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DE38#######KR###: Data Sheet and Instruction Manual DE38 Digital Differential Pressure Transmitter / Switch

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Data Sheet and Instruction Manual

DE38 Digital Differential Pressure Transmitter / Switch

Gas Explosion Proof to Zone 2

Table of Contents

1. Safety Instructions
2. Intended Applications
3. Product Description and Functions
4. Installation
5. Commissioning
6. Maintenance
7. Transport
8. Service
9. Accessories
10. Disposal
11. Specifications
12. Dimensions
13. Ordering Code
14. Declaration of Conformity

II 3 G c

1. Safety Instructions 1.2. Personnel Qualification

Personnel responsible for installation, operation,
1.1. General maintenance and inspection of this product must
This manual contains detailed have the qualifications, training and experience
information about the product necessary to carry out such work on this type of
and instructions for its installa- equipment.

tion, operation and main-

tenance. Operators and other Qualified personnel are people who are able to ju-
technical personnel responsible for the equipment dge delegated work and possible dangers due to
must read this thoroughly before attempting to in- technical education, proficiency and experiences

stall or operate this equipment. A copy of this ma- and especially by knowledge about the relevant
nual must always be kept accessible at the place norms.
of work for reference by concerned personnel.
When working with explosion proof constructed
Chapter 1 (sections 1.2 through 1.7) contains instruments personnel needs to be educated or
general as well as specific safety instructions. instructed resp. have the authorisation to work
Chapters 2 through 10, covering topics ranging with explosion proof instruments in explosion-
from intended purpose of the equipment to its final hazardous plants.

disposal, also include important points relating to

safety. Overlooking or ignoring any of these safety
points can endanger humans and animals, and
possibly cause damage to other equipment.
1.3. Risks of Disregarding Safety Instructions defined process media. The limiting values of operating
Disregarding safety instructions, use of this product for parameters, as given in the product specification sheet,
purposes for which it is not intended, and/or operation of must never be crossed.
this product outside the limits specified for any of its
technical parameters, can result in harm to persons, the 1.7. Safety Considerations during Installation and
environment, or the plant on which it is installed. Fischer Maintenance
Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH will not be responsible The safety instructions given in this manual, existing na-
for consequences in such circumstances. tional regulations relating to accident prevention, and the
internal safety rules and procedures of the user organiza-
1.4. Safety Instructions for Operators tion regarding safety during installation, operation and
Safety instructions for the proper use of this product must servicing must all be followed meticulously.
be followed. This information must be available at all
times by personnel responsible for installation, operation, It is the responsibility of the users to ensure that only su-
maintenance and inspection of this product. Adequate itably qualified and experienced technical personnel are
steps must be taken to prevent the occurrence of used for installation, operation and servicing of this
hazardous conditions that can be caused by electric equipment.
energy and the convertible energy of the process media.
Such conditions can, for example, be the result of impro- 2. Intended Applications
per electrical or process connections. Detailed informa-
Display and limit detection of differential pressure of ga-
tion is available in relevant published norms (DIN EN,
ses and fluids. The DE38 must be used only for applica-
UVW in Germany; and equivalents in other countries),
tions and under conditions specified by the
industrial standards such as DVWG, Ex-, GL-, VDE
guidelines, as well as regulations of the local authorities
(e.g., EVUs in Germany).
Classification of Explosion-Hazardous Area
The instrument must be put out of action and protected
The differential pressure switch / transmitter DE38 is su-
against accidental use if safe operation can not be gua-
itable as „electrical equipment for use in explosion-
ranteed anymore. A reason for this might be one of the
hazardous areas“, zone 2.
following incidents:
Declaration per Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX)
• apparent damage of instrument
• failure of electrical function II 3 G c EEx nA IIC T4

• longer storage periods at temperatures higher than 3. Product Description and Functions
• bad packaging during transport 3.1. Functional Scheme

Repairing is only allowed to be done by Fischer Mess-

und Regeltechnik GmbH.

Before the instrument is put into operation again a

professional routine test acc. to DIN EN61010, part 1
needs to be done. This inspection should necessarily be
done by Fischer Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH. Appro-
piate transport and professional storage of instrument
are understood.

1.5. Modifications Forbidden

Modification or other technical alteration of the product is
not permissible. This also applies to the use of unautho-
rized spare parts for repair / maintenance of the product.
Any modifications to this product, if and as necessary,
should be done only by Fischer Mess- und Regeltechnik 3.2. Principles of Operation
GmbH. The instrument uses a tough, flexible sensing diaphragm
embedded between stiffening plates and balanced by
1.6. Operational Restrictions springs on either side. The diaphragm is at zero position
The operational reliability of the product is guaranteed when pressures on either side of the diaphragm are
only when used for intended purposes. The product must equal. Inequality of pressures results in deflecting the
be selected and configured for use specifically with diaphragm towards the lower pressure side until a new
equilibrium determined by the changed balance of forces
is reached. Fastened to the center of the diaphragm is an • Do not disconnect plug live wire.
axial rod, the other end of which forms the moving core
• To ensure safe operation supply wiring system
of a precision LVDT displacement sensor element. The
linear displacement of the LVDT core is proportional to must meet specifications for zone 2, class 3.
the pressure difference across the diaphragm. This dis- Electrical connections must comply with relevant
placement is converted by the transmitter's electronic international and local regulations and norms re-
module to a standard electrical signal output. An optional lating to electrical and instrumentation installa-
output signal can be slew rate limited, spreaded, inverted tions in hazardous areas (e.g.: EN 60079-14,
and piecewise transformed nonlinearly by means of a EN 50014).
table function.
• Operating supply voltage (24 V DC/AC) must not
4. Installation excess 32 V DC - neither per temporary interfe-
rences! Supply wiring system must be fused by
The electronic module is mounted on a flat plate or panel, 200 mA inert.
for which it has 4 holes at the rear for self-tapping screws
3.5mm. • For recommended current supply see 11.
A wall-mounting rear adaptor plate is available as an op-
tion (s. 13. Ordering Code). • Parameterisation by PC serial interface adaptor
EU03.F300 is permitted only in safe areas outside
The pressure transmitters are calibrated at the factory explosion-hazardous areas zone 2.
while mounted vertically, pressure ports downward.
However, they can be mounted in any orientation. If they 5. Commissioning
are installed with any orientation other than vertical • Power supply and signal cabling to the transmitter
(pressure ports downward), the zero point must be re-set
must be correctly selected to meet operational requi-
(s. 5.3.2.).
rements, and installed in a way that does not cause
IP65 protection for the housing is guaranteed only if suit- physical stress to the instrument.
able connecting cable is used. • Pressure lines must have a downward gradient
throughout from the pressure instrument to the pro-
4.1. Process Connection cess vessel / pipe. This is to prevent formation of air /
• Only qualified technicians authorized for this type of gas pockets (for liquid applications) and liquid plugs
work should undertake installation. (for air / gas applications). If this continuous down-
• Ensure that process equipment and pressure lines ward gradient cannot be provided for any reason,
are at atmospheric pressure before making pressure then suitable water and / or air separation devices
connections. must be inserted into the pressure lines.
• The instrument should be provided with suitable pro- • Pressure lines must be kept as short as possible and
tection against pressure surges (e.g., snubber or must not have short bends to avoid measurement er-
pulsation damper). rors induced by pressure line delays.
• Ensure that the mechanical configuration and mate- 5.1. Pressure Connections
rials of construction of the instrument are compatible
The instruments pressure ports are marked by "" and
with the process media. "" symbols. For differential pressure applications the ""
• Ensure that process pressure is always less than the port must be connected to the higher pressure and the
specified safe pressure rating. "" port should be connected to the lower pressure.
• Carefully check the pressure-tightness of all pressure
If the pressure transmitter is subjected to pressure when
connections before start-up. it is started up, zero point checking and adjustment is not
possible. In such cases, only electrical connections of the
4.2.Electrical Connection, instrument should be made, but not the pressure connec-
Safety Precautions for
Explosion Prevention tions.

• Only qualified technicians authorized for this type

of work should undertake installation.
• Switch off electrical power to the plant before
attempting electrical installation work of any kind.

5.2. Display documentation purposes. Further information about this
PC software is given in the software documentation.

5.3.1. Selecting the Unit of Pressure Measurement

Make the necessary electrical connections (signal, pow-
er supply) to the instrument. Its pressure sensor must be
pressure-free (i.e. vented to atmosphere; typically by
disconnecting the pressure line/s).

The current valid unit of measurement is indicated by one

of the back-lighted symbols to the right of the digital dis-
play. To change the unit of measurement, first press û
then search for parameter EIN using þ . Next press û
again and select another unit of measurement using þ
The 3½ digit LED display normally indicates the current
or ÿ . Then presse again û to store the selection, and
differential pressure. The backlit symbols to the right of
the 3½ digit LED display indicate the unit of pressure me- EIN will appear again in the digital display.
asurement. (Note: the units shown in the illustrations of
To exit the set-up mode, press ÿ until ESc appears, and
this document can be different from those of the actual
then press û. The current pressure measured value is
instrument). The two LED lamps above the 3½ digit LED
display respectively indicate the status of the two limit re- indicated again, and the appropriate symbol of the unit of
lays / solid-state switches   (LED on = relay contacts measurement (to the right of the digital display) is lighted.
closed / solid-state switch on).
The digital display is limited to a count
While the instrument is in set-up mode, the 3½ digit LED
of ±1999. Therefore, all the available
display either indicates the selected menu option or a
units of measurement may not be su-
set-up parameter value. The instrument continues its
itable for selection for a given applica-
pressure monitoring functions even while it is in set-up
mode, except under either of two circumstances.
5.3.2. Zero Point Checking and Adjustment
One is when the limit switching delay time is changed:
the existing delay must time out first. The other is when If the instrument has been de-pressurized (vented to at-
the look-up table (for conversion of measured values) is mosphere) and does not indicate precisely zero, note this
re-programmed (s. 5.3.7.). In these circumstances, the non-zero value. Using the set-up parameter OF1, you can
output signal value and the limit relay/switch states are trim this offset to exactly zero. If the indicated non-zero
frozen until the changes are finalized. value is positive, this value must be entered and stored
as a negative offset value, and vice versa.
5.3. Set-up
If the instrument was in use before zero
The instrument has comprehensive set-up options by
setting is done, values of set-up
means of which it can be optimized for any specific mea-
parameters OF1 and nP would have
suring or control application. This section of the
been previously programmed. In this
document provides information and instructions about
case, set both values to zero, read the
each of the set-up parameters.
actual zero offset, and then use this value for OF1 for zero
point correction, as described in the previous paragraph.
Depending on the instrument configu-
ration ordered (e.g.: without transmitter
Note: The registered value is a pure number: no decimal
signal output / with voltage signal out-
point is indicated.
put / with current signal output) some of
the menu options may not available.
After correcting the zero offset, the pressure connections
Some set-up parameters may be consequentially exclu-
can be made again.
ded. For example, if the instrument is ordered without a
transmitter output, all signal conversion programming op-
5.3.3. Damping and Zero Stabilization
tions are omitted in the set-up menu (s. 5.3.6. Signal
Conversion and Transfer Functions). If the media is subject to excessive pressure fluctuations,
the displayed readings and the transmitter output signal
All instrument settings can be conveniently done from a can be stabilized using the instrument's DAM and NP set-
PC connected to the instrument through a serial interface up parameters.
adaptor. All set-up parameters can be viewed and
changed on the PC screen. Also, the entire instrument The set-up parameter DAM has the effect of a pulsation
set-up configuration can be loaded, stored on the PC's damper (on the displayed measurements, output signal
hard disk drive, and printed out for plant / process and limit detection, - not on the sensor itself!). It adds a

time-constant (averaging filter) in the user selectable These limit values have higher priority than the MA and
range of 0.0 to 100.0 secs. When the damping is set to ME pressure span settings.
maximum, it took more than 2 minutes to reach the final
value for a full scale pressure jump. These settings serve mainly to prevent control systems
from interpreting brief pressure excursions outside the
In many cases fluctuating pressure readings do not cause measuring range as error / fault events. oG1 sets the out-
a problem, except when the plant / equipment is at zero put signal minimum value, and is useful only for a
(differential) pressure condition and readings fluctuate 4 - 0 mA current signal, because sometimes a value
near about zero value. The set-up parameter NP is meant below 3.8 mA is defined as a sensor fault condition. oG2
to take of this. Its value defines the number range across sets the upper signal limit and is valid for either current or
zero (similar to the zero offset correction number), within voltage signal (e.g., voltage signal output can be limited
which the measured value is forced to zero. If a value of 8 at 10.2 V).
is set for NP any pressure measurement in the range -0.08
to +0.08 bar (or -8 to +8 kPa) displayed as zero. Only An instrument fault condition can be transmitted as an
when the actual pressure is outside this range will the dis- output signal value set as parameter oEr. However, it
play indicate a non-zero value. The actual and displayed should be understood that not all instrument fault and er-
pressures will agree starting from double the value of the ror conditions can be detected and signaled by the self-
NP setting (in the given example: 0.16 bar or 16 kPa). diagnostic functions of the instrument.

5.3.4. Output Signal Setting 5.3.6. Signal Conversion and Transfer Functions
The transmitter output signal depends primarily on the In certain cases other process variables are derived from
measured pressure. However, this signal can be adapted primary pressure measurement. Examples are flow rate
to meet users' application requirements precisely. The derived from differential pressure across an orifice plate,
basic pressure range (as marked on the product iden- and liquid level derived from hydrostatic pressure of
tification label) and the type of output signal (voltage or liquid measured at the bottom of the tank. Such deriva-
current) always remain unchanged for a particular inst- tions often involve non-linear transfer functions, while it is
rument unit. necessary for the output signal to be linearly proportional
to the derived variable (e.g. liquid volume in a tank in m3,
The set-up parameters MA (measuring range starting or flow rate in cm3/sec).
point) and ME (measuring range end point) specify the
pressure values between which the measurements are The set-up parameter F allows the user to select the ap-
expected to be. Both values can selected anywhere propriate signal conversion function from those available:
within the specified measuring range of the instrument
(e.g., 400 kPa). This user-programmed pressure range • F = 0: Linear characteristic (default)
• F = 1: Square root extraction
will correspond to the output signal (current or voltage)
range, which will be as specified on the product iden-
tification plate: i.e., 0 - 10V or 4 - 20 mA. • F = 2: Horizontal cylindrical tank
• F = 3...30: Look-up table with 3 to 30 pairs of values
If MA is lower than ME, the signal is said to have a positive
slope: i.e., the output signal increases as the pressure The tables generated by functions F = 0, F = 1 and F = 2
increases. If ME is lower than MA, the output signal has a are not visible. For these functions, internal values are
negative slope: i.e., the output signal decreases as the used for table computation. These values cannot be mo-
pressure increases. dified directly in the table by the user.

The difference between the values of MA and ME must be For all conversion functions, when the actual pressure is
at least 25% of the specified measuring range of the ins- equal to the MA value, the output signal will be at the
trument (100 kPa for 400 kPa instrument example men- lowest end of its range (0 V, 0 mA or 4 mA). When the
tioned above). The software does not permit a smaller actual pressure is equal to the ME value, the output signal
pressure span to be entered (the instrument will not allow will be at the highest end of its range (10 V or 20 mA).
storing of, nor exit from an invalid span). The user can enter only the 1...28 intermediate values of
the look-up table function F = 3....30. The parameters MA
Note: If you change MA and/or ME the and ME relate to the start and end values of the look-up
look-up table (s .5.3.6., 5.3.7.) that exi- table. A change in either of these parameter values cau-
sted up to that instant is deleted! ses the conversion function to be re-set to F = 0.

Whenever the value of F is changed,

5.3.5. Output Signal Limiting (Namur) the instrument internally generates a
new look-up table. All previous table
The three set-up parameters oG1, oG2 and oEr specify values are deleted and replaced by
the limits of the signal output current or voltage that are new linear progression values.
not to be exceeded, irrespective of the actual pressure.

5.3.7. Look-up Table Programming (F = 3..30) If R1A is larger than R1E, the switching output turns on
If the value of set-up parameter F is selected equal to or when the measured value falls between R1A and R1E: i.e.,
greater than 3, a sub-menu LIn is invoked. Through this when R1E < measured value < R1A (window limit function).
sub-menu all the required look-up table values can be
entered, except the first and last pairs of table values (re- Both parameters can be independently adjusted over the
spectively corresponding to MA and ME). This sub-menu full measuring range.
has its own entry and exit points, the latter being the last
of the value pairs to be entered. The table is stored only If the unit of measurement is changed, the switching
when the user exits to the sub-menu prompt LIn, by pres- points are changed accordingly. In this event, rounding
sing û. If the table is not correctly entered, the display error can cause a deviation in the least significant (right-
will indicate Err, indicating an error condition. If this hap- most) digit.
pens, it is not possible to exit this sub-menu mode until
the error is corrected. The value of the set-up parameter R1D determines the
delay time for switching output 1, after the measured
The table entries consist of 1 to 28 pairs of values. Values value reaches the switching point. The delay value can
I02 through I29 (or u02 through u29) specify the be selected in the range 0.0 to 100.0 secs. This value
amplitude of the out the signal output, and the values P02 applies equally to turn on and turn off.
through P29 are the corresponding pressure values.
The set-up parameter R1F determines the action of the
Entering or changing table values through the instrument's switching output. If R1F = 1, the switching output acts as
membrane keyboard is a tedious and error-prone method. normally open (NO) contacts. If R1F = 2, it acts as nor-
It should only be used as a stopgap method when a PC mally closed (NC) contacts.
and/or the PC interface module is not available.
5.3.9. Password
The table is accepted as correct if each output value is The last set-up parameter allows a password to be ente-
larger than its preceding value. Pressure values can be red. A password value of 001 to 999 can be selected. A
steadily increasing or steadily decreasing. However, a value of 000 disables the password function.
transition from falling to rising pressure values is not per-
mitted; nor are pressure values allowed to turn back If a password was set previously the digital display
along the same curve. indicates PAS after Esc is displayed and û is pressed.
The password is then entered, by pressing û and then
5.3.8. Limit Setting þ, ÿ. Only then will the set-up menu options be acces-
The two limit switching outputs   (relay contacts or sible. If an incorrect password is entered, the display
solid-state switches) are each configured by four set-up jumps back to beginning of the menu (i.e., Esc).
New Functions! (as of April 2008)
Switching output 1 is configured by parameters R1A,
R1E, R1D and R1F. 5.3.10. D0 – Display options
This parameter allows smoothing the displayed values in
Switching output 2 is configured by parameters R2A, cases where they are frequently deviating. The filter
R2E, R2D and R2F. function is similar to the dAM function, but acts only upon
the display, having no impact on the output signal. Addi-
The turn-on and turn-off points of switching output 1 are tionally the display can be turned off partially (D0 = -1,
defined respectively by parameters R1A and R1E. The only the setpoint LEDs are driven) or completely
values for these are set in the currently valid unit of me- (D0 = -2).
asurement (indicated by the lighted symbol to the right of
the digital display). 5.3.11. res – Reset to default values
This function will reset all parameters to default when ac-
The two parameters R1A and R1E together determine the tivated. Default values can be defined only by using the
logic of switching output 1: PC interface.

If R1A is smaller than R1E, the output turns on when the 5.3.12. MAF, MEF, dPF – Free Unit
measured value exceeds R1E. It turns off again only when
the measured value falls below R1A (hysteresis function). If the device is configured to have a “free“ third unit (sym-
bol: ) then the display can be scaled as desired by
If R1A and R1E have the same value, there is no hystere- using these three parameters.
sis: the switching output turns on when the measured The measuring range as defined by parameters MA and
value exceeds R1A / R1E, and turns off again when the ME is rescaled to MAF and MEF. If the table function ( F )
measured value falls below R1A / R1E. is enabled, table values will be taken into account too.
The dPF value controls the position of the decimal point.

5.4. Overview of Set-up Parameters • MEF Measuring range end point (displayed value)
the instrument is turned on, it briefly displays the softwa- for free unit.
re version number, and then switches automatically to • NP Zero stabilization. Range = 0 to 100 counts.
normal operating mode. Pressing û causes the set-up
The value spans symmetrically around the
menu to be called up, indicated by Esc on the digital dis-
play. After that, by pressing þ repeatedly, each of the actual zero point.
set-up parameters is called up in sequence: • OF1 Zero offset correction, input 1. Range = -100 to
+100 counts.
Note: Depending on the version of
the instrument that was ordered, • F Signal conversion function. (0 = linear,
some of the individual parameters 1 = square root,
might not be available. 2 = horizontal cylindrical tank,
3..30 = look-up table)
• PAS Password input (appears only if password • lIn Look-up table entry (sub-menu)
function has been enabled). Values: 001 to 999
• oG1 Output signal limiting, minimum
• DAM Damping (time constant). Range of values
= 0.0 to 100.0 secs • OG2 Output signal limiting, maximum

• D0 Damping (display only), range of values 0..100. • OEr Fault signaling (output signal value on detec-
Additional: -1 = no digital value and -2 = display tion of instrument fault).
turned off completely. • res Reset all values to default. (Default values can
• R1A Switching output 1: turn-off point. be defined only by using the PC interface.)

• R1E Switching output 1: turn-on point. • -P- Password setting. Permissible password valu-
es = 001 to 999. "000" disables password pro-
• R1D Switching output 1: delay. Range of values = tection.
0.0 to 100.0 sec. This values applies equally for
turn-on and turn-off delays. If the password is lost, the instru-
ment can be unlocked only through a
• R1F Switching output 1 action. If R1F = 1, acts as serial interfaced PC, or the instru-
NO contacts. If R1F = 2, acts as NC contacts. ment has to be sent to the manufac-
• R2A Switching output 2: turn-off point. turer for this purpose.
• R2E Switching output 2: turn-on point. If oG1 and oG2 are both set to "0", the
• R2D Switching output 2: delay. Range of values = output signal will not be subjected to
0.0 to 100.0 sec. This values applies equally for limiting.
turn-on and turn-off delays.
• R2F Switching output 2 action. If R1F = 1, acts as If oG1 is set at the maximum value
NO contacts. If R1F = 2, acts as NC contacts. (11 V or 21 mA), the output signal can
• EIN Unit of measurement. The selection is indica- be adjusted using oG2 to any arbitrary
ted by the lighted symbol to the right of the value between zero and maximum val-
digital display. A particular unit can be selected ue, irrespective of pressure measure-
only if it can be meaningfully represented within ment. This feature enables the instrument to be used as
the basic measuring range of the instrument. a simulated signal source to test signal lines and other in-
struments or systems.
• MA Measuring range start point. The value of the
measured variable corresponding with the
minimum value of the output signal (0 V, 0 mA
or 4 mA, depending on the instrument version).
• ME Measuring range end point. The value of the
measured variable corresponding with the ma-
ximum value of the output signal (10 V or
20 mA, depending on the instrument version).
• dPF Position of decimal place for free unit.
• MAF Measuring range start point (displayed value)
for free unit.

5.5. Electrical Connections, Switching Outputs 7. Transport
The product must be protected against shock and vibra-
tion during transport. It must therefore be properly pak-
ked, preferably in the original factory packaging,
whenever it is to be transported.

8. Service
Any defective devices or devices with missing parts
should be retourned to Fischer Mess- und Regeltechnik
GmbH. For quick service contact our service department.

Remaining medium in and on dismant-

led measuring instruments may cause
Switching outputs: danger to persons, environment and
equipment. Take reasonable precau-
Switching output 1 is configured by parameters R1A, tions! Clean the instrument thoroughly
R1E, R1D, and R1F. if necessary.
Switching output 2 is configured by parameters R1A,
R1E, R1D, and R1F. 9. Accessories
• Wall mounting adaptor plate (s. Ordering Code)
Power supply voltage and output signal load:
• M12 connectors with pre-wired cable lengths
Nominal supply voltage and the operating supply voltage
(on request)
range are indicated under 11. Specifications.
• PC serial interface adaptor with software:
The maximum output signal loads are indicated under model EU03.F300
11. Specifications.
10. Disposal
The signal ground line is internally connected to the ins-
Protect your environment!
trument ground, and serves only as an alternative ground
Use the product in accordance with
connection for the output signal. This usually increases
relevant regulations. Please be aware
the noise margin.
of environmental consequences of dis-
posal at the end of the product's life,
6. Maintenance and take care accordingly.
The instrument is inherently maintenance-free.

However, to ensure reliable operation and maximize the

operating life of the instrument, it is recommended that
the instrument, its external electrical and process con-
nections, and external connected devices be regularly in-
spected, e.g.:

• Check the display.

• Check the switching function in connection with exter-
nal devices.
• Check all pressure connections for leak-tightness.
• Check the integrity of all electrical connections of the
Inspection and test schedules depend on operating and
site conditions. The operating manuals of other equip-
ment to which the transmitter is connected must be read
thoroughly to ensure that all of them work correctly when
connected together.

11. Specifications
Measuring mbar 0-400 0-600 0-1000 0-1600
range bar 0-1.000 0-1.600 0-2.50 0-4.00 0-6.00
max. static
operating bar 16 bar
straight line
%FS 2.5 %
error (max.)°
Straight line °: Straight line error =
%FS 0.8 % nonlinearity + hysteresis; at
error (typ.)°
Tc span %FS 25°C; pressure within
0.8 % 0.4 % specified range (characte-
(max.)°° 10K
Tc span %FS ristic linear, not spreaded)
0.2 %
(typ.)°° 10K
Tc zero point %FS °°: Pressure within specified
0.8 % 0.5 % range (characteristic linear,
(max.)°° 10K
Tc zero point %FS not spreaded); compensated
0.2 % temperature range 0 to 60°C
(typ.)°° 10K

Operating temp. (ambient) -10CTamb60C

Operating temp. (media) -10CTamb60C
Storage temperature -20 ... 70°C
Protection class (housing) IP 65 acc.to DIN EN 60529

Electrical Data
Nominal supply voltage 24 V DC / AC
Operating supply voltage 12 ... 32 V DC / AC
Output signal 0 ... 20 mA, 4 ... 20 mA, 0 ... 10 V DC 3-wire

Output signal load For output current RL  (UB - 4V) / 0.02A (UB  26V), else RL  1100 
For output voltage RL  2 K (UB  15V), RL  10 K (UB = 12 …15V)

Power consumption approx. 2 W / VA

Switching contacts 2 programmable voltage free MOSFET switch outputs; NO/NC
U = 3 … 32 V DC/AC, Imax = 0.25 A, Pmax = 8 W/VA, RON  4 

Display 3½ digit LED

Connections, Materials, Mounting

Electrical connections Two round-shell multi-pin connector sockets (M12, male)
Connector 1: 5-pin: power input and analog signal output
Connector 2: 4-pin: relay contacts / solid-state switch outputs
Pressure connections G 1/8 female threads with optional cutting ring fittings for 6 or 8 mm tube
Materials, housing Polyamid PA6.6
Materials, media contact Brass, Viton®, NBR
Mounting Wall mountable using adaptor plate

Declaration per Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) II 3Gc EEx nA IIC T4

Power supply Only a CE-conformal power supply may be used.

Supply wiring system must be fused with 200 mA inert.

11.1. Programming
Via membrane key-switches or by using PC-programming interface (accessory), programming mode can be pass-
word protected.

Input filtering 0.0 ... 100.0 secs (10 / 90% step response time) for signal output, display seperated
Relay / switch 1 / 2 activation point, de-activation point, response time delay (0.0 ... 100.0 secs),
logic (N/O or N/C)
Measurement unit selection bar / kPa / „free unit“ start value, end value and decimal place for „free unit“
Zero suppression 0 ... 100 counts (1)
Output signal start / end value can be set at any point of measuring range (2)
Zero pressure calibration ±100 counts (3)
Output characteristic linear, square rooted, horizontal cylindr. tank, table (3...30 entries)
Password range 001 ... 999 (000 = password protection disabled)

(1) Measured value deviations up to 100 counts symmetric about zero are set to zero. Used for zero drift suppression.
(2) Maximum effective turn-down ratio = 4:1. Only the output signal is affected.
Transfer function is inverted if start value > end value.
(3) Zero calibration setting may change with mounting orientation.

12. Dimensions (all units in mm unless stated otherwise)

Wall mounting adaptor Rear view without

plate (optional) wall mounting adaptor plate

female M 12 connector Holes for sheet
connector 2 connector 1 metal screws:
3.5 mm dia.

cutting ring fittings for 6 or 8 mm tubes

Electrical Connection /
Switching Function

13. Ordering Code

Digital Differential Pressure

Transmitter / Switch DE38 # K R

Measuring Range
0 . . 400 mbar........................................................................................... > 8 3
0 . . . . 0.6 bar........................................................................................... > 0 1
0 . . . . 1 bar........................................................................................... > 0 2
0 . . . . 1.6 bar........................................................................................... > 0 3
0 . . . . 2.5 bar........................................................................................... > 0 4
0 . . . . 4 bar........................................................................................... > 0 5
0 . . . . 6 bar........................................................................................... > 0 6
Sensor Materials
Pressure chambers, diaphragm, gaskets: brass / NBR .............................................> M
Pressure chambers, diaphragm, gaskets: brass / Viton®..........................................> N
Pressure Connections
G 1/8 female thread .....................................................................................................................> 0 0
Brass cutting ring fitting for 6 mm tube ........................................................................................> 2 8
Brass cutting ring fitting for 8 mm tube ........................................................................................> 2 9
Signal Output
No signal output ............................................................................................................................................ > 0
Current output: 0 - 20 mA linear, 3-wire........................................................................................................ > A
Voltage output: 0 - 10 V DC linear, 3-wire .................................................................................................... > C
Current output: 4 - 20 mA linear, 3-wire........................................................................................................ > P
Supply Voltage
24 V DC/AC (12-32 V DC/AC) ............................................................................................................................... > K
Customized Number
This addition defines all customised features
Marking for usage in zone 2 - hazardous gases CE II 3 Gc EEx nA IIC T4................................................. > R

Display and Limit Switching Points ................................................................................................................> #

Electrical Connection .............................................................................................................................................. > #

Mounting........................................................................................................................................................................... > #

13.1. Accessories

Ordering Code Designation Pins Application Length

06401993 cable with M12 connector 4-pin for relay / switch 2m
06401994 cable with M12 connector 4-pin for relay / switch 5m
06401995 cable with M12 connector 5-pin for supply / signal 2m
06401996 cable with M12 connector 5-pin for supply / signal 5m
EU03.F300 PC-programming interface with SW

14. Declaration of Conformity

Technische Änderungen vorbehalten • Subject to change without notice • Changements techniques sous réserve
Fischer Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH • Bielefelder Str. 37a • D-32107 Bad Salzuflen • Tel. +49 5222 9740 • Fax +49 5222 7170
eMail: info@fischermesstechnik.de • www.fischermesstechnik.de

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