Tendulkar Committee Report
Tendulkar Committee Report
Tendulkar Committee Report
Government of India
Planning Commission
November, 2009
There has been a growing concern on the official estimates of poverty released by the Planning
commission. The official poverty estimates have been severely criticised on various counts. In view
of this, Planning Commission set up an expert group under the chairmanship of Professor Suresh
Tendulkar to examine the issue and suggest a new poverty line and estimates. The expert group has
considered this issue in detail and has suggested new methodology to arrive at state wise and all‐
India rural and urban poverty lines for 2004‐05, the latest available major National Sample Survey
(NSS) round on household consumer expenditure which provides the data base for the calculation of
poverty estimates by the Planning Commission.
Following are the salient features of the proposed poverty lines:
1. While acknowledging the multi‐dimensional nature of poverty, the estimates of poverty will
continue to be based on private household consumer expenditure of Indian households as
collected by the National Sample Survey (NSS) Organization (NSSO).
2. The expert group has also taken a conscious decision to move away from anchoring the
poverty lines to a calorie intake norm in view of the fact that calorie consumption calculated
by converting the consumed quantities in the last 30 days as collected by NSS has not been
found to be well correlated with the nutritional outcomes observed from other specialized
surveys either over time or across space (i.e. between states or rural and urban areas).
3. The quinquennial National Sample Surveys of household consumer expenditure surveys
carried out by the NSSO provide the basic data set for official poverty calculations. For
canvassing household expenditure on a recall basis, the NSSO has decided to shift to Mixed
Reference Period (MRP) for all its consumption surveys in future, namely, 365‐days for low
frequency items (clothing, footwear, durables, education and institutional health
expenditure) and 30‐days for all the remaining items. This change captures the household
consumption expenditure of the poor households on low‐frequency items of purchase more
satisfactorily than the earlier 30‐day recall period. The Expert Group decided to adopt the
MRP‐based estimates of consumption expenditure as the basis for future poverty lines as
against the previous practice of using Uniform reference period estimates of consumption
4. Underlying consumption poverty line is the reference poverty line basket (PLB) of household
goods and services consumed by those households at the borderline separating the poor
from the non‐poor. Given an inescapable element of arbitrariness in specifying the
numerical nominal level of PLB, the Expert Group considered it desirable to situate
recommended reference PLB in some generally acceptable aspect of the present practice.
The estimated urban share of the poor population (described as headcount ratio or poverty
ratio) in 2004‐05, namely, 25.7 per cent at the all‐India level, is generally accepted as being
less controversial than its rural counterpart at 28.3 per cent that has been heavily criticized
as being too low. In the interest of continuity as well as in view of the consistency with
broad external validity checks with respect to nutritional, educational and health outcomes,
it was decided to recommend MRP‐equivalent of urban PLB corresponding to 25.7 per cent
urban headcount ratio as the new reference PLB to be provided to rural as well as urban
population in all the states after adjusting it for within‐state urban‐relative‐to‐rural and rural
and urban state‐relative‐to‐all‐India price differentials.
5. Even while moving away from the calorie norms, the proposed poverty lines have been
validated by checking the adequacy of actual private expenditure per capita near the
poverty lines on food, education and health by comparing them with normative
expenditures consistent with nutritional, educational and health outcomes. Actual private
expenditures reported by households near the new poverty lines on these items were found
to be adequate at the all‐India level in both the rural and the urban areas and for most of
the states. It may be noted that while the new poverty lines have been arrived at after
assessing the adequacy of private household expenditure on education and health, the
earlier calorie‐anchored poverty lines did not explicitly account for these. The proposed
poverty lines are in that sense broader in scope.
6. It may be noted that although those near the poverty line in urban areas continue to afford
the original calorie norm of 2100 per capita per day, their actual observed calorie intake
from 61st Round of NSS of is 1776 calories per capita. This actual intake is very close to the
revised calorie intake norm of 1770 per capita per day currently recommended for India by
the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Actual observed calorie intake of those near
the new poverty line in rural areas (1999 calories per capita) is higher than the FAO norm.
7. The proposed reference PLB is situated also in the latest available data on the observed
consumption patterns from the household consumer expenditure survey of NSS for the year
2004‐05 and takes into account all items of consumption (except transport and conveyance)
for construction of price indices. Separate allowance for private expenditure on transport
and conveyance has been made in the recommended poverty lines.
8. The proposed price indices are based on the household‐level unit values (approximated
price data) obtained from the 61st round (July 2004 to June 2005) of NSS on household
consumer expenditure survey for food, fuel and light, clothing and footwear at the most
detailed level of disaggregation and hence much closer to the actual prices paid by the
consumers in rural and urban areas. Price indices for health and education were also
obtained from unit level data from related National Sample Surveys. The proposed price
indices (Fisher Ideal indices in technical terms) incorporate both the observed all‐India and
the state level consumption patterns in the weighting structure of the price indices. For rent
and conveyance, actual expenditure share for these items were used to adjust the poverty
line for each state. The recommended price indices take care of most of the criticisms of the
earlier population‐segment‐specific consumer price indices with outdated base used for
updating poverty lines. An added and a significant advantage is that the recommended
procedure permits the derivation of new poverty lines and the corresponding headcount
ratios for all the states including the north‐eastern states. In the judgment of the Expert
Group, these advantages outweigh the problem of ignoring the quality differences in
consumption of commodities across households that is involved in equating unit values with
approximated prices.
9. The new poverty lines seek to enable rural as well as urban population in all the states to
afford the recommended all‐India urban PLB after taking due account of within‐state rural‐
urban and inter‐state differentials (rural and urban) incorporating observed consumer
behaviour both at the all‐India and state levels.
10. The new poverty lines have been generated for all the states including the north‐eastern
states. However, in the absence of adequate data, the expert group has suggested use of
poverty line of the neighbouring states for union territories.
The new poverty lines and poverty estimates are given in the appendix. It is important to underline
that except for the urban all‐India headcount ratio for 2004‐05 which was used to derive the all‐
India reference poverty line basket, all other headcount ratios – rural all‐India and for rural and
urban populations of the states for 2004‐05 given in the Appendix are based on the new reference
basket and new price indices, and hence are not comparable and must not be compared to the
earlier announced official headcount ratios using the earlier official poverty lines and out‐dated
price indices.
The all‐India rural headcount ratio using the recommended procedure is 41.8 per cent in comparison
with 28.3 per cent. The expert group has re‐estimated poverty for states and all India for 2004‐05.
the methodology of carrying it foreword is also being suggested. In light of the new methodology, it
will be necessary to re‐estimate poverty for previous years. A preliminary exercise for 1993‐94 has
been carried out to facilitate a broad two‐point comparison of changes in headcount ratios. By this
exercise, poverty at all India level in 1993‐94 was 50.1% in rural areas, 31.8% in urban areas and
45.3% in the country as a whole as compared to the 1993‐94 official estimates of 37.2 per cent rural,
32.6 per cent urban and 36.0 per cent combined. That is, even though the suggested new
methodology gives a higher estimate of rural headcount ratio at the all‐India level for 2004‐05, the
extent of poverty reduction in comparable percentage point decline between 1993‐94 and 2004‐05
is not different from that inferred using the old methodology.
I. Introduction
This Expert Group was set up to review the methodology for estimation of
poverty and had the following terms of reference:
1. To examine the issues relating to the comparability of the 50th, 55th and
61st round, and to suggest methodologies for deriving such comparability
with past and future surveys.
As far as the terms of reference 1 is concerned, to consider the matter in detail, the Expert
Group commissioned a study by Prof. T.J. Rao and Prof. A.K. Adhikari who retired from
the Indian Statistical Institute and who have had long association with the technical
design as well as survey practices of the National Sample surveys. A summary of the
conclusions of the study is placed at Annexure-D. The broad conclusion was that NSS
rounds 50th and 61st are comparable, whereas NSS round 55 is not comparable to either
the 50th or 61st round. The remaining part of this report deals with TOR 2 and 3, taking
into account this conclusion regarding comparability of the various NSS rounds. The
Expert Group had also commissioned a study of price data underlying the available
Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPIIW) and Consumer Price Index for
Agricultural Labourers (CPIAL) by Dr. M.R. Saluja of India Development Foundation
and also a number of working papers on various aspects of poverty. These were
discussed at detail in the meetings of the Expert Group and at a workshop held at the
Planning Commission on 20th May, 2009.
One member of the Expert Group, Professor Raghav Gaiha, could not attend any meeting
of the Expert Group due to his more pressing commitments. He communicated by e-mail
his comments on the final draft of this report to the chairman of the Expert Group with a
covering letter dated November 24, 2009 stating his inability to attend the final meeting
held on November 26, 2009 and leaving it to chairman to use his “comments in any
appropriate way”. The comments were noted by the Expert Group.
Socially perceived deprivation can be considered with respect to each individual basic
human need separately, leading to the corresponding concepts of poverty in that domain.
However, it should also be obvious that not all the basic human needs are independent of
each other. Inability to escape avoidable diseases, for example, may be related to shelter
environment with implications for nourishment and clothing as well. Apart from
interdependence, there is no one-to-one correspondence between any given basic human
need and the commodities and services that satisfy that need. The same commodity or
service may serve different basic needs as much as any given need may be satisfied by
different goods and services.
Any given basic need may be satisfied either through the market by an individual or
household out of earned income from participation in economic activity or unearned
income from owned assets or may be directly supplied by the government or some mix of
the two including government subsidy. Although social norms are indeed important in
perceiving deprivation in terms of observable outcomes, individual preferences have to
be given weight within limits in the choice of inputs used for overcoming deprivation as,
for example, in the case of overcoming malnutrition. This would be the case with most
basic human needs requiring differentiated inputs permitting the play of individual
preferences within limits. Such differentiated basic needs had better be left to be satisfied
through the market purchases for which the government may provide income
supplements of various kinds including the subsidized supply of certain commodities.
Adequacy of purchasing power with the individual or household becomes relevant in
tackling consumption poverty in such cases.
The Indian Planning Commission has been measuring absolute poverty in the
consumption dimension. Following from our earlier discussion of the concept of poverty,
absolute (private) consumption poverty line is taken to convey the inability of an
individual or a household to afford a socially perceived normative minimal basket of
basic human needs that is expected to be reflected in some normative minimal standard of
living that should be assured to every individual/household. It should be obvious that
social perceptions in respect of normative minimum living standard are not precisely
numerically specifiable in quantitative terms. However, for policy purposes, a uniquely
specified numerical poverty line separating the poor from non-poor has been in use. This
numerical poverty line has to be regarded only as an approximation to the socially
acceptable minimum living standard. Consequently, an inevitable element of
arbitrariness in defining it is inescapable. In the Indian context, it is measured in terms of
a certain exogenously given and privately purchased basket of goods and services
(poverty line basket [PLB] hereafter) evaluated at market prices. Following our
discussion in the beginning, underlying the reference PLB is a certain socially acceptable
minimal basket of inter-dependent basic human needs that are satisfied through the
market purchases. In other words, it is expected to represent some low enough but
(socially acceptable) reasonable living standard. It is specified in terms of some
minimum required per capita total household consumer expenditure.
The existing all-India rural and urban official poverty lines were originally defined in
terms of per capita total consumer expenditure (PCTE) at 1973-74 market prices and
adjusted over time and across states for changes in prices keeping unchanged the original
1973-74 rural and urban underlying all-India reference poverty line baskets (PLB) of
goods and services. These all-India rural and urban PLBs were derived for rural and
urban areas separately, anchored in the per capita calorie norms of 2400 (rural) and 2100
(urban) per day. However, they covered the consumption of all the goods and services
incorporated in the rural and urban reference poverty line baskets. Three major criticisms
of these poverty lines have been commonly aired. One, the consumption patterns
underlying the rural and urban PLBs remained tied down to those observed more than
three decades ago in 1973-74 and hence had become outdated. Given the rise in the
living standards resulting from accelerated economic growth since the nineteen-eighties,
the consumption pattern of the poor has also been changing but is not reflected in the
poverty lines. Two, crude price adjustment for prices was leading to implausible results
such as proportion of total urban population below poverty line being higher than its rural
counterpart in certain major states. In particular, it was shown by Deaton that Consumer
Price Index for Agricultural Labourers that was used for the rural population understated
the price rise for the rural population and hence understated the extent of rural poverty.
Three, the earlier poverty lines assumed that basic social services of health and education
would be supplied by the state and hence, although private expenditure on education and
health was covered in the base year 1973-74, no account was taken of either the increase
in the proportion of these in total expenditure over time or of their proper representation
in available price indices.
IV. The New Poverty Line Basket: Specification and Validation Checks
In comparison with the procedure suggested by the 1993 Expert Group and used in the
official poverty estimates, very briefly, our approach makes four major departures
(elaborated below) which, in our view, constitute significant improvements over the
existing official poverty estimation procedure. One, for reasons explained below, we
consciously move away from calorie anchor but test for the adequacy of actual food
expenditure near the poverty line to ensure certain aggregate nutritional outcomes. Two,
we do not discriminate between the rural and the urban population and recommend to
provide a uniform PLB based in the latest available observed household consumption
data to both the rural and the urban populations. This corrects for the outdated PLBs.
Three, we suggest a price adjustment procedure that is predominantly based in the same
data set that underlies the poverty estimation and hence corrects for the problems
associated with externally generated and population-segment-specific price indices with
out-dated price and weight base used so far in the official poverty estimation. Four, we
incorporate an explicit provision in price indices for private expenditure on health and
education which has been rising over time and test for their adequacy to ensure certain
desirable educational and health outcomes.
We start with the observation that the latest available official estimate of rural poverty
ratio of 28.3 per cent for 2004-05 is widely perceived to be too low mainly because of
under-stated price adjustment (mentioned earlier) and its basis of a very old and out-dated
1973-74 poverty line basket (PLB) while the corresponding urban proportion 25.7 per
cent of the BPL population is less controversial in terms of the broad order of magnitude
of extent of urban poverty. Given that the NSS Organization has taken the decision to
shift from URP to a mixed reference period (MRP) 1 , the PLB was taken to be MRP
Until 1993-94, information on consumption expenditure collected by National Sample Survey
Organisation was based on a uniform 30-day recall period for all items of consumption. Since 1999-00,
NSSO has used a mixed recall period for collecting information on consumption expenditure from
households. Under Mixed Recall Period (MRP), information on five broad item groups of household
consumer expenditure with low frequency of purchase (low frequency items for short) namely, clothing,
footwear, education, institutional medical care and durables is collected on a year-long recall basis while
information on consumption expenditure on all other items is collected on the basis of a month-long recall
period. In the case of URP, all information on consumption expenditure is collected on a month-long recall
period basis.
equivalent 2 of PCTE corresponding to 25.7 per cent of the urban BPL population
variously described as poverty ratio (PR for short) or headcount ratio (HCR for short).
As urban living standard is generally regarded as better than and preferable to its rural
counterpart, the Expert Group recommends that the purchasing power represented by the
MRP-equivalent PCTE underlying the all-India urban HCR of 25.7 per cent be taken as
the new reference PLB for measuring poverty and made available to both the rural and
the urban population in all the states after correcting for urban-rural price differentials as
well as urban and rural state-relative-to-all-India price differentials. The essential
features of the procedure of deriving price indices for price adjustment are described
briefly below while the detailed procedure can be found on website
http://planningcommission.gov.in/eg_poverty.htm. These price indices enable us to
derive state-specific and rural/urban poverty lines from which the corresponding rural all-
India poverty line can be derived from the population-weighted state/rural/urban
headcount ratios. The all-India rural headcount ratio using the recommended PLB is
estimated to be 41.8 per cent for 2004-05.
We note several points in support of the new recommended poverty line basket. To
start with, the new poverty line basket (PLB) recommended by the present Expert Group
is in terms of MRP that is regarded as better than earlier URP and is going to be adopted
by the NSSO in its future consumer expenditure surveys. The choice of MRP over URP
is based on the observation that 365-day recall captures better than 30-day recall, the per
capita expenditures on low frequency items especially of those at the lower end of PCTE.
Two, as mentioned earlier, it corresponds to the urban All India HCR of 25.7 per cent
that is widely accepted as being reasonable. Three, it incorporates the latest available
data on observed pattern of consumer behavior in 2004-05. Four, it covers all the items
of privately purchased household consumption of goods and services. Five, a conscious
decision was taken by the Expert Group to move away from anchoring the PL in calorie
Information on low frequency items of household consumer expenditure was collected on two alternative
recall periods (last 365 days and last 30 days) in the 61st round (2004-05). This was also done for a subset
of low frequency items in the three quinquennial rounds prior to the 55th round for 1999-00. The poverty
estimate of 25.7% for urban areas is based on size distribution of households in ascending order of per
capita total (consumer) expenditure (PCTE for short) on the basis of URP. MRP equivalent poverty line is
that level of PCTE which is obtained when (i) population is ranked in ascending order of size of MRP-
based PCTE and (ii) the percentage of poor equals 25.7 per cent.
norm as in the past because (a) there is overwhelming evidence of downward shift in
calorie Engel curves over time and (b) calorie consumption intake calculated by
converting the consumed quantities in the last 30 days as collected by NSS has not been
found to be well correlated either over time or across States with the nutritional outcomes
observed in other specialized nutrition outcome surveys such as the National Family
Health Surveys (NFHS). Six, the revised minimum calorie norm for India recommended
by FAO is currently around 1800 calories per capita per day which is very close to the
average calorie intake of those near the new poverty lines in urban areas (1776 calories
per capita) and higher than the revised FAO norm (1999 calories per capita) in rural areas
in the 61st round of NSS. Seven, the new poverty line happens to be close to, but less
than, the 2005 PPP $1.25 per day poverty norm used by the World Bank in its latest
world poverty estimates.
Additional external validation checks were carried out for the consistency of the new
all India and state-level poverty lines derived from the recommended PLB and
recommended price adjustment procedure with regard to nutritional, educational and
health outcomes derived from the related specialized outcome-oriented surveys.
Combining the information on food expenditure from the 61st round of NSS for
2004-05 and aggregate nutrition outcome indicator 3 based on the information from the
National Family Health Survey III – NFHS-III hereafter - for 2005-06, a normative level
of food expenditure per capita was derived For both rural and urban population, actual
reported per capita expenditure on food at the recommended all-India poverty lines was
found to be 6 per cent higher than normative food expenditure. As far as state-wise
NFHS-III supplies three outcome indicators of malnutrition for three important segments of the
population : (i) proportion of underweight children below 5 years of age with underweight defined as those
whose weight-for-age was below twice the standard deviation; (ii) proportion of men aged 15-49 years
with low body mass index – norm of low BMI being lower than 18.5; and (iii) proportion women
(excluding pregnant women and those who gave birth in the last two months) aged 15-49 years with low
BMI. In the absence of objective criteria for assigning unequal weights to the three population segments,
equal weights were assigned to derive an aggregate index of malnutrition outcome. Consequently, a simple
average of the three proportions above is taken to be an aggregate outcome indicator of malnutrition. When
estimated (state/rural/urban) population from NSS is ranked according to ascending size of food
expenditure per capita, normative food expenditure per capita is defined by that level of food expenditure
per capita that corresponds to cumulative share of population from NSS that equals the index of
malnutrition derived from NFHS- III for that state.
pattern is concerned, for rural population of 17 and urban population of 19 out of 20
major states, actual reported per capita food expenditures near the derived poverty lines
were at least 95 per cent of the corresponding state-specific normative levels.
For private household expenditure per capita on educational and health services
together, actual reported expenditure on these items was found to be 14 per cent (rural)
and 22 per cent higher at the all-India poverty lines than the combined normative level of
expenditure on education and health services. For most states, actual reported expenditure
on these services was found to be at least 90 per cent of the normative level. The
shortfall in almost all cases was on account of hospitalization, not on education or non-
institutional health treatment 4 .
Normative (level of) consumer expenditure on education (NCEE for short) is defined by the expenditure
required at state-specific median cost (derived from the 61st round employment-unemployment survey) for
sending all school-going (in 5-15 year age-group) children in the household at the poverty level of PCTE to
school by state/rural/urban population. For normative consumer expenditure on health (NCEH for short),
two components are distinguished, namely, (i) that on non-institutional health care (NCEH-N), that is, on
treatments not requiring hospitalization in 15 days preceding date of interview and (ii) that on institutional
health care (NCEH-I) requiring hospitalization during 365 days preceding date of interview. Median cost
per treatment and per case of hospitalization has been derived from the 60th round (January-June 2005)
NSS by state/rural/urban population. Age-specific incidence of treatment/hospitalization reported in the
same survey has been multiplied by age-distribution of the population to derive average incidence of
treatment/hospitalization. Since onset of illness and hospitalization are contingent events, the average
incidence of treatment/hospitalization can be regarded as probability of onset of illness requiring
treatment/hospitalization. When we multiply the average incidence by the median cost of
treatment/hospitalization, we get expected normative expenditures to get treated/hospitalized which provide
us with NCEH-N and NECH-I respectively sum of which gives us NCEH by state/rural/urban population.
V. Derivation of Rural-relative-to urban and State-relative-to-all-India Price Indices
It was explained above that the new poverty lines seek to provide the uniform
yardstick of recommended (all-India urban) poverty line basket (PLB) for measuring the
extent of poverty of both the rural and the urban populations in all the states in the Indian
Union. As prices differ between rural and urban areas of the same state as well as across
states in a continental country like India, it is necessary to derive within state rural-
relative-to-urban and state-relative-to-all-India price indices for rural and urban areas
separately for each state in order to evaluate the PLB.
In the absence of general consumer price indices for the rural and urban population, let
alone those for the population near the poverty line, the 1993 Expert Group had to rely on
the available price indices for two major segments of the rural and urban population,
namely, Consumer Price Index for Agricultural Labourers (CPIAL) for the rural
population and Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPIIW) for the urban
population. These were reweighted using observed 1973-74 consumption shares near the
poverty lines. The deficiencies in these two population-segment-specific indices for the
purpose of evaluating the calorie-anchored but independently derived rural and urban
PLBs had been noted by the critics. In particular, as noted earlier, glaring gaps had been
observed especially in CPIAL in understating the extent of price rise for the rural
population and thereby understating the extent of rural poverty in the official estimates.
It is pertinent to note these gaps before discussing the Expert Group’s approach that
sought to correct the gaps with the available data. The major problem has been the
outdated poverty line basket -- PLB -- implicit in the 1973-74 based official rural poverty
line. Thus, while share of food in the consumption basket of persons around the poverty
line has fallen to less than 65 per cent in 2004-05, the poverty line deflators still use 80
per cent food share implicit in the 1973-74 distribution that formed the basis of the
official poverty line. Rural food consumption pattern also has shifted away from cereals
whose prices have risen more slowly than those of non-cereal food items. Similarly, only
around 40 per cent of the rural school-age children (5-14 years) went to school in 1973-
74, this share rose to 75 per cent in the rural poverty line PCTE class in 2004-05. Private
household expenditure on health and education has increased over time but it was
assumed to be provided by the state in the 1973-74 based poverty lines and hence was not
explicitly accounted for in the poverty line.
While unit values from CES under (i) above have been derived at the state/rural/urban
level median values at the most disaggregated level (176 items after excluding 11 for
inadequate number of sample observations), they are aggregated into fifteen commodity
group indices, namely, cereals, pulses, milk, oil, egg-fish-meat, vegetables, fresh fruit,
dry fruit, sugar, salt-spices, other-food, beverages and tobacco, fuel-light, clothing,
footwear. We get one index from data source (ii) above and two indices from data source
(iii) for institutional and non-institutional health care separately and five indices under
(iv) so that we have twenty three indices in all for PLB excluding rent and conveyance.
Each of these indices is a Fisher Ideal Index, namely, a geometric mean of Laspyres (L)
and Paasche (P) indices (where L uses the all-India bundle as weights and P uses the
state-level bundle as weights in weighting rural-relative-to urban, or state-relative-to-all-
India (rural and urban separately) price-ratios. These 23 indices are aggregated for each
state and sector into a single index using budget shares of these commodity groups
around the poverty line MPCE class. The urban state-relative-to-all-India indices are
applied to the All-India urban PLB (excluding rent and conveyance) to arrive at urban
poverty lines (excluding rent and conveyance) to which state-specific actual expenditure
on rent and conveyance of those around the poverty line class has been added to the
derive the final urban poverty lines. The within state rural-relative-to-urban indices are
applied to state-level urban poverty lines (excluding rent and conveyance) to get the rural
state-level poverty lines after adding the actual expenditure on rent and conveyance of
those around the poverty line class.
It is important to note that the starting point for the calculation of (rural-relative-to-
urban and rural/urban state-relative-to-all-India) price index is the state-level median
price 5 at the disaggregated level. For the calculation of rural/urban state-relative-to-all-
India price indices, the state-level median prices are aggregated to their all-India
counterparts by weighting them by state-level value of aggregate consumption at median
prices for commodities in (i) above and by state-level aggregate census population in the
case of (ii) and (iii) above. Population used in the aggregation of 176 items in (i) into 15
commodity groups at the state-level is internally generated by using NSS-based sampling
multipliers. However, population figures used in aggregating 15 state-level commodity
groups to all-India level are also census as supplied by the Planning Commission 6 . NSS
Median price level is preferred to mean level because the latter is and former is not affected by extreme
observations in the sample.
Population of each state was obtained from the Planning Commission press note on poverty estimates for
2004-05, released in March 2007. The note is available at
http://planningcommission.gov.in/news/prmar07.pdf . This is different from the state-wise population
estimates implicit in the posted multipliers in the 61st round CES.
are known to under-estimate the size of the aggregate population and the consistency
between the two sets of population estimates requires a scaling adjustment explained in
the detailed procedure of calculations.
The major advantages of the price index numbers outlined in brief above by omitting
several details for the sake of exposition may be noted. One, they are based on the same
data base from which poverty calculations are made so that these two get integrally
linked and, despite possible problems that unit values may have in disregarding the
quality differences, avoid the criticism of outdated base in the existing population-
segment-specific consumer price indices. Secondly, another criticism of the existing
procedure of calculating the official poverty figures was its inability to make allowance
for state-specific patterns of consumption in price adjustment. The use of Fisher indices
corrects for this deficiency. Thirdly, the new poverty lines have been derived for all the
states including the North-Eastern states for which the earlier official procedure had to
use the poverty ratio of one of the states, namely Assam for which CPIAL and CPIIW
were available. However, for the union territories, it is necessary to use the poverty line
of the neighbouring states in the absence of adequate data. In the process of gaining
these advantages, the procedure has undoubtedly become more complex but with easy
availability of high speed computers and enhanced capacity-generation at the state level
as well as by private researchers to handle large volumes of data, the Expert Group
decided in favour of the suggested procedure.
The final set of new state-wise poverty lines and poverty estimates for the suggested
new base year 2004-05 are given in annexure A. Since the recommended reference
poverty line basket – PLB – underlying the new poverty lines corresponds to the official
urban headcount ratio for 2004-05, the derived state-level urban headcount ratios using
the recommended price indices were adjusted pro-rata so as to make state-population-
weighted urban average equal to 25.7 per cent. However, with a change in the
recommended within-state rural-relative-to-urban and rural and urban state-relative-to-
all-India price adjustment procedure, the new state-level headcount ratios are bound to
differ from those using the existing official poverty lines – they are higher for some states
and lower for others. The rural all-India headcount ratio derived as a population-
weighted average of state-level headcount ratios using the new poverty lines is 41.8 per
cent compared to 28.3 per cent using the old poverty lines. All the state-level rural
headcount ratios are higher using the new poverty lines than those in the earlier official
It is important to underline that except for the urban all-India headcount ratio for
2004-05 which was used to derive the new all-India reference poverty line basket, all
other headcount ratios for 2004-05 – rural all-India and rural and urban state-wise – are
based on the new reference poverty line basket and new price indices, and hence are not
comparable to and must not be compared with the earlier headcount ratios using the old-
out-dated 1973-74 PLB and unsatisfactory price indices.
Using the suggested methodology, a preliminary exercise has been carried out for the
50th round of NSS for the year 1993-94 to facilitate two-time-point comparison of
changes in headcount ratios. The detailed state-wise results appear in
http://planningcommission.gov.in\eg_poverty.htm . From this exercise we find that at the
all-India level, the revised headcount ratios in 1993-94 are 50.1 per cent in rural areas,
31.8 per cent in urban areas and 45.3 per cent in the country as a whole. This is against
existing official 1993-94 poverty estimates of 37.2, 32.6 and 36.0 respectively. In other
words, even though the level of 2004-05 All-India headcount ratios using the new
poverty line basket appears higher at 41.8 per cent (rural) and 37.2 per cent (combined
rural-urban) than the existing official poverty estimates of 28.3 and 27.5 per cent, the
comparable extent of poverty reduction between 1993-94 and 2004-05 is not very
different from that inferred from using the old methodology.
VI. Procedure for updating the poverty line for 2009-10 and beyond
Once we have the detailed results of the quinquennial 66th round for the year 2009-10,
we can calculate the within-state rural-relative-to-urban and rural and urban state-
relative-to-all-India Fisher indices. We can also calculate Fisher index of changes in
state-level urban prices between 2004-05 and 2009-10 which can be applied to urban
poverty lines for the base year 2004-05 to derive updated state-level urban poverty lines
for 2009-10. Using the within-state rural-relative-to-urban Fisher indices for 2009-10
and applying them to updated urban poverty lines for 2009-10, we can get updated state-
level rural poverty lines for 2009-10. Applying these updated poverty lines to the rural
and urban MRP-based size distributions of PCTE for 2009-10, we can get rural and urban
headcount ratios from which all-India rural and urban headcount ratios can be derived as
state-population-weighted averages. The same procedure can be repeated in future
beyond 2009-10.
In this context, the Expert Group notes that the suggested procedure for updating the
poverty line is computationally more demanding than the present method of using indices
derived from CPIAL and CPIIW. Therefore, the Expert Group recommends:
a. That the NSSO publish by state and rural and urban population, the median levels
of unit values for all the items for which quantities are available.
The Expert Group also notes that the ongoing NSS 66th round (July 2009 to June 2010) of
household consumer expenditure survey which will provide the basis of the next set of
poverty calculations, will involve a choice between the existing MRP used in the
calculations of this Report and MRP* involving 7-day recall period for some food items
in addition to 365-day recall for low-frequency items and 30-day for the rest (see
Annexure D for details). Depending on this choice, it may be necessary to shift from
MRP-equivalent PCTE as used in this report to MRP*-equivalent PCTE in future. In that
case, the Expert Group recommends that the method followed should be the same as used
in this Report for shifting from URP to MRP. In this context, the Expert Group strongly
recommends that the NSSO publish the size distributions of PCTE (and other details
including median prices) for both MRP and MRP* in the proposed reports of the 66th
Deaton (2003), “Prices and Poverty in India, 1987-2000”, Economic and Political
Weekly, January 25
Deaton (2008), “Price Trends in India and Their Implications for Measuring Poverty”,
Economic and Political Weekly, 9 February
Deaton and Tarrozi (2000), “Prices and Poverty in India” Research Programme in
Development Studies, Princeton University, Processed
FAO (2008), “The State of Food Insecurity in the World”, Food and Agriculture
Organisation, Rome
International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Macro International (2007),
“National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3), 2005–06” Mumbai: IIPS.
Annexure A
Final Poverty Lines and Poverty Head Count Ratio for 2004-05
Poverty Line (Rs) Poverty Headcount Ratio (%)
State Rural Urban Rural Urban Total
Andhra Pradesh 433.43 563.16 32.3 23.4 29.9
Arunachal Pradesh 547.14 618.45 33.6 23.5 31.1
Assam 478.00 600.03 36.4 21.8 34.4
Bihar 433.43 526.18 55.7 43.7 54.4
Chhatisgarh 398.92 513.70 55.1 28.4 49.4
Delhi 541.39 642.47 15.6 12.9 13.1
Goa 608.76 671.15 28.1 22.2 25.0
Gujarat 501.58 659.18 39.1 20.1 31.8
Haryana 529.42 626.41 24.8 22.4 24.1
Himachal Pradesh 520.40 605.74 25.0 4.6 22.9
Jammu & Kashmir 522.30 602.89 14.1 10.4 13.2
Jharkhand 404.79 531.35 51.6 23.8 45.3
Karnataka 417.84 588.06 37.5 25.9 33.4
Kerala 537.31 584.70 20.2 18.4 19.7
Madhya Pradesh 408.41 532.26 53.6 35.1 48.6
Maharashtra 484.89 631.85 47.9 25.6 38.1
Manipur 578.11 641.13 39.3 34.5 38.0
Meghalaya 503.32 745.73 14.0 24.7 16.1
Mizoram 639.27 699.75 23.0 7.9 15.3
Nagaland 687.30 782.93 10.0 4.3 9.0
Orissa 407.78 497.31 60.8 37.6 57.2
Pondicherry 385.45 506.17 22.9 9.9 14.1
Punjab 543.51 642.51 22.1 18.7 20.9
Rajasthan 478.00 568.15 35.8 29.7 34.4
Sikkim 531.50 741.68 31.8 25.9 31.1
Tamilnadu 441.69 559.77 37.5 19.7 28.9
Tripura 450.49 555.79 44.5 22.5 40.6
Uttar Pradesh 435.14 532.12 42.7 34.1 40.9
Uttaranchal 486.24 602.39 35.1 26.2 32.7
West Bengal 445.38 572.51 38.2 24.4 34.3
All India 446.68 578.8 41.8 25.7 37.2
Annexure B
Poverty Estimates and Poverty Lines for 1993-94
Poverty Line (Rs) Poverty HCR
Rural Urban Rural Urban Total
Andhra Pradesh 244.1 282.0 48.1 35.2 44.6
Arunachal Pradesh 285.1 297.1 60.0 22.6 54.5
Assam 266.3 306.8 54.9 27.7 51.8
Bihar 236.1 266.9 62.3 44.7 60.5
Chhatisgarh 229.1 283.5 55.9 28.1 50.9
Delhi 315.4 320.3 16.2 15.7 15.7
Goa 316.2 306.0 25.5 14.6 20.8
Gujarat 279.4 320.7 43.1 28.0 37.8
Haryana 294.1 312.1 40.0 24.2 35.9
Himachal Pradesh 272.7 316.0 36.7 13.6 34.6
Jammu & Kashmir 289.1 281.1 32.5 6.9 26.3
Jharkhand 227.7 304.1 65.9 41.8 60.7
Karnataka 266.9 294.8 56.6 34.2 49.5
Kerala 286.5 289.2 33.9 23.9 31.3
Madhya Pradesh 232.5 274.5 49.0 31.8 44.6
Maharashtra 268.6 329.0 59.3 30.3 47.8
Manipur 322.3 366.3 64.4 67.2 65.1
Meghalaya 284.1 393.4 38.0 23.0 35.2
Mizoram 316.5 355.7 16.6 6.3 11.8
Nagaland 381.7 409.6 20.1 21.8 20.4
Orissa 224.2 279.3 63.0 34.5 59.1
Pondicherry 220.3 264.3 28.1 32.4 30.9
Punjab 286.9 342.3 20.3 27.2 22.4
Rajasthan 271.9 300.5 40.8 29.9 38.3
Sikkim 266.6 362.2 33.0 20.4 31.8
Tamilnadu 252.6 288.2 51.0 33.7 44.6
Tripura 275.8 316.6 34.3 25.4 32.9
Uttar Pradesh 244.3 281.3 50.9 38.3 48.4
Uttaranchal 249.5 306.7 36.7 18.7 32.0
West Bengal 235.5 295.2 42.5 31.2 39.4
All India 50.1 31.8 45.3
Note: The estimates for Chhatisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal are for states
as they exist after bifurcation in 2001. The estimates for 1993-94 have been calculated from the unit data using district
and state boundaries of the divided states in 1993-94.
Annexure -C
Procedure for constructing poverty lines in 2004-05
A. Data preparation
1. Compute median “price” (prices refer to unit values obtained from the NSS consumption
expenditure surveys. Prices are obtained as value divided by quantity for each item of
consumption) for each item in each state using population weight (population weights are
the NSS population weights: multiply the multiplier given in the NSS data files with
household size to obtain population multipliers) separately for sectors (rural and urban
• For PDS items, aggregate total value and total quantity with relevant non-
PDS item for each household before calculating prices. These items are Rice,
wheat, kerosene and Sugar.
• For clothing, bedding, and footwear, use the 365 day estimates of
• Drop items for which the CES does not collect quantity information. Also
drop items which are subtotals.
• Count the number of non-zero observations in each state and sector for each
commodity. Replace median price in sector and state as missing if less than 6
observations of prices reported for the item.
• Median prices should be estimated only for the consumers. That is, those
households for which there is no price should be treated as missing.
2. Compute average per capita quantity consumed of the population (using NSS population
weights), separately for each sector and state.
• Note that average per capita quantity should be estimated over entire
population, including the zeros (non-consumers).
3. Compute value of consumption for each item, separately for each sector and state as the
product of median price and average per capita quantity consumed.
365 day consumption items. Do this for each item, separately for rural and
urban areas.
7. Finally, drop Union Territories (Chandigarh, Daman & Diu, Dadar & Nagar Haveli,
Lakshwadeep, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands) after data preparation complete.
B. Calculation of Indexes
We compute three types of Fisher price indexes: (i) States relative to All-India rural prices; (ii)
States relative to All-India urban prices; and (iii) Within state, rural relative to urban prices. In
each case, the price indexes are calculated for 15 commodity groups (grouped in order that they
appear in the NSS Consumption Expenditure Survey): cereals, pulses, milk, oil, egg-fish-meat,
vegetables, fresh-fruit, dry-fruit, sugar, salt-spices, other-food, intoxicants, fuel-light, clothing,
footwear. At this stage all population figures used for states and sectors are census
populations as given by planning commission and given at the end of the note:
Steps for calculating the “States relative to All-India urban” and “States relative to All-India
rural” indexes are as follows:
1. Calculate value of state bundle at state median level prices, separately for rural and urban
• Value of state consumption for each item is (median state price*average quantity
consumed per capita in the state). Aggregate across items to commodity group
2. Calculate value of state bundle at All-India prices, separately for rural and urban areas:
• For this, first calculate All-India prices for each item. These are estimated as
{ sum across states(quantity per capita consumed in state*population of
state*median price in state) divided by sum across states(quantity per capita
consumed in state*population of state)}
• Value of state consumption at All-India prices for each item is then (All-
India price* average quantity consumed per capita in the state). Aggregate
across items to commodity group level.
3. Calculate value of All-India bundle at All-India prices, separately for rural and urban areas:
• For this, first calculate All-India quantity consumed per capita for each item.
These are estimated as {(sum across states(quantity per capita consumed in
state*population of state))/all-India population}
• All India population used here is excluding the union territories.
• Value of All-India bundle at All-India prices for each item is then (All-India
price*average quantity consumed per capita at the All-India level).
• Note that in each state, before aggregating to the commodity group level, set
value of All-India bundle for an item to be missing if consumption of the
item in the state is zero or missing. Then aggregate across items to
commodity group level in each state. Thus, the value of this bundle will
vary from state to state.
4. Calculate value of All-India bundle at state prices, separately for rural and urban areas:
• This is calculated for each item as (State price*average quantity consumed
per capita at the All-India level). Aggregate across items to commodity
group level.
5. Now calculate the price indexes for each commodity group as well as for total of the above
commodity groups above as follows:
• Paasche index=value of state bundle at state prices/value of state bundle at
All-India prices
• Laspeyres index=value of All-India bundle at state prices/value of All-India
bundle at All-India prices
• Fisher index=geometric mean of Paasche and Laspeyres index
These indexes are computed separately for rural and urban areas, and separately for the 15
commodity groups and a consolidated index for all the commodity groups taken together. The
consolidated index is an aggregate index based only on items from the CES.
6. Repeat similar exercise to calculate “within state, rural relative to urban fisher price index”
for each commodity group:
• For this, in addition to the calculations already done above, calculate (i) the
value of rural bundle at urban median prices, and (ii) the value of urban
bundle at rural median prices.
• Note that in each state, retain an item only if the item is consumed in both
rural and urban areas. Otherwise, set prices for the item to missing in both
sectors before estimating value of bundles.
• Paasche index=value of rural bundle at urban prices/value of rural bundle at
rural prices
• Laaspeyres index=value of urban bundle at urban prices/value of urban
bundle at rural prices
• Fisher index=geometric mean of Paasche and Laspeyres index
This Index is obtained from the Employment-Unemployment survey (EUS) of NSS for 2004-05.
• Use the individual file to obtain the number of children in the age group of 5-15 in each
household. For each person, the EUS also gives the status of current attendance. Use this
to obtain the number of children going to school in the relevant age-group for each
• Use the abridged consumption schedule of EUS to get the expenditure per household on
tuition fee and stationary given separately. Add the two items to get the total expenditure
on education
• Divide the total expenditure on education by each household by the number of school
going children in the age-group 5-15 to obtain the cost incurred per school going child for
each household.
• Compute the median cost of education across households using NSS weights by state and
• Calculate all India median cost as population weighted average of the states in each sector.
{sum of (population*median cost in each state)/sum of population of states} using
Planning Commission’s estimates of population
• Divide the median cost of each state by all India cost to obtain the index number for each
state relative to all India. This will give the index for education for each state relative to all
India for each sector.
• Divide the median cost in urban area by the median cost in rural area to obtain the urban
to rural index in each state.
D. Index of cost of Health Expenditure
Index of cost of health expenditure is calculated separately for two items, namely, institutional
medical care (hospitalisation cost per reported case of hospitalization) and non-institutional
medical care (cost incurred per reported case of out-patient medical treatment). The data base
used for obtaining median expenditure for health expenditure is the survey on Morbidity and
Health Care (Schedule 25.0) of the 60th round corresponding to January-June 2004.
• Obtain median cost per treatment for non-institutional medical care across households,
using NSS weights, for each state and sector.
• Similarly obtain median cost per case of hospitalisation.
• Obtain all India cost per treatment and all India cost per hospitalisation as population
weighted average of states using the method suggested above in the case of education.
{using Planning Commission’s estimates of population}
• Dividing state median cost by all India cost will give the index of respective state with
respect to all India. Do this for both sectors.
• Similarly obtain urban to rural price index by dividing the urban median cost by rural
median cost in each state.
For construction of aggregate index, we use the indices prepared by Saluja-Yadav based on data
collected from Labour Bureau for the expert group for the following five items, entertainment,
personal goods and toiletries, durables, miscellaneous goods and miscellaneous services along
with the fifteen indices obtained above for food, fuel, clothing, footwear (section B above based
on NSS quinquennial Consumer Expenditure Survey for the 61st round), one index for cost of
education per school-going child (section C above based on the NSS 61st round Employment-
Unemployment Survey) and two indices of cost of health ( in terms of cost of hospitalization per
reported case and cost per reported out-patient treatment based on NSS 60th round ). Although
there are some problems with the Saluja-Yadav Indices for some states, these are the only
available indices for items other than food, fuel, clothing, footwear, education and health.
Moreover, the Saluja-Yadav indices are not available for all states hence the indices have been
adjusted using CPI price data and median values from the CES. Note that no indices are available
for rent and conveyance. Total 23 indices are used for aggregating the indices. These are cereal,
pulses, milk, edible oil, non-vegetarian items, vegetables, fresh fruits, dry fruits, sugar, salt &
spices, other food, intoxicants, fuel, clothing, footwear, education, medical (non-institutional),
medical (Institutional), entertainment, personal & toilet goods, other goods, other services and
1. For the urban state relative to all India index by commodity groups, obtain the all India
index (AII) as the census population weighted index of the state indices. Check for each of
the commodity groups if the all India census population index is 1 or not. If not, divide the
state-wise indices for each state by the AII. After this scaling of index numbers for the
state relative to all India index numbers, the census population weighted index number
should be equal to one.
2. Use the published MPCE classes in rural and urban areas of each state for arriving at the
poverty line class in each state. For each state and sector use the per capita expenditure
for the same commodity groups identified above to arrive at budget shares. Note that the
budget share is excluding rent and conveyance and taxes. For consumption
expenditure per capita, do not use estimates based on uniform reference period of 30-days
(given in report 508). Instead use the published report of NSS based on mixed reference
period. This is available in a separate report by the NSSO for 61st round. This report
provides consumer expenditure by the same commodity group classification that is used in
construction of index numbers.
3. To aggregate the indices, use budget shares of the same commodity groups as mentioned
above around the poverty line class. That is budget share of each of these commodity
groups in the monthly consumption expenditure excluding rent and conveyance.
Hereafter, budget share refers to share excluding rent and conveyance.
4. Start with all India urban MRP poverty line of Rs 579 and using the consolidated NSS
CES index number [only CES indices based for 15 groups] for states relative to all India,
obtain the state urban poverty line. Using NSS published MPCE classes find out the
MPCE class to which this poverty line belongs. Use this MPCE class for obtaining the
budget shares around poverty line class (excluding rent and conveyance). Note that for
clothing, footwear, durable, education and institutional medical care, the budget share are
365 day estimates. Similarly use the MPCE class corresponding to Rs 579 in urban India
to get all India budget shares.
5. Use the urban state poverty lines obtained above and the NSS consolidated index [only
CES indices based for 15 groups] for rural relative to urban in each state to obtain rural
state wise poverty lines. Find corresponding MPCE classes and budget shares excluding
rent and conveyance for each state.
6. To obtain aggregate indices for urban areas for each state relative to all India, calculate the
Laspeyre index using All India budget shares using all 23 commodity indices. Similarly
obtain Paasche index using state budget shares. Take geometric mean of these two to get
Fisher index for each state relative to all India in urban areas.
7. To obtain urban relative to rural aggregate index, get Laspeyre index using urban state
budget shares and Paasche using rural budget shares [using all 23 commodity indices].
Take geometric mean to get Fisher index for each state for urban relative to rural areas.
F. Poverty lines
This step describes the construction of Final poverty lines to be used on MRP distribution
1. For final poverty lines, use the aggregate index obtained above for state relative to All
India and All India poverty line of Rs 548 {Excluding the share of rent and conveyance
from Rs 578.80} to obtain state urban poverty lines P1U.
2. Note that these poverty lines are excluding rent and conveyance. Use the actual share of
rent and conveyance around the poverty line class to adjust the poverty line obtained
above to arrive at urban state poverty lines P2U.
3. Use the urban relative to rural index in each state and the urban poverty line P1U to obtain
rural state poverty lines P1R. Get the actual share of rent and conveyance around the
poverty line class to adjust rural poverty lines including rent and conveyance for each state
in rural area to obtain P2R.
4. Check if P2U and P2R are indeed in the same MPCE class that was used in step E.4 and
E.5. If not change the MPCE class corresponding to this poverty line. This is an iterative
process. Do these till you find the right MPCE classes.
5. Once you have identified the right MPCE class, repeat step F.1 to F.3.
6. P2U and P2R are the final state poverty lines for urban and rural areas separately.
7. The all India poverty line is the poverty line which gives the same poverty headcount ratio
(state-population weighted average headcount ratio)as would be obtained using the state
poverty lines from step F.6
8. Final poverty lines and HCR are given at the end of this note.
This part of the note describes the procedure of updating the 2004-05 poverty lines to next
quinquennial (2009-10).
1. Repeat the steps A and B outlined above to obtain state wise indices for the 15
commodity groups for which CES unit values are available. These are available for food,
fuel, clothing and footwear.
2. For 2004-05, create a miscellaneous Fisher index aggregating the education, health and
all other items except rent and conveyance from the 2004-05 commodity group wise
indexes of these following the same procedure as in step E.
3. From miscellaneous sub-group index CPIU and CPIAL (CPIR, if available), calculate the
rate of inflation for this group between 2004-05 and 2009-10. Dividing the inflation rate
in the state by the all India inflation rate will give the relative rate of inflation in that state
with respect to all India.
4. Use this relative rate of inflation to adjust the state relative to all india urban
miscellaneous group index of 2004-05 to arrive at state relative to all India indices for
this group for 2009-10. {state relative to all india index number of each state*relative rate
of inflation}
5. Similarly, dividing the urban rate of inflation for miscellaneous group by the rural rate of
inflation will give the relative rate of inflation in urban areas with respect to rural india in
each state.
6. Use this relative rate of inflation across sectors at state level to obtain the urban to rural
index for miscellaneous group in each state for 2009-10.
7. For those states where the miscellaneous index is not available in CPIU or CPIAL, use
the index of neighbouring state.
8. Including the 15 indices available from NSS CES and the miscellaneous index as
obtained above, the total number of commodity groups for which index numbers will be
used are 16.
1. Use the median prices (unit values) and per capita quantities for each item in 2004-05 and
2009-10 for each state in urban areas to obtain Fisher indices by commodity groups for
2009-10 relative to 2004-05.
2. These can be calculated for the 15 item groups mentioned above. For other items use the
miscellaneous index of CPIU.
3. Use the 15 item group indices and miscellaneous index of CPIU to create aggregate index
of each state for urban areas for 2009-10 relative to 2004-05.
4. To obtain the aggregate indices, Get the corresponding budget shares in both years
excluding rent and conveyance. The budget shares will be for the 15 commodity groups
which use NSS unit values as well as for miscellaneous. The index for miscellaneous is
the ratio of miscellaneous index of CPIU in 2009-10 and 2004-05. Use 2004-05 budget
shares to arrive at Laspeyre index and 2009-10 budget shares to arrive at Paasche index.
Add the share of rent of conveyance in the poverty line class to obtain All India poverty
line for 2009-10. Check if it falls in the same poverty line class or not. If not, do it again
till you find the right all India poverty line class in 2009-10.
5. Use the MPCE without rent and conveyance obtained in the earlier step to obtain state
wise urban poverty lines using the aggregate indices.
6. Use the urban state poverty lines obtained in the previous step and the rural to urban
aggregate index of each state to arrive at the rural poverty lines.
7. Adjust the urban and rural poverty lines by inflating them with the actual share of rent
and conveyance around the poverty line class in each state and sector.
8. These will be the final state wise poverty lines for rural and urban areas.
9. Obtain the population weighted poverty estimate for rural and urban areas for all India.
10. The poverty line that corresponds to these poverty estimates is all India poverty line.
Notes: Population of each state was obtained from the Planning Commission press note on
poverty estimates for 2004-05, released in March 2007. The note is available at
http://planningcommission.gov.in/news/prmar07.pdf . This is different from the state-wise
population estimates implicit in the posted multipliers in the 61st round CES.
Population in Lakhs (2004-05)
State Rural Urban
Jammu & Kashmir 80.22 27.61
Himachal Pradesh 57.27 6.56
Punjab 165.26 91.98
Chandigarh 1.07 9.43
Uttaranchal 66.48 24.25
Haryana 158.44 70.39
Delhi 9.05 146.64
Rajasthan 467.13 144.23
Uttar Pradesh 1416.26 381.98
Bihar 799.05 93.59
Sikkim 5.01 0.68
Arunachal Pradesh 8.68 2.87
Nagaland 17.33 3.61
Manipur 16.82 5.98
Mizoram 4.58 4.77
Tripura 27.67 5.99
Meghalaya 19.52 4.88
Assam 244.02 38.71
West Bengal 605.33 237.44
Jharkhand 223.1 65.36
Orissa 324.55 60.35
Chhatisgarh 175.22 47.29
Madhya Pradesh 476.35 175.67
Gujarat 332.76 208.64
Daman & Diu 1.39 0.66
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1.71 0.81
Maharashtra 578.59 453.59
Andhra Pradesh 579.17 219.35
Karnataka 359.98 195.99
Goa 6.78 7.74
Lakshdweep 0.42 0.28
Kerala 244.81 85.08
Tamilnadu 334.83 311.4
Pondicherry 3.43 7.14
Andaman & Nicobar 2.63 1.42
All India 7814.91 3142.36
2. Final poverty lines and poverty Head count ratio by state and sector.
Annexure –D
On comparability of the 50th, 55th and 61st rounds of the National Sample Survey :
(a) the three NSS rounds under consideration are comparable in terms of
sampling design but non-comparability arose due to non-sampling errors,
in particular changes in the reference periods introduced in the 55th round
for 1999-2000;
(b) the published results of the 50th and the 61st rounds based on the uniform
reference period (URP) of 30 days for all items are comparable;
(c) The results of the 50th and the 61st rounds, though not published, based on
the mixed reference period (MRP) are also comparable. Mixed reference
period, it may be recalled, refers to 365-days reference period for items
with low frequency of purchase (clothing, footwear, durables, education,
and institutional health care) and 30-day reference period for all the
remaining items of household consumption. In both the rounds, the
information was collected for the low frequency items on 365-day
reference period but was not used in the published tabulations.
(d) The published results of the 55th round cannot be made comparable with
either the 50th or the 61st rounds mainly due to non-sampling errors
introduced by the two recall periods of 7-days and 30-days for certain food
items having been canvassed from the same households in the 55th round.
It may also be mentioned that while the 50th round had collected
information on the low-frequency items of purchase on both 30-days and
365-day recall periods, the 55th round collected the same information only
on 365-days reference period.
(e) Going forward, the National Sample Survey Organization has taken a
decision which impinges on the poverty estimation and which we endorse,
namely, to switch to a new and better version of the Mixed reference
period (MRP*), namely, 365-day reference period for the items of low
frequency of purchase (see © above), 7-day reference period for certain
specified food items and 30-days for all the remaining items. We endorse
the change because it aims at capturing in a more satisfactory manner
(than the prevalent uniform reference period (URP) of 30-days for all
items of consumption which has been in use) the consumption bundle of
the poorer sections of the population, that is, those at the lower end of the
scale of per capita total (household consumer) expenditure (PCTE). We
are informed that the ongoing quinquennial round, namely the 66th round,
has been designed to provide MRP-based as well as MRP*-based PCTE
estimates. This would also imply that given the three alternative reference
periods, namely, URP that has been in use till the 61st round, MRP which
is preferred by the Expert Group to URP and the upcoming MRP*, the
levels of headcount ratios would not be comparable over time but the
design of the surveys permits calculation of the comparable rate of change
in the headcount ratios.
Annexure E