Module 6 Paper Ogl350
Module 6 Paper Ogl350
Module 6 Paper Ogl350
someone who is different from you, and you will have to know how to be respectful to them and
around them. I just had a conversation about this with my kids at the dinner table. How no matter
what or who someone is we treat them with respect and kindness. When it comes to diversity it is
about treating people with respect and also learning about their culture and making sure they feel
respected by you.
When reading the chapters about the Giraffe and the Elephant there were somethings that
really hit me. (Roosevelt 1996) When I was reading it, I felt a gut punch when it got to the point
of the elephant entering the house and trying to make himself at home in the giraffe’s house and
he broke things because he did not fit. Then the giraffe told the elephant to change who he was it
punched me in the gut. How many times have we as a country asked people to change who they
are? How many times as a woman have, I been asked to change who I am? You are too loud, too
outspoken, to much like this or that. I felt for the poor elephant, not fitting in, and being asked to
change so that he can change. As a mom I feel like this has happened too many times. I am loud,
think a little different than most woman and I am a pastors wife people do not seem to like that
about me. It puts them off and they want me to change who I am to fit in better.
This story also makes me think, do I ever treat anyone like an elephant? Do I make
people fit into my world? Or do I love them as there are in their world? This is a hard one to
admit if you are wrong. There are times when I feel like I do good and do not feel the need to
change others. Then there are times when I know that, in my head at least, I want people to
change, and I do not make them welcome in my “house”. This is something that I am working on
and know that, especially as a Christ follower I need to be better about loving people as they are.
Conflict happens everywhere we go and in every workplace. It does not always get to
big issues with yelling and fighting. It can be little things that can cause conflict. Then
adding a business transaction adds for even more conflict, then add the fact that there are
cultural differences, and you are just asking for conflict. Each culture has a different way of
communicating their ideas and plans. The article 25 Fascinating Charts of Negotiating
Around the World was very interesting to see all the different ways that countries negotiate.
(Lubin 2014) It shows how easily miscommunication can happen in a conversation and
negotiation. Each culture communicates differently and if you have not taken the time to
learn how the other culture communicates than there will be conflict.
A lot of communication has to do with your diversity maturity. I took the quiz for
diversity maturity and I got high diversity maturity. I am willing to see other cultures and
make sure that they are treated fairly. Not just cultures but diversity. From the way
someone is dressed to their tattoos to their being a different gender than what is expected in
a certain job. Just because someone is different than you, does not mean that they cannot do
their job and maybe even better than you. More managers need to stand up for those who
are in the minority, no matter which sort of minority. The one thing that I have really
learned in my forty years of living, is to stop caring what others think of me and what I
believe and instead to encourage and treat everyone the same: with respect and kindness.
One of the articles I read said that conflict is either task or relationship oriented. (Greer
2013) I feel like this is one of the truest statements I have ever read. Many times, the
conflicts I have are because there is a disagreement with how a task is supposed to go and
which is the best way to get the task done. When you are in a solid relationship when you
are comfortable with someone, is when conflict also happens. When we get comfortable
with each other we let our guard down and our true colors show. Then conflict happens
because we feel comfortable with letting our true feelings out. When these things happen,
we need to be willing to resolve the conflict by listening to the other person and what they
have to say. Conflict can be resolved when both parties are willing to listen and resolve the
Lubin, Gus March 26, 2014 25 Fascinating Charts of Negotiation Styles Around the World
Jehn, K.A. & Greer, L. (2013). Diversity as Disagreement: The Role of Group Conflict. Chapter