Lesson Plan The Universals

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Timbugan National High School ENGLISH


March 25, 2020 FOURTH QUARTER
Grade 7- Sampaguita

The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine literature as a

A. Content Standard means of responding to the demands of the global village; various extended text types;
lexical and contextual cues; appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and behavior; and
use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh-questions.

The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative and
B. Performance Standards responsible in today’s global village; using appropriate strategies to comprehend extended
text types; using lexical and contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and
expressions; using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral language,
stance and behavior in various information-sharing formats.

EN7VC-IVf--16: Express one’s belief/convictions based on a material viewed.

C. Learning Competencies 1. Participate actively in the class discussion.
2. Make simple inferences about thoughts and feelings expressed on a material
3. Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history and other factors.

EN7V-IVh-23.2: Create or expand word clines

1. Clarify language through the use of visuals.
2. Determine the meaning of the unfamiliar words.

II. CONTENT The Universals

by Dr. Cleofe M. Bucangan

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 479-483
2. LM pages pp. 485-487
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Visual Aids/Pictures, Speaker, Power Point Presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson Preparation
or presenting the new lesson Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Presentation of “Tongue Twister” (assigned student)
6. Spelling
B. Establishing purpose for ONLY IN THE PHILIPPINES
the lesson The teacher will present pictures of some traditional games in the Philippines.

The teacher will asked the students:

Are you familiar with these games?
Kindly name one game, from the pictures, that you have tried.
What do these games symbolizes?

The teacher will tour the students on some heritage places in the Philippines inside
the classroom.

After the tour, the teacher will ask the following questions:
1. What do these pictures show? What are they?
2. What do the pictures tell about our heritage?
3. Which of the pictures are considered heritage?
4. How do we preserve our cultural heritage?


C. Presenting examples/instances The teacher will play a song “We are the World”. After hearing the song, the teacher will
of the new lesson
ask the following questions:
1. Based on your interpretation, what is the theme of the song?
2. How can you connect the theme of the song with the pictures presented?
1. The teacher will post a tarpapel on the board.
D. Discussing new concepts and 2. The teacher will flash pictures, each picture represent the word .
practicing new skills #1
3. Students needs to identify the pictures being portrayed.
4. After,the students will hunt the word on the “WORD HUNT”.
5. The teacher will ask a volunteer to use the word in a sentence.
the act of coordinating;
moving toward union

basic truth that helps you know

what is wrong and right

morally good behavior

the state or quality of having

many different forms

society’s beliefs and ways of life

The teacher will present the topic “The Universals”.

The Universals
Dr Cleofe M Bacungan

Different cultures vary in their ethical manifestations. There are prohibitions

about food, especially meat and styles of clothing. Status of women differs. Free
enterprise and socialism have different economic values. There are the values of
hiya and pakikisama, expressing the Filipino’s manner of communication and
behaviour. These are actual modes of conduct- subjective and situational. Their
attitude depends on the accepted practices and ways of behaviour of a given people
at a given time. But beneath such diversity, there is a clear convergence on some
basic values which can truly be called universals. No culture tolerates
indiscriminate lying, stealing, or violence within the group. Incest is taboo by all
cultures. Health, safety, productivity, efficiency, integrity, freedom, justice, beauty,
love, family, solidarity, and respect for the dignity of man are valid for all mankind
E. Discussing new concepts and at all times.
practicing new skills #2 Here are statements from various philosophical sources, which while stated
differently share a common principle- respect other people and treat them fairly.
Buddhism: “Hurt not others with that which pains you.”
Christianity: “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.”
Confucianism: “Is there any maxim which ought to be acted upon throughout
one’s whole life? Surely the maxim of loving kindness is such: Do not do unto
others what you would not they should do unto you.”
Judaism: “What is hurtful to yourself, do not do to your fellow beings.”
Islam: “Love for the people what you love for yourself and you will be a believer.”
Taoism: “Regard your neighbor’s lost as your lost.”
Confucius as someone interested in politics established five constant virtues
that he believed must be used in governance.
Benevolence: “…always think first of what is good for the people.”
Righteousness: “…do not do to your subject what you would not want them to do
if you were on their place.”
Propriety: “…always behave with courtesy and respect towards your subject.”
Wisdom: “…be guided by the knowledge and understanding.”
Sincerity: “be sincere and thoughtful in all you do.”
What would people disagree with the statements above? The timelessness of
ethical universals in different environments suggests that virtues such as union and
righteousness are deeply embedded in man’s nature and are necessary to maintain
a happy life.
BINGO! (Analysis)

1. With the same group, the students will answer the questions on the card.
2. You will have five (5) minutes to answer all the questions.
3. You will be given star on the card for every correct answer.
4. The group who could first get the three straight stars forming diagonally,
horizontally or vertically will be given a reward.


F. Developing Mastery What is the According to the text As a student, how

underlying message despite having one will you encourage
of the text? vision, what makes your friends and
the world divided? classmates to stand
with the common
How can you relate
Why is it important the golden rule – “Do What can be your
to value other not do unto others best contribution to
people? what you do not want make the world
to do unto you” to the united as one?
common saying – “No
man is an island”?

What happens when How does culture In your own words,

you disobey the affect people’s define unity.
golden rule? relationships?

G. Finding Practical Clash of Intelligences

applications of concepts and skills Small Group Differentiated Activities
in daily living
1. With the same group, a representative will go in front to pick their task.
2. You will be given eight (8) minutes for the preparation. All members must
cooperate and participate.
3. Criteria will be given for each task.

The Singers: Write a song that highlights cultural ties despite individual
diversities. Emphasize that every part of the world can become one when we set
aside differences. Consider the following criteria as you write the song (Musicality
(3points), Content (4points), and Interpretation (3points)). Present it in class.

The Painters: Create a poster ad that emphasizes the need to stop dividing the
world and encourage everyone to be united. Highlight pictures that will show how
cultural ties affect humanity. Consider the following criteria Content/Focus
(4points), Neatness (3points), and Interpretation (3points)). Be creative.

The Dancers: Make an interpretative dance emphasizing that indeed the world
shares a common ground and environment. Consider the following criteria
Content/Focus (4points), Choreography (3points), and Interpretation (3points)).Be
artistic and creative as you can.


H. Making Generalizations Students will give what they have learned in class.
and abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating Learning QUIZ
1. This means the basic truth that helps you know what is wrong and right.
2. He established the five constant virtues that must be use in governance.
3. What is the common principle of the religions mentioned?
4-5. These virtues are embedded in man’s nature and necessary to maintain a
happy life.

J. Additional activities for Assignment:

application or remediation Reflect on the activities you have done. Think of words and phrases you can relate
to “Cultural Ties”. Use the graphic organizer below.




A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation

B. No. f learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored below

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who have
caught up with lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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