The Students' Experiences of Mental Health Crisis
The Students' Experiences of Mental Health Crisis
The Students' Experiences of Mental Health Crisis
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This research is a qualitative study that vaccines, people seemingly became a bit confident that the
involves seeing patterns, themes, and holistic features country can survive this pandemic. The community
revealed through secondary data of the selected 23 quarantines were adjusted depending on the number of
students aged 16 to 25. Cool and warm analyses of the COVID-19 cases in the city or region. However, the danger
data were the mental health continuum and the is still not over. The new Delta variant has entered the
categories of mental disorders indicated in the country. This is coupled with the occurrence of what they
Diagnostic of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders call second or third surge in some cities in the country.
(DSM V). Findings revealed five faces of mental health
distress categorized either as mild, time-limited distress, The halt in the routinary activities and the imminent
or chronic condition. The ability of the subjects to glide danger that the new variant can bring may cause what
from one condition to another was based on factors sociologists call collective trauma (Onwuachi-Willig, 2016),
related to one’s roots, innermost self, and connections. which is accompanied by feelings of anxiety or fear of dying
The study revealed the importance of the quality of due to COVID-19. Mental health crises are real during this
family connectedness, social support, the individual’s pandemic, although reactions to the situations varied
realistic capacity to hope, and the locus of control in depending on personal and probably institutional and
addressing mental health concerns during the pandemic. environmental factors. It implies that a crisis for one may
Future interventions and research focusing on the not be considered as such by another.
clients’ factors were recommended by the researchers.
The challenge now is to maintain healthy well-being
Keywords:- Mental Health Conditions, Individual And despite the threat brought about by the COVID 19 and the
Environmental Factors, Counseling. recently spreading Delta variant. Being healthy does not
only pertain to one aspect, but it encompasses all aspects of
I. INTRODUCTION one’s person, including mental health.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, the world faces a As an initial attempt towards maintaining mental
health crisis that led to many deaths and economic health, the Counseling and Career Services Center (CCSC)
difficulties. A year ago, the United Nations (UN) monitored engaged in assessing the students’ well-being at the start of
how the different countries responded to this crisis. Last the schoolyear 2020-2021. The Self-Assessment, which was
July 2020, the UN noted how South Korea responded adapted from Beck’s Depression Inventory, was distributed
effectively while others, including the United Kingdom, to students to understand their experiences during the
deployed the worst response to address the problem (Lu, pandemic. Based on the analysis of these data, the CCSC
2020). Today, many efforts are made to provide vaccines categorized students under mild, moderate, and chronic
to people to solve the health crisis that had led to personal, mental health conditions (Lancet Commission, 2019). The
economic, and trauma. The crisis is real, but the whole results guided the counselors in identifying at-risk students
world continues to find the best solution. Meanwhile, and providing mental health services such as counseling,
people from all walks of life are continuously trying to cope consultation, psychoeducation, training of teachers on
by engaging in drastic changes in their lifestyles and Psychological First Aid, and referral to other mental health
decisions. This health crisis seemingly led to mental health professionals. Since the pandemic is far from over yet, it is
crises as well. fitting that CCSC continuously revisits its services and sees
how else it can serve its clientele considering the new
By the time President Duterte declared the whole challenges brought about by the ‘new normal. A research-
country under enhanced community quarantine on March based intervention was targeted for this purpose.
16, 2020, businesses and educational institutions were
closed. Many people were forced to stay home while the This research undertaking was meant to look at what
medical practitioners, IT professionals, and other clients considered mental health issues as revealed through
“frontliners” did their job and struggled to stay safe. They counseling sessions, self-assessments, and group sessions.
tried to make sure that essential health care and services are The researchers engaged in an analysis of the nature of
constantly available. There came a disruption in the routine concerns as well as the factors that they claimed to have
lives of people due to experiences of isolation and caused their ability or inability to be mentally healthy.
separation from social groups to make sure that the viral Being able to name the students' experiences would
infection is contained. Likewise, hearing the news death hopefully lead to a deeper understanding of the "faces" of
cases due to the COVID 19 infection, brought emotional and mental health crises experienced by the students. An
psychological reactions to many. With the entrants of the evaluation of the appropriateness of the existing
Statement of the Problem Inclusion criteria were students aged 16 to 25 who had
This study aimed to look deeper into the students' entries on the Personal Information Form pertaining to
experiences of mental health crises during this pandemic. mental health issues, those who took for counseling, and
Specifically, the study sought to answer the following: those who took any of the assessments related to mental
1. What are the "faces" of mental crises experienced by the health (i.e., Self- Assessment, Multidimensional Scale of
subjects? Perceived Social Support, and Brief Resilient Coping Scale).
2. What significant factors allow the subjects to glide from
mild to time-limited distress up to severely disabling Subjects
conditions or vice-versa. The subjects of this study comprised a total of
twenty-three students who availed of the counseling services
Significance of the project (i.e., assessments, counseling, and group sessions) from
This study would provide a deeper understanding of across grade and year levels and programs enrolled
the clients regarding what they consider a mental health specifically during the start of the pandemic up to the
crisis and the possible factors that help or hinder them from present.
being mentally healthy. It would help the mental health
professionals identify the effectiveness of the existing Data Collection and Procedures
mental health interventions and possible improvements. Data included in this study were from the Personal
Information form that students accomplished at the start of
Research Paradigm the school year. Only questions pertaining to mental health
The continuum of school mental health services concerns were considered relevant for analysis. Data
adapted by the National Association of School Psychologists coming from counseling notes were also included,
shows that all mental health conditions can glide from mild particularly the records of clients’ responses during the
to severe. Hence, students can avail of school-based session. Assessment results from Self-Assessment (Adapted
prevention and universal interventions to maintain or from BDI), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social
address mild mental health conditions. Meanwhile, targeted Support, and Brief Resilient Coping Scale) were also
school interventions with community support are given for included. Student Feedback responses by those taken for
those at-risk students. Following the framework by the counseling and group sessions were taken as relevant data
National Association of School Psychologists (2006), the for analysis.
researchers were guided in the conduct of analyzing
available data of students who availed of the counseling Data Analysis
services and categorized as having mild, time-limited Cool and warm analysis was done to come up with
distress to chronic, progressive and severely disabling significant answers to the research problem. The cool
conditions (Patel, Saxena, Lund, Thornicroft, Baingana, analysis involves identifying significant statements of the
Bolton, Chisholm, Collins, Cooper, Eaton, Herrman, respondents, while warm analysis involves categorizing
Herzallah, Huang, Y., Jordans, Kleinman, Medina-Mora, these data into themes that evolved.
Morgan, Niaz, Omigbodun, Prince, Rahman, Saraceno,
Sarkar, De Silva, Singh, Stein, Sunkel, Unutzer, 2018). Ethical Considerations
Patterns and themes that evolved from the analysis of Students who accomplished the Personal Information
available data would yield to the “faces” of the mental form were informed that the data gathered would be handled
health crises experienced by students as well as the factors with confidentiality and be used for the center’s
that facilitate change of mental health condition from mild psychosocial support services. Consent forms created by the
to time-limited distress to chronic or severely disabling researchers were sent to students who took counseling,
conditions or vice-versa. group sessions, and assessments.