April 2011 Issue
April 2011 Issue
April 2011 Issue
Page 19
Jason Walter earns respect for
progressive systems and advice
Page 10
The latest in ATUs
Page 19
Published monthly by
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The Consortium of Institutes for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment
supplies the onsite industry with an abundance of educational resources. PUMPER & CLEANER
27 Industry News www.pumpershow.com
Education Day: Feb. 27, 2012 Exhibits Open: Feb. 28 - March 1, 2012
28 Case Studies: Aerobic Treatment Unites Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, Indiana
By Scottie Dayton
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Delivering Options
Here’s a tool for helping small communities that don’t need big-pipe
sewer systems evaluate and compare affordable treatment alternatives
By Ted J. Rulseh, Editor
an industry mover and shaker! The man is everywhere and puts his whole
heart into everything.
® Besides being vice president of Residential Sewage, vice president of
NOWRA, and serving on both the Missouri and Kansas Smallflows Boards,
Tom does educational programs for Missouri Smallflows for installers, regu-
lators, system evaluators and others. He speaks at the Pumper & Cleaner
Expo, the NOWRA Conference, the Missouri and Kansas conferences, and
anywhere else he is asked.
He is active when there is legislation that affects onsite, working with
the state Department of Health and local regulators and testifying at
legislative hearings. As president of Missouri Smallflows, it is my privilege
to have Tom on our board, to be able to tap into his knowledge, and to call
As the only system to receive the Title 5 him a friend.
Innovative/Alternative (I/A) “General Use” I haven’t met his wife Kathy as yet, but if she is anything like Tom (and
from your article it appears that she is), they are truly a dynamic duo.
Approval for Nitrogen Removal (MassDEP),
the MicroFAST® provides affordable options versus Janet Murray, REHS
Environmental Health Supervisor
centralized sewers or conventional septic systems. Randolph County (Mo.) Health Department
Nitrication and denitrication projects are much easier
with FAST®. The NSF® Std. 40 and NSF® Std. 245
certied MicroFAST® wastewater treatment systems Flies a Good Thing?
are much less complicated to install and operate. I just read the article about septic flies and larvae in Arizona (Associa-
tion News, Onsite Installer, February 2011). I have been in business for 15
At a time when signicantly increased amount years. Of the thousands of tanks we have pumped over the years, our expe-
rience has been that if we open a tank and find flies, these are the tanks that
of nutrients threaten the ecosystem of lakes and have good bacteria levels, which promote what we consider to be a healthy
waterways, FAST ® is the Better solution. septic tank.
So many times we open a tank and find it to be black and non-active or
what we consider to be dead. I have even gone as far as collecting some efflu-
ent from these tanks with flies and larvae present to introduce to my own
tank to seed it, with good results.
Check out our Prevention- I believe the source for this information has the wrong idea about the
Remediation Program flies and should embrace this as a natural activity in a normal or healthy
operating septic tank. I also believe the flies are introduced through the
S.O.S.-Save Our SepticTM vent stack.
The practitioner in question should sell this as a natural activity and be
thankful for the increased sales due to dead flies plugging those filters,
maybe even offering to install larger filters to compensate for the increased
plugging. Or maybe it was really time to clean those filters.
Jon Houseknecht
Sunset Septic & Excavating
Rolling Prairie, Ind.
Starting Young
Jason Walter gets an early and fast start as a progressive installer
and a source of onsite advice for his customers
By Gil Longwell
Bill Walter & Sons
Septic Installation, LLC,
Clinton, Conn. T wo weeks after graduating
from high school, while his
friends were enjoying the
beach, Jason Walter had started
learning onsite systems as he pre-
Walter received his subsurface
system installer’s license from the
state of Connecticut when he was
19. During his time with his dad,
he realized several important facts.
to become versatile in site consider-
ations and technologies.
Part of the learning process was
understanding his own needs for
equipment. He flew to Michigan to
OWNER: Jason Walter
pared to build an installation busi- “The typical installer in this area pick up his first machine when he
YEARS IN BUSINESS: 5 ness on the Long Island Sound in will retire in the next 10 years or was 19. “I did my homework to
coastal Connecticut. so,” he says. “There is not a rush of determine which device would best
MARKET AREA: 25-mile At age 17, Walter started out in new installers preparing to fill this meet my initial needs and enable
radius in two counties the field pumping treatment tanks void. The work is hard, and it’s me to work smarter and more effi-
BUSINESS MIX: 80 percent for his father’s business. Two years dirty, but it pays well. I also learned ciently,” he says. Five years after
repairs, 20 percent service later he launched his own business, I have a lot to learn.” buying that machine, his equipment
Bill Walter & Sons Septic Installation. resource pool has grown to include:
SPECIALTY: Finding solutions “I chose the name not because Grasping opportunity • A 2001 Komatsu PC78 com-
for diverse site conditions dad has a role in the business, but From all he learned about the pact excavator.
because his pumping business is so onsite industry, Walter reached a • A 2008 Cat 303.5 mini-
well known in the community,” one-word conclusion: Opportunity. excavator.
Onsite Wastewater Recycling
Walter says. “Working with dad, I Working in two counties within a • A 2004 Cat 277B tracked
Association; NOWRA
learned about taking care of sys- 25-mile radius from his home base skid-steer.
WEBSITE: www.walterseptic. tems. What to do, how to do it, the in Clinton, about 25 miles east of • A 2006 Kubota B21 mini-
com purposes of the components, how New Haven, he finds a wide range backhoe.
they work, and the relationships of soil conditions, from coastal • A 1996 Ford L8000 six-wheel
between soil, air, effluent, vessels, sands to upland rock ledges with dump truck.
★ filters, bacteria and more. Dad was shallow soil cover. This diversity Before every purchase, Walter
a heck of a teacher.” brings challenges and forces Walter tried to answer one critical ques-
10 | ONSITE INSTALLER April 2011
� Designed for Onsite Systems � Two Year UV Lamp Life
� Gravity Flow to 6 GPM � NSF and Other Third Party
� Installed in Ground or Tests Confirm Superior
Pump Tank Bacteria and Virus Kill
� Minimum (Annual) � UL and cUL Certified,
Maintenance Standard 979
� NEMA 6P (Passed 30 Day � Multiple Units Economically
Submergence Test by UL) Treat up to 100,000 Gal/Day
Serious about
Watertight Tanks?
When it comes to wastewater tanks, watertight design is gain-
ing a lot of attention. The benefits of installing a watertight
tank are numerous, and, with changing regulations; it’s often
mandatory. So, if you see value in using watertight tanks and
ease of installation is important, consider Xerxes fiberglass
tanks for your next project.
Benefits of Watertight Tanks include:
• One-piece construction - no field installation of components
requiring seams/seals to complete the tank.
• Factory manufactured - no need to form and fabricate a tank in
place with unpredictable weather conditions, field crews and com-
pletion dates.
• Proven track record - Xerxes tanks have been used for nearly
three decades for storage of petroleum products where watertight
is the only design standard that is acceptable.
• Strong design - standard tanks are designed for burial depth to
7 feet, water table to grade AND an H-20 load rating.
Saber Septic
Repairs and remediates your failed
septic drainfield or we give you your
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� Repairs failed septic systems � Extends the life of your
without drainfield replacement septic system and drainfield
� Keeps sewage from backing up � Can be used on single
in the house when it rains compartment and two-
� Eliminates drainfield ponding, compartment tanks
odors and nuisance
Pat Hanlon, Vice President • pat@saberseptic.com
“I am customer-connected.
I answer my own phone, I
always return calls promptly,
and while I am learning every With a zero-tail-swing excavator, Jason Walter can get any job done,
day, at the same time I am large or small.
my customers’ onsite system cient work to keep two machines or the divide. Walter likes the Mantis
resource.” one service technician busy,” he GSF system from Eljen Corporation Walter works hard to find the right
says. He previously had an em- because under Connecticut regula- solution for all parties concerned.
Jason Walter ployee, and from that experience tions, it can be installed with a
he learned that his next hire must smaller footprint than a conven- The right feel
Basic Yellow Pages ads are his be someone with experience in the tional system. It is also a passive As a rule, Walter seeks out prob-
only formal self-promotion. Walter onsite industry and a commercial system that yields a more highly lems other installers have walked
knows satisfied customers become driver’s license. Training will be a treated effluent. away from, but sometimes things
his company spokespersons. “If a priority for anyone he hires, as it is These systems fit on both sides just don’t make sense. “After
customer knows I did a quality job for himself. “We can never stop of the highway because they can reviewing the site’s conditions, a
for a fair price and cannot see any learning; too much is happening in effectively address diverse natural proposed design, and the design-
change in the appearance of the this industry,” he says. conditions, including seasonal high er’s selection of a particular tech-
site when I am done, they will sing Walter’s dad remains in the water tables and clayey soils that nology or system type, if I’m not
my praises,” he says. pumping business, and when one perc slowly. “In the environment of convinced the system will have a
of Jason’s customers needs a tank small lots and restricted access long, successful life, I’ll walk away
Careful growth pumped, dad gets the call. routes, the smaller footprint helps from the job,” he says. “If it doesn’t
With just his mom as a support the installer and the property feel right, I won’t do it.”
person and office manager, Wal- Banking on diversity owner,” Walter says. “I bought a For customers who have seen
ter’s personnel costs are minimal, As he waits for the maintenance mini-excavator just for these sites.” him apply his knowledge and dili-
but he sees that changing. There market to develop, Walter focuses For about 90 percent of his gence in the field, selecting Walter
are opportunities in system man- on installations and repairs, which repair work Walter is allowed under to do their job just feels right. n
agement, but so far he has not sometimes involve complete replace- state regulations to prepare his own
installed many advanced treatment ments. His area is diverse, and the designs, and he does so. “When
units. More are going in steadily sites demand creative thinking. dealing with complex site conditions, MORE INFO:
around the area, and he could ser- US Route 1, the Maine-to-Flor- I always bring an engineer into the Eljen Corporation
vice them whether they are his own ida highway, follows the physio- process,” he says. “For systems 800/444-1359
installations or not. graphic line of demarcation between serving a daily flow over 2,000 gpd, www.eljen.com
“I’ll know when I am ready to coastal sands and upland soils, and an engineer must be involved.” (See ad page 18)
hire an employee when I have suffi- conditions change markedly along Regardless of the site’s limitations,
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April 2011 ONSITE INSTALLER | 15
Jim Anderson and Dave Gustafson are connected
Florida Ohio
We’ll Squeeze You Into Some Pretty Tight Places! The state filed a lawsuit against The Trumbull County Health
Eljen GSF
the U.S. EPA over what it calls the Department cited a court-ordered
Geotextile agency’s intrusion into Florida’s consent decree to criminally charge
Sand Filter previously approved clean water and imprison people who failed to
program. The lawsuit alleges that upgrade their onsite systems. The
• 3rd party testing verified the EPA’s action is inconsistent decree requires the county to
BOD and TSS <10 mg/l with the intent of Congress when it enforce state EPA compliance.
and up to a 3-log reduction based the Clean Water Act on the Spokesman Mike Settles for the
in Fecal Coliform idea of cooperative federalism — the Ohio EPA said that it is up to local
• Provides treatment and states responsible for water quality health departments to determine
disposal in the same and the EPA offering oversight. how to enforce state regulations,
absorption area Florida’s action is a result of and that the consent decree does
EPA settling a lawsuit filed by the not stipulate any penalties against
• Best choice for sensitive Florida Wildlife Federation in the county if it fails to comply. The
lakeside and restricted 2008. The settlement forced the EPA prefers to resolve violations
building sites EPA to set pollution standards for through negotiated orders or civil
• Made from recycled inland surface waters and coastal actions and to avoid the tactics
materials waters. Onsite system owners would employed in Trumbull County.
be affected by rules to achieve From 1992 to 2002, the county
TIme-Proven For nitrogen reduction and compliance granted onsite permits, or signed
over 25 YeArS monitoring. off on systems installed without
permits, even though they did not
Texas meet EPA standards. In many
A Sunset Advisory Commission cases, raw sewage dumped into
staff report recommended that the state waterways. In 2007, the local
CORPORATION state abolish the On-Site Wastewa- health board estimated that 90 per-
Innovative Products and Solutions Since 1970 ter Treatment Research Council cent of onsite systems (about
and replace it with a stakeholder 30,000) in the county failed to
1-800-444-1359 eljen.com group. The commission reviews the meet the regulations that went into
policies and programs of more than effect that year. n
By Scottie Dayton
High-strength wastewater
aerobic digester
The Nibbler SBP (square back-
flush pod) high-strength waste treat-
ment system from Aqua Test handles
loads greater than 300 mg/l BOD5
and FOG concentrations above 25 mg/l. The pre-engineered modules arrive
ready for installation.
The treatment train has a septic tank, the aerobic digester tank, surge
tank, and a grease trap when applicable. The arrangement allows for a
reduced drainfield footprint. The system produces effluent with 150 mg/l or
less BOD5 and 25 mg/l or less FOG. 800/221-3159; www.aquatestinc.com. n
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tional moves to the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, Feb. 27 - March 1.
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The system is producing effluent with less than 20 mg/l BOD and
TSS, the drainfield is accepting it, and the homeowner saved thousands
of dollars. 812/528-8784; www.saberseptic.com.
The system produces effluent with less than 2 mg/l BOD5 and less
than 7 mg/l TSS. It is discharged into Sutton Lake after UV disinfection.
800/348-9843; www.orenco.com/systems.
Sampling required by the local health department confirmed a reduc-
tion in BOD and nitrogen levels of more than 90 percent. 800/753-3278;
www.biomicrobics.com. n
Zero Discharge
A bio-engineered system harnesses the natural process of evapotranspiration
to treat wastewater in a closed system at a Parks Canada lock in Ontario
By Scottie Dayton
Site conditions
from the restroom used by motor- Soils are clay with a percolation
ists and boaters enjoying the park rate of 50 minutes per inch. Oper-
at Lock 41 Station. ating the lock raises and lowers the
Although the conventional onsite water table 10 feet. The system par-
system with tile lines in a sand fil- allels the canal. The lock, owned by
ter was working, Environment Parks Canada, is part of the Trent-
Canada chose the site for a pilot Severn Waterway National Historic
project to test a technology that Site of Canada.
could provide long-term protection
of the watershed. Centre for Sus- System components
tainable Watersheds, a nonprofit Robin Smith, P.E., of Robin
environmental organization in Port- Smith Engineering in Hillsdale,
land, Ont., provided the engineered Ont., designed the system to han- Kirk Hastings adds the final layer of aggregate above the distribution
ECOCYCLET ZeroDischarge closed- dle 172 gpd based on a peak of 75 piping while his assistant rakes and levels it. (Photos courtesy of Centre
loop evapotranspiration bed. toilet activations per day. The major for Sustainable Watersheds)
“It’s not a wetland cell because components are:
the recirculated wastewater either • Existing 2,000-gallon two- filter with gravity-fed 3-inch If all the water evapotranspired
evaporates or is drawn up by compartment concrete septic tile distribution lines. in one cycle, the alternating pump
plants,” says president Bob Sneyd. tank. • 2,000-gallon two-compartment would run four times a day for 0.82
“There is absolutely no discharge.” • Existing 430-square-foot sand concrete recirculation tank minutes to soak the two zones with
from Wyevale Precast. 43 gallons. The bed, filled with
• Biotube simplex pump vault coarse sands and gravels, grows
System Profile and simplex control panel
from Orenco Systems.
moisture- and nutrient-loving plants
such as willows, cattails, and ferns
• Two distribution valve cham- that depend on photosynthesis and
Location: Gamebridge, Ont. bers from Rain Bird Corp. transpiration to survive. Various
• Two aeration injectors from media layers enable aerobic micro-
Facility served: Park restroom Mazzei Injector Co. organisms to assist the treatment
• ECOCYCLET ZeroDischarge process.
System designer: Robin Smith, P.E., Robin Smith Engineering, Hillsdale, Ont. Wastewater Systems. Wastewater that is not evapo-
Installers: Onsite Septic Solutions, Wyevale, Ont. transpired trickles down to the
System operation 4-inch slotted recirculation pipe in
Site conditions: Clay with percolation rate of 50 minutes per inch Wastewater flows into the sep- the bottom gravel layer in three
tic tank, then to the recirculation hours. A 2 percent slope on the bed
Type of system: ECOCYCLET ZeroDischarge Wastewater Treatment tank. Because the evapotranspira- gravity-feeds the liquid back to the
Systems, Centre for Sustainable Watersheds tion rate in the vegetation bed var- recirculation tank.
ies, pump cycles depend on the Levels of TSS, BOD, and other
Hydraulic capacity: 2,000 gpd amount of water recirculated back pollutants are irrelevant in a closed-
to the tank. loop cycle. Water-quality parameters
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Selling price $250,000. Chicago-Area Biosolids, Land Application, Dredging and Industrial Services Business.
Well-Established and Profitable Texas Septic, Sewer & Installation Business For Sale. Established in 1985, owner is retiring. Reputable business includes real estate servicing the entire Chicagoland
Price reduced. Grossing in excess of $600,000 annually, customer list of nearly 2,000 accounts and area with sludge and biosolids disposal and treatment services. Real estate and shop included with sale valued
430 contracted customers. Includes nice late model equipment, most are 2007, 2008 model years. Owner at $750,000, business grosses in excess of $3 million annually, $6.3 million in equipment and assets including
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retire, so take the keys to a 2004 Sprinter outfitted with all of the equipment you’ll need to run this busi- available to qualified buyers.
ness. Price includes real estate with 80x100 shop/office on two city lots. Good gross, good profit, financials WANTED. Very serious and well qualified buyer looking for sewer, septic or industrial business in Dallas,
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North of the Border systems in areas where source water 124 onsite wastewater standards, April 27-29
Saskatchewan Health asked the protection is required. OOWA is as violations continue to threaten Georgia F.O.G. Alliance Con-
Western Canada Onsite Waste- developing the inspection proce- ground and surface waters. ference and inspector training
water Management Association dures and protocols, stressing that Members working with the Onsite course, Merle Manders Conference
(WCOWMA) to edit the Onsite inspectors have proper liability Wastewater Advisory Committee are Center, Stockbridge. E-mail Kem-
Wastewater Practitioner training insurance coverage. waiting for the department’s prelim- netta Pillette at kpillette@atlantaga.
program for onsite installers and The Onsite Wastewater Systems inary plans for a mound endorse- gov or visit www.georgiafog.com.
designers to ensure that the mate- Installers of Manitoba hired Trisha ment program. If accepted, it would
rial addressed differences in the Baldwin as a part-time training facili- allow common mound systems for June 9-10
Saskatchewan regulatory frame- tator. Baldwin will plan training ses- 3- to 5-bedroom homes with high Arizona Onsite Wastewater Recy-
work from other provinces. sions and coordinate efforts with the groundwater. The systems, follow- cling Association Onsite Wastewater
The program was developed by Continuing Education Committee. ing a basic design, would not Educational Conference, Radisson
the organization and Manitoba Alberta require an engineer of record. Suites, Tucson. E-mail Suzanne Ehrlich
Municipal Affairs and Housing. Battling Ban The association also is working at suzanne.ehrlich@co.yavapai.az.us.
Manitoba Conservation has not The Florida Onsite Wastewater through the committee to keep the
reviewed the program, but recog- Association created a Septage Land code current, to clarify gray areas, June 18-20
nizes it on a federal agreement that Application Committee chaired by and to develop more challenging National Environmental Health
allows for cross-border transfer of Ellen Vause of Florida Septic Inc. in tests for certification based on new Association, National Onsite Waste-
certain certified professionals. Hawthorne, in response to state products, methods, and code changes. water Recycling Association, and
In 2010, WCOWMA held sev- legislation that bans land-applied State Onsite Regulators Alliance
eral training sessions in British biosolids in 2016. New Local Chapter joint Onsite Wastewater Summit
Columbia and formed relationships Besides providing the state Hill Country is a new chapter of and NEHA 75th Annual Educa-
with provincial and regional regu- Department of Health with com- the Texas Onsite Wastewater Asso- tional Conference and Exhibition,
latory bodies, highlighted by signif- ments on the ban, the committee ciation. Officers are Greg Johnson, Columbus, Ohio. Visit www.neha
icant input on a provincial training provided industry expertise and president; Miguel Arreloa, vice pres- 2011aec.org/wastewater.html.
review study. support for a report to the governor ident; and Wiley Cloud, secretary.
Last year, installers reported to on methods and alternatives for TRAINING & EDUCATION
the Alberta Onsite Wastewater Man- improving land application require- Lift and Signal
agement Association (AOWMA) ments. The committee states that a The January Wisconsin Onsite Small Flows Online
that the updated provincial Stan- few rule upgrades would ensure Water Recycling Association news- The cover story of the fall/win-
dard of Practice magnified some that the practice of land application letter states that the OSHA require- ter Small Flows from the National
long-standing permitting, inspec- meet the requirements to protect ment for crane operator licensing Environmental Services Center
tions and enforcement issues. public and environment. on construction sites will mean lia- examines wastewater reuse. Other
The association developed an bility for installers, as a certified articles include the continued use
ad hoc task force with key officials On the Move signal person must be on site when of honey buckets in Alaska, an
in Alberta Municipal Affairs and The Iowa Onsite Wastewater contractors deliver and set septic overview of services provided by
the Safety Codes Council to address Association will take over the tanks. The regulations do not say university-based extension ser-
them. Task force members called state’s credentialing process for the who provides the signal person, so vices, a report about meth labs and
for changes, especially develop- Certified Installer of Onsite Waste- installers must clarify that detail their impact on environmental
ment of a standardized permitting water Treatment Systems. Iowa has with crane owners or operators health, information about water-
process and a more efficient and 207 certified professionals. The before delivery. efficient plumbing and how these
accountable enforcement structure. association received a $100,000 U.S. Installers who modify their fixtures can prolong the life of
Dale McLure, president of AOWMA, Department of Agriculture Techni- excavators to lift items and set their onsite septic systems, and a humor-
represents the association on the cal Assistance and Training grant own tanks also fall under the ous look at luxury toilets. The issue
Alberta Septage Advisory Committee. to develop training materials on licensing rules and must be opera- is available only in PDF format at
The Ontario Onsite Wastewater installing, maintaining, and sam- tor, rigging and signalmen certi- www.nesc.wvu.edu/smallflows.cfm.
Association (OOWA) began a Reg- pling advanced treatment systems. fied. Crane operators have until
istered Professional Program as Members will work with various man- 2013 to certify; the signal person NAWT
part of an ongoing education initia- ufacturers to develop the program. requirements are in effect. The National Association of
tive and became a Certified Deliv- Darwin Bengford of Municipal Sup- Wastewater Transporters has these
ery Agent for the Ministry of ply in Des Moines was elected to a CALENDAR OF EVENTS training sessions:
Municipal Affairs and Housing to three-year term as president. • June 8 – Inspector Training and
deliver onsite installer courses April 3-5 Recertification, Tucson, Ariz.
through various partners. Level Playing Field Ontario Onsite Wastewater Asso- • July 21-22 – Inspector
The association is working with The Nebraska On-site Waste ciation Conference and Exhibition, Training and Certification,
regulators to update the Ontario Water Association is monitoring Deerhurst Resort, Huntsville. Call Sonora, Calif.
Building Code. One revision includes how the state Department of Envi- Denis Orendt at 905/372-2722 or For Arizona classes, call Kitt
mandatory inspections of onsite ronmental Quality applies the Title visit www.oowa.org. Farrell-Poe at 520/621-7221. For New
installer classifieds
DO YOU OWN A TERRALIFT MACHINE? 1981 Mack 10-ton crane (wire remote).
™ We have the beads in stock and we also have Needs TLC. $8,000. Ph. 225-647-4851 LA.
Place your ad online at: www.onsiteinstaller.com heavy duty 6’ probes. Wanted: Used Terralift (I06)
machines, working or not. Toll Free 1-888- .
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AERATORS BUSINESSES 2009 Terralift TL-2000 Style w/PS 180 Ham-
We sell Flagg-Air 340, Secoh, Gast and Medo Chicago-Area Biosolids, land Applica- mer in new condition. A new trailer with stain-
Linear, FPZ and Gast Regenerative, Thomas tion, dredging and Industrial Services less steel tool box is included. $45,000. 828-
and Gast Rotary Vane aerators, rebuild kits Business. Established in 1985, owner is 696-3370 NC. (P04)
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working condition. .......................$27,000
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crustbusters.com, 1-888-878-2296. (IM)
VFC200P-5T, FUJI Pumps, ing several TerraGators, Vac Trailers, dump
Regenerative Blowers, Ring Compressors. trailers, loaders and much more. Offered at
All models, accessories. Authorized distribu- $4,900,000 - huge potential, good profit and 1984 Autocar Conventional tractor, 511,000
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888-227-9822. www.carymfg.com. (IBM) quired, all P&L statements, list of assets, and sion, tag axle. $30,000. Call JD at 775-825-
Finally! One-man septic lid lifter. Lifts lids with 1595, email jd@watersvacuum.com. (P04)
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jeffb@colepublishing.com or call 800-257- ranty. Send check or money order for $230.00
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A B2 Business Brokerage listing. www. Arab, AL 35016. 256-586-5948. (P03)
Well-Established and Profit able Texas BTwo.biz. (IBM) brakes, tires good, 1500 gal. stainless tank,
Septic, Sewer & Installation Business hyd. driven vacuum/pressure pump. Four
For Sale. PrICE rECEnTly rEdUCEd. shank on back. 12K miles, starts, runs real
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Grossing in excess of $600,000 annually, BUSINESSES WANTED
customer list of nearly 2,000 accounts and Hydromatic, Zoeller, Liberty, ABS, Myers,
430 contracted customers. Includes nice late WAnTEd: Looking to acquire septic busi- 2004 International. 14/40. 2010, 3600 gallon
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able. Septic Services, Inc. www.septicserv. valves. Paint 2010. 335 Cummins. 10-spd.
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lishing.com or call 800-257-7222 and ask for DRAINFIELD RESTORATION 1996 International Chemical Recirculator.
Jeff Bruss for more details. A B2 Business Has (2)-1000 US gallon steel tanks, 3 axle
Brokerage listing - www. BTwo.biz. 1998 Chevrolet C7500. Caterpillar 3116, 2500
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(IBM) tachment for drainfield restoration. Buy fac- $38,000 IBI. Call 609-859-3100 or bedelin@ hoses. Strong truck! 191k miles. $35,000.
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