Competitive Promotional Strategies : Chakravarthi Narasimhan
Competitive Promotional Strategies : Chakravarthi Narasimhan
Competitive Promotional Strategies : Chakravarthi Narasimhan
Competitive Promotional
els are set in a monopoly frameworkand use some form of price dis-
crimination.2The informationeconomics literatureexplainsprice vari-
ation in competitive marketsas the equilibriumoutcome of interaction
between oligopolistic firms and consumers who must search for low
In this article I propose another explanation for the variation in
prices in competitive markets that is based on the consumer's brand
loyalty. Marketingresearchers(see Blattbergand Sen 1974, 1976)have
developed segmentationschemes that enable us to classify households
into segments using purchasebehavioralvariablessuch as loyalty to a
brand, price sensitivity, and response to promotions.4The purpose of
this article is to derive the equilibrium-pricing
strategiesof rivals com-
peting in a marketcharacterizedby segmentsthat differin theirloyalty
to a product.
The central hypothesis of this article is that firms fluctuate their
prices to induce brand switchers to buy their products while at the
same time minimizingthe loss of profitsfrom their loyal consumers. I
consider a market made up of consumers who are different in their
purchasing behavior. I hypothesize the existence of consumer seg-
ments that are extremelyloyal to a specific brandand a segmentthat is
willing to switch aroundto find a bargain.I show that the behaviorof
these switchers characterizes the equilibriumstrategies. Further, I
show that the equilibriumstrategies are mixed strategies with firms
choosing prices according to a distributionfunction defined over a
rangeof prices. I interpretdeviationof the price away froma maximum
price as a "promotion."While in cases where both firmstend to charge
the high price with positive probabilitythis poses no problem,this may
be problematicwhen one firmdoes not charge any price with positive
probability.However, several earlierstudies (see Varian1980;Gal-Or
1982;and Sobel 1984)have interpretedsuch equilibriumstrategiesas
occurrences of "sales," and I use the same interpretationin the spirit
of these studies. The two key comparativestatics of interest are the
average depth of discounts and the frequency of promotions. How
these will change dependingon the sizes of the loyal segmentsand the
behaviorof the switchingpopulationis the centralfocus of this article.
In the next section, I develop a simplemodel of a duopolyand derive
the pricing strategies. I then extend the basic model by changingsev-
eral assumptionsto illustratethe impactof the switcherson the equilib-
2. Blattberget al. (1981), Spatt (1981), Narasimhan(1984, 1988), and Jeulandand
Narasimhan(1985)are examplesof modelsthatexplainpricevariationacrossconsumers
or over time.
3. There is a vast amountof literaturein this area. They all rely on some form of
heterogeneityacross consumers(preferences,searchcosts) to explainthe pricevariation
across sellers. Examplesare Butters(1977),Salopand Stiglitz(1977),andVarian(1980).
4. Readersmightwonderwhy loyalty and price sensitivityare both mentionedsince
they are two sides of the same coin. The distinctionbetween these is madeto separate
brandchoice from the quantitydemanded.
The Model
In this section I describe the basic assumptionsunderlyingthe model.
Then I introduceseveral plausibleassumptionsconcerningthe behav-
ior of the switching segment. Following this, I derive the equilibrium
strategies of the rivals under each one of these scenarios. Finally, I
consider several extensions and outline the equilibriumstrategies.
1. Thereare two firmsmarketingone brandedproducteach. The firms
face identical technologies, and the technology is characterizedby a
constant marginalcost (average cost is constant or declining every-
where) assumed to be zero withoutany loss of generality.The firmsdo
not incur any other cost for marketingtheir product. Firms are risk
neutraland act as expected profitmaximizersand behave noncoopera-
tively, taking the rivals' strategy into account.
2. All consumersbuy only one unit of a brandas long as the brand's
price is less than or equal to r. This r is the same for both brands.Later
on we will consider a case when the reservationprices are different.
Consumersbuy from only one firm in a given period.
3. The consumerscan be groupedinto the followingthree segments.
A segment of size a.1(O< a( < 1) is loyal to firm 1 and buys only from
that firm.A segmentof size (2(0 < Ot2 < a1) buys only from firm2. The
remainingconsumers IP(O< = 1 - - (X2)switch amongbrands
buyingaccordingto rules to be specifiedbelow.5The marketsize-that
is, the total number of consumers in the market-is a constant and
normalizedto one.
4. There are no intertemporaleffects either in terms of quantity
boughtor in terms of changingloyalties due to price changes. Further,
price changes can be made costlessly, and consumersbecome awareof
the changes immediately.
The above assumptionscapture the essence of a marketcharacter-
ized by a variety model (a'la Hotelling [1929]) in which consumers
preferan ideal variety and, for productsaway from this most preferred
bundle, their willingness to pay decreases. The loyal consumers are
characterizedby an extreme dissatisfactionfor any bundleaway from
theirpreferredbundle. If w(Q) is the willingness-to-payfunctionwhere
Q is an attributeon which the products are differentiated,then the (xi
segment is characterized by wi(Qi) = r, and wi(Qj) < MC for ij = 1, 2,
5. Blattbergand Sen (1974)estimate that loyal and switchingbehaviorsdescribethe
purchasingstrategiesof 69.6%,71.9%,64.6%,66.4%,and 78%of consumersin alumi-
num foil, wax paper, detergents,facial tissues, and headacheremedies categories,re-
Pi E S*,
such that
I :- otir,
fdFi(Pi) = 1,
Pi E S
where Fj(P1) is the cumulative distribution function for firm i, and E(7Il)
is the expected profits.
Returning to the numerical example discussed earlier, notice that it
does not pay for firm 1 to price below $3.12 even if it is assured of
getting the entire P segment since the profits it would get (0.8 x 3.12)
are less than what it can obtain from its protected market. Given that
firm 1 would never want to price below $3.12, firm 2 may never want to
be below $3.12 either since, by raising its price and coming arbitrarily
close to $3.12, it can retain the P segment and increase its profits by
charging a higher price. Thus, both firms would want to price in the
$3.12-$5.00 price range, and the equilibrium solution is to develop a
strategy of choosing prices in this range. Notice further tht the small
share brand can guarantee a profit of $1.56 by pricing slightly below
$3.12 since, in equilibrium, the higher loyal share firm will never price
below $3.12. It is interesting to note that this amount ($1.56) is strictly
greater than the $1.00 that the second firm obtains from its own loyal
market. Thus, price competition over the switchers who are indifferent
between the two brands seems to help the smaller-share brand.
The following propositions, which are proved in Appendix A, further
characterize the nature of the solution. I will assume without loss of
generality that a > 2
PROPOSITION 2. The strategy sets SVand SV are convex. That is,
there are no holes.
PROPOSITION 3. Neither firm can have a mass point in the interior
or at the lower boundary (P) of the other's support, nor can either
firm have a mass point at the upper boundary (P) of the other's sup-
port if that boundary is a mass point for the other firm.
PROPOSITION 4. The strategy sets SV and SV are identical when
neither firm has a mass point. If firm j has a mass point at Pj, then
firm i will charge Pj with zero density in equilibrium. That is, firm i will
randomize in the half open interval [P, Pj) when firmj has a mass point
at Pj. A
Remark. This proposition also establishes that P = sup(S*) =
sup(S*j) and P = inf(S*') = inf(SP). The next proposition charac-
terizes P.
PROPOSITION5. sup(S*) = sup(S) = sup(S) = P = r.
From propositions 1-5, I can state the following. The equilibrium
strategies are mixed strategies with each firm selecting a distribution
From (3),
F (P)
2 I -o1 l(r- P) (5)
From (5), we see that F2(P) = 0, F2(r) = 1. Further, note that F2(P)
approachesone as P approachesr from below, suggestingthat F2 has
no mass point and has a continuousdensity function. Given this obser-
vation, and since the probabilityof ties occur on a measureof zero, I
can state that (4) must hold at r as well. Solving for F1(P) from (4), we
From (5) and (6) we see that F1 (P) = 12(P) = 0, F2(r) = 1, and F1 (r) =
1 - (clI - U-2)/(Ot + IP).This implies that F1(P) will have a mass point
at r equal to (a1 - U2)/(Ul + I3)
To summarize,when the switchingpopulationis indifferentbetween
buying the two brands, the firms adopt mixed strategiesgiven by the
following distributionfunctions:
O. P < otir/(oti + 13),
F1 = 1 O2/P - otlr(ot2 + P)/IP(Otl + Isr), oLr/(otL + I3)< P < r,
0. P < oLIr/(otL+ 13),
F2 = 1- oL(r - P)IPP, otLr/(otL+ I) < P < r,
1, p:r.
Note furtherthat the equilibriumis unique. Thatis, there is no other
pair of strategies-that is, a probabilitymeasure-strategyset combina-
tion that constitutesan equilibrium.This is verifiedby the construction
of the mixed-strategyequilibriumin (5) and (6). To show that (5) and (6)
do indeed characterizea Nash equilibrium,defineF and F2 to be two
arbitrarydistributionfunctionsfor firms 1 and 2, respectively, with the
provisionthat F' and F2 have positive supporteverywherein the inter-
val (PA,r) (by proposition 2). Define the strategies representedby (5)
and (6) as F* and F*, respectively. Then
aE(nd(F*, F*)),
This last inequality can be rewritten to state the condition when the
profits by playing this game will be larger than the collusive profits for
firm two. This yields ,B < (a, - 2a2). Since f3 is positive this also
implies that a2 < al/2. That is, firm 2's loyal segment is much smaller
than firm l's loyal segment. Firm 2 is willing to play the Nash game
since it obtains more than 50% of the switchers and stands to gain more
than by colluding when it obtains only 50% of the switchers. Raj (1985)
offers evidence that a brand with a smaller loyal segment tends to
obtain a larger share of the brand switchers than the brand with a larger
share of the loyal consumers. To summarize, if a, is "large enough,"
firm 2 will simply not agree to any collusive behavior since it stands to
gain if it plays the Nash game. This of course will hold only when side
payments are ruled out. The above result is consistent with the obser-
vation in the marketing literature that smaller share brands tend to
benefit more from promotions than larger share brands (see Guadagni
and Little 1983).
Another interesting feature of the equilibrium is that, as (a1, - a2)
0, the mass point disappears and the equilibrium is symmetric. Further,
as P-> 0, one gets the monopoly price as the pure equilibrium strategy,
and, as a,, a2 _>0, we get the familiar Bertrand-Nash outcome.
fromits own loyal segment, then firm2 has no incentiveto cut its price,
and consequentlyit serves its own loyal market.The above inequality
emphasizes that, if IPis too small or if d is too large, then there is no
incentivefor eitherfirmto deviate from r, and consequentlythereis no
need to offer promotions.I will thereforeassume that (cr2 + )(r - d)
> ct2r. I will also assume that d > PI - P2, where Pi = our/(oti + I).
These two conditionscan be combinedto restrictd as jr(ao - t2)/(tl
+ )(a2 + >) < d< jrI(a2 + ). Under this condition, it can be shown
that a mixed-strategyequilibriumexists. In equilibrium,first note that
firm2 will not have any supportover the interval(r - d, r). By pricing
in this interval,the firmdoes not obtainany switcherseven whenbrand
1 is pricedat r. Firm 1 has no incentive to-pricebelow (P2 + d) (this is
greaterthan P1) since firm2 will not price below P2. Thus, in equilib-
rium, firm 1 randomizes over the range (P2 r)A? d, and firm 2 ran-
domizes over the range (P2, r d, and r). In AppendixB I sketch the
equilibriumand provide the distributionfunctions. Comparedto the
results from the basic model, there are many differences. First, ob-
serve that there is a range(r - d, r) over which one of the firms(firm2)
has no support.Second, both firmshave mass points at r. Thatis, both
firms will charge r with positive probabilityimplyingthat, unlike the
earliercase, the probabilitythat the firmstie each other at r is nonzero.
This occurs in this model since, by slightlycuttingits price to below r,
firm2 does not obtain any incrementalsales when firm 1 is priced at r.
It is possible for us now to talk about a "regular"price, that is, r, and a
"promotional"price away from r since with positive probabilitywe
should find both firms priced at r. If we assume that a time series of
prices are realizations from the repeated play of such a game, it 'is
possible to talk about the frequencyand averagediscountof promotion
prices. In table 1, I illustratethe results and implicationsof this equilib-
rium. I make the comparisonbetween the relative magnitudesof the
mass points and the expected discount based on simulationexercises
using parametersover a wide range. While the relative magnitudes
of the mass points at r seemed to be reversed for small values of P
(< 20%),the relativemagnitudesof the discounts seemed to be robust.
Based on these results, I can say that, in equilibrium,the firmwith the
larger loyal share promotes more often and offers a lower average
discountthan the smallerbrand(see Quelch [1987]for some arguments
in support of this). In equilibrium,firm 1 earns higher profits than it
would obtainfrom its own loyal consumers,whereasfirm2 obtainsthe
same profits (a2r).
Case 2. In this case, switchers prefer brand 2 at equal prices. I
describe their behavior as follows:
buy brand 1 if P1 c P2 - d and P1 c r;
buy brand 2 if P1 > P2 - d and P2 c r;
buy neither brand if PI > r - d and P2 > r.
TABLE 1 Properties of the Equilibria When the Switchers Are Not Indifferent
Price range:
Brand I (P2 + d, r) (1,r-d, and r)
Brand 2 ("2, r - d, and r) (P1 + d, r)
Mass points:
Brand 1 a2dI[3(r - d)] ((X2 + OP1 + d)lpr + Qt2/P
Brand 2 (oLi + )(P2 + d)lpr - otj/I cqdl[P(r - d)]
Probability of
lower price prob [P1 < r] > prob [P2 < rnt prob [P1 < r] < prob [P2 < r]
firm with large share brand firm with large share brand
promotes more often promotes less often
Average discounts E[P1jIP < r] > E[P2 IP2 < r] E[P1 P' < r] < E[P2lP2 < r]
firm with large share brand firm with large share brand
offers smaller average dis- offers greater average dis-
count count
Maximum dis-
count firm 2 offers the largest dis- firm 1 offers the largest dis-
count count
Similar to the discussions above, if (a., + 13)(r- d) < a1r, then (r, r)
is an equilibriumpair. Neither firmhas an incentive to cut its price. All
the switchers buy brand2, and brand 1 obtains only its loyal consum-
ers. I will therefore assume that (a1 + ,B)(r- d) > a, r, which reduces
to d < fPr/(a, + P). Further, it is obvious that P1 + d> P2, and
thereforefirm2 has no incentive to price below P1 + d since firm 1 will
not price below PI. Moreover,firm 1 will not have any supportover the
range(r - d, r) since by chargingany price over this rangeit does not
obtain any incrementalsales to the switcher segment. Therefore, in
equilibrium,firm 1 randomizesover the range(Pc,(r - d), and r), and
firm2 randomizesover the range(P1 + d, r). In AppendixB I providea
sketch of the equilibriumand derive the distributionfunctions. As in
case 1, once againwe findthat both firmshave mass points at the upper
end-namely, r. In table 1 the propertiesof the equilibriumare charac-
terized. Now we find that firm 1 has more mass at r than firm 2.
Further, the expected discount for firm 1 is higher than for firm 2.
These results were found to hold over a wide range of values for the
cx's, IP,and r. The implicationthen is that, when the switchers prefer
the lower loyal share brand at equal prices, the larger brand must
promote less often but offer larger average discount than the smaller
brand. In equilibrium,brand 2 obtains a larger profit than it would
obtainfrom its own loyal customers, as firm 1 obtains the same profits
To summarize,we see that differentpromotionalpatterns are pre-
dicted for the rivals depending on the behavior of the switching seg-
ments. When switchers are not indifferentbetween the brands, we
obtaindifferentimplicationsthan when they are completelyindifferent
between the brands. Further, depending on the preferences of the
switchers, the promotional strategies are different. This once again
underscoresthe need for managersto evaluate the switchingbehavior
of brand switchers in designingthe promotionalstrategy.
Selective Price Cuts to Switchers
Assume that only a fraction Oiof the loyal segment buys at the lower
"sale" price, with the remainderpayingthe higherprice. This could be
due to deliberate actions taken by the firm to exclude giving promo-
tions to loyal buyers, such as issuing coupons (Narasimhan 1984).
Continueto assume that the entire f3segmentcan avail itself of a lower
price. The following outcomes are easy to verify.
i) If 01 = 02 = 0, firms compete over the ,Bsegment. This corre-
sponds to the classical Bertrandmodel, and we get the familiarresult
that there is a pure-strategy couponing equilibriumwith each firm
choosing coupon value of r (note that I have assumed a constant mar-
ginal cost and set i equal to zero). If there is a cost of $k per redeemed
coupon, then the value of coupon is (r - k). If there is a fixed cost for
couponing, then we get a mixed-strategyequilibrium.
ii) If 01and 02 are differentfromzero, and 0lt1 > 02t2, we get the same
results as in the basic model. By defininga4 = Oao and ot2 = O2t2,
we see that the results developed above continue to hold with cXire-
placed by at. That is, there is a mixed-strategycouponingequilibrium
with the firm with the larger loyal franchise giving coupons less fre-
quently and with a lower average discount than the smallerbrand.
iii) If 0ilt < 02c-2, again we obtain the same result as in the basic
model, but the roles of the two brandsare reversed. It is the brandwith
the largerloyal share that is able to protect a greaterproportionof its
segment from getting the price cut and thus acts as the aggressive
promoter.As far as coupon users are concerned, it is the largerbrand
that assumes the role of a brand with a smaller loyal market in the
above development. This implies that it is the firm with the smaller
loyal franchise that discounts less often.
Competition in a Differentiated Market
In this section, I discuss the equilibriumstrategieswhen the reserva-
tion prices of consumersfor the two brandsare different.Specifically,
assume that all consumersare willingto pay rl for the firstbrandand r2
(< rl) for the second brand. I thus assume that the two brands are
differentiatedwith the firstbrandcommandinga price premiumof 8 =
(rj - r2). Further,the restrictionthat al is largerthan Ot2is removed.
Thus, we can think of brand 1 as a premiumpricedhigh or a low share
In the last section a model of duopoly was developed, and the pricing
strategiesof the rivals were illustrated.It was shown that the behavior
of the switchingsegmentimplieddifferentstrategies.In termsof strate-
gic prescriptions,I can offer the following guidelines.
1. If the switching population is completely indifferent between the
two brands, a large share brand should lower its price less frequently
than the lower share brandand offer the same average discount. The
followingobservationson the depth and frequencyof discounts can be
i) The frequency of discounts by the largerbrand (= (0t2 + 1)(Oi
+ Is)) is an increasingfunction of the size of the smallerbrand'sloyal
marketand a decreasingfunction of the size of its own loyal market.
ii) The average discounts of both brandsare increasingin the reser-
vation price (r).
iii) Holding the switcher segment size constant, if ai increases (and
Ot2 decreases), the expected price of both brands increase, and the
average discounts of both brands consequently decrease.
2. If a firmcan protect its loyal marketfromprice cuts throughsome
form of price discrimination,then its ability to compete on price in-
creases. For example, in the above illustration,if the large sharebrand
can exclude its loyal marketfrom obtainingthe lower price while the
small brand cannot, then the large share brand should be the one to
offer lower prices more frequently.
3. When the switchers are not indifferentbetween the brands, the
strategiesare different.
i) If the inducement to make the switchers switch to the less pre-
ferredbrandis "large" or if the size of the ,3 segmentis "small," then
neither firm may want to promote its product, and we will observe a
constant price as the equilibriumstrategy.
ii) If switchers preferbrand 1 at equal prices, then the optimalstrat-
egy for firm 1 is to promote its product more often and offer a lower
average discount than brand 2.
iii) If switchers prefer brand 2 at equal prices, then the optimal
strategyfor firm 1 (firmwith the largershare)is to promoteits product
less often but offer largeraverage discounts than firm2.
4. If the switchers are willing to pay a price premiumto one of the
brands,then the strategiesare differentfrom the one describedabove.
A premium-pricedbrandin generalwill offer a higheraveragediscount
and also promote more often unless its share of the loyal segment is
very large (i.e., (1 - x1)rl< (1 - X2)r2).
5. In categories where there are many brands with intense rivalry,
the brandthat has the least amountof pullingpower may not want to
discount at all if there are costs for lowering price. In this case the
brandmay want to keep a permanentlower price. Genericbrandsand
some store brandsin many grocery productcategoriesadopt this strat-
In testing the predictions of these models, an interesting question
arises, namely, how do we know firmsfollow the strategiesprescribed
here? The one indirecttest we can propose is to identifythe key com-
parativestatics-namely, the frequencyof price changes and the aver-
age value of the discount-and test the relationshipbetween these and
the magnitudes of the loyal segments and the switching behavior.
Other importantpoints are the following. In the theoretical develop-
ment, the firm sells directly to the users of the product. There is no
intermediarysuch as a retailer. However, in practice, price discounts
are often providedthroughthe retailer,and the retailer'srole in passing
on the discounts was not modeled in this paper.The retailersobjective
functionis not to maximizea particularbrand'sprofitbut to maximize
the overall profitof his store while competingwith otherretailersin his
geographical market. Therefore, unless the retailer's incentives are
aligned with the manufacturer,the observed discount patterns are
likely to be different from the predictions of the model. What this
implies is that it is desirablethat this aspect be modeledexplicitly, and
implicationsfrom a manufacturers-retailer model be derived prior to
empiricaltesting, or this aspect must be taken into account even with-
out explicit modeling. However, one can test the implicationsof this
model with discounts provided directly to the consumers such as
throughcents-off coupons. While I providedevidence on the positive
correlationbetween the average discount and the price of brandsin a
numberof categories examined (Narasimhan1984), I did not test the
implicationson share or the,frequency of discounts.
Summaryand Conclusions
In this article, a model was developed to explore the equilibrium-
pricing strategies of brandedproducts that enjoy a monopoly market
protected from other firms and a common marketin which every one
competes. It was shown that a mixed-strategyequilibriumexists with
the firmsrandomizingover an interval. Dependingon the behaviorof
the switching population, different strategies were derived for the ri-
vals. The two key statistics of interest are the probabilitythat a brand
would have a lower price than the reservationprice of the consumers
(frequencyof deals) and the expected value of the discount (depth of
discount). Empiricallytestable propositionswere derivedby assuming
that time series of observationon prices and sales are generatedby the
Appendix A
Proof of Propositions 1-5
PROPOSITION There is no Nash equilibriumin pure strategies.
Proof. Suppose (Pt, P*) is an equilibriumpairof Nash strategies.Then, by
definition,there is no such Pi (i = 1, 2) such that I1(Pi,Pj*)> Hf(P*,Pj). The
proof of the propositionproceeds by provingthe existence of such a Pi.
Case (i).
P*= Py,
Hii(P*,PJ) = otiP* + 1/2 UP* (Al)
Let Pi = P* - E, E > 0. Then
Hli(P-, Pj) = oti(P* - E) + I(P -E). (A2)
From (Al) and (A2),
fli(PTE PJ ) = otiPi + UP S.
Choose Pi = PE + E< PJ
fli(Piq PJ) > fli(P*, PI). (A3)
The proof of the existence of such an E so that (A3) holds is trivial.
2. The strategy sets SVand Spare convex. That is, there are no
Proof. The proof proceeds by first showingthat there are no holes in T =
sV n Sand then showing that there are no holes in T' = V - SVfSn
No Holes in T. Let P = inf(T) and P = sup(T). To show that T is convex,
we show that there are no "holes"^inT. That is, there is no intervalI = (pk,
ph) such that, for p <Pk <ph <j5 and for P E I, P C T. This could happen
when one of the firmshas supportover the intervalI andthe otherone does not
or when neither firm has support over the intervalI. I show that neither of
these two is possible.
Firstnote that if the ith firmchargesP E I with probabilityzero, then so does
thejth firm. To see this, let P1 and p2 be definedas
P1 E S and P1 = sup{P IP < pk},
But, since Fi(Ph) = F1(Pk) = F1(P1), the profits obtainedby chargingph are
strictly greaterthan the profitsobtainedby chargingF1, contradictingthe as-
sumptionof an equilibrium.
No Holes in T'. Once again define P = inf(T') and P = sup(T'). Note that
T' correspondsto the set of prices chargedby i and not by j, and, by virtueof
the above proof, eitherP < inf(Sj) or P > sup(Sj). Note furtherthat T' cannot
containany holes. If it did, firmi could strictlymakeitself betteroff by moving
the mass from the lower end of the hole to the upperend since by doing so it
does not lose any sales but charges a higherprice to its buyers.
PROPOSITION 3. Neither firmcan have a mass point in the interioror at the
lower boundaryof the other's support,nor can eitherfirmhave a mass point at
the upperboundaryof other's supportif that boundaryis a mass point for the
other firm.
Proof. Let Pi = inf(SV)and Pi = sup(S'). We note that Pi > 0 since the
firmshouldmake positive profitsin equilibrium.Assume to t~hecontraryof the
propositionthat thejth firmchargesa price P*, Pi < P* < Pi with probability
w. The proof proceeds by showingthat firmi can increaseits profitsby chang-
ing its strategy.
Fromproposition2, we know thatthereare no "holes" in the strategyset for
firm i. Consider the profits of the ith firm when it charges (P* - E) and
(P* + E), E > 0. These are given respectively by
- E) + [1 - -
oi(P* Fj(P* -E)]rP(P* E),
Ui(P* + E) + [1 - Fj(P* + E)]P(P* + E). (A5)
Subtract(A5) from (A4) to yield
-2E(cUi + p) + EP[Fj(P* + E) -Fj(P* - E)] (A6)
+ PrP*[Fj(P* + E) - Fj(P* - E)] -2E(oXi + p) + PrW + PP*W.
sup(S*) = sup(S) = r.
Proof. Suppose, to the contrary, sup(S*) = P < r. The profitfor the ith
firmwhen it chargesP is oxiPsince with probabilityone the other firmis going
to be charginga price less thanP (ties are ruledout by proposition3). Consider
the deviant strategy of charging r with probability one. The expected profit for
the ith firmis air > aiP. Therefore,P = r.
Appendix B
Sketch of Equilibrium When Switchers Are Not Indifferent
In this appendixI sketch the equilibriumwhen the switchersare not indifferent
between the two brands. I consider the two cases identifiedin the text.
Case 1. In this case, switcherspreferbrand1 at equalprices. Their switch-
ing behavioris describedbelow:
buybrandlifPI<P2 + dandPI?r;
buy brand2 ifPI - P2 + d and P2 ' r;
buy neither if PI > r and P2 > (r - d).
Appendix C
Sketch of Equilibrium in a Premium versus Regular Brand Market
In this appendixa sketch of the equilibriumfor the differentiatedproductscase
is providedfor the case (1 - a1)rI < (1 - 2)r2.
Let Pi = (airi)/(ai + >). Then, P1 > P2 + 8. This implies that firm 1 will
never price below PAand firm 2 will never price below (PI - 8). The sets of
prices firm 1 and firm 2 will charge are given by (PI, r1) and (P1 - 8, r2),
respectively. Thus, it can be seen that firm 1 has no supportover the interval
I- 5, ), andfirm2 has no supportover the interval(r2,r1).The distribution
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