Anaphy Lec Finals Reviewer
Anaphy Lec Finals Reviewer
Anaphy Lec Finals Reviewer
• Visceral peritoneum - or serosa, is the serous
membrane that covers the organs.
• Parietal peritoneum - is the serous membrane that lines
the wall of the abdominal cavity.
• connective tissue sheets that hold organs in place in
the abdominal cavity
Lesser omentum: • 32 teeth in normal adult
• mesentery connecting lesser curvature of stomach to
• Incisors, canine, premolars, molars, wisdom
liver and diaphragm
• 20 primary (deciduous) teeth
Greater omentum:
• Each tooth has crown, cusp, neck, root
• mesentery connecting greater curvature of stomach
• The bulk of the tooth is formed by a cellular tissue
to transverse colon and posterior body wall.
called dentin
• In the crown of the tooth, the dentin is covered by an
extremely hard, acellular enamel.
• Center of tooth is pulp cavity filled with a material
called pulp, which consists of blood vessels, nerves, and
connective tissue
• Teeth are held in place within pockets in the bone,
called alveoli
• Dental caries (cavities) are breakdown of enamel by
acids from bacteria.
Oral Cavity
• Lips - muscular structures, formed by the orbicularis
oris muscle and covered by skin.
Palate, Hard palate and Soft palate
• roof of oral cavity
Hard palate:
• anterior part made of bone
Soft palate:
• posterior part consists of skeletal muscle and
connective tissue
Salivary Glands
Produce saliva which is a mixture of serous (watery) and
mucous fluids
• Keeps the oral cavity moist
• Needed for normal speech
• Dissolves food particles so they can be tasted
• Protects against bacteria and neutralizes pH
• Begins the process of digestion
Salivary Glands:
• Parotid - serous glands anterior to each ear.
• Submandibular - produce more serous than mucous
secretions, found along the inferior border of the
• Sublingual - produce primarily mucous and lie below the
mucous membrane in the floor of the oral cavity.
Serous portion of saliva contains enzymes
• Amylase - Digestive enzyme that breaks down
• Lysozyme - Enzymes that are active against bacteria
Molar Tooth in Place in the Alveolar Bone Mucous portion contains mucin for lubrication
Connects the mouth to the esophagus
It has three parts:
• nasopharynx
• oropharynx Peristalsis
• laryngopharynx
Tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach
Transports food to the stomach
Joins stomach at cardiac opening
• occurs when gastric juices regurgitate into esophagus
• caused by caffeine, smoking, or eating or drinking in
Voluntary phase:
• bolus (mass of food) formed in mouth and pushed into
Pharyngeal phase: Stomach
• swallowing reflex initiated when bolus stimulates • Located in abdomen
receptors in oropharynx • Storage tank for food
Esophageal phase: • Can hold up to 2 liters of food
• moves food from pharynx to stomach • Produces mucus, hydrochloric acid, protein digesting
Peristalsis: enzymes
• wave-like contractions moves food through digestive • Contains a thick mucus layer that lubricates and
tract protects epithelial cells on stomach wall from acidic pH (3)
Events During the Three Phases of Swallowing Regions of the Stomach
• The esophagus opens into the cardiac part.
• The fundus is to the left of, and superior to, the
cardiac part.
• The body is largest part of the stomach.
• The body turns to the right, creating a greater • All but the surface mucous cells are found within the
curvature and a lesser curvature. gastric glands.
• The body narrows inferiorly to form the funnel-shaped Epithelial Cells in the Stomach
pyloric part of the stomach. • Surface mucous cells - produce mucus that coats and
Muscularis has 3 layers: protects the stomach
• outer longitudinal, middle circular, and inner oblique to • mucous neck cells - produce mucus
produce churning action • parietal cells - produce hydrochloric acid and intrinsic
Rugae: factor
• large folds that allow stomach to stretch • endocrine cells – produce hormones and paracrine
Chyme: molecules
• paste-like substance that forms when food begins to • chief cells - produce pepsinogen, a precursor of the
be broken down protein-digesting enzyme pepsin.
Pyloric opening: Secretions of the Stomach
• opening between stomach and small intestine Hydrochloric acid
Pyloric sphincter: • Produces a pH of about 2.0 in the stomach.
• thick, ring of smooth muscle around pyloric opening • Kills microorganisms, activates pepsin.
which regulates movement of food into the small Pepsin
intestine. • breaks covalent bonds of proteins to form smaller
Anatomy and Histology of the Stomach peptide chains
• A thick layer, which lubricates the mucosa of the
• Protects mucosa from acidic chyme and pepsin
Intrinsic factor
• Binds with vitamin B12 making it more readily absorbed
by small intestine
• Vitamin B12 is important in DNA synthesis and red blood
cell production
Regulation of Stomach Secretions
Parasympathetic stimulation, gastrin, and histamine
stomach secretions
1. Cephalic phase:
• Stomach secretions are initiated by sight, smell, taste,
or food thought
• Hydrochloric acid, pepsin, mucus, and intrinsic factor,
gastrin and histamine are released in the stomach
• The mucosa forms tube-like gastric pits which are the
openings for the gastric glands.
• The epithelial cells of the stomach can be divided into
five groups: (1) surface mucous cells, (2) mucous neck
(3) parietal cells, (4) endocrine cells, and (5) chief cells.
Movement in Stomach
Mixing waves:
2. Gastric phase: • weak contraction
• Food in stomach, partially digested proteins and • thoroughly mix food to form chyme
distention of stomach promote increase of secretion Peristaltic waves:
• Peptides, produced by the action of pepsin on proteins, • stronger contraction
stimulate the secretion of gastrin. • force chyme toward and through pyloric sphincter
• Gastrin is carried through the blood back to the Hormonal and neural mechanisms regulate stomach
stomach stimulating more secretion. secretions and movement
Stomach empties every 4 hours after regular meal, and
6 to 8 hours after high fatty meal
3. Intestinal phase:
• Inhibits secretion and movement in stomach
• Entrance of chyme into duodenum stimulates neuronal
reflexes and secretions of hormones
• The hormones secretin and cholecystokinin are released
into the blood by the duodenum and they inhibit secretion
and movement in the stomach.
Mucosa of the Small Intestine
The mucosa of the small intestine is simple columnar
epithelium with four major cell types.
1. Absorptive cells, which have microvilli, produce digestive
enzymes, and absorb digested food
2. Goblet cells, which produce a protective mucus
Small Intestine 3. Granular cells, which may help protect the intestinal
epithelium from bacteria; and
• Measures 6 meters in length 4. Endocrine cells, which produce regulatory hormones.
• Major absorptive organ of the gastrointestinal tract • The epithelial cells are located within tubular glands of
• Chyme takes 3 to 5 hours to pass through the mucosa, called intestinal glands or crypts of
• Contains enzymes to further breakdown food Lieberkühn, at the base of the villi.
• Contains secretions for protection against the acidity of • Granular and endocrine cells are located in the bottom
chyme of the glands.
Anatomy of Small Intestine • The submucosa of the duodenum contains mucous
Duodenum: glands, called duodenal glands, which open into the base
• first part of the intestinal glands.
• 25 cm long Secretions of the Small Intestine
• contains absorptive cells, goblet cells, granular cells, Secretions of mucus, ions, and water lubricate and
endocrine cells protect the intestinal wall from the acidic chyme and
• contains microvilli and many folds digestive enzymes.
• contains bile and pancreatic ducts The epithelial cells in the small intestine have enzymes
Jejunum: bound to their free surfaces.
• second part • Peptidases enzymatically breakdown proteins into amino
• 2.5 meters long acids for absorption.
• Primary site of nutrient absorption • Disaccharidases enzymatically breakdown disaccharides
Ileum: into monosaccharides for absorption.
• third part
• 3.5 meters long
Anatomy and Histology of the Duodenum Segmental Contractions in the Small Intestine
Liver Anatomy
Movement in the Small Intestine Weighs about 3 lbs.
Located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen
• Mixing and propulsion of chyme are the primary under the diaphragm
mechanical events that occur in the small intestine. Consists of right, left, caudate, and quadrate lobes
• Peristaltic contractions along the length of the intestine Porta:
cause the chyme to move along the small intestine. • gate where blood vessels, ducts, nerves enter and exit
• Segmental contractions are propagated for only short • Receives blood from the hepatic artery and hepatic
distances and mix intestinal contents. portal vein
• The ileocecal sphincter at the juncture of the ileum and Lobules:
the large intestine remains mildly contracted most of the • divisions of liver with portal triads at corners
• Peristaltic contractions reaching the ileocecal sphincter Portal triad:
from the small intestine cause the sphincter to relax and • contain branches of hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein,
allow chyme to move from the small intestine into the hepatic duct
cecum. Hepatic cords:
• The ileocecal valve prevents movement from the large • between center margins of each lobule
intestine back into the ileum. • separated by hepatic sinusoids
Hepatic sinusoids:
• contain phagocytic cells that remove foreign particles
from blood
Central vein:
• center of each lobule
• where mixed blood flows to form hepatic veins
Hepatic duct:
• transports bile out of liver
Common hepatic duct:
• formed from left and right hepatic duct
Cystic duct:
• joins common hepatic duct Pancreas
• drains gallbladder
Common bile duct: • Located posterior to stomach in inferior part of left
• formed from common hepatic duct and cystic duct upper
• Head near midline of body
• Tail extends to left and touches spleen
• Endocrine tissues have pancreatic islets that produce
insulin and glucagon
• Exocrine tissues produce digestive enzymes that travel
through ducts to duodenum
Pancreatic Secretions
The major protein-digesting enzymes are:
1. Trypsin
2. Chymotrypsin
3. Carboxypeptidase
• Pancreatic amylase continues the polysaccharide
Functions of the Liver digestion that began in the oral cavity.
• The pancreatic enzyme lipase is a lipid-digesting enzyme.
Digestive and excretory functions • The pancreatic nuclease enzymes degrade DNA and
Stores and processes nutrients RNA to their component ucleotides.
Detoxifies harmful chemicals
Synthesizes new molecules
Secretes 700 milliliters of bile each day Duodenum and Pancreas
• dilutes and neutralizes stomach acid and breaks down
Control of Pancreatic Secretions
Protein Digestion
• Pepsin is a protein-digesting enzyme secreted by the
• Example - nervous system function
Hormones and neurohormones:
Characteristics • secreted into blood and bind to receptors on target
• The endocrine system is composed of endocrine glands • Example - epinephrine and insulin
and specialized endocrine cells located throughout the Endocrine System Functions
• Endocrine glands and cells secrete minute amounts of 1. Regulation of metabolism
chemical messengers called hormones into the 2. Control of food intake and digestion
bloodstream, rather than into a duct. 3. Modulation of tissue development
• Hormones then travel through the general blood 4. Regulation of ion levels
circulation to target tissues or effectors. 5. Control of water balance
• The target tissues have receptors for a specific 6. Regulation of cardiovascular function
hormone. 7. Control of blood glucose and other nutrients
• Hormones produce a particular response in the target 8. Control of reproductive functions
tissues. 9. Stimulation of uterine contraction and milk release
10.Modulation of immune system function
Types of Hormones
Water-soluble hormones:
• include proteins, peptides, amino acids
• most common type of hormone
• Examples - growth hormone, antidiuretic, prolactin
Lipid-soluble hormones:
• include steroids and eicosanoids
• Examples - Luteinizing hormone, androgens
Signal Amplification
• Hormones that stimulate the synthesis of second
messengers act quickly and have an amplification effect.
• Each receptor produces thousands of second Pituitary Gland
messengers, leading to a cascade effect and ultimately • Small gland in brain
amplification of the hormonal signal. • Controlled by hypothalamus
• With amplification, a single hormone activates many • Divided into 2 regions: anterior and posterior
second messengers, each of which activates enzymes • Secretes at least 6 hormones
that produce an enormous amount of final product.
• The efficiency of this second-messenger amplification
is virtually unparalleled in the body.
Hypothalamus and Anterior Pituitary
• Target tissues: most tissues
Adrenal Cortex Hormones • Functions:
Aldosterone: • Males: secondary sexual characteristics
• Type of mineralocorticoid • Females: sex drive
• Target tissues: kidneys Pancreas Actions
• Functions: regulate ion balance, causes Na+ and H2O to • The pancreas is a mixed gland, with an exocrine portion
be retained and K+ to be secreted, indirectly involved with and an endocrine portion.
blood pressure and blood volume • The exocrine portion of the pancreas secretes
Cortisol: digestive enzymes.
• Type of glucocorticoid • The endocrine part of the pancreas consists of
• Target tissues: most pancreatic islets (Islets of Langerhans), which are
• Functions: increases breakdown of fat and protein for dispersed throughout the exocrine portion of the
energy uses reduces inflammatory and immune pancreas.
responses • The islets consist of three cell types, each of which
secretes a separate hormone.
• Alpha cells secrete glucagon, beta cells secrete insulin,
and delta cells secrete somatostatin.
• These three hormones regulate the blood levels of
nutrients, especially glucose.
Pancreas Hormones
• Target tissues: liver, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue
• Functions:
• regulates blood glucose levels
• after a meal glucose levels are high and insulin is
• extra glucose is stored in form of glycogen • The human species could not survive without functional
Insulin Abnormalities male and female reproductive systems.
Diabetes mellitus: • The reproductive systems play essential roles in the
• Causes: too little insulin or faulty insulin receptors development of the structural and functional
• Symptoms: hyperglycemia, exaggerated appetite, differences between males and females, influence
human behavior, and produce offspring.
excess urine, dehydration, thirst, fatigue
• However, a reproductive system, unlike other organ
• Type I: insulin dependent (daily injections required)
• Type II: insulin independent, often found in obese people, systems, is not necessary for the survival of an individual
can be treated with diet but can turn into type I
Glucagon: Reproductive System Functions
• Target tissues: liver 1. Production of gametes
• Function: 2. Fertilization
• regulates blood glucose levels 3. Development and nourishment of a new individual
• between meals glucose levels drop and glucagon is 4. Production of reproductive hormones
secreted Major Reproductive Organs
• glucagon allows glycogen to be broken down into
Testes Hormone
• Target tissues: most tissues
• Functions: aids in sperm and reproductive organ
development and function
Ovarian Hormones
• Target tissues: most tissues
• Functions: involved in uterine and mammary gland
development and menstrual cycle
Thymus Gland Hormone
• Target tissues: immune system tissues
• Functions: promotes immune system development and
Pineal Gland Hormone
• Target tissues: hypothalamus
• Functions: plays a role in onset of puberty and controls
circadian rhythms. Light affects its function.
6. Meiosis I produces 2 haploid cells, each having 23
chromosomes composed of 2 chromatids joined at a
7. During Meiosis II, each of the 2 cells divide into 2 more
cells and the centromere breaks, giving separate
8. The final result from meiosis are four haploid cells,
each having 23 chromosomes.
Since the number of chromosomes are reduced during
the process of dividing into 4 cells, the process is a
reduction division process.
• mixture of sperm and secretions from glands
• provides a transport medium and nutrients that
protect and
activate sperm
• 60% of fluid is from seminal vesicles
• 30% of fluid is from prostate gland
• 5% of fluid is from bulbourethral gland
• 5% of fluid is from testes
Seminal vesicles:
• provide fructose
• contain prostaglandins which decrease mucus thickness
around cervix and uterine tubes and help sperm move
through female reproductive tract
• contains coagulants that help deliver semen into female
Prostate gland:
• contains enzymes to liquefy semen after it is inside
• neutralizes acidity of vagina
Bulbourethral gland:
• neutralize acidity of male urethra and female vagina
• 2 to 5 milliliters of semen is ejaculated each time
• 1 milliliter of semen contains 100 million sperm
• Sperm can live for 72 hours once inside female
Path of Sperm
1. Sperm develop in seminiferous tubules (testes)
2. Epididymis (mature)
3. Ductus deferens Penile Erection
4. Receive secretions from seminal vesicles, prostate • Erection is the first major component of the male sex
gland, and bulbourethral gland act.
5. Urethra where semen (sperm) exits body • Neural stimuli cause the penis to enlarge and become
Male Sex Hormones • Specifically, parasympathetic action potentials from the
• Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is produced in sacral region of the spinal cord cause the arteries that
the hypothalamus and stimulates secretion of LH and FSH. supply blood to the erectile tissues to dilate.
• Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is produced in the anterior • Blood then fills small venous sinuses called sinusoids in
pituitary and stimulates secretion of testosterone. the erectile tissue and compresses the veins, which
• Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is produced in the reduces blood flow from the penis.
anterior pituitary and prompts spermatogenesis. Emission
• Testosterone is produced in the interstitial cells in the • Emission is the accumulation of sperm cells and semen
testes and is involved in development and maintenance of in the urethra.
reproductive organs. • Stimulated by sympathetic action potentials that
• Inhibin is secreted by cells of the seminiferous tubules originate in the lumbar region of the spinal cord.
and inhibits FSH secretion. • Cause the reproductive ducts to contract and stimulate
the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland to release
Male Puberty secretions.
• sequence of events in which a boy begins to produce • Semen accumulates in the urethra.
male hormones and sperm cells
• begins at 12 to 14 and ends around 18 Penile Ejaculation
• testosterone is major male hormone • Ejaculation results from the contraction of smooth
• secondary sexual characteristics develop: muscle in the wall of the urethra and skeletal muscles
Example - skin texture, fat distribution, hair growth, surrounding the base of the penis.
skeletal muscle growth, and larynx changes • Just before ejaculation, action potentials are sent to
the skeletal muscles that surround the base of the penis.
Male Sex Act • Rhythmic contractions are produced that force the
• The male sex act is a complex series of reflexes that semen out of the urethra, resulting in ejaculation.
result in erection of the penis, emission, and ejaculation. • In addition, muscle tension increases throughout the
• Emission is the movement of sperm cells, mucus, body.
prostatic secretions, and seminal vesicle secretions into
the prostatic, membranous, and spongy urethra. Female Reproductive System
• Ejaculation is the forceful expulsion of the secretions • The female reproductive organs consist of the ovaries,
that have accumulated in the urethra to the exterior. the uterine tubes, the uterus, the vagina, the external
• Sensations, normally interpreted as pleasurable, occur genitalia, and the mammary glands.
during the male sex act and result in an intense sensation • The internal reproductive organs of the female are
called an orgasm. located within the pelvis, between the urinary bladder
• A phase called resolution occurs after ejaculation in and the rectum.
which the penis becomes flaccid, an overall feeling of • The internal reproductive organs are held in place
satisfaction exists, and the male is unable to achieve within the pelvis by ligaments.
erection and a second ejaculation. • The broad ligament spreads out on both sides of the
uterus and attaches to the ovaries and uterine tubes.
Female Pelvis • Oogenesis begins before a female is born. By the
fourth month of development, the ovaries contain 5
million oogonia which are the cells from which oocytes
• Females are born with all of their oogonia (2 million),
unlike males that only begin to produce sperm during
• At puberty about 300,000 to 400,000 oogonia are
• Puberty to menopause, FSH stimulates several follicles
to begin developing during each menstrual cycle but only 1
follicle should be ovulated.
• Oocytes are swept into one of uterine tubes by
fimbriae during ovulation.
• If sperm is present in uterine tube during ovulation
oocyte could be fertilized.
• If fertilization occurs then zygote implants in uterus.
• Oocytes only live for 24 hours, so if no sperm is
present at ovulation no zygote develops, and oocyte dies.
Uterine (Fallopian) tubes:
• part of uterus which extends toward ovaries and
receive oocytes
• fimbriae are fringe-like structures around opening of
uterine tubes that help sweep oocyte into uterine tubes
• Fertilization usually occurs in the part of the uterine
tube near the ovary, called the ampulla
• tubal ligation (sterilization of female)
• pear sized structure located in pelvic cavity
• Primary female reproductive organ
• functions: receive, retain, and provide nourishment for
• Produces oocytes and sex hormones
fertilized oocyte, where embryo resides and develops
• One on either side of uterus
• body: main part
• Ovarian ligaments: anchor ovaries to uterus
• fundus: the part of the uterus superior to the
• Suspensory ligaments: anchor ovaries to pelvic cavity
entrance of the uterine tubes
• Mesovarium: attaches the ovaries to the broad
• cervix: narrow region that leads to vagina
Uterine wall layers:
• Ovarian follicle: groups of cells in ovaries that contain
• perimetrium (serous): outermost layer
• myometrium (muscular): middle layer, composed of
• Each of the ovarian follicles contains an oocyte, the
smooth muscle
female reproductive cell.
• endometrium: innermost layer that is sloughed off
during menstruation
Oogenesis and Fertilization Vagina:
• Oogenesis is the process of gamete production in
• extends from uterus to outside of body
• female copulation organ that receives penis during
intercourse • Consists of lobes covered by adipose tissue
• allows menstrual flow • Lobes, ducts, lobules are altered during lactation to
• involved in childbirth expel milk
• contains very muscular walls and a mucous membrane Anatomy of the Breast
• very acidic to keep bacteria out
• external female sex organs
• Includes mons pubis, labia majora and minora, clitoris,
prepuce and vestibule
Mons pubis:
• fatty layer of skin covering pubic symphysis
External Female Genitalia
Labia majora:
• larger, outer folds of skin surrounding the entrance to
the vagina
• equivalent to male scrotum
Labia minora: Female Puberty
• thin, inner folds of skin surrounding entrance to the • Begins between 11 to 13 years of age and is usually
vagina completed by age 16
Clitoris: • Menarche first episode of menstrual bleeding
• small erectile structure located in vestibule • Vagina, uterus, uterine tubes, and external genitalia
• equivalent to male penis enlarge and fat is deposited in breasts and hips
Prepuce: • Elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone are
• where 2 labia minora unite over clitoris secreted by ovaries
Vestibule: Female Sex Hormones
• space in which vagina and urethra are located • Gonadotropin-releasing (GnRH) hormone is produced in
the hypothalamus and stimulates secretion of LH and FSH.
• Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is produced in the anterior
pituitary and causes ovulation.
• Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is produced in the
anterior pituitary and prompts follicles in the ovaries to
begin development.
• proliferation of endometrial cells
• development of mammary glands (especially duct
• control of LH and FSH secretion
• development and maintenance of secondary sex
Mammary Glands • enlargement of endometrial cells and secretion of fluid
• Organs of milk production in breasts from uterine glands
• Modified sweat glands • maintenance of pregnancy state
• Female breasts begin to enlarge during puberty • development of mammary glands (especially alveoli)
• control of estrogen, FSH, and LH secretion dependent on hormones.
• development of secondary sex characteristics • Testosterone-like hormones, and possibly estrogen,
Menstrual Cycle affect brain cells (especially in the area of the
Menstrual cycle: hypothalamus) influence sexual behavior.
• series of changes that occur in sexually mature, • Testosterone-like hormones are produced primarily in
nonpregnant females the adrenal cortex.
Menses: • Psychological factors also play a role in sexual behavior.
• time when endometrium is shed from uterus • The sensory and motor neural pathways involved in
Average is 28 days and results from cyclical changes controlling female sexual responses are similar to those
that occur in endometrium found in the male.
Stages of Menstrual Cycle Female Sex Act
Days 1 to 5 Menses (shedding of endometrium) • During sexual excitement, erectile tissue within the
• menstrual bleeding (menses) clitoris and around the vaginal opening becomes engorged
• estrogen and progesterone levels are low with blood.
• follicle begins to mature • The mucous glands within the vestibule secrete small
Days 6 to 13 Proliferative (between end of menses and amounts of mucus, with larger amounts extruded into
ovulation) the vagina through its wall.
• endometrium rebuilds • Stimulation of the female’s genitals during sexual
• estrogen levels begin to increase intercourse and psychological stimuli normally trigger an
• progesterone levels remain low orgasm, or climax.
• follicle matures • The vaginal and uterine smooth muscle, as well as the
Day 14 Ovulation surrounding skeletal muscles, contract rhythmically, and
• oocyte is released due to LH muscle tension increases throughout much of the body.
• estrogen levels high • After the sex act, there is a period of resolution,
• progesterone levels are increasing which is characterized by an overall sense of satisfaction
• cervical mucus thins and relaxation.
Corpus luteum - mature follicle after ovulation Contraception
• degenerates if egg is not fertilized • Many methods are used to prevent pregnancy, either
Days 15 to 28 Secretory (between ovulation and next by preventing fertilization (contraception) or by
menses) preventing implantation of the developing embryo.
• endometrium is preparing for implantation • There are six main types of birth control. From the
• estrogen levels decrease (low) most to least effective they include: (1) long-acting
• progesterone levels high reversible contraception, (2) sterilization, (3) hormonal
• cervical mucus thickens methods, (4) barrier methods, (5) fertility awareness,
Menopause and (6) emergency contraception.
• time when ovaries secrete less hormones and number
of follicles in ovaries is low
• menstrual cycle and ovulation are less regular
• hot flashes, fatigue, irritability may occur
• estrogen replacement therapy may be used to
decreases side effects
Female Sexual Behavior
• Sexual drive in females, like sexual drive in males, is
• The urinary system is the major excretory system of
the body.
• Some organs in other systems also eliminate wastes,
but they are not able to compensate in the case of
kidney failure.
Kidney Characteristics
Bilateral retroperitoneal organs
Shape and size:
• bean shaped
• weigh 5 ounces (bar of soap or size of fist)
• between 12th thoracic and 3rd lumbar vertebra
Kidney Structures
Renal capsule:
• connective tissue around each kidney
Urinary System Functions • protects and acts as a barrier
1. Excretion Hilum:
2. Regulation of blood volume and pressure • indentation
3. Regulation of blood solute concentration • contains renal artery, veins, nerves, ureter
4. Regulation of extracellular fluid pH Renal sinus:
5. Regulation of red blood cell synthesis • contains renal pelvis, blood vessels, fat
6. Regulation of Vitamin D synthesis Renal cortex:
Components of the Urinary System • outer portion
• Two kidneys Renal medulla:
• Two ureters • inner portion
• One urinary bladder Renal pyramid:
• One urethra • Cone shaped structures in the medulla whose bases
project into the cortex
Renal papillae:
• tip of pyramids which drain into calyces
Renal pelvis:
• where calyces join together
• narrows to form ureter
Longitudinal Section of the Kidney
Types of Nephrons
1. Juxtamedullary nephrons
• renal corpuscles are deep in the cortex near the
• long loops of Henle extend deep into the medulla
Nephron • Well adapted for water conservation.
• The nephron is the functional unit of the kidney. • About 15% of nephrons
• Each kidney has over one million nephrons. 2. Cortical nephrons
• Approximately 15% are juxtamedullary • Renal corpuscles distributed throughout the cortex
• The nephron includes the renal corpuscle, proximal • Loops of Henle are shorter and closer to the outer
convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule edge of the cortex than juxtamedullary nephrons
and collecting duct Renal Corpuscle
The filtration portion of the nephron
• A network of capillaries twisted around each other like
a ball of yarn
Bowman’s capsule:
• enlarged end of nephron surrounds glomerulus
• opens into proximal convoluted tubule
• contains podocytes (specialized cells around glomerular
• Bowman capsule consists of two layers:
• Outer layer - simple squamous epithelial cells that Nephron Components
become cube-shaped at the beginning of the proximal Proximal convoluted tubule:
convoluted tubule • where filtrate passes first
• Inner layer - cells called podocytes, which wrap around • drains filtrate from Bowman capsule
the glomerular capillaries Loop of Henle:
Characteristics of Renal Corpuscle • contains descending and ascending loops
• Porous capillaries - highly permeable due to the • water and solutes pass through thin walls by diffusion
presence of pores. Neither large proteins nor blood cells Distal convoluted tubule:
can fit through them. • structure between Loop of Henle and collecting duct
• Porous inner layer of Bowman capsule - A basement Collecting duct:
membrane lies between the endothelial cells of the • empties into calyces
glomerular capillaries and the podocytes of the Bowman • carry fluid from cortex through medulla
capsule. Flow of Filtrate through Nephron
• High pressure 1. Renal corpuscle
• An afferent arteriole supplies blood to the glomerulus 2. Proximal convoluted tubule
for filtration. 3. Descending loop of Henle
• An efferent arteriole transports the filtered blood 4. Ascending loop of Henle
away from the glomerulus. 5. Distal convoluted tubule
• Efferent arteriole has smaller diameter than afferent 6. Collecting duct
arteriole creating a high pressure in the capillaries. 7. Papillary duct
Blood Flow through Kidney
Filtration Membrane 1. Renal artery
• The structures in the corpuscle make up the filtration 2. Interlobar artery
membrane. 3. Arcuate artery
• Consists of capillary endothelium, the basement 4. Interlobular artery
membrane, and the podocytes of the Bowman capsule 5. Afferent arteriole
• Filtrate is the fluid filtered from the glomerular 6. Glomerulus
capillaries. Enters the lumen inside the Bowman capsule. 7. Efferent arteriole
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus 8. Peritubular capillaries
• Juxtaglomerular apparatus – specialized cells of the 9. Vasa recta
afferent arteriole and distal convoluted tubule in close 10. Interlobular vein
contact with each other. 11. Arcuate vein
• Juxtaglomerular cells – specialized smooth muscle cells 12. Interlobar vein
located where the afferent arteriole enters the renal Urine Formation
corpuscle Urine formation involves three processes:
• Macula densa - part of the distal convoluted tubule that • Filtration – occurs in the renal corpuscle, blood plasma
lies between the afferent and efferent arterioles next leave glomerulus and enters Bowman space
to the renal corpuscle. • Tubular Reabsorption – involves removing substances
• The juxtaglomerular apparatus is an important from the filtrate and placing them back into the blood
regulatory structure. • Secretion – involves taking substances from the blood
• Secretion of the enzyme renin by the juxtaglomerular at a nephron area other than the renal corpuscle and
apparatus plays an important role in the regulation of putting back into the nephron tubule
filtrate formation and blood pressure.
Urine Formation-Filtration
• Movement of water, ions, small molecules through Urine Production-Reabsorption
filtration membrane into Bowman’s capsule • 99% of filtrate is reabsorbed and reenters circulation
• 19% of plasma becomes filtrate • The proximal convoluted tubule is the primary site for
• 180 Liters of filtrate are produced by the nephrons reabsorption of solutes and water
each day • The descending Loop of Henle concentrates filtrate
• 1% of filtrate (1.8 liters) become urine, the rest is • Reabsorption of water and solutes from distal
Reabsorbed convoluted tubule and collecting duct is controlled by
• Only small molecules are able to pass through filtration hormones
membrane Urine Production—Secretion
• Formation of filtrate depends on filtration pressure • Tubular secretion removes some substances from the
• Filtration pressure forces fluid across filtration blood.
membrane • These substances include by-products of metabolism
• Filtration pressure is influenced by blood and interstitial that become toxic in high concentrations and drugs or
fluid pressures, and osmotic pressures of plasma and other molecules not normally produced by the body.
interstitial fluid. • Tubular secretion occurs through either active or
passive mechanisms.
• Ammonia secretion is passive.
• Secretion of H+, K+, creatinine, histamine, and penicillin is
by active transport.
• These substances are actively transported into the
• The secretion of H+ plays an important role in regulating
the body fluid pH.
Urine Concentration Mechanism Concentrated urine is produced when the permeability
• The kidneys regulate blood composition and are able to increases and water leaves filtrate by osmosis.
produce very dilute or very concentrated urine to Regulation of Urine Concentration and Volume
maintain the extracellular fluid concentration close to 300 Three major hormonal mechanisms are involved in
mOsm/L. regulating urine concentration and volume:
• The ability to control the volume and concentration of 1. renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
the urine depends on: (1) countercurrent mechanisms, (2) 2. the antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
a medullary concentration gradient, and (3) hormonal 3. the atrial natriuretic hormone
mechanisms. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone Mechanism
• Countercurrent mechanism - fluids in separate 1. The juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidneys release
structures flow in opposite directions relative to each the enzyme renin when blood pressure is low
other. As they pass by each other, materials can be 2. Renin enters the blood and converts angiotensinogen to
exchanged between them. produce angiotensin I
• The countercurrent mechanism creates a very high 3. Angiotensin-converting enzyme converts angiotensin I
solute concentration in the medulla compared to the to angiotensin II
cortex. Called the medullary concentration gradient. 4. Angiotensin II causes vasoconstriction and raises blood
• The medullary concentration gradient develops from (1) Pressure
the actions of the countercurrent mechanisms and (2) 4. Angiotensin II also acts on adrenal cortex to release
the recycling of urea. aldosterone
• The concentration of solutes in the medulla increases 5. Aldosterone increases rate of active transport of Na+
from 300 mOsm/L to 1200 mOsm/L deep in the in distal convoluted tubules and collecting duct
medulla at the tip of the renal pyramid. 6. Volume of water in urine decreases and blood
• The descending limb of the loop of Henle is a critical site pressure increases
for water reabsorption. Aldosterone Actions
• The filtrate leaving the proximal convoluted tubule is
further concentrated as it passes through the
descending limb of the loop of Henle.
• The mechanism for this water reabsorption is osmosis.
• The wall of the thin segment of the descending limb is
highly permeable to water.
• As the filtrate moves through the medulla containing
the highly concentrated interstitial fluid, water is
reabsorbed out of the nephron by osmosis.
• The water enters the vasa recta which removes
excess water and solutes from the medulla without
changing the high concentration of solutes in the
medullary interstitial fluid.
• The ascending limb of the loop of Henle dilutes the
filtrate by removing solutes Antidiuretic Hormone Mechanism
• The thin segment of the ascending limb is not 1. ADH is secreted by the posterior pituitary gland when
permeable to water, but it is permeable to solutes so the solute concentration of the blood or interstitial fluid
solutes diffuse out of the nephron. increases
• The permeability of the distal convoluted tubule and 2. ADH acts of kidneys, causing them to absorb more
collecting duct vary depending upon hormonal control. water (decrease urine volume)
3. Result is to maintain a normal blood volume and blood Urethra
Pressure • tube that exits bladder
ADH and the Regulation of Extracellular Fluid • carries urine from urinary bladder to outside of body
Internal urethral sphincter
• smooth muscle surrounds urethra at the junction of
the urinary bladder and prevents urine from leaving the
External urethral sphincter:
• formed of skeletal muscle surrounding the urethra
near the pelvic floor.
• allows a person to voluntarily start or stop the flow of
urine out of the urethra
Urine Movement
Micturition reflex:
• activated by stretch of urinary bladder wall
Atrial Natriuretic Hormone • action potentials are conducted from bladder to spinal
1. ANH is secreted from cardiac muscle in the right cord through pelvic nerves
atrium of the heart when blood pressure increases • parasympathetic action potentials cause bladder to
2. ANH acts on kidneys to decrease Na+ reabsorption contract
3. Sodium ions remain in nephron and enter urine • stretching of bladder stimulates sensory neurons to
4. Increased loss of sodium and water reduce blood inform brain person needs to urinate
volume and blood pressure Micturition Reflex