Noh 1998
Noh 1998
Noh 1998
Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), the simplest form of has the potential role of a signaling molecule acting
sphingophospholipids, has emerged recently as a candi- through a membrane-bound receptor. It has been re-
date molecule of signal transduction involved in vari- ported that S1P, when it is added extracellularly to Xeno-
ous biological functions (Spiegel and Milstein, 1995). pus oocytes, leads to a transient, inward current that is
Endogenous S1P has been implicated in such diverse
activities as a putative second messenger, mobilizing Contract grant sponsor: Korea Science and Engineering Founda-
Ca2/ from internal stores via an Inositol 1,4,5-trisphos- tion; Contract grant number: 971-0504-021-2; Contract grant
phate (IP3)-independent manner (Ghosh et al., 1990; sponsor: Ministry of Science and Technology (The MOST Genome
Mattie et al., 1994), and modulating growth factor-reg- Project).
ulated microfilament reorganization and cell migration *Correspondence to: Jin-Kwan Han, Department of Life Sci-
(Bronfeldt et al., 1995), and it is involved in cellular ence, Pohang University of Science and Technology, San 31
proliferation induced by mitogens (Zhang et al., 1991; Hyoja Dong, Pohang 790-784, South Korea. E-mail: jkh@vision.
Oliveira and Spiegel, 1993).
Several lines of evidence have demonstrated that S1P Received 2 September 1997; Accepted 10 February 1998
carried mainly by Cl0 ion through the endogenous Ca2/- Laboratories, Inc. (Plymouth Meeting, PA). LPA (1-
dependent Cl0 channel activity (Durieux et al., 1993). acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate), niflumic acid, heparin
This responsiveness to S1P in Xenopus oocytes has been (MW 6,000), de-N-sulfated heparin, thapsigargin, and
considered to be conducted through a putative mem- ruthenium red (RuRed) were from Sigma (St. Louis,
brane-bound receptor, presumably through lysophospha- MO). S1P was dissolved by sonication in aqueous solu-
tidic acid (LPA) receptor, inferred from the similar pat- tion containing 1% fatty acid-free bovine serum albu-
tern of response between S1P and LPA. In addition, van min (BSA; Boehringer-Mannheim, Mannheim, Ger-
Koppen et al. (1996) demonstrated that S1P potently and many) to a concentration of 2.5 mM. LPA was also dis-
rapidly increased intracellular Ca2/ ([Ca2/]i) in many dif- solved in aqueous 1% fatty acid-free BSA to a stock
ferent types of cells, especially in human embryonic kid- concentration of 1 mM. The stock solutions of phospho-
ney (HEK) cells, in a pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive lipids were kept at 0207C in a small aliquot. U-73122
manner, implying the existence of an S1P-responsive, and its nonfunctional analog, U-73343, were aliquoted
membrane-bound receptor. Recently, a study has re- and saved at room temperature in dried form and were
vealed that S1P-induced Rho-dependent neurite retrac- dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) with stock con-
tion in NIE-115 neuronal cells was through a distinct centration of 5 mM just before use. Niflumic acid was
G protein-coupled cell surface receptor (Postma et al., solubilized with 95% ethanol. Heparin, de-N-sulfated
1996). heparin, and RuRed were dissolved in deionized water.
Another simple phospholipid, LPA (1-acyl-sn-glyc- Thapsigargin was solubilized in DMSO as a 1-mM
erol-3-phosphate), acts as a signaling molecule. LPA, a stock solution, stored in 0207C as small aliquots. The
platelet-derived mediator that acts through its cognate bath concentrations of 1 mM of LPA and 50 mM of S1P
G protein-coupled receptor, plays a significant role in were used throughout the experiment, because these
platelet aggregation (Schumacher et al., 1979) and in- concentrations elicited maximal current response.
duces proliferation of rat-1 cells and human foreskin
fibroblasts (van Corven et al., 1989). It has been specu- Oocyte preparation
lated that S1P and LPA might signal through a single Mature wild type female Xenopus laevis purchased
receptor (Durieux et al., 1993). Recently, however, a from Xenopus I (Ann Arbor, MI) were maintained at
putative high-affinity LPA receptor was cloned in Xeno- 18 – 247C. Individual oocytes at stage VI (Dumont,
pus laevis oocytes (Guo et al., 1996). The cloned LPA 1972) were dissected manually from their outer follicles
receptor with common features of the seven transmem- by using watchmaker’s forceps and were stored in mod-
brane receptors responds only to LPA with high affinity ified Barth saline [MBS: 88 mM NaCl, 1 mM KCl, 2.4
and is not responsive to S1P or to other phospholipid mM NaHCO3 , 0.33 mM Ca(NO3)2 , 0.41 mM CaCl2 , 10
mediators. Given these facts, it seems clear that S1P mM Na-HEPES (Sigma), pH 7.4] containing 5 mg/ml
and LPA each has its own receptor, although the puta- penicillin, 5 mg/ml streptomycin, and 2.5 mM pyruvate
tive S1P receptor has not been identified yet in Xenopus at 19 { 17C and were used in 1 – 4 days after isolation.
Despite the fact that both S1P and LPA induced in- Voltage-clamp recording
tracellular Ca2/ release in Xenopus oocytes, the compo- Currents were recorded by using the standard dou-
nents of the signal-transduction pathway involved in ble-electrode, voltage-clamp technique, held at 070
the response of these phospholipids have not been de- mV. A single oocyte was placed in recording chamber
termined. In this study, we have examined the compo- filled with 1.5 ml MBS. Microelectrodes were pulled in
nents of the signal pathway involved in S1P response one stage from capillary glass (Borosilicate glass capil-
in Xenopus oocytes and compared them with those of laries with inner filament; catalog no. GT12; Warner
the LPA signal pathway. We have hypothesized that Corp., New Haven, CT) on a micropipette puller (model
intracellular Ca2/ release, especially from the IP3-sen- 700C; David Kopf Instruments, Tujunga, CA), and the
sitive pool, might be the main event of these two phos- tips were broken to a diameter of Ç10 mm. They were
pholipid responses and the corresponding IP3 , presum- filled with 3 M KCl, and tip resistances were usually
ably generated by phospholipase C (PLC). Because re- 1 – 5 MV. The cell was voltage clamped by using a two-
ceptor activation linked to IP3 production usually acts microelectrode voltage clamp amplifier (oocyte clamp
through G protein and, subsequently, to its coupled OC725A; Warner Corp.) connected to a data acquisition
PLC partner, we reasoned that the putative S1P recep- system (MacLab/4e; AD Instruments Pty Ltd., Castle
tor also coupled to distinct G proteins, and so did LPA. Hill, Australia) running on a Power Macintosh com-
In this study, we show that a difference exists in the puter. Membrane currents were sampled at 4 Hz. Com-
initial part of the signal-transduction pathway between pounds were delivered in 15-ml aliquots over 1 – 2 sec
LPA and S1P. The use of antisense oligonucleotides by using a hand-held micropipette positioned Ç5 mm
(AS-ODNs) demonstrates that S1P-induced signaling from the oocyte. Treatment of vehicle, 1% BSA (fatty
utilizes G-protein subunit Gq/Gi1 , whereas LPA-in- acid-free) solution in water or DMSO, could not induce
duced signal pathway is conducted through Gq/G11 , and any current responses. To minimize the variations
PLC-xb is involved in S1P signaling but not in LPA among oocytes from different females, the comparisons
signaling. of the current responses were made in oocytes from the
same animal. All experiments were performed at room
S1P, aminosteroid (1-[6-[17b-3-methoxyestra-1,3,5(10)- Injection of oocytes
trien-17-yl]amino]hexyl]-1-H-pyrole-2,5-dione (U-73122), Microinjection was performed by using a Nanoliter
and U-73343 were purchased from BIOMOL Research Injector (WPI, Sarasota, FL). The final concentration
Fig. 11. Quantitative analysis of mRNAs for G-protein alpha sub- as described in Materials and Methods. Elongation factor 1-a (EF1-
units (Gas) in oocytes injected with either antisense (AS) or nonsense a) was coamplified as an internal control. G0a transcripts appear to
(NS) oligonucleotides. Thirty oocytes per group were injected with be the least abundant compared with other Gas. Injection of antisense
10 – 30 ng of the oligonucleotides. Total RNA was extracted from the oligonucleotides against each Gas specifically reduced corresponding
oocytes, and cDNA was synthesized by reverse transcription. mRNA Ga transcripts in oocytes. Molecular markers (M) are indicated on
levels of a subunits of different types of G proteins were assayed by the right. bp, Base pair.
using quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction,
tion pathway involved in these phospholipids responses lack of inhibition by removal of external free calcium
in Xenopus oocyte are not known. In this study, compar- ions establishes that these signals are not mediated
ative examination of currents evoked by S1P and LPA by extracellular Ca2/ but by intracellular Ca2/. These
was performed. In addition, the signal-transduction results are consistent with earlier demonstrations (Du-
pathways induced by these molecules were addressed rieux et al., 1992, 1993; Ferguson and Hanley 1992).
in their initial steps by using AS-OND injection experi- In addition, the need of intracellular Ca2/ store for S1P-
ments. We show here that differences exist in their and LPA-induced Cl0 channel activity was further veri-
initial part of signaling cascades between LPA and S1P. fied by Ca2/-depletion experiments using thapsigargin.
From the results of AS-ODN experiments, it is demon- Furthermore, heparin/RuRed injection experiments re-
strated that S1P-induced signaling utilizes Gq/Gi1 , vealed that an IP3-sensitive Ca2/ pool is responsible for
whereas the LPA-induced signal pathway is conducted both S1P- and LPA-induced Ca2/ release in Xenopus
via Gq/G11 , and, as a more interesting divergence, PLC- oocytes.
xb was engaged in S1P signaling but was not involved What causes the different patterns of current elicited
in LPA signaling. These results indicate that signal by S1P and LPA is difficult to assess. In response to
pathways evoked by S1P and LPA differ from each S1P, three types of current patterns were observed. This
other in G protein levels as well as PLC levels. Our variability in the response pattern is likely to be caused
data also strongly suggest that there may be an addi- by different physiological conditions among oocytes. Sev-
tional PLC yet to be identified that couples selectively eral sequential signaling components link receptor acti-
with LPA signaling in Xenopus oocytes. vation to the Cl0 channel opening. If these components
The responses evoked by these two molecules share are expressed to various degrees in different oocytes,
common features. Both of them need intracellular Ca2/ then such variability will be expected. Nonetheless, the
store and its release from the store. These currents are current patterns exhibited between S1P and LPA are
carried mainly by Cl0 ions through the Ca2/-activated quite distinctive. It may be possible that preferential
Cl0 channel. Increases in cytosolic Ca2/ were detected coupling of different signaling components (such as Gq/
indirectly by activation of an endogenous Ca2/-acti- Gi1 , PLC-xb in S1P, and Gq/G11 , or an unknown PLC
vated Cl0 channel downstream as a result of a common in LPA) to each receptor activation would cause such
mechanism of S1P and LPA responses. Identification unique current patterns. Different PLCs may have dif-
of S1P- and LPA-stimulated signals as a Cl0 current ferent enzymatic activities and regulation mechanisms;
was accomplished by its inhibition with niflumic acid. thus, although IP3/Ca2/ is involved in both pathways, it
Inhibition of currents with injected EGTA demon- could be somewhat different in its fine features, contrib-
strates the Ca2/ dependence of these currents, and a uting a characteristic Cl0 current pattern.
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