Final Report 7

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Qatar University

Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Spring 2018
CVEN 212 – Geotechnical Engineering - B04
Report #7: Consolidation Test
Wardan Khatib 201602800

Abdallah Elhabian 201407058

Ahmed Adel Eltahan 201602397

Anas Hamed 201508511

Majed Alanazi 201309336

Mohamed Ahmed Adalbi 201608260

Kareem Shaaban 201601233

Date of Experiment: 15/ May /2018

Date of Submission: 24/May/2018
Dr. Mohammed Al-shafie
Eng. Khaled Rabie

Q1)- Explain in details the different methods that are available for determining the coefficient of
consolidation on the laboratory.

1. Log Time method. And 2. Square-Root method.

 Log Time Method:

Generally, this method is used if there is

secondary compression. From (Figure
1) we can note the curve is plotted
between U and log t.

Uo point is located by selected two

points on the curve for which the times
(t) are in the ratio 1:4. For example, 1
min and 4 min, or 2 min and 8 min the
vertical intervals AP and PQ will be
Figure 1: Log Time Method Plot
The U100 point can be located in the final part of the curve flattens sufficiently. When there is
significant secondary compression, U100 may be located at the intercept of a straight line drawn
through the middle and final portions of the curve. Now U50 and log t50 can be located ( to
substitute in the equation).

The coefficient of consolidation is, therefore:

T 50 d 2 0.196 d 2
C v= =
t 50 t 50

2- Square-Root Time Method:

 From (Figure 2) we can note the curve is plotted between U and sqrt( t ). The first part of the
curve of settlement against the square oot of time is approximately a straight line. The U0 (Ut =
0) point is located at the intercept with the Ut axis. A second point is required: suppose this is
U90/sqrt(t90 ) (point C). The location of this point depends on the equation for the curved portion.
Once U90 has been located, other values follow since the Ut axis scale is linear. The coefficient of
consolidation is therefore:

T 90 d 2 0.848 d 2
C v= =
t 90 t 90

Where d = drainage path length

[d = H for one-way drainage, d = H/2

for two-way drainage]

Figure 2: Square Root Time Method Plot

Q2)- Consolidation test results of a settlement versus time on a soil sample for an increment of
200 kPa vertical stress is shown in the following table. Determine the value of the Coefficient of
consolidation CV for that clay sample in mm 2/min using:
 the log-time method.
 the square root time method. Take the thickness of the specimen H = 18.69mm.

We have,
H=18.69 mm
Total settlement ¿ 0.97 mm at U =100 %
U =Average degree of consolidation .
π 2
For U ≤ 60 % ; T v = U
For U >60 % ; T v =1.781−0.933 log ⁡( 100−U )

From the table:

At 0.49 mm settlement, U = ×100=50.51 %
At 0.90 mm settlement, U = ×100=92.78 %

π 50.51 2
U =50.51% , since U <60 % we use T v =
4 100 ( )
=0.2 , t 50.51=4 min

U =92.78 % , since U > 60 % we use T v =1.781−0.933 log ( 100−92.78 )=0.979

Time at 92.78% settlement, t 92.78 =36 min.

 Using Log Time Method:

Time for 50.51% is taken, t 50.51=4 min

Coefficient of consolidation:

T 50.51 H 2 0.2 ( 18.69mm )2 2

C v= = =17.466 m m /min
t 50.51 4 min

 Using Square-Root Method:

Time for 92.78% is taken, t 92.78 =36 min.

T 92.78 H 2 0.979 ( 18.69 mm )2 2

C v= = =9.499 mm /min
t 92.78 36 min

Q3)- The table below shows another data recorded during an oedometer test on a soil sample for
an increment of vertical stress of 400 kPa. Determine the value of the Coefficient of
consolidation CV for that clay sample in mm 2/min using:
 (a) the log-time method.
 (b) the square root time method.
 Take the drainage path of the specimen d= 7.4mm.

Time (min) 0 0.25 0.5 1 2.25 4 9 16 25

Settlement (mm) 0 0.33 0.38 0.47 0.59 0.72 0.99 1.25 1.5

Time (min) 36 49 64 81 100 200 400 1440

Settlement (mm) 1.72 1.85 1.94 2 2.04 2.16 2.24 2.39

 Using log time Method:

For the given data:

Time Settlement




1 10 T50 100 1000 10000

log t

Figure 3: Plot of Test results

From the graph:

t 50=10.7 min

T 50 d 2 0.196 d 2 0.196 ( 7.4 mm )2

C v= = =
t 50 t 50 10.7 min

C v =1.003 mm 2 /min

 Using Square-Root Method:

Time Settlement





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Square root time

Figure 4: Plot of Test results

From the graph:

T 90=6.52=42.25 min

T 90 d 2 0.848 d 2 0.848 ( 7.4 mm )2

C v= = =
t 90 t 90 42.25 min

C v =1.099 mm2 /min

Q4)- For which type of soils the consolidation is considered more significant.
- Saturated clay soils.

Q5)- What is the difference between the following with respect to stress history?
i. Normally consolidated soil.
ii. Over consolidated soil. (pre consolidated, and under consolidated).

 A soil that has never experienced a vertical effective stress that was greater than its
present vertical effective stress is called a normally consolidated (NC) soil.

 A soil that has experienced a vertical effective stress that was greater than its present
vertical effective stress is called an overconsolidated (OC) soil.

The maximum effective past pressure is called the pre-consolidation pressure .If the current
effective stress, σ', is equal (note that it cannot be greater than) to the preconsolidation stress,
then the deposit is said to be normally consolidated (NC).
If the current effective stress is less than the preconsolidation stress, then the soil is said to
be over-consolidated (OC)

Q6)- What is the difference between the following?

i. Initial settlement
ii. Primary settlement
iii. Secondary settlement

Initial Settlement: Elastic deformation of dry soil and moist and saturated soils without change
to moisture content. (Can be estimated using elastic theory)
- Due to high permeability, pore pressure in clays support the entire added load and no
immediate settlement occurs.
-Can be estimated using elastic theory.

Primary Settlement: (settlement occurs during the life of the structure) volume change in
saturated cohesive soils because of the expulsion of water from void spaces.

-high permeability of sandy, cohesion less soils result in near immediate drainage due to the
increase in pore water pressure and no primary (or secondary) "consolidation" settlement occurs,
only immediate settlement.

Secondary Settlement: (settlement or creep) occurs after the primary consolidation, and it is
plastic adjustment of soil fabric in cohesive soils.

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