Lab 8

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Topic: Foundations of Statistics and Probability for Data Science

Sub-Topics: F distribution


1. Be able to explain f test

1.1. Be able to explain F-distribution for two sample variances and be able
to compute F-statistic

Name of Presenter: Pavan Kumar S Page 1 of 4

Date of Presentation: 19/08/2021
Topic: Foundations of Statistics and Probability for Data Science
Sub-Topics: F distribution


Conduct an F-Test on the following samples:

Sample - 1 having variance = 109.63, sample size = 41.

Sample - 2 having Variance = 65.99, sample size = 21.

Ho: No difference in variances

Ha: Difference in variances

Take the higher variance as the numerator and the lower variance as the

F score = σ12/σ22 = 109.63/65.99 = 1.66

Df1 = 41 - 1 = 40; df2 = 21 - 1 = 20

Alpha = 0.05. This needs to be halved for the test, so use 0.025.

Critical F-Value (40, 20) at alpha (0.05 / 2) = 2.287

Here, 1.66 < 2 .287. So, we cannot reject the null hypothesis.

Name of Presenter: Pavan Kumar S Page 2 of 4

Date of Presentation: 19/08/2021
Topic: Foundations of Statistics and Probability for Data Science
Sub-Topics: F distribution


A laptop computer maker uses battery packs supplied by two companies, A and B.
While both brands have the same average battery life between charges (LBC), the
computer maker seems to receive more complaints about shorter LBC than
expected for battery packs supplied by company B. The computer maker suspects
that this could be caused by higher variance in LBC for Brand B. To check that, ten
new battery packs from each brand are randomly selected, installed on the same
models of laptops, and the laptops are allowed to run until the battery packs are
completely discharged. The following are the observed LBCs in hours.

Brand A = 3.2, 3.4, 2.8, 3, 3, 3, 2.8, 2.9, 3, 3

Brand B = 3, 3.5, 2.9, 3.1, 2.3, 2, 3, 2.9, 3, 4.1
Test whether the variance of both the brands are similar.

Ho : s12(A) = s22 (B)

Ha : s12(A) ≠ s22 (B)

Significance level, 𝛂 = 0.05

F = s12/s2 2 = 0.03211111/0.3306667 = 0.09711022

Critical F-Value ( 0.025, 0.975 ) = [ 0.2483859, 4.0259942 ]

Name of Presenter: Pavan Kumar S Page 3 of 4

Date of Presentation: 19/08/2021
Topic: Foundations of Statistics and Probability for Data Science
Sub-Topics: F distribution

The test statistic falls in the lower rejection region. Hence, we reject the null
P ( f < 0.09711022 ) = 0.0009304913
The p score is smaller than significance value * 1/2 i.e. 0.025. Hence, we reject the
null hypothesis.
Therefore, Variances of both Brands are not similar. Variance of Brand B is higher
than Brand A.

Name of Presenter: Pavan Kumar S Page 4 of 4

Date of Presentation: 19/08/2021

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