Soal Ujian Reading Ganjil 20 21 Riki Yulian

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Nama : Riki Yulian

NPM : 1908102010028
Kelas : M3

Questions from 1-20 are according to passage above.

1. How many lines, sentences and paragraphs are there in the passage?
2. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
3. How many lines are there in the third paragraph?
4. Why the Spruce Goose need eight engines to power it?
5. Is it true if we say that half of the Spruce Goose wingspan is about 50 meters and the
plane weighed 200.000 kilograms?
6. In what purpose the US Government request for the plane?
7. Is it wrong if we say that the Spruce Goose is never really got used (base of the purpose
it was made of)? Why?
8. Where in the passage (paragraph, sentence and line) that the author mention about
material used to make Spruce Goose?
9. When the Spruce Goose ever fly, where, and for how long?
10. Where should we go if we want to see Spruce Goose next week?
11. What is the best title for the passage?
12. Why the author has to say “but it did fly”, in line nine?
13. What is “critical material” probably mean, in the passage?
14. According to the passage, what is there in Long Beach, California?
15. Why the plane made of wood?
16. If 320 feet is about 100 meters, how long it is in centimetres?
17. Who design the Spruce Goose and who ever flew the plane?
18. The word “it”, at the end of the first paragraph (to power it) is refer to?
19. How long it`s been from the short flight of Spruce Goose until today?
20. Why (do you think) it was flown by Hughes him self?

Answer :
Pesawat dengan lebar sayap terbesar yang pernah dibuat itu dijuluki Spruce Goose.
Lebar sayap Spruce Goose adalah 320 kaki (hampir 100 meter), dan berat pesawat 200 ton.
Itu sangat besar sehingga membutuhkan delapan mesin untuk menyalakannya.
Pesawat tersebut dirancang oleh Howard Hughes sebagai tanggapan atas permintaan
pemerintah AS untuk pesawat yang mampu membawa kargo besar untuk keperluan perang.
Itu terbuat dari kayu karena kayu adalah bahan yang kurang kritis di masa perang daripada
Pesawat itu sangat sulit untuk dibuat sehingga tidak pernah benar-benar digunakan.
Pesawat itu diterbangkan hanya satu kali, oleh Hughes sendiri, pada tanggal 2 November
1947; selama penerbangan itu ia menempuh jarak kurang dari satu mil di atas Pelabuhan
Los Angeles, tetapi ia terbang. Hari ini, Spruce Goose dipamerkan untuk dilihat publik di
Long Beach, California.

1. The passage has 10 lines, 8 sentences, and 3 paragraphs.

2. Main idea of the first paragraph is “The plane with the largest wingspan ever built
was nicknamed the Spruce Goose”.
3. The third paragraph has 4 lines.
4. Because the Spruce Goose has wingspan 320 feets (almost 100m) and wight 200 ton,
it was so big.
5. Yes, it’s true, a half of the Spruce Goose wingspan is 50 m because a wingspan is 320
feets (100m) and wight 200 ton ( 200.00 Kg).
6. The purpose to able to carry a large cargo for the war effort
7. No, because the plane was difficult to build that it never really got used.
8. In the 3rd paragraph, 5th sentence, and 5-6 line.
9. The plane was flown one time only, on November 2,1997; during that flight it
travelled a distance of less than one mile over the Los Angeles Harbor.
10. We can see in Long Beach, California.
11. The best title for the passage is “The Spruce Goose”
12. Because a distance of less than one mile over is a very short distance for an airplane
to cover.
13. The critical material probably mean in the passage is metal.
14. According to the passage, it is the exhibition of the Spruce Goose.
15. Because wood is a less critical material in wartime than metal.
16. The wingspan of the Spruce Goose in centimeter was 10.000 cm.
17. The plane was designed by Howard Hughes and it was flown by Huges himself.
18. “it” at the “to power it” is prefer to the Spruce GooseThe short flight of Spruce
Goose until today is already 26.702 days.
19. It was flown by Hughes himself so as not to injure anyone else because of the Plane
he built.

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