME finds
incompatibilities with a database and prompts for a supplementary action
before proceding with the creation. Whenever you click on No to a prompt,
the wizard remains on the current dialog box.
A few examples:
• The database was created with a prior version of CYME: the program
will ask if you wish to update it to the current version.
• The database was created with a more recent version of CYME or the
server (SQL or Oracle) does not exist: the program will remain on the
current dialog box; click on Back to review the information entered.
• The database does not exist: the program will request to create that
database. In the case of SQL server or Oracle, you will be required to
enter a Username and Password with administrative rights.
After your configuration is created, the wizard will display the Database Configuration
Created dialog box where you will be able to specify (if needed) the directory where the studies
based on that configuration will be saved. Click on Finish to dismiss the wizard.
Note: Whenever you are required to type in or select a configuration name, if that
name already exists, the program will propose a unique name composed of
the name in question with the characters “_1” at the end.
Note: You will find the information about each of the configuration created in the
Databases Tab list (refer to 2.3.1).
These are the properties of the configurations as created that you can edit at
any time. See 6.2 Database Manager where you will find further information
about this.
Select Single database (Equipment Only) and click the Next button to display the
Database Type (Equipment database) dialog box. Make your selection among Microsoft
Access, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle or XML and click Next again to enter the details of the
configuration. The next dialog box will be the same one as for the single database as explained in
the previous sections.
For Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle, along with few details about
the connection creation process, see 6.3.1 Single Database Configuration.
For XML – Type in the file name in the XML File (.xml) field including the full path or click
on the Browse button to locate it and select it. This enables the Next button. Click on it.
The properties of the configuration will be displayed in the next dialog box. Click on Back
to edit them or click on Next to continue. The program will proceed by creating the equipment
After your configuration is created, the wizard will display the Database Configuration
Created dialog box where you will be able to specify (if needed) the directory where the studies
based on that configuration will be saved. Click on Finish to dismiss the wizard.
In the Database Mode section of the Database Creation Wizard, select Different
databases and click the Next button.
You will be presented with a Database Type selection dialog box for your Equipment
database. Select the type among Microsoft Access, SQL Server and Oracle. The next dialog box
will be the same one as for the single databases as explained in the previous sections.
Once the parameters of the Equipement database are selected, click on Next. You will
be presented with a Database Type selection dialog box for your Network database. Select the
type among Microsoft Access, SQL Server and Oracle. The next dialog box will be the same one
as for the single databases as explained in the previous sections.
Once the parameters of the Network database are selected, click on Next.
If you have the optional CYME Advanced Project Manager module installed, you will be
presented with a Project Type selection dialog box for your Project database that have been
previously generated with CYME. Proceed the same way than for the Equipment and the
Network databases and click on Next.
The properties of the configuration will be displayed in the next dialog box. Click on Back
to edit them or click on Next to continue. The program will proceed by creating the equipment
database, then with the network database.
See the Notes in the previous 6.3.1 Single Database Configuration for a few details
about the connection creation process.
After your configuration is created, the wizard will display the Database Configuration
Created dialog box where you will be able to specify (if needed) the directory where the studies
based on that configuration will be saved. Click on Finish to dismiss the wizard.
6.4 Delete
The Delete command operates in two stages. First, it deletes the currently active
database configuration. Second, a prompt will ask you if you want to delete the database itself.
You may disable the second step; thus the user will not be provided the option to delete the
database and it will be left on the disk after removing the connection to it. See File >
Preferences, Database tab (see 4.15.6) to set this command. Note that for SQL and Oracle
databases, you need to have the proper administrative rights for the deletion.
Studies are normally associated to a specific database. Modifications are saved into
simple studies, but when the database is the basic source of information about the network(s)
and the equipment, the modifications can also be saved permanently in the database with the
command Update Network.
The Database > Update Network menu command applies to the Network database all
modifications made in the opened study. You can also use the Update Network button of
the Database toolbar (see 2.5.10) to enable this function. Use this to:
For example, if you create a new network in a study and you use the Update Network
command, then the new feeder will be added to the Network database. Similarly, if you load an
existing network into your study, delete it then use the Update Network command, that network
will be permanently deleted from the Network database.
Note that updating the modified networks will affect all studies using this database.
Note: It is recommended to delete the (*.XST) file containing your study after using
Update Network. Otherwise, opening that study will cause CYME to load
possible outdated network information.
Note on CYME will not allow you to Update the Network database if another user
Database has updated the network between the time you have loaded it and updated
Security: it. When this happens, CYME ask you to save the study and reload it to
assert that your changes can be applied to the network. Then, you will be
able to update your network.
If someone updates the Network with his or her modifications, and that you
use this network for your studies, even if these were prepared earlier, they
will include the other user’s modifications to the network saved in the
If, for future reference, you wish to keep old studies based on an earlier version of the
Network database, then you should keep a back-up copy of the network database along with the
old studies (in a separate location). Alternatively, you can use the command Save Study As Self
Contained (*.sxst) in a separate location (see 4.7).
Note: CYME validates the data when loading networks. In some cases, certain
values will be automatically amended by the software to the default values.
Those modifications will be listed on a report displayed upon loading. See
the example below. Click on a hyperlink to view and eventually make
adjustments. When you update a network, those changes are applied as
You may disable the Save automatic network corrections… option
found at File > Preferences > Database tab (see 4.15.6). Thus, when
using the Update Network command, you will only apply the modifications
made by the user through the course of the study.
6.6 Import
A network and its equipment can be completely modeled in CYME 5.02. It is also
possible to import the network(s) and equipment information from another application into a
CYME database by using the ‘Import’ command.
The Database > Import command displays the Import Data section of the CYME
Database Utilities Wizard with which you can import data into an existing database or into a new
one that you will create in the process. You may also use the Import Data button of the Database
toolbar (see 2.5.10) or click on the “Import” item in the Databases Tab (see 2.3.1) of the Explorer
The databases will be imported into a supported CYME 5.02 database type from the
following supported data sources and formats. For each option, the wizard guides you through
the steps of selecting the source and the target databases.
Note that the application will indicate in a report the errors encountered in the process.
This report is automatically displayed at the bottom of the CYME application window once the
process has ended. The type of error is briefly described, along with the file name of where the
error was encountered.
This is the most widely used import format. It allows you to import information from
another application, a GIS for example, into a CYME database.
Note: CYME Import is backward compatible, i.e. any old import format is still
supported. You don’t have to modify your data converter if you still want to use
the same format.
When the source are ASCII files, you also have the options to import the Equipment,
Network, Load, Maps data, etc. separately, which allows you to maintain seasonal load
information (summer/winter, for example). Additional details about the import files syntax and
structure with a description for each field of each element that can be imported, as well as the
possible values for these fields are found in the CYME Import/Export Manual.
For other database types, you can still import equipment by type and networks, but the
load is always imported with the network.
You can select the one or several files to import in your database. It is possible to import
a file containing equipment, network(s), loads, maps, reliability, capacitor status or meter
demands, or any combination of these files.
You also have to indicate the database into which you want to import the information
contained in the import files.
From the dialog box, select the appropriate database from the To combo.
Note: By default, CYME will select the active database in the combo box.
As for any import format, CYME allows erasing the information contained in the database
when importing by selecting Clear options.
Note: The ‘Maps’ import file does not contain the map itself. It is a text file containing
the full paths of all background map files (‘.dxf’ files) and the coordinates
necessary for positioning the map on the network.
Refer to the CYME Import-Export manual for more information about importing
files..Refer to the CYME Import-Export manual for more information about importing files.
Note: The import process does not delete or change your existing ASCII files (the
data is imported into a new / separate database).
If that option is selected, you will have to indicate the name and location of the XML (or
SXST) file in the Import Database data from file(s) dialog box. Multiple selections are
From the Import Data dialog box, select “CYMDIST Database (Previous Version)”. Click
Next to display the Import Database data from file(s) dialog box.
Indicate the equipment and the network directories containing the equipment and
network database from a version of CYMDIST prior to 4.1. Then, select the database into which
you want to import the data. The Clear in Destination Database options allows to delete the
tables related to the option(s) selected and replace them with the information that that is being
Note: CYME does not allow multiple sections to have the same Id, even if they are
located in different networks.
Select the “CYME Database” option in the Import Data dialog box to display the Import
Database dialog box. The only information to give are the database from which information is to
be extracted and the database in which the information has to be written. Use the ‘From’ combo
box and the ‘To’ combo box respectively.
The databases created by version 4.1 of CYMDIST or later are of the MDB format,
CYME will create a backup copy of the original file, upgrade this copy to CYME 5.02 and then
proceed with the process. In the case of an SQL or an Oracle file, the process will halt requesting
the user to upgrade the file to 5.02. To do so, go to the Databases Tab of the Explorer Bar (see
2.3.1), right click on the database name and select Connect. The software will present the user
with the dialog box from which the upgrade can be made. Once done, return to the Import
Database dialog box to proceed with the import.
This feature uses a custom-made DLL file that lists the necessary files for the import
process, as well as their type (extension) and their content.
The ‘.dll’ files containing the converter and the descriptions of the required files need to
be installed in the same folder as the CYME program. These DLL files will be detected
automatically by CYME and displayed in the ‘Custom File(s)’ combo box.
First select the Custom File(s) option in the Import Data dialog box. Then select the
appropriate import name the drop down list, and click Next. Enter the different file names
required by this custom import option, click Next. The converter contained in the ‘.dll’ file will then
do the conversion.
6.7 Export
Displays the Export Database section of the CYME Database Utilities Wizard with
which you can export CYME database data to other formats as shown. For each option, the
wizard guides you through the steps of selecting the output database along with the source and
the target databases.
Hint: Another CYME user can import such files for use on his/her computer.
This is one way to prepare your database files and send them to CYME for
technical support.
6.8 Re-Index
Restores the index files for the databases if you have used third-party software to edit the
database directly and have not otherwise recreated the index. You have the choice of re-indexing
the equipment database, the network database and/or the project database.
6.9 Pack
Deletes any database records that are no longer necessary. Use this command if you
edit the databases with third-party software. This capability is available for MS Access database
(MDB) files.
This menu command will be enabled only with the optional Advanced Project Manager
installed. It allows opening a project already created. The Open Project dialog box will list the
names of the ones available to the user. Highlight the name of the project you want and click on
You can also open a project from the tree list found in the Advanced Project Manager
pane. Display the corresponding Explorer Bar tab using the command View > Explorer Bar and
select the Project View option. In the tree list, the icon indicates a project that is opened,
while the icon indicates the projects that can be opened by the user.
Activate the project wanted and then load the networks from the active database.
Refer to the Network Forecaster and Advanced Project Manager User Guide for all
Available with the optional Advanced Project Manager installed. Use this command to
update the existing project. In the case of a new one, indicate its name in the Project Name field
found in the Properties dialog box (see section 4.18).
This command is enabled with the optional Advanced Project Manager installed. With it,
you can display the Delete Project dialog box that lists the projects available for deletion by the
user. Click on the name of the project you want to delete and click on the Delete button. CYME
will prompt you to confirm the deletion of the project from the database.
This option is available with the optional Advanced Project Manager installed. Use this
command to close an opened project. CYME will automatically save the new modifications if you
had modified your project since the last time it was saved.
Allows you to reconfigure the network, by changing the status of switching / protective
devices. The switch status file is a text file in the following format:
<Switch No.>,<Status>
<Switch No.>,<Status>
where <Status> = OPEN, or CLOSE
When you use this command, you will be asked for the name of the file. The dialog box
lists the switches and their new status.
Click the Update button to open a new study, automatically load the affected network
and change the status of the selected switches within that new study.
Enable the Update network database checkbox to make the changes in the network
database. Doing this avoids having to re-import the network if the only changes are switch
positions (open/closed). Enabling this checkbox and clicking on the Update button has the same
effect than using the Database > Update Network menu command (see 6.5). Every study using
the affected network(s) will have the status of the selected switches changed.
This menu command displays the Load Database Maintenance dialog box. The
commands in this dialog box are most useful when you need to clean-up the database selected
from data inconsistencies. The maintenance options available provide the capability to convert
the loads to, for example, allow you to carry on your analyses based on the needed load
configuration. Finally, other options allow you to correct a number of problems or inconsistencies
when you import customer load data from databases coming from previous versions of CYME.
In the cases where some devices in the network which Equipment ID can’t be found in
the equipment database, when loading a network, the program will replace the ID of this
equipment with the default one of the same type. This command provides the user with the
capability to indicate which equipment from the database the missing device(s) will be replaced
with instead of the Default one.
The changes applied will be made permanent in the database upon using the command
Database > Update Network (see 6.5). Note that the option Save automatic network
corrections when updating networks must be enabled to allow this action. This option is found
in the File > Preferences dialog box at the Database tab (see 4.15.6).
Add Displays the Default Equipment Rule dialog box where you can define
a new default equipment rule.
Select a device type among the ones listed. Select the ID of the old
equipment from the list or type it in the Equipment Id field. Select the
equipment Id that will replace the missing one in the Replace by
Equipment Id field. Click OK to copy this record in the Default
Equipment dialog box or Cancel to discard it.
Settings The Settings hyperlink will appear in the list of the dialog box once
equipment is added to it. Clicking on the Settings hyperlink next to an
entry displays the Default Equipment Rule dialog box so you can
modify the associated record data.
Remove Position the cursor in a cell within the row to delete and click on the
button Remove.
OK To keep and save all modifications you have made in the Default
Equipment dialog box.
6.17.1 Select
The Select command allows the user to browse through the directories to specify which
TCC curve database (.mdb file) will be used by the software. Note that the default database can
be set at the File > Preferences dialog box, in the TCC Files category at the Configuration
Files tab (see
This command allows you to download new curves to your TCC Library (database) by
automatically connecting the CYME web site.
This feature is designed to keep your library up-to-date between the releases of new
versions of CYME.
Note: Your computer must be connected to the Internet before you choose this
• Click on the Proxy button to enter the Address, Port, User Name and Password
needed to access the Internet through a proxy server.
Allows you to load copies of existing networks into your study from the active network
database and lets you choose which network(s) to display in the active one-line diagram window.
When you open an existing study, CYME automatically loads and displays the selected networks.
The Load Networks dialog box can also be displayed using the Load Networks icon
located in the Main toolbar (see 2.5.1) or through the Load command in the contextual menus
invoked in the Network Tab (see 2.3.3).
Network This field is enabled when the optional Advanced Project Manager
Version module is installed or with certain versions of the CYMDIST Gateway.
The user will be able to select for display among the various versions of
the same network that have been created and saved in the database that
is set as the active one.
Tracing Three tracing modes are available:
Mode y Load selected network(s) and all dependencies: When you check
this option, if the network to load is connected to a substation, all
networks connected to the substation and the substation itself will be
loaded in memory.
y Load selected network(s) and the minimum dependencies: If the
network to be loaded is connected to a substation, CYME will load
the substation. Then it will look for the network direct source.
y Load selected network(s) only: Check this option to load only the
selected network. If the network is connected to a substation, the
latter will be replaced by an equivalent source.
Find Type in the string to search for and click on the to find it, click on it
again to go to the next instance containing the string typed in.
Ties To load only the network(s) selected in the dialog box, choose the None
option. To load the network(s) selected along with networks directly
connected, select “Level 1”. With the “Level 2” option, the networks
connected to the Level 1 network will also be loaded, and so on.
This group box lists all the networks that are part of the “active” database. The contents
of each column can be ordered alphabetically or numerically by clicking on the corresponding
column header.
Column data can be filtered using per-column filters. Some columns allow filtering while
others do not. The column filter icon indicates that a filter is available; click on it to see the
parameters that can be set. Once a filter has been applied, the icon changes to . Click on the
Reset Filters button to return to the unfiltered data. Note that if you had re-ordered the data by
clicking on a column header, the Reset Filter button will revert that data to how it was displayed
when you first invoked the dialog box. Clicking the Save Filters button will save your filters as
defaults and will be applied the next time you open the dialog box.
Status This column indicates if the network is as loaded from the database or if
it had been modified and not yet saved in the database.
The network is present in the database but not loaded in memory.
The network is loaded in memory and the data displayed is as the
data in the database.
The network is loaded in memory and has been modified. You
cannot unload from memory a network that has been modified: the
corresponding Network ID checkbox will be disabled. Use the
command Database > Update Network to update your database
(see 6.5).
Network ID The name identifying the network.
Network The network type defined for each network.
Area Displays the Area name assigned to the network in the Network
Properties dialog box (Refer to chapter 5.9 Add Network).
Voltage Displays the Voltage Level string indicated for the network in the
Level Network Properties dialog box (Refer to chapter 5.9 Add Network).
Note: You can change the field labels “Area”, “Voltage Level” and
“Region” in the File > Preferences dialog box, Text tab (see
4.15.3) in the Network Grouping group box. Since the
corresponding data entered in the corresponding fields in the
Network Properties dialog box are “strings”, you can opt for any
meaningful name or characteristic under which to group your
Display To display or hide networks, enable or disable the checkboxes.
Note: By default, networks loaded but not modified in a study are not saved with the
study. They will not be displayed when the study is re-opened. To change
this default setting, go to File > Properties, Options Tab, in the View group
box. (See 4.18.2).
Hints: In the One Line Diagram window, you can right-click on a network’s head
node and choose Unload or Hide from the contextual menu.
The network reduction function of CYME is available with the CYMDIST key only.
This function is designed to reduce a large network (or any part of it) into a much smaller
equivalent network by keeping the area and equipment of interest while retaining the electrical
characteristics of the network to match exactly the power flow and short-circuit results of the non-
reduced network.
You can apply your modifications directly to your network or create a copy of it. As well,
you can customize the naming convention of the network and section.
In the General tab, a network is to be selected for the reduction in the Target list.
You can also select particular sections to be reduced rather than the entire network. To
do so, before accessing the Network Reduction dialog box, use the selection tools in the Editor
Tools toolbar (see 2.5.6) to select the sections you want to reduce. Then open the Network
Reduction dialog box; your selection will be displayed in the Target list.
CYME reduces the network keeping the devices as checked in the Device Restrictions
tab, and also by keeping (by default) all that is not listed in this tab (i.e.: shunt capacitors,
transformers, generators, motors, regulators, harmonic devices, interconnection points and loop
points).The reduced network can be displayed either in the original network(s) or in a new
window.For the latter, select Create new Network(s). It could be useful to keep some nodes in
the network. Hence, General options selections display nodes for three particular situations:
1. Where the conductor changes,
2. Where the phase changes,
3. With multiple followers.
The Customize button allows the user to select the name and prefix of the section for the
reduced network:
Some devices would need to stay in the network for an easier understanding of the
reduced network. Select these devices in the Device Restriction tab. Filters can also be used to
restrict only few devices with particular settings.
To keep specific nodes in the network after reduction, select Nodes in memory from the
Node Restrictions tab and click the Protect selected nodes button.
The Network Equivalent Calculation function is available with the CYMDIST key only.
The purpose of this function is to allow the user to analyze any part of a complex
distribution network without the intricacies of loading and managing all the implied networks. To
achieve this, CYME calculates a network equivalent for all networks in the database or in
memory only. The process is that for each network CYME computes an equivalent source to
represent the networks connected upstream and a load equivalent to represent the network as
seen by the upstream networks.
The Network Equivalent Calculation is generally done once on a network with many
networks. This analysis can take a few seconds for a few feeders and can take a few hours for a
large network.
The source equivalent voltages and impedance along with the equivalent load seen by a
particular network are entered in the Network properties dialog box under the Equivalent tab.
The Equivalent Tab shows the Voltage, Impedance and Load Equivalent.
For example, a user wants to work on that particular network without having to load all
the networks each time. The solution is to run a Network Equivalent Calculation to obtain an
equivalent source for all networks. You access the dialog through Network > Network
Equivalent Calculation, select your calculation mode and click Calculate.
After running the analysis, it is possible to load only GA04 and to run some analysis.
Those analyses on a single network or few networks take into consideration all other networks.
This dialog box is used to identify the network types that are used throughout the
software along with, for each type identified, some general behavior characteristics when creating
new networks or when loading/selecting existing ones.
By default, four Network Type options are available: Feeder, Secondary Network,
Substation and Transmission Line. You may Rename them.
The names indicated here will be the category names used throught the software
whenever using a tree listing of the networks. This starts with the initial selection of your Network
Type in the field present in the Properties dialog box when creating a new source or a new
See also the Network Grouping group box in the File > Preferences dialog box, Text
tab (see 4.15.3).
Select a Network Type and then select the options to apply to that type. Once done,
click OK to save.
The Load Flow tab is used to define the load flow Voltage Sensitivity Load Model and
the Voltage Threshold below which all loads are converted to constant impedance models.
Voltage sensitivity load models can either be defined as Composite (ZIP) or Exponent
Composite To specify the portion of the load that is the constant power (P), the
Model constant current (I) and the constant impedance (Z). The total must add
up to 100% for P and Q.
Exponent The active and reactive components of any load will vary with the
Model voltage. Exponent’s nP and nQ determine how the active and reactive
load powers vary with the bus or node voltage.
The relation between the load power and applied voltage can be expressed as:
nP V ⎞ nQ
⎛ V ⎞
P = Po × ⎜ ⎟ Q = Qo × ⎛⎜ ⎟
⎝ Vbase ⎠ ⎝ Vbase ⎠
Load To specify the power, load and utilization factors related to this type of
Profiles client, which will be applied to the CYME functions using this
parameter, including the optional Energy Profile Manager module.
Coincidence To indicate the ratio between the simultaneous peak demand for the
Factors type of customer selected and the total peak demand within the same
specified period of time.
The factors typed in are utilized by the optional Energy Profile Manager
Accesses the optional Energy Profile Manager module and displays the
load profiles if this data is present.
Description To add a description in the Description field. This is a memo data type
Color To assign a color to a customer class. This color can be used to color-
code the load symbols on the OLD display.
7.6 Environments
Some environmental factors will affect the system reliability indices. The following dialogs
will allow you to specify those factors and to indicate in what extent they really influence system
An environment attribute thus defined may be associated to a network, a zone, or a
section upon their creation (accessed through the Edit menu), or applied to existing ones through
their respective Properties dialog boxes. The child components of an element to which an
environment attribute is added will inherit the characteristics of that attribute.
New To open the New Environment dialog and enter a name for the
environment defined, click on OK to add it in the Name list or click
Cancel to quit the dialog without entering any name.
Delete To delete an environment, select it from the Name list and then click on
the Delete button.
Rename To rename an environment, select it from the Name list and click on the
Rename button to open the Rename dialog. Type in the new name and
click OK.
Description To add a description for the environment highlighted in the Name list.
Because the environment data is saved in an XML file, the description
can be as long as you want.
Color To associate a color attribute to the environment. This color will be
available at the Environment color layer to allow you to color code the
loaded networks by environment color.
You can adjust reliability parameters so they reflect more the effect of the environment.
The effect on the parameters can be additive, multiplicative or both. Refer to the Reliability
Analysis User Guide for more information.
The Load Growth command allows the user to specify the percentage change for loads
during specific years, modify the loads accordingly and run the analysis to evaluate the effect of
such load changes to the network.
You can specify annual growth rates for loads on specific sections, zones, feeders and
nested networks.
Step 1 Select the Network > Load Growth > Edit Factors command. The Edit
Growth Factors dialog box appears.
Step 2 Select the year(s) for which the growth factors are to apply. You may select
more than one year by clicking and dragging the mouse over them. The
selected years will be listed under Growth rate(s) for while you define the
appropriate growth factors.
Hint: By default, the range of years is 1990-2020. To extend the range (up to
1900-2100), go to the menu File > Preferences, Simulation tab and
edit the date range in the Load Growth fields.
Step 3 Under Editing, select which type of factor (Feeder, Zone, Section, etc.) to
edit. (Only the most specific factor applies). For example: If you define a
factor for a feeder and another factor for a section within that feeder, then only
the section factor will apply to that section. The feeder factor will apply to the
rest of the feeder.
Step 4 The Editing list at the left will show the names of the items part of the factor
category just selected. Select the items from the list by clicking with the
mouse. (In the example above, the growth factors for sections 10006, 10010,
10015 et 10017-1 are being defined for each of the years 2011, 2012 and
2013.) You may make multiple choices using the Shift or the CTRL key while
clicking on the items in the list.
Hint: The two filter boxes at the lower left corner allow you to shorten the list
by including only some of the networks or zones which are present in
the study.
Step 5 Enter the factors in the spaces provided.
Step 6 Click the Set button to save these factors
Step 7 Repeat for another year(s) or other sections in the same year(s) if desired.
Step 8 Click OK when finished.
Notes: • Growth factors are cumulative from year to year. A factor defined for four
years is applied in each of those years, not once over the span of the years
• Growth factors may be negative.
• Click Reset to undo any changes you have made to the currently active
• Click Cancel to exit and disregard all changes, even if you clicked Set.
1. Select the Network > Load Growth > Apply Factors command. The Apply Load
Factors dialog box as shown below will be displayed on screen.
2. Choose the feeder(s) by clicking on their names under Select Network(s).
3. Type in the future date next to Load growth to end of year.
4. Select the calculation parameters, e.g. the Growth Factor(s), the Load Type and
the Customer Type(s).
5. Click OK to perform the calculations.
You may opt not to apply some of the growth factors specified in the Network > Load
Growth > Edit Factors dialog box. To do so, choose User defined growth, and deactivate the
relevant factors by un-checking their checkboxes.
To disregard all factors, and instead apply a single factor to every load, choose General
growth. In that case, enter a value (e.g. 5%) in the box provided and select either Per Year or
Total to indicate how you want the given factor to be applied over the selected years.
Once load growth factors are applied to the network the user can proceed to perform
other analysis functions such as Load Flow and Short Circuit Analysis.
All non-zero loads will be brought from their actual year up to December 31 of the desired
Hint: It is possible to go back in time. Simply indicate an earlier year as the target
date. If you leave the growth factors in place, the loads will decrease, as the
growth is “undone”. However, if you choose a General growth factor of 0%
when you go back, all you do is change the date. You can use this command to
adjust load data by certain correction factors (e.g., “grow” from 2008 to 2011)
and then restore the original date (2008) to the loads afterward by “growing” by
0% back to the year 2008.
Hint: You could grow the load by some general factor (e.g. 5%) for say 5 years in
order to see where problems develop as the system becomes more loaded.
Then you can return to the present by growing back to the original date
(keeping the growth factors in use).
Furthermore, once you know where problems will occur, you can grow the load
one year at a time and simulate corrective measures.
To create load models names. Click on New to create a new name (do not use spaces
between characters). You can either create a blank model or copy an existing model. The Delete
command deletes from the database the data related to the load model name, whereas the
Reset command sets to zero the loads of the model while not removing the name from the
For a blank load model, you may need to import the data using the menu command
Database > Import (see section 6.6). If this option is not checked, the software will copy the
model from the load model which name is selected.
The customer load data is typically set through the load Settings group boxes of the
Section Properties dialog box of each section for which a load is specified.
The Default Section ID is the name CYME suggests for each new section you create via
the commands Add, Insert, or Split. It may contain as many as 32 characters, divided among
five fields (No., Prefix, Suffix and two one-character Separators). You can type in the starting
Number of your sequence.
• Use database pattern allows the creation of prefix-suffix models to use with the
sequential number. Note that the user cannot modify those patterns but can create
new ones or delete existing ones.
When a new section is created using the suggested default ID, the value for the
“Number” portion will be increased by 1. The prefix and suffix remain fixed. If you use a different
prefix and/or suffix in each network, you can use the same section numbers repeatedly without
assigning the same ID to two sections.
Example: You set up the default Section ID to be “GREENLEE_1_WEST”, by
setting the prefix = “GREENLEE_”, the number = “1” and the suffix =
You add a new section, accepting the default. You add another
section, and the default ID is GREENLEE_2_WEST. If you accept that
ID, the next section you create will be called GREENLEE_3_WEST by
default. In this way, you can sequentially number the sections you
connect, and each Section ID is will be unique.
The option Use the same pattern for copied and network template elements
indicates to the software to apply the pattern defined with the options of this group box to the
attribution of IDs to the elements that are newly put on the display using the Copy/Paste option
(see 5.24) or added using a template dragged from the Symbol Bar. See to learn how to
Create Network/Device Templates. Note that the device templates will always use the same
The Reports menu contains a variety of functions to allow creating and customizing
tabular reports for all the analyses in CYME. The reports are generated based on values
obtained from the most recent analysis, and can be done in a variety of formats. Reports are
displayed in a separate pane below the main display. This window can be moved anywhere in
the display. After performing an analysis, go to Report > On Calculation to select the reports to
display (see 8.2).
See chapter 13.1 Reports for more information about how to customize your own reports.
Contextual menus are available for further action on the reports generated, The options
will be enabled if relevant to the type of report active. Possible options are listed below.
Undo To undo any formatting or modification made to the reports.
Redo To re-instate the just undone action.
Copy Copies your selection into the Windows clipboard for pasting in another
Find To search a string within the active report.
Export/ To export the active worksheet-style report or reports to a Microsoft
Export All Excel worksheet or Internet Explorer. If you export all reports, the Excel
worksheet will be tabbed the same way than the CYME reports.
Docking This option toggles the display of the reports between the main display
View area and a docked view.
Zoom To zoom in or out on the active report.
Format To select the font, border, cell sizes and colors and to display the
related Properties dialog box. The options enabled will differ
depending on the style of the report (text or worksheet). Refer to 8.7
Format for details about a few commands that will be accessed from
Save as/ Saves the active, (or highlighted) report to a file. The file format
Save all available is .CSV (Comma Separated Variable files). You can print the
file or import it into a document using a word processing software.
Before selecting this command, click on the tab of the report you wish
to save to make it the active one.
Save all will save all the reports generated together.
Close To close the active report.
Close All To close all reports.
Allow To allow the possibility to dock the reports at the bottom of the screen
docking as a resizable area.
Hide To hide the reports. To display them again, select the menu command
View > Reports or by clicking on the Show reports button in the
Simulation toolbar (see 2.5.5). You will not be able to hide the reports
if they are displayed in the main display area.
Floating To display the reports in a separate window that can be resized and
moved anywhere in the display.
Dragging a floating window towards an edge (horizontal or vertical) of
the display will dock it along that edge.
MDI Child To display the tabbed reports as an additional main window.
8.2 On Calculation
Displays the Reports dialog box where you select the tabular reports you wish to
generate and set their properties in terms of components of the network to analyze. Make your
selections as described in this chapter and click OK. Multiple reports appear as separate tabs in
the bottom of the report window. Click on the tab to view that particular report.
Reports may be docked (fixed to the bottom edge of the screen, for example) or
maximized, as an independent window.
Select Networks: To generate the reports for the networks selected in the tree
list. If you choose two or more networks, enabling the option “All
networks in the same report” in the Report Properties dialog box (see
below) of the reports selected will generate the reports in the same
window, instead of in separate windows.
Selected Area: to generate the reports for the sections selected on the
one-line display prior to selecting this option.
Branch Downstream or Branch Upstream: To generate reports
downstream or upstream starting from the currently selected (highlighted)
branch. This option is only selectable if a section (but not the network
head node) is selected before selecting the command.
Show Select the category of report(s) to be generated. The categories shown
(All reports, Current Simulation reports, All Simulation Reports, My
Favorite reports) are the default categories from the CYME installation
but you can create new categories. You cannot delete All reports and
Current Simulation reports but you may delete My Favorite reports as
soon as you have defined a new category. You must have at least one
favorite report category. See 13.1.1 Create a New Report Category to
learn about this.
Properties Click on the hyperlinks to display the associated Report Properties
links dialog box where you can customize the contents of the report. The
reports which names are shown in the list with a grey background, cannot
be customized as such but the user will be able to select among a
number pre-defined options.
Each Report Properties dialog box for the reports you can customize is
composed of the same types of parameters:
Refer to 13.1.3 Add New Reports to learn about creating new reports.
General This section identifies the report by its Name and its
Information Category. The Title will appear on the tab of the
The Mode is the format of the report. Available formats
are: CYME spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel (xls), HTML,
XML, XML View and Microsoft Access (mdb).
The Filename and Template fields will be enabled when
Select To mark all the devices applicable to the report you want.
Devices You can select devices on all sections or by device types.
By default, the abnormal conditions are disabled. To
activate one of them, you must first mark check the option
Abnormal conditions only.
Select This field will be automatically filled with the keywords
Keywords associated to that report; if there are none it is left blank.
You may add new keywords by clicking on the add button
( ) and then using the Keyword Selection dialog box.
You may delete unwanted keywords. Just select the
keyword and click on the delete button ( ). You may
also change the keywords order in the list. Select the
keyword and then click once on ( ) or ( ) to move the
keyword one position up or down.
User You may assign user-defined filters to further refine the
results. Click on to display the User Defined Filters
dialog box and select the filters to apply.
Include All networks in the same report: to generate all the
reports in the same window, instead of each in a separate
Isolated devices: to include the isolated devices in the
Devices with a tag displayed: to include in the report the
devices with a tag displayed in the one-line diagram, even
if their type is not selected in the Select Devices list of
the dialog box.
8.3 General
This command displays the Reports dialog box where you can select and generate
reports for the selected set of input data (and Selected networks or Areas).
8.4 Equipment
This command opens the Equipment Report dialog box that will allow you to select the
equipment of the equipment database for which you require a report. The report will be shown by
equipment type. Make your selections and click OK to generate the report(s). A separate tab
window will be opened for each selected type.
This command generates reports on validation rules for the selected set of equipment or
equipment setting data. Click to place a ( ) next to the desired equipment or equipment setting.
You may report on the CYME rules or the user-defined rules imposed on the data or you may
check Undefined Rules to list the data for which no rules have been defined. You may set the
report format to Cyme spreadsheet, Excel or Html.
8.7 Format
This menu option is available for worksheet-style reports only. With it, you can adjust the
size and the color of the font, the alignment of the text, and the style and color of the border of
any cell in the report.
Displays the Styles dialog box with which you can globally set the font, color, border and
alignment parameters of the column or the row titles and of the data grid as a whole.
8.8 Properties
To select properties that will be reflected on both the report displayed on screen and the
printed report. See in the Preview group box the effect of each selection. Note that the changes
you make here apply to the report into which your cursor is positioned.
8.9 Header/Footer
Display the Header / Footer dialog box where you can customize the header and footer
of generated reports.
8.10 Save
Saves the active, (or highlighted) report to a file. The file formats available are Comma
Separated Variable Files (.csv). You can print the file or import it into a document using a word
processing software. Before selecting this command, click on the tab of the report you wish to
save to make it the active one.
8.11 Close
To close the active report. Click on the tab of the report you wish to close before
selecting this command.
Hint: You can configure CYME to automatically close all reports when you close your
study. To enable this feature, go to File > Preferences. In the Report tab
window, select the option “Clear reports when closing a study” (see 4.15.7).
9.1 Toolbars
To display or hide the Status Bar (the two lines of text at the bottom of the screen).
By default, the top line displays the currently selected database configuration and
database type. For information on how to customize the top line of the status bar, refer to
Customize > Status Bar (section 11.4).
The second line displays a predefined set of information about the active symbol
(selected item). Commas separate information. For example, information for a section include:
y Section ID and Network name.
y Phases present (A, B, C). [Example: (Phase:B,C) if only phases B and C are
y From Node ID and To Node ID.
y Equipment connected at source end / load end, (if any) (if none, then only “/” will be
y Conductor type.
y Length (m or ft., km or mi.).
The coordinates of where the cursor is located are shown further to the right of that
second line.
To display or hide the Explorer Bar(s). See section 2.3 Explorer Bar for the description of
all Explorer Bar tabs.
The program will display the Explorer Bar(s) dialog box where you will select from the
list the Explorer Bars recently created you wish to display or hide. The list that will be proposed
will be the latest configuration you had displayed on your desktop. Once the Explorer Bar(s) are
displayed, you can add or remove tabs. Each arrangement of tabs is referred to as a group,
which you can rename.
The left part of the dialog box shows the Explorer bar(s) created with the tabs assigned,
while the right part shows the tabs that are not included in a bar. Note that only one instance of
each tab can exist. Within that constraint, you can combine the tabs, as you want, to create
explorer bar views. Click on to create a new Explorer Bar and on to remove one.
Highlight a tab name and click on the or the buttons to move the tabs from one list to
another. You can also drag and drop the tab names from one part to another.
9.4 Zoom
The size of the displayed area around the point (and hence the
magnification) is defined by dx and dy (distance from x and distance
from y). See illustration below. This is approximately true, since the
aspect ratio (the shape of the rectangle) always has to be maintained.
9.5 Pan
This command group moves the OLD view by one-half screen, right, left, up or down.
9.6 Magnifier
Activate Transforms the cursor into a magnifying lens. Hold down the left mouse
button while moving the cursor over the circuit. When you pause over the
OLD, the features inside the magnifier will move into focus.
To disable the magnifying lens command, select the same command
again: View > Magnifier > Activate.
Properties Adjust the size, shape and magnification level of the Magnifying Lens.
Hint: You can open the Properties dialog box simply by right clicking
when the magnifying lens is active. Note that while the magnifying
lens mode is active, all mouse operated function are disabled.
Displays or hides commonly used results dialog boxes: Voltage Drop, Short Circuit and
Downstream. You must have run the corresponding analysis to display results in the first two.
Four action buttons are available on each result box to quickly access results charts and
to help monitor multiple locations.
CHART SELECTION. Displays the Chart Selection dialog box. Place a
checkmark next to the charts you wish to display and click Plot. You can
customize the look of the charts; click on the Customize button or see the menu
command Customize > Charts (see section 11.9).
DUPLICATE THIS RESULT BOX. Allows you to duplicate any number of result
MONITOR THIS LOCATION. Allows you to hold the results displayed in a result
box about a selected location on the OLD. Once this function is activated in the
box, you can select other locations on the OLD and the box will still display the
results of the location selected when the function was activated. To monitor other
locations, Duplicate the result box ( ).
CUSTOMIZE THIS RESULT BOX. To select which results will appear in the result
boxes of the type displayed. See Customize > Result Box (section 11.5) to learn
KEEP THESE RESULTS. Allows you to disable the updates of a specific result
box. This option, in combination with the Monitor option, is extremely useful to
compare before-and-after results at a specific location.
You can also include here up to two customized result boxes. All those result boxes can
be renamed and customized. See Customize > Result Box (section 11.5) to learn how.
Provides an alternate interface to edit section data without having to find the sections on
the One-Line Diagram. Every section of every loaded network in the study appears in the tree-
like list. To edit one, first locate it in the list and then double-click on it. The Section Properties
dialog box will appear, where you can view or edit the data.
Note: You can minimize or even close the One Line window, but if it is open, then as
you select sections in the One Line window, they will be selected in the
Network Explorer window as well. Selecting sections using the Search
command will also cause the One Line window and the Network Explorer to
select (make active) the same section.
Several columns of information accompany each section ID in the list, for easy reference.
You can sort the list of sections according to each of these items, by clicking on the appropriate
column header. Click on the header one more time to list in reverse order.
To adjust the width of a column, click and drag the edge of the column heading.
Click the right mouse button inside the Network Explorer window to access the explorer
contextual menu.
Customize Allows you to include or exclude certain columns and to change their
order of appearance, left-to-right, by selecting the column heading and
clicking on the Move Up and the Move Down buttons.
Note: Load indicates “Dist” for distributed and/or “Spot” for a spot
load. Loading indicates the (current / rated ampacity) x
100%, but only if you have done a voltage drop calculation.
Refresh Restores the original order of sections in the list starting with the
section closest to the substation at the top.
Section Opens the Section Properties dialog box of the section highlighted, as
Properties if you had double-clicked.
Export to Exports the information table data to MS Excel and opens the MS
MS Excel Excel application with the data laid out in a spreadsheet.
To select, display or hide drawn elements comprising images, shapes and text created
using the tools found in the Drawing Tool toolbar (see 2.5.12).
9.10 Reports
Displays or hides the various / available reports that you have requested at the position
and size they were last displayed (floating or docked). Right-click on the report window frame to
display the contextual menu that will allow you to make the reports window floating or docked.
This command activates the Background Map Tab (see 2.3.8) of the Multi-Explorer pane
of the software. With the commands in this tab, the user can display a map behind the One Line
Diagram. A map may consist of one or more “layers” or “sheets” (individual map images). CYME
can display native AutoCAD file formats (*.dwg, .dxf), or its own MapServer File format (.gds, with
.gsf layers).
Refer to the Background Map Users Guide for all information on the functionality of this
optional CYME module.
Overview Map is a thumbnail view of the whole network loaded. When you zoom into
your OLD display, the Overview Map will show a rectangle representing the area zoomed in. The
Overview Map window is always located on the right hand side of the OLD display and cannot be
moved. The command View > Overview Map displays the window.
You can also select the area to zoom from within the Overview Map.
This last option of the View menu displays the Display Options dialog box that is the
main interface for controlling and customizing the CYME display and selecting the information
you want to display on your one-line diagram. Use this command to customize equipment
symbol, colors, text size and font, line thickness and type as well as displaying networks in
different modes, with or without analysis results for the existing layers.
Click the Display Options button located in the Display toolbar (section 2.5.7) to
rapidly access the Display Options dialog box.
This tab window allows the user to select the layers of information to display on the
current one-line diagram. In any of the categories, click on the icon to see the list of available
layers and select the one wanted. Click on the to display the dialog box that will
allow customizing the elements of the layer selected. See the next sub-sections for details on
each group box.
The OK button will apply your changes to the display only while the Save button will save
your selections as the new defaults for your view.
10.1.1 Symbols
The Symbols – Default Symbols dialog box is displayed upon clicking on Modify in the
Symbols group box of the Display Options dialog box. You can access the same dialog box
through the commands found in the Symbols toolbar (see2.5.15) or via the Symbols group box
of the Display Tab (see 2.3.5). The symbols categories available are:
• Device Symbols
• Instruments
• Device Attributes
• Transformer Connections
• Network Symbols
• Abnormal Conditions
• Minimum Fault
• Priority Customers
• Priority Customers Emergency
The commands in this dialog box are used to display or hide the various symbols at a
group level or at the individual symbol type level. Place a check mark next to the types of
devices, categories of devices, or other elements the One Line Diagram display will show, and
uncheck to hide elements. When all elements in a group are selected, the checkbox shows a
check ( ); when at least one element (but not all in the category) are selected, the check box
shows a square ( ). The elements that cannot be disabled are indicated by an arrow ( ).
Notice the shortcuts shown between brackets besides the name of various elements.
These shortcuts are used to toggle between hiding and displaying the element in question on the
one-line diagram. You can modify the shortcuts using the command Customize > Shortcuts
(see 11.3).
To find a specific element, type in a string of characters in the Find box, click the Find
button and the program will take you directly to the first element in the list that matches the text in
the elements tree list. Click on Find again to go to the next match.
You can also use the commands in this dialog box to change the parameters of an
individual element highlighted on the one-line diagram. To do so, right-click on the highlighted
element and select Display Options > Symbol from the contextual menu. The Symbols –
Default Symbols dialog box is then displayed with the device type in question already
highlighted in the Symbols to display list.
Click into the Symbol field to display the Symbol Selection dialog box. Select the
symbol category wanted from the drop-down list, highlight your symbol and click on OK.
The Size of the symbol is a percentage of the Reference size for all symbols that is set
in the General Options group found in the View Properties tab window (see 10.2.1). If you want
a symbol to stand out in the network display, then set a size larger than 100%. You can select a
percentage in the drop-down list or type in your own.
Depending on the element, you can set all or some of the following parameters: line
style, line color and width.
The option Circle allows placing a circle around the device symbol to highlight that
device type on the display.
Normally, all the symbols attached to a section are displayed in the same color than the
network to which the section is attached. The Override color coding option is used to display
specific devices in another color for easy visual identification.
Note that if you select a category or sub-category in the list (rather than a single element)
and that you make a change in the parameters, the button will be enabled,
providing you the opportunity to apply the selected changes to all elements part of the category
Hints: To create a new Layer in this category go to Customize > Symbols (refer to
To set the directory where to read the symbol file, display to File >
Preferences > Configuration Files dialog box (refer to 4.15.1). Double-click
on “Symbol Library” in the files list and point to your Symbols.xml file.
In the Color-coding group box of the Display Options dialog box, select a layer among
the ones available. The corresponding Color-coding dialog box is displayed upon clicking on
Modify. You can access the same dialog box using the commands in the Color Coding Layer
toolbar (see 2.5.3) or via the Color coding group box of the Display Tab (see 2.3.5).
In this dialog box, you can adjust the thresholds defining each element part of the
selected layer and associate a color to each.
Click on Add a threshold and on Move Up or Move Down to place it within the list. To
delete a threshold, click once on the associated line and click on Remove.
Hint: To create custom color-coding layers, use the Customize > Color Coding
command (see 11.14).
In the Tags and Text group box of the Display Options dialog box, select a layer among
the ones available. The corresponding Tags and Text dialog box is displayed upon clicking on
Modify. You can access the same dialog box using the commands in the Tag Layer toolbar (see
2.5.4) or or via the Tags and Text group box of the Display Tab (see 2.3.5).
Three categories of tags are available for each layer: connection tags, device tags and
network tags. The commands in this dialog box are used to display or hide the various tags at a
group level or at the individual tag type level. Place a check mark next to the elements to display
on the One Line Diagram, and uncheck to hide elements. When all elements in a group are
selected, the checkbox shows a check ( ); when at least one element (but not all in the
category) are selected, the check box shows a square ( ). Click on the icons to see the
elements of the various families within each of the three categories of tags.
To find a specific element, type in some text in the Find box, click the Find button and
the program will take you directly to the first element in the list that matches the text in the
elements tree list. Click on Find again to go to the next match.
For each element part of the selected layer, you can adjust the Format using keywords
and text that you type in. To add a keyword, click on the Keywords button. Refer to 11.6 to learn
about the elements of the Keywords selection dialog box that is displayed. You can also
customize your own Keywords (see 13.2).
The Text and the Options tabs include commands to adjust the text font and size,
alignment and color, display or not a border and a background; display the tags horizontally or at
the same angle than the devices themselves.
Another option is to display the IDs as hyperlinks. If you display the Equipment Id in a
tag, you can then click on the text to display the associated equipment Properties dialog box.
The Section Id will serve as a hyperlink to the Section Properties dialog box.
You also have the possibility to override the properties of all customized tags.
Hints : • To create custom Tags and text layers, use the Customize > Tags and
Text command (see 11.15).
• To quickly view or modify the tag properties, simply right-click on the tag
to display the contextual menu then select Tag > Properties.
10.1.4 Tooltips
In the Tooltips group box of the Display Options dialog box, select a layer among the
ones available. By default, CYME comes with three layers: Default, Short-Circuit and Voltage
Drop. The corresponding Tooltips dialog box is displayed upon clicking on Modify. You can
access the same dialog box using the commands in the Tooltip Layer toolbar (see 2.5.8) or or
via the Tooltips group box of the Display Tab (see 2.3.5).
In this dialog box you can only modify the format of tooltips. To disable the tooltip display,
go to the File > Preferences dialog box, Editor tab (see 4.15.5) and enter a large value in the
“Tooltip Display” field (ex. 100000 ms). Note that this option does not affect the time it takes to
display the tooltips of the program commands, such as the toolbar buttons. To disable the display
of toolbars tooltips, go to Customize > Toolbars (see 11.2).
To find a specific element, type in some text in the Find box, click the Find button and
the program will take you directly to the first element in the list that matches the text in the
elements tree list. Click on Find again to go to the next match.
For each element part of the selected layer, you can adjust the Format using keywords
and text that you type in. To add a keyword, click on the Keywords button. Refer to 11.6 to learn
about the elements of the Keywords selection dialog box that is displayed. You can also
customize your own Keywords (see 13.2).
The options found here are used to set general behavior parameters of your display.
Click on the and the icons to expand or collapse the branches and access the
options for each category. In each of the categories, you will have the possibility to choose
among a number of options for each parameter. Click on the icon to see them. For the
numerical parameters, in most cases, you will have the option to override the thresholds
proposed; simply double click within the field and type in your values. Clicking on a button will
perform a calculation (see below).
Automatically Select Yes for the program to automatically adjust the display
find best display settings upon opening a view. If you select No, you can manually
settings perform this action using the Display Best Fit button located in
the Display toolbar (see 2.5.7).
Reference size It defines the size that will be used as the reference when
for all symbols defining the symbols sizes used in the view. Any symbol size is
defined as a percentage of the value set here. See 10.1.1
Symbols. Thus, if the reference size is changed, the same
proportions will be kept.
Click on to let the program calculate the optimal value, which
is a ratio based on the amount of data (sections and devices)
currently displayed on the main display.
The reference size is expressed in feet or meters, depending on
the system of units set at the Units tab of the File > Preferences
dialog box (see 4.15.2).
Reference size It defines the size that will be used as the reference when
for all tag text defining the text size used in the tags displayed in the view. The
size is defined as a percentage of the value set here. See 10.1.3
Tags and Text. Thus, if the reference size is changed, the same
proportions will be kept.
Click on to let the program calculate the optimal value, which
is a ratio based on the amount of data (sections and devices)
currently displayed on the main display.
The reference size is expressed in feet or meters, depending on
the system of units set at the Units tab of the File > Preferences
dialog box (see 4.15.2).
Note: The reference size facilitates the global size change. The size of
individual symbols and tags are expressed in terms of percentages of the
reference size. Should their size need to be reduced/increased, the user
can simply increase/decrease the value of the reference size.
These options allow you to set the main display “canvas” where the networks are
graphically displayed, or how the blank main display will be shown upon invoking the
corresponding view style, when starting the creation of a new network.
Display page Select “Yes” to view the main display as a “page-spread” over a
layout gray background.
Select “No” to view the main display as a continuous white
Display overview Select “Yes” to display automatically the Overview Map that is
map otherwise accessible via the View > Overview map menu
command (see 9.12).
Display view title Select “Yes” to show at the top of the main display the name of
text a view as entered when created.
Change the display color of the text using the View title text
option at the Window Colors category (see below).
Display grid lines Select “Yes” to display a grid composed of lines in the main
display background.
Change the display color of the lines using the Grid lines
option at the Window Colors category (see below).
The size of a grid is defined by the reference size for symbols
(see General Options above).
Display grid points Select “Yes” to display a grid composed of points in the main
display background.
Change the display color of the points using the Grid points
option at the Window Colors category (see below).
The size of a grid is defined by the reference size for symbols
(see General Options above). You will always have 3 points
between each line of a grid, allowing drawing lines at ¼, ½ and
¾ of a grid square.
Note that grid lines and grid points can be independently turned
on or off.
Snap coordinates Available with the Schematic views only. Assures that the final
to grid points coordinate (after moving an element) will correspond to a grid
Show mouse Allows to see what are the coordinates (X,Y) of the mouse
coordinates in cursor as it is moved over the main display.
status bar
Show conductor To display the length of a section as it is inserted.
length when
adding conductor
Enable automatic With this option enabled, when moving a node onto another
connection when one, the software will highlight the node if a connection can be
moving nodes done. The connection will be made upon dropping the node
moved onto the other one.
Use the options in this category to set the colors of window elements. To change a color,
click on the arrow icon and select a color from the palette or create your own using the standard
Windows Color dialog box displayed when clicking the Other button.
An Unassigned element is any section which value does not fall within the thresholds
defined in any of the Color Display layers. For example, if this parameter is set to “black” and that
the Zone color layer is selected; all sections that are not part of a zone will be displayed in black.
The Window Sizes options define the values that apply to the window displaying the view
configuration. The percentages can be selected from the drop-down boxes or values can be
typed in.
New window Defines the default extent a new window has when it is created
minimum (empty). Its size is defined as a percentage of the Symbol reference
extent size.
Locate extent Display extent used when an element is located in the view and is
size also defined as a percentage of the Symbol reference size: the
smaller the percentage, the larger the element located will appear on
the main display.
Overview map Percentage of the main display the Overview map will occupy when
size displayed. (View > Overview Map; see 9.12).
Nested view Percentage of the main display as displayed.
tooltip size
Grid size Option available with geo-referenced views only. The grid size is a
function of the System Units selected in the File > Preferences
dialog box (see 4.15.2).
10.2.5 Selection
The options in this category allow modifying the appearance of the representations of the
sections, nodes and equipment symbols when selecting them on the one-line display.
With the Device Symbols group you can define the options to use when the section is
too short to contain the symbol to display. .
Circle size Size of the circle displayed using the Show Circle Device
button found in the Find toolbar (see 2.5.2).
Circle line width Width of the circle line in pixels.
Use minimum Apply the minimum symbol size when resizing a section to
symbol size avoid reducing the symbols
Minimum symbol Size under which a symbol cannot be resized. Can also be
size defined as a percentage of the Symbol reference size.
Automatically resize To resize the symbols as a function of the length of the
symbols too large section.
for sections
The options in this category are mostly used in orthogonal representation of a network.
10.3 Search
The first level of the tree list indicates the dialog boxes or tab windows of the interface
where an instance containing the sting type in. To display them, highlight the entry in the results
list and click on Modify. The last level of each branch is hyperlinked to a specific element in a list
field or to a specific option. To go to that element, highlight its name in the results list and either
double-click on it or press the Modify button.
The commands available in this menu allow you to adjust many display features in CYME
along with the creation of shortcuts, keywords and filters. An overview of each command is
provided here.
11.1 Menu
This command enables you to show/hide or to rename menu items. Click on the
symbol to expand a menu list and on to collapse it again.
To hide an item from the menu, uncheck the box next to it. To rename a menu item, click
on the name once to highlight it and then click again to enable editing. To apply the changes,
click OK.
To restore the menu items hidden with their original names, click on the Reset button.
Note: There is however one exception to the items you can hide: Menu (Customize >
Menu). If you hide this item, you will not have access to the menu commands but
the icon commands will work. To correct this problem, you must modify the menu
configuration file. First, find the item “Menu” and change its “Visible” property
from 0 to 1 as illustrated below.
11.2 Toolbars
Allows you to controls the displaying, command set, and the attributes of the available
toolbars. As well, you can use this command to create your own toolbars containing any
combination of icons from the other toolbars.
To select the standard toolbars you want to display or to create your own.
Toolbars Enable the checkbox next to the name of the toolbars to display them.
These will be shown immediately on the display (as floating) as you tick
the checkboxes.
Custom toolbars will also be listed here.
Show To enable the display of the tooltips when the mouse is hovered over a
Tooltips toolbar icon.
Cool Look With this option checked, separators are added in toolbars and the look
of icons when the mouse is hovered over them is different enhancing
the visibility of the icons.
Large Enlarges the size of the icons in the toolbars.
New To start creating a new toolbar. You will be presented with a New
Toolbar dialog box to enter the name of your new toolbar. When
clicking OK in that dialog box, an empty toolbar will be displayed; drag
and drop your icons from the Commands Tab window.
Reset You can add icons to any of the toolbars, including the standard ones.
Clicking on Reset brings back the toolbar selected in the list to its
default icon content.
User-defined toolbars cannot be “reset”: when you highlight the name of
a custom toolbar in the list of toolbars, the Reset button changes to
Delete, which is an option available for custom toolbars only.
This window presents the sets of command icons that are available in the program and
that can be included in any toolbar, standard or customized. They are classified by categories
correspond to the CYME standard toolbars. See 2.5 Toolbars for further description of each
command available. Select a category, and then click a button to see its description.
11.3 Shortcuts
Allows you to configure key combinations that will activate frequently used commands.
Hint: To quickly modify the status bar, left double-click on the upper line of the
status bar to open this dialog box.
Status bar Insert your text in this field. To insert keywords, place your cursor in the
format: field at the position where you want the keyword, click the Select key
button. The Select Keywords dialog box is displayed. Select your
keyword and click OK in that dialog. You are returned to the Status Bar
Customization dialog box. The keywords will be replaced with their
numerical values in the Status Bar.
Select key Clicking on that button displays the Select Keywords dialog box.
Disable Mark this checkbox to disable the display of the information as set out in
the Status bar format field and display the CYME default.
Hints: • You can quickly access a keyword selection list by right-clicking in the
Status Bar format field anywhere but on a keyword. The dialog box that is
displayed shows the full list of keywords by alphabetical order only.
• You can quickly change the description or format of a keyword in the
Status Bar format field by right-clicking on it. This displays the keyword’s
Format dialog box where you can make your changes.
To select which results will appear in the result boxes. CYME comes with two blank result
boxes and three pre-defined ones. You can rename and modify all of them.
To change the number of Columns and Rows (and the column and rows heading text)
to match the keywords you have selected, click on the respective arrows and enter the heading
text strings. Click OK to accept the changes. You can also change the Name that will appear in
the Title bar of the result box and in the View > Result Box sub-menu.
Select the field where you want a result to appear by clicking in it and then click on the
Select key button. This displays the Keyword Selection dialog box. Choose a keyword from the
list and click OK.
You have the possibility to display the complex value differently than as specified in the
definition of the keyword by typing in the following expressions before the keyword in a cell:
• “real->” real part
• “imag->” imaginary part
• “conj->” conjugate value
• “abs->” absolute value
• “cmplx->” complex value
You can assign a mathematical expression to a keyword. Thus, for the cases where you
will select several locations on the one-line diagram, the result box will display the value based
on the mathematical expression selected, i.e. either the minimum value, the maximum value, the
sum of the values or the average of the element in question within the zone selected.
Currently, there are five result boxes available: Voltage Drop Box, Short-Circuit Box,
Downstream Information, Result Box 4, and Result Box 5. They are displayed using the
command View > Result Box (see 9.7).
11.6 Keywords
This command displays the Keyword Selection dialog box, which is resizeable. With the
commands available here, you can adjust the format of the existing keywords and create new
Keywords Lists by categories the keywords available with the program. The
Groups keywords part of the category will be displayed in the right part of the
and window. You can sort the keywords in the right part of the dialog box by
Keywords clicking on the column headings. Chapter 14 Keyword Table includes
the list of the keywords available.
Find Type in a string in the respective Find field to search for a keyword
group name or a for a keyword. Click the Find button next to the field.
The program will search for the first occurrence of the string; click Find
again to go to the next instance containing the string. In the Keywords
group box, the program searches through the contents of all the
columns. The search is case-insensitive.
Add Click on this button to add a new keyword. See 13.2.1 Create New
Keywords. When adding a new keyword, the Keyword Properties
dialog box is displayed to define the parameters of the new keyword.
The keywords created will be added to the User Defined category of
Modify Click on the Modify button or double-click on a keyword to display its
Properties dialog box.
Remove This button will be enabled only when a User Defined keyword is
highlighted. Only user defined keywords can be deleted.
Properties Displays the Keyword Properties dialog box associated to the keyword
11.7 Filters
With this function, you can create user-defined filters using keywords. The filters can be
used with various functions of the program either via a specific parameters field in a dialog box or
a command in a contextual menu. In particular, filters can be:
• Applied to reports, in the Reports properties (Report > On Calculation; refer to 8.2)
and applied to simulation results charts (see the Chart Selection button in the
Simulation toolbar, 2.5.5.
• Applied to device views for the quick display of devices meeting a number of
selected characteristics through the Select Device View icon of the Display toolbar
(see 2.5.7). See also 11.11 Simplified View.
• Used to create Global Filters in the Detailed View Tab (see 2.3.4) to enable quick
access to specific elements on your network.
• Used as a Search Property in the Edit > Find command (see 5.4). See also the Find
toolbar (chapter 2.5.2).
• Place restrictions to devices for Network Reduction (see 7.2.2 Device Restrictions
• Define the Color Coding of the one-line diagram (see 11.14).
Click on Add or Modify to access the Filter Editing dialog box. The user can indicate a
name for the filter and group the filters in categories. These will be shown to the user as a tree
list. The filter can be composed of a number of rules each composed of keywords and logical
operators. The rules can be a simple ratio or a more complex formula. Given the use of keywords
and operators to build the filters’ rules, filters are most useful to pinpoint some very precise
components by using their IDs, settings, nominal values, type, etc. or any combination of their
Name The name of the filter. The filter name must be unique among all the
other filters defined.
Category Select a filter category among the ones available in the drop down list.
You can create a new Category by typing the name in the field.
Rules Keyword
Click on the blank cell below the Keyword header to select your
keyword from the Keyword Selection dialog box that will be displayed.
Select the Operator to apply in your formula and then type in the target
If the keyword selected generates a numerical value, the Value field will
be left blank for the user to type in a target value. Whenever the
button appears, you also have the possibility to include a second
If the keyword result generates a yes/no value, then the field will
automatically be populated by a drop down list for the user to choose
between “yes” and “no” as the value. The user still has the capability to
select a keyword.
If the keyword selected points to specific options, then the field will be
populated with a drop down list containing those options to choose from.
Clauses For more flexibility when creating rules, you can apply an And or an Or
clause to each rule. The And clause has priority over the Or clause.
You can also add parentheses at any or both ends of each clause to
create more complex rules. To do so, click on the rectangular button in
the “( )” column to toggle between the type of parenthesis you need or
remove them.
The data validation engine validates all network, equipment, and range of data currently
loaded in memory, to ensure all data are with-in operating limits.
Use the Customize > Validation Rules dialog box to further refine the default CYME
data rules by adding your own specific restrictions and data ranges. User defined data validation
rules are store in a.xml file located on your system. To modify the location of this file and or to
use another set of rules, refer to File > Preferences, Configuration Files tab (see 4.15.1).
Note: Data validation is a background process and is triggered by CYME
automatically as you work (when importing, exporting, opening a study,
adding a section, etc). No manual scanning or trigger is required.
A Validation Error Report is displayed automatically when the data do not respect the
limits imposed by the said rules (default or user-defined).
If an entry in the Location column starts with “EquipmentID”, then clicking on that entry
will display the relevant equipment dialog box with the focus on the identified ID.
11.9 Charts
To modify the display parameters of the charts generated using the Chart Selection
command found in the Simulation Toolbar (section 2.5.5).
The command displays the Charts dialog box. The left hand part lists the charts
• Conductor Rating & Current
• Downstream Customer Profile
• Fault Current Profile
• KVA Profile
• KVAR Profile
• Short-Circuit LG & Pick Up
• Short-Circuit LLL –LL & Pick Up
• Voltage Profile
Highlight the chart you wish to modify. The right hand tabbed windows will change
dynamically depending on your selection and show the default selections. See General Tab and
Background Tab below.
Once a chart is generated, you can also do further modification to it using the CYMVIEW
application. To do so, right-click on the chart generated to display the contextual menu. Select
the File > Tools > Graphic Viewer command. This will open the CYMVIEW application along
with your graph. See 4.19.2.
The new name should be unique. The software does not discriminate
uppercase and lowercase. If the name already exists, it will be rejected.
Once you click OK the fields of the General tab window will be emptied
for you to create your parameters.
Delete Click on this button to delete the graph selected in the list. You will be
prompted to confirm this action.
Rename Click on this button to display the Rename Chart dialog box. In the New
Name field, type in the desired name.
Note that the new name should be unique. If the name already exists, it
will be rejected.
Chart The Title of the chart that you can modify. By default, the software
group box displays the name of the chart selected. However, the associated field is
editable. You can then type in the title you want for the graph selected.
For the style, you have the choice between Line, Line by step, or Vertical
Y-Axis These represent the curves plotted. The Values field shows the
corresponding keywords.
Use Fixed range to set the minimum value and the maximum value of
the range of values to be shown on the graph.
Values Keyword list corresponding to parameters of the graph to plot. You may
add new keywords by clicking on the add button ( ) and then using the
Keyword Selection dialog box. You may delete unwanted keywords.
Just select the keyword and click on the delete button ( ). You may
also change the keywords order in the list. Select the keyword and then
click once on ( ) or ( ) to move the keyword one position up or
See 11.6 to learn more about Keywords.
Fixed Place a checkmark in the chekbox to activate the fields From and To.
range These fields will allow you to set the plotting range of the Y axis of your
graph. When you do not set a range, the softwrae automatically defines it
as follows:
From: Lower limit of the ordinate’s points.
To: Upper limit of the ordinate’s points.
Reference To create lines of reference on the graph. For example to illustrate your
Curves low voltage limits over a voltage profile.
Minimum: The Reference Curve Minimum represents a Y=b line. Mark
the checkbox to activate the field and enter the value of “b”.
Maximum: The Reference Curve Maximum represents a Y=b line. Mark
the checkbox to activate the field and enter the value of “b”.
To select the background colors of the Graph, the Chart and the Legend. The Angle
value is applied to the gradient fills. For a Solid Fill style, use the color palette on the left. For an
angle fill, you can select the two colors to degrade from and to.
The Contour Plot functionality is a color-coding layer that displays the density of keyword
results on the network display.
The first and the last color levels selected will be assigned the minimal and the maximal
values respectively. Based on the network data associated to the keyword, the software
interpolates the values of the intermediary levels and generates the contour plot as a layer over
the network.
When performing specific studies on large networks, it is often difficult to rapidly view the
devices of interest. The Simplified View function has been implemented to help you quickly
monitor and modify specific devices. It allows you to create a simplified view containing only the
devices of interest. For example, when performing a study on distributed generation, you could
create a new view containing only the generators, regulators and transformers. A simplified view
appears as a single-line diagram showing the selected devices; all other devices will be hidden
and represented by one unique symbol.
When you click OK in this dialog box, the filter is added to the list in
the User Defined Filter dialog box. To remove a filter from that list,
highlight it and click the Remove button. Click on OK to return to the
Simplified View dialog box.
OK To save the parameters in the dialog box for the Configuration
selected and display the corresponding view in the main display.
Once the new configuration is saved you will be able to apply it later
on to your network by selecting it in the menu of the Select Device
View button in the Display toolbar (see 2.5.7).
Cancel Click on the Cancel button to dismiss the dialog box without saving
the modifications. Note that if you have added a new filter to the list of
filters available, it is not removed when you click on Cancel, you
need to highlight the name of the filter and click on the Remove
button; however, if you had enabled or disabled checkboxes in this
same list, these modifications will not be saved when you click on
Find Find fields are available for the Devices and Instruments in View
list and for the Filters list. Type in a string and click on the Find
button to locate the first instance containing the string typed. Click on
the Find button again to go to the next instance.
Opens the Display Options dialog box. The dialog box displayed presents a difference
with the dialog box that you access through the View > Display Options (see Chapter 10)
command: the View style group box at the top of the dialog box will allow you to name the new
view you wish to create, to modify existing views or to delete any. Note however that you cannot
rename or delete the default Geographically Referenced and the Schematic views.
A View Style consists of a set of Display Layers and View Properties that are specific to
it. The display layers and view properties parametrized are not shared between view styles.
This function is useful to assign different templates with different view properties to
different nested views. Once in a view with a different view style, the user can access the Display
Options (refer to Chapter 10) to customize the symbols to be displayed within a view with a
different view style.
View style To select the style you wish to take action on.
drop down list
To specify the name of the new view to create. You can also create
categories to classify your new styles. Click on OK. The new
categories and new style names will appear as sub menus
containing views in the New Study drop down menu that you can
access from the Main toolbar (see 2.5.1). Note that the new styles
and categories created will be listed underneath the default ones, in
their order of creation. In the View Styles drop down, however, they
will be listed alphabetically.
Once your View Style name is created, you can proceed creating additional layers and
configuring existing or new layers that will be applied to the View Style selected. See Chapter 10
Display Options for details about the various parameters you can set. Click on Save, then on OK
to return to the main display.
The program comes with two default view styles: Geographically Referenced View and
Schematic View. If your installation of CYME 5.02 results from a migration from a previous
version of CYME, you may also see New substation view in the drop down menu.
Georeferenced View
Schematic View
This is a default configuration used for CYME. Networks are displayed and edited
orthogonally in this view.
11.13 Symbols
Opens directly the Symbols dialog box very similar to the one in the View > Display
Options interface. The only difference being that in this dialog box, you can create new symbol
layers and save them in your default parameters.
Once your layer is selected, specify which devices to include in it, associate a symbol to
each, and customize their size, color, line width and style. Once done, click on Save to update
the default parameters of your layer. Refer to 10.1.1 Symbols for a description of the
parametrable elements.
To enable the layer created, select it from the drop down list in the Symbols Toolbar (see
2.5.15) or from the Display tab of the Explorer Bar. You can further modify it or use it as your
template to create a new layer.
The creation of multiple symbol layers provides the capability to quickly switch views of
your network. For example, several layers can be created for displaying different symbols on the
• The Default layer could show the typical devices and network symbols.
• A Protection layer could display protective device symbols such as relays.
• An Abnormal conditions layer could display all the abnormal conditions.
Displays the Color Coding dialog box of the Display Options interface defined for the
layer selected along with the thresholds and their associated colors. You may edit the existing
parameters, add or remove thresholds directly in this dialog box.
With this dialog box, you may add, modify or delete Color Coding layers using the
commands in the Layer group box.
The layers you created can be associated to an existing category (like the Analysis and
General default categories) or associated to a category you create. The user defined layers can
be of four types:
• Device ID Layer
• Keyword Layer
• User Defined Filter Layer
• Zone Layer
You can also copy one of the default layers into a customized category. You will be able
to change its parameters without affecting the default one, but you will not be able to change its
Once you have selected a color for one of the items in the Details group box, the
Randomize button will appear at the bottom of the group box allowing to allocate the other colors
based on the colors list defined in the Customize > Random Colors dialog box (see 11.17).
When finished, click on the Save button to update the default parameters of your layer.
Upon creation of a new Device ID Layer name, the Details group box of the dialog box
will change to allow you selecting the devices you wish to include in the layer.
Click on Add to display a new threshold to customize. Select the Device type and its ID
and adjust its display parameters. The Size is expressed as a percentage of the Symbol
reference size.
Upon creation of a new Keyword layer name, the Details group box of the dialog box will
change to allow you selecting the keyword with the values you wish to parametrize.
Upon creation of a new Filter layer name, the Details group box of the dialog box will
change to allow you selecting and further refining the filters you wish to apply to the display.
Click on the Add button below the Details group box to display the User Defined Filters
dialog box where you can select the filter you wish to apply. Click on Modify to further refine it
through the Filter Editing dialog box. The filter can be composed of a number of rules each
composed of keywords and logical operators. The rules can be a simple ratio or a more complex
formula. Once done with the creation of your layer, click on the Save button to update the default
See Customize > Filters (section 11.7) to learn how to create new filters or modify
existing ones.
Upon creation of a new Filter layer name, the Details group box of the dialog box will
change to allow you selecting or creating the Zone delimiter filter that will define the zones. Any
type of filter at any level of precision can be used. Note that if you define zones on the basis of a
dynamic element (such as the status of a device), the extent of the zones will change based on
the current state of the element targetted by the keyword(s) and values selected.
See Customize > Filters (section 11.7) to learn how to create new filters or modify
existing ones.
Opens directly the Tags and Text dialog box very similar to the one in the View >
Display Options interface. The only difference being that in this dialog box, you can create new
tags and text layers.
Click on the Add button to start your new configuration or on Modify to revise an existing
one. Once your layer is selected or created, specify for which devices and network elements you
wish to add tags for, and customize their properties. Once done, click on Save to update the
default parameters. Refer to 10.1.3 Tags and Text for a description of the parametrable
To enable later on the layer created, select it from the drop down list in the Tag Layer
Toolbar (see 2.5.4) or from the Display tab of the Explorer Bar. You can further modify it or use it
as your template to create a new layer.
11.16 Tooltips
Use this command to organize the display of tooltips into configured layers. The Tooltips
dialog box very similar to the one in the View > Display Options interface. The only difference
being that in this dialog box, you can create new tooltips layers and save them in your default
To create a new tooltip layer, click on the button Add and enter a name for the
configuration. You can organize your layers in categories. Once identified, click on OK and then
select the device types and create the format to be used in each tooltip.
For each element part of the selected layer, you can adjust the Format using keywords
and text that you type in. To add a keyword, click on the Keywords button. Refer to 11.6 to learn
about the elements of the Keywords selection dialog box that is displayed. You can also
customize your own Keywords (see 13.2).
To ensure an appropriate network display upon the selection of the Network Color
(Random) layer (for example), users can now set a priority to which colors are used with the
random colors layers in order to maintain a higher contrast between the elements. You can add
or remove colors listed, move them up or down the list or change any listed. The program uses
the colors from top to bottom.
CYME provides the capability to create data fields that can be utilized in the equipment
properties and settings, and in the instrument settings. Data fields can also be associated to
network components such as the sections themselves, nodes, nested views, etc., including
ADD A NEW FIELD. Displays the User Data Field dialog box where the user
can type in a Name for the new field and associate it to an existing Category or
create a new one.
A keyword is associated to each new data field and can thus be selected using the
Keywords Selection dialog box and used anywhere as such in the software. In other words, this
is also an alternate mean to create new keywords. See Customize > Keywords. (section 11.6).
Note that the keywords and the categories created using the User Data Extensions dialog box
can be viewed in the Keyword Selection dialog box, but can only be edited or removed through
the User Data Extensions dialog box.
Highlighting a data field name in the Fields list will change the right hand part of the
dialog box in a tabbed area. The Definition tab is where the user will parametrize its new data
Keyword By default CYME uses the Name typed in for the field removing the
spaces between the words. If this concatenation happens to be an
existing keyword, CYME will prompt the user to change the keyword
name appearing here when clicking on OK.
Format The type can be any of the following: text, number, real, boolean, file or
URL. The last two formats allow to attach more information in the form
of a document, an image or a web page.
Rules and The parameters to be set here will vary depending on the type
Values selected. See Customize > Validation Rules at section 11.8.
To indicate in which dialog box a field will be associated to. This can be any equipment
and instrument dialog box, device settings group box, or network element settings group box, or
zone properties dialog box.
Hint: Opening a second window allows you to display the whole network in one
window while you zoom in on a small area of the network in the other.
Note: If you make a change to a network in one window, that change is automatically
reflected in the other windows containing the network modified, even without
saving the changes before switching to the other window.
Double-clicking on the symbol of a substation or a nested view will open a separate view
window for it.
12.2 Cascade
Makes the windows overlap, except for their title bars. The active window will appear on
top of the others.
Arranges the windows side-by-side. The active window will appear on the left of the
Arranges the windows one above the other. The active window will appear above the
This command closes all windows even if they are minimized to icons. This command
will not close a study.
Closing a window does not automatically close a study. If all windows are closed, you
can go to the Explorer Bar at the Network Tab (see 2.3.3) and use the Locate command for the
networks already loaded in memory and Load for networks that not yet loaded; this will
automatically open a window for your current study.
If you open a new window via the New Study button located in the Main toolbar (see
2.5.1) or the File > New Study menu command (see 4.1), the program will first check if the
previous study has been saved and will then opening a new one. CYME thus prompts for
confirmation if you request closing a study without having saved it.
Note: The report windows are closed using the Report > Close or Close All menu
commands. (See 8.11 and 8.12).
13.1 Reports
Creating new category is the way to generate and classify the reports you will be using
most of the time. Here is the procedure to create a new report category:
1. In the Report > On Calculation > Reports dialog box, from the Show pull down list,
select My FavoriteReports. The Customize button ( ) next to this list will be
2. Click on it to open the My Favorite Categories dialog box.
3. Click on the Add button ( ) to open the New Category dialog box.
The new category is added to the Show pull down menu list.
Note: At this stage, if you want to keep this category for future use, you must click on
OK. If you click on Cancel, it will be discarded.
The categories All reports and Simulation reports cannot be deleted. You may delete
My Favorite reports as soon as you have defined a new category. You must have at least one
favorite report category defined at all times. The procedure to delete a category follows:
1. In the Reports dialog box, from the Show: pull down menu list, select My Favorite
reports or any category you have created (“A New Category” in the example). The
Customize button ( ) will be enabled.
2. Click on it to open the My Favorite Categories dialog box.
3. From the pull down menu list, select the category you want to delete.
You can add new reports to a report category in two different ways. You can copy the
properties of new reports from an existing one or you can start from a blank Report Properties
1. In the Reports dialog box, select the category to which you want to add a new report
and click on the button to open the New Report dialog box.
2. Select the method “Copy the properties from an existing report”. The drop down
menu list is enabled.
3. Select the report you want to copy from (Short-circuit-detailed for example)
4. Click OK to open the Report Properties dialog box.
5. Enter the report Name. This name must be unique. CYME will not overwrite existing
6. Enter the report Title. For CYME Spreadsheet report, this title will be displayed in the
title tab of the grid report view.
7. Select the report category. When you copy the properties from existing report, this
field is automatically set to the report category you previously chose. Otherwise it will
be set to User Defined. In the example, the category is set to Short-circuit.
8. Select the report mode or report format. If you select Cyme Spreadsheet, Microsoft
Excel (*.xls) or Html (*.html), the fields File Name and Template are not relevant
and will be disabled. Microsoft Access (*.dbf) will allow you to enter a complete
name for the dbf report file that will be created. XML View will allow you to create a
window view from the XML report file CYME will generate in the Windows temporary
directory. In this case, the File Name will not be necessary and it will be disabled.
However, you may enter the Template that it will be using to customize the report.
The template is a style sheet file containing XLS programming language code that
will operate on the original report data to generate a customized report. XML (*.xml)
will create a XML report file with the specified name. If you specify a template name,
CYME will add this information into the XML file so that the report could be generated
accordingly the next time you will open the XML file.
XML Example
9. In the Select group box, check the devices you want to report on or select All
10. By default, the abnormal conditions are disabled. To activate one of them, you must
first mark check the option Abnormal conditions only.
11. If you start this process by copying the properties from an existing report, the
Keywords group box will be automatically filled with keywords from that report,
otherwise this field is blank. If you want to delete keywords in this list, select the
keyword and click on the Delete button ( ). You may add new keywords by
clicking on the Add button ( ) that will display the Keyword selection dialog box
where you will be able to browse through the list of available keywords and make
your selection. You may also change the keywords order in the list. Select the
keyword and then click once on ( ) or ( ) to move the keyword one position up
or down.
12. By default, All Networks in the same report is the only option checked in the
Include section. You may check or uncheck any option in this section to include or
exclude them from the report.
13. Click on OK to close the Report Properties dialog box and save temporarily the
properties you just entered.
14. The new report is then added to the list of reports for the current category and the All
Reports category. It also becomes available to be copied from when you create new
reports. Check it to include it in the list of reports to be generated. You may click on
the All button at the bottom of the dialog box to select every report of the current
category to be generated.
15. Click on OK to close the Reports dialog box and save permanently the new report.
Note that if you click on Cancel, everything you entered up here will be discarded.
Upon clicking on OK, CYME will generate the reports marked .
13.2 Keywords
The keywords are present in many tools in CYME. You can access the Keyword
Selection dialog box using the menu option Customize > Keywords (see 11.6). This dialog box
can also be invoked directly from other dialog boxes when modifying a report, a result box, a tag
layer, etc., generally under the form of a Keywords button in the dialog boxes. CYME contains a
great number of pre-defined keywords that cannot be deleted. Refer to Chapter 14 Keyword
Table to see the complete list. It is possible to customize the existing keywords and also to
create new ones.
To find a keyword you may navigate using the categories on the left; clicking on a
category will display only the keywords part of the category. The Find text field at the top of the
dialog box allow to search the listing displayed using a string of characters present in any of the
keyword names including the items shown in the columns.
To modify an existing keyword select it in the listing and double-click on it or click the
Properties button at the bottom of the dialog box. The fields that will be displayed in the Format
group box will differ depending on the format type of the keyword you will have doubled-clicked
The Description field is used to describe the keyword and to facilitate the selection of
the keyword. The Header will be displayed in the reports (to define each column of the report).
The Precision field indicates the number of decimals to be displayed when this keyword is
selected and the Length field indicates the number of characters allowed for a “character-type”
See Customize > Keywords (see 11.6) for the complete description.
Highlight the category User Defined in the Available Keyword list of the Keyword
modification dialog box. This will enable the Add and the Delete buttons at the bottom of the
dialog box. Click Add to display the Keyword Properties dialog box to define the new keyword.
The fields available will differ depending on the Format type selected.
See section 11.6 Keywords for a description of the various fields that will appear in the
Keyword Properties dialog boxes. The field Expression is specific to the creation of a user-
defined keyword. Type a “$”anywhere in the blank space of the field to display a list of keywords
you can use to define the expression whose value you want the keyword to take.
Alternatively, you can right-click anywhere in that field and select Insert Keyword in the
contextual menu that will appear. This will display a small version of the Keyword Selection
dialog box with only the list of keywords, however with details about each. Highlight a keyword in
that dialog box and click OK to return to the User Defined Keyword dialog with the keyword
You may edit the properties of the keywords already inserted: double-click on the
keyword or highlight the keyword and click on the Modify button to display the Keyword
properties dialog box.
You can use the following functions within an expression. Note that these functions are
not case sensitive”
y +, -, X, ÷
y SQRT, SQRT3, ^ (power)
Here are some examples to illustrate the various ways you can define expressions.
y Simple mathematical expression:
Entered string: The sum is {2+2}.
Result: The sum is 4.000000.
y Simple mathematical expression with priority:
Entered string: The value is {2+2*3 + (4+5)*2^2}.
Result: The value is 44.000000.
y Multiple expressions:
Entered string: The sum is {3+2+4} and the difference is {3-2}.
Result: The sum is 9.000000 and the difference is 1.000000.
y Expression with function:
Entered string: The average value is {AVG(3;2)}.
Result: The average value is 2.500000.
y Expression with function embedded in function:
Entered string: The value is {2.5 + AVG ( MIN ( 3;10 );2 )}.
Result: The value is 5.000000.
y Expression with specified width and precision (width = 5, precision = 1):
Entered string: The value is {-1 ^ -1 :5:1}.
Result: The value is -1.0.
y Expression returning error:
Entered string: The value is {1/0}.
Result: The value is #ERROR_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO.
y Numbers are used in the string examples above; use the keywords you want when
you build your expressions.
Note: The width and precision should be the last item in the expression (just before
the right bracket) and would apply to the whole result.
13.3 Symbols
Open the Symbol Editor application using the File > Tools > Symbol Editor menu
Note : With specific device symbols like a motor or a spot load, the input node and
output node are located in the same coordinate. To see the hidden node,
you must move the visible node aside.
1. Before you can modify a symbol, a Symbol Library file (*.xml) must be open. From
the editor’s main menu, click File > New to create a new library file. Or click File >
Open and select an existing library file.
2. In the Symbol List window, click on the “+” sign to expand the tree items.
3. Double click on an item.
4. In the workspace (canvas), edit the symbol using the available tools.
5. When you are ready to save your work, use the File > Save command to save your
work. To use your symbols in CYME, go to the File > Preferences dialog box in
CYME, and select the Configuration Files tab (see 4.15.1). Associate your file to
the Symbol Library item of the list.
1. Before you can create a symbol, a Symbol Library file (*.xml) must be open. From
the editor’s main menu, click File > New to create a new library file. Or click File >
Open and select an existing library file.
4. In the editor pane (canvas), draw the new symbol using the available tools.
• Right click on the background to access the editor’s properties
• Right click on the drawing components to access its properties.
• Double click on the text components to change their text size.
5. When you are ready to save your work, use the File > Save command to save your
work. To use your symbols in CYME, go to the File > Preferences dialog box in
CYME, and select the Configuration Files tab (see 4.15.1). Associate your file to
the Symbol Library item of the list.
The table below contains the complete list of available keywords (sorted alphabetically by
keyword Name).
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
abvoltBeginID STRING Beginning end of Begin 32 0 L
abnormal voltage Section ID
abvoltProDevID STRING Protective device ID Protective 32 0 L
Device ID
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
AdKVARSpotA REAL Adjusted spot kVAR (kVAR) Spot Adj @A 8 1 L
on phase @A
AdKVARSpotB REAL Adjusted spot kVAR (kVAR) Spot Adj @B 8 1 L
on phase @B
AdKVARSpotC REAL Adjusted spot kVAR (kVAR) Spot Adj @C 8 1 L
on phase @C
AdKVASpot REAL Adjusted Spot kVA (kVA) Spot Adj 8 1 L
AdKVASpotA REAL Adjusted spot kVA on (kVA) Spot Adj @A 8 1 L
phase @A
AdKVASpotB REAL Adjusted spot kVA on (kVA) Spot Adj @B 8 1 L
phase @B
AdKVASpotC REAL Adjusted spot kVA on (kVA) Spot Adj @C 8 1 L
phase @C
AdKWDist REAL Adjusted Dist kW (kW) Dist Adj 8 1 L
AdKWDistA REAL Adjusted dist kW on (kW) Dist Adj @A 8 1 L
phase @A
AdKWDistB REAL Adjusted dist kW on (kW) Dist Adj @B 8 1 L
phase @B
AdKWDistC REAL Adjusted dist kW on (kW) Dist Adj @C 8 1 L
phase @C
AdKWSpot REAL Adjusted Spot kW (kW) Spot Adj 8 1 L
AdKWSpotA REAL Adjusted spot kW on (kW) Spot Adj @A 8 1 L
phase @A
AdKWSpotB REAL Adjusted spot kW on (kW) Spot Adj @B 8 1 L
phase @B
AdKWSpotC REAL Adjusted spot kW on (kW) Spot Adj @C 8 1 L
phase @C
AdPFDist REAL Balanced Adjusted (%) Dist PF Adj 5 2 L
Dist PF
AdPFDistA REAL Adjusted dist PF on (%) Dist PF Adj @A 5 2 L
phase @A
AdPFDistB REAL Adjusted dist PF on (%) Dist PF Adj @B 5 2 L
phase @B
AdPFDistC REAL Adjusted dist PF on (%) Dist PF Adj @C 5 2 L
phase @C
AdPFSpot REAL Balanced Adjusted (%) Spot PF Adj 5 2 L
Spot PF
AdPFSpotA REAL Adjusted spot PF on (%) Spot PF Adj @A 5 2 L
phase @A
AdPFSpotB REAL Adjusted spot PF on (%) Spot PF Adj @B 5 2 L
phase @B
AdPFSpotC REAL Adjusted spot PF on (%) Spot PF Adj @C 5 2 L
phase @C
aDv REAL Balanced Percent (%) dV Total 5 2 L
Accum. Voltage Drop
aDvA REAL Percent accum. (%) dV@A Total 5 2 L
voltage drop phase
aDvB REAL Percent accum. (%) dV@B Total 5 2 L
voltage drop phase
aDvC REAL Percent accum. (%) dV@C Total 5 2 L
voltage drop phase
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
aDvv REAL Balanced (volts) dV total 5 2 L
Accumulated Voltage
aDvvA REAL Accumulated voltage (volts) dV@A total 5 2 L
drop on phase @A
aDvvB REAL Accumulated voltage (volts) dV@B total 5 2 L
drop on phase @B
aDvvC REAL Accumulated voltage (volts) dV@C total 5 2 L
drop on phase @C
AFCalSystem STRING Arc Flash Cal System Cal System 32 0 L
AFFlashHazardBoun REAL Arc Flash Hazard Length Hazard 8 2 L
dary Boundary Boundary
AFIncidentEnergy REAL Arc Flash Incident (cal/cm2) Incident Energy 8 2 L
AFRiskCategory STRING Arc Flash Risk Risk Category 32 0 L
ArcFurnaceMVA REAL Rated MVA (MVA) MVA 7 2 L
ArcFurnacePF REAL Power Factor (%) PF 7 2 L
ArcFurnaceSource STRING Balanced Current Current Source 32 0 L
Source name
ArcFurnaceSourceA STRING Current Source name Current Source 32 0 L
on phase @A @A
ArcFurnaceSourceB STRING Current Source name Current Source 32 0 L
on phase @B @B
ArcFurnaceSourceC STRING Current Source name Current Source 32 0 L
on phase @C @C
Asai REAL Asai Asai 8 5 L
Asui REAL Asui Asui 8 5 L
AsymAmp REAL Asymmetry current (Amps) Asym Fault 8 1 L
AsymFact REAL Asymmetry factor Asym Factor 5 2 L
AsymMva REAL Asymmetry MVA (MVA) Asym Fault 5 1 L
AvgAOTime REAL Average annual (hr/yr) AvgAnOutTime 9 5 L
outage time
AvgFRate REAL Average failure rate (inter/yr) AvgFailRate 9 5 L
AvgLoad REAL Average load (kW) AvgLoad 8 1 L
AvgMFRate REAL Average momentary (inter/yr) AvgMomFailRat 9 5 L
failure rate e
AvgOTime REAL Average outage time (hr/inter) AvgOutTime 9 5 L
BlocId STRING Zone Id Zone Id 32 0 L
BusId STRING Bus name Bus 32 0 L
CableNbParallel NUMBER Number of cables in Number in 5 0 L
parallel parallel
Caidi REAL Caidi (hr/cust- Caidi 8 5 L
CapacityAmpsA REAL Capacity on phase (Amps) Capacity @A 5 2 L
CapacityAmpsB REAL Capacity on phase (Amps) Capacity @B 5 2 L
CapacityAmpsC REAL Capacity on phase (Amps) Capacity @C 5 2 L
CapacityAmpsMax REAL Capacity maximum (Amps) Capacity Max 5 2 L
CapCtr STRING Capacitor control type Cap. Control 10 0 L
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
CapEqCode STRING Capacitor Equipment Cap. Code 32 0 L
CapId STRING Capacitor Id Cap. Id 32 0 L
CapKVARA REAL Capacitor rated kVAR Cap. kVAR @A 8 1 L
on phase @A
CapKVARB REAL Capacitor rated kVAR Cap. kVAR @B 8 1 L
on phase @B
CapKVARC REAL Capacitor rated kVAR Cap. kVAR @C 8 1 L
on phase @C
CapKVART REAL Total capacitor kVAR Total Cap. kVAR 8 1 L
CapKVLN REAL Capacitor rated line to kV 5 2 L
ground KV
CapLocat STRING Capacitor location Location Cap 10 0 L
CapMVAR REAL Sum of thne shunt MVAR QCap 5 2 L
capacitors reactive
CapMW REAL Sum of the shunt MW PCap 5 2 L
capacitors active
CapNumber STRING Capacitor load Cap Number 32 0 L
CapOffSetting REAL Capacitor sensing OFF Sensing 6 2 L
OFF setting
CapOnSetting REAL Capacitor sensing ON ON Sensing 6 2 L
CapSensingPhase STRING Capacitor control Phase Sensing 5 0 L
sensing phase
CapStatus STRING Capacitor status Cap. Status 12 0 L
Celid REAL Celid (%) Celid 6 3 L
Cemi REAL Cemi (%) Cemi 6 3 L
CFactor REAL C Factor C Fact 6 2 L
CondAamp REAL Rated current : Phase (Amps) I@A 9 2 L
@A conductor
CondAId STRING Phase @A conductor Cond @A 32 0 L
CondBamp REAL Rated current : Phase (Amps) I@B 9 2 L
@B conductor
CondBId STRING Phase @B conductor Cond @B 32 0 L
CondCamp REAL Rated current : Phase (Amps) I@C 9 2 L
@C conductor
CondCId STRING Phase @C conductor Cond @C 32 0 L
CondFRate REAL Conductor failure rate (inter/yr) Failure Rate 9 6 L
CondMajorFailurePro REAL Conductor major (hr) Major Failure 12 2 L
portion failure proportion Proportion
CondMajorRepairTim REAL Conductor major (hr) Major Repair 12 2 L
e repair time Time
CondMFRate REAL Conductor (inter/yr) Mom. Failure 9 6 L
momentary failure Rate
CondMinorRepairTim REAL Conductor minor (hr) Minor Repair 12 2 L
e repair time Time
CondNId STRING Neutral conductor Id Neutral 32 0 L
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
CondResistSel STRING Conductor resistance Resistance sel 32 0 L
CoordX REAL Coordinate X Coord. X 10 3 L
CoordY REAL Coordinate Y Coord. Y 10 3 L
CTypeFilterC1 REAL Filter First C (uF) Filter First C 7 2 L
CTypeFilterC2 REAL Filter Second C (uF) Filter Second C 7 2 L
CTypeFilterC3 REAL Filter Third C (uF) Filter Third C 7 2 L
CTypeFilterL1 REAL Filter First L (mH) Filter First L 7 2 L
CTypeFilterL2 REAL Filter Second L (mH) Filter Second L 7 2 L
CTypeFilterL3 REAL Filter Third L (mH) Filter Third L 7 2 L
CTypeFilterR1 REAL Filter First R (Ohms) Filter First R 7 2 L
CTypeFilterR2 REAL Filter Second R (Ohms) Filter Second R 7 2 L
CTypeFilterR3 REAL Filter Third R (Ohms) Filter Third R 7 2 L
CumulDist REAL Cumulative distance Length Cum distance 6 1 L
CumulDistA REAL Cumulative distance Length Cum dist @A 6 1 L
on phase @A
CumulDistB REAL Cumulative distance Length Cum dist @B 6 1 L
on phase @B
CumulDistC REAL Cumulative distance Length Cum dist @C 6 1 L
on phase @C
CustInt REAL Number of customer (cust- CustInter 10 4 L
interruptions inter/yr)
CustIntDur REAL Number of customer (cust- CustInterDur 10 4 L
inter. duration hr/yr)
DFA REAL Diversity factor on Diversity @A 5 2 L
phase @A
DFavg REAL Average diversity Diversity Avg 5 2 L
DFB REAL Diversity factor on Diversity @B 5 2 L
phase @B
DFC REAL Diversity factor on Diversity @C 5 2 L
phase @C
Distance REAL Distance from Total distance 7 1 L
DistanceA REAL Distance from Tot. dist. @A 7 1 L
substation on phase
DistanceB REAL Distance from Tot. dist. @B 7 1 L
substation on phase
DistanceC REAL Distance from Tot. dist. @C 7 1 L
substation on phase
DistCKVAA REAL Distributed connected Dist CkVA @A 8 1 L
kVA on phase @A
DistCKVAB REAL Distributed connected Dist CkVA @B 8 1 L
kVA on phase @B
DistCKVAC REAL Distributed connected Dist CkVA @C 8 1 L
kVA on phase @C
DistCKVAT REAL Total distributed load Dist Tot CkVA 9 2 L
connected kVA
DistCKWHA REAL Distributed Dist kWh @A 8 0 L
consumption kWh on
phase @A
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
DistCKWHB REAL Distributed Dist kWh @B 8 0 L
consumption kWh on
phase @B
DistCKWHC REAL Distributed Dist kWh @C 8 0 L
consumption kWh on
phase @C
DistCKWHT REAL Total distributed load Dist Tot kWh 10 2 L
consumption kWh
DistConsA REAL Distributed customers Dist Cust @A 5 2 L
on phase @A
DistConsB REAL Distributed customers Dist Cust @B 5 2 L
on phase @B
DistConsC REAL Distributed customers Dist Cust @C 5 2 L
on phase @C
DistConsT REAL Total distributed load Dist Tot Cust 5 2 L
DistEmergencyPriorit NUMBER Dist load emergency Dist Emergency 5 0 L
y priority Priority
DistKVAA REAL Distributed kVA load Dist kVA @A 8 1 L
on phase @A
DistKVAB REAL Distributed kVA load Dist kVA @B 8 1 L
on phase @B
DistKVAC REAL Distributed kVA load Dist kVA @C 8 1 L
on phase @C
DistKVARA REAL Distributed kVAR load Dist kVAR @A 8 1 L
on phase @A
DistKVARB REAL Distributed kVAR load Dist kVAR @B 8 1 L
on phase @B
DistKVARC REAL Distributed kVAR load Dist kVAR @C 8 1 L
on phase @C
DistKVART REAL Total distributed load Dist Tot kVAR 9 2 L
DistKVAT REAL Total distributed load Dist Tot kVA 9 2 L
DistKWA REAL Distributed kW load Dist kW @A 8 1 L
on phase @A
DistKWB REAL Distributed kW load Dist kW @B 8 1 L
on phase @B
DistKWC REAL Distributed kW load Dist kW @C 8 1 L
on phase @C
DistKWT REAL Total distributed load Dist Tot kW 5 2 L
DistNormalPriority NUMBER Dist load normal Dist Normal 5 0 L
priority Priority
DistNumber STRING Distributed load Dist Number 32 0 L
DistPFA REAL Distributed load Dist PF @A 5 2 L
power factor on
phase @A
DistPFB REAL Distributed load Dist PF @B 5 2 L
power factor on
phase @B
DistPFC REAL Distributed load Dist PF @C 5 2 L
power factor on
phase @C
DistPFT REAL Average distributed Dist PF 5 2 L
load power factor
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
DistPhase STRING Dist Phase Phase 4 0 L
DistStatus STRING Distributed load Dist. Status 12 0 L
DistType STRING Distributed load Dist Type 31 0 L
customer type
DistYear NUMBER Distributed load year Dist Year 5 0 L
DoubleTunedFilterC1 REAL Filter First C (uF) Filter First C 7 2 L
DoubleTunedFilterC2 REAL Filter Second C (uF) Filter Second C 7 2 L
DoubleTunedFilterF1 REAL Tuned Frequency 1 (harmoni Tuned 7 2 L
c order) Frequency 1
DoubleTunedFilterF2 REAL Tuned Frequency 2 (harmoni Tuned 7 2 L
c order) Frequency 2
DoubleTunedFilterL1 REAL Filter First L (mH) Filter First L 7 2 L
DoubleTunedFilterL2 REAL Filter Second L (mH) Filter Second L 7 2 L
DoubleTunedFilterR1 REAL Filter First R (Ohms) Filter First R 7 2 L
DoubleTunedFilterR2 REAL Filter Second R (Ohms) Filter Second R 7 2 L
DoubleTunedFilterR3 REAL Filter Third R (Ohms) Filter Third R 7 2 L
Dv REAL Balanced Percent (%) Dv(V) 5 2 L
Voltage Drop
Dv_TERTIARY REAL Balanced Percent (%) dV-T 5 2 L
voltage drop on
phase of Three-
Winding tertiary side
DvA REAL Percent voltage drop (%) dV@A 5 2 L
on phase @A
DvA_TERTIARY REAL Percent voltage drop (%) dV@A-T 5 2 L
on phase @A of
tertiary side
DvB REAL Percent voltage drop (%) dV@B 5 2 L
on phase @B
DvB_TERTIARY REAL Percent voltage drop (%) dV@B-T 5 2 L
on phase @B of
tertiary side
DvC REAL Percent voltage drop (%) dV@C 5 2 L
on phase @C
DvC_TERTIARY REAL Percent voltage drop (%) dV@C-T 5 2 L
on phase @C of
tertiary side
Dvpu REAL Balanced Pu Voltage (pu) dV 5 3 L
Dvpu_TERTIARY REAL Balanced Pu voltage (pu) dV-T 5 2 L
drop on phase of
DvpuA REAL Pu voltage drop on (pu) dV@A 5 3 L
phase @A
DvpuA_TERTIARY REAL Pu voltage drop on (pu) dV@A-T 5 2 L
phase @A of tertiary
DvpuB REAL Pu voltage drop on (pu) dV@B 5 3 L
phase @B
DvpuB_TERTIARY REAL Pu voltage drop on (pu) dV@B-T 5 2 L
phase @B of tertiary
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
DvpuC REAL Pu voltage drop on (pu) dV@C 5 3 L
phase @C
DvpuC_TERTIARY REAL Pu voltage drop on (pu) dV@C-T 5 2 L
phase @C of tertiary
Dvv REAL Balanced Voltage dV Dv(V) 5 2 L
Dvv_TERTIARY REAL Balanced Voltage dV-T Dv(V)-T 5 2 L
drop on phase of
tertiary side
DvvA REAL Voltage drop on (volts) Dv@A(V) 5 2 L
phase @A
DvvA_TERTIARY REAL Voltage drop on (volts) Dv@A(V)-T 5 2 L
phase @A of Three-
Winding tertiary side
DvvB REAL Voltage drop on dV@B Dv@B(V) 5 2 L
phase @B
DvvB_TERTIARY REAL Voltage drop on (volts) Dv@B(V)-T 5 2 L
phase @B of Three-
Winding tertiary side
DvvC REAL Voltage drop on dV@C Dv@C(V) 5 2 L
phase @C
DvvC_TERTIARY REAL Voltage drop on (volts) Dv@C(V)-T 5 2 L
phase @C of Three-
Winding tertiary side
Downstream actual Dw Actual kVA
DwActKVAA REAL kVA phase @A (kVA) @A 7 0 R
Downstream actual Dw Actual kVA
DwActKVAB REAL kVA phase @B (kVA) @B 7 0 R
Downstream actual
DwActKVAC REAL kVA phase @C (kVA) Dw kVA @C 7 0 R
Downstream actual Dw Actual kVA
DwActKVAT REAL kVA total (kVA) Total 7 0 R
DwCAPA REAL Capacitor phase @A (kVAR) Dw Cap @A 7 0 R
DwCAPB REAL Capacitor phase @B (kVAR) Dw Cap @B 7 0 R
DwCAPC REAL Capacitor phase @C (kVAR) Dw Cap @C 7 0 R
DwCAPT REAL Capacitor total (kVAR) Dw Cap Total 7 0 R
Downstream cust.
DwCUSTAT REAL total phase @A (cust) Dw cust @A 6 0 R
Downstream cust.
DwCUSTBT REAL total phase @B (cust) Dw cust @B 6 0 R
Downstream cust.
DwCUSTCT REAL total phase @C (cust) Dw cust @C 6 0 R
DwCustT REAL customers total (cust) Dw cust Total 5 0 R
Downstream Dist.
DwDCustA REAL customers phase @A (cust) Dw Dist cust @A 5 0 R
Downstream Dist.
DwDCustB REAL customers phase @B (cust) Dw Dist cust @B 5 0 R
Downstream Dist.
DwDCustC REAL customers phase @C (cust) Dw Dist cust @C 5 0 R
Downstream Dist. Dw Dist cust
DwDCustT REAL customers total (cust) Total 5 0 R
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
Downstream Dist. Dw Dist Conn
DwDKVAA REAL conn. kVA phase @A (kVA) kVA @A 8 1 R
Downstream Dist. Dw Dist Conn
DwDKVAB REAL conn. kVA phase @B (kVA) kVA @B 8 1 R
Downstream Dist. Dw Dist Conn
DwDKVAC REAL conn. kVA phase @C (kVA) kVA @C 8 1 R
Downstream Dist. Dw Dist kVAR
DwDKVARA REAL kVAR phase @A (kVAR) @A 8 1 R
Downstream Dist. Dw Dist kVAR
DwDKVARB REAL kVAR phase @B (kVAR) @B 8 1 R
Downstream Dist. Dw dist kVAR
DwDKVARC REAL kVAR phase @C (kVAR) @C 8 1 R
Downstream Dist. Dw Dist kVAR
DwDKVART REAL kVAR total (kVAR) Total 7 0 R
Downstream Dist. Dw Dist Conn
DwDKVAT REAL conn. kVA total (kVA) kVA 7 0 R
Downstream Dist. kW
DwDKWA REAL phase @A (kW) Dw Dist kW @A 8 1 R
Downstream Dist. kW
DwDKWB REAL phase @B (kW) Dw Dist kW @B 8 1 R
Downstream Dist. kW
DwDKWC REAL phase @C (kW) Dw Dist kW @C 8 1 R
Downstream Dist. Dw Dist kWh
DwDKWHA REAL kWh phase @A (kWh) @A 9 1 R
Downstream Dist. Dw Dist kWh
DwDKWHB REAL kWh phase @B (kWh) @B 9 1 R
Downstream Dist. Dw Dist kWh
DwDKWHC REAL kWh phase @C (kWh) @C 9 1 R
Downstream Dist. Dw Dist kWh
DwDKWHT REAL kWh total (kWh) Total 8 0 R
Downstream Dist. kW Dw Dist kW
DwDKWT REAL total (kW) Total 7 0 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed Dist
DwFDKVARA REAL Dist. kVAR phase @A (kVAR) kVAR @A 8 1 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed Dist
DwFDKVARB REAL Dist. kVAR phase @B (kVAR) kVAR @B 8 1 R
Downstream Fixed
Dist. kVAR phase Dw Fixed Dist
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed Dist
DwFDKVART REAL Dist. kVAR total (kVAR) kVAR Total 7 0 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed Dist
DwFDKWA REAL Dist. kW phase @A (kW) kW @A 8 1 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed Dist
DwFDKWB REAL Dist. kW phase @B (kW) kW @B 8 1 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed Dist
DwFDKWC REAL Dist. kW phase @C (kW) kW @C 8 1 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed Dist
DwFDKWT REAL Dist. kW total (kW) kW Total 7 0 R
Downstream fixed
conn. kVA total phase Dw Fixed Conn
Downstream fixed
conn. kVA total phase Dw Fixed Conn
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
Downstream fixed
conn. kVA total phase Dw Fixed Conn
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed kVAR
DwFKVARAT REAL kVAR total phase @A (kVAR) @A 7 0 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed kVAR
DwFKVARBT REAL kVAR total phase @B (kVAR) @B 7 0 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed kVAR
DwFKVARCT REAL kVAR total phase @C (kVAR) @C 7 0 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed kVAR
DwFKVART REAL kVAR total (kVAR) Total 7 0 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed kW
DwFKWAT REAL kW total phase @A (kW) @A 7 0 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed kW
DwFKWBT REAL kW total phase @B (kW) @B 7 0 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed kW
DwFKWCT REAL kW total phase @C (kW) @C 7 0 R
Downstream fixed Dw Fixed kWh
DwFKWHAT REAL kWh total phase @A (kWh) @A 8 0 R
Downstream fixed Dw Fixed kWh
DwFKWHBT REAL kWh total phase @B (kWh) @B 8 0 R
Downstream fixed Dw Fixed kWh
DwFKWHCT REAL kWh total phase @C (kWh) @C 8 0 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed kW
DwFKWT REAL kW total (kW) Total 7 0 R
Downstream Fixed
Spot kVAR phase Dw Fixed Spot
Downstream Fixed
Spot kVAR phase Dw Fixed Spot
Downstream Fixed
Spot kVAR phase Dw Fixed Spot
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed Spot
DwFSKVART REAL Spot kVAR total (kVAR) kVAR Total 7 0 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed Spot
DwFSKWA REAL Spot kW phase @A (kW) kW @A 8 1 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed Spot
DwFSKWB REAL Spot kW phase @B (kW) kW @B 8 1 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed Spot
DwFSKWC REAL Spot kW phase @C (kW) kW @C 8 1 R
Downstream Fixed Dw Fixed Spot
DwFSKWT REAL Spot kW total (kW) kW Total 7 0 R
Number of
downstream High
voltages on three- (@A@B
DwHighVoltCount NUMBER phase @C) High Volt 10 0 L
Number of
downstream High
voltages on phase
DwHighVoltCountA NUMBER @A (@A) High Volt 10 0 L
Number of
downstream High
voltages on phase
DwHighVoltCountB NUMBER @B (@B) High Volt 10 0 L
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
Number of
downstream High
voltages on phase
DwHighVoltCountC NUMBER @C (@C) High Volt 10 0 L
Worst Downstream
high voltage in
percent on three- Dw High Volt
DwHighVoltWorst3PH REAL phase section (%) 3PH 5 2 L
Worst Downstream
high voltage in Dw High Volt
DwHighVoltWorstA REAL percent on phase @A (%) @A 5 2 L
Worst Downstream
high voltage in Dw High Volt
DwHighVoltWorstB REAL percent on phase @B (%) @B 5 2 L
Worst Downstream
high voltage in Dw High Volt
DwHighVoltWorstC REAL percent on phase @C (%) @C 5 2 L
Worst downstream 3
DwIneutralWorst REAL phase neutral current (Amps) Dw Ineutral 3PH 8 2 L
Downstream conn. Dw Conn kVA
DwKVAAT REAL kVA total phase @A (kVA) @A 7 0 R
Downstream conn. Dw Conn kVA
DwKVABT REAL kVA total phase @B (kVA) @B 7 0 R
Downstream conn. Dw Conn kVA
DwKVACT REAL kVA total phase @C (kVA) @C 7 0 R
Downstream kVA
DwKVALossA REAL Losses on phase @A (kVA) Dw Losses @A 9 2 L
Downstream kVA
DwKVALossB REAL Losses on phase @B (kVA) Dw Losses @B 9 2 L
Downstream kVA
DwKVALossC REAL Losses on phase @C (kVA) Dw Losses @C 9 2 L
Total Downstream
DwKVALossTotal REAL kVA Losses (kVA) Total Dw Losses 9 2 L
Downstream kVAR
DwKVARAT REAL total phase @A (kVAR) Dw kVAR @A 7 0 R
Downstream kVAR
DwKVARBT REAL total phase @B (kVAR) Dw kVAR @B 7 0 R
Downstream kVAR
DwKVARCT REAL total phase @C (kVAR) Dw kVAR @C 7 0 R
Downstream kVAR
DwKVARLossA REAL Losses on phase @A (kVAR) Dw Losses @A 9 2 L
Downstream kVAR
DwKVARLossB REAL Losses on phase @B (kVAR) Dw Losses @B 9 2 L
Downstream kVAR
DwKVARLossC REAL Losses on phase @C (kVAR) Dw Losses @C 9 2 L
Total Downstream
DwKVARLossTotal REAL kVAR Losses (kVAR) Total Dw Losses 9 2 L
Downstream kVAR
DwKVART REAL total (kVAR) Dw kVAR Total 7 0 R
Downstream conn. Dw Conn kVA
DwKVAT REAL kVA total (kVA) Total 7 0 R
Downstream kW total
DwKWAT REAL phase @A (kW) Dw kW @A 7 0 R
Downstream kW total
DwKWBT REAL phase @B (kW) Dw kW @B 7 0 R
Downstream kW total
DwKWCT REAL phase @C (kW) Dw kW @C 7 0 R
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
Downstream kWh
DwKWHAT REAL total phase @A (kWh) Dw kWh @A 8 0 R
Downstream kWh
DwKWHBT REAL total phase @B (kWh) Dw kWh @B 8 0 R
Downstream kWh
DwKWHCT REAL total phase @C (kWh) Dw kWh @C 8 0 R
Downstream kWh
DwKWHT REAL total (kWh) Dw kWh Total 8 0 R
Downstream kW
DwKWLossA REAL Losses on phase @A (kW) Dw Losses @A 9 2 L
Downstream kW
DwKWLossB REAL Losses on phase @B (kW) Dw Losses @B 9 2 L
Downstream kW
DwKWLossC REAL Losses on phase @C (kW) Dw Losses @C 9 2 L
Downstream Total
DwKWLossCondTot REAL Conductor kW losses (kW) Dw Cond Losses 8 2 L
Downstream Total Dw Fixed
DwKWLossFixedTot REAL fixed kW losses (kW) Losses 8 2 L
Total Downstream
DwKWLossTotal REAL kW Losses (kW) Total Dw Losses 9 2 L
DwKWT REAL Downstream kW total (kW) Dw kW Total 7 0 R
Number of
downstream Low
voltages on three- (@A@B
DwLowVoltCount NUMBER phase @C) Low Volt 10 0 L
Number of
downstream Low
voltages on phase
DwLowVoltCountA NUMBER @A (@A) Low Volt 10 0 L
Number of
downstream Low
voltages on phase
DwLowVoltCountB NUMBER @B (@B) Low Volt 10 0 L
Number of
downstream Low
voltages on phase
DwLowVoltCountC NUMBER @C (@C) Low Volt 10 0 L
Worst Downstream
low voltage in percent
on three-phase Dw Low Volt
DwLowVoltWorst3PH REAL section (%) 3PH 5 2 L
Worst Downstream
low voltage in percent
DwLowVoltWorstA REAL on phase @A (%) Dw Low Volt @A 5 2 L
Worst Downstream
low voltage in percent
DwLowVoltWorstB REAL on phase @B (%) Dw Low Volt @B 5 2 L
Worst Downstream
low voltage in percent
DwLowVoltWorstC REAL on phase @C (%) Dw Low Volt @C 5 2 L
Number of
overloads on three- (@A@B
DwOverloadCount NUMBER phase @C) Overloads 10 0 L
Number of
overloads on phase
DwOverloadCountA NUMBER @A (@A) Overloads 10 0 L
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
Number of
overloads on phase
DwOverloadCountB NUMBER @B (@B) Overloads 10 0 L
Number of
overloads on phase
DwOverloadCountC NUMBER @C (@C) Overloads 10 0 L
Worst Downstream
overload in percent Dw Overload
DwOverloadWorstA REAL on phase @A (%) @A 5 2 L
Worst Downstream
overload in percent Dw Overload
DwOverloadWorstB REAL on phase @B (%) @B 5 2 L
Worst Downstream
overload in percent Dw Overload
DwOverloadWorstC REAL on phase @C (%) @C 5 2 L
Downstream Spot Dw Spot cust
DwSCustA REAL customers phase @A (cust) @A 5 0 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot cust
DwSCustB REAL customers phase @B (cust) @B 5 0 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot cust
DwSCustC REAL customers phase @C (cust) @C 5 0 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot cust
DwSCustT REAL customers total (cust) Total 5 0 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot Conn
DwSKVAA REAL conn. kVA phase @A (kVA) kVA @A 8 1 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot Conn
DwSKVAB REAL conn. kVA phase @B (kVA) kVA @B 8 1 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot Conn
DwSKVAC REAL conn. kVA phase @C (kVA) kVA @C 8 1 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot kVAR
DwSKVARA REAL kVAR phase @A (kVAR) @A 8 1 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot kVAR
DwSKVARB REAL kVAR phase @B (kVAR) @B 8 1 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot kVAR
DwSKVARC REAL kVAR phase @C (kVAR) @C 8 1 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot kVAR
DwSKVART REAL kVAR total (kVAR) Total 7 0 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot Conn
DwSKVAT REAL conn. kVA total (kVA) kVA Total 7 0 R
Downstream Spot kW
DwSKWA REAL phase @A (kW) Dw Spot kW @A 8 1 R
Downstream Spot kW
DwSKWB REAL phase @B (kW) Dw Spot kW @B 8 1 R
Downstream Spot kW
DwSKWC REAL phase @C (kW) Dw Spot kW @C 8 1 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot kWh
DwSKWHA REAL kWh phase @A (kWh) @A 9 1 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot kWh
DwSKWHB REAL kWh phase @B (kWh) @B 9 1 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot kWh
DwSKWHC REAL kWh phase @C (kWh) @C 9 1 R
Downstream Spot Dw Spot kWh
DwSKWHT REAL kWh total (kWh) Total 8 0 R
Downstream Spot kW Dw Spot kW
DwSKWT REAL total (kW) Total 7 0 R
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
Worst downstream
voltage unbalance
DwVUFWorst REAL factor in percent (%) VUF 6 3 L
Location of the worst
downstream voltage
DwVUFWorst_ID STRING unbalance factor (%) VUF ID 31 0 L
Feeder of the worst
DwVUFWorstNetwork downstream voltage
ID STRING unbalance factor Feeder ID 31 0 L
DwWire REAL conductor length Length Dw Wire 7 2 R
conductor length on
DwWireA REAL phase @A Length Dw Wire @A 7 2 R
conductor length on
DwWireB REAL phase @B Length Dw Wire @B 7 2 R
conductor length on
DwWireC REAL phase @C Length Dw Wire @C 7 2 R
EGenA COMPLEX EGen @A (V) EGen @A 6 4 L
EGenA COMPLEX EGen @A (V) EGen @A 6 4 L
EGenB COMPLEX EGen @B (V) EGen @B 6 4 L
EGenB COMPLEX EGen @B (V) EGen @B 6 4 L
EGenC COMPLEX EGen @C (V) EGen @C 6 4 L
EGenC COMPLEX EGen @C (V) EGen @C 6 4 L
ElecGenConverter STRING Converter Converter 32 0 L
ElecGenFaultContri REAL Fault Contribution (%) Fault 7 2 L
EqCode STRING Equipment code Code 32 0 L
EqComment STRING Equipment comment Comment 100 0 L
EqId STRING Equipment name Equipment Id 32 0 L
EqLocation STRING Equipment location Location 6 0 L
EqNo STRING Equipment number Equipment No 32 0 L
EqState STRING Equipment state State 32 0 L
EqStatus STRING Status (On line, by- Status 20 0 L
FailureSummary STRING Failure events Failure summary 102 0 L
summary 4
FDistKVAA REAL Fixed Distributed kVA (Fixed) Dist kVA @A 8 1 L
load on phase @A
FDistKVAB REAL Fixed Distributed kVA (Fixed) Dist kVA @B 8 1 L
load on phase @B
FDistKVAC REAL Fixed Distributed kVA (Fixed) Dist kVA @C 8 1 L
load on phase @C
FDistKVARA REAL Fixed Distributed (Fixed) Dist kVAR @A 8 1 L
kVAR load on phase
FDistKVARB REAL Fixed Distributed (Fixed) Dist kVAR @B 8 1 L
kVAR load on phase
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
FDistKVARC REAL Fixed Distributed (Fixed) Dist kVAR @C 8 1 L
kVAR load on phase
FDistKVART REAL Total Fixed (Fixed) Dist Tot kVAR 9 2 L
distributed load kVAR
FDistKVAT REAL Total Fixed (Fixed) Dist Tot kVA 9 2 L
distributed load kVA
FDistKWA REAL Fixed Distributed kW (Fixed) Dist kW @A 8 1 L
load on phase @A
FDistKWB REAL Fixed Distributed kW (Fixed) Dist kW @B 8 1 L
load on phase @B
FDistKWC REAL Fixed Distributed kW (Fixed) Dist kW @C 8 1 L
load on phase @C
FDistKWT REAL Total Fixed (Fixed) Dist Tot kW 5 2 L
distributed load kW
FDistPFA REAL Fixed Distributed load (Fixed) Dist PF @A 5 2 L
power factor on
phase @A
FDistPFB REAL Fixed Distributed load (Fixed) Dist PF @B 5 2 L
power factor on
phase @B
FDistPFC REAL Fixed Distributed load (Fixed) Dist PF @C 5 2 L
power factor on
phase @C
FDistPFT REAL Average Fixed (Fixed) Dist PF 5 2 L
distributed load power
FeederId STRING Feeder name Feeder Id 32 0 L
FromNodeCoordX REAL From Node From Node 10 3 L
coordinate X coord. X
FromNodeCoordY REAL From Node From Node 10 3 L
coordinate Y coord. Y
FromNodeId STRING From Node name From Node 32 0 L
FSpotKVAA REAL Fixed Spot kVA load (Fixed) Spot kVA @A 8 1 L
on phase @A
FSpotKVAB REAL Fixed Spot kVA load (Fixed) Spot kVA @B 8 1 L
on phase @B
FSpotKVAC REAL Fixed Spot kVA load (Fixed) Spot kVA @C 8 1 L
on phase @C
FSpotKVARA REAL Fixed Spot kVAR load (Fixed) Spot kVAR @A 8 1 L
on phase @A
FSpotKVARB REAL Fixed Spot kVAR load (Fixed) Spot kVAR @B 8 1 L
on phase @B
FSpotKVARC REAL Fixed Spot kVAR load (Fixed) Spot kVAR @C 8 1 L
on phase @C
FSpotKVART REAL Total Fixed spot load (Fixed) Spot Tot kVAR 9 2 L
FSpotKVAT REAL Total Fixed spot load (Fixed) Spot Tot kVA 9 2 L
FSpotKWA REAL Fixed Spot kW load (Fixed) Spot kW @A 8 1 L
on phase @A
FSpotKWB REAL Fixed Spot kW load (Fixed) Spot kW @B 8 1 L
on phase @B
FSpotKWC REAL Fixed Spot kW load (Fixed) Spot kW @C 8 1 L
on phase @C
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
FSpotKWT REAL Total Fixed spot load (Fixed) Spot Tot kW 5 2 L
FSpotPFA REAL Fixed Spot load (Fixed) Spot PF @A 5 2 L
power factor on
phase @A
FSpotPFB REAL Fixed Spot load (Fixed) Spot PF @B 5 2 L
power factor on
phase @B
FSpotPFC REAL Fixed Spot load (Fixed) Spot PF @C 5 2 L
power factor on
phase @C
FSpotPFT REAL Average Fixed spot (Fixed) Spot PF 5 2 L
load power factor
GenAnsiGroup NUMBER ANSI Motor Group ANSI Motor 5 0 L
GenConn STRING Generator connection Connection 6 0 L
GenDescription STRING Description Description 512 0 L
GenInitAngle REAL Synchronous Initial Angle 7 2 L
Generator Initial
GenKV REAL Nominal voltage (kVLL) kV 7 2 L
GenKVA REAL Nominal capacity (kVA) Rating 9 2 L
GenKVDes REAL Desired voltage (kVLL) kV Desired 7 2 L
GenKW REAL Active generation (kW) Generation 7 2 L
GenMaxKVAR REAL Maximum reactive Max kVAR 9 2 L
GenMinKVAR REAL Minimum reactive Min kVAR 9 2 L
GenMVAR REAL Sum of the MVAR QGen 5 2 L
generators reactive
GenMW REAL Sum of the MW PGen 5 2 L
generators active
GenPF REAL Power factor (%) Pf 7 2 L
GenPoles NUMBER Number Of Poles Number Of 5 0 L
GenR0ohms REAL Zero sequence (ohms) R0 6 4 L
resistance in ohms
GenR0pu REAL Zero sequence (pu) R0 6 4 L
resistance in pu
GenR1ohms REAL Steady state (ohms) R1 6 4 L
resistance in ohms
GenR1pu REAL Steady state (pu) R1 6 4 L
resistance in pu
GenRg REAL Grounding resistance (ohms) Rg 6 4 L
in ohms
GenRSTohms REAL Subtransient (ohms) RST 6 4 L
resistance in ohms
GenRSTpu REAL Subtransient (pu) RST 6 4 L
resistance in pu
GenRTohms REAL Transient resistance (ohms) RT 6 4 L
in ohms
GenRTpu REAL Transient resistance (pu) RT 6 4 L
in pu
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
GenStatus STRING Generator status Status 32 0 L
GenType STRING Generator type Type 32 0 L
GenX0ohms REAL Zero sequence (ohms) X0 6 4 L
reactance in ohms
GenX0pu REAL Zero sequence (pu) X0 6 4 L
reactance in pu
GenX1ohms REAL Steady state (ohms) X1 6 4 L
reactance in ohms
GenX1pu REAL Steady state (pu) X1 6 4 L
reactance in pu
GenXg REAL Grounding reactance (ohms) Xg 6 4 L
in ohms
GenXSTohms REAL Subtransient (ohms) XST 6 4 L
reactance in ohms
GenXSTpu REAL Subtransient (pu) XST 6 4 L
reactance in pu
GenXTohms REAL Transient reactance (ohms) XT 6 4 L
in ohms
GenXTpu REAL Transient reactance (pu) XT 6 4 L
in pu
Group1 STRING Group 1 name Group 1 32 0 L
Group2 STRING Group 2 name Group 2 32 0 L
Group3 STRING Group 3 name Group 3 32 0 L
GrPickup REAL Ground pickup (Amps) Ground pickup 5 2 L
GrPkupA REAL Ground pickup (Amps) Ground pickup 5 2 L
alternate alternate
GrXfoConn STRING Grounding Connection 6 0 L
GrXfoKV REAL Rated Voltage (kV) Rated Voltage 6 2 L
GrXfoKVA REAL Rated Capacity (kVA) Rated Capacity 6 2 L
GrXfoRG REAL Grounding resistance (ohms) Rg 6 4 L
GrXfoX0R0 REAL X0-R0 ratio X0/R0 6 2 L
GrXfoX1R1 REAL X1-R1 ratio X1/R1 6 2 L
GrXfoXG REAL Grounding reactance (ohms) Xg 6 4 L
GrXfoZ0 REAL Zero sequence (%) Z0 6 2 L
GrXfoZ1 REAL Positive sequence (%) Z1 6 2 L
HighPassFilterC REAL Filter C (uF) Filter C 7 2 L
HighPassFilterKV REAL Nominal Voltage (KV) Nominal voltage 7 2 L
HighPassFilterKVAR REAL Nominal Q (KVAR) Nominal Q 9 2 L
HighPassFilterL REAL Filter L (mH) Filter L 7 2 L
HighPassFilterR REAL Filter R (Ohms) Filter R 7 2 L
I0 REAL Zero sequence (Amps) I0 5 2 L
I0angle REAL Zero sequence (Deg) I0 5 2 L
I0out REAL Zero sequence (Amps) I0 5 2 L
I1 REAL Positive sequence (Amps) I1 5 2 L
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
I1angle REAL Positive sequence (Deg) I1 5 2 L
I1out REAL Positive sequence (Amps) I1 5 2 L
I2 REAL Negative sequence (Amps) I2 5 2 L
I2angle REAL Negative sequence (Deg) I2 5 2 L
I2out REAL Negative sequence (Amps) I2 5 2 L
IA COMPLEX Through current on (Amps) I@A 8 1 L
phase @A
IAngle REAL Balanced Current Angle I 5 2 L
phase angle
IAngleA REAL Current phase angle Angle I@A 5 2 L
on phase @A
IAngleAout REAL Current phase angle (Degrees Angle I@A out 5 2 L
on phase @A out )
IAngleB REAL Current phase angle Angle I@B 5 2 L
on phase @B
IAngleBout REAL Current phase angle (Degrees Angle I@B out 5 2 L
on phase @B out )
IAngleC REAL Current phase angle Angle I@C 5 2 L
on phase @C
IAngleCout REAL Current phase angle (Degrees Angle I@C out 5 2 L
on phase @C out )
IAngleN REAL Current phase angle Angle I-N 8 2 L
on neutral
IAngleNout REAL Current phase on (Degrees Angle neutral out 5 2 L
neutral out )
IAngleRel REAL Balanced Current Rel Angle I 5 2 L
phase relative angle
IAngleRelA REAL Current phase Rel Angle I@A 5 2 L
relative angle on
phase @A
IAngleRelAout REAL Current phase (Degrees Rel Angle I@A 5 2 L
relative angle on ) out
phase @A out
IAngleRelB REAL Current phase Rel Angle I@B 5 2 L
relative angle on
phase @B
IAngleRelBout REAL Current phase (Degrees Rel Angle I@B 5 2 L
relative angle on ) out
phase @B out
IAngleRelC REAL Current phase Rel Angle I@C 5 2 L
relative angle on
phase @C
IAngleRelCout REAL Current phase (Degrees Rel Angle I@C 5 2 L
relative angle on ) out
phase @C out
IAout REAL Output current on (Amps) I@A out 8 1 L
phase @A
IB COMPLEX Through current on (Amps) I@B 8 1 L
phase @B
IBal REAL Balanced Through (Amps) IBal 8 1 L
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
IBout REAL Output current on (Amps) I@B out 8 1 L
phase @B
IC COMPLEX Through current on (Amps) I@C 8 1 L
phase @C
ICout REAL Output current on (Amps) I@C out 8 1 L
phase @C
Id STRING General Name Id 32 0 L
IdealConverterKV REAL Voltage (KV) Voltage 7 2 L
IdealConverterKVA REAL Nominal kVA (KVA) Nominal kVA 9 2 L
IdealConverterKW REAL Active Power (kW) Active Power 7 2 L
IdealConverterPulseN REAL Pulse Number Pulse Number 7 2 L
IMAX REAL Through current max (Amps) IMAX 8 1 L
IndGenEfficiency REAL Efficiency (%) Efficiency 7 2 L
IndGenRatedSpeed REAL Rated Speed (RPM) Rated Speed 7 2 L
IndMotLockKVA REAL Locked rotor kVA/H kVA/HP 9 2 L
IndMotLockPf REAL Locked rotor power (%) Locked Pf 7 2 L
IndMotNema STRING Nema code Nema 6 0 L
Ineutral REAL Current in the neutral (Amps) I-N 8 1 L
IneutralOut REAL Output current in the (Amps) I-N out 8 1 L
Iout REAL Balanced Output (Amps) I out 8 1 L
IOutMax REAL Output current max (Amps) IMAX out 8 1 L
IRLGMampA REAL LG fault interrupting (Amps) IRLG Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @A
of phase @A in Amps
IRLGMampB REAL LG fault interrupting (Amps) IRLG Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @B
of phase @B in Amps
IRLGMampC REAL LG fault interrupting (Amps) IRLG Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @C
of phase @C in Amps
IRLLGMampA REAL LLG fault interrupting (Amps) IRLLG Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @A
of phase @A in Amps
IRLLGMampB REAL LLG fault interrupting (Amps) IRLLG Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @B
of phase @B in Amps
IRLLGMampC REAL LLG fault interrupting (Amps) IRLLG Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @C
of phase @C in Amps
IRLLLGMampA REAL LLLG fault (Amps) IRLLLG Margin 7 0 L
interrupting rating of @A
current margin of
phase @A in Amps
IRLLLGMampB REAL LLLG fault (Amps) IRLLLG Margin 7 0 L
interrupting rating of @B
current margin of
phase @B in Amps
IRLLLGMampC REAL LLLG fault (Amps) IRLLLG Margin 7 0 L
interrupting rating of @C
current margin of
phase @C in Amps
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
IRLLLMampA REAL LLL fault interrupting (Amps) IRLLL Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @A
of phase @A in Amps
IRLLLMampB REAL LLL fault interrupting (Amps) IRLLL Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @B
of phase @B in Amps
IRLLLMampC REAL LLL fault interrupting (Amps) IRLLL Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @C
of phase @C in Amps
IRLLMampA REAL LL fault interrupting (Amps) IRLL Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @A
of phase @A in Amps
IRLLMampB REAL LL fault interrupting (Amps) IRLL Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @B
of phase @B in Amps
IRLLMampC REAL LL fault interrupting (Amps) IRLL Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @C
of phase @C in Amps
IRMIMampA REAL Min. interrupting (Amps) Min IR Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @A
of phase @A in Amps
IRMIMampB REAL Min. interrupting (Amps) Min IR Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @B
of phase @B in Amps
IRMIMampC REAL Min. interrupting (Amps) Min IR Margin of 7 0 L
rating current margin @C
of phase @C in Amps
IsDistUnlocked STRING Indicate if the Dist Unlocked 5 0 L
distributed load has
been unlocked during
load allocation
IsIsolated STRING Indicate if the device Isolated 5 0 L
is isolated or not
IsMeter STRING Indicate the presence Meter 5 0 L
of a meter
IsProtectiveDevice STRING Indicate if it is a IsProtectiveDevi 5 0 L
protective device or ce
IsRemoteControlled STRING Indicate if the Remote 5 0 L
protective device is Controlled
remote controlled or
IsSpotUnlocked STRING Indicate if the spot Spot Unlocked 5 0 L
load has been
unlocked during load
IsStrategic STRING Indicate if the Strategic 5 0 L
protective device is
strategic or not
IsStrategicAndUsedIn STRING Indicate if the Strategic 5 0 L
Contingency protective device is
strategic and used in
IsSwitchingDevice STRING Indicate if the IsSwitchingDevic 5 0 L
protective device is a e
switching device or
IUnbalA REAL Percent current (%) Unbal @A 5 2 L
unbalance phase @A
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
IUnbalB REAL Percent current (%) Unbal @B 5 2 L
unbalance phase @B
IUnbalC REAL Percent current (%) Unbal @C 5 2 L
unbalance phase @C
KVAA COMPLEX Through kVA on (kVA) Thru Power @A 8 1 L
phase @A
KVAB COMPLEX Through kVA on (kVA) Thru Power @B 8 1 L
phase @B
KVAC COMPLEX Through kVA on (kVA) Thru Power @C 8 1 L
phase @C
KVALossA REAL KVA losses on phase (kVA) Loss @A 9 2 L
KVALossB REAL KVA losses on phase (kVA) Loss @B 9 2 L
KVALossC REAL KVA losses on phase (kVA) Loss @C 9 2 L
KVALossTot REAL Total kVA losses (kVA) Total Loss 8 1 L
KVARA REAL Through kVAR on (kVAR) Thru Power @A 8 1 L
phase @A
KVARB REAL Through kVAR on (kVAR) Thru Power @B 8 1 L
phase @B
KVARC REAL Through kVAR on (kVAR) Thru Power @C 8 1 L
phase @C
KVARLossA REAL KVAR losses on (kVAR) Loss @A 9 2 L
phase @A
KVARLossB REAL KVAR losses on (kVAR) Loss @B 9 2 L
phase @B
KVARLossC REAL KVAR losses on (kVAR) Loss @C 9 2 L
phase @C
KVARLossTot REAL Total kVAR losses (kVAR) Total Loss 8 1 L
KVARTOT REAL Total through kVAR (kVAR) Total Thru 7 0 L
KVATOT REAL Total through kVA (kVA) Total Thru 7 0 L
KVLL REAL Line-to-line voltage kVLL 5 1 L
KVLN REAL Line-to-neutral kVLN 5 1 L
KWA REAL Through kW on (kW) Thru Power @A 8 1 L
phase @A
KWB REAL Through kW on (kW) Thru Power @B 8 1 L
phase @B
KWC REAL Through kW on (kW) Thru Power @C 8 1 L
phase @C
KWLossA REAL kW losses on phase (kW) Loss @A 9 2 L
KWLossB REAL kW losses on phase (kW) Loss @B 9 2 L
KWLossC REAL kW losses on phase (kW) Loss @C 9 2 L
KWLossFixedTot REAL Total fixed kW losses (kW) Fixed Losses 8 2 L
KWLossTot REAL Total kW losses (kW) Total Loss 8 1 L
KWTOT REAL Total through kW (kW) Total Thru 10 0 L
Length REAL Section length Length 7 1 L
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
LG1phmva REAL line to ground fault (mva) LL 2ph 7 0 L
current in (1 phase
LG1phmvaZ REAL Line to ground (Z) (mva) LG1phmvaZ 7 0 L
fault current in (1
phase MVA)
LGamp REAL Line to ground fault (Amps) LG 7 0 L
current in Amps
LGampKmax REAL Line to ground max. (Amps) LG Kmax 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LGampKmaxZ REAL Line to ground max. (Amps) LG Kmax Z 7 0 L
(Z) fault current in
LGampKmin REAL Line to ground min. (Amps) LG Kmin 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LGampKminZ REAL Line to ground min. (Amps) LG Kmin Z 7 0 L
(Z) fault current in
LGampMax REAL Line to ground max. (Amps) LG Max 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LGampMin REAL Line to ground min. (Amps) LG Min 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LGampZ REAL Line to ground (Z) (amp) LGampZ 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LGmvaMax REAL Line to ground max. (MVA) LG Max 6 0 L
fault current in MVA
LGmvaMin REAL Line to ground min. (MVA) LG Min 6 0 L
fault current in MVA
LineB0 REAL Line zero sequence uS Line B0 10 3 L
LineB1 REAL Line positive uS Line B1 10 3 L
LineBa REAL Line susceptance on uS Line B@A 10 3 L
phase @A
LineBb REAL Line susceptance on uS Line B@B 10 3 L
phase @B
LineBc REAL Line susceptance on uS Line B@C 10 3 L
phase @C
LineBm REAL Line mutual uS Line Bm 10 3 L
LineId STRING Line or cable Id Line Id 32 0 L
LineR0 REAL Line zero sequence Ohms Line R0 10 3 L
LineR1 REAL Line positive Ohms Line R1 10 3 L
sequence resistance
LineRa REAL Line resistance on Ohms Line R@A 10 3 L
phase @A
LineRb REAL Line resistance on Ohms Line R@B 10 3 L
phase @B
LineRc REAL Line resistance on Ohms Line R@C 10 3 L
phase @C
LineRm REAL Line mutual Ohms Line Rm 10 3 L
LineX0 REAL Line zero sequence Ohms Line X0 10 3 L
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
LineX1 REAL Line positive Ohms Line X1 10 3 L
sequence reactance
LineXa REAL Line reactance on Ohms Line X@A 10 3 L
phase @A
LineXb REAL Line reactance on Ohms Line X@B 10 3 L
phase @B
LineXc REAL Line reactance on Ohms Line X@C 10 3 L
phase @C
LineXm REAL Line mutual Ohms Line Xm 10 3 L
LL2phmva REAL line to line fault (mva) LL 2ph 7 0 L
current in (2 phases
LL2phmvaZ REAL Line to line (Z) fault (mva) LL2phmvaZ 7 0 L
current in (2 phases
LLamp REAL Line to line fault (Amps) LL 7 0 L
current in Amps
LLampKmax REAL Line to line max. fault (Amps) LL Kmax 7 0 L
current in Amps
LLampKmaxZ REAL Line to line max. (Z) (Amps) LL Kmax Z 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LLampKmin REAL Line to line min. fault (Amps) LL Kmin 7 0 L
current in Amps
LLampKminZ REAL Line to line min (Z). (Amps) LL Kmin Z 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LLampMin REAL Line to line min. fault (Amps) LL Min 7 0 L
current in Amps
LLampZ REAL Line to line (Z) fault (amp) LLampZ 7 0 L
current in Amps
LLG2phmva REAL Double line to ground (MVA) LLG 2ph 7 0 L
fault current in (2
phases MVA)
LLG2phmvaZ REAL Double line to ground (mva) LLG2phmvaZ 7 0 L
(Z) fault current in (2
phases MVA)
LLGamp REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LLGampKmax REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG Kmax 7 0 L
max. fault current in
LLGampKmin REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG Kmin 7 0 L
min. fault current in
LLGampZ REAL Double line to ground (amp) LLGampZ 7 0 L
(Z) fault current in
LLGB REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG B 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LLGB2phmva REAL Double line to ground (mva) LL 2ph 7 0 L
fault current in (2
phases MVA - b)
LLGBKmax REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG B Kmax 7 0 L
max. fault current in
Amps (b)
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
LLGBKmin REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG B Kmin 7 0 L
min. fault current in
Amps (b)
LLGBKZmax REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLGZ B Kmax 7 0 L
max. (Z) fault current
in Amps (b)
LLGBKZmin REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLGZ B Kmin 7 0 L
min. (Z) fault current
in Amps (b)
LLGBmva REAL Double line to ground (MVA) LLG B 7 0 L
fault current in MVA
LLGBZ REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLGZ B 7 0 L
(Z) fault current in
Amps (b)
LLGBZmva REAL Double line to ground (MVA) LLGZ B 7 0 L
(Z) fault current in
MVA (b)
LLGC REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG C 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LLGC2phmva REAL Double line to ground (mva) LL 2ph 7 0 L
fault current in (2
phases MVA - c)
LLGCKmax REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG C Kmax 7 0 L
max. fault current in
Amps (c)
LLGCKmin REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG C Kmin 7 0 L
min. fault current in
Amps (c)
LLGCKZmax REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLGZ C Kmax 7 0 L
max. (Z) fault current
in Amps (c)
LLGCKZmin REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLGZ C Kmin 7 0 L
min. (Z) fault current
in Amps (c)
LLGCmva REAL Double line to ground (MVA) LLG C 7 0 L
fault current in MVA
LLGCZ REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLGZ C 7 0 L
(Z) fault current in
Amps (c)
LLGCZmva REAL Double line to ground (MVA) LLGZ C 7 0 L
(Z) fault current in
MVA (c)
LLGKmaxZ REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG Z Kmax 7 0 L
max. (Z) fault current
in Amps
LLGKminZ REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG Z Kmin 7 0 L
min. (Z) fault current
in Amps
LLGmva REAL Double line to ground (MVA) LLG 6 0 L
fault current in MVA
LLGT REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG T 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LLGT1phmva REAL Double line to ground (mva) LL 2ph 7 0 L
fault current in (1
phases MVA - total)
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
LLGTKmax REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG T Kmax 7 0 L
max. fault current in
Amps (total)
LLGTKmin REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLG T Kmin 7 0 L
min. fault current in
Amps (total)
LLGTKZmax REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLGZ T Kmax 7 0 L
max. (Z) fault current
in Amps (total)
LLGTKZmin REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLGZ T Kmin 7 0 L
min. (Z) fault current
in Amps (total)
LLGTmva REAL Double line to ground (MVA) LLG T 7 0 L
fault current in MVA
LLGTZ REAL Double line to ground (Amps) LLGZ T 7 0 L
(Z) fault current in
Amps (total)
LLGTZmva REAL Double line to ground (MVA) LLGZ T 7 0 L
(Z) fault current in
MVA (total)
LLLamp REAL Three phase fault (Amps) LLL 7 0 L
current in Amps
LLLampKmax REAL Three phase max. (Amps) LLL Kmax 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LLLampKmaxZ REAL Three phase max. (Amps) LLL Kmax Z 7 0 L
(Z). fault current in
LLLampKmin REAL Three phase min. (Amps) LLL Kmin 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LLLampKminZ REAL Three phase min. (Z) (Amps) LLL Kmin Z 7 0 L
fault current in Amps
LLLampZ REAL Three phase (Z) fault (amp) LLLampZ 7 0 L
current in Amps
LLLmva REAL Three phase fault (MVA) LLL 6 0 L
current in MVA
LLLmvaZ REAL Three phase (Z) fault (mva) LLLmvaZ 7 0 L
current in MVA
LLmva REAL Line to line fault (MVA) LL 6 0 L
current in MVA
LLmvaMin REAL Line to line min. fault (MVA) LL Min 7 0 L
current in MVA
LoadCablLen REAL Cable length (LEI) (km) Cable Length 10 2 L
LoadConfig STRING Load configuration Config 4 0 L
LoadCustomer REAL Total customers in (#) Customers 10 2 L
LoadEns REAL Load Point Energy (kWh/yr) Ens 8 5 L
Not Supply
LoadFactor REAL Load factor % Load Factor 5 1 L
LOADING REAL Balanced Percent (%) Loading 5 1 L
LOADING_SECOND REAL Balanced Percent (%) Loading P-S 5 1 L
ARY phase loading on the
secondary side of
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
LOADING_TERTIAR REAL Balanced Percent (%) Loading P-T 5 1 L
Y phase loading on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LOADINGA REAL Percent loading on (%) Loading @A 5 1 L
phase @A
LOADINGA_SECON REAL Percent phase-@A (%) Loading @A P-S 5 1 L
DARY loading on the
secondary side of
LOADINGA_TERTIA REAL Percent phase-@A (%) Loading @A P-T 5 1 L
RY loading on the tertiary
side of Three-Winding
LOADINGB REAL Percent loading on (%) Loading @B 5 1 L
phase @B
LOADINGB_TERTIA REAL Percent phase-@B (%) Loading @B P-T 5 1 L
RY loading on the tertiary
side of Three-Winding
LOADINGB- REAL Percent phase-@B (%) Loading @B P-S 5 1 L
SECONDARY loading on the
secondary side of
LOADINGC REAL Percent loading on (%) Loading @C 5 1 L
phase @C
LOADINGC_TERTIA REAL Percent phase-@C (%) Loading @C P-T 5 1 L
RY loading on the tertiary
side of Three-Winding
LOADINGC- REAL Percent phase-@C (%) Loading @C P-S 5 1 L
SECONDARY loading on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqNominal REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
loading based on Nominal
nominal rating
LoadingEqNominal_S REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
econdary loading based on Nominal P-S
nominal rating on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqNominal_T REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
ertiary loading based on Nominal P-T
nominal rating on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqNominalA REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on nominal Nominal @A
rating on phase @A
LoadingEqNominalA_ REAL Percent phase-@A (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Nominal @A P-
nominal rating on the S
secondary side of
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
LoadingEqNominalA_ REAL Percent phase-@A (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Nominal @A P-T
nominal rating on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqNominalB REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on nominal Nominal @B
rating on phase @B
LoadingEqNominalB_ REAL Percent phase-@B (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Nominal @B P-
nominal rating on the S
secondary side of
LoadingEqNominalB_ REAL Percent phase-@B (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Nominal @B P-T
nominal rating on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqNominalC REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on nominal Nominal @C
rating on phase @C
LoadingEqNominalC_ REAL Percent phase-@C (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Nominal @C P-
nominal rating on the S
secondary side of
LoadingEqNominalC_ REAL Percent phase-@C (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Nominal @C P-T
nominal rating on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating1 REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
loading based on Rating1
loading limit 1
LoadingEqRating1_S REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
econdary loading based on Rating1 P-S
loading limit 1 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating1_T REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
ertiary loading based on Rating1 P-T
loading limit 1 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating1A REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on loading limit Rating1 @A
1 on phase @A
LoadingEqRating1A_ REAL Percent phase-@A (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Rating1 @A P-S
loading limit 1 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating1A_ REAL Percent phase-@A (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Rating1 @A P-T
loading limit 1 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
LoadingEqRating1B REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on loading limit Rating1 @B
1 on phase @B
LoadingEqRating1B_ REAL Percent phase-@B (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Rating1 @B P-S
loading limit 1 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating1B_ REAL Percent phase-@B (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Rating1 @B P-T
loading limit 1 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating1C REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on loading limit Rating1 @C
1 on phase @C
LoadingEqRating1C_ REAL Percent phase-@C (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Rating1 @C P-S
loading limit 1 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating1C_ REAL Percent phase-@C (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Rating1 @C P-T
loading limit 1 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating2 REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
loading based on Rating2
loading limit 2
LoadingEqRating2_S REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
econdary loading based on Rating2 P-S
loading limit 2 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating2_T REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
ertiary loading based on Rating2 P-T
loading limit 2 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating2A REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on loading limit Rating2 @A
2 on phase @A
LoadingEqRating2A_ REAL Percent phase-@A (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Rating2 @A P-S
loading limit 2 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating2A_ REAL Percent phase-@A (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Rating2 @A P-T
loading limit 2 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating2B REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on loading limit Rating2 @B
2 on phase @B
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
LoadingEqRating2B_ REAL Percent phase-@B (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Rating2 @B P-S
loading limit 2 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating2B_ REAL Percent phase-@B (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Rating2 @B P-T
loading limit 2 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating2C REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on loading limit Rating2 @C
2 on phase @C
LoadingEqRating2C_ REAL Percent phase-@C (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Rating2 @C P-S
loading limit 2 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating2C_ REAL Percent phase-@C (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Rating2 @C P-T
loading limit 2 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating3 REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
loading based on Rating3
loading limit 3
LoadingEqRating3_S REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
econdary loading based on Rating3 P-S
loading limit 3 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating3_T REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
ertiary loading based on Rating3 P-T
loading limit 3 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating3A REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on loading limit Rating3 @A
3 on phase @A
LoadingEqRating3A_ REAL Percent phase-@A (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Rating3 @A P-S
loading limit 3 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating3A_ REAL Percent phase-@A (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Rating3 @A P-T
loading limit 3 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating3B REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on loading limit Rating3 @B
3 on phase @B
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
LoadingEqRating3B_ REAL Percent phase-@B (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Rating3 @B P-S
loading limit 3 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating3B_ REAL Percent phase-@B (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Rating3 @B P-T
loading limit 3 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating3C REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on loading limit Rating3 @C
3 on phase @C
LoadingEqRating3C_ REAL Percent phase-@C (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Rating3 @C P-S
loading limit 3 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating3C_ REAL Percent phase-@C (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Rating3 @C P-T
loading limit 3 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating4 REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
loading based on Rating4
loading limit 4
LoadingEqRating4_S REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
econdary loading based on Rating4 P-S
loading limit 4 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating4_T REAL Balanced percent (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
ertiary loading based on Rating4 P-T
loading limit 4 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating4A REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on loading limit Rating4 @A
4 on phase @A
LoadingEqRating4A_ REAL Percent phase-@A (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Rating4 @A P-S
loading limit 4 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating4A_ REAL Percent phase-@A (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Rating4 @A P-T
loading limit 4 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating4B REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on loading limit Rating4 @B
4 on phase @B
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
LoadingEqRating4B_ REAL Percent phase-@B (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Rating4 @B P-S
loading limit 4 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating4B_ REAL Percent phase-@B (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Rating4 @B P-T
loading limit 4 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LoadingEqRating4C REAL Percent loading (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
based on loading limit Rating4 @C
4 on phase @C
LoadingEqRating4C_ REAL Percent phase-@C (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Secondary loading based on Rating4 @C P-S
loading limit 4 on the
secondary side of
LoadingEqRating4C_ REAL Percent phase-@C (%) Loading Eq 5 1 L
Tertiary loading based on Rating4 @C P-T
loading limit 4 on the
tertiary side of Three-
Winding transformer
LOADINGN REAL Percent loading on (%) Loading N 5 1 L
the neutral
LoadLEI REAL Load Exposure Index (cust-km) Lei 10 2 L
LoadLinLen REAL Line length (LEI) (km) Line Length 10 2 L
LoadModel STRING Name of the active Load Model 32 0 L
load model
LoadMVAR REAL Sum of the loads MVAR QLoad 5 2 L
reactive powers
LoadMW REAL Sum of the loads MW PLoad 5 2 L
active powers
LoadPhase STRING Load Phase Phase 4 0 L
LoadPhaseType STRING Load Phase Type Phase Type 32 0 L
Locked STRING Device locking Locked 25 0 L
Maifi REAL Maifi (inter/cus Maifi 8 5 L
Meter1 REAL Meter Demand Total (Value1) Demand 6 2 L
(first value)
Meter2 REAL Meter Demand Total (Value2) Demand 6 2 L
(second value)
MeterA1 REAL Meter demand on (Value1) Demand @A 6 2 L
phase @A (first
MeterA2 REAL Meter demand on (Value2) Demand @A 6 2 L
phase @A (second
MeterB1 REAL Meter demand on (Value1) Demand @B 6 2 L
phase @B (first
MeterB2 REAL Meter demand on (Value2) Demand @B 6 2 L
phase @B (second
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
MeterC1 REAL Meter demand on (Value1) Demand @C 6 2 L
phase @C (first
MeterC2 REAL Meter demand on (Value2) Demand @C 6 2 L
phase @C (second
MeterState STRING State of the meter Meter State 6 0 L
MeterType STRING Demand type Demand Type 32 0 L
MiscDesc STRING Description Description 255 0 L
MotAnsiGroup NUMBER ANSI Motor Group ANSI Motor 5 0 L
MotAssist STRING Assitance type Assistance 32 0 L
MotEffic REAL Efficiency (%) Effic 7 2 L
MotHP REAL Rated horse power (HP) Power 7 2 L
MotKV REAL Rated voltage (kVLL) Voltage 7 2 L
MotkVAR REAL Capacitor assistance (kVAR) Capacitor 9 2 L
MotLPF REAL Load Power Factor (%) Load Power 7 2 L
MotMva REAL Maximum allowable (MVA) Max Motor 6 0 L
starting MVA
MotMVAR REAL Sum of the motors MVAR QMotor 5 2 L
reactive powers
MotMW REAL Sum of the motors MW PMotor 5 2 L
active powers
MotorAMP REAL Maximum motor (AMP) Motor AMP 8 1 L
starting current
MotorAMP1PhLN REAL Maximum motor (AMP) 1PhLN Motor 8 1 L
starting current for AMP
single-phase motor
MotorHP REAL Maximum motor (HP) Motor HP 6 0 L
running HP
MotorHP1PhLN REAL Maximum motor (HP) 1PhLN Motor HP 6 0 L
running HP for single-
phase motor
connected LN
MotorKva REAL Maximum motor (KVA) Motor kVA 8 1 L
starting kVA
MotorKva1PhLN REAL Maximum motor (KVA) 1PhLN Motor 8 1 L
starting kVA for kVA
single-phase motor
connected LN
MotorKw REAL Maximum motor (kW) Motor kW 6 1 L
running kW
MotorKw1PhLN REAL Maximum motor (kW) 1PhLN Motor 8 1 L
running kW for single- kW
phase motor
connected LN
MotorMva REAL Maximum motor (MVA) Motor MVA 6 1 L
starting MVA
MotorMva1PhLN REAL Maximum motor (MVA) 1PhLN Motor 6 1 L
starting MVA for MVA
single-phase motor
connected LN
MotorMw REAL Maximum motor (MW) Motor MW 6 1 L
running MW
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
MotorMw1PhLN REAL Maximum motor (MW) 1PhLN Motor 6 1 L
running MW for MW
single-phase motor
connected LN
MotorSPF REAL motor Starting Power (%) Starting PF 6 1 L
MotorSPF1PhLN REAL motor Starting Power (%) 1PhLN Starting 6 1 L
Factor for single- PF
phase motor
connected LN
MotPf REAL Full load power factor (%) Pf 7 2 L
MotPhase STRING Connected phase Phase 6 0 L
MotR REAL Resistance (ohms) R 6 4 L
MotRatedSpeed REAL Synchronous Speed (RPM) Synchronous 7 2 L
MotStarts NUMBER Motor starts Starts 10 0 L
MotStatus STRING Motor status Status 32 0 L
MotSubTransR REAL Sub Transisient (ohms) Sub Transisient 7 2 L
Resistance Resistance
MotSubTransX REAL Sub Transisient (ohms) Sub Transisient 7 2 L
Reactance Reactance
MotTap REAL Reduced voltage tap (%) Tap 7 2 L
MotType STRING Motor type Type 12 0 L
MVAA REAL Through MVA on (MVA) Thru Power @A 5 1 L
phase @A
MVAB REAL Through MVA on (MVA) Thru Power @B 5 1 L
phase @B
MVAC REAL Through MVA on (MVA) Thru Power @C 5 1 L
phase @C
MVARA REAL Through MVAR on (MVAR) Thru Power @A 5 1 L
phase @A
MVARB REAL Through MVAR on (MVAR) Thru Power @B 5 1 L
phase @B
MVARC REAL Through MVAR on (MVAR) Thru Power @C 5 1 L
phase @C
MVARTOT REAL Total through MVAR (MVAR) Total Thru 5 0 L
MVATOT REAL Total through MVA (MVA) Total Thru 5 0 L
MWA REAL Through MW on (MW) Thru Power @A 5 1 L
phase @A
MWB REAL Through MW on (MW) Thru Power @B 5 1 L
phase @B
MWC REAL Through MW on (MW) Thru Power @C 5 1 L
phase @C
MWTOT REAL Total through MW (MW) Total Thru 5 0 L
NestedViewId STRING Nested View Id Nested View Id 32 0 L
NetEqLoadFromKVA REAL Network Equivalent NetEqLoadFrom 9 2 L
R_A from kVAR on phase KVAR_@A
NetEqLoadFromKVA REAL Network Equivalent NetEqLoadFrom 9 2 L
R_B from kVAR on phase KVAR_@B
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
NetEqLoadFromKVA REAL Network Equivalent NetEqLoadFrom 9 2 L
R_C from kVAR on phase KVAR_@C
NetEqLoadFromKW_ REAL Network Equivalent NetEqLoadFrom 9 2 L
A from kW on phase KW_@A
NetEqLoadFromKW_ REAL Network Equivalent NetEqLoadFrom 9 2 L
B from kW on phase KW_@B
NetEqLoadFromKW_ REAL Network Equivalent NetEqLoadFrom 9 2 L
C from kW on phase KW_@C
NetEqLoadToKVAR_ REAL Network Equivalent to NetEqLoadToKV 9 2 L
A kVAR on phase @A AR_@A
NetEqLoadToKVAR_ REAL Network Equivalent to NetEqLoadToKV 9 2 L
B kVAR on phase @B AR_@B
NetEqLoadToKVAR_ REAL Network Equivalent to NetEqLoadToKV 9 2 L
C kVAR on phase @C AR_@C
NetEqLoadToKW_A REAL Network Equivalent to NetEqLoadToK 9 2 L
kW on phase @A W_@A
NetEqLoadToKW_B REAL Network Equivalent to NetEqLoadToK 9 2 L
kW on phase @B W_@B
NetEqLoadToKW_C REAL Network Equivalent to NetEqLoadToK 9 2 L
kW on phase @C W_@C
NetEqTotalConnecte REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalConn 9 2 L
dKVA_A Total Connected kVA ectedKVA_@A
on phase @A
NetEqTotalConnecte REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalConn 9 2 L
dKVA_B Total Connected kVA ectedKVA_@B
on phase @B
NetEqTotalConnecte REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalConn 9 2 L
dKVA_C Total Connected kVA ectedKVA_@C
on phase @C
NetEqTotalCUSTOM NUMBER Network Equivalent NetEqTotalCUS 10 0 L
ER_A total number of TOMER_@A
customer on phase
NetEqTotalCUSTOM NUMBER Network Equivalent NetEqTotalCUS 10 0 L
ER_B total number of TOMER_@B
customer on phase
NetEqTotalCUSTOM NUMBER Network Equivalent NetEqTotalCUS 10 0 L
ER_C total number of TOMER_@C
customer on phase
NetEqTotalDescriptio STRING Network Equivalent NetEqTotalDesc 32 0 L
n Description ription
NetEqTotalKVAR_A REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalKVA 9 2 L
Total kVAR on phase R_@A
NetEqTotalKVAR_B REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalKVA 9 2 L
Total kVAR on phase R_@B
NetEqTotalKVAR_C REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalKVA 9 2 L
Total kVAR on phase R_@C
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
NetEqTotalKW_A REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalKW_ 9 2 L
Total KW on phase @A
NetEqTotalKW_B REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalKW_ 9 2 L
Total kW on phase @B
NetEqTotalKW_C REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalKW_ 9 2 L
Total kW on phase @C
NetEqTotalKWH_A REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalKWH 10 2 L
Total kWh on phase _@A
NetEqTotalKWH_B REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalKWH 10 2 L
Total kWh on phase _@B
NetEqTotalKWH_C REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalKWH 10 2 L
Total kWh on phase _@C
NetEqTotalLen_A REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalLen_ 5 2 L
Total Length of phase @A
NetEqTotalLen_B REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalLen_ 5 2 L
Total Length of phase @B
NetEqTotalLen_C REAL Network Equivalent NetEqTotalLen_ 5 2 L
Total Length of phase @C
NetEqZRAA REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZR@A@A 5 2 L
NetEqZRAB REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZR@A@B 5 2 L
NetEqZRAC REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZR@A@C 5 2 L
NetEqZRBA REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZR@B@A 5 2 L
NetEqZRBB REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZR@B@B 5 2 L
NetEqZRBC REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZR@B@C 5 2 L
NetEqZRCA REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZR@C@A 5 2 L
NetEqZRCB REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZR@C@B 5 2 L
NetEqZRCC REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZR@C@ 5 2 L
NetEqZXAA REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZX@A@A 5 2 L
NetEqZXAB REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZX@A@B 5 2 L
NetEqZXAC REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZX@A@C 5 2 L
NetEqZXBA REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZX@B@A 5 2 L
NetEqZXBB REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZX@B@B 5 2 L
NetEqZXBC REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZX@B@C 5 2 L
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
NetEqZXCA REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZX@C@A 5 2 L
NetEqZXCB REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZX@C@B 5 2 L
NetEqZXCC REAL Network Equivalent NetEqZX@C@C 5 2 L
NetworkId STRING Network name Network Id 32 0 L
NetworkType STRING Network type Network Type 32 0 L
Neutralamp REAL Rated current : (Amps) IN 9 2 L
Neutral conductor
Niepi REAL Niepi (inter/yr) Niepi 6 3 L
NodeId STRING Name of the Node Node Id 32 0 L
NodeState STRING Node state State 32 0 L
NONE STRING Empty field 5 0 L
NonIdealConverterCo REAL Pulse Number Pulse Number 7 2 L
NonIdealConverterCo REAL Commutating (Ohms) Total 7 2 L
mmutatingR Reactance Commutating
NonIdealConverterFa REAL Fault level (KVA) Fault level 9 2 L
NonIdealConverterKV REAL Nominal Voltage (KV) Nominal Voltage 7 2 L
NonIdealConverterKV REAL Nominal kVA (KVA) Nominal Size 9 2 L
NonIdealConverterK REAL Atcive Power (kW) Active Power 7 2 L
NStatus STRING Normal status Normal Status 32 0 L
olcBegOvlCond STRING Beginning end of Begin 32 0 L
overloaded conductor Section ID
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
pBackupProtDevSecI STRING Section ID of backup Backup Prot. 32 0 L
D protective device of Dev. Section ID
uncovered zone
pBound STRING Beginning point of Bound 32 0 L
uncovered minimum
fault current
PcntNtwkLoadA REAL Percentage of the (%) Pct. net. load 5 2 L
total phase @A @A
network load
downstream of point
PcntNtwkLoadB REAL Percentage of the (%) Pct. net. load 5 2 L
total phase @B @B
network load
downstream of point
PcntNtwkLoadC REAL Percentage of the (%) Pct. net. load 5 2 L
total phase @C @C
network load
downstream of point
PcntNtwkLoadTOT REAL Percentage of the (%) Pct. net. load 5 2 L
total 3 phase network 3PH
load downstream of
pCriticalSecID STRING Section ID of smallest Critical 32 0 L
fault current Location
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
PH-Angleinput REAL Balanced Input Angle V 5 2 L
Voltage Phase Angle
PH-AngleRel REAL Balanced Voltage Rel Angle V 5 2 L
Relative Phase Angle
PH-AngleRelA REAL Voltage phase Rel Angle V@A 5 2 L
relative angle on
phase @A
PH-AngleRelAinput REAL Input Voltage phase Rel Angle V@A 5 2 L
relative angle on
phase @A
PH-AngleRelB REAL Voltage phase Rel Angle V@B 5 2 L
relative angle on
phase @B
PH-AngleRelBinput REAL Input Voltage phase Rel Angle V@B 5 2 L
relative angle on
phase @B
PH-AngleRelC REAL Voltage phase Rel Angle V@C 5 2 L
relative angle on
phase @C
PH-AngleRelCinput REAL Input Voltage phase Rel Angle V@C 5 2 L
relative angle on
phase @C
PH-AngleRelinput REAL Balanced Input Rel Angle V 5 2 L
Voltage Relative
Phase Angle
Phase STRING Phase Phase 4 0 L
PhPickup REAL Phase pickup (Amps) Phase pickup 5 2 L
PhPkupA REAL Phase pickup (Amps) Phase pickup 5 2 L
alternate alternate
pIsBackupProtected STRING Indicate if a fault is Backup 5 0 L
protected by the Protected
backup protection
pIsProtected STRING Indicate if a fault is Protected 5 0 L
pMinFault REAL The smallest (Amps) Minimum Fault 9 2 L
uncovered fault
pMinFaultWithRatio REAL The smallest (Amps) Fault Current 9 2 L
uncovered fault seen by Prot.
current as seen by Dev.
the device
pProtDevEqCode STRING Equipment code of Prot. Dev. Code 32 0 L
protective device of
uncovered zone
pProtDevSecID STRING Section ID of Prot. Dev. 32 0 L
protective device of Section ID
uncovered zone
PredZone STRING Preceding zone Preceding zone 32 0 L
PrefaultVoltage REAL Prefault kV (kV) Prefault kV 6 3 L
ProtAmps REAL Protective device (Amps) Rating 6 2 L
ProtFRate REAL Protective device (inter/yr) Failure Rate 9 6 L
failure rate
ProtInterruptingRating REAL Protective device Interrupting 7 2 L
Amps interrupting rating Rating
ProtkV REAL Protective device (kV) Voltage 6 2 L
rated voltage
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
ProtMajorFailureProp REAL Protective device (hr) Major Failure 12 2 L
ortion major failure Proportion
ProtMajorRepairTime REAL Protective device (hr) Major Repair 12 2 L
major repair time Time
ProtMeterState STRING State of the meter Meter State 6 0 L
ProtMFRate REAL Protective device (inter/yr) Mom. Failure 9 6 L
momentary failure Rate
ProtMinorRepairTime REAL Protective device (hr) Minor Repair 12 2 L
minor repair time Time
ProtStateA STRING Protective device State @A 7 0 L
state phase @A
ProtStateB STRING Protective device State @B 7 0 L
state phase @B
ProtStateC STRING Protective device State @C 7 0 L
state phase @C
ProtStkPro REAL Protective device Stuck Probability 8 6 L
stuck probability
ProtSwTime REAL Protective device (hr) Switching Time 12 6 L
switching time
ProtType STRING Protective device type Device Type 20 0 L
pSetting REAL Setting related to the (Amps) Setting 8 2 L
uncovered default
pSwDevSecID STRING Section ID of Switching Dev. 32 0 L
switching device that Location
isolates zone
R0ohm REAL R0 thevenin in ohms (ohms) R0 thev 6 4 L
R0ohmZ REAL R0 thevenin in ohms (ohms) R0 thev (Z) 6 4 L
R0pu REAL R0 thevenin in pu (pu) R0 thev 6 4 L
R0puZ REAL R0 thevenin in pu (Z) (pu) R0puZ 7 0 L
R1ohm REAL R1 thevenin in ohms (ohms) R1 thev 6 4 L
R1ohmZ REAL R1 thevenin in ohms (ohms) R1 thev (Z) 6 4 L
R1pu REAL R1 thevenin in pu (pu) R1 thev 6 4 L
R1puZ REAL R1 thevenin in pu (Z) (pu) R1puZ 7 0 L
ReactMVAR REAL Sum of thne shunt MVAR QReac 5 2 L
reactors reactive
ReactMW REAL Sum of the shunt MW PReac 5 2 L
reactors active
Reclosing STRING Indicate the reclosing Reclosing 5 0 L
scheme status
RegAmps REAL Maximum current (Amps) Rating 9 2 L
RegBandw REAL Regulator bandwidth (volts) Bandwidth 5 2 L
in volts
RegBoost REAL Maximum boost (%) Boost 7 2 L
RegBuck REAL Maximum buck (%) Buck 7 2 L
RegCT REAL Regulator CT rating CT 7 2 L
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
RegFirstHouseHigh REAL First House High FirstHouseHigh 7 2 L
RegFirstHouseLow REAL First House Low FirstHouseLow 7 2 L
RegKVA REAL Nominal capacity (kVA) Rating 9 2 L
RegKVLN REAL Rated voltage (kVLN) kV 7 2 L
RegLoadId STRING Regulated section Id Load center Id 32 0 L
RegNbtap REAL Number of taps Taps 5 0 L
RegOption STRING Setting option Option 20 0 L
RegPT REAL Regulator PT ratio PT 7 2 L
RegRevMode STRING Reverse mode Reverse Mode 32 0 L
RegRevRset REAL Balanced Reverse R RevRset 7 2 L
setting phase
RegRevRsetA REAL Reverse R settings RevRset@A 7 2 L
phase @A
RegRevRsetB REAL Reverse R settings RevRset@B 7 2 L
phase @B
RegRevRsetC REAL Reverse R settings RevRset@C 7 2 L
phase @C
RegRevThres REAL Reverse Threshold (%) Threshold 7 2 L
RegRevVset REAL Balanced Desired RevVset 7 2 L
reverse voltage
RegRevVsetA REAL Desired reverse RevVset@A 7 2 L
voltage phase @A
RegRevVsetB REAL Desired reverse RevVset@B 7 2 L
voltage phase @B
RegRevVsetC REAL Desired reverse RevVset@C 7 2 L
voltage phase @C
RegRevXset REAL Balanced Reverse X RevXset 7 2 L
setting phase
RegRevXsetA REAL Reverse X setting RevXset@A 7 2 L
phase @A
RegRevXsetB REAL Reverse X setting RevXset@B 7 2 L
phase @B
RegRevXsetC REAL Reverse X setting RevXset@C 7 2 L
phase @C
RegRset REAL Balanced R setting Rset 7 2 L
RegRsetA REAL R settings phase @A Rset@A 7 2 L
RegRsetB REAL R settings phase @B Rset@B 7 2 L
RegRsetC REAL R settings phase @C Rset@C 7 2 L
RegTap REAL Balanced Tap setting Tap 7 2 L
RegTapA REAL Tap setting phase Tap@A 7 2 L
RegTapB REAL Tap setting phase Tap@B 7 2 L
RegTapC REAL Tap setting phase Tap@C 7 2 L
RegVset REAL Balanced Desired Vset 7 2 L
voltage phase
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
RegVsetA REAL Desired voltage Vset@A 7 2 L
phase @A
RegVsetB REAL Desired voltage Vset@B 7 2 L
phase @B
RegVsetC REAL Desired voltage Vset@C 7 2 L
phase @C
RegXset REAL Balanced X setting Xset 7 2 L
RegXsetA REAL X setting phase @A Xset@A 7 2 L
RegXsetB REAL X setting phase @B Xset@B 7 2 L
RegXsetC REAL X setting phase @C Xset@C 7 2 L
RestorationMode STRING Restoration mode Restoration 32 0 L
Saidi REAL Saidi (hr/cust- Saidi 8 5 L
Saifi REAL Saifi (inter/cus Saifi 8 5 L
SCapAmps REAL Series capacitor rated (Amps) Rating 7 2 L
SCapText STRING Series capacitor text Description 20 0 L
SCapX REAL Series capacitor (ohms) Capacitance 6 4 L
SectionId STRING Section name Section Id 32 0 L
ShuntMultiFrequency REAL Fundamental Current (Amps) Fundamental 9 2 L
SourceA Current
ShuntMultiFrequency REAL Fundamental Angle (Degrees Fundamental 7 2 L
SourceAngle ) Angle
ShuntMultiFrequency STRING Configuration Config 32 0 L
ShuntMultiFrequency REAL Active Power (kW) Active Power 7 2 L
ShuntMultiFrequency REAL Reactive Power (KVAR) Reactive Power 9 2 L
SingleTunedFilterC REAL C (uF) Nominal C 7 2 L
SingleTunedFilterCon STRING Configuration Configuration 32 0 L
SingleTunedFilterFre REAL Tuned Frequency (harmoni Tuned 7 2 L
quency c order) Frequency
SingleTunedFilterKV REAL Capacitor Nominal (KV) Capacitor 7 2 L
Voltage Nominal Voltage
SingleTunedFilterKV REAL Capacitor Nominal Q (KVAR) Capacitor 9 2 L
AR Nominal Q
SingleTunedFilterL REAL L (mH) Nominal L 7 2 L
SingleTunedFilterR REAL R (Ohm) Nominal R 7 2 L
SingleTunedFilterRG REAL Grounded R (ohm) Grounded R 7 2 L
SingleTunedFilterUnb REAL Unbalanced C Setting (%) Unbalanced C 7 2 L
alancedCA on phase @A Setting on phase
SingleTunedFilterUnb REAL Unbalanced C Setting (%) Unbalanced C 7 2 L
alancedCB on phase @B Setting on phase
SingleTunedFilterUnb REAL Unbalanced C Setting (%) Unbalanced C 7 2 L
alancedCC on phase @C Setting on phase
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
SingleTunedFilterUnb REAL Unbalanced L Setting (%) Unbalanced L 7 2 L
alancedLA on phase @A Setting on phase
SingleTunedFilterUnb REAL Unbalanced L Setting (%) Unbalanced L 7 2 L
alancedLB on phase @B Setting on phase
SingleTunedFilterUnb REAL Unbalanced L Setting (%) Unbalanced L 7 2 L
alancedLC on phase @C Setting on phase
SingleTunedFilterUnb REAL Unbalanced R Setting (%) Unbalanced R 7 2 L
alancedRA on phase @A Setting on phase
SingleTunedFilterUnb REAL Unbalanced R Setting (%) Unbalanced R 7 2 L
alancedRB on phase @B Setting on phase
SingleTunedFilterUnb REAL Unbalanced R Setting (%) Unbalanced R 7 2 L
alancedRC on phase @C Setting on phase
SingleTunedFilterXG REAL Grounded X (ohm) Grounded X 7 2 L
SpacingId STRING Spacing Id Spacing 32 0 L
SpotCKVAA REAL Spot connected kVA Spot CkVA @A 8 1 L
on phase @A
SpotCKVAB REAL Spot connected kVA Spot CkVA @B 8 1 L
on phase @B
SpotCKVAC REAL Spot connected kVA Spot CkVA @C 8 1 L
on phase @C
SpotCKVAT REAL Total spot load Spot Tot CkVA 9 2 L
connected kVA
SpotCKWHA REAL Spot consumption Spot kWh @A 8 0 L
kWh on phase @A
SpotCKWHB REAL Spot consumption Spot kWh @B 8 0 L
kWh on phase @B
SpotCKWHC REAL Spot consumption Spot kWh @C 8 0 L
kWh on phase @C
SpotCKWHT REAL Total spot load Spot Tot kWh 10 2 L
consumption kWh
SpotConsA REAL Spot customers on Spot Cust @A 5 2 L
phase @A
SpotConsB REAL Spot customers on Spot Cust @B 5 2 L
phase @B
SpotConsC REAL Spot customers on Spot Cust @C 5 2 L
phase @C
SpotConsT REAL Total spot load Spot Tot Cust 5 2 L
SpotEmergencyPriorit NUMBER Spot load emergency Spot Emergency 5 0 L
y priority Priority
SpotKVAA REAL Spot kVA load on Spot kVA @A 8 1 L
phase @A
SpotKVAB REAL Spot kVA load on Spot kVA @B 8 1 L
phase @B
SpotKVAC REAL Spot kVA load on Spot kVA @C 8 1 L
phase @C
SpotKVARA REAL Spot kVAR load on Spot kVAR @A 8 1 L
phase @A
SpotKVARB REAL Spot kVAR load on Spot kVAR @B 8 1 L
phase @B
SpotKVARC REAL Spot kVAR load on Spot kVAR @C 8 1 L
phase @C
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
SpotKVART REAL Total spot load kVAR Spot Tot kVAR 9 2 L
SpotKVAT REAL Total spot load kVA Spot Tot kVA 9 2 L
SpotKWA REAL Spot kW load on Spot kW @A 8 1 L
phase @A
SpotKWB REAL Spot kW load on Spot kW @B 8 1 L
phase @B
SpotKWC REAL Spot kW load on Spot kW @C 8 1 L
phase @C
SpotKWT REAL Total spot load kW Spot Tot kW 5 2 L
SpotLocat STRING Spot location Location Spot 10 0 L
SpotNormalPriority NUMBER Spot load normal Spot Normal 5 0 L
priority Priority
SpotNumber STRING Spot load number Spot Number 32 0 L
SpotPFA REAL Spot load power Spot PF @A 5 2 L
factor on phase @A
SpotPFB REAL Spot load power Spot PF @B 5 2 L
factor on phase @B
SpotPFC REAL Spot load power Spot PF @C 5 2 L
factor on phase @C
SpotPFT REAL Average spot load Spot PF 5 2 L
power factor
SpotStatus STRING Spot load status Spot Status 12 0 L
SpotType STRING Spot load customer Spot Type 31 0 L
SpotYear NUMBER Spot load year Spot Year 5 0 L
SReactX REAL Series reactor (ohms) Reactance 6 4 L
srmOperDay NUMBER Day for the switching Day 5 0 L
srmOperDevNumber STRING Number of the device Device Number 32 0 L
to operate
srmOperDevType STRING Type of the device to Device Type 32 0 L
srmOperFeederID1 STRING Normal feeder 1 ID of Feeder ID 1 32 0 L
the device to operate
srmOperFeederID2 STRING Normal feeder 2 ID of Feeder ID 2 32 0 L
the device to operate
srmOperReason STRING Reason for the Reason 32 0 L
switching opertaion
srmOperSectionID STRING Section ID of the Section ID 32 0 L
device to operate
srmOperStage NUMBER Stage for the Stage 5 0 L
switching operation
srmOperStatus STRING Status of the Status 10 0 L
switching operation
srmUnservedCust REAL Unserved customers Customers 7 2 L
srmUnservedDeviceT STRING Type of the device Device Type 32 0 L
ype protecting the zone
srmUnservedErrorCo NUMBER Unserved zone error Error Code 5 0 L
de code
srmUnservedFeederI STRING Feeder ID of the Feeder ID 32 0 L
D device protecting the
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
srmUnservedLoad REAL Unserved load in (MVA) Load 7 2 L
srmUnservedReason STRING Reason fo the Reason 32 0 L
unserved zone
srmUnservedSectionI STRING Section ID of the Section ID 32 0 L
D device protecting the
srmUnservedZoneID STRING ID of the zone Zone ID 32 0 L
StrategicActualLoadP STRING Downstream actual StrategicActualL 128 0 L
erCustTypePercent load (per customer oadPerCustType
type) associated with Percent
a strategic device (in
StrategicActualMVA REAL Downstream actual StrategicActualM 6 2 L
MVA associated with VA
a strategic device
StrategicConnMVA REAL Downstream StrategicConnM 6 2 L
connected MVA VA
associated with a
strategic device
StrategicCust REAL Downstream number StrategicCust 6 0 L
of customers
associated with a
strategic device
SubAngle REAL Voltage phase angle (deg.) Angle 7 2 L
SubConn STRING Seconadry Connection 6 0 L
SubKVDes REAL Desired voltage (kVLL) Desired kV 7 2 L
SubKVNom REAL Nominal voltage (kVLL) Nominal kV 7 2 L
SubMVA REAL Nominal capacity (MVA) Capacity 7 2 L
SubNetworkId STRING Nested View Id Nested View Id 32 0 L
SubR0ohms REAL Zero sequence (ohms) R0 6 4 L
resistance in ohms
SubR0pu REAL Zero sequence (pu) R0 6 4 L
resistance in pu
SubR1ohms REAL Positive sequence (ohms) R1 6 4 L
resistance in ohms
SubR1pu REAL Positive sequence (pu) R1 6 4 L
resistance in pu
SubX0ohms REAL Zero sequence (ohms) X0 6 4 L
reactance in ohms
SubX0pu REAL Zero sequence (pu) X0 6 4 L
reactance in pu
SubX1ohms REAL Positive sequence (ohms) X1 6 4 L
reactance in ohms
SubX1pu REAL Positive sequence (pu) X1 6 4 L
reactance in pu
SynchMotLF REAL Load Factor (%) Load Factor 7 2 L
SynchMotPoles NUMBER Number Of Poles Number Of 5 0 L
SynchMotRg REAL Grounding (ohms) Grounding 7 2 L
Resistance Resistance
SynchMotSpeed REAL Synchronous Speed (RPM) Synchronous 7 2 L
SynchMotXD REAL Xd Satured (ohms) Xd Satured 7 2 L
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
SynchMotXg REAL Grounding Reactance (ohms) Grounding 7 2 L
SynchMotZ0R REAL Zero Sequence (ohms) Zero Sequence 7 2 L
Resistance Resistance
SynchMotZ0X REAL Zero Sequence (ohms) Zero Sequence 7 2 L
Reactance Reactance
SystAens REAL Average Energy Not (kWh/cus Avg. Ens 8 5 L
Supply t-yr)
SystCablLen REAL Cable length (LEI) (km) Cable Length 10 2 L
SystCustomer REAL Total customers (#) Customers 10 2 L
SystEns REAL Energy Not Supply (kWh) Ens 8 1 L
SystLEI REAL Load Exposure Index (cust-km) Lei 10 2 L
SystLinLen REAL Line length (LEI) (km) Line Length 10 2 L
TagLevel1 STRING Tag text level 1 Text Level 1 32 0 L
TagLevel2 STRING Tag text level 2 Text Level 2 32 0 L
TagLevel3 STRING Tag text level 3 Text Level 3 32 0 L
TagLevel4 STRING Tag text level 4 Tag text level 4 32 0 L
TagText STRING Tag text Text 128 0 L
TccDesc STRING CymTcc description Tcc Description 128 0 L
TccId STRING CymTcc setting Id Tcc Setting Id 32 0 L
TertiaryNodeId STRING Tertiary Node name Tertiary Node 32 0 L
Tiepi REAL Tiepi (hr/yr) Tiepi 6 3 L
ToNodeId STRING To Node name To Node 32 0 L
TotalCKVA REAL Total connected kVA Total CkVA 7 0 L
TotalCKWH REAL Total consumption Total kWh 8 0 L
TotalCons REAL Total number of Total Cust 5 0 L
TotalKVA REAL Total kVA Total kVA 7 0 L
TotalKVAR REAL Total kVAR Total kVAR 7 0 L
TotalKW REAL Total kW Total kW 6 0 L
TotalPF REAL Average power factor Aver. PF 5 2 L
TWFirstCT REAL Three-Winding First First CT 5 2 L
TWFirstInitialTapPosit REAL Three-Winding First First Initial Tap 5 2 L
ion Initial Tap Position Position
TWFirstLowerband REAL Three-Winding First First Lower Band 5 2 L
Lower Band
TWFirstMaxBoost REAL Three-Winding First First Max Boost 5 2 L
Max Boost
TWFirstMaxBuck REAL Three-Winding First First Max Buck 5 2 L
Max Buck
TWFirstMaxVRet REAL Three-Winding First First Max VRet 5 2 L
Max VRet
TWFirstMaxVSet REAL Three-Winding First First Max VSet 5 2 L
Max VSet
TWFirstMaxXSet REAL Three-Winding First First Max XSet 5 2 L
Max XSet
TWFirstPT REAL Three-Winding First First PT 5 2 L
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
TWFirstTap REAL Three-Winding First First Tap 5 2 L
TWFirstUpperband REAL Three-Winding First First Upper Band 5 2 L
Upper Band
TWIsFirstLTC STRING Three-Winding IsFirstLTC 10 0 L
transformer has a first
TWIsSecondLTC STRING Three-Winding IsSecondLTC 10 0 L
transformer has a
second LTC
TWPrimaryCapacityLi REAL Three-Winding Primary 5 2 L
mit1 Primary Capacity Capacity Limit 1
Limit 1
TWPrimaryCapacityLi REAL Three-Winding Primary 5 2 L
mit2 Primary Capacity Capacity Limit 2
Limit 2
TWPrimaryCapacityV REAL Three-Winding Primary 5 2 L
oltage Primary Capacity Capacity Voltage
TWPrimaryRatedCap REAL Three-Winding Primary Rated 5 2 L
acity Primary Rated Capacity
TWPrimaryRG REAL Three-Winding Primary RG 5 2 L
Primary RG
TWPrimarySecondary REAL Three-Winding Primary 5 2 L
XR0Ratio Primary Secondary Secondary XR0
XR0 Ratio Ratio
TWPrimarySecondary REAL Three-Winding Primary 5 2 L
XR1Ratio Primary Secondary Secondary XR1
XR1 Ratio Ratio
TWPrimarySecondary REAL Three-Winding Primary 5 2 L
Z0 Primary Secondary Secondary Z0
TWPrimarySecondary REAL Three-Winding Primary 5 2 L
Z1 Primary Secondary Secondary Z1
TWPrimaryTertiaryX0 REAL Three-Winding Primary Tertiary 5 2 L
Ratio Primary Tertiary X0 X0 Ratio
TWPrimaryTertiaryX1 REAL Three-Winding Primary Tertiary 5 2 L
Ratio Primary Tertiary X1 X1 Ratio
TWPrimaryTertiaryZ0 REAL Three-Winding Primary Tertiary 5 2 L
Primary Tertiary Z0 Z0
TWPrimaryTertiaryZ1 REAL Three-Winding Primary Tertiary 5 2 L
Primary Tertiary Z1 Z1
TWPrimaryXG REAL Three-Winding Primary XG 5 2 L
Primary XG
TWSecondaryCapacit REAL Three-Winding Secondary 5 2 L
yLimit1 Secondary Capacity Capacity Limit 1
Limit 1
TWSecondaryCapacit REAL Three-Winding Secondary 5 2 L
yLimit2 Secondary Capacity Capacity Limit 2
Limit 2
TWSecondaryPhase REAL Three-Winding Secondary 5 2 L
Shiift Secondary Phase Phase Shift
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
TWSecondaryRatedC REAL Three-Winding Secondary 5 2 L
apacity Secondary Rated Rated Capacity
TWSecondaryRG REAL Three-Winding Secondary RG 5 2 L
Secondary RG
TWSecondaryTertiary REAL Three-Winding Secondary 5 2 L
XR0Ratio Secondary Tertiary Tertiary XR0
XR0 Ratio Ratio
TWSecondaryTertiary REAL Three-Winding Secondary 5 2 L
XR1Ratio Secondary Tertiary Tertiary XR1
XR1 Ratio Ratio
TWSecondaryTertiary REAL Three-Winding Secondary 5 2 L
Z0 Secondary Tertiary Tertiary Z0
TWSecondaryTertiary REAL Three-Winding Secondary 5 2 L
Z1 Secondary Tertiary Tertiary Z1
TWSecondaryVoltage REAL Three-Winding Secondary 5 2 L
Secondary Voltage Voltage
TWSecondaryXG REAL Three-Winding Secondary XG 5 2 L
Secondary XG
TWSecondCT REAL Three-Winding Second CT 5 2 L
Second CT
TWSecondInitialTapP REAL Three-Winding Second Initial 5 2 L
osition Second Initial Tap Tap Position
TWSecondLowerban REAL Three-Winding Second Lower 5 2 L
d Second Lower Band Band
TWSecondMaxBoost REAL Three-Winding Second Max 5 2 L
Second Max Boost Boost
TWSecondMaxBuck REAL Three-Winding Second Max 5 2 L
Second Max Buck Buck
TWSecondPT REAL Three-Winding Second PT 5 2 L
Second PT
TWSecondRSet REAL Three-Winding Second RSet 5 2 L
Second RSet
TWSecondTap REAL Three-Winding Second Tap 5 2 L
Second Tap
TWSecondUpperban REAL Three-Winding Second Upper 5 2 L
d Second Upper Band Band
TWSecondVSet REAL Three-Winding Second VSet 5 2 L
Second VSet
TWSecondXSet REAL Three-Winding Second XSet 5 2 L
Second XSet
TWTertiaryCapacityLi REAL Three-Winding Tertiary Rated 5 2 L
mit1 Tertiary Rated Capacity Limit 1
Capacity Limit 1
TWTertiaryCapacityLi REAL Three-Winding Tertiary Rated 5 2 L
mit2 Tertiary Rated Capacity Limit 2
Capacity Limit 2
TWTertiaryFixedTap REAL Three-Winding Tertiary Fixed 5 2 L
Tertiary Fixed Tap Tap
TWTertiaryPhaseShift REAL Three-Winding Tertiary Phase 5 2 L
Tertiary Phase Shift Shift
TWTertiaryRatedCap REAL Three-Winding Tertiary Rated 5 2 L
acity Tertiary Rated Capacity
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
TWTertiaryRG REAL Three-Winding Tertiary RG 5 2 L
Tertiary RG
TWTertiaryVoltage REAL Three-Winding Tertiary Voltage 5 2 L
Tertiary Voltage
TWTertiaryXG REAL Three-Winding Tertiary XG 5 2 L
Tertiary XG
TWType STRING Three-Winding Type Type 32 0 L
V0 REAL Zero sequence (V) V0 5 2 L
V0angle REAL Zero sequence (Deg) V0 5 2 L
V0input REAL Input zero sequence (pu) V0input 5 2 L
V0pu REAL Zero sequence (pu) V0 5 2 L
V1 REAL Positive sequence (V) V1 5 2 L
V1angle REAL Positive sequence (Deg) V1 5 2 L
V1input REAL Input zero sequence (pu) V1input 5 2 L
V1pu REAL Positive sequence (pu) V1 5 2 L
V2 REAL Negative sequence (V) V2 5 2 L
V2angle REAL Negative sequence (Deg) V2 5 2 L
V2input REAL Input zero sequence (pu) V2input 5 2 L
V2pu REAL Negative sequence (pu) V2 5 2 L
VA REAL Percent voltage on (%) V@A 5 2 L
phase @A
VAB_Angle REAL Line-Line Voltage (Degrees V@A@B_Angle 8 2 L
angle on phase )
VABpu REAL Line-Line pu Voltage (pu) V@A@B 8 2 L
on phase @A@B
VAinput REAL Percent input voltage (%) V@A 5 2 L
on phase @A
VB REAL Percent voltage on (%) V@B 5 2 L
phase @B
VBal REAL Balanced Percent (%) VBal 5 2 L
VBase REAL Balanced Base V 5 1 L
VBaseA REAL Base voltage on (V) V@A 5 1 L
phase @A
VBaseAinput REAL Base input voltage on V@A 5 1 L
phase @A
VBaseB REAL Base voltage on (V) V@B 5 1 L
phase @B
VBaseBinput REAL Base input voltage on V@B 5 1 L
phase @B
VBaseC REAL Base voltage on (V) V@C 5 1 L
phase @C
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
VBaseCinput REAL Base input voltage on V@C 5 1 L
phase @C
VBaseinput REAL Balanced Base Input V 5 1 L
VBC_Angle REAL Line-Line Voltage (Degrees V@B@C_Angle 8 2 L
angle on phase )
VBCpu REAL Line-Line pu Voltage (pu) V@B@C 8 2 L
on phase @B@C
VBinput REAL Percent input voltage (%) V@B 5 2 L
on phase @B
VC REAL Percent voltage on (%) V@C 5 2 L
phase @C
VCA_Angle REAL Line-Line Voltage (Degrees V@C@A_Angle 8 2 L
angle on phase )
VCApu REAL Line-Line pu Voltage (pu) V@C@A 8 2 L
on phase @C@A
VCinput REAL Percent input voltage (%) V@C 5 2 L
on phase @C
Vdip REAL Balanced Percent (%) Vdip 5 2 L
Volt Drop due to
Motor Start
VdipA REAL Percent volt drop due (%) Vdip @A 5 2 L
to motor start phase
VdipB REAL Percent volt drop due (%) Vdip @B 5 2 L
to motor start phase
VdipC REAL Percent volt drop due (%) Vdip @C 5 2 L
to motor start phase
Vinput REAL Balanced Percent (%) V 5 2 L
Input Voltage
VLL REAL Balanced KVLL (kVLL) V 5 1 L
VLLA REAL KVLL voltage on (kVLL) V@A 5 1 L
phase @A
VLLAinput REAL KVLL input voltage on (kVLL) V@A 5 1 L
phase @A
VLLB REAL KVLL voltage on (kVLL) V@B 5 1 L
phase @B
VLLBinput REAL KVLL input voltage on (kVLL) V@B 5 1 L
phase @B
VLLC REAL KVLL voltage on (kVLL) V@C 5 1 L
phase @C
VLLCinput REAL KVLL input voltage on (kVLL) V@C 5 1 L
phase @C
VLLinput REAL KVLL input voltage (kVLL) V 5 1 L
VLN REAL Balanced KVLN (kVLN) V 5 1 L
VLNA COMPLEX KVLN voltage on (kVLN) V@A 5 1 L
phase @A
VLNAinput REAL KVLN input voltage (kVLN) V@A 5 1 L
on phase @A
VLNB COMPLEX KVLN voltage on (kVLN) V@B 5 1 L
phase @B
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
VLNBinput REAL KVLN input voltage (kVLN) V@B 5 1 L
on phase @B
VLNC COMPLEX KVLN voltage on (kVLN) V@C 5 1 L
phase @C
VLNCinput REAL KVLN input voltage (kVLN) V@C 5 1 L
on phase @C
VLNinput REAL Balanced KVLN input (kVLN) V 5 1 L
Vpu REAL Balanced Pu Voltage (pu) V 5 3 L
VpuA REAL Pu voltage on phase (pu) V@A 5 3 L
VpuAinput REAL Pu input voltage on (pu) V@A 5 3 L
phase @A
VpuB REAL Pu voltage on phase (pu) V@B 5 3 L
VpuBinput REAL Pu input voltage on (pu) V@B 5 3 L
phase @B
VpuC REAL Pu voltage on phase (pu) V@C 5 3 L
VpuCinput REAL Pu input voltage on (pu) V@C 5 3 L
phase @C
Vpuinput REAL Balanced Pu input (pu) V 5 3 L
VUF REAL Voltage unbalance (%) VUF 6 3 L
factor in percent
VUnbalA REAL Percent voltage (%) VUnbal @A 5 2 L
unbalance phase @A
VUnbalAinput REAL Percent input voltage (%) VUnbal @A 5 2 L
unbalance phase @A
VUnbalB REAL Percent voltage (%) VUnbal @B 5 2 L
unbalance phase @B
VUnbalBinput REAL Percent input voltage (%) VUnbal @B 5 2 L
unbalance phase @B
VUnbalC REAL Percent voltage (%) VUnbal @C 5 2 L
unbalance phase @C
VUnbalCinput REAL Percent input voltage (%) VUnbal @C 5 2 L
unbalance phase @C
WecsActiveGenKVA REAL WECS Rated (kVA) Rated Capacity 8 2 L
WecsActiveGenKW REAL WECS Active (kW) Active Power 8 2 L
WecsGenType STRING WECS Generator Generator Type 32 0 L
WecsRatedPower REAL WECS Rated Power (kW) Rated Power 8 2 L
WecsReactivePower REAL WECS Reactive (kVAR) Reactive Power 8 2 L
KVAR Power
WecsReactivePower REAL WECS Power Factor (%) PF 6 0 L
X0ohm REAL X0 thevenin in ohms (ohms) X0 thev 6 4 L
X0ohmZ REAL X0 thevenin in ohms (ohms) X0 thev (Z) 6 4 L
X0pu REAL X0 thevenin in pu (pu) X0 thev 6 4 L
X0puZ REAL X0 thevenin in pu (Z) (pu) X0puZ 7 0 L
X0R0 REAL X0-R0 ratio X0/R0 5 2 L
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
X0R0Z REAL X0-R0 ratio (Z) X0R0Z 7 0 L
X1ohm REAL X1 thevenin in ohms (ohms) X1 thev 6 4 L
X1ohmZ REAL X1 thevenin in ohms (ohms) X1 thev (Z) 6 4 L
X1pu REAL X1 thevenin in pu (pu) X1 thev 6 4 L
X1puZ REAL X1 thevenin in pu (Z) (pu) X1puZ 7 0 L
X1R1 REAL X1-R1 ratio X1/R1 5 2 L
X1R1Z REAL X1-R1 ratio X1R1Z 7 0 L
XfoBand REAL Two-Winding (%) Bandwidth 6 2 L
XfoBoost REAL Maximum boost (%) Boost 6 2 L
XfoBuck REAL Maximum buck (%) Buck 6 2 L
XfoByPhaseCenterTa STRING Center Tap Center Tap 32 0 L
XfoByPhaseFeeding STRING Feeding Node Feeding Node 32 0 L
XfoByPhaseKVANom REAL Nominal capacity (kVA) Nom Cap (@A) 9 2 L
A (phase @A)
XfoByPhaseKVANom REAL Nominal capacity (kVA) Nom Cap (@B) 9 2 L
B (phase @B)
XfoByPhaseKVANom REAL Nominal capacity (kVA) Nom Cap (@C) 9 2 L
C (phase @C)
XfoByPhasePrimRg REAL Primary Rg (ohms) Primary Rg 7 2 L
XfoByPhasePrimXg REAL Primary Xg (ohms) Primary Xg 7 2 L
XfoByPhaseSecRg REAL Secondary Rg (ohms) Secondary Rg 7 2 L
XfoByPhaseSecXg REAL Secondary Xg (ohms) Secondary Xg 7 2 L
XfoByPhaseType STRING Type (kVLL) Type 30 0 L
XfoByPhaseX0R0Rati REAL X0 R0 Ratio X0 R0 Ratio 7 2 L
XfoByPhaseX0R0Rati REAL X0 R0 Ratio on phase X0 R0 Ratio 7 2 L
oA @A
XfoByPhaseX0R0Rati REAL X0 R0 Ratio on phase X0 R0 Ratio 7 2 L
oB @B
XfoByPhaseX0R0Rati REAL X0 R0 Ratio on phase X0 R0 Ratio 7 2 L
oC @C
XfoByPhaseX1R1Rati REAL X1 R1 Ratio X1 R1 Ratio 7 2 L
XfoByPhaseX1R1Rati REAL X1 R1 Ratio on phase X1 R1 Ratio 7 2 L
oA @A
XfoByPhaseX1R1Rati REAL X1 R1 Ratio on phase X1 R1 Ratio 7 2 L
oB @B
XfoByPhaseX1R1Rati REAL X1 R1 Ratio on phase X1 R1 Ratio 7 2 L
oC @C
XfoByPhaseZ0 REAL Zero sequence (%) Z0 7 2 L
XfoByPhaseZ0A REAL Zero sequence (%) Z0 7 2 L
impedance on phase
XfoByPhaseZ0B REAL Zero sequence (%) Z0 7 2 L
impedance on phase
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
XfoByPhaseZ0C REAL Zero sequence (%) Z0 7 2 L
impedance on phase
XfoByPhaseZ1 REAL Positive sequence (%) Z1 7 2 L
XfoByPhaseZ1A REAL Positive sequence (%) Z1 7 2 L
impedance on phase
XfoByPhaseZ1B REAL Positive sequence (%) Z1 7 2 L
impedance on phase
XfoByPhaseZ1C REAL Positive sequence (%) Z1 7 2 L
impedance on phase
XfoConn STRING Two-Winding Connection 6 0 L
XfoCT REAL Two-Winding CT rating 6 2 L
Transformer CT
XfoDiversity REAL Balanced Two- Diversity 6 2 L
Winding Transformer
Diversity Factor on
XfoDiversityA REAL Two-Winding Diversity @A 6 2 L
Transformer Diversity
Factor on phase @A
XfoDiversityB REAL Two-Winding Diversity @B 6 2 L
Transformer Diversity
Factor on phase @B
XfoDiversityC REAL Two-Winding Diversity @C 6 2 L
Transformer Diversity
Factor on phase @C
XfoIsLTC STRING Transformer has an IsLTC 10 0 L
XfoKVANom REAL Nominal capacity (kVA) Cap Nom 9 2 L
XfoKVLL1 REAL Primary voltage (kVLL) Prim Volt 6 2 L
XfoKVLL2 REAL Secondary voltage (kVLL) Sec Volt 6 2 L
XfoMaster STRING Master Id for parallel Master Id 32 0 L
XfoMeter1 REAL Meter Demand Total (Value1) Demand 6 2 L
XfoMeter2 REAL Meter Demand Total (Value2) Demand 6 2 L
XfoMeterA1 REAL Meter demand on (Value1) Demand @A 6 2 L
phase @A (first
XfoMeterA2 REAL Meter demand on (Value2) Demand @A 6 2 L
phase @A (second
XfoMeterB1 REAL Meter demand on (Value1) Demand @B 6 2 L
phase @B (first
XfoMeterB2 REAL Meter demand on (Value2) Demand @B 6 2 L
phase @B (second
XfoMeterC1 REAL Meter demand on (Value1) Demand @C 6 2 L
phase @C (first
Name Type Description Units (width/precision/
XfoMeterC2 REAL Meter demand on (Value2) Demand @C 6 2 L
phase @C (second
XfoMeterState STRING State of the meter Meter State 6 0 L
XfoMeterType STRING Demand type Demand Type 32 0 L
XfoNoLoss REAL Two-Winding (kW) No load loss 6 2 L
Transformer no load
XfoOption STRING Setting option Setting Option 32 0 L
XfoPhaseShift REAL Two-Winding PhaseShift 6 2 L
Transformer Phase
XfoPT REAL Two-Winding PT ratio 6 2 L
Transformer PT
XfoRegId STRING Regulated section Id Reg. Section Id 32 0 L
XfoRG1 REAL Primary grounding (ohms) Rg prim 6 4 L
XfoRG2 REAL Secondary grounding (ohms) Rg sec 6 4 L
XfoRset REAL R setting Rset 6 4 L
XfoSelfCool REAL Self cooled capacity (kVA) Self Cooled 9 2 L
XfoTap REAL Tap settings Tap 6 2 L
XfoTapPercent REAL Tap settings (%) Tap settings 6 2 L
XfoTapPrim REAL Primary tap settings (%) Prim tap 6 3 L
XfoVBaseFrom REAL Primary base voltage vBaseFrom 6 2 L
XfoVBaseTo REAL Secondary base vBasTo 6 2 L
XfoVset REAL Desired voltage Vset 6 2 L
XfoX0R0Ratio REAL X0 R0 Ratio X0 R0 Ratio 6 2 L
XfoX1R1Ratio REAL X1 R1 Ratio X1 R1 Ratio 6 2 L
XfoXG1 REAL Primary grounding (ohms) Xg prim 6 4 L
XfoXG2 REAL Secondary grounding (ohms) Xg sec 6 4 L
XfoXset REAL X setting Xset 6 4 L
XfoZ0 REAL Zero sequence (%) Z0 6 2 L
XfoZ1 REAL Positive sequence (%) Z1 6 2 L
ZoneDownCust REAL Zone downstream Zone 10 4 L
customers downstream
ZoneID STRING Zone ID Zone ID 32 0 L
ZoneInterNetwork STRING Interconnected Interconnected 32 0 L
network network(s)
ZoneLevel NUMBER Zone level Zone level 10 0 L
CYME 5.02 – Reference Manual
CYME 5.02 – Reference Manual