K-Bridge - Part 5 - Special Provisions
K-Bridge - Part 5 - Special Provisions
K-Bridge - Part 5 - Special Provisions
al Aug
gust 27,
2 2013
New York State Department of Transportation
CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIAL ................................................................................. 1
3.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................... 3
3.2 STAY CABLE INSTALLATION ............................................................................. 4
3.3 FALSEWORK ...................................................................................................... 5
3.4 GEOMETRIC CONTROLS AND LOADS ............................................................ 5
3.5 CLOSURE ........................................................................................................... 7
SP 4. STAY CABLES ................................................................................................................. 8
4.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................... 8
4.2 MATERIAL ........................................................................................................... 9
SP 5. STAY CABLES CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEMS ............................................. 16
5.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................... 16
SP 6. STAY CABLE VIBRATION SUPPRESSION SYSTEM .................................................. 18
6.1 DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................. 18
SP 7. POST-TENSIONING ....................................................................................................... 19
7.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................... 19
7.2 CERTIFICATION OF POST-TENSIONING SYSTEMS ..................................... 19
7.3 TESTING BY THE DESIGN-BUILDER ............................................................. 30
7.4 PROTECTION OF PRESTRESSING STEEL ................................................... 32
7.5 FABRICATION ................................................................................................... 33
7.6 PLACING CONCRETE ..................................................................................... 35
7.7 INSTALLING TENDONS ................................................................................... 36
7.8 POST-TENSIONING OPERATIONS ................................................................. 36
7.9 GROUTING OPERATIONS ............................................................................... 40
7.10 FORMING AND REPAIRS OF HOLES AND BLOCK-OUTS............................. 46
7.11 PROTECTION OF POST-TENSIONING ANCHORAGES ................................ 47
SP 8. POST-TENSIONING GROUT ......................................................................................... 47
8.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 48
8.2 APPROVED MATERIALS LIST ......................................................................... 48
8.3 MIXING.............................................................................................................. 48
8.4 GROUT PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ................................................................... 48
8.5 ACCELERATED CORROSION TEST METHOD (ACTM) ................................. 50
8.6 VARIATION IN TESTING FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS.............................. 50
SP 9. GROUTING TENDON VOIDS ........................................................................................ 52
9.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................... 52
9.2 GROUT ............................................................................................................. 52
9.3 QUALIFICATIONS OF GROUTING PERSONNEL ........................................... 52
9.4 EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................... 52
9.5 DEBRIS REMOVAL AND DRYING OF VOID .................................................... 52
9.6 MEASURE THE VOID ....................................................................................... 52
9.7 GROUTING VOID ............................................................................................. 52
9.8 REPAIR OF GROUT INLETS AND OUTLETS .................................................. 53
SP 10. EPOXY COMPOUNDS FOR POST TENSIONING ANCHORAGES ............................. 55
10.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................... 55
10.2 QUALIFIED PRODUCTS .................................................................................. 55
Kosciuszko Bridge Project – (BIN 1075699) Part 5 - Special Provisions
PIN X731.24, Contract D900011 i Final August 27, 2013
New York State Department of Transportation
Delete the entire Section 100 of the New York State Department of Transportation Standard
Specifications Construction and Materials, dated May 1, 2008, amended as of January 12,
2012. Replace Section 100 of the NYSDOT Standard Specifications Construction and Materials
by Part 2, DB § 100.
The following amendments apply to Sections 200 through 699 inclusive of the New York State
Department of Transportation Standard Specifications Construction and Materials, dated May 1,
2008, amended as of January 12, 2012, and any NYSDOT Special Specifications referenced in
Part 3, Project Requirements or that otherwise might be required during the design and
construction of the Project, with the exception of Section 800 Specifications contained in Part 8
– Special Specifications:
A. All contact with Department staff or offices except for personnel assigned to the Project
shall be through the Department’s Project Manager.
B. References to “plans” or “contract plans” shall mean “Design Plans” prepared by the
C. There will be no measurement for payment except for Unit Priced items specifically
shown in the Price Proposal. All Work will be paid on the basis specified in Part 2 – DB
§ 109.
D. All references to “Section 100” Specifications shall mean equivalent references to Part 2
- DB § 100 Specifications.
E. Delete the following phrases:
1. “deemed necessary by the Engineer”;
2. “to the satisfaction of the Engineer”;
3. “as determined by the Engineer”;
4. “subject to the approval of the Engineer”;
5. “as specified by the Engineer”;
6. “approved by the Engineer”;
7. “ordered by the Engineer”;
8. “established by the Engineer”;
9. “acceptable to the Engineer”;
Or similar phrases denoting instruction by or consent from the Engineer and replace with
“as shown on the Design Plans and/or Project Specifications released for construction
per DB § 111-12”.
If the relevant information is not shown on the Design Plans or covered in the Project
Specifications, the Design-Builder shall have the Designer change the Design Plans
and/or Project Specifications to incorporate the missing information.
F. Delete references to “payment lines” and replace with “lines shown on the Design
G. References to “Proposal” or “proposal” shall be interpreted to mean the “Contract
H. Unless specifically stated otherwise in the Contract Documents, sampling and testing
specified to be done by the Engineer or other Department staff, shall be performed by
the Design-Builder’s Construction Quality Control (QC) staff;
I. Working Plans or working drawings, as defined in Part 2 – DB § 101-3, shall be reviewed
per DB § 111-12;
J. “Submission” or “submittal” used in the design shall be subject to review and Department
acceptance per DB § 111-12;
K. All references to “the Engineer” or “the Engineer-in-Charge” shall mean the
Department’s Project Manager or designated representative;
L. All references to “Contractor” shall mean “Design-Builder”;
M. References to: “Deputy Chief Engineer Design, Construction, Technical Services”; any
Division in Main Office NYSDOT; “Regional Director”; “Regional Design Engineer”;
“Materials Engineer”; “Construction Engineer”; or any other similar title and role shall
mean the Department’s Project Manager or a designated representative;
N. References to “Departmental Engineering Geologist” shall have the meaning defined in
Part 2 DB § 101-3;
O. References to “Departmental Geotechnical Engineer” shall have the meaning defined in
Part 2 DB § 101-3;
P. References to “Contract Award” shall mean Notice to Proceed;
Q. References to “preconstruction meeting” shall mean “pre-work meeting”;
R. There shall be no quality payment adjustments under this Contract;
S. In each Specification delete the sections titled “Method of Measurement” and “Basis of
T. Delete Section 637 – Engineer’s Field Office, Laboratory and Equipment;
U. Add the following to Section 648 – Subsurface Explorations:
“The Design-Builder shall be responsible to determine the nature, extent, and locations of
subsurface explorations needed to obtain data and support subsequent analysis, design, and
construction. The Design-Builder shall also be responsible for determining the adequacy of any
subsurface exploration data provided by the Department to support its analyses, design, and
construction and to supplement such data provided by the Department as the Design-Builder
deems necessary.
“In planning and conducting its subsurface explorations, the Design-Builder shall comply with
the technical requirements of Section 648, unless the Department agrees otherwise. The
Design-Builder is not required to comply with the administrative requirements specified in
Section 648”.
V. Delete Section 697 – Field Change Payment;
W. Delete Section 698 – Price Adjustments; and
X. Delete Section 699 – Mobilization.
A. The Project requires that the main span shall be a cable stayed structure. This section
applies to a cable stayed main span. The Design Builder may elect to design and
construct a concrete segmental approach structure, in which case this section shall also
apply. In addition, the provisions for post tensioning and grouting shall apply to all post
tensioned construction on the Project.
B. Stay cable design, testing and installation shall conform to the Post Tensioning Institute
PTI DC45.1-12 Recommendations for Stay Cable Design, Testing and Installation (PTI
Recommendations) as modified by these Special Provisions.
C. The erection of the structure and the field workmanship shall be in accordance with the
best practice and shall conform to these specifications and Special Provisions.
D. The Design-Builder shall be responsible for the cable stayed and concrete segmental
bridge design, construction and erection. All computations submitted to the Department
for review shall be prepared, signed, and sealed by the Design-Builder’s Engineer of
Record, who shall be a Professional Engineer registered in the State of New York who is
experienced in the design and construction of cable stayed and segmental concrete
bridges and is qualified to be responsible for all aspects of this work.
E. The Design-Builder shall submit complete detailed shop and erection drawings of his
proposed erection sequence, including complete and checked erection design
calculations to the Department for review. The review by the Department of the Design-
Builder's erection sequence and plans shall not relieve the Design-Builder from his
responsibility for performing the work required by the Contract, including these Special
F. The following items shall be performed by the Design-Builder and submitted to the
Department for review:
1. Complete detailed erection sequence drawings are required. Erection and erection
wind stresses in permanent and temporary members including temporary piers and
false work reactions shall be determined for each stage. Moments, shears, axial
loads and other forces shall be computed and tabulated for all pertinent members at
a sufficient number of points to demonstrate that the load demand will not exceed the
capacity and allowable stresses for erection. Details of contemplated elevations,
cable lengths, adjustments and shims required shall also be shown for each stage.
Final cable adjustment shall be performed after all dead loads are in place.
2. The Design-Builder shall prepare and submit detailed shop and erection drawings to
the Department for review.
3. All submittals by the Design-Builder shall be submitted sufficiently in advance of the
start of construction. The review shall be conducted in accordance with Part 2 – DB
Section 111.
G. The Design-Builder shall meet with the Department to discuss the proposed erection
procedure, erection design criteria, and structure capabilities to support the proposed
erection scheme. The Department will review the preliminary erection procedure
proposal for general compliance with the Contract requirements.
H. The Design-Builder shall develop and submit to the Department a complete description
and stress calculations of the proposed process and sequence or erection including
positions and weights of equipment at each position and weights of equipment at each
stage in sufficient details to allow review of the effects of the erection procedure on the
I. The Design-Builder shall submit to the Department the detailed design of all erection
equipment, temporary bracing and other items as required for erection.
J. The Design-Builder shall ensure the intermediate static and dynamic stability of the
structure for the various stages of the construction. To fulfill this requirement, the
Design-Builder may have to construct temporary support bents or install auxiliary cables
to stabilize the bridge. Temporary cable ties may be required to provide damping of
wake galloping in the stay cables until final stabilizing cables are installed.
K. The Design-Builder shall devise, and submit to the Department for review and
evaluation, a scheme for stabilizing the cable stayed structure against wind loads at all
construction stages, should stabilization be required. All details and layouts of any tie
down assembly including all connections, foundation elements, and material properties
shall be submitted for review.
L. All computations shall be prepared, signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record.
Calculations shall be submitted in a neat organized manner that is easy to follow.
M. The Design-Builder will be responsible for determination of and monitoring of forces, and
deflections in the permanent structure at all erection stages as are caused by his
proposed erection process.
N. No Work shall be performed on the cable stayed structure until the Design-Builder’s
erection sequence has been totally reviewed and approved by the Engineer of Record.
O. The as-built plans shall indicate the final erection forces so that future analysis, rating or
modification of the structure can properly account for these forces.
P. Monitoring Program. The Design-Builder shall submit a monitoring program to verify
that the profile, stay cable forces and edge girder stresses in the as built structure are as
predicted by the design analysis. The Monitoring program shall include establishing that
all the dead load is on the main span before it is open to traffic. The baseline monitoring
shall include:
1) the baseline profile survey of the edge girders and deck;
2) the baseline position and elevation of the towers; and
3) the baseline load in each stay cable based on the vibration method as listed in
Section 7.4 of the PTI Recommendations for Stay Cable Design, Testing and
As part of the Monitoring Program the Design-Builder shall install strain gauges on the
edge girders at mid span, quarter span of both the main and back spans as well as the
tower, strain gauges together with a means of remote reading of the strain gauges.
A. Stay cables shall be installed in accordance with PTI Recommendations for Stay Cable
Design, Testing and Installation, Section 6.9.
B. Jacks and gauges for stay cable installation shall be calibrated as per PTI
Recommendations Section 6.9.3.
C. The cable installation program shall prescribe both force and cable elongation, for each
jacking operation.
D. The Design-Builder shall develop procedures to ensure that the initial stressing is
equalized for all tensile elements in a given cable within a range of 2.5%.
E. The stay cable installation procedure shall include provisions for monitoring the
installation of each cable.
F. Permanent records shall be established for each cable installation. such records shall
include survey records, date, time and ambient temperature; cable forces; cable
elongation measurements; shim pack or lock nut setting; and all other special notations
necessary and sufficient to establish the conditions under which the cable was installed.
Temporary supports and/or falsework may be required to erect the structure. Falsework shall
be properly designed for all anticipated loads in accordance with the AASHTO Guide Design
Specifications for Bridge Temporary Works. The Design-Builder shall submit detailed plans for
all falsework to be used showing all loadings assumed by the Design-Builder's design. Review
of the plans by the Department shall not relieve the Design-Builder of his responsibility for the
A. The Design-Builder shall be responsible for geometric control of construction so that the
completed structure will conform to the lines, grades, and dimensions and cable stresses
on the plans. The Design-Builder shall furnish competent engineering and surveying
personnel and equipment to establish and verify elevations and alignment of the
structure and cable stays at every stage of construction. The Design-Builder shall be
responsible to determine the need for the amount of shimming that may be required in
the erection stages, but not less than the minimum shown on the plans. The
Department shall review each such use of shims.
B. The structure shall have a geometric configuration at 68 °F normal temperature in
general conformance with the dimensions shown on the plans for the dead load
conditions. The Design-Builder shall provide sufficient computation and analysis, for the
structure to reasonably assure that final adjustments can be made to obtain the dead
load cable stress and deck elevations with the following tolerances:
1. Absolute tolerance in deck elevation at the centerline of bridge at center span shall
be ± 5.5", provided that the deck elevation at cable attachment` points shall follow,
within a tolerance of 1" (unless a tighter tolerance is required to satisfy drainage)
from the elevation based on the bridge cross-slope. A smooth parabolic curve shall
pass through the final deck elevation at the centerline of the bridge and the deck
elevation at the end of the cable stayed span.
2. Cables shall be adjusted for the dead load condition such that each individual cable
shall not exceed values of ± five percent (5%) of the cable dead load computed from
approved working Drawings. It is possible that one individual cable may have to be
adjusted to lesser tolerances to prevent stress in other cables from exceeding the ±
five percent (5%) tolerance.
3. Final fabrication lengths for the stay cables shall be calculated by the Design-Builder
after erection loads and methods are known and detailed erection stress calculations
have been completed. The tolerance in the fabrication length of the cable in the
unstressed condition shall be as follows:
Length between bearing faces (ft) Permissible tolerance (inches)
150 plus 1.0, minus 0.0
300 plus 1.5, minus 0.0
500 and over plus 2.0, minus 0.0
C. Intermediate values may be interpolated. Differences between the actual and planned
fabricated length shall be compensated for by shims at either anchorage.
D. The Design-Builder shall prepare and furnish to the Department complete detailed
erection sequence drawings.
E. Based on the Design-Builder's construction equipment and procedures, the Design-
Builder shall compute and prepare tables of anticipated cable tensions in each cable at
corresponding stages of erection including, but not limited to the stages of:
F. The tables of anticipated cable tensions and computations shall be submitted to the
Department for review and evaluation.
G. If cable forces exceed the design forces as shown in the plans, the Design-Builder shall
investigate adequacy of all cable components and anchorages. Cost for all and any
additional material required shall be borne by the Design-Builder.
H. At some intermediate stage of superstructure erection, which the Department will
designate depending on the approved sequence and method of erection, the tension in
each cable shall be checked again to ensure that it is within the anticipated range. Any
cable requiring adjustment at this stage shall be properly jacked and shimmed.
I. Each pair of cables anchoring at the same segment of deck shall be installed and
stressed simultaneously. The difference in force in the two cables shall not exceed five
percent (5%) of the corresponding designed cable forces.
J. Promptly after erection of each cable, the tension in the cable shall be checked to
ascertain that it is within the range of anticipated tension for the corresponding stage of
superstructure erection. Maximum cable tension during construction shall not exceed
fifty-six percent (56%) of the cable's guaranteed ultimate tensile strength.
K. Stay cables shall be erected at the appropriate times to suit the Design-Builder's erection
L. The Design-Builder's cable installation procedure shall specify which is the live
(stressing) end anchorage of the cable, i.e. at the tower anchorage or deck girder
anchorage, and the live end anchorage detailed to provide for future cable replacement.
The stay cable anchorage shall allow for future force adjustments (increase or decrease)
of 2.5% of the guaranteed ultimate strength of the stay cable. The Design-Builder shall
include in the cable installation plan fully developed details and procedures for
removing/detensioning strands and re-installing strands.
M. Care shall be exercised during cable erection to prevent damage to the polyethylene
sheathing and to prevent damage to the steel components of the cable. All damage to
the polyethylene pipe sheathing or steel cable anchorage pipe shall be immediately
repaired to the satisfaction of the Department. Severely damaged sheathing shall be
replaced, at the Design-Builder's expense.
N. Stay cables shall be installed so that there are no wedge marks on the stressed portion
of any strand. Any strand that remains with wedge marks on the stressed portion of the
strand shall be replaced.
A. To make up the closure pours, if required, the suspended ends of the bridge shall be
brought into vertical and horizontal alignment by jacking, counterweighing or adjusting
selected cables. This shall be included in the Design-Builder’s erection scheme
submitted to the Department for review and evaluation.
B. After the closure concrete has attained the required strength, certain selected cables
shall be adjusted to produce the required stresses in the structure.
C. Upon completion of placing and post-tensioning the closure concrete and the placement
of the concrete parapets and overlay, the cables shall be adjusted as required to their
planned tension by jacking and shimming.
D. After all final adjustments have been made, wedges shall be post-blocked.
E. Fully developed details for side span and central span closures, including placement of
tiedown units as required, jacking, and counterweighing and stay cable adjustments
shall be included in the Design-Builder's erection scheme submittal to the Department.
The complete stay cable system includes, but is not limited to, all anchorage components, steel
anchor guide sleeves, split shims, wedges, bearing plates, cable sheathing, elastomeric boots,
bolts, steel clamping bands, temporary corrosion protection provisions, strand
sheathing/coating, main tension elements, corrosion barriers, sealing and damping components,
stay cable vibration suppression (damper) system, and stressing/erection recommendations
along with all permanent incidental Materials necessary to complete the stay cables in
accordance with the Contract requirements.
The stay cable system shall allow control on the tension of the individual strands and future
strand replacement. The system shall provide independency for the strands regarding
anchoring, corrosion protection, installation, tensioning, and replacement.
Stay cables are to be provided in accordance with the PTI Recommendations for Stay Cable
Design, Testing and Installation unless otherwise noted. These Special Provisions are intended
to complement the PTI recommendations. In cases of disagreements, these Special Provisions
for stay cables shall govern over the PTI Recommendations.
A. High strength bars shall not be used for the main tension elements of the stay cables;
B. Steel pipe cable sheathing shall not be used for stay cables;
C. Saddles and cradles shall not be used for stay cables;
D. Epoxy coated strands are not permitted;
E. Portland cement grout is not considered an acceptable corrosion protection barrier.
The independent material testing firm, laboratory or laboratories selected by the Design-Builder
(subject to Department review and written comment) shall test all Materials, strands, and cable
specimen assemblies required for both the initial acceptance testing phase and the cable stay
component fabrication/production phase. The Design-Builder’s supplier shall supply and deliver
all Materials for testing to the laboratory. The Design-Builder shall be responsible for all
coordination between the laboratory and supplier. The Design-Builder shall be responsible for
performance of the completed stay cable system. The Design-Builder shall furnish all Material
and written test procedures for each test, as prepared by the supplier, to the Department for
review and written comment. Each component of the assembly, including wedges, shall have
an AASHTO or ASTM Material and test specification. The supplier and the laboratory shall
prepare separate reports. Each of these reports shall be submitted by the Design-Builder to the
Department as independent records of the testing. The Design-Builder shall be responsible for
contracting and coordinating with the laboratory and supplier for all testing laboratory services.
No Material, anchorages, or other components tested during the acceptance phase shall be
incorporated into the actual structure.
All items that comprise the permanent production stay cables shall be identical in nature, origin,
and composition to those that were the basis of the stay cable acceptance tests. The supplier
shall provide written detailed recommendations to the Design-Builder regarding storage,
handling, transporting, assembly, installation, and stressing of all the stay cable system
components. The supplier shall simultaneously provide copies of all such recommendations
directly to the Department.
4.2.1 STRAND
Strand for cables shall be 0.6 inch diameter uncoated seven wire strand conforming to the
requirements of ASTM A416, grade 270, F’y = 0.9 f’s, weldless grade, low-relaxation strand. The
strand shall be a greased and sheathed strand in accordance with the specifications set forth
Galvanized strand may be permitted provided it meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM
A416 as well as the requirements of Section 8 of the PTI recommendations.
During the process of manufacture of individual wires for "weldless" strand, welding is permitted
only prior to or at the site of the last thermal treatment of the rod, for example, patenting or
controlled cooling. There shall be no welds in the wire after it has been drawn through the first
die in the wire drawing process.
The Design-Builder shall require the strand supplier to furnish to the Department for review and
evaluation, complete mill test reports and certificates for the strand from each heat, including
stress-strain curves and modulus of elasticity.
Stay Cable-Anchorages
A. Stay cable anchorages shall meet the acceptance criteria as specified in the PTI
recommendations and elsewhere in these Special Provisions (Section 8). The Design-
Builder shall submit to the Department for review and evaluation design calculations for
the cable anchorages.
B. The cable anchorages used for the full scale cable testing shall be fully instrumented
and monitored during the total test program in order to verify the design and
performance of the cable system.
C. The stay cable anchorage system shall consist of a wedge type or wedge socket type.
The Design-Builder shall furnish all material specifications to the Department for review
and evaluation. Each component of the assembly shall have an AASHTO or ASTM
material and test designation number.
D. The anchorage system shall provide approximately five percent additional holes in each
anchor head for contingency. The approximately five percent additional holes
requirement applies to each stay cable and cannot be grouped. These additional holes
shall be positively sealed, to protect the stay cable interior from the elements, using
approved plugs that can resist any stresses that may be imposed on it.
E. The anchorage assembly and components shall be protected at all times against
corrosion. Corrosion protection measures shall be shown on the shop drawings. The
system shall include a steel cap to protect the exposed anchor plate and wedges from
corrosion. The steel cap shall be galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M-111. Prior
to the installation of the cap, the anchor plate and exposed strand shall be coated with a
suitable grease.
F. All other components such as bearing plates, keeper plates, recess tubes, steel flanges,
socket bearing flanges, wedges, rubber gaskets, o-rings, etc. shall be of suitable type
and sufficient strength suitable for the intended use. The supplier of the stay cable
system shall submit to the Department for review and evaluation material specifications,
calculations and detail drawings for the sizes, types and materials for such components.
G. Shop drawings shall be submitted to the Department for review and evaluation showing
all dimensions, materials and operations for fabrication of the anchorage assembly.
Detailed procedures for installing all socket assembly components, insertion of the
strands, installation of wedges, stressing and grouting the assembly shall be developed
and submitted to the Department for review. Complete shop drawings with supporting
calculations shall be submitted showing all equipment (jack, stressing chairs, etc.) and
procedures required for stay cable force adjustments and for complete detensioning.
H. Review and evaluation by the Department of the various submissions made by the
Design-Builder does not relieve the Design-Builder from the responsibility for the
accuracy and adequacy of the work.
I. No approval will be given to any portion of the stay anchorage assembly or procedures
until all required submittals are made and found acceptable by the Engineer of Record.
The spacer shall be helically wound and made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Helical
spacer material requirements will be the same as that specified for polyethylene sheathing in
accordance with the PTI recommendations.
Neoprene boots and neoprene dampers shall be manufactured from 100% virgin chloroprene
(neoprene). The sole polymer shall be 100% virgin chloroprene, which shall be not less than
60% by volume of the total compound. Neoprene shall meet the following requirements (ASTM
C864 as amended herein):
Material for split washers, shims, bearing plates and cable guide pipes, embedded in concrete,
used in the cable anchorage shall be high-strength low-alloy structural steel conforming to the
requirements of AASHTO M222, Grade 50.
Stainless Steel Bands
Bands for securing the neoprene boots in place around the polyethylene pipe and the neoprene
sleeve shall be a minimum 1.0 inch wide by 0.03 inch thick stainless steel strapping material
grade 316 with stainless crimp type seal of a type proposed by the supplier of the stay cable
Bolts and nuts for use as retainer devices for the elastomer washers at the upper and lower
cable anchorages shall be stainless steel alloy 316 meeting the requirements of ASTM F593, for
bolts and F594 for nuts and shall be passivated in accordance with U.S. Federal Specs QQ-P-
For requirements on stay cables vibration suppression systems, refer to the Special Provisions
"Stay Cable Vibration Suppression Systems".
A supplemental waterproof protection system shall be provided near deck level to prevent snow,
ice, rain and other deleterious substances from coming into contact with the stay cable (defined
for purposes of this requirement to be the individual strands and the stay cable pipe enclosing
the strands) and with the stay cable end anchorage. Such protection shall extend from the
lower anchorage to a height of sixteen (16) feet above the top of the sidewalk/bikeway deck or
roadway deck whichever is higher.
In addition, a vandal resistant sleeve, pipe or other protection shall be provided from the lower
anchorage to a minimum vertical height of sixteen (16) feet above the top surface of the deck.
The vandal resistant sleeve may be part of the supplemental waterproof protection system.
Refer to Project Requirements 17 – Security with regard to additional requirements for the
vandal resistant sleeve.
Both protection systems shall include provisions for removal and replacement to facilitate
The details of both supplemental protection systems shall be submitted in Shop Drawings to the
Engineer of Record for approval including a list of reusable components for each protection
system. Shop Drawings shall be submitted to the Department for review and comment.
The Quality Control Program (QCP) shall conform to PTI Recommendations Section 6.1 and the
requirements of these Special Provisions.
A. Stay cables shall be fabricated in conformance with PTI Recommendations Section 6.2.
B. Appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure that all strands are installed parallel to
each other. The pitch of the helix strand spacer shall not exceed three feet.
C. Flame cutting of the strands is not permitted.
D. The individual strands comprising the cable shall be cut to their precalculated lengths
while fully supported on a rigid calibrated cutting bed. Standard calibrated steel
measuring tapes shall be employed to set and check the position of the stop and the
cutting tool. Care shall be exercised throughout the fabrication process to protect the
strands from damage and corrosion.
The Design-Builder shall develop procedures for handling stay cable components in
conformance with PTI Recommendations Section 6.3.
Silicone sealant
Prior to clamping the stainless steel bands, the Design-Builder shall seal the interface of the
neoprene boot and the stay cable using an approved silicone sealant, suitable for permanent
bonding to the neoprene boots and stainless steel bands.
All ferrous metal surfaces, other than stainless steel and hot dip galvanized surfaces of the stay
cables system shall be painted with a three coat system as per the NYSDOT Standard
Procedures for stressing the cables shall be in conformance with PTI Recommendations
Section 6.9.4.
Scope of Work
This work shall consist of the furnishing of all materials, anchorages, stay cable specimens,
strand specimens and all labor and equipment for fatigue, and static load testing.
1. Testing of fully assembled cables for fatigue, ultimate strength, and acceptance.
2. Testing individual strands for fatigue, ultimate strength and acceptance.
3. Strand anchorage acceptance.
4. Corrosion protection (in accordance with Section 4.1 of the PTI Recommendations).
B. All testing data and testing results shall be submitted to the Department for review and
evaluation. The review and evaluation by the Department does not relieve the Design-
Builder from the responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the work.
C. Fabrication of anchors or stay cable strands shall not begin until the tests are
successfully completed and written approval is given by the Engineer of Record.
1. One 16-foot long sample of strand shall be taken for every 10-tons of strands
produced from each heat of steel. This sample shall be used for both fatigue and
ductility testing.
2. All strands and test samples shall be marked in such a manner to ensure traceability
during production, transit, storage and testing.
3. The test strands shall be protected from failure in the gripping zone. Should any test
strand fail in the gripping zone, the test will be discarded and another test specimen
made from the same sample.
4. One test for each manufactured length shall be made for the following:
C. Ductility testing
"One-Pin Test" shall be conducted on a sample taken from each manufactured length. The
details and method of the test shall be as defined in the PTI Recommendations. For
acceptance, the tensile force in the sample during the one-pin test shall equal at least 80%
of the ultimate strength of the sample.
A. Three completed fully assembled stay cable specimens shall be fabricated for testing.
One specimen each shall be made representing the smallest stay cable, a mid-range
stay cable and the largest stay cable in the bridge. Each specimen shall be fully
representative of all details and procedures proposed for production of anchorages, but
need not be full length. All specimens shall be fabricated in accordance with these
Special Provisions.
1. The Design-Builder shall submit full details of the stay cable specimens, including
anchorages, detailed drawings and computations. Tests will proceed upon written
approval by the Engineer of Record.
1. The actual fatigue strength of the stay cable test materials shall be determined from
the result of fatigue tests from companion strands. Test procedures for the individual
companion specimen fatigue tests shall be as outlined previously in Section
"Fatigue Strength Test" in this Section.
2. The requirements for fatigue strength testing of stay cable anchorages may be
waived by the Department if the Design-Builder submits previous test data in
conformance with PTI Recommendations Section 4.3. The Department is on no way
obligated to waive this requirement for any reason.
Stay cable corrosion protection systems shall be provided in accordance with the Post
Tensioning Institute "PTI DC45.1-12: Recommendations for Stay Cable Design, Testing and
Installation" (PTI Recommendations) Section 4.1, unless otherwise noted.
Unless noted otherwise, all barrier qualification and temporary corrosion tests shall consist of
three independent specimens, each 6-foot long. In order to satisfy these recommendations, all
specimens shall satisfy the acceptance criteria as noted in these Special Provisions.
The supplier's Quality Control program shall include provisions to assure that the materials used
in each cable installation are of the same specification and quality as those used for the
qualification testing required under these Special Provisions.
Corrosion protection shall be provided in accordance with PTI Recommendations Section 4.1.2.
Materials used in the corrosion protection system shall be provided in accordance with PTI
Recommendations Section 4.1.3. Use of alternative materials shall be subject to review and
evaluation by the Department.
Internal Barriers
Internal barriers shall be provided in accordance with PTI Recommendations Section
External Barriers
External barriers shall be provided in accordance with PTI Recommendations Section
Acceptance criteria for corrosion protection shall be in conformance with PTI Recommendations
Section 4.1.7.
A. Test documentation for corrosion protection shall be in conformance with PTI
Recommendations Section 4.1.8.
This work shall consist of the design, installation, and testing of a stay cable vibration
suppression system as specified herein. The stay cable system shall include a vibration
suppression system consisting one or more overlapping systems (dampers other than neoprene
washers, cross ties, and/or cable surface modifications) to prevent excessive wind-induced
vibrations, the design of dampers shall provide for damping factors required by “established
criteria” for stay cable vibrations. An independent Subcontractor (i.e., independent of the
Design-Builder and stay cable supplier) shall verify the design and adequacy of damper system
for stay cables.
In order to determine the appropriate damping system, it is necessary to estimate the effective
damping ratio of the proposed stay cable with the supplemental damping system (if proposed).
The determination of effective damping ratio shall be based upon full-scale test results and shall
be subject to review and evaluation by the Department.
In order to improve the dynamic behavior of stay cables under the action of wind or under the
combined action of wind and rain, the Design-Builder shall consider certain modifications to the
cable surface, i.e. addition of well defined protrusions or dimples. The effect of such additions
on all possible kinds of dynamic excitation, as well as on the static drag coefficient, shall be
evaluated and submitted to the Department for review.
The structural damping of cable shall be sufficient to limit amplitudes of vibrations and to
prevent aeroelastic instability. The Design-Builder is required to measure the inherent cable
damping for selected cables during construction. The damping system shall be developed in
accordance with the recommendations of Section 4 of the FHWA Wind Induced Vibration of
Stay Cables, FHWA-HRT-05-083, August 2007.
Provisions shall be made by the Design-Builder to facilitate rapid introduction of temporary
suppression measures for stay cables susceptible to vibrations during construction. The cables
shall be monitored for vibrations. Monitoring shall take place during erection at the time of
major wind events and under the combined action of wind and rain.
Dampers shall be fabricated of corrosion resistant materials that have a minimum service life of
40 years and shall require minimal maintenance. The dampers must be accessible for easy
maintenance and inspection.
A. Full scale damping measurements of 20% of the stay cables shall be made to ensure
that stay cable damping estimates used in the design of the vibration suppression
system are met. If actual damping differs sufficiently from the values used in design of
the vibration suppression system, damping shall be provided, at no cost to the
Department to ensure that the vibration suppression system meets with the intended
performance level.
B. Following completion of these tests, the Design-Builder shall submit to the Department a
report that demonstrates that the performance of the vibration suppression system
meets or exceeds the required performance level.
The Design-Builder shall furnish and install all post-tensioning systems and any other pertinent
items necessary for the particular prestressing system used, including, but not limited to, ducts,
anchorage assemblies, and local zone reinforcement. The Design-Builder shall furnish all
components of a post-tensioning system, including steel pipes and not including the
prestressing steel, from a single supplier.
The Design-Builder shall install prestressing steel, which may be strands or bars, through ducts
in the concrete. The Design-Builder shall stress to a predetermined load and anchor directly
against the hardened concrete. The Design-Builder shall grout ducts to fill all voids and install
protection at end anchorages.
The Design-Builder shall submit shop and working drawings and manuals in accordance with
this Design-Build (DB) Special Provision Post-Tensioning. The Design-Builder shall produce all
shop drawings related to post-tensioning which shall bear the signature and seal of the
responsible engineer licensed in the State of New York.
The Design-Builder shall perform all post-tensioning field operations under the direct
supervision (crew foreman) of a qualified post-tensioning and grouting technician. The crew
foreman for post-tensioning tendon installation and grouting shall be a valid “Post-Tensioning
Institute (PTI) Certified Level 1 & 2 Bonded PT Field Specialist” and “American Segmental
Bridge Institute (ASBI) Certified Grouting Technician.”
The Design-Builder shall conduct all stressing and grouting operations in the presence of the
Department’s representative.
The Design-Builder shall prepare shop drawings to address all requirements stated in the plans
and the requirements stated herein. The Design-Builder shall indicate the approved post-
tensioning systems to be used. The Design-Builder shall show tendon geometry and locations
complying with the plans and the limitations of the selected post-tensioning system. The
Design-Builder shall show all inlets, outlets, high point outlet inspection details, anchorage
inspection details and permanent grout caps, protection system materials, and application limits.
The Design-Builder shall store all materials in a weatherproof building, shed, or container until
time of use.
The Design-Builder shall use only post-tensioning systems that are approved by an independent
testing laboratories approved by the Department. The Design-Builder shall submit test results to
the Department and include certified test reports from independent laboratories audited by
AASHTO Materials Research Laboratory (AMRL) which shows the post-tensioning system
meets all the requirements specified herein. The Design-Builder shall test plastic components
in certified independent laboratories accredited through the laboratory accreditation program of
the Geosynthetic Accreditation Institute (GAI) or the American Association for Laboratory
Accreditation (AALA). Certification of test reports may be performed by an independent
laboratory located outside the United States (US), if the independent laboratory is approved by
the Department. If any component of the post-tensioning system is modified or replaced, the
entire system shall be retested in accordance with the directions herein and a new report shall
be submitted to the Department.
The Design-Builder shall perform a certification test for the plastic on a sample formed or cut
from the finished product. The Design-Builder shall provide the Department’s representative
with certification that the plastic from the sample complies with all requirements of the specified
cell class, stress crack rating, and amount of antioxidant. The Design-Builder shall certify to the
Department’s representative that the post-tensioning system being furnished is in compliance
with all requirements stated herein.
The Design-Builder shall ensure that all components of a system are stamped with the
supplier’s name, trademark model number, and size corresponding to catalog designation.
Post-tensioning systems consist of an assembly of components for various sizes of strand or
bars assembled and pressure tested. Post-tensioning systems shall be developed and tested
for bar systems and both internal (corrugated duct) and external (smooth duct) applications for
the Department’s standard tendon sizes consist of 0.6 inch diameter strand in anchorages
containing four, seven, 12, 15, 19, and 27 strands.
A. Strand: Unless otherwise approved by the Department, the Design-Builder shall use
uncoated strand (Grade 270), low relaxation seven-wire strand meeting the
requirements of ASTM A 416.
B. Bar: Unless otherwise approved by the Department, uncoated Grade 150, high strength,
coarse thread bar meeting the requirements of ASTM A 722, Type II.
The Design-Builder shall use approved post-tensioning systems, of the proper size and type to
construct tendons shown on the Contract Documents. Substitution of components of approved
post-tensioning systems is not allowed. The Design-Builder shall use only post-tensioning
systems that utilize tendons fully encapsulated in anchorages and ducts. Systems which
transfer prestress force by bonding the prestress steel strand directly to concrete are not
allowed. Embedded anchors for bars are permitted.
Post-Tensioning Anchorages
The Design-Builder shall ensure that the anchorages develop at least 95% of the actual ultimate
tensile strength of the prestressing steel, when tested in an unbonded state, without exceeding
the anticipated set.
The Design-Builder shall design anchorages so that the average concrete bearing stress is in
compliance with the “AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.” The Design-Builder shall
test and provide written certification that anchorages meet or exceed the testing requirements in
the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications.
The Design-Builder shall galvanize the body of the anchorage in accordance with ASTM 123.
Other components of the anchorage, including, wedges, wedge plate, and local zone
reinforcement are not required to be galvanized. The Design-Builder shall construct the bearing
surface and wedge plate from ferrous metal. The Design-Builder shall equip all anchorages
with a permanent fiber reinforced plastic grout cap that is vented and bolted to the anchorage.
The Design-Builder shall provide wedge plates with centering lugs or shoulders to facilitate
alignment with the bearing plate.
The grout outlet will serve a dual function of grout outlet and post-grouting inspection access.
The geometry of the grout outlets must facilitate being drilled using a straight bit to facilitate
endoscope inspection directly behind the anchor plate. Anchorages may be fabricated to
facilitate both inspection locations or may be two separate anchorages of the same type each
providing singular inspection entry locations.
Bar Couplers
Use couplers meeting the requirements of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications and
Bridge Construction Specifications. Test and provide written certification that the couplers meet
or exceed the testing requirements in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications.
Inlets, Outlets, Valves and Plugs
Provide permanent grout inlets, outlets, and threaded plugs made of ASTM A 240 Type 316
stainless steel, nylon or polyolefin materials. For products made from nylon a cell class of S-
PA0141 (weather resistant) is required. Products made from polyolefin shall contain
antioxidant(s) with a minimum Oxidation Induction Time (OIT) according to ASTM D 3895 of not
less than 20 minutes. Test the remolded finished polyolefin material for stress crack resistance
using ASTM F 2136 at an applied stress of 348 psi resulting in a minimum failure time of 3
hours. All inlets and outlets will be equipped with pressure rated mechanical shut-off valves or
plugs. Inlets, outlets, valves and plugs will be rated for a minimum pressure rating of 150 psi.
Use inlets and outlets with a minimum inside diameter of 3/4 inch for strand and 3/8 inch for
single bar tendons and four-strand duct.
Temporary items, not part of the permanent structure, may be made of any suitable material.
Use permanent grout caps made from fiber reinforced polymer. The resins used in the fiber
reinforced polymer shall be either nylon, Acrylonitrite Butadiene Styrene (ABS) or polyester. For
products made from nylon a cell class of S-PA0141 (weather resistant) is required. Seal the
cap with “O” ring seals or precision fitted flat gaskets placed against the bearing plate. Place a
grout vent on the top of the cap. Grout caps must be rated for a minimum pressure rating of 150
psi. Use ASTM A 240 Type 316L stainless steel bolts to attach the cap to the anchorage.
Use only plastic duct, steel pipe or a combination of plastic duct and steel pipe. Ensure that all
connectors, connections and components of post-tensioning system hardware are air and water
tight and pass the pressure test requirements herein. Use smooth plastic duct in all post-
tensioning systems used for external tendons. Use corrugated plastic duct in all post-tensioning
systems used for all internal tendons except where steel pipe is required.
Provide duct with a minimum internal diameter of at least 1/2 inch larger than the outside
diameter, measured across the deformations, of the prestressing bar. For prestressing bars
with couplers, size the entire length of duct to be 1/2 inch larger than the diameter of the
For multi-strand tendons, provide ducts with a minimum cross-sectional area 2 1/2 times the
cross-sectional area of the prestressing steel.
Steel pipe and plastic duct may be connected directly to each other when the outside diameters
do not vary more than ± 0.08 inch. Use a reducer when the diameters of the steel pipe and the
plastic duct are outside of this tolerance. Steel Pipes
Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipes shall conform to ASTM A53 “Standard Specification for
Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-coated, Welded and Seamless.”
The Design-Builder shall not use ducts manufactured from recycled material. The Design-
Builder shall use seamless fabrication methods to manufacture ducts. Ducts shall be sufficiently
rigid to withstand concrete placement, grouting, and construction loads without damage or
excessive deformation, while remaining watertight.
The Design-Builder shall use corrugated duct manufactured from non-colored, unfilled
polypropylene meeting the requirements of ASTM D4101 “Standard Specification for
Polypropylene Plastic Injection and Extrusion Materials” with a cell classification range of
PP0340B14542 to PP0340B67884. The duct shall be white in color containing antioxidant(s)
with a minimum Oxidation Induction Time (OIT) according to ASTM D 3895 of 20 minutes and
containing a non-yellow light stabilizer. The Design-Builder shall furnish duct with a minimum
thickness as defined in the following table:
The Design-Builder shall ensure that the duct system components and accessories meet the
requirements of Chapter 4, Articles 4.1 through 4.1.8, of International Federation of Structural
Concrete (FIB) Technical Report, Bulletin 7, titled "Corrugated Plastic Duct for Internal Bonded
Post-Tensioning" as modified herein.
A. The Design-Builder shall conduct the lateral load resistance test (FIB 4.1.4) without the
use of a duct stiffener plate using a load of 150 lbs. for all sizes;
B. The wear resistance of duct (FIB 4.1.7) shall not be less than 0.06 inches for duct up to
3.35 inches in diameter and not less than 0.08 inch for duct greater than 3.35 inches in
diameter; and
C. The bond length test (FIB 4.1.8) shall achieve 40% GUTS in a maximum length of 16
duct diameters.
In addition to the component testing stated herein, the manufacturer shall establish, through
testing, the minimum bending radius for the duct. The test consists of a modified duct wear test
as described in Chapter 4, Article 4.1.7, of FIB Technical Report, Bulletin 7, titled "Corrugated
Plastic Duct for Internal Bonded Post-Tensioning." The test apparatus shall be identical to the
wear test apparatus with the same clamping force as a function of the number of strands in the
duct; however, the Design-Builder shall modify the procedure as follows:
A. The Design-Builder shall not move the sample along the strand to simulate wear; and
B. The test duration shall be seven calendar days.
Upon completion of the test duration, the Design-Builder shall remove the duct and the
minimum wall thickness along the strand path shall not be less than 0.06 inch for duct up to 3.35
inches diameter and not less than 0.08 inch for duct greater than 3.35 inches in diameter.
The Design-Builder shall make all splices, joints, joints between segments (segmental
construction), couplings, and connections to anchorages with devices or methods (i.e.,
mechanical couplers and plastic sleeves in conjunction with shrink sleeve) producing a smooth
interior alignment with no lips or kinks. The Design-Builder shall design all connections and
fittings to be airtight. Tape of any kind is not permitted to join or repair duct connections.
The Design-Builder shall construct connections and fittings from polyolefin materials containing
antioxidant stabilizer(s) meeting the requirements established in Section Inlets, Outlets,
Valves and Plugs.
For post-tensioned systems intended for use with segmental constructed box girder bridges, the
post-tensioning system shall include duct couplers at the segment joints. The tendon duct
coupler located at the segment joint shall be mounted perpendicular to the bulkhead and
designed to receive a duct at an angle of 6 degrees deviation from perpendicular. The coupler
must be able to accommodate angular deviation of the duct without the tendon strands touching
the duct or coupler on either side of the segment joint.
The Design-Builder shall use smooth duct manufactured from 100% virgin polyethylene resin
meeting the requirements of ASTM D 3350 with a minimum cell class of 344464C. The Design-
Builder shall use resin containing antioxidant(s) with a minimum Oxidative Induction Time (OIT)
according to ASTM D 3895 of 40 minutes. The Design-Builder shall manufacture duct with a
Dimension Ratio (DR) of 17.0 as established by either ASTM D 3055 or ASTM F 714 as
appropriate for the manufacturing process used.
The Design-Builder shall use smooth duct meeting the minimum pressure rating (working
pressure) of 100 psi and manufactured to either of the following specifications:
A. ASTM D 3035 "Standard Specifications for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (DR-PR)
Based on Controlled Outside Diameter"; or
B. ASTM F 714 "Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR)
Based on Outside Diameter."
The Design-Builder shall use heat welding techniques in making all splices between sections of
plastic duct in accordance with the duct manufacturer's instructions or with mechanical couplers
meeting the requirements of this Special Provision Post-Tensioning. The Design-Builder shall
ensure all connections have a minimum pressure rating (working pressure) of 100 psi and
produce a smooth interior alignment and a connection with no lips or kinks.
The Design-Builder shall ensure all connections between steel pipe embedded in concrete and
plastic duct are made by using a mechanical coupler or a circular sleeve made of Ethylene
Propylene Deine Monomer (EPDM) having a minimum pressure rating (working pressure) of
100 psi. The Design-Builder shall use EPDM materials having 100% quality retention as
defined by ASTM D 1171 Ozone Chamber Exposure Method B.
The Design-Builder shall use EPDM sleeves having a minimum wall thickness of 3/8 inch and
be reinforced with a minimum of four ply polyester reinforcement. The Design-Builder shall use
a 3/8 inch wide power seated band and clamps constructed from ASTM A240, Type 316
stainless steel on each end of the boot to seal against leakage of grout. The Design-Builder
shall install the band with an 80 to 120 pound [356 to 534 N] seating force.
The Design-Builder shall not use corrugated ferrous metal ducts in any location.
The Design-Builder shall furnish duct with end caps to seal the duct interior from contamination.
The Design-Builder shall ship duct in bundles which are capped and covered during shipping
and storage. The Design-Builder shall protect ducts against ultraviolet degradation, crushing,
excessive bending, dirt contamination, and corrosive elements during transportation, storage,
and handling. The Design-Builder shall not remove end caps supplied with the duct until the
duct is incorporated into the bridge component. The Design-Builder shall store duct in a
location that is dry and protected from the sun. Storage must be on a raised platform and
completely covered to prevent contamination. If necessary, the Design-Builder shall wash duct
before use to remove any contamination.
Internal Mechanical Couplers, O-Ring Assemblies, and Heat Shrink Sleeve Requirements
The Design-Builder shall construct mechanical internal duct couplers with stainless steel or
plastic or a combination of these materials. The Design-Builder shall use plastic resins meeting
the requirements of Section and to construct plastic couplers. The Design-
Builder shall use ASTM A240 Type 316 stainless steel to make metallic components. Duct for
prestressing bars used exclusively for temporary post-tensioning are not required to be coupled
across segment joints.
O-ring duct coupler assemblies shall be made from plastic resins meeting the requirements of
Section and Assemblies holding the O-ring shall mount to the form bulkheads
and provide for duct alignment. The maximum force to compress the O-ring to its final
compressed position shall not be greater than 25 psi times the area encircled by the O-ring. O-
rings used in duct coupling assemblies between precast segment joints shall meet the following
additional requirement: the volume change in water and diesel fuel oil at 70 hours at 125 c %
ASTM D471 < 3.
A. Mechanical Properties
B. Accelerated Testing
C. Environmental Resistance
The Design-Builder shall furnish and install heat shrink sleeves manufactured specifically for the
size of the duct being coupled consisting of an irradiated and cross linked high density
polyethylene backing for external applications and linear-density polyethylene for internal
applications. Adhesive must bond to steel and polyolefin plastic materials. Ensure the heat
shrink sleeves have an adhesive layer that will withstand 150° F operating temperature and
meet the requirements of the following table:
Minimum Requirements
Property Test Method
Internal Application External Application
Minimum Fully
92 mils 111 mils
Recovered Thickness
Peel Strength ASTM D 1000 29 pli 46 pli
Softening Point ASTM E 28 162º F 216ºF
Lap Shear DIN 30 672M 87 psi 58 psi
Tensile Strength ASTM D 638 2,900 psi 3,480 psi
Hardness ASTM D 2240 46 Shore D 52 Shore D
Water Absorption ASTM D 570 Less than 0.05% Less than 0.05%
Color Yellow Black
Property Test Method Minimum Requirements
Shrinkage 33% 23%
The Design-Builder shall install heat shrink sleeves using procedures and methods in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
For each family of post-tensioning systems, the Design-Builder shall assemble systems and
perform the pressure test defined herein. For each family of post-tensioning systems, the
Design-Builder shall test two assemblies (largest and smallest) from the family. The post-
tensioning assembly includes at least one of each component required to make a tendon from
grout cap to grout cap. If applicable, the Design-Builder shall include plastic duct to steel pipe
connections and segment duct couplers.
System testing for external duct consists of three separate tests. First, the anchorage and its
connection to the duct/pipe must be tested in accordance with and meet the requirements for
internal duct systems. Second, the grout cap to anchorage fit and, third, the duct and pipe
assembly must comply with the following test. The Design-Builder shall condition the assembly
by maintaining a pressure of 150 psi in the system for three hours. After conditioning, the
assembly must sustain a 150 psi internal pressure for five minutes with no more than 15 psi
reduction in pressure. The length of the test pipe assembly for the third test is 15 feet.
Alternately, the second and third tests can be performed with either air or grout.
Perform a system test of the assembly for compliance with the requirements of Chapter 4,
Article 4.2, Stage 1 and Stage 2 Testing contained in FIB Technical Report, Bulletin 7, titled
“Corrugated Plastic Duct for Internal Bonded Post-tensioning”. For bar systems modify the
system test length to 15 feet. For systems being tested for use in precast segmental
construction, modify this test to include one duct coupler (or O-ring assembly) which is to be
used at the segment joint.
Test the coupler for proper function by casting the coupler into a two part concrete test block
using match cast techniques. Pull blocks apart and clean the surface of any bond breaker
materials. Using an external apparatus, clamp the blocks together and maintain 40 psi pressure
on the block cross section during the pressure test. Do not apply epoxy between the blocks for
this portion of the test. Pressurize the duct within the test block to 5 psi and lock-off the outside
air source. The assembly must sustain a 5 psi internal pressure for five minutes with no more
than a 0.5 psi reduction in pressure. Separate the duct coupler blocks from the duct system
remove the clamping device and place a 1/16 inch layer of epoxy on the face of both blocks,
clamp the blocks together and maintain a pressure of 40 psi on the block cross section for 24
hours. Upon removal of the clamping force, demolish the blocks. The coupler and the attached
ducts should be intact and free of epoxy, and properly attached without crushing, tearing or
other signs of failure.
7.2.5 GROUT
The Design-Builder shall use only grouts that meet the requirements of the Special Provision for
Post Tensioning Grout. The Design-Builder shall select the post-tensioning grout for use by the
proper application - either repair, horizontal, or vertical. Grout shall be mixed with potable water
meeting the requirements of the NYSDOT’s Standard Specifications Section 712-01. The
Design-Builder shall maintain grout fluidity in strict compliance with the grout manufacturer’s
recommendations and test grout fluidity with a flow cone.
Grout Storage
The Design-Builder shall store grout in a location that is both dry and convenient to the Work.
Storage in the open must be on a raised platform and with adequate waterproof covering to
protect the material. On site storage of grout is limited to a maximum period of one month.
Testing must conform to the applicable ASTM Specifications for the prestressing material used.
The Design-Builder shall furnish all material samples for testing at no cost to the Department.
The Design-Builder shall consider the job site or site referred to herein as the location where the
prestressing steel is to be installed, whether at the bridge site or at the casting yard.
Prestressing Steel
The Design-Builder shall furnish samples for testing as described below for each manufacturer
of prestressing strand and bar to be used on the Project.
With each sample of prestressing steel strand or bar furnished for testing, the Design-Builder
shall submit a certification stating the manufacturer’s minimum guaranteed ultimate tensile
strength of the sample furnished.
The Department’s representative will sample the following materials, at the plant or jobsite, from
the prestressing steel used for post-tensioning operations:
A. For strand: three randomly selected samples, five feet long, per manufacturer, per size
of strand, per shipment, with a minimum of one sample for every ten reels delivered; and
B. For bars: three randomly selected samples, five feet long, per manufacturer, per size of
bar, per heat of steel, with a minimum of one sample per shipment.
One of each of the samples furnished to represent a LOT will be tested. The remaining
sample(s), properly identified and tagged, shall be stored by the Department for future testing.
In the event of loss or failure of the component the stored sample will be utilized to evaluate for
minimum strength requirements. For acceptance of the LOT represented, test results must
show 100% of the guaranteed ultimate tensile strength.
LOTs and Identification
A LOT is that parcel of components as described herein. All bars, of each size from each mill
heat of steel, and all strand from each manufactured reel to be shipped to the site must be
assigned an individual LOT number and must be tagged in such a manner that each such LOT
can be accurately identified at the job site. The Design-Builder shall submit records to the
Department’s representative identifying assigned LOT numbers with the heat or reel of material
represented. All unidentified prestressing steel or bars received at the site will be rejected.
Also, loss of positive identification of these items at any time will be cause for rejection.
The Design-Builder shall provide a copy of the grout QC Data Sheet to the Department’s
representative from the manufacturer for each LOT number and shipment sent to the job site.
Materials with a total time from manufacturer in excess of six months shall be retested and
certified by the supplier before use or be removed from the Project and replaced.
Testing is not required on post-tensioned, precast flat slab bridges, and double tee bridges.
For the purpose of accurately determining the tendon elongations while stressing, the Design-
Builder shall bench test two samples of each size of tendon to determine the modulus of
elasticity prior to stressing the initial tendon.
For the purpose of this test, the bench length between anchorages must be at least 40 feet and
the tendon duct at least two inches clear of the tendon all around. The test procedure must
consist of stressing the tendon at an anchor assembly with a load cell at the dead end. The
Design-Builder shall tension the test specimen to 80% of ultimate in ten increments and then
detension from 80% of ultimate to zero in ten decrements. For each increment and decrement,
the Design-Builder shall record the gauge pressure, elongations, and load cell force. The
Design-Builder shall note elongations of the tendon for both ends and the central 30 feet,
measured to an accuracy of ± 1/32 inch. The Design-Builder shall correct the elongations for
the actual anchorage set of the dead end.
E = PL/ADl
P = force in tendon,
If the bench test varies from the modulus of elasticity used for the shop or working drawings by
more than 1%, submit revisions to the theoretical elongations to the Engineer of Record for
When the observed elongations of the tendons in the erected structure fall outside the
acceptable tolerances or to otherwise settle disputes, additional Tendon Modulus of Elasticity
Tests may be required to be performed to the satisfaction of the Engineer of Record.
If the source of prestressing steel changes during the Project, additional test series or
substantiation from previous projects, not to exceed two per source will be required.
The apparatus and methods used to perform the test must be submitted to the Engineer of
Record for approval. Tests must be conducted in the Engineer of Record’s presence, or his
For tendons in excess of 100 feet long, test in place a minimum of one tendon in tendon group
performing the same function. Functional tendon groups are cantilever tendons, continuity
tendons, draped external tendons or continuous profiled tendons passing through one or more
spans, etc. The selected tendon will represent the size and length of the group of tendons
being tested. The in-place friction test is not required on projects with straight tendons used in
flat slabs or precast voided slabs.
The test procedure consists of stressing the tendon at an anchor assembly with a load cell or a
second certified jack at the dead end. Stress the test specimen to 80% of ultimate tendon
strength in eight equal increments. For each increment, record the gauge pressure, elongations
and load cell force. Take into account any wedge seating in both the live end (i.e., back of jack)
and the dead end (i.e., back of load cell) and any friction within the anchorages, wedge plates
and jack as a result of slight deviations of the strands through these assemblies. For long
tendons requiring multiple jack pulls with intermediate temporary anchoring, keep an accurate
account of the elongation at the jacking end allowing for intermediate wedge seating and slip of
the jack’s wedges.
If the elongation’s fall outside the ± 5% range compared to the anticipated elongations,
investigate the reason and make detailed calculations confirming the final tendon forces are in
agreement with the approved Plans.
In reconciling theoretical and actual elongations, do not vary the value of the expected friction
and wobble coefficients by more than ± 10%. Significant shortfall in elongations is indicative of
poor duct alignments and/or obstructions. Correct or compensate for such elongations in a
manner proposed by the Design-Builder and reviewed and approved by the Engineer of Record
at no additional cost to the Department.
The Engineer of Record will require one successful friction test for each tendon group for the
If there are irreconcilable differences between forces and elongations or other difficulties during
the course of routine stressing operations, the Department’s representative may require
additional in place friction tests.
If required, the Design-Builder shall submit two test reports of the “Tendon Modulus of Elasticity
Test” to the Department’s representative at least 30 calendar days before installing the tendon.
The Design-Builder shall submit two test reports of the “In Place Friction Test” to the
Department’s representative within two weeks after successful installation of the tested tendon.
The Design-Builder shall reevaluate the theoretical elongations shown on the post-tensioning
shop or working drawings using the results of the tests for Tendon Modulus of Elasticity and In
The Design-Builder shall protect all prestressing steel against physical damage and corrosion at
all times, from manufacturer to final grouting or encasing in the concrete. The Department’s
representative will require replacement of prestressing steel that has sustained physical
damage. The Design-Builder shall carefully inspect any reel that is found to contain broken
wires during use and remove and discard lengths of strand containing broken wires. The wire
shall be bright and uniformly colored, having no foreign matter or pitting on its surface.
Prestressing steel shall be packaged in containers for protection of the steel against physical
damage and corrosion during shipping and storage. A corrosion inhibitor which prevents rust
shall be placed in the package or be incorporated in a corrosion inhibitor carrier type packaging
material. The corrosion inhibitor shall have no deleterious effect on the steel, the concrete, or
the bond strength of steel to concrete. Inhibitor carrier type packaging material shall conform to
the provisions of Federal Specification MIL-P-3420. The Design-Builder shall immediately
replace or restore packaging damaged from any cause to the original condition.
The shipping package shall be clearly marked with a statement that the package contains high-
strength prestressing steel; the care to be used in handling; and the type, kind, and amount of
corrosion inhibitor used, including, the date when placed, safety orders, and instructions for use.
The Design-Builder shall specifically designate low relaxation (stabilized) strands per
requirements of ASTM A 416. Strands not so designated shall be replaced.
The time between the first installation of the prestressing steel in the duct and the completion of
the stressing and grouting operations shall not exceed seven calendar days. Any light surface
corrosion forming during this period of time shall not be cause for replacement of the
prestressing steel.
Flushing of grout is not permitted and vacuum grouting is required to repair all voids and
blockages. Flushing of ducts is only permitted as defined in Sections 8.8 and 8.9.5. When
flushing is permitted, the Design-Builder shall use flush water containing slake lime (calcium
hydroxide) or quicklime (calcium oxide) in the amount of 0.17 lb/gal [0.2 kg/L].
Except when waived by the Department’s representative in writing, failure to grout tendons
within the seven calendar days specified shall result in stoppage of the affected Work.
The Design-Builder shall accurately and securely fasten all post-tensioning anchorages, ducts,
inlet and outlet pipes, miscellaneous hardware, reinforcing bars, and other embedments at the
locations shown on the plans or on the shop or working drawings. The Design-Builder shall
construct tendons using the minimum number of duct splices possible.
7.5.2 DUCTS
The Design-Builder shall accurately align ducts and position at the locations shown on the plans
or according to the shop or working drawings. The Design-Builder shall securely fasten all
internal ducts in position at regular intervals not exceeding 30 inches for steel pipes, 24 inches
for round plastic duct, and 12 inches for flat ducts to prevent movement, displacement, or
damage from concrete placement and consolidation operations. The Design-Builder shall show
the method and spacing of duct supports on appropriate shop drawings. The Design-Builder
shall ensure that ducts for external tendons are straight between connections to internal ducts at
anchorages, diaphragms, and deviation saddles and are supported at intermediate locations
according to the plans or shop drawings.
The Design-Builder shall ensure that all alignments, including curves and straight portions, are
smooth and continuous with no lips, kinks, or dents. This also applies to curves in pre-bent steel
The Design-Builder shall carefully check and repair all ducts as necessary before placing any
After installing the ducts and until grouting is complete, the Design-Builder shall ensure that all
ends of ducts, connections to anchorages, splices, inlets, and outlets are sealed at all times.
The Design-Builder shall provide an absolute seal of anchorage and duct termination locations
by using plumber’s plugs or equal. Grout inlets and outlets shall be installed with plugs or
valves in the closed position. The Design-Builder shall leave low point outlets open. The use of
any tapes is not permitted.
All splices, joints, couplings, connections (inlet and outlet), and valves shall be part of the
approved post-tensioning system. Approved shrink-sleeve material may be used to repair duct.
The use of any tapes to repair or seal duct is not permitted.
The Design-Builder shall show locations of all grout inlets and outlets on the plans and shop
drawings. The Design-Builder shall equip all grout inlets and outlets with positive shut-off
devices. At a minimum, grout inlets and outlets shall be placed in the following positions:
Ensure that post-tensioning ducts in their final position are within the following tolerances:
In all other cases, ensure that tendons are not out of position by more than ± 1/4 inch in any
Ensure entrance and exit angles of tendon paths at anchorages and/or at faces of concrete are
within ± 3 degrees [± 5%] of desired angle measured in any direction and any deviations in the
alignment are accomplished with smooth transitions without any kinks.
Angle changes at duct joints must not be greater than ± 3 degrees [± 5%] in any direction and
must be accomplished with smooth transitions without any kinks.
Locate anchorages within ± 1/4 inch of desired position laterally and ± 1 inch along the tendon
except that minimum cover requirements must be maintained.
Position anchorage confinement reinforcement in the form of spirals, multiple U shaped bars or
links, to be properly centered around the duct and to start within 1/2 inch of the back of the main
anchor plate.
If conflicts exist between the reinforcement and post-tensioning duct, the position of the post-
tensioning duct shall prevail and the reinforcement shall be adjusted locally with the Engineer of
Record’s approval.
Pressure test all internal ducts, except longitudinal ducts in individual segments of segmental
box girders, before casting concrete. Seal the duct at the termini and test with compressed air
to determine if the duct connections require repair. Pressurize the duct to 5 psi and lock-off the
outside air source. Record the pressure loss over five minutes. If the pressure loss exceeds 2
psi repair the leaks in the duct using methods approved by the Engineer of Record.
Use methods to place and consolidate concrete which will not displace or damage any of the
post-tensioning ducts, anchorage assemblies, splices and connections, reinforcement or other
embedments. Fabricate all duct splices to prevent duct kinks during concrete placement. Use
mandrels as needed to maintain duct alignment and shape.
Upon completion of concrete placement, prove that the post-tensioning ducts are free and clear
of any obstructions or damage and are able to accept the intended post-tensioning tendons by
passing a torpedo through the ducts. Use a torpedo having the same cross-sectional shape as
the duct and that is a 1/4 inch smaller all around than the clear, nominal inside dimensions of
the duct. Make no deductions to the torpedo section dimensions for tolerances allowed in the
manufacture or fixing of the ducts. For straight ducts, use a torpedo at least 2 feet] long. For
curved ducts, determine the length so that when both ends touch the outermost wall of the duct,
the torpedo is 1/4 inch clear of the innermost wall. If the torpedo will not travel completely
through the duct, the Engineer of Record will reject the member, unless a workable repair can
be made to clear the duct. The torpedo must pass through the duct easily, by hand, without
resorting to excessive effort or mechanical assistance.
The Engineer of Record will reject ducts or any part of the work found to be deficient. Perform
no remedial or repair work without the Engineer of Record’s approval.
Push or pull post-tensioning strands through the ducts to make up a tendon using methods
which will not snag on any lips or joints in the ducts. Strands which are pushed should be
rounded off on the end of the strand or fitted with a smooth protective cap. During the
installation of the post-tensioning strand into the duct, the strand shall not be intentionally
rotated by any mechanical device.
Alternatively, strands may be assembled to form the tendon and pulled through the duct using a
special steel wire sock (“Chinese finger”) or other device attached to the end. The ends of the
strands may not be welded together for this purpose. Round the end of the pre-assembled
tendon for smooth passage through the duct. Cut strands using an abrasive saw or equal.
Flame cutting is not allowed.
Do not install permanent tendons before the completion of testing as required by these
Specifications or Plans. As a sole exception, the tendon to be tested in the “In Place Friction
Test” may be installed for the test.
Do not apply post-tensioning forces until the concrete has attained the specified compressive
strength as determined by cylinder tests.
Tension all post-tensioning steel with hydraulic jacks so that the post-tensioning force is not less
than that required by the plans or approved shop drawings, or as otherwise approved by the
Engineer of Record. Do not utilize monostrand jacks to stress tendons with five or more
The maximum temporary stress (jacking stress) in the post-tensioning steel must not exceed
80% of its specified minimum ultimate tensile strength. Do not overstress tendons to achieve
the expected elongation.
The post-tensioning steel must be anchored at initial stresses that will result in the long term
retention of permanent stresses or forces of no less than those shown on the plans or the
approved shop drawings. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer of Record, the initial
stress after anchor set must not exceed 70% of the specified ultimate tensile strength of the
post-tensioning steel.
Permanent stress and permanent force are the stress and force remaining in the post-
tensioning steel after all losses, including long term creep and shrinkage of concrete, elastic
shortening of concrete, relaxation of steel, losses in the post-tensioning steel from the sequence
of stressing, friction and unintentional wobble of the ducts, anchor set, friction in the anchorages
and all other losses peculiar to the post-tensioning system.
Stressing Sequence
Except as noted on the plans, or the approved shop drawings, permanent post-tensioning
tendons must be stressed from both ends. The required force may be applied at one end and
subsequently at the other end or simultaneously at both ends.
For construction in stages where some tendons are required to be stressed before others, install
and stress in accordance with the plans or approved shop drawings or as otherwise approved
by the Engineer of Record.
Only use equipment furnished by the supplier of the post-tensioning system (tendons, hardware,
anchorages, etc.).
Each jack must be equipped with a pressure gauge for determining the jacking pressure. The
pressure gauge must have an accurate reading gauge with a dial at least six inches in diameter.
The Design-Builder shall calibrate each jack and its gauge(s) as a unit. The calibration must
consist of three test cycles with the cylinder extension of the jack in various positions (i.e., two
inch, four inch, and eight inch stroke). At each pressure increment, the Design-Builder shall
average the forces from each test cycle to obtain an average force. The Design-Builder shall
perform the calibration with the equipment (such as, jack, pump, and hoses) setup in the same
configuration that is intended to be used at the job site. The post-tensioning supplier or an
independent laboratory shall perform initial calibration of jacks and gauge(s). The Design-
Builder shall use load cells calibrated within the past 12 months to calibrate stressing
equipment. For each jack and gauge unit used on the Project, the Design-Builder shall furnish
certified calibration charts and curves to the NYSDOT’s representative prior to stressing. The
Design-Builder shall supply documentation denoting the load cell(s) calibration date and
tractability to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) along with the jack/gauge
The Design-Builder shall provide the NYSDOT’s representative with certified calibration charts
and curves prior to the start of the Work and every six months thereafter, or as requested by the
NYSDOT’s representative. Calibrations subsequent to the initial calibration with a load cell may
be accomplished by the use of a master gauge. The Design-Builder shall supply the master
gauge to the NYSDOT’s representative in a protective waterproof container capable of
protecting the calibration of the master gauge during shipment to a laboratory. The Design-
Builder shall provide a quick-attach hydraulic manifold to enable quick and easy installation of
the master gauge to verify the permanent gauge readings. The master gauge shall be
calibrated and provided to the NYSDOT’s representative. The master gauge shall remain in the
possession of the NYSDOT’s representative for the duration of the Project.
Any jack repair, such as replacing seals or changing the length of the hydraulic lines, is cause
for recalibration using a load cell.
No extra compensation will be allowed for the initial or subsequent calibrations or for the use
and required calibrations of the master gauge.
The Design-Builder shall ensure that the forces being applied to the tendon and the elongation
of the post-tensioning tendon can be measured at all times.
For the required tendon force, the observed elongation must agree within seven percent of the
theoretical elongation or the entire operation must be checked and the source of error
determined and remedied to the satisfaction of the NYSDOT’s representative before proceeding
further. The Design-Builder shall not overstress the tendon to achieve the theoretical
In the event that agreement between the observed and theoretical elongations at the required
force falls outside the acceptable tolerances, the NYSDOT’s representative may, at his or her
discretion and without additional compensation to the Design-Builder, require additional tests for
“Tendon Modulus of Elasticity” and/or “In-Place Friction” in accordance with Sections 8.3.1 and
The Contract Plans shall note the assumed friction and wobble coefficients and anchor set
assumed in the calculations. Submit calculations and show a typical tendon force diagram, after
friction, wobble and anchor set losses, on the shop drawings based upon the expected actual
coefficients and values for the post-tensioning system to be used. Show these coefficients and
values on the shop drawings.
If, in the opinion of the Engineer of Record, the actual friction significantly varies from the
expected friction, revise post-tensioning operations so the final tendon force is in agreement
with the plans.
When friction must be reduced, graphite may be used as a lubricant, subject to the approval of
the Engineer of Record. Flush lubricants from the duct as soon as possible after stressing is
completed by use of lime treated potable water. After ducts are flushed, immediately blow dry
with oil-free air.
Multi-strand post-tensioning tendons, having wires which fail, by breaking or slippage during
stressing, may be accepted provided the following conditions are met:
A. The completed structure must have a final post-tensioning force of at least 98% of the
design total post-tensioning force.
B. For precast or cast-in-place segmental construction and for any similar construction that
has members post-tensioned together across a common joint face, at any stage of
erection, the post-tensioning force across a mating joint must be at least 98% of the
post-tensioning required for that mating joint for that stage of erection.
C. Any single tendon must have no more than a 5% reduction in cross-sectional area of
post-tensioning steel due to wire failure.
Any of the above conditions may be waived with approval of the Engineer of Record, when
conditions permit the Design-Builder to propose acceptable alternative means of restoring the
post-tensioning force lost due to wire failure.
Cut post-tensioning steel with an abrasive saw within 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches [away from the
anchoring device. Flame cutting of post-tensioning steel is not allowed.
Keep a record of the following post-tensioning operations for each tendon installed:
After stressing and before grouting internal or external tendons, the Design-Builder shall install
all grout caps, inlets, and outlets and test the tendon with compressed air to determine if duct
connections require repair. The Design-Builder shall pressurize the tendon to 100 psi and lock-
off the outside air source. The Design-Builder shall record pressure loss for five minutes. A
pressure loss of 10 psi is acceptable. If the pressure loss exceeds 10 psi, the Design-Builder
shall repair leaking connections.
Within four hours after stressing, the Design-Builder shall install grout caps and seal all other
tendon openings. If acceptance of the tendon is delayed, the Design-Builder shall seal all
tendon openings and temporarily weatherproof the open ends of the anchorage. If tendon
contamination occurs, the Design-Builder shall remove and replace the tendon.
The Design-Builder shall submit a grouting operations plan for review and written comment at
least six weeks in advance of any scheduled grouting operations. All comments provided by the
NYSDOT pertaining to the grouting operations plan are required to be resolved before any
grouting of the permanent structure takes place.
At a minimum, the grouting operations plan shall address and provide procedures for the
following items:
A. Names and proof of training for the grouting crew and the crew supervisor in
conformance with this Special Provision Post-Tensioning;
B. Type, quantity, and brand of materials used in grouting including all certifications
C. Type of equipment furnished, including capacity in relation to demand and working
condition, as well as back-up equipment and spare parts;
D. General grouting procedure;
E. Duct pressure test and repair procedures;
F. The method to be used to control the rate of flow within ducts;
G. Theoretical grout volume calculations;
H. Mixing and pumping procedures;
I. The direction of grouting;
J. The sequence of use of the inlets and outlet pipes;
K. Procedures for handling blockages; and
L. Procedures for possible post grouting repair.
Before grouting operations begin, a joint meeting of the Design-Builder, its grouting crew, and
the NYSDOT shall be conducted. At the meeting the grouting operation plan, required testing,
corrective procedures, and any other relevant issues shall be discussed.
The Design-Builder shall ensure the connections from the grout pump hose to inlets are free of
dirt and are air- tight. The Design-Builder shall inspect valves to be sure that they can be
opened and closed properly. The grout inlets and outlets over the bridge deck shall be
protected from damage. In addition, all grout inlets and outlets shall be properly labeled and
Before grouting operations start, the Design-Builder shall provide an adequate supply of water
and compressed air for clearing and testing the ducts and mixing and pumping the grout.
Where water is not supplied through the public water supply system, a water storage tank of
sufficient capacity must be provided.
The Design-Builder shall provide grouting equipment consisting of measuring devices for water,
a high-speed shear colloidal mixer, a storage hopper (holding reservoir), and a pump with all the
necessary connecting hoses, valves, and a pressure gauge. The Design-Builder shall provide
pumping equipment with sufficient capacity to ensure that the post-tensioning ducts to be
grouted can be filled and vented without interruption at the required rate of injection in not more
than 30 minutes.
The Design-Builder shall provide an air compressor and hoses with sufficient output to perform
the required functions.
The Design-Builder shall provide vacuum grouting equipment (volumetric measuring type) prior
to the start of grouting operations and retain the equipment on the job during the duration of
tendon grouting operations.
The Design-Builder shall provide a high speed shear colloidal mixer capable of continuous
mechanical mixing producing a homogeneous and stable grout free of lumps and undispersed
cement. The colloidal grout machinery shall have a charging tank for blending and a holding
tank. The blending tank shall be equipped with a high shear colloidal mixer. The holding tank
shall be kept agitated and at least partially full at all times during the pumping operation to
prevent air from being drawn into the post-tensioning duct.
The Design-Builder shall add water during the initial mixing by use of a flow meter or calibrated
water reservoir with a measuring accuracy equal to one percent of the total water volume.
The Design-Builder shall provide pumping equipment capable of continuous operation which
shall include a system for circulating the grout when actual grouting is not in progress.
The equipment shall be capable of maintaining pressure on completely grouted ducts and shall
be fitted with a valve that can be closed off without loss of pressure in the duct.
Grout pumps shall be positive displacement type, shall provide a continuous flow of grout, and
shall be able to maintain a discharge pressure of at least 145 psi.
Pumps shall be constructed to have seals adequate to prevent oil, air, or other foreign
substances entering the grout and to prevent loss of grout or water. The capacity shall be such
that an optimal rate of grouting can be achieved.
A pressure gauge having a full scale reading of no more than 300 psi shall be placed at the duct
inlet. If long hoses (in excess of 100 feet) are used, the Design-Builder shall place two gauges,
one at the pump and one at the inlet.
The diameter and rated pressure capacity of the grout hoses shall be compatible with the pump
The Design-Builder shall provide vacuum grouting equipment at the job site, concurrently with
all pressure grouting operations, consisting of the following:
During grouting operations, the Design-Builder shall provide a stand-by grout mixer and pump.
The Design-Builder shall perform a test to confirm the accuracy of the volume-measuring
component of the vacuum grouting equipment each day before performing any grouting
operations. The Design-Builder shall use either water or grout for testing using standard testing
devices with volumes of 0.5 gal and 6.5 gal and an accuracy of equal to or less than four
ounces. The Design-Builder shall perform one test with each device. The results shall verify
the accuracy of the void volume-measuring component of the vacuum grouting equipment within
one percent of the test device volume and must verify the accuracy of the grout volume
component of the vacuum grouting equipment within five percent of the test device volume. The
Design-Builder shall ensure the NYSDOT’s representative is present when any tests are
Grout tendons in accordance with the procedures set forth in the approved grouting operation
plan. Grout all empty ducts.
Temperature Considerations
Maximum grout temperature must not exceed 90°F at the grout inlet. Use chilled water and/or
pre-cooling of the bagged material to maintain mixed grout temperature below the maximum
allowed temperature. Grouting operations are prohibited when the ambient temperature is
below 40°F or is 40°F and falling.
The materials will be mixed to produce a homogeneous grout. Continuously agitate the grout
until grouting is complete.
During grouting operations the fluidity of the grout must be strictly maintained within the limits
established by the grout manufacturer. A target fluidity rate will be established by the
manufacturer’s representative, based on ambient weather conditions. Determine grout fluidity
by use of either test method found in Special Provision for Post Tensioning Grout. Perform
fluidity test for each tendon to be grouted and maintain the correct water to cementitious ratio.
Do not use grout which tests outside the allowable flow rates.
Prior to grouting empty ducts condition the grout materials as required to limit the grout
temperature at the inlet end of the grout hose to 90°F. Prior to performing repair grouting
operations, condition the grout materials to limit the grout temperature at the inlet end of the
grout hose to 85°F. Check the temperature of the grout at the inlet end of the grout hose hourly.
At the beginning of each days grouting operation, perform a wick induced bleed test in
accordance with Special Provision for Post Tensioning Grout. If zero bleed is not achieved at
the end of the required time period, do not begin grouting of any new or additional tendons until
the grouting operations have been adjusted and further testing shows the grout meets the
specified requirements.
Grout Operations
Open all grout outlets before starting the grouting operation. Grout tendons in accordance with
the Grouting Operations Plan.
Unless approved otherwise by the Engineer of Record, pump grout at a rate of 16 feet to 50 feet
of duct per minute. Conduct normal grouting operations at a pressure range of 10 psi to 50 psi
measured at the grout inlet. Do not exceed the maximum pumping pressure of 145 psi at the
grout inlet.
Use grout pumping methods which will ensure complete filling of the ducts and complete
encasement of the steel. Grout must flow from the first and subsequent outlets until any
residual water or entrapped air has been removed prior to closing the outlet.
The Design-Builder shall pump grout through the duct and continuously discharge it at the
anchorage and grout cap outlets until all free water and air are discharged and the consistency
of the grout is equivalent to that of the grout being pumped into the inlet. The Design-Builder
shall close the anchorage outlet and discharge a minimum of two gallons of grout from the grout
cap into a clean receptacle. The Design-Builder shall close the grout cap outlet.
For each tendon, immediately after uncontaminated uniform discharge begins, the Design-
Builder shall perform a fluidity test using the flow cone on the grout discharged from the
anchorage outlet. The measured grout efflux time shall not be less than the efflux time
measured at the pump or minimum acceptable efflux time as established in the Special
Provision Post Tensioning Grout. Alternately, the Design-Builder shall check the grout fluidity
using the Wet Density method contained in the Special Provision Post Tensioning Grout. The
measured density shall fall within the values established in DB Special Provision Post
Tensioning Grout. The density at the final outlet shall not be less than the grout density at the
inlet. If the grout fluidity is not acceptable, the Design-Builder shall discharge additional grout
from the anchorage outlet and test the grout fluidity. The Design-Builder shall continue this
cycle until an acceptable grout fluidity is achieved. The Design-Builder shall discard grout used
for testing fluidity. After all outlets have been bled and sealed, the Design-Builder shall elevate
the grout pressure to ±75 psi, seal the inlet valve, and wait two minutes to determine if any leaks
exist. If leaks are present, the Design-Builder shall fix the leaks. The Design-Builder shall
repeat the above stated process until no leaks are present. If no leaks are present, the Design-
Builder shall bleed the pressure to five psi and wait a minimum of ten minutes for any entrapped
air to flow to the high points. After the minimum ten minute period has expired, the Design-
Builder shall increase the pressure as needed and discharge grout at each high point outlet to
eliminate any entrapped air or water. The Design-Builder shall complete the process by locking
a pressure of 30 psi into the tendon.
If the actual grouting pressure exceeds the maximum allowed, the inlet shall be closed and the
grout shall be pumped at the next outlet which has just been, or is ready to be, closed as long
as a one-way flow is maintained. Grout shall not be pumped into a succeeding outlet from
which grout has not yet flowed. If this procedure is used, the outlet/inlet which is to be used for
pumping shall be fitted with a positive shut-off and pressure gauge.
When complete grouting of the tendon cannot be achieved by the steps stated herein, the
Design-Builder shall stop the grouting operation. After waiting 48 hours, the Design-Builder
shall fill the tendon with grout in accordance with the procedure outlined in Section
Vertical Grouting
Grouting of cable stays is not covered by this DB Special Provision Post-Tensioning. For all
vertical tendons, the Design-Builder shall provide a standpipe at the upper end of the tendon to
store bleed water and grout and maintain the grout level above the level of the prestressing
plate and anchorage. This device shall be designed and sized to maintain the level of the grout
at an elevation which shall assure that bleeding shall at no time cause the level of the grout to
drop below the highest point of the upper anchorage device. The Design-Builder shall design
the standpipe to allow all bleed water to rise into the standpipe, not into the uppermost part of
the tendon and anchorage device.
The Design-Builder shall discharge grout and check grout fluidity as described in Section As grouting is completed, the standpipe shall be filled with grout to a level which
assures that, as settlement of the grout occurs, the level of the grout shall not drop below the
highest point in the upper anchorage device. If the level of the grout drops below the highest
point in the anchorage device, the Design-Builder shall immediately add grout to the standpipe.
After the grout has hardened, the standpipe shall be removed. In the presence of the
NYSDOT’s representative, the Design-Builder shall visually inspect for voids using an
endoscope or probe. The Design-Builder shall fill all voids found in the duct using volumetric
measuring vacuum grouting processes.
For vertical tendons in excess of 100 feet or if the grouting pressure exceeds the maximum
recommended pumping pressure, then grout shall be pumped at increasingly higher outlets
which have been or are ready to be closed as long as a one-way flow of grout is maintained.
Grout shall be allowed to flow from each outlet until all air and water have been purged prior to
using that outlet for pumping.
During grouting and for a period of four hours upon completion of grouting, the Design-Builder
shall eliminate vibrations from all sources, such as, moving vehicles, jackhammers,
compressors, generators, pile driving operations, and soil compaction, that are operating within
300 feet down-station and 300 feet up-station of the ends of the span in which grouting is taking
The Design-Builder shall not remove or open inlets and outlets until the grout has cured for 24
to 48 hours. The Design-Builder shall perform inspections within one hour after the removal of
the inlet/outlet. After the grout has cured, the Design-Builder shall remove all outlets located at
anchorages and high points along the tendon to facilitate inspection. The Design-Builder shall
drill and inspect all high points along the tendon as well as the inlets or outlets located at the
anchorages. Depending on the geometry of the grout inlets, drilling may be required to
penetrate to the inner surface of the trumpet or duct. The Design-Builder shall use drilling
equipment that shall automatically shut-off when steel is encountered. Unless grout caps are
determined to have voids by sounding, the Design-Builder shall not drill into the cap. The
Design-Builder shall perform inspections in the presence of the NYSDOT’s representative using
endoscopes or probes. Within four hours of completion of the inspections, the Design-Builder
shall fill all duct and anchorage voids using the volumetric measuring vacuum grouting process.
The Design-Builder shall seal and repair all anchorage and inlet/outlet voids that are produced
by drilling for inspection purposes as specified in Section 8.10.2. The Design-Builder shall use
an injection tube to extend to the bottom of the drilled holes for backfilling with epoxy.
Post grouting inspection of tendons having a length of less than 150 feet may utilize the
following statistical frequency for inspection:
A. For the first 20 tendons, the Design-Builder shall inspect all outlets located at anchors
and tendon high points by drilling and probing with an endoscope or probe. If one or
more of the inspection locations are found to contain a defect (void), the Design-Builder
shall continue testing all tendons until 20 consecutive tendons have been inspected and
no voids have been found; and
B. When no defects are detected as defined in Section, the frequency of
inspection can be reduced to inspect every other tendon (50%). If a defect is located,
the Design-Builder shall inspect the last five tendons grouted. The Design-Builder shall
renew the cycle of 100% tendon inspection.
If tendon grouting operations were prematurely terminated prior to completely filling the tendon,
the Design-Builder shall drill into the duct and explore the voided areas with an endoscope.
Probing is not allowed. The Design-Builder shall determine the location and extent of all voided
areas. The Design-Builder shall install grout inlets as needed and fill the voids using volumetric
measuring vacuum grouting equipment.
Grouting Report
The Design-Builder shall provide a grouting report signed by the Design-Builder and/or the
Subcontractor within 72 hours of each grouting operation for review by the NYSDOT’s
The Design-Builder shall report the theoretical quantity of grout anticipated as compared to the
actual quantity of grout used to fill the duct. The Design-Builder shall notify the NYSDOT’s
representative immediately of shortages or overages.
Information to be noted in the records shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the
The Design-Builder shall repair all holes with Epoxy Compound for Post Tensioning Anchorages
meeting the requirements of the Special Provision Epoxy Compound for Post Tensioning
Anchorages. Immediately before casting the concrete (within 24 hours), the Design-Builder shall
mechanically clean and roughen the mating concrete surfaces to remove any laitance and
expose the small aggregate. Grit blasting or water blasting using a minimum 10,000 psi nozzle
pressure is required. The Design-Builder shall flush the surface with water and blow dry. The
Design-Builder shall mix, place, and cure the material in strict compliance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
The Design-Builder shall place threaded plastic caps in all inlet/outlet locations required in the
plans. The Design-Builder shall repair inlets/outlets as shown on the plans using an epoxy
grout or epoxy polysulfide grout meeting the requirements of Section 721-03 of the NYSDOT’s
Standard Specifications. The Design-Builder shall prepare the surface to receive the epoxy
material in strict compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Within seven calendar days of completion of the grouting, the Design-Builder shall protect the
anchorage of post-tensioning bars and tendons as indicated in the plans. The application of the
elastomeric coating may be delayed up to 90 calendar days after grouting. The Design-Builder
shall use plastic or threaded caps to plug all grout inlets/outlets. The Design-Builder shall use
an epoxy grout meeting the requirements of the Special Provision Epoxy Compound for Post
Tensioning Anchorages to construct all pour-backs located in the area considered as extremely
aggressive, such as expansion joints. Post-tensioning block out in the top deck is also
considered as extremely aggressive. The Design-Builder shall apply Methyl Methacrylate
coating over the pour-back in the top deck and extending 12 inches outside the perimeter of the
pour-back. In other areas, Magnesium Ammoniom Phosphate Concrete can be used.
The Design-Builder shall remove all laitance, grease, curing compounds, surface treatments,
coatings, and oils by grit blasting or water blasting using a minimum 10,000 psi nozzle pressure.
The Design-Builder shall flush the surface with water and blow dry. Surfaces shall be clean,
sound, and without any standing water. In case of a dispute, the Design-Builder shall use ACI
503 for substrate testing and develop a minimum of 175 psi tension (pull-off value).
The Design-Builder shall mix and apply epoxy as per the manufacturer’s current standard
technical guidelines. The Design-Builder shall construct all pour-backs in leak proof forms
creating neat lines. The epoxy grout may require pumping for proper installation. The Design-
Builder shall construct forms to maintain a liquid head to ensure intimate contact with the
concrete surface. The Design-Builder shall use vents as needed to provide for the escape of air
to ensure complete filling of the forms.
The Design-Builder shall coat the exposed surfaces of all pour-backs and grout caps with an
elastomeric coating system having a thickness of 30 to 45 mils and extending 12 inches outside
the pour-back perimeter. The Design-Builder shall assure concrete, grout caps, or other
substrates are structurally sound, clean, and dry. Concrete shall be a minimum of 28 calendar
days old. The Design-Builder shall remove all laitance, grease, curing compounds, surface
treatments, coatings, and oils by grit blasting or water blasting using a minimum 10,000 psi
nozzle pressure to establish the anchor pattern. The Design-Builder shall blow the surface with
compressed air to remove the dust or water. For elastomeric coated pour-backs which are to
receive a special surface finish, the Design-Builder shall apply a manufacturer’s approved
primer over the elastomeric coating before applying the special surface finish.
The Design-Builder shall construct a two by four foot concrete test block with a similar surface
texture to the surfaces to be coated and coat a vertical face with the elastomeric coating system
chosen. The Design-Builder shall determine the number of coats required to achieve a coating
thickness between 30 to 45 mils without runs and drips. The Design-Builder shall mix and apply
elastomeric coating as per the manufacturer’s current standard technical specifications. The
Design-Builder shall spray or a roller application is permitted (although a spray application is
preferred). The Design-Builder shall have the coating manufacturer representative on site to
supervise and comment on the application of the elastomeric coating onto the test block. The
Design-Builder shall apply coatings using experienced personnel with a minimum of three years
experience applying similar polyurethane systems. The Design-Builder shall submit the
credentials of these persons to the NYSDOT’s representative for review and written comment.
This Section covers grouts to be used to protect post-tensioning steel. Grout applications are
differentiated into two applications
A. Horizontal; and
B. Vertical.
Grouts shall be prepackaged in moisture proof containers. Grout bags shall indicate
application, date of manufacture, LOT number and mixing instructions. Any change of materials
or material sources requires new testing and certification of the conformance of the grout with
this Specification. A copy of the Quality Control Data Sheet for each LOT number and shipment
sent to the job site shall be provided to the Design-Builder by the grout supplier and furnished to
the Engineer of Record. Materials with a total time from manufacture to usage in excess of six
months shall be tested and certified by the supplier that the product meets the QC Control
Specifications before use or the material shall be removed and replaced.
Only post-tensioning grouts listed on the Department's Approved Materials List shall be used. A
written certification from the manufacturer that the product meets the requirements of this
Section must be provided. Grout products will be qualified by application (horizontal, vertical).
The grout shall not contain aluminum or other components which produce hydrogen, carbon
dioxide or oxygen gas.
The grout shall meet or exceed the specified physical properties stated herein as determined by
the following standard and modified ASTM test methods conducted at normal laboratory
temperature (65-78˚F) and conditions. Conduct all grout tests with grout mixed to produce the
minimum time of efflux. Establish the water content to produce the minimum and maximum
time of efflux.
Property Test Value Test Method
One chloride ion concentration test shall be performed on the mixed grout once per Project and
minimum every 18 tons (40,000 lbs) of material before the addition of water.
The inclined tube test shall be performed in accordance with Section 4.4.9 of PTI Specification
for Grouting of Post-tensioned Structures, 3rd Edition.
The Design Builder shall perform a minimum of two field mock-up tests representing the most
complicated tendon geometry / profile of the Project using the proposed grout material to be
used, 3 months prior to the production grout. The field mock-up test is designed to verify and
demonstrate that the proposed materials, outlets, inlets, mixer, grouting equipment, methods,
and procedures are appropriate and will result in complete filling of the duct. At least 4 weeks
before scheduled start of field mock-up test, the Design-Builder shall design builder shall submit
to NYSDOT for approval of a detail written field mock-up test plan covering test set-up,
materials, ducts, inlets, outlets, anchorages, prestressing element, grouting, and dissection
procedures. Supervisory personnel and equipment used for the mock-up test shall be the same
as those to be used in production grouting. Changes in supervisory personnel, materials,
equipment, and procedures shall be allowed only after a written approval by the NYSDOT. Not
less than 3 days after grouting, the Design Builder shall dissect the test specimens for a
thorough examination of grout, prestressing steel, and the duct in the presence of NYSDOT
representative. Special attention shall be given to the examination of the tendon high points for
water, bleed pocket, soft grout, segregation, or corrosion. A report describing the trial test
(including any variations from the test plan) and its findings shall be submitted for approval a
maximum of 2 weeks after dissection. The NYSDOT shall determine whether the results of the
mock-up test satisfy the acceptance requirements in the contract. If the test results do not meet
the acceptance requirements, the NYSDOT may require additional tests at the Design Builder’s
The Design-Builder shall perform the Accelerated Corrosion Test Method (ACTM) as outlined in
Appendix B of the “Specification for Grouting of Post-Tensioning Structures” published by the
Post-Tensioning Institute, Third Edition, 2012. Report the time to corrosion for both the grout
being tested and the control sample using a 0.45 water-cement neat grout.
A grout that shows a longer average time to corrosion in the ACTM than the control sample and
the time to corrosion exceed 1,000 hours is considered satisfactory.
Horizontal grout applications are defined as grouting of all superstructure tendons and
transverse substructure tendons in caps, struts, etc. All physical requirements defined in
Special Provision for Epoxy Compounds for Post Tensioning Anchorages are applicable for
grouts used in horizontal applications.
Vertical grout applications are defined as grouting of substructure column tendons. All physical
requirements defined in Special Provision for Epoxy Compounds for Post Tensioning
Anchorages are applicable for grouts used in vertical applications. In addition, perform the
Schupack Pressure Bleed Test Procedure for Cement Grouts for Post-Tensioned Structures as
outlined in Section of the “Specification for Grouting of Post-Tensioned Structures”
published by the Post-Tensioning Institute, Third Edition. Report the percent bleed for the grout
tested. Test grout at the specified pressure of 100 psi. An acceptable test will result in no bleed
water (0.0 percent).
Grout all voids located in tendons and anchorages using either volumetric vacuum grouting,
vacuum assist grouting or pressure grouting techniques as delineated in the "Tendon and
Anchorage Inspection Report" developed in the inspection phase of the work. The
requirements for volumetric vacuum grouting are stated herein and requirements for pressure
grouting are found in the Post-Tensioning Section.
Use grout which meets or exceeds the requirements of PT Grout Section and contains no
Perform all post-tensioning field operations under the direct supervision (crew foreman) of ASBI
Certified Grouting Technician. Construction operations that require a qualified grouting
technician must not begin until the Department verifies that the technician is on ASBI list of
qualified technicians.
In addition to the above, perform all vacuum grouting operations under the direct supervision of
a crew foreman who has been trained and has experience in the use of vacuum grouting
equipment and procedures. Submit the crew foreman’s credentials for verification of the
Engineer of Record prior to performing any vacuum grouting operations.
Use the following equipment to perform vacuum grouting: vacuum hoses; vacuum pump, air
filter to protect the vacuum pump and void measuring device; power supply; grout mixer and
grout pump.
Use oil free high volume compressed air to remove debris and eliminate any free water from the
voids prior to the grouting operation.
Using equipment set-up no. 2 (sketch no. 2), measure the volume of air in the void to determine
volume of the void. Perform this operation a second time. The measurements of void volume
between the first and second pumping should be very close. Repeat this process if necessary.
Use equipment set-up no. 1 (sketch no. 1) to perform grouting. Prepare the grout in sufficient
quantity to fill the void. Circulate the grout between the grout pump and the four-way valve. Set
pump vacuum to 1 bar (-14.7 psi). Start the vacuum pump and establish a vacuum of 1 bar (-
14.7 psi) and then inverse the four-way valve to simultaneously close the vacuum pump hose
and open the grout hose. Quickly, pump the required volume of grout into the void and maintain
a grouting pressure of 5 bar (+74 psi) for 1 minute before turning off the vacuum pump. Reduce
the pressure on the grout to 2 bar (+ 30 psi) and close the valve at A to lock-in 2 bar (30 psi)
positive pressure. Release the pressure in the system. Dismantle and clean the equipment as
Without causing the concrete to spall around the inlet/outlet, use a slightly larger drill remove the
inlet/outlet piping. Drill to a depth of 2 inches. Clean the hole with compressed air and back fill
with grout. Inject the grout through a tube and fill the hole from the bottom to the top.
Epoxy resin compounds for use in post tensioning anchorage protection systems shall contain
no volatile solvent and shall be basically pure reactive material with a maximum ash content of
two percent.
All types shall have simple mix ratios of one to one or two to one or shall be supplied in pre-
measured containers in which all of the contents of both packages shall be mixed.
The Design-Builder shall provide the NYSDOT’s representative with certification from the
manufacturer of the epoxy confirming that the requirements of this Special Provision Epoxy
Compounds for Post Tensioning Anchorages are met. Each certification shall cover only one
batch of epoxy materials.
These epoxy materials shall be used to protect the anchorages of post-tensioning tendons or
bars and other uses indicated in the plans. The epoxy pour back material is required only in the
area considered as extremely corrosive, such as expansion joints. The material shall produce a
low exotherm reaction and have flow and fill characteristics suitable for machine base plate
applications. The material shall be extended with the aggregate supplied by the manufacturer.
The Design-Builder shall mix with the full aggregate loading.
The material shall be factory pre-proportioned including factory supplied aggregate. The
Design-Builder shall deliver products in original containers with the manufacturer’s name, date
of manufacture, product identification label, and batch numbers. Materials shall be within the
manufacturer’s recommended shelf life. The Design-Builder shall store and condition the
product in full compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
The epoxy grout plus aggregate mix shall meet or exceed the specified physical properties
stated herein as determined by the following standard ASTM test methods.
Property Test Value Test Method
Compressive strength cubes seven > 10,000 psi 77°F ASTM C 579B
calendar day cure at
Tensile strength at seven calendar > 2,100 psi ASTM C 307
Flexural strength at seven calendar > 3,600 psi 77°F ASTM C 580
day cure at 77ºF
Modulus of elasticity seven calendar < 2,100,000 psi 77°F ASTM C 580
day cure at 77ºF
Coefficient of thermal expansion at < 20 x 10 -6 in/in/ºF ASTM C 531
74 to 210°F
Peak exotherm, specimen 12 by 12 < 150ºF ASTM D 2471
by three inches
Slant shear at seven calendar days > 3000 psi ASTM C 882
(bond strength to concrete)
Thermal compatibility 5 Cycles Passed ASTM C 884
Linear shrinkage at seven calendar 0.025% ASTM C 531
Flowability and bearing area 90% Contact area ASTM C 1339
Gel time, specimen 12 by 12 by three < 4:00 (hr. ASTM D 2471
10.4.2 STORAGE
Epoxy materials which have been in storage for more than 12 months shall not be used.
The work specified in these Special Provisions shall consist of the manufacture of precast
concrete superstructure elements, including the storage, transport and the erection of the
elements into the completed structure. The final structure shall conform to the lines and grades
and the dimensions shown on the plans and shall be in accordance with the Special Provisions,
the Special Provisions for "Erection of Cable-Stayed and Concrete Segmental Bridge" and the
AASHTO LRFD Specifications, Section 5.
The following shall be performed by the Design-Builder and working plans submitted to the
NYSDOT for review:
A. Complete detailed erection sequence drawings are required. Erection and erection wind
stresses in permanent and temporary members including temporary piers and false work
reactions shall be determined for each stage. Moments, shears, axial loads, and other
forces shall be computed and tabulated at a sufficient number of points to demonstrate
that the load demand will not exceed the capacity and allowable stresses for erection.
B. The Design-Builder shall prepare and submit detailed shop and erection drawings to the
NYSDOT in accordance with the requirements outlined in these Special Provisions.
C. All submittals by the Design-Builder shall be submitted sufficiently in advance of the start
of construction.
D. The Design-Builder shall meet with the NYSDOT to discuss the proposed erection
procedure, erection design criteria, and structure capabilities to support the proposed
erection scheme. The NYSDOT will review the preliminary erection procedure proposal
for general compliance with the contract requirements.
E. The Design-Builder shall develop and submit to the NYSDOT a complete description
and stress calculations of the proposed process and sequence of erection including
positions and weights of equipment at each position and weights of equipment at each
stage in sufficient details to allow review of the effects of the erection procedure on the
F. The stresses and capacities shall be in accordance with the performance criteria.
G. The Design-Builder shall submit to the NYSDOT the detailed design of all erection
equipment, erection truss, falsework, temporary bracing, and other items as required for
H. The Design-Builder's sequence of erection shall ensure the intermediate static and
dynamic stability of the structure for the various stages of the construction.
I. All computations submitted to the NYSDOT for review shall be prepared, signed, and
sealed by the Engineer of Record and shall be submitted in a neat, organized manner
and shall be easy to follow.
J. The NYSDOT shall engage in a thorough design review process.
The Design-Builder shall submit detailed working plans that include, but are not necessarily
limited to, the following:
A. Fully and accurately dimensioned views showing the geometry of each superstructure
segment, including, projections, recesses, notches, openings, blockouts, and the like.
B. Complete details of the fabrication system to be used, including the forms, geometry
control, and sequence of fabrication.
C. Complete geometric layouts for each post-tensioning tendon. Tendon layouts shall be
accomplished so as to cause no curvature within the longitudinal limits of the trumpet
component of a tendon anchorage device. Integrated shop drawings shall not be
submitted until these tendon layouts have been reviewed by the NYSDOT.
D. Fully integrated drawings showing reinforcing steel, pretensioning strands, post-
tensioning ducts, post-tensioning hardware, sockets, anchorages, inserts, lifting devices,
and any other items to be embedded in a segment. Details of mild steel reinforcing shall
be clearly shown as to size, spacing, and location, including any anchorage reinforcing
not shown in the plans which may be required by the post-tensioning anchorage system
selected by the Design-Builder. Details of post-tension ducts shall clearly indicate the
size, type, and horizontal and vertical profiles of ducts and the duct supports, grout
pipes, and concrete cover. Details of post-tensioning anchorage locations and external
tendon entrance and exit points in segment diaphragms and anchor blocks shall be
dimensioned locally in the face of concrete and with reference to a corner of the anchor
blocks or diaphragms sections. Each segment shall be assigned an erection mark
indicating its location and order in the erection sequence.
E. Casting curves shall be prepared by and in accordance with the casting and erection
methods, schedule, loads, and material properties proposed by the Design-Builder. The
casting curves shall be of sufficient accuracy for casting the segments. The preparation
of the casting curve shall recognize all deviations from straight line and deformations
due to the final required alignment and due to each load and future superimposed deal
loads; erection loads; post-tensioning stresses, including secondary moments; creep;
and shrinkage. Each submitted casting curve shall be accompanied by all information
(such as, loads; casting and erection sequence; and schedules and material properties)
considered in its development. In developing casting curves, deformations due to creep
and shrinkage and the concrete modulus of elasticity shall be computed in accordance
with the bridge design criteria for the Project. The preparation of casting curves is
dependent upon the erection sequence and the Design-Builder's schedule. Therefore, if
the Design-Builder proposes a change to an erection procedure, it shall develop a new
casting curve in the same manner as required for the original casting curve. The
Design-Builder shall include with submittal of a revised casting curve its proposed
method(s) and location(s) for transitioning between the current curve(s) in use and the
submitted curve(s).
F. The Design-Builder shall similarly adjust initial bearing elevations and tower geometry for
time dependent displacements.
G. Complete details of handling, storing, and transporting precast segments. These details
shall include, for each type of segment, the method of lifting (such as, location of any
inserts and configuration of lifting devices) and the method of supporting segments.
Double stacking of superstructure segments may be permitted under controlled
conditions using a three point support system with two supports under one web and one
in the center of the other web. An analysis of the loaded segment must show acceptable
stresses. The details shall be accompanied by calculations indicating that the forces
imposed on a segment during lifting, storage, transportation, and erection will not
adversely affect the structural adequacy of the segment.
H. The Design-Builder shall provide a step-by-step erection manual to be used for erection
of segments, stay cables, and post tensioning, including the sequence in which these
items are to be erected and a table of theoretical elevations and alignment of the
geometry control points established during casting of each segment computed at each
stage of erection.
I. Stages for which theoretical positions of control points are to be computed shall include
segment in place prior to applying post-tensioning, segment with post-tensioning
applied, and, when applicable, segment with cable-stay forces applied.
J. The theoretical positions shall be computed taking the following into consideration:
1. The effect of as-cast geometry established from surveys during casting of segments.
2. Effects of construction dead and live loads.
3. Effects of post-tensioning and cable stressing.
4. Effects of creep and shrinkage.
5. Effect of the final profile of the roadway as shown in the plans.
K. The erection manual shall also include a method for measuring and recording the
elevation and alignment of all control points at each stage of erection.
L. The Design-Builder shall submit a new erection procedure at any time proposals are
made to deviate from the sequence or schedule of erection contained in an erection
procedure under which the Design-Builder is operating.
M. Complete details covering equipment to be used to handle segments and stay cables
and incorporate them into the structure, erection methods to be used, the sequence of
erection, all loads to be imposed on any portion of the permanent structure by the
erection equipment, and details covering the procedure for load testing of erection
equipment. This shall include a complete layout of the casting and storage areas.
N. Calculations that show that the loads imposed on the permanent structure by the
erection equipment will not adversely affect the structural adequacy of the permanent
structure, nor exceed allowed stresses during construction. Any modifications of the
magnitude or position of construction stresses that become "locked in" and are thus
superimposed upon the structure in its final state shall be brought to the attention of the
O. Complete details including dimensions and showing reinforcing steel, permanent and
temporary post-tensioning ducts, and hardware and other embedded items for precast
concrete which include reinforcement or prestressing tendons which extend or pass into
precast concrete units.
P. The NYSDOT will engage in a thorough design review process in accordance with Part 2
- DB Section 111.
Concrete for precast superstructure segments shall be in accordance with the Bridge Design
Criteria for the Project.
A. The Design-Builder shall submit design calculations performed, signed and sealed by a
professional engineer licensed in the State of New York for any specialized erection
equipment, falsework and any other temporary construction that may be required to
accomplish this work.
B. Notice to NYSDOT by the Design-Builder that their specialized erection equipment is
proprietary, will not be recognized by NYSDOT as a reason to not comply with the above
C. Prior to the use of any equipment which is fabricated for the specific purpose of erecting
any portion of the work included in this contract, the Design-Builder shall demonstrate by
a full scale load test that his equipment is adequate for its intended use on this Project.
D. If an erection truss is to be supported by any part of a pier, in designing the supporting
brackets, a lateral force of not less than ten percent of the truss supports shall be
attached by positive means. Supports relying on friction shall not be allowed.
E. Prior to using an erection truss on the Project, the Design-Builder shall demonstrate the
capability of the truss to perform as intended by a full-scale load test. The load test shall
1. Constructing two temporary piers approximately the size and shape of the upper
portion of the permanent piers for the Project. The elevation of the top of these piers
shall be such that when the erection truss and supporting brackets are assembled to
them it will be a sufficient distance above the ground to allow any necessary working
space beneath it. The temporary piers may be constructed on foundations for
permanent piers.
2. Assembling the truss supported on the piers in the same manner and using the same
supporting devices (beams, brackets, etc.) as will be used on the Project.
3. Loading the truss with the maximum weight segments it will support during erection
of the bridge plus an additional load equal to 25 percent of the weight of the
4. Measurement of vertical displacement and midspan and horizontal movements at
support points.
5. The Design-Builder shall give NYSDOT written notice at least 72 hours in advance of
the time at which the loading of the truss will be accomplished.
6. The Design-Builder may propose alternate test procedures for review by NYSDOT
provided that all equipment components are equivalently tested to the above
7. Observation of the load testing of the erection truss, erection equipment nor review
of any design calculations or drawings covering the erection truss or other erection
equipment by NYSDOT shall be construed as any assumption of responsibility by
NYSDOT for means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures of construction,
safety precautions, or safety program incident thereto. The above items shall in all
cases remain the sole responsibility to the Design-Builder.
8. Results of the entire load test program should be compiled and submitted to
NYSDOT as soon as possible after completion of the test.
Casting Concrete
All materials, details and procedures shall be as specified in the Design-Builder's plans and
these Special Provisions. The casting of any segment shall not begin until the review and
approval of all applicable shop drawings and required calculations have been completed by the
Engineer of Record.
Care shall be exercised in setting up forms for casting segments. All materials to be encased
within the concrete of the segments shall be properly positioned and supported. Provisions for
all Projections, recesses, notches openings, blockouts and the like shall be in accordance with
the approved shop drawings.
Geometric Control
A. Before commencing the casting operation, the Design-Builder shall submit to NYSDOT
for review, his proposed method of geometry control for both the casting and erection
operations. This submittal shall include all measuring equipment, procedures and the
location of the control points to be established on each segment. Casting shall not
commence without NYSDOT's review of the control method. A detailed narrative of the
geometry control theory, a detailed narrative of the step-by-step geometry control
procedure, detailed calculation forms and a set of sample calculations shall be
B. The geometric control plan shall provide for regular monitoring of the superstructure
deflections beginning with the addition of the first cantilever segments and concluding
with the last cantilever segment. The plan shall include the adjusting procedure to be
utilized should the cantilever, as erected, deviate from the predicted alignment by more
than one inch.
C. The geometry control plan shall similarly address span-by-span casting and erection.
D. The Design-Builder shall check the elevations and alignment of the structure at every
stage of construction, and must maintain a record of all these checks and of all
adjustments and corrections made. All surveying shall be performed at a time that will
minimize the influence of temperature. Corrections by shimming shall be done only
when reviewed by NYSDOT and approved by the Engineer of Record.
E. For precast segmental construction using short line forming techniques, precision
surveying systems shall be provided so that levels and horizontal alignment are
measured to an accuracy of 0.001 feet. For all other types of segmental construction,
surveying shall be provided to an accuracy of 0.01 feet.
F. For precast segmental construction using match-cast segments, careful checks of both
measurements and computations of geometry shall be made by the Design-Builder
before moving segments from their casting position. Computed coordinates of all
sections cast shall be completed before casting a new segment. In addition to the
computed as-built casting curves for vertical and horizontal deflections, a cumulative
twist curve shall be computed using the measured cross slopes of the individual units as
a check on the extrapolated deflections. In computing set up elevations in the match-
cast process, priority shall be given to correcting twist errors by proper counter-rotation.
The segment in the match cast position shall not be subjected to a stress-inducing twist.
Placing Concrete
A. Concrete shall not be deposited into forms until the entire set up of the forms,
reinforcement, ducts and anchorage has been thoroughly inspected. The placing of
concrete will not be permitted until it is demonstrated that the rate of producing and
placing concrete is sufficient to complete the proposed placement and finishing
operations within the Design-Builder's scheduled time, that experienced concrete
finishers are available where required for finish work and all necessary finishing tools
and that all required equipment are on hand at the site of the work and are in satisfactory
condition for use.
B. Special care shall be taken to plan the sequence of placing concrete so as to assure that
voids do not occur within the concrete in areas where air is likely to be entrapped within
the forms or in areas where flow of the plastic concrete is constrained by embedded
C. Placing equipment shall be of a size and design that will permit the placing of concrete
within the limits set out in the standard specifications. Placing equipment shall be
cleaned as necessary at the end of each operation or work day and, just prior to reuse,
shall again be checked and cleaned of hardened concrete and foreign materials.
D. Construction joints within a segment will be permitted only at locations shown on the
plans or at other locations as may be proposed by the Design-Builder on shop drawings
and approved by the Engineer of Record.
Dimensions from segment to segment shall be adjusted so as to compensate for any deviations
within a single segment so that the overall dimensions of the completed structure will conform to
the dimensions shown on the plans.
Repair minor breakage, spalling, or honeycomb (not over 1 inch deep) by a method approved
by the Engineer of Record. Major breakage, spalling, or honeycomb in excess of 1 inch deep is
subject to the Engineer of Record’s structural review. If found to be satisfactory, repair these
areas using a method approved by the Engineer of Record. Do not perform surface finishing or
repairs on the matching joint surfaces of precast segments until after final erection of the
segment, except as herein noted. If more than 20%, but less than 40% of the total contact
surface of all shear keys in any single web is broken, spalled or honeycombed, grind the
damaged areas to produce a cylindrical depression into sound concrete to a depth and width
approximately equal to the shear key dimensions. Complete necessary repairs to shear keys
damaged at the casting site prior to shipping the segment to the erection site. After erection of
the segments adjacent to the damaged keys and prior to erection of additional segments,
carefully pack the voids left by the depressions with an epoxy mortar as approved by the
Engineer of Record. With the Engineer of Record’s approval, an alternate method of repair may
be used. The segment will be considered unacceptable for use if more than 40% of the total
contact surface of all shear keys in any single web is broken, spalled or honeycombed. Use an
Engineer of Record approved method for repairing damaged alignment keys located in the top
and bottom slabs. The Engineer of Record will consider a segment unsatisfactory for use if
more than 50% of the total contact surface of all alignment keys in any element of the slab (wing
overhang, central portion between webs, etc.) is broken, spalled or honeycombed. Remove and
dispose segments found to be unsatisfactory and not repairable after structural review and cast
a new segment at no expense to the Department.
Removal of Forms
A. Forms shall remain in-place until the concrete has reached the compressive strength
specified for form removal and until the transverse tendons in the top slab have been
stressed to at least 50 percent of the final post-tensioning force required for these
tendons. The compressive strength of the concrete shall be determined from the test
cylinders cast by the Design-Builder in accordance with AASHTO Standard
Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing
AASHTO T-22 from concrete representative of that used to cast the segment. The
Design-Builder shall cure test cylinders in the same manner as the segment and test
them in accordance with AASHTO T-23.
B. Care shall be exercised in removing the forms to prevent spalling and chipping of the
C. Prior to moving a segment from its as-cast position, erection marks identifying its
location in the structure and order in time erection sequence shall be affixed to the inside
of the segment.
Curing Concrete
Curing shall be accomplished in accordance with the requirements of the PCI Manual 116,
Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Structural Precast Concrete Products,
Fourth Edition, and the Standard Specifications as supplemented by the following additional
requirements, which permit steam curing:
A. Concrete curing shall be in accordance with PCI 116, Manual for Quality Control for
Plants and Production of Structural Pre-cast Concrete Products.
B. Steam curing shall be done in a suitable enclosure to contain the live steam or heat.
The enclosure shall totally enclose both the segment being cast and the segment being
cast against and any rigid appendages thereto.
C. To prevent moisture loss on exposed surfaces during the pre-steaming period, members
shall be covered with polyethylene coated burlap as soon as the concrete can be
covered without marring the surface or the exposed surfaces shall be kept wet by fog
spray or wet blankets.
D. During the waiting period the temperature in the enclosure shall not be less than 50° F.
E. The steam cycle may be initiated when the last portion of the concrete placed has
reached 500 psi as indicated by a penetrometer test on a sample from which coarse
aggregate was removed
F. The Design-Builder shall provide temperature recording devices that will provide an
accurate continuous permanent record of the curing temperature, a minimum of two
temperature recording devices per casting setup will be required for checking
G. The steam curing cycle shall include a gradual heating and cooling period during which
the rate of change in temperature shall not exceed 40°F per hour. The maximum
temperature inside the enclosure shall not exceed 160°F after attaining the desired
strength, the temperature within the curing enclosure shall be decreased at an average
rate not exceeding 40°F per hour until the inside temperature is within 20°F of the
outside ambient temperature.
H. Concrete test cylinders shall be covered to prevent moisture loss and shall be placed in
a location where temperature is representative of the average temperature of the
Finishing Concrete
A. Finishing of precast segments shall be done at the casting yard.
B. Minor breakage, spalling or honeycomb (not over one inch deep) shall be repaired by a
method reviewed by NYSDOT if they determine that the structural or other functions of
the segment will not be impaired. For cast-in-place construction, breakage, spalling or
honeycomb on any mating surface of an in-place segment otherwise found acceptable,
shall be repaired prior to casting the next segment. For precast segments, no surface
finishing or repairs shall be performed on the matching joint surface until after final
erection of the segment.
C. The Design-Builder shall submit for any breakage, spalling, or honeycomb more than
one inch deep a proposed repair procedure. Structural justification may be required by
NYSDOT for any repair which requires a submittal. Development of each repair
procedure shall attempt to restore the local state of stress to that which would have
existed if the repair had not been required.
A. The Design-Builder shall be fully responsible for design, fabrication, assembly and
operation of all equipment to be used for handling and erecting segments.
B. Erection of segments shall not begin until the required shop drawings and calculations
have been reviewed by NYSDOT. No extra payment will be made to the Design-Builder
for any cost incurred in modifying the permanent structure due to temporary loadings
induced by the Design-Builder's handling and erection equipment or his erection
C. Elevations and alignment of segments shall be carefully measured during each stage of
erection with instruments capable of providing the degree of accuracy necessary to
assure that erection tolerances are met. Any deviation from the table of elevations and
alignment prepared by the Design-Builder shall be corrected so as to prevent
accumulation of deviations using a method submitted by the Design-Builder and
reviewed by NYSDOT.
D. Precast segments shall not be erected until they have reached the age of 28 days and
have obtained the minimum specified strength.
E. Erection of precast segments by the cantilever method will be permitted only when the
substrate temperatures of the mating surfaces are between 40°F and 95°F. Upon review
by NYSDOT, an artificial environment may be provided to maintain the substrate
temperature within the permissible limits by creating an enclosure heated by circulating
warm air or by radiant heaters. Localized heating shall be avoided and the heat shall be
provided in a manner that prevents surface temperatures greater than 95°F during the
epoxy hardening period. Direct flame heating of concrete will not be permitted.
F. The alignment and elevations of the cantilevers shall be checked by the Design-Builder
and NYSDOT, independently, within one hour of sunrise on each day that segments are
to be erected. The measurements made by the Design-Builder and NYSDOT shall
agree to within ¼ inch.
G. Any deviation from the theoretical alignments (line, elevation, or cross-slope) shall be
corrected by a method proposed by the Design-Builder and reviewed by NYSDOT and
the Engineer of Record prior to its implementation. The Design-Builder shall
immediately proposed corrective actions upon determination that a deviation has or is
developing. Review by NYSDOT shall not relieve the Design-Builder from the
responsibility for the accuracy and adequacy of the work.
H. The following tolerances shall apply to the erection of superstructure segments:
1. The maximum differential between outside face of adjacent segments in the erected
position shall not exceed 3/16 inch.
2. Transversely, the angular deviation from the theoretical slope difference between two
successive segment joints shall not exceed 0.001 radians.
3. Longitudinally, the angular deviation from the theoretical slope change between two
successive segments shall not exceed 0.003 radians.
4. The difference in roadway elevation at the connection of two adjacent segments
measured perpendicular to the deck surface and across closure joints shall be no
greater than 1/8 inch. If the Design-Builder fails to meet this tolerance, he shall grind
and regroove the deck surface to meet the tolerance. All correction work shall be at
the Design-Builder’s expense.
I. Superstructure pier segments shall be placed within 0.25 inch of the theoretical elevation
adjusted for long-term deformations. The segment shall be within 0.125 inch of the
defined line and station. The survey marks shall indicate a longitudinal slope or cross
slope variation of not more than 0.005 ft. in 10 ft.
J. The alignment of the first cantilever segment beyond each closure pour is critical. The
Design-Builder shall submit the proposed setup data for the survey rivets of each of the
main span bridge segments. The submitted information shall include detailed
calculations including proposed correction for minor geometry variations. The closure
pours are not intended to be a correction for the source of deviations in behavior from
predicted values.
K. Each of these segments shall be surveyed within one hour of sunrise to verify that the
approved setup has been obtained prior to placement of concrete in the closure pour.
The survey markers shall indicate that each segment is within the following tolerances.
11.3.3 FORMS
The design and engineering of the forms, as well as their construction shall be the responsibility
of the Design-Builder. All exposed surfaces of each element at the structure shall be formed
with materials which will produce a similar surface texture, color and appearance for all concrete
surfaces. Forms shall be inspected by NYSDOT prior to beginning of casting operations. Worn,
damaged, or otherwise unacceptable forms shall be repaired before the casting of any segment
begins. Any element cast in forms unacceptable to NYSDOT will be subject to rejection.
Where sections of forms are to be joined, a maximum off set of 1/16 inch for flat surfaces and
1/8 inch for corners and bends will be permitted.
Reinforcing steel shall be stored and placed in accordance with the provision of the standard
specifications and as modified herein.
Reinforcing steel shall be fabricated and placed in accordance with the shop drawings and as
required herein. No reinforcing steel shall be cut and removed to permit proper alignment of
tendon ducts or other embedded items. Any bar that cannot be fabricated to clear a post-
tensioning tendon shall be replaced by additional bars with adequate lap lengths using a
method proposed by the Design-Builder and reviewed by NYSDOT. Unless otherwise
specified, reinforcement shall be fabricated and placed in accordance with ACI 117, Section 2 –
Materials and the NYSDOT Bridge Manual.
As long as the total number of bars specified is maintained, a reasonable tolerance in spacing
individual bars is ± 1 inch, except where openings, inserts, embedded items, etc., might require
some additional shifting of bars.
Duct shall be rigidly supported at the proper location in the forms by ties to reinforcing steel.
Polyethylene duct for longitudinal or transverse post-tensioning in the flanges shall be supported
at intervals not to exceed 2 feet. Polyethylene duct in webs for longitudinal post-tensioning shall
be tied to stirrups at intervals not the exceed 2 feet.
During concrete placement for precast segments, mandrels shall be used as stiffeners in each
duct and shall extend throughout the length of the segment being cast and at least 2 feet into
the corresponding duct of the previously cast segment. The mandrels shall be of sufficient
rigidity to maintain the duct geometry within ½ inch tolerance within the top flange, 1 inch in
webs, and within 1/8 inch tolerance at the segment joints. Low point grout vents shall be
provided for ducts of continuous longitudinal tendons or for ducts of web tendon in areas where
freezing weather can be anticipated. Low point vents shall remain open until grouting is started.
Ducts which act to change the alignment of tendons shall be marked so that proper positioning
is assured prior to casting and can be verified after casting. The Design-Builder shall indicate
on the shop drawings his method of marking and position. The Design-Builder shall submit to
NYSDOT for review, the method he proposed to use to align ducts passing through cast-in-
place concrete into precast units.
During the preliminary design phase, the Design-Builder shall undertake the following wind
In order to assess the effect of the local terrain on the wind conditions at the site and to
determine the appropriate design wind speeds for the bridge, the Design-Builder shall undertake
the following:
A. Visit the site to assess the local terrain, impacts on the local wind conditions and to
determine if there are any special considerations relating to the site that should be
addressed by the test program.
B. Obtain and analyze the historic wind data from relevant meteorological station(s).
C. Collect supplemental wind measurements at the bridge site to be used to establish
correlation with data from the meteorological station(s).
D. Carryout an analysis (computer modeling) of the probability and magnitude of hurricane
force winds occurring at the site.
E. Combine the topographic data with the wind data (both normal and hurricane winds) to
determine the recommended design wind speeds for the construction stages and for the
completed bridge.
As the preliminary design evolves, the Design-Builder shall undertake an initial design review
and provide aerodynamic input on how alternative deck cross-sections and tower designs will
perform in the wind for the new eastbound structure as well as the new eastbound structure
together with the new westbound structure. The requirements for the design development of the
new westbound structure are stated in Part 3 Project Requirements Section 1 - General.
The design review shall include recommendations on what deck cross-section shall be tested.
This phase of the study shall include preliminary sectional model tests to examine the vertical
and torsional motions of the bridge deck. Three configurations shall be tested, as follows:
The tests shall be conducted in smooth flow conditions representative of those at the bridge site
in order to determine the aerodynamic characteristics and any tendency to instability. Smooth
flow tests shall be used to investigate the potential for vortex shedding induced response as well
as lower bound estimate of the onset of any aeroelastic instability. Smooth flow tests shall be
used to estimate the wind force coefficients on the completed structure as well as the sensitivity
to turbulence of any instabilities identified in the smooth flow tests. Critical wind speeds for
instability shall be established.
Should the stability and/or response characteristics prove not to be satisfactory, modifications to
the aerodynamic cross-sections should be made.
Cable Vibrations
Using the latest available research, the latest available testing, and the latest available
analytical techniques, the preliminary wind studies shall include an evaluation for wind-induced
cable vibrations caused by coupled wind and rain effects, vortex shedding and wake galloping.
The study shall include recommended methods to suppress or mitigate vibrations. Additional
requirements for suppressing stay-cable vibrations are outlined in the special provision "Stay
Cables Vibration Suppression System".
During the final design phase, the Design-Builder shall undertake the following wind studies:
This phase of the study shall include a comprehensive series of sectional model tests on the
final design of the deck. Update the model(s) used in the preliminary tests and conduct detailed
sectional model tests to examine the vertical and torsional dynamic motions of the bridge. It is
expected that the models will be constructed to a scale of approximately 1:60. A single test
series will involve testing as a minimum at 11 angles of inclination, -5 degrees to +5 degrees in
1.0 degrees increments. In the primary test series, the damping shall be set at a conservative
value and smooth flow simulated. These parameters shall be referred to as the benchmark
conditions. Several test series shall be performed to examine the influence of damping, and the
torsional to vertical frequency ratio. Then the effect of turbulence on the stability of the section
will be measured.
A. Test the section for the benchmark conditions for 11 angles of attack;
B. Adjust the benchmark conditions by increasing the damping to the probable maximum
value and test for 5 angles of attack;
C. Adjust the benchmark conditions by lowering the frequency ratio and test for 2 angles of
D. For benchmark conditions, introduce turbulence into the wind flow and test for 1 angle of
attack; and
E. If unacceptable levels of vortex shedding are found at this point, additional tests to
examine refinements to the deck cross-section shall be carried out.
After the stability of the section has been confirmed, measurements shall be carried out for the
time-averaged vertical and horizontal wind forces and pitching moments on the bridge deck
model in order to determine the mean wind load coefficients. The tests shall be conducted in
smooth flow wind for 11 angles of inclination, -10 degrees to +10 degrees in 2 degrees
increments. Three configurations shall be tested, as follows:
Buffeting Analysis
The following tasks shall be undertaken in order to determine the wind loads acting on the
bridge deck and towers:
A. Based on buffeting theory and using the static force coefficients determined from the
sectional model tests, wind loads acting on the bridge shall be estimated during
construction as well as in its completed state. Two construction stages shall be
examined. Typically, the stage prior to connecting to the temporary tiedown and the
stage prior to closure with the side span shall be evaluated. Effective wind load
distributions shall be provided for the design wind speeds for each of the two
construction stages, the completed bridge with and without traffic and any other critical
conditions that are identified. Approximately the ten lowest modes of vibration shall be
B. Review the design of the towers to assess their susceptibility to unstable aerodynamic
behavior and also to provide estimated wind loads.
In order to investigate the wind loads during construction, the aeroelastic model study shall be
performed during the following construction stages:
A. Examine the aeroelastic stability and measure the responses of the bridge during
erection at the two most critical construction stages. The critical stages will be selected
on the basis of the dynamic analysis, sectional model results and the buffeting analysis
described above.
B. An aeroelastic model of the bridge shall be designed and constructed. Typically a scale
of 1:200 is used. The model shall be capable of representing two erection stages
including any temporary supports or construction equipment that might be used.
C. The pertinent elastic properties of the deck and tower shall be scaled down and
incorporated in the structural components (spines) of the model. The correct mass and
geometry of the deck and tower shall be represented by segmented sections attached to
the spines. The geometric portions of the model shall be constructed of wood, plastic
and/or metal, bearing in mind durability, weight and maintenance of model accuracy.
Initially, the sources of damping shall be minimized in the model, and if necessary,
damping could be later increased to represent fall scale. The main cable stiffnesses
shall be correctly scaled and the cable ends, cable drag and mass be brought up to the
properly scaled values by attaching specially proportioned weights at intervals along
their length.
D. The aeroelastic model shall be instrumented with strain gages at the base and deck
levels of the tower and accelerometers at the top of the tower. Displacement
transducers shall be used to measure the horizontal, vertical and torsional deflections of
the deck.
E. The model shall be tested in a properly scaled simulation of the natural turbulent wind,
critical wind speeds, vortex shedding and turbulent response shall be measured for the
construction stages.
F. Each model configuration shall be tested for a series of wind speeds covering the design
range and beyond. The effects of the wind normal to the span and from other directions
shall be investigated. Tests shall be carried out to assess the impact of changes in the
turbulence levels.
G. The mean, root mean square, and peak vertical and horizontal deflections of the deck
shall be measured for each test direction and the corresponding bending and torsional
moments of the tower obtained.
H. The meteorological wind data shall be combined with the wind tunnel data to derive the
effective design wind load distributions. These effective wind load distributions shall
incorporate the effects of the dynamic excitation of the bridges in its various modes of
One of the tower models constructed for the Construction Stages tests shall be modified and
used for these tests by removing the deck.
A. During the tests, the base shears normal and parallel to the span and corresponding
moments shall be measured in each leg. In addition, accelerations at the top of the
tower shall be measured normal and parallel to the span. The tests shall be done for
wind azimuths from 0 degrees through 90 degrees with 0 degrees being normal to the
span. The tests shall be carried out on the completed tower as well as on the tower
modeled in its most critical interim stage.
B. Supplementary tests shall be carried out in low turbulence flow to check the vortex
shedding response.
C. The test data shall be used to derive the recommended wind forces for structural design
and to provide predictions of the tower's dynamic response.
In order to confirm the response of the bridge in its completed form, confirm and refine the
findings of the sectional model tests and assess three-dimensional and topographic effects, the
following tasks shall be undertaken:
A. The test model assembled for the investigation of the construction stages shall be
expanded to represent the completed bridge.
B. The force and displacement measurements on tower and deck outlined for the
construction stages shall be duplicated with the complete center span modeled.
C. The test program in terms of wind speeds, wind direction and turbulence levels shall be
as outlined for the tests on the construction stages.
The test program shall account for interference effects associated with surrounding buildings
and structures on wind loadings and possible vibration. Interference effects shall be
evaluated for each stage of construction as part of the local terrain studies. The test program
shall account for the influence of the adjacent existing bridge when the Eastbound Bridge is
completed, the absence of the existing bridge when it is demolished, and the adjacent
Westbound Bridge after it is constructed.
Interim information shall be made available as the preliminary and final design wind studies
evolve. Typically, this would include a summary report following the completion of the following
A. Meteorological/Site Analysis;
B. Initial Design Review;
C. Preliminary Section Model Tests;
D. Final Static and Dynamic Sectional Model Tests a Buffeting Analysis; and
E. Aeroelastic Model Tests.
Two final reports shall also be prepared, one at the completion of the preliminary design phase
wind studies and the other at the completion of the final design phase wind studies. The final
reports shall provide a complete review of the studies including modeling principles, test
methods, test results, analysis and recommendations.
To assist in describing the wind tunnel tests and their results, a video tape recording the key
aspects of the preliminary design and final design tests shall be produced at the completion of
the final design phase wind studies. The video shall be edited and be of professional quality to
be used in presentations.
The Design-Builder shall maintain a close contact with NYSDOT throughout the course of the
wind studies via telephone and email and make provisions for a minimum of five (5) design
review meetings as outlined below:
1. Meeting #1; At NYSDOT’s office upon completion of the Initial Design Review to
discuss the initial assessments on the deck cross-section and towers and discuss
design modifications, if necessary.
2. Meeting #2; At the wind laboratories during the preliminary sectional model tests to
review the initial results and discuss design modifications, if necessary.
3. Meeting #3; At the wind laboratories during the final sectional model tests to review
the model and its instrumentation and confirm the test program.
4. Meeting #4; At the wind laboratories during the aeroelastic tests to review the model
and its instrumentation and confirm the test program.
5. Meeting #5; At NYSDOT 's office to make a presentation of the complete test
program and its results.
13.1 SCOPE
This work shall consist of field sampling, testing and documenting the turbidity levels of
Newtown Creek during all in-water work, including discharge activities (if applicable),
throughout the duration of the contract.
Due to the presence of contaminants in the sediments of Newtown Creek and the creek’s
listing as a Federal Superfund Site, the Design-Builder shall conduct all operations to avoid or
minimize disturbances to the creek bottom.
This specification provides a method to verify that the conditions of the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES Permit, 401 Water Quality Permit, and
the requirements of the United States Environmental Protection Agency are met with
respect to monitoring for turbidity.
The Design-Builder shall conduct activities in compliance with the State Pollution Discharge
Elimination System Permit (SPDES) and the conditions outlined in the 401 Water Quality
Certificate. In the event there are conflicts between this specification and the applicable
permits, the permit stipulations shall apply. In the event that the permits do not stipulate
specific turbidity monitoring action levels, USEPA requirements typically stipulate that the
differential turbidity levels, taken upstream and downstream from the source, shall not
exceed 28 NTU’s (Nephelometric Turbidity Units).
All costs associated with any delays due to failure to meet the SPDES Permit, 401 Water
Quality Certificate conditions or obtain timely and valid analytical results shall be borne by the
The materials shall be appropriate and sufficient to complete the activities as described herein.
The type of turbidimeter shall be a factory standardized unit with permanent calibration
features and it shall be meet the official standards of the USEPA. The Design-Builder shall
make a turbidimeter available for use as requested by the Engineer.
The Design-Builder shall monitor turbidity during all in-water work activities,
particularly during pier demolition and construction of cofferdams, caissons, and
the temporary barge docking platforms. Upstream and downstream
measurements at any dewatering discharge points will also be required.
The frequency of testing shall be in accordance with the permit requirements, but no
less than twice per day (once in the am and once in the pm).
Additional tests will be required whenever there is; a significant change in the
Design-Builder’s operations, an observed increase in the turbidity of the creek
water, water discharge operations, or AOBE.
Test results will be made available to the Engineer as soon as practicable, but no
later than one hour after the test. However, if the turbidity levels exceed the limits
set forth, the Engineer shall be notified immediately.
As a component of the Water Quality Monitoring for turbidity, the Design-Builder shall
keep a daily log or journal which references the weather conditions, date, time,
location and results of the turbidity tests throughout the duration of the contract. The
Design-Builder shall make the log available to the Engineer during the term of project
and shall provide the original log or journal to the Engineer at the conclusion of the
Unless specifically stated otherwise in the permits, the Design-Builder will monitor the
in-water turbidity with a turbidimeter by sampling within 30 meters upstream and 30
meters downstream from the limits of the in-water work and wastewater discharge
points. The Design-Builder shall obtain measurements at a depth of 1 meter from the
bottom of the creek. The upstream and downstream tests are considered one sample
set (one event).
If the turbidity levels exceed the limits set forth by the SPDES permit, WQC Permit,
or USEPA requirements, then all in-water work activities and water discharges (if
applicable) shall cease. The Design-Builder shall evaluate the situation and make
corrective measures to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
14.1 SCOPE
This work shall consist of the handling, sampling and analysis, and onsite treatment and
discharge or offsite disposal of potentially contaminated liquids generated by the dewatering of
excavations. The Design-Builder shall assume that all groundwater within the project area is
contaminated until testing demonstrates otherwise. The Design-Builder shall handle all
contaminated liquids in a responsible manner to protect site personnel, the public, and the
environment in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, the
applicable permits, and NYSDOT requirements.
The Design-Builder has the option to manage contaminated water by either off-site disposal at a
permitted facility, or on-site treatment and discharge to a publically owned sewer or closest
surface water body (Newtown Creek). The Department will provide the Design-Builder with an
approved NYSDEC SPDES Permit for treatment of dewatering fluids and discharge to Newtown
Creek for dewatering operations in Queens. The Design-Builder is responsible for obtaining
additional or modified dewatering permits as necessary at no additional cost to the Department.
A NYCDEP Sewer Discharge Permit would be required if the Design-Builder elects to discharge
to the public sewer system. Treatment on-site will require a detailed Water Quality
Management Plan (WQMP) to insure the discharged effluent meets water quality standards.
The Design-Builder shall supply all equipment, material, labor and all incidentals required to
document, handle/pump, store, sample, analyze, and either treat for discharge or dispose of, all
contaminated fluids for the duration of the project.
Contaminated liquids shall be placed and stored in liquid tight, suitable containers. If offsite
disposal is performed, the Design-Builder shall assure that the waste hauler's appropriate
choice of vehicles and operating practices shall prevent spillage or leakage of contaminated
material from occurring en route. A description of all proposed vehicles will be included in the
The Design-Builder shall ensure that all operations associated with the handling, sampling,
analyzing, loading, transportation, and treatment or offsite disposal of contaminated liquids are
in compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local regulations, including New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the New York City Department of
Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) regulations. The applicable regulations may include, but
are not limited to the most recent editions of:
a. On-Site Treatment: All liquids handled on-site that will be treated and
discharged to the city sewers or surface waters must meet all applicable
NYCDEP or NYSDEC Effluent limitations. The existing SPDES Permit to
be provided to the Design-Builder for dewatering in Queens contains
NYSDEC effluent limitations for discharge to Newtown Creek.
b. Off-Site Disposal: The liquids generated on this project that are classified
as contaminated and cannot be discharged on-site for any reason, must
be properly transported and disposed of at a permitted off-site waste
disposal facility.
1. General Information:
a. Facility name and EPA identification number.
b. Facility location.
c. Name of responsible contact for the facility.
d. Telephone number for contact.
e. Unit of measure utilized at facility for costing purposes.
3. Letters from the intended facilities stating that the Facility has
agreed to accept the wastewater is authorized to accept such
wastewater under the laws of the State of residence; has the
required capacity to treat and dispose of the waste; and will
provide or assure the ultimate disposal method indicated on the
Waste Manifest.
e. The names, address, and telephone number of the contact for the
Design-Builder's proposed chemical test laboratory. The laboratory must
be ELAP certified.
f. The name and experience of the Design-Builder's sampling technician.
4. NYSDEC Notification
At least 10 days prior to beginning work, provide the Engineer and NYSDEC with
the anticipated scheduled dates and work locations for dewatering of
5. Permits
B. General
All work performed under this item shall follow the prescribed measures pertaining to
working with potentially hazardous materials as specified in OSHA Regulation 1910.
The Design-Builder shall properly handle/pump, transfer, and store all contaminated
liquids produced from project excavation and decontamination activities. The wastewater
generated by on-site decontamination activities (equipment and materials) and any other
remediation activities shall be captured, collected and transferred for sampling and
treatment or disposal.
a. General
All sediment and spent media generated during the treatment process shall
be handled as contaminated material per NYSDOT Standard Item 205.
The Design-Builder shall be held responsible for any and all actions
necessary to remedy situations involving materials/liquids spilled on-site.
This cleanup, containment and proper disposal of wastes shall be
accomplished at the Design-Builder's sole cost and expense, and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
b. Treatment
c. Testing
d. Discharge
The Design-Builder shall sample the waste fluids in the storage containers in
accordance with the following procedures and the NYSDEC/NYCDEP
regulations. The quality of the sampling program and all data generated shall
be the responsibility of the Design-Builder. The Design-Builder shall furnish
personnel, equipment, and instruments necessary for the implementation of
the sampling program. The Design-Builder must inform the Engineer at least
three days in advance of when all sampling activities will take place, so that
the Engineer may observe sampling activities or collect Quality Assurance
(QA) samples.
All sample containers shall be marked and identified with legible sample
labels and shall indicate the project name, sample location and/or container,
the sample number, the date and the time of sampling, preservatives utilized
and other information that may be useful in determining the character of the
The Design-Builder shall maintain a Chain of Custody log book for all
samples. The Design-Builder shall provide the Engineer access to it at all
times. He shall submit monthly summaries to the Engineer and the original
book in good condition at the completion of the Work. The following
information at a minimum shall be recorded in the log:
3. Analysis
The Design-Builder shall provide the laboratory test results to the Engineer,
prior to shipment of any liquid waste.
a. Transport
The Design-Builder shall only use the transporter(s) identified in the WQMP
for the performance of work. Any substitutions and/or additional transporters
must have written approval from the Engineer, prior to working. There shall
be no additional cost to the NYSDOT for obtaining and submitting other
transporters for approval and for use of such substitutions.
The Design-Builder shall arrange for the prompt transport of all liquid waste
from the project area. Any collected waste water shall be disposed of within
45 days after liquid is generated.
The Design-Builder shall inspect all vehicles leaving the project site to
eliminate contaminated materials adhering to the wheels or undercarriage.
The Design-Builder shall be held responsible for any and all actions
necessary to remedy situations involving materials/liquids spilled in transit
and of mud and dust tracked off-site. This cleanup, containment and proper
disposal of wastes shall be accomplished at the Design-Builder's sole cost
and expense.
The Design-Builder shall ensure that tanker trucks are sealed to protect
against tampering or alternate usage not compatible to hauling contaminated
b. Disposal
The Design-Builder shall use only the treatment, disposal, and recovery
facility (ies) identified in his WQMP for the performance of the work.
Substitutions or additions shall not be permitted without prior written approval
from the Engineer, and if approved, shall be at no extra cost to the NYSDOT.
The Engineer reserves the right to contact and visit the disposal facility and
regulatory agencies to verify the agreement to accept the stated material and
to verify any other information provided. This does not in any way relieve the
Design-Builder of his responsibilities under this Contract.
In the event that the identified and approved facility ceases to accept the
stated materials or the facility ceases operations, it is the Design-Builder's
responsibility to locate an alternate approved and permitted facility (ies) for
accepting materials. The Design-Builder is responsible for making the
necessary arrangements to utilize the facility (ies), and the alternative facility
(ies) must be approved in writing by the Engineer in the same manner and
with the same requirements as for the original facility (ies). This shall be
done with no extra cost or delay to the NYSDOT.
For contaminated waste waters that do not require a manifest, the Design-
Builder must obtain the copies of records from the receiving facility, verifying
the quantities received.
The schedule submitted in accordance with DB Section 108-1.2 shall consist of preparing,
maintaining and submitting a Progress Schedule using the Critical Path Method on Primavera
P6 software, or newer release, which demonstrates complete fulfillment of all work including
engineering, construction and administration of the Contract. All work to prepare, and maintain
the Progress Schedule shall be performed using the scheduling software application provided
by the Department on network servers and accessed through the Internet with Department
provided user accounts. The Design-Builder shall regularly revise and update the Progress
Schedule, and use it in planning, coordinating, and performing all work. Schedule activities
shall accurately depict the entire scope of work to be performed to complete the project
including, but not limited to, all work to be performed by the Design-Builder, consultants,
subcontractors, fabricators, suppliers, the Department, and others, contributing to the project.
Activity - A discrete, identifiable task or event that usually has an expected duration, has a
definable Start Date and/or Finish Date, and can be used to plan, schedule, and monitor a
Activity, Controlling - The first incomplete activity on the critical path.
Activity, Critical - An activity on the critical path.
Actual Start date- At the activity level, the Actual Start date represents the point in time that
meaningful work actually started on an activity.
Actual Finish date - At the activity level, the Actual Finish date represents the point in time that
work actually ended on an activity (Note: in some applications areas, the activity is considered
“finished” when work is “substantially complete.”); at the project level, the Actual Finish date
represents the point in time that the Design-Builder completes all work on the project and it is
accepted by the Project Manager.
Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award- The Progress Schedule submitted by the Design-
Builder and accepted by the Department that shows the plan to complete the construction
contract work. The Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award represents the Design-Builder’s plan
at the time of contract Award for completing the Project.
Completion Date, Contract - The date specified in the DB Agreement for completion of the
project or a revised date resulting from properly executed time extensions.
Completion Date, Scheduled - The date forecasted by the Progress Schedule for the
completion of the Project.
Constraint - A schedule restriction imposed on the Start or Finish date(s) of an activity that
modifies or overrides an activity’s relationships.
Progress Schedule Delay - An event, action, or other factor that delays the critical path of the
Progress Schedule and extends the time needed for completion of the construction project.
Contemporaneous Period Analysis Method – A technique for evaluating schedule delays or
time savings. The analysis period for the purpose of these provisions shall be monthly in each
regular progress update to the schedule.
Design-Builder Start Work date – The actual date the Design-Builder starts work, which is
entered as a Start milestone activity in the schedule. No work, other than that required for the
Proposal, may start until after the contract is awarded by the Office of State Comptroller, and the
Design-Builder has received a Notice to Proceed.
Critical Path – The critical activities shall be those activities being on the longest path. In a
project network diagram, the series of activities which determines the earliest completion of the
Critical Path Method (CPM) – A network analysis technique used to predict project duration by
analyzing which sequence of activities (which path) has the least amount of scheduling flexibility
(the least amount of float). A scheduling technique utilizing activities, durations, and
interrelationships/dependencies (logic), such that all activities are interrelated with logic ties
from the beginning of the project to the completion of the project.
Data Date – The date entered in the Project Details, in the Dates tab, which is used as the
starting point to calculate the schedule. For the Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award
submission the Data Date shall be the Notice To Proceed Date; for Weekly Progress Schedule
submissions, the Data Date shall be the date up to which the Design-Builder is reporting
progress (generally the last work day for the week, and for Weekly Status Reports the Data
Date shall be the Saturday of that week). Everything occurring earlier than the data date is "as-
built" and everything on or after the data date is "planned."
Deliverable – Any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result, or item that must be
produced to complete a project or part of a project. Often used more narrowly in reference to an
external deliverable, this is a deliverable that is subject to approval by the Department.
Duration, Original - The original estimated number of work days (not including holidays or
other non-working periods) in which the work task associated with the activity is expected to be
performed. (The number of calendar days may be different based on the calendar assigned to
the activity.) For certain activities such as concrete curing, or others approved by the Project
Manager, the calendar shall reflect no non-work days.
Duration, Remaining - The estimated time, expressed in work days (not including holidays or
other non-working periods), needed to complete an activity that has started but has not finished.
Early Dates – The earliest date an activity can start or finish based upon logic and durations.
Calculated by the software application when scheduling the project.
Enterprise Project Management Database (EPMD) – The P6 database of construction project
Progress Schedules.
Final Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award - The original plan against which the Design-
Builder’s progress is measured. The Final Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award represents
the original plan at the award of the contract, of what is expected to happen. Once the Final
Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award is accepted by the Project Manager it is saved and used
as a basis to compare against Progress Schedules Updates.
Float Suppression - Utilization of zero free float constraints which allows an activity to start as
late as possible by using all its' available free float. This technique allows activities to appear
more critical than if the activity's total float was based on early dates. Assigning zero free float
prevents true sharing of total float between Department and the Design-Builder. Utilization of
overly generous activity durations and overly restrictive calendar non-working periods are also
considered to cause float suppression.
Float, Free - The amount an activity can slip without delaying the immediate successor
activities. Free Float is the property of an activity and not the network path.
Float, Total - The amount of time an activity (or chain of activities) can be delayed from its early
start without delaying the contract completion date. Total Float is calculated and reported for
each activity in a network, however, Total Float is an attribute of a network path and not
associated with any one specific activity along that path.
Fragnet – A subdivision of a project network diagram usually representing some portion of the
Global data – Data classified by Oracle Primavera software as Global, including Project Codes,
Global Activity Codes, Global Calendars, Resource Calendars, Global Filters, Resources,
Global Reports, User Defined Fields and Unit of Measure.
Initial Baseline Schedule – The CPM schedule submission provided by the Design-Builder as
part of their final proposal that reflects the key major elements of their design concept and
approach along with the key construction major facility deliverables and sequence of operations.
Key Plans - Key Plans are graphic representations made by the Design-Builder’s project
Scheduler on paper copies of the appropriate contract plan sheets that reflect the Design-
Builder’s planned breakdown of the project for scheduling purposes to efficiently communicate
the Design-Builder’s activity coding scheme to State scheduling staff. The key plans prepared
by the Design-Builder shall clearly define the boundaries of the work for each designated Area,
the operations contained in various Stages of work, and work in the Work Zone Traffic Control
(WZTC) Phases. The alphanumeric codes on the key plans shall match the code values for the
activity code "Area", “Stage”, and “WZTC Phase” in the Progress Schedule.
Late Dates –The latest an activity can start or finish without delaying the day of completion.
Letting Date – The date the bids are opened and there is an announcement by the Department
of an apparent low bidder.
Longest Path - The sequence of activities through the Progress Schedule network that
establishes the Scheduled Completion Date
Look-Ahead Schedule – Commonly a one or two week time segment generated from the
accepted Progress Schedule that forecasts the work planned for the one or two week period
following the Data Date, and includes any major materials to be delivered and any lane closings
or anticipated shifts in WZTC.
Milestone – An activity with zero duration that typically represents a significant event, usually
the beginning and end of the project, milestones set forth in the contract proposal, design
phases, construction stages, a major work package, or the contract interim time-related
Narrative Report - A descriptive report submitted with each Progress Schedule.
Open End - The condition that exists when an activity has either no predecessor or no
successor, or when an activity’s only predecessor relationship is a finish-to-finish relationship or
only successor relationship is a start-to-start relationship.
Predecessor - An activity that is defined by Schedule logic to precede another activity. A
predecessor may control the Start Date or Finish Date of its successor.
Progress Schedule – A general Primavera P6 Schedule as defined by this Specification.
Progress Schedule Update – Changes to the Progress Schedule that reflect the status of
activities that have commenced or have been completed, including the following items: (a)
Actual Start date and or Actual Finish date as appropriate; (b) Remaining Duration for activities
commenced and not complete; and (c) Suspend or Resume dates for activities commenced and
not complete.
Progress Schedule Revision – Revisions to the Progress Schedule ensure it accurately
reflects the current means and methods of how the project is anticipated to progress, including
modifications made to any of the following items: (a) changes in logic connections between
activities; (b) changes in constraints; (c) changes to activity descriptions; (d) activity additions or
deletions; (e) changes in activity code assignments; (f) changes in activity production rates; and
(g) changes in calendar assignments.
Project Scheduler – The person that is responsible for developing and maintaining the
Progress Schedule.
Projects Planned Start Date – The date entered in the Project Details, in the Dates tab, that
reflects the Design-Builder’s planned start of work (based on contract requirements, and
reasonable expectation for a Notice to Proceed) at the time of the contract letting.
Projects Must Finish By Date – A date constraint entered in the Project Details, in the Dates
tab, that reflects the Contract Completion Date set in the Contract Documents or through a
formal contract extension of time.
Recovery Schedule – A schedule depicting the plan for recovery of significant time lost on the
project. This separate CPM schedule submission shall provide the resolution and include
appropriate changes in network logic, calendar adjustments, or resource assignments.
Relationships - The interdependence among activities. Relationships link an activity to its
predecessors and successors. Relationships are defined as:
Finish to Start - The successor activity can start only when the current activity finishes.
Finish to Finish – The finish of the successor activity depends on the finish of the current
Start to Start – The start of the successor activity depends on the start of the current
Start to Finish – The successor activity cannot finish until the current activity starts.
Scheduling/Leveling Report – The report generated by the software application when a user
“Schedules” the project. It documents the settings used when scheduling the project, along with
project statistics, errors/warnings, scheduling/leveling results, exceptions, etc.
State Business Days – Monday through Friday, with the exception of State Holidays.
Substantial Completion – The point at which the Project, or Section thereof, is complete, such
that all items or Work, as described in Contract Document, Part 3 – Project Requirements, have
been completed in accordance with the Contract Requirements and Approved by the
Department’s Project Manager.
Successor - An activity that is defined by Schedule logic to succeed another activity. The Start
Date or Finish Date of a successor may be controlled by its predecessor.
Time Impact Analysis - A technique to demonstrate the comparison of a time impact of a
Progress Schedule revision prior to a change in the Contract work, against the current accepted
Progress Schedule. Also known as a “What-If” analysis. A Time Impact Analysis is used to
evaluate proposed changes to future work activities in the schedule.
Weekly Status Report – The report generated weekly from the updated Progress Schedule in
an electronic Adobe Acrobat PDF format that reflects a Data Date for that Progress Schedule
Update period. The report shall be formatted to fit ANSI Size D paper (610 mm x 914 mm) (24
inch x 36 inch), listing all work activities from the data date to contract completion, using the
NYSDOT Status Report Layout, sorted by Early Start Date, Total Float in increasing order,
showing the Activity ID, Activity Description, Original Duration, Remaining Duration, Total Float,
Early Start date, Early Finish date, Start date, Finish date and Calendar ID.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - A deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements,
which organizes and defines the total scope of the project. Each descending level represents
an increasingly detailed definition of project components or work packages.
Work Package - A deliverable at the lowest level of the work breakdown structure. A work
package contains activities.
Work Day - A calendar day scheduled for active prosecution of contract work by the Design-
Builder or the Design-Builder’s representative.
A. Project Scheduler:
The Design-Builder shall designate an individual, entitled the Project Scheduler, who will
develop and maintain the progress schedule. The Project Scheduler shall be present at the
Prestart Schedule Meeting, prepared to discuss, in detail, the proposed sequence of work and
methods of operation, and how that information will be communicated through the Progress
Schedule. The Project Scheduler shall attend all meetings, or receive meeting minutes that
outline schedule related issues of those meetings, which may affect the CPM schedule,
including but not limited to those between the Design-Builder and their consultants,
subcontractors and between the Design-Builder and the Department. The Project Scheduler
shall be knowledgeable of the status of all aspects of the work throughout the length of the
Contract, including but not limited to: original contract work, additional work, new work, and
changed conditions of work.
B. Scheduling Software:
The State will provide Primavera P6 software licenses, or newer release, for use by the Design-
Builder to develop and maintain their Progress Schedules, and the Project Manager to review
the schedules submitted by the Design-Builder. The Design-Builder shall be responsible for
entering into a service contract for the duration of this contract with a Third Party Hosting
Service, that is authorized by Oracle Primavera to host the Primavera P6 software licenses, to
make Primavera P6 available on internet accessible servers for use by the Design-Builder team,
and the Department’s design and construction staff. Appropriate Department personnel,
Consultants, and Design-Builder’s staff shall have access to these schedules on the Third Party
Hosting Service’s Enterprise Project Management Database (EPMD). The Department will
provide a configured P6 release 6.2 database to the Third Party Hosting Service to load to their
servers. The Department will determine the location to store the project schedule files on the
EPMD, and will provide the Design-Builder the naming convention for all progress schedule
All access rights within the Third Party Hosting Service Primavera P6 database will be created
and maintained by the Department. The Department will be the sole entity to establish and
modify the EPS structure, the OBS Structure, Project Codes, Global Activity Codes, Global
Calendars, User Defined Fields, Cost Accounts, Security Profiles, Admin Categories, and Admin
The Design-Builder shall submit Request for Access forms to the Department’s Project Manager
for each proposed Primavera user to obtain the User ID’s and Passwords for access to software
and data on the Third Party Hosting Services network servers. The form can be downloaded
from the following web page https://www.nysdot.gov/main/business-
center/contractors/construction-division/primavera, or can be provided by the Project Manager.
These forms may be submitted any time following the Department’s release of the Request For
Proposals. The Department will process these requests and should generally provide the User
ID’s and Passwords within two weeks of receipt by the Project Manager. Upon approval and
authorization by the Project Manager and the Office of Construction, required User ID’s and
passwords will be provided to the Design-Builder (for the Project Scheduler plus other persons
approved by the project Manager) to obtain secure Internet access to the Primavera software
and project schedule data. If the contract is not awarded to this firm, the firm’s access to this
project will be removed. Department provided User Ids and Passwords are assigned to specific
individuals and shall not be shared with any other users. The Department will provide Design-
Builders submitting final proposals access to Primavera P6 on the Department’s network
servers for the development of the Initial Baseline Progress Schedule until award of the contract
to the successful firm.
The Department will provide the Design-Builder either a Preliminary Schedule or a project
schedule template for the Design-Builder’s use in developing their Progress Schedule. The
Design-Builder shall develop, update, and revise the Progress Schedules using Primavera P6
software that has been loaded on the Third Party Hosting Services network servers and the
Design-Builder shall store all Progress Schedule files on the Third Party Hosting Service
network servers.
The Department will not “Import” or accept Progress Schedule files from any other computer
system, or re-import schedules that have been exported from the Third Party Hosting Service
P6 database.
The Third Party Hosting Service shall be responsible for assuring the Primavera software and
schedule data on their servers will generally be available for the Design-Builder and Department
staff use at all times unless system maintenance (i.e. backups, upgrades, etc) is being
performed. System maintenance shall generally be conducted over short time periods between
the hours of 10 PM – 6AM, Monday - Friday and on weekends. The Third Party Hosting
Service shall be responsible for performing regular backup of data contained in the EPMD, and
upon approval of the Department shall make every effort to restore the latest historical copy of
schedule submissions in the event of any data failure of the EPMD. The Design-Builder shall
Export copies of project progress schedules, recovery schedules, TIA schedules, after data
modifications have been made as their backup of these submissions. In the event that
authorized users cannot access the software from 6AM to 10PM Monday through Friday, the
Third Party Hosting Service shall provide written notification to the NYSDOT Project Manager.
Project schedules are developed from the Design-Builder’s knowledge of the project, and the
means and methods represented in those schedules are based on the Design-Builder’s
understanding of the contract documents, and the Design-Builder’s past experience, which are
unique to the Design-Builder. Schedule activity data and logic are therefore the intellectual
property of the Design-Builder and will not be made available to other Design-Builders. All
other schedule data, and all Enterprise data residing on the network servers, are the sole
property of the Department.
1. The proposed hierarchal Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the Progress Schedules.
3. The proposed project activity codes, and various code values for each activity code.
7. The factors that the Design-Builder determines to control the completion of the project
and any milestone activity completion dates contained therein.
8. The Project Scheduler shall provide an outline for the content of the Narrative report for
future Progress Schedule submissions.
The Project Manager will be available to answer questions regarding scheduling, including: the
availability of Department supplied electronic file(s) containing sample project schedule
information, sample progress schedule narratives, Special Notes for CPM Scheduling, and
required standard format for CPM Progress Schedules for contract work. The Design-Builder
shall schedule meetings as necessary with the Project Manager to discuss schedule
development and resolve schedule issues, until the Final Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award
is accepted by the Project Manager.
The Design-Builder shall submit their Initial Baseline Progress Schedule that demonstrates how
the Project Scheduler’s proposed alphanumeric coding structure and the activity identification
system for labeling work activities in the CPM progress schedule will conform to the detailed
requirements of this specification. The review and comment by the Project Manager of the
sample schedule should assist the Project Scheduler in assuring the first submittal of the
Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award will be in general conformance with the requirements of
the specification and other contract requirements, and that major rework of the Baseline
Progress Schedule @ Award will not be required. This submittal may be made anytime
following the contract award. Critical items for this review should include but are not limited to:
the proposed WBS for subsequent progress schedules; the proposed project Calendars; project
Planned Start date; project Must Finish By date; major milestone activities (i.e. - Award, Notice
to Proceed, Design-Builder’s First Day of Design Work, Design-Builder’s First Day of
Construction Work, Design-Builder’s Last Day of Design Work, Design-Builder’s Last Day of
Construction Work, Substantial Completion, contract Completion Date); and between one
hundred to two hundred summary activities for the major work deliverables of the contract (i.e. –
Design approach span 1, Design main span, design approach span 2, construct approach span
1, construct main span, construct approach span 2, etc) that have assigned Activity Ids, Activity
Descriptions, Activity Durations, Predecessors, Successors, and Activity Relationships. These
summary activities will be broken down into, or supplemented with, individual work activities for
the Baseline Progress Schedule submission. To the extent practicable, the Initial Baseline
Progress Schedule should include administrative and procurement activities to be accomplished
during the contract; planned submittal, review, and approval dates for key shop drawings,
working drawings, fabrication drawings, and Design-Builder supplied plans, procedures, and
The submission of the Initial Baseline Progress Schedule (from the Design-Builder’s final
Proposal) shall be accompanied by a written Narrative that provides details of the Calendar
assignments of work days versus non-working days, outlines the sequence of planned
operations to complete the project work, and provides the proposed Activity Codes and Code
values to be assigned to activities in future submissions of project progress schedules. The
Project Manager will review the logic diagram, coding structure, activity identification system,
and Narrative; and provide comments for required changes by the Project Scheduler for
implementation in the submission of the Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award. The Project
Manager will provide written comments on major deficiencies within five (5) State Business
Days of receipt.
The Department shall review Initial Baseline Progress Schedules solely for the purposes of
evaluating the prospective Design-Builder’s proposal, their ability to communicate their plan for
progressing the contract work, and their knowledge and experience in following the
requirements of these contract provisions with respect to CPM schedule format and content.
D. Progress Schedule:
1. General
In addition to the attributes of the Progress Schedule provisions as set forth in §108-01, the
Design-Builder shall prepare, furnish, and maintain a computer-generated Progress Schedule
using the Critical Path Method (CPM) utilizing Primavera scheduling software on the Third Party
Hosting Service network servers. The CPM Progress Schedule shall be prepared based on the
principles defined by the latest issue of the Construction Planning & Scheduling Manual
published by the Associated General Contractors of America, except where superseded by the
contract documents such as the CPM Special Notes and these provisions.
The Design-Builder and the Department shall use the Progress Schedule to manage the work,
including but not limited to the activities of the Design-Builder, subconsultants, subcontractors,
fabricators, the Department, other involved State agencies and authorities, other entities such
as utilities and municipalities, and all other relevant parties.
No physical field work other than installation of the Engineer’s Field Office, mobilization, field
measurements, and survey and stakeout will be permitted to start until the complete Baseline
Progress Schedule @ Award has been approved by the Department’s Project Manager.
The Design-Builder will be the sole entity allowed to physically modify the following data within
the progress schedule: activity IDs; activity descriptions; activity durations; relationships
between activities; successors and predecessors, actual start and actual finish dates of
activities; planned start and planned finish dates of activities; and activity resources (with the
exception that activities assigned resources labeled to reflect Department personnel may be
changed to reflect specific individuals, or job roles, within the Department).
The Department may modify certain data associated with the progress schedule to ensure
conformance to the Department’s Enterprise Project Management standard schedule format.
This means that the Department may: create additional layouts, filters and reports; create and
edit additional user defined custom data fields; assign Project Codes; add and assign additional
project Activity Codes; add and assign additional Cost Account Codes; add and assign
additional Resource Codes; enter data in Notebook tabs; modify calendar ID’s (although not the
calendar itself); etc; that do not alter the established activities or schedule logic of the Design-
Builder. The Project Manager shall communicate to the Project Scheduler the types and scope
of changes planned to be made to the progress schedules prior to the implementation of those
changes. The Design-Builder shall not delete or modify any schedule data entered by the
Department without prior approval by the Project Manager. The schedule data added by the
Department shall be incorporated into future schedule submissions of the Design-Builder.
The Design-Builder shall develop the Progress Schedule using, to the maximum extent
practicable, the Global Activity Codes (DOT GLOBAL) identified in the Department’s Primavera
enterprise solution. Any schedule “Layouts”, “Filters” and “Report” formats that the Design-
Builder develops for the various Progress Schedules submissions to the Project Manager shall
be saved and made available to all other users of the project schedule with a name that
includes the contract D#.
The Department may make copies of the progress schedules to perform what-if type analysis,
which may involve any type of modification to those copies of the schedules.
The purpose of the Progress Schedule, and scheduling provisions in the contract, shall be to:
● Ensure that the Design-Builder and the Department have a detailed plan and resources
to complete the project in accordance with contract time requirements;
● Analyze the effect of changed conditions on any milestone dates or on the contract
completion date;
● Analyze the effect of change orders for extra work or deductions, and unanticipated
delays, on the contract completion date;
● Establish a standard methodology for time adjustment analysis based on the principles
of the Critical Path Method of scheduling, to analyze delays and resolve construction
disputes concerning time;
● Provide a means to verify costs that the Design-Builder is entitled to under the contract
terms, following the Payment Breakdown Structure (PBS), through reports generated
from the cost and resource loaded schedule that reflect the physical percentage of work
that has been completed.
a) Sequence the work commensurate with the Design-Builder’s abilities, resources and the
contract documents. The scheduling of activities is the responsibility of the Design-
b) Ensure that Progress Schedules prepared by the Project Scheduler for submission to
the Department are in compliance with the Contract. The intent should be that Schedule
submissions and accompanying Narratives are timely, complete, accurate, and in
compliance with the Contract.
c) Communicate all Contract changes, and decisions or actions taken by the Design-
Builder and all subconsultants, subcontractors, fabricators, etc, that effect the Progress
Schedule to the Project Scheduler in a timely manner to allow appropriate development,
maintenance, and update of the Progress Schedule.
d) Include all work contained in the Contract and all work directed in writing by the Project
Manager. Work activities directed by the Project Manager to be added to the Contract
shall be included in the next Weekly Progress Schedule submission.
e) Assure that Progress Schedule Updates reflect the actual dates that work activities
started and completed in the field.
f) Break a schedule activity into multiple activities to reflect a discontinuity in the work if a
work activity is suspended in the field and restarted at a later date, and the break
between when the work was suspended to when it was resumed is significant compared
to the original activity duration.
g) Ensure the Progress Schedule contains all work constraints and Milestones defined in
the Contract.
h) Schedule the work using such procedures and staging or phasing as required by the
Contract. Work designated as part of separate stages may be performed concurrently
with other stages where allowed by the Contract or where approved by the Department.
Failure by the Design-Builder to include any element of work required by the contract in the
accepted progress schedule does not relieve the Design-Builder from its responsibility to
perform such work.
Should the Design-Builder choose to show activities in the schedule that reflects their plan of
work prior to the contract award, the Department does not incur any liability and such work
being performed between the bid date and the contract award date shall be considered at risk
Errors or omissions on schedules shall not relieve the Design-Builder from finishing all work
within the time limit specified for completion of the contract.
If the Design-Builder fails to comply with the provisions of this Special Provision, the
Department’s Project Manager may suspend payment for any contract work.
a) The Design-Builder shall ensure the schedule accurately reflects the proposed approach
to accomplish the work outlined in the Contract documents and conforms to all
requirements of this specification. The complete Baseline Progress Schedule shall show
all the planned activities for the design and construction work in the Contract and shall
indicate the planned dates for which the work begins and is complete and all lanes
opened to traffic. The Baseline Progress Schedule shall also show design activities
including, but not limited to, the various stages of design, design checks, design reviews
and the submission dates of checked designs. The first submittal of the Baseline
Progress Schedule ten days following the Notice To Proceed shall reflect detailed
activities for a minimum of the first year of contract work, and for the remaining contract
duration activities can be more of a summary level within each WBS node. The second
submittal of the Baseline Progress Schedule shall be submitted within 30 days following
the Notice To Proceed and shall reflect detailed activities for the entire contract duration.
b) The schedule shall define a complete logical plan that can realistically be accomplished,
to execute the work defined in the Contract.
c) The schedule shall comply with the work constraints and milestones defined in the
Contract as well as all other contractual terms and conditions. The schedule shall be
consistent in all respects with the specific interim Time-Related Contract Provisions, and
any order of work requirements of the contract documents. The schedule shall meet all
interim milestone dates and shall not extend beyond the contract completion date. This
submission shall reflect the Design-Builder’s plan at the time of contract award, and prior
to the start of any work. No negative float is allowed in the Baseline Progress Schedule
@ Award submission.
d) Detailed Schedule Requirements - As a minimum, the Design-Builder shall address the
following in the Baseline Progress Schedule:
i) Defining Project details and defaults – Within the Dates tab, the “Planned Start” shall
be the date the Department received all Final Proposals, the “Data Date” shall be the
date of Contract Award, the “Must Finish By” date shall be the contract Completion
Date. Within the Settings tab, define the Critical Activities as the “Longest Path”.
The Project Scheduler role does not have security privileges to change this data in
the project Details tab, so requests for changes to this data needs to be forwarded to
the CPMSchedulingSection@dot.state.ny.us; include in your request the contract
Dnumber and the Project ID.
ii) Sufficient activities shall be included to assure that there is adequate planning for the
entire project. The appropriate number of activities will be largely dependent upon
the nature, size, and complexity of the project. In addition to all design and site
construction activities, network activities shall include: activities necessary to depict
the procurement/submittal process including shop drawings and sample submittals;
the fabrication and delivery of key and long-lead procurement elements; testing of
materials, plants, and equipment; settlement or surcharge periods activities;
sampling and testing period activities; cure periods; activities related to temporary
structures or systems; activities assigned to subcontractors, fabricators, or suppliers;
erection and removal of falsework and shoring; major traffic stage switches; activities
assigned to the Department and other involved State agencies and authorities,
including final inspection; activities to perform punch list work; and activities assigned
to other entities such as utilities, municipalities, County government/agencies, and
other adjacent contractors. The schedule shall indicate intended submittal dates,
and depict the review and approval periods as defined in the Contract Documents for
Department review or review by the Design Builder’s QC/QA Engineers.
M0001 Final Proposal Due Date 0 - Start Milestone ---- ---- NYSDOT
0002 Proposal Evaluation 22 State Business M0001 SS NYSDOT
0003 Best & Final Offer discussions 3 State Business Day 0002 NYSDOT
M0004 Proposal Best Value 0 - Milestone 0003 FS NYSDOT
0005 DB Federal Authorization 1 State Business Day M0004 NYSDOT
0006 Submit Proof of Insurance 1 State Business Day M0001 SS Design-
0007 NYS Attorney General 20 State Business 0005 FS NYS
Authorization Days Attorney
0010 Contract Award Process 30 State Business 0003 FS NYSDOT
Activity Duration Follows Logic Responsible
ID Activity Description
(Min) Tie Party
M0025 OSC Contract Award Date 0 - Finish Milestone 0007. 0010 FF NYS State
0030 Notification to Proceed (NTP) 3 State Business M0025, FS NYSDOT
Days 0006
00036 Get Start Meeting 1 State Business Day M0030 FS NYSDOT
00037 Preconstruction Meeting 1 State Business Day M0030 FS NYSDOT
00040 Prepare/Submit Safety & Minimum 1 Work Day 00035 SS Design-
Health Plan Builder
00045 Approve Safety & Health Plan 20 State Business 00040 FS NYSDOT
M0050 Design-Builder’s First Day of 0 - Start Milestone 00035, FS Design-
Design Work 00045 Builder
00060 Prepare/Submit Baseline 10 State Business 00005 FS Design-
Progress Schedule Days from receipt of Builder
Notice of Award
00065 Review Baseline Progress 10 State Business 00060, FS NYSDOT
Days M0025
00070 Accept Baseline Progress 1 State Business 00065 FS NYSDOT
Schedule Days
(see Note 1)
00075 Mobilization 20 Work Days M0050 SS Design-
00055 Set Up Engineer’s Field Office 10 Work Days 00035 FS Design
M0100 Design-Builder’s First Day of 0 - Start Milestone 0050 FS Design-
Construction Work Builder
M7000 Design-Builder’s Last Day of 0 - Finish Milestone M0050 FS Design-
Design Work Builder
M9000 Substantial Completion 0 - Finish Milestone See FF Design-
definition Builder
M9100 Design-Builder’s Last of 0 - Finish Milestone M9000 FS Design-
Construction Work Builder
09200 Other Agency Inspection 20 State Business M9100 FS Others
09300 DOT Final Inspection 20 State Business M9100 FS NYSDOT
09400 Design-Builder Punch List 20 Work Days 09300 FS Design-
work Builder
Activity Duration Follows Logic Responsible
ID Activity Description
(Min) Tie Party
Note 1 – Acceptance Date shall not exceed 40 State Business Days from Notice of Award.
The Logic Tie shown shall be used as a relationship to the predecessor activities contained in
the column named Follows.
iii) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - A multi level hierarchal WBS shall be
incorporated. The levels (nodes) shall include, but not be limited to:
Level 1 - is the project level;
Level 3 - the node for Design activities shall have sub nodes for each construction
deliverable; PRECONSTRUCTION activities shall have at least two sub
- The node for CONSTRUCTION activities shall have sub nodes for each
construction Deliverable (shall match the payment breakdown structure);
- The node for POST CONSTRUCTION activities requires no sub nodes.
Level 4 - The nodes for Deliverables of construction activities should include sub
nodes for the various elements of work (i.e. substructure can be broken
into various components);
iv) Activity ID - Include a unique identification number for each activity. Activity ID
numbers shall not be changed, or reassigned.
v) Activity Name - Clearly and uniquely define each activity name with a description of
the work that is readily identifiable to inspection staff and the progress of each
activity can be measured. Each Activity shall have a narrative description consisting
at a minimum of a verb or work function (i.e. form, pour, excavate, etc), an object (i.e.
slab, footing, wall, etc), and a location (i.e. STA, bridge or retaining wall number,
street, etc). The work related to each Activity shall be limited to one Area of the
contract, one Stage of the contract, one WZTC Phase of the contract, and one
Responsible Party of the contract.
vi) Milestone Type Activities - Include activities for all contract milestones that define
significant contractual events such as Contract Award, Notice to Proceed, Design-
Builder’s First Day of Work, Substantial Completion, Design-Builder’s Last Day of
Work, Contract Completion, and coordination points with outside entities such as
utilities, State agencies, Authorities, municipalities, Time-Related Contract
Provisions, etc. Other milestones shall include Design 25% Complete, Design 50 %
Complete, Design 75% Complete, and Design Complete.
All milestone activities in the schedule shall be assigned the standard Global
calendar named ‘NYSDOT Milestone/Curing 365 Day / 8 hour”, this calendar should
also be assigned to any activities for concrete curing.
• The Contract Award milestone shall have a primary constraint of “Finish On”
and the date of Contract signature by the State Comptroller,
• The Contract Completion milestone shall have a primary constraint of “Finish
on or before” and the contract Completion Date.
• The Design-Builder Start Work” Start milestone activity, that will eventually
reflect the actual date the Design-Builder started work authorized under the
All maintenance type work, such as maintaining temporary concrete barrier or
rodent control, shall be reflected in the schedule with Start and Finish milestone
type activities and a Level of Effort activity, not task dependant activities.
vii) Activity Durations – Define the Original Duration of each activity in units of whole
work days, except for activities of less than one day duration which should be shown
in units of tenths of a day. Except submittal/procurement activities, durations shall
not exceed 15 work days unless approved by the Project Manager. Durations for
submittal reviews shall meet the requirements set forth in the contract documents. If
requested by the Project Manager, the Design-Builder shall justify the
reasonableness of planned activity time durations. Task Dependent activities shall
not have zero durations.
viii) Production Rates – The Design-Builder shall furnish production rates for each task
dependent activity in the schedule, these shall be entered in the Notebook tab of the
activity details under the Production Rate notebook topic. If requested by the
Department’s Project Manager, the Design-Builder shall furnish other information
needed to justify the reasonableness of activity durations.
ix) Activity Relationships - Clearly assign predecessors and successors relationships
to each activity, and assign appropriate logic ties between activities (Finish to Start,
Start to Start, Finish to Finish, etc). Do not have any open ended activities, with the
exception of the first activity and last activity in the schedule. An activity may only
appear once as a predecessor or successor to another specific activity, but may be
assigned as a predecessor or successor to many different activities. Do not include
inappropriate logic ties with Milestone activities (For a finish milestone activity: a
predecessor shall only be assigned a Finish to Finish logic tie, a successor shall only
be assigned a Finish to Start or Finish to Finish logic tie. For a start milestone: a
predecessor shall only be assigned a Finish to Start or Start to Start logic tie, a
successor shall only be assigned with a Start to Start logic tie). Lag time may not
exceed 10 days. The Design-Builder shall not use negative Lag times.
x) The Design-Builder shall assign the “Contract Award Date” activity as a predecessor
to any Review and Approval type activities to be performed by Department staff.
xi) Activity Constraint Dates – The Design-Builder shall not have any constrained
activities, with the exception of contractual dates, unless the NYSDOT Project
Manager accepts such constraints in writing. Milestone activities shall be included
for the Contract Award which shall have a primary constraint of “Finish On” and the
date of contract signature by the State Comptroller, and for the Contract Completion
which shall have a primary constraint of “Finish on or before” and the contract
completion date indicated in the contract documents. Only contractual/owner-
designated constraints are allowed unless specifically authorized by this specification
or the Project Manager.
xii) Activity Dates – With the exception of contract Milestone dates, “Actual Start” and
“Actual Finish” dates and “Planned Start” and “Planned Finish” dates, activity dates
shall be calculated by the project scheduler tool within the Primavera software. No
Actual Start or Actual Finish dates shall be entered in the Baseline Progress
Schedule @ Award, with the exception of activities that were completed prior to the
Contract Award.
xiii) Calendars - Use clearly defined calendars that account for expected seasonal
weather conditions (including winter shutdown periods) and environmental permit
requirements, for the planning and scheduling of activities. Do not incorporate an
activity with a description of “Winter Shutdown” that requires constraints. Provide
the work days per week, holidays, the number of shifts per day, and the number of
hours per shift by using the Calendar modifier in the P6 software. Incorporate any
seasonal restrictions to the work within calendars assigned to activities.
● Global calendars used in the progress schedule shall be those established by the
Department. There are only two Global Calendars developed and maintained by
the Department for use by Design-Builder’s, they are the following:
• NYSDOT Milestone/Curing 365 Day / 8 hour
• State Business Days, 5 Day Work Week w/State Holidays, Field
Changes desired for these calendars shall be forwarded to
CPMSchedulingSection@dot.state.ny.us, and if appropriate these changes will
be performed by the Office of Construction system admin staff. This will be
accomplished by making a copy of the existing Global calendar, then the new
calendar will be renamed and modified as necessary.
● Calendars related to specific resources (i.e., a specific person or piece of
equipment) shall be established as Resource Calendars, with the Calendar name
clearly identifying the resource.
● All other calendars developed by a Design-Builder shall be established as Project
Calendars, with the calendar name including the contract D# and describing the
function (i.e., D260000 - Asphalt Calendar, D260000 - Concrete Calendar,
D260000 - Landscape Calendar, D260000 - Painting Calendar, D260000 –
Design-Builder’s 5 Day/8 Hour Workweek). All work activities of the Design-
Builder shall be assigned to Project Calendars.
● Activities for shop drawing reviews and other approvals by Department personnel
shall be assigned the Department’s standard Global – “State Business Day, 5
Day Work Week w/State Holidays, Field” Calendar that reflects all holidays
observed by the State.
● The Baseline Progress Schedule can not include a calendar that reflects any
workers working more than 8 hours in any one calendar day or more than 5 days
in any one week. (§102-10 LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT) Following the contract
award the Design-Builder can add additional calendars in their next Weekly
Progress Schedule submission based on an approved overtime dispensation.
xiv) Clearly define significant interaction points between the Design-Builder, the
Department, and other entities including but not limited to: Federal, State and local
agencies/authorities; and utilities. All activities of the Department, utility companies,
adjacent contracts, and other entities that affect progress and influence any contract
required dates including durations shall be shown in the schedule. This includes
dates related to all Permits or Agreements. The schedule shall give special
consideration to sensitive areas such as road closures and parklands and shall
indicate any time frames when work is restricted in these sensitive areas as outlined
in the permits issued by the regulatory agencies, and provided in the contract
xv) Activity Resources - The Design-Builder will generally not be required to assign
labor resources in the Resource Dictionary, or assign them to schedule activities.
The Design-Builder is required to enter material (pay item) resources in the
Resource Dictionary and assign these resources to appropriate activities to enable
the schedule to be cost loaded. The Design-Builder is required to enter the major
equipment resources to the appropriate activities in the schedule, these shall include
pile drivers, large cranes, asphalt paving equipment, and concrete finishing
It shall be the Design-Builder’s responsibility to assure the activity logic in the
schedule properly reflects their resource limitations. If the Design-Builder
anticipates multiple crews for the same schedule activity, these resources shall be
documented in the schedule narrative. As an activity can have only one responsible
party, no activity shall involve multiple crews comprised of the Design-Builder and a
subcontractor, or multiple subcontractors. The Design-Builder shall complete the
Resource loading of the activities for the first year of the contract duration within the
Baseline Progress Schedule submission, the resource loading of activities for the
second year of contract work shall be submitted no later than 60 calendar days
following the Notice To Proceed, all remaining activities shall be resource loaded no
later than 90 calendar days following the Notice to Proceed
xvi) Activity Costs – The Design-Builder shall enter the appropriate units, costs and cost
accounts to material resources assigned to activities in the schedule to enable a
report to be generated from the regular Progress Schedule submissions that reflects
the amount that the Design-Builder is requesting payment. The report shall be
based on the physical percentage of work completed within the reporting period, and
must comply with the cost percentages allowed for the PBS deliverables in the
Design-Build contract. The Design-Builder may propose and alternate method of
cost loading the schedule to the Department Project Manager for consideration.
xvii) Activity Codes – The Design-Builder shall include a well-defined activity coding
structure that allows activities to be sorted and filtered. Activity Codes shall be
developed and assigned as needed by the Project Manager to facilitate the use and
analysis of the schedule.
● No Global Activity Codes shall be incorporated in any progress schedule
submission to the Project Manager except those established by the Department.
● The Design-Builder shall assign the appropriate activity code values to each
activity in the progress schedule for the following Global Activity Codes that are
in the Department’s enterprise database:
xviii) Activity Code Values – Each Activity Code shall be broken down into various
Activity Code Values that are then assigned to activities. For example, the Activity
Code “Stage” shall include a hierarchal arrangement of Activity Code Values as
shown below in Figure 2:
xix) Activity Code Assignments - For each activity, within the activity details the
Design-Builder shall assign Activity Code values to identify the “Responsible Party”
(i.e. – Design-Builder, NYSDOT, Utility Co, Municipality) for the work to be performed
(one and only one responsible party shall be assigned to each activity), the “Stage”
of the contract for the work that will be performed, the “Area” where the work is to be
performed, the “WZTC Phase”, and the Type of Work (i.e. - Procurement, Paving,
Embankment, Excavation, Electrical, Signing, etc). For activities included in work
governed by time-related contract provisions, the appropriate “Time Related” activity
code shall be utilized. For activities included in work added and/or changed within
an Order-On-Contract, the appropriate “Added/Changed Work” code shall be utilized.
For all work activities performed by the Design-Builder or
subcontractors/fabricators/suppliers, “Contactor” shall be designated as the
Responsible Party. If the Design-Builder wants a separate activity code to enable
sorting the activities of subcontractors, fabricators, or suppliers a separate
“Subcontractor” code shall be utilized.
xx) Interim Milestone Dates with Liquidated Damages and Special Time-Related
Contract Provisions (i.e. – A+B Bidding, Incentive/Disincentive provisions, Lane
Rental) – Each time-related contract provision in the contract shall be represented in
the progress schedule by having a start and finish milestone, with appropriate
predecessors and successors assigned to all schedule activities considered part of
that time-related contract provision work including the start and finish milestone
activities. The Start milestone for the time-related contract work shall have
predecessors and/or date constraints assigned that include those defined in the
contract documents, and the Finish milestone for the time-related contract work shall
have successors and/or date constraints assigned that include those defined in the
contract documents. All schedule activities associated with each specific time-
related contract provision shall be assigned to a separate node within the project
WBS and the WBS node description shall be labeled accordingly, in addition these
activities shall be assigned the appropriate Time-Related Clauses (DOT GLOBAL)
activity code value. A Level Of Effort activity shall be used for each time related
contract provision (i.e - “Incentive 1 Duration” or “B Clock 1 Duration”), this activity
shall have the Start Milestone as a predecessor with a SS relationship and the Finish
Milestone as a successor with a FF relationship and the duration of this activity shall
be calculated when the project is scheduled.
xxi) Narrative - Include a narrative in Microsoft Word and/or Adobe Acrobat format that
● The Design-Builder’s general approach to construct the work outlined in the
baseline schedule. Address the reasons for the sequencing of work and describe
any resource limitations, potential conflicts, and other salient items that may
affect the schedule and how they may be resolved.
● If not provided in the contract plans, or if modified by the Design-Builder, provide
copies of the appropriate contract plan sheets marked up as Key Plans, to
correlate values on the contract plans (for Area of Work, Stage of Work, and
WZTC Phase) to the Design-Builder’s planned breakdown of the project (ie-
Activity Codes, Activity Descriptions) for scheduling purposes.
● The justification(s) for each activity with a duration exceeding 15 work days.
● The reason for any lags assigned to any activities.
● The justification(s) for Design-Builder imposed activity constraints proposed in
the schedule.
● A list of calendars which have been used in the schedule, along with the general
reason for their use.
● The project critical path and challenges that may arise associated with the critical
● Anticipated coordination issues related to work activities by other entities, that
require additional information from or action by the Project Manager.
● Appendix 1 to the narrative shall be the “Schedule Log” report created when the
project was scheduled.
● Appendix 2 to the narrative shall be an electronic schedule plot (Adobe Acrobat
format) using the Global Layout named “Baseline Schedule submission”, with
activities sorted by Start Date in ascending order, Grouping of activities by WBS,
and only the “Longest Path” filter applied. This plot shall provide a clear critical
path from the Data Date to the last activity in the schedule.
xxii) List of Submittals – The Design-Builder shall submit with the Progress Schedule a
list of all Submittals (i.e. – design plans, project specification, shop drawings,
required permits, erection/demolition plans, Heath and Safety Plan, etc.) generated
from the Baseline Progress Schedule for review and approval by the Project
Manager. The Design-Builder shall use a Filter to limit the schedule activities shown
in the report to only the prepare/submit, and review/approve activities related to
submittals. The report shall be in Adobe PDF format and transmitted to the Project
Manager by email. This list shall be revised and updated weekly with each schedule
xxiii) Project Report – The Design-Builder shall create a custom report consistent with
the requirements in the RFP for the Payment Breakdown Structure (PBS) that can be
run from P6 that applies a filter to the Progress Schedule to reflect the work
completed within a progress period for which they are seeking contract payment
e) Schedule Submission
i) Within the timeframe indicated in Table 2 column 1, submit one electronic copy of the
Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award in a Critical Path Method (CPM) format for the
Department Project Manager’s review and acceptance.
Table 2
(in State Business Days)
Time frame from receipt of Time frame from Notice of
Notice of Award to Time frame for Project Award to acceptance by
Submission of Complete Manager’s Review the Project Manager not to
Baseline Schedule exceed
(Column 2)
(Column 1) (Column 3)
10 10 40
ii) The Project Manager will review the schedule and return it, accept it with
comments, or reject it within the timeframes indicated in Table 2 column 2, following
the date of receipt of the Design-Builder’s submission.
iii) If the schedule is returned with comments, the Design-Builder shall address all
comments and revise the schedule as necessary. The Design-Builder shall complete
the Final Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award and obtain the acceptance of the
Project Manager within the timeframe required in Table 2 column 3.
iv) If the schedule is accepted by the Project Manager without any comments, the
Design-Builder shall copy the schedule and rename it for submission as the Final
Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award.
v) In no way does the Baseline Progress Schedule modify the contract documents.
vi) The Design-Builder shall assign appropriate Activity Codes and provide custom
Layouts, Filters, and/or report formats necessary to allow the Project Manager to
generate a report from the each Progress Schedule submission of all submittals
required under the contract (i.e., shop drawings, required permits,
erection/demolition plans, etc). The list shall show scheduled submission date,
review date, and acceptance date for each submittal and identify the earliest activity
affected by each of these submittals. This list shall be generated from each
Progress Schedule submission until all such activities are completed.
a) First Weekly Progress Schedule Submission – Within three State Business Days
following acceptance of the Final Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award or the closing
date for the first month’s contract payment period whichever is later, the Design-Builder
shall perform a Progress Schedule Update to reflect the status of all activities where
work was performed in the time period between the start of work and acceptance of the
Final Baseline Progress Schedule @ Award. This shall include actual dates entered in
the Actual Start and Actual Finish columns, and Remaining Duration for activities where
work has commenced but is not complete, in addition the Design-Builder shall
incorporate any Progress Schedule Revisions that reflect any changes in how future
work activities are to be completed.
When preparing a formal submission of the progress schedule, the Design-Builder shall
make a copy of the current Progress Schedule and name it according to the file naming
convention provided by the Department in Table 1.
i) Data Date - the “Data Date” shall be the date the Project Scheduler last edits the
schedule prior to submission to the Project Manager (generally the last day of the
month). The Project Scheduler shall enter the Data Date through the Schedule (F9)
ii) Activity Status Tab -
a. Durations – the Original Duration shall not be changed without prior written
justification by the Design-Builder, and written approval by the Project
Manager. The Design-Builder shall edit the Remaining Duration to reflect
progress made on work activities, and shall not use Duration % . If a
proposed change to Original Duration is due to additional or changed work to
the contract the Design-Builder shall instead add an activity to reflect this
additional work, and assign the appropriate Activity Code. The Design-
Builder shall not use zero durations for Task Dependant activities.
b. Started and Finished dates – for each activity where work was begun during
the month, the Design-Builder shall check the box adjacent to Started and
enter the date the work began. For each activity where work was completed
during the month, the Design-Builder shall check the box adjacent to Finished
and enter the date the work was completed.
c. Suspended work – The first time that work has been suspended on a
schedule activity, the Design-Builder shall enter the Suspend and Resume
fields within the Project Details under the Status tab. For any subsequent
suspensions of work to that activity the Design-Builder shall break that activity
into two or more activities to accurately reflect the suspension and
resumption of work dates in the field, and to more accurately reflect the
relationship to other work activities.
iii) Calendars – To change a project calendar for activities scheduled in the future, the
Design-Builder shall copy the calendar and use a revised name that includes a
reference to which Weekly Update the change was incorporated (i.e. - D260000 -
Concrete Calendar should be revised to D260000 – 2 - Concrete Calendar to reflect
the 2nd Weekly Update when the change was made to the calendar). The reason for
the change in the calendar shall be documented in the Narrative.
iv) Notebook Tab –
a. Delays - For any activities on the critical path that are delayed during this
monthly reporting period, the Design-Builder shall enter the dates the activity
was delayed and the reason for such delay in the Notebook tab of that
b. Production Rates – For any activities where the work to be performed is
similar in nature to work already performed on the same project and that the
Production Rate for the work to be performed is different than the actual
Production Rate for work already performed the Project Manager may require
the Design-Builder to adjust the Duration for the work to be performed to
reflect the more appropriate Production Rate.
v) Deleted work – If work has been deleted the corresponding work activities in the
schedule shall be deleted. The Design-Builder shall not just zero the activity duration
since the calendar assigned to the zero duration activity shall still affect the logic of
future work activities.
d) Weekly Progress Schedule Narrative - For each Weekly Progress Schedule
submission, the Design-Builder shall submit a narrative in Microsoft Word, or Adobe
Acrobat format that includes, but is not limited to: (The narrative may be an annotated
copy of the Claim Digger Report that includes the information below.)
i) The contract D number, project name, project location, and name of Prime Design-
ii) Contract Award Date, current contract Completion Date, and scheduled completion
of all project work.
iii) Any contact Interim Milestone dates (I/D, B-Clock, LD, etc), and scheduled Start and
Finish dates for those Milestone activities.
iv) List all activities on the Critical Path (include Activity ID’s and Activity Descriptions)
where work was delayed during the one month period prior to the Data Date , and for
each such activity provide detailed information including:
• the events that caused the delay.
• the party(s) responsible for the delay event(s).
• the number of days the activity has been delayed (negative float).
• the activities in the construction schedule affected by the events.
• the reasonable steps needed to minimize the impact of the delay, and which
party needs to take the action(s).
v) List any other problems experienced during this Progress Schedule submission
period, the party responsible for the problems, and the Design-Builder’s intentions to
resolve the problems.
vi) List all activities for procurement of long lead time materials that are behind schedule
and the reason(s) why.
vii) For major work items describe the differences between the actual work performed
and the work planned for the period as represented in the preceding Progress
Schedule submission, including explanations for the deviations.
viii) For all suspended work activities that could otherwise logically be progressed,
identify the responsible party prohibiting the progression of the work, as well as the
detailed reasons why.
ix) Description of any changes to the critical path since the last Monthly Progress
Schedule submission and the impacts of such changes.
xi) List of all added or deleted activities included in this Monthly Progress Schedule
submission, and the reason(s) for and the impact(s) of such changes.
xii) List all changes in activity Original Durations, the justification for such change(s), and
the impact(s) of such changes.
xiii) List all changes in relationships between activities included in this Progress Schedule
submission, and the reason(s) for and the impact(s) of such changes.
xiv) List any addition or deletion of activity or project constraints, and the reason(s) for
and the impact(s) of such changes.
xv) List all changes to the project calendars, and the reason(s) for and the impact(s) of
such changes.
xvi) The major work elements, as defined in the WBS, to be accomplished during the
next monthly work period.
xvii) Any potential problems that are anticipated for the next monthly work period and the
proposed solutions to such problems. Identify potential problems or risks that either
the Department or Design-Builder may be potentially responsible for. Explain what
action the responsible party (i.e. - Department or Design-Builder) needs to take and
the date by which time the action needs to taken to avoid the problem.
xviii) Any planned acceleration of activities that the Design-Builder anticipates to
undertake within the next monthly work period that either the Department directed, or
that the Design-Builder believes is necessary.
xix) The following appendix in Adobe Acrobat PDF file format, formatted to fit ANSI Size
E paper (34 inch x 44 inch) (863 mm x 1117 mm) paper, printed with Landscape
orientation, shall be included with the narrative as a separate file.
● APPENDIX 1 – A listing of all work activities as of the data date, using the
NYSDOT Appendix 1 activity layout, sorted by Finish date, Total Float in
increasing order, showing the Activity ID, Activity Name, Original Duration,
Remaining Duration, Actual Duration, Total Float, Early Start date, Start date,
Finish date, Late Finish date, and Calendar ID. The grouping of activities shall
be by WBS. The Gantt Chart shall clearly indicate all activities in the schedule.
Graphical representations shall be shown at a suitable scale to be legible and
xx) The following appendix in Adobe Acrobat PDF file format, formatted to fit ANSI Size
B (Ledger) paper (11 inch x 17 inch) (279 mm x 431 mm) paper, printed with
Landscape orientation, shall be included with the narrative as separate files.
● APPENDIX 2 – A listing of all work activities as of the data date, using the
NYSDOT Appendix 1 activity layout, sorted by Finish date, Total Float in
increasing order, showing the Activity ID, Activity Name, Original Duration, Total
Float, Start date, Finish date. There shall be no Grouping of activities, and the
global Filter for Longest Path shall be applied. The Gantt Chart shall clearly
indicate the project critical (longest) path, with logic lines. Graphical
representations shall be shown at a suitable scale to be legible and readable.
xxi) The following appendix in Adobe Acrobat PDF file format, formatted to fit standard
ANSI A (Letter) size paper (8.5 inch x 12 inch) (215 mm x 279 mm) paper, printed
with portrait orientation, shall be included with the narrative as a separate file.
e) For any contract time extension requests the Design-Builder shall include: a Time Impact
Analysis (TIA) for any changes to the schedule for future work for such issues as Added
Work, VECP, or Changed Conditions; and a Delay Analysis that documents all delays
from the Contract Award to the current date that is based on critical path delays that
occurred when comparing subsequent Monthly Progress Schedule submissions and the
supporting delay documentation in the Monthly Schedule Narratives.
f) Schedule Submission - The Design-Builder shall submit the Weekly Progress Schedule
to the Project Manager at the end of each week. The schedule submission to the
Project Manager shall be made within three (3) State Business Days of the Data Date
(last day of the week), whether or not the Project Manager has accepted the previous
Weekly Progress Schedule submission. Schedule submittals will only be considered
complete when all documents and data have been provided.
Immediately prior to submitting the schedule the Project Scheduler shall “Schedule” the
project, when scheduling the project the Scheduling Options shown in Figure 3 shall be
used unless approval to vary from these settings is given by the Project Manager. The
Project Scheduler shall use the same Scheduling Options for all Progress Schedule
submittals for the duration of the contract, unless directed otherwise by the Project
g) Schedule Submission Method - The Design-Builder shall submit the schedule to the
Project Manager electronically for review and acceptance. The filename shall conform
to the requirements of Table 1. The Project Scheduler can change the Project ID and
Name through the WBS at the top node, as they do not have privileges to edit data
through the Project Details tab. The Design-Builder’s submission shall be documented
by an E-mail to the Project Manager, with a copy to
CPMSchedulingSection@dot.state.ny.us and all appropriate project participants, that the
project schedule on the network is ready for review. The Design-Builder’s E-mail to the
Project Manager shall also consist of the following:
i) The subject of the E-mail shall include the Region #, contract D number, the
Project Name, the Progress Schedule’s Project ID, and Design-Builder company
name. (i.e. – Region 8, D260000, Rehabilitation of Main Street viaduct,
D260000-1UD2, ABC Contractors)
ii) The E-mail message shall include the name of the Project Manager, the current
anticipated Finish date of the last activity in the project schedule, a statement as
to how that date compares to the current Contract Completion Date, and the
name of the Department’s Area Construction Supervisor.
iii) Electronic files of all Narrative Reports and required attachments associated with
the schedule shall be submitted by the Design-Builder in Adobe Acrobat format.
5. As-Built Progress Schedule. The Design-Builder shall submit the As-Built Progress
Schedule with Actual Start and Actual Finish dates for all activities, within ten (10) State
Business Days following final acceptance of work by the Regional Director.
6. Look-Ahead Schedule.
Except during winter shutdown periods the Design-Builder shall prepare a Look-ahead
Schedule as either a plotted report from the current progress schedule, or as a narrative
report, and provide it to the Project Manager on a weekly basis, or if approved by the Project
Manager on a mutually agreed upon interval. The Look-ahead schedule shall include work
activities planned for the next one or two week period, as determined by the Project
Manager, and shall include, but is not limited to: anticipated lane closures, road closures and
detours, environmental issues, and utility issues. The Project Manager will provide the
Project Scheduler with guidelines for determining the begin dates and end dates for the one
or two week reporting periods, along with the how the plotted schedule report or narrative
report shall be formatted.
The Department generally uses this Look-ahead schedule to facilitate communication with
other Federal or State agencies, local municipalities, utility companies, railroads, emergency
service providers, public news media and other affected parties.
a) Failure of the Project Scheduler to “schedule” the project, as of the data date.
d) Any activity constraints appearing in the Scheduling/Leveling Report that have not
been approved in writing by the Department, or that are not specifically allowed by
this specification.
e) Any Activities with Actual Dates > Data Date appearing in the Scheduling/Leveling
g) Failure to have a clearly defined Critical Path from the Data date to the last activity in
the schedule, using the Longest Path method. This would reflect logic errors in the
project schedule.
Events, actions, and progress that cause delays or gains to the Progress Schedule will be
analyzed solely by the "Contemporaneous Period Analysis" method.
3. Project Progress Meetings.
One topic of the regular weekly progress meetings held by the Project Manager and
attended by the Design-Builder shall be a review of the Weekly Status Report generated
from the Progress Schedule. The Design-Builder shall be represented by their design,
construction and Project Scheduler personnel. The Project Scheduler shall bring a copy of
the printed plot of the current Weekly Status Report to the progress meeting, the report shall
show the current anticipated schedule for all remaining work with the critical path activities
a) The review of the Status Report serves as the forum to discuss project progress and
delays, suggested remedies, necessary Progress Schedule revisions, coordination
requirements, change orders, potential Design-Builder time extension requests, and
other relevant issues. If contract work is falling behind the Progress Schedule, the
responsible party (i.e.- Design-Builder or Department) shall be ready to discuss what
measures it will take in the next thirty (30) days to put the work back on schedule so as
to meet the contract Completion Date specified in the contract.
b) Items of discussion will include, but are not limited to: project progress; schedule
progress; near term and long-term schedule issues, including RFIs, Shop Drawing
submittals, permit work, utility relocations, mitigation work; project issues and risks;
proposed solutions; and any relevant technical issues that are schedule related.
c) At the meeting the Project Scheduler shall compile an action item list that describes who
is responsible for existing or pending issues and the date by which the issue needs to be
resolved to avoid delays. The Design-Builder shall forward a copy of the action item list
to the Project Manager within 2 business days following the meeting.
The Project Manager will review the Weekly Progress Schedule submissions and will
prepare a written response (Progress Schedule Review Report) to the Design-Builder’s
submission within five (5) State Business Days following receipt of the Design-Builder’s
complete schedule submission. The Project Manager will either “accept” the schedule,
“accept as noted”, or “reject” the schedule for re-submittal by the Design-Builder.
If the Progress Schedule submission is not in compliance with contract requirements, the
Project Manager may reject the submittal and shall forward any comments and requests for
schedule revisions to the Project Scheduler with a copy to the Design-Builder. The Project
Scheduler shall address all comments in writing and/or make the requested revisions, and
resubmit the revised schedule within three (3) State Business days of the Project Manager’s
reply. If the Project Manager determines the revised submission still does not meet the
contract requirements, any further revisions required thereafter shall also be submitted for
acceptance within (3) business days of the request for revisions by the Project Manager.
For schedules that are “accepted as noted” the Project Manager shall forward any
comments, or requests for revisions, to the Design-Builder. The Project Scheduler shall
address all comments in writing and/or make the requested revisions as part of the next
scheduled Progress Schedule submission.
The Project Scheduler shall make adjustments to the Progress Schedule in accordance with
the Project Manager’s comments and resubmit copies for review consistent with the
requirements of this section.
The Project Manager, by accepting the progress Schedule, does not agree that the Progress
Schedule is reasonable or that by following the Progress Schedule the Design-Builder can
complete the work in a timely manner. If, after a Progress Schedule has been accepted by
the Project Manager, either the Design-Builder or the Project Manager discover that any
aspect of the Schedule is on error, or something significant has been omitted, the Design-
Builder shall correct the Progress Schedule in the next Progress Schedule submission and
describe this revision in the Narrative report.
Acceptance of progress schedules by the Project Manager shall not be construed to imply
approval of any particular construction methods or sequence of construction or to relieve the
Design-Builder from its responsibility to provide sufficient materials, equipment and labor to
guarantee the completion of the contract in accordance with the contract documents.
Acceptance of the progress schedule by the Project Manager does not attest to the validity
of assumptions, activities, relationships, sequences, resource allocations, or any other
aspect of the progress schedule. Within the contractual constraints, the Design-Builder is
solely responsible for the planning and execution of the work.
Acceptance of the progress schedule by the Project Manager shall not be construed to
modify or amend the contract agreement or the date of completion therein. Completion
dates can only be modified or amended by standard contractual means, through an official
HC-250b Request For Extension of Completion Date.
If any resources are included in the Progress Schedule, it is not intended that the Project
Manager, by accepting the schedule should use the Design-Builder’s resource data for
anything other than determining the reasonableness of achieving the Design-Builder’s
production rates. Resources included with the accepted CPM schedule shall not be
misconstrued as a cost benchmark for the performance of planned or actual work.
Once the progress schedule has been accepted, the Design-Builder shall not deviate from it
without first notifying the Project Manager in writing.
Upon receipt from the Design-Builder of the corrected schedule, a new review period by the
Project Manager of five (5) State Business days will begin.
1. Changes to the contract. In the event a notice of a change to the contract is received,
the appropriate changes to the progress schedule shall be made, as necessary, to
incorporate the anticipated added/deleted/changed work and the Design-Builder shall
notify the Project Manager in writing within 10 (ten) calendar days if there is any effect of
such change to the schedule. . The reasons for these revisions must be succinct,
comprehensive, and factual to merit consideration. Change to the contract includes, but
is not limited to, extra work, Agreed Prices, Orders on Contracts, Suspensions of Work
Directed by the Project Manager, Changed Condition, and Value Engineering Change
Proposals. Added, deleted and/or extra work associated with Orders On Contract shall
be reflected in the next Monthly Progress Schedule Submission in anticipation of and
prior to the date in which the work physically takes place without regard to the dates
when the actual Order On Contract was approved. The effect of the change to the
contract on the projects Critical Path shall be stated. Extra work or additional work that
does not affect the controlling operation on the critical path will not be considered as the
basis for a time extension. All schedule activities effected by added, deleted or changed
work that is included in a signed Order-On-Contract, Field Change Order, or
Authorization of Extra Work (with the exception of minor quantity changes that do not
impact contract milestones), or work activities performed by the Design-Builder at risk in
anticipation of such Department approval, shall be assigned the appropriate Activity
Code (Added/Changed Work) and Code Value (sequentially numbered) to denote which
“Changed Contract Work” order number correlates to those activities of work.
b) The analysis shall use the accepted Monthly Progress Schedule that has a data date
closest to and prior to the event as the “Current Baseline”, this shall then be
compared against the “What-if Project Plan Baseline” for the purpose of the TIA.
c) If the Project Manager determines that the accepted schedule used does not
appropriately represent the conditions prior to the event, the accepted schedule shall
be updated to the day before the event being analyzed.
d) The TIA shall include an impacted schedule (“What-if Project Plan Baseline”)
developed from incorporating the actual or anticipated event into the accepted
schedule by adding or deleting activities, or by changing durations or logic of existing
e) If the impact schedule shows that incorporating the event negatively modifies the
critical path and scheduled completion date of the accepted schedule, and the
Project Manager accepts the impacted schedule, the difference between scheduled
completion dates of the two schedules shall be equal to the proposed adjustment of
contract time.
f) The Project Manager may construct and utilize an appropriate project schedule or
use another recognized method to determine adjustments in contract time until the
Design-Builder provides the TIA.
g) The Design-Builder shall submit a TIA within fifteen (15) State Business Days of
receiving a written request for a TIA from the Project Manager.
h) The Design-Builder shall allow the Project Manager ten (10) State Business Days
after receipt to accept or reject the submitted TIA. All accepted TIA schedule
changes shall be included in the next Monthly Progress Schedule submission.
j) The Design-Builder shall only show actual as-built work, not unapproved changes
related to the TIA, in subsequent Monthly Progress Schedules submissions. If
agreement is reached at a later date, approved TIA schedule changes shall be
included in the next Monthly Progress Schedule submission.
k) Request for a contract time extension will not be processed until the receipt and
approval of a Time Impact Analysis.
l) If the Design-Builder fails to comply with the provisions of this Special Provision, the
Department’s Project Manager may suspend payment for any contract work.
1) If the Design-Builder’s Progress Schedule submission is rejected due to any deficiency
noted in paragraph E.1(a) through (i), it shall be considered an incomplete submission
and therefore substantially deficient.
2) If the Design-Builder’s revised Progress Schedule submission does not address the
written comments provided by the Project Manager, and does not include a written
explanation with a reasonable rational for not addressing those comments, the
submission shall be considered deficient.
H. Recovery Schedule
1) If the latest completion time for any work on the current Progress Schedule results in an
activity being delayed ten percent or more of the time beyond the required Contract
duration or any specified Milestone duration, as adjusted if appropriate, the Project
Manager may require the Design-Builder to submit a Recovery Schedule and written
description of the plan to recover all lost time and maintain the required Completion Date
or specified Interim Milestone Date(s).
2) With the Recovery Schedule the Design-Builder shall include revised calendars, activity
Production Rates, and/or revised activity logic along with a narrative that identifies how
time will be recovered.
The submission may be supplemented with a request for a Contract Time Extension.
The Design-Builder shall provide a reasonable plan for accomplishing the work of the
contract within the current completion date, or to the requested contract extension date.
The Project Manager will use the Recovery Schedule to evaluate time extensions, with
or without charges.
J. Float
During the course of contract execution, Total Float generated due to the efficiencies of either
party (State or Design-Builder) will be considered project Float that is not for the sole use of the
party generating the float; rather it is a shared commodity to be reasonably used by either party.
Any party assigned activity responsibility within the schedule has the full use of the project Float
until it is depleted.
Design shall be considered complete when all Design related documents been completed and
accepted by the Department including all calculations, specifications, records of design quality
control reviews and procedures, any substandard features as a result of the design, and
resolution of any non-conformance reports.
The cost of preparing, revising and updating the CPM Progress Schedule and meeting all other
requirements of this specification (including costs of the Third Party Hosting Service) shall be
included in the project costs.
All Materials used in the Design-Build work shall meet the quality requirements described in the
Contract Documents. The use of Standard Specifications and Approved List (AL) materials are
expected for commonly available products for incorporation into the Work. Additionally, existing
NYSDOT Special Specifications that include material requirements may also be used in the
As part of the Design requirements of DB Section 111, the Department will review and accept
materials proposed for use as follows:
Products that are not presently on the AL but claim to meet specification requirements shall be
evaluated by the Department prior to use. The Department will perform the necessary testing
according to the existing material requirements for the products as defined in Section 700 of the
NYSDOT Standard Specifications or any Special Specification requirements. A request for
inclusion on the AL shall be made by the manufacturer / supplier. The required submittal
information for AL consideration can be found at:
When products are proposed for which NYSDOT does not have Standard or Special
Specifications, or where proven materials may be used in non-traditional applications, materials
evaluations will be progressed based on review of technical details, performance histories,
and/or physical testing. The Design-Builder will provide this information to prove the expected
performance and durability of these unique materials before they can be used in the Work.
Submissions shall include:
General Information
• Product Name
• General Description
• Purpose/Justification
• Manufacturer
• Supplier
• Test Results (including test methods for durability, strength, appearance, etc)
• Previous Uses (describing who, where, when, documented performance)
The evaluation of materials will depend on the uniqueness of the proposed materials, critical
nature of the application, and detailed information provided. Evaluations will consist of the
• Materials deemed less critical will likely be accepted based on literature review only.
Use of these materials can begin at any time.
• Materials deemed more critical will require both literature review and physical testing by
the Department. Physical testing will commence only after literature review determines
the material has a likely chance of meeting all performance criteria defined in the
Design-Builder’s Special Specifications. Conditional acceptance will be made upon
completion of the literature review that will allow use of these materials prior to
completion of physical testing. However, failure of materials during physical testing will
result in a NCR for any materials incorporated into the Work.
The Design-Builder shall consider the uniqueness of the proposed materials, critical nature of
the application, and detail of information provided for an evaluation. Additionally, The Design-
Builder shall consider the duration of the evaluation required to reasonably progress all
sampling, transportation, preparation, testing, and evaluation of results as defined in the
material requirements for an item. The Department will, when possible, perform AASHTO
and/or ASTM tests of the materials for acceptance purposes. When the Department does not
have the capabilities to evaluate materials, testing labs may be hired for testing as needed.
Use of any materials prior to acceptance by the Department shall be at the Design-Builder’s
risk. After acceptance, materials shall conform to specification requirements and subject to all
QC/QA actions and Department verification.
Once in Construction, the Design-Builder is responsible for QC/QA of all materials while the
Department is responsible to verify the quality of all materials. The Department will progress
sampling and testing for verification of materials according the established Quality Control Plan
developed for the project.
The inspection, sampling and testing of disc-design structural bridge bearings follows the
procedures outlined in Materials Procedure 84-2 (Quality Assurance Inspection for 716.06.01,
Disc-Design Structural Bridge Bearings 716.07.01 Pot-Design Structural Bridge Bearings) [to be
referred to as MP84-2], and are performed on a lot by lot basis. The requirements for these
bearings are listed in the NYS DOT Standard Specifications, Construction and Materials,
English Units, Office of Engineering, May 1, 2008, as amended, (to be referred to as NYS Spec
Polyether Urethane Structural Element: The physical properties of the polyether urethane shall
conform to the requirements ASTM D2240, ASTM D412 and ASTM D395 as listed in Table 716-
06-1 (see NYS Spec Book / 716-06).
Steel Plates: Conform to the requirements of the steel designated on the Contract Plans and
applicable provisions of the NYS Steel Construction Manual (see Spec Book / 716-06).
Stainless Steel: Stainless steel shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A167 or ASTM
A240, Type 304. Refer to NYS Spec Book (716-06).
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Sheet and Strip: Finished PTFE sheet and strip shall conform to
the physical requirements of ASTM D638M and ASTM D792 as listed in Table 716-06-2 (see
NYS Spec Book / 716-06).
Welding Procedure: All welding shall conform to, and all welders shall be qualified in
accordance with the requirements of the NYS Steel Construction Manual.
Compression Strain: Requirements and test conditions are outlined in the NYS Spec Book
Sliding Coefficient of Friction: For all guided and non-guided expansion type disc-design
bearings, the bearing manufacturer will test one production bearing per lot (see NYS Spec Book
/ 716-06).
Rotation Test: The bearing manufacturer will test one production bearing per lot. Evaluation
criteria are listed in the NYS Spec Book (716-06).
The inspection, sampling and testing of pot-design structural bridge bearings follows the
procedures outlined in Materials Procedure 84-2 (Quality Assurance Inspection Procedure for
716.06.01 Disc-Design Structural Bridge Bearings 716.07.01 Pot-Design Structural Bridge
Bearings) [to be referred to as MP84-2], and are performed on a lot by lot basis. The
requirements for these bearings are listed in the NYS DOT Standard Specifications,
Construction and Materials, English Units, Office of Engineering, May 1, 2008, as amended, (to
be referred to as NYS Spec Book).
Elastomeric Rotational Element: The tensile properties of the neoprene and natural rubber
elements shall conform to ASTM D412, ASTM D573 and ASTM D2240. These neoprene and
natural rubber elements shall also conform to ASTM and AASHTO requirements as listed in
Table 716-07-1 (NYS Spec Book / 716-07) [ASTM D2000, Line Call Out M2BC517A14B34,
ASTM D2000, Line Call Out M4AA517A13B33, AASHTO Standard Specifications for Bridge
Section 2.25.2, Materials 50 Durometer Hardness].
Steel: All steel will conform to the requirements of the steel designated on the Contract Plans
and applicable provisions of the NYS Steel Construction Manual (refer to NYS Spec Book / 716-
Stainless Steel: Stainless steel shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A167 or ASTM
A240, Type 304. Refer to NYS Spec Book / 716-07.
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Sheet and Strip: Finished PTFE sheet and strip shall conform to
the physical requirements of ASTM D638M and D792 as listed in Table 716-07-2 (refer to NYS
Spec Book / 716-07).
Welding Procedure: All welding shall conform to, and all welders shall be qualified in
accordance with the requirements of the NYS Construction Manual.
Sliding Coefficient of Friction: For all guided and non-guided expansion type pot-design
bearings, the bearing manufacturer will test one production bearing per lot (see NYS Spec Book
/ 716-07).
Rotation Test: The bearing manufacturer will test one production bearing per lot. Evaluation
criteria are listed in the NYS Spec Book (716-07).
The inspection, sampling and testing of elastomeric bridge bearings follows the procedures
outlined in Materials Method No.: NY 23 M (to be referred to as MM23), and are performed on a
lot by lot basis. The requirements for these bearings are listed in the NYS DOT Standard
Specifications, Construction and Materials, English Units, Office of Engineering, May 1, 2008,
as amended, (to be referred to as NYS Spec Book).
Elastomeric Material: The physical properties of the cured elastomeric compound shall meet
the requirements of ASTM D412 (see Table 716-10-1, NYS Spec Book / 716-11 and 716-12).
Manufacturer must certify that the elastomeric compound passes Grade 3 Low-Temperature
Brittleness as determined by ASTM D746 – Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers
by Impact, Procedure B.
Internal Steel Plates (shims): Conform to the requirements of ASTM A36M, ASTM 1008/A
1008/M or ASTM 1011/A 1011/M (Grade 33, 36 and 40).
External Load Bearing Plates and Steel Backing Plates: External load plates shall conform to
the requirements of ASTM A36M and to the requirements of the Steel Construction Manual
Welding Procedure: The bearing manufacturer shall submit a Welding Procedure to the Deputy
Chief Engineer Structures (DCES) for each welding process to be used in the manufacture of
the bearings. No welding shall be performed until the manufacturer receives an approved
Welding Procedure.
Bearing Tolerances: The finished elastomeric bearings shall conform to the design dimensions,
with the tolerances listed in Table 716-10-1 (NYS Spec Book / 716-11 and 716-12).
Compression / Deflection: Test conditions are outlined in the NYS Spec Book (716-11 and 716-
Adhesion: Visual inspection as outlined in NYS Spec Book (716-11 and 716-12).
The Design-Builder shall be subject to payment reduction(s) for work zone traffic control non-
conformance in accordance with DB Section 109-7.2 for:
• each lane closure period on the BQE mainline or ramps greater than the total number of
lane closure periods proposed in Form SCD.
• each lane closure period on Meeker Avenue and Vandervoort Avenue greater than the
total number of lane closure periods proposed by the successful Proposer in Form SCD.
In addition, if a lane closure on the BQE mainline extends beyond the hours permitted by the
Contract Documents (See Part 3 – Project Requirements for Draft Lane Closure Stipulations)
the Design-Builder shall pay liquidated damages:
• in the amount of $12,000 per 10 minute increment for a lane closure that extends more
than 1 minute up to 30 minutes beyond the hours permitted.
• in the amount of $36,000 for a lane closure that extends more than 30 minutes up to one
hour beyond the hours permitted, in addition to the liquidated damages assessed for the
previous 30 minute delay.
• in the amount of $135,000 per hour if a lane closure extends beyond one hour past the
hours permitted, in addition to the liquidated damages assessed for the previous hour
If a lane closure on a local street extends beyond the hours permitted by the Contract
Documents (See Part 3 – Project Requirements for Draft Lane Closure Stipulations) the Design-
Builder shall be subject to payment reduction(s) for work zone traffic control non-conformance in
accordance with DB Section 109-7.2.
An Early Completion Bonus will be paid to the Design-Builder in the amount of $60,000.00 per
day (25 days maximum) for the number of days that all traffic is permanently transferred onto
the new Eastbound Structure, with no further lane closures on the new Eastbound Structure,
earlier than the Interim Completion Milestone Date. The Interim Completion Milestone Date will
be established based on the proposed duration provided by the successful Proposer in Form
SCD and described in Part 1 – DB Agreement, Article 2.2 – Interim Completion Milestone Date.
In addition, an Early Completion Bonus will be paid to the Design-Builder in the amount of
$150,000.00 (25 day maximum) per day for the number of days Project Completion is achieved
earlier than the Project Completion Date. The Project Completion Date will be established
based on the proposed duration provided by the successful Proposer in Form SCD and
described in Part 1 – DB Agreement, Article 2.4 – Project Completion Date.
A primary purpose of the Department’s Training Programs is to train and upgrade minorities,
women and economically disadvantaged persons in the engineering and construction industries.
Accordingly, every effort (e.g., by conducting systematic and direct recruitment through public
and private sources likely to yield the targeted groups) shall be made by the Design-Builder to
enroll minority, women and the economically disadvantaged to the extent that such persons are
available within a reasonable area of recruitment. The Design-Builder will be responsible for
demonstrating the steps that have been taken in pursuance thereof, prior to determination as to
whether the Design-Builder is in compliance with this Training Special Provision.
The Design-Builder shall provide on-the-job training aimed at developing full competence in the
job classification involved for Construction Inspection services, Highway/Bridge Design services,
and Construction trades per the guidelines provided in the following documents:
The Design-Builder shall develop a training program to be submitted to the Department and
FHWA for their review and approval. The minimum length and type of training for each
classification will be as established in the training program. The training program shall outline a
schedule that is reasonable to meet the training obligations of the Design-Builder and to assist
in qualifying the training participant toward proficiency in the classification concerned by the end
of the training period.
The number of trainees shall be distributed among the work classifications on the basis of the
Design-Builder’s needs. The resources reported in 1.1 will be utilized as a guide to determine
the proposed number to be trained in each selected classification, their estimated salaries;
staffing and training program as applicable
The Design-Builder is to ensure that all training participant’s credentials are reviewed and
approved by the Department before the commencement of the respective training.
• The Department has in place an outreach program for this project to assist in recruitment
and training. The Design-Builder shall participate in this program and provide support to
the Department.
• The Design-Builder shall advise employees and applicants for employment of available
training programs and entrance requirements for each.
• The Design-Builder shall periodically review the training and promotion potential of
minority group and women employees and shall encourage eligible employees to apply
for such training and promotion.
• The Design-Builder must demonstrate their best efforts and evidence good faith in hiring
trainees for positions in the classifications in which they have completed training.
• The Design-Builder shall provide each trainee with a certification showing the type and
length of training satisfactorily completed.
• The Design-Builder shall provide for the maintenance of records and furnish periodic
reports documenting the trainee(s) performance under this Training Special Provision.
• This training commitment is not intended, and shall not be used, to discriminate against
any applicant for training, whether or not a member of a minority group.
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