Solutions To The Exercises: Solution

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Solutions to the Exercises

Chapter 1

Solution 1.1
(a) Your computer may be programmed to allocate borderline cases to the
next group down, or the next group up; and it may or may not manage
to follow this rule consistently, depending on its handling of the numbers
involved. Following a rule which says 'move borderline cases to the next
group up', these are the five classifications.
(i) 1.0-1.2 1.2-1.4 1.4-1.6 1.6-1.8 1.8-2.0 2.0-2.2 2.2-2.4
6 6 4 8 4 3 4
2.4-2.6 2.6-2.8 2.8-3.0 3.0-3.2 3.2-3.4 3.4-3.6 3.6-3.8
6 3 2 2 0 1 1
(ii) 1.0-1.3 1.3-1.6 1.6-1.9 1.9-2.2 2.2-2.5
10 6 10 5 6
2.5-2.8 2.8-3.1 3.1-3.4 3.4-3.7
7 3 1 2
(iii) 0.8-1.1 1.1-1.4 1.4-1.7 1.7-2.0 2.0-2.3
2 10 6 10 7
2.3-2.6 2.6-2.9 2.9-3.2 3.2-3.5 3.5-3.8
6 4 3 1 1
(iv) 0.85-1.15 1.15-1.45 1.45-1.75 1.75-2.05 2.05-2.35
4 9 8 9 5
2.35-2.65 2.65-2.95 2.95-3.25 3.25-3.55 3.55-3.85
7 3 3 1 1
(V) 0.9-1.2 1.2-1.5 1.5-1.8 1.8-2.1 2.1-2.4
6 7 11 7 4
2.4-2.7 2.7-3.0 3.0-3.3 3.3-3.6 3.6-3.9
7 4 2 1 1
(b) Computer graphics: the diagrams are shown in Figures 1.9 to 1.11.

Solution 1.2
(a) Computer graphics: see Figure 1.12.
(b) Computer graphics: see Figure 1.13.
If your computer gives graphics that are text-character based (otherwise
known as low-resolution graphics) then the scatter plots you obtain will not
be as precise as those appearing in the text and the fitted line will not be
displayed. However, the main message of the data should still be apparent.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 1.3
(a) In order of decreasing brain weight to body weight ratio, the species are
as follows.
Species Body weight Brain weight Ratio
Rhesus Monkey
Potar Monkey
Mountain Beaver
Guinea Pig
Grey Wolf
Asian Elephant
African Elephant
(b) (i) Computer graphics: see Figure 1.14.
(ii) Computer graphics: see Figure 1.15.

Solution 1.4
There were 23 children who survived the condition. Their birth weights are
1.130, 1.410, 1.575, 1.680, 1.715, 1.720, 1.760, 1.930, 2.015, 2.040, 2.090, 2.200,
2.400, 2.550, 2.570, 2.600, 2.700, 2.830, 2.950, 3.005, 3.160, 3.400, 3.640. The
median birth weight for these children is 2.200 kg (the 12th value in the sorted
There were 27 children who died. The sorted birth weights are 1.030, 1.050,
1.100, 1.175, 1.185, 1.225, 1.230, 1.262, 1.295, 1.300, 1.310, 1.500, 1.550, 1.600,
1.720, 1.750, 1.770, 1.820, 1.890, 1.940, 2.200, 2.270, 2.275, 2.440, 2.500, 2.560,
2.730. The middle value is the 14th (thirteen either side) so the median birth
weight for these children who died is 1.600 kg.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 1.5
The ordered differences are 3.8, 10.3, 11.8, 12.9, 17.5, 20.5, 20.6, 24.4, 25.3,
28.4, 30.6. The median difference is 20.5.

Solution 1.6
Once the data are entered, most computers will return the sample median at
a single command. It is 79.7 inches.

Solution 1.7
(a) The mean birth weight of the 23 infants who survived SIRDS is
- 1.130 + 1.575 + . . . + 3.005 --53.070
xs = - = 2.307 kg; Notice the subscripts S, D and T
23 23 used in this solution to label and
the mean birth weight of the 27 infants who died is distinguish the three sample
means. It was not strictly
XD =
1.050 + 1.175 + . . + 2.730 -
--45.680 = 1.692 kg. necessary to do this here, since we
27 27 will not be referring to these
The mean birth weight of the entire sample is numbers again in this exercise, but
it is a convenient labelling system
when a statistical analysis becomes
more complicated.

Solution 1.8
The mean 'After - Before' difference in ~ a b l e ' l . 1 1is
X =
+ + +
25.3 20.5 . . . 28.4 - 206.1
- -= 18.74 pmol/l.
11 11

Solution 1.9
The mean snowfall over the 63 years was 80.3 inches.

Solution 1.10
(a) The lower quartile birth weight for the 27 children who died is given by
4 ~ = x(+(n+l))= x(7) = 1.230kg;
the upper quartile birth weight is
= x(;(,+~))= ~ ( 2 1 =
) 2.200kg.

(b) For these silica data, the sample size is n = 22. The lower quartile is
qL = x(;(n+l))= X ( ? ) = x(5;)
which is three-quarters of the way between x ( ~=) 26.39 and X ( G ) = 27.08.
This is

say, 26.9. The sample median is

m = x (5(n+l))
1 = =x(~l$),
which is midway between x ( l l ) = 28.69 and = 29.36. This is 29.025;
say, 29.0.
Elements of Statistics

The upper quartile is

Qa = X($(,+,)) = X ( ? ) = x ( 1 7 a ) ,
one-quarter of the way between ~ ( 1 7 =
) 33.28 and x(18) = 33.40. This is

qv = 33.28 + i(33.40 - 33.28) = i(33.28) + a(33.40) = 33.31;

say, 33.3.

Solution 1.1 1
For the snowfall data the lower and upper quartiles are q~ = 63.6 inches
and qu = 98.3 inches respectively. The interquartile range is qu - q~ = 34.7

Solution 1.12
Answering these questions might involve delving around for the instruction
manual that came with your calculator! The important thing is not to use the
formula-let your calculator do all the arithmetic. All you should need to do
is key in the original data and then press the correct button. (There might be
a choice, one of which is when the divisor in the 'standard deviation' formula
is n, the other is when the divisor is n - 1. Remember, in this course we use
the second formula.)
(a) You should have obtained s = 8.33, to two decimal places.
(b) The standard deviation for the silica data is s = 4.29.
(c) For the collapsed runners' ,L? endorphin concentrations, s = 98.0.

Solution 1.13
(a) The standard deviation s is 0.66 kg.
(b) The standard deviation s is 23.7ikhes.

Solution 1.14
Summary measures for this data set are
x ( ~=
) 23, q~ = 34, m = 45, q~ = 62, = 83.
The sample median is m = 45; the sample mean is 31 = 48.4; the sample
standard deviation is 18.1. The range is 83 - 23 = 60; the interquartile range
is 62 - 34 = 28.

Solution 1.15
The first group contains 19 completed families. Some summary statistics are
m = 10, Z = 8.2, s = 5.2, interquartile range = 10.
For the second group of 35 completed families, summary statistics are
m = 4, = 4.8, s = 4.0, interquartile range = 4.
The differences are very noticeable between the two groups. Mothers educated
for the longer time period would appear to have smaller families. In each case
the mean and median are of comparable size. For the smaller group, the
interquartile range is much greater than the standard deviation. If the three
or four very large families are removed from the second data set, the differences
become even more pronounced.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 1.16
(a) The five-figure summary for the silica data is given by

A convenient scale sufficient to cover the extent of the data is from 20 to

40. The i.q.r. is 33.31 - 26.91 = 6.40. Then

and this exceeds the sample maximum, so the upper adjacent value is the
sample maximum itself, 34.82. Also

This value is less than the sample minimurn, so the lower adjacent value
is the sample minimum itself. For these data there are no extreme values.
The boxplot is shown in Figure S1. l .

Percentage silica

Figure S1.1

(b) For the snowfall data the lower adjacent value is 39.8; the minimum is
25.0. The upper adjacent value is equal to the maximum, 126.4. The
boxplot is shown in Figure S1.2.

Annual snowfall (inches)

Figure S1.2

Solution 1.17
The sample skewness for the first group of mothers is -0.29.

Solution 1.18
(a) The five-figure summaries for the three groups are
normal: (14, 92, 124.5, 274.75, 655)
alloxan-diabetic: (13, 70.25,139.5, 276, 499)
insulin-treated: (18, 44, 82, 133, 465).
The normal group has one very high recording at 655; the next highest is
455, which is more consistent with the other two groups.
(b) The mean and standard deviation for each group are
normal: 2 = 186.1, S = 158.8
alloxan-diabetic: 2 = 181.8, s = 144.8
insulin-treated: 2 = 112.9, s = 105.8..
The mean reading in the third group seems noticeably less than that for
the first two groups, and has a reduced standard deviation.

Elements of Statistics

(c) The sample skewness for each group is

normal: 1.47
alloxan-diabetic: 1.01
insulin-treated: 2.07.
All the samples are positively skewed: the third group has one substantial
outlier at 465. Eliminating that outlier reduces the skewness to 1.02.
(d) The comparative boxplot in Figure S1.3 does not suggest any particular
difference between the groups. The first two groups are substantially
skewed with some evidence of extreme observations to the right; apart
from three very extreme observations contributing to a high skewness,
observations in the third group are more tightly clustered around the




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

BSA Nitrogen-bound

Figure S1.3

Of course, a computer makes detailed exploration of data sets relatively

easy, quick and rewarding. You might find it interesting to pursue the
story the data have to tell after, say, removing the extreme observations
from each group.

Chapter 2

Solution 2.1
In this kind of study it is essential to state beforehand the population of
interest. If this consists of rail travellers and workers then the location of
the survey may be reasonable. If, on the other hand, the researcher wishes
to draw some conclusions about the reading habits of the entire population
of Great Britain then this sampling strategy omits, or under-represents, car
users and people who never, or rarely, visit London.
A sample drawn at 9 am on a weekday will consist very largely of commuters
to work, and if the researcher is interested primarily in their reading habits
then the strategy will be a very useful one. On a Saturday evening there will
possibly be some overrepresentation of those with the inclination, and the
means, to enjoy an evening out.

Solution 2.2
This is a practical simulation. It is discussed in the text following the exercise.

Solutions to Exercises

Solution 2.3
A typical sequence of 40 coin tosses, and the resulting calculations and graph,

Table S2.1 The results of 40 tosses of a coin

Toss number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
Observed result 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total so far 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4
Proportion(P) 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.60 0.50 0.43 0.38 0.33 0.40
Toss number 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Observedresult 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
Total so far 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 1 0
Proportion(P) 0.36 0.42 0.38 0.43 0.47 0.44 0.47 0.44 0.47 0.50
Toss number 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Observedresult 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
Total so far 10 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17
Proportion(P) 0.48 0.45 0.48 0.50 0.52 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.55 0.57
Toss number 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Observedresult 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
Total so far 18 19 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 23
Proportion(P) 0.58 0.59 0.61 0.62 0.60 0.58 0.59 0.58 0.56 0.58

The graph of successive values of P plotted against the number of tosses is

shown in Figure S2.1.


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure S2.1 Proportion P, 40 tosses of a coin

The same phenomenon is evident here as was seen in Figures 2.2 and 2.3. In
this case P seems to be tending to a value close to Did your experiment i.
lead to similar results?

Solution 2.4
(a) The estimate of the probability that a male will be given help is
Elements of Statistics

(b) The estimate for a female is 89/(89 16) = 0.85.
(c) Since the number 0.85 is greater than the number 0.71, the experiment has
provided some evidence to support the hypothesis that people are more
helpful to females than to males. However, two questions arise. First,
is the difference between the observed proportions sufficiently large to
indicate a genuine difference in helping behaviour, or could it have arisen
simply as a consequence of experimental variation when in fact there is no
underlying difference in people's willingness to help others, whether male
or female? Second, is the design of the experiment adequate to furnish an
answer to the research question? There may have been differences (other
than gender differences) between the eight students that have influenced
people's responses. One matter not addressed in this exercise, but surely
relevant to the investigation, is the gender of those approached.

Solution 2.5
A count of yeast cells in each square is bound to result in an integer
observation: you could not have 2.2 or 3.4 cells. The random variable is
The data have evidently been recorded to the nearest 0.1 mm, but the
actual lengths of kangaroo jawbones are not restricted in this way-within
a reasonable range, any length is possible. The random variable is con-
The lifetimes have been measured to the nearest integer and recorded as
such. However, lifetime is a continuous random variable: components (in
general, anyway) would not fail only 'on the hour'. A useful model would
be a continuous model.
Rainfall is a continuous random variable.
The number of loans is an integer-the random variable measured here is
(Data might also be available on the times for which books are borrowed
before they are returned. Again, this would probably be measured as
integer numbers of days, even though a book could be returned at any
time during a working day.)

Solution 2.6
(a) Following the same approach as that adopted in Example 2.8, we can show
on a diagram the shaded region corresponding to the required proportion
(or probability) P(T > 5). The area of the shaded triangle is given by 10

X (base) X (height)
20 - 5
=ix(20-5)x f(5)=ix15xP = 0.5625.
So, according to the model, rather more than half such gaps will exceed O 5 10 15 20 t
5 seconds. Actually the data suggest that only one-quarter might be so Figure ~ 2 . 2 ~h~ probability
long: our model is showing signs that it could be improved! P(T > 5)
(b) This part of the question asks for a general formula for the probability
P ( T 5 t ) . The corresponding shaded region is shown in Figure S2.3. The
Solutions to Exercises

area of the shaded region is given by f(t) I

(average height) X (width) 10

= (long side + short side) X (width) = $ (f (0) + f (t)) X (t - 0)
=$(!!&?+E) = - t ) t --40t - t2
~ t (40 p o t 20 t
200 400 400 '
Figure S2.3 The probability
This formula can now be used for all probability calculations based on P(T 5 t )
this model.

Solution 2.7
The probability mass function for the score on a Double-Fivehas already been
established (see page 66). Summing consecutive terms gives Table S2.2.

Table S 2 2 The probability

distribution for a Double-Five

Solution 2.8
(a) Using the c.d.f.

it follows that

(b) The proportion of waiting times exceeding 5 seconds is given by

1- (the proportion of waiting times that are 5 seconds or less):

(see Solution 2.6(a)).

Solution 2.9
The probability that a woman randomly selected from the population of
6503 has passed the menopause is

Let the random variable X take the value 1 if a woman has passed the
menopause and 0 otherwise. The random variable X is Bernoulli(O.O91),

(It is very important to remember to specify the range of the random

Elements of Statistics

Solution 2.10
This is a Bernoulli trial with

That is, X Bernoulli(0.78).

The probability mass function of X is

Solution 2.1 1
It is possible that the experiment will result in a sequence of 15 failures. Each
of these scores 0. Then the random variable Y (the total number of successes)
takes the value

At the other extreme, the experiment might result in a sequence of 15 suc-

cesses. Then

Any sequence of failures and successes (0s and 1s) between these two extremes
is possible, with y taking values 1 , 2 , . . . ,14. The range of the random variable
Y is therefore

Of course, it is unnecessary to be quite so formal. Your answer might have

been a one-line statement of the range, which is all that is required.

Solution 2.12
Obviously the 100 people chosen have not been chosen independently: if one
chosen person is female it very strongly influences the probability that the
spouse will be male! Indeed, you can see that the distribution of the number
of females is not binomial by considering the expected frequency distribution.
If it was binomial there would be a non-zero probability of obtaining 0 females,
1female and so on, up to 100 females. However, in this case you are certain to
get exactly 50 females and 50 males. The probability that any other number
will occur is zero.

Solution 2.13
(a) (i) The number dropping out in the placebo group is binomial B(6,0.14).
The probability that all six drop out is

(ii) The probability that none of the six drop out is

(iii) The probability that exactly two drop out is

Solutions to Exercises

(b) The assumption of independence reduces, in this case, to saying that

whether a patient drops out of the placebo group is unaffected by what
happens to other patients in the group. Sometimes patients are unaware
of others' progress in this sort of trial; but otherwise, it is at least possible
that a large drop in numbers would discourage others from continuing in
the study. Similarly, even in the absence of obvious beneficial effects,
patients might offer mutual encouragement to persevere. In such circum-
stances the independence assumption breaks down.

Solution 2.14
(a) P ( V = 2) = (i) (0.3)'(1 - 0.3)~-'

(b) P ( W = 8) = ( ) (0.5)'(1 - 0.5)~'-g

(d) P ( Y < 2) = P ( Y = 0) + P ( Y = 1)+ P ( Y = 2)

(e) Writing

involves calculating eight probabilities and adding them together. It is

easier to say

= - [ ( Y ) (a)":) '+ (S) (1)' (:) + (3 (c),"]


(Actually, it is even easier to use your computer for binomial probability


Solution 2.15
(a) The distribution of wrinkled yellow peas amongst a 'family' of eight is
B(8, $1.
Elements of Statistics

(b) The probability that all eight are wrinkled and yellow is

(c) The distribution of wrinkled green peas amongst eight offspring is bi-
nomial ~ ( 8 , The probability that there are no wrinkled green peas

Solution 2.16
You should find that your computer gives you the following answers. (These
answers are accurate to six 'decimal places.)
(a) 0.200121 (b) 0.068892 (c) 0.998736 (d) 0.338529
(e) If four dice are rolled simultaneously, then the number of 6s to appear is
a binomial random variable M N B(4, i).The probability of getting at
least one 6 is

1 - I
If two dice are rolled, the probability of getting a double-6 is X -
6 - 36'
The number of double-6s in twenty-four such rolls is a binomial random
variable N ~ ( 2 4 , The probability of getting a t least one double-6


So it is the first event of the two that is the more probable.

(f) If X is B(365,0.3) then

(This would be very time-consuming to calculate other than with a com-

puter.) In answering this question the assumption has been made that
rain occurs independently from day to day; this is a rather questionable

Solution 2.17
(a) A histogram of the data looks like the following. The sample mean and
standard deviation are:
X = 18.11 mm, s = 8.602 mm. 30
The average book width appears to be about 18.11 mm, so for 5152 books 20
the required shelving would be 5152 X 18.11 mm = 93.3 m. 15
(b) This is a somewhat subjective judgement, since no formal tests have been
developed for a 'bell-shaped' appearance, or lack of it. The histogram
suggests the data are rather skewed. It is worth observing that the width l0 l 5 20 25 30 35 40 45
Width ( m m )
of the widest book in the sample is about 3.5 standard deviations above
the mean; the narrowest book measures only 1.5 standard deviations be- Figure 52.4 widths f, 100
low the mean. books
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 2.18
(a) You might have obtained a sequence of OS and 1s as follows.
The number of 1s in the ten trials is 2. A single observation from
B(10,0.2) was then obtained: it was 3. The sum of ten independent
Bernoulli random variables Bernoulli(0.2) is binomial B(10,0.2). The two
observations, 2 and 3, are independent observations, each from B(10,0.2).
(b) Figure S2.5 shows three bar charts similar to those you might have ob-

100 j

Figure S2.5 (a) 10 values from B(20,0.5) (b) 100 values from B(20,0.5) ( c ) 500
values from B(20,0.5)
Notice that, as the sample size increases, the bar charts for the observed
frequencies become less jagged. Even in the case of a sample of size 100,
however, the bar chart can be very irregular: this is bimodal. When the
sample is of size 500, the observed frequencies are very suggestive of the
underlying probability distribution, whose probability mass function is
shown in Figure S2.6.

Figure S 2 6 The binomial probability distribution B(20,0.5)

Elements of Statistics

(c) Here are three typical bar charts.

Frequency Frequency Frequency

200 140 140

120. 120
100 100
120 80 80
80 60 60
40 40
20 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0
(i) (ii) (iii)

Figure S2.7 (i) 500 values from B(10,O.l) (ii) 500 values from B(10,0.3) (iii) 500 values from B(10,0.5)
You can see that the value of the parameter p affects the skewed nature
of the sample data.

(d) The following diagrams show three summaries of the data.

Frequency Frequency
l60 4 l001

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 10 15 20 25 30
G) (ii)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Figure S2.8 (i) 500 values from B(10,0.2) (ii) 500 values from B(30,0.2)
(iii) 500 values from B(50,0.2)

Even for a value as low as 0.2 for the parameter p, you should have
observed from your data, rather as is evident here, that as the parameter n
increases the sample histograms become less skewed. This will be further
discussed in Chapter 5.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 2.19
Out of interest, this experiment was repeated three times, thus obtaining the
frequencies in Table S2.3.
Table S1.3 'Opening the
bag' three times
Number of Frequency
defective fuses

You can see that there is some variation in the results here.

Solution 2.20
In 6 rolls of the die, the following results were obtained.
Table 51.4 Rolling a die 6 times
Roll number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 0 0 1 1 1 3
Relative frequency 0 0 3
You can see that the sample, relative frequencies are widely disparate
and do not always constitute very good estimates of the theoretical prob-
abilities: in all cases, these are = 0.1667.
In 600 rolls, the following frequencies were obtained.
Table S1.5 Rolling a die 600 times
Roll number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 80 95 101 111 97 116
Relative frequency 0.1333 0.1583 0.1683 0.1850 0.1617 0.1933
Even in a sample as large as 600, probability estimates can be quite wrong
in the second decimal place! But these are generally more consistent and
closer to the theoretical values than is the case with the sample of just 6 Table 32.6 Left-handedness in
rolls. 100 groups of 33individuals
Number of Frequency
S O / U ~2-27
~O~ left-handed people
One hundred observations on the binomial distribution B(33,O.l) were gen- 0 4
erated. Three observations were 8 or more, giving an estimated probability of 1 9
0.03 that a sample as extreme as that reported could occur. For interest, the 2 20
3 26
number of left-handed people in each of a 100 groups of 33 individuals was 4 23
counted. The frequencies were as listed in Table S2.6. 5 12
6 3
Actually, if X is binomial B(33,0.1), then 7 0
P ( X 2 8) = 0.014. 8 2
9 1
This makes it seem very unlikely that the circumstance observed could have
arisen by mere chance.

Elements of Statistics

Solution 2.22
(a) If the random variable V follows a triangular distribution with parameter
60, then the c.d.f. of V is given by

Then (either directly from your computer, or by using this formula together 37

with your calculator) the following values will be obtained.

(i) P ( V 5 20) = F(20) = 1 - (1 - g )2 = l - ($)2 = = 0.556
P ( V > 40) = 1 - F(40) = (1 - g) = (i) = $ = 0.111
2 2
(ii) 0 20 40 60 v
(iii) The probability P(20 5 V 5 40) is equal to the area of the shaded ~ i ~ ~ ~~~2 . g The probability
region in Figure S2.9. It is given by P(20 5 V 5 40)

(using your answers to parts (i) and (ii)).

(b) (i) A histogram of these data is shown in Figure S2.10.
(ii) The data are skewed, with long waiting times apparently less likely
than shorter waiting times. The sample is very small, but in the absence of
more elaborate models to consider, the triangular model is a reasonable Freq~~ency
first attempt. The longest waiting time observed in the sample is 171 12
hours. Any number higher than this would be a reasonable guess at the 10
model parameter-say, 172 or 180 or even 200, without going too high 8
(300, perhaps). Try 180. 6
(iii) With 6 set equal to 180, and denoting by W the waiting time (in
hours), then
0 20 40 60 80 100120140 160180
Time (hours)
In the sample of 40 there are 5 waiting times longer than 100 hours ~ i ~ ~ ~~~2 . 1 0 waiting times
(102,116.5,122,144,171),so the sample-based estimate for the proportion between admissions
of waiting times exceeding 100 hours is &
= 0.125.

Chapter 3

Solution 3.1
The mean score on a Double-Five is given by

Hence an effect of replacing the 2-face of a fair die by a second 5 is to increase

the mean from its value of 3.5 (see Example 3.3) to 4.

Solution 3.2
From the given probability distribution of X , the mean number of members
of the family to catch the disease is
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 3.3
(a) For a fair coin, P(Heads) = p(1) = $. So p = $ and the mean of the
Bernoulli random variable is p, i.e. $.
(b) As in Chapter 2, Exercise 2.2, p(1) = P ( 3 or 6)= 4.Thus p = p = 4.
Solution 3.4
The expected value of Y is given by

(a) When p = 0.1,

(b) When p = 0.4,

(c) When p = 0.6,

(d) When p = 0.8,

You can see that when the chain is very fragile or very robust, the expected
number of quads is low; only for intermediate p is the expected number of
quads more than about 0.2.

Solution 3.5
(a) In one experiment the results in Table S3.1 were obtained. The sample Table S3.1
mean is 5.63. 9.72 3.37 12.99 6.92 1.35
(b) The mean of the first sample drawn in an experiment was 6.861. Together 2.38 2.08 8.75 7.79 0.95
with nine other samples, the complete list of sample means is shown in
Table S3.2. Table S3.2
(c) In one experiment the following results were obtained: (i) 9.974; (ii) 97.26; 6.861 6.468 6.532 6.713 6.667
(iii) 198.5. 6.628 6.744 6.586 6.808 6.671
(d) These findings suggest that the mean of the Triangular(9) distribution is
Solution 3.6
Using the information given, the probability required is

So in any -collection of traffic waiting times (assuming the triangular model

t o be an adequate representation of the variation in waiting times) we might
expect just under half the waiting times to be longer than average. Notice
that this result holds irrespective of the actual value of the parameter 8.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 3.7
The probability distribution for the Double-Five outcome is shown in Table 3.4.
The population mean is 4 (see solution to Exercise 3.1).
The calculation of the variance is as follows.

The variance of the score on a fair die is 2:92. So, while the mean score on a
Double-Five is greater than that on a fair die, the variance of the Double-Five
outcome is smaller. This is not unreasonable since, by replacing the 2 by
another 5, one can intuitively expect a little more 'consistency', that is, less
variability, in the outcomes.

Solution 3.8
To check for independence, we shall work out px,y(x, y) assuming indepen-
dence, and compare the outcome with Table 3.8. For instance, px,y (0, - 1)
would be the product px(0)py(-l) = 0.4 x.0.3 = 0.12, pr,y(2, -1) would be
the product px(2)py (-l) = 0.2 X 0.3 = 0.06, and so on. In this way, we
produce Table S3.3 of the joint p.m.f. of X and Y under independence.

Table S3.3 The joint p.m.f. of X and Y under independence

X 0 1 2
y = -l 0.4 X 0.3 = 0.12 0.4 X 0.3 = 0.12 0.2 X 0.3 = 0.06
y =1 0.4 X 0.7 = 0.28 0.4 X 0.7 = 0.28 0.2 X 0.7 = 0.14

These values are shown more clearly in Table S3.4. Table 53.4
These values are not the same as those in Table 3.8. For instance, under
independence we would require px,y ( l , 1) to equal 0.28, whereas px,y ( l , 1) is
0.30. Hence X and Y are not independent.

Solution 3.9
The random variable N takes the value 1 if the first trial results in a
'success': P ( N = 1) = p.
Success occurs for the first time only at the second trial if initially there
is a failure, followed immediately by a success: P ( N = 2) = qp.
Here, there are two failures followed by a success: P ( N = 3) = q2p.
A clear pattern is emerging. The random variable N takes the value n
only if (n - 1) failures are followed at the nth trial by a success:
P ( N = n) = qn-'p.
The range of possible values N can take is 1 , 2 , 3 , .. . , the set of positive
integers (which you might also know as the set of natural numbers).
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 3.10
(a) The proportion of families comprising a t least 4 children is found from
P ( N 2 4) = 1 - P ( N 5 3).
l - P ( N 5 3 ) = 1 - ( ~ ( 1+) ~ ( 2 ) + ~ ( 3 =
) )l - ( p + q p + q 2 p )
= 1 - (0.514)(1 0.486 + 0.486~)= 1 - (0.514)(1.722)
= 1- 0.885 = 0.115.

(b) Denoting by 'success' the identification of a defective chip, p = 0.012.

The size of the inspector's sample of chips is a random variable N where
N G(0.012). Then

so about 6% of daily visits involve a halt in production.

Solution 3.1 1
In this case, the random variable N follows a geometric distribution with
parameter p = 0.02. So
P(N > 20) = q20 = (0.98)~'= 0.668.

The probability that the inspector will have to examine a t least 50 chips is
P ( N 2 50) = P ( N > 49) = q49 = (0.98)~'= 0.372.
Notice that it is much easier to use the formula P ( N > n) = qn to calculate
tail probabilities for the geometric distribution than to add successive terms
of the probability function as in Solution 3.10.

Solution 3.12
(a) 2 seems intuitively correct.
(b) If the probability of throwing a 5 is i,
this suggests that the average
number of throws necessary to achieve a 5 will be 3.
(C) 6.
(d) By the same argument, guess p = l l p .

Solution 3.13
The number N of rolls necessary to start playing is a geometric random vari-
able with parameter p = 116.
(a) P ( N = 1) = p = 116 = 0.167.
(b) P ( N = 2) = qp = 5/36 = 0.139; P ( N = 3) = q2p = 251216 = 0.116.
(c) The probability that at least six rolls will be necessary to get started is
given by P ( N >_ 6) = P ( N > 5) = q5 = 312517776 = 0.402.
(d) The expected number of rolls for a geometric random variable is l/p;
which is 6 in this case. The standard deviation is &/p = 6 m = 5.48.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 3.14
Your results should not be too different from the following, which were ob-
tained on a computer.
(a) A frequency table for the 1200 rolls summarizes the data as follows.
Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 195 202 227 208 181 187
(b) The corresponding bar chart is shown in Figure S3.1. The bar chart shows
some departures from the theoretical expected frequencies (200 in each of
the six cases): these departures may be ascribed to random variation.

250 -(


Figure 53.1 Bar chart for 1200 rolls of the die

(c) The computer gave

F = 3.45, s2 = 2.798 08,
so S = 1.67.
This may be compared with the theoretical sample moments for a discrete
uniform distribution:
+ +
p = l2 ( n 1) = i ( 6 1) = 3.5, a2 = I 12 (n2 - 1) = k ( 3 6 - 1) = 2.917,
so a = 1.71.
The sample gave results that were on average slightly lower than the
theoretical scores, and that are slightly less dispersed. These differences
are scarcely perceptible and can be ascribed to random variation.

Solution 3.15
A sketch of the p.d.f. of X when X N U(a, b) is shown in Figure S3.2.

Figure S3.2 The p.d.f, of X, X N U ( a ,b )

(a) By symmetry, the mean of X is p = $(a + b).

Solutions to Exercises

(b) The probability P(X 5 X) is equal to the area of the shaded rectangle in
the diagram. This is (X- a) X -. So the c.d.f. of X is given by
F ( x ) = -, asxsb.

Solution 3.16
The formula for the variance of a continuous uniform random variable U(a, b)
(b - a)'
g2 = -
12 '
For the standard continuous uniform distribution U(0, l ) , a = 0 and b = 1, SO
the variance is

and the standard deviation is

Solution 3.17
(a) From Solution 3.16, the c.d.f. of the U(a, b) distribution is
F($)= - a s x s b .
To solve F ( m ) = $, we need to solve the equation
m-a -1
3 -1 A

b-a 2
This gives

m=-a + b o 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 X

2 ' Figure 53.3 f ( X ) = 3x2,
and is the median of the U(a, b) distribution. You might recall that this 05X 5 1
is also the value of the mean of the U(a, b) distribution, and follows im-
mediately from a symmetry argument.
(b) (i) The density function f (X) = 3x2, 0 5 X 5 1, is shown in Figure S3.3. 3-

(ii) The mean and median are shown in Figure S3.4.

(iii)From F(x) = x3, it follows that the median is the solution of the
x3 =I

This is
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 z
m= = 0.794.
Figure 53.4 The mean and
The mean p = 0.75 and the median m = 0.794 are shown in Figure S3.4. median of X
Elements of Statistics

Solution 3.18
(a) The c.d.f. of this distribution is

To obtain the interquartile range, we need both q~ and q ~ To

. obtain q ~ ,
we solve

and obtain
q~ = ( $ ) ' l 3= 0.630.
F(9v) = 9; = ;,
qu = ( $ ) ' l 3= 0.909.
So, the interquartile range is

Solution 3.19
(a) For the binomial distribution B(10,0.5), F(4) = 0.3770, F(5) = 0.6230,
so the median is 5.
(b) For the binoniial distribution B(17,0.7), F(11)= 0.4032, F(12) = 0.6113,
so the median is 12.
(c) For the binomial distribution B(2,0.5), F(1) = 0.75, therefore the upper
quartile is 1. (So is the median!)
(d) For the binomial distribution B(19,0.25), F(5) = 0.6678, F(6) = 0.8251,
so 90.75 = 6.
Since F(2) = 0.1113 and F(3) = 0.2631, 40.25 = 3.
Hence the interquartile range is q0.75 - 90.25 = 6 - 3 = 3.
(e) For the binomial distribution B(15,0.4), F(7) = 0.7869, F(8) = 0.9050,
so ~ 0 . =
~ 58.

Chapter 4
Solution 4.1
(a) If X B(50,1/40), then P ( X = 0) = (39/40)50 = (0.975)~' = 0.2820.
(b) The probability that the cyclist gets wet twice is

) X = 0, 1, 2, 3, are p(0) = 0.2820, p(1) = 0.3615,

(c) Values of ~ ( x for
p(2) = 0.2271, p(3) = 0.0932; so the probability that she gets wet at least
four times is
1 - (p(0) + p(1) + p(2) + p(3)) = 1 - (0.2820 + 0.3615 + 0.2271 + 0.0932)
= 1- 0.9638 = 0.0362.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 4.2
When X B(60,1/48), P ( X = 0) = (47148)" = 0.2827. Rounding to, say,
(0.979)~' = 0.28 would induce rather serious rounding errors. Continuing in
this way, obtain the table of probabilities as follows.

The last value was obtained by subtraction. In fact, if you use a computer you
would find that the probability P ( X 4) when X is B(60,1/48) is 0.0366, to
4 decimal places.

Solution 4.3
(a) In this case X B(360,0.01).
(b) Including also the probabilities calculated in the text for B(320,0.01125),
the results are as listed in the table below.

B(320,0.01125) 0.0268 0.0975 0.1769 0.2134 0.4854

B(360,0.01) 0.0268 0.0976 0.1769 0.2133 0.4854
In this case the results are close, identical to three decimal places. (Again,
the last column was found by subtraction. To 4 decimal places, when
X B(320,0.01125), the probability P(X 2 4) is 0.4855.)

Solution 4.4
Using the given recursion,
P (0) = !e-p
px (l)= ipx = pe-p,
p x (2) = p x (l)= ;Pe-@ = $ - e - p ,
2 3
px(3) = -px(2) = 1." ",-p = !-
; e-@,
3 3 2!
where the notation k! means the number 1 X 2 X . . . X k.
There is an evident pattern developing here: a general formula for the
probability p x (X) is

px(z) = E e - p .

Solution 4.5
The completed table is as follows.

(Probabilities in the last column are found by subtraction: to 4 decimal places,

the probability P(X 2 4) when X is Poisson(3.6) is 0.4848.)
Elements of Statistics

Solution 4.6
(a) The exact 'probability distribution for the number of defectives in a box
is B(50,0.05) which (unless you have access to very extensive tables!)
will need calculation on a machine as follows (i.e. recursively, retaining
displayed values on the machine):

and, by subtraction,

(b) The approximating probability distribution is Poisson(2.5). The prob-

abilities are shown for comparison in the following table.

(c) The probabilities are 'similar', but are not really very close--certainly,
not as close as in some previous exercises and examples. The parameter
p = 0.05 is at the limit of our 'rule' for when the approximation will be
useful (and, in some previous examples, n has been counted in hundreds,
not in tens).

Solution 4.7
(a) You should have observed something like the following. The computer
gave the random sample

The sample mean is

9+7+6+8+6 -- 36
- = 7.2,
5 5
resulting in an estimate of 7.2 for the population mean p (usually un-
known, but in this case known to be equal to 8).
(b) From 100 repetitions of this experiment, the observed sample means
ranged from as low as 4.9 to as high as 11.6, with frequencies as follows.
Solutions to Exercises

(c) A histogram of the distribution of sample means is shown in Figure S4.2.

The data vector had mean 7.96 and variance 1.9.
(d) Repeating the experiment for samples of size 50 gave the following results.
Observed sample means ranged from 6.90 to 9.46, with frequencies

and corresponding histogram as shown in Figure S4.1. The data vector

had mean 7.9824 and variance 0.2. What has happened is that the sample
means based on samples of size 50 (rather than 5) are much more con-
tracted about the value p = 8. A single experiment based on a sample of
size 50 is likely to give an estimate of p that is closer to 8 than it would
have been in the case of an experiment based on a sample of size 5.


0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Mean Mean
Figure 5 4 . 1 Figure 54.2

Solution 4.8
(a) If X (chest circumference measured in inches) has mean 40, then the
random variable Y = 2.54X (chest circumference measured in cm) has
E(Y) = E(2.54X) = 2.54E(X) = 2.54 X 40 = 101.6. (Here, the formula
+ +
E ( a X b) = a E ( X ) b is used,
(b) If X (water temperature measured in degrees Celsius) has mean 26, then with a = 2.54 and b = 0.)
the random variable Y = 1.8X 32 (water temperature measured in T)
has mean
E ( Y ) = E(1.8X + 32) = 1.8E(X) + 32 = 1.8 X 26 + 32 = 78.8.

Solution 4.9
If X (finger length in cm) has mean 11.55 and standard deviation 0.55, and if
the random variable finger length (measured in inches) is denoted by Y, then
Y = X/2,54, hence
Elements of Statistics

Solution 4.10
The probability distribution for the outcome of throws of a Double-Five is as

X 1 3 4 5 6
p(.) g1

The expected value of X 2 is given by

~ ( X ~ ) = 1 ~ ~ i + 3 ~ ~ i + 4 ~ x6i + 5 ~ x ~ + 6 ~ x ~
= l x E1+ 9 x i + 1 6 x i + 2 5 x $ + 3 6 x ' 6
9 16 25 36
- 112
6 '

and so from the formula (4.16) the variance of X is given by

as before.

Solution 4.1 1
If X is binomial with parameters n = 4, p = 0.4 then according to (4.17) the
mean of X is
E(X) =n p =4 X 0.4 = 1.6
and the variance of X is
V ( X ) = npq = 4 X 0.4 X 0.6 = 0.96.
From the individual probabilities for X , it follows that
E ( x ~ ) = o2 X 0.1296+ l2X 0.3456 + . . + 42 X 0.0256
= 0 + 0.3456 + 1.3824 + 1.3824 + 0.4096 = 3.52,

and so
V(X) = E ( X 2 ) - (,%!(X))'= 3.52 - 1.6' = 3.52 - 2.56 = 0.96,
confirming the result obtained previously.

Solution 4.12
A time interval of four years includes one leap year-1461 days altogether.
The probability of a lull exceeding 1461 days is

so, in a list of 62 waiting times one might expect about two of them to exceed
1461 days. In this case there were exactly two such lulls, one of which lasted
1617 days, and the other, already identified, was of 1901 days' duration.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 4.13
Set the parameter X equal to 11437.
(a) A time interval of three years including one leap year will last 1096 days
altogether. The probability that no earthquake occurs during this interval
p ( >~t ) = e - x t = e-1096/437 - 0.0814.
- e-2.508 -

(b) The equation F ( x ) = $ may be written

e-x/437 -1
- 2'
X = -437 log $ = 437 log 2 = 303 days.

(c) The proportion of waiting times lasting longer than expected is

P(T > 4373 = e-437/437 - e - l - 0.368;

thus just over one-third of waiting times are longer than average!

Solution 4.14
If X Poisson(8.35) then p(0) = 0.0002, p(1) = 0.0020, p(2) = 0.0082 and

p(3) = 0.0229. So,

(a) the probability of exactly two earthquakes is 0.0082;
(b) the probability that there will be at least four earthquakes is

Solution 4.15
S The general median waiting time is the solution of the equation
F(x)= 1- = I.2 '

- log - 3
log 2
- -= p, X log 2 = 0.6931pT,
where p, is the mean waiting time. So for an exponential random variable
the median is approximately 70% of the mean.

Solution 4.16
(a) You will probably-have got something not too different to this. The
simulation 'can be shown on a table as follows. There are 7300 days in
twenty years, so the simulation has to be extended up to or beyond 7300
Elements of Statistics

days. When we start, we do not know how many random numbers that Earthquake Waiting Cumulative
will take, so we just have to keep going. Waiting times are drawn from time time
the exponential distribution with mean 437.
The 16th earthquake happened just after the twenty years time limit. A
diagram of the incidence of earthquakes with passing time is shown in
Figure S4.3.
- 7
- - I- -1- - 1

0 2000 4000 6000 8000

Sixteen earthquakes, time in days

Figure S4.3 Incidence of earthquakes (simulated)

(b) There are 15 earthquakes counted in the simulation. The expected num-
ber was
At = ( 1
437 days
x (7300 days) = 16.7.

The number of earthquakes is an observation on a Poisson random variable

with mean 16.7. The median of the Poisson(l6.7) distribution is 17. (For,
if X Poisson(l6.7), then F(16) = P(X 5 16) = 0.4969, while F(17) =

Solution 4.17 Frequency

(a) A histogram of the data is given in Figure S4.4. The data are very skewed -
and suggest that an exponential model might be plausible. 70 -
(b) (i) The sample mean is 0.224 and the sample median is 0.15. So the 60 -
sample median is about 67% of the sample mean, mimicking correspond- 50 - -
ing properties of the exponential distribution (69%). 40 -
(ii) The sample standard deviation is 0.235 which is close to the sample 30 - -:-
mean. (For the exponential distribution, the mean and standard deviation 20 - - -
I ?

are equal.)
(c) The c.d.f. of the exponential distribution is given by 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
F(x)= 1- edxt = 1- e-tlp , t>o Observation

and so the lower quartile is the solution of the equation Figure S4.4

F(z) = l - e - ' / ~ = 0.25.

That is,


x / p = - log 0.75;


For these data, the sample lower quartile is 0.06, which is 0.27 times
the sample mean, and the sample upper quartile is 0.29, which is 1.29
times the sample mean. The similarity to corresponding properties of
exponential distribution is fairly marked.
Solutions to Exercises

(d) During the first quarter-minute there were 81 pulses; during the second
there were 53.
(e) It looks as though it might be reasonable to model the incidence of nerve
pulses as a Poisson process, with mean waiting time between pulses esti-
mated by the sample mean
= 0.2244 seconds.
Then the pulse rate X may be estimated by
.=. = 4.456 per second.
Over quarter-minute (15-second) intervals the expected number of pulses
(4.456 per second) X (15 seconds) = 66.8,
and so our two observations 81 and 53 are observations on the Poisson
distribution with mean 66.8.

Solution 4.18
(a) Your simulation may have given something like the following. Twenty
observations from the Poisson distribution Poisson(3.2) were
4 6 2 3 3 2 8 1 3 4
0 4 4 4 6 3 4 3 7 2
with frequencies as follows.
Count Frequency
0 1
1 1
2 3
3 5
4 6
5 0
6 2
7 1
8 1
For a random sample of size 50 a typical frequency table is given by
Count Frequency
0 3

and for a random sample of size 100 the frequencies are as follows.
Count Frequency
0 6
1 13
2 26
3 16
4 19
5 13
6 4
7 1
8 2
Elements of Statistics

(b) For a sample of size 1000 the sample relative frequencies were as shown
below. These may be compared with the probability mass function

Count Frequency Relative frequency Probability

0 31 0.031 0.0408

(Notice the small rounding error in the assessment of the probabilities in

the fourth column. They add to 1.0001.)

Solution 4.19
One simulation gave X = 59 for the number of males, and therefore (by
subtraction) 41 females.
The number of colour-deficient males present is therefore a random ob-
servation from B(59,0.06): this simulation gave yl = 3. The number of,
colour-deficient females is a random observation from B(4l,O.OO4). This
simulation gave y2 = 0.
The resulting observation on the random variable W is
The expected number of males is 50, equal to the expected number of
females. Intuitively, the expected number of colour-deficient males is
50 X 0.06 = 3; the expected number of colour-deficient females is
50 X 0.004 = 0.2. The expected number of colour-deficient people is
3 0.2 = 3.2. This result is, as it happens, correct, though quite dif-
ficult to confirm formally: no attempt will be made to do so here.
Repeating the exercise gave a data vector of 1000 observations on W with
the following frequencies.
Count Frequency
0 30
1 137
2 186
3 243
4 182
5 115
6 63
7 28
8 12
9 3
10 0
11 0
12 1
This data set has mean F = 3.25 and standard deviation s = 1.758.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 4.20
(a) If the mean arrival rate is X = 12 claims per week this is equivalent to

claims per hour. So the mean waiting time between claim arrivals is 14
hours. By adding together 20 successive observations from the exponential
distribution with mean 14, the twenty arrival times may be simulated.
You might have got something like the following.

Claim Waiting Arrival Approximation

number time time
1 4.0 4.0 4am, Mon
2 13.2 17.2 5pm, Mon
3 3.3 20.5 9pm, Mon
4 44.3 64.8 5pm, Wed
5 17.3 82.1 loam, Thu
6 6.0 88.1 4pm, Thu
7 4.7 92.8 9pm, Thu
8 4.0 96.8 1am, Fri
9 3.2 100.0 4am, F'ri
10 11.7 111.7 4pm, Fri
11 25.5 137.2 5pm, Sat
12 33.3 170.5 3am, Mon
13 1.3 171.8 4am, Mon
14 0.5 172.3 4am, Mon
15 4.9 177.2 9am, Mon
16 2.7 179.9 12 noon, Mon
17 5.5 185.4 5pm, Mon
18 3.7 189.1 9pm, Mon
19 30.7 219.8 4am, Wed
20 3.6 223.4 7am, Wed

(b) Ten weeks of simulated claims gave 8 claims in the first week, 18 in the
second and 14 in the third. You should have observed a continuing se-
quence with similar numbers. These are all observations on a Poisson
random variable with mean 14.

Chapter 5

Solution 5.1
In Figure 5.4(a), p = 100; it looks as though p + 3a is about 150; so a is
about 17. In Figure 5.4(b), p = 100 and p 3a is about 115: therefore, the
standard deviation a looks to be about 5. In Figure 5.4(c), p = 72 and a is a
little more than 1; and in Figure 5.4(d), p = 1.00 and a is about 0.05..
2 z 1 z
Figure S5.1 Figure S5.2

-1 1 z -2
Figure S5.3 ~ i ~ u rS5.4

Solution 5.3
(a) Writing X N(2.60, 0.332), where X is the enzyme level present in in-
dividuals suffering from acute viral hepatitis, the proportion
-- of sufferers
whose measured enzyme level exceeds 3.00 is given by

(writing z = (X - p ) / a ) . This probability reduces to

and is represented by the shaded area in Figure S5.5. Figure S5.5

(b) Writing Y N(2.65,0.44'), where Y is the enzyme level in individuals
suffering from aggressive chronic hepatitis, the proportion required is
given by the probability

this (quite small) proportion is given by the shaded area in Figure S5.6. Figure S5.6
Solutions to Exercises

(c) The sample mean and sample standard deviation are

X = 1.194 and s = 0.290.
The lower extreme (0.8 mm) may be written in standardized form as
X - p - 0.8 - 1.194
z=- - = -1.36;
U 0.290
and the upper extreme (1.2 mm) as
X - p - 1.2 - 1.194
z=-- = 0.02.
U 0.290
The proportion of ball-bearings whose diameter is between 0.8mm and
-1.36 0.02 z
1.2mm can be shown on a sketch of the standard normal density as in
Figure S5.7. Figure S5.7

Solution 5.4
(a) The probability P ( Z 5 1.00) is to be found in the row for z = 1.0 and in
the column headed 0: this gives P ( Z 1.00) = 0.8413. This is shown in
Figure S5.8.
(b) The probability P ( Z 5 1.96) is given in the row for z = 1.9 and in the
column headed 6: P ( Z 5 1.96) = 0.9750. This is illustrated in Figure S5.9.
(c) The probability P ( Z 5 2.25) is to be found in the row for z = 2.2 and in
the column headed 5: that is, P ( Z 5 2.25) = 0.9878. This probability is
given by the shaded area in Figure S5.10.

1 z 1.96 z 2.25 z

Figure S5.8 Figure S5.9 Figure S5.10

Solution 5.5
(a) First, sketch the standard normal density, showing the critical points
z = -1.33 and z = 2.50. From the tables, P ( Z 2.50) = 0.9938 and
so P ( Z > 2.50) = 0.0062; by symmetry, P ( Z 5 -1.33) = P ( Z 2 1.33) =
1 - 0.9082 = 0.0918. By subtraction, the probability required is

(b) From the tables, P ( Z 2 3.00) = 1- 0.9987 = 0.0013. By symmetry,

-1.33 2.50 z
Figure 55.1 1

Figure S5.12
Elements of Statistics

(c) First, sketch the standard normal density, showing the critical points
z = 0.50 and z = 1.50. The probability P ( Z 5 0.50) is 0.6915; the prob-
ability P ( Z 5 1.50) is 0.9332. By subtraction, therefore, the probability
required is
P(0.50 < Z 5 1.50) = 0.9332 - 0.6915 = 0.2417.
Solution 5.6
0.50 1.50 z
(a) The probability P(IZ1 5 1.62) is given by the shaded area in Figure S5.14.
From the tables, P ( Z L 1.62) = 1 - P ( Z 5 1.62) = 1 - 0.9474 = 0.0526, Figure S5.13
so the probability required is

(b) The probability P(IZ1 L 2.45) is given by the sum of the two shaded
areas in Figure S5.15. From the tables, P ( Z L 2.45) = 1- P ( Z 5 2.45) =
1 - 0.9929 = 0.0071, so the total probability is 2 X 0.0071 = 0.0142.

Figure S5.14 Figure S5.15

Solution 5.7
(a) The proportion within one standard deviation of the mean is given by
P(IZI 5 l ) , shown in Figure S5.16. Since
P ( Z > 1) = 1 - P ( Z 5 1)= 1- 0.8413 = 0.1587,
the answer required is 1 - 0.1587 - 0.1587 = 0.6826: that is, nearly 70%
of a normal population are within one standard deviation of the mean.
(b) Here we require the probability P(IZI > 2). Since
P(Z > 2) = 1 - P ( Z 5 2) = 1 - 0.9772 = 0.0228,
-1 1 Z
this is 2 X 0.0228 = 0.0456. Figure 55.16

Figure S5.17

Less than 5% of a normal population are more than two standard devi-
ations away from the mean.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 5.8
We are told that X N N(40,4) ( p = 40, a2 = 4; so a = 2). The probability
required is
42 - 40
P(37 5 X < 42) = P
--- = P(-1.50 5 Z 5 1.00)
(37 1 2
shown in Figure S5.18. The probability required is
P(-1.50 < Z 5 1.00) = 0.7745. -1.50 1.00
Figure S5.18
Solution 5.9
Writing A N(O,2.75), the probability required is P ( 0 < A < 2).
Subtracting the mean p and dividing by the standard deviation a, using p = 0
and a = m, this may be rewritten in terms of Z as

From the tables, (P(1.21) = 0.8869, so the probability required is

0.8869 - 0.5 = 0.3869.

Solution 5.10
(a) If T is N(315,17161) then a sketch of the distribution of T is given in
Figure S5.19.
(b) Standardizing gives

P(T < 300) = P (

Z < 3001;1315) =P(Z < -0.11) = 0.4562.

This is shown in Figure S5.20.

-78 53 184 315 446 577 708 t -0.11

Figure S5.19 Figure S5.20
- 315 < 2 < 500 - 315
(C) P(300 5 T < 500) = P (300131 - 131
= P(-0.11 < Z 5 1.41).
This is shown in Figure S5.21.The area of the shaded region is 0.4645.
(d) First, we need
P ( T > 500) = P ( Z > 1.41) = l - 0.9207 = 0.0793.
The number of smokers with a nicotine level higher than 500 in a sample -0.'11 1.41 z
of 20 smokers has a binomial distribution B(20,0.0793). The probability Figure S5.21
that at most one has a nicotine level higher than 500 is
p0 + pl + = 0.1916
= ( 0 . 9 2 0 7 ) ~ ~20(0.9207)~~(0.0793) + 0.3300 = 0.52.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 5.1 1
By symmetry, 90.2 = -40.8 = -0.842 for the standard normal distribution,
and 40.4 = -90.6 = -0.253. Assuming IQ scores to be normally distributed
with mean 100 and standard deviation 15, then
90.2 = 100 - 0.842 X 15 = 87.4
qo.4 = 100 - 0.253 X 15 = 96.2
90.6 = 100 0.253 X 15 = 103.8
90.8 = 100 0.842 X 15 = 112.6
and these quantiles are illustrated in Figure S5.22.

87.4 96.2 103.8 112.6

IQ scores

Figure S5.22

Solution 5.12
(a) Most statistical computer programs should be able to furnish standard
normal probabilities and quantiles. The answers might be different in the
fourth decimal place to those furnished by the tables when other than
simple calculations are made.
(i) 0.0446 (ii) 0.9641 (iii) 0.9579 (iv) 0.0643
(v) 90.10= -qo.go = -1.2816 (vi) 90.95 = 1.6449
(vii) 90.975 = 1.9600 (viii) 90.99 = 2.3263
(b) The distribution of X is normal N(100,225). Most computers should re-
turn non-standard normal probabilities routinely, taking the distribution
parameters as function arguments, and insulating users from the require-
ments to re-present problems in terms of the standard normal distribution.
(i) 0.0478 (ii) 0.1613 (iii) 100 (iv) 119.2 (v) 80.8
(C) (i) 0.1587 (ii) 166.22cm
(iii) The first quartile is q~ = 155.95; the third quartile is q~ = 164.05;
the interquartile range is given by the difference qv - q~ = 8.1 cm.
(iv) 0.3023
Solutions to Exercises

(d) (i) 0.1514 (ii) 530.48 (iii) 0.6379

(iv) This question asks 'What proportion of smokers have nicotine levels
within 100 units of the mean of 315?'. Formally,

which is 0.5548.

(vi) The range of levels is that covered by the interval (q0.04, allow-
ing 4% either side. This is (85.7,544.3).
P(215 < T < 300) + P(350 < T < 400)
= 0.231 794 + 0.136 451 = 0.3682.

Solution 5.13
Your solution might have gone something like the following.
(a) The first sample of size 5 from Poisson(8) consisted of the list 6, 7, 3,
+ + + +
8, 4. This data set has mean F5 = i ( 6 7 3 8 4) = 5.6. When a
vector of 100 observations on was obtained, the observed frequencies
of different observations were as follows.
[5,6) 4
P 1 7) 25
[7,8) 27
[8,9) 28
[g, 10) 10
[ l O , 11) 6
So there were 90 observed in [6,10).
(b) The 100 observations on Xzowere distributed as follows. (Your results
will be somewhat different.)

So all the observations but one were in [6,10), and 85 of the 100 were in
[7, 9).
(c) All the 100 observations were in [7,9).
(d) The larger the sample size, the less widely scattered around the population
mean p = 8 the observed sample means were. In non-technical language,
'larger samples resulted in sample means that were more precise estimates
of the population mean'.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 5.14
The exponential distribution is very skewed, and you might have expected
more scatter in the observations. This was apparent in the distributions of
the sample means. For samples of size 5 the following, observations were
obtained on X5.(Remember, x5
estimates the population mean, p = 8.)

The largest observation was F5 = 21.42. Nevertheless, it is interesting to

observe that the distribution of observations on X5peaks not at the origin
but somewhere between 5 and 10.
For samples of size 20 the following distribution of observations on K Owas
[4,6) 9
[8,10) 39
[ l O , 12) 12
[12,14) 3
These observations are peaked around the point 8.
Finally, for samples of size 80 the following observations on XgO
were obtained.

Solution 5.15
(a) (i) The following typical 100 observations on resulted in a histogram
almost as skewed as the distribution of X itself.


Figure S5.23

(ii) .The histogram for 100 observations on X30is given in Figure S5.24.
(iii) The histogram of part (ii) is evidently more symmetric than that :20
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 ?Fso
of part (i),
. . and it appears that a normal density might provide a usable
approximation to the distribution of X30. Figure S5.24
Solutions to Exercises

(b) (i) The simulation of 100 observations on X2resulted in a histogram that

was roughly triangular over [O, 21, and very different to that obtained at
part (a)(i).


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ?Ez

Figure S5.25

(ii) For means of samples of size 30, the following histogram was obtained.


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 530

Figure 55.26

(iii) The differences between the histograms of parts (b)(i) and (b)(ii) are
not so apparent. The distribution in both cases peaks at 1 and is roughly
symmetric. However, notice that for samples of size 30 there is much less
variation in the distribution of the sample mean.

Solution 5.16
It does not matter that there is no proposed model for the duration of individ-
ual patients' visits: the numbers p = 20 minutes and U = 15 minutes provide
sufficient information. By the central limit theorem, the total time T required
of the dentist by the 12 patients is approximately normally distributed with
12 X 20 = 240
and variance
12 X 1 5 =
~ 2700.
The probability that T will be less than 3 hours (that is, 180 minutes) is

or 1 - 0.8749 = 0.1251 from the tables. So she will only be free a t 12 with
probability about i.
(If you used a computer for the normal probability without the intermediate
calculation Z = -1.15, you would have obtained the solution 0.1241.)
Elements of Statistics

Solution 5.17
If the error in any individual transaction is written W, then W U(-;,;).
The mean of W is E ( W ) = 0, by symmetry, and the variance of W is
V(W) = L ( L - (-L)) 2 = L
12 2 2 12'
The accumulated error in 400 transactions is given by the sum
S= wl+ w2+ "'+ w400.
By the central limit theorem, S has mean
p = 400 X 0 = 0,
and variance

and is approximately normally distributed.

The probability that after 400 transactions her estimate of her bank balance
is less than ten pounds in error is

This probability is given by the shaded area in Figure S5.27

-1.73 1.73 z
Figure S5.27

Since P ( Z > 1.73) = 1 - 0.9582 = 0.0418, the probability required is

1 - 2 X 0.0418 = 0.9164
(or rather more than 90%).

Solution 5.18
The probability
P(12 5 X 5 15)
can be approximated by the probability
P(11; 1Y 5 1 5 9 ,
where Y N N(8,4); this is the same as

and (from the tables) this is 0.9999 - 0.9599 = 0.0400. The actual binomial
probability is 0.0384.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 5.19
(a) (i) 0.164538 (ii) 0.182820 (iii) 0.165408 (iv) 0.124056
(b) 0.472 284
(c) Since n p = F = 6.25, npq = 2 = 4.6875, then p = 6.25, a2 = 4.6875.
(d) (i) P ( X = 6) p P (5; 5 Y 5 6;) = 0.181446. This may be compared
with the binomial probability 0.182 820.
(ii) P ( X = 7) P (6; 5 Y 5 7;) = 0.172 185. This may be compared
with the exact binomial probability, which is 0.165 408.
(iii) P ( X = 8) 21 P (7; 5 Y 5 8;) = 0.132 503. The exact binomial prob-
ability is 0.124 056.
(iv) P ( 6 5 X 5 8) E P (5; 5 Y 5 8:) = 0.486 134. The corresponding
binomial probability is 0.472 284.

Solution 5.20
A computer gives the probability P(30 5 X 5 45) when X Poisson(40) as
0.766 421. The central limit theorem permits the approximation
P(30 5 X 5 45) = P (29; 5 Y 5 45;)
where Y is normal with mean p = 40 and variance a2 = 40. The right-hand
side is given by

= P(-1.66 5 Z 5 0.87) = 0.8078 - (1 - 0.9515) = 0.7593

from the tables. Directly from a computer, we would obtain 0.759 310. This
approximation is reasonable.

Chapter 6

Solution 6.1
For any random sample taken from a population with mean p and variance u2,
the sample mean X has mean and variance

where n is the sample size. When the population is Poisson, the variance a2
is equal to the mean p, so

The random variable X(1) was based on samples of size 103, the random
variable X(2)
on samples of size 48. So


The larger the sample taken, the smaller the variance in the sample mean.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 6.2
The mean of the random variable Y, is given by

which is of the form E(constant + Wi), since a, ,h' and xi are all constants.
This is therefore

E(K) = (I! Pxi + + E(Wi),

and from our assumption that Wi has mean 0 it follows that

for all i = 1 , 2 , .. . ,6.

Similarly, the variance of Yi is given by
V(Y,) = V(constant + Wi) = V(Wi) = a2,
for all i = 1,2, . . . ,6.

Solution 6.3
(a) The midpoint of the coordinates (XI, Yl) and ( 2 2 , Y2) is the point (;(XI + 22), i(Y1 + Y2)).
The midpoint of the coordinates (25, Yg ) and ($6, Y6) is the point ( i ( x 5 + 26), i(Y5 + ~ 6 ) ) .
The slope of the line joining the two midpoints is

The centre of gravity of the points ( X I , Yl), (22, Y2) and (23, Y3) is ( i ( x l + + x3), i(Yl + Y2 + ~ 3 ) ) .

The centre of gravity of the points ( 2 4 , Y4), (25, Y5) and (x6,Ys) is ( i ( x 4 + + x6), i(y4+ Y5 + Y6)).

The slope of the line joining the two centres of gravity is

(b) Consequently

and ~ ( 5reduces
~ ) to ,B in a similar way.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 6.4
The variance of the second estimator 3, is given by

The variance of p3 is

Solution 6.5
(a) There is one unknown parameter here, p, which is also the mean of the
Poisson distribution. Matching sample and population moments gives the
estimate ji = F ;the corresponding estimator for p is ji = X .
(b) -
In this case the population mean is l l p . Matching moments gives
X = 116 so p^= 1/X.
(c) Here, there are two unknown parameters, so we shall need t o use two
sample moments. These are X,the sample mean, and S2,the sample
variance. Notice the use of the upper-case letter S, implying that like
the sample mean, the sample variance is a random variable. Matching
moments gives j2 = X, ii2 = S 2 .
(d) The mean of the exponential distribution is 1/X: matching moments gives
X = 11s;so X = 1 / X .
(e) There is one unknown parameter here. Matching the sample mean to the
binomial mean gives X = mp? so

p = -X
-= Xl+X2+"'+Xn
m mn
(This was the 'intuitive' estimate p^of p that was used in Example 6.1.)
Elements of Statistics

Solution 6.6
(a) You might have obtained something like this: the 1000 samples of size 2
may be represented as a rectangular array
- -
0.156 0.093
0.183 0.203
0.066 0.168

- 0.679 0.218
with sample means
- -

- 0.449 -
Taking reciprocals gives
- -

- 2.23 -
which is a data vector of 1000 different independent estimates of X.
(b) The mean of this data vector is 9.20, close to twice the true value of X.
(For interest, the experiment was repeated four more times, resulting in four
further estimates 11.4, 11.1, 11.8 and 9.6.)

Solution 6.7
(a) The method of moments says, simply, that C = I?.
(b) For any random sample, the sample mean I? has expectation p , the popu-
lation mean, so in this case
E(C) = E ( X ) = p;
it follows that is unbiased for p.
(c) Using the same set of 1000 random samples of size 2 as was used in
Solution 6.6, our data vector of 1000 different independent estimates of p
- -

- 0.449 -
(d) This data vector has mean 0.202, close to the true value p = 0.2.
(For interest, the experiment was repeated four more times, resulting in esti-
mates 0.202 (again), 0.196, 0.195 and 0.201.)
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 6.8
The average run length is the sample mean

assuming a geometric model with mean l/p, the moment estimate of p is

Solution 6.9
The mean of these data is i = 437.21, and so the moment estimator for
the exponential parameter X is

The units of are 'earthquakes per day'. We know that the moment
estimator is biased:

However, in this case n = 62. The moment estimator may be expected

to overestimate the true value of X by a factor 1 1/61 = 1.016, which is
very small.
The moment estimate of p is j2 = i = 437.21; the estimator j2 is unbiased.
The units of j2 are 'days between earthquakes'.

Solution 6.10
In this case n = 3 and X
,, = 13.1, so

e = (l + A) = i(13.1) = 17.5.

Solution 6.1 1
The mean of the Pareto(100,e) probability distribution is

e- 1'
The method of moments says that the moment estimator of 0 for a sample
from the Pareto distribution where K = 100 may be found using

thus, finally,

In this case the sample total is xi = 3624 and so the sample mean is
:= 3624130 = 120.8. The moment estimate of 0 is
Elements of Statistics

Solution 6.12
The maximum likelihood estimate of 9 is (after a . little calculation) A

O M L = 5.59; this is to be compared with the moment estimate 9~~ = 5.81

obtained in the previous exercise. Numerically there is little to choose be-
tween either estimate. We know that maximum likelihood estimators possess

good properties. (However, O M M was in this case a great deal easier to obtain,
and to calculate.)

Solution 6.13
+ + +
The total number of mice tested is 12 20 . . . 20 = 505; the total
+ + +
number afflicted is 0 0 . . 4 = 43. The maximum likelihood estimate
of p is p^= 431505 = 0.085.
The total number of normal Drosophila is 419; the total number of ves-
tigial Drosophila is 68. The maximum likelihood estimate of the pro-
portion normal is given by

Solution 6.14
The likelihood for the sample observed is

( $ ( l - 7-1)'" (9)" (;(l - r))lS3

147+133 (ir)65+58 280 123 (1 - r)280r123
= ( & ( l- r)) ( ( l - r ) (:r) = 2403

This expression is maximized where (1 - r)280r123

is maximized. This occurs
at 3 = 0.3052.
You might have found this using numerical procedures or-perhaps not quite
so precisely-by scanning a graph of the function (1 - r)280r123. Differen-
tiation gives the exact fractional answer, 3= 1231403.

Solution 6.15
The likelihood of p for the sample of 1469 cars is given by
902 403 106 38 1 6 p
P, P, P, p4 p5 ( X 2 6)41
where p j = P ( X = j ) = (1 - p)j-lp, j = 1,2,. . . . This is

P902((l- ((1 - P ) ~ P ) ~ O ((1

~ -P ) ~ P((l
) ~-~ ((l- P ) ~ ) ~
- p1465(1 - P)''.

This is maximized at p^= 146512278 = 0.6431. (The exact fraction 146512278

was found using differentiation-numerical and graphical techniques should
provide an answer close to 0.6431.)
Notice that for these data the sample mean is at least 228211469 = 1.553
(that is, the sample mean if all four of the fullest cars only contained six
passengers); so the maximum likelihood estimate for p is going to be just
under 146912282 = 0.6437, as indeed it is. This small calculation is a useful
check on your answer. Notice that the censoring has not in fact influenced
the calculation unduly.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 6.16
For these data (and assuming a Poisson model) the likelihood is given by

where p j is the probability P ( X = j) when X is Poisson(p), and where Pj

is the probability P ( X j ) . The likelihood is maximized at c= 2.819.
(Again, the sample mean assuming a t most 6 colonies per quadrat would be
6701240 = 2.792. The estimate is not very different for the censored data.)

Solution 6.17
The average time between pulses is given by the sample mean 1 = 0.2244.
The units are hundredths of a second. Consequently, the maximum likelihood
estimate of the pulse rate (per second) is 100/0.2244 = 446.

Solution 6.18
All that is required here is the sample mean = = 159.8 (measurements
in cm).

Solution 6.19
(a) In one simulation the observations
XI = 96.59, x2 = 99.87, x3 = 107.15
were obtained, having sample variance s2 = 29.2, which is fairly close t o
25. However, this sequence was immediately followed by the sample
XI = 100.82, x2 = 99.30, x3 = 100.91,
having sample variance s2 = 0.82, which is very far from 25!
(b) Your collected samples may have looked something like

I106.01 95.45 96.58

with sample variances

(i) The mean of this vector of sample variances is 24.95 which is very close
to 25; but you can see from the four elements listed that the variation
is very considerable. The highest sample variance recorded in the 100
samples was 133.05; the lowest was 0.397.
Elements of Statistics

(ii) The variation in the sample variances is evident from a frequency

table, and from the histogram shown in Figure S6.1. Frequency
Observation Frequency
0-20 48
20-40 32
40-60 15
60-80 1
80-100 2
100-120 1
120-140 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
(iii) The variance in the recorded sample variances is 524.3! Observation
Your results will probably have shown similarly gross variation in the observed Figure S6.1
sample variances.

Solution 6.20
(a) The mean of the 100 observed sample variances, based on samples of size
10 was, in one particular experiment, 24.22.
(b) The results are summarized below. A histogram is given in Figure S6.2.
Observation Frequency
0-10 10
10-20 27
20-30 36
30-40 15
40-50 10
50-60 2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
The distribution is very much less dispersed. Observation
(c) The variance in the sample variances is now only 128. (The maximum Figure 276.2
observation was 55.6, the minimum was 3.49.)

Solution 6.21
(a) (i) P ( - l < Z 5 1) = 0.6827. (ii) P(-fi5 Z 5 a)= 0.8427.
(iii) < Z < a)
P(-d = 0.9167. (iv) P(-2 < Z 5 2) = 0.9545.
(b) (i) P(W < 1) = p ( Z 2 5 1) (by definition)
= P(-l < Z 5 1) = 0.6827.
(ii) P ( W < 2) = P(-& < Z 5 fi)= 0.8427.
(iii) P ( W 5 3) = 0.9167.
(iv) P ( W 1 4) = 0.9545.
(c) In one particular run, the following results were obtained:
(i) proportion less than 1 = 677/1000 = 0.677;
(ii) proportion less than 2 = 831/1000 = 0.831;
(iii) proportion less than 3 = 908/1000 = 0.908;
(iv) proportion less than 4 = 955/1000 = 0.955.
Solutions to Exercises

(d) The corresponding histogram is shown in Figure S6.3. Notice that this
histogram is exceedingly skewed.
(e) From this simulation, an estimate of pw is
W = 1.032,
and an estimate for a b is
s k = 2.203.
(For interest, the experiment was repeated a further four times. Estimates of Observation
pw and a& were Figure S6.3

l.OO9,2.287; O.975,2.033; 1.001,1.782; 1.044,1.982.)

Solution 6.22
If Z2 has mean 1 and variance 2, then the sum of r independent observations
on Z2,

will have mean and variance

Solution 6.23
(a) 0.5697 (b) 0.1303 (c) 0.0471 (d) 0.0518

Solution 6.24
(a) 4.594 (b) 15.507 (c) 11.651 (d) 18.338 (e) 36.191
The last three results are summarized in Figure S6.4.

0 11.651 18.338

Figure S6.4

Solution 6.25
You should have obtained the following quantiles from the table.
(a) 13.091 (b) 4.168 (c) 11.340 (d) 24.769 (e) 3.841
Elements of Statistics

Solution 6.26

it follows that


S 2 = - g2 W

E ( s ~=) E (a
W ) = -E ( W ) = -(n
- 1 ) = g2;
04 g4 20~
v(s2)= v(*w)
( n-
V ( W )= -
( n- 1j2
2(n - 1) = -

Chapter 7

Solution 7.1
The lower confidence limit for p is found by solving the equation
P ( T 2 t ) = e-t'p = 0.05

t -- 157
- = 52.4 days
p = - log 0.05 2.996
(to 3 significant figures). The confidence statement may be expressed thus:
' A 90% confidence interval for the mean number of days between disasters,
assuming an exponential model and based on the single observation 157 days,
is from p- = 52.4 days to p+ = 3060 days.'

Solution 7.2
To obtain the upper confidence limit p+ for p in this case, it is necessary to
solve the equation
P ( N 2 13) = 0.025
( 1 - p)12 = 0.025.
This has solution
p+ = l - 0 . 0 2 5 ~ 1=~1~- 0.735 = 0.265.
Consequently, a 95% confidence interval for p, assuming a geometric model
and based on the single observation 13, is given by
( p - , p + ) = (0.002,0.265).
Solutions to Exercises

Notice that the confidence interval contains the maximum likelihood estimate
p^= 0.077. The approach has usefully provided a range of plausible values
for p.

Solution 7.3
To obtain a 90% confidence interval for p, it is necessary to solve the two
P(N I 13) = 0.05 and P ( N 2 13) = 0.05.
The first may be written

and has solution

p- = 1 - ( l - 0.05)'/13 = 1 - 0.996 = 0.004.
The second may be written
( 1 - p)12 = 0.05
and has solution
p+ = 1 - 0.05'/12 = 1 - 0.779 = 0.221.
Thus a 90% confidence interval for p is given by
( p - , p + ) = (O.OO4,O.221).
This interval is narrower than the 95% confidence interval (0.002, 0.265) and
in this sense is more useful; but less confidence may be attached to it. The
only way t ~ r e d u c ethe width of a confidence interval while maintaining a high
confidence level is to increase the sample size.

Solution 7.4
The confidence level required is 99%, so ;a = 0.005. Writing

we need to solve, in this case, the equation

for p. From

it follows that

and this is the upper confidence limit p+. Similarly, writing

Elements of Statistics

we need to solve, in this case, the equation

This has solution

So a 99% confidence interval for the average length of runs of diseased trees,
based on the observation 4 and assuming a geometric model, is given by
(p-, p,) = (1.206,798.5).
Notice the width of this confidence interval, and particularly the extent of
the upper confidence limit! This is due to the inherent skewed nature of the
geometric distribution, but also to the dearth of data. The only way to reduce
the width of the confidence interval is to collect more data.

Solution 7.5
If T has a triangular density with parameter 0 ( T Triangular(0)) then the
c.d.f. of T is given by

(a) Writing

it follows that
(l- ;)2 =l- p

so, finally,

This is the upper confidence limit 8+: it is high values of 8 that render
low values of t unlikely.
The lower confidence limit 8- is found by solving the equation

for 8; writing

it follows that ,
Solutions to Exercises

So a 100(1- a ) % confidence interval for the triangular parameter 8, based

on a single observation t, is given by

(b) For instance, if t = 5, then a 95% confidence interval ( + a = 0.025) is given


Again, the confidence interval is extremely wide. But it makes sense: the
parameter 9 specifies the right-hand edge of the range of T. If the value
t = 5 has been observed, the value of 0 must be at least 5.

Solution 7.6
First, a model is required. Assuming the unknown number of Firefly dinghies
manufactured to date to be equal to 6 then, in the absence of any information
to the contrary, we could assume that any one of the dinghies is as likely to
have been observed as any other. That is, denoting by X the sail number
observed, the random variable X has a discrete uniform distribution

Then X has c.d.f.

P(X<x)=-, x = l , 2 , 3 ,..., 0.
The confidence level required is 90%: so +a= 0.05. Writing

we obtain the upper confidence limit 8+ = 343310.05 = 68 660.

Now, the probability P ( X > 3433) is given by

and so the lower confidence limit 8- for 8 is given by the solution of the

this solution is

The unknown number 0 is indubitably an integer. Erring a little on the safe

side, we can conclude from the one sighting made (3433) that a 90% confidence
interval for the number 8 of Firefly dinghies manufactured to date is given by

Again, the interval is so wide as to be of questionable use. We shall see in

Subsection 7.2.5 the very useful consequences of taking a larger sample.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 7.7
(i) A 90% confidence interval for p, based on observing 4 successes in 11
trials, is given by

(ii) The corresponding 95% confidence interval is

Confidence intervals based on observing 8 successes in 22 trials are

In both cases, the larger sample size has led t o narrower confidence in-
tervals. The reason is the increase in information. Just as larger samples
lead to reduced variation in parameter estimates, so they permit narrower
(more precise) confidence intervals.
A 99% confidence interval for p based on observing 4 successes in 5 trials
is given by

In one experiment (your results might have been similar) the sequence of For discrete random variables, the
10 observations on B(20,0.3) is calculations underlying the
construction of confidence intervals
conceal an interesting feature,
The corresponding confidence limits for p are exemplified here. Only the
confidence intervals for
(p-, p+) = (0.0026,0.2161); X = 3,4, . . . , 9 contain the value
(p-, p+) = (0.2587,0.6531); 0.3: other values of s are 'too low'
(p-, p+) = (0.2171,0.6064); or 'too high'. If X is binomial
B(20,0.3), then
(p- , p + ) = (0.1773,0.5580); P(3 5 X 5 9) = 0.9166 > 0.90.
(p-, p+) = (0.0422,0.3437); That is, an average of about 92%
(p-, p+) = (0.2587,0.6531); (more than 90%) of confidence
(p- , p + ) = (0.1396,0.5078); intervals generated in this way will
(p-, p+) = (0.0714,0.4010); contain the (usually unknown)
parameter value. The procedure is
(p- , p + ) = (0.2171,0.6064); 'conservative'.
(p-,p+) = (0.1041,0.4556).
Of these ten intervals, only the first one does not contain the known
value of p, 0.3. Remember the interpretation of a confidence interval-in
repeated experiments, a proportion 100(1 - a)% of confidence intervals
obtained may be expected to contain the (usually) unknown value of the
Here, the confidence 1evel.set was 90%; and, as it happened, exactly nine
out of the ten calculated intervals contained the known parameter value
p = 0.3-just as expected. What happened in your experiment?
The observation '1 success in 20 trials' is so low, that it reduces our
confidence that the underlying success probability is, or could be, as high
as 0.3.
(Incidentally, an observed success count as high as 10 in 20 would have
resulted in the confidence interval

which does not contain the value p = 0.3, either.)

Solutions to Exercises

Solution 7.8
(a) (i) A 90% confidence interval for a Poisson mean p, based on the single
observation 3, is given by
(p-, p+) = (0.8177,7.754).
(ii) The corresponding 95% confidence interval is
(p-, p+) = (0.6187,8.767).
(b) (i) An estimate of the mean underlying accident rate p is given by the
sample mean
p =X =
4+4+3+0+5+3+2 21
= - = 3.0.
7 7
So the estimate of p is the same as it was in part (a), but this time it is
based on seven observations rather than on one.
(ii) Confidence inte'rvals for p based on these data are given by
90%: (p-, p+) = (2.010,4.320);
95%: (p-, p + ) = (l.857,4.586).
Notice that the increased information has resulted in narrower confidence
(c) (i) The estimated mean annual accident rate for girls of this age is

(ii) In this case we are only told the sample total t = 20; but we know that
the random variable T, on which t is a single observation, is Poisson(6p).
All that is required is that we obtain confidence limits for the mean of T,
and then divide these limits by 6. This approach gives
90%: (p-, p + ) = (2.209,4.844);
95%: (p-, p + ) = (2.036,5.148).

Solution 7.9
(a) The mean of the 62 time intervals is 437.21 days, about 14 months. As-
suming that times between earthquakes are exponentially distributed, a
90% confidence interval for the mean time interval between serious earth-
quakes world-wide is given by
(p-, p+) = (359.06,546.06),
or from about twelve months t o eighteen months.
(b) (i) The mean waiting time between vehicles is
A 212
p = - - 4 - .24 seconds,
so the estimated tr&c rate is
- 1
X = - = 0.2358 vehicles per second = 14.15 vehicles per minute.
(ii) A 90% confidence interval for the mean traffic rate is given by
(X-, X+) = (11.03,17.60).
Elements of Statistics

(c) When this experiment was tried the ten resulting confidence intervals were
as follows. (The sample mean is also shown in brackets.)
0.7821 (1.090) 1.645
0.9361 (1.305) 1.969
0.7864 (1.096) 1.654
0.7149 (0.997) 1.504
0.6848 (0.955) 1.440
0.8603 (1.199) 1.810
0.7142 (0.996) 1.502
0.8163 (1.138) 1.717
0.7145 (0.996) 1.503
0.6423 (0.895) 1.351
Interestingly, an eleventh experiment gave

which does not contain the number 1.0, but the sample had extraordi-
narily low numbers in it. They were

Note that only two of these numbers exceed the mean, 1.

A twelfth experiment gave

which also does not contain the number 1; in this case the numbers
sampled from M ( l ) were unusually high.

Solution 7.10
(a) One simulation gave the following ten observations on N.

The corresponding 90% confidence interval for p based on these data is

(p-, p+) = (O.O712,O.l951).
The width of the confidence interval is 0.1951 - 0.0712 = 0.124. It con-
tains both the values p = 1/10 and p = 116.
(b) For interest, this part of the exercise was performed three times. The
corresponding confidence intervals were
(O.O89O,O.l217), width = 0.033;
(O.O825,0.1130), width = 0.030;
(0.0940,0.1284), width = 0.034.
In all three cases the confidence interval contained the value p = 1/10
and not the value p = 116, providing quite strong evidence that the die
is loaded (as we know; but you can imagine that there are circumstances
where one might not know this, but merely suspect it).
Solutions to Exercises

(The experiment was repeated on the computer a further 997 times, mak-
ing a total of 1000 experiments altogether. The number 1/10 was included
in the resulting confidence intervals 892 times, roughly as expected-90%
of 1000 is 900. The number 116 was not included in any of the intervals.)

Solution 7.1 1
Either from tables or your computer, you should find (a) t = 1.699;
(b) t = 1.697; (C)t = -3.365; (d) t = 2.262.

Solution 7.12
For the five data points the sample mean and sample standard deviation are
?E = 3.118 and s = 0.155. For a confidence level of 95%, the corresponding
critical t-value is obtained from the t-distribution t ( 4 ) : it is the 97.5% point
of t(4), q0.975 = 2.776. This is shown in Figure S7.1. A 95% confidence interval
for p , the mean coal consumption in pounds per draw-bar horse-power hour,
is given by

Figure S7.1 Critical values from


Solution 7.13
(a) For the data
1.2 2.4 1.3 1.3 0 1.0 1.8 0.8 4.6 1.4
the sample mean is ?F = 1.58 and the sample standard deviation is
s = 1.23. A 95% confidence interval is required for the mean difference p
between the two treatments. Reference to tables of t(9) gives the critical
value t = 2.262. Thus the corresponding confidence interval is

= (1.58 - 0.88,1.58 + 0.88) = (0.70,2.46).

(b) Since the number 0 (indicating no difference between the two treatments)
is not included in this confidence interval, there is considerable evidence
that the treatment L-hyoscyamine hydrobromide is a more effective hyp-
notic than the alternative.

Solution 7.14
This is a 'self-help' exercise included to encourage you to use your computer.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 7.15
In this case the sample size was n = 8; the sample variance was s2 = 37.75.
(a) For a 90% confidence interval we will require the 5% and the 95% points of
X2(7). These are CL = 2.167 and cu = 14.067 respectively. Consequently,
a 90% confidence interval for the population variance u2, based on the
data provided, is

(b) For a 95% confidence interval we need

The interval is
(a-, a:) =
7 X 37.75 7 X 37.75 = (16.50,156.4).
16.013 ' 1.69

Solution 7.16
An estimate for a is given by the sample standard deviation
S = = 6.1.
We found in Solution 7.15(a) that a 90% confidence interval for the popu-
lation variance a2 is given by (18.79, 121.9). Taking square roots, the
corresponding 90% confidence interval for the population standard devi-
ation a is given by
(a-, a + ) = (4.3,ll.O).

Solution 7.17
For the earthquake data, the mean time between quakes is given by
E = ?f= 437.21 days. There were 62 waiting times recorded; to establish
a 95% confidence interval for the mean time between serious earthquakes
world-wide, it is necessary to use the fact that the 97.5% point of the stan-
dard normal distribution is z = 1.96. The confidence interval required is

This is an interval of between about twelve and nineteen months. Here, it

is assumed that the sum of 62 exponential waiting times is approximately
normally distributed.

Solution 7.18
(a) For the Kwinana traffic data the mean waiting time between vehicles was
c = 4.24 seconds (corresponding to a traffic rate of = 14.15 vehicles
per minute); the sample size was n = 50. Assuming the sample total to

Solutions to Exercises

be approximately normally distributed, a 90% confidence interval for the

mean waiting time (taking z = 1.645) is given by

By taking reciprocals, confidence limits for the mean traffic rate are
X- = 1 / p + = 0.18 vehicles per second, or 10.9 vehicles per minute; and
X+ = 1 / p - = 0.29 vehicles per second, or 17.4 vehicles per minute.
(b) The confidence interval in the solution to Exercise 7.9 was
(X-, X+) = (11.03,17.60).
The differences, which are very slight, are due to the approximation in-
duced by assuming a normal distribution for the sample total.

Solution 7.19
The stated constraints imply that the following inequalities must hold:

F >0.97F and F < 1.03F

l+z/fi - l-z/fi -
where z = 1.96..The first inequality gives

> 0.97,
l+z/fi -

This gives
< -0.03
fi - 0.97'

that is, n 2 4016.2. The second inequality gives

This gives
1032 103 X 1.96
fi2, - 3 '
that is, n 2 4528.4. For both inequalities to hold, the sample size must be
4529 or more. This is an extremely large sample!
Elements of Statistics

Solution 7.20
The sample mean is

An approximate 95% confidence interval for the underlying mean accident

rate over the whole of the eight-year period (assuming a Poisson model) is

(P-,P+I = (p- z$,p+ zE)

Solution 7.21
There were 109 runs observed. The mean length of a run was
p = 1661109 = 1.523.
For a 99% confidence interval the 99.5% point of Z is required. This is
z = 2.576. The resulting approximate 99% confidence interval for the mean
length of runs of diseased trees is

Here, it is assumed that the sum of 109 geometric run lengths is approximately
normally distributed.

Solution 7.22
(a) In this case, the estimate of p is p^= 28615387 = 0.0531. An approxi-
mate 90% confidence interval for the underlying proportion of red-haired
children in Scotland is
Solutions to Exercises

Here (as well as the usual assumption of normality) it has been assumed
that the school children of Caithness are typical of all those in Scotland,
which may not necessarily be the case.
(b) Here, the estimated proportion of fair-haired children who are blue-eyed
is p^ = 136815789 = 0.236 31. An approximate 95% confidence interval for
this proportion is

Again, it has been assumed here that Aberdeen school children are rep-
resentative of all school children in Scotland.

Solution 7.23
For these data the sample mean is F = 1.992 and the sample standard devi-
ation is S = 1.394. A 90% confidence interval for the average number of books
borrowed in a year is given by

Solution 7.24
For these data thesample mean is = 0.3163 and the sample standard devi-
ation is S = 0.0805. Making no assumptions at all about the distribution of
eggshell thicknesses for Anacapa pelicans, a 95% confidence interval for the
mean thickness is given by
Elements of Statistics

Chapter 8
Solution 8.1
For this test the null hypothesis is
H o : p = %;
the alternative hypothesis is
Hl:p# $.
An appropriate model for the number of 1s in a sequence of 25 trials is binomial
B(25,p). In this experiment the number of 1s observed is 10.
(a) A 95% confidence interval for p, based on observing 10 successes in 25
trials is given by
(p-,p+) = (0.2113,0.6133).
(b) The hypothesized value p0 = $ = 0.6667 is not contained in this confi-
dence interval. The conclusions of the test may be stated as follows.
On the basis of these data, there is evidence at the significance level 0.05
to reject the null hypothesis p = $ in favour of the alternative hypothesis
that p differs from $. (In fact, there is evidence from the sample that
P < $.)
(c) A 99% confidence interval for p is given by
(p- , p + ) = (0.1679,0.6702).
The interval contains the hypothesized value p0 = $: at the 1% level of
significance there is no evidence, from these data, to reject the hypothesis.

Solution 8.2
The Kwinana Freeway data consist of 50 observations on times assumed to
be exponentially distributed. The mean waiting time p is unknown. The hy-
pothesis that the mean traffic flow rate is 10 vehicles per minute is equivalent
to hypothesizing a mean waiting time of minute, or 6 seconds:

An appropriate alternative hypothesis is furnished by

Confidence intervals at levels 90%, 95% and 99% for p, based on the data, are
90% : (3.41,5.44);
95% : (3.27,5.71);
99% : (3.02,6.30).
Only the last of these contains the hypothesized value p. = 6. One may
conclude the test as follows. Based on these data, the hypothesis that the
mean traffic flow rate is 10 vehicles per minute is rejected a t the 5% level of
significance; at the 1% level the evidence is insufficient to reject the hypothesis.
There are two additional points t o notice here. The first is that no mention is
made of the conclusion of the test at the 10% significance level: this is because
rejection at 5% implies rejection at 10%. Second, at some significance level
between 1% and 5% it is clear that the hypothesized value p. will itself be
at the, very boundary of the decision rule. This idea will be explored in
Section 8.3.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 8.3
Large-sample confidence intervals for the Bernoulli parameter p, based on
approximate normal distribution theory, are of the form

(a) In this case n = 1064 and p^= 787/1064 = 0.740. A specified 10% signifi-
cance level for the test implies a 90% confidence level; this in turn implies
z = 40.95 = 1.645, the 95% quantile of the standard normal distribution.
The confidence interval required is given by

The confidence interval contains the hypothesized value p0 = 0.75. Thus,

at the 10% level of significance, these data offer no evidence to reject the
hypothesis that the proportion of yellow peas is equal to $.
(b) Here, n = 100 and p^= % = 0.6. A 95% confidence interval for p is given

The hypothesized value p0 = = 0.667 is contained in the interval: on

the basis of these data, there is no evidence at this level to reject H o .

Solution 8.4
The observed mean ratio is

The sample standard deviation is s = 0.0925. Consequently, the observed

value t of the test statistic T under the null hypothesis is
t = -T- - p 0.6605 - 0.618 = 2.055.
s / f i - 0.0925/m
To work out the rejection region for the test, we need the 2.5% and 97.5%
quantiles for t(19). These are
q o . 0 ~ 90.975 2.093.
The rejection region is shown in Figure S8.1, together with the observed value

AS you can see, the observed value t = 2.055 is very close to the boundary of Figure S8.1
the rejection region (suggesting Shoshoni rectangles are somewhat 'square');
but strictly according to the predetermined significance level, there is insuf-
ficient evidence, on the basis of these data, to reject the null hypothesis that
p = 0.618.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 8.5
The null hypothesis here is

and, as for L-hyoscyamine hydrobromide, the alternative hypothesis is

Assuming a . normal model for the variation in sleep gain after a dose of
D-hyoscyamine hydrobromide, then under the null hypothesis

To determine the rejection region at level 0.05, the critical quantile is

90.95 = 1.833. The observed value t of the test statistic T is

which is less than 40.95 = 1.833, and therefore falls outside the rejection region.
On the basis of these data, and at this level, there is no reason to suspect
that the hypnotic D-hyoscyamine hydrobromide has any measurable effect in
prolonging sleep.

Solution 8.6
The null and alternative hypotheses are

where p is the mean difference between the heights of a pair of cross- You will notice here the very
fertilized and self-fertilized plants whose parents were grown from the precise s t & x ~ n t of the meaning of
same seed. An appropriate test statistic is the parameter p. Sometimes it is
- important to be pedantic in this
D way.
with null distribution t ( n - 1).
The test is two-sided at 10%: the rejection region is defined by the bound-
ary points

the 5% and 95% quantiles of t(14). If the observed value t of T is less

than -1.761 or more than 1.761, the null hypothesis will be rejected in
favour of the alternative.
For this data set

This exceeds ~ 0 . 9 5= 1.761, so the hypothesis of zero difference is rejected

in favour of the alternative hypothesis that there is a difference in the
mean height of cross-fertilized and self-fertilized plants. (In fact, on the
basis of the data, it appears that cross-fertilized plants are taller than
self-fertilized plants.)
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 8.7
Assume in this case that the test statistic is X P o i s s ~ n ( ~Under
). the
null hypothesis, the distribution of X is Poisson(3.0). We require to find
values x1 and x2 such that, as closely as can be attained,
P(X 5 xl) 0.05, P(X > 22) 21 0.05.
This is shown in Figure S8.2.



T h e probability distribution of X, X Poisson (3.0)

Figure S8.2 Identifying the rejection region

In this case
P ( X 5 0) = 0.0498 and P ( X 2 7) = 0.0335
so the rejection region for the test, based on the single observation X, is
Otherwise the hypothesis H. : p = 3 is not rejected. The actual level of
this test is 0.0498 + 0.0335 = 0.0833.
A sensible test statistic is the sample total V = X1 + X2 + +
. X5, which
under the null hypothesis has a Poisson distribution with mean 15. In
this case
P ( V 5 8) = 0.0374 and P ( V > 22) = 0.0531
and the null hypothesis will not be rejected if the sample total is between
9 and 21 inclusive. The level of the test is 0.0374 0.0531 = 0.0905.
For a sample of size 10 the sample total W = X1 + X2 + . + X10 has
the null distribution Poisson(30). Useful quantiles are given by
P(W < 21) = 0.0544 and P ( W > 40) = 0.0463,
and so the rejection region for the test based on the sample total W is
W 5 21 or W > 40.
The level of the test is 0.0544 + 0.0463 = 0.1007.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 8.8
(a) The forecast relative frequency of light-greys is $: if this is true, the

distribution of the number of light-greys in samples of size 18 is binomial
N B (18, . i)
(b) The probability of observing four light-greys is

The diagram shows all the values in the range of the null distribution
B(18, i)
that are as extreme as that observed.


0.30 SP ( o ~ ~ o s idirection)
te = 0.090 J



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Number of light grey rabbits

Figure S8.3 Counts as extreme as 4 from ~ ( 1 8 , i)

The SP may be calculated as follows.
SP(obtained direction) = P ( N 2 4) = 0.180
SP(opposite direction) = P(N = 0) = 0.090

This completes the assessment of the null hypothesis in the light of the
sample. There is no substantial evidence that the null hypothesis is flawed:
were it true, more than a quarter of future samples would, in fact, offer
less support for it than did the sample collected.

Solution 8.9
If the number of insects~caughtin a trap is denoted by N
the total number caught in 33 traps is
- Poisson(p), then

T = NI + Nz + . . f N33 N Poisson(33p).
Under the null hypothesis H. : p = 1, the distribution of T is Poisson(33).
In fact, the total number of insects counted was

Counts more extreme than t = 54 are shown in Figure S8.4.

Solutions to Exercises

SP (opposite direction) SP (obtained direction)

= 0.000163 = 0.000487

The probability distribution of T, T Poisson (33)

Figure 58.4 Counts more extreme than t = 54 when T Poisson(33)

The significance probabilities for the test are given by

SP(obtained direction) = P ( T 2 54) = 0.000 487
SP(opposite direction) = P(T 5 14) = 0.000 163
SP(tota1) = 0.000 487 0.000 163 = 0.000 650.
These significance probabilities are extremely small, offering strong evidence
that the hypothesis p = 1 is false. The value obtained suggests that in fact p
is rather greater than 1.
The observed sample mean catch is 54/33 = 1.64, which does not at first
glance appear to be so very different from the hypothesized value. Evidently
the difference is very considerable.

Solution 8.10
(a) Neither the boxplots nor the histograms suggest that either sample is
skewed, or that the variances are substantially different. The histograms
suggest that a normal model would be an extremely useful representation
of the variability in the measurements.
(b) For the Etruscan skulls,
: = 35.65;
for the modern Italian skulls,
S; = 33.06.
These are remarkably close: there is no question of having to forgo the
test on the grounds that the test assumptions are not satisfied.
(c) Further summary statistics are

The pooled estimate of the variance g2 is given by

Elements of Statistics

The observed value of the test statistic T is

143.77 - 132.44
t= = = 11.92.
-"h+ - 732
m -84+ - 70
The test statistic needs to be assessed against Student's t-distribution
+ +
with nl n2 - 2 = 84 70 - 2 = 152 degrees of freedom. The shape
of t(152) is not markedly different from the standard normal density.
Without recourse to tables, or to a computer, the total SP for this test
is very close to 0: differences in the mean maximum skull breadth for
Etruscans and the modern Italian male are very marked indeed.

Solution 8.11
It may be that at a single command your computer permits a comparison
of the two diets returning, for instance, the value of the test statistic t and
associated SP. The details are as follows (so you can check your program!).
For those rats given the restricted diet,

and for those rats given the ad libitum diet,

Then the pooled estimate of a2 is given by

This estimate of a2 is rather different to either of S

: or S;; and, in fact, the
ratio of the sample variances is given by

which exceeds 3, and so suggests that the assumption of equal variances under-
lying the two-sample t-test is untenable. This suggestion may be confirmed
formally using an appropriate test: in fact, there turns out to be considerable
evidence that the variances are different.
Both samples are also considerably skewed. The software on your computer
may blindly perform a two-sample t-test if you ask it to do so, with or without
a warning message that the assumptions of the test may be seriously adrift.
If so, then the resulting value of the test statistic T is

Against the null distribution t(193) (or, essentially, against the normal distri-
bution N ( 0 , l ) ) the SP is negligible. Assuming the t-test to be viable, there is
very considerable evidence that the mean lifelengths under the different diet
regimes are different (and that, in fact, a restricted diet leads to increased
The question of whether the t-test is a valid procedure in this case is a real one,
and also a worrying one: however, lacking any other procedure for comparing
two means, the t-test has provided some 'feel' for the extent to which the

Solutions to Exercises

data indicate a difference between the two diet regimes. Other tests for a
comparison of two means, with less restrictive assumptions, are available in
the statistical literature.

Solution 8.12
(a) The data = rl/nl = 71/100 = 0.71 and = r2/n2 = 89/105 = 0.85
suggest that females are more likely to be successful in a request for help.
Fisher's exact test applied to the data r l = 71, n l = 100,r2 = 89,
n2 = 105, yields the results
SP(obtained direction) = 0.013
SP(opposite direction) = 0.006
SP(tota1) = 0.019.
The total SP is less than 2%; in a directed test of the hypothesis
H. : p1 = p2 against the alternative HI : p1 < p2 the SP is 1.3%. There is
strong evidence of a difference in proportions, and that females are more
likely to be given help when it is requested.
(b) In this case the proportions to be compared are = r1/nl = 8/20 = 0.40
and p^z = r2/n2 = 11/20 = 0.55. A reasonable null hypothesis might be
H0 : p1 = P2.
No particular suggestion has been offered that certain types of brain dam-
age might reduce a person's facility in handling syllogisms: we might write
H1 : P1 # P2.
However, the data suggest the possibility that p1 is less than p2. In fact,
Fisher's test gives
SP(obtained direction) = 0.264
SP(opposite direction) = 0.264
SP(tota1) = 0.527.
There is no serious evidence (whatever alternative hypothesis one might
care to suggest) on the basis of these data that the individuals tested
showed a significantly different capability.

Solution 8.13
(a) In this case the data available to test the null hypothesis H. : p1 = p2
(assuming a Poisson model) are

and consequently the aim is to test the observed value t; = 3 against the
+ i).
binomial distribution B(t,nl/(nl n2)) or ~ ( 9 , By the symmetry of
the binomial distribution
SP(obtained direction) = SP(opposite direction)
+ + +
= p(3) p(2) p(1) p(0) = 0.254
and so
SP(tota1) = 2 X 0.254 = 0.508.
The S P s in either direction are not small: there is no strong evidence to
reject the hypothesis that the two underlying mean densities are equal.

Elements of Statistics

(b) In this case

In fact cl(the estimate of the mean plant density under Treatment 1) is

347/4=86.75; and c2
is 292/8=36.50. There seems to be a considerable
difference here. Formally, we need to test the observed value tr = 347
against the binomial distribution B (639, $) . The null distribution peaks
at the mean (i
X 639 = 213) and so fairly evidently

SP(obtained direction) = P(T: 2 347) E 0;

this was calculated using a computer.
Working out the SP in the opposite direction strictly involves a scan of
the binomial distribution B (639, to ascertain those values in the range
occurring with probability less than p(347).
A normal approximation has T; 21 N(213,142) (for the binomial mean is
np = 639 X = 213; the variance is npq = 639 X $ X = 142). The SP
in the obtained direction is again

using a continuity correction this is approximately

by the symmetry of the normal distribution the SP in the opposite di-

rection is the same as the SP in the obtained direction. There is very
considerable evidence that the mean plant densities under the two treat-
ments differ and, in fact, that Treatment 1 leads to a higher density than
Treatment 2.

Solution 9.1
Since n = 7, we determine the points for which @(xi)= i / 8 .

A probability plot for the points y(i),against xi is given in Figure S9.1.

Solutions to Exercises

Figure S9.1 Silver content against normal scores (fourth coinage)

A straight line fits the points quite closely and we can conclude that the
normal distribution provides an adequate model for the variation in the data.

Solution 9.2
The differences (in microns) are given in Table S9.1.
Table S9.1 Corneal thickness in patients with glaucoma (microns)
Patient 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Glaucomatous eye 488 478 480 426 440 410 458 460
Normal eye 484 478 492 444 436 398 464 476
Difference 4 0 -12 -18 4 12 -6 -16

Since n = 8, we determine the points for which @(xi)= 219. The points y(i)
and xi are shown in the table in the margin. The points (xi, y(i)) are shown
plotted in Figure S9.2.
i yci, i/9 xi

Figure 5'9.2 Corneal thickness differences against normal scores

The points do not appear to lie on a straight line and the evidence in favour
of a normal modelling distribution for the differences in cornea1 thickness is
not strong. However, there is no systematic pattern to the points.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 9.3
Since n = 20, we plot y(i) against xi = - log((21 - i)/21). Normally you would need a
calculator for the logarithms, but
in this case the xis are the same as
they are in Table 9.5.

The exponential probability plot (y(i) against xi) is given in Figure S9.3.

Remember that for an exponential

probability plot, the fitted straight
line must pass through the origin.

0 1 2 3 4
Exponential scores
Figure S9.3 Unpleasant memory recall times against exponential scores
The points do not lie on a straight line and the evidence does not support an
exponential modelling distribution for the variation in recall times.

Solution 9.4
The normal probability plot, together with a fitted straight line, for the data
on the 84 Etruscan skulls is shown in Figure S9.4.
Etruscan skulls (mm)

Normal scores
Figure S9.4 Normal probability plot, Etruscan skulls

Solutions to Exercises

The fit appears to be very good, supporting an earlier assertion that the
variation in the data may plausibly be modelled by a normal distribution.
Notice also that the fitted line has intercept at about 144 (?EE = 143.8) and
slope about 6 (SE = 5.97).
The corresponding plot for the 70 modern Italian skulls is given in Figure S9.5.
Again, a straight line appears to fit the points very well (though there is a
departure from the fitted line at both extremes-small skulls are surprisingly
small and large skulls are surprisingly large). The fitted line in the diagram
has intercept at about 132 (?EI = 132.4) and slope again about 6 ( s = ~ 5.75).
Modern Italian skulls (mm)

110 1 I I I I I I
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Normal scores

Figure S9.5 Normal probability plot, modern Italian skulls

Solution 9.5
(a) The exponential probability plot for the 62 waiting times between earth-
quakes, together with a fitted straight line through the origin, is given in
Figure S9.6. The fit looks very good. (The slope of the line appears to
be about 450: the sample mean for the data set is 437.)

Time interval (days)

0 1 2 3 4
Exponential scorks

Figure S9.6 Exponential probability plot, waiting times between earthquakes

(b) In this case (see Figure S9.7) there is a clear departure from linearity,
suggesting that the variation in the waiting times between successive coal-
Elements of Statistics

mining disasters is other than exponential. Nevertheless, the plot does

suggest some sort of systematic variation in these data.
Waiting time (days)

0 1 2 3 4 5
Exponential scores
Figure S9.7 Exponential probability plot, waiting time between coal-mining disasters

Solution 9.6
Your computer may have provided you with 30 observations4rom the Pareto(8,4)
distribution similar to those shown in Table S9.2. Table S9.3 Exponential
Table S9.2 Thirty observations from Pareto(8,4) scores for Pareto data
8.18 10.91 8.73 8.17 12.90 8.88 10.31 8.19 9.59 13.73 2 ~ ( i )~(i) xi
11.68 8.52 13.14 10.10 8.44 10.72 8.18 8.12 8.33 9.20
8.78 10.41 11.49 9.54 12.55 12.28 17.26 9.07 8.05 9.99 1 8.050.006 0.033
2 8.120.015 0.067
Writing W Pareto (8, g), then the random variable Y = log(W/8) has an 3 8.170.021 0.102
exponential distribution. The ordered sample y(l),y p ) , . . . ,Y(30) and the as- 0.022 0.138
5 8.18 0.022 0.176
sociated exponential scores X I , 22,. . . , 5 3 0 are shown in Table S9.3. 6 8.19 0.023 0.215
The plot of the points yi against xi, together with a fitted straight line through 7 8.33 0.040 0.256
the origin, is given in Figure S9.8. 8 8.44 0.054 0.298
9 8.52 0.063 0.343
10 8.73 0.087 0.389
11 8.78 0.093 0.438
12 8.88 0.104 0.490 :
13 9.07 0.126 0.544
14 9.20 0.140 0.601
15 9.54 0.176 0.661
16 9.59 0.181 0.726
17 9.99 0.222 0.795
18 10.10 0,233 0.869
19 10.31 0.254 0.949
20 10.41 0.263 1.036
21 10.72 0.293 1.131
22 10.91 0.310 1.237
23 11.49 0.362 1.355
24 11.68 0.378 1.488
25 12.28 0.429 1.642
26 12.55 0.450 1.825
27 12.90 0.478 2.048
28 13.14 0.496 2.335
I l I
0 1 2 3 Xi 29 13.73 0.540 2.741
30 17.26 0.769 3.434
Figure S9.8 Probability plot, simulated Pareto data
Solutions to Exercises

If the maximum point of the 30 is ignored, there is a pronounced curve to

the probability plot, suggesting in this case some systematic error with the
Pareto generator.
Did your plot provide a more convincing straight line?

Solution 9.7
(a) There are four categories with expected frequencies


A table for calculating the chi-squared test statistic is given in Table S9.4.

Table 59.4 Pharbitis nil, simple theory

i Oi Ei (Oi - Ei) (Oi - Ei)'/Ei
1 187 163.125 23.875 3.49
2 35 54.375 -19.375 6.90
3 37 54.375 -17.375 5.55
4 31 18.125 12.875 9.15

The chi-squared value for the test is

Measured against x2(3) (k = 4; no model parameters were estimated from

the data), this gives a S P of about 0.000 015. This is exceptionally small:
there is very considerable evidence that the simple theory is flawed.

(b) Allowing for genetic linkage, then the expected frequencies are consider-
ably changed, as shown in Table S9.5. For instance,
El = no1 = 290 X 0.6209 = 180.061.
Table S9.5 Pharbitis nil, genetic linkage
i Oi Ei (Oi - Ei) (Oi - ~ i ) ' / ~ i

The chi-squared value for this test is

Measured against x2(2) (k = 4; one model parameter was estimated from

the data so p = l ) , this gives a S P of 0.63. There is no evidence to reject
the genetic linkage.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 9.8
Pielou assumed a geometric modelling distribution with parameter p = 0.657
for the following data; expected frequencies obtained by multiplying the hy-
pothesized probability mass function by 109 are included in Table S9.6. For
instance, E4 = 10904 = 109(0.343)3(0.657) = 2.89.
Run lengths of diseased trees in an infected plantation
Run length 1 2 3 4 5 6 > 6
Observed number of runs 7 1 28 5 2 2 1 0
Estimated number of runs 71.61 24.56 8.43 2.89 0.99 0.34 0.18

Pooling runs of length 3 or more and performing the chi-squared test calcu- In fact, pooling runs of length 4 or
lation gives Table G . 6 . more gives an kqected frequency
Table S9.6 Diseased trees: testing a geometric fit
+ +
of 2.89 0.99 0.34 + 0.18 = 4.40
which is less than 5; but the
Run length Oi Ei Oi - Ei (Oi - ~ i ) ' / E i conclusions of the chi-squared test
would not be seriously adrift.
1 71 71.61 -0.61 0.005

The test statistic is

One parameter (p = 0.657) was estimated from these data, so the chi-squared
null distribution has ( 3 - 1 - 1 ) = 1 degree of freedom for a S P of 0.29.
The geometric distribution is not rejected as a model and this confirms that
Pielou's assumptions were not unreasonable.

Solution 9.9
The suggested grouping gives the following observed frequencies.
Level < 150 150 - 250 250 - 350 350 - 450 2 450
Observed frequency 4 14 19 7 11

Working to full computer accuracy, the expected frequencies and chi-squared

test calculations are as shown in Table S9.7, using a: = 314.91 and s = 131.16.
Table 59.7
Oi Ei (Oi - E i ) (Oi - E i ) ' / E i
4 5.74 -1.74 0.53
14 11.33 2.67 0.63
19 16.23 2.77 0.47
7 13.37 -6.37 3.03
11 8.33 2.67 0.86
The value of the test statistic is

Two parameters were estimated from these data, so the chi-squared distri-
bution has (5 - 2 - 1 ) = 2 degrees of freedom for a SP of 0.061. There is
some evidence for rejection of the null hypothesis that the data are fitted by
a normal distribution.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 9.10
The details of observed and expected frequencies, and of the chi-squared test
calculations are given in Table S9.8, using = 1369.1 and S = 693.7.

Table S9.8 Chi-squared calculations, rainfall data

Rainfall Oi Ei. (Oi - Ei) (Oi - E i ) 2 / ~ i

The value of the chi-squared test statistic is

Two parameters were estimated from these data, so the chi-squared distri-
bution has (6 - 2 - 1) = 3 degrees of freedom for a SP of 0.09. There is
insufficient evidence for rejection of the null hypothesis that the data are fit-
ted by a normal distribution, although the fit is not good and one should have
reservations about it.

Solution 9.1 1
The sample skewness of birth weights for the group of children who survived
is 0.229; and that for the group of children who died is 0.491.
The skewness of the group of children who died is rather higher than one would
like and it is worth trying to transform the data. One possible transformation
is t o take logarithms: this reduces the sample skewnesses to -0.291 and 0.177
It is worth noticing that this transformation not only gives skewnesses for
the two groups that are similar in size and opposite in sign but also gives
approximately equal variances to the two groups.

Solution 9.12
A two-sample t-test for equal means may now be carried out. This gives a
t-statistic of -3.67 on 48 degrees of freedom, with a total SP equal to 0.0006.
It may be concluded that there is a significant difference, provided the re-
sidual~are plausibly normal. Subtract 0.482 from the transformed data of the
first group (that is, those who died) and subtract 0.795 from the transformed
data of the second group (survivors); pool the data and construct a normal
probability plot. This is shown in Figure S9.9.
It is possible to fit an acceptable straight line and there is strong evidence for
rejection of the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the groups.
Elements of Statistics


-1 I I I I I I

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Normal scores
Figure S9.9 Residuals against normal scores

Solution 9.13
The analysis is very similar to that in Example 9.8. It turns out that the
same transformation works well.
As before, we can carry out a two-sample t-test for equal means. This gives a
t-statistic of 2.46 on 52 degrees of freedom, which has a SP equal to 0.017. It
may be concluded that there is evidence of a significant difference, provided
the residuals are plausibly normal. Subtract 4.565 from the transformed data
of the group with less formal education and subtract 3.029 from the trans-
formed data of the group with more formal education, pool the data and
construct a normal probability plot. This is shown in Figure S9.10.



1 .


1 I



Normal scores
Figure S9.10 Residuals against normal scores

This does not suggest a good straight line, although it may be just about
acceptable. This casts doubt on our assumption of normality.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 9.14
Subtracting 0.618 from each entry in Table 8.4 and allocating signed ranks
produces the following table.

Difference 0.075 0.044 0.072 -0.012 -0.048 0.131 0.054 0.010 -0.009 0.226
Sign + + + - - + + + - +
Rank 17 10 16 5; 11 18 14 4 3 19

Difference 0.036 -0.003 0.050 -0.017 -0.042 0.052 -0.012 -0.007 -0.065 0.315
Sign + - + - - + - - - +
Rank 8 1 12 7 9 13 5i 2 15 20

There are no OS and there are only two tied differences.

The sums of the ranks are 151 for the positive differences and 59 for the
negative differences, thus the Wilcoxon signed rank statistic is 151. This
SP(obtained direction) = SP(opposite direction) = 0.044;

There is some evidence for rejection of the null hypothesis of zero differ-
ence; in other words, there is some evidence that the rectangles do not
conform to the Greek standard.
A t-test for zero difference gives a total SP of 0.054, which may be inter-
preted as giving some evidence, although not strong evidence, for rejection
of the hypothesis. There must be doubt about such a result because of
the lack of normality of the data.

Solution 9.15
The sample size is 20, so that

Therefore, we have

which is the 0.957 quantile of the standard normal distribution. The SP

is therefore 0.086, which is very close to that given by the exact test in
Exercise 9.14.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 9.16
The ranks are as follows.

Pleasant memory Rank Unpleasant memory Rank

1.07 1 1.45 5
1.17 2 1.67 7
1.22 3 1.90 8
1.42 4 2.02 10
1.63 6 2.32 12
1.98 9 2.35 14
2.12 11 2.43 15
2.32 12 i 2.47 16
2.56 17 2.57 18
2.70 19 3.33 25
2.93 20 3.87 27
2.97 21 4.33 28
3.03 22 5.35 31
3.15 23 5.72 33
3.22 24 6.48 35
3.42 26 6.90 36
4.63 29 8.68 37
4.70 30 9.47 38
5.55 32 10.00 39
6.17 34 10.93 40

Labelling the pleasant memory recall times as group A, UA = 345;. An exact

test gives

Alternatively, using a normal approximation,


Normal tables give a total S F of 0.081 for the two-sided test. Therefore, the
conclusion is that the evidence for rejection of the null hypothesis, namely
that memory recall times are different for pleasant and unpleasant memories,
is not very strong.

Solution 9.17
The data are rather interesting. A naive estimate of the age of the site is
the sample mean, 2622 years. However, Figure S9.11 shows (a) a boxplot for
these data; (b) a normal probability plot; and (c) a normal probability plot
with the single high outlier (3433 years) removed.
A straight line fits the seven points in Figure S9.11(c) very well. A good
estimate of the age of the site would seem t o be provided by the mean of
the trimmed sample, 2506 years, nearly 1000 years less than the untrimmed
Solutions to Exercises

Radio-carbon age determination (years)


Radio-carbon age (years) Radio-carbon age (years)


-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
(b) Normal scores Normal scores

Figure 59.11 (a) Boxplot (b) Normal probability plot (c) Trimmed normal
probability plot

Chapter 10

Solution 10.1
(a) The problem has been set up as a prediction problem, with bracket weight
the explanatory variable (X) and beetle count the response variable (y). A
scatter plot of beetle count against bracket weight is given in Figure S1O.l.

Beetle count Figure S10.1 also shows the fittec

straight line found in part (b).

100 200 300

Bracket weight (g)

Figure S1O.l Beetle count against bracket weight

Elements of Statistics

(b) From the scatter plot in part (a), it appears that a straight line through
the origin would provide a useful regression model for these data:


You will probably be able to obtain

these sums directly from your
calculator after keying in the data,
and without having to record subtotals.

the least squares estimate for the slope y is given by

(c) For a fungus weighing 240g, the predicted beetle count is

240;5 = 240 X 0.276 = 66.3 beetles;
say, 66 beetles.
(d) There are two useful representations for the residual sum of squares
(see (10.4)). In either case we need the result C y; = 68918. Either

Notice that the rounding error induced by using at the calculator keypad
(0.276 instead of 0.276 064 266) has been considerable.
A properly programmed computer will give you all these answers, including
the scatter plot., from a few keyboard commands.

Solution 10.2
The summary statistics in this case (writing X for specific gravity and y for
strength) are

so the slope estimate is

-P = 10 59.211 61 - 4.951 X 118.77
l0 X 2.488 995 - 4.9512
= 10.8220,
and the estimate of the constant term is
Solutions to Exercises

So the fitted model is

y = 6.52 + 10.82~
Strength = 6.52 + 10.82 X Specific gravity.

Solution 10.3
For the finger-tapping data (tapping frequency y against caffeine dose X ) , the
summary statistics are

so the slope estimate is

and the constant term is estimated by

So the fitted model is

y = 244.75 + 0.0175~
Tapping frequency = 244.75 + 0.0175 X Caffeine dose.

Solution 10.4
(a) With the relevant data keyed in (or the appropriate data file accessed),
most statistical software would provide the equation of the fitted straight
line a t a single command. For Forbes' data, the estimators are G = 155.30
and ^p = 1.90, so the equation of the fitted line is given by
Boiling point = 155.30 + 1.90 X Atmospheric pressure,
where temperature is measured in OF and atmospheric pressure in
inches Hg.
(b) For Hooker's data, G = 146.67, p = 2.25; the fitted line has equation
Boiling point = 146.67 + 2.25 X Atmospheric pressure.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 10.5
(a) The problem here was to predict morbidity rates from mortality rates,
so in the following scatter diagram (see Figure S10.2) morbidity rates (y)
are plotted against mortality rates (X).
Morbidity rate (per 10 000)

100 110 120 130 140

Mortality rate (per 1000)

Figure SlO.2 Morbidity rates against mortality rates

(b) The points are suggestive of a useful straight line fit. From 3 = 16.5478
and = 1.6371 it follows that the least squares regression line equation
is given by
Morbidity rate (per 1000) = 16.55 + 1.64 X Mortality rate (per 10 000).
Solution 10.6
(a) A heavy car uses a lot of fuel because it is heavy: it is possible that under
unusual circumstances one might wish to predict kerb weight from fuel
consumption figures, but in general the problem would be to estimate
fuel consumption, given the size of the car. Therefore plot consumption
(miles per gallon, y) against kerb weight (kilograms, X). The appropriate
scatter diagram is shown in Figure S10.3.
Fuel consumption (miles per gallon)

30 1 I I I I I

600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Kerb weight (kg)

Figure S10.3 Consumption against kerb weight

Solutions to Exercises
--P - P -

(b) There is a lot of scatter: there is less evidence of an underlying 'formula'

relating fuel consumption to kerb weight than there is in some other con-
texts. However, there is a pronounced downward trend. The least squares
regression line has equation
Fuel consumption = 73.48 - 0.024 X Kerb weight,
where fuel consumption is measured in miles per gallon, and kerb weight
in kilograms.

Solution 10.7
A plot of temperature against chirping frequency for these data is given in
Figure S10.4.

Temperature (OF)


60 1 I I I I I I

14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Chirps (per second)

Figure S10.4 Temperature against chirping frequency

The least squares fitted line through the scattered points has equation
Temperature = 25.23 + 3.29 X Chirping frequency,
where temperature is measured in "F and chirps are counted every second. If
$0 = 18chirps per second, the corresponding estimate of temperature, yo, is
given by
90 = 25.23 + 3.2920 = 25.23 + 3.29 X 18 = 84.5 OF.

Solution 10.8
Taking examination score as the response variable (Y) and time taken as the
explanatory variable ( X ) , then we fit the model
x=a+Pxi+Wi, i = 1 , 2 ,..., 134,
where the random terms W iare independent and normally distributed random
variables with mean 0 and variance a2.The proposition that X is valueless as
a predictor for Y is covered by the hypothesis
Elements of Statistics

For these data,

B = 56.7333, p = -0.0012,
and the residual sum of squares is

So our estimator of variance is given by

The observed value of the test statistic

is at the 26% quantile of t(132). So we have

SP(obtained direction) = SP(opposite direction) = 0.26;
SP(tota1) = 0.52.
The total SP is not small: the hypothesis that ,B = 0 is not rejected. This con-
firms our suspicion that examination time is not a good predictor for eventual

Solution 10.9
(a) A scatter diagram for percentage of non-contaminated peanuts against
aflatoxin level is given in Figure S10.5.



, ; * * ,
0 40 80 120
Aflatoxin (parts per billion)

Figure S10.5 Percentage of non-contaminated against aflatoxin level

(b) The least squares regression line has equation

Percentage non-contaminated = 100.002 - 0.003 X Aflatoxin level
and the scatter plot suggests that a straight line would be a good fit to
the data.
Solutions to Exercises

However, on the grounds of these results, and on the basis of what we

know of the problem-that zero aflatoxin level would indicate 100% non-
contamination-a better model would be to fit the constrained line
Percentage non-contaminated = 100 - y X Aflatoxin level,
or, equivalently
y = 100 - yx.
This model has one parameter: the equivalent hypothesis under test is
(c) Proceeding, however, with the two-parameter model, the residual sum of
squares is

Our estimate of variance is

and our test statistic is

The SP is negligible. Despite the slope estimate being a small number in

absolute terms, it represents a significant downward trend (as indicated
by the scatter plot in part (a)).

Solution 10.10
In this context, breathing resistance is the response variable (y) and height
is the explanatory variable (X). A scatter plot of the data (see Figure S10.6)
was not asked for in this question, but it is always a useful first step. (Some
would say it is an essential first step of a regression analysis.)

Breathing resistance

0 1
Height (cm)

Figure S1 0.6 Breathing resistance against height

Elements of Statistics

The fitted line through the scattered points has equation

and so the predicted breathing resistance for a child xo = 100 cm tall is 11.346.
From the data given in Table 10.15, the sample size is n = 24, the sample mean
is ?f = 102.042, C ( x i - F ) =
~ 1352.96 and

Using a computer package,

intermediate results are not really
necessary: the residual sum of
squares is a standard summary
So our estimate of a2 is statistic in the context of

The 97.5% quantile of t ( 2 2 ) is 2.074, and consequently the 95% confidence

interval for the mean breathing resistance for children 100 cm tall, based on
these data, is

The units of measurement are those for breathing resistance, not stated in the
original table.

Solution 10.1 1
The important measures obtained from the data in Table 10.16 are If all your calculations are done on
a computer, these intermediate
results are unnecessary.

Also, the 97.5% quantile of t ( 4 0 ) is 2.021.

The predicted mean when xo is 100 is
3 + pxo = 27.516 - 0.136 06 X 100 = 13.91,
and the 95% prediction interval for this particular child's breathing resistance
is given by

The prediction interval is extremely wide: the reason for this is that there is
a great deal of scatter in the data.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 10.12
From the data given in Table 10.13
n = 15, 5 = 16.653, x(zi - 5)2 = 40.557, C = 25.2323, Some of these were calculated in
Exercise 10.7, though not to as

,l?3.2911, C(yi- a)2= 190.547, s2 = 14.6575. many places of decimals.
Also, the 99.5% quantile of t(13) is 3.012. The predicted mean is

The 99% prediction interval is

Solution 10.13
From the data given in Table 10.12,
n = 42, 5 = 1104.69, x(xi- = 1229650.98, 3 = 73.480, Some of these were calculated in
Exercise 10.6, though less precisely.
3 = -0.0242, E ( y i - g ) 2 = 689.33, s2 = 17.2333.
The 97.5% quantile of t(40) is 2.021. The predicted mean consumption is

The 95% prediction interval is

Chapter 11

Solution 11.1
In scatter plot (a) the variables are negatively related.
In scatter plot (b) the variables are positively related.
In scatter plot (c) the variables do not appear to be related a t all. Knowing
the value of one of them tells you nothing about the value of the other.

Solution 11.2
(a) The random variables X and Y are related, because the conditional prob-
ability that Y = 10 given X = 4 is not the same as the unconditional
probability that Y = 10.
(b) In this case it is not possible to say whether W and Z are related. The
question does not give enough information. Knowing that W = 4 tells us
nothing new about the probability that Z took the value 5. However, we
Elements of Statistics

do not know what would happen if we knew, say, that W took the value
6. Would that change the probability distribution of Z? If knowing the
values of W does not change the probability distribution of Z , then W
and Z are not related, but otherwise they are related.

Solution 1 1.3
(a) Altogether, out of 2484 people, 110 provided a value of Yes for the random
variable X . Thus an estimate for the probability P ( X = Yes) is 11012484
or 0.044.
(b) There are 254 people in Table 11.2 for whom the value of the random
variable Y is Snore every night. Of these, 30 provided a value of Yes
for X (heart disease). Thus an estimate for the conditional probability
P ( X = Yes(Y = Snore every night) is 301254 or 0.118. This is getting
on for three times the unconditional probability that X = Yes. That is,
knowing that someone snores every night tells you something about how
likely it is that they have heart disease: snorers are more likely to have
it. (Note that this does not tell you that snoring causes heart disease, or
for that matter that heart disease causes snoring. More on this point is
discussed in Section 11.3.)
This could be put more formally, if you prefer. Unless for some reason
these estimates are very inaccurate, it appears that
P ( X = YeslY = Snore every night) # P ( X = Yes);
therefore, using (11.1), X and Y are related.

Solution 1 1.4 y (%)

~ o d fat
Your answer may be as follows. The relationship is negative, therefore the
40 -

. ...
Pearson correlation r will be negative, and the amount of scatter in the data
in Figure 11.3 is not too different from that in Figure 11.7(b). The value of r
for Figure 11.7(b) is 0.787, so the value of r for Figure 11.3 might be around 8
30 -
-0.7 or -0.8. Perhaps a guess of anything between -0.6 and -0.9 would be
reasonable. In fact, the value of r for Figure 11.3 is -0.767. * .

Solution 1 1.5
(a) The scatter plot is as shown in Figure S1l.l. This clearly shows that the Age (years)
two variables are positively related, though the association between them Figure ~ 1 1 . 1 B ~ , - Jfat
is not particularly strong. percentage against age
(b) For these data,

So using (11.5),

This value indicates a moderate positive association between the two vari-
Solutions to Exercises

S O / U ~1~1.6
. .
Lung cancer SMR
The correlation is 0.743. This matches the impression given by the scatter
plot of a reasonably strong positive relationship between the variables.
160 -
. .... .
. ..
If you want to check your computer output, the exact value of r using 120 - 0 .

(11.5) is .*

37 880 80 -
T =
d 2 600 135 980 '
40 I I I I
The scatter plot for these data is as shown in Figure S11.2. This shows a 60 80 100 120 140
reasonably strong positive association between the variables. The Pearson Smoking ratio
correlation coefficient is 0.716, which gives the same impression of the Figure S1 1.d Lung cancer SMR
strength of the relationship. The exact value of r is against smoking ratio
T =
d 7 2 610 213 900'

Solution 1 1.7
(a) The scatter plot is as shown in Figure S11.3.

Shell thickness (mm)

PCB concentration (ppm)

Figure S11.3 Shell thickness against PCB concentration

There seems to be a rather .weak negative relationship between the two

variables; the more the PCB, the thinner the shell. But remember that
we cannot conclude from these data that the PCB causes the shells to
become thin. (However, there is evidence from other sources that this
causal explanation is true.)
Several points appear t o be some distance from the main pattern; but
the most obvious is the point at the bottom right. It is the thinnest shell
with the highest concentration of PCB.
(b) The Pearson correlation coefficient for the full data set is -0.253. This is
in line with the interpretation (a weak negative relationship) in part (a).
(c) Omitting the most extreme point a t the bottom right from the calculation,
the Pearson correlation becomes -0.157. This value is considerably nearer
0 than the correlation coefficient for the full data set. This indicates that
much of the impression that these two variables are negatively correlated
stems from this single egg, which seems to be rather atypical.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 11.8
The Pearson correlation coefficient for the untransformed data is -0.005. For
the log transformed data, it is 0.779.

Solution 11.9
(a) For these data, r s = 0.716. This fairly large value corresponds to the
fairly strong linear association seen in the scatter plot of the data after
they had been transformed.
(b) The Spearman rank correlation coefficient would be the same as for the
original data, which is 0.716. This is because the logarithmic transform-
ation does not change the order in which the data come; consequently,
the ranks of the log-transformed data are the same as the ranks of the
original data. (If you do not believe this, check it!)

Solution 1 1.10
The computed S P is
SP(obtained direction) = 0.0323;
so there is moderate evidence of a positive relationship bktween these two
variables in the population.

Solution 11.11
In this case you should calculate r and compare it against a
t-distribution with 64 - 2 = 62 degrees of freedom. The value of this
quantity is

Hence the total SP is 0.214. There is no evidence of a relationship between

the variables. Our previous impression, that the apparent relationship
between the variables depends on the single extreme egg, is confirmed.
The calculations are much the same as for part (a). You need to calculate
the test statistic and compare it against a t-distribution on 28 - 2 = 26
degrees of freedom. The value of this quantity is

It is not really necessary to turn on your computer or open your statistical

tables to see that the obtained SP is approximately zero. There is very
strong evidence that the two variables are related.

Solution 11.12
Using Fisher's exact test, SP = 0.0001. There is very strong evidence that
the two variables are related. It is clear from the original table that the
relationship works in such a way that patients with impaired sulphoxidation
are more likely to exhibit a toxic reaction to the drug.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 11.13
The expected frequencies are as follows.

Season Colour pattern Row totals

Bright red Not bright red

Spring 280.918 223.082 504

Summer 93.082 73.918 167
Column totals 374 297 671

In all four cells, the absolute difference between observed and expected fre-
quencies is 21.082. This gives

=- +-
280.918 223.082
- 14.36

and the SP is 0.000 15. There is strong evidence of association between season
and colour pattern. Comparing the expected and observed frequencies, we see
that there are more bright red beetles in spring and fewer in summer than is
expected under the null hypothesis of no association.

Solution 11.14
(a) Looking at the observed and expected frequencies, Compressor 1 seems
to fail relatively frequently in the centre leg and relatively rarely in the
south leg, while Compressor 4 fails relatively rarely in the centre leg and
relatively frequently in the south leg. However, the value of the chi-
squared test statistic is 11.72, and since there are 4 rows and 3 columns,
the number of degrees of freedom is (4 - 1)(3- 1) = 6. The significance
probability is SP = 0.068. There is only very weak evidence of association
between the two variables: the data are consistent with the null hypothesis
that the pattern of location of failures is the same in all four compressors.
(b) The value of the chi-squared test statistic is 7.885. The number of de-
grees of freedom is (3 - 1)(2 - l) = 2, and the significance probability
is SP = 0.019. There is fairly strong evidence of a relationship between
+ tonsil size and carrier status. Comparing the observed and expected fre-
quencies, it appears that carriers are less likely than non-carriers to have
normal tonsil size, and carriers are more likely than non-carriers to have
very large tonsils. In short, on average, carriers have larger tonsils than
do non-carriers.

Solution 11.15
Your scatter plot should look like the scatter plot in Figure S11.4.

Figure S1 1.4
Elements of Statistics

Chapter 12

Solution 12.1
(a) The adequacy of the Bernoulli model would rather depend on what ser-
vice was being provided. For instance, queues at a bank or a post office
might consist largely of individuals who have arrived at the service point
independently of one another, and alone. On the other hand, queues at a
cinema box office will often include male-female pairs, implying a strong
dependence between consecutive individuals.
(b) Rather as for sequences of wet and dry days, it is likely that there will
be some noticeable association between the characteristics of consecutive
days, and a Bernoulli model would not be appropriate.
(c) Some card-players strenuously maintain a belief in runs of luck (good
and bad) and if the phenomenon exists, then the Bernoulli process will
not be an appropriate model here. For games involving some skill, it is
probable that players perform better on some occasions than on others,
over relatively long periods. For games involving chance alone there may
be some association (the order of cards dealt) but it would be difficult to
demonstrate and very hard t o quantify.

Solution 12.2
(a) Using the probabilities at (12. l ) , three different weekly weather sequences
(starting with a wet day) were simulated. They were as follows.
You should have generated a sequence similar to these.
(b) Four different families of size 4 were generated (starting with a girl). They
were as follows.
0 101
Again, you should have generated a similar sequence.

Solution 12.3
(a) Using (12.3), the transition matrix M is given by

and the overall probability of a boy is given by

Solutions to Exercises

(b) Three typical families of 5 children were generated. They were

Solution 12.4
(a) The matrix of transition frequencies is

the corresponding matrix of estimated transition probabilities is

Solution 12.5
For Exercise 12.4(c) the matrix of transition frequencies is

the number of runs is

For Exercise 12.4(e) the matrix of transition frequencies is

0 9 14 23.
N=1[15 1116'
the number of runs is

Solution 12.6
(a) The total S P is 0.421; there is no evidence t o reject a Bernoulli model
(b) The total S P is 0.853; there is no evidence to reject a Bernoulli model
(c) The total S P is 1.4 X 1 0 - ~which
, is very small indeed. The Bernoulli
model is firmly rejected. (In fact, the realization shows a very small
number of long runs.)

Elements of Statistics

(d) The total S P is 0.004; the realization shows a small number of long runs
inconsistent with a Bernoulli model.
(e) The S P is very small (0.001); but here there are many short runs incon-
sistent with a Bernoulli model.
(f) The total S P is 0.016; there is evidence to reject the Bernoulli model in
the light of many short runs.

Solution 12.7
(a) The matrix of transition frequencies is

the corresponding matrix of estimated transition probabilities is

(b) The number of runs in the data is

(c) The total S P against a hypothesized Bernoulli model is S P = 0.301.

There is no evidence to reject a Bernoulli model for the sequence of OS
and 1s here.
(d) In this case, no = nl = 12 and so from (12.7)

The corresponding z-score is

the corresponding S P is 2 X a(-1.252) = 0.211. The number of runs is

not noticeably extreme (high or low). Again, there is no evidence to reject
the Bernoulli model here.

Solution 12.8
(a) The accumulated times are given in Table S12.1.
Table 512.1
Solutions to Exercises

Observation ceased with the passing of the 50th vehicle at time T = 349.8.
This leaves 49 vehicle observations:

the observed value of the Kolmogorov test statistic D is d = 0.090 with

n = 49. The corresponding S P exceeds 0.2. We can conclude that the
Poisson process is a reasonable model for the traffic flow along Burgess
Road during the observation period.
Here r is known to be 1608; we therefore have 56 observations

the observed value of D is d = 0.159 with n = 56. The corresponding

S P is between 0.1 and 0.2: there is some small evidence that volcano
eruptions are not well fitted by a Poisson process.

Chapter 13

Solution 13.1
Use of the word to provides possibly the most difficult discriminant of the
three: by would have been easier! But we are obliged to use the data available,
not the data we wish had been available. Histograms showing Hamilton's and
Madison's use of the word to are given in Figure S13.1.

Frequency Frequency

Use of t h e word t o (rate per 1000 words, Hamilton) Use of t h e word to (rate per 1000 words, Madison)
(a) (b)
Figure S13.1 Distribution of rates of occurrence of to in (a) 48 Hamilton papers and (b) 50 Madison papers
If we were sure that all twelve disputed papers were by the same author,
then by comparison with Figure 13.1, the histograms might possibly suggest
Madison as the author.
Elements of Statistics

Solution 13.2
The completed table of observed and expected frequencies, showing the chi-
squared calculations, is given in Table S13.1. The last four cells were pooled
to ensure that all expected frequencies were at least 5.
Table S1 3.1 Weldon's data: chi-squared calculations
Number of Observed Expected (Oi- Ei)2
5s or 6s frequency frequency
54.0 1.50
324.0 0.03
891.0 0.03
1484.9 0.07
1670.6 5.94
1336.4 3.42
779.6 0.07
334.1 3.24
104.4 0.55
23.2 )

Total 7006 7006 0 15.78

The observed chi-squared value

is compared against the distribution with 10 - 1 = 9 degrees of freedom.

(There are ten cells; the binomial model B(12, $) was specified completely,
with no parameters requiring estimation.) The corresponding SP is 0.072.
There is some evidence of a poor binomial fit, but the evidence is not over-
whelming-Pearson's objections seem somewhat exaggerated.

Solution 13.3
(a) The likelihood of p for the data, writing

is given by
(P(@P) +PO; X (P(%4)' X ( ~ ( 3pH5
; X (~(4;
x(p(5; p)YO X (P(% X ( ~ ( 7P))'
; X (P(% X (~(9;
X (P(10; ~ ))l
where P(10; p) = P ( X 2 10). This is maximized a t p = g = 4.9621.
(b) The table of observed and expected frequencies, showing the chi-squared
calculations, is given in Table S13.2.
The observed value of the test statistic = 3.51 compared against X 2 (4)
(six cells, one parameter estimated from the data) gives a SP of 0.476.
There is no evidence t o reject the hypothesis of a Poisson model for the
goal frequency. It is reasonable to suppose that the incidence of goals
occurs at random during the course of play.
Solutions to Exercises

Table S1 9.2
Number of Observed Expected (Oi- Ei)2
goals frequency frequency Oi - Ei E*

Total 39 39 0 3.51

Solution 13.4
(a) The seven differences are

with mean = 12.143 and standard deviation S = 15.378. The corre-

sponding value of test statistic t in a test of zero mean difference is
s/Jii = 2.089.
(b) The t-distribution against which the test statistic is compared has 6 de-
grees of freedom, and P(T6 > 2.089) = 0.041.
No indication has been given whether there should be an expected in-
crease or decrease in the CO transfer factors. For a two-sided test, the
corresponding SP is 0.082. This provides little evidence that there is any
significant difference between CO transfer factors in smokers at entry and
one week later.

Solution 13.5
The normal probability plot is shown in Figure S13.2.


Normal scores
F i g u r e S19.2 Normal probability plot for the differences between CO transfer

66 1
Elements of Statistics

The plot shows that the data are split into two smaller groups-a group of four
where there is little change in the transfer factor and a group of three where
the change is comparatively large. It is clear that the normality assumption
is not tenable.

Solution 13.6
Wilcoxon's signed rank test involves ranking the absolute differences, as shown
Table 513.3 Ranked differences
Patient Entry One week Difference Rank

The sum over the positive ranks is 24 and the sum over the negative ranks
is 4. The observed value of the test statistic is W + = 24. Using a computer,
the total SP is 0.109, and there is no reason to reject the null hypothesis of
no difference between the CO transfer factors.
Using a normal approximation, the corresponding z-score is

and since P ( Z > z ) = 0.0455, the total SP is 0.091.

Solution 13.7
(a) The normal probability plot for the differences is shown in Figure S13.3.


Normal scores

Figure S1 3.3 Normal probability plot

Clearly there is an outlier and this is confirmed in Table S13.4, which

shows the differences. Leaf 1 is atypical.
Solutions to Exercises

Table S13.4 Viral lesions on tobacco leaves

Leaf Preparation l Preparation 2 Difference
1 31 18 13
2 20 17 3
3 18 14 4
4 17 11 6
5 9 . 10 -1
6 8 7 1
7 10 5 5
8 7 6 1

However, the other seven points appear to lie on a straight line and re-
moval of the outlier should leave data which are plausibly normal.
(b) A t-test on the seven points gives a t-value of 2.875 which, tested against
t(6), results in a total SP of 0.028. There is evidence for rejecting the
null hypothesis, and for concluding that the two preparations have a sig-
nificantly different effect. (The experimental results suggest that the first
preparation leads to a substantially higher average number of lesions.)

Solution 13.8
(a) First, let us consider the two groups at Day 0. Sample statistics are

Notice that the sample variances are very close, well within a factor of 3 of
one another. There is no evidence that the assumption of equal variances
for the two populations is broken. The pooled sample variance is given

and the value of the test statistic t for a test of equal population means

Compared against Student's t-distribution with nl n2 - 2 = 28 degrees
of freedom, this gives a total SP of 2 X 0.129 = 0.258.

There is no evidence that there is any difference between the mean urea
levels a t admission for the two groups of patients.
(b) For the two groups at Day 6, the analysis proceeds as.follows. Sample
statistics are

Again, the sample variances do not suggest any significant difference be-
tween the two population variances.
Elements of Statistics

The pooled sample variance is

and the value of the test statistic t is

Compared against t(28), this gives a total SP of 2 X 0.0065 = 0.013.
In this case, there is substantial evidence that by Day 6 after admission
there is a significant difference between mean serum urea levels for the
surviving and non-surviving patients.

Solution 13.9
The regression coefficients, computed separately for each rat, appear in
Table S13.5. In fact, the difference between the groups is striking-the second
group have the larger growth rates. On the other hand, there are only four
values in the second group, and one of these is similar in size to the values
from the first group. So, with such small sample sizes, could these results
have arisen easily by chance?
Table S13.5 Regression slopes for each rat separately
Groupl: 4.3 1.2 1.0 0.8 2.3 0.4 3.8 3.4
Group 2: 7.4 8.8 1.4 8.4
The means for the first and second groups are respectively 2.15 and 6.50 and
their respective standard deviations are 1.514 and 3.451. At first glance there
seems to be a difference, but we should not jump to conclusions at this stage.

Solution 13.10
GroupA: 4.3 1.2 1.0 0.8 2.3 0.4 3.8 3.4
Rank 9 4 3 2 6 1 8 7
In this solution the groups have
Group B: 7.4 8.8 1.4 8.4 been relabelled A and B to achieve
Rank 10 12 5 11 a convenient notation, consistent
with previous work.
The value of the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test statistic is U* = 40 with a
computed total SP of 0.048. There is some evidence that the rates of growth
in the two groups differ.
(The normal approximation gives

with a total SP of 0.042.)

Solution 13.1 1
The result of performing Fisher's exact test on the two sample proportions
17/31 and 16/28 is
SP(obtained direction) = 0.534
using a one-tailed test. For a two-sided test exploring merely whether there is
a significant difference, the total SP is 1. There is no evidence for a difference
in either direction.
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 13.12
The expected values for each cell are shown in brackets. For instance, the
expected value in the top left-hand cell is found from

Hospital Total

No improvement 13 5 8 21 43 90
. , (7.6)
. . (19.4)
. . (31.4)
. . (20.1)
. .
Partial 18 10 36 56 29 149
(19.1) (12.6) (32.1) (52.0) (33.3)
Com~lete 16 16 35 51 10 128

Total 47 31 79 128 82 367

The chi-squared test statistic is calculated from

summed over all 15 cells. For the chi-squared test of independence, we need
the number of degrees of freedom for the null distribution. This parameter is
calculated as ( r - l ) ( c - l ) , where r is the number of rows in the table and c
the number of columns. In our case these are 3 and 5 respectively, so that the
distribution we need is the chi-squared distribution with (3 - 1)(5 - 1) = 8
degrees of freedom.
The probability of obtaining a value as high as 56.7 from a chi-squared distri-
bution with 8 degrees of freedom is very low indeed, about 2 X 10-'. So we
conclude from this test that there are real differences between the distributions
of outcomes across the hospitals.

Solution 13.13
The chi-squared test statistic is 20.85, and relating this to a chi-squared distri-
bution with (4 - 1)(4 - 1) = 9 degrees of freedom gives a SP equal to 0.013.
There is thus a low probability that such a distribution would be obtained by
chance if the two variables really were independent. We conclude that serum
cholesterol level and systolic blood pressure are associated.

Solution 13.14
Depending on your software, you might be able to calculate directly that
for a bivariate sample of size 10 with an underlying correlation of zero, the
probability of obtaining a sample correlation of r = -0.72 or less is

and so the total SP for the test is 2 X 0.0098 = 0.02.

This offers considerable evidence that there is an underlying association be-
tween P E F and the S:C ratio; in fact, there is evidence that there is a negative
association between the two measures.
Elements of Statistics

(Alternatively, use the fact that

and compare

t= 1 - r2 = -0.72dT 1 - (-0.72)' = -2.910

against t(8). Again, the SP for the test is given by 2 X 0.0098 = 0.02.)

Solution 13.15
The cordation coefficient is given by r = 0.971. This is a high value and we
see that the number of finger ridges in identical twins are highly correlated.
The S P for a test that the underlying correlation is zero is given by 1.5 X 10-7:
this is very low!

Solution 13.16
Writing X for the explanatory variable (wind speed) and y for the response
(race time), summary statistics are

and the estimated slope is


Consequently, the fitted regression model is

Race time = 13.32 - 0.085 X Wind speed,
where race time is measured in seconds and wind speed in metres per second.
This reflects the fact, suggested in the scatter plot of the data, that stronger
following winds tend to lead to reduced race times. However, the model should
not be extrapolated too far. For instance, the current world record for l l O m
Hurdles (men) is 12.91s (held by Jackson). The model suggests that with
wind speeds much above 4.9 m/s, he would routinely race inside world record
times! In fact, some hurdlers are hampered by severe following winds: it
gets them too close to the next hurdle to jump, and therefore destroys their
Solutions to Exercises

Solution 13.17
The sampling distribution of the estimator, assuming the scatter to be nor-
mally distributed about the model y = a Px, is given by

Under the null hypothesis H. : P = 0, the value of the test statistic is

A c ( y i - g)' 0.4665
where P = -0.085, s2 = - = 0.024 55,
n-2 19
and C ( x i - :I2 = 44.058095. SO

The obtained SP for the test is P(TI9 5 -3.584) = 0.001. There is very
considerable evidence from these data to reject the hypothesis that, in fact,
p = 0, and so wind speed effect is significant.

Solution 13.18
Writing y = log(nt), X = t, then the regression line of y on X has slope

and intercept
6 = 10.578.
The fitted model is therefore
y =6 + PX= 10.578 - 0.03642

or, taking exponentials,

nt = e10.578-0.0364t - 39 270e-0.0364t
The estimated value of no is 39 270 (or, say, 40 000).

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