Design Considerations For A Fast Stacked-MOSFET Switch

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Design Considerations for a Fast

Stacked-MOSFET Switch
Martin Sack, Sebastian Keipert, Martin Hochberg, Mario Greule, and Georg Mueller

Abstract— For fast pulse generators using pulse-forming lines source capacitance and the drain–gate capacitance increased
for energy storage, a fast MOSFET is employed as switch. according to the Miller effect [4]. Hence, a low inductance
It needs to have the capability of switching on the current of the gate drive circuit is crucial. Both the magnetic and
within a short rise time. Fast switching of MOSFET requires
the gate driver next to MOSFET in order to minimize the electric coupling enable a transfer of the energy required for
inductance. To increase the voltage switching capability of a gate driving from one single gate driver to all MOSFETs. But
MOSFET switch, several MOSFETs are switched in series. For due to the considerable inductance of such a loop, a fast rise of
such a configuration, a synchronous switching of MOSFETs is the gate signal requires some circuitry for pulse shaping next to
crucial. Hence, the gate drive circuitry needs to be designed to the MOSFETs. Alternatively, only a low-power trigger signal
have equal propagation delay for each MOSFET. The circuitry
for two stages of a stacked MOSFET switch including power is distributed to the stages requiring the power for gate driving
supply and trigger circuit is designed, set up, and tested. The to be transferred to the stages separately. This solution has the
paper describes some design considerations and shows the results advantage that commercially available fast low-side drivers
of some first tests. can be employed for gate driving, but additional circuitry
Index Terms— MOSFET switch, pulse generator. for supplying energy to the stages of the MOSFET switch
is required.

F OR investigations on the influence of high pulsed electric

fields on fast rise time and pulse lengths in the 10-ns
range on biological cells, the use of a semiconductor-based

A. Architecture and Component Selection

Blumlein-type pulse generator is of advantage. Short and fast
rising pulses of appropriate amplitude have an influence on For a pulse generator design, based on pulse-forming lines,
the inner organelles of biological cells. This is a difference only the switch needs to have the capability of switching on.
to slowly rising pulses which charge rather the outer cell The pulse length is determined by length of the pulse-forming
membrane and may cause their permeabilisation [1]. In com- lines. Hence, a semiconductor switch with a low fall time
parison to pulse generators equipped with spark gaps, the of the drain–source voltage is required. The rise time is not
use of semiconductor switches enables a more precise control important. Two different devices are considered alternatively.
of the pulse amplitude and a low jitter of the switching The MOSFET DE475-102N21A [2] is capable of switching a
moment. For fast pulse generators using pulse-forming lines maximum drain–source voltage, Vds of up to 1 kV and a peak
for energy storage, a fast MOSFET might be employed as current of up to 144 A. According to its data sheet [2], a fall
switch. Discrete MOSFETs are capable of fast switching with time of Vds of ∼5 ns is achieved at Vds = 800 V and a pulsed
a rise time in the order 2–5 ns [2], [3]. drain current of 72 A. An appropriate driver for this MOSFET
To increase the voltage switching capability of a MOSFET (DEIC420) is available [5]. The IGBT STGD6NC60H is as
switch beyond the maximum allowed drain–source voltage of well capable of switching on in ∼5 ns, but has a maximum
a single MOSFET, several MOSFETs might be switched in allowed gate–source voltage of 600 V only and a switching
series. When stacking MOSFETs, an equal voltage distribution capability of a pulsed collector current of 19 A according
between the stages in OFF state and a fast and synchronized to the data sheet [6]. The lower switching power of this
switching of the stack is important in order to avoid excessive IGBT is compensated by its lower price. One design goal
voltage stress to single stages. is the capability of switching a pulsed current of at least
Fast switching of a MOSFET requires the appropriate 100 A in order to drive the resistive 50  load of a Blumlein
power for charging the total gate capacitance, i.e., the gate– generator up to a voltage of 5 kV. To achieve a compact
design of the switch, a parallel configuration of two MOSFETs
Manuscript received December 21, 2012; revised April 29, 2013; accepted DE475-102N21A are implemented instead of combining a
May 26, 2013.
The authors are with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute larger number of IGBTs. Fig. 1 gives an overview over the
for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen system components. To use the MOSFET in combination with
76344, Germany (e-mail:;; its appropriate driver, an additional power supply via ferrite;;
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available core transformers driven by an ac current source is foreseen.
online at Transformers are chosen for the distribution of trigger signal
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2013.2267395 to the stages also.
0093-3813/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 3. Test of trigger pulse generator. Collector–emitter voltages of Q1 and

Q2 and load current through R1.

Fig. 1. Overview of components for a stacked MOSFET switch.

Fig. 4. Transformer for trigger pulse transmission.

transfer the trigger signal to the stages (Fig. 4). The secondary
winding might be designed either in the way of a Rogowski
coil, i.e., with an integrating element, or as a Ḃ-probe without
integration. The first approach requires a low inductance of the
cable loop for the trigger signal distribution such that it does
Fig. 2. Trigger pulse generator with fast IGBT and avalanche transistor.
not limit significantly the rise of the trigger pulse. Employing
a Ḃ-probe has the advantage that the inductance of the cable
B. Trigger Circuit loop can be used as integrating element. The pulse length of
The trigger circuit generates a pulse for switching on the the trigger pulse induced in the secondary winding corresponds
stacked MOSFETs. Each stage is equipped with a timer circuit to the rise of the current in the loop. Hence, for a constant
for switching OFF the MOSFET well after the discharge of rise of the current independent of the loop inductance, the
the pulse forming line (PFL). A low jitter of the switching inductance of the loop can be compensated by increasing the
time and, hence, a good synchronisation of the stages can applied trigger voltage according to
be achieved by a fast rising trigger signal. To achieve a dI U
steeper rise of the trigger signal than the fall time of Vds = . (1)
dt L
of the employed MOSFETs, a combination of the fast IGBT
To lower disturbance because of capacitive coupling, the
STGD6NC60H and a bipolar transistor 2N5550 in avalanche
secondary winding is shielded by means of an inner cylinder
mode are used. Fig. 2 shows a simplified schematic of this trig-
made of copper forming an enclosure together with the copper
ger circuit, and Fig. 3 shows the measurements of collector–
layers of the stage’s printed circuit board and an additional
emitter voltages of Q1 and Q2 and the load current through
covering board. The shield is connected to the local ground
R1. C1 is charged to a dc voltage of ∼400–500 V via R3
potential via a connection of low impedance.
and R4. For pulse generation, Q1 is switched on grounding
At each stage, the length of the trigger signal is expanded by
the positively charged terminal of C1. As a consequence,
means of a monoflop to a length sufficient for fully discharging
negative voltage with respect to ground is applied to the
the generator’s pulse forming transmission line. The output
emitter terminal of Q2. The voltage across Q1 falls within
signal of the monoflop is used as an input signal for the gate
∼6 ns applying the voltage with the same rise time to Q2.
drivers of both MOSFETs.
Because of over-voltage, the collector–base diode of Q2 suffers
a reversible avalanche breakdown causing fast switching of
Q2. The voltage across Q2 falls within ∼3 ns. C. MOSFET and Driver
A loop of high-voltage cable which is fed through a sec- After assembly, the switching delay of the stages can be
ondary winding at each stage of the MOSFET switch is used to matched by means of a RC delay stage in the signal chain
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 5. Temperature-dependent signal propagation delay of delay stage,

driver, and MOSFET, as well as total delay time.
Fig. 7. One stage of MOSFET switch.

Fig. 6. Simplified schematic of one stage of the switch comprising the

winding for receiving the trigger signal (L1), a timer stage, MOSFET switches
(T1, T2) and gate drivers (GD), a heating system for both gate drivers
Fig. 8. Simplified schematic of the ac current source for supplying the
(H1, H2), and the power supply.
MOSFET switch.

of each switching stage. For reliable long-term operation, a power MOSFETs. A photo of one stage is shown in Fig. 7. The
constant propagation delay over time is important. MOSFETs power supply needs to be capable of supplying the required
are known to have constant switching delays as the capac- heating power.
itances do not vary significantly with temperature or time.
Nevertheless, a test shows a slight temperature dependence
of the driver DEIC420. The diagram in Fig. 5 shows the D. Power Supply
propagation delays of the delay stage, the driver DEIC420, and Fig. 8 shows a simplified schematic of ac current source
the MOSFET DE475-102N21A at 25 ◦ C and ∼55 ◦ C. While for supplying power to the stages of the switch. The ac
the propagation delay of the delay stage decreases by <1 ns current source comprises a MOSFET half bridge (T1, T2)
and one of the MOSFET stays nearly constant, the propagation driving an LC series circuit (CRes , L Res ). The inductance
delay of the driver decreases by 3.1 ns with the rise in consists of a discrete coil in series with a loop made of high-
temperature. The total propagation delay varies by 4 ns. Hence, voltage cable. This loop is fed through ferrite cores at each
for a precise synchronization of the stages, it is of advantage stage carrying the secondary winding. The switching of the
to keep all the drivers at an equal temperature. Therefore, a MOSFETs is controlled in such a way that the LC circuit
heating system for the drivers is implemented. Fig. 6 shows the is operated at its resonance frequency, and the MOSFETs
simplified schematic of one stage of the switch comprising are switched when the current is near-zero only in order to
the secondary winding for receiving the trigger pulse (L1), minimize losses (soft switching). The current through the loop
the timer including the delay stage for matching switching is sensed. A simple way of current regulation is implemented;
delays, and two MOSFET switches (T1, T2) together with if the current amplitude exceeds a predefined limit, switching
its drivers. Additional MOSFETs serving as heaters at both of the upper MOSFET of the bridge is paused for one or more
sides of the drivers (H1, H2) are operated in linear regime cycles until the current amplitude falls below this limit. This
and supply heat to the drivers via the circuit board’s copper simple current regulation works fine as long as the resonance
layer. A feedback control loop keeps the temperature constant circuit is damped only weakly, which can be guaranteed easily
even because of heat transfer from neighbored devices, such as by design. Each stage of the MOSFET switch is equipped
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 10. Generation of trigger pulse. Voltage across IGBT Q1 (according

to Fig. 2), voltage across loop measured at the terminals of the main trigger
Fig. 9. AC supply current for the stages, output voltage of the half bridge, circuit, and trigger voltage (VTrg in Fig. 6).
and the voltage at the capacitor of the resonance circuit to ground.

with voltage regulation for the required supply voltages. All

stages are switched in series as well with respect to the power
supply. As they are all supplied with the same current, but their
power consumption may differ significantly due to the heating
of the drivers, the power flow to each stage is controlled by
temporarily shorting the stage’s transformer. For this feature, a
third winding is applied to the transformer instead of directly
shorting the transformer. So the current in the path for shorting
the stage can be lowered by an increased number of turns in
order to reduce losses.


A S TACK OF T WO S TAGES Fig. 11. Signal propagation within one stage of the MOSFET switch. Trigger
signal (VTrigger ) triggers the delay stage (VDelay ) delivering its signal to both
So far, the power supply, the trigger circuit, and two stages drivers. The signals VGate1 and VGate2 are the gate signals for both MOSFETs
are assembled and tested. (measurement at Vds = 0).

A. Power Supply and Trigger Circuit B. Switching Behaviour of One Single Stage
Fig. 9 shows the ac supply current for the stages (ISupply ) The signal propagation within one stage of the MOSFET
together with the output voltage of the half bridge (VHalfbridge) switch is shown in Fig. 11. The output signal of the delay
and the voltage at the capacitor of the resonance circuit (VCres ) stage Vdelay is adjusted to a delay of 13 ns with respect to the
to ground. For supplying two stages, only the half bridge is trigger signal. It triggers the two MOSFET drivers. Both driver
supplied by a dc-link voltage of 15 V. The supply current output signals VGate1 and VGate2 exhibit a difference in time
ISupply is kept constant at 2.1 Aeff resulting in a voltage of of 2 ns, which might be further reduced in a future design.
VCres = 163 Veff across the capacitor. The resonance frequency One stage of the switch is tested with an applied voltage
is chosen to ∼100 kHz. of between 200 and 1000 V. Fig. 12 shows the circuit of the
The generation of the trigger pulse is shown in Fig. 10. test setup. A 100-nF capacitor bank (Cs ) is discharged into
Vloop is the mainly inductive voltage drop across the cable loop a load resistor with low inductance (RL ) via the switch. The
caused by the rise of the trigger current. The loop inductance is value of the load resistor is selected to 10  resulting in a
measured to L 1 = 0.22 μH. The inductance of the secondary current of 100 A at 1 kV across the resistor. Fig. 13 shows
winding is L 2 = 0.52 μH. The coupling inductance L 12 is the applied voltages together with the voltages across the load
determined to 0.02 μH. According to resistor and the trigger signal. In Fig. 14, the falling slope of
the voltage across the switch (Vds ) is magnified. The fall time
L 12
k12 = √ (2) of Vds varies between 2.3 ns for the 200 V step to 6.1 ns for
L1 L2 the 1000-V step, both measured between the signal levels 10%
the coupling factor between primary and secondary winding and 90%.
is calculated to k12 = 7%, based on the measurements. In addition to the tests with RC circuit, a set of coax-
The trigger voltage across the secondary winding is limited ial cables in parallel configuration, each terminated with a
by diodes to get a rectangular shape. matched load is connected to the single stage of the switch.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 15. Schematic of test circuit with PFLs and measurement of drain–
Fig. 12. Schematic of the RC test circuit with measurement of drain–source source voltage (Ch1) and current by means of a shunt (RSh , Ch2).
voltage, VDS , (Ch1) and voltage across the load resistor RL VR (Ch2).

Fig. 13. Drain–source voltage and voltage across load resistor R = 10 

during switching at different voltage levels together with the trigger signal.

Fig. 16. Test circuit with PFLs connected to a single stage of the MOSFET

a copper plane (Fig. 16D), which is connected to the stage

of the switch under test. A 50 m shunt Rsh (Fig. 16E) is
used for measuring the current through the switch. The drain–
source voltage is decoupled via a fast high-voltage probe. The
measurement signals are acquired by means of an oscilloscope.
For the photo the probe for measuring drain–source voltage is
removed. The load impedance can be varied by the number of
connected cables. For the test RG58 cables with a characteris-
Fig. 14. Drain–source voltage and voltage across load resistor R = 10  tic impedance of 50  is used. Hence, each cable contributes
during switching at different voltage levels, detail of switching moments. together with its terminating resistor Rt (Fig. 16B), a total
impedance of 100  to the parallel configuration. To achieve
a current of 100 A at a charging voltage of the cables of 800 V,
Figs. 15 and 16 show the schematic and a photo of the test 13 coaxial cables are employed resulting in a total impedance
setup. The PFL are charged via a decoupling resistor Rch of 8 . This current corresponds to the current required for
(Fig. 16A). Terminating resistors Rt (Fig. 16B) are placed driving a 50  load at a voltage of 5 kV, as required for
between the plugs for connecting the cables (Fig. 16C) and the intended electroporation experiments. As the switch is
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 19. Synchronized triggering of two stages. Trigger voltages and drain–
Fig. 17. Pulse currents for varying charging voltage V 0 between 200 and source voltages measured at two stages at VDS = 0.
800 V for the test setup according to Fig. 15.

Fig. 20. Stack of two stages switching a voltage of 1.6 kV into a 20  load
(C = 50 nF).

Fig. 18. Drain–source voltage and pulse currents for varying charging voltage
V0 between 200 and 800 V for the test setup accorrding to Fig. 15, detail of
switching moments.

operated as a closing switch, the pulse length is equivalent

to twice the travelling time of the pulse along the cable.
Fig. 17 shows the measured currents for a charging voltage V0
between 200 and 800 V. For 800 V charging voltage, a peak
current of 99 A is achieved. The pulse length is th = 43 ns,
measured between the rising and falling edge at half amplitude.
Fig. 18 shows the voltage across the switch together with the
current during switching for a charging voltage between 200
and 800 V. The fall time of the voltage, measured between
10% and 90% of V , varies between 6.3 ns for V0 = 200 V Fig. 21. Stack of two stages switching a voltage of 1.6 kV (RLoad = 20 ,
C = 100 nF). Trigger signal VTrigger , voltages VStage1 and VStage2 measured
and 7.1 ns for V0 = 800 V. The rise time of the current, also at the drains of each stage to ground, voltage across the load VLoad .
measured between 10% and 90% of I , varies between 6.0
and 7.6 ns accordingly.
The stack is tested by switching an RC circuit according
C. Stack of Two Stages to Fig. 12 with a capacitor of 50 nF, initially charged to a
A stack of two stages are assembled. For this test, the stages voltage of 1.6 kV and a resistor of 20 . So the load per
are mounted at a distance of 6 cm and 800-V-avalanche diodes stage is equivalent to 10  at a stage voltage of 800 V. The
are switched in parallel to each stage in order to protect the discharge time constant τ is equal to 1 μs. Fig. 20 shows
MOSFETs in case of malfunction. the voltages across the MOSFET stack and the load resistor.
Fig. 19 shows the trigger signals measured across the trigger A detailed view of the switching moment is shown in Fig. 21.
transformer’s secondary windings at each stage, and the gate– The voltages VStage1 and VStage2 are measured at the drains
source voltage of one MOSFET per stage. A delay of <1 ns of each stage to ground. The diagram shows an equal voltage
between both trigger signals are determined. Both gate signals distribution between the stages before and during switching.
exhibit a delay of ∼2 ns. The slight delay of the signal VStage2 is caused by an inductive
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


voltage drop across the connecting leads between stage 1 and [3] (2012, Oct.). IXYS RF: Datasheet for MOSFET 275-
stage 2. For the final assembly of the switch, the stages will be 102N21A-00, Doc #9200-0247 [Online]. Available:
put closer together, and the connecting wires will be replaced 79-275x2-102n06a-00-datasheet
by stripes of copper in order to reduce the inductance. [4] U. Tietze and C. Schenk, Halbleiterschaltungstechnik. Berlin, Germany:
Springer-Verlag, 1990.
[5] (2012, Oct.). IXYS RF: DE-Series MOSFET, DEIC420 And SOP-28 IC
IV. C ONCLUSION Device Installation & Mounting Instructions [Online]. Available:
For synchronized switching of stacked MOSFETs, a fast datasheets/doc_download/5-de-series-mosfet-deic420-and-sop-28-ic
rising trigger signal and an equal propagation delay in all [6] (2012, Oct.). ST Semiconductor: Datasheet for IGBT STGD6NC60HD
stages is required. The fast rising trigger signal was generated [Online]. Available:
by the combination of a fast IGBT and an avalanche transistor. CD00058419.pdf
Trigger signal generation, power supply, and two stages of the
switch were set up and tested successfully. The next step will
be set up and testing of a larger stack of switch stages.

[1] K. H. Schoenbach, B. Hargrave, R. P. Joshi, J. Kolb, R. Nuccitelli,
C. Osgood, A. Pakhomov, M. Stacey, R. J. Swanson, J. A. White,
S. Xiao, J. Zhang, S. J. Beebe, P. F. Blackmore, and E. S. Buescher,
“Bioelectric effects of intense nanosecond pulses,” IEEE Trans. Dielectr.
Electr. Insul., vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1088–1109, Oct. 2007.
[2] (2009, Oct.). IXYS RF: Datasheet for MOSFET 475-
102N21A-00, Doc #9200-0247 [Online]. Avilable:
77-475-102n21a-00-datasheet Authors’ biographies and photographs not available at the time of publication.

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