Sat Math Easy Practice Quiz
Sat Math Easy Practice Quiz
Sat Math Easy Practice Quiz
abcdeabcdeabc . . .
3. Which of the following is NOT a positive multiple of
9+3? 7. In the sequence of letters shown above, the first letter is
a, followed by b, c, d, and e, at which point the pattern
repeats. Which of the following is the 31st letter in this
(A) 3 sequence?
(B) 12
(C) 24
(D) 48 (A) a
(E) 60 (B) b
(C) c
(D) d
(E) e
x, 2x, 4x, . . .
4. The first term in the sequence above is x, and each term 8. The month of July has 31 days. What is the greatest
thereafter is equal to twice the previous term. Which possible number of Saturdays that can occur in July?
of the following is the sum of the first five terms of this
(A) 10x
(B) 15x
(C) 30x
(D) 31x
(E) 32x pg. 1
SAT Math Easy Practice Quiz
9. Bill is 27 years older than Ted, who is 38 years younger 12. When a particular number is added to its own reciprocal,
than Amy. In how many years will Bill be the same age the resulting sum is −2. The number is which of the
as Amy is now? following?
(A) −2
(B) −1
(C) −
10. Aubrey can walk 3000 feet in 10 minutes. Walking at the
(D) 1
same rate, how many feet can she walk in 10 seconds?
(E) 2
(A) 1
11. Which of the following statements shows that the state- (B) 2
ment above is FALSE? (C) 6
(D) 9
(A) David is eating a red apple. (E) 15
(B) Bill is eating a green apple.
(C) Alice is not eating a red cabbage.
(D) Ted is eating a red cabbage.
(E) Keisha is eating a green cabbage. pg. 2
SAT Math Easy Practice Quiz
(A) 22 5. The table above defines several values of the linear func-
(B) 46 tion g. What is the value of a ?
(C) 66
(D) 69
(E) 72 (A) 31
(B) 33
(C) 35
(D) 37
(E) 41
√ √
2. If 2x + 4 = 36, what is the value of x ? pg. 3
SAT Math Easy Practice Quiz
9. If 3x = 13 and 2y = 7, what is the value of 3(2x)−2(3y) ? 12. If x2 = 4, then which of the following could be the value
of x3 ?
(A) −8
(B) −4
(C) 2
(D) 6
(E) 12
10. If 3m−3 + 3m−3 = 18, what is the value of m ?
(A) 3
(B) 4
3m < 13
(C) 5
(D) 6 2m > 7
(E) 9
13. If m is an integer that satisfies the equations above, what
is the value of m ?
(A) 0
(B) 2
11. If 2x = 5, 3y = 4, and 4z = 3, what is the value of (C) 3
24xyz ? (D) 4
(E) 5
(A) 12
(B) 18
(C) 36
(D) 48
(E) 60 pg. 4
SAT Math Easy Practice Quiz
(0, 2)
O 4. A portion of the circle with center O is shaded as in the
(A) 2π
(A) (−1, 2)
(B) 10π
(B) (−2, 1)
(C) 24π
(C) (2, 3)
(D) 48π
(D) (3, 1)
(E) 72π
(E) (4, 3)
x◦ x◦
x◦ 2x◦
2. In the figure above, two line segments meet at a point on l
line l. What is the value of x ?
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6
(E) 7 pg. 5
SAT Math Easy Practice Quiz
(A) 6
(B) 8 8. Rectangle ABCD is subdivided into two identical square
(C) 10 regions, as in the figure above. If the area of each square
(D) 12 is 9, what is the perimeter of ABCD ?
(E) 16 pg. 6
SAT Math Easy Practice Quiz
Data, Statistics, and Probability 3. A basket contains turnips that are either red or white. If
(A) 30
(B) 45
(C) 60
(D) 75
(E) 90
4. Let set M = {x, 2x, 4x} for any number x. If the average
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 (arithmetic mean) of the numbers in set M is 14, what
is the value of x ?
2. If a number is selected at random from the list above,
what is the probability that the number is divisible by
3? (A) 2
(B) 6
1 (C) 7
3 (D) 10
4 (E) 12
(E) 1 pg. 7
SAT Math Easy Practice Quiz
Numbers and Operations Hint: you need to know that there are seven days in a
week, which means that after 28 days, there have been
4 Saturdays.
1. D (Estimated Difficulty Level: 1)
9. 11 (Estimated Difficulty Level: 2)
4. D (Estimated Difficulty Level: 1) Hint: you need a statement that mentions a cabbage
which isn’t red.
Hint: for the SAT you should know the first few prime
numbers (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, . . .) as well the meaning of
“consecutive integers”.
7. A (Estimated Difficulty Level: 1) pg. 8
SAT Math Easy Practice Quiz
7. D (Estimated Difficulty Level: 2) Hint: work with the answers to make this particular
problem really easy.
Hint: you can solve for x and then plug it in. Or, you
could notice that (x + 1)2 = x2 + 2x + 1. pg. 9
SAT Math Easy Practice Quiz pg. 10
SAT Math Easy Practice Quiz pg. 11