Reacting To Assertions

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 1
Bugallon, Pangasinan

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

March 28, 2023 – TUESDAY

8:20 – 9:15 7 – E. Ferrer
9:25 – 10:20 7 – I. Benganan
10:20 – 11:15 7 – R. Garcia
11:15 – 12:10 7 – J. Aquino

React to what is asserted or expressed in a text.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1. Define assertion and reaction;
2. Give examples of assertions and reactions; and
3. React to what is asserted or expressed in a text.
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Reacting to Assertions
b. References:
 English Learner’s Material Quarter 3 – Module 6
c. Materials
Teacher’s Material
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Laptop, Smart TV, Black board and chalk

d. Values Integration
Valuing beliefs and convictions is an important aspect of human behavior and can
have a significant impact on our lives and relationships with others. Valuing beliefs
and convictions involves recognizing the importance of treating others with respect.

III. A. Daily Routine

1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review of the Previous Lessons

B. Motivation

After introducing the objectives of today’s lesson, the teacher will motivate the
students by asking them to choose the best emoji for the statements in the screen.

C. Presentation of the Lesson

The teacher will present some statements and will ask the students on what
are their reactions on the pictures presented.

D. Lesson Proper
The teacher will discuss the concept about the topic to be discussed using the
1. Define Assertions and Reactions;
2. Give examples of Assertions and Reactions;
3. Give examples of words to use in giving a reaction; and
4. State things to remember in reacting to assertions.

E. Development of the Lesson

The teacher will provide multiple examples and further explain on how to react on

F. Generalization

The teacher will ask the students?

1) What is assertion?
2) What is reaction?
3) What is/are the importance of reacting to what is asserted or expressed
in a text?
G. Application

The teacher will flash 2 statements in the screen and will let the students
state their reactions about it.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Read the statements carefully. In a one-half sheet of pad paper,
choose the best emoji reactions in the assertion given.

tough angry calm sad

1) “I would really like to convey my feeling to her tomorrow.”

2) “I want to finish my statement before you interrupt!”
3) “I feel like another person in this place.”
4) “I would like to introduce myself.”
5) “I can't do this without your help.”

V. Assignment
The teacher will ask the students to have an advance reading about the
different types of assertions.

Prepared By: Checked By:

Joyce A. Sonido Mrs. Lilian P. Ravancho
Teaching Intern Cooperating Teacher

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