Infection Control Crossword Puzzle: Name: - Date

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Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________

Infection Control Crossword Puzzle


3 4

6 7
8 9 10

11 12
13 14


16 17 18 19
21 22


24 25


Across Down
4. Never ______ needles after use. 1. PPE to remove first
8. The separation of infected persons from others 2. This level of precautions relates to all aspects
9. _______ care at least twice a day reduces the of resident care
risk of a resident developing pneumonia 3. You should wash your hands for at least this
13. These precautions include gowns, gloves, many seconds
masks, sometimes eyewear 5. Extremely small drops of liquid, such as occurs
14. Who is responsible for cleanliness within the with a sneeze. Can carry infectious organisms
workplace? 6. The name of the virus that causes respiratory
15. Should be trimmed and clean at all times infections typically between the months of October
16. Residents with _________ are more likely to and April. Have you taken the vaccine against it
get UTI this year?
19. The pathogen against which alcohol hand 7. Wash your hands immediately after removing
sanitizer is ineffective ___________
21. The number one intervention to break the 10. Be sure reusable equipment is ____________
chain of infection before you use it on another patient
22. Type of disease which can be carried on very 11. What is a common bacteria that is antibiotic
small droplets or dust particles that float in the air resistant?
(Chickenpox, measles, TB) 12. Hepatitis B & C and HIV are spread by this
23. Hands must be ___________ if they are visibly 17. You should perform hand ____________
soiled, or if there has been contact with blood or between care of every resident
body fluids 18. ____________ is your body’s first line of
24. The overuse and misuse of antibiotics causes defense against infection
antibiotic _________________. 20. After washing hands, turn off the faucet with a
26. Type of precaution to use for pathogens can _________ paper towel.
be transferred by direct contact (hand or skin-to- 25. Most health-care-associated infections are
skin) or indirect contact (touching surfaces or transmitted to patients by _________
items in room)

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