The Enneagram Personality Test
The Enneagram Personality Test
The Enneagram Personality Test
Personality Test
OCTOBER 24, 2021 - 2:38PM
Your Enneagram type reveals what motivates you on a very deep level, and illuminates the path you must take to
achieve a higher level of self-actualization.
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The 9 Types of the Enneagram
Each of the nine types of the Enneagram has its own driving force, which is centered around a particular emotion.
Some types experience strong emotions, while other types aim to avoid emotions in one form or another. However,
whether running from emotions or diving into them, each type describes some aspect of emotional experience.
The nine types of the Enneagram are commonly divided into three groups of three types each: Body Types, Head
Types, and Heart Types. Each of these groups is considered to be driven by a particular center of intelligence and
a particular core emotion.
Body Types
Body types are driven by instinct and are tuned into their five senses as a primary means of gathering information.
Body types often feel their emotions and reactions in their stomach and have a "gut sense" for things.
For body types, the core emotion is anger. This does not necessarily mean that all body types experience anger
frequently. Some people who are body types repress their anger; however it is still a driving force in their thoughts
and actions.
NINE 67%
ONE 78%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Eights see themselves as strong and powerful and seek to stand up for what they believe in. They rarely see
themselves as having vulnerabilities and have the belief that they can handle pretty much anything that comes
their way. Eights have easy access to their anger, and as a result, are sometimes seen as intimidating to others.
However, Eights typically see themselves as fighters, standing up for what is right and protecting the weak.
Nines are defined by a desire to live in peaceful harmony with their environment. They want a sense of balance
and calm, and aspire to a kind of homeostasis where nothing disturbs their inner peace. They tend to be easygoing
and accepting of what is happening around them, but can become resistant and willfully oblivious when
something in the environment threatens to throw them off balance.
Ones are defined by their belief that everything must be in order, and by their feeling that they must always be
"right." They show great commitment and determination to improve conditions that they find need improvement,
and they are forward in encouraging others to improve their performance, too.
Head Types
Head types are driven by intellect and tend to analyze and rationalize their emotions. Head types make choices
and evaluations based on their logical analysis and interpretations of things. They are prone to "overthinking"
For head types, the core emotion is fear. This does not necessarily mean that all head types knowingly experience
a lot of fear; for some, fear is more of an unconscious driving force.
FIVE 98%
SIX 72%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fives are driven by a belief that their resources are scarce, and that they don’t have enough of what they need.
Unlike other types who go out into the world to get what they need, Fives instead aim to need as little as possible.
To achieve this, they withdraw from the world, retreating into their minds to conserve their time, energy and other
Sixes are preoccupied with security, seek safety, and like to be prepared for problems. They have active minds
which are constantly scanning for danger and creating contingency plans. They are highly attuned to risk and
typically have a clear idea of what they will do in any worst-case scenario. They are good at seeing how things will
play out, particularly understanding how things could go wrong.
Sevens are defined by their desire to experience everything good and pleasurable that the world has to offer, while
avoiding pain, boredom, and limitations. Although Sevens appear enthusiastic and fun-loving, deep down, they
have a fear of getting stuck in negative emotions. Thus, they tend to disconnect from their deeper feelings, instead
focusing on their imagination and zest for life to keep them moving forward and gathering new, pleasurable
Heart Types
Heart types are driven by their emotions and their desire to connect with other people. Heart types are driven by a
strong sense of empathy and their sense of what people are experiencing, both themselves and others.
For heart types, the core emotion is sadness, which originates from a sense of disconnection with self or others.
Some heart types experience sadness more acutely, while others proactively try to connect with people to
circumvent their core sadness.
TWO 47%
FOUR 95%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Twos want to be liked and find ways that they can be of service to others so that they can belong. They have a
strong need to be affiliated with others, and pursue acceptance by being kind, caring, and helpful. They are highly
altruistic and empathetic and often have an intuitive sense of what other people need and want. They sometimes
give too much of themselves because they are so eager to be connected with others.
Threes are defined by their desire to achieve. They want to advance in the world and will sacrifice almost anything
for success; vigorously pursuing tasks and becoming utterly absorbed in the pursuit of attainment. But they will
only choose a task in the first place if it promises rewards and brings prestige. Threes like to stand out. They have
a burning need to be admired and see life as a game where winning is emphasized.
Fours are defined by their belief that they are different from other people, and by their feelings of envy for what
others have. Fours have the sense that something is missing from their lives, and they worry that they will never
have the happiness that other people experience. At their core, Fours passionately long for the type of deep
connection that will make them feel whole and accepted.
Your Type in Depth
Your primary type is Five. In this section, we'll dive deep into the Five profile to understand how it drives your core
emotions, fears, and desires, as well as how it impacts you in relationships and at work.
In a Nutshell
Fives believe their resources are scarce, and that they don’t have enough of what they need. Unlike other types
who go out into the world to get more of what they need, Fives take the opposite approach and instead decide to
minimize their needs as much as possible. To achieve this they withdraw from the world, retreating into their
minds to conserve their time, energy and other resources.
At their core, Fives fear being overwhelmed by the needs of others, and by extension, their own physical and
emotional needs. They have a sensitive core which they aim to protect by isolating themselves from people,
situations and certain aspects of themselves to avoid having demands placed on them.
Fives perceive their energy as limited. They carefully calculate what they have, what they can do with it and what
they need to avoid in order to not feel depleted. This scarcity mindset can drive them toward a relentless search
inwards for the truth about life, which further disconnects the Five from his own intuitive wisdom and the gift of
relationships. The Five’s strategy of isolation is both a source of relief, and also one of suffering.
Strengths Challenges
• Perceptive and insightful about the way the world • Being too secretive with information
works • Over-compartmentalizing life and relationships
• Objective analysis of complex problems • Feeling awkward in social situations
• Mastery of specialized knowledge • Can ignore their own body and physical needs
• Self-sufficient with excellent personal boundaries • Trouble expressing emotions spontaneously
• Calm in a crisis
Core Weakness
Avarice: hoarding energy, time, knowledge and possessions.
Fives seek to be self-sufficient and do so by downplaying their needs, priding themselves on living a minimalist
life. Their economical way of thinking leads them to believe they will never have enough resources to survive life.
So, they aim to hoard as many resources as they can. This scarcity mindset escalates the more they isolate
themselves. Yet the more tightly Fives hold on to what the have, the more scarcity they create.
Core Belief
“I think, therefore I am.”
Core Fear
Of being helpless, useless or incapable. Of being overwhelmed by the emotional or physical needs of others, and
by extension, the needs of themselves.
Fives feel ill-equipped to manage life’s demands and cope by withdrawing into their heads. They avoid situations
that might demand too much of them and instead spend time alone, thinking and acquiring knowledge in order to
feel competent to navigate the demands of the outer world.
Core Desire
To be wise, perceptive and insightful. To trust that they will always have what they need to be able to respond to
every situation. To fully understand and experience life on all levels – emotional, mental and physical. To be deeply
connected with everyone and everything around them.
Core Traits
Self-Sufficient. Fives are the ultimate minimalists. They want to be as autonomous as possible, and will minimize
their physical and emotional needs in order to be free of external demands. They create and honor clear
boundaries, respecting people’s time and space, because that is what they themselves need. Fives quickly assess
whether they want to spend time with someone and only invest time and energy in a few trusted people.
Reflective. Fives prioritize thinking over action. They are excellent at gathering information, but will put off ‘doing’
if they believe they don’t have information. Fives need a large amount of personal space and time to review, reflect
and analyze, before they are confident enough to express a position or take action on a plan. Given that Fives
thoroughly enjoy learning, they can get lost in the process and in the data, forgetting to for the bigger picture. By
stepping back, they will generate the insights and confidence that will support a Five to get out into the world.
Private and modest. Fives do not like to draw attention to themselves. They are uncomfortable in the spotlight,
preferring to be alone or in a private space. The most private thing anyone has is their thoughts, and Fives are
hesitant to share them with others, believing that doing so will deplete their energy or threaten their boundaries.
Fives prefer to communicate in a way that reveals as little about themselves as possible – email, text or phone
call. They know that sharing more of themselves creates stronger relationships but they choose to overlook this,
even if it leads to them having fewer resources and less support.
Compartmentalizing. Fives use the power of their thoughts to avoid being overwhelmed by emotions. One way
they do this is by compartmentalizing, that is, they separate their thoughts and emotions into separate boxes
inside their minds. This allows the Five to deal with emotions only when they are ready, which is usually when they
are alone. Fives also apply this process to the vast amount of knowledge they acquire, allowing them to deeply
focus on a single box at a time before closing it and moving on to another one. Life gets compartmentalized too,
and Fives prefer to keep work, home and friendship groups separate from each other, intending that none of these
‘boxes’ crossover in real life.
Emotional Life
Fives intellectualize their feelings, preferring to think about them rather than feel them. To a Five, emotions are
scary, dangerous and not to be trusted. Their defensive strategy requires them to detach emotions from every
experience and tuck them away until it feels safe to review them.
Fives fear feelings because feelings are overwhelming, unpredictable, and draw attention from people. Preferring
to remain in control and avoid others’ compassion, Fives automatically and unconsciously set the emotion aside.
They also have a deeply sensitive core. Many Fives have experienced the pain of loneliness, fear and hurt as a
child and they believe themselves to be incredibly vulnerable to emotions. Hence they detach from all emotions, in
order to avoid accidentally opening their personal Pandora’s box.
Fives have been employing this emotional disconnection strategy for so long they can be unaware of their feelings
at all. To the outside world, they appear aloof, uncaring and cold. However, the emotions are always there, waiting
for the Five’s attention.
After a lifetime of hiding from their emotions, Fives often lack the skill of emotional handling, which can make the
feelings seem scarier than they need to. To manage, Fives create a strategy for ‘experiencing’ their emotions. This
involves processing their emotions alone, in a safe space, and rarely sharing an emotional experience with another
person. It can take minutes, hours, days or weeks for a Five to bring an emotion back to the surface so they can
experience it and then process accordingly. If Fives avoid doing this, it can leave them unable to feel their feelings
at all.
This unusual approach to emotions gives the Five an incredible ability to analyze situations objectively, without
emotions getting in the way – theirs or others. However, emotions are a fundamental human experience and also
provide useful data to understand a situation more deeply. For a Five to find the deeper wisdom they seek, learning
to become more comfortable with their feelings is essential.
Childhood Origins
In childhood, most Fives experienced a time when they felt neglected, deprived or overwhelmed and felt depleted
as a result. When the Five was unable to get their needs met through charm or force, they instead drew inwards.
This inner retreat to find safety and confidence defines the Five as they develop into adulthood and adopts the
habits necessary to avoid feelings of helplessness, their Core Fear.
The first habit a Five builds is withdrawing to a private space, seeking to protect himself mentally, physically and
emotionally from others. For example, a Five may believe that they don't need new clothes, much food, or physical
activity. The second habit is detaching from the Five’s own emotional needs, to protect themself from themself.
Whether this is to avoid being overwhelmed by their feelings – and thus embarrassing themself in public – or
because Fives feel safest when they are autonomous, is not clear, and the young Five may not understand why
they choose to protect themself the way they do.
Finally, the Five will shift his attachment to something objective, with the aim of gaining mental mastery over some
form of knowledge or activity. As Fives give up on expecting anything from others, they focus on being as self-
sufficient as possible. They do this not by going out into the world to get more, but by minimizing their needs and
holding tightly to what they have. The resource that requires the least amount of energy to use is their mind. Thus,
Fives focus on their ability to think and analyze to understand something deeply.
Ultimately, Fives seek knowledge and they pursue this relentlessly. They believe that the more knowledge they
have, the safer they will be. Five children will focus on becoming competent at an activity before they risk social
interactions. Whether that’s a musical instrument or collecting bugs, the young Five won’t feel ready ‘to be in the
world’ until they have mastered something.
In Relationships
Fives assume relationships will deplete instead of nourish them, so will not enter into a relationship lightly. More
than any other type, Fives will live without an intimate relationship. This is not necessarily because they want to,
but rather they struggle to compromise on their lifestyle simply for the sake of a relationship. However, once a
relationship has been established, Fives are incredibly loyal, affectionate and funny.
The Good:
The Bad:
Fives can view relationships as a threat to the independent life they have created for themselves. Relationships
also give rise to many different emotions, both positive and negative, that can feel overwhelming to a Five. Fives
may fear they will be unable to manage the emotional demands that will be placed upon them by their partner, and
doubt that they will have enough resources to manage the needs of another person. For this reason, Fives are
likely to take an incremental approach to developing a relationship, slowly opening themselves up to another
person over time.
Fives can quickly assess whether a person is someone they want to spend time with, giving time and energy only
to people they like and trust. However, as Fives see any personal interaction through the lens of energy
management, they can dismiss any and all relationships, friendships or partnerships too quickly, simply to avoid
being in an uncomfortable situation.
Fives need to find a partner who understands their need for privacy and alone time – someone who recognizes
that retreat is not rejection, but an essential time out for Fives who need to process the thoughts and emotions
they compartmentalized earlier that day. An ideal partner will understand that the Five may not be a quick
conversationalist, unless it is on a topic they have given great thought to. They will connect intellectually with their
partner first.
Once in a relationship, Fives will prefer a dynamic that feels comfortable, familiar and unsurprising, such as small
daily interactions that take place in the kitchen over breakfast. As they disconnect from their emotions, Fives
struggle to show affection and love, assuming their loyalty and presence conveys that for them. While
uncomfortable at first, by learning more about their partner and asking for their assistance, Fives can learn to
deliver small acts or words of affection on a regular basis.
At Work
At work, Fives must have privacy and the ability the focus, both in their environment and in their area of expertise.
They prefer to work alone for long periods, ideally when no one else is around or when they know they are
protected from intrusions.
Fives feel competent when they are permitted to accumulate knowledge, by researching and analyzing to solve the
world’s problems. They aim to be specialists in one or more areas. Fives are thirsty for understanding and this
drives them to discover deeper insights and wisdom in their chosen fields. Unsurprisingly, Fives thrive in roles that
allow them to continually learn and gain even greater mastery.
The search for objective truth requires focus and privacy and Fives need a place they can retreat to and maintain a
sense of privacy. Whatever their work situation, Fives will design their environment to reduce interruptions,
intrusions, surprises, unnecessary social interactions and unclear collaboration. Fives prefer to have absolute
clarity of all tasks, timelines, responsibilities and deliverables. They also prefer that their team members have the
same – to ensure no last-minute surprises.
Social interactions can be a sticking point for Fives. They find it hard to relate to or collaborate with others unless
they understand what the person’s role is and how their competence is relevant for this situation. Fives share little
personal information about themselves and can appear distant, arrogant or disinterested to others. However, once
comfortable, a Five can develop solid relationships with coworkers sharing personal details or feelings.
• Isolated
• Eccentric
• Delusional
• Paranoid
• Antagonistic
• Mocking
• Antisocial
• Physical neglect
• Reclusive
At average levels of psychological health, Fives worry that people or other intrusions will prevent them from
mastering the knowledge and skills they need to feel confident and competent. This anxiety leads Fives to spend
more time alone studying, researching and practicing in their fields of interest.
• Withdrawn
• Secretive
• Resentful of others
• Intense
• Studious
• Impatient
• Awkward
• Observant
• Detached
At their best, Fives are able to consciously balance their need for alone time with social time, having learnt that
relationships can also give them energy and independence. They are innovative and perceptive, able to let go of
the need to simply observe and instead feeling confident in engaging and participating in life, moment to moment.
• Confident
• Curious
• Perceptive
• Imaginative
• Compassionate
• Expressive
• Engaging
• Practical
• Knowledgeable
• Calm
• Insightful
Essential to the Enneagram is the idea of growth and movement. Rather than being locked into a static personality
type, the Enneagram shows how we can shift and change, both under stress and in times of expansion and
growth. The two primary ways our personalities undergo transformation is through wings and arrows.
In the Enneagram, each type is considered to have two potential wings. Your potential wings are the types which
are adjacent to your primary type on the Enneagram diagram. For most people, their primary type explains the core
of their behavior, while the wing drives secondary (and sometimes contradictory!) aspects of who they are.
Learning about your wing will help you to understand your personality in more depth.
Wings are also a way to think about development. In studying the Enneagram, the first goal is always to
understand ourselves as we are. The second goal is to understand how to move out of our patterns so that we
may become more well-rounded, adaptable, and effective as people. Wings can help us to understand who we are,
but they can also help us to see new behaviors that we might experiment with in order to grow and develop.
Because our wings are adjacent to our own patterns, they can be easier to “try on” as compared with other,
unrelated types.
As a Five, you may have either a Four or a Six wing, or a bit of both. These wings modify how you express your
type, and add depth to understanding what drives you. If there are some aspects of who you are that do not seem
to fit with your primary type, then understanding your wings may explain why.
FOUR 95%
SIX 72%
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fours are creative, emotional and expressive individuals who want to be seen as unique and special. At their core,
Fours have deeply intense emotional lives, wanting to deeply understand who they are through their feelings. While
they fear never being understood, they also long for deep connections and intimate relationships with other
A Four wing brings more empathy, creativity and imagination to the Five personality type. Where Fives detach from
their emotions, Fours will seek them out, aiming to understand themselves and the world around them by
understanding their own emotions. So, a Five with a Four wing will find their thoughts and feelings more
connected. This helps to moderate the Five’s automatic detachment from feelings and helps them become more
familiar with their feelings and more comfortable responding to emotions when they arise.
Developing a Four wing will also increase a Five’s ability to connect with others on a deeper level. Intimate
relationships become more important to Fives with a Four wing, and that’s due to the Four’s interest in how people
outside of themselves interact with one another. Fives with a Four wing tend to feel more comfortable asking
questions, sharing their reactions and connecting emotionally with another person.
Sixes are loyal, responsible and safety-conscious individuals who want to make the world safe for themselves and
the people they care about. At their core, they fear not being able to survive on their own and rely on people,
institutions and beliefs to provide them with support, while also being deeply skeptical of it. It takes them time to
trust someone or something.
A Six wing brings more loyalty, courage and commitment to the Five personality type. Where Fives will distance
themselves from people, Sixes commit themselves to people or causes wholeheartedly because they see strength
in numbers. A Five with a Six wing, then, will be more comfortable aligning themselves with a group, and will be
loyal to the people or principles for which they stand. This helps to moderate the Five’s desire to withdraw into
complete isolation.
Developing a Six wing will increase a Five’s assertiveness, using the courage of a Six to interact with the people
around them. Fives with a Six wing tend to ask more questions, interact more with the group, and argue for or
against their shared ideas and opinions. By considering how they can contribute to the group, a Five often
discovers that less demands are placed on them rather than more.
Arrows in the Enneagram represent a path to development. Each Enneagram type is connected to two other types
in the diagram, and each connection is marked with an arrow in a particular direction. These arrows can be
thought of as pointing in the direction of growth. One arrow points towards your primary type, indicating that you
must grow from this development point. The other arrow points away from your primary type, indicating that you
will grow toward this development point.
In contrast with wings, which are somewhat related with our primary type, arrows point to aspects of our
personality that may be completely neglected. We tend to access our arrow points during times of upheaval, when
we are experiencing stress or profound personal growth. Accessing arrow points is often difficult and disruptive,
but integrating these points with our personalities is an important part of becoming our highest selves.
Fives connect with development points of type Eight and Seven. The characteristics of these types present key
developmental stages in the growth of the Five personality type. You may have already developed somewhat
through your arrows, or you may find that your arrows present new opportunities for you to think about how to be
more effective.
Your scores for each of your arrow points can give you some idea of how much you've already developed through
these points. Higher scores indicate that you've already developed somewhat, while lower scores indicate an area
for future growth.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The origin point of the Five is type Eight. This represents a mode that is blocked or repressed for the Five. For
Fives, the origin point of Eight represents repressed personal power. Fives and Eights both value their
independence, but where Fives minimize their needs to avoid being reliant on anyone, Eights believe in asking for
what they want – or simply taking it.
A key development point, then, is for the Five to rediscover their personal power and ability to influence the people
and environment around them. By doing so, they will establish a healthier balance between withdrawing from the
world and moving in it, including feeling more strength in interacting with their emotions and people.
• Use your body. Instead of living inside your mind, practice being in your body in real time. Start with physical
activities like running, martial arts or yoga. Then bring that physical energy into everyday life by practicing taking
up space. Use deep breathing to help you stay present.
• Speak up. When interacting with others, practice making statements instead of asking questions. That could be
short comments on others' ideas, suggestions on how to organize things or opinions on the plan.
• Own your authority. People may not realize you are an expert because you feel uncomfortable promoting your
abilities. Consider how to express your abilities in a confident yet objective way, then practice letting people know
about your expertise.
The growth point of the Five is type Seven. This represents a mode that the Five can move towards as they seek to
grow into new ways of being. For Fives who have developed their own characteristics into a healthy mode of
being, discovering and adopting more of the healthy behaviors of Sevens can open up their growth even further.
This means discovering the variety, playfulness and spontaneity that comes naturally to Sevens.
Whereas Fives focus on understanding a situation as deeply as possible before acting, Sevens will fling
themselves out into the world to see what fun can be had and learn about it later. The Seven energy can help a Five
engage more fully with the world without feeling the need to disappear from it. Fives can use a Seven’s
playfulness, humor and curiosity to reduce the anxiety they feel during social situations.
A Path Forward
Like all types, Fives have patterns that they act out unconsciously, based on their own core beliefs and fears.
Sometimes these patterns work for us; sometimes they hold us back. In recognizing our patterns and how they
limit us, we can begin to grow beyond the limitations of our unconscious fears.
Although the Enneagram can be extremely useful in understanding who you are and why you do the things you do,
the real value of the system is uncovered when you begin to understand it as a way to grow and develop. The
Enneagram can help us to see our patterns objectively, so that we can begin to understand that they are not
inevitable—we can choose to take another approach if we need to. And, it can help us to understand what we need
to do in order to grow and become happier, more effective, more actualized people.
Each type has particular patterns they must examine and overcome in order to move forward. Fives must work on
engaging in the present moment - being with their feelings instead of disconnecting from them. They must learn to
share more of their thoughts, feelings and experiences. And they must start to participate in events, interactions,
and organizations rather than sitting on the sidelines observing them.
• Become more aware of the moment you detach from and compartmentalize your feelings. Make an effort to
feel your emotions more often in the here-and-now.
• Practice expressing your feelings. Look for ways to engage in conversations and to reveal personal matters,
however small. Share information about yourself beyond your expertise.
• Relax your boundaries and barriers to connection; allow yourself to need other people.
• Question your beliefs around scarcity. Ask yourself, is it true that I do not have enough energy, skills or
resources? Or am I projecting my fears?
• Do something physical. Participate in sports or a body-based activity like dance or yoga. Practice getting out of
your head and learn to ground yourself.
• Take action more spontaneously every now and then. Choose to take action rather than overthinking a situation.
Notice that you have ample energy to carry it off.
When Fives are operating at their best, they are visionary, pioneering and compassionate. They are highly
perceptive, with little escaping their notice, and they bring a childlike wonder to their explorations and discoveries.
They feel deeply connected to the people and the world around them and dedicate themselves to developing
something that enriches humanity. Although it is never easy to examine and overcome our old patterns, Fives who
do so will find a deeper sense of wisdom and understanding about life than they ever thought possible.
Below, you'll find information on the top 3 traits you can harness as your personal superpowers, and the top 3 traits
which may be stopping you from achieving what you desire. One important thing to remember is that personality
traits are never all good, or all bad. Every trait has its possible benefits and potential downsides—it's all in how you
use it.
As you read over this section, remember that even beneficial personality traits can work against you if they are
overused. For each superpower below, you'll see how it can benefit your life, as well as how it may backfire if not
kept in balance.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Emotional Awareness. Your emotional experience is deep and nuanced, and you are highly tuned in to what you
are feeling. Where others may struggle with understanding their emotions, you are typically able to describe yours
clearly and in detail. Sometimes your emotions may overwhelm you, but as long as you are conscious of keeping
yourself in balance, your awareness of your feelings helps you experience life to the fullest. This emotional
attuning may drive a creative process for you, or it may simply make you better able to connect with others and
help them to tune into their own feelings. Either way, your emotional landscape provides a rich backdrop for your
life experience.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Assertiveness. You're not afraid to ask for what you want in life, and more often than not, you get it. You're clear
about your goals and preferences in a variety of situations, and are unlikely to get involved in something without an
understanding of what you hope to gain. While it's possible to take assertiveness too far—by ignoring others'
needs and steamrolling their ideas—as long as you are conscientious about listening to others and taking them
into account as well, your tendency to be clear about your agenda will make it more likely you'll achieve your goals.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Individualism. You're not one to follow the herd, and you make decisions based on your own values and goals, not
the expectations of other people. You think of yourself as unique and different from others, which can sometimes
make you feel somewhat distant, but this attitude gives you original perspectives on things and makes you more
likely to make choices that are right for you, instead of simply doing what's expected of you.
As with your strengths, these traits are not always negative; in fact, by being aware of them, you'll be more able to
turn them to your advantage. The goal is not to eliminate these qualities from your personality; rather, you want to
explore and master them so you can choose the most effective behavior for yourself in any given situation.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Alienation. You feel separate from other people, and tend to think that others can't truly understand you. Most
likely, you grew up around people—either family or social groups—who made you feel like an outsider. There's
nothing wrong with appreciating yourself as a unique person, but everyone needs a sense of belonging. You'll live
a fuller life if you put some time and energy into creating a network of kindred spirits. Somewhere out there are
people who are just as offbeat as you are, and who will make you feel like you're finally understood.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Rigidity. You're a creature of habit who's probably fond of the expression, "Don't reinvent the wheel!" You rarely see
a reason to try a new method or process, and you're suspicious of people who want to change things up. On the
positive side, this trait means that you rarely waste time pursuing an untested approach, and things usually go as
you expect them to. However, you can also be overly resistant to change and ignore opportunites for growth and
development. To avoid becoming stagnant, you'll need to work on your openness to change. Take time to consider
new ideas and explore the potential benefits of new approaches. While change may never excite you, you can learn
to recognize when its time has come.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Pessimism. You may consider yourself realistic, not pessimistic, but the fact is that you often expect things to turn
out poorly. While this means you're not usually disappointed—you never got your hopes up in the first place—it also
means that you're hesitant to go out on a limb and try something that may not work out. You may miss out on
valuable opportunities because you fail to think about the potential upside, and you may satisfy yourself with less-
than-optimal circumstances because you don't imagine that there's a better alternative. Remember that most
forward progress starts with a positive vision for the future. There's nothing wrong with being aware of the risks,
but a balanced viewpoint takes into account the potential benefits as well.
Many people find that taking an Enneagram assessment and discovering their type helps them to get back in
touch with important parts of themselves that have been obscured or pushed aside in daily life. Others find that
the Enneagram helps them to understand the paths they might take to be more fulfilled and empowered in their
goals. Whatever your purpose with the Enneagram, we thank you for allowing us to help you along your way. We
wish you the best of luck in your journey to your higher self!