In-Service Inspection, Maintenance, and Electrical Testing of Hand-Held Live-Line Insulating Tools (Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) )

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: F3121/F3121M − 17´1

Standard Guide for

In-Service Inspection, Maintenance, and Electrical Testing of
Hand-Held Live-Line Insulating Tools (Fiberglass-Reinforced
Plastic (FRP))1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F3121/F3121M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

ε1 NOTE—In the last line of 6.4.11, “0.083 µA per foot at 50 Hz” was corrected editorially to “0.83 µA per foot at 50 Hz”
in March 2020.

1. Scope 3. Significance and Use

1.1 This guide provides recommendations for in-service 3.1 Compliance with this guide should confirm known and
inspection, maintenance, and electrical testing of hand-held acceptable quality of hand-held insulating live-line tools manu-
insulating live-line tools. factured using fiberglass meeting Specification F711. The
guidance herein is to be considered as a minimum requirement.
1.2 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units
are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in 3.2 The user of this type of protective equipment should be
knowledgeable of and instructed in the correct and safe
each system are not necessarily exact equivalents; therefore, to
inspection and use of this equipment.
ensure conformance with the standard, each system shall be
used independently of the other, and values from the two 4. Job Site Procedures
systems shall not be combined.
4.1 Field Care, Handling, and Storage—When not in use,
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the hand-held insulating live-line tools should be stored where they
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the will remain dry, clean, and where they are not subject to abuse.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Hand-held insulating live-line tools used for energized-line
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- maintenance should not be laid directly on the ground to avoid
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. contamination or wetting. Hand-held insulating live-line tools
1.4 This international standard was developed in accor- should be placed on clean, dry tarpaulins, on moisture-proof
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- blankets, on tool racks, or stick bags, or leaned against dry
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the supports. When transporting hand-held insulating live-line
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- tools, ventilated containers should be provided to prevent
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical damage to the surfaces of them, or they should be mounted on
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. racks in trucks or trailers. These racks should be well padded
and so constructed that the hand-held insulating live-line tools
2. Referenced Documents are held firmly in place to prevent abrasive or bumping action
against any surface that would damage the glossy surface.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
4.2 Daily Inspection and Checking—Hand-held insulating
F711 Specification for Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
live-line tools should be visually inspected and wiped clean
Rod and Tube Used in Live Line Tools
before use each day. Hand-held insulating live-line tools
showing evidence of being mechanically or electrically
compromised, such as a tingling or fuzzy sensation experi-
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F18 on Electrical enced by the user when the hand-held insulating tool is near or
Protective Equipment for Workers and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee in contact with energized apparatus should be removed from
F18.35 on Tools & Equipment.
Current edition approved Sept. 15, 2017. Published November 2017. Originally service and evaluated for repair.
approved in 2016. Last previous edition approved in 2016 as F3121/F3121M-16. 4.2.1 If any of the following observations are present, the
DOI: 10.1520/F3121_F3121M-17E01.
hand-held insulating live-line tools should be removed from
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
service and returned to the laboratory or shop for repair and
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on electrical testing.
the ASTM website. Visual Inspection–Mechanical Stress:

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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Universidad Nacional De Colombia (Universidad Nacional De Colombia) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F3121/F3121M − 17´1
(1) Cuts, scratches, nicks, gouges, dents (through the TABLE 1 Hand-Held Insulating Live-Line Tool Testing – Single
finish), or delamination in the stick surface. meter for multiple segments
(2) Damaged, bent, worn, loose, or cracked components. Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
Segment Length AC/DC Test Voltage, kV Test Time
(3) Elongated or deformed rivet ends, roll pins or fasteners. 152.4-mm [6-in.] 37.5 5 min
(4) A loss or deterioration of the glossy surface. segments
(5) Improper storage or improper exposure to weather. 304.8-mm [12-in.] 75 3 min
segments Visual Inspection–Electrical Stress:
(1) Evidence of electrical tracking, burn marks, or blisters
caused from heat.
5. Cleaning and Waxing account the capacitive coupling between electrodes (tester
geometry) and the specific atmospheric conditions at the
5.1 Before each use, hand-held insulating live-line tools
testing location. Baseline leakage of more than 150 µA is cause
should be wiped clean with an absorbent paper towel or a
to check and repair your test apparatus. This baseline test
clean, absorbent cloth.
establishes the leakage level that is inherent in the test
5.2 If simple wiping does not remove the contaminant, refer apparatus. Repeat this procedure at least every 4 h.
to the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions and then follow by 6.3.5 Spray the test segment with distilled water to wet its
waxing (carnauba or manufacturer recommended wax) or surface thoroughly. Conductivity of the water should be 3.0
wiping with a silicone-treated cloth approved by manufacturer. micromhos/cm or less. A clean spray applicator, adjusted to a
5.3 Waxing or use of silicone cloth is not necessary after fine mist, is suitable for this purpose.
every use, but rather as needed to maintain a glossy surface that 6.3.6 Spray water uniformly on the hand-held insulating
will cause any moisture or water to bead on the surface. Before live-line tool until droplets just begin to roll down the surface.
the hand-held insulating live-line tool is rewaxed, the surface Water should be sprayed perpendicular to the surface (axis).
should always be cleaned with a solvent or cleaner recom- Avoid spraying water under the operating rod guides and
mended by the manufacturer. Hollow tubes should be cleaned handguard (if applicable), avoid bridging the gap between the
on the inside. operating rod and the tube (if applicable), and avoid bridging
the insulation between the pickup electrode and the ground. As
5.4 Waxing or use of silicone cloth imparts a glossy finish to an alternate method of wetting, the sticks may be submerged in
the surface of the insulated tool and improves the electrical water then positioned at a 30° angle with end cap removed for
integrity by providing a protective barrier against contami- 2 min to allow water to run out. Use caution when using this
nants. method for extend/telescoping sticks. Ensure all water is
6. Periodic Inspection and Testing drained prior to the electrical test.
6.3.7 Suspend the hand-held insulating live-line tool in a
6.1 Hand-held insulating live-line tools used for primary horizontal position using insulated supports. The test specimen
employee protection should be removed from service every should be mounted to prevent flashover to the cabinet frame or
two years for examination, cleaning, repair, and testing accord- floor.
ing to this section. Use one of the following sections for the 6.3.8 Wrap the electrodes around the hand-held insulating
electrical testing: 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, or 6.6. Any hand-held insulating live-line tool so contact is maintained on the circumference.
live-line tool that is rejected should be removed from service, 6.3.9 Using the installed metal hardware as the electrode
repaired and retested, or disposed of. connection (either high voltage or ground return) is acceptable.
6.2 Visual Inspection Procedure—See 4.2 for inspection 6.3.10 Attach the meter leads to the pick-up (ground return)
procedure. electrode.
6.3 Segmented Test Method Metering Every Segment–(Un- 6.3.11 Apply potential to each test segment within 15 min
guarded Electrodes): after wetting. Increase the voltage gradually at not more than
6.3.1 The test apparatus should be designed to provide the 10 kV/s [50/60 Hz] alternating current (ac) or direct current
operator full protection in the performance of his duties and (dc) to the appropriate voltage and duration specified in Table
provide reliable means of de-energizing and grounding the 1.
high-voltage circuit. Isolate the test equipment and specimen to 6.3.12 Measure the maximum leakage current in the ground
guard against accidental contact by persons in the vicinity. return meter. Subtract the baseline leakage measured earlier
6.3.2 Test the entire insulating length of the hand-held and record the corrected leakage value. A corrected leakage in
insulating live-line tool in accordance with Table 1. excess of 75 µA per segment signifies a failure.
6.3.3 Ensure that the test contacts (electrodes) are of any 6.3.13 During the course of testing, if there is a sign of
conductive material that will provide contact around the flashover, tracking, or puncture on any segment, the hand-held
circumference of the test specimen (see Fig. 1). If parallel insulating live-line tool should be rejected.
testing is performed the electrodes around the hand-held 6.4 Segmented Test Method Metering Every Segment-
insulating live-line tool should maintain contact on the circum- –(Guarded Electrodes):
ference of the tool. Bundle testing is not permitted. 6.4.1 The test apparatus should be designed to provide the
6.3.4 Before installing a test specimen into the apparatus, a operator full protection in the performance of his duties and
baseline leakage test should be performed that takes into provide reliable means of de-energizing and grounding the

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Universidad Nacional De Colombia (Universidad Nacional De Colombia) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F3121/F3121M − 17´1

FIG. 1 Test Setup Example – Unguarded Energized Source Electrode

high-voltage circuit. Isolate the test equipment and specimen to 6.4.10 Apply potential to each test segment within 15 min
guard against accidental contact by persons in the vicinity. after wetting. Increase the voltage gradually at not more than
6.4.2 Test the entire insulating length of the hand-held 10 kV/s [50/60 Hz] alternating current (ac) or direct current
insulating live-line tool in accordance with Table 2. (dc) to the appropriate voltage and duration specified in Table
6.4.3 Ensure that the test contacts (electrodes) are of any 2.
conductive material that will provide contact around the 6.4.11 Measure the maximum leakage current in the ground
circumference of the test specimen, as shown in Fig. 2. If return meter. (The leakage current should not exceed 1 µA per
parallel testing is performed, the electrodes around the hand- kV per foot at 60 Hz or 0.83 µA per foot at 50 Hz.)
held insulating live-line tool should maintain contact on the 6.4.12 During the course of testing, if there is a sign of
circumference. Bundle testing is not permitted. flashover, tracking, or puncture on any segment, the hand-held
6.4.4 Spray the test segment with distilled water to wet its insulating live-line tool should be rejected.
surface thoroughly. Conductivity of the water should be 3.0
micromhos/cm or less. A clean spray applicator, adjusted to a 6.5 Segmented Test Method Using a Single Meter for
fine mist, is suitable for this purpose. Multiple Segments:
6.4.5 Spray water uniformly on the hand-held insulating 6.5.1 The test apparatus should be designed to provide the
live-line tool until droplets just begin to roll down the surface. operator full protection in the performance of his duties and
Water should be sprayed perpendicular to the surface (axis). provide reliable means of de-energizing and grounding the
Avoid spraying water under the operating rod guides and hand high-voltage circuit. Isolate the test equipment and specimen to
guard (if applicable), avoid bridging the gap between the guard against accidental contact by persons in the vicinity.
operating rod and the tube (if applicable), and avoid bridging 6.5.2 Test the entire insulating length of the hand-held
the insulation between the pickup electrode and the guard insulating live-line tool in accordance with Table 1.
(shield). As an alternate method of wetting, the sticks may be 6.5.3 Ensure that the test contacts (electrodes) are of any
submerged in water then positioned at a 30° angle with end cap conductive material that will provide contact around the
removed for 2 min to allow water to run out. Use caution when circumference of the test specimen (see Fig. 1). If parallel
using this method for extend/telescoping sticks. Ensure all testing is performed the electrodes around the hand-held
water is drained prior to the electrical test. insulating live-line tool should maintain contact on the circum-
6.4.6 Suspend or support the hand-held insulating live-line ference. Bundle testing is not permitted.
tool as shown in Fig. 3. The support insulators should provide
6.5.4 Before installing a test specimen into the apparatus, a
adequate clearance to prevent flashover to the cabinet frame or
baseline leakage test shall be performed that takes into account
the capacitive coupling between electrodes (tester geometry)
6.4.7 Wrap the guarded portion of the shielded electrode
and the specific atmospheric conditions at the test location.
around the hand-held insulating live-line tool so contact is
This test establishes the baseline leakage level that is inherent
maintained on the circumference. The guarded electrode is
in the test apparatus. Repeat this procedure at least every 4 h.
only required on the grounded end where leakage current
measurement is being acquired. 6.5.5 Spray the test segment with distilled water to wet its
6.4.8 Using the installed metal hardware as the electrode surface thoroughly. Conductivity of the water should be 3.0
connection (either high voltage or ground return) is acceptable. micromhos/cm or less. A clean spray applicator, adjusted to a
6.4.9 Attach the meter leads to the pick-up (ground return) fine mist, is suitable for this purpose.
electrode. Attach the guard (shield) to the ground. 6.5.6 Spray water uniformly on the hand-held insulating
live-line tool until droplets just begin to roll down the surface.
Water should be sprayed perpendicular to the surface (axis).
Avoid spraying water under the operating rod guides and hand
TABLE 2 Hand-Held Insulating Live-Line Tool Testing – Metering
every segment with guarded electrodes guard (if applicable), avoid bridging the gap between the
operating rod and the tube (if applicable), and avoid bridging
Segment Length AC/DC Test Voltage, kV Test Time
152.4-mm [6-in.] 37.5 1 min the insulation between the pickup electrode and the return.
segments As an alternate method of wetting, the sticks may be
304.8-mm [12-in.] 75 1 min
segments submerged in water then positioned at a 30° angle with end cap
removed for 2 min to allow water to run out. Use caution when

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Universidad Nacional De Colombia (Universidad Nacional De Colombia) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F3121/F3121M − 17´1

FIG. 2 Test Setup Example – Guarded Ground Return Electrode

FIG. 3 Test Setup Example for 12 in. Test. (Shielded electrode is not to scale)

using this method for extend/telescoping sticks. Ensure all 6.5.12 The leakage current continuing to rise during a test is
water is drained prior to the electrical test. cause for failure. There should be no perceptible temperature
6.5.7 Suspend the hand-held insulating live-line tool in a rise of any segment.
horizontal position using insulated supports. If the hand-held 6.5.13 During the course of testing, if there is a sign of
insulating live-line tool has external operating rods, position flashover, tracking, or puncture on any segment, the hand-held
the operating rod 90 degrees from the vertical to prevent insulating live-line tool should be rejected.
bridging. The test specimen should be mounted to prevent
flashover to the cabinet frame or floor. 6.6 Portable Electronic Hand-Held Insulating Live-Line
6.5.8 Wrap the electrode around the hand-held insulating Tool Tester:
tool so contact is maintained on the circumference. 6.6.1 Portable units provide a means for testing hand-held
6.5.9 Attach the meter leads to the pick-up (ground return) insulating live-line tools without auxiliary equipment except
electrode. for a power supply. Note that some portable units are designed
6.5.10 Apply potential to each test segment within 15 min to test the entire hand-held insulating live-line tool in cross-
after wetting. sectional areas for conductivity. To be certain of the portable
6.5.11 Increase the voltage gradually at not more than tester’s capability, the user should check the applicable litera-
10 kV ⁄s [50/60 Hz] alternating current (ac) or direct current ture or contact the test equipment manufacturer. Test the
(dc) to the appropriate voltage and duration specified in Table hand-held insulating live-line tool by following the portable
1. electronic tester instructions.

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Universidad Nacional De Colombia (Universidad Nacional De Colombia) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F3121/F3121M − 17´1
6.6.2 Any hand-held insulating live-line tool that does not
pass the criteria per the manufacturer’s instructions should be
7. Keywords
7.1 electrical testing; in-service inspection; insulating; live-
line tools; maintenance

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