Unit 1: Self-Awareness and Personal Development
Unit 1: Self-Awareness and Personal Development
Unit 1: Self-Awareness and Personal Development
And Personal
Self-awareness and Values Development
{ Know thyself }
- Socrates
What is Self-awareness?
• Self-awareness is knowing your motivation, preferences, and personality and
understanding how these factors influence your judgment, decisions, and interactions
with other people.
• Through self-awareness one becomes attuned to present realities and surroundings
and gains understanding of how awareness of these experiences impact our lives.
• Self-awareness or self-knowledge is the starting point for effectiveness at work
{To lead or attempt to lead without first having knowledge of self is foolhardy
and sure to bring disaster and defeat }
- Machiavelli
Self-awareness has many benefits, among them:
• Understanding yourself in relation to others
• Developing and implementing a sound self-improvement program
• Setting appropriate life and career goals
• Developing relationships with others
• Understanding the value of diversity
• Managing others effectively
• Increasing productivity
• Increasing your ability to contribute to organizations, your community, and
• For example, knowing what you are good at and what you enjoy doing may
help in selecting a career or job that is professionally satisfying and therefore
financially and personally satisfying.
• By knowing yourself- your strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes- you will
know where you belong.
Why is Self Awareness Important in an organization?
• have attained heightened • relate to or empathize with
states of self-awareness co-workers tend to be more
tend to be superior performers trusted and are perceived
as being more competent
2. Modes of thinking- the way you process the various inputs received by the brain.
• How do you analyze information and make judgments about how to use and apply
that information?
• How you make judgments and decisions that lead to choosing one behavior or course
of action over another.
3. Modes of acting- the course of action you apply in a given situation.
• What approach do you choose to apply in response to stimuli, events, people, thoughts,
and feelings?
• Being aware of how you express your reaction to the things that happen to and around
you can help you understand the alternatives available to you when certain events arise.
4. Modes of interacting- the way in which you communicate and share ideas, opinions,
and feelings with others.
• Whom do you feel comfortable relating to?
• How do you typically share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas with others? Being
aware of how you talk to and work with others can help you understand how your
preferred style meshes with those with whom you work and live.
Importance of Self-awareness
• Understanding the way your self-concept develops increases your self- awareness.
• The better you understand yourself the more you will know and understand how to
live harmoniously with others.
• One way to gain self-awareness is by using the Johari Window of the Self created
by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingram.
In the Johari Window, there are four selves that represents you
Q1. you know I. Area of free II. Blind Area (Bad Q2. all information
about yourself Activities (Public or breath Area) about yourself that
and others also open self) OPEN BLIND SELF others know but you
know about you. SELF are unaware of.
a. Choosing-
• it must be freely. Free from coercion --- accountable for the outcome
• Made from alternatives
• If there were no alternatives, then there would be no free choice in the
first place one would be able to accept what he is faced with
the thoughtful consideration of the consequences of each alternatives
• Therefore choice which are made impulsively, without thought, would not
constitute a valuing process.
2. Prizing. - A value that has been chosen should be prized and cherished.
• This means that a person who chooses a value must be happy about what he has
chosen and hold it as something dear to him.
• area of affirmation: after we have chosen something from the alternatives and
are proud of it, we are then glad to be associated with it and are willing to admit so
3. Acting. The third category of a value is that we act upon our choice
• "Have I acted on it, or was it something I was still thinking about“
• In this case, if the person has not acted upon it. It would simply not be
a value.
• commitment-in-action which would change one's behavior and
would make evident to other people that there is a value present
• value should be repeatedly acted upon
Values may be classified in terms of the following: