Capital Allowances Manual-Hmrc
Capital Allowances Manual-Hmrc
Capital Allowances Manual-Hmrc
Updates to this guidance | Search this Manual CA10000 CA11000 CA20000 CA30000 CA40000 CA43000 CA45000 CA50000 CA60000 CA70000 CA75000 CA80000 CA85000 Introduction General Plant and machinery allowances Industrial buildings allowances Agricultural buildings allowances Flat conversion allowances Business Premises Renovation Allowance Mineral extraction allowances Research and development allowances Know-how allowances Patents Dredging Assured tenancy allowances
Industrial buildings and structures that qualified for the new allowances were defined in the legislation. Shops, offices, hotels and dwelling houses were specifically excluded as the purpose of the relief was to "help the productive or creative industry that gives industrial employment and is the foundation of national prosperity: from the point of view of national prosperity it is the production of things and the export of things and not the retail distribution at home of things that matters." Agricultural buildings allowance replaced the special relief given to agricultural landowners under the old Schedule A rules. The rate of allowance was set at 10% (rather than the 2% for industrial buildings) following strong opposition from farmers and landowners to any reduction in the generous relief that they had enjoyed previously.
Investment allowances
An "investment allowance" was introduced in 1954 to encourage investment in new plant and machinery, mining works, industrial and agricultural buildings, and buildings and plant used for scientific research. Investment allowances were given in addition to initial and annual allowances. This meant that businesses could receive allowances over the period of ownership of more than the asset had actually cost. The investment allowance was set at a rate of 10% for agricultural and industrial buildings and 20% for other qualifying assets. Investment allowances continued on and off at various rates until 1966. Then they were replaced by direct grants administered by the Board of Trade. The method of making claims for plant and machinery by reference to a wide range of different rates of writing-down allowance set out in published lists continued until 1962. In a move to reduce the burden on business and simplify the process of claiming capital allowances, the number of rates was then reduced to three (15%, 20% and 25%) and taxpayers were allowed to pool expenditure within each category for the purposes of calculating writing-down allowances. This was a considerable simplification, but difficulties still remained where assets were sold or scrapped, as the pool had to be unscrambled to calculate the balancing allowance or charge.
1984 reforms
In 1984 the then Chancellor of the Exchequer, Nigel Lawson, started a series of reforms to create a more neutral, broader based tax system. Initial allowances and first year allowances were phased out over three years. The 1984 business tax reforms brought
capital allowances closer into line with actual rates of commercial depreciation. Allowances were set at 25% for plant and machinery, 4% for industrial and agricultural buildings.
The capital allowance legislation was consolidated in 1990 in CAA90 apart from the legislation on patents and know-how, which stayed in ICTA88. The legislation was rewritten in 2000 and all of the capital allowance legislation is now in CAA2001. You can find CAA2001 and the explanatory notes that go with it on the Intranet or on the Internet at 2001.
hindsight showing that a different combination of claims might be advantageous: for example, the group relief available may be lower than the company expected it to be when it claimed capital allowances. The company may then want to claim further capital allowances. But that is not a circumstance beyond the company's control. It could have claimed sooner.
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oversight or error, whether on the part of the company or its advisers. absence or indisposition of an officer or employee of the company unless: the absence or illness arose at a critical time, which delayed the making of the claim. in the case of absence, there was good reason why the person was unavailable at the critical time. there was no other person who could have made the claim on behalf of the company within the normal time limits. A company may make a capital allowance claim "out of order" - that is, for an accounting period when a return for a later accounting period has already been made. This capital allowance claim may reduce the capital allowances due for that later accounting period. For example, a claim for plant and machinery allowances will reduce the qualifying expenditure in a plant and machinery pool and so the capital allowances due for later periods. Where this happens the company has 30 days to make the necessary amendments to its return for that later period. If the company does not amend that return within 30 days you may amend it to make it consistent with the capital allowances available. The company may appeal in writing against the amendment of the return. The appeal must be made within 30 days of the issue of the notice of amendment. There is also guidance about capital allowance claims by companies at CTM98000 onwards.
CA11160 - General: Claims: Sideways set off of excess capital allowances: Schedule A
ICTA88/S379A (3)
In general Schedule A losses cannot, for income tax, be set off sideways against other income. However, the part of a Schedule A loss which is made up of capital allowances can be set off sideways against other income for: the year in which the loss arose, and the year after the year in which the loss arose. You calculate the part of the Schedule A loss made up of capital allowances and available for sideways set off like this. First, you deduct any balancing charges from the capital allowances. This gives you the net capital allowances. You compare this figure with the Schedule A loss. If the net capital allowances are less than the Schedule A loss, the net capital allowances are the part of the Schedule A loss available for sideways set off. If the net capital allowances are more than the Schedule A loss the whole Schedule A loss is available for sideways set off.
CA11510 - General: Definitions: Chargeable period, accounting period and period of account
Capital allowances are made for a chargeable period. A chargeable period is: a period of account (income tax); an accounting period (corporation tax). Accounting period has the same meaning for capital allowances as it has for corporation tax. This means that the definition in ICTA88/S12 applies (see CTM01400 onwards). This is the basic definition of period of account for income tax purposes. A period of account is any period for which trading, professional or vocational (shortened to trading below) accounts are made up. In any other case a period of account is a tax year. For example, the period of account of a person who has a Schedule A business is a tax year. Trading accounts may be drawn up for overlapping periods. If there is an overlap between two periods of account the period that is in both periods of account is deemed to fall within the first one only. For example, accounts may be drawn up for the year ended 30 June 2008 and then the 12 months to 31 December 2008. The period 1 January 2008 to 30 June 2008 is in both periods. It falls within the period of account 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008. It does not fall within the period of account 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008. There may be a gap between the periods for which trading accounts are drawn up. If so, the gap is deemed to be part of the first period of account. For example, accounts may be drawn up for the year ended 30 September 2007 and then the year ended 31 December 2008. The period 1 October 2007 to 31 December 2007 is not within any period of account. It is deemed to be part of the period of account ended 30 September 2007. A period of account cannot be longer than 18 months. If accounts are drawn up for a period that is longer than 18 months you should split the period for which the accounts are drawn up into separate periods of accounts. This is how it is done. The first period of account is the first 12 months of the period for which the accounts have been drawn up. The next period of account starts when those 12 months end, and you continue like that until the whole period for which the accounts were drawn up has been allocated to periods of account. Example Dylan sends in an account for the 27-month period 1 January 2007 to 31 March 2009. This is split into 3 periods of account for capital allowance purposes:
12 months from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2007, 12 months from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008, and 3 months from 1 January 2009 to 31 March 2009. Dylan's capital allowances and balancing charges are calculated for his periods of account 1/1/07 to 31/12/07, 1/1/08 to 31/12/08 and 1/1/09 to 31/3/09. The capital allowances for all 3 periods of account are deducted from and any balancing charges are added to the trading profits for the period 1/1/07 to 31/3/09 to arrive at his taxable profits for that period.
Example Robbie sells a computer to Lawrence for 20,000, payable in two equal instalments. After Robbie has received the first instalment he assigns the right to receive the second instalment to Garth for 8,000. Robbie's sale proceeds are 18,000. Only expenses that can be regarded as the proper expenses of sale of the asset should be deducted in arriving at the net proceeds of sale. In the IBA, ABA and ATA legislation a transfer of the relevant interest, otherwise than by way of a sale, is treated as a sale of the relevant interest at market value.
CA11570 - General: Definitions: Normal time limit for amending an income tax return
CAA01/S577 (1)
The normal time limit for amending a return for the year ending on 5 April is the first anniversary of the 31 January following that year. For example, the time limit for amending a return for 2006/07 is 31 January 2009 because 2006/07 ends of 5 April 2007 and so the 31 January following the year 2006/07 is 31 January 2008 and its first anniversary is 31 January 2009.
g. if the settlement is a sub-fund settlement in relation to a principal settlement, a person in the capacity as trustee of any other sub-fund settlements in relation to the principal settlement. This is where you find definitions if you need them. Principal settlement is defined in paragraph 1 Sch.4ZA TCGA 1992. Settlement is defined in Chapter 5 Part 5 ITTOIA 2005. Sub-fund settlement is defined in Para 1 Sch.4AZ TCGA 1992 Settlement and settler are defined in s620 ITTOIA 2005. If a settlement would have no trustees treat any person in whom the property comprised in the settlement is for the time being vested, or in whom the management of that property is for the time being vested as a trustee. Partner A member of a partnership is connected with o o o any other partner in the partnership, or the spouse or civil partner of any other partner, or a relative of any other partner. This definition does not apply to acquisitions or disposals of partnership assets pursuant to genuine commercial arrangements. Example David, Stephen and Graham are in partnership. This means that David is connected with Stephens civil partner and Grahams wife. David is also connected with Stephens parents and Grahams daughter. The partnership of David, Stephen and Graham decides to sell a caravan that it no longer needs. It advertises the caravan in the local paper. Grahams daughter sees the advertisement and buys the caravan. The sale is not a connected person sale because the sale of the caravan is a genuine commercial arrangement. Company A company is connected with another company if the same person has control of both companies, a person, Alan, has control of one company and persons connected with Alan have control of the other, Alan has control of one company and Alan together with persons connected with Alan have control of the other, or
each company is controlled by a group of two or more persons and the groups either consist of the same persons or could be regarded as consisting of the same persons if in one or more cases a member of either group were replaced by a person with whom the member is connected. Example Robbie controls Cripple Creek Ltd. His sister and brother control Dixie Productions Ltd. Cripple Creek Ltd. and Dixie Productions Ltd. are connected. A company is connected with another person if
the person has control of the company, or the person together with persons connected with them have control of the company. Example Don, Glenn and Joe are in partnership so they are connected. Together they control Desperado Ltd. This means that Desperado Ltd. is connected with Don, with Glenn and with Joe. In relation to a company any two or more persons acting together to secure or exercise control of the company are connected with
one another, and any person acting on the directions of any of them to secure or exercise control of the company The above rules about control for a company also apply to
any body corporate or unincorporated association apart from a partnership. or unit trust scheme. When you apply the rules to a unit trust scheme treat the rights of the unit holders as shares in the company.
In pursuance of a contract
Interpret the expression in pursuance of a contract like you interpret the expression under a contract. In the case of CIR v Mobil North Sea Ltd (60TC310) the courts took the view that in pursuance of a contract had the same meaning as under a contract and that both expressions should be interpreted in the way set out above. Expenditure that a taxpayer incurs by exercising an option in a contract is not expenditure incurred under that contract. It is expenditure that is incurred under the new contract which the taxpayer enters into when the option is exercised.
Performance of a contract
Performance of a contract occurs when both parties have performed their obligations under that contract. Example Barry enters into a contract to buy a guitar for 15,000. Under the contract he pays a deposit of 5,000, he pays 7,000 when he takes delivery of the guitar and he pays the balance of 3,000 two weeks after delivery. The supplier performs his obligations under the contract when he delivers the guitar to Barry. Barry does not perform his obligations under the contract until he has paid the full amount due. This means that Barry does not perform his obligations under the contract until he has paid the final amount of 3,000 and so performance of the contract is when Barry pays 3,000 to the supplier two weeks after delivery.
Use the concept of condition under contract law to decide when a contract becomes unconditional. The word condition may refer either to: an event, upon which the contract as a whole is conditional, or a term in a contract. When condition refers to a term in a contract, it is described as a promissory condition. There are a number of different kinds of promissory conditions of which the main ones are:
Condition precedent promissory condition: this term of a contract exists when the performance by one party of his promise is a condition precedent to the liability of the other to perform. Suppose George contracts with Andy for Andy to repair his car. Under the contract, George promises to pay Andy once Andy has finished the repairs. George's legal obligation to pay Andy does not become unconditional until Andy has completed the work.
Concurrent promissory condition: this term of a contract arises if both contracting parties agree that the performance of their respective promises shall be simultaneous. Such conditions typically arise in contracts for the sale of goods where payment is due on delivery. We argue that payment is conditional on delivery and visa versa and thus the obligation to pay becomes unconditional at the time of delivery.
Independent promissory condition: such conditions arise when the parties agree that each party can enforce each other's promise although he, she or it has not performed their own. Suppose that Cass contracts with Oliver for Oliver to build a machine. Cass is required to make payment two months from the date the contract was entered into. Cass's payment is conditional only on the passage of time and is independent of any obligation imposed on Oliver. No specific terms of payment Where a sale is made without specifying payment terms, the transaction is governed by Section 28 Sale of Goods Act 1979 which states that unless otherwise agreed, delivery of the goods and payment of the price are concurrent conditions, that is to say, the seller must be ready and willing to give possession of the goods, and the buyer must be ready and willing to pay the price in exchange of possession of the goods. This means that the obligation to make payment arises when delivery is made unless there is an agreement specifying some other arrangement.
Romalpa contract
A Romalpa contract is a contract under which goods are sold subject to reservation of title. In a Romalpa type case the supplier fulfils his or her part of the contract at the time of delivery of the goods. The buyer only fulfils his or her part of the contract when he or she chooses to make payment. Title in the goods does not pass to the buyer until payment is made. Even though the buyer has taken delivery of the goods they belong to the seller until the buyer pays for them.
Example 1
Bob buys a car for 15,000. Under the contract he has to pay 12,000 when he takes delivery of the car and 3,000 one month later. Bob takes delivery of the car on 24 May. His obligation to pay for the car becomes unconditional on 24 May. He is legally required to pay for the car in two instalments - 12,000 on 24 May and 3,000 on 24 June. Both payments are required to be made four months or less after the date on which the obligation to pay becomes unconditional. Bob therefore incurs expenditure of 15,000 on 24 May when he takes delivery of the car and his obligation to pay becomes unconditional. Suppose that Bob buys the car for 15,000 from his brother. Under the contract he does not have to pay for the car until he has had it for six months. He takes delivery of the car on 24 May and his obligation to pay for the car becomes unconditional then. He is not legally required to pay for the car until 24 November, which is more than four months after the date on which his obligation to pay for the car becomes unconditional. He does not incur his expenditure of 15,000 on the car until 24 November, the date on which he is legally required to pay for it.
If some of the expenditure is required to be paid more than four months after the date on which the obligation to pay becomes unconditional and some is not, split the expenditure. The part of the expenditure which is required to be paid four months or less after the date on which the obligation to pay becomes unconditional is incurred on the date on which the obligation to pay becomes unconditional. The rest is incurred on the date on which payment is required to be made.
Example 2
As in Example 1 above, Bob buys a car for 15,000. Under the terms of the contract he has to pay 12,000 one month after delivery of the car and the balance of 3,000 five months after that. He takes delivery of the car on 24 May and his obligation to pay becomes unconditional then. He is legally required to pay: 12,000 on 24 June, and 3,000 on 24 November. The first payment is due four months or less after his obligation to pay becomes unconditional but the second one is not. He incurs expenditure of 12,000 on 24 May and 3,000 on 24 November. A milestone contract is a contract that satisfies the following conditions: The asset which is being constructed under the contract becomes the property of the purchaser as it is being constructed; Payment becomes due as and when agreed stages of the work (milestones) are satisfactorily completed. Milestone contracts are often found where there is a large-scale construction project for buildings or for major items of machinery or plant such as oil pipelines. In a milestone contract the obligation to pay normally becomes unconditional when an architect or engineer who has inspected the work done issues a certificate. In a milestone contract, the asset becomes the property of the purchaser as it is being constructed. The obligation to pay for a part of the asset that has been completed becomes unconditional when the work is certified. If the part of the asset, which has been completed, becomes the property of the purchaser before the end of the chargeable period and the work is certified before that accounting date the normal rules about when expenditure is incurred apply. This means that the expenditure is incurred when the work is certified. If the part of the asset which has been completed becomes the property of the purchaser before his accounting date and the work is certified within one month of that accounting date the expenditure which is certified is treated as incurred on the accounting date. If the part of the asset, which has been completed, becomes the property of the purchaser before his accounting date but the work is not certified until more than one month after that accounting date this special rule does not apply. The expenditure is incurred when the work is certified.
There are anti avoidance provisions. They apply where both the following conditions are satisfied: a. The obligation to pay an amount of expenditure under an agreement becomes unconditional at an earlier date than would be the case in a normal commercial contract. b. The sole or main benefit that might be expected to be obtained from A is that the expenditure would be treated as incurred in an earlier chargeable period or basis period. The legislation applies to both initial and supplementary agreements. In deciding whether a contract is a normal commercial contract you should find out what the normal practice is for making contracts for the type of asset concerned and compare it with that. Where the above conditions are satisfied the general rule does not apply. The expenditure is treated as incurred on the date when payment is required to be made.
Example 3
Brian draws up his accounts to 31 July. On 4 July 2004 he orders a sloop for delivery on 15 August. Normally payment would be due on delivery and so the expenditure would not be incurred until 15 August 2004. The expenditure would be incurred in Brian's accounts year ended 31 July 2005. However, Brian makes an agreement with the supplier under which payment is due in full (and so the obligation to pay becomes unconditional) when the order is placed but the supplier allows a credit period of six weeks. This means that if the normal rules applied the expenditure would be incurred on 4 July 2004, which is in Brian's accounts year ended 31 July 2004. If the anti-avoidance legislation is applied the expenditure is incurred on 15 August 2004, in the accounts year ended 31 July 2005. You should only consider applying the anti avoidance provisions if the amounts involved are substantial. You should consult CT&VAT (Technical) before you attempt to apply them. In your submission you should state the reasons given by the taxpayer for entering into the contract within rather than a normal commercial contract. A contract may let the purchaser retain part of the purchase price (a retention) until certain conditions are satisfied. The obligation to pay the part of the purchase price that is retained does not become unconditional until the condition that gave rise to the retention is satisfied. The rules about when expenditure is incurred do not apply to the following: expenditure incurred before a trade begins (IBA, know how, machinery and plant, MEA, patents). Expenditure incurred before a trade begins is treated as incurred on the first day of trading. expenditure still to be incurred under a hire purchase etc contract at the time when the asset is brought into use. Expenditure still to be incurred under a hire purchase etc
contract at the time when the asset is brought into use is treated as incurred on the date on which the asset is brought into use. buildings and structures bought unused (ABA, ATA and IBA). Expenditure incurred on the purchase of an unused building or structure is deemed to be incurred on the date on which the purchase price becomes payable. an additional VAT liability or rebate. An additional VAT liability is incurred and an additional VAT rebate arises on the last day of the relevant VAT interval.
An additional VAT liability or rebate has not been included in a VAT return or assessed before the trade is treated as permanently discontinued for tax purposes
Period which includes the date on which the trade is treated as permanently discontinued.
5,600 22,400*
*The pool brought forward at 1 January 2010 is 27,200 (= 4,800 + 22,400). There are single asset pools, class pools and the main pool, which contains all expenditure that does not go into a single asset or class pool. Expenditure on some assets is kept separate from expenditure on all other assets and does not go into the main pool. It is dealt with in single asset pools. These include assets used partly for purposes other than the qualifying activity, short life assets and cars costing more than 12,000 (but only where the expenditure was incurred before 1/6 April 2009). There are two class pools; one for special rate expenditure and one for expenditure on plant & machinery for overseas leasing. Certain expenditure must be allocated to the special rate pool and will attract WDA at 10% rather than 20%. Special rate expenditure includes expenditure on thermal insulation, integral features, long life assets and cars with CO2 emissions exceeding 160g/km driven bought on or after 1/6 April 2009. Where a person carries on more than one qualifying activity, PMAs are calculated separately for each activity with a separate pool or pools for each of them.