Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish PDF
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish PDF
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish PDF
R. Tapio Luttinen
Finnra Reports
Edita Prima Oy
Helsinki 2004
Since late 70’s capacity and delay at unsignalized intersections have been estimated
following the Swedish method adjusted for Finnish conditions. During the past 25 years
the performance of both drivers and vehicles has changed, and new calculation methods
have been developed. It has become necessary to update the analysis methodology of
Finnish unsignalized intersections.
Major attention has been given to capacity analysis methodology, because capacity
estimates have a central role in the estimation of other performance measures, such as
delays and queue lengths. In addition, delay estimates are very sensitive to inaccuracies
in capacity estimates, especially at high degrees of saturation.
Capacity at an unsignalized intersection has been described as a conditional expectation,
from which the capacity equations for the most common headway distributions are
easily obtained. For Rank 3 and Rank 4 capacity analysis a new theoretical approach
has been developed. The movement capacity of Rank 3 streams is adjusted both for
Rank 2 queues and for the modified headway distribution and lower flow rates during
the free-departure periods of Rank 2 streams. The Rank 4 stream adjustment factors
are shown to be multiplicative even across streams of different ranks.
The report presents the theoretical background required to manually perform opera-
tional analysis of unsignalized intersections and to understand and evaluate published
methodologies and capacity analysis software. The methods can be used both for simple
calculations with a calculator or a spreadsheet and for advanced analytical procedures.
The theoretical results and the results of three international methodologies—HCM2000,
Swedish Capcal 2, and Danish DanKap—have been compared with simulated capacities
and delays. HCM2000 gives higher potential capacities than the simulation results.
Movement capacities of Rank 3 and Rank 4 streams are, however, slightly too low. The
potential capacities of Capcal 2 are very similar to the simulated capacities. Rank 3
movement capacities are similar as in HCM2000, but Rank 4 capacities are too low.
DanKap follow the methodology of HCM2000.
Based on theoretical results and simulation experiments new capacity and delay es-
timation methods have been presented for ordinary unsignalized intersections and for
roundabouts. The new estimators have a more solid theoretical foundation and are in
better agreement with simulation results than the other methodologies evaluated.
R. TAPIO LUTTINEN: Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
[Valo-ohjauksettomien liittymien välityskyky ja palvelutaso Suomessa]. Helsinki 2004, Tie-
hallinto, Finnra Reports 1/2004, ISBN 951-803-180-0, ISSN 1457-9871, TIEH 3200849E.
Asiasanat: välityskyky, palvelutaso, valo-ohjaukseton liittymä
Most of the intersections in Finland are unsignalized. The vast majority of them have
yield signs on minor-road approaches. Other unsignalized intersections are either stop
controlled, uncontrolled (observing the “right before left” principle), or roundabouts.
The operational analysis of unsignalized intersections is of great significance both to
highway authorities and to road users. This report presents a theoretical overview and
suggests a new methodology for capacity analysis of unsignalized intersections.
The description of an unsignalized intersection in terms of gap acceptance and queuing
models is rather detailed. It was considered necessary to define the concepts carefully,
because the literature contains numerous different and mutually incompatible modeling
A rather extensive evaluation of theoretical models was considered necessary in order
to highlight the strengths and limitations of existing analysis methodologies. Some
new methods are presented, especially for capacity estimation. Minor modifications
are presented for the delay-estimation method.
The basic ideas necessary to understand capacity and delay models have been presented.
Although the text contains a considerable number of equations, mathematics has been
kept at a level accessible to anyone familiar with the basics of calculus and probability
theory. Some effort has been made to describe theories and formulas to a reader,
who is not an expert in the field. As far as possible, the text is self contained. The
style is similar as in the reports on two-lane highways (Luttinen 2001) and signalized
intersections (Luttinen & Nevala 2002) published earlier.
The bibliographic references have been selected, as far as possible, to credit the original
sources of the ideas under discussion. Some references to recent overviews and text-
books have been presented when considered appropriate. In many cases the models are
based on other systems having some analogies with unsignalized intersections. In fact,
observation of analogies between very different systems is in the core of mathematical
modeling. The reader is pointed to some of these analogies.
The report was written by Dr. R. Tapio Luttinen from TL Consulting Engineers Ltd,
and currently from the Helsinki University of Technology. The simulation experiments
were conducted with Hutsim software with help from Jouni Ojala and Nina Koivisto at
the Helsinki University of Technology. The Laboratory of Transportation Engineering
at the Helsinki University of Technology also collected and analyzed the gap acceptance
measurements. Dr. Iisakki Kosonen provided valuable information about some details
of the Hutsim model.
Discussions with professors Urho Pulkkinen (VTT Industrial Systems), Rod Troutbeck
(Queensland University of Technology), and Werner Brilon (Ruhr University Bochum)
are thankfully acknowledged. Professor Troutbeck also provided a spreadsheet con-
taining an implementation of the maximum likelihood method for the estimation of
critical gaps.
Under the name NORDKAP (NORDiskt KAPacitetssamarbete, Nordic capacity co-
operation) there has been considerable exchange of information and joint research
between Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Because traffic conditions in these
countries have many similarities, the experiences and research results obtained in one
country are of particular interest to the other countries. For this research the results of
Dr. Ola Hagring (University of Lund, Sweden) have been very valuable.
This report is part of the Finnra strategic project S12 (Solutions to improve main roads).
The work has been coordinated by deputy director Pauli Velhonoja at Finnra Traffic
Engineering. Some discussion on the capacity theory presented here has been published
prior to this final report (Luttinen 2003, Luttinen 2004b, Luttinen 2004a).
12 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
The terminology of the Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Research Board
2000), and American terminology in general, has been followed. Most of the defini-
tions below have been taken from the Highway Capacity Manual, possibly with slight
modifications. A major exception is the definition of a gap, which is similar to the
definition presented by (Drew 1968). The term “critical gap” has been used, as in
HCM2000, although it may be replaced with a more consistent “critical headway” in
the future. See discussion on page 30.
Acceleration delay: Time lost due to the limited acceleration capability of a vehicle.
Adjustment factor: A multiplicative factor that adjusts a capacity or service flow rate
from one representing an ideal or base condition to one representing a prevailing
Analysis period: A single time period during which a capacity analysis is performed.
Base conditions: Characteristics for a given type of facility that are assumed to be the
best possible from the point of view of capacity; that is, characteristics if further
improved would not result in increased capacity. (Ideal conditions.)
Base saturation flow rate: The maximum steady flow rate at which previously
stopped passenger cars can cross the stop or yield line under base conditions
and in the absence of conflicting higher priority vehicles.
Capacity: The maximum hourly rate at which persons or vehicles can reasonably be
expected to traverse a point or uniform section of a lane or a roadway during a
given time period under prevailing roadway, traffic, and control conditions.
Control condition: The traffic controls and regulations in effect for a segment of street
or highway, including the type, phasing, and timing of traffic signals; stop signs;
lane use and turn controls; and similar measures during the analysis period.
Control delay: The component of delay that results when a control causes vehicles on
a lane or a lane group to reduce speed or to stop; it is measured by comparison
with the uncontrolled condition.
Critical gap: The minimum major-stream headway during which a typical minor-
stream vehicle can make a maneuver. (Critical headway)
Demand flow rate: The flow rate expected to desire service past a point or segment
of the highway system at some future time, or the traffic currently arriving or
desiring service past such a point.
Demand-to-capacity ratio: The ratio of demand flow rate to capacity at a traffic fa-
cility. (D/C ratio)
Design application: Using capacity analysis procedures to assess a traffic facility for
a specified level of service.
Equilibrium condition: The expected state of a system that may have cyclic fluctu-
ations, but otherwise is time independent. (Steady state condition)
Exclusive turn lane: A designated lane used only by vehicles making a left or right
Flow rate: The expected rate at which vehicles pass a given point at a given time or
during a time interval. (Rate of flow)
Flow ratio: The ratio of the demand flow rate to the saturation flow rate for a lane
group at an intersection.
Follow-up time: Time between the departure of one minor-stream vehicle and the
departure of the next vehicle using the same gap under a condition of continuous
Geometric delay: The component of delay that results when geometric features cause
vehicles to reduce their speed in negotiating a facility.
Headway: Time between two vehicles passing a point measured from front bumper to
front bumper. (Interarrival time)
Heavy vehicle: Any vehicle with more than four wheels touching the pavement during
normal operation.
Initial queue: The unmet demand from previous periods at the beginning of an analysis
Lag: Time interval between a random event, such as the arrival of a minor-stream
vehicle, and the passage of the next priority-stream vehicle. (Forward waiting
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 15
Lane group: A set of lanes established at an intersection approach for separate capacity
and level-of-service analysis.
Lane-group delay: The control delay for a given lane group.
Level of service: A qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a
traffic stream, generally described in terms of such factors as speed and travel
time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, comforts and convenience, and
Major road: The roadway of a higher importance in an intersection.
Major stream: A traffic stream or a set of traffic streams to which the subject stream
must give right of way.
Markov chain: A stochastic process in which the future state of the system depends
on its present state but not on its past history.
Measure of effectiveness: A quantitative parameter describing the performance of a
transportation facility or service.
Minor road: The road of lower importance at an unsignalized intersection, controlled
by yield or stop signs.
Minor stream: A traffic stream which must give right of way to a higher priority
Movement capacity: The capacity of a specific movement at an unsignalized inter-
section approach, assuming that the traffic has exclusive use of a separate lane.
Operational application: A use of capacity analysis to determine the level of service
on an existing or projected facility, with known or projected traffic, roadway, and
control conditions
Opposing flow rate: The flow rate at the direction of travel opposite to the direction
under analysis.
Overflow period: Time period during which demand exceeds capacity.
Passenger-car equivalent: The number of passenger cars having the same impedance
effect as a single heavy vehicle of a given type, under prevailing roadway, traffic,
and control conditions. (PCE)
Peak period: Time period during which arrival flow rate exceeds capacity.
Performance measure: A quantitative or qualitative characteristic describing the
quality of service provided by a transportation facility or service.
Planning application: A use of capacity analysis to estimate the level of service,
the volume than can be accommodated, or the number of lanes required, using
estimates, HCM default values, and local default values as input.
Platoon: A group of vehicles or pedestrians traveling together as a group, either vol-
untarily or involuntarily because of signal control or other factors.
Potential capacity: The capacity of a specific movement at an unsignalized inter-
section approach, assuming that it is unimpeded by other movements and has
exclusive use of a separate lane.
16 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Prevailing condition: The geometric, traffic, and control conditions during the ana-
lysis period.
Priority stream: A traffic stream to which the subject stream must give right of way.
Renewal process: A counting process for which the interarrival times (headways) are
independent and identically distributed non-negative random variables.
Safety lag: Time interval at a conflict area from the departure of a minor-stream vehicle
to the arrival of a major-stream vehicle.
Saturation flow rate: The hourly rate at which previously queued passenger cars can
traverse an intersection approach under prevailing conditions in the absence of
conflicting higher priority vehicles.
Service flow rate: The maximum hourly rate at which persons or vehicles can reas-
onably be expected to traverse a point or uniform section of a lane or roadway
during a given time period under prevailing roadway, traffic, and control condi-
tions while maintaining a designated level of service.
Service time: The time period that a customer spends in a service facility. At unsignal-
ized intersections the time period during which a vehicle not blocked by vehicles
ahead blocks the vehicle behind from reaching the stop/yield line.
Simulation model: A computer program that uses mathematical models to conduct ex-
periments with traffic events on a transportation facility or system over extended
periods of time.
Spacing: The distance between two successive vehicles in a traffic lane measured from
front bumper to front bumper.
Steady state conditions: The expected state of the system may have cyclic fluctu-
ations, but otherwise it is time independent. (Equilibrium conditions)
Stochastic model: A mathematical model that employs random variables for at least
one input parameter.
Stop line: A line behind which vehicles should stop as directed by a stop sign or a
traffic signal.
Stop time: A portion of control delay when vehicles are at complete stop. Also “stop
Time-in-queue delay: Time spent in a queue; from stopping at the end of queue to
passing the stop line.
Transient conditions: The system is not in equilibrium, but its state depends on time.
(Time-dependent conditions)
Transition probability: The probability that a system at a given state at one time will
be at a certain state at a later time.
Truck: A heavy vehicle engaged primarily in the transport of goods and materials or
in the delivery of services other than public transport.
Undersaturation: A traffic condition in which the arrival flow rate is lower than the
Utilization factor: The fraction of time that a server in a queuing system is busy or a
traffic facility is occupied.
Validation: Determining whether the selected model is appropriate for the given con-
ditions and for the given task. It compares model prediction with measurements
or observations.
1.1 Methodological approaches
The majority of intersections in Finland are unsignalized. The vast majority of these
have yield signs on minor road approaches. Other unsignalized intersections are either
stop controlled, uncontrolled, observing the “right before left” principle, or round-
abouts, which are becoming increasingly popular.
At an unsignalized intersection each driver must find a safe moment for the movement
observing current traffic, traffic signs (stop or yield) and pertinent regulations (“right
before left”). Accordingly, modeling of operations at an unsignalized intersection is
about the interactions between vehicles under the geometric conditions of the intersec-
tion. The most important modeling approaches have been stochastic (gap acceptance
theory) and statistical (regression analysis).
In Britain the capacity analysis of unsignalized intersections has been based on statist-
ical models (Kimber & Coombe 1980, Kimber 1980, Semmens 1988, O’Flaherty 1997).
Regression analysis has been used to find the parameters and to estimate the values of
the coefficients which give a good fit between estimated and measured capacity. This
method is not sensitive to the headway distribution models, it gives a clear method to
estimate the effect of intersection geometry, and can model heavily congested condi-
tions under which the process of simple gap-acceptance gives way to a more interactive
one, in which major road vehicles adjust their headways to allow minor road vehicles to
enter, as well as situations, such as multi-lane roundabouts, where the assumed vehicle
interaction rules become very arbitrary (Kimber & Coombe 1980, Kimber 1989). Some
other examples of statistical capacity models have been presented by Louah (1988),
Simon (1991), Hakkert, Mahalel & Asante (1991), and Aakre (1998). When capacity
has been estimated, queuing theory can be used to estimate queue lengths and delays
(Kimber & Hollis 1979), although regression analysis has also been used in delay
estimation (e.g., Kyte, Zegeer & Lall 1991).
Most of the analysis procedures of unsignalized intersections are, however, based on
stochastic models; i.e., gap acceptance theory. It is assumed that a minor stream
vehicle can enter an intersection, when the time interval to the next arriving higher
priority vehicle is larger than a critical gap, and a safe time interval (follow-up time)
has passed since the departure of the preceding minor stream vehicle. Capacity and
delay are functions of follow-up times and the availability of headways larger than
critical gaps in higher priority streams. Statistical methods are applied to estimate the
parameters that describe “microscopic” properties of the process, such as critical gaps
and follow-up times of minors stream vehicles as well as headway distributions of major
streams. Whereas statistical models estimate the effects of intersection geometry on
capacity directly, in stochastic models gap acceptance parameters are adjusted for the
local conditions (Kimber 1980).
Gap acceptance theory has been developed especially in Germany by Grabe (1954),
Harders (1968), and Siegloch (1973), without forgetting the theoretical foundation
laid by Anglo-Saxon scientists, such as Major & Buckley (1962) and Tanner (1962).
Roundabouts are usually analyzed as series of intersections or short merging zones.
Gap acceptance theory can be adjusted for conditions, where an approaching major-
stream vehicle slows down to give way to a merging minor-stream vehicle. This type of
operation is called “limited priority merge” (Troutbeck & Kako 1999, Troutbeck 1999).
Priority stream headways are usually assumed to follow exponential distribution. This
approach has been used in many capacity manuals, such as in Germany (Brilon,
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 23
Großmann & Blanke 1994, FGSV 2001) and in the U.S. (Transportation Research
Board 2000). A bunched exponential headway model used originally by Tanner (1962)
has received much attention later in a generalized form (Troutbeck 1986, Akçelik &
Chung 1994, Hagring 1998b). The Swedish method (Statens vägverk 1977, Hanson
1978, Bergh 1991) uses four different headway distributions, based on number of lanes,
distance from traffic signals, and type of movement.
Gap acceptance can also be described in terms of traffic signal analogy, as suggested
by Winsten (in Beckmann, McGuire & Winsten 1956), and recently developed by
Akçelik (1994a). Time periods blocked by higher priority vehicles are considered as
red intervals and time periods available for minor stream vehicles are considered as
green periods. Siegloch (1973) and McDonald & Armitage (1978) associated a lost
time with each major stream vehicle and assumed that at other time intervals minor
stream vehicles enter an intersection (roundabout) at constant saturation flow rate.
A third approach is to apply a model structure based on gap acceptance theory, but to
use regression analysis to fit the model to measured capacity values. Parameters, such
as critical gap and follow-up time, loose their behavioral (microscopic) meaning, and
become coefficients of a statistical (macroscopic) model. Examples of this approach
have been presented by Stuwe (1991), Brilon & Stuwe (1993), Guichet (1997), and
Aagaard (1995), among others.
The Additive Conflict Flows (ACF) procedure (Brilon & Wu 2001, Brilon & Wu 2002,
Brilon & Miltner 2002) combines traffic signal analogy with a statistical framework.
The D/C ratio of a major flow is the sum of the D/C ratios of component major flows,
and during the remaining fraction of time the minor stream can discharge at saturation
flow rate. Parameters are estimated using statistical procedures based on goodness of fit
between observed and estimated capacities. TheACF method was developed to simplify
the analysis of the hierarchy of priorities as well as the pedestrian and cyclist movements
at unsignalized intersections. The new draft chapter for unsignalized intersections in
the forthcoming German capacity manual follows the ACF procedure.
In early 70’s the capacity analysis of Finnish unsignalized intersections (Häkli 1971,
Syyrakki, Lyly & Granberg 1975) was an implementation of the methodology of
Harders (1968) as presented by Jessen (1968)—see also Siegloch (1973), appendix 17.
Since late 70’s capacity and delay at unsignalized intersections have been estimated
following the Swedish method adjusted for Finnish conditions (Tiensuunnittelutoimisto
1978). These adjustments have also been implemented in the Finnish version of the
Swedish Capcal software (Tiensuunnittelutoimisto 1987, Kehittämiskeskus 1991). —
Pursula & Peltola (1997, 1998) have presented an overview of the capacity analysis
and design practice of Finnish unsignalized intersections.
The new intersection design manual (Tie- ja liikennetekniikka 2001) presents a set
of charts for capacity estimation in planning applications. The level-of-service clas-
sification follows the 1985 HCM (Transportation Research Board 1985, Lyly 1988).
Roundabouts are analyzed as series of T-intersections (Tie- ja liikennetekniikka 2001).
For the operational analysis of unsignalized intersections the old manual method
(Tiensuunnittelutoimisto 1978) and Capcal are still used. The old critical gaps
have not been updated, even though new measurements have suggested lower values
(Uusiheimala 1995, Niittymäki & Uusiheimala 1996).
24 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
The Swedish Capcal has been updated to Capcal 2 and further to Capcal 3. Capcal 21
updated the calculation procedures, particularly for the vehicle-operating and emission
costs (SNRA 1995b, Hagring 1997). Small changes were also made to critical gaps
and to estimation of service times (SNRA 1995b). Capcal 3 is a Windows version
reproducing the methodology of Capcal 2. A new version is under development.
4. Queue discharge
12 11 10
13 14
(2, 3, 5, and 6) have absolute priority. This group of movements is called Rank 1. Left
turning traffic from the major road (1, 4) and right turning traffic from the minor road
(9, 12) have Rank 2. They must give priority to Rank 1 movements. Through traffic
on the minor road (8, 11) has Rank 3. It must give priority to all movements on the
major road (Ranks 1 and 2). Finally, left turning traffic from the minor road (7, 10) is
subordinate to all other streams, and it has Rank 4.
All yielding vehicles, which do not find an acceptable lag at arrival must decelerate
and/or stop to wait for the next safe gap. There may, however, also be vehicles or
pedestrians of higher rank waiting for an acceptable gap. Accordingly, a vehicle must
find an acceptable gap or lag after all waiting higher rank vehicles and pedestrians have
passed the conflict area.
Right turning stream 3 does not have a conflict with minor road streams 7, 8 and, 9.
It is, however, possible that minor road drivers are not confident that a major street
vehicle will turn right, until they see a clear indication of its intentions. Accordingly,
a stream may have an effect on the performance of another stream, even though no
conflict exists between the two streams.
The traffic streams at a T-intersection are presented in Figure 2.3. There are only three
hierarchical levels of priorities (ranks). Consequently, there are less possible conflicts
between streams, so that it is easier for a driver to observe the safe gaps in priority
13 14
If the major road has a wide central island, one or more minor-road vehicles can be
stored between the two directions of major-road traffic streams. In this case minor
road through or left-turn vehicles may operate in two stages, if there is storage space
available (Brilon, Wu & Lemke 1996, Brilon & Wu 1999, Luttinen 1998)
In HCM2000 (Transportation Research Board 2000) pedestrian flows (15, 16) across
the minor road have Rank 1 and pedestrian flows across the major road (13, 14) have
Rank 2. HCM2000, however, states that the priority of pedestrian movements with
respect to vehicular movements may be a policy issue varying by jurisdiction. In the
Finnish guidelines (Tiensuunnittelutoimisto 1978) minor street movements are con-
sidered subordinate to pedestrian flows across the minor road. Pedestrian flows across
the major road are ignored.—The capacity and level of service of pedestrian facilities
28 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
1. If major road through vehicles cannot pass queuing left-turn vehicles, they have
to wait for the clearance of the queue (Kimber & Coombe 1980, Bonneson &
Fitts 1997, Bonneson & Fitts 1999).
Wang (2000) has found that major and minor-stream traffic volumes do not have a sig-
nificant effect on critical gaps. However, if major-stream vehicles adjust their speeds
to accommodate minor-stream vehicles, the result can be observed also in the avail-
ability of gaps (headway distribution), not only in the gap acceptance behavior (see
Troutbeck 1997b, Troutbeck & Kako 1999).
At uncontrolled intersections all vehicles obey the right-before-left rule. It is possible
to have a situation where priorities are unspecified. Such a situation occurs, when
vehicles of streams 2, 4, and 7 simultaneously wait for an opportunity to proceed. Each
vehicle must yield to another vehicle, none has priority over all others. The methods
described in this report cannot be applied to uncontrolled intersections. The German
manual (FGSV 2001) suggests 600–800 pc/h as the sum of maximum flow rates of all
four approaches at an uncontrolled intersection.
At roundabouts (Fig. 2.4) vehicle circle counterclockwise. Approaching flows (qa ) give
priority to circulating flows (qc ). This ensures an uninterrupted flow in the circulating
roadway. Circulating and approaching flows merge immediately at the entrance to the
circulating roadway. Each vehicle must make two right turns. All other movements
are eliminated. As a subordinate vehicle enters the circulating roadway it becomes a
priority vehicle.
In Finland the geometric features of most roundabouts are designed so that speeds are
reduced to 20–40 km/h. Safety is the most important factor in the design, even if it
increases delays. Low speed of circulating traffic makes it easy and safe for approaching
vehicles to enter the roundabout.
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 29
Because vehicles entering a roundabout make a right turn, the operation can be assumed
to be similar with the operation of right turning streams at yield (or stop) controlled
intersections. The intersection angle is, however, usually smaller in roundabouts, which
makes the operation similar to a (very) short merge area. If a roundabout is analyzed as
a series of unsignalized T-intersections, the roundabout must be so large that the merges
can be considered independent. According to the German manual (FGSV 2001), this
approach can be used for roundabouts having an inscribed circle diameter larger than
26 meters. For other cases Troutbeck (1991) suggests that this approach can be used
in an iterative manner, which quickly converges to solutions.
If pedestrian volumes are high, pedestrian crossings at roundabouts should be grade
separated. If this is not the case, crosswalks should be located so that exiting vehicles
stopped in front of a crosswalk do not disturb the circulating flow.
estrian flows. In section 3.8 the effect of pedestrian flows on vehicular capacities is
estimated using the fraction of pedestrians that have priority over the subject minor
stream. This fraction must be estimated for each location on the basis of field meas-
urements or knowledge of local conditions. Pedestrians are not included in the major
flow of a gap acceptance process.
So far it has been assumed that drivers know which higher priority vehicles are arriving
to the conflict area, and which are using a nonconflicting lane or are turning into an-
other direction. Special questions arise with major road right turning vehicles, through
vehicles on multi-lane highways, and circling vehicles on multi-lane roundabouts as
well as exiting vehicles on roundabouts.
Not all right turning vehicles display a turning sign. Some of those that do so, do
so very late. Even when the turning sign is displayed, minor-road drivers may be
hesitant and wait until there are also other indications that the major-road vehicle is
indeed turning. Accordingly, some part of the major road right-turn stream could be
included in the major flow, if it approaches the intersection on a lane sharing a through
movement in conflict with the subject movement. In many current methods half of the
right-turn streams (3 or 6) is included in the major stream. This principle is followed
in HCM2000 (Transportation Research Board 2000) and HBS 2001 (FGSV 2001),
and in the Norwegian manual (Statens Vegvesen 1985). On the other hand, Capcal 2
(SNRA 1995b) follows the old Swedish method (Statens vägverk 1977) and includes
in the major flow only those streams which are in actual conflict with the subject
movement. The same principle is followed in DanKap (Vejdirektoratet 1999b).
At roundabouts exiting vehicles have a similar role as major-road right turning vehicles
at three and four-leg intersections. According to HCM2000 at most well-designed
roundabouts the effect of vehicles exiting into the road, where subject vehicles are
entering, can be ignored. Exiting flows are also ignored in HBS 2001, Capcal 2, DanKap
and in the Norwegian manual. According to Hagring (1998b) most research reports
have not found any significant effect due to exiting flows. This was also his own
If a minor stream merges with a multi-lane stream, only that part of the higher priority
stream should be counted, which are in conflict with the subject stream. Traffic flows
on other lanes may have an impact on minor-stream drivers, but it is usually ignored.
This principle is followed in HCM2000, HBS 2001, Capcal 2, and DanKap.
If a major-road right turning movement (3 or 6) is separated by a triangular island and
face a stop or yield sign, priority is reversed. In this case major-road right turning
vehicles no longer have Rank 1, but they should be analyzed as a Rank 2 movement at
a T-intersection.
The time distance from front bumper to front bumper between two consecutive vehicles
passing an observation point is called a headway. It is the sum of the time used by
a vehicle to pass the observation point (occupancy time) and the time interval (gap)
to the arrival of the next vehicle (Luttinen 1996). At unsignalized intersections the
minor-road drivers consider gaps (unoccupied time intervals) as possible opportunities
for their crossing or merging maneuvers. However, it is easier to describe traffic flow
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 31
in terms of headways than in terms of gaps and occupancy times.2 In this discussion
gap is the headway between two consecutive major stream vehicles evaluated by a
minor-stream driver for the purpose of crossing or merging. The availability of gaps is
described by headway distributions of higher priority streams; i.e., gaps are considered
to be equal to headways (Troutbeck & Brilon 1997). It is assumed that the differences
in major stream vehicle lengths and speeds (i.e., occupancy times) can be ignored.
Mathematically the arrival of vehicles is described as a point process, where each
arrival is a point in the time axis (Fig. 2.5). Because vehicle length is ignored, gaps
and headways are equal. Headway (gap) tn is the time interval between vehicles n − 1
and n. Each headway is connected to the vehicle which terminates the time interval.
From the point of view of a minor-road driver it is thus possible to consider traffic flow
on a major road as a succession of moving gaps (Raff 1950, Buckley 1962).
Vehicle count
t1 t2 t3 t4
0 τ1 τ2 τ3
Let us assume that a vehicle enters a stop line or a yield line at time τ , the preceding
priority vehicle has passed the conflict point at time τi , and the next priority vehicle will
pass at time τi+1 (Fig. 2.6). The time from the passage of the previous priority vehicle,
B(τ ) = τ − τi , is called backward waiting time or current life (Karlin & Taylor 1975).
The time to the passage of the next priority vehicle, ϒ(τ ) = τi+1 − τ , is called forward
waiting time or excess life in the theory of stochastic processes and lag in traffic flow
theory. The current headway at time τ is the headway of priority stream vehicle i + 1;
i.e., T (τ ) = Ti+1 = τi+1 − τi = B(τ ) + ϒ(τ ).
Some of the major road gaps are not accepted by minor road vehicles, some gaps are ac-
cepted by one vehicle, and some gaps allow the entry of several vehicles. Consequently,
more detailed information than a deterministic headway model ( ∀i : ti = t¯ ) is required
(see Watson 1933, Clayton 1941, Catchpole & Plank 1986). For realistic estimation of
capacity and delays it is necessary to have a realistic model of the frequency of gaps
of different lengths. In mathematical models the availability of gaps is described by a
probability distribution of vehicle headways (see Luttinen 1996).
A cumulative distribution function gives the probability that a randomly3 selected head-
2 Headway can be considered as the inverse individual flow rate of each vehicle (Dawson & Chimini
1968). The sum of headways τn = ni=1 ti is the time interval between the arrivals of vehicles 0 and
n, so that the number of headways (vehicles) divided by the sum of headways gives a proper estimate of
flow rate (λ̃ = nτn−1 ).
3 It should be emphasized that the headway that occurs for a randomly arriving vehicle or pedestrian
is not randomly selected. It is more probable that a random observer arrives during a long headway
than during a short headway. This length-biased sampling is the reason for the well-known waiting time
32 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
B(τ ) ϒ(τ )
Figure 2.6: Backward waiting time B(τ ) and lag ϒ(τ ) (Luttinen 1990)
F(t) = P{T < t} =f(u) d(u) (2.1a)
∞ 0
where f(t) is the probability density function. Because headways cannot have negative
length, the lower limit of integration is zero. In conventional probability analysis F(t)
is defined as P{T ≤ t}. The definition given above is more useful in gap acceptance
theory. For distributions continuous at t, both definitions give identical numerical
The probability that a randomly selected headway is larger than a given value is called
survivor function
R(t) = P{T ≥ t} = f(u) d(u) = 1 − F(t) . (2.2)
In reliability and life data analysis this function gives the probability that an object
survives or operates reliably for a given time (see e.g. Nelson 1982, Crowder, Kimber,
Smith & Sweeting 1991).
The expectation E[T ] is the average headway from the distribution:
E[T ] = t¯ = tf(t) dt. (2.3)
Because f(t) = 0 when t < 0, expectation can also be expressed in terms of the
If we count n consecutive headways, the expected duration of the count is E[τn ] = nt¯.
Flow rate (λ = q/3600) is the inverse of average headway: λ = n(E[τn ])−1 =
t¯−1 . This is an unconventional definition of flow rate, but it helps to demonstrate the
relationship between flow rate and average headway. For a more detailed analysis of this
relationship the reader is referred to the discussions by Haight (1963) on synchronous
and asynchronous counting and by Luttinen (2001) on doubly synchronous counting,
as well as to a discussion on renewal processes in any standard textbook on stochastic
processes (e.g., Ross 1996).
The lags experienced by randomly arriving vehicles have a different distribution than
headways. If R(υ) = P{T > υ} is the survivor function of the headway distribution
and E[T ] is the expected headway, the probability density function of lags can be
expressed using the Palm-Khintchine equation (Palm 1943, Khintchine 1960, Cox &
Isham 1980):
fϒ (υ) = = λR(υ) . (2.5)
E[T ]
Cox & Miller (1965) have presented an application of this equation for the estimation
of delays at unsignalized intersections.
The survivor function of lags is obtained directly from equation (2.5) as
Rϒ (υ) = λ R(y) dy. (2.6)
The expected value of a lag can be expressed in terms of the moments of the headway
E[ϒ] = υfϒ (υ) dυ
= υR(υ) dυ
E[T ] 0
∞ ∞
= υ f(y) dy dυ
E[T ] 0
∞ yυ
= υ dυ f(y) dy
E[T ] 0 0
∞ 2
1 y
= f(y) dy
E[T ] 0 2
E T2 t¯ σ 2
= = + T.
2 E[T ] 2 2t¯
See Kleinrock (1975) for a different approach.
4 This equation can be proved by integration with change of order (Ross 2002)
∞ ∞ ∞
R(t) dt = f (u) du dt
0 0 t
∞ u
= dt f (u) du
0 0
= uf (u) du.
For a geometric interpretation see Gnedenko (1962).
34 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
where p is the probability of arrival during the minimum time interval, and K is the
headway (measured in discrete time intervals). The expected length of a headway is
(Matloff 1988)
E[K] = p iq i−1
d i
=p q
dq i=1
d 1 (2.9)
=p −1
dq 1 − q
(1 − q)2
= ,
where λ is the scale parameter (see Fig. 2.7). The expected headway is equal to the
inverse scale parameter:
∞ ∞
E[T ] = R(t) dt = e−λt dt = . (2.13)
0 0 λ
This indicates that the scale parameter is equal to the flow rate expressed in veh/s; i.e.,
λ = q/3600.
Negative exponential distribution is the interarrival time distribution of totally random
arrivals. The counting process follows the Poisson distribution. At low flow rates the
negative exponential density function is highest, and distribution function (Fig. 2.7)
rises steeply. For long headways the density approaches asymptotically zero and the
distribution function unity. This indicates both a substantially high probability of very
short headways, even at low flow rates, and the possibility of very long headways, even
at high flow rates.
Several authors (e.g., Weiss & Herman 1962, Breiman 1963, Thedéen 1964) have
demonstrated that under rather weak assumptions (no vehicle interaction, identically
and independently distributed speeds) the number of vehicles in an arbitrary time inter-
val will be asymptotically Poisson distributed as time tends to infinity. Thus, headways
will asymptotically follow the exponential distribution. If the combined headways of
several independent streams passing a reference point are considered, the limitations
of the Poisson assumption become less severe.
Exponential distribution has the Markov (“lack of memory”) property (Luttinen 1990):
P{ T > b + υ | T > b } =
−λυ (2.14)
= P{T > υ} ,
where b is the current duration of headway (backward waiting time) and υ is the lag
(Fig. 2.6). This indicates that lags have the same distribution as headways:
RT (υ)
fϒ (υ) = = λe−λυ . (2.15)
E[T ]
In fact, exponential distribution is the only continuous-time distribution that has the
Markov property (Feller 1957).
36 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
1000 10
600 6
200 2
Flow rate (veh/h) 0
Headway (s)
Figure 2.7: Negative exponential cumulative distribution function for vehicle headways
Because of the Markov property it is not necessary to keep track of the time elapsed since
the last arrival. This makes the Poisson process mathematically tractable (Tijms 2003).
Therefore, the negative exponential distribution is often preferred over other, more
realistic but also more complex headway distributions. In many cases explicit solutions
can only be found when the arrival process is assumed Poisson. Since Adams (1936)
the negative exponential distribution has played a central role in traffic flow theory.
If the arrival process is Poisson and the number of arrivals during a given time interval
(0, τ ] is n, the distribution of the arrival times is similar as the distribution of n uniformly
distributed events in time interval (0, τ ] (Karlin & Taylor 1981, Tijms 2003). This indic-
ates that Poisson arrivals are completely random in time. An important consequence of
this is the PASTA (Poisson Arrivals See Time Averages) property (Wolff 1989). When
the arrival process is Poisson, the average state of a system during arrival times is equal
to the time average state of the system.
The exponential model has two major limitations: The model allows unrealistically
short headways, and it does not describe platooning. The model gets more distorted
as flow rates increase. Consequently, the exponential distribution can be considered
as a realistic headway model under very low-flow conditions only, approximately q <
150 veh/h (Luttinen 1996).
The exponential distribution can also be used to describe the headways of free vehicles,
which are not driving in platoons. This indicates that empirical headway distributions
have an “exponential tail” (Luttinen 1996). Because very short headways are not likely
to be “free”, the exponential distribution should be modified.
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 37
0, if t < tp
f(t) = −θ(t−tp )
θe , if t ≥ tp ,
where θ is the scale parameter and tp is the location parameter. The distribution function
(Fig. 2.8) is
0, if t < tp
F(t) = −θ(t−tp )
1−e , if t ≥ tp ,
and the survivor function is
1, if t < tp
R(t) = −θ(t−tp )
e , if t ≥ tp .
1000 10
600 6
200 2
Flow rate (veh/h) 0
Headway (s)
Figure 2.8: Shifted exponential cumulative distribution function with minimum headway tp =
This distribution avoids the problem of extremely short headways, but does not model
38 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
The shape of the distribution function is similar to the negative exponential distribution
(Fig. 2.7), but the probability of headways smaller than the minimum headway (tp ) is
null. After the minimum headway the distribution function rises even steeper than the
negative exponential distribution function, and approaches asymptotically unity. The
model does not include platooning, but the density is highest at headways just larger
than the minimum headway.
The expected headway is
∞ tp ∞
E[T ] = R(t) dt = 1 dt + e−θ(t−tp ) dt = tp + . (2.20)
0 0 tp θ
Once the survivor function of the lag distribution is known, the expected lag is obtained
E[ϒ] = Rϒ (υ) dυ
0 tp ∞
θυ 1
= 1− dυ + e−θ(υ−tp ) du
0 1 + θ tp 1 + θ tp tp
θ tp2 1
= tp − +
2(1 + θ tp ) θ (1 + θ tp )
1 1
= (1 + θ tp ) + .
2θ (1 + θ tp )
Equation (2.7) gives naturally the same result, when the substitutions for mean t¯ =
tp + θ −1 and variance σT2 = θ −2 of the shifted exponential headway distribution are
made. When tp = 0, the result is equal to the expectation of negative exponential
distribution (θ −1 ).
0, if t < tp
F(t) = −γ (t−tp )
1 − φe , if t ≥ tp ,
where φ is the proportion of free-vehicle headways, and γ is the scale parameter.
Buckley (1962) called this a regular-random distribution, but nowadays it is most often
known as Cowan’s M3 distribution according to (Cowan 1975). The survivor function
1, if t < tp
R(t) = −γ (t−tp )
φe , if t ≥ tp ,
The expectation is
∞ tp ∞
E[T ] = R(t) dt = 1 dt + φ e−γ (t−tp ) dt = tp + . (2.30)
0 0 tp γ
Maximum flow rate qmax = 3600 (min E[T ])−1 = 3600tp−1 is attained when all vehicles
move in platoons (φ = 0). The method-of-moments estimator for the scale parameter
is obtained as
φ φq
γ̃ = = . (2.31)
E[T ] − tp 3600 − qtp
40 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Because the proportion 1 − φ of vehicles are followers and have a headway of size tp ,
the density function has a mass of 1 − φ at tp . This point mass can be described using
a unit impulse (Dirac delta) function (Spanier & Oldham 1987)
∞ if t = tp
δ(t − tp ) = and δ(t − tp ) dt = 1, (2.32)
0 otherwise 0
which gives the probability density function (Plank 1982, Luttinen 1999)
0, if t < tp
f(t) = −γ (t−tp )
(1 − φ)δ(t − tp ) − φγ e , if t ≥ tp .
Figure 2.9 displays the coefficient of variation
√ √
var(T ) φ(2 − φ)
C(T ) = = (2.34)
E[T ] γ tp + φ
of Cowan’s M3 distribution. It is zero for deterministic headways (φ = 0), reaches the
maximum [γ tp (2 + γ tp )]−1/2 at φ = γ tp (1 + γ tp )−1 , and decreases to (1 + γ tp )−1 as
φ reaches unity and the distribution becomes shifted exponential (Luttinen 1999). At
low values of γ the peak rises above unity, but it stays below unity when γ is large.
Although M3 gives a very crude approximation of short headways, it can produce
moment characteristics very similar to real headway distributions (Luttinen 1999).
γ = 0.1
γ = 0.2
Coefficient of variation
γ = 0.3
γ = 0.4
γ = 0.5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Proportion of free headways, φ
Figure 2.9: Coefficient of variation of Cowan’s M3 distribution with tp = 1.8 s (Luttinen 1999)
The survivor function of the lag distribution can be obtained by integrating the density
function. When υ < tp , the survivor function is5
tp ∞
γ φ
Rϒ (υ) = dy + γ e−γ (υ−tp ) dy
φ + γ tp υ φ + γ tp tp
γ (tp − υ) + φ
= (2.36)
φ + γ tp
=1− , υ < tp .
φ + γ tp
When the proportion (φ) of free headways is unity, we obtain the survivor function of
shifted exponential distribution.
Because the flow rate λ (veh/s) is the inverse of the expected headway E[T ], the lag
density can be expressed as (Hagring 1998a):
λ, if υ < tp
fϒ (υ) = λR(υ) = −γ (υ−tp )
λφe , if υ ≥ tp .
The survivor function of the lag distribution can likewise be expressed as (see Hagring
1 − λυ, if υ < tp
Rϒ (υ) = λ −γ (υ−tp ) (2.40)
φe , if υ ≥ tp .
A model similar to Cowan’s M3 was presented earlier by Tanner (1953, 1961a, 1967)
and (Miller 1961). Tanner modeled traffic flow as departures from an M/D/1 queuing
system (exponential interarrival times and one server with constant service times).
Because the arrival process is Poisson (Khintchine 1960), the proportion of constant
(tp ) headways is equal to the utilization factor of the server (Luttinen 1990)
1 − φ = P T = tp = λtp = . (2.41)
5 The survivor function can be obtained more easily as follows:
γ γυ
Rϒ (υ) = 1 − Fϒ (υ) = 1 − dy = 1 − , υ < tp .
φ + γ tp 0 φ + γ tp
42 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
φ = 1 − λtp = 1 − (2.42)
φ q
γ = =λ= . (2.43)
− tp 3600
The last result indicates that the scale parameter γ of the shifted exponential distribution
of free headways is equal to the scale parameter λ of the negative exponential interarrival
time distribution of the underlying M/D/1 queuing process. The distribution function
0, if t < tp
F(t) = −λ(t−tp )
1 − (1 − λtp )e , if t ≥ tp .
The headways are no longer independent; i.e., platoon lengths do not follow geometric
distribution, as in the M3 model, but the Borel-Tanner distribution (Tanner 1953, Tanner
1961a, Tanner 1961b, Haight & Breuer 1960, Prabhu 1965). The autocorrelation of
headways does not have any influence on capacity estimates, but delays are sensitive
to the order of headways (Kyte, Tian, Mir, Hameedmansoor, Kittelson, Vandehey,
Robinson, Brilon, Bondzio, Wu & Troutbeck 1996).
Figure 2.10 displays the cumulative distribution function of headways from an M/D/1
queuing process with service time (i.e., headway in platoon) tp = 2 s. There is a dis-
continuity at T = tp . The probability of shorter headways is null. The proportion of
follower headways increases linearly with increasing flow rate, as indicated by equa-
tion (2.42). When headways are larger than tp , the cumulative distribution function
approaches asymptotically unity. Maximum flow rate is λ = tp−1 or q = 3600tp−1 ,
when all vehicles are followers (φ = 0).
M3 distribution is a good headway model, if there is no need for accurate modeling
of short gaps. Such is the case in the analysis of unsignalized intersections. M3 can
reproduce data with moment characteristics very similar to real headway distributions,
and it gives good results in capacity analysis for unsignalized intersections (Luttinen
1999). Properties of the M3 distribution and the estimation of its parameters have
been discussed by several authors (see Brilon 1988a, Akçelik & Chung 1994, Sullivan
& Troutbeck 1994, Hagring 1996b, Troutbeck 1997b, Luttinen 1999, Tanyel & Yayla
The M3 distribution has been widely used in the capacity and delay analysis of unsig-
nalized intersections and roundabouts (Akçelik 1994a, Hagring 1996b, Hagring 1998b,
Luttinen 1999, Sullivan & Troutbeck 1994, Troutbeck 1986, Troutbeck 1991, Troutbeck
& Kako 1997), especially in Australia. The headway distribution for a two-lane case;
i.e., a superposition of two M3 distributions, has been derived by Troutbeck (1986) and
Hagring (1998b). See also section 3.3.
More advanced mixed distributions, such as the semi-Poisson distribution (Buckley
1962, Buckley 1968, Luttinen 1994) and the generalized queuing model (Cowan 1975,
Branston 1976), use a specific distribution for headways in platoons and exponential
distribution for free-vehicle headways. These models are more realistic, but they are
also more difficult to use in mathematical analysis (Luttinen 1996).
Most of the current unsignalized intersection models use either negative exponential
distribution or Cowan’s M3 distribution for major stream headways. For a more detailed
description of headway distributions the reader is referred to Luttinen (1996).
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 43
1000 10
600 6
200 2
Flow rate (veh/h) 0
Headway (s)
Figure 2.10: Cumulative distribution function of headways from an M/D/1 queuing process
with service time tp = 2 s
0 τ1 τ2 τ3 τ4 τ5 τ6
Major stream arrival times
A minor stream driver attempts to maximize her/his utility by accepting a major stream
headway having a safety risk lower than the value of the expected delay resulting from
44 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
headway rejection. Critical gap can be regarded as a compromise between the demand
for safe entry to an intersection and for minimizing delay (Hagring 1998b). Gap
acceptance theory is a microscopic (stochastic) theory, which describes the behavior
of individual drivers, as opposed to macroscopic (statistical) models describing traffic
flow at an aggregate level.
Each major-stream vehicle blocks minor-stream vehicles from entering the intersection.
The block, as Raff (1950) called this time interval, starts tc seconds before the major-
stream vehicle arrives and lasts until the beginning of the next major-stream headway
ti ≥ tc (Fig. 2.11). The time interval between two blocks is called an antiblock. An
antiblock starts when a headway ti ≥ tc starts and ends tc before the arrival of the
next major-stream vehicle. Minor-stream vehicles can enter the intersection during
antiblocks. A minor-stream vehicle is assumed to enter the intersection immediately at
the beginning of an antiblock or immediately after having reached the stop line during
an antiblock (Weiss & Maradudin 1962).—Assuming a traffic signal analogy, suggested
first by Winsten (in Beckmann et al. 1956), blocks can be considered red intervals and
antiblocks green intervals.
When a minor stream vehicle enters the intersection, it takes some time before the next
vehicle can take its position at the head of the queue. After this the process is repeated.
The minimum headway between two minor stream vehicles entering the same major
stream gap is called follow-up time (tf ). During an antiblock vehicles from a minor
stream queue enter the intersection separated by follow-up times.6 An interval tf after
the queue has discharged, minor stream vehicles can proceed without delay until the
next block starts. At a yield controlled intersection a vehicle approaching an intersection
or discharging from a queue can proceed without stopping, if the lag is long enough.
The operation can be described as a single server queuing system with deterministic
(tf ) service times. The service is, however, occasionally interrupted, because customers
can enter service during antiblock intervals only. A more comprehensive description
of several conflicting streams would be a single server system with priority queues.
Each customer type (rank) has a separate queue. The first customer in the highest
rank queue is always served first. Switching from one queue to another requires a
“reorientation time” tc − tf (Jaiswal 1968). The hierarchy of conflicts in an entire
unsignalized intersection is, however, too complicated to be described by a single
queuing system. For example, in a four-legged intersection (Fig. 2.2) streams 4 and
8 have a conflict, as do streams 3 and 4, but stream 3 and 8 vehicles can enter the
intersection simultaneously. Queuing models are limited, but nevertheless useful tools
in the analysis of unsignalized intersections.
It is assumed that service starts as a vehicle crosses stop line. Service time is equal to
the follow-up time. When service ends, the next vehicle can enter service (cross stop
6 According toAkçelik (1994a) the first minor stream vehicle enters an intersection t after the beginning
of an antiblock. Consequently, the last vehicle can enter the intersection tc − tf before the arrival of the
next major stream arrival. See also Kyte et al. (1996).
According to Tanner (1962) and Yeo & Weesakul (1964) a minor stream vehicle can depart tc after the
last vehicle in a block, and the next block starts when the next major stream vehicle arrives. Mathematically
the model is unchanged if the block starts a constant time u < tc before the first vehicle and terminates
tc − u after the last vehicle (Tanner 1962). By setting u = tc − tf , we obtain the model of Akçelik (1994a).
The model in Figure 2.11 was suggested by Weiss & Maradudin (1962), and it is obtained by setting
u = tc .
In terms of a queuing process, entry time is the time of departure from service. In Figure 2.11 major
stream arrival times can be interpreted as service departure times, while minor stream entry times should
be considered as service entry times. See Figure 3.16 on page 79 for more details.
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 45
The reference point of a priority stream is the conflict point between the priority and
minor streams. However, in the gap acceptance process no service times are usually
assumed for priority streams. The entry of minor-stream vehicles is blocked by critical
gaps and follow-up times only.
In Figure 2.11 the first vehicle enters the intersection at the same time as the major
stream vehicle arrives (ε1 = τ3 and ε4 = τ5 ); i.e., passes the conflict point. When the
“service is completed”, the minor stream vehicle passes the conflict point. Thus, tf is
also the minimum time interval between a major stream vehicle and a merged minor
stream vehicle. This is, however, an extension of the basic queuing model.
The service of a minor stream vehicle may overlap the critical gap. In Figure 2.11
vehicle 3 departs at ε3 + tf , when major stream vehicle 4 has already blocked the entry
of minor stream vehicle 4. The minimum headway between a minor stream vehicle
and a major stream vehicle is tc − tf .
This discussion raises three issues concerning time intervals between vehicles.
1. Critical gap (tc ) cannot be shorter than the follow-up time (tf ). Otherwise the
arrival time of the next major stream vehicle (such as τ6 in Figure 2.11) might
take place before a minor stream vehicle has departed from service (ε5 + tf ). This
is an important condition for capacity models, which assume a constant queue
of minor stream vehicles. The condition tf ≤ tc ensures that there is always a
minor stream vehicle waiting at the stop line when an antiblock starts (Plank &
Catchpole 1984).
2. Even if tc > tf , the headway between the merged vehicle and the next major
stream vehicle (τ6 −ε5 −tf ) may become too short, in which case the major stream
vehicle has to decelerate in order to delay its arrival and to keep the headway safe.
Because the priority of major stream vehicles is limited, this type of operation
is called “limited priority merge” (see Troutbeck 2002). Major stream priority
becomes limited, if tc < tf + tp , where tp is the follower headway between major
stream vehicles.—To make the argument simpler, follower headway (headway
between vehicles in a platoon) has been assumed constant.
3. The minor stream follow-up time (tf ) cannot be shorter than the major stream
follower headway (tp ). Otherwise the minor stream queue discharge rate would
be higher than the major stream capacity. The major stream cannot receive
merging vehicles at this rate.
Because drivers and vehicles differ, the minimum gaps and lags accepted by drivers
and the headways between discharging vehicles differ from vehicle to vehicle. Driver
behavior is heterogeneous. In addition, even under similar conditions a driver may
behave differently at different times. A driver may accept a gap that is shorter than a
gap rejected by the same driver earlier. This kind of behavior is called inconsistent.
It is apparent that inconsistency is related to real inconsistency in driver behavior, but
it is possible that most of the observed “inconsistent” behavior can be explained by
situation-specific factors, such as waiting time and variation in speed and type of major
stream vehicles (Hagring 1998b).
In mathematical models driver behavior is usually assumed to be both consistent and
homogeneous. A consistent driver behaves in the same way every time at similar
situations. An inconsistent driver may approve a gap that is shorter than a gap that the
same driver had rejected earlier. An inconsistent driver determines a new critical gap for
46 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
each major stream headway (Ashworth 1969, Plank & Catchpole 1984), or assigns to
each gap a probability of crossing (Weiss & Maradudin 1962, Hawkes 1968). Typically
the acceptable headway decreases as the number of rejected gaps increases. Such a
driver is called impatient. (If critical gap increases as the number of rejected gaps
increases, the behavior is not inconsistent according to the definition.) Accordingly,
inconsistency increases capacity.
If drivers are homogeneous, there is no difference in behavior among different drivers
under similar conditions. Homogeneous but inconsistent drivers have the same way of
selecting a critical gap for each individual headway. In the case of heterogeneous and
consistent drivers, each driver (or vehicle type) has an individual critical gap sampled
from a common distribution. This critical gap is applied consistently to all major
stream headways. Vehicles with large critical gaps are more likely to be found at the
head of the queue (Catchpole & Plank 1986), which leads to a decrease in capacity
(Wegmann 1991).
When a minor stream consists of heterogeneous and inconsistent drivers each driver has
an individual way to sample critical gaps for each individual headway or lag. Because
inconsistency increases capacity and heterogeneity decreases it, the overall effect of the
assumption of consistent and homogeneous drivers has been considered to be minimal
compared to the case of heterogeneous and inconsistent drivers (Catchpole & Plank
1986, Troutbeck 1988, Transportation Research Board 1997, Hagring, Rouphail &
Sørensen 2003).
In summary, the major assumptions in basic gap acceptance models are
It is also assumed that follow-up time is shorter than critical gap. This assures that under
a continuous queue there is always a vehicle waiting for entry as a new gap begins. If
critical gap was shorter than follow-up time, the mathematical models would allow the
possibility of queue discharge headways shorter that follow-up times.
Several models have relaxed one or more of these assumptions. Herman & Weiss (1961)
and Weiss & Maradudin (1962) introduced a gap acceptance probability; i.e., the prob-
ability that a waiting driver accepts a headway of given length. Ashworth (1969) and
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 47
Plank & Catchpole (1984) have developed a capacity formula for heterogeneous and
consistent drivers. Catchpole & Plank (1986) and Madanat, Cassidy & Wang (1994)
have analyzed the operation of unsignalized intersections for heterogeneous and incon-
sistent drivers; thus relaxing assumptions 1 and 2. Troutbeck has relaxed assumption
8 and studied gap acceptance under “limited priority merge” (Bunker & Troutbeck
1994a, Bunker & Troutbeck 1994b, Troutbeck 1995, Troutbeck 1997b, Troutbeck &
Kako 1999, Troutbeck 1999).
Tanner (1967) was the first to relax assumption 5. He estimated minor-stream capacity
assuming two or more independent priority streams with different flow rates. See also
Troutbeck (1986). Gazis, Newell, Warren & Weiss (1967), Fisk (1989) and Hagring
(1998b) have extended the model to include the case where different lanes (priority
streams) have different critical gaps (assumption 3).—Only streams without mutual
conflicts can be considered independent. When priority streams are from more than
one rank, special analysis methods are required.
The effect of nonpriority vehicles, such as major-road right turners, can be taken into
a model by adding a proportion of this stream to a priority stream.
In advanced methodologies many of these assumptions have been relaxed, but in the
core of these methods is usually a potential capacity or delay formula with most of these
assumptions. Some adjustments are then presented to make the method more general.
The nature of a problem becomes often clearer when it is compared with other, but
similar problems. In a mathematical sense the following traffic engineering problems
have many similarities with the unsignalized intersection case:7
Pedestrians crossing a road also face a gap acceptance problem. Haight (1963) refers
to the items delayed as vehicles or pedestrians “according as they do or do not form
queues”. Early studies of the pedestrian-crossing problem have been presented by
Adams (1936), Tanner (1951), and Mayne (1954). Cowan (1984) has generalized
Adams’ result for the M3 headway distribution. See also section 4.2.3.
If all waiting pedestrians can cross the road when a headway larger than the critical
gap starts, the follow-up time is zero. This makes the analysis simpler. However, if
all waiting pedestrians can cross the road during a headway larger than the critical
gap, the capacity of a pedestrian crossing is either infinite or zero. Such a model
makes more sense in delay studies than in capacity studies.—Detailed information
of pedestrian gap acceptance and vehicle headway distributions can also be used to
evaluate the accident risk of pedestrians (Cohen, Dearnaley & Hansel 1955, Song,
Dunne & Black 1993, Pasanen 1991).
Tanner (1951) remarked the similarity between the pedestrian crossing problem and the
operation of vehicle-actuated traffic signals, as described by Garwood (1940). Beck-
mann et al. (1956) presented the operation of a stop-controlled intersection in terms of
red (block) and green (antiblock) interval sequences generated by the priority stream
gaps. A minor stream has “green” when conflicting major streams have no “green
demand”. The generation and extension of blocks (Fig. 2.11) is mathematically very
similar to the operation of vehicle detectors (Fig. 2.12). In the theory of stochastic
processes this type of operation is known as a Type II counter (Parzen 1962). Akçelik
(1994a) has described a traffic-signal analogy in modeling gap-acceptance at unsignal-
ized intersections.
7 It is also worth mentioning that queuing theory was first developed in the context of telephone traffic
(Erlang 1909, Erlang 1917a, Erlang 1917b).
48 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Extension Extension
β β
Interarrival time t4 > β
0 τ1 τ2 τ3 τ4 τ5
Arrival times to detector
Another model similar to the unsignalized intersection is the operation of merging zones
(see Haight, Bisbee & Wojcik 1962, Haight 1963, Drew 1967). Unlike the minor road
drivers at unsignalized intersections, merging drivers can change the gap acceptance
criterion by changing their speeds, and they have a limited opportunity to determine
the location of the merge. In more advanced models the effect of turbulence on priority
streams should be considered (Transportation Research Board 2000).
Passing on two-lane highways is a gap-acceptance process, where a passing vehicle
moves in the opposite direction to the “priority stream”. Drivers can determine the
time and location of passing considering gap availability and sight restrictions. The
order in which vehicles pass each others is not fixed, and several vehicles on a road
segment may pass simultaneously. Consequently, this problem is usually described at a
macroscopic level. Tanner (1953) presented an early description of the problem stating
also the similarities with unsignalized intersection and pedestrian crossing problems.
For an overview of these models see McLean (1989) and Luttinen (2001). Miller &
Pretty (1968) have discussed the gap-acceptance of inconsistent drivers.
fusion approach has found some applications in the analysis of signalized intersections
(e.g. Newell 1965), but little or none in the analysis of unsignalized intersections.
The basic characteristics of a fluid-analogy model and its use in capacity estimation will
be discussed next. A fluid analogy model for the analysis of oversaturated conditions
will be presented in section 4.4.2.
Let us assume that vehicles arrive at an intersection at arrival rate q(t). The cumulative
number of arrivals is τ
A(τ ) = q(u) du. (2.47)
If the arrival rate is constant, the cumulative arrival curve is linear: A(τ ) = qτ (Fig.
2.13). Cumulative demand is the number of arrivals plus the initial queue8 at the
beginning of the observation period (Gazis & Potts 1965):
Number of vehicles
(τ )
L(τ )
s, D
W (i)
where d(τ ) is the departure rate. During a block of length tb no vehicles depart the
intersection; that is
d(τ ) = 0, 0 < τ ≤ tb
D(τ ) = 0, 0 < τ ≤ tb .
8 Fluid analogy models do not consider individual vehicles. So, no distinction can be made between
vehicles in queue an vehicles in service.
50 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
When an antiblock starts at τ = tb , the queue starts to discharge at saturation flow rate
s = tf−1 :
d(τ ) = s, tb < τ ≤ t0
D(τ ) = s du = s(τ − tb ), tb < τ ≤ t 0 ,
where t0 is the time when the queue has discharged. After t0 the discharge rate is equal
to the arrival rate:
d(τ ) = q(τ ), t0 < τ ≤ c
D(τ ) = A(τ ), t0 < τ ≤ c,
assuming that t0 < c and q(τ ) ≤ s, and the cycle time c is the sum of the block (tb )
and antiblock (ta ) periods.
The length of a queue (in vehicles) is the initial queue L(0) at τ = 0 plus the difference
between cumulative arrivals and departures. Graphically it is the vertical difference
between cumulative arrival and departure curves. The queue has discharged at time t0 ,
when the number of arrivals is equal to the number of departures (Newell 1965)
During a differential time interval (t, t + dt] the delay experienced is L(t) dt. The
cumulative delay during the cycle length c is equal to the area of the triangle in Figure
2.13 and can be obtained by a method analogous to the uniform delay in traffic signal
control (Newell 1965)
c t0 t0
W (tc ) = L(u) du = qu du − s(u − tb ) du
0 0 tb
qstb2 tb2 sta (2.54)
= = , q≤ .
2(s − q) 1 1 c
2 −
q s
The average delay per vehicle can be obtained by dividing the cumulative delay by the
number of arriving (and departing) vehicles during an average cycle (Newell 1965):
L(u) du W (tc ) t2 sta
W = 0tc = = b q , q≤ . (2.55)
0 q(u) du
qtc 2tc 1 − tc
The horizontal distance between the arrival and departure curves gives the waiting time
of a “vehicle”.
Capacity is reached when the number of arrivals during an average cycle (sum of the
average block length tb and the average antiblock length ta ) is equal to the number of
vehicles discharging during an average antiblock tb :
Cp c =
ta (2.56)
Cp = ,
tf c
where the proportion of average antiblock (ta ) from the average cycle time (c) is the
probability of a lag larger than or equal to a minimum acceptable lag to . Accordingly,
the potential capacity is
Rϒ (to )
Cp = = sRϒ (to ) , (2.57)
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 51
where s = tf−1 is the saturation flow rate. If Figure 2.13 describes average conditions,
capacity is reached when the time (t0 ) required for queue build-up and discharge is
equal to the cycle time. When q ≤ Cp , the deterministic system is in equilibrium. A
more detailed discussion on capacity will be presented next.
52 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
According to gap acceptance theory the capacity of a minor stream (k) is limited by
its saturation flow rate (sk = tf,k ) and the availability of antiblocks at conflict areas.
A movement may have several conflict areas. It is, however, assumed that a vehicle
waits at a stop line or yield line until an antiblock is available at all conflict areas. If
a median supplies storage spaces for vehicles, so that a movement can be performed
in two stages, capacity of that movement is measured at the median stop or yield line
considering the bottleneck effect of first stage gap acceptance and the limited number of
storage spaces in the median. Accordingly, the capacity at an unsignalized intersection
is defined as the stop-line capacity.
Besides interactions between a minor stream and higher priority movements capacity
can be limited by interactions between movements in the same approach. When a lane
is shared by several movements and/or one movement occupies several lanes, it is most
informative to use as a unit of analysis the group of lanes which are occupied by the
interacting traffic streams in the approach. From this analysis it is also possible to
obtain lane-specific performance measures.
Roundabouts may have additional bottlenecks (see Hagring 1998b): i) In narrow weav-
ing areas heavy vehicles may have operational difficulties or they may prevent the sim-
ultaneous use of an adjacent lane. ii) Pedestrians may limit the capacity of exiting
The maximum flow rate is attained, when there is a continuous queue of subject move-
ment vehicles arriving to the intersection. Because of possible downstream bottlenecks
due to short lanes or two-stage gap acceptance there may be periods of empty queues
at some lanes of a lane group.
Capacity is estimated for one minor stream or a group of movements in one approach.
The flow rates of higher priority streams are given, and the minor stream capacity is
estimated under these higher priority flow rates. A capacity of an entire intersection is
not defined, unless it is defined as the sum of arrival flow rates, which gives D/C ratio
ρi = 1 at the most saturated lane group (see OECD Road Research Group 1974). This
requires that the proportions of arrival flow rates for each movement can be estimated
under the conditions when capacity is reached (Nordqvist et al. 1973).
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 53
E[Dk (τ )]
Ck = lim , (3.1)
τ →∞ τ
where Dk (τ ) is the number of stream k vehicles crossing a stop line during time interval
(0, τ ] assuming a continuous queue. When the process has been going on for a long
time, the system has reached a steady state and the effect of initial state can be neglected.
During the analysis period (0, τ ] traffic and roadway conditions are assumed to stay
The expected number of departures during a long time interval (0, τ ] is1
where AM (τ ) is the number of major stream vehicles (gaps) during time interval (0, τ ]
and E[α] is the expected number of stream k departures during a randomly selected
major stream headway. Capacity can now be expressed as (Plank & Catchpole 1984)
E[AM (τ )]
Ck = lim E[α] = qM E[α] , (3.3)
τ →∞ τ
measures. Also a bias due to initial conditions, such as long or short initial queues2 on
major streams, cannot be excluded.
Following HCM2000 two further capacity concepts are defined:
1. Critical gaps and follow-up times are estimated under prevailing conditions.
2. Potential capacity is estimated for each movement assuming that they have ex-
clusive use of separate lanes and there is no queuing in higher priority streams.
Table 3.1: Capacity (veh/h) of uncontrolled intersections in the Norwegian guidelines (Statens
Vegvesen 1985) as a function of minimum and maximum flow rates in the intersection approaches
Percent qmin /qmax
left turns 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0
0 1,700 1,650 1,600 1,600 1,650 2,000
< 10 1,600 1,550 1,550 1,500 1,500 1,750
< 20 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,450 1,450 1,600
This section describes the basic theoretical formulas used to estimate the potential
capacity of unsignalized intersections. Only a simple crossing operation, as in Figure
2.1, or a simple merge operation, as in a roundabout entry (Fig. 2.4), is discussed. It is
assumed that merging operations between the legs of a roundabout can be ignored. The
road and traffic conditions are assumed optimal. Unless stated otherwise, the models
follow the assumptions presented above (page 46).
Potential capacity describes the capacity of a minor stream under ideal conditions
assuming that it is unimpeded by other movements and has exclusive use of a separate
lane (Transportation Research Board 2000). When the impedance effects (queuing
in higher priority streams) are considered, HCM2000 calls the capacity estimate a
movement capacity. Because Rank 2 vehicles do not face any impedance effects due to
queuing at higher priority streams, the movement capacity of a Rank 2 stream is equal
to the potential capacity:
Cm,k = Cp,k , k ∈ {1, 4, 9, 12} . (3.4)
t − t c + tf 0, if t < tc
α(t) = = t−tc +tf (3.9)
tf + tf
, if t ≥ tc ,
where X is the floor function; i.e., greatest integer not larger than X (Spanier &
Oldham 1987).
The probability of i arrivals during a randomly selected headway is the probability that
the headway has an appropriate length:
where f(t) is the probability density function, F(t) is the cumulative distribution func-
tion, and R(t) = 1−F(t) is the survivor function of the major road headway distribution.
Capacity (maximum number of entering vehicles per time unit) is obtained by multiply-
ing the expected number of minor road vehicles entering during a major road headway
by the expected number of major road headways (vehicles) per time unit:
Cp = qM i P{tc + (i − 1)tf ≤ t < tc + itf }
∞ tc +itf
= qM i f(u) du
i=0 tc +(i−1)tf
= qM i [R(tc + (i − 1)tf ) − R(tc + itf )]
= qM R(tc + itf ) (veh/h).
If major stream headways follow the negative exponential distribution, the minor stream
capacity is (Major & Buckley 1962, Drew 1968, Harders 1968)3
Cp = qM R(tc + itf )
= qM e−λ(tc +itf )
= qM e−λtc e−iλtf (3.12)
qM e−λtc
1 − e−λtf
qM e−qM tc /3600
= , 0 ≤ tf ≤ tc .
1 − e−qM tf /3600
See Figure 3.1. The result was obtained using the convergence property of a geometric
series; i.e.,
ai = , a < 1. (3.13)
If follow-up time is zero, the entire queue can discharge simultaneously, and the capacity
is infinite. This is the capacity of a simple pedestrian crossing model.
Capacity, C/(veh/h)
1000 3s
600 4s
400 5s
200 7s
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Conflicting flow rate, q /(veh/h)
Figure 3.1: Minor-stream potential capacity with different critical gaps, tf = 0.6tc , and major-
stream headways following the negative exponential distribution
Equation (3.12) is used in HCM 1985 (Transportation Research Board 1985, Baass
1987), HCM2000 (Transportation Research Board 2000), DanKap (Vejdirektoratet
3According to Major & Buckley (1962) this equation was first obtained by Fisher (1960). However,
the equation was presented already by Nordqvist (1958). For a different kind of proof see Heidemann
58 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
1999b) and in the Norwegian guidelines (Statens Vegvesen 1985,Aakre 1998). Capcal 2
uses this equation for minor through and left turn movements, and when the priority
streams occupy at least four lanes (SNRA 1995b, Hagring 1997).
This approach can be used to generalize the potential capacity equation for headway
distributions having an exponential tail; i.e., the distribution of headways larger than
tc is exponential. Because exponential distribution has independent increments, that is
R(a + b) = R(a) R(b), equation (3.11) can be expressed as
Cp = qM R(tc + itf )
= qM R(tc ) e−iξ tf (3.14)
qM R(tc )
= ,
1 − e−ξ tf
where ξ is the scale parameter of the exponential tail distribution. The expected num-
ber of departing vehicles during a randomly selected headway, E[α], is the expected
number of departures (α) during a headway larger than the critical gap multiplied by
the probability of a headway larger than the critical gap. Accordingly, equation (3.14)
gives capacity as
This expression is valid for any headway distribution. When headways T ≥ tc are
exponentially distributed,
E[ α | T ≥ tc ] = (3.16)
1 − e−ξ tf
is obtained as the expectation (2.9) of a geometric distribution. For an approach to
derive capacity as the inverse of average service time for queuing vehicles see section
For priority stream headways following the shifted exponential distribution the minor
stream potential capacity can be obtained as (Gipps 1982, Luttinen 1990)
Cp = qM R(tc + itf )
= qM e−θ(tc +itf −tp )
i=0 (3.17)
= qM e−θ(tc −tp ) e−iθtf
−θ(tc −tp )
qM e
= , 0 ≤ tp ≤ tc , 0 ≤ tf ≤ tc .
1 − e−θtf
If tp = 0, the equation gives the potential capacity for exponential headways (3.12).
When substitution (2.21) for θ is made, capacity can be expressed as
−qM (tc −tp )
qM exp 3600−q M tp
Cp = (veh/h). (3.18)
−qM tf
1 − exp 3600−q M tp
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 59
As Figure 3.2 displays, the minor-stream potential capacity decreases as the major
stream minimum headway (tp ) increases and variance decreases (see Luttinen 1990,
Luttinen 1996). The loss in capacity is largest at high major stream flow rates.
Capacity, C/(veh/h)
200 3s
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Conflicting flow rate, qM/(veh/h)
Figure 3.2: Minor stream potential capacity when critical gap is 5 s, follow-up time 3 s, and
major stream headways follow shifted exponential distribution with minimum headway (location
parameter) ranging from zero to four seconds
The survivor function (2.29) of Cowan’s M3 distribution differs from the shifted ex-
ponential survivor function (2.18) by the factor φ. Thus, the potential capacity is
(Plank 1982):
Cp = qM R(tc + itf )
= qM φ e−γ (tc +itf −tp ) (3.19)
It can be interpreted as minor stream capacity across a stream, where the proportion
φ of headways are available for gap acceptance and these headways follow the shifted
exponential distribution. This is a special case of the capacity equation of Tanner
(1967). If φ = 1, we get the capacity for shifted exponential headways (3.17). For
exponential headways (3.12) we set φ = 1 and tp = 0.
In the Australian roundabout capacity guideline (Austroads 1993) parameter γ has been
defined by the method of moments (2.31) as
γ = , (3.20)
3600 − qM tp
60 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
where qM = qc is the circulating flow rate at the entry. The proportion of free headways
is lower than predicted by Tanner’s M/D/1 model (Akçelik & Troutbeck 1991):
q M tp
φ = 0.75(1 − λtp ) = 0.75 1 − . (3.21)
See also Troutbeck (1993) and Troutbeck & Kako (1997).
Troutbeck & Kako (1997) have modified capacity equation (3.19) for “limited priority
merge”. It describes the reduced capacity due to major stream vehicles slowing down
in order to allow enough space for a merging minor-stream vehicle. The delay of a
major-stream vehicle reduces the next gap. On the other hand, shorter critical gaps (tc )
during limited priority operation increase capacity.
Some major-stream vehicles have to slow down, if critical gap tc is less than tf + tp .
These vehicles have to delay their entry in order to keep the headway to a merged
vehicle at tp (see Figure 2.11 and related discussion above). The capacity of limited
priority merge is
qM fL φe−γ (tc −tp )
CL = , tp < tc < tf + tp , (3.22)
1 − e−γ tf
1 − e−γ tf
fL = (3.23)
1 − e−γ (tc −tp ) − γ tc − tp − tf e−γ (tc −tp )
is the adjustment factor for limited priority merge (Fig. 3.3). Parameter γ is estimated
as in equation (3.20). If tc > tf + tp , major stream vehicles have absolute priority and
fL should be set to 1. See also Bunker & Troutbeck (1994a), Bunker & Troutbeck
(1994b), Troutbeck (1995), Troutbeck (1997b), and Troutbeck & Kako (1999).
1 4.0 s
3.5 s
3.0 s
0.7 2.5 s
Adjustment factor F
2.0 s
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Conflicting flow rate, qM/(veh/h)
Figure 3.3: Adjustment factor fL with tf = 2.5 s, φ = 0.8, and tp = 2 s (Troutbeck 1995)
If the traffic flow is considered as departures from an M/D/1 queuing system, substi-
tutions (2.42) and (2.43) are made, and we obtain the capacity formula presented by
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 61
Tanner (1962)
qM 1 − λtp e−λ(tc −tp )
Cp = , (3.24)
1 − e−λtf
where λ = qM /3600 veh/s.4 If the minimum headway condition is removed (tp = 0),
equation 3.24 is equivalent to the capacity equation (3.12) for exponential headways.
Tanner’s formula has been used in numerous manuals (e.g. Road Research Laboratory
1965, Hobbs 1974, Austroads 1988). Capcal 2 uses this model for major road left turns
and minor road right turns when the major flow occupies one lane only (SNRA 1995b,
Hagring 1997).
Figure 3.4 displays minor stream capacity according to Tanner (1962) with different
critical gaps and tf = 0.6tc . The follower headway in a platoon is tp = 1.8 s, as in
Capcal 2 (SNRA 1995b, Hagring 1997). The platooning model decreases the frequency
of large headways at high flow rates more steeply than the exponential headway model
(Fig. 3.1). When all vehicles travel in platoons, qM = 3600/1.8 = 2000 veh/h, and
there is no capacity left to a minor stream.
Capacity, C/(veh/h)
200 8s
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Conflicting flow rate, q /(veh/h)
Figure 3.4: Capacity according to Tanner with different critical gaps, tf = 0.6tc , and platoon
headways tp = 1.8 s
Figure 3.5 shows the effect of major stream bunching on minor stream capacity. As
bunching increases (φ decreases) the proportion of short intra-bunch headways in-
creases, and so does also the average length of free headways. This improves capacity.
If φ = 1.0, there is no bunching, and the major stream headways follow the shifted
exponential distribution. Shifted exponential distribution has a lower coefficient of
variance than the negative exponential distribution and gives lower capacity for minor
stream vehicles. This is, however, just a feature of the M3 model, and it cannot be taken
as an evidence of capacity reduction at low platoon percentages. By more extensive
4 Tanner obtained the equation as a limiting case when delay approached infinity. Brennan & Fitzgerald
(1979) presented a direct derivation of the capacity equation (3.24).
62 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
comparisons Siegloch (1973) concluded that slight disturbances (bunching) reduce ca-
pacity, medium disturbances increase capacity slightly, and severe disturbances increase
capacity significantly (Brilon 1988a).
Capacity, C/(veh/h)
600 0.2
0.4 Tanner
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Conflicting flow rate, q /(veh/h)
Figure 3.5: Capacity with different proportions of free vehicles, critical gap tc = 5 s, follow-up
time tf = 3 s, and intra-platoon headway tp = 1.8 s compared with the Tanner model (dashed
A comparison of figures 3.1 and 3.4 indicates that at high major road flow rates, when
the variation of headways decreases, the minor stream capacity (3.19) decreases below
the capacity of the exponential model (3.12). This could be expected by the shape of
the coefficient of variation curve (Fig. 2.9). Absolute priority is assumed.
Figure 3.6 displays the capacity of a minor stream under limited priority conditions
based on Tanner’s headway distribution (M/D/1 output) with flow-dependent critical
gaps (tc = 5.0 − 6.0λ) and follow-up times (tf = 0.6tc ) and constant (tp = 1.8 s)
follower headway in platoons. It is compared with Tanner’s capacity formula (absolute
priority) with the same critical gaps, follow-up times, and follower headways. The
parameters are not necessarily realistic and they may produce excess curvature, but they
highlight the difference between the two models. Under flow-dependent gap acceptance
the capacity curve has steepest slopes at low and high flow rates. This can be inferred
from Tanner’s capacity formula (Fig. 3.4) by assuming large (5 s) critical gaps at low
flow rates and small (2 s) critical gaps at high flow rates. If critical gaps decrease with
increasing flow rate the capacity curve becomes more linear, especially under limited
priority. This gives some theoretical support for the British linear regression models
(Kimber & Coombe 1980), as suggested by (Troutbeck 2002).
Capacity, C/(veh/h)
Limited priority
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Conflicting flow rate, q /(veh/h)
Figure 3.6: An example of minor stream capacity under flow-dependent gap acceptance and
major stream arrivals from an M/D/1 queuing system with limited (solid curve) or absolute
(dashed curve) priority
t − tc +
t − to 2 ,
α(t) = = (3.25)
tf + tf
C p = qM α(t)f (t) dt
qM ∞
= (t − to ) f (t) dt (3.26)
tf to
= tf (t) dt − to R(to ) .
tf to
For negative exponential priority stream headways and linear gap acceptance function
64 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Number of departures
to tc tc + tf tc + 2tf Headway (s)
Figure 3.7: Step function and a linear model for gap acceptance
the potential capacity is obtained as (Siegloch 1973, Schnabel & Lohse 1997)
qM ∞
Cp = (t − to ) λe−λt dt
tf to
∞ ∞
λqM −λt −λt
= te dt − to e dt
tf to to
qM −1 ∞
= λ − t − to e−λt t=to (3.27)
qM −λto
= e
3600 −qM to /3600
= e .
Because tf is the minimum headway and the exponential part is the probability (pro-
portion of time) of a lag larger than to , the equation can be expressed as
Cp = s P{ϒ > to } = sRϒ (to ) , (3.28)
where s is the maximum flow rate of the minor stream in the case of no higher priority
flow; i.e., saturation flow rate. P{ϒ > to } is the proportion of time that minor stream
vehicles find an acceptable lag. During this time minor stream vehicles can discharge
at maximum rate. For a fluid analogy model, capacity can be expressed as the product
of minor stream saturation flow rate (s) and the probability of a lag larger than the
minimum acceptable gap (to ) (Akçelik 1998). The same result (2.57) was obtained in
section 2.5 by a heuristic method.
In the German guidelines (Brilon et al. 1994, FGSV 2001) equation (3.27) has been
used, but the difference between equations (3.27) and (3.12) has been considered in-
significant (see Brilon 1991). The comparison of Figures 3.1 and 3.8 demonstrates that
the capacities of equations (3.12) and (3.27) are virtually identical (see also Troutbeck
& Brilon 1997). According to Brilon & Stuwe (1993) Siegloch’s equation (3.27) with
parameters estimated by regression analysis was slightly better as a capacity estim-
ate for German roundabouts than a linear regression equation. — HCM has applied
equation (3.27) in the 1994 update (Transportation Research Board 1994).
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 65
1000 3s
600 4s
400 5s
200 7s
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Conflicting flow rate, qM/(veh/h)
Figure 3.8: Minor-stream capacity with different critical gaps, tf = 0.6tc , linear gap acceptance
function and major stream headways following the negative exponential distribution
Equation (3.27) has a simpler form than equation (3.12). Because it can be transformed
into a linear equation by taking a logarithm, it is easy to apply in linear regression
analysis (Guichet 1997, Aagaard 1995). The model also has a simple logic: During
the time available for gap acceptance minor stream discharges at maximum rate. The
operation of individual vehicles can be ignored.
For shifted exponential headways the potential capacity is
qM −θ(t−tp
Cp = tθ e dt − to R(to )
tf to
qM 1 −θ(to −tp ) −θ(to −tp )
= to + e − to e (3.29)
tf θ
qM −θ(to −tp )
= e , to > tp .
θ tf
3600e−θ(to −tp )
Cp = = s P{ϒ > to } , to > tp . (3.31)
tf (1 + θ tp )
Because the smallest acceptable headway should be larger than the follower headway in
a platoon (to > tp ), in Cowan’s M3 distribution only the exponential tail of the distribu-
tion has an effect on the capacity. It differs from the shifted exponential distribution by
66 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
factor φ, thus giving the following potential capacity equation (Troutbeck 1997a, Trout-
beck & Brilon 1997)
qM −γ (t−tp )
Cp = φγ te dt − to R(to )
tf to
φqM −γ (to −tp )
= e , to > tp .
γ tf
Equation (2.43) indicates that for an M/D/1 departure process φγ −1 = t¯−tp = λ−1 −tp .
When this substitution and the substitution for qM = 3600λ are made, the modification
of Tanner’s capacity model (3.24) is obtained as (Brilon 1988a):
The results are virtually identical with the original Tanner model (3.24) as displayed
in Figure 3.4. McDonald & Armitage (1978) have used equation (3.33) as a capacity
model for a roundabout entry. Following the terminology of signalized intersections
they interpreted tf−1 as saturation flow rate and to as a “lost time” associated with each
circulating vehicle and blocking the entry of minor-stream vehicles.
7 9
Figure 3.10: Superposition of three independent point processes (cf. Cox & Smith 1954)
A superimposed process is more like a Poisson process than the component processes
(Cox & Isham 1980). Palm (1943) proposed that the superposition of a large number
of independent sparse point processes leads to a Poisson process in the limit. This first
limit theorem of point processes was proved by Khintchine (1960). See also Gnedenko
(1967), Çinlar (1972), and Cox & Isham (1980). The theorem explains the central
role of Poisson processes in traffic flow theory. If the arrivals of each vehicle are
considered as a separate process, the arrival process of all vehicles at a given location is
a superposition of thousands of component processes, which can be approximated as a
Poisson process. However, physical lengths and safety intervals of vehicles as well as
limited passing opportunities make the component processes dependent on each others,
which dependency the Poisson approximation ignores.
Another important result in the theory of point processes is that a superposition of
two independent renewal processes is a renewal process if and only if the components
are Poisson processes (Çinlar 1972, Cox & Isham 1980). As we shall see below, this
superimposed process is also a Poisson process. Memoryless component processes
produce a memoryless superimposed process. If component processes are renewal
processes, but their future depends on history (such as a minimum headway condition),
all points in the superimposed process are no longer renewal points.
The number of points in a superimposed process during a (long) time interval is the
68 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
sum of points in the component processes during the same time interval. Thus, the flow
rate of a superimposed process is the sum of the component flow rates
qM,k = qi , (3.35)
where ϒi (τ ) is the lag in component process i starting from time τ , and ϒIk (τ ) is the
lag in the superimposed process. The calculation of probability P{ϒi (τ ) > υ} may
require information about arrivals preceding time τ on lane (component process) i.
If τ is the time of last arrival in a superimposed process, the headway over all lanes is
larger than t, if the headway on lane j (the lane of last arrival) and lags on other lanes
are all larger than t (Cox & Smith 1954):
RIk ,j (t) = P Tj > t P{ϒi (τ ) > t}
! (3.37)
= Rj (t) Rϒ,i (t) , j ∈ Ik .
The probability that a random point is from a component process j ∈ Ik is the expected
proportion of process j points in the superimposed process (Weiss & Maradudin 1962):
qj qj
pj = = . (3.38)
i∈Ik qi qM,k
If stream k has a stepwise gap acceptance function (3.9), the potential capacity is
obtained following equation (3.11):
Cp,k = qM,k RIk tc,k + ltf,k
= qj Rj tc,k + ltf,k Rϒ,i tc,k + ltf,k .
l=0 j ∈Ik i∈Ik
Because this is the negative exponential distribution with parameter λ = i∈Ik λi =
qM,k /3600, the capacity of stream k can be calculated using equation (3.12) as follows:
The allocation of major flow among component streams has no effect on capacity,
unless these streams have different critical gaps (Hagring 1998b).
The theory of superimposed point processes gives credibility to Poisson process (ex-
ponential headways) as a gap availability model under multiple independent priority
streams. The results also indicate that under Poisson assumption the superimposed
process is mathematically no more complicated than the component processes. A su-
perposition of Poisson processes is a Poisson process having as a parameter the sum of
component-process parameters.
If headways follow shifted exponential distribution the survivor functions of headways
and lags in the component processes are
The capacity of a minor stream yielding to several independent major streams having
70 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Cp,k = qj Rj tc,k + ltf,k Rϒ,i tc,k + ltf,k
l=0 j ∈Ik i∈Ik
∞ ! e−θi (tc,k +ltf,k −tp,i )
−θj (tc,k +ltf,k −tp,j )
= qj e
l=0 j ∈I i∈I
1 + θi tp,i
k k
e− i∈Ik θi (tc,k +ltf,k −tp,i ) (3.46)
= " qj (1 + θj tp,j )
l=0 i∈Ik (1 + θi tp,i ) j ∈Ik
#∞ $
e− i∈Ik θi (tc,k −tp,i ) −ltf,k i∈I θi
=" e k qj (1 + θj tp,j )
i∈Ik (1 + θi tp,i ) l=0 j ∈Ik
− i∈I θi (tc,k −tp,i )
e i∈Ik qi (1 + θi tp,i )
= " , ∀i : tp,i < tc,k .
1 − e−tf,k i∈Ik θi i∈Ik (1 + θ t
i p,i )
Because the flow rate of a shifted exponential headway process can be expressed as
3600 θi
qi = 3600λi = , (3.47)
1 + θi tp,i
3600 e− i∈Ik θi (tc,k −tp,i )
i∈Ik θi
Cp,k = "
−tf,k θi
1−e i∈Ik
i∈Ik (1 + θi tp,i )
3600 θ i∈Ik Rϒ,i tc,k (3.48)
= , ∀i : tp,i < tc,k
1 − e−θtf,k
3600 θ Rϒ,Ik tc,k
= ,
1 − e−θtf,k
where θ = i∈Ik θi , and the lag distribution of a superimposed process is
e− i∈Ik θi (υ−tp,i )
Rϒ,Ik (υ) = " . (3.49)
i∈Ik (1 + θi tp,i )
If all minimum headways (tp,i ) are zero, the result is equal to a capacity across random
(Poisson) traffic streams.
Tanner (1967), Troutbeck (1986), Fisk (1989), and Hagring (1998b) have derived the
capacity of a minor stream crossing or merging independent major streams each having
a Cowan’s M3 headway distribution. They assumed that minimum headways in all
streams are identical. With the help of equation (3.40) the potential capacity can be
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 71
e−λ(tc,k −tp ) !
Cp,k = qM,k −λt
1 − λ i tp , (3.54)
1−e f,k
i∈I k
where qM,k = 3600λ = i∈Ik qi . See also Gipps (1982). Fisk (1989) has extended
Tanner’s result to include the case where different lanes have different critical gaps.
Hagring (1998a, 1998b) has extended Tanner’s formula for superimposed M3 headway
distributions having equal follower headways, but allowing lanes to differ in critical
gaps and follow-up times. Fisk and Hagring observed that capacity is greatest when
traffic is evenly distributed among lanes. Then bunching is least and bunch overlap is
greatest for a given total major flow rate.
For a single priority stream the equation 3.50 reduces to equation 3.19. Equation 3.50
can be used to obtain the capacity across multiple independent streams having any com-
bination of negative exponential, shifted exponential, and M3 headway distributions.
72 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
The potential capacity across two streams i and j having Cowan’s M3 headway distri-
bution with equal minimum headways (tp ) is
3600φi φj (γi + γj )e−(γi +γj )(tc,k −tp )
Cp,k = , tp < tc,k . (3.55)
(φi + γi tp )(φj + γj tp ) 1 − e−tf,k (γi +γj )
This equation is identical with the equation 8 of Troutbeck (1986). Figure 3.11 displays
a set of curves identical with Fig. 1 of Troutbeck (1986). It shows that major stream
bunching increases minor stream capacity, even in the case of two independent priority
1400 φ = 0.01
φ = 0.20
Entry capacity (veh/h)
1200 φ = 0.40
φ = 0.60
φ = 0.80
φ = 1.00
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Flow in each lane (veh/h)
Figure 3.11: Entry capacity at an intersection having two identical priotity streams with min-
imum headway tp = 2 s and different proportions (φ) of free vehicles, and minor stream critical
gap tc = 4 s and follow-up time tf = 2 s (see Troutbeck 1986)
When the intra-bunch headways tp,i are equal in all component streams, the capacity
equation by Hagring (1998b) is obtained:
e− i∈Ik γi (tc,i −tp ) i∈Ik γi ! φi
Cp,k = 3600
1−e − i∈I tf,i γi
i∈Ik i
φ + γi tp,i
3600e− i∈Ik γi (tc,i −tp ) ! φi qi
= ,
1 − e− i∈Ik tf,i γi i∈Ik
3600γ i
where = i∈Ik γi . Different critical gaps for each lane may reflect the assumption
that the values increase as the distance of the conflicting lane from the stop line increases,
and that crossing and merging operations may have different critical gaps for the same
minor movement (Fisk & Tan 1989). Li, Wang & Jiang (2003) have extended the
multi-lane model to a case where the minor flow consists of two classes of vehicles.
2r c
we − w a
Figure 3.14: The effect of “locking” at a roundabout (Webster 1960, Road Research Laboratory
76 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
on Tanner’s model (3.24) were developed (Armitage & McDonald 1974, McDonald
& Armitage 1978, Ashworth & Laurence 1978) as well as linear regression models
(Philbrick 1977). The current British methodology is based on linear regression mod-
els (O’Flaherty 1997).
a1 (a2 − a3 qM ), if a3 qM ≤ a2
Cp =
0, if a3 qM > a2 ,
a1 = 1 − 0.00347(φe − 30) − 0.978 re−1 − 0.05
a2 = 303a4
a3 = 0.210a5
we − w a
a4 = wa +
1 + 2a6
a5 = 1 +
1 + e c −60)/10
we − wa
a6 = .
Parameters are described in Figures 3.12 and 3.13. Parameter φe is the entry angle;
i.e., conflict angle between entering and circulating streams. Parameters we , wa , lf , rc ,
and re are in meters, φe is in degrees, and Cp and qM are in pc/h. Kimber (1980) has
presented more detailed descriptions of the parameters as well as their ranges in the
data base.
In Norway the potential capacity of a roundabout is estimated as (Statens Vegvesen
1985, Aakre 1998)
If lane flows are not equal, the intra-bunch headway is calculated as a flow-weighted
average of intra-bunch headways of the streams contributing to the circulating flow.
The effect of vehicles exiting to the subject approach is ignored (Troutbeck 1991). The
effect of limited priority has also been evaluated (see page 60).
Hagring (1998b) has developed a new Swedish method to estimate roundabout capacity.
He uses the M3 model (3.19), which he has extended for multi-lane highways with lane-
dependent critical gaps and follow-up times. The capacity equation (3.58) and its de-
rivation has been presented above. The intra-bunch headway is 1.8 seconds, which has
been used in the old Swedish capacity manual (Statens vägverk 1977, Anveden 1988)
and verified by Hagring (1996b). The proportion of free headways is obtained by a
relation φi = 0.910 − 1.545qi /3600 (Hagring 1998b, Hagring 2000). The Tanner dis-
tribution (2.41) with φi = 1 − tp qi /3600 was also found to give good results in capacity
estimation. In a recent paper (Hagring et al. 2003) estimated the proportion of free
headways as φi = 0.914 − 1.549qi /3600. This model indicated that the allocation of
traffic on lanes and thus the origin-destination flows in a roundabout have a considerable
effect on capacity (Hagring 2000), as Akçelik (1997) had suggested earlier.
2. An adjustment factor (fa,i , fraction of time available for gap acceptance in stream
i) is evaluated using Cp,i as the average service time of stream i server. This
procedure is repeated for all conflicting Rank 2 streams.
3. The gap acceptance capacity Ca,k of stream k is estimated assuming that no stream
i vehicles are waiting for entry and all major streams are independent.
78 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
where fI,i is the impedance factor describing the fraction of potential capacity
available as movement capacity. In case of several conflicting Rank 2 streams
the adjustment or impedance factors are combined.
The estimation of factors fa,i and fI,i , and gap-acceptance capacity Ca,k is discussed
below, but first it is necessary to take a closer look at queue discharge processes.
4 (R2)
2 (R1)
7 (R3)
The time available for Rank 3 vehicles consists of two types of periods: i) Rank 2 stream
queuing and queue discharge periods, and ii) gap acceptance periods. During gap
acceptance periods all major-stream (Rank 1 and Rank 2) vehicles can proceed without
delay, and priority streams can be considered independent. When the proportion of time,
number of major-stream headways, and the headway distribution of the superimposed
process available for Rank 3 gap acceptance are known, the capacity of a Rank 3 stream
can be calculated. In order to do this, the queuing model has to be described in detail.
Figure 3.16 displays a queuing model description of Rank 2 stream i vehicles blocking
the entry of Rank 3 stream k vehicles. As vehicle 1 enters the queue of stream i, Rank
1 vehicles block the entry of both Rank 2 and Rank 3 vehicles. When the antiblock
starts, vehicle 1 enters service, and the busy period of the server begins. During the
service time tf,i no other stream i vehicle can enter service. Vehicle 2 has to wait for
the service of vehicle 1 to complete. As vehicle 1 departs, vehicle 2 enters service.
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 79
Busy period ends as vehicle 2 departs service. The length of the busy period is 2tf,i .
An isolated vehicle 3 arrives to an empty system. As it enters the queue, the service
starts immediately. It blocks stream k for the time of the critical gap tc,k .
Time to
depart service k
Time to
enter service k
1 2 3 Time to
enter service i
tf,i tf,i
Busy period
1 2 3 Time to
enter queue i
1 2 3
The block of minor stream k terminates as the server of stream i becomes idle. After
that the server of stream k starts service. The blocks and antiblocks in Figure 3.16 are
described in terms of priority stream service departure times. Accordingly, the major
stream arrival times in Figure 2.11 on page 43 should also be interpreted as service
departure times. As Rank 1 flows decrease, the Rank 2 stream approaches an M/D/1
queuing system, and the departure flow approaches the model of Tanner (see page 41).
If tf,i is interpreted as the travel time from the stop line to the conflict point, the service
starts when a vehicle crosses the stop line and ends when the vehicle has passed the
conflict point. In this case the utilization factor of the server is the sum of utilization
factors for all component streams (see section 3.10).
The queuing analogy should not be stretched too far. When an acceptable gap follows
a stream i vehicle, a stream k vehicle does not—safety permitting—have to wait for
tf,i before it can enter the intersection. The possibility of overlapping service times
between conflicting streams cannot be excluded.
In the basic queuing model of Figure 3.16 each stream has a separate server with service
time equal to the follow-up time. Service is interrupted by blocks created by higher
priority vehicles. Haight (1963) described this model by stating that in an unsignalized
intersection a vehicle arriving to an intersection with no queue does not necessarily
receive immediate service.
If interruptions in the operation of stream i server are included in the service time, the
average service time of queued vehicles is the inverse of capacity (S̄q,i = Ci−1 ). As
80 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Figure 3.17 displays, in this model vehicle 1 enters service immediately, and service
time includes the time (We,i ) spent waiting for the block termination. Service begins
when a vehicle enters the stop line and terminates tf,i after the vehicle has crossed the
stop line. Neither a Rank 2 nor a Rank 3 vehicle can cross the stop line before the
follow-up time tf,i has elapsed.
Vehicle 1 departs service tf,i after the termination of the block, and the next vehicle
enters service. Major stream arrivals frequently extend the service times of minor
stream vehicles beyond the follow-up time. The dashed arrow displays the virtual
departure time; i.e., the departure time assuming that vehicle 1 had arrived during an
1 1 2 3 Time to
(1) enter service i
tf,i tf,i
Busy period
1 2 3 Time to
enter queue i
1 2 3
In both models the service departure times of stream i vehicles are equal. In both
models the busy period ends as server i becomes idle. During busy periods the entry
of stream i vehicles may be blocked by Rank 1 vehicles. The starting time of a busy
period is, however, different in the models. The model in Figure 3.17 includes in the
busy period the time that the first vehicle is waiting for an antiblock, while this time is
excluded from the busy period in model 3.16. Because a Rank 2 vehicle waiting for
entry prevents the entry of a Rank 3 vehicle, this time period is not available for gap
acceptance. Accordingly, the capacity of a Rank 3 stream should be estimated using
the model in Figure 3.17. In this model service time is the sum of two components:
waiting time at yield/stop line and follow-up time (Yeo & Weesakul 1964). See Section
4.2 for more details.
According to Kimber, Summersgill & Burrow (1986) a queuing vehicle enters service
when the previous vehicle has crossed the yield/stop line. Follow-up time is at the
beginning of a service time, before a queuing vehicle reaches the yield/stop line. For
non-queuing vehicles service begins when they arrive to the yield/stop line, and service
time does not include the follow-up time. In this model follow-up time is interpreted
as the time required for a queuing vehicle to move to the yield/stop line. The length of
the service time before a minor stream vehicle reaches the yield/stop line depends on
the departure time of the vehicle ahead. See also Kremser (1964).
In this report it is assumed that service of all vehicles begins when they reach the
yield/stop line. After crossing the yield/stop line a vehicle is being served until the end
of the follow-up time, as displayed in Figure 3.17 (see Weiss & Maradudin 1962, Dunne
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 81
& Buckley 1972, Daganzo 1977, Pöschl 1983). Follow-up time is interpreted as a safety
zone behind a vehicle crossing a yield/stop, which postpones the opportunity of the next
vehicle to enter the yield/stop line, and also the departure of a lower priority vehicle.
The definition of service time is the same for all vehicles, also for vehicles arriving
during the follow-up time of the previous vehicle. The measurement of a follow-up
time is initialized when a vehicle crosses the yield/stop line.
Cp,i = qi ρi−1 . The flow rate can be expressed as the sum of flows during the queue
discharge and free departure periods:
qi = ρi2 + (1 − ρi2 )qi∗ , (3.66)
where qi∗ is the average flow rate during the free departure periods. The vehicles
departing during the free departure periods do not have to wait for service, although
the service times may be extended by higher priority vehicles. The average flow rate
during the free departure periods can be solved from equation (3.66) as
qi∗ = . (3.67)
1 + ρi
The average free departure headway of stream i can now be expressed as
3600 1 1
¯ti∗ = ∗ = 3600 + . (3.68)
qi qi Cp,i
It is the sum of average arrival headway and average service time. If Rank 1 flows
approach zero, Cp,i approaches tf,i and the average free departure headway in stream
i approaches λi + tf,i .
82 Example 3.1 (No Rank 1 flows) Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish
Unsignalized Intersections
Following Figure 3.18 an analysis period τ of stream i can be divided into two distinct
time periods: queue discharge and free departures. During a queue-discharge period of
length ρi2 τ the departure flow rate is Cp,i . The free departure period lasts for (1 − ρi2 )τ ,
and has flow rate qi (1 + ρi )−1 .
Flow rate
1 + ρi
ρi2 τ τ Time
5 (R1)
1 (R2)
7 (R3)
Figure 3.19: Three ranks of streams with no conflict between ranks 1 and 3
For random (exponential) headways in stream i and no Rank 1 flow the movement capacity of
a Rank 3 stream k is
(1 − ρi )qi e−λi tc,k
Cm,k = ×
e−λi tf,i 1 − e−λi tf,k
(1 − ρi )qi e i (tc,k −tf,i )
= .
1 − e−λi tf,k
The equation has the same form as Tanner’s capacity formula (3.24). This was to be expected,
because in the absence of Rank 1 flows ρi = λi tf,i , and the Rank 2 flow i is a departure process
from an M/D/1 queuing system (see also Dunne & Buckley 1972). Constrained headways have
a fixed length, and unconstrained headways follow the shifted exponential distribution.
Cp,i − qi
p0,i = . (3.75)
Cp,i − χ qi
Harders called p0,i an impedance factor. Figure 10-5 in HCM 1985 (Transportation
Research Board 1985) is based on this equation (see Brilon 1988a).
In HCM2000 (Transportation Research Board 2000) the impedance factor p0,i is the
probability that at a random time instant the system in stream i is empty; i.e.,
p0,i = 1 − ρi ≈ 1 − = 1 − ρi , ρi ≤ 1, (3.76)
where the utilization factor (ρi ) of the queuing system in stream i is approximated as
the D/C ratio (ρi ), qi is the arrival flow rate, and Cp,i is the potential capacity of stream
i. Brilon (1988a) and Grossmann (1991) have demonstrated that equation (3.76) gives
acceptable results. Equation (3.72) is used to calculate the movement capacity.
This method has three problems:
1. The impedance factor p0 is interpreted as the fraction of time available for gap
acceptance, whereas it should be interpreted as the fraction of headways available
for gap acceptance, as shown in Section 3.1.
3. The distribution of Rank 2 stream headways during the gap acceptance periods
should be modified to exclude headways shorter than the follow-up time tf,i and to
adjust the flow rate during free-departure conditions accordingly (Siegloch 1973).
for a queuing process with Poisson arrivals holds (Gross & Harris 1974)
ρi E Tbp,i
= = λi E Tbp,i . (3.77)
1 − ρi E Tip,i
The average busy cycle is the expected sum of busy and idle periods:
ρi 1 1
E Tbc,i = E Tbp,i + E Tip,i = + = . (3.79)
λi (1 − ρi ) λi λi (1 − ρi )
The proportion of randomly arriving (Poisson) vehicles having to wait for service is
the proportion of vehicles arriving during a busy period (see Khintchine 1960):
λi E Tbp,i
pw,i = = ρi . (3.80)
λi E Tbc,i
This proportion does not include the vehicles, whose service initiated the busy periods.
The proportion of time available in a Rank 1 stream for gap acceptance is obtained as
E Tbp,i − tf,i
fa,i = 1 −
E Tbc,i
= 1 − ρi +
E Tbc,i (3.81)
= (1 + λi tf,i )(1 − ρi )
qi tf,i qi
= 1+ 1− .
3600 Ci
This is the proportion of time during which queuing stream i vehicles do not block the
entry of Rank 3 vehicles; i.e., the proportion of time during which the Rank 2 departure
headways (real and virtual) follow the shifted exponential distribution. As capacity
approaches tf,i , the impedance factor approaches the probability 1 − ρi2 of no queue (at
most one customer in system) in an M/G/1 queuing system.10 If stream i is congested
(ρi > 1), the server does not have idle periods and the adjustment factor is zero. In
order to avoid negative values of fa,i , the equation should be slightly modified:
qi tf,i qi
fa,i = 1+ 1− . (3.82)
3600 Ci +
As Figure 3.20 displays, the factor fa,i assigns a larger proportion of time to gap
acceptance than p0,i = 1 − ρi . The difference between p0,i and f0,i increases as
potential capacity Cp,i increases, because then busy cycles become shorter.
10 Kendall (1951) has shown that for Poisson arrivals the probability of a queue length left behind by
a departing customer is geometric: pn = (1 − ρ)ρ n . Thus the probability that a departing customer
leaves behind at most one customer is (1 − ρ) + (1 − ρ)ρ = 1 − ρ 2 . For Poisson arrivals this is also
the queue size distribution for a outside observer (see Cooper 1981); i.e., the probability that at a random
time instant no vehicles are waiting for service. A process having Poisson arrivals also has the PASTA
(Poisson arrivals see time averages) property (Wolff 1989).
86 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
C=1800 veh/h
0.7 600
Impedance factor
p = 1−ρ
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Degree of saturation, ρ
Figure 3.20: Two impedance factors: p0 (dashed line) and fa (solid curves)
In Figure 3.20 the follow-up time is tf,i = 2 seconds. Capacity 1,800 veh/h is attained,
when there is no conflicting higher priority traffic. Even then the impedance factor
decreases to zero as the D/C ratio increases to unity. This indicates that the model
accounts for a bottleneck effect. Because the discharge headway of vehicles entering the
intersection cannot be shorter than tf,i , a turning movement may have queue formation
even though there is no conflicting higher priority traffic. Furthermore, at low degrees
of saturation the drop in the time available for gap acceptance is not as steep as p0,i
Because fa,i is the time available for gap acceptance, the number of Rank 1 stream j
headways available for gap acceptance11 is fa,i qj . As noted above, the number of Rank
2 stream i headways available is (1 − ρi )qi . The adjustments are different, because
Rank 2 headways during a gap acceptance period are all larger than tf,i , including the
first one.
In order to derive the equation for movement capacity, it is necessary to obtain the
distribution of headways during the gap acceptance periods. As indicated earlier these
are headways of either real of virtual priority stream departures.
Traffic flow is described as a point process, where the location of a point on a time
axis describes the departure time of a vehicle from a service process. A Rank 3 vehicle
observes two point processes: process ‘I’ for Rank 1 departures and process ‘II’ for
Rank 2 departures. Let us assume that all arrivals can be described as a Poisson process.
Process I is independent of other streams, so that its headways follow the negative
exponential distribution with location parameter λI . The headways available for gap
acceptance in process II follow shifted exponential distribution with scale parameter λII ,
which is equal to the scale parameter of the exponential arrival headway distribution.
The location parameter (minimum headway) is equal to the follow-up headway tp = tf,II .
Because departure times of delayed vehicles have been replaced by virtual departure
times, the virtual flow rate of stream II during gap acceptance periods is
qa,II = 3600λa,II = , (3.84)
1 + λII tf,2
R(t) = pI RI (t) Rϒ,II (t) + pII RII (t) Rϒ,I (t) , (3.85)
λI λI (1 + λII tp )
pI = = (3.86)
λI + λa,II λI (1 + λII tp ) + λII
λa,II λII
pII = = . (3.87)
λI + λa,II λI (1 + λII tp ) + λII
where λa,II = λII (1+λII tp )−1 . The same results are obtained, if pI and pII are calculated
with λa,I = fa,II λI = (1+λII tp )(1−ρII )λI and λa,II = (1−ρII )λII . The survivor function
can now be expressed as
R(t) = + pII e−(λI +λII )t+λII tp
1 + λII tp
λI + λII
= e−(λI +λII )t+λII tp , t ≥ tp .
λI (1 + λII tp ) + λII
(1 − ρII )
fII = (3.90)
e−qII tp /3600
is the impedance factor due to Rank 2 stream II queuing, tp = tf,II is the follow-up
time of the Rank 2 stream, and Cp,k is the potential capacity (3.12) assuming a Poisson
priority stream with flow rate qI +qII , critical gap tc,k , and follow-up time tf,k . The Rank
1 priority streams used in the analysis of ρII may be different than the Rank 1 priority
streams of stream k. The denominator in the impedance factor is the probability of a
headway or lag larger than tp in the Poisson process of the Rank 2 stream. It adjusts
the capacity for the filtered headway distribution (and lower flow rate) of the Rank 2
stream during the periods available for Rank 3 gap acceptance. The result is similar to
equation (3.70). The relation between fII and the HCM2000 impedance factor p0,II is
fII = −q
. (3.91)
e tf,II /3600
If qII = 0, equation (3.89) is equal to the capacity equation (3.12) for Poisson priority
flow. If qI = 0, equation (3.89) is equal to Tanner’s formula (3.24), as indicated in
example 3.1 on page 83.
Capacity equation (3.89) can be obtained directly from equation (3.46) by setting num-
ber of headways qI∗ = (1+λII tp )(1−ρII )qI , qII∗ = (1−ρII )qII , scale parameters θI = λI ,
θII = λII , and minimum headways tf,I = 0 and tf,II = tp :
e−(λI +λII )tc,k +λII tp (qI + qII )(1 + λII tp )(1 − ρII )
Cm,k =
1 − e−(λI +λII )tf,k (1 + λII tp )
e[−(qI +qII )tc,k +qII tp ]/3600
= (1 − ρII )(qI + qII ) , tp < tc,k
1 − e−(qI +qII )tf,k /3600
Figure 3.21 displays the capacity of a Rank 3 stream with different Rank 2 and total
(Rank 1 + Rank 2) major-stream flow rates. The critical gap of both Rank 2 and Rank
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 89
1000 q =0→
q =900→
0 500 1000 1500
Total priority flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 3.21: Movement capacity of a Rank 3 stream with different Rank 2 (qII ) and total priority
flow rates. Critical gaps and follow-up times of both Rank 2 and Rank 3 streams are 5 s and
3 s, respectively. Capacities were calculated with equation (3.89) and Monte Carlo simulation
(markers). Dashed curve shows Tanner’s capacity (3.24) with no Rank 1 flow and Rank 2
stream minimum headway equal to the follow-up time.
3 vehicles is five seconds and follow-up time three seconds. The capacities of equation
(3.89) are compared with results of Monte Carlo simulations.
If there are no priority flows, the capacity is 3600/tf,k = 1200 veh/h. For zero Rank
2 flows Rank 3 capacity is obtained with the equation (3.12) for Poisson priority flow,
displayed as the upper curve in Figure 3.21. For zero Rank 1 flows the capacity is
obtained with Tanner’s capacity formula (3.24), displayed as a dashed curve in Figure
3.21. When qI = 0 veh/h and qII = 1200 veh/h, no headways are available for Rank 3
gap acceptance, and Rank 3 capacity is zero. The Rank 3 capacities for other proportions
of Rank 1 and Rank 2 flows are found approximately between the capacity formulas
(3.12) and (3.24).
Figure 3.22 displays a comparison of equation (3.89) with HCM2000 capacities. (The
HCM adjustment factor 2 for left-turn flows has not been applied.) Dashed curves
display the respective capacities with no Rank 1 flows. This is the major difference
between equation (3.89) and HCM2000. The latter excludes the follow-up times of
all Rank 2 vehicles from the time available for Rank 3 gap acceptance and assumes
exponential priority stream headways. Equation (3.89) includes the follow-up times
of non-queuing Rank 2 vehicles in the time available for Rank 3 gap acceptance and
assumes shifted exponential priority stream headways. It gives a lower Rank 2 flow
rate during the gap acceptance periods than the average arrival rate of the (exponential)
Rank 2 stream. Consequently, HCM2000 gives much lower capacities at low Rank 1
Stream 7 at a T-intersection (Fig. 2.3) must give way to Rank 1 streams 2 and 5, and
90 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Rank 3 stream capacity (pc/h)
800 q =300→
600 qII=300→
200 q =900→
q =900→
0 500 1000 1500
Total priority flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 3.22: Movement capacity of a Rank 3 stream: Equation 3.89 (blue curves) compared
with HCM2000 capacities (magenta). Dashed curves display capacities with no Rank 1 flows.
1− q4
f4 = . (3.94)
e−q4 tf,4 /3600
The priority streams of stream 4 used in the calculation of Cp,4 are I4 = {2, 3}. Potential
capacity Cp,7 is calculated assuming priority streams I7 = {2, 4, 5}. Rank 1 priority
flow is q2 + q5 plus the possible effect of the major road right-turn stream 3. Rank 2
stream is q4 .
1 − ρ1 1− q1
f1 = = . (3.95)
e−q1 tf,1 /3600 e−q1 tf,1 /3600
It is the proportion of capacity available due to major stream queuing. Because the
queuing processes of streams 1 and 4 are independent, it can be assumed that the
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 91
f1∧4 = f1 f4 . (3.96)
These factors are probabilities that at a random time instant gap acceptance is not
restricted by queuing vehicles in the respective stream. Because the queuing processes
are independent, the probability that at a random time instant gap acceptance is not
restricted by queuing vehicles in either stream is the product
Because this is also the proportion of vehicles in Rank 1 streams arriving during gap
acceptance periods, the number of vehicles observed in these streams during the gap
acceptance periods is
qa,2 = fa,1∧4 q2
qa,3 = fa,1∧4 q3
qa,5 = fa,1∧4 q5
qa,6 = fa,1∧4 q6 .
Of the “free headways” in stream 1 (4) only headways of vehicles arriving during the
non-queuing periods of stream 4 (1) can be considered for gap acceptance. Thus,
z, i
Idle server probability for dependent streams, p
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Idle server probability for independent streams, p
0, 1 ∧ 4 ∧ i
Figure 3.23: Corrected probability of empty queues in streams 1, 4, and i (8 or 11) (Brilon &
Großmann 1991)
which can be interpreted as the probability of an idle server in all streams 1, 4, and i
under the condition that a server is known to be idle either in both left-turn streams 1 and
4 or in stream i. All service processes are assumed to be independent. The HCM2000
equations (3.104) are used to obtain the movement capacities of streams 7 and 10.
Figure 3.24 displays the German impedance factor against different values of p0,1∧4
and p0,i . When there is no traffic in major-road left-turn streams (p0,1∧4 = 1), the
probability of a queue-free state in all priority streams is p0,i , as expected. As Figure
3.25 displays, the HCM2000 impedance factor is not consistent under these conditions.
The same observation can be made, when there is no traffic in stream i; i.e., p0,i =
1. Consequently, equation (3.103) does not fulfill the necessary marginal conditions
(Brilon, Wu & Bondzio 1997).
Brilon & Wu (2002) described these approaches as pragmatic simplifications, which are
only of an approximative nature. They chose to propose an even simpler approximation
(see section 3.10), which is easier to use in practical applications. However, below is
described a theoretically more solid approach.
The potential capacity Cp,k of a Rank 4 stream k is given by equation (3.12), where
the major flow rate qM is the sum of conflicting higher priority streams. Following
equation (3.89) this capacity should be adjusted for the utilization ratio of the server
and the modified headway distributions of higher priority streams.
First it is necessary to define a utilization factor of a service system with two streams (i
and j ) of units (vehicles). The average arrival rates are λi and λj , and average service
times S̄i and S̄j . The utilization factor is the product of average arrival rate and the
average service time. The average arrival rate of units is λi + λj and the average service
94 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
1 1.0
0.9 0.9
Idle server probability for streams 1, 4, and i; pz, i
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Idle server probability for major road left turns, p0, 1 ∧ 4
Figure 3.24: German impedance factor pz,i with different values of p0,1∧4 and p0,i (right)
(FGSV 2001)
1 1.0
Idle server probability for streams 1, 4, and i; pz, i
0.7 0.6
0.6 0.5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Idle server probability for major road left turns, p0, 1 ∧ 4
Figure 3.25: HCM2000 impedance factor pz,i with different values of p0,1∧4 and p0,i (right)
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 95
which is the probability that there is a vehicle in the service system. The probability of
an empty system is now obtained directly as
1 − ρi,j = 1 − ρi + (1 − ρi )ρj = (1 − ρi )(1 − ρj ). (3.111)
The queuing processes are not independent, but the effect of stream i on the queuing
process of stream j is carried in the D/C ratio ρj , as demonstrated above (3.109). For
a four-leg intersection this indicates that
This is displayed in figure 3.26 and as the diagonal line in figure 3.23. It should, however,
be observed that the model discussed here includes also a capacity adjustment for the
headway distribution of Rank 2 and Rank 3 streams, which adjustment is not included
in HCM2000. In addition, equation (3.69) gives higher capacities and lower utilization
factors than HCM2000 for Rank 3 streams, which increases the Rank 4 capacity.
The discussion above gives an important result: Capacities of Rank 2, 3, and 4 streams
are calculated in a hierarchical order. The capacities of higher priority streams are used
as input in the capacity estimation of lower priority flows. These capacity estimates
contain all the information necessary about the hierarchy of streams. When the capacit-
ies of major streams are known, their relative priorities can be ignored in the capacity
estimation of a minor flow. If qi is the flow rate of a stream, which is in a set Ik of
96 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
1 1.0
0.9 0.9
Idle server probability for streams 1, 4, and i; pz, i
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Idle server probability for major road left turns, p0, 1 ∧ 4
Figure 3.26: Linear impedance factor pz,i with different values of p0,1∧4 and p0,i (right)
priority streams (Ranks 2 and 3) of minor stream k, the movement capacity of stream
k can be expressed as
i∈I p0,i
Cm,k = − qk t /3600 Cp,k , (3.113)
e i∈Ik i f,i
where Cp,k is the potential capacity of stream k assuming that all major streams are
independent, p0,i = 1 − ρi , and ρi is the D/C ratio of stream i. This equation can be
used to estimate the movement capacity of both Rank 3 and Rank 4 streams.
The set Ik includes only priority streams of Rank 2 and Rank 3. If a Rank 1 stream j
with minimum headway tp,j is included in Ik , the headways in stream j are assumed
to follow Tanner’s distribution. This is equivalent to assuming a conflicting “Rank 0”
stream with no traffic. Accordingly, ρj = qj tp,j /3600.
Figures 3.27 and 3.28 display the movement capacities of equation (3.113) compared
with Monte Carlo simulations. Figures 3.29 and 3.30 show that equation (3.113) gives
higher capacities than HCM2000. No adjustments for conflicting flows, as in HCM2000
Exhibit 17-4, have been made.
The movement capacities of streams 7 and 10 are
p0,1 p0,4 p0,11 p0,12 Cp,7
Cm,7 = (3.114)
e−(q1 tf,1 +q4 tf,4 +q11 tf,11 +q12 tf,12 )/3600
p0,1 p0,4 p0,8 p0,9 Cp,10
Cm,10 = , (3.115)
e 1 tf,1 +q4 tf,4 +q8 tf,8 +q9 tf,9 )/3600
where Cp,k is the potential capacity of stream k (7 or 10) assuming that all major
streams are independent and have negative exponential headway distributions with
scale parameter λi = qi /3600. The possible effect of nonconflicting major-road right-
turn streams (3 and 6) should be included in the major-road through-stream (2 and 5)
flow rates.
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 97
0 500 1000 1500
Total priority flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 3.27: Movement capacity (3.113) of a Rank 4 stream when Rank 3 flow rate is qIII =
300 veh/h compared with Monte Carlo simulations (markers)
Rank 4 stream capacity (pc/h)
q =300→
0 qII=600→
0 500 1000 1500
Total priority flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 3.28: Movement capacity (3.113) of a Rank 4 stream when Rank 3 flow rate is qIII =
600 veh/h compared with Monte Carlo simulations (markers)
98 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Rank 4 stream capacity (pc/h)
q =0→
q =0→
q =300→
0 500 1000 1500
Total priority flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 3.29: Movement capacity (3.113) of a Rank 4 stream when Rank 3 flow rate is qIII =
300 veh/h (blue curves) compared with HCM2000 (magenta curves)
Rank 4 stream capacity (pc/h)
400 qII=0→
0 q =600→
0 500 1000 1500
Total priority flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 3.30: Movement capacity (3.113) of a Rank 4 stream when Rank 3 flow rate is qIII =
600 veh/h (blue curves) compared with HCM2000 (magenta curves)
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 99
1 1 q
C= = p = n , (3.119)
i=1 ρi
S̄q n i
where ρi = qi /Cm,i . If a shared lane includes Rank 1 streams (major road through
and/or right movements) the movement capacity Cm,i of a Rank 1 stream i is equal to
the saturation flow rate si .
The discussion above considers the capacity of a lane shared by several movements.
Mathematically these movements are vehicles with different gap acceptance properties.
Accordingly, it is possible to extend equation (3.119) to estimate the capacity of lanes
shared by any types of heterogeneous vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, RV’s) and drivers
(men, women, older drivers) (Troutbeck & Brilon 1997). The capacity of a stream
having a heterogeneous mixture of vehicle types is the harmonic mean of capacities for
each vehicle type, weighted by the frequency of the vehicle type in the subject stream
(Catchpole & Plank 1986). That is, the capacity is the inverse of average service times.
In fact, this approach is valid for all traffic systems where traffic flows of different
capacities are using the same service facility (Kyte et al. 1996).
If Rank 1 (major road through and right turn) vehicles share a lane with a left turn
movement, the Rank 1 vehicles may be delayed because of left turning vehicles waiting
for an acceptable gap. These delayed Rank 1 vehicles increase the time required for
queue discharge on the shared lane. The impedance effect of a shared lane can be
estimated following a method proposed by Harders (1968).
Let us assume that a lane is shared by left-turn and through movements. The D/C
ratio of the left-turn movement (ρL ) is obtained following equation (3.65). It is the
100 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
fraction of time required for the queue discharge of left-turn vehicles. On a shared lane
this fraction of time is increased by the through vehicles joining the queue. Let (ρa )
designate the fraction of time required for the discharge of through vehicles. Undelayed
through vehicles do not form a queue.
The fraction of time required by queue discharge on a shared lane is
ρ S = ρ L + ρa . (3.120)
Because through vehicles are assumed to arrive following a Poisson process, the fraction
of delayed through vehicles is ρS . The fraction of time required by the discharge of
delayed through vehicles is
ρa = ρS = ρ S ρT , (3.121)
where qT , sT , and ρT are the arrival rate, saturation flow rate and D/C ratio of the
through stream, respectively. The factor ρS is now obtained as (Harders 1968)
ρS = ρL + ρS ρT = . (3.122)
1 − ρT
If a lane is shared also by a right turning stream having D/C ratio ρR , the total utilization
factor of Rank 1 streams is the sum ρT + ρR , which gives
ρS = . (3.123)
1 − (ρT + ρR )
Since the 1994 edition (Transportation Research Board 1994) HCM has suggested the
use of ρS in stead of ρL (L = 1, 4) to take into account the impedance effect of queue
formation on a shared lane.
It should be noted that the fraction of time ρS includes all headways less than the
follow-up time in the left-turn stream, but not in the through or right-turn streams.
Consequently, the headway distribution of the left-turn stream during the time intervals
available for Rank 3 and Rank 4 gap acceptance is shifted exponential. The headway
distributions of the Rank 1 streams are, however, unmodified (i.e., negative exponential).
where tq,k is the length of time that the conflict area is occupied by a discharging stream
k vehicle. It is similar to the follow-up time tf,k in the gap acceptance models. The
102 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
probability p0 that the conflict area is not occupied by another stream is the product
where p0,q is the probability of no queuing or discharging major stream vehicles and
p0,a is the probability of no approaching major stream vehicles.
The probability that a conflict area is not blocked by queuing or discharging stream i
vehicles is p0,q,i = 1 − ρi = 1 − λi tq,i . As in signalized intersections, the D/C ratio
(ρA ) of major streams in a conflict area (A) is calculated as the sum of the degrees of
saturation of conflicting major streams, so that
qi tq,i
p0,q,A = 1 − ρA = 1 − ρi = 1 − λi tq,i = 1 − . (3.129)
i∈A i∈A i∈A
If a minor stream crosses several conflict areas, the probability that no area is blocked
by queuing or discharging vehicles is the product
p0,q = p0,q,j , (3.130)
where the multiplication is over all conflict areas. Conflict areas are assumed to operate
independently, acknowledging that the assumption is not always realistic.
The probability p0,a,i that a conflict area is not blocked by an approaching stream i
vehicle is expressed as the probability that a gap is larger than a time period ta,i ; i.e.,
p0,a,i = P Ti > ta,i = Ri ta,i , (3.131)
where the time period ta,i is the time period that the conflict area is blocked by an
approaching vehicle in major movement i. It is comparable to the shortest acceptable
headway to,i = tc,i −tf,i /2, but contrary to the gap acceptance models, the time period ta,i
is related to major stream, not minor stream. For exponential headways the probability
p0,a,i = e−ta,i qi /3600 , (3.132)
The probability that conflict area A is not blocked by approaching vehicles is
p0,a,A = p0,a,i = e− i∈A ta,i qi /3600 . (3.133)
Because all conflict periods have been excluded, the headways in all priority streams
can be assumed independent. If a minor stream crosses several conflict areas, the
probability that no area is blocked by approaching vehicles is the product
p0,a = p0,a,j = e− i ta,i qi /3600 , (3.134)
where j runs over all conflict groups and i runs over all major streams. None of the
major streams should be counted twice.
The capacity of a minor stream k involved in more than one conflict group is
3600 ∗ ∗
Ck = p p
tq,k 0,q 0,a
3600 ! qi tq,i
e− i∈Ik qi ta,i /3600 ,
= 1−
tq,k j i∈j
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 103
where j runs over all conflict areas, and Ik is the set of all conflicting priority streams
of stream k.
Probabilities of priorities for pedestrians are used to adjust the capacity for pedestrian
movements. Probability of pedestrian priority gives the fraction of pedestrians con-
sidered occupying the conflict area in the capacity analysis. The same approach can be
used to adjust the capacity for limited priority.
In conclusion: The capacity of a minor stream k is the product of maximum flow rate
qmax,k and the time available for queue discharge. This time is obtained in two steps.
First, busy periods are excluded. Secondly, during the remaining time the priority
stream is considered as a superposition (sum) of all conflict flows (hence the name
“ACF”), and the time periods having lags less than ta,i are excluded. The parameters
ta,i are related to major streams, not minor streams. If a minor stream crosses several
conflict areas, these are assumed independent, but each major stream is used only once
in the calculations.
The proportion of occupancy (ρA ) of queueing/discharging movements across a conflict
area (A) is based on discharge headways (tq,i , i ∈ A), not on movement capacities as in
the gap acceptance theory. Consequently, the capacity of a minor flow can be calculated
in a single step. Rank 1 vehicles are also included in the queuing process of a service
area. This assumption reduces the capacity estimate. In fact, if all major streams are
assumed to have Rank 2 and the minor stream is assumed to have Rank 3, ACF and
HCM2000 give very similar results, as a comparison of Figures 3.31 and 3.22 indicates.
(Parameters used in Figure 3.31 are described below.)
← qII=0
Rank 3 stream capacity (veh/h)
← q =300
600 II
← qII=600
← q =900
0 500 1000 1500
Total priority flow rate (veh/h)
Figure 3.31: Capacity of a Rank 3 stream, when Rank 2 flow rate is qII veh/h, according to
HCM2000 (dashed curves) and ACF (solid curve)
Figure 3.32 displays a queuing model for the ACF procedure. The model is microscopic
for major streams and macroscopic for minor streams. The discussion above (Sections
3.5.3 and 3.5.5) about the time available for gap acceptance and the major stream
headway distributions during these time periods is relevant here also.
104 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 3.32: ACF queuing model for major stream i and minor stream k
Parameters ta,i and tq,i are estimated using statistical procedures based on goodness of fit
between observed and estimated capacities. Because the hierarchy of major streams is
ignored, the estimates of tq,i may be sensitive to the distribution of the total priority flow
between different priority streams. The estimation procedure can adjust the estimates
of ta,i for the fact that an isolated major stream vehicle blocks a minor stream for time
period ta,i + tq,i , not for ta,i .
Figures 3.31 and 3.33 display comparisons of HCM2000 and ACF capacities for Rank 3
and Rank 4 movements. The critical gap was tc = 5 s and follow-up time tf = 3 s in the
HCM method for all movements. In the ACF method all movements had tq = tf = 3 s
and ta = tc − tf /2 = 3.5 s. Because the interactions between major streams are reduced
to a simple queuing process, the distribution of total priority flow among different
priority streams does not affect the ACF capacity estimate, when tq and ta are the
same for all movements. Consequently, the Rank 3 capacity according to ACF is
approximately equal to the HCM2000 capacity when all major flows are assigned to a
Rank 2 movement.
Rank 4 stream capacity (veh/h)
0 500 1000 1500
Total priority flow rate (veh/h)
Figure 3.33: Capacity of a Rank 4 stream, when Rank 3 flow rate is qIII = 300 veh/h, according
to HCM2000 (dashed curves) and ACF (solid curve)
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 105
According to HCM2000 (Transportation Research Board 2000) total delay is the sum
of all components of delay:
Total delay is the difference between the travel time actually experienced and the refer-
ence travel time (comparator) that would result during base conditions, in the absence
of control, traffic, geometric, or incident delay. In the analysis of unsignalized inter-
sections delays caused by vehicular interaction (traffic delays) are included in control
delays. The effects of incidents, such as road maintenance, should be analyzed separ-
ately. Consequently, the most important delay components at unsignalized intersections
are control and geometric delays.
Figure 4.2 displays two space-time trajectories of an isolated vehicle at a yield-
controlled intersection. The first trajectory describes a vehicle entering the intersection
without any vehicular interaction. The vehicle approaches the intersection at approach
cruise speed (va ), decelerates (A–C) until it reaches the negotiation speed (vn ), proceeds
with that speed some distance (C–F1 ), and accelerates (F1 –G1 ) to exit cruise speed
(ve ). The details of the trajectory within the intersection are ignored (see McDonald
et al. 1984, Kimber et al. 1986, Akçelik 1998).
G1 G2
ve ve
B E 1 F1 F2
Yield line D2 H1 E2 H2
va A: Start of deceleration
B: Virtual arrival time to yield line
C: Decision to stop or to proceed at negotiation speed
D: Stopping
E: Crossing yield line
F: Acceleration to exit cruise speed
A G: Proceed at exit cruise speed
H: Virtual departure time
In the comparator trajectory, vehicles enter the intersection at approach cruise speed
(va ) and depart at exit cruise speed (ve ), with an instantaneous change of speed at yield
line. The time lost due to deceleration, negotiation speed, and acceleration is the time
interval between virtual arrival and departure times T (B, H1 ). Because this excess time
is based on the geometry of the intersection, not on any traffic interactions or traffic
control, the lost time is called geometric delay
It is the sum of deceleration delay Wd(1) = T (B, C), negotiation delay Wn(1) = T (C, F1 ),
and acceleration delay Wa(1) = T (F1 , H1 ). Accordingly, the geometric delay of vehicle
i is
Wg(i) = Wd(i) + Wn(i) + Wa(i) (4.2)
(Kyte et al. 1996). It includes the delay caused by speed reduction in order to check
for possible conflicts, even if there are none. In this discussion the time lost due to
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 107
Control delay W (1)
Yield line
Figure 4.3: Vehicle trajectories for a through movement at a yield-controlled intersection with
no geometric delay
If a vehicle can cross the yield line without stopping (vehicles 2 and 4), its acceler-
ation delay is smaller than the acceleration delay of a stopped vehicle.1 When W̄a
1 Greenshields, Shapiro & Ericksen (1947) made a distinction between functional and chronotropic
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 109
Number of vehicles
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (min)
Figure 4.4: Cumulative arrivals (thick curve) and departures (thin curve) of a minor stream
(major flow 800 veh/h, minor flow 400 veh/h, tc = 5 s, tf = 3 s, exponential headway distribu-
times are derived. In order to keep the mathematics simple, the second moments of the
service time distributions are presented with bibliographic references only.
Rϒ (tc )
pq,0 = P{ ϒ ≥ tc | ϒ ≥ tc − tf } = . (4.9)
Rϒ (tc − tf )
When the major stream headways are exponentially distributed the probability is
Rϒ (tc )
pq,0 = = e−λtf . (4.10)
Rϒ (tc − tf )
For vehicles discharging from the yield/stop line immediately upon entry the service
time is equal to the follow-up time tf .
The time interval from the beginning of an antiblock to the beginning of the next
antiblock can be called a cycle (c). The average service time of vehicles discharging
from a queue is the average cycle length divided by the average number of discharging
vehicles (Dc ) in a cycle:
S̄q = . (4.11)
E[Dc ]
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 111
The average cycle length is the sum of a headway T ≥ tc and the sum of consecutive
headways shorter than the critical gap. If major stream headways are exponentially
distributed, a headway T ≥ tc follows shifted exponential distribution with mean
E[ T | T ≥ tc ] = + tc . (4.12)
In order to estimate the expected sum of gaps in a block, we need to derive the expecta-
tion of a sum of a random number of i.i.d. random variables. Let X = { T | T < Tc } be
a headway shorter than the critical gap. The sum YN = X1 +· · ·+XN of N consecutive
headways shorter than the critical gap has expectation
% N & % % n &&
E[YN ] = E Xi = E E Xi | N = n , (4.13)
i=1 i=1
where X1 , . . . , Xn is a random sample of variate X, and the inner expectation has been
conditioned2 on the event N = n. Because Xi and N are independent, the conditional
expectation is
% n & % n &
E Xi | N = n = E Xi = n E[Xi ] = n E[X] . (4.14)
i=1 i=1
This is the expected value of the sum assuming that the number (n) of consecutive
headways shorter than the critical gap is known. However, as the number (N ) of
headways is a random variable, the expectation of YN is (Goodman 1988)
E[YN ] = E[N E[X]] = E[N] E[X] . (4.15)
Thus, the expected value of the sum is the expected number of headways shorter than
the critical gap multiplied by their expected length. Ross (1996) has given the result
(4.15) using moment generating functions.
A headway is shorter than the critical gap with probability
pg = P{T < tc } = F(tc ) , (4.16)
and the probability of n consecutive headways shorter than the critical gaps follows the
geometric distribution
pn = pgn (1 − pg ). (4.17)
The expected number of consecutive headways Ti < tc is obtained from equation (2.11)
pg F(tc )
E[N ] = = = eλtc − 1. (4.18)
1 − pg R(tc )
The expected length of a headway shorter than the critical gap is
E[X] = E[ T | T < tc ]
= t f( t | t < tc ) dt
= t f(t) dt
F(tc ) 0 (4.19)
1 −λt 1 tc
= e −t −
1 − e−λtc λ 0
1 tc
= − λt .
λ e c −1
2 For conditional expectations see e.g. Grimmett & Welsh (1986).
112 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
E[c] 1 − e−λtf
S̄q = = . (4.23)
E[Dc ] λe−λtc
This is the inverse of capacity equation (3.12), as expected. Consequently, this approach
can be used as an alternative derivation of the capacity equation. For a more rigorous
derivation of S̄q see Kremser (1962), who also derived the second moment of the service
time as
' ( 2eλtc
E Sq2 = 2 eλtc − λtc 1 − e−λtf − λtf e−λtf . (4.24)
The average waiting time at yield/stop line for vehicles discharging from a queue is
1 − e−λtf
W̄q = S̄q − tf = − tf . (4.25)
After each vehicle there is a time period tf during which the next vehicle is moving to
the yield/stop line and no vehicles are waiting at the stop line. This time interval is part
of the service time of the first vehicle and the queuing time of the second vehicle.
stream is in steady state (see, however, Daganzo 1977). The probability of no wait is
equal to the probability of a lag greater than or equal to the critical gap:
This is equal to the “transparency”; i.e., the percentage of time a driver would consider
it safe to merge or cross the major stream (Herman & Weiss 1961, Weiss 1963, Allan
The vehicle has to stop and wait if the lag available is shorter that the critical gap. The
probability of wait is
pe,l = P{ϒ < tc } = Fϒ (tc ) . (4.27)
If headways are independent and identically distributed, the probability that the next
headway (gap) cannot be accepted is
and the probability that a driver has to wait for one lag and n − 1 gaps (n vehicles) is
If major stream headways follow the negative exponential distribution, lag and gap
distributions are equal:
Fϒ (tc ) = F(tc ) = 1 − e−λtc , (4.30)
and p = pe,l = pg , so that pn = pn (1 − p). This is a geometric distribution with
expectation obtained from equation (2.11) as follows:
E[N ] = = eλtc − 1. (4.31)
The expected length of a headway shorter than the critical gap is given in equation
(4.19) as
1 tc
E[ T | T < tc ] = − λt . (4.32)
λ e −1c
Following equation 4.15 the average waiting time during a block for a vehicle arriving
to an empty system can be expressed as the product of the expectations (Greenshields
& Weida 1952):
eλtc − 1
W̄e = E[N] E[ T | T < tc ] = − tc . (4.33)
The first term in the equation is the average service time of vehicles departing from
a queue with follow-up time equal to critical gap.3 W̄e is the lower limit for minor
stream average delay (Transportation Research Board 1997). As the major flow (λ)
approaches zero, the first part in the equation approaches tc , and W̄e approaches zero.
Because Adams (1936) was the first to present the result, it is also called the Adams’
delay. He solved the problem in terms of the average waiting time of pedestrians
3 When follow-up time (t ) is equal to critical gap (t ) the potential capacity under exponential major
f c
stream arrivals is obtained from equation (3.12) as follows:
λe−λtc λ
Cp = = λt .
1 − e−λtc e c −1
See Grabe (1954).
114 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
attempting to cross a traffic stream. Because follow-up times are ignored, average
service time approaches zero and capacity tends to infinity at very low major flow rates.
The distribution of this waiting time has been studied by Garwood (1940), Tanner
(1951), and Mayne (1954). Tanner (1951) and McNeil & Weiss (1974) have derived
the variance of this waiting time
e2λtc − 2λtc eλtc − 1
σe2 = (4.34)
as well as the mean and variance of the waiting time for isolated minor stream vehicles
at a yield controlled intersection, when the critical lag is shorter than the critical gap.
Figure 4.5 demonstrates that standard deviation σe is slightly higher than the Adams’
delay, which indicates a larger variation than exponentially distributed waiting times
would have. Cowan (1984) has generalized the Adams’ formula for M3 distributed
major stream headways.
Waiting time (s)
0 500 1000 1500
Major flow rate (veh/h)
Figure 4.5: Mean (W̄e , solid line) and standard deviation (σe , dashed line) of waiting time for
isolated vehicles, when major stream headway distribution is exponential, tc = 5 s, and tf = 3 s
When a vehicle has found an acceptable lag or gap, it enters the intersection. If there is
another vehicle behind the subject vehicle, it can enter the intersection after the follow-
up time has passed. Until that time, the server is busy (Fig. 3.17). Accordingly, the
average service time of isolated vehicles is (Kremser 1962)
eλtc − 1
S̄e = W̄e + tf = − (tc − tf ). (4.35)
At very low major flow rates the average service time of an isolated vehicle (S̄e ) ap-
proaches the follow-up time (tf ), as Figure 4.6 demonstrates. As major flow rate
increases, the average service time for isolated vehicles increases slightly more steeply
than the average service time of queuing vehicles. (In some papers W̄e has been used
in stead of S̄e , which explains differences in the results.)
The second moment of the service time has been derived by Kremser (1962) as
λtc λtc
2 e −1 e
E Se = 2 − tc + tf − tc + tf2 − tc . (4.36)
λ λ
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 115
0 500 1000 1500
Major flow rate (veh/h)
Figure 4.6: Average service time of isolated vehicles (S̄e , solid line) compared with the average
service time of queuing vehicles (S̄q , dashed line) when major stream headway distribution is
exponential, tc = 5 s, and tf = 3 s
As stated above, this discussion was based on the assumption that, when an isolated
(non-queuing) minor stream vehicle arrives, the major stream is in steady state. Kremser
(1964) and Daganzo (1977) have demonstrated that this assumption is not correct. An
isolated minor stream vehicle can arrive only when the server is idle. When the server
becomes idle, there must be a lag ϒ ≥ tc − tf . Consequently, the arrival process
of isolated minor stream vehicles and the arrival process in the major stream are not
Let us assume that the last vehicle in a minor-stream (i) queue departed at time 0 so that
the busy period ended at time tf . Thus, the arrival time (τ ) of an isolated minor stream
vehicle can not be earlier than tf , and the arrival time (τk ) of the next major stream (k)
vehicle can not be earlier than tc . The lag found by the isolated minor stream vehicle
is (Daganzo 1977)
tc − τ + X, if tf ≤ τ < tc
ϒ(τ ) = (4.37)
X, if tc ≤ τ,
where X follows the negative exponential distribution with scale parameter λk (see
Figure 4.7). If tf = tc , a non-queuing vehicle cannot enter before the critical gap has
passed since the previous departure, and the lag is exponentially distributed.
If the arrival time of the minor stream vehicle is τ ≥ tc , the lag is exponentially
f1 (υ) = λk e−λk υ . (4.38)
If the minor stream vehicle arrives before the critical gap of the previous vehicle has
passed, the lag follows the shifted exponential distribution with location parameter
tc − τ ; i.e.,
f2 (υ, τ ) = λk e−λk (υ+τ −tc ) . (4.39)
A given lag υ can realize with different arrival times. If the lag is υ ≥ tc − tf , the minor
stream vehicle can have arrived at any time in the interval tf ≤ τ < tc . However, a lag
116 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
tc − τ X
0 tf tc τk Time
τ − tf ϒ(τ )
Figure 4.7: Lag for an isolated minor stream vehicle arriving before the critical gap has passed
since the departure of the preceding vehicle
υ < tc − tf is only possible, if τ > tc − υ. The density function of the lag distribution
is obtained as
P{τ > tc } f1 (υ) + tcc−υ f(τ ) f2 (υ, τ ) dτ, if υ < tc − tf
fϒ (υ) = t (4.40)
P{τ > tc } f1 (υ) + tfc f(τ ) f2 (υ, τ ) dτ, if υ ≥ tc − tf ,
where f(τ ) is the density function of the minor stream arrival times.
When the minor stream arrival process is Poisson with flow rate λi , the probability
density function of minor stream arrival time (given that it is larger than the follow-up
time) is
f(τ ) = λi e−λi (τ −tf ) . (4.41)
The probability that a non-queuing vehicle arrives after the critical gap has passed since
the last departure is
P{τ > tc } = f(τ ) dτ = e−λi (tc −tf ) . (4.42)
The density function of the lag distribution can now be expressed as (Daganzo 1977)
e−λi (tc −tf ) λk e−λk υ + tc λi e−λi (τ −tf ) λk e−λk (υ+τ −tc ) dτ, if υ < tc − tf
tc −υ
fϒ (υ) =
e−λi (tc −tf ) λ e−λk υ + tc λ e−λi (τ −tf ) λ e−λk (υ+τ −tc ) dτ, if υ ≥ tc − tf ,
k tf i k
which gives (Daganzo 1977)
λ e−λi (tc −tf ) −λk υ
λk e + λ i e λi υ , if υ < tc − tf
λi + λk
fϒ (υ) = (4.44)
λk e−λk υ −λi (tc −tf )
λk e + λi e λk (tc −tf )
, if υ ≥ tc − tf .
λ i + λk
When tc = tf , equation (4.44) reduces to the negative exponential lag density (2.15).
This indicates that the assumption of steady state at time τ is correct only when the
critical gap is equal to the follow-up time (Daganzo 1977, Kremser 1964).
The probability of no wait is
Daganzo (1977) has pointed out that this probability is always larger than the probability
(4.26) based on exponential lags. Models based on equation 4.26 tend to predict longer
The probability of not accepting a lag is
pe,l = 1 − pe,0
e−λk tc −λi (tc −tf ) (4.46)
=1− λk e + λi eλk (tc −tf ) .
λi + λk
The average service time for an isolated vehicle was derived by Daganzo (1977) as
S̄e = pe,l −Lϒ (0) − (eλk tc + 1)LT (0) + tf , (4.47)
where Lϒ and LT are the Laplace transforms of rejected lags and gaps, respectively.
The first derivatives of these transforms at parameter value zero are (Daganzo 1977)
λk e−λi (tc −tf ) 1 λi (tc −tf ) 1 −λk tc 1 1
Lϒ (0) = tf − tc + e − +e tc − −
pe,l (λi + λk ) λi λi λk λk
(λi +λk )(tc −tf )
λi e
+ 2
e−λk tc (λk tc + 1) − e−λk (tc −tf ) [λk (tc − tf ) + 1]
tc e−λk tc 1
LT (0) = − . (4.48b)
1−e kc−λ t λk
Pöschl (1983) has presented the second moment E Se2 of the service time. The equation
is, however, not reproduced here, because it is even more complicated than the equation
for average service time. According to Daganzo (1977) the magnitude of error when
assuming an exponentially distributed lag density (2.15) instead of the correct density
function (4.44) is not likely to be large for most reasonable values of parameters.
In any queuing system for which the realizations of the state process are step
functions with only unit jumps (positive or negative), the equilibrium state
distribution just prior to arrival epochs is the same as that just following
departure epochs. In addition, when the input is Poisson this distribution
is the same as the outside observers distribution.
118 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Nn+1 = (Nn − 1)+ + A(δn , δn+1 ) = (Nn − 1)+ + An+1 , for n ≥ 1, (4.49)
where An+1 is the number of arrivals between departures n and n + 1. The number of
vehicles in the system after the next departure depends only on the number of vehicles
in the system after current departure and the number of arrivals between the current
and the next departures. This type of process is called an embedded Markov chain
(see Kendall 1951, Kendall 1953, Ross 1996). At transition points (times of departure
from service) the process behaves like a discrete-time Markov chain having a one-step
transition probability matrix
p00 p01 p02 ···
p10 p11 p12 · · ·
· · ·
P = 0 p21 p22 , (4.50)
0 0 p32 · · ·
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
where pij is the probability that between two consecutive departures the number of
vehicles in the system changes from i to j . Because P is a stochastic matrix, its rows
sum to one:
pij = 1. (4.51)
j =0
The transition probabilities are independent on n and depend on i and j only through
their difference. The rows sum to one:
αk = 1
βk = 1.
Let fq (u) and fe (u) be the probability density functions of service time distributions
for vehicles arriving to a queue and to an empty system, respectively. Because minor
stream arrivals are Poisson, the transition probabilities are
(λu)k −λu
αk = e fq (u) du
0 k!
∞ (4.54)
(λu)k −λu
βk = e fe (u) du.
0 k!
These are probabilities of k arrivals during a service period. The process is equivalent
to an M/G2/1 queuing system. If fq (u) = fe (u), the transition probability matrix
describes an M/G/1 queuing system (see Neuts 1989).
Let us define
πj = lim P{Nk = j } , j ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . . } (4.57)
as the stationary (equilibrium) probability that in the long run the system is found in
state j . These probabilities can be expressed as
j +1
πj = π0 p0j + πi pij
j +1
= π0 αj + πi αj −i+1 , j ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . . } .
4 In Kendall’s (1953) notation M/G/1 stands for Markovian (Poisson) arrival process / General service
time distribution / 1 server.
120 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
The process can reach state j , if it first reaches some other state i from which it moves
to state j . The probabilities sum to unity
πj = 1. (4.59)
j =0
where LS (·) is the Laplace transform of the service-time distribution function, or dir-
ectly from equation (4.49) using mean values (Cooper 1981). The average waiting time
in queue is given by the Pollaczek-Khintchine formula (Pollaczek 1930, Khintchine
1960, Kendall 1951)5 :
ρ S̄ σS2 ρ S̄ 1 + CS2
W̄G,Q = 1+ 2 = , (4.61)
2(1 − ρ) S̄ 2(1 − ρ)
where S̄ is the mean and σS2 is the variance of service times, ρ = λS̄ is the server utiliz-
ation factor, λ is the arrival rate, and CS = σS /S̄ is the coefficient of variation of service
times. If S̄ is assumed to be equal to inverse capacity, the utilization factor is equal
to the D/C ratio. Because under low D/C conditions this assumption underestimates
ρ, it underestimates delay also. The average waiting time in the system, including the
service time, is (Gross & Harris 1998)
W̄G,S = W̄G,Q + S̄
# $
ρ 1 + CS2
= S̄ 1 +
2(1 − ρ) (4.62)
= S̄ 1 + ,
ρ S̄ ρ2
W̄D,Q = = . (4.66)
2(1 − ρ) 2λ(1 − ρ)
This queuing process is called M/D/1, where D stands for deterministic service times.
The assumption that all vehicles wait an equal time at yield/stop line is, of course,
unrealistic. The M/D/1 model has found better applications in the delay estimation of
signalized intersections (Webster 1958).
If both interarrival time (headway) and service time distributions are assumed to be
negative exponential, the queuing process is called M/M/1. In the negative exponential
distribution the standard deviation is equal to the mean (σS = S̄), so that CS = 1 and
κ = 1. The waiting times are obtained from the Pollaczek-Khintchine formula (4.61)
ρ S̄
W̄M,Q = (4.67a)
W̄M,S = . (4.67b)
According to Kimber & Hollis (1979) and Fisk & Tan (1989) the M/M/1 model will
produce a good approximation to a M/G/1 model having similar average service times.
The variation in service times doubles the waiting time in a queue over that in an M/D/1
system (W̄M,Q = 2W̄D,Q ). If S̄ is the inverse of capacity (C), the waiting time in system
can be expressed as the inverse of reserve capacity
W̄M,S = . (4.68)
The relationship between delay and reserve capacity has been discussed e.g. by Brilon
(1988b) and Tracz, Chodur & Gondek (1990). This relationship demonstrates the
central role of a good capacity estimate in delay estimation. At high degrees of saturation
small errors in capacity estimates will result in significant errors in delay estimates
(Kyte, Dixon & Basavaraju 2003).
Because service times cannot be shorter than the follow-up time, a possible model
for service time distribution is the shifted exponential distribution, which has mean
S̄ = tf +θ −1 and standard deviation σS = θ −1 = S̄ −tf (Luttinen 1996). The coefficient
122 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
of variation is CS = 1 − tf /S̄. This indicates that the shifted exponential service time
model gives smaller delays than the M/M/1 model. Shifted exponential service time
distribution with location parameter equal to the follow-up time is equivalent to the
assumption of negative exponential waiting time distribution at yield/stop line.
The randomness constant is obtained as
tf tf
κ =1+ −1 . (4.69)
S̄ 2S̄
The average waiting time in the system can now be calculated as
S̄ + ρtf −1
W̄M ,S =
1−ρ (4.70)
ρtf tf
= W̄M,S + −1 .
1 − ρ 2S̄
Because tf /(2S̄) < 1, the waiting time W̄M ,S is less than W̄M,S .
The M/G/1 models discussed so far have ignored that vehicles arriving to an empty
system have different average service times (S̄e ) than queuing vehicles (S̄q ). In addition,
the variance of service times is based on arbitrary assumptions, not on solid theory.
In an M/G/1 queuing process the proportion of time the server is busy is equal to
the utilization factor ρ = λS̄. The distribution of service times is a mixture of two
distributions. The proportion ρ of service times are from the distribution fq for queuing
vehicles (see Section 3.5.3), and the proportion 1 − ρ are from the distribution fe for
isolated vehicles:
fS (s) = ρfq (s) + (1 − ρ)fe (s) . (4.71)
The average service time can be estimated as (SNRA 1995b, Pöschl 1983)
S̄ = ρ S̄q + (1 − ρ)S̄e (4.72)
The service quotients for queuing (ρq ) and non-queuing vehicles (ρe ) are
ρq = λS̄q (4.73a)
ρe = λS̄e . (4.73b)
The D/C ratio and the average service time are now obtained in terms of component
flows as (Pöschl 1983)
ρ = λS̄ = (4.74)
1 + ρ e − ρq
S̄ = (4.75)
1 + ρ e − ρq
The probability that a randomly arriving vehicle finds the system empty is (Yeo 1962)
1 − ρq
p0 = 1 − ρ = . (4.76)
1 + ρ e − ρq
W̄G,S = S̄ + W̄G,q
S̄e λ ' ( (4.79)
= + ρe E Sq2 + (1 − ρq ) E Se2 .
1 + ρ e − ρq 2(1 − ρq )
W̄G2,S = S̄ + W̄G2,Q
λ ' (
S̄e + ρe E Sq2 + (1 − ρq ) E Se2 (4.81)
2(1 − ρq )
= .
1 + ρ e − ρq
Yeo & Weesakul (1964) have used the M/G2/1 model for the analysis of delays at
unsignalized intersections.
In an M/G/1 queuing system the distribution of queue lengths at service completion
times is equivalent to the queue size distribution at random times (see footnote 10 on
page 85.) Heidemann (1991) has shown that the M/G2/1 system also has this property.6
He also demonstrated that Little’s formula (4.65) can be applied in M/G2/1 systems.
6 Daganzo (1977) warns against assuming the equivalency between queue length distributions at a
random time and at the arrival time of a major stream vehicle (see Evans, Herman & Weiss 1964).
124 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Lertworawanich & Elefteriadou (2003) have estimated storage (queue) lengths of left-
turn lanes. They found that, compared to the M/G2/1 model, the M/M/1 model provided
good estimates, except at near-capacity conditions.
2. The ends of blocks in the major stream, if not included in the first type
These definitions are based on the description of gap acceptance, which is slightly
different from the description used in this report. See footnote 6 on page 44.
The state of the system at a regeneration point of type 1 is the number of minor
stream vehicles waiting after one has crossed the stop line. The state of the sys-
tem at regeneration point of type 2 is x. The transition probability from state i to j
(i = x, 0, 1, 2, . . . ; j = x, 0, 1, 2, . . . ) is pij . The system can now be described by a
transition matrix
pxx px0 px1 px2 · · ·
p0x p00 p01 p02 · · ·
0 p10 p11 p12 · · ·
P= 0 0 p21 p22 · · · . (4.82)
0 0 0 p32 · · ·
.. .. .. .. ..
. . . . .
The results of the study, however, indicated that the average queue length just after
service was the same as at random instant. Consequently, type 2 regeneration points
can be considered redundant, and matrix 4.82 can be reduced to matrix 4.50 with
appropriate adjustments to the transition probabilities. The passing of a major stream
vehicle has no effect on minor stream queues, when no minor stream vehicles are
waiting at stop line or arrive during the block.
The probability pij of transition from i ∈ {1, 2, 3, . . . } to j ∈ {i − 1, i, i + 1, . . . } is
the probability of j − i + 1 arrivals during a service time, which is either the follow-up
time tf or a lag ϒ1 shorter than tf plus a block (Tb ):
where fb (y) is the probability density function of block lengths (Tb ). Tanner (1953)
has given its moment generating function, from which the expected block length can
be obtained as
eλ1 (tc −tp ) 1
E[Tb ] = − . (4.85)
λ1 (1 − λ1 tp ) λ1
If a departing vehicle leaves the system empty (i = 0), Tanner’s (1962) model (4.82)
considers the possibility of transition to state x as:
Block Time
Transition points
The state 0 stays unchanged (Fig. 4.9), if one minor-stream vehicle arrives a) during the
follow-up time in antiblock, b) after follow-up time but before the next major-stream
vehicle, c) during a lag ϒ1 < tf or adjacent block, or d) during a block that has started
after the follow-up time:
p00 = e−λ1 tf λ2 tf e−λ2 tf + e−(λ1 +λ2 )tf
λ1 + λ2
tf ∞
+ λ1 e−λ1 υ λ2 (υ + y)e−λ2 (υ+y) fb (y) dy dυ
0 0
λ1 −(λ1 +λ2 )tf
+ e λ2 y e−λ2 y fb (y) dy. (4.88)
λ1 + λ2 0
126 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
a) b) c) ϒ1 d) Departure
The state of the system shifts from state 0 to state j ∈ {1, 2, 3, . . . }, if j + 1 vehicles
arrive a) during a follow-up time in antiblock, or b) during a lag ϒ1 < tf or adjacent
block, or c) during a block initiated by a major-stream vehicle arriving later than tf after
the previous transition point but before the next minor-stream vehicle:
Transition probabilities p0j are analogous with the probability p00 in cases a, c, and d.
Case b does, however, not have an analogy, because service time is zero and it does not
allow any queue accumulation.
If the system is empty when a block ends, the system remains in state x, if a major-
stream vehicle arrives before a minor-stream vehicle and no minor-stream vehicles
arrive during the ensuing block; i.e., pxx = p0x . A state x is followed by state 0 if the
next vehicle is from the minor stream or if the next vehicle is from the major stream
and exactly one minor-stream vehicle arrives during the block (Tanner 1962):
Now all elements in the transition probability matrix P (4.82) have been defined.
The regeneration point of type 1 in this model is the time instant that a minor stream
vehicle crosses the stop line. The follow-up time is not included in waiting time. The
average waiting time in system is obtained by adding tf to the Tanner’s delay (W̄2 ), as
suggested by Heidemann (1991). The equation is
E Tb2 λ2
+ a1 e−λ1 tf (eλ1 tf − λ1 tf − 1)
2a1 λ1
W̄S = W̄2 + tf = + tf , (4.94)
1 − λ2 a1 (1 − e−λ1 tf )
eλ1 (tc −tp )
a1 = E[Tb ] + λ−1
1 = . (4.95)
λ1 (1 − λ1 tp )
If the major flow is Poisson (tp = 0), the waiting time becomes
Dunne & Buckley (1972) observed that for an isolated vehicle the average waiting time
during a block (Adams’ delay) according to equation 4.94 is
E Tb2
W̄e = lim W̄2 = . (4.97)
λ2 →0 2a1
Capacity (3.24) can be expressed as
λ1 1 − λ1 tp e−λ1 (tc −tp )
Cp =
1 − e−λ1 tf (4.98)
= a1 (1 − e−λ1 tf ) ,
Delay equation (4.94) can now be rewritten as (Dunne & Buckley 1972)
W̄e + a2 ρ
W̄2 = , (4.100)
eλ1 tf − λ1 tf − 1
a2 =
λ1 (eλ1 tf − 1)
1 tf
= −
λ1 eλ1 tf − 1
W̄S = W̄2 + tf
a 2 − tf ρ (4.101)
= S̄e 1 + 1 + .
S̄e 1−ρ
128 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
This has the structure of the Pollaczek-Khintchine formula (4.61), assuming that the
randomness constant is given as
a 2 − tf
κ =1+
1 1 tf
=1+ −
S̄e λ1 1 − e−λ1 tf
and S̄e = W̄e + tf is the average service time of isolated vehicles (see Section 4.2.3).
Thus, the average delay equation (4.94) of Tanner (1962) can be expressed in terms of
an M/G/1 queuing system. Pöschl (1983) has demonstrated numerically that Tanner’s
model is compatible with the M/G/1 model. See also Heidemann (1991). Also when
major-stream headways follow Cowan’s (1975, 1984, 1987) M3 model (see Section
2.3.6), the delay equation can be expressed in the form of the Pollaczek-Khintchine
formula (Troutbeck 1990, Troutbeck & Walsh 1994).
The discussion above has demonstrated that the theoretical queuing models have a close
connection with gap acceptance theory. Troutbeck & Walsh (1994) have remarked that
with proper service-time distributions queuing theory gives exactly the same estimates
as gap acceptance theory. They preferred gap acceptance theory, because it is based
on documented driver behavior. However, in this report queuing theory is preferred
mainly for three reasons: i) Queuing theory allows the application of sophisticated
capacity models without leading to very complex delay models. ii) Queuing models use
capacity as a parameter, so that delay estimates are compatible with capacity estimates.
iii) Queuing models are easier to analyze under transient (time-dependent) conditions
than gap acceptance models. This is the theme of the next section.
• the system cannot reach equilibrium because flow rates exceed capacity, and/or
During a transient period the performance measures of the system are time dependent.
The parameters, such as flow rates, of the models are usually given as averages over the
analysis period. Because delay is not a linear function of flow rates, but increases more
steeply at high flow rates, the use of average parameter values under transient conditions
make the results biased. The analysis should be performed for several shorter analysis
periods, describing flow rates as a step function, and with a proper consideration of
initial queues (Kimber & Hollis 1978, Fisk & Tan 1989).
When conditions are stable, but have changed recently, it takes some time before the
effect of earlier conditions becomes negligible. Steady state conditions are obtained
only after a transient phase. For example, after a peak period, when flow rates have
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 129
decreased, it takes some time before the queues have reached equilibrium. Also during
a peak period it takes some time before the queues reach an equilibrium state. The
problem of an initial transient period is well known in simulation theory (e.g., Bratley,
Fox & Schrage 1987, Kleijnen 1987).
Morse (1958) has estimated that the “relaxation time” of a queuing √ system with one
exponential channel and finite storage capacity is approximately ( C − q)−2 (see
also Kleinrock 1976). As flow rates approach capacity, relaxation time increases to
infinity. If flow rates exceed capacity, queues increase constantly, and no equilibrium
is reached.
It is apparent that oversaturated systems are in a transient state. For degrees of saturation
below but near unity the relaxation times are likely to span over observation periods.
Consequently, transient analysis is called for, if conditions change during the analysis
period and/or if the D/C ratio is near or above unity.
assuming that the overflow condition continues over the whole time interval (cf. Catling
∀u ∈ (0, τ ] : L(0) + A(u) − C(u) > 0. (4.104)
If the overflow period starts in the beginning of the analysis period and there is no initial
queue, then Lo (τ ) = A(τ )−C(τ ). For a constant arrival rate and capacity the overflow
7 Because at oversaturated conditions server is always busy, the departure rate from the system is equal
to the rate of customers moving from the queue to the service. The number of customers in the system is
N(τ ) = L(τ ) + 1.
130 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Number of vehicles τ)
r riv
C (τ )
Number of vehicles
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (min)
Figure 4.11: Cumulative arrivals (thick curve) and departures (thin curve) at an oversaturated
minor approach (major flow 800 veh/h, minor flow 700 veh/h, tc = 5 s, tf = 3 s, exponential
headway distributions)
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 131
Number of vehicles
r riv
t Time
The delay includes delays suffered by vehicles in the initial overflow queue, and ex-
cludes all delays suffered after time τ (Kimber & Hollis 1979). The initial queue
captures all relevant information about the history of the system (Heidemann 2002).
Consequently, the cumulative delays based on queue sampling are additive: τ1 <
τ2 < τ3 : Wo (τ1 , τ3 ) = Wo (τ1 , τ2 ) + Wo (τ2 , τ3 ). Because the delay is based on the
measurement of queue lengths, this approach is called the queue-sampling method.
Delay estimation based on the measurement of individual vehicle delays is called the
path-trace method (Rouphail & Akçelik 1992).
The average queue-sampling overflow delay per vehicle (Fig. 4.13) is obtained by
dividing the cumulative overflow delay by the number of departures Cτ (Neuburger
1971, Hurdle 1984):
Wo (τ ) L(0) τ
W̄o (τ ) = = + (ρ − 1) . (4.108)
Cτ C 2
The method overestimates the average overflow delay, because it includes also the delay
PQR. The average deterministic waiting time in system under oversaturated conditions
132 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
is obtained as the sum of average service time and the average overflow delay (Troutbeck
1 1 L(0) τ
W̄D,S (τ ) = + W̄o (τ ) = + + (ρ − 1) . (4.109)
C C C 2
As the length of the oversaturation period increases, the curve becomes steeper, and in
the limit becomes vertical, as analysis period approaches infinity.
Average delay (min)
0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Degree of saturation, ρ
Figure 4.13: Average overflow delay for oversaturation periods of length 15 and 60 minutes
Flow rate
a b c d
Figure 4.14: Triangular (a), trapezoidal (b), rectangular (c), and piecewise constant (d) demand
The length of the overflow period is determined by the length of the peak period and
the D/C ratio during and after the peak period (see Kimber & Hollis 1978):
Lo (τP ) (ρP − ρ)τP
τ o = τP + = . (4.112)
C(1 − ρ) 1−ρ
This result can also be obtained more directly by equating the number of overflow
vehicles to the capacity during time interval (0, τo ] (Rouphail & Akçelik 1992):
Number of vehicles
a city
als Cap
τP τo Time
The cumulative overflow delay is the area of the triangle in Figure 4.15 (cf. Kimber &
Hollis 1978):
CτP2 (ρP − 1)(ρP − ρ)
Wo (τo ) = Lo (u) du = . (4.114)
0 2(1 − ρ)
Since the queue increases and decreases in a linear fashion the average queue length
during time interval (0, τo ] is half the maximum queue length of Lo (τP ) (Neuburger
1971), and the delay is
Wo (τo ) = Lo (τP ). (4.115)
134 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Because the delay includes the area of the total triangle, the results for both queue-
sampling and path-trace methods agree, and the bias in the average overflow delay
The average overflow delay per vehicle is obtained by dividing the cumulative overflow
delay with the number Cτo of vehicles experiencing overflow delay:
Wo (τo ) Lo (τP ) τP
W̄o = = = (ρP − 1). (4.116)
Cτo 2C 2
The same result can also be derived using the Little’s formula (4.65), which states
that the average queue length is equal to the product of average waiting time and the
arrival rate (Little 1961). Because during the interval (0, τo ] the average queue length
is L̄o (τp )/2, and the average arrival rate to the overflow queue is equal to the departure
rate (capacity), we obtain
Lo (τP ) τP
Wo = = (ρP − 1). (4.117)
2C 2
As equation (4.108) shows, this delay is equal to the average queue-sampling delay
during time interval (0, τP ].
The average overflow delay does not depend on the D/C ratio after the peak. Because
the average overflow queue length Lo (τP )/2 does not change with ρ, the delay per
vehicle does not increase, although ρ increases. The time period of high average
delays, however, becomes longer.
Equation (4.116) gives the average overflow delay per vehicle during the overflow
period (0, τo ]. Kimber & Hollis (1978) have attributed the excess delay to the vehicles
A(τP ) = CρP τP of the peak itself:
One should be careful, if this average delay is used to estimate the cumulative overflow
Using the queue-sampling method the cumulative delays over consecutive time periods
can be summed. The calculations should consider the initial queue at the start of the
analysis period. Rouphail & Akçelik (1992) have discussed the delay estimates based
on the path-trace method.
The stochastic nature of a peak period has been studied analytically by de Smit (1971),
Newell (1971) and others. The fluid approximation suggests some analogy with flood-
ing theory (see Prabhu 1965, Gani 1969). Haight (1963) used a transition matrix
(Markov chain) for queue length probabilities. The most commonly used approach is,
however, based on a combination of a steady-state model and a deterministic oversat-
uration model.
The average delay curve of the steady-state model approaches asymptotically the ver-
tical line ρ = 1. If it is assumed that the average time-dependent delay curve should
approach the deterministic overflow curve, the new delay curve can be obtained by
a coordinate transformation suggested by Kimber et al. (1977) and Catling (1977).
Originally the method was applied in the Transyt program (Robertson 1969) by P. D.
The horizontal difference between the time-dependent waiting-time curve and the de-
terministic waiting-time curve is ρD − ρ (Fig. 4.16). If the time-dependent curve
approaches asymptotically the deterministic curve in the same way as the steady-state
curve approaches asymptotically the vertical line ρ = 1, then the following relation
holds (Kimber & Hollis 1979):
1 − ρn = ρD − ρ, (4.119)
where ρn and ρD are the degrees of saturation giving the same steady-state and determ-
inistic average waiting times, respectively, as the transformed average waiting time W̄T
for D/C ratio ρ.
Average waiting time
0 ρn 1 ρ ρD v/c ratio
The average deterministic waiting time in system is (Kimber & Hollis 1979)
1 L(0) τ
W̄D,S = + + (ρD − 1). (4.120)
C C 2
Because this is equal to the transformed waiting time W̄T,S for D/C ratio ρ, we obtain
2 1 + L(0)
ρD = W̄T,S − + 1. (4.121)
τ C
Equation (4.119) can now be expressed as
2 1 + L(0)
W̄T,S − + ρn − ρ = 0 (4.122)
τ C
136 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
The equivalent D/C ratio (ρn ) for the steady-state model can be obtained from a steady-
state waiting-time equation. This equation should describe the waiting time in system,
including the service time.
If the steady-state waiting time is estimated using the M/G/1 model (4.62), ρn can be
expressed as
C W̄T,S − 1
ρn = . (4.123)
C W̄T,S − 1 + κ
The time dependent average waiting time in the system can be solved from the quadratic
2C 2 2[L(0) + 2 − κ] 2[L(0) + 1]
W̄ − ρ − 1 + C W̄T,S +(1−κ) ρ + −1 = 0
τ T,S Cτ Cτ
as (Catling 1977, Kimber & Hollis 1979)
W̄T,S = a1 + a12 + a2 , (4.125)
τ L(0) + 2 − κ
a1 = (ρ − 1) +
4 2C
τ 2[L(0) + 1]
a2 = 1 − (1 − κ) ρ + .
2C Cτ
The negative branch of the solution has no physical significance (Kimber & Hollis
In an M/M/1 system with no initial queue κ = 1, L(0) = 0, and
ρn = 1 − . (4.126)
The time-dependent average waiting time in the system is (see also Kimber et al. 1977,
Troutbeck 2000)
0 2
τ 1 τ 1 τ
W̄T,S = (ρ − 1) + + (ρ − 1) + + . (4.127)
4 2C 4 2C 2C
τ 1
a1 = (ρ − 1) +
4 2C
a2 = .
Because ρ − 1 = C −1 (q − C), the average waiting time can be expressed also in terms
of capacity and reserve capacity (see Brilon 1991, FGSV 2001).
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 137
The time-dependent average waiting time in the system is obtained as the larger root
of the equation above, which gives
# 1 $
1 τ 8ρ
W̄T,S = + ρ − 1 + (ρ − 1)2 + . (4.131)
C 4 Cτ
This formula was suggested by Akçelik & Troutbeck (1991), and it has been adopted
in the HCM2000 (Transportation Research Board 2000) with a slight modification.
The German method (FGSV 2001) uses a coordinate-transformation approach with
parameters based on simulation and field measurements (Brilon et al. 1994). Instead
of D/C ratio the reserve capacity is used as a parameter in the model.
As Hurdle (1984) remarks, the coordinate-transformation method is not a result of any
detailed analysis of queue behavior. The only justifications for the method is that it
provides a smooth transition from steady-state analysis to time-dependent analysis in a
way that satisfies the intuitive ideas of what ought to happen. Also, the method does not
consider the length of the overflow-queue discharge process following the peak period.
Heidemann (2002) has derived exact formulas for means and variances of queue lengths
and waiting times in M/G/1 systems under transient conditions. The means and vari-
ances were obtained by numerical methods. They were shown to depend on the shape
of the service time distribution, not only on its first and second moments. However,
the coordinate-transformation approximations presented by Kimber & Hollis (1979)
and Akçelik & Troutbeck (1991) were found to agree fairly well with the exact results.
The method of Kimber & Hollis (1979) performed slightly better than the method of
Akçelik & Troutbeck (1991).
Equation (4.131) gives the time-dependent average waiting time in the system. Fol-
lowing equation 4.8 the average time-dependent control delay can be expressed as
Table 5.1: Average control delay as a LOS criterion in HCM2000 (Transportation Research
Board 2000) and HBS 2001 (FGSV 2001)
LOS HCM 2000 HBS 2001
A ≤ 10 ≤ 10
B ≤ 15 ≤ 20
C ≤ 25 ≤ 30
D ≤ 35 ≤ 45
E ≤ 50 > 45
F > 50 v/c > 1
1 This concept is still in use. In the Australian guidelines (Austroads 1988) “practical absorption
capacity” is defined as 80 % of the theoretical “absorption capacity”. The Australian Sidra model (Akçelik
1998), however, applies the HCM level-of-service criteria.
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 139
Kyte et al. (1996) suggested both delay and queue length as LOS criteria. However,
according to the German manual (FGSV 2001) queue length cannot be considered as
a level-of-service criterion but a factor in intersection design.
The discussion below describes the analysis methodologies used in the United States
(HCM), Denmark (DanKap), Sweden (Capcal 2), and Finland (Capcal) to estimate the
capacity and average delay at unsignalized intersections and roundabouts. The German
Additive Conflict Flows methodology has been described in Section 3.10. For further
information about current German capacity analysis procedures the reader is referred
to HBS 2001 (FGSV 2001). It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the theory
presented above.
Collect input
HCM2000 assumes Poisson arrivals and constant critical gaps and follow-up times. It
140 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
allows an analysis of short peak periods. Because the theoretical basis of HCM2000
has been extensively discussed above, only a short overview will be given here.
Traffic streams at an unsignalized intersection are classified following Figures 2.2 and
2.3. Pedestrian flows along the major road have Rank 1 and those across the major
road have Rank 2. Conflicting flow rates are the flow rates of conflicting streams, with
a some exceptions:
• If a minor stream merging to an N -lane road and is in conflict with a major stream
i in one lane only, the conflicting flow rate is qi /N .
• One half of the right-turn movement exiting before conflict area is included in
major stream
• For a minor-road left-turn movement only half of the opposing through and right-
turn flow rates are included as conflicting flow rate.
At roundabouts the vehicles passing in front of the entering vehicle are counted as the
major flow. At most well-designed roundabouts the exiting traffic can be ignored.
Base values for critical gaps and follow-up times are displayed in Table 5.2. Adjust-
ments for critical gap are made to account for the presence of heavy vehicles, approach
grade, T-intersections, and two-stage gap acceptance. The follow-up time is adjusted
for the presence of heavy vehicles.
Table 5.2: Base values for critical gaps and follow-up times for an unsignalized intersection
with a two or four-lane major road in HCM2000 (Transportation Research Board 2000)
Critical gap (s) Follow-up
Movement 2-lane 4-lane time (s)
Major left 4.1 4.1 2.2
Minor right 6.2 6.9 3.3
Minor through 6.5 6.5 4.0
Minor left 7.1 7.5 3.5
For one-lane roundabouts HCM2000 uses the critical gaps and follow-up times sugges-
ted by Troutbeck (1997b), as displayed in Table 5.3. An upper bound and a lower bound
for the capacity is estimated. The analysis procedure can be applied if the circulating
flow does not exceed 1,200 veh/h. No analysis procedure is presented for multi-lane
Table 5.3: Critical gaps and follow-up times for roundabouts in HCM2000 (Transportation
Research Board 2000)
Critical gap (s) Follow-up time (s)
Upper bound 4.1 2.6
Lower bound 4.6 3.1
The potential capacity (3.12) is calculated assuming a Poisson arrival process on major
streams. The impedance factor of a Rank 2 stream i is the probability p0,i = 1 − ρi
that the system is empty. See discussion in Section 3.5.5. The impedance factor for
multiple conflicting Rank 2 streams is obtained by multiplication. For Rank 4 streams
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 141
the impedance factor to account for conflicting Rank 2 and Rank 3 queues is obtained
using the adjustment (3.103) of Brilon & Großmann (1991).
The effect of a pedestrian stream j is estimated by a pedestrian blockage factor
qg tpb
ρj = , (5.1)
where qg is the number of pedestrian groups per hour, and tpb is the average duration
of time the lane is blocked by a pedestrian group (see Section 3.8). The pedestrian
impedance factor is obtained as p0,j = 1 − ρj . This factor is combined with other
impedance factors (p0,i ) by multiplication.
The estimation of shared lane capacity in HCM2000 is described in Section 3.7. The
capacity estimation of a flared approach is described at the end of this section.
Although HCM2000 suggests the use of simulation models and field data to assess the
effects of upstream signals, the manual presents a rather detailed procedure for the task.
As platoons from a signalized intersections arrive at an unsignalized intersection, four
flow regimes result:
1. No platoons
2. Platoon from the left only
3. Platoon from the right only
4. Platoons from both directions.
where τ is the length of the analysis period. The queue length can also be expressed in
terms of reserve capacity (κj = Cj − qj ) as
# 1 $
τ 24qj
L95,j = −κj + κj +2
. (5.5)
4 τ
where · is the floor function (Spanier & Oldham 1987). For a movement k ∈ {R, LT}
considered to operate in a separate lane the average queue length is estimated using the
Little’s formula (4.65) as
W̄k qk
L̄k = , (5.8)
where W̄k is the average control delay of movement k assuming a separate lane. The
required storage space (vehicles) for the approach to operate effectively as separate
lanes is estimated as
Lr = max L̄k + 1, (5.9)
where · is the nearest integer (rounding) function (Spanier & Oldham 1987). The
capacity of a flared lane is obtained by interpolation between the shared lane capacity
(CSH ) and the capacity (CS ) assuming two separate lanes:
(C − C ) Ls + C , if L < L
S SH SH s r
C= Lr (5.10)
CS , if Ls ≥ Lr ,
2 This description indicates a possible overlap in control delay and geometric delay. See discussion in
Section 4.1. HCM2000 does not subtract the follow-up time (see equation (4.132).
3 This equation and some other details of the method are described in a correction sheet (TRB Committee
A3A10, Highway Capacity and Quality of Service 2003). It contains also some corrections for the
upstream-signal effects procedure.
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 143
where W̄LT and W̄R are the average control delays of left+through and right-turn move-
ments, respectively, assuming separate lanes. The probability or frequency of storage
overflow are not considered. If the storage is less than required, the average control
delay is calculated using the capacity estimate in Equation 5.10 for Ls < Lr .
Table 5.4: Base values for critical gaps and follow-up times for an unsignalized intersection
with a two or four-lane major road in DanKap (Vejdirektoratet 1999b)
Critical gap (s) Follow-up
Passenger cars Bicycles time
Yield control Stop control and other
Movement 2-lane 4-lane 2-lane 4-lane unregistered (s)
Major right — — — — 2.5 3.0
Major left 5.5 6.0 — — 2.5 3.0
Minor right 5.5 5.5 6.5 6.5 2.5 3.0
Minor through 6.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 2.5 3.0
Minor left 7.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 2.5 3.0
Table 5.5: Base values for critical gaps and follow-up times for a roundabout in DanKap
(Vejdirektoratet 1999a)
Critical gap (s) Follow-up
Entry lanes PCs Bicycles time (s)
1 4.5 2.5 2.8
2 4.0 — 2.6
Traffic streams are classified following Figures 2.2 and 2.3. Conflicting flow rates are the
flow rates of conflicting streams. Major stream right-turn movements exiting before the
conflict area can be multiplied with a factor between zero and one. It is recommended
that these right-turn movements are ignored (Aagaard 1998). Conflicting bicycle flows
along the major road (movements 2 and 5) are included in the analysis. Pedestrian
flows are ignored. The passenger-car equivalents used to express vehicle counts as
equivalent number of passenger cars are displayed in Table 5.6.
144 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
The capacity of a roundabout entry is adjusted for pedestrians (fp ) and exiting traffic
(fe ) effects as
C = fp fe Cp . (5.12)
If the traffic flow exiting before the conflict area is less than 400 pc/τ the adjustment
factor is fe = 1. Otherwise it is fe = 0.9. These values are based on measurements at
only one roundabout, and therefore are very uncertain (Aagaard 1998).
In a one-lane entry of a roundabout the adjustment fp for pedestrians depends both
on the crossing pedestrian volume (ped/τ ) and the circulating volume (pcu/τ ) of both
motorized vehicles and bicycles (Table 5.7). If no pedestrians cross the entry, fp = 1.
These adjustments follow the results of German empirical research (Brilon, Wu &
Bondzio 1997). For a two-lane entry the adjustment is fp = 1.0.
Table 5.7: Adjustment factor fp for crossing pedestrian flows at a one-lane entry to a roundabout
according to DanKap (Vejdirektoratet 1999b)
Motorized veh + Pedestrians (ped/τ )
bicycle flow (pcu/τ ) 100 200 300 400
0 0.99 0.93 0.87 0.81
100 0.99 0.93 0.87 0.82
200 0.99 0.94 0.88 0.83
300 0.99 0.94 0.89 0.84
400 0.99 0.95 0.90 0.86
500 0.99 0.95 0.91 0.88
600 0.99 0.96 0.93 0.90
700 0.99 0.97 0.95 0.93
800 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96
900 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00
1000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
The time-dependent delay formula (4.131) suggested by Akçelik & Troutbeck (1991)
is used in DanKap. But unlike in HCM2000, no additional component for deceleration
and acceleration delay is used. DanKap does not present any level-of-service criteria.
The 95 and 99-percentile queue lengths for lane j are evaluated recursively from equa-
tion (Aagaard 1998)
2La 100 − a 1/(La +1)
ρ̄j = + , (5.13)
τ Cj 100
where La is the queue length exceeded a percent of time in the analysis period (τ ), ρ̄j is
the average D/C ratio during the analysis period, and Cj is the capacity. This equation
stems from the research of Wu (1994).
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 145
The Swedish capacity analysis software Capcal implements the procedures of the capa-
city manual (Statens vägverk 1977). Capcal 2 procedures for unsignalized intersections
(SNRA 1995b) and roundabouts (SNRA 1995c) have been slightly modified from the
previous version. Capcal 3 is a MS-Windows version of the software with some en-
hancements. The software version referred to in this report is Capcal 2.10.
Figure 5.2 displays the main steps in Capcal 2 methodology. Mean service times are
used to estimate degrees of saturation, which are the major parameters in the estimation
of MOEs, such as capacity, delay and queue lengths. Roundabouts are treated as a series
of T-intersections. In TV131 roundabouts were analyzed as short merge areas.
Calculate MOEs
Figure 5.2: Capcal 2 analysis methodology for unsignalized intersections (SNRA 1995b)
The performance measures provided by the method are: capacity, delay, queue length,
and the proportion of stopping vehicles. The Swedish method does not present any
level-of-service criteria.
Although Capcal 2 is used in Finland, the Finnish guidelines (Tiensuunnittelutoimisto
1978) and software (Tiensuunnittelutoimisto 1987, Kehittämiskeskus 1991) still follow
the Swedish capacity manual TV131 (Statens vägverk 1977). Consequently, the dif-
ferences between Capcal 2 and the old method will be described. The new roundabout
capacity analysis methodology developed by Hagring (1998b) has been described in
section 3.4.
146 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
1. Weaving occurs when the circulating flow leaves the roundabout at an exit up-
stream to the exit of the minor flow. The entire circulating flow is included in the
major flow.
2. Merging occurs when the circulating flow and the minor flow leave the roundabout
at the same exit. Only part of the circulating flow is included in the major flow,
based on the roundabout geometry.
3. No interaction occurs when the circulating flow leaves the roundabout down-
stream to the exit of the minor flow. The circulating flow is not included in the
major flow. It is possible that a minor flow has no major flow at all, despite there
being circulating vehicles.
These interactions are summarized in table 5.8. These principles have been derived
from literature and traffic engineering judgement (Bergh 1991).
Table 5.8: Interactions between major and minor stream at a roundabout according to Capcal 2
(Hagring 1996b)
Minor Major stream
stream Left side approach Opposite approach
Through Left turn Left turn
Right turn Merging No interaction Merging
Through Weaving Merging Weaving
Left turn Weaving Weaving Weaving
Table 5.9: Base values for critical gaps in Capcal 2 (SNRA 1995b)
Major road speed limit
50 km/h 70 km/h 90 km/h
Movement Yield Stop Yield Stop Yield Stop
Major left 4.8 4.8 5.7 5.7 6.7 6.7
Minor right 5.0 5.7 5.9 6.6 6.9 7.5
Minor through 5.1 5.8 6.0 6.7 7.0 7.6
Minor left 5.3 6.0 6.2 6.9 7.2 7.8
Table 5.10: Base values for critical gaps in TV131 (Statens vägverk 1977)
Major road speed limit
50 km/h 70 km/h 90 km/h
Movement Yield Stop Yield Stop Stop
Major left 5.0 — 5.8 — 6.5
Minor right 4.8 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.2
Minor through 5.2 5.8 6.0 6.5 7.0
Minor left 5.3 6.0 6.2 6.8 7.5
The critical gaps in Table 5.9 assume 10 % of heavy vehicles in the subject movement.
For other percentages the additive adjustment is fHV = pHV − 0.1, where pHV is the
proportion of heavy vehicles. That is, heavy vehicles are assigned one second longer
critical gaps than passenger cars (Hagring 1997). In the old manual the adjustment was
fHV = 2(pHV − 0.1); i.e., heavy vehicles were assigned two seconds larger critical
If the major road has more than two lanes, critical gaps are increased, but if the inter-
section allows two-stage gap acceptance, critical gaps are reduced (Table 5.11). For
right-turn movements critical gaps are adjusted for curb radius r (meters) and angle α
r − 12 α − 90
fr = 1 − 1 + 1− . (5.15)
18 120
If the major road is one way, the critical gaps of minor road through and left-turn
movements are reduced by 0.5 s.
Table 5.11: Critical gap adjustment for wide median and number of major-road lanes (SNRA
Two-stage Lanes
gap acceptance 2 3–4 > 4
No 0 0.3 0.6
Yes -0.5 0 0.3
TV131 had also an adjustment for the size of urban area or rural conditions (lower
critical gap in densely populated areas), but this correction has been omitted in Capcal 2.
148 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
The critical gaps for 90 km/h roads was altered as a correction for rural conditions
(SNRA 1995b). The old version of Capcal adjusted the critical gap for gradients, but
in Capcal 2 the adjustment is made to lane capacity.
For roundabouts specific critical gaps are defined for right-turn movements tc,r and for
crossing movements tc,c based on the width/length ratio of the weaving section:
ww w2
tc,r = 3.06 + 1.1 + 2.375 2w (5.16)
lw lw
ww w2
tc,c = 3.06 + 2.6 + 2.75 2w , (5.17)
lw lw
where ww is the width and lw is the length of the weaving section (SNRA 1995c).
Additive adjustments are applied to the base values.
Hagring (1996b) has found this method to give too short critical gaps. His equation for
critical gaps at a roundabout is
where i is the entry lane (1 for right lane, 2 for left lane). The values are about 0.5
seconds greater than the critical gaps estimated by Capcal. Later Hagring (1998b)
estimated critical gaps for two-lane roundabouts by making distinction between both
entry lanes and circulating lanes (Table 5.12). The follow-up time is tf = 2.4 s on both
entry lanes. See also Hagring (2000).
Table 5.12: Average critical gaps in two-lane roundabouts according to Hagring (1998b)
Entry Circulating lane
lane Outer Inner
Right 4.273 3.998
Left 4.615 4.403
1. Tanner’s M/D/1 headway model (2.44) is used when the major flow occupies
one lane only. This model is used as a major-stream headway model for major
road left-turn and minor road right-turn movements. The minimum headway is
tp = 1.8 s.
2. Exponential major-stream headway model is used for minor streams having con-
flicts with major streams on two lanes; i.e., minor-road through and left-turn
movements on a two-lane major road, and major-road left-turn movements on a
multi-lane road. In addition, the exponential headway model is used for minor
road right-turn movements to a multi-lane road.
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 149
3. Pearson type III (gamma) distribution (see Luttinen 1991, Luttinen 1996) is used
when traffic signals are within 300 m on the major road. It is also used for minor-
road through and left-turn movements, when the major road has four or more
lanes. The application of this model was influenced by a paper by Voigt (1973).
Since, eventually, no empirical data was found to support the Pearson III distribution,
Capcal 2 has replaced it with the exponential distribution (Anveden 1988, Bergh 1991).
Accordingly, Tanner’s distribution is used for major-road left turns and minor road right
turns on two-lane major roads. In all other cases the exponential headway distribution is
assumed. At roundabouts the headway distribution is a mixture of random (exponential)
headways and a platoon model leading to the following expression of average service
time for queuing vehicles (SNRA 1995c):
S̄q = (1 − pq )S̄1 + pq S̄2 (5.19)
1 − e−λtf
S̄1 = −λtc
λ(tc −tf )
e − e0.6λ(tc −tf ) 1 − e−0.542λtc
S̄2 = (5.21)
pq = 0.29λe 0.25tc
. (5.22)
For vehicles departing from a queue the average service time is the reciprocal of the
capacity. When major-stream headways follow the Tanner’s M/D/1 model, the average
service time under queuing conditions is (SNRA 1995b)
1 − e−λtf
S̄q = , (5.23)
λ 1 − λtp e−λ(tc −tp )
which is the inverse of the corresponding capacity equation (3.24). For exponential
major-stream headways the average service time under queuing conditions is (SNRA
1 − e−λtf
S̄q = , (5.24)
which is the inverse of capacity equation (3.12).
For an isolated vehicle, arriving to stop line after the follow-up time has passed since
the last departure, the average service time S̄e is assumed to be either the follow-up
time (tf ) or the average waiting time (W̄e ) of an isolated vehicle (4.33), whichever is
larger (SNRA 1995b):
S̄e = max {tf , We } . (5.25)
Because waiting time (4.33) is used in stead of service time (4.35), it is necessary to
set follow-up time as a lower limit for service time in order to avoid capacity estimates
larger than tf−1 .
The average service time is defined as
S̄ = ρ S̄q + (1 − ρ)S̄e . (5.26)
Because the D/C ratio (ρ) is a function of the average service time, an iterative procedure
is required. The following estimate is used as an initial value
q S̄e
ρ̃ = λS̄e = . (5.27)
150 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
S̄q + S̄e
CS2 = . (5.28)
If the major road has wide shoulders, the interaction with minor-road right-turn vehicles
can be viewed as a merging procedure. The maximum merging rate of minor stream
vehicles is (1500 − qM )+ , where qM is the conflicting major flow rate. If S̄q or S̄e are
larger than the average service time of the merge, they are replaced with the latter.
The impedance effect of higher priority queues is estimated by multiplying the service
time with an adjustment factor (Hagring 1997)
fq = " m , (5.29)
j =1 (1 − ρj )
where ρj is the D/C ratio for secondary major stream j , and m is the number of
secondary higher priority movements, which have to yield to streams of higher rank.
5.4.5 Capacity
Capacity is defined as the stationary outflow from a lane having a continuous queue,
assuming that the flow rates of all other traffic streams are given (Nordqvist et al. 1973,
Anveden 1988). The capacity of a lane k sharing movements i ∈ I is calculated as
Ck = qi , (5.30)
where fC is the correction factor for lane capacity, S̄q,i is the service time under queuing
conditions of movement i, qi is the flow rate per movement i in lane k, and qk = i∈I qi
is the total flow rate in lane k. The correction factor fC includes corrections for bicycles,
lane widths, and gradients.
5.4.6 Delay
The components of delay in the Swedish methods are defined as (Nordqvist et al. 1973,
Anveden 1988)
• Total delay (Wt ) is the additional time consumption per vehicle above the time
consumption of traffic entering the intersection at the same speed as upstream of
the intersection and exiting at the same speed as traffic flows downstream of the
• Geometric delay (Wg ) is the hypothetical total delay if there were no interactions
between different vehicle movements and no control devices (stop signs) causing
Total delay has a physical interpretation. Geometric and interaction delays do, however,
not correspond to any two different parts in a time-space trajectory of a vehicle (Anveden
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 151
In Capcal 2 the short lane is treated as an ordinary lane, if L̄m ≤ Ls . The probability
or frequency of blocking are not considered. If a lane is blocked, the average waiting
time in queue is taken to be the same as for the adjacent lane, which is considered to
be a slight overestimation. The utilization factor of the short lane is calculated as
Ls Ls
λs λa
ρs = 1 − − . (5.37)
λa + λs λa + λs
Table 5.13: Base values for critical gaps in the Finnish guidelines (Tiensuunnittelutoimisto
Major road speed limit (km/h)
50 km/h 60 km/h 80 km/h 100 km/h
Movement Yield Stop Yield Stop Yield Stop Yield Stop
Major left 5.0 — 5.8 — 6.2 — 6.8 —
Minor right 4.8 5.5 5.4 6.0 6.4 6.9 7.0 7.5
Minor through 5.6 6.4 6.0 6.8 6.7 7.4 7.2 7.8
Minor left 5.9 6.7 6.4 7.2 7.3 8.1 8.0 8.8
The estimation of capacity, delay and other performance measures follows the Swedish
TV131 (Statens vägverk 1977) methodology. The level-of-service criteria (Table 5.14)
follow the criteria in HCM 1985 (Transportation Research Board 1985). The service
measure is “reserve capacity”, which is the inverse of average waiting time in system
in a M/M/1 queuing model. See section 4.3.2 for details.
Level of service can also be determined from Figure 5.3, which is based on Table 5.14
slightly modified. The D/C ratio (Table 5.15) is used as an alternative service measure.
Table 5.14: Level-of-service criteria in Finland (Pursula & Ristikartano 1988, Tie- ja
liikennetekniikka 2001)
Level of service Reserve capacity (veh/h)
A 400–
B 300–399
C 200–299
D 100–199
E 0– 99
F q>C
Based on field measurements Uusiheimala (1995) suggested new ranges for critical
gaps (Table 5.16). See also Niittymäki & Uusiheimala (1996). In particular, the
critical gaps for major road left turns and minor road right turns appeared to need some
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 153
Figure 5.3: Level of service according to the Finnish guidelines (Tie- ja liikennetekniikka 2001)
adjustment (Pursula & Peltola 1998). The results were used to recommend new critical
gaps to be implemented in the Hutsim simulation software (Table 5.17). Some of these
adjustments were very significant, as a comparison of Tables 5.13 and 5.17 reveals.
Table 5.16: New ranges for critical gaps suggested by Uusiheimala (1995)
Major road speed limit (km/h)
50 60 80 100
Crirical gap (s) 3–5.5 4–6 6–8 7–8
Figure 5.4 displays a chart for a rough assessment of a roundabout according to the
old Finnish guidelines (Tiehallitus 1992). The upper edge of the gray area can be
interpreted as the practical capacity of a one-lane roundabout. Pedestrian and bicycle
flows crossing an entry are added to the circulating flow. If the distance between an
exit and an entry is less than 15 meters, 30 % of exiting flow is added to the circulating
flow. The pce factor for trucks and vans is 1.5 and for semi-trailers 2.0.
These capacity estimates were found to be too small at low circulating flow rates
154 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Table 5.17: Recommended critical gaps for simulation of unsignalized intersections (Pursula
et al. 1997)
Major road speed limit (km/h)
50 km/h 60 km/h 80 km/h 100 km/h
Movement Yield Stop Yield Stop Yield Stop Yield Stop
Major left 4.0 — 4.5 — 5.5 — 6.0 —
Minor right 4.0 5.0 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.5
Minor through 5.0 6.0 5.5 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.5
Minor left 5.5 6.3 6.0 6.8 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.8
Figure 5.4: Operation of a roundabout according to the old Finnish guidelines (Tiehallitus 1992)
(Liimatainen 1997). The new guidelines (Tie- ja liikennetekniikka 2001) have a slightly
corrected chart (Figure 5.5). For a more detailed capacity estimation it is suggested
that a roundabout is analyzed as a series of T-intersections with critical gap tc = 4.8 s
(Liimatainen 1997). The value is slightly higher that the lower bound in HCM2000
(Table 5.3). Hagring & Niittymäki (1997) have demonstrated that in Denmark, Fin-
land, and Sweden there is a general trend of diminishing critical gaps with increasing
roundabout size.
The guidelines do not give specific capacity estimates. The empirical studies
(Jormalainen 1991, Kehittämiskeskus 1996) were not able to find congested condi-
tions at roundabouts under study. The results, however, suggested that the Finnish
version of Capcal (TV131 method) overestimated the capacity of roundabouts. The
reason for this was probably in the estimation of critical gaps (Kehittämiskeskus 1996).
This was also suggested by the Swedish studies of Hagring (1996b), as discussed in sec-
tion 5.4.3. The new Swedish capacity model developed by Hagring has given capacity
estimates very close to Finnish simulation results (Hagring & Niittymäki 1997, Pursula
et al. 1997).
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 155
Figure 5.5: Operation of a roundabout according to the current Finnish guidelines (Tie- ja
liikennetekniikka 2001)
156 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
6.1 Hutsim as a simulation tool
A Finnish object-oriented simulation software, Hutsim, was used in simulation experi-
ments. It has three components: Hutedi, Hutsim, and Hutsim-analyzer. Hutedi is a
simulation model editor. Hutsim is a microscopic traffic simulator. Hutsim-Analyzer
is a postprocessor.
Hutsim has been under development at the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT)
since 1989. The stochastic properties of traffic flow and the conflicts with other traffic
flows can be described and analyzed with sufficient accuracy. Hutsim was originally
developed for the analysis of signalized intersections, but it has been extended for the
analysis of unsignalized intersections, roundabouts (Fig. 6.1), small networks, and
highway sections as well. The version of Hutsim used in this research was 4.21.
The building blocks of Hutsim are object-oriented programming and rule-based in-
teraction dynamics. The most important models to control the movement of vehicles
a red (stop) signal until a minor stream vehicle approaching the stop line has come to
a stop. “Stop” signal activates the deceleration model. “Go” signal has no effect on
vehicle movements. Yield and stop signs are both obstacles in vehicles’ path and “sight
objects”. They open the drivers’ sight to vehicles outside of their own driving path.
In Hutsim the vehicular interactions at an unsignalized intersection are slightly different
from the gap acceptance models. Safety lag υs in Hutsim is the minimum acceptable
lag (from the rear of a minor-stream vehicle to the front of a major-stream vehicle)
at conflict point, whereas critical gap is the minimum acceptable headway or lag that
a driver at a stop/yield line observes. A safety lag is used in Hutsim, because it is
possible to use the same parameter value for all vehicle types (Koivisto 1999). Safety
lags may follow a statistical distribution (Kosonen 1996). However, in this study, they
were constant.
The lanes and driving paths at an intersection are modeled as pipes. Stop/yield line is
typically at the end of a yielding pipe. Conflict point is usually at the end of a major
stream pipe, which may be connected to the same pipe as the yielding pipe. Figure 6.2)
presents a simple illustration of a yield-sign object, which controls two conflict points.
A more realistic simulation arrangement requires separate sign objects for all conflict
Figure 6.2: The yield-sign object in Hutsim (Kosonen 1996). The “Critical Time Gap” in the
figure refers to “safety lag”.
When the distance (dy ) of a yielding vehicle to a conflict point is shorter than the
maximum sight distance ds , the yield sign indicates whether it is safe to proceed (“go”)
or not (“stop”). When a minor-stream vehicle approaches the intersection at speed vy
and the next major-stream vehicle is approaching with speed vM at distance dM from
the conflict point, the yield sign gives a stop signal if
# $
dM dy + ly vy2
< + υs AND < αmax OR dy > ds , (6.1)
vM vy 2dy
where ly is the length of the yielding vehicle.1 The conflict point is the collision point of
the rear bumper of a yielding vehicle and the front bumper of the major stream vehicle.
The yield sign will give a stop signal, if the time distance at conflict point, when a minor
1 Equation 6.1 is a slightly modified version of the equation of Kosonen (1996).
158 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
stream vehicle has passed it, to the next approaching major stream vehicle is shorter
than the safety lag υs and the minor stream vehicle is able to stop without exceeding
the maximum deceleration rate. If multiple major-stream lanes (pipes) are connected
to one yield or stop sign, the status of the sign is determined by the first vehicle in all
pipes to enter the conflict point. As long as the distance dy to the yield sign is longer
than the maximum sight distance ds , the driver observes it as a stop signal. A short
sight distance forces the vehicle to slow down and prepare to stop. (Kosonen 1996)
Major-stream vehicles are assumed to drive at their current speed, possible future ac-
celerations or decelerations are not predicted. Acceleration is accounted for a stopped
or nearly stopped minor-stream vehicle, but its driving time to conflict point may be
overestimated for some slowly moving vehicles. Accordingly, the safety-lag estimate
used in the decision making may be inaccurate. In order to minimize the number of
inconsistent operations the conflict points were set to the stop lines.
Rule 6.1 considers driving times to a conflict point. In general, the operations of
simulated vehicles are based on the properties of the vehicle, environment, control,
and other vehicles stored in a data base, not on driver’s observations. Thus, Hutsim
cannot be used to analyze the gap acceptance process, when observation of major road
vehicles exiting before the conflict point is unclear. However, Hutsim can model the
modification of the headway distribution of through vehicles due to the deceleration of
right turning vehicles in a shared lane.
Critical gap in Hutsim is the sum three components:
3. Safety lag (υs ) to the arrival of the next priority vehicle to the conflict point
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 159
The minor stream vehicle can enter the conflict point immediately after the major stream
vehicle has passed it, no safety interval is defined, neither has the conflict point any
physical dimensions. A critical lag is the sum of components 2 and 3 above. For a given
safety lag the critical gap is larger than the critical lag. Although all vehicles obey the
same safety lag, the minimum acceptable gaps and lags may be different for different
vehicles, depending on vehicle dynamics and the initial speed of a minor-stream vehicle.
For a major-stream vehicle having length lv and driving at speed v, the occupancy time
at a conflict point is tM = lv /v. The stop or yield line is assumed to locate at the conflict
point. For a stopped minor-stream vehicle having the same length lv and acceleration
rate a, the occupancy time at a conflict point is tm = 2lv /a. The critical gap is
obtained as
tc = tM + tm + υs
lv 2lv (6.2)
= + + υs .
v a
In Hutsim passenger cars have length lv = 4 m and acceleration rate a = 1.6 The
difference between a critical gap and a safety lag is about 2.5 s, when v = 50 km/h and
about 2.4 when v = 100 km/h. If a minor-stream vehicle passes a conflict point at a
negotiation speed of 30 km/h, the difference tc − υs is approximately 0.8–0.6 seconds.
The vehicle-dynamics parameters are independent of traffic conditions. Accordingly,
follow-up times in Hutsim are not related to major stream flow rates or waiting times.
Hutsim has a more realistic model for vehicle dynamics than gap acceptance and
queuing models. Compared to signalized intersections, where the status of signals
follows explicitly defined rules, the modeling of unsignalized intersections is much
more complicated. In Hutsim the decision making processes of drivers at unsignalized
intersections are not more sophisticated than the mathematical gap acceptance models.
Hutsim has not been calibrated to model the variation in the behavior of a driver or
between drivers. Although safety lags between drivers may follow a statistical distri-
bution, Hutsim assumes consistent drivers. The criticism directed at gap acceptance
models is in many respects also valid for Hutsim, as well as for many other simulation
models (see Hagring 1996a).
on vehicle dynamics parameters, Hutsim cannot be used to study, for example, the
possible correlation between critical gaps and follow-up times.
Table 6.1: Vehicle dynamics parameters for unsignalized intersections in Hutsim (Pursula
et al. 1997, Koivisto 1999)
Vehicle class
Passenger car City bus Tram Truck
Parameter Unit Normal Maximum
Acceleration m/s2 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.0–1.2
Deceleration –m/s2 1.9 3.2 1.3 1.3 1.2
All vehicle classes
Follower gap s 1.2
Starting response time s 0.9
The arrivals were generated following a shifted exponential headway distribution with a
minimum arrival-time headway tp = 0.5 seconds. The cumulative distribution function
of the headway distribution was
0, if t < 0.5 s
F(t) = −θ(t−0.5)
1−e , if t ≥ 0.5 s.
The random number seed in a Hutsim run was the same in all simulation runs. Thus,
it was possible to replicate the same traffic input with different control parameters.
However, it was not possible to analyze the variance of results with given control
When the follower gap in Hutsim was set to 1.2 s, the resulting follow-up times were
slightly higher than obtained in the field measurements. With follower gap 1.1 s Hutsim
slightly underestimated the follow-up times.—Compared to international guidelines the
measured follow-up times were very short.
Follow-up times were also measured at three T-intersections. The results were eval-
uated by movement and by queue position. For major-road left turns and minor-road
right turns the follow-up times were about 2.0–2.1 seconds. For minor-road left-turn
movements the follow-up time was about 2.25 seconds. These data were, however,
from one intersection only.
With follower gap set to 1.2 seconds Hutsim overestimated the follow-up times, except
for minor-road left turns, for which Hutsim produced good estimates. When the fol-
lower gap was set to 1.1 seconds, the follow-up times produced by Hutsim were close
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 161
Maximum speeds of turning and circulating vehicles were calibrated with field measure-
ments (Koivisto 1999). At roundabouts the driving speed v of passenger cars increases
with the diameter r of the central island:
Speed (km/h)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Distance (m)
Figure 6.4: Speed as a function of distance with the default acceleration rate 1.6 m/s2 of
passenger cars in Hutsim
da v − v0 v 2 − v02
υs ≥ ta − + tmin = − + tmin . (6.8)
v a 2av
Limited priority modifies the major stream headway distribution, which decreases ca-
pacity below the value expected under an unmodified headway distribution. This effect
is largest under reasonably high major-stream flow rates, when gap forcing may pro-
duce shock waves in the major stream. Figure 6.5 displays an estimate of minimum
safety lags required for absolute priority merge.
and distance
v12 − v22
dd = . (6.10)
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 163
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Target speed (km/h)
Figure 6.5: Minimum safety lag values in Hutsim to avoid gap forcing, when major and minor
stream vehicles are all passenger cars with equal target speeds, and speeds of merging vehicles
at conflict point range from 10 to 25 km/h
4 (R1)
2 (R1)
7 (R2) 7 (R2)
11 (R1)
4 (R2)
2 (R1)
7 (R2)
11 (R2) 11 (R2)
4 (R1)
2 (R1)
The safety lags in the Hutsim runs were 2, 3, and 4 seconds. The minor roads and
major-road left-turn streams had a yield-sign object with sight distance 200 meters.
A stop sign was simulated by setting a yield-sign with a sight distance of 1.5 meters.
In Hutsim a yield-sign object gives a stop signal to an approaching vehicle until it is
closer than the sight distance.
Capacity models were estimated using the least squares procedure. For the exponential
capacity model (3.12) the estimated parameters were the critical gap (tc ) and the follow-
up time (tf ). For the shifted exponential model (3.17) the minimum time headway (tp )
was also estimated. Critical gaps were estimated as initial critical gap (for a two-second
safety lag) and an increment corresponding to one-second increment in a safety lag.
Figure 6.7 displays capacity estimates for a stop-controlled minor-road left-turn stream
(7) crossing a major-road through stream (2). The capacity curves are approximately
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 165
linear, which suggests a shifted exponential capacity model. Shifted exponential dis-
tribution was the headway distribution used in the vehicle generation. Apparently,
vehicular interactions before the intersection did not change the headway distribution
significantly enough to be observed in the capacity models.
Minor stream capacity (pc/h)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Major stream flow rate (pc/h)
The shifted exponential model fits well the simulated capacities. The follow-up time
3.7 s (Table 6.3) indicates a capacity of 980 pc/h, when the major stream is negligible.
Because the vehicle-dynamics parameters do not change with the safety lag, neither
changes the follow-up time. The critical gap is approximately two seconds larger than
the safety lag. The minimum major-stream headway (1.1 s) is approximately the same
as the minimum headway parameter (1.2 s) in the simulation model.
Table 6.3: Gap-acceptance parameters for a minor-road left-turn stream crossing a major-road
through stream
Stop sign Yield sign
Parameter Shifted Negative Shifted Negative Safety
exponential exponential exponential exponential lag (s)
Critical gap (tc ) 4.2 5.4 4.7 5.8 2
5.0 6.5 5.6 6.9 3
5.9 7.5 6.5 7.9 4
Follow-up time (tf ) 3.7 3.4 2.1 2.1
Min. headway (tp ) 1.1 0.0 0.9 0.0
The critical gaps and follow-up times obtained by fitting the shifted exponential model
describe driver behavior in the simulations better than the parameters for the negative
exponential model. However, the application of the parameters of the shifted exponen-
tial capacity model in a negative exponential capacity model (Figure 6.8) overestimates
166 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Minor stream capacity (pc/h)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Major stream flow rate (pc/h)
At a yield-controlled intersection the follow-up time is lower and critical gaps are higher.
At low major-stream flow rates the capacity is higher, but approaches the capacity of a
stop-controlled stream at high major-stream flow rates (Figure 6.9). One explanation
for larger critical gaps at yield-controlled approaches may be that in Hutsim a slow
moving vehicle cannot always anticipate its acceleration while it estimates its arrival
time to the conflict point. Accordingly, Table 6.3 describes the relationships between
safety lags and critical gaps at stop and yield controlled approaches in Hutsim. It
should not be used to compare the effects of stop and yield signs at any intersection.
The critical-gap estimates for the exponential model are more than a second larger than
the critical gaps for the shifted exponential model. The follow-up time is slightly lower
(3.4 s). Because the exponential model has a stronger curvature than the simulated
curves, the model overestimates the simulated capacity at low and high major-stream
flow rates. At moderate conditions the model underestimates the simulated capacity.
Major-road left-turn vehicles (4) have to decelerate to the negotiation speed (30 km/h)
before entering the intersection. Because in Hutsim a minor-road left-turn vehicle
(7) cannot anticipate this deceleration, minor-stream vehicles cannot use all acceptable
lags. Accordingly, the critical gaps in the theoretical models must be increased (Table
The shifted exponential capacity model gives again a better fit than the negative expo-
nential model (Fig. 6.10). The capacity under negligible major-flow is, of course, the
same as in the major-road through case (Fig. 6.7). The follow-up time estimates in both
models are similar as in the major-road through case (Table 6.3). The critical gaps are,
however, larger, especially for large safety-lag values.
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 167
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Major stream flow rate (pc/h)
Table 6.4: Gap-acceptance parameters for a minor-road left-turn stream crossing a major-road
left-turn stream
Stop sign Yield sign
Parameter Shifted Negative Shifted Negative Safety
exponential exponential exponential exponential lag (s)
Critical gap (tc ) 5.6 7.4 6.6 8.1 2
6.9 8.9 8.0 9.6 3
8.3 10.4 9.3 11.0 4
Follow-up time (tf ) 3.7 3.5 2.2 2.1
Min. headway (tp ) 1.3 0.0 1.0 0.0
Minor stream capacity (pc/h)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Major stream flow rate (pc/h)
Minor stream capacity (pc/h)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Major stream flow rate (pc/h)
Table 6.5: Gap-acceptance parameters for a major-road left-turn stream crossing a major-road
through stream
Parameter Shifted Negative Safety
exponential exponential lag (s)
Critical gap (tc ) 4.7 5.8 2
5.6 6.9 3
6.6 7.9 4
Follow-up time (tf ) 2.2 2.1
Min. headway (tp ) 0.8 0.0
Minor stream capacity (pc/h)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Major stream flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 6.12: Capacity of a major-road left-turn stream crossing a major-road through stream.
Simulated (triangles), exponential (solid blue) and shifted exponential (dashed black) capacity
curves with safety lags 2 (upper), 3, and 4 (lower) seconds.
4 (R2)
2 (R1)
7 (R3)
Rank 3 stream capacity (pc/h)
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Major stream flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 6.14: Rank 3 capacity of a stop-controlled minor-road left-turn stream (7) crossing
major-road through (2) and left-turn (4) streams with left-turn flow rates 300 (upper curves)
and 600 pc/h (lower curves). Simulated capacity (triangles), conventional capacity estimate
(solid magenta) and theoretical capacity estimates(solid blue). Dashed blue curve displays the
theoretical capacity estimate assuming a 1.8 second discharge headway for the Rank 1 stream.
The flow rates of the major movements were used as weighting factors.
The conventional capacity estimator is based on random arrivals and impedance factor
p0 = 1 − ρ, as used in both HCM2000 (Transportation Research Board 2000) and
Capcal 2 (SNRA 1995b). As figure 6.8 demonstrates, the negative exponential ca-
pacity model (3.12) overestimates potential capacity at high major-stream flow rates.
However, the impedance factor (3.76) in the conventional model gives too low capacity
estimates. As a result, the conventional model gives too low capacity estimates at low
major-stream flow rates, but at high flow rates the errors begin to cancel each other, and
the capacity estimates are acceptable.
The theoretical model gives higher capacity estimates than the simulation model. Better
estimates are obtained assuming a 1.8 s discharge headway for the Rank 1 stream.
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 171
4 (R2)
2 (R1)
7 (R4)
The capacity of a minor-road left-turn stream (7) crossing a minor-road through stream
(11) is similar to the capacity of crossing the major-road left-turn stream (4). The only
difference in the simulation model is a higher negotiation speed (40 km/h) for stream 11
than for stream 4 (30 km/h). Consequently, Hutsim gives lower critical gaps (Table 6.6)
and higher capacities for crossing the through stream (11). Again, this is not necessarily
a reflection of reality, but a property of the simulation model. When negotiation speed
is higher, the deceleration time is shorter, and the error in the estimated arrival time to
the conflict point is smaller.
Table 6.6: Gap-acceptance parameters for a yield-controlled minor-road left-turn stream cross-
ing a minor-road through stream
Parameter Shifted Negative Safety
exponential exponential lag (s)
Critical gap (tc ) 5.7 7.0 2
7.1 8.5 3
8.4 9.9 4
Follow-up time (tf ) 2.2 2.1
Min. headway (tp ) 0.9 0.0
The minor-road through stream (11) must yield to streams 2 and 4. Because the ne-
gotiation speed of stream 11 in the Hutsim model is higher (40 km/h) than of stream
7 (30 km/h), the follow-up time is shorter (see Table 6.7). This gives a higher capa-
city at low major-stream flow rates (Figure 6.16). The critical gaps are larger when
172 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
merging with the major-road left-turn stream, because the left-turn stream has a lower
negotiation speed (30 km/h) than the major-road through stream (60 km/h), and in Hut-
sim the minor-road vehicles cannot anticipate the extension of a gap or a lag due to a
Table 6.7: Gap-acceptance parameters for a yield-controlled minor-road through stream cross-
ing a major-road through and left-turn streams
Major through Major left
Parameter Shifted Negative Shifted Negative Safety
exponential exponential exponential exponential lag (s)
Critical gap (tc ) 4.9 6.0 6.9 8.3 2
5.8 7.0 8.1 9.6 3
6.8 8.1 9.3 10.9 4
Follow-up time (tf ) 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.9
Min. headway (tp ) 0.8 0.0 0.9 0.0
Minor stream capacity (pc/h)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Major stream flow rate (pc/h)
Simulated Rank 4 capacities and capacity estimates based on the conventional (3.104)
and theoretical (3.114) models are displayed in Figure 6.17. The safety lag for the
major-road left-turn stream (4) was 2.0 seconds, for the minor-road through stream
(11) it was 2.5 seconds, and for the minor-road left-turn stream (7) the safety lag was
3.0 seconds. Longer safety lags at lower priority streams were used in order to minimize
the number of “sneakers”. The critical gaps and follow-up times were obtained from
the shifted exponential capacity models in the Rank 2 analysis. For minor streams
crossing several priority streams the critical gaps were estimated as averages weighted
by the conflicting flow rates. For stream 11 the values were interpolated.
The simulated priority-stream flow rates were measured at exit points. At high flow rates
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 173
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600
Major stream flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 6.17: Rank 4 stream capacity at a yield-controlled intersection with Rank 3 flow rate
300 pc/h and Rank 2 flow rates 300 (upper curves) and 600 pc/h (lower curves). Simulated
capacity (triangles), conventional capacity estimate (3.104, magenta) and theoretical capacity
estimate (3.114, blue). Dashed blue curves display the theoretical capacity estimates assuming
a 1.8 second discharge headway for the Rank 1 stream. Dotted black curves display the
conventional capacity estimates without the additional adjustment (3.103).
capacity may have restricted the number of departures of Rank 2 or Rank 3 streams.
Consequently, the total major-stream flow rate did not reach 1,800 pc/h, which was the
maximum expected traffic generation rate; i.e. the demand.
The capacity did not decrease to zero at high major-stream flow rates, because in Hutsim
some Rank 4 vehicles departed while a Rank 2 or Rank 3 queue started to discharge,
as discussed above. This factor increased the capacity at high major-stream flow rates
by approximately 25 pc/h.
The conventional model slightly underestimates the simulated capacity. As observed
in the Rank 3 analysis, the impedance factor (3.103) gives too low values, while the
exponential model (3.12) with realistic parameter values tends to overestimate the
simulated capacity (Fig. 6.8). The dotted curves display the conventional capacity
estimates without the additional adjustment (3.103), as in Capcal 2. The estimates are
too low. The adjustment (3.103) in HCM2000 improves the estimates considerably.
The theoretical model gives slightly too high capacity estimates, especially if the simu-
lation results are adjusted for the effect of “sneakers”. The assumption of a 1.8 second
discharge headway in the Rank 1 stream has a minor decreasing effect on the results.
From the family of M3 capacity models (3.19) the shifted exponential (φ = 1) model
(3.17) gives the best fit, when minor stream capacity decreases linearly with increasing
major stream flow rate. Figure 6.18 displays these models fitted for the simulation
results. The critical gap was four seconds. The follow-up time was 2.5 s for the
smaller roundabouts and 2.3 s for the larger roundabout. The saturation flow rate for
tf = 2.5 is 1,440 pc/h, which is close to the capacity of the smaller roundabout under
very low circulating flow rates. For the larger roundabout the follow-up time tf = 2.3
gives a higher saturation flow rate (1,565 pc/h) than predicted by the regression line
(1,484 pc/h), but the simulation results indicate that the decrease in entry capacity is
steeper at low circulating flow rates. For the larger roundabout the minimum headway in
the circulating flow is tp = 1.8 s, as in the Swedish models. For the smaller roundabout
the results suggest a slightly larger (tp = 2.0 s) minimum headway.
Simulated 8m
Shifted exp.
1400 Simulated 38m
Shifted exp.
Entry capacity (pc/h)
0 500 1000 1500
Circulating flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 6.18: Capacity of a one-lane roundabout (simulation results and shifted exponential
models) with critical gap tc = 4 s and central island diameters 8 m and 38 m
The simulation results indicate a nearly linear relationship between entry capacity
and circulating flow. Similar results have been obtained for two-lane roundabouts
(Hagring 1997, Pursula et al. 1997). Linear capacity models have been supported by
both empirical (Kimber & Coombe 1980) and theoretical (Troutbeck 2002) studies.
The linearity is supposed to result from decreasing critical gaps and limited priority
under high circulating flow rates. These phenomena are, however, not included in the
simulation model.
The shifted exponential model suggested by the linear relationship is the headway model
used in Hutsim. When the follower gap in Hutsim is 1.2 s, and circulating speeds are
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 175
about 30 km/h, the follower headway is approximately 1.8 s. Further research is needed
to evaluate the effect of headway distributions on roundabout capacity.
Average control delay (s)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Minor stream flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 6.19: Average control delay of a stop-controlled minor-road left-turn stream cross-
ing a major-road through stream having flow rates 300 (lower curve), 600 (middle), and
900 pc/h (upper). Simulated delays (red triangles) and delay estimates based on the coordinate-
transformation method (shifted exponential capacity model, blue curves) and the HCM2000
method (dashed magenta curves).
accepting a lag do not stop, the average acceleration delay was calculated as
tf C tf C
W̄a = 5 1 − =5− . (6.13)
3600 720
It was assumed that the acceleration delay of a delayed vehicle is five seconds, and the
proportion of undelayed vehicles is the proportion of actual capacity (C) to maximum
capacity (tf−1 ).
The coordinate-transformation method again produces good delay estimates, when
capacity estimates are based on the shifted exponential headway distribution. The
delays are slightly overestimated, but the shape on the delay curves are very realistic.
Especially at low major-stream flow rates many delayed minor-stream vehicles can
cross the yield line without stopping. A better acceleration delay estimate would have
improved the delay estimates. It was, however, considered appropriate to keep the
estimation of average acceleration delay very simple. The difference between the
estimates would most likely have been in the range of 1–2 seconds, and the validation
would have been possible only against simulation results.
HCM2000 delays were too high at low minor-stream flow rates. If five seconds (the
adjustment for a stop sign) was subtracted, the delay estimates would have improved.
Because HCM2000 capacity estimates were too high, delay estimates were too low at
high flow rates.
It is evident that with good capacity estimates the coordinate-transformation method
gives reliable delay estimates. It was also demonstrated that the HCM2000 delay
estimation method (coordinate-transformation method) can be improved by subtracting
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 177
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Minor stream flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 6.20: Average control delay of a yield-controlled minor-road left-turn stream cross-
ing a major-road through stream having flow rates 300 (lower curve), 600 (middle), and
900 pc/h (upper). Simulated delays (red triangles) and delay estimates based on the coordinate-
transformation method (shifted exponential capacity model, blue curves) and the HCM2000
method (dashed magenta curves).
the follow-up time from the waiting time in the system. A simple adjustment (6.13) for
the acceleration delay at yield-controlled intersections was shown to give reasonable
178 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
A yield sign, on the other hand, indicates a chronotropic deceleration. Minor stream
vehicles must decelerate and maybe stop, if a block prevents their entry.3
A vehicle facing a yield sign does not have to stop, if it arrives during an antiblock.
A vehicle arriving at the end of a block may decelerate early so that at the beginning
of the block it may cross the stop line at a higher speed than possible otherwise. The
vehicle may accept a shorter gap or lag than a stopping vehicle. Also the acceleration
delay will be shorter. In addition, vehicles crossing a yield line during an antiblock may
discharge with shorter follow-up times than vehicles having to stop at a stop line. The
difference between these two control methods is largest at low degrees of saturation and
low major stream flow rates, when the proportion of minor stream vehicles accepting
lags is largest. As the major stream flow rate and the D/C ratio increase, more minor-
stream vehicles have to stop at yield line and the difference between stop control and
yield control decreases.
Some early German studies indicated that the priority rule has no influence on critical
gaps and follow-up times (Brilon 1988a). In the current German guidelines (FGSV
2001) the follow-up times are different for yield and stop controlled intersections,
but critical gaps are the same. The HCM 2000 (Transportation Research Board 2000)
method is for stop-controlled intersections only. Capcal 2 (SNRA 1995b) gives different
critical gaps for yield and stop controlled intersections. Follow-up times are also
different (tf = 0.6tc ). DanKap (Vejdirektoratet 1999b) has control-specific critical
gaps, but the same follow-up times. Consequently, the guidelines that address both
yield and stop control have either critical gaps, follow-up times, or both control specific.
The models used in this report assume that critical gaps and follow-up times are inde-
pendent of major and minor stream flow rates. Yield controlled approaches are likely
to have shorter critical gaps and follow-up times than stop controlled approaches, as-
suming that other conditions are similar.
The simulation results indicated clearly that follow-up times are different at yield and
stop controlled intersections. Because the safety lag in Hutsim was given as a para-
meter, the simulation results could not be used to estimate critical gaps.
Times, when a vehicle arrived to the stop-line and when a gap was accepted or rejected,
3 This makes also the estimation of acceleration delay difficult at yield-controlled intersections.
180 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
were written down. This material was adequate to get the accepted and largest rejected
gaps for the estimation of critical gap. The data contained mostly passenger cars.
Some of the not rejected headways were too long to give a realistic description of driver
behavior. Consequently, very large rejected headways were excluded from the analysis,
as described below.
7.3.2 Results
Although efforts were made to find intersections and time periods of high flow rates,
the major streams were dominated by long headways. Because accepted headways
were long, the information obtained about the upper bound of the critical gap was very
limited. It is also possible that drivers were willing to reject gaps that they would
have accepted under congested conditions, which may have resulted in too high lower
bounds for the critical gap. Accordingly, both lower and upper bounds may have been
The good supply of long headways appeared to distort especially the maximum likeli-
hood estimates. For comparison, maximum likelihood estimates were calculated also
for right-censored data. The maximum value for accepted gaps was set to 11 seconds
for roundabouts and for intersections with major-road speed limit 50 or 60 km/h, and to
17 seconds when the speed limit was 80 km/h. The results are displayed in Appendix
A. Raff’s (1950) method was not very sensitive to censoring.
For each movement both average and weighted average were calculated (see Appendix
A). The square root of sample size was used as the weighting factor. It became,
however, apparent that more data was needed, especially under high D/C ratios, in
order to obtain reliable critical-gap estimates. Until then the critical gaps presented by
Pursula et al. (1997) and displayed in Table 5.17 are suggested as base values. The
follow-up time estimate suggested by Jessen (1968)4 tf = 0.6tc can still be used as a
base value. However, the capacity estimates are more reliable, if field-measured critical
gaps and follow-up times are used.
For roundabouts the estimates in Table A.9 are in the range 4.0–4.7 s. No significant
correlation was found between the roundabout size and the critical gaps. However,
definite conclusions about the effect of roundabout geometry to critical gaps would
require more field data.
For typical Finnish roundabouts the critical gaps as suggested by Hagring (1996b) and
Capcal 2 (SNRA 1995c) are presented in Table 7.1 (see equations 5.18 and 5.16). The
small (10 m) roundabout does not have approach islands, which makes the weaving
section longer and the estimated critical gap shorter.
Table 7.1: Critical gaps for typical Finnish one-lane roundabouts according to equation (5.16)
of Capcal 2 (SNRA 1995c) and equation 5.18 of Hagring (1996b)
Central island Weaving section Weaving Critical gap, tc /s
diameter length section width Capcal 2
d/m lw /m ww /m Hagring Right turn Crossing
10 21 10.0 4.5 4.1 4.9
20 23 8.5 4.3 3.8 4.4
40 30 7.0 3.9 3.4 3.8
4 Later German studies, among others, have indicated that the direct correlation suggested by Jessen
(1968) may not exist (Brilon 1988a).
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 181
Because the Finnish observations presented in Table A.9 do not indicate a correlation
between critical gap and roundabout size, a single critical-gap value has been con-
sidered appropriate. The suggested base value for a critical gap in Finnish one-lane
roundabouts is 4.3 seconds, which is close to the estimates in Table A.9. It is also the
critical-gap estimate for a typical Finnish roundabout with central island radius of 20 m
(Table 7.1), as well as the critical gap at a two-lane roundabout between traffic flows in
outer circulating and entry lanes (Table 5.12), as estimated by Hagring (1998b). The
suggested value is also in the range of the upper (4.1 s) and lower (4.6 s) bounds (Table
5.3) in HCM2000 (Transportation Research Board 2000), but slightly higher than the
value 4.1 s suggested by the German HBS 2001 (FGSV 2001). For two-lane round-
abouts the critical gaps suggested in Table 7.2 follow the results of Hagring (1998b).
Table 7.2: Suggested critical gaps and follow-up times for Finnish roundabouts
One-lane roundabout Two lane roundabout
Entry Critical Follow-up Critical gap Follow-up
lane gap time Outside lane Inner lane time
Right 4.3 2.3–2.5 4.3 4.0 2.4
Left 4.6 4.4 2.4
For two-lane roundabouts the follow-up time 2.4 s was suggested by Hagring (1998b).
For one-lane roundabouts the follow-up time is calculated as
where d = 2(rc − ww ) is the central island diameter. The resulting follow-up times are
similar to the result (2.4 s) of Hagring (1996b) but shorter than suggested by HCM2000
(2.6–3.1 s), DanKap (2.6–2.8 s), and HBS 2001 (2.9 s)5 , which indicates that Finnish
and Swedish roundabouts have higher capacity than the roundabouts in the U.S., Den-
mark, and Germany, when traffic flows are strongly dominated by one entry.
In the Australian guidelines (Austroads 1993) and in Sidra (Akçelik 1998) follow-up
times at one-lane roundabouts are related to both roundabout size (inscribed circle
diameter) and circulating flow rate. Follow-up times decrease with increasing diameter
and increasing circulating flow rate. At low circulating flow rates the follow-up time
ranges from 2.27 to 2.99 seconds, when the inscribed circle ranges from 80 to 20 meters
(Austroads 1993). When the circulating flow approaches 1,500 veh/h the follow-up
time can be as low as 1.7 seconds. In two-lane roundabouts with circulating flow rate
2,500 veh/h the follow-up time can be as low as 1.3 seconds. Sub-dominant streams
have larger follow-up times than dominant streams.
The follow-up times suggested in Table 7.2 are still larger than the follow-up times
obtained in field measurements (see equation 6.4). As the calibration studies indicated,
with follower gap 1.2 s Hutsim slightly overestimated follow-up times. The number
of field measurements was, however, limited. In the light of international results, more
field data are needed before lower follow-up times can be suggested.
The simulation results suggest that the minimum headway in circulating traffic is a
function of central-island diameter (d):
In large roundabouts tp is close to the value 1.8 s suggested by Hagring (1998b). In small
roundabouts tp is close to 2.0 s used in the Australian guidelines (Austroads 1993) and
in Sidra (Akçelik 1998). The value 2.1 s used in the German guidelines (FGSV 2001)
is slightly higher.
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 183
Capacity, C/(pc/h)
800 7s
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Conflicting flow rate, qM/(veh/h)
Figure 8.1: Potential capacity for priority-stream headways following Tanner’s distribution
(solid blue) and the shifted exponential distribution (dashed red). Minimum headways are 1.8 s
for the Tanner model and 1 s for the shifted exponential model.
The simulation studies indicated that the new theoretical model for Rank 3 and Rank
4 headways gives good approximations of simulated capacities. The assumption of a
1.8 s minimum discharge headway (Tanner’s model) in Rank 1 streams gives slightly
better capacity estimates than the negative exponential model. For Rank 4 capacity the
conventional (HCM2000) estimates may be slightly better than the theoretical model.
The new theoretical model with a 1.8 second discharge headway for Rank 1 streams
is suggested for the analysis of Finnish unsignalized. Compared with the methods in
HCM2000 and Capcal 2 the new method has several advantages:
1. Potential capacity estimates are in better agreement with simulation results than
the estimates of HCM2000. For Rank 2 capacity analysis the method is the same
as in Capcal 2.
2. Rank 3 capacity estimates are in better agreement with the simulation results
than the estimates of HCM2000 and Capcal 2.
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 185
3. The Rank 4 capacity estimates of Capcal 2 are too low. The new estimates are sim-
ilar to the HCM2000 estimates. Compared wit simulated capacities HCM2000
estimates are slightly too low, while the new estimates are slightly too high.
4. The new method has a more solid theoretical foundation, and it is not—at least
not to the same extent as the HCM2000 method—based on cancellation of errors.
8.3 Roundabouts
The capacity of a roundabout entry can be estimated using the method (3.58) of Hagring
(1998b), but assuming a shifted exponential headway distribution (φ = 1) in the major
flow. The capacity equation for entry lane k is
3600e− i=1 γi (tc,i −tp ) ! qi
n n
Ck = n , (8.1)
1 − e− i=1 tf γi i=1
where n is the number of circulating lanes (1 or 2), tf is the follow-up time in entry
lane k, tc,i is the critical gap in circulating lane i for the vehicle in
entry lane k, tp is
the minimum (platoon) headway in a circulating lane, and = ni=1 γi . The scale
parameters are estimated as
γi = . (8.2)
3600 − qi tp
For a one-lane roundabout the equation simplifies to
q1 = pe qe + qc,1 , (8.4)
where qc,1 is the actual circulating flow, qe is the exiting flow rate, and pe is the
proportion of exiting flow included in the major flow. As a default pe = 0.
186 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Base values for critical gaps and follow-up times can be obtained from Table 7.2 on
page 181. For one-lane roundabouts the follow-up time tf and the minimum headway
tp can be estimated as functions of the central island diameter (d):
Figure 8.2 displays capacity estimates for one-lane roundabouts. At low circulating
flow rates the capacity estimates are slightly higher than in the current guidelines (Fig.
5.5). When circulating flows are high, the new capacity estimates are lower than the
current estimates. Better accuracy can be obtained, if the parameters are estimated
using field data.
Entry capacity (pc/h)
0 500 1000 1500
Circulating flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 8.2: Capacity of Finnish one-lane roundabouts with central island diameters 10 m and
40 m
There was not enough field data to calibrate the Hutsim simulation model for two-
lane roundabouts. The methodology suggested is based on earlier simulation studies
(Hagring 1997, Pursula et al. 1997), Swedish research (Hagring 1998b, Hagring et al.
2003) as well as on generalizations of the results for one-lane roundabouts.
At two-lane roundabouts the vehicles circulating in the inner lane are included in the
major flow of the right entry lane. If the distribution of traffic between outer and inner
lanes is not known, it can be approximated following the results of Hagring et al. (2003).
As a default it is assumed that the outer lane is used by 55 % of left-turn vehicles, 95 %
of through vehicles, and 100 % of right-turn vehicles. Lane changes from the inner
lane to the outer lane are assumed to take place in the weaving area preceding the exit,
so that they can be ignored in the capacity analysis. Especially under high degrees of
saturation the realism of the lane allocation should be checked.
Figure 8.3 displays capacity estimates for a two-lane roundabout when 50 % or 90 % of
circulating traffic is in the outer lane. The entry capacity is expressed as the sum of the
capacities of both entry lanes. In practice, capacity should be calculated separately for
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 187
both entry lanes. In most cases the demand on the left entry lane is much lower than
on the right lane. New research results in Germany indicate that the increase in entry
capacity due to a second entry lane is only about about 14 percent.1
Figure 8.4 displays capacity, when both circulating and entering traffic have the same
lane distribution. If the capacity of lane 1 is C1 , the capacity of lane 2 is C2 , the
proportion of traffic on the lane 1 is p, the entry
−1capacity in Figure
8.3 is calculated as
C = C1 + C2 and in Figure 8.4 as C = min p C1 , (1 − p) C2 . When arrival rate
is higher than C, demand exceeds capacity in one or both entry lanes. The increase in
capacity due to an additional entry lane is highest when the lane distribution is even.
Entry capacity (pc/h)
← 50
← 90
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Circulating flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 8.3: Capacity of Finnish two-lane roundabouts with 50 % and 90 % of circulating traffic
in the outer lane
A change in the traffic flows at a subject entry may have an effect on the operation of
other entries, which again may affect the traffic conditions at the subject entry. This is
important especially if the increase of traffic at the subject entry causes oversaturation
at another entry, in which case circulating traffic at the subject entry may decrease.
The method presented here addresses only the capacity of entering flow. No data
is available on the capacity at exits and weaving sections. The German exit capacity
estimate of 1,200 veh/h can be used as a rule of thumb. The effect of crossing pedestrians
at entries and exits can be estimated by the procedure presented in Section 3.8. Traffic
operation at weaving sections can be analyzed using simulation models.
When the capacity of a roundabout has been calculated, other performance measures can
be estimated following the the same procedures as for other unsignalized intersections.
1 Thorsten Miltner at the German–Dutch–Finnish Seminar on Traffic Engineering at 8–9 June 2004 in
Delft. In HBS 2001 (FGSV 2001) adding a second entry lane doubles the capacity.
188 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Entry capacity (pc/h)
← 50
500 ← 50
← 90
← 90
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Circulating flow rate (pc/h)
Figure 8.4: Capacity of Finnish two-lane roundabouts with 50 % and 90 % of circulating and
entering traffic in the outer lane (solid curves) and with a one-lane entry (dashed curves)
Table 8.1: Current and new level-of-service criteria with approximate delays at reserve-capacity
Current criteria New criteria
LOS Reserve capacity Delay Delay
(veh/h) (s) (s)
A ≥ 400 ≤ 9 ≤ 10
B ≥ 300 ≤ 12 ≤ 15
C ≥ 200 ≤ 18 ≤ 25
D ≥ 100 ≤ 36 ≤ 35
E ≥ 0 > 36 ≤ 50
F ρ>1 ρ>1 > 50
The maximum likelihood method can be suggested as the statistical estimation method.
Field studies are also required to further calibrate and validate the Rank 3 and Rank 4
capacity analysis procedures.
In order to evaluate the impedance effect of pedestrians, a description of pedestrian-
vehicle interactions and pedestrian flow dynamics at intersections is needed. This
requires new field studies.
At two-lane roundabouts field studies are required to estimate the lane allocation. This
information is needed in the capacity analysis.
The movement capacity equations for Rank 3 and Rank 4 steams were presented as-
suming Poisson arrivals. Extension of these models to Cowan’s M3 distribution would
give additional flexibility and realism.
The simulation experiments revealed some problems in the simulation software. The
most important problem is the lack of anticipation of vehicle acceleration and deceler-
ation in the gap acceptance process. Other, mostly minor, details have been reported
to the software developer.
190 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
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202 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
206 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Table A.1: Critical gap estimates for major-road left-turn movements at unsignalized intersec-
tions with major-road speed limit 50 km/h
Maximum likelihood Raff’s
Noncensored Censored method
Location N tˆc N tˆc N tˆc
Postitie 16 5.0 11 3.7 16 4.9
Seutula 274 5.6 165 5.2 274 5.6
Seutula 169 5.8 90 5.3 169 5.7
Kuitinmäki 90 5.9 29 4.4 90 5.6
Vihti 89 6.0 27 4.6 89 5.5
Vanha Turuntie-Jorvi 31 7.2 11 6.5 31 7.6
Vanha Turuntie-Jorvi 16 8.2 6 5.4 16 7.5
Sture1 22 10.1 2 4.6 22 10.3
Average 6.6 4.9 6.4
Weighted average 6.0 5.1 5.9
Table A.2: Critical gap estimates for minor-road right-turn movements at yield-controlled
intersections with major-road speed limit 50 km/h
Maximum likelihood Raff’s
Noncensored Censored method
Location N tˆc N tˆc N tˆc
Seutula 161 5.6 90 5.0 161 5.2
Seutula 167 6.3 79 5.7 167 6.3
Vanha Turuntie-Jorvi 26 8.8 4 5.6 26 8.2
Vanha Turuntie-Jorvi 29 9.0 3 7.0 29 8.6
Average 7.3 5.8 6.9
Weighted average 6.4 5.4 6.1
Table A.3: Critical gap estimates for minor-road left-turn movements at yield-controlled inter-
sections with major-road speed limit 50 km/h
Maximum likelihood Raff’s
Noncensored Censored method
Location N tˆc N tˆc N tˆc
Rajatorppa 113 5.0 87 4.8 113 4.9
Kuitinmäki 156 6.3 86 5.5 156 6.2
Otaniemi 47 6.7 25 5.2 47 6.5
Malminkartano 57 6.9 23 6.3 57 6.6
Vanha Turuntie-Jorvi 94 7.1 49 6.2 94 6.9
Vanha Turuntie-Jorvi 114 7.6 40 6.5 114 6.9
Vanha Turuntie-Jorvi 58 7.6 18 6.2 58 7.0
Pukinmäki 41 8.4 9 6.1 41 7.8
Average 6.9 5.8 6.6
Weighted average 6.7 5.6 6.4
Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections 207
Table A.4: Critical gap estimates for major-road left-turn movements at unsignalized intersec-
tions with major-road speed limit 60 km/h
Maximum likelihood Raff’s
Noncensored Censored method
Location N tˆc N tˆc N tˆc
Leppävaara 38 5.3 16 4.5 38 4.7
Leppävaara 115 5.6 54 5.1 115 5.5
Karak2 33 6.2 12 5.1 33 5.7
Leppävaara 97 6.5 34 4.8 97 5.7
Seurasaari 25 6.7 6 4.1 25 5.5
Saukkola 24 7.4 5 4.4 24 6.7
Saukkola 24 8.0 6 7.7 24 7.8
Porintie 52 7.2 21 5.6 52 6.6
Average 6.6 5.2 6.0
Weighted average 6.4 5.1 5.8
Table A.5: Critical gap estimates for minor-road right-turn movements at unsignalized inter-
sections with major-road speed limit 60 km/h
Maximum likelihood Raff’s
Noncensored Censored method
Location Control N tˆc N tˆc N tˆc
Leppävaara Yield 89 5.8 41 4.8 89 5.4
Leppävaara Yield 140 6.2 69 5.2 140 5.7
Saukkola Yield 9 6.8 7 6.8 9 6.8
Porintie Stop 180 8.9 53 6.8 180 8.6
Average 6.9 5.9 6.0
Weighted average 6.4 5.7 6.9
Table A.6: Critical gap estimate for minor-road left-turn movements at a yield-controlled
intersection with major-road speed limit 60 km/h
Maximum likelihood Raff’s
Noncensored Censored method
Location N tˆc N tˆc N tˆc
Saukkola 32 8.3 11 6.3 32 8.0
Table A.7: Critical gap estimates for minor-road right-turn movements at yield-controlled
intersections with major-road speed limit 80 km/h
Maximum likelihood Raff’s
Noncensored Censored method
Location N tˆc N tˆc N tˆc
Numpj1 80 7.9 59 7.1 80 7.5
Myllylampi 20 7.8 16 7.3 20 7.4
Hanko-Hyvinkää-Nummela 44 10.7 25 10.0 44 10.4
Average 8.8 8.1 8.4
Weighted average 8.7 7.9 8.4
208 Capacity and Level of Service at Finnish Unsignalized Intersections
Table A.8: Critical gap estimates for minor-road left-turn movements at unsignalized intersec-
tions with major-road speed limit 80 km/h
Maximum likelihood Raff’s
Noncensored Censored method
Location N tˆc N tˆc N tˆc
Jorvaksentie-Sundsberg 69 6.6 62 6.5 69 6.7
Jorvaksentie-Sundsberg 96 6.6 84 6.5 96 6.7
Vihdintie-Lahnus 41 8.9 31 8.9 41 9.5
Hanko-Hyvinkää-Nummela 28 8.6 26 8.3 28 8.9
Hanko-Hyvinkää-Nummela 25 8.8 13 7.8 25 8.2
Numet2 25 10.0 13 9.3 25 10.4
Average 8.3 7.9 8.4
Weighted average 7.6 7.3 7.8