IWCE AbstractsBook Final2015
IWCE AbstractsBook Final2015
IWCE AbstractsBook Final2015
Computational Electronics
West Lafayette, Indiana
September 2-4, 2015
September 2 - 4, 2015
West Lafayette, IN
Book of Abstracts
On behalf of the local organizing committee, we would like to welcome you to the 18th International
Workshop on Computational Electronics. Throughout the years, this workshop has served as the leading
international forum of discussion on the current trends and future directions for computational electronics.
This year’s IWCE covers a wide range of topics. Included in this list are the popular areas of Quantum
Transport, Semiclassical Transport, Electronic Structures, and Thermal Transport. Additionally, there is
demonstrated interest in other topics such as Devices and TCAD, Multiscale Simulations, Quantum Dots &
Photonics, and 2D & Graphene Devices.
IWCE 2015 is organized in a single session format and includes eight invited talks, 46 contributed oral
presentations, and 47 poster presentations. We will continue our tradition of very active poster sessions which
have been a very positive trademark of IWCE. All abstracts are collected in this book, printed from camera-
ready manuscripts submitted by the authors. We would like to express our deep appreciation to the authors for
their effort to provide high-quality contributions.
It is our hope that the discussions that take place between both young and experienced researchers are
both open and thought provoking. Finally, we hope that all participants enjoy their stay in West Lafayette.
Gerhard Klimeck
Chair of IWCE 2015
and the Organizing Committee
Committee Memebers
Technical Committee
September 2
8:15-8:45 A.M.
Invited Speaker: Mahesh Neupane (U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving
Ground, Maryland USA)
Electronic and Vibrational Properties of 2D Materials from Monolayer to Bulk 1
8:45-9:00 A.M.
F. Karimi and I. Knezevic (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Self-Consistent Field and Master Equation Approach to Calculating the Dielectric Function
of Graphene 3
9:00-9:15 A.M.
J. Li, H. Miranda, Y.M. Niquet, L. Genovese, I. Duchemin, L. Wirtz and C. Delerue (Univ.
Grenoble; University of Luxembourg; UMR CNRS)
The Role of Dimensionality on Phonon-Limited Charge Transport: From CNTs to Graphene 5
9:15-9:30 A.M.
A. Kefayati, M. Pourfath, and H. Kosina (University of Tehran; Institute for Microelectronics,
TU Wien)
A Rigorous Study of Nanoscaled Transistors Based on Single-Layer MoS2 7
9:30-9:45 A.M .
V. Hung Nguyen, H. Viet Nguyen, J. Saint-Martin, and P. Dollfus (Institute of Fundamental
Electronics, Univ. of Paris-Sud; Center for Computational Physics, Institute of Physics, VAST)
Strain Effects on the Electronic Properties of Devices Made of Twisted Graphene Layers 9
9:45-10:00 A.M.
M. L. Van de Put, W. G. Vandenberghe, and M. V. Fischetti (Universiteit Antwerpen; University
of Texas)
Overlaps in Stacked Graphene Flakes Using Empirical Pseudopotentials 11
10:00-10:15 A.M.
Session 2 - Devices & TCAD
10:15-10:45 A.M.
Invited Speaker: Damien Querlioz (Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale, Univ. Paris-Sud,
CNRS, Orsay, France)
Computational Methods for the Design of Bioinspired Systems that Employ Nanodevices 13
10:45-11:00 A.M.
Á. Papp, G. Csaba, and W. Porod (University of Notre Dame; Pazmany Peter Catholic
Short-Wavelength Spin-Wave Generation by a Microstrip Line 15
11:00-11:15 A.M.
D. Guo, D. Brinkman, T. Fang, R. Akis, I. Sankin, D. Vasileska, and C. Ringhofer (School of
ECE and School of Mathematics, Arizona State University; First Solar)
Diffusion-Reaction Modeling of Cu Migration in CdTe Solar Devices 17
11:15-11:30 A.M.
H. Dey, G. Csaba, G. H. Bernstein, and W. Porod (Center for Nano Science and Technology,
University of Notre Dame)
Oscillations in Exchange-Coupled Nanomagnets 19
11:30-11:45 A.M.
H. Nakamura, I. Rungger, A. Narayan, S. Sanvito, Y. Asai, and J. Tominaga (National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba Japan; School of Physics, MBER
and CRANN, Trinity College)
Computational Study on Interfacial Phase Change Memory by Topological Superlattices 21
11:45-12:00 P.M.
P. Long, E. Wilson, J. Z. Huang, M. Rodwell, G. Klimeck and M. Povolotskyi (Purdue
Univeristy; University of California Santa Barbara)
Design and Simulation of GaSb/InAs 2D Transmission Enhanced TFET 23
12:00-12:15 P.M.
T. Sadi, L. Wang, L. Gerrer, and A. Asenov (University of Glasgow; Gold Standard Simulations
Self-Consistent Physical Modeling of Silicon-Based Memristor Structures 25
12:15-12:30 P.M.
X. Oriols, Z. Zhen, and E. Colomés, D. Marian (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Dissipative Quantum Transport Using One-Particle Time-Dependent (Conditional) Wave Functions 27
12:30-1:30 P.M.
Session 3 - Electronic Properties
1:30-2:00 P.M.
Invited Speaker: Qing Shi (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
Analyzing Variability in Short-Channel Quantum Transport from Atomistic First Principles 29
2:00-2:15 P.M.
D. Valencia, E.M. Wilson, M. J. W. Rodwell, G. Klimeck, M. Povolotskyi (Network for
Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University; University of California, Santa Barbara)
Effect of the High-k Dielectric/Semiconductor Interface on Electronic Properties in
Ultra-Thin Channels 31
2:15-2:30 P.M.
F. W. Chen, M. Manfra, G. Klimeck, and T. Kubis (Department of Physics and School of ECE,
Purdue University)
NEMO5: Why Must We Treat Topological Insulator Nanowires Atomically? 33
2:30-2:45 P.M.
J. Ghosh, D. Osintsev, V. Sverdlov, and S. Selberherr (Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien)
Spin Lifetime Dependence on Valley Splitting in Thin Silicon Films 35
2:45-3:00 P.M.
J. Z. Huang, K. Wang, W. R. Frensley, and G. Klimeck (Network for Computational
Nanotechnology, Purdue University; University of Texas)
Finite Difference Schemes for k • p Models: A Comparative Study 37
3:00-3:15 P.M.
3:15-3:30 P.M.
S. Markov, C. Y. Yam, B. Aradi, G. Penazzi, A. Pecchia, T. Frauenheim, and G. H. Chen (Department
of Chemistry, University of Hong Kong; University of Bremen; University of Rome)
Density Functional Tight Binding Modeling in the Context of Ultra-Thin SOI MOSFETs 39
3:30-3:45 P.M.
Y. P. Tan, M. Povolotskyi, T. Kubis, T. B. Boykin,and G. Klimeck (Network for Computational
Nanotechnology, Purdue University; University of Alabama)
Transferable Tight Binding Model for Strained Group IV and III-V Heterostructures 41
3:45-4:45 P.M.
Shotgun Poster Announcements
5:00 P.M.
Poster session with cocktail reception Buchanan Room/RossAde
7:00 P.M.
Advisory Board Meeting at McGraws Steak House
September 3
8:00-8:30 A.M.
Invited Speaker: Christian Jirauschek (Institute for Nanoelectronics, Technische Universität
München, Germany)
Modeling of Quantum Cascade Laser Sources with Giant Optical Nonlinearities 43
8:30-8:45 A.M.
T. Cusati, G. Fiori, A. Fortunelli, G. Iannaccone (Università di Pisa; CNR Institute for Chemical
and Physical Processes)
Multiscale Modeling of Graphene-Metal Contacts 45
8:45-9:00 A.M.
Y.-B. Shi, S. Mei, and I. Knezevic (University of Wisconsin)
From Single-Stage to Device-Level Simulation of Coupled Electron and Phonon Transport in
Quantum Cascade Lasers 47
9:00-9:15 A.M.
M. Claus, A. Fediai, S. Mothes, A. Pacheco, D. Ryndyk, S. Blawid, G. Cuniberti and M. Schröter
(Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden, Institute for Materials Science and Max Bergmann
Center of Biomaterials, and Center for Computational Materials Science, TU Dresden;
Laboratory for Devices and Integrated Circuits, Universidade de Brasilia)
Multi-Scale Modeling of Metal-CNT Interfaces 49
9:15-9:30 A.M.
P. Muralidharan, D. Vasileska, S. M. Goodnick and S. Bowden (Arizona State University)
A Multi-Scale Modeling Approach to Study Transport in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells 51
9:30-9:45 A.M.
W. R. Frensley (University of Texas)
Variational Formulation of Stable Discrete k • p Models 53
9:45-10:00 A.M.
Z. Jiang, M. Povolotskyi, N. Onofrio, D. Guzman, D. Lemus, S. Perez, J. Bermeo, A. Strachan,
G. Klimeck (Purdue University)
Multi-Scale Quantum Simulations of Conductive Bridging RAM 55
10:00-10:15 A.M.
Session 5 - Quantum Transport
10:15-10:45 A.M.
Invited Speaker: Supriyo Datta (Purdue University)
Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function (NEGF) Method: A Different Perspective 57
10:45-11:00 A.M.
A. Afzalian, J. Huang, H. Ilatikhameneh, J. Charles, D. Lemus, J. Bermeo Lopez, S. Perez
Rubiano,T. Kubis, M. Povolotskyi, G. Klimeck, M. Passlack, and Y.-C. Yeo (TSMC, Network for
Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University; TSMC Hsinchu Taiwan)
Mode Space Tight Binding Model for Ultra-Fast Simulations of III-V Nanowire MOSFETs
and Heterojunction TFETs 59
11:00-11:15 A.M.
B. Novakovic and G. Klimeck (Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University)
Time-Resolved Computational Method for Atomistic Open System Simulations 61
11:15-11:30 A.M.
D. Verreck, M. Van de Put, A.S. Verhulst, B. Sorée, W. Magnus, A. Dabral, A. Thean and G.
Groeseneken (imec Leuven; KU Leuven; Universiteit Antwerpen)
15-Band Spectral Envelope Function Formalism Applied to Broken Gap Tunnel Field-Effect
Transistors 63
11:30-11:45 A.M.
J. Fang, W. Vandenberghe, and M. Fischetti (University of Texas)
Progress on Quantum Transport Simulation Using Empirical Pseudopotentials 65
11:45-12:00 P.M.
M. Bescond, N. Cavassilas, H. Carrillo-Nuñez, S. Berradaand M. Lannoo (Aix Marseille Universit;
Integrated Systems Laboratory ETH Zürich)
Phonon Interactions in Single-Dopant-Based Transistors: Temperature and Size Dependence 67
12:00-12:15 P.M.
L. Bourdet, J. Li and Y. M. Niquet (University Grenoble Alpes)
Contact Resistances in Trigate Devices in a Non-Equilibrium Green’s Functions Framework 69
12:15-1:30 P.M.
Session 6 - Quantum Dots and Photonics
1:30-2:00 P.M.
Invited Speaker: Katsuhisa Yoshida (The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)
Sequential Tunneling Effect on Quantum-Dot Intermediate-Band Solar Cells 71
2:00-2:15 P.M.
P. Paletti, R. Pawar, G. Ulisse, F. Brunetti, G. Iannaccone, G. Fiori (Università di Pisa; Università
di Roma)
Simulation of Organic Solar Cell with Graphene Transparent Electrode 73
2:15-2:30 P.M.
X. Meshik, M.S. Choi, M. Dutta, and M.A. Stroscio (University of Illinois)
Screening Effect on Electric Field Produced by Spontaneous Polarization in ZnO Quantum Dot
in Electrolyte 75
2:30-2:45 P.M.
M. Franckié, D.O. Winge, and A. Wacker (Division of Mathematical Physics, Lund University)
Validating Simple Approaches for Quantum Cascade Laser Modeling 77
2:45-3:00 P.M.
N. Cavassilas, C. Gelly, F. Michelini and M. Bescond (Aix Marseille Université; CNRS; Université
de Toulon)
Thermionic Escape in Quantum Well Solar Cell 79
3:00-3:30 P.M.
3:30-3:45 P.M.
O. Jonasson and I. Knezevic (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Wigner Function Approach to Quantum Transport in QCLs 81
3:45-4:00 P.M.
Md. R. Nishat, S. Alqahtani, Y. Wu, V. Chimalgi, and S. Ahmed (Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Southern Illinois University)
GaN/InGaN/GaN Disk-in-Wire Light Emitters: Polar vs. Nonpolar Orientations 83
5:00-6:00 P.M.
Cocktail Hour at Shively Club
6:00 P.M.
Conference Banquet at Shively Club
September 4
8:00-8:30 A.M.
Invited Speaker: Mark Lundstrom (Purdue University)
Unified View of Electron and Phonon Transport 85
8:30-8:45 A.M.
K. H. Park, P. N. Martin and U. Ravaioli (Beckman Institute and Department of ECE, University
of Illinois)
Thermoelectric Transports in Geometry- and Doping-Controlled Nanostructures 87
8:45-9:00 A.M.
D. Nagy, M. A. Elmessary, M. Aldegunde, J. Lindberg, A. Loureiro, and K. Kalna (ESDC;
College of Engineering, Swansea University; Dept. of Mathematics & Engineering Physics,
Mansoura University; School of Engineering, University of Warwick; Universidade de Santiago
de Compostela)
Multi-Subband Interface Roughness Scattering Using 2D Finite Element Schrödinger Equation for
Monte Carlo Simulations of Multi-Gate Transistors 89
9:00-9:15 A.M.
M. A. Elmessary, D. Nagy, M. Aldegunde, J. Lindberg , W. Dettmer, D. Perić, A. Loureiro, and
K. Kalna (College of Engineering, Swansea University; Dept. of Mathematics & Engineering
Physics, Mansoura University; School of Engineering, University of Warwick)
Anisotropic Schrödinger Equation Quantum Corrections for 3D Monte Carlo Simulations
of Nanoscale Multigate Transistors 91
9:15-9:30 A.M.
P. Ellinghaus, M. Nedjalkov, and S. Selberherr (Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien)
Improved Particle Annihilation for Wigner Monte Carlo Simulations on a High-Resolution Mesh 93
9:30-9:45 A.M.
R. Hathwar, M. Saraniti, and S. M. Goodnick (Arizona State University)
Modeling Quantum Acceleration of Bloch Waves in Nanowires 95
9:45-10:00 A.M.
Y. Wimmer, W. Goes, A.-M. El-Sayed, A.L. Shluger, and T. Grasser (Vienna University of
Technology; University College London)
On the Validity of the Harmonic Potential Energy Surface Approximation for Nonradiative
Multiphonon Charge Transitions in Oxide Defects 97
10:00-10:15 A.M.
Session 8 - Thermal Transport
10:15-10:45 A.M.
Invited Speaker: Davide Donadio (University of California Davis, Davis, CA USA)
Ultra-Thin Silicon Membranes and Silicon Nanowires as Nanophononic and Thermoelectric
Devices 99
10:45-11:00 A.M.
J. H. Oh, M.-G. Jang, and M. Shin (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Daejeon; Hallym University)
Calculation of Phonon Transmission in Si/PtSi Heterostructures 101
11:00-11:15 A.M.
S. Mei,Z. Aksamija, and I. Knezevic (University of Wisconsin-Madison; University of
Thermal Conductivity Tensor of InxGa1- xAs/InyAl1-yAs Superlattices and Application to Quantum
Cascade Lasers 103
11:15-11:30 A.M.
S. Qazi, A. Shaik, A. Laturia, R. Daugherty, X. Guo, E. Bury, B. Kaczer, K. Raleva and
D.Vasileska (School of Electrical Computer and Energy Engineering, School for Engineering
of Matter, Transport and Energy, Arizona State University; IMEC Leuven; Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Information Technologies, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University)
Multi-Scale Modeling of Self-Heating Effects in Nano-Devices 105
11:30-11:45 A.M.
A. Kommini and Z. Aksamija (Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts
Enhanced Seebeck Coefficient Due to Quantum Confinement in Gated 2D Nanomembranes 107
11:45-1:00 P.M.
1:00 P.M.
P2 P. Long, M. Rodwell, G. Klimeck and M. Povolotskyi (Purdue Univeristy; University of California
Santa Barbara)
Performance Degradation of Superlattice Transistors by Scattering 111
P9 A. Chananay, A. Sengupta, and S. Mahapatra (Indian Institute of Science; Indian Institute of
Engineering Science and Technology)
Analysis of Vacancy Defects in Hybrid Graphene-Boron Nitride Armchair Nanoribbon Based
n-MOSFET at Ballistic Limit 125
P11 . N. Lai, C. Y. Chen, and Y. Li (Parallel and Scientific Computing Laboratory; Institute of
Communications Engineering, National Chiao Tung University)
Nanosized-Metal-Grain-Induced Characteristic Fluctuation in Gate-All-Around Si Nanowire
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Devices 129
P16 H. Sahasrabudhe, Y. Wang, M. Povolotskyi, R. Rahman, and G. Klimeck (Purdue University)
Low Temperature Electrostatic Simulations of Realistic Large-Scale Structures 139
P20 P. Kivisaari, T. Sadi, J. Oksanen, J. Li, P. Rinke, and J. Tulkki (Aalto University; University of
Bipolar Monte Carlo Simulation of Hot Carriers in III-N LEDs 147
P21 K. Fukuda, Y. Morita, T. Mori, W. Mizubayashi, M. Masahara, T. Yasuda, S. Migita, H. Ota
(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
Modeling of Parallel Electric Field Tunnel FETs 149
P22 K. Moors, B. Sorée, and W. Magnus (Institute for Theoretical Physics; Imec; Universiteit
Analytic Solution of Ando’s Surface Roughness Model with Finite Domain Distribution Functions 151
P24 L. Wang, T. Sadi, M. Nedjalkov, A.R. Brown, C. Alexander, B. Cheng, C. Millar, A. Asenov
(University of Glasgow; Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien; Gold Standard Simulations
An Advanced Electro-Thermal Simulation Methodology For Nanoscale Device 155
P25 M. Claus, D. Teich, S. Mothes, G. Seifert,M. Schröter (Center for Advancing Electronics
Dresden, TU Dresden; Physical Chemistry, TU Dresden;UC San Diego)
Multiscale-Modeling of CNTFETs with Non-Regular Defect Pattern 157
P26 P. Marconcini, M. Macucci, M. R. Connolly, and E. D. Herbschleb (Universit`a di Pisa;
University of Cambridge; National Physical Laboratory)
Simulation of Transport Through a Cavity Defined in Graphene with Electrostatic Lithography 159
P30 M. Thesberg, M. Pourfath, N. Neophytou and H. Kosina (Technical University of Vienna;
University of Warwick)
Thermoelectric Power Factor Optimization in Nanocomposites by Energy Filtering Using NEGF 167
P 31 P. Das, G. Yin, S. S. Sylvia, K. Alam, D. Wickramaratne, and R. K. Lake (University of California;
East West University)
The Impact of the Ring Shaped Valence Band in Few-Layer III-VI Materials on FET Operation 169
P32 S. Berrada, N. Cavassilas, L. Raymond, M. Lannoo and M. Bescond (IM2NP, UMR CNRS 7334,
Bât. IRPHE, Technopôle de Château-Gombert)
The Impact of Lead Geometry and Discrete Doping on NWFET Operation 171
P40 M. C. Nguyen, V. H. Nguyen, H. V. Nguyen, J. Saint-Martin, and P. Dollfus (Univ. of Paris-Sud;
Institute of Physics, VAST)
Strong Negative Differential Resistance in Graphene Devices with Local Strain 189
P41 V. P. Georgiev, T. Ali, Y. Wang, L. Gerrer, S. M. Amoroso, E. Towie, A. Asenov (University of
Glasgow; Peking University; Gold Standard Simulations Ltd)
Influence of Quantum Confinement Effects Over Device Performance in Circular and Elliptical
Silicon Nanowire Transistors 191
P44 M. Y. Lee, Y. C. Tsai, Y. Liand S. Samukawa (National Chiao Tung University, Tohoku University)
Electronic Structure Dependence on the Density, Size and Shape of Ge/Si Quantum Dots Array 197
P45 L. Yin, M. Fang, L. Zeng, L. Zhang, G. Du, X. Liu (Peking University; National University of
Defence Technology, Beihang University)
Accelerated 3D Full Band Self-Consistent Ensemble Monte Carlo Device Simulation Utilizing
Intel MIC Co-Processors on TianHe II 199
P46 Y. Chu, D. F. Mejia, J. Fonseca, M.Povolotskyi and G. Klimeck (Purdue University)
Crystal Viewer: An Online Platform for Learning and Understanding Crystalline Structure 201
P47 A. Kommini, G.P. Szakman, A. O. Orlov, G. H. Bernstein, W. Porod, and Z. Aksamija
(University of Massachusetts Amherst; University of Notre Dame)
Size Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient for Single-Material Thermocouples 203
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 1
increases by 45%. An increase of the vdW gap [8] Dhall, R. et al., Advanced Materials 27 (9), 1573-1578
distance by 30% with respect to the equilibrium (2015)
distance between each monolayer, is sufficient to [9] Dhall, R. et al., App. Phys. Lett. (under review) (2015)
observe the indirect to direct crossover in the [10] Ionescu, R. et al., Chem. Commun., 51, 11213-11216
bandgap, as shown in Fig. 3 (a, b). This observation is
consistent with our recent experimental optical a b
measurements [9]. The intercalated MoS2 bilayers . .
exhibited circularly polarized PL consistent with the
spin-valley-layer selection rules predicted 4H
theoretically. This vdW-gap dependent indirect-direct
bandgap transition was also observed in the MoS2-
WS2 heterostructures [10]. Finally, some of the
existing opportunities for combining 2D materials
with organic polymers will be identified and c
discussed. Combining these materials, a new device-
design, TMDC-based Excitonic Field Effect .
Transistor (TexFET) is conceptualized. The working
principle of this device which exhibits low-power and
ultra-fast switching mechanism will be presented.
Fig. 1. (a) 1T and 4H SnS2 atomistic structure, (b) ARPES mapped
CONCLUDING REMARKS bandstructure of bulk 4H SnS2, and (c) Ab-initio (HSE-level)
To conclude, I will review some of the limitations and bandstructure for monolayer (1T) and bulk (4H) SnS2. Reprinted with
permission from { Ref. 6 } Copyright 2014, Americal Chemical Society.
challenges associated with the application of 2D
a b
materials for real device applications. I will summarize
my talk by providing an overview of ongoing and . .
planned 2D materials based research activities at Army
Research Laboratory (ARL) which is mainly focused on
designing lighter, faster and robust optoelectronic
devices for future army applications.
I acknowledge helpful discussions with R. Lake (UCR), A. . .
Mulchandani (UCR), A. Balandin (UCR), O. Monti (UA), S. Cronin
(USC), J. W. Andzelm (ARL) and T. L. Chantawansri (ARL). MRN
is supported by an appointment to the Postgraduate Research
Participation Program at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory
administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
through an interagency agreement between the U.S. Department of Fig. 2. (a) Misoriented bilayer graphene atomistic structure, (b) SAED image
Energy and USARL. This work was supported by grants of computer
of misoriented bilayer graphene, (c) Force directions for misoriented bilayer
time from the DOD High Performance Computing Modernization
Program at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory and U.S. Army graphene with angle 21.78°, and (d) Calculated l low frequency modes (X)
Engineer Research and Development Center DoD Supercomputing overlaid on the Raman spectrum of the misoriented graphene samples.
Resource Centers. This work is supported in part by the NSF Grant
No. 1307671, FAME, one of six centers of STARnet, a SRC program a b
sponsored by MARCO and DARPA, and a U.S. Dept. of Education
GAANN Fellowship. This work used the resources at XSEDE (NSF . .
Grant no: OCI-1053575) and Purdue University.
[1] Novoselov, K. S. et al., Phys. Scr. 2012, 01400 (2012) . .
[2] Gong, Y. et al., Nat Mater 13, 1135–1142 (2014)
[3] Lopez-Sanchez, Kis et al., Nature Nanotech. (2013);
Bertolazzi, Kis et al., ACS Nano (2013); Zhike Liu et al.,
Chem. Soc. Rev., Advance Article. (2015)
Fig. 3. (a) Multilayer MoS2 atomistic structure, (b) PL-spectra of pre-O2
[4] Kappera, R. et al., Nature Materials 13, 1128–1134
(2014) treatment (black) and post-O2 treatment (red) for multilayer MoS2, (c)
[5] Dumcenco, D. et al., ACS Nano, 9 (4) (2015); van der Illustration of vdW-gap modulated indirect to direct transition in
Zande, A. M. et al., Nano Lett., 17 (7) (2014); Wang X., bandstructure, and d) vdW gap dependent indirect to direct bandgap transition
Nature Materials 14, 264–265 (2015) for 2L,3L and 4L (bulk-like) MoS2.. Reprinted with permission from { Ref.8} Copyright 2015, John
[6] Huang Y. et al., ACS Nano 8 (10), 10743-10755(2014) Wiley and Sons.
[7] Tharamani P. et al., Nanoscale (under review) (2015)
Self-consistent field and master equation
approach to calculating the dielectric function of
F. Karimi and I. Knezevic
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1691, USA
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 3
2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.5 0 0.5
0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2
k/kF k/k
(a) Real part of ε(q, ω) (a) Real part of ε(q, ω)
2 60 2
50 30
1.5 1.5
1 30 1
0.5 10
0 0
0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2
k/kF k/k
(b) Imaginary part of ε(q, ω) (b) Imaginary part of ε(q, ω)
Fig. 1: The real (a) and imaginary (b) parts of Fig. 2: The real (a) and imaginary (b) parts of
the graphene dielectric function, ε(q, ω), as a func- the graphene dielectric function, ε(q, ω), as a func-
tion of the wave vector k (in units of the Fermi tion of the wave vector k (in units of the Fermi
wavevector, kF ) and angular frequency ω (in units wavevector, kF ) and angular frequency ω (in units
of the Fermi angular frequency, ωF ) for the Fermi of the Fermi angular frequency, ωF ) for the Fermi
level of 354 meV and the impurity sheet density of level of 170 meV and the impurity sheet density of
5.2 × 1011 cm−2 . 2.5 × 1011 cm−2 .
The plasmon dispersion follows the zeros of the [2] A. K. Geim and K. S. Novoselov, The rise of graphene,
real part of the dielectric function [panel (a) in Nat. Mater. 6, 183 (2007).
Figs. 1 and 2]. Increasing the carrier density and [3] E. H. Hwang and S. Das Sarma, Dielectric function, screen-
ing, and plasmons in two-dimensional graphene, Phys.Rev.
decreasing the impurity density extends the plasmon B 75, 205418 (2007).
dispersion to higher frequencies. [4] N.D. Mermin, Lindhard Dielectric Function in the
This work was supported by the U.S. Department Relaxation-Time Approximation, Phys. Rev. B 1, 2362
of Energy, Office of Science, Materials Science Pro-
[5] M. Jablan, H. Buljan, and M. Soljačić, Plasmonics in
gram and Engineering Division, Physical Behavior graphene at infrared frequencies, Phys. Rev. B 80, 245435
of Materials Program, award DE-SC0008712. (2009).
[6] H. P. Breuer and F. Petruccione, The Theory of Open Quan-
R EFERENCES tum Systems, Oxford University Press, Oxford, (2002).
[1] K. S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, S. V. Morozov, D. Jiang,
Y. Zhang, S. V. Dubonos, I. V. Grigorieva, A. A. Firsov,
Electric field effect in atomically thin carbon films, Science
306, 666 (2004).
The role of dimensionality on phonon-limited
charge transport: from CNTs to graphene
Graphene and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are two- possibly non monotonic) behaviors depending on
dimensional (2D) and one-dimensional (1D) al- the nature of the CNTs. The convergence is much
lotropes of pure sp2 carbon. Their intrinsic elec- faster at high carrier density (Fig. 5) and high
tronic and transport properties are, therefore, inti- temperature (Fig. 6). A simple explanation starts
mately related. In particular, the transport properties with the electronic band structure of CNTs – which
of CNTs are expected to approach those of graphene can be viewed as a sampling of the 2D band
when increasing tube diameter. However, this 1D to structure of graphene by a bundle of lines parallel
2D transition, which gives insights into the role of to the tube direction. In general, the mobility in
dimensionality, has never been carefully studied. CNTs approaches that of graphene when the number
In order to investigate this transition, an atomistic of bands in the transport energy window (a few
computational model for the phonon-limited carrier kT around the Fermi energy) is large enough to
mobility in carbon materials has been developed. smooth out the effect of 1D confinement on the
The carrier mobility is obtained from an exact band structure and on the electron-phonon interac-
solution of Boltzmann transport equation. A tight- tions. The absence of linearly dispersive bands in
binding model with the latest parameters extracted semiconducting nanotubes and the selection rules
from first principle calculations is used for the for intervalley scattering are mostly responsible for
electronic band structure. A force-constant model the differences between CNT chiralities. Details will
is used for the phonon band structure, and has be given at the conference.
been refined in order to reproduce the admixture This work was supported by the French National
of optical components into the acoustic phonon Research Agency (ANR) project Noodles (contract
modes at non-zero wave-vectors. This admixture ANR-13-NANO-0009-02). Part of the calculations
has significant impact on the carrier mobility. were run on the TGCC/Curie machine using allo-
This model has been validated against DFT cal- cations from GENCI and PRACE. H. M. and L.
culations and experimental data. At high carrier W. acknowledge support by the National Research
density, the agreement with the DFT calculations Fund (FNR), Luxembourg (projects OTPMD and
of Ref. [1] (Fig. 1) and the experimental data of NanoTMD).
Ref. [2] (Fig. 2) is very satisfactory. At low carrier
density, the agreement with experiment [3] (Fig. 3)
is also very good, when the additional scattering by [1] C.H. Park, N. Bonini, T. Sohier, G. Samsonidze, K. Kozin-
sky, M. Calandra, F. Mauri and N. Marzari, Nano Lett. 14,
surface optical phonons in the substrate is taken into 1113 (2014)
account [4]. [2] D. Efetov and P. Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 256805 (2010).
The same model and parameters were used to [3] K. Zou, X. Hong, D. Keefer and J. Zhu, Physical Review
study the transition from 1D to 2D in CNTs with Letters 105, 126601 (2010).
[4] A. Konar, T. Fang, and D. Jena, Physical Review B 82,
diameter up to 16 nm. The mobility in CNTs con- 115452 (2010).
verges to the mobility in graphene when increasing
tube diameter (Fig. 4), but with very different (and
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 5
102 1.36×1013 cm−2
2.86×1013 cm−2
4.65×1013 cm−2
6.85×1013 cm−2
101 10.8×1013 cm−2
µph (cm2/V/s)
DFT (Ref. 1) 105
T = 300 K
n = 1 × 1012 cm−2
Zigzag Metallic
104 Zigzag Semiconducting
10 −1
101 102
T (K) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
d (nm)
Fig. 1. Resistivity of graphene at high carrier (hole) density
compared with recent DFT calculations [1]. Fig. 4. Evolution of the mobility with the diameter of the
EXP (Ref. 2)
µph (cm2/V/s) 105
T = 300 K
100 d ≈ 3.5 nm
101 102
T (K) 104
EXP (Ref. 3)
Simulations 107 Armchair
450 Zigzag Metallic
1×10 cm −2
Zigzag Semiconducting
µph (cm2/V/s)
ρ (Ω)
350 12
1.5×10 cm
2×1012 cm−2
250 2.5×1012 cm−2
n = 1 × 1012 cm−2
3×1012 cm−2
200 d ≈ 3.5 nm
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
T (K) 104
0 100 200 300 400 500
T (K)
Fig. 3. Resistivity of graphene at low carrier (hole) density
compared with experiment [3]. Scattering by surface optical Fig. 6. Evolution of the mobility with temperature.
phonons in the substrate is also included here.
A Rigorous Study of Nanoscaled Transistors
Based on Single-Layer MoS2
A. Kefayati∗ , M. Pourfath∗† , and H. Kosina†
∗ School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran
† Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, Gußhausstraße 27–29/E360, 1040 Wien, Austria
5], however, they can degrade the mobility due to 10
this scattering is in the surrounding dielectrics via
long-range Coulomb interactions, provided that the
dielectrics support polar vibrational modes. 0
−1.2 −0.7 −0.2 0.3
0 0.4 0.8
Gate Voltage (V) Drain Voltage (V)
To study electronic transport in SL MoS2 we
solved the NEGF equations self-consistently with Fig. 2. (a) The transfer characteristics in the presence of
the Poisson equation based on the box integra- scattering at VDS =0.1 V. Transconductance is gm = 9.6 mS/µ
tion method. An effective mass of m∗ = 0.48m0 m. The inset shows transfer characteristics in logarithmic scale.
(b) The output characteristics for VGS = - 0.6 to +0.4 V with
has been assumed for both longitudinal and trans-
0.2 V step (the arrow indicates the direction of VGS increase).
verse directions [7]. We have considered intrinsic Current saturation is observed for VDS > 0.3 V.
electron-phonon interactions including the longitu-
dinal acoustic (LA), the transverse acoustic (TA),
the longitudinal optical (LO), and polar optical SiO2 substrate, see Fig. 1. In this study the dynamic
phonons (POP) with the parameters adopted from screening of remote phonon modes stemmed from
Ref. [7]. The mobility is calculated based on the HfO2 and static screening of charged impurities are
method explained in Refs. [8, 9]. For device sim- included. Figure 2 shows the transfer and output
ulation we assumed a channel length of 20 nm, a characteristics in the presence of intrinsic phonon
10 nm thick HfO2 gate insulator, and a 50 nm thick scattering. The results indicate a relatively high Ion
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 7
CI (HfO2)
CI (SiO2)
2 CI + RP (HfO2)
Velocity (107cm/s) 600
Mobility (cm2/Vs)
CI + RP + IP (HfO2)
µ =580 cm2/(Vs) Exp. Ref. [7] (HfO2)
Mobility (cm2/Vs)
0 50 100
Electric Field (KV/cm)
0 0
0 50 100 1012 1013
Electric Field (KV/cm)
Impurity Density (cm-2)
Fig. 3. The velocity as a function of the applied electric
field. The inset shows the mobility as a function of the applied Fig. 4. Charged impurity (CI) and remote phonon (RP) limited
electric field. The low field mobility is about 580 cm2 /Vs and mobility as a function of charged impurity density for 30nm
decreases to 130 cm2 /(Vs) under high electric fields. thick HfO2 and also SiO2 top gate insulator. The mobility due
to IPs+CI+RP with HfO2 gate insulator is in good agreement
with experimental results in Refs. [3, 10].
Strain effects on the electronic properties of
devices made of twisted graphene layers
V. Hung Nguyen1,2, H. Viet Nguyen2, J. Saint-Martin1, and P. Dollfus1
Institute of Fundamental Electronics, CNRS, Univ. of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
Center for Computational Physics, Institute of Physics, VAST, Hanoi, Vietnam
Graphene is one of the most attractive materials dependence on the twist angle, the mentioned
for beyond-CMOS electronics because of its phenomena are also dependent on both the strain
specific electronic properties, which are a amplitude and its applied direction. By choosing
consequence of its two-dimensional honeycomb appropriately the amplitude and direction of strain,
lattice and relativistic-like charge carriers at low our study suggests the possibility of observing the
energy [1]. To enlarge its range of applications, the van Hove singularities at reasonably low energy in
modulation of electronic structure of graphene a large range of twist angle (i.e., larger than 10°)
nanomaterials has been the subject of intense [4].
research. Recently, the interest of the graphene Next, we investigate the effects of strain on the
community has also been oriented toward the transport properties of vertical devices made of
investigation of twisted graphene multilayer twisted graphene bilayers (see the schematic view
lattices, a specific type of Van der Waals structures on top of Fig. 4) [5]. Again, because of the
of graphene. These lattices appear as promising different orientations of the two graphene layers,
materials providing various possibility of the Dirac cones of left and right graphene sections
modulating their electronic properties by changing can be separated in the k-space and hence a finite
the twist angle [2,3]. In this work, we investigate transport gap can open in this device (Fig. 4). Our
the effects of uniaxial strain on the electronic study shows that besides its dependence on strain
properties of devices based on twisted graphene amplitude, this feature also depends on the twist
layers (see Fig. 1) [4,5]. First, we explore the angle and the strain direction. Important, we find
effects of strain on the low-energy bands of that a finite gap as large as a few hundred meV can
twisted graphene bilayer. Second, we demonstrate be achieved with a small strain of only a few
that the strain engineering is an efficient technique percent (see Fig. 4(d)). On this basis, the ON/OFF
to open finite transport gaps in vertical devices current ratio as high as a few ten thousands and
made of stack of twisted graphene layers. high thermoelectric power can be achieved in our
Our calculations are based on the atomistic proposed devices (see Fig. 5).
tight-binding model, similarly as in [6]. A unixial In summary, we demonstrate that strain
strain is applied in the in-plane direction (i.e., in engineering is a promising technique to modulate
the Oxy plane as schematized in Fig. 1). To the electronic properties of twisted graphene
compute the charge transport, the tight-binding bialyer systems and to enlarge their applications,
Hamiltonian is solved using the Green's function e.g., in transistors, strain and thermal sensors. This
formalism [5]. can be also a useful approach for Van der Waals
In Fig. 2, we display two sub-figures showing structures of other 2D planar materials.
the effects of strain on the low energy bands of
twisted graphene bilayer. Interestingly, it is shown
[1] A. C. Ferrari et al., Nanoscale 7, 4598 (2015)
that since the two graphene layers have different [2] G. Li et al., Nat. Phys. 6, 109 (2010)
orientations, the strain can break degeneracy of the [3] W. Yan et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 2159 (2013)
bands around the Dirac points. As a consequence, [4] V. H. Nguyen and P. Dollfus (2015); arXiv:1412.7583
the number of Dirac cones can double (right panel [5] V. H. Nguyen et al., Nanotechnol. 26, 115201 (2015)
of Fig. 2) and the van Hove singularity points [2] [6] V. M. Pereira et al., Phys. Rev. B 80, 045401 (2009) and
Z. F. Wang et al., Nano Lett. 12, 3833 (2012)
are separated in energy (see Fig. 3). Besides their
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 9
Fig. 1. Twisted graphene bilayer lattice considered in this
work. The twist angle is φ TL and a strain is applied along the
direction θ.
Overlaps in Stacked Graphene Flakes using
Empirical Pseudopotentials
M. L. Van de Put∗ , W. G. Vandenberghe† , and M. V. Fischetti†
∗ imec,Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
∗ Condensed Matter Theory, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgium
† Dept. of Material Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, Texas, USA
Recently, resonant tunneling has been observed in J = −2πeh̄−1 (EiT − EjB )
stacked graphene flakes[1]. The rotational misalign-
ment introduces an offset between the Dirac-cones f T (EiB ) − f B (EjT ) |i, T| j, B|2 ,
in both flakes, resulting in negative differential
resistance when shifting the Dirac-cones under bias. with f T,B (EkT,B ) the respective top and bottom
In this paper we investigate the finite-size effect Fermi levels determined by (electrostatic) doping,
in nano-scaled graphene flakes. Improving on the i, T| j, B the overlap between the top and bottom
bulk description, and because the structures are – eigenstates with their respective energies EiT and
atomistically speaking – large in size, we use the EjB . This approximation assumes that electrons are
empirical pseudopotential method[2]. always instantaneously refilled to their equilibrium
states. For the current at finite temperatures we
C OMPUTATIONAL METHOD broaden the overlap using a thermal Gaussian.
To calculate the electronic states, we implement R ESULTS & D ISCUSSION
a local plane-wave empirical-pseudopotential eigen- Following the setup in Ref. [1] we have opted for
valuesolver for large structures. We adopt the real- a stacked structure as depicted in Fig. 1 A finite-
space technique used by Kresse and Furthmüller length armchair-edged ribbon is placed on a ribbon
to solve the Schrödinger equations[3] in our prob- with a zigzag edge with an angle close to 90◦ . Note
lem. Using this method, we evaluate the kinetic that we have not considered an intermediate layer
energy in reciprocal space and the potential energy and separated the layers 2 Å by vacuum.
in real space. Using a diagonal operator in both The wavefunction of the first conduction states
spaces effectively reduces the complexity from a of the flakes is plotted in Fig. 2. As an example,
full rank matrix product with complexity O(n2 ) we show their overlap as a function of rotation in
to that of an FFT with complexity O(n log n). Fig. 3. The Fermi-level of the layers is taken at 0.1
Our eigensolver implements the Residual Mini- eV above the highest valence state for the armchair
mization Method by Direct Inversion of the Iter- ribbon and 0.1 eV below the highest valence state
ative Subspace (RMMDIIS) first developed by by for the zigzag ribbon, simulating doping. We show
Wood and Zunger[4] and later used by Kresse and the resulting IV curve in Fig. 4 for different rota-
Furthmüller[3]. We selected this method because it tions. We observe that as we rotate the structure
allows semi-independent solution of the eigenvec- away from the 90◦ axis more resonance occurs as
tors in parallel. This alleviates the lack of parallel is evidenced by the NDR in the IV curves.
computation on a k-grid, which is lacking in our
closed systems. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
To calculate the current, we make an approxima- I would like to acknowledge my promotors
tion based on the Fermi-Golden rule. The current at Wim Magnus and Bart Sorée for supporting my visit
a bias equal to EkT − EkB reads, to the University of Texas at Dallas.
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 11
Fig. 3. The overlap of the first conduction states of the zigzag
and armchair ribbons (shown in Fig. 2) at different rotations
[1] A Mishchenko, JS Tu, Y Cao, RV Gorbachev, JR Wallbank,
MT Greenaway, VE Morozov, SV Morozov, MJ Zhu,
SL Wong, et al. Twist-controlled resonant tunnelling in
graphene/boron nitride/graphene heterostructures. Nature
nanotechnology, 9(10):808–813, 2014.
[2] Massimo V Fischetti and Sudarshan Narayanan. An
empirical pseudopotential approach to surface and line-
edge roughness scattering in nanostructures: Application to
si thin films and nanowires and to graphene nanoribbons.
Journal of Applied Physics, 110(8):083713, 2011.
[3] G. Kresse and J. Furthmüller. Efficient iterative schemes
for ab initio total-energy calculations using a plane-wave
basis set. Phys. Rev. B, 54:11169–11186, Oct 1996.
[4] D M Wood and A Zunger. A new method for diagonalising
large matrices. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and
Fig. 2. The absolute squared wavefunction averaged along z General, 18(9):1343, 1985.
of the first conduction states of the armchair (left) and zigzag
(right) ribbons. Atom positions are shown for reference
Computational Methods for the Design of
Bioinspired Systems that Employ Nanodevices
Damien Querlioz, A. F. Vincent, A. Mizrahi, N. Locatelli, J. S. Friedman, D. Vodenicarevic
Institut d'Electronique Fondamentale, Univ. Paris-Sud, CNRS, 91405 Orsay, France
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 13
[1] D. Querlioz et al., “Bioinspired Programming of Memory
Devices for Implementing an Inference Engine”, Proc. IEEE,
vol. 103(8), pp. 1398-1416 (2015).
[2] G. Indiveri et al, “Neuromorphic silicon neuron circuits” ,
Front. Neurosci 5: 73 (2011).
[3] A.F. Vincent et al., “Spin-transfer torque magnetic
memory as a stochastic memristive synapse for neuromorphic
systems”, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., vol. 9 (2),
p.166 (2015).
[4] A. Mizrahi et al, “Magnetic stochastic oscillators: Noise-
induced synchronization to under-threshold excitation and
comprehensive compact model, IEEE Trans Mag. (2015)
[5] A.F. Vincent et al., “Analytical macrospin modeling of
the stochastic switching time of spin-transfer torque devices”,
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 62 (1), pp.164-170
[6] N. Locatelli et al, “Vortex-Based Spin Transfer Oscillator Fig. 2. Monte Carlo simulations of magnetization dynamics
Compact Model for IC Design”, Proc. of ISCAS (2015). allows studying the behavior of MTJs in weak programming
conditions. Plot: mean switching time as a function of
programming current. Inset: detailed statistics of switching
times for several programming currents.
Short-wavelength spin-wave generation by a
microstrip line
Á. Papp*+, G. Csaba*, and W. Porod*,
*Center for Nano Science and Technology, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA
+Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary
e-mail: {apapp,porod,gcsaba}
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 15
Fig. 1. Geometry of the MSL (cross section).
Diffusion-Reaction Modeling of Cu Migration
in CdTe Solar Devices
D. Guo1, D. Brinkman2, T. Fang3, R. Akis1, I. Sankin3 D. Vasileska1 and C. Ringhofer2
School of ECEE, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
School of Mathematics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
First Solar, Perrysburg, OH, USA
In this work, we report on development of is the amount of carried charge, GF is the free en-
one-dimensional (1D) finite-difference and two- ergy of formation, and the electrostatic potential is
dimensional (2D) finite-element diffusion-reaction provided by φ. Due to very high diffusivities of
simulators to investigate mechanisms behind Cu- free carriers, we considered them reaching steady-
related metastabilities observed in CdTe solar cells state concentrations at every time step when solv-
[1]. The evolution of CdTe solar cells performance ing (5) for much slower ionic species.
has been studied as a function of stress time in re- In our 2D FEM scheme, anisotropic diffusion
sponse to the evolution of associated acceptor and model for a single grain boundary of width δ lo-
donor states. To achieve such capability, the simu- cated at x=0 is utilized, and is given by
lators solve reaction-diffusion equations for the dC d ( D d [C ] dx) d ( D d [C ] dy )
defect states in time-space domain self- (6)
dt dx dy
consistently with the free carrier transport. Re-
sults of 1-D and 2-D simulations have been com- Dgb ,
| x | / 2
where D (7)
pared to verify the accuracy of solutions. Dg ,
| x | / 2
Evolution of concentration profile for an arbi-
For a finite difference mesh with size h=δ and a
trary defect C is simulated by solving reaction-
symmetric grain boundary, this model gives iden-
diffusion equation [2] tical discretization to the traditional Fisher model
dC dJ C [4].
RC (1)
dt dx In summary, the diffusion-reaction model has
In (1), RC represents the net reaction rate of the de- been applied to Cu-related defects in CdTe PV de-
fect C, and for the case of Cu is calculated based vices. The simulation results from this study give
on the main reactions responsible for p-type dop- us a deeper understanding of the role of Cu on the
ing formation in CdTe [3]: performance of CdTe solar cells. The 1D diffu-
Cui CdCd CuCd Cdi (2) sion-reaction code is installed on
In reaction (2), also known as the knock-off reac- This work was supported by the Department of
tion, forward and backward rates are calculated as Energy under award number DE-EE0006344.
f K C
f s [Cu i ] REFERENCES
Rb Kb [CuCd ][Cdi ]
[1] K. D. Dobson, I. Visoly-Fisher, G. Hodes, and D. Cahen,
"Stability of CdTe/CdS thin-film solar cells," Solar
In (4), CS stands for the concentration of cation Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 62 (2000).
sites in CdTe, while Kf and Kb represent tempera- [2] P. M. Fahey, P. B. Griffin, and J. D. Plummer, "Point de-
ture-dependent rate constants. The expression de- fects and dopant diffusion in silicon," Reviews of Modern
scribing the flux of species C in the gradient of its Physics, vol. 61 (1989).
electrochemical potential is given below. [3] S. Hu, "Nonequilibrium point defects and diffusion in sili-
con," Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports, vol.
13 (1994).
J C DC GF C (5) [4] J. C. Fisher, "Calculation of diffusion penetration curves
for surface and grain boundary diffusion," Journal of Ap-
In (5), diffusivity of the defect C is given by DC, θ plied Physics, vol. 22 (1951).
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 17
• Initial conditions (distributions) • Set of included models
• Stress conditions (light, bias, • Set of included reactions DFT calculations
• Defect / carrier kinetics Feedback
• Device simulations
Fig. 4. Comparison of the concentration of Cui, Cdi and CuCd for the
1D finite-difference scheme and the 2D finite-element method
Fig. 2. Defect profiles and corresponding doping profiles simulated scheme finished by a standard 200oC 220s anneal from a finite Cu
after a 200oC 220s anneal and two-hour open circuit stress in a stand- source. Although the time step employed for the 2D case is 100 times
ard CdS/CdTe solar cell. Extra Cui moved into CdTe layer due to larger than the 1D time step, the difference between these profiles is
small built-in electric field under OC condition, which reduced the p- negligible.
type net doping during the stress.
Oscillations in Exchange-Coupled Nanomagnets
H. Dey, G. Csaba, G. H. Bernstein, and W. Porod
Center for Nano Science and Technology, University of Notre Dame, USA
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 19
Figure 1: M-H curve for the exchange coupled stack (Green arrow: Magnetization of top
layer, Red arrow: Magnetization of bottom layer), stack geometry shown in inset.
Figure 2: Simulated FMR spectra for three different cases (10 mT external field applied
along easy axis); symmetric and antisymmetric modes for J=0 and J= 0.5 erg/cm2 are
zoomed in and shown (single-domain approximation).
Figure 3: Full micromagnetic model showing internal oscillation modes for the same
three cases shown above in Fig. 2; simulated magnetizations of different layers also
Computational Study on Interfacial Phase Change
Memory by Topological Superlattices
H. Nakamura*1,2, I. Rungger3, A. Narayan3, S. Sanvito3, Y. Asai 1,2, and J. Tominaga1,2
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Umezono 1-1-1, Tsukuba, 305-8568, Japan
CREST-JST, 7 Gobancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0076, Japan
School of Physics, MBER and CRANN, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Dublin, Ireland
We performed first principles simulation of CALCULATION OF IPCM DEVICE PROPERTIES
interfacial phase change memory device, which We adopted the model device structure
consists of GeTe-Sb2Te3 superlattice (GTS) and analyzed W/(QL)2(Ge2Te2)(QL)2/W, where QL
W(111) electrodes. On the contrary of standard represents the quintiple layer, i,e, Sb2Te2 unit. As
phase change memory, SET/REST switch is possible GeTe structures, we took three phases,
possible only by phase change of the interface inverted-Petrov, Ferro-GeTe, and Petrov, namely,
GeTe layer, i.e., crystalline-crystalline transition.[1] as shown in Figure 1. The Petrov phase is
To argue the high/low resistance states (HRS/LRS), considered as HRS while the last two phases are
we examined three model device structures, i.e., candidates of LRS. In Figure 2, our first-principles
inverted-Petrov, Petrov, and Ferro-GeTe phase, calculations of IV are presented for the above three
respectively, and carried out first-principles phases. As shown in Fig. 2, Petrov phase provides
nonequilibrium Green’s function theory better agreement of the resistive ratio of HRS/LRS
(NEGF)[2,3]. We present the mechanism of resistive with the experiments than that of Ferro-GeTe
switch and importance of spin-orbit interaction. In phase. Spin-orbit effect is important to ON/OFF
addition, we discuss application of 3D current ratio as shown in Figure 3. Since spin-orbit
homologous topological insulator to functional effect to IV characteristic is large only for HRS,
device. we calculated quasiparticle spectra, which is
defined as the pole of Green’s function on the
QL/GeTe interface, as a function of energy and
The phase change memory (PCM) is one of momentum (k parallel to the interface). The result
most promising nonvolatile information storage is presented in Figure 4, and Dirac semi-metallic
technologies. Recently, the GTS structure is dispersion is observed.
proposed as PCM and is called interfacial PCM
(iPCM). SET and RESET states are realized only CONCLUSION
by the flip-flop transition of Ge atoms in crystal Our simulation confirms that distinct resistive
phase. Furthermore, the Sb2Te3 is topological switch is possible by only GeTe layer phase
insulator, and it is blocked by GeTe normal change. Spin-orbit effect changes resistance of
insulator; thus it is expected that the topological inverted Petrov phase largely, which relates to
states is found on each GeTe/Sb2Te3 interface in HRS; thus NEGF with spin-orbit coupling is
GTS[4] although GTS is embedded in the required to evaluate SET/RESET resistance
electrodes as the device cell. In the present study, qualitatively. GTS of inverted-Petrov phase in
we identify HRS/LRS states and topological device cell has characteristic quasiparticle
property in device cell by calculating Green’s dispersion at each interfacial 2D edge of
functions. Then we discuss relation of device topological material like Dirac semi-metal.
function and Dirac cone (and/or semi-metallic
behavior) dispersion, which is feature of
[1] R. E. Simpson et al., Nat. Nanotech. 6, 501 (2011)
topological insulator. [2] H. Nakamura et al., Phys. Rev. B 78, 235420 (2008)
[3] A. R. Rocha, Phys. Rev. B 73, 085414 (2006)
[4] B. Sa, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 096802 (2012)
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 21
Figure 1. The models of GTS structures of the iPCM device.
The left pannel is schematic view of GTS. The right panel
consist of inverted-Petrov, Ferro-GeTe, and Petrov Phase, Figure 4. The contour plot of quasiparticle energy
respectively. The thick grey, thin grey, and purple circles dispersion, which relates to the 2D band dispersion at
represent Sb, Te, and Ge atom, respectively. The device cell Sb2Te3/GeTe interface of inverted-Petrov phase. The
consists of W(111) electrode layers. Fermi level of W electrode is set to zero. The right blue
dot line circle is eye guide to figure out Dirac cone-like
Design and simulation of GaSb/InAs 2D
Transmission enhanced TFET
Pengyu Long, Evan Wilson, Jun Z. Huang, Mark Rodwell*, Gerhard Klimeck and Michael
Purdue Univeristy, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA 47906
University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, USA 93106
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 23
designs permit the transmission to be enhanced TFET, which has three supplementary reflectors inside the
over a broad energy range, thereby significantly channel.
increasing the TFET on-current.
The use of computational
resources operated by the Network for
Computational Nanotechnology funded by the US
National Science Foundation under Grant Nos.
EEC-0228390, EEC-1227110, EEC-0228390,
EEC-0634750, OCI-0438246, OCI-0832623 and
OCI-0721680 is gratefully acknowledged. This
material is based upon work supported by the
National Science Foundation under Grant Number Fig. 2. Left: Band diagram of a transmission enhanced TFET
(1125017). NEMO5 developments were critically and conventional TFET at ON-state. Right: Transmission
supported by an NSF Peta-Apps award OCI- probability at the zoomed-in energy range of BTBT at
transverse wave vector k=0
0749140 and by Intel Corp.
[1] Seabaugh A C, Zhang Q. Proceedings of the IEEE, 2010,
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[6] J.E. Fonseca, T. Kubis, M. Povolotskyi, B. Novakovic, A.
Ajoy, G. Hegde, H. Ilatikhameneh, Z. Jiang, P. Sengupta,
Y. Tan, G. Klimeck Journal of Computational Electronics
12.4 (2013): 592-600. Fig. 3. Energy resolved current density at ON-state for
conventional GaSb/InAs heterojunction TFET (left) and
transmission enhanced TFET (right).
GaSb barriers
Self-Consistent Physical Modeling of Silicon-
Based Memristor Structures
T. Sadia, L. Wanga, L. Gerrera, and A. Asenova,b
Device Modeling Group, School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8LT, Scotland,
UK. b Gold Standard Simulations Ltd, Glasgow G3 7JT, Scotland, UK.
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 25
Fig. 1. The experimental memristor structure from Ref. [1].
Fig. 5. The vacancy distribution within the oxide, for (a) 10V,
(b) 15V, and (c) 17V bias voltages.
[1] A. Mehonic et al., “Resistive switching in silicon sub-
Fig. 3. The I−V characteristics up to the CF formation. The oxide films”, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 111, p. 074507, 2012.
currents are given for an equivalent width of 1mm. [2] S. Yu et al., “On the stochastic nature of resistive
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Carlo simulation, and experimental characterization”. In
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[3] D. B. Strukov et al., “The missing memristor found”,
Nature, vol. 453, pp. 80-83, 2008.
[4] The International Technology Roadmap for
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[5] S. C. Chae et al., “Random circuit breaker network model
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20, pp. 1154-1159, 2008.
Fig. 4. Typical temperature [6] GARAND Statistical 3D TCAD Simulator [Online].
maps, at x=0 (through the Available:
middle of the structure), as
bias is increased (10V,
~16V then just below 17V).
Dissipative quantum transport using one-particle
time-dependent (conditional) wave functions
X.Oriols, Z. Zhen, E.Colomés
Departament d’Enginyeria Electrònica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra 08193, Spain
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 27
In this conference, we present a new formalism
ingredient, the quantum dissipation, clearly justifies 0.5
Position (m) 0 0 Time(s)
why the BITLLES simulator is the natural (full)
quantum extension of the Monte Carlo algorithm
for the semi-classical Boltzmann equation, where Fig. 1. (Red) Time-evolution of a wave function and associated
the dynamics of the electron trajectories are guided trajectories solution of the one-particle Schrödinger equation
and (Blue) Time-evolution of a (conditional) wave function and
by the one-particle (conditional) wave function dis- associated trajectories solution of the one-particle wave in (2)
cussed in (2) rather than by the electric field. where the absorption of a phonon is considered. (Green) the
free space potential. Initial wave packet energy E = 0.05eV .
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The (blue) conditional wave function and its trajectories have
a larger velocity (kinetic energy) than the (red) Schrödinger
This work has been partially supported by the wave function after the interaction with the phonon. From a
“Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación” through the computational point of view, only a proper shape of the term
Spanish Project TEC2012-31330 and by the Grant Ja (ra , rbα (t), t) in the time-dependent wave equation (2) is
agreement no: 604391 of the Flagship initiative required to discuss dissipation.
“Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT and Beyond”.
[1] A. Benseny, G. Albareda, A.S. Sanz, J. Mompart, and X.
Conditional wave−function modulus
[8] 4
0.5 −12
[9] G. Albareda, H. López, X. Cartoixà, J. Suñé, X. Oriols, x 10
2 x 10
Analyzing Variability in Short-Channel Quantum Transport from Atomistic First Principles
Qing Shi1, Eric Zhu2, Leo Liu2, Yin Wang3 and Hong Guo1
Centre for the Physics of Materials and Department of Physics,
McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 2T8 Canada
Nanoacademic Technologies Inc., 7005 Blvd. Taschereau, Brossard, QC J4Z 3A7
Department of Physics, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 29
Effect of the High-k Dielectric/Semiconductor
Interface on Electronic Properties in Ultra-Thin
D. Valencia, E.M. Wilson, M. J. W. Rodwell*, G. Klimeck, M. Povolotskyi
Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Birk Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
Indiana 47907-1285, USA
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UCSB, Santa Barbara, California
interface using EHT. Density of States (DOS)
(Fig. X) for the interface cases are increased
As logic devices continue to downscale, an relative to the hydrogen-terminated UTB case due
increasing fraction of the channel atoms are in to the coupling of the semiconductor with the
close contact with oxide atoms of the gate. These oxide. It is noted that though the DOS is increased
surface atoms experience a chemical environment for the interface case (Fig. 6), the conduction
that is distinct from the bulk-like environment bands become nearly flat away from the Γ-point.
found in thicker channels. Using the non-
orthogonal tight-binding method Extended Huckel SUMMARY
Theory (EHT), III-IV/High-k dielectric interfaces EHT calculations were performed on
are constructed and electronic structure in the two semiconductor/oxide interfaces and band structure
transverse directions in the plane of the interface is and DOS results were obtained. These results are
calculated. then compared with corresponding results for
hydrogen-terminated UTB’s.
In the ultra-small channels predicted by the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
continued scaling of transistors, an ever increasing This material is based upon work supported by
fraction will be in contact with the gate oxide the National Science Foundation under Grant
material as seen in Fig 1 based on ITRS Number (1125017). We would also like to
projections for single gate devices1. However, acknowledge the Rosen Center for Advanced
most existing atomistic models of semiconductor Computing at Purdue University for the use of
nanowires (NW) and ultra-thin bodies (UTB) use their computing resources and technical support.
hydrogen termination2-4 to approximate the oxide
semiconductor interface. Semiconductor/oxide
[1]Wilson, Linda. "International Technology Roadmap for
interfaces are constructed using AtomistixToolKit Semiconductors (ITRS)."Semiconductor Industry Association
(ATK)5, minimizing strain between the two (2013).
surfaces as in Fig. 2. The structure is then relaxed [2] M. Luisier, A. Schenk, W. Fichtner, and G. Klimeck,
using ATK’s LDA DFT implementation. Atomistic simulation of nanowires in the sp3d5s* tight-
Electronic structure is then computed within our binding formalism: From boundary conditions to strain
calculations, Phys. Rev. B, 74, 205323, (2006).
own nanoelectronic modeling tool NEMO5. [3] S. R. Mehrotra, S. Kim, T. Kubis, M. Povolotskyi, M. S.
Where available, existing EHT parameters are for Lundstrom, and G. Klimeck, Engineering nanowire n-
semiconductors6. For oxides with no existing MOSFETs at Lg< 8 nm, IEEE Trans. Electron
parameterization, EHT parameters are fitted to Devices60,2171 (2013).
[4] C. Y. Yam et al., multi-scale modeling of junctionless
band structure and wave function DFT targets (Fig field-effect transistors Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 062109(2013).
3) following the process described by Y. Tan et [5]AtomistixToolKit version 2014.2, QuantumWise A/S
al7. (
[6] J. Cerdá and F. Soria, Phys. Rev. B 61, 7965, Accurate
DISCUSSION and transferable extended Hückel-type tight-
Electronic structure (Figs. 3 and 4) is calculated bindingparameters (2000).
in the two transverse directions in the plane of the
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 31
[7] Y. Tan,et al., Empirical tight binding parameters for GaAs
and MgO with explicit basis through DFT mapping, J. Comp.
Elect 12, 56(2013).
NEMO5: Why must we treat topological
insulator nanowires atomically?
Fan W. Chen1,2, Michael Manfra1, Gerhard Klimeck2, and Tillmann Kubis2
Purdue, West Lafayette, Department of Physics
525 Northwestern Avenue, West Lafayette, IN 47906
Purdue, West Lafayette, Department of ECE
298 Nimitz Dr, West Lafayette, IN 47906
Surface electrons in topological insulator (TI) In this work, atomistic sp3d5s* (20 band) tight
based devices such as Bi2Te3 nanowires face no binding bandstructure calculations of Bi2Te3
backscattering in the absence of magnetic nanowires are calculated by the multipurpose
impurities. Their surface conductance is expected to NanoElectronics Modelling Tool (NEMO5) [6].
be only limited by the surface Fermi velocity [1]. Magnetic fields are included in terms of the Peierl’s
However, experimental values of the Bi2Te3 surface phase factor in symmetric gauge [8]. All presented
Fermi velocity varies more than 10% [2, 3]. atomistic calculations are numerically very intense
So far, theoretical studies of TI wires assume and required typically about one million CPUs on
rotational symmetry along the wire axis. In the case the Blue Waters supercomputer. The surface
of Bi2Te3 this assumption is only true for wires bandstructures of these sophisticated results are
grown along [001] direction [4]. In contrast, very well fit with a new analytical model. This
fabricated Bi2Te3 nanowires are grown in [110] model is an extension of the one in Ref. [4] to
direction and often have rectangular cross sections include different Fermi velocities on different wire
[5]. The facets of [110] Bi2Te3 nanowires show facets.
different chemical compositions: Two facets are
composed of Te atoms only and the other two
contain both Te and Bi atoms. Such details of the The atomistic tight binding model with the
surface chemistry require atomistic representations. Peierl’s phase factor of NEMO5 reproduces the
In this work, atomistic sp3d5s* (20 band) tight band gap dependence on magnetic fields as
binding bandstructure calculations of Bi2Te3 discussed in Refs. [4] The calculated oscillations of
nanowires are presented. In agreement with Ref. [4] the magnetoconductance in these nanowires for
the band gap of the Bi2Te3 nanowires close in this different gate voltages agree qualitatively with
work when the magnetic flux through the wire cross experimental data of Ref. [5] (see Fig.1). One
section agrees with half-integer flux quanta. dimensional helical states are observed in the wires
Deviations from literature are found in the details of agreeing with Ref. [7] (see Fig.2). Figure 3
the surface state energies and surface Fermi illustrates differences in the bandstructures of
velocities: Fermi velocities of chemically different rectangular Bi2Te3 nanowires with different ratios
surfaces differ. This creates an effective potential of pure Te and mixed atom type surfaces. The
on the wire surface which can confine TI surface surface states of these atomistic calculations are
states on specific surface facets. Guided by the subject to confinement depending on the facet’s
atomistic results, the analytical Fermi velocity dimension and chemistry.
model of Ref. [4] is augmented to cover the impact The surface bandstructures of the atomistic
of the detailed wire surface chemistry. calculations serve as fitting targets for the surface
Fermi velocities of the new analytical model. The
analytical model can efficiently predict effective
surface potentials which confine surface states on
specific facets.
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 33
In summary, the atomistic representation of
Bi2Te3 wires unveils chemically different wire
surfaces and surface state dispersion relations. The
presented analytical model is able to predict the
atomistic results for the surface state dispersion and
We acknowledge discussion with Luis Jauregui,
Yaohua Tan, Sicong Chen and James Charles as
well as support from Blue Waters sustained-
petascale computing project (awards OCI-0725070
and ACI-1238993) and the state of Illinois. This
Fig. 2. 1D helical surface states of a 48x12nm2 Bi2Te3 nanowire
work was also supported by the Semiconductor
with a magnetic field of 3.5949T solved with NEMO5 for the
Research Corporation’s (SRC) Nanoelectronics
two (E,k) tuple as indicated in the bandstructure in (a). The
Research Initiative and National Institute of color represents different spin orientations in (b). Electrons of
Standards & Technology through the Midwest the same energy and opposite spin orientation propagate into
Institute for Nanoelectronics Discovery (MIND), opposite direction as illustrated in (c).
SRC Task 2141, and Intel Corporation.
[1] Hwang, Choongyu, et al. Scientific reports 2 (2012).
[2] Qu, Dong-Xia, et al. Science 329.5993 (2010): 821-824.
[3] Li, Yao‐Yi, et al. Advanced materials 22.36 (2010):
[4] Bardarson, Jens H., P. W. Brouwer, and J. E.
Moore. Physical review letters 105.15 (2010): 156803.
[5] Jauregui, L. A., Pettes, M. T., Rokhinson, L. P., Shi, L.
& Chen, Y. P. arXiv:1402.2659 (2014).
[6] S. Steiger, M. Povolotskyi, H.-H. Park, T. Kubis, and G.
Klimeck, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 10,
1464 (2011)
[7] Hong, Seung Sae, et al. Nano letters 14.5 (2014): 2815-
[8] Graf, M., and P. Vogl. Physical Review B 51.8 (1995):
4940. Fig. 3. (a) Atomic structures of 60x150 nm2 Bi2Te3 nanowires
grown along the 110 direction. The facets with only Te1 atoms
are larger in type I than in typeII wires. (b) Bandstructures of
the nanowires of (a).
Fig. 1. (a) Experimental Magnetoconductance as function of Fig. 4. Surface state quantization energies as a function of the
magnetic flux Φ in units of magnetic flux quanta Φ0 = h/e for inverse wire circumference C for Bi2Te3 nanowires grown in
magnetic fields applied parallel to the axis of the nanowire in [110] direction. Different facets of [110] wires differ in their
Ref.[5] at two different gate voltages. NEMO5 simulation chemistry and give different quantization energies. Surface
results (b) agree qualitatively with (a). Fermi velocities can be extracted from linear fits to these data.
Spin Lifetime Dependence on Valley Splitting
in Thin Silicon Films
J. Ghosh, D. Osintsev, V. Sverdlov, and S. Selberherr
Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, Gußhausstraße 27–29/E360, 1040 Wien, Austria
Electron spin attracts much attention as an alter- spin lifetime enhancement is less pronounced when
native to the electron charge degree of freedom for ΛΓ �= 0, although even in such a case εxy can
low-power re-programmable logic and non-volatile boost τ S by orders of magnitude. Figure 2 shows
memory applications. In contrast to charge, spin is the increase in τ S with εxy for different t. We notice
not a conserved quantity, and having sufficiently that at high εxy , the values of τ S become the same
long spin lifetime is critical for applications. We with respect to ΛΓ .
investigate spin relaxation in (001) SOI structures In order to understand this behavior, we con-
depending on the splitting between the equiva- sider the spin-flip caused by the intra- and inter-
lent [001] valleys. In order to evaluate the wave valley transitions. Figure 3 shows the energy levels
functions and spin flip matrix elements we use of the two lowest unprimed subbands primarily
the effective k·p spin-Hamiltonian, written at the responsible [5] for the spin relaxation for several
vicinity of the X -point for the two relevant valleys ΛΓ . Figure 4 depicts the inter- and intra-subband
along the Z -axis in the Brillouin zone [1]. The scattering components of τ S at two distinct temper-
valley-orbit interaction leads to the energy splitting atures (T ). It is observed that the major contribution
between the equivalent unprimed subbands in the to spin relaxation comes from the inter-subband
confined electron system [2] or the valley split- processes, which is greatly reduced at high strain, in
ting. The valley splitting in unstrained films is [2]: accordance with Figure 3. At high valley splitting,
△EC = 2π ΛΓ 2π
(k0 t)3 · | sin(k0 t)|, where k0 = 0.85 a ,
the spin relaxation is determined by intra-valley
a is the silicon lattice constant, and t is the film scattering which is independent on △EC and ΛΓ .
thickness. ΛΓ is a parameter defining the strength In Figure 5 we plot the variation of τ S with the
of the valley-orbit interaction with its value ranging total valley splitting (ref: Figure 3). It is observed
between 2eV [3] and 5.5eV [4], depending on the that τ S strongly depends on ΛΓ at the lower ranges
approach used to evaluate the band structure. Both of the valley splitting. This behavior is correlated
methods reproduce the features of the conduction with the suppression of the spin hot spots (Figure 6)
and valence band equally well, but require addi- with increasing △EC [5]. Most importantly in all
tional experimental verification at higher energies cases, the spin lifetime is boosted by several orders
where the discrepancy appears. The valley-orbit of magnitude.
interaction is significantly enhanced in (001) sili- This work is supported by the European Research
con films uniaxially stressed along [110] direction Council through the grant #247056 MOSILSPIN.
(εxy ) [5]. We consider the surface roughness (SR) R EFERENCES
and the longitudinal (LA) and transversal (T A)
[1] Y. Song and H. Dery, Physical Review B vol. 86, 085201,
acoustic phonons as the prominent spin relaxation 2012.
mechanisms for our UTB sample [5]. [2] T. Ando et al., Review of Modern Physics vol. 54, 437,
We analyze the variation of the spin lifetime 1982.
(τ S ) with εxy versus the electron concentration [3] D. Rideau et al., Solid-State Electronics vol. 53, 452,
(NS ) in Figure 1. The spin relaxation becomes less [4] T.B. Boykin et al., Applied Physics Letters vol. 84, 115,
severe for higher carrier concentrations for all three 2004.
considered mechanisms. It is to notice that the [5] D. Osintsev et al, IWCE Proc., doi: 10.1109/IWCE.2014.
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 35
3 total T=150K
1 10
10 inter
Fig. 1. Variation of the spin lifetime with εxy with the electron Fig. 4. Spin relaxation time with the respective components.
concentration as parameter. t = 2.7 nm, T = 300 K. NS = 1012 cm−2 , t = 2.7 nm, and ΛΓ = 5.5 eV.
1 10
Spin lifetime [ns]
-1 ΛΓ=0
t=1.36nm, ΛΓ=5.5eV ΛΓ=2eV
t=1.36nm, ΛΓ=0 ΛΓ=5.5eV
-3 t=2.7nm, ΛΓ=5.5eV 10
t=2.7nm, ΛΓ=0
10 10 0
0 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
εxy Valley splitting [eV]
Fig. 2. Variation of the spin lifetime with εxy with the sample Fig. 5. Variation of the spin lifetime with the valley splitting
thickness as parameter. NS = 1012 cm−2 , T = 300 K. results shown in Figure 3.
ΛΓ=5.5eV 0
0.075 nd ΛΓ=0
ΛΓ=2eV 2 subband
relaxation matrix elements
Normalized intersubband
10 ΛΓ=5.5eV
Energy [eV]
0.05 st
1 subband
10 -1
0.025 -3
valley splitting
0 0 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.018
0 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 0.015
εxy εxy
Fig. 3. The energies of two lowest unprimed subbands with Fig. 6. Variation of the SR spin relaxation inter-subband
εxy at two distinct ΛΓ values. NS = 1012 cm−2 , t = 2.7 nm, matrix elements with εxy and with ΛΓ around the spin hot
T = 300 K. spot.
Finite Difference Schemes for k · p Models:
A Comparative Study
Jun Z. Huang, KuangChung Wang, William R. Frensley∗ , and Gerhard Klimeck
Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
∗ University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, USA
Multi-band k · p models discretized with finite For BF operator ordering, the one-sided difference
difference method (FDM) have been widely used to also gives results free of spurious bands (not shown
study electronic properties of semiconductor nanos- here). The convergence behaviors of the one-sided
tructures. However, different schemes of FDM exist differences for both SYM and BF ordering are
in the literature, some of them are numerically plotted in Fig. 3. It can be observed that the error
unstable leading to spurious states [1][2], while decreases with the mesh size and thus they are
others are stable but require special treatment of the numerically stable.
boundary conditions and/or the material interfaces The implementation is simple and straightforward
[3][4][5][6]. Therefore, a comparison of their nu- for the centered difference case, but a bit com-
merical behaviors (and implementation tricks) will plicated for the one-side difference case. For the
be very helpful for selecting a suitable scheme and latter case, in order to avoid artificial spin splitting,
obtaining reliable results. To this end, we have interchange of forward and backward schemes is
implemented into NEMO5 simulation software [7] required when one goes from one spin group to the
the following options, (a) centered difference for other spin group (Fig. 4). In addition, the imposing
symmetrized (SYM) Hamiltonian [1], (b) centered of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions is
difference for Burt-Foreman (BF) Hamiltonian [8], tricky. As illustrated in Fig. 5, to enforce Dirichlet
(c) one-sided differences for SYM Hamiltonian [3], (Neumann) boundaries at the two ends, one needs
and (d) one-sided differences for BF Hamiltonian to eliminate one row and one column corresponding
[6]. For all cases, eight-band and six-band models to the spin-down (up) conduction band of the first
for both zincblende and wurtzite type materials are node, and those corresponding to the spin-up (down)
available. conduction band of the last node.
In Fig. 1, we compare the dispersion relations For BF ordering, further cares are needed in order
of bulk InAs (operator ordering is irrelevant here) to preserve the geometric symmetry and eliminate
discretized with centered and one-sided differences. slope anomalies of the wave functions. In partic-
Note that Foreman’s Ac=0 strategy [8] has been ap- ular, averaged band edges should be used at the
plied. It is clear that centered difference causes the heterojunction interfaces and the mesh points where
bowing down of the conduction band, implying that they should be placed matter [6]. As a result, the
when the structure is confined there will be high-k electron wave function is smooth at the material
oscillating states polluting the low energy window. interfaces, but shifted forward (backward) by half a
The one-sided difference instead approximates the mesh for the first (second) spin group, shown in Fig.
original continuum band structure quite well. 6. As a comparison, the wave functions of the SYM
This has been confirmed by plotting the band Hamiltonian using one-sided difference [3] are also
structure of a GaAs-InAs quantum well with SYM plotted, it is observed that they are not shifted but
operator ordering (Fig. 2). The centered difference there are slope discontinuities around the interfaces.
produces spurious bands appearing almost every- In summary, centered difference produces spu-
where around the band gap, whereas the one-sided rious solution; one-sided difference gives stable
difference is free of any of those unphysical bands. results but it needs proper cares regarding its im-
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 37
plementation and interpretation. [2] X. Cartoixà, D. Z.-Y. Ting, and T. C. McGill, J. Appl. Phys.
This research was supported in part by Intel Cor- 93, 3974 (2003).
[3] O. Stier and D. Bimberg, Phys. Rev. B 55, 7726 (1997).
poration, and in part by the Taiwan Semiconductor [4] H.-B. Wu, S. J. Xu, and J. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 74, 205329
Manufacturing Corporation, through memberships (2006).
in the Network for Computational Nanotechnology. [5] Y. Jiang, X. Ma, Y. Xu, and G. Song, J. Appl. Phys. 116,
173702 (2014).
R EFERENCES [6] W. R. Frensley and R. Mir, (2015), arXiv 1412.7201.
[7] S. Steiger, M. Povolotskyi, H.-H. Park, T. Kubis, and G.
[1] S. L. Chuang and C. S. Chang, Semicond. Sci. Technol. Klimeck, IEEE Trans. Nanotechnol. 10(6), 1464 (2011).
12, 252 (1997). [8] B. A. Foreman, Phys. Rev. B 56, R12748 (1997).
4 One−Sided
Energy E [eV]
0 Γ Backward
−2 Forward
−20 −10 0 10
Momentum K [1/nm]
Fig. 4. Interchange of forward and backward schemes for
Fig. 1. Eight-band E-k relations of bulk InAs. For discrete different spin groups of the eight-band model.
E-k relations, ∆X = ∆Y = ∆Z = 0.25nm.
5 5
0.5 10 10
Energy E [eV]
15 15
0 20 20
L Γ X 25
5 10 15 20 25
5 10 15 20 25
−2 CB CB
10 0.04
GaAs InAs GaAs GaAs InAs GaAs
Deviation [eV]
−4 0
0.08 up spin
0.06 VB down spin VB
Ev BF 0.04
Ec SYM 0.02 GaAs InAs GaAs GaAs InAs GaAs
Ev SYM 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
10 1 2 3 SYM BF
10 10 10
Number of Grids
Fig. 6. Wave functions of the lowest (highest) electron (hole)
Fig. 3. Deviation of the 1st conduction and valence band states, using one-sided differences, for both SYM and BF
energies with respect to number of grids. Hamiltonian. The spin up and down states are degenerate.
Density functional tight binding modeling in the
context of ultra-thin SOI MOSFETs
S. Markov*, C. Y. Yam*, B. Aradi+, G. Penazzi+, A. Pecchia^, T. Frauenheim+ and G. H. Chen*
Department of Chemistry, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
BCCMS, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany, ^University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy
We investigate the applicability of density and the penetration of states in the insulator from
functional tight binding (DFTB) theory [1][2], both the metal and the semiconductor. We attribute
coupled to non-equilibrium Green functions the somewhat inaccurate band-offsets between
(NEGF), for atomistic simulations of ultra-scaled SiO2 and Si to the weakly expressed CB minimum
electron devices, using the DFTB+ code [3][4]. In of SiO2 at Γ. This should have relatively small
the context of ultra-thin silicon-on-insulator (SOI) influence on the confinement effects in the
transistors we adopt atomic models that include channel, because of the abrupt change in gap after
not only the Si channel, but also the interfacial 0.7 nm from the interface. Indeed, Fig. 3 shows
SiO2, and look at the change of electronic, very good agreement between experimental [7],
dielectric and transport properties as Si film and calculated dependence of Si band-gap and
thickness is reduced from 10 nm to less than 1 nm. CB/VB-edge shifts on Si film thickness. This is in
We build on our previous reports [5][6], and draw contrast to the simulations with H-passivated Si
a systematic comparison against a corresponding channel, which overestimates the effects ~2 times.
model that employs H-passivation of the channel, Similar comparison is drawn in Fig. 4 for the
and against known experiment. dependence of Si permittivity on Si thickness,
DFTB derives as an approximation of density calculated as described in [8]; experimental data is
functional theory (DFT). It is computationally from [10]. The microscopic permittivity profile
more efficient since part of its Hamiltonian is pre- across 0.8 nm SOI structure is shown in the inset
computed in tight-binding terms over extended of Fig. 4, and the interface transition agrees with
neighbors, employing non-orthogonal basis. This more accurate studies [9].
makes DFTB readily applicable to larger structures Beyond the electronic structure and dielectric
even with disorder, e.g. as found in SiO2. An properties, we compare IDVG characteristics of
additional part in the DFTB Hamiltonian junctionless-SOI transistor with 3 nm gate length
approximates effects of second-order charge and 0.8 nm Si body thickness, calculated in
fluctuations, which allows DFTB to capture more DFTB+NEGF (ballistic limit) and the measured
accurately not only permanent charge transfer due from a similar device [11] in Fig 5. Model
to bond asymmetry, but also induced polarization compares well with experiment in the sub-
due to applied electric field, and hence to model threshold regime, after small work-function
dielectric response. adjustment. There is significant difference
DFTB relies however on 1 to 3 parameters however, between the models with H- and SiO2-
(typically) per chemical element. We recently passivated Si channel, as seen in Fig. 6.
reported good parameterization for Si and O that
yields accurate band-structure for bulk Si, as
[1] [T. Frauenheim et al, J. Phys. Cond. Matt 14 3015 (2002).
shown in Fig 1. Although the band-structure of
[2] M. Elstner et al, Phys. Rev. B 58 7260 (1998).
bulk oxide is not as accurately reproduced, the [3] A. Pecchia et al, New J. Phys. 10 065022 (2008).
error is still around 20%, and a large-gap insulator [4] B. Aradi et al, J. Phys. Chem. A 111 5678 (2007)
results, as seen in Fig 1. Fig. 2 shows a fragment (
of an atomic model of an Al–amorphous-SiO2–Si [5] S. Markov et al, Proc. SISPAD 65 (2014).
[6] S. Markov et al, IEEE Trans. Elec. Dev. 62 696 (2015).
structure, and the corresponding density of states [7] Z. Lu, D. Grozea, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 (2002) 255.
as a color-map. From the on-atom projected DOS [8] J. Nakamura et al, J. Appl. Phys. 99 (2006) 054309.
we extract the profile of the conduction and [9] F.Giustino, A.Pasquarello, Phys.Rev. B 71 (2005) 144104.
valence band-edges across the MOS junction, [10] H. Yoo, M. Fauchet, Phys. Rev. B 77 (2008) 115335.
superposed on the color-map. Notable is the [11] S. Migita et al Proc. IEDM 191 (2012).
gradual initial opening of the gap on the Si side,
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 39
Fig.1. Band-structure of bulk Si (left) and β-cristobalite SiO2
(right) show very good agreement for Si, and a large gap for
SiO2 at the same time, with the same DFTB parameters for Si. Fig. 4. Permittivity of Si versus Si film thickness for SiO2- or
H-passivated channel. Inset: microscopic permittivity profile
for SiO2 passivated, 0.8 nm Si film and the atomic model.
Transferable tight binding model for strained
group IV and III-V heterostructures
Yaohua P. Tan, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Kubis, Timothy B. Boykin∗ and Gerhard Klimeck
Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA,47906
∗ University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama, USA, 35899
Modern semiconductor devices have reached effect is included using strain induced onsite and
critical device dimensions in the range of sev- interatomic couplings which depend on the change
eral nanometers. Devices such as superlattice- of bond lengths of the first nearest neighbours and
FETs[1],Ultra Thin Body(UTB)-FETs and FinFETs bond angles between the first nearest neighbours.
consist of strained materials with different lattice Band structures of Selected semiconductors (bulk
constant. Quantitative analysis of those devices Si, Ge, Si0.5 Ge0.5 , AlAs, GaAs and InAs) are shown
requires the reliable prediction of the bandgaps, in Fig. 1. The ETB band structures match the corre-
effective masses in strained heterostructures. The sponding hybrid functional calculations results well.
Empirical Tight Binding (ETB) methods are appro- Compared with corresponding HSE06 results, band
priate for atomistic device modeling due to their nu- edge at high symmetry points are within 0.05eV
meric efficiency[2]. However, the accuracy of ETB and important effective masses have less than 10%
calculations dependents on the transferability of the error. Fig. 2 and 3 show InAs and Si conduction and
ETB parameters. In this work, transferable ETB valence band edge splitting under strains produced
parameters of strained IV and III-V group semicon- by stress along 001 and 111 directions. The splitting
ductors are generated from ab-initio calculations[3], of conduction and valence band edges at high
[4]. The ETB parameters show good transferability symmetry points such as Γ, L and X are correctly
when applied to strained bulk materials as well as captured by the strain model. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5
ultra-thin superlattices. show the band structure of GaAs/AlAs and Si/Ge
ETB parameters are obtained through ab-initio superlattices respectively. The TB band structure
mapping process[4]. During the parameterization agree with the HSE06 bands, demonstrating good
process, ETB parameters and basis functions are transferability of ETB parameters for group IV and
adjusted to match the corresponding ab-initio band III-V semiconductors.
structures and wave functions. In this work, ab- The use of computational re-
initio bands of the strained bulk materials and sources operated by the Network for Computational
superlattices are calculated using VASP. Hybrid Nanotechnology funded by the US National Sci-
functional HSE06 is used to produce correct band ence Foundation under Grant Nos. EEC-0228390,
gaps. Group IV and III-V materials are parameter- EEC-1227110, EEC-0228390, EEC-0634750, OCI-
ized using the sp3d5s* ETB model. The parameter- 0438246, OCI-0832623 and OCI-0721680 is grate-
ized group IV and III-V materials include Si, Ge, fully acknowledged.
Si0.5 Ge0.5 and compounds XY with X = Al,Ga and
In, Y = P, As and Sb. To have transferable ETB
parameters, following constraints are imposed. a) [1] P. Long, et al, IEEE Electron Device Letters 35,
Onsites of each atom depend only on the atom type [2] G. Klimeck, et al, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 54, 2079
instead of materials. b) Both strained and unstrained (2007).
ETB band structures are fitted to ab-initio results. c) [3] Y. Tan,et al, Journal. Comp. Elec 12, 56 (2013).
Variation of interatomic coupling parameters among [4] Y. Tan,et al, arXiv.1503.04781 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] .
different materials is less than 0.3eV. The strain
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 41
5 Strained Si
4 (a) 001 stress, VB and CB (G) (b) 111 stress, VB and CB (G)
−3 0.4
(c) 001 stress, CB (X) (d) 111 stress, CB (X)
3 0
1 HSE06
Energy (eV)
Strained InAs
(a) (b)
(a) 001 stress, VB and CB (G) (b) 111 stress, VB and CB (G) 0
−0.5 X G K X G K
0.5 (c) 001 stress, CB (L) (d) 111 stress, CB (L) Fig. 4. Band structure of GaAs/InAs superlattices(HSE06 vs
Band edges splitting (eV)
(e) 001 stress, CB (X) (f) 111 stress, CB (X)
Energy (eV)
0 (a) (b)
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4 −2
001 stress (GPa) 111 stress (GPa)
Fig. 2. Band edge at high symmetry points(Γ,L,X) splitting of X G K X G K
strained InAs under 001 and 111 stress. The 0 energy of (a) and
(b) corresponds to the unstrained top valence bands; while the 0 Fig. 5. Band structure of Ge/Si superlattices(HSE06 vs ETB).
energy of the (c),(d) and (e),(f) correspond to lowest unstrained Band structure of Ge/Si superlattices with 4 atomic layers
conduction band at L and X points respectively. Compared (a) and 8 atomic layers (b) in the primitive unit cell. The
with the HSE06 result, the ETB model capture the band edge TB parameters are transferable when applied to ultra thin
splitting at high symmetry point under different strains. superlattices.
Modeling of Quantum Cascade Laser Sources
with Giant Optical Nonlinearities
C. Jirauschek
Institute for Nanoelectronics, Technische Universität München, Arcisstr. 21, D-80333 München, Germany
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 43
[1] M. Belkin et al., Room temperature terahertz quantum
cascade laser source based on intracavity difference-
frequency generation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 201101
[2] Q. Y. Lu et al., Room temperature single-mode terahertz
sources based on intracavity difference-frequency
generation in quantum cascade lasers, Appl. Phys. Lett.
99, 131106 (2011).
[3] A. Hugi et al., Mid-infrared frequency comb based on a
quantum cascade laser, Nature 492, 229 (2012).
[4] D. Burghoff et al., Terahertz laser frequency combs,
Nature Photon. 8, 462 (2014).
[5] C. Jirauschek et al., Monte Carlo study of terahertz
difference frequency generation in quantum cascade
lasers, Opt. Express 21, 6180 (2013).
[6] V.-M. Gkortsas et al., Dynamics of actively mode-locked
quantum cascade lasers, Opt. Express 18, 13616 (2010). Fig. 2. Simulated MIR and THz powers vs. temperature
[7] C. Jirauschek and T. Kubis, Modeling techniques for (solid lines), and available experimental data (asterisks).
quantum cascade lasers, Appl. Phys. Rev. 1, 011307
Electromagnetic simulation
Mode profiles
Frequency mixing
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of a multi-domain simulation Fig. 4. Simulated optical power spectrum of the QCL
approach for QCL frequency conversion structures. frequency comb source in [4].
Multiscale modeling of graphene-metal contacts
T. Cusati, G. Fiori, A. Fortunelli*, G. Iannaccone
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione Università di Pisa, Via Caruso 16, 56122 Pisa, Italy
CNR Institute for Chemical and Physical Processes, Via G. Moruzzi, 1 - 56124 Pisa, Italy
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 45
Authors would like to acknowledge support
from the EC 7FP through the Projects GRADE
(Contract 317839), GONEXTs (Contract 309201),
Graphene Flagship (Contract 614391), and from
Quantavis s.r.l.
[1] Z. Chen, J. Appenzeller, VLSI Symp. Tech. Dig. 13, 128
[2] E.J.Lee et al., Nat. Nanotechnology, 3, 486 (2008)
[3] W. S. Leong et al., Nano Lett. 8, 994 (2014)
[4] J. Maassen et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 142105, (2010).
[5] K. Stokbro, et al, Phys. Rev. B, 85, 165442 (2012) Fig. 3. Transmission for metal-graphene systems obtained
[6] X. Ji et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 17883, (2013). with PWCOND for different metals (Cu,Ni,Pd,Pt) compared
[7] E. Watanabe et al., Diamonds & Related Materials. with the transmission of the ideal graphene monolayer.
24, 171, (2012).
From single-stage to device-level simulation of
coupled electron and phonon transport in quantum
cascade lasers
Y.-B. Shi, S. Mei, and I. Knezevic
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison
1415 Engineering Dr, Madison, WI 53706-1691, USA
A critical challenge for quantum cascade lasers Simulation of coupled electron and phonon transport
(QCLs) is achieving reliable room–temperature in QCLs is a multiscale problem. The electron transport
continuous–wave (RT-cw) operation at high powers is confined in the active core consisting of many repeated
required by many applications. However, the high stages, typically with a total thickness of several microns.
operating lattice temperature, accompanied by the high In contrast, the only constraints for thermal transport
electronic temperature, has a detrimental impact on the are the thermal boundary conditions, as specified by the
threshold current density, wall plug efficiency (WPE), waveguide and mounting configurations, in a much larger
and device reliability [1]. Therefore, fully understanding spatial scale, typically several hundreds of microns. The
the coupled transport of electrons and phonons and large-scale thermal transport causes the lattice temper-
connecting the insights to device performance metrics ature in the active core to become stage dependent.
is critical for further developments of QCLs. Consequently, the periodic electron transport feature in
In QCLs, the high electric field and current density the active core is no longer justified, since the electron-
required for lasing pump considerable energy into the phonon scattering rate varies from stage to stage. The
electronic system. The accelerated electrons can scatter scale difference and the coupling between electron and
with each other, with phonons, with layer interfaces, phonon transport makes the simulation challenging, and
imperfections, or impurities. Among these possible scat- a single-stage simulation, which most existing studies
tering mechanisms, the electronic system relaxes its en- adopt, is not sufficient to accurately describe these pro-
ergy mainly through the emission of longitudinal optical cesses.
(LO) phonons [3]. Owing to the low group velocities, Here, we present a multiscale simulation technique for
LO phonons are not efficient at carrying the heat away, coupled electron and phonon transport on the example
and act as a temporary energy storage system. The main of a 9 µm GaAs-based midinfrared (mid-IR) QCL [2].
lattice cooling mechanism is the anharmonic decay of The core of the simulator is a very detailed “table”
LO phonons into acoustic (LA) phonons [4], and the of electronic current densities J and the corresponding
high group velocities of LA phonons make them the heat generation rates Q obtained for a large range of
primary heat carriers to transfer the energy, through the assumed effective lattice temperatures TL and given
waveguide and substrate, to the heat sink. The electron– electric fields F ; the table is calculated using a single-
LO phonon interaction is fast process, with a time scale stage coupled ensemble Monte Carlo (EMC) simulator
on the order of 0.1 ps, while the anharmonic decay of LO for electron and phonon transport within a single stage,
phonons into LA phonons is much slower and typically developed previously [6]. The table essentially provides
takes several ps [5]. As a result, the population of LO a generic and compact representation of the J–F and heat
phonons is built up over time in the active core and their generation characteristics of a single stage under a wide
distribution is driven far from equilibrium [3], [5]. The range of possible operation conditions.
abundance of nonequilibrium LO phonons will also feed Next, based on the charge-current continuity equation
back to the electronic transport by affecting LO phonon and solving the global heat diffusion equation, we obtain
scattering rates. Therefore, both the electron and phonon the temperature and field profiles. Namely, we start from
subsystems are essential to laser characteristics. an assumed current density J and assumed tempera-
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 47
ture profile, with each stage becoming a temperature-
dependent source for the heat diffusion equation. We
iterate the temperature profile until the required thermal
boundary conditions are satisfied, updating the field and
heat generation rate profiles as we go. Once we have the 160
temperature (K)
we can calculate the total voltage drop V over the whole 140
structure. As a result, we will get a realistic temperature
profile and I −V curves, directly relatable to experiment. 130
Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Science and Fig. 2: Electric field distribution in the active core of the
Engineering Division, Physical Behavior of Materials QCL.
Program, award DE-SC0008712. 15
[1] M. S. Vitiello, G. Scalari, B. Williams, and P. D. Natale, 10
voltage (V)
Multi-scale modeling of metal-CNT interfaces
M. Claus∗§ , A. Fediai‡∗†† , S. Mothes∗ ,§ A. Pacheco§ , D. Ryndyk‡∗†† ,
S. Blawid∗∗ , G. Cuniberti‡∗†† and M. Schröter§
∗ Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden, TU Dresden, Germany,
§ Chair for Electron Devices and Integrated Circuits, TU Dresden, Germany
‡ Institute for Materials Science and Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials, TU Dresden, Germany
∗∗ Laboratory for Devices and Integrated Circuits, Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
†† Dresden Center for Computational Materials Science, TU Dresden, Germany
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 49
0.01 0.3 0.9
Rc − Rq (kΩ)
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
△Φ (eV)
Rc − Rq (kΩ)
0.9 0.05 0.01
gm (µS)
-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0
Vgs (V)
A Multi-Scale Modeling Approach to Study
Transport in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells
Pradyumna Muralidharan, Dragica Vasileska, Stephen M. Goodnick and Stuart Bowden
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 51
[1] M. Taguchi et al., Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2005.
[2] K. Masuko et al, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol.4,
no.6, pp.1433,1435, Nov. 2014.
[3] P. Muralidharan, K. Ghosh, D. Vasileska and S. M.
Goodnick, 40th IEEE Photovoltaics specialists conference,
pp 2519-2523, 2014.
[4] G.C. Jegert, "Modeling of Leakage Currents in High-κ
Dielectrics", PhD Thesis.
10 5 6
10 10
Electric Field (V/m)
Variational Formulation of Stable Discrete k · p
William R. Frensley,
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, USA
The longstanding problem of spurious states in k · p each derivative yields a row of the discrete Schrödinger
models of semiconductor nanostructures has been shown equation.
to be an artifact of the use of the centered-difference The γ terms produce variations on the three-point
approximation to the gradient, and it has been shown difference formula for the Laplacian that are well known
that stable models may be constructed on the basis of in the study of single-band effective-mass models [5].
lower-order one-sided differences [1]–[4]: The P terms require special attention. Straightforward
evaluations of the action produce centered-difference
K̂L f = K̂R f = (−i/Δ) (fn − fn−1 ) . (1) discretizations, which result in spurious states. We must
n n
therefore impose a form which produces a one-sided
Key results are illustrated in Figs. 1–3. These demon-
difference, such as:
strate that the conventional approach of deriving the ∗ ∗
formulation in the continuum and then invoking approx- iPαβ ψα;j (ψβ;j − ψβ;j+1 ) − ψβ;j ψα;j ∗
− ψα;j+1 .
imation theory to obtain the discrete model is seriously (4)
awed. The aws should be obvious: the bandstructures The variational treatment of the V terms produces an
produced by the k·p approximation can never be periodic unexpectedly rich structure, and leads to the elimination
functions, and their results are therefore nonphysical at of a major cause of slope anomalies [2] in the resulting
short distances. Approximation theory then emphasizes wavefunctions. Let Bα;j be the energy of band α for the
delity to these nonphysical results by focusing on short- material associated with meshpoint j. Then we normally
distance behavior. Every discrete formulation will yield assume Vαα;jj = Bα;j . A calculation using this assump-
a periodic bandstructure; thus discrete models may be tion is shown in Fig. 5, and shows a slope anomaly.
approximations, but they can be far more credible de- But, if we take the model of Fig. 4(a) that associates
scriptions of the physical systems than continuum k · p a material with a mesh interval j + 1/2, the crudest
approximations. approximation to the functional (ψ piecewise constant)
gives Vαα;jj = (Bα;j−1/2 + Bα;j+1/2 )/2. Fig. 6 uses
VARIATIONAL F ORMULATION this form. Ma et al. [3] found this remedy, but could
To avoid approximation theory we invoke a more only attribute it to a grading of the heterojunction. We
fundamental formulation and separately derive the con- see that it is a natural consequence of modeling an abrupt
tinuum and discrete models from it. A k · p model of the heterojunction within the detailed description demanded
form: by the variational formulation. Evaluating the functional
Ĥαβ = γαβ kz2 + Pαβ kz + Vαβ , (2) under the assumption of piecewise-linear ψα∗ and ψβ
yields a weakly nonlocal V matrix, with small super-
can be derived by minimizing the action: and sub-diagonal terms. The implications of this form
are still being explored.
S = dz [γαβ ∂z ψα∗ ∂z ψβ + Pαβ ψα∗ ∂z ψβ In summary, the variational approach provides a sys-
tematic procedure for deriving discrete envelope-function
+Vαβ ψα∗ ψβ − Eψα∗ ψβ ] . (3) models. Abstract discussions of operator ordering and
symmetrization are replaced by concrete considerations
To derive the discrete Schrödinger equation, we must of how the wavefunctions and material parameters vary
make explicit assumptions about how the wavefunction between meshpoints.
and material parameters vary within each mesh interval,
as illustrated in Fig. 4. The best choice is to assume that R EFERENCES
the ψβ (z) vary linearly within a mesh interval. The action [1] O. Stier and D. Bimberg, Phys. Rev. B 55, 7726 (1997).
(3) then becomes a sum over mesh intervals of bilinear [2] Y. Jiang, X. Ma, Y. Xu, and G. Song, J. Appl. Phys. 116, (2014).
∗ [3] X. Ma et al., J. Appl. Phys. 116, (2014).
expressions in the discrete wavefunctions ψα;j and ψβ;j . [4] W. R. Frensley and R. Mir, (2015), arXiv 1412.7201.
For this discrete formulation, the functional derivative [5] W. R. Frensley, Heterostructures and Quantum Devices (Academic
reduces to the set of all derivatives ∂S/∂ψα;j ∗
, and Press, 1994), pp. 273–303.
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 53
(a) (b)
ψ ψ
0.5 KL
6th order
0.0 j−1 j j+1 j−1 j j+1
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 4. Assumed details of a discrete model within a mesh interval. B
Fig. 1. Dispersion relations for the different K̂ operators. represents a band-edge energy. Heterojunctions are taken to be either
coincident with a mesh point (a), or centered within an interval (b).
2 (a) 0.30
E (eV)
0 0.10
−4 −0.20
(b) 0.30
−10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10
k (nm−1)
1st Order Continuum 2nd Order
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Fig. 2. Band structure resulting from the rst-order and centered- Position (nm)
diference models, compared to the continuum solution. The Hamil-
tonian is the 3-band model employed by Cartoixà applied to |CB |LH |SO
In0.53 Ga0.47 As with a mesh spacing of 0.29 nm which equals a/2.
Fig. 5. Lowest-energy conduction band state of an InAs-AlSb structure
(a) 0.30 showing slope anomaly due to simplistic treatment of V terms. (a) left-
hand difference, (b) right-hand difference.
(b) 0.30 (a) 0.30
0.10 0.00
0.00 −0.10
−0.10 −0.20
(c) 0.4 (b) 0.30
0.0 0.00
−0.2 −0.10
−0.4 −0.20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Position (nm) Position (nm)
Fig. 3. The state which should be the highest-energy hole state of Fig. 6. Calculation of Fig. 5 but using material-averaged V terms.
a model superlattice. The discrete formulations are: (a) left-hand, (b)
right-hand and (c) centered difference. Case (c) is clearly spurious.
Multi-Scale Quantum Simulations of Conductive
Bridging RAM
Zhengping Jiang, Michael Povolotskyi, Nicolas Onofrio, David Guzman, Daniel Lemus, Santiago Perez,
Jose Bermeo, Alejandro Strachan, Gerhard Klimeck
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47906, USA
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 55
of two electrodes in the initial structure is 1.5nm as
shown in Fig.3a. The filaments generated at
different stages (t=0, 250, 500, 1000 ps in Fig. 3 a-
d) from MD are taken as inputs for the ETB
calculations for ballistic conductance. The time
step for MD simulations is 0.5fs.
With the generated structures, current through
the devices are calculated at Vd=-1V. Figure 4
shows the calculated current at different times at
Vd=-1V and the transmission coefficient at t=0ps
and 250ps. It is shown as soon as the Cu atoms Figure 2 Bandstructure of (a) α-quartz and (b) β-
start to form clusters inside SiO2, the current cristobalite calculated with LDA and tight-binding.
increases. Current ratio of I(t0=0ps)/I(t1=250ps) =
195 is obtained. When more filaments are
constructed, the resistance is lowered and the
current will keep increasing.
[1] M. Kund, et al., Electron Devices Meeting, 2005. IEDM
Technical Digest. IEEE International, pp. 754-757, 2005.
[2] N. Onofrio, et al., Nat Mater, vol. 14, pp. 440-446, 2015.
[3] A. C. T. van Duin, et al., The Journal of Physical
Chemistry A, vol. 105, pp. 9396-9409, 2001.
[4] S. Plimpton, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 117,
pp. 1-19, 1995.
[5] S. Steiger, et al., IEEE Trans on nano, vol. 10, 2011.
[6] M. Wimmer and K. Richter, Journal of Computational
Physics, vol. 228, pp. 8548-8565, 2009. Figure 3 Diffusion of Cu atoms in SiO2 at t=0, 250, 500,
[7] M. P. L. Sancho, et al., Journal of Physics F: Metal 1000ps. Si and O atoms are not plotted for better visibility. (a)
Physics, vol. 15, p. 851, 1985. Distance between electrodes is 1.5nm in initial structure. (b)
[8] G. Hegde, et al., Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 123703 Clusters are formed in SiO2. Two electrodes are not connected
2014. by filaments. (c) Two electrodes are connected by Cu
filaments. The connectivity is plotted based on a coupling
radius of 0.39nm. (d) More filaments are formed.
This work was supported by the Semiconductor Technology Advanced Research Network (STARnet) Center of
Function Accelerated Nanomaterial Engineering (FAME) (Task 2382.004), one of six centers supported by the
STARnet phase of the Focus Center Research Program (FCRP). Funding for STARnet is sponsored by DARPA and
MARCO. The use of computational resources operated by the Network for Computational
Nanotechnology funded by the US National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. EEC-0228390, EEC-1227110,
EEC-0228390, EEC-0634750, OCI-0438246, OCI-0832623 and OCI-0721680 is gratefully acknowledged.
Non-Equilibrium Green's Function (NEGF)
Method: A Different Perspective
Supriyo Datta
Electrical Engineering Building, 465 Northwestern Avenue,
West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 57
Fig.1. The NEGF-based quantum transport model
allows us to model current flow given the
Hamiltonian matrix [H] describing the channel,
the self-energy matrices [Σ1, 2 ] describing the
connection of the channel to the contacts, and [Σ 0 ]
describing interactions within the channel.
Mode space tight binding model for ultra-fast
simulations of III-V nanowire MOSFETs and
heterojunction TFETs
A. Afzalian, J. Huang*, H. Ilatikhameneh*, J. Charles*, D. Lemus*, J. Bermeo Lopez*, S. Perez
Rubiano*,T. Kubis*, M. Povolotskyi*, G. Klimeck*, M. Passlack, and Y.-C. Yeo.†
TSMC, Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Leuven, Belgium and †TSMC Hsinchu, 300-75 Taiwan
Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University, West-Lafayette, IN, USA
As transistors are scaled into the nanoscale high (typically above 100) compared to the Si case
regime, III-V channel materials and gate-all-around reported in [3] which has only a few UM.
(GAA) nanowire (NW) MOSFETs and TFETs can Nevertheless, we demonstrate here the possibility
be used to achieve performance boost and low to clean III-V MS basis from the UM and achieve
power operation [1,2]. Quantum effects play a a significant speed up ratio (Fig. 3 and 4).
crucial role in affecting device performance. The first step that consists in creating an initial
Atomistic tight binding (TB) simulations within the MS basis by sampling the NW slab eigenmodes at
NEGF framework has emerged as a powerful and selected E-k points is the crucial step upon which
versatile technique for full band transport studies relies the successful derivation of an optimized
that goes beyond the limitation of effective mass basis. A successful initial sampling is illustrated in
(EME) approximation [3,4]. Atomistic transport Fig.1 for a [100] InAs NW in a sp3s* basis
simulations in realistic nanostructures having a few including Spin Orbit coupling (SO) and the
tens of thousands of atoms typically translate into number of UM after 5 and 75 optimization steps is
Hamiltonian matrices that have a rank of ~106 and shown in Fig. 2 and 3, respectively. As shown in
require substantial computational resources. Fig. 1, the key point is to start with sampling a
Using an incomplete basis or low rank small number of eigenmodes within a reduced
approximation, the mode space (MS) approach has energy window and optimize this basis first. It is
been widely used to significantly speed up EME usually not possible to optimize a larger basis
models while keeping accuracy in a reduced directly. If needed a larger energy range can then
energy window [5-7]. A direct transcription of the be achieved by performing a second initial
MS technique to TB models usually fails. In a full sampling (e.g. adding new basis vectors at higher
band model, the device Hamiltonian is no longer a energy) to the first optimized basis (i.e. the
bounded operator. Thus, the basis transformed optimized basis of Fig. 3) and perform a second
model is plagued with unphysical modes (UM) optimization.
(Fig. 2), even if the chosen basis reproduces well Using the procedure illustrated in Fig. 1 to 3,
the physical modes of interest (Fig. 1) [3]. MS basis for [100] InAs and GaSb NWs with a
A solution to this problem was proposed and its square cross-section of size d = 5.45 nm were
applicability to Si NWs demonstrated. The derived from an initial sp3s* SO TB basis and slab
technique enlarges the MS basis by adding new Hamiltonian sizes in the MS were 5% and 6%,
basis vectors specially “tailored” to remove one by respectively, from their original size. The MS
one the unphysical branches in the MS model [3]. basis sets were used to simulate an InAs MOSFET
In this work, we have implemented such a MS and an InAs-GaSb heterojunction TFET. I-V
algorithm in Nemo5 [4] and explored its suitability curves obtained from the MS models match well
to various III-V homo- and hetero- junction NW those obtained in the full model (Fig. 4). Using the
devices. We found that in III-V materials, the MS models, speed up factors larger than 150 were
number of unphysical modes to eliminate is very achieved, when compared to the initial TB models,
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 59
for both the MOSFET and TFET cases, using a [3] G. Mil’Nikov et al., Equivalent transport models in
cluster having 96 cores. atomistic quantum wire, Phys. Rev. B 85, 035317 (2012).
[4] S. Steiger et al., NEMO5: A Parallel Multiscale Nanoelectronics
In conclusion, the achievement of significant Modeling Tool, IEEE TNANO 10, 1464 (2011). J. Wang, E.
speed up factors demonstrates the potential of MS Polizzi and M. Lundstrom, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 96
tight binding models and offers unprecedented (4), pp. 2192-2203 (2004).
[5] J. Wang et al., A Three-Dimensional Quantum Simulation of
possibilities for the full band simulation of Silicon Nanowire Transistors with the Effective-Mass
nanostructures. Approximation, JAP 96 (4), 2192 (2004).
Acknowledgment. The authors thank Dr. Y. C. [6] A. Afzalian et al., A new F(ast)-CMS NEGF Algorithm for
Sun for management support. efficient 3D simulations of Switching Characteristics
enhancement in constricted Tunnel Barrier Silicon Nanowire
REFERENCES MuGFETs, JCE 8, 87 (2009).
[7] A. Afzalian, Computationally Efficient self-consistent Born
[1] J. del Alamo, Nanometre-scale electronics with III–V
approximation treatments of phonon scattering for Coupled-
compound semiconductors, Nature 479, 317 (2011).
Mode Space Non-Equilibrium Green’s Functions, JAP 110,
[2] A. Dey et al., High Current Density InAsSb/GaSb Tunnel
094517 (2011).
Field Effect Transistors, EDL 34, 211 (2013).
Time-resolved computational method for
atomistic open system simulations
B. Novakovic and G. Klimeck
Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 61
Fig. 2. T and R corresponding to data in Fig. 1.
15-band spectral envelope function formalism
applied to broken gap tunnel field-effect transistors
D. Verreck∗ , M. Van de Put† , A.S. Verhulst, B. Sorée †∗ , W. Magnus† ,
A. Dabral∗ , A. Thean and G. Groeseneken∗
imec, Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
∗ Department of Electrical Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium
† Department of Physics, Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium
A carefully chosen heterostructure can signifi- in the spectral expansion prevents highly oscillating
cantly boost the performance of tunnel field-effect out-of-zone spurious solutions from polluting the
transistors (TFET) [1], [2]. Modelling of these first Brillouin zone (see Fig. 2). Fig. 3 shows the
hetero-TFETs requires a quantum mechanical (QM) full simulation procedure.
approach with an accurate band structure to allow In order to use the same EF basis set through-
for a correct description of band-to-band-tunneling out the heterostructure, the matrix elements pnm
(BTBT). Reflections at the heterojunction, as well and Hnm (see Fig. 1) are transformed [3]. This
as field-induced and size-induced confinement, also transformation requires a common eigenvalue de-
need to be considered, as they can heavily influence composition, and therefore commutativity, of the
TFET performance. We have therefore developed a momentum matrices. For the exact case of infinite
fully QM 2D solver, combining for the first time a bands, this is satisfied. Momentum matrix elements
full zone 15-band envelope function (EF) formalism in literature for finite band models, however, have
with a spectral approach, including a heterostructure lost this feature in the fitting process. We have
basis set transformation. therefore developed a constrained optimization al-
Our formalism is based on the EF formalism with gorithm, to search for k·p-parameters that reproduce
quantum transmitting boundary conditions [3]. In the most relevant band structure features, while
going to a 15-band description, we replace the finite retaining commutativity of the momentum matrices,
difference (FD) scheme in the confined direction hence allowing for a basis set transform (see Fig. 4).
with a spectral approach, in which we expand the Figs. 5 and 6 show simulation results for a
odd (Fn ) and even (Fm ) EFs, and the external broken gap diode and p-n-i-n TFET. The wider
potential Ve as follows: body device has a deteriorated SS as a result of
poorer electrostatic gate control. The EF formalism
Fn (x, z) = F̃n (x, kzµ ) sin(kzµ z) (1) allows for a transparent analysis of the transmission
µ=−∞ spectra of individual subband modes (see Fig. 5).
The computational efficiency of the spectral method
Fm (x, z) = F̃m (x, kzµ ) cos(kzµ z) (2) permits the simulation of wide structures: one 30 nm
µ=−∞ body TFET biaspoint only takes about 15 min using
10 cores on a state-of-the-art server.
Ve (x, z) = Ṽe (x, kzµ ) cos(kzµ z) (3) In conclusion, we showed a full-zone EF for-
µ=−∞ malism using a spectral method, along with a con-
with x (z ) the transport (confinement) direction, and strained optimization to obtain k·p-parameters that
translational invariance in y . The parity of the EFs is retain commutativity of the momentum matrices.
determined by the band coupling. Inserting Eqs. (1)- We demonstrated the formalism for hetero-diodes
(3) in the EF system finally results in the system in and TFETs, highlighting the transparency of the
Fig. 1. If Nx x-grid points, N bands and Nkz spec- analysis and the computational efficiency compared
tral components are considered, the system has di- to existing QM BTBT solvers.
mensions Nx × Nkz × N after discretization, instead
D.Verreck acknowledges support by IWT-Vlaanderen. This
of Nx × Nz × N in a FD approach. Since spectral work was supported by imec’s Industrial Affiliation Program.
methods provide exponential accuracy, compared to [1] H. Lu et al., IEEE J. Elec. Dev. Soc. 2, 44-49 (2014).
only polynomial accuracy for FD, Nkz can be much [2] U. Avci et al., IEEE J. Elec. Dev. Soc. 99, 1 (2015).
lower than Nz , especially when the EFs vary slowly [3] D. Verreck et al., J. Appl. Phys. 115, 053706 (2014).
in the confined z -direction. Additionally, the cut-off [4] S. Ben Radhia et al., Semicond. Sci. Technol. 22, 4 (2007).
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 63
Initialize P-matrices
Add Calculate band structure Constrained
Evaluate scoring function
Check visually
Yes No
Irregularities? Finish
5 5 54 5 5 5
4 4 43 4 4 4
3 3 32 3 3 3
2 2 21 2 2 2
E (eV)
E (eV)
E (eV)
E (eV)
E (eV)
E (eV)
E (eV)
Progress on quantum transport simulation using
empirical pseudopotentials
Jingtian Fang∗ , William Vandenberghe, and Massimo Fischetti
The University of Texas at Dallas, 800 W. Campbell Road, Richardson, Texas 75080 USA
∗ Email:
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 65
1.0 0.30
x [nm]
0.5 0.15
H termination a3 0.0
armchair edge 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0.00
z [nm]
x 5
(a) 6-aGNR model (a3 =3dC=C = 0.43nm) (b) 6-aGNRFET model
1.0 4.5
x [nm]
0.5 3.0
0.0 1.5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0.0
z [nm]
x [nm]
transport is along the z direction. The device is discretized 0.5 0.2
along z into Nz =121 slices with ∆=a3 /4=0.11 nm and 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
discretized in the cross-sectional (x-y) plane using a finite z [nm]
element mesh. Notice that this particular triangular mesh is
(a) Potential distribution
for FFT calculations.
1.0 1.2
7 x [nm] 0.5 0.8
6 0.0
Energy (eV)
5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0.0
4 z [nm]
3 4
2 6
y [Å]
IDS (µA)
(a) ∆ = az /4 (b) ∆ = az /4
Fig. 5: Current-voltage characteristics of a 6-aGNRFET.
[1] J. Fang, W. Vandenberghe, and M. Fischetti, “Full-band ballistic quantum
transport in nanostructures using empirical pseudopotential,” in Compu-
tational Electronics (IWCE), 2014 International Workshop on. IEEE,
TABLE I: Rank of the matrices, simulation time, and
2014, pp. 1–3. memory consumption when simulating a 6-aGRNFET
[2] B. Fu and M. Fischetti, “Open boundary-condition ballistic quantum
transport using empirical pseudopotentials,” in Computational Electronics NG t (s, Eq. (1)) t (h) LDM t (h) Memory (GB)
(IWCE), 2013 International Workshop on. IEEE, 2013, pp. 28–29. 701 10 2.5a 84821 0.2b 5.0c
[3] B. Fu, “Quantum transport: from effective mass approximation to full a
Simulation time required to obtain the starting potential self-
band,” Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, consistently for each applied bias.
TX, 2013. b
Simulation time required to solve Eq. (2) for a single injection
[4] International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor, “Process integra-
tion, devices, and structures,” [Online], 2013.
energy E. MPI is used to solve Eq. (2) in parallel for all the
injection energies.
Peak memory required to solve Eq. (2). A sparse matrix
solver UMFPACK is used to save memory.
Theoretical studies have shown that single-dopant- scattering decreasing in wider nanowires [4], Fig.3 first
based transistors could generate remarkable room- shows ID − VG characteristics for a 3×3 nm2 cross-
temperature effects like current hysteresis [1] or negative section at T =300 K with the same LCH =8 nm. The
differential resistance [2]. Unfortunately these effects are current hysteresis still occurs in the ballistic regime but
potentially suppressed by electron-phonon interactions, it is removed in the presence of phonon interactions.
and in particular by acoustic phonon scattering [3]. In this Figure 4 explains this behavior by showing the local
work we investigate the dependence of electron-phonon density of states (LDOS) and the current spectra in the
scattering in single dopant-based nanowire transistor with ballistic and scattering regimes at VG =0.7 V. For the
respect to temperature and dimensions (Fig.1). We use a ballistic regime this bias corresponds to an impurity
3D real-space non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) level located below the source energy sub-band (Fig.4-
approach where electron-phonon scattering is treated a). The current spectra presents then a maximum at
within the self-consistent Born approximation (SCBA) the subband-edge of the source (Fig.4-b). Adding the
through self-energies [3]. phonon scattering strongly couples the impurity state to
Within the effective mass approximation, the self- the contact (Fig.4-c) and generates a current spectrum
energy for acoustic phonons is commonly expressed as with important electron relaxations (Fig.4-d). In order
follows [3]: to reduce the coupling to the contacts we also plot in
Fig.3 ID −VG characteristics with a longer LCH =12 nm.
Ξ2 k B T < Interestingly current hysteresis is almost removed in both
ac (E) = G (E), (1)
2ρu2s ballistic and scattering regimes. The main reason of the
where Ξ is the scalar deformation potential, ρ is the removal of the hysteresis is shown Fig.5 which shows
density and us the sound velocity of silicon. However LDOS and current spectra in the ballistic regime. When
Eq.(1) is an approximate expression only valid at high the level is above the source energy sub-band (Fig.5-
temperatures. Starting from the general formulation of a-b) the current occurs in the energy range around the
the self-energy, we first show that expression (1) remains impurity level. On the other hand, current spectra occurs
valid on the impurity site at the condition of replacing in higher energies than the source sub-band energy when
T by an effective temperature T ∗ given by: the impurity level is below (Fig.5-c-d) since the potential
barrier in 12 nm long channel increases and makes
∗ h̄ωc h̄ω1
T = T × exp − + , (2) negligible the tunneling component. Finally, Fig.6 shows
2kB T kB T
a strong dependence of the impurity binding energy with
where ωc is a critical frequency. T ∗ remains then close the cross-section. For a 4×4 nm2 nanowire the binding
to T if kB T ≥ h̄ω2 c and tends to a limiting value energy of the impurity is significantly reduced so that the
2kB 60 K when T → 0. Based on this result, impurity level does not come anymore below the source
Fig.2 shows the effect of phonon scattering on current energy subband, making the presence of hysteresis even
characteristics for different temperatures in a 2×2 nm2 more complicated to obtain.
cross-section nanowire transistor with single impurity
located on the center of a 8 nm long channel. We see R EFERENCES
that the current hysteresis appears at T =150 K due to
[1] G. Mil’nikov et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 036801 (2009).
the reduction of phonon scattering. As an illustration of
[2] M. Bescond et al. J. Appl. Phys. 107, 093703 (2010).
the influence of phonon scattering, current characteristics
[3] H. Carrillo-Nuñez et al. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 164505 (2014).
in the ballistic regime is also plotted for T =200 K, and
[4] M. Luisier et al., Phys. Rev. B 80, 155430 (2009).
shows a much larger hysteresis. The impact of phonon
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 67
-0.22 2
(a) (b)
-0.32 0
-0.22 2
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the considered nanowire MOS- 1
FET with a dopant located at the center of the channel. In all the study -0.28
the source-drain bias VDS is 0.1 V, the source/drain donor doping ND -0.3
(c) (d)
-0.2 1
-0.3 0.4
-0.2 0.4
As a comparison, current characteristics in the ballistic regime for (c) (d) 0.1
0.2 30
(a) (b)
4 8 12 16 20 4 8 12 16 20
x(nm) x(nm)
Contact resistances in Trigate devices in a
Non-Equilibrium Green’s Functions framework
Léo Bourdet, Jing Li and Yann-Michel Niquet
University Grenoble Alpes, INAC/SP2M, L Sim, Grenoble, France
CEA, INAC/SP2M, L Sim, Grenoble, France
As the gate length L of field-effect transistors therefore be extrapolated to L = 0 (Fig. 3). The
is reaching the sub-20 nm range, the contact resis- contact resistance Rc = R(L → 0) in a 10x10
tances are increasingly limiting the electrical per- nm Trigate is plotted as a function of the carrier
formances of the devices. The “apparent” contact density in the channel in Fig. 4 (red line with
resistance Rc can be defined as the extrapolation to dots), for the “Reference” doping profile of Fig.
zero gate length of the total resistance of the device, 2. It is compared to the ballistic resistance of the
R(L) = Vds /Ids , where Ids is the drain current and channel (no scattering), and to the contact resistance
Vds the source-drain voltage. In the low field (low extracted in a device without surface roughness nor
Vds ) regime, this contact resistance is dominated by impurity scattering in the source/drain (continuous
i) the quality of the metal-semiconductor contact, background dopant distributions). The contact resis-
ii) the transport through the lowly doped regions tance is much larger than the ballistic resistance, and
of the devices such as the spacers, and iii) the is clearly limited by scattering by dopant impurities
“ballistic” resistance of the channel. Although the and surface roughness. It represents a significant
latter is intrinsic to the channel, and has nothing to part of the total resistance of a L = 30 nm long
do with the design of the source/drain, it is usually device (green line with diamonds). A careful anal-
mixed into the apparent contact resistance as it is ysis of the data (to be discussed at the conference)
independent on the gate length. shows that the lowly doped spacers are the most
In this work, we compute components ii) and iii) resistive elements.
of the contact resistance in Fully-Depleted Silicon- The contact resistances for the different doping
on-Insulator (FDSOI) Trigate devices in a Non- profiles of Fig. 2 are plotted in Figs. 5, and for
Equilibrium Green’s Functions (NEGF) framework different nanowire cross sections in Fig. 6. Rc
[1]. The channel is a rectangular nanowire with decreases when doping increases under the spacers,
width W and height H , and the gate stack is made at the expense of a loss of electrostatic control
of 0.8 nm SiO2 and 2.2 nm HfO2 . It is connected (larger DIBL). Also, Rc increases when the cross
to bulk source and drain contacts by 6 nm long sectional area decreases. Other results about the
spacers (see Fig. 1). Point-like dopants are added design of the spacers and the dependence of the
to the source and drain according to the different contact resistance on Vds will be discussed at the
target distributions plotted in Fig. 2, in order to conference.
capture impurity scattering in these regions. Surface This work was supported by the French National
roughness, Remote Coulomb Scattering (RCS) in Research Agency (ANR) project Noodles. The cal-
the channel, and electron-phonon interactions are culations were run on the TGCC/Curie machine
also included in the simulations and have been thanks to allocations from PRACE and GENCI.
calibrated on the experimental mobility. The current
is computed with a NEGF code in the effective mass
approximation. [1] Y.-M. Niquet, V.-H. Nguyen, F. Triozon, I. Duchemin,
O. Nier, and D. Rideau, Journal of Applied Physics 115,
At low bias, the resistance R(L) of the devices 054512 (2014).
is linear with L in the 20-100 nm range and can
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 69
Fig. 1. A longitudinal cross section of a W = 10×H = 10 nm
Trigate device, with overgrown source and drain contacts. The
dots in the contacts are single dopant impurities. The spacers
are 6 nm long.
Sequential Tunneling Effect on Quantum-Dot
Intermediate-Band Solar Cells
K. Yoshida, Y. Okada, and N. Sano*
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Institute of Applied Physics, Univeristy of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
INTRODUCTION � � � �� �� ∗ ∗
− ∫� �� � 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 = ∫� ��(𝐺𝐺�� − 𝐺𝐺�� )𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 , (1)
� ��
Multi-stacked quantum dot (QD) superlattice � �
structure has been applied to realize intermediate where 𝑞𝑞 is the elementary charge, and 𝐺𝐺��∗ ∗
and 𝐺𝐺��
band solar cells (IBSCs) [1]. The device structure are the net-generation rates of IB-VB and CB-IB,
of IBSCs looks similar to the single-junction solar respectively, which are defined as a difference
cell but IBSCs can utilize lower energy photons between the optical generation rate and the
than the host material bandgap for optical carrier recombination rate. 𝑥𝑥�� and 𝑥𝑥�� are the lower and
generations via IB as presented in Fig. 1. This the upper boundaries of the integral for the i-th IB
additional carrier generation path can increase the dot. The device structure employed in the preset
output current density and, thus, IBSCs can exceed study is shown in Fig. 2.
the Shockley-Queisser limit of the single-junction
solar cell. The state-of-the-art epitaxial growth RESULTS
technology can make spacer layers between QDs The current continuity is satisfied by expressing
layers thin and as a result, the coupling between the total current density as a summation of current
multi-stacked QDs layers has been reported to components of CB electrons, holes and IB
modify the selection rule in optical absorption [2]. electrons as presented in Fig. 3. The strength of IB
In addition, it is expected that such coupling can dot coupling is expressed as TC. The IB current
introduce electron tunneling between the confined shows a strong position dependence induced by
states of QDs. The tunneling would be effectively profiles of the electrostatic potential profile and
make IB electron lifetime longer than the IB cell the quasi-Fermi level of IB as shown in Fig. 4. The
without the tunneling since the electrons can leave IB current density is smaller than the other
from QDs to the neighboring QDs before they components since IB dots are not directly
recombine with holes. In this study, we, therefore, connected to both contacts in the emitter and the
include the tunneling effect in the IBSC drift- base regions. To evaluate the tunneling effect on
diffusion method [3] and study its effect on QD- the cell performance, we define JIB as a
IBSC performance. difference between the current components of IB
JIB with and without the coupling where JIB is a
product of the elementary charge and the
In the present simulation, the Poisson equation integrated value of net generation rates through IB
and continuity equations for electrons in the in the cell. That difference indicates that the
conduction band (CB) and IB, and holes in the tunneling can improve the net carrier generation
valence band (VB) are solved self-consistently in rates via IB (see Fig. 5). This is because
the steady state. The confined state of QD is photogenerated IB electrons in the area close to the
modeled as IB dot structure as shown in Fig. 2 and top-emitter can sequentially tunnel to the
the tunneling is modeled by the sequential neighboring IB dots before they recombine with
tunneling which is known as the weak coupling holes. And finally these electrons can be excited
limit of quantum well superlattice [4]. The into CB by absorbing another incident photon. As
continuity equation of IB electrons is solved in the a result, the tunneling can improve QD-IBSC
integrated form using gauss’s theorem on each performance as shown in Fig. 6.
surface of IB dot and given by,
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 71
The sequential tunnelling effect is incorporated
in the drift-diffusion simulation for QD-IBSC as
IB tunnelling current. The tunnelling can improve
the cell performance making IB electron life time
[1] Y. Okada et al., Intermediate band solar cells: Recent
progress and future directions, Appl. Phys. Rev. 2,
021302 (2015).
[2] T. Kita et al., Polarization-insensitive optical gain
characteristics of highly stacked InAs/GaAs quantum dots,
J. Appl. Phys. 115, 233512 (2014).
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solar cells: Effects of doping and concentration, J. Appl. coupling (TC = 0.5 meV) in short-circuit condition under 1 sun
Phys. 112, 084510 (2012). illumination. Ei and i are the band edge and the quasi-Fermi
[4] A. Wacker, Semiconductor superlattices: a model system level where i = C, V and I for CB, VB and IB, respectively.
for nonlinear transport, Phys. Rep. 357, 1 (2002).
JIB (mA/cm )
0.001 0.01 0.1
TC (meV)
Fig. 5. Difference between IB current densities with and
without IB coupling TC in short-circuit condition. JIB = JIB(i)
- JIB(TC = 0.0 meV) where JIB is a product of the elementary
charge and the integrated value of net generation rate through
IB in the cell.
Fig. 2. Schematic of QD-IBSC structure employed in the
present study. NA and ND denote accepter and donor
concentrations. The cell temperature is 300 K and the incident 40
sun light is 6300 K blackbody radiation. TC = 0.0 meV TC = 0.5 meV
Current density J (mA/cm )
Jn + Jp + JI
Current density (mA/cm )
Short−circuit condition
20 TC = 0.0 meV
20 TC = 0.5 meV
0 0 0.5 1
0 1 2 3 4 V (V)
Position (m) 0 0.4 0.8
Fig. 3. Current profile of QD-IBSC with the IB coupling (TC
Voltage V (V)
= 0.5 meV) in short-circuit condition under 1 sun illumination.
Fig. 6. Current-voltage characteristics of QD-IBSCs with and
Jn, Jp and JI denote current densities of CB electrons, holes
without the sequential tunneling. Inset: JIB versus voltage.
and IB electrons, respectively.
Simulation of organic solar cell
with graphene transparent electrode
P. Paletti, R. Pawar, G. Ulisse*, F. Brunetti*, G. Iannaccone, G. Fiori
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione Università di Pisa, Via Caruso 16, 56122 Pisa, Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata,
Via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Roma, Italy
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 73
[1] Y. Shi et al., ACS Nano. 4, 2689 (2010).
Fill Factor
(2009). 0.80 0.60
[3] Info available at 0.60
[4] Available at RS=0 VOC 0.40
[5] B. Bay et al., IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 3, 310
4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 0 5 10 15 20
(2013). Work Function [eV] 2
Series Resistance [Ω/cm ]
15.0 15.0
c) d)
Efficiency [%]
Efficiency [%]
12.0 12.0
9.0 9.0
Fig. 1. Sketch of the simulated OSC. When light illuminates Pristine 13.2%
the OSC, excitons are generated in the active layer, and then WF Tuning
separate at the interface between the active layer and the Hole
9.98% 6.08
Transporting layer (HTL). Holes are then collected at the 10
Efficiency [%]
transparent electrode, travelling through the hole-transporting
layer (HTL), while electrons are collected at the metal 3.43
contact. 7.14
5 4.66% 5.42
P3HT PTB7 Perovskite
Screening Effect on Electric Field Produced by
Spontaneous Polarization in ZnO Quantum Dot
in Electrolyte
X. Meshik, M.S. Choi, M. Dutta, and M.A. Stroscio
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607, USA
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 75
This material is based upon work supported by,
or in part by, the National Science Foundation. a b
[1] Stroscio, M. A., Dutta, M., Nariwani, K., Shi, P.,
Ramadurai, D. and Rufo, S. Integrating and Tagging
Biological Structures with Nanoscale Semiconducting
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Mitra Dutta, editors, Biological Nanostructures and
Applications of Nanostructures in Biology: Electrical,
Mechanical & Optical Properties, (Kluwer Academic
Publishers, New York, 2004). Fig. 3. Electric field due to spontaneous polarization of a 5-
[2] Pappas, T. C., Wickramanyake, W. M. S., Jan, E., nm ZnO quantum dot in water (a) and in electrolyte (b).
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Engineering of a Cellular Interface with Semiconductor
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[3] Lugo, K., Miao, X., Rieke, F. and Lin, L. Y. Remote
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[4] Yamanaka, T., Dutta, M. and Stroscio, M. A. Spontaneous
Polarization Effects in Nanoscale Wurtzite Structures, J.
of Computational Electronics, 6, 313-316 (2007).
Validating Simple Approaches for Quantum
Cascade Laser Modeling
M. Franckié∗ , D.O. Winge, and A. Wacker
Division of Mathematical Physics, Lund University, Bx 118, 22100, Lund, Sweden
∗ Previously M. Lindskog
The quantum cascade laser (QCL) is an results to RE and DM simulations. The THz sample
intersubband-based light source operating in a wide simulations are shown Fig. 1. For this structure with
range of wavelengths from the THz to mid-IR. In scattering injection, both the RE and NEGF models
order to improve their performance and broaden agree excellently with the experimental results. Sim-
their usage in general, much effort is put into sim- ilar results were also found for a similar structure
ulating these devices. Recently, genetic algorithms [1].
have been employed for optimization[1], [2], [3]. A detailed comparison between NEGF and two
As the number of parameters affecting the transport DM models was performed in Ref. [10], where the
is large, an efficient model is necessary. At the same main results are summarized in Fig. 2. Here it was
time, the model has to treat the complex many-body found that in order for the DM model to produce
problem sufficiently detailed to avoid un-physical reliable results, so-called second order currents have
results. to be considered, which are naturally included in the
Three classes of simulation models are mainly NEGF model; for these tunneling injection designs,
used for the simulation of QCLs. A rate equation a higher sophistication is needed. Although the gain
(RE) model [4] uses scattering rates between sub- is quite different in the NEGF and DM models, they
bands calculated via Fermi’s golden rule, in order to do predict very similar output powers and currents
give quick estimates of the level populations. Here, under irradiation so that they are indiscernible with
coherences between near-degenerate states have to the experimental data available.
be included as a tunneling rate. The transport prob- Our findings show that simple approaches can be
lem is then solved via the Schrödinger equation. used if the relevant features are properly accounted
Density matrix (DM) approaches [5], [6], [7] in for. In this context a fully self-consistent model
addition include coherences in the off-diagonal el- like NEGF is a good tool for validating different
ements of the density matrix. Both RE and DM approximations.
models assume thermalized sub-bands where the
momentum-dependence is averaged out. In contrast,
the non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) the- [1] S. G. Razavipour et al. J. Appl. Phys., 113(20):203107,
ory [8] includes inter-subband scattering and treats [2] A. Bismuto et al. Appl. Phys. Lett., 101(2):021103, 2012.
the many-body problem consistently. The Green’s [3] A. Gajić et al. J. Appl. Phys., 115(5):053712, 2014.
functions of the system are calculated via a set [4] E. Dupont et al. J. Appl. Phys., 111(7):73111, 2012.
of self-consistent equations involving the scattering [5] S. Kumar and Q. Hu. Phys. Rev. B, 80(24):245316, 2009.
[6] E. Dupont, S. Fathololoumi, and H. C. Liu. Phys. Rev. B,
via self-energies. The theory is formulated as a 81(20):205311, May 2010.
perturbation expansion, where the expansion series [7] R. Terazzi and J. Faist. New J. Phys., 12(3):033045, 2010.
is truncated at a suitable point. Thus, the NEGF is [8] A. Wacker, M. Lindskog, and D.O. Winge IEEE
the most general of these models, and provides the J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., 19(5):1200611, 2013.
[9] A. Bismuto et al. Appl. Phys. Lett., 96(14):141105, 2010.
most information. [10] M. Lindskog et al. Appl. Phys. Lett., 105(10):103106,
We have performed NEGF simulations of a THz 2014.
[4] and a mid-IR QCL [9], and compared our
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 77
Fig. 1. Data taken from Ref. [4]. Left: Current density for the RE and NEGF models, as well as the experimental sample. Right:
laser spectrum (a), NEGF gain simulations (b), and RE gain simulations (c). The colored circles in (c) indicate the points which
correspond to the biases used in (a) and (b).
Fig. 2. Data taken from Ref. [10]. Left: Current density in the NEGF, two DM models, as well as experimental data, where
crosses show current densities under irradiation. The inset shows the simulated and experimental radiated output power. Right:
Gain and gain peak positions in the DM and NEGF models.
Thermionic escape in quantum well solar cell
Nicolas Cavassilas, Clémentine Gelly, Fabienne Michelini and Marc Bescond
Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, Université de Toulon, IM2NP UMR 7334, 13397, Marseille, France
InGaN alloys are considered as promising corresponding tQW=3.4 and 1.6 nm (devices A and
candidates for high-efficiency photovoltaic B). In both devices electrons and hole are strongly
devices, since their direct bandgap spans almost localized in the quantum well since band offset
the whole solar spectrum from 0.64 eV (InN) to between InGaN and GaN is high. A strong impact
3.46 eV (GaN). However, growing of high-quality of the electron-phonon scattering on carrier
InGaN layers with a large In content is difficult. extraction is thus expected. As shown in the insets
Nevertheless, the synthesis of nanowires can be of Fig. 3, this is confirmed by the secondary peaks
virtually substrate-free, which reduces the located at ±ħωop from the e1 and/or e2, where
formation of dislocations [1]. ħωop=92 meV is the polar optical phonon energy.
We propose a theoretical investigation of The major difference between both devices is the
InGaN/GaN core-shell nanowires for solar presence of the second state e2 in the quantum well
applications. The lattice mismatch between the of device A. In device B, due to stronger
InGaN and the GaN requires the use of multiple confinement, the e2 shift in the energy continuum.
quantum wells [2] and limits both the In content Fig. 4 shows the photo-current spectra
and the thickness of the InGaN layers. Fig. 1 corresponding to the LDOS presented in Fig. 3. It
shows the calculated e1-h1 transition between the results from phonon assisted thermionic escape as
topmost hole energy level (h1) and the deepest confirmed by the peaked shape of the spectra.
electron level (e1) in an InGaN quantum well Indeed, energy between peaks corresponds to ħωop.
embedded in GaN barriers. This e1-h1 transition is The corresponding total currents are 83 and 3.8
represented as a function of the In content and the (Arb. Unit) for devices A and B respectively. This
quantum well thickness tQW. We also show a unexpected ratio of about 20 has been established
prohibited pink area representing the limit due to for several photon energies. Even if photon
the lattice mismatch. The minimum e1-h1 transition absorption depends on the thickness of the
obtained without any dislocation is 3 eV. These quantum well, the main reason of this high ratio is
high-quality wells may be obtained if the GaN the thermionic escape. The rate of phonon
barriers are thick enough, i.e. ≥5 nm. In the absorption depends on the density of states of the
following, we then propose to compare quantum final electronic energy. In device B, due to the
wells exhibiting a e1-h1 transition equals to 3 eV strong confinement, density of states between e1
with various In contents. These calculations are and the continuum exhibits a minimum ~10-2 (Arb.
made with a photon energy of 3.2 eV, GaN Unit) as shown in the inset of Fig. 3. This
barrier’s thickness of 5 nm and 15 InGaN wells. minimum limits the phonon absorption of
No bias is applied. electrons and then their escape into the continuum.
The considered device and the corresponding In device A, since the confinement is weaker, the
calculated band-diagram are both represented in minimum of density of states between e1 and e2 is
Fig. 2. This result is obtained with a 1D non higher (~10-1 Arb. Unit). Moreover, the state e2,
equilibrium Green function formalism [3]. located between e1 and the continuum, also
Electron-photon interaction is assumed in the contributes to the phonon absorption and finally to
central well of the device only. This permits to the thermionic escape.
focus on the quantum efficiency of this particular [1] Y. Dong, B. Tian, T. J. Kempa, and C. M. Lieber, Nano
Lett. 9, 2183 (2009).
well connected to the other parts of the device. [2] J. R. Lang, N. G. Young, R. M. Farrell, Y. R. Wu, and J.
Fig. 3 shows the electronic Local Density of S. Speck, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 181105 (2012).
States (LDOS) obtained in the central quantum [3] N. Cavassilas, F. Michelini, and M. Bescond, J.
well for In contents of 14 and 19 % with Renewable Sustainable Energy 6, 011203 (2014).
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 79
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the considered core-shell
nanowire and the corresponding 1D band-diagram obtained
Fig. 1. Iso-energy curves for the e1-h1 transition versus the In
with V=0 V, NA=7 1016 cm-3 and ND=3.5 1018 cm-3. The low
content and the quantum well thickness tQW. The pink area
electric field in the active region is due to the low p-doping.
represents the conditions for which dislocations are expected.
Fig. 3. The local density of states versus the energy and the
position in central quantum well of devices with a) In content
of 14 % and tQW=3.4 nm (device A), and b) In content of 19 % Fig. 4. Current spectra versus energy and position in the
and tQW=1.6 nm (device B). The insets represent the central quantum well of a) device A (In content of 14 %,
corresponding integrated density of states in the conduction tQW=3.4 nm), and b) device B (In content of 19 %, tQW=1.6
band versus the energy. nm).
Wigner Function Approach to Quantum
Transport in QCLs
O. Jonasson and I. Knezevic
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
1415 Engineering Dr., Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1691, USA, e-mail:
Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are semiconduc- from Ref. [10], where lasing at a frequency of
tor heterostructures where lasing is achieved using 1.8 THz was obtained for temperatures up to 168 K.
transitions between localized quantum states. QCLs Figure 1 shows the calculated conduction band pro-
have received a considerable amount of attention file, which is obtained from the WBTE simulation
ever since their first experimental realization in coupled with Poisson’s equation. Also shown are the
1994 [1] and a wide range of modeling techniques, relevant subbands and their occupation at the design
at varying degrees of approximation, have been electric field of 15 kV/cm. From the figure we can
employed to simulate electron transport in these see that our results predict a relative occupation
structures [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. A popular tech- n5 /n4 1.64, where n5 (n4 ) is the occupation
nique is to assume transport is semiclassical, due of the upper (lower) lasing level. The results are
to scattering between quasi-bound states, with the consistent with the device achieving lasing at the
rates calculated using Fermi’s golden rule [3], [4]. design electric field of 15 kV/cm.
Such an approximation is valid as long as transport Figure 2 shows the calculated current density vs
is mostly incoherent. However, in THz QCLs, co- electric field for lattice temperature in the range
herent transport and dephasing play important roles 50-300 K. At low temperatures, the relationship
and have to be included [7]. Here, we demonstrate between current density and electric field is highly
that the Wigner function formalism can accurately non-linear with a plateau around 7 kV/cm and an
describe the effects of coherence and dephasing NDR region around 13 kV/cm. However, at room
in THz QCLs, while avoiding the computational temperature, the fine features are nearly washed out
requirements of approaches using nonequilibrium due to enhanced electron-phonon scattering, and the
Green’s functions (NEGF) [5]. current vs field relationship is almost linear.
We solve the Wigner-Boltzmann transport equa- Figure 3 shows the steady-state Wigner function
tion (WBTE) using a particle-based numerical for different values of the applied electric field for a
method [8], [9] where periodic boundary conditions lattice temperature of 50 K. At zero field, electrons
are easily implemented. This approach is valid as mostly occupy the ground state in the widest well
long as the electron coherence length is shorter than and coupling between adjacent stages is low. For
the simulation domain. One of the advantages of intermediate field strength (7.5 kV/cm), electrons
this method is that the computational burden scales also occupy the narrower wells and transport can
linearly with the system length. This is because the be described as coupling between ground states in
Wigner function f (z, k) is defined in phase space, individual wells. At a higher field (15.0 kV/cm)
so doubling the system length only doubles the significant delocalization occurs and states that are
number of needed mesh points (and particle num- delocalized over multipe wells are occupied. The
ber) in the z direction. This is in contrast to density region around k = 0 in which the Wigner function
matrix approaches where doubling the system size has negative values are signs of high occupation
results in a 4-fold increase due to the density matrix of states that are delocalized between two or more
ρ(z1 , z2 ) dependence on two positions. wells, such as the upper and lower lasing level
To demonstrate the validity of the Wigner func- shown in Fig. 1.
tion approach, we simulated a THz frequency QCL We have demonstrated that the Wigner function
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 81
formalism can be used to efficiently model electron
transport in THz frequency QCLs. Effects of coher-
ence and dephasing due to scattering are important
in such devices and are included in our method. We
were able to calculate microscopic quantities such
as occupation of lasing states, which is crucial in
QCL device design.
This work was supported by the U.S. Department
of Energy, Office of Science, Materials Science Pro-
gram and Engineering Division, Physical Behavior
of Materials Program, award DE-SC0008712.
[1] J. Faist et al. Science, 264, 553 (1994).
[2] D. Indjin et al. Appl. Phys. Lett., 82, 9, 1347 (2003).
[3] H. Callebaut et al. Appl. Phys. Lett., 83, 2, 207 (2003).
[4] Y. B. Shi and I. Knezevic. J. Appl. Phys., 116, 12, 123105
[5] S.-C. Lee and A. Wacker. Phys. Rev. B, 66, 245314
(2002). Fig. 2. Current density vs electric field for different lattice
[6] R. Iotti and F. Rossi. Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 146603 (2001). temperatures for the THz QCL structure from Kumar et al.
[7] H. Callebaut and Q. Hu. J. Appl. Phys., 98, 10, 104505 [10].
[8] D. Querlioz et al. J. Comput. Electron., 5, 443 (2006).
[9] M. Nedjalkov et al. Phys. Rev. B, 70, 115319 (2004).
[10] S. Kumar et al. Nature Phys., 7, 166 (2011).
GaN/InGaN/GaN Disk-in-Wire Light
Emitters: Polar vs. Nonpolar Orientations
Md. R. Nishat, S. Alqahtani, Ye Wu, V. Chimalgi, and S. Ahmed
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
1230 Lincoln Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA. (E-mail:;
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 83
Fig. 1. Potential distributions in the growth direction.
Unified View of Electron and Phonon Transport
Jesse Maassen and Mark Lundstrom
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 85
Fig. 1. The electron dispersion for bulk Si as computed by Fig. 4. The phonon window function, which indicates which
DFT simulation. ( )
channels are occupied and M ph !ω for Si. Note that all
phonon channels are occupied at 300 K.
Fig. 2. The number of channels vs. energy for bulk Si. The Fig. 5. Illustration showing that in bulk Si, phonons with a
initial increase from the band edges is linear for parabolic MFP greater than one micrometer contribute 50% to the
energy bands. thermal conductivity.
Fig. 3. The electron window function (which indicates which Fig. 6. Temperature vs. position in a Si films showing
( )
channels are occupied) and M el E for Si. Note that only temperature jumps at the contacts due to ballistic transport.
Symbols, BTE solutions, lines: Fourier’s Law when properly
electron channels very near the bottom of the band are
implemented (from [2]).
Thermoelectric Transports in Geometry- and
Doping-Controlled Nanostructures
K. H. Park, P. N. Martin and U. Ravaioli
Beckman Institute and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois,
Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 87
We will show comprehensive results illustrating
possible trade-offs to optimize the thermoelectric
figure of merits of uniform and non-uniform nano-
structures. As we consider geometrical fluctuation
and non-uniform doping as the sole perturbation to
our system, the ratio of the figure of merits should
provide an insight of an optimum design for
thermoelectric applications.
[1] A. I. Hochbaum, R. Chen, R. D. Delgado, W. Liang, E. C. Fig. 3. Comparison of quantum transmissions of a sinusoidal
Garnett, M. Najarian, A. Majumdar, and P. Yang, nanowire and a straight uniform nanowire (w = 4.34 nm, L =
Enhanced thermoelectric performance of rough silicon 108.6 nm)
nanowires, Nature 451, 7175 (2008).
[2] K. H. Park, M. Mohamed, Z. Aksamija, and U. Ravaioli,
Phonon scattering due to van der Waals forces in the
lattice thermal conductivity of Bi2Te3 thin films, J. Appl.
Phys. 117, 1 (2015).
[3] P. Martin, Z. Aksamija, E. Pop, and U. Ravaioli, Impact of
Phonon-Surface Roughness Scattering on Thermal
Conductivity of Thin Si Nanowires, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102,
12 (2009).
[4] P. N. Martin and U. Ravaioli, Green function treatment of
electronic transport in narrow rough semiconductor
conduction channels, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 193, 012009
Multi-Subband Interface Roughness Scattering
using 2D Finite Element Schödinger Equation for
Monte Carlo Simulations of Multi-Gate Transistors
D. Nagy∗ , M. A. Elmessary∗‡ , M. Aldegunde§, J. Lindberg† , A. Loureiro¶ , and K. Kalna∗
∗ ESDC, † C2EC, College of Engineering, Swansea University, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales, United Kingdom
‡ Dept. of Mathematics & Engineering Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
§ WCPM, School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, England, United Kingdom
¶ CITIUS, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain
Phone: +44 1792 602816, e-mail:
Non-planar multi-gate transistors [1] are the pre- calculate form factors as:
ferred solutions for sub-16 nm digital CMOS technology ∗
fn,n (s) = ψn,k ψn ,k ΔV (1)
thanks to superior electrostatic integrity and delivering
a large ON-current. In this scaled process, interface where n, n� are the initial and final energy levels,
roughness scattering (IRS) is considered to be a crucial respectively, ΔV is the potential barrier between Si
factor for carrier transport [2], [3]. channel and high-κ dielectric. The IRS rate from the
initial state n to the
final state n is:
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 89
p = 35.8 nm 16
1×10 TRI Ando
A = 57 nm2
Scattering Rate [s ]
15 200
E 1×10
AT 14 150
17.67 nm
G 0
13 100
-2 50
BO m VD = 0.05 V
.7n 11 -3
nm 10 1×10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1×10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Energy [eV] Gate Voltage [V]
Fig. 1: Schematic of the simulated triangular- Fig. 2: IRS rate from 3D (Ando) and multi- Fig. 3: ID -VG characteristics at VD =
like shape Si SOI FinFET with a Gaussian subband Prange & Nee (EPN) models. The 0.05 V using a normalised-to-area current
doping profile where σ is 3.45 nm in the EPN is for the 20 lowest electron subbands of for the 10.7 nm gate length TRI FinFET
transport direction and has an effective oxide the device at VD = 0.05 V and VG = 0.0 V comparing the 3D interface roughness model
thickness (EOT) of 0.62 nm following the up to 0.77 eV but calculated up to 3 eV. (Ando) with the multi-subband model (EPN).
ITRS 2014.
1000 ×1
Average Velocity [m/s]
TRI Ando
Drain Current [mA/µm ]
2 5
1×10 10
× Cross-section TRI
Lg [nm] Ando EPN
1×10 600
0 SSLOW [mV/dec] 66
400 SSHIGH [mV/dec] 66
DIBLDD [mV/V] 34
× TRI Ando
200 5.0 TRI EPN DIBLMC [mV/V] 64 65
VD = 0.7 V
0 ILOW [mA/µm2 ] 161 103
1×10 0
0 0.-20 -10 0 10 20
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 IMC
HIGH [mA/µm2 ] 885 498
Gate Voltage [V] Distance along transport [nm]
Fig. 4: ID -VG characteristics at VD = 0.7 V Fig. 5: Average velocity along the channel TABLE I
using a normalised-to-area current for the of the TRI FinFET at VG -VT = 0.7 V and S UB - THRESHOLD SLOPE (SS) AT V D =
TRI FinFET with a gate length of 10.7 nm VD = 0.7 V. 0.05 V AND 0.7 V FROM THE DD, DIBL
comparing the 3D interface roughness model FROM DD AND MC, AND DRIVE CURRENTS
(Ando) with the multi-subband model (EPN). (IVMC
15 19.6
11 11
0 0 19.4
×1 ×1
4.0 Ando VG = 0 V 2.0 Ando VG = 0 V 19.3
Scattering Rate [s ]
Scattering Rate [s ]
11 11 EPN VG = 0 V 10 19.2
0 EPN VG = 0 0
×1 ×1 19.1
3.0 1.5 Ando VG = 0.9 V
Z [nm]
Ando VG = 0.9 V
EPN VG = 0.9 V 11 EPN VG = 0.9 V
0 10
×1 ×
2.0 1.0 5
11 10
0 0
×1 ×1
1.0 5.0
0.00 0.00 0
200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 -2 0 2
Energy [meV] Energy [meV] Y [nm]
Fig. 6: Average scattering rate for TRI device Fig. 7: Average scattering rate for TRI device Fig. 8: Electron density in the middle of the
at VD = 0.05 V with 3D (Ando) and multi- at VD = 0.7 V with 3D (Ando) and multi- gate in the TRI 100 FinFET at VG -VT =
subband (EPN) IRS models. subband (EPN) IRS models. 0.7 V, VD = 0.7 V using the new multi-
subband IRS model.
Anisotropic Schrödinger Equation Quantum
Corrections for 3D Monte Carlo Simulations of
Nanoscale Multigate Transistors
M. A. Elmessary∗† , D. Nagy∗ , M. Aldegunde‡, J. Lindberg ∗ , W. Dettmer∗ ,
D. Perić∗ , A. Loureiro∗ , and K. Kalna∗
∗ College
of Engineering, Swansea University, Swansea SA2 8PP, Wales, United Kingdom
† Dept of Mathematics & Engineering Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
‡ WCPM, School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, England, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1792 602816, Fax: +44 1792 295676, Email:
Multi-gate FETs like FinFETs and GAA nanowire ter (elliptical circumference/π )DNW =12.8 nm) and EOT
(NW) are leading solutions for sub-10 nm technology = 1.5 nm. We reverse engineer the doping profile at the
because of their superior electrostatic integrity [1]. sub-threshold region at VD = 0.05 V and VD =1.0 V
However quantum confinement and the complex 3D as shown in Figs. 1 and 2. We then simulated ID -
device geometry need to be realistically modelled for VG characteristics of the 22 nm gate length GAA Si
accurate physical simulations of carrier transport. NW at both low and high drain biases using 3D SEQC
Here, we report on anisotropic finite element (FE) MC toolbox without any free parameter with excellent
Schrödinger equation based quantum corrections (SE- agreement as can be seen in Fig. 3. We then scaled
QCs) for our in-house 3D FE Monte Carlo (MC) the Si GAA NW according to ITRS specifications to
device toolbox [2], [3]. The MC has already anisotropic a gate length of 10 nm and EOT of 0.8 nm. Fig. 4
bandstructure using k-vector transformations [4] but the shows the ID -VG characteristics for the scaled 10 nm
Schrödinger equation QCs [5] were approximated by GAA NW at VD =0.05 V and VD =0.7 V predicted by
isotropic electron effective mass tensor (EMT) [2]. We the 3D FE SEQC MC. Table II collects all devices
extend the calibration-free Schrödinger equation QCs characteristics for Si GAA NW with gate lengths of 22
into three ∆ valleys using longitudinal and transverse and 10 nm predicting that scaling to 10 nm gate will
electron effective masses. Table I collects the EMT of ensure superior electrostatic integrity and on-current
Si ∆ valley for �100� and �110� channel orientations. performance of NW FETs.
The 3D device FE mesh contains predefined 2D planes To show how anisotropic QC can affect the ID -
perpendicular to the transport direction, that are used VG characteristics, we simulated two 8.1 nm gate
to obtain the 2D potential for 2D Schrödinger
equation length FinFETs, rectangular-like (REC) and triangular-
[6]: − h̄2 ∇⊥ · (m∗ )−1 · ∇⊥ ψ(y, z) +U (y, z)ψ(y, z) = like (TRI), with the �100� and �110� channel orien-
Eψ(y, z), where E is the energy, (m∗ )−1 is the inverse tations, a channel perimeter of 26.5 nm, and area of
EMT with components define as (m∗ij )−1 = ωij , i, j = 49.5 nm2 (REC)/29.6 nm2 (TRI), and EOT=0.55 nm.
y, z ; ψ(y, z) is the wavefunction penetrating into sur- We have found (Figs. 6–9) that QC anisotropy effects
rounding oxide, and U (y, z) = −[qV (y, z) + χ(y, z)] play the strongest role in the �100� channel TRI device
is the potential energy with χ(y, z) being the electron increasing the drain current by about 15% and slightly
affinity [2]. The Schrödinger Eq. is solved separately for decreasing the current by 2% in the �100� channel REC
each of the three ∆ valleys. The resulting wavefunctions device. The QC anisotropy has negligible effect in any
(Fig. 5) are then used to calculate 2D quantum density device in the �110� orientation (see Table III).
for each of the valleys. The 2D density is interpolated R EFERENCES
onto the 3D simulation domain to obtain a separate [1] S. Bangsaruntip et al., IEDM Tech. Dig., pp. 526-529 (2013).
[2] J. Lindberg et al., IEEE TED, pp. 423-429 (2014).
quantum correction potential for each valley. [3] M. Aldegunde et al., IEEE TED, pp. 1561-1567 (2013).
We tested our new MC toolbox against experimental [4] D. Esseni et al., “Nanoscale MOS Transistors: Semi- Classical
data for a 22 nm gate length GAA Si NW [1] with �110� Transport and Applications,” Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011.
[5] B. Winstead et al., IEEE TED, 50, pp. 440-446, 2003.
channel orientation. The NW has elliptical cross-section [6] D. Nagy et al., IEEE Trans. Nanotechnol, pp. 93-100 (2015).
with diameters of 11.3/14.22 nm, with effective diame-
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 91
-3 2.0×10
-3 IBM VD=0.05 V
1×10 IBM VD=1 V
ID [A/µm]
Doping Concentration [cm ]
5×10 -5 -5
1×10 1×10
IBM VD=0.05 V
19 Source volume
-6 IBM VD=1 V
4×10 -3
Drain volume
1×10 MC VD=0.05 V 1.0×10
19 -7 MC VD=1 V
3×10 1×10 -7
X X 1×10 DD VD=0.05 V, X/2, extended s/D, doping=5e19 5.0×10
22 nm DD VD=1 V, X/2, extended s/D, doping=5e19 -8
-9 1×10
19 1×10 DD VD=0.05 V, X, small s/D, doping=5e19
DD VD=1 V, X, small s/D, doping=5e19
1×10 -0.1 1×10 0 0.0
0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
-30 -20 -10 0
Distance along x-axis [nm]
10 20 30
Gate Voltage [V] Gate Voltage [V]
Fig. 1: Cross-section of Gausian-like Fig. 2: Devising doping profile for the 22 nm Fig. 3: ID -VG characteristics for the 22 nm
doping profile along the transport x- GAA nanowire at VD =0.05 V and VD =1.0 V GAA nanowire from the 3D FE MC with
direction for the GAA nanowire. with DD simulations by changing the S/D anisotropic SEQCs with no free parameter
region and the doping spread X, and a final (full lines) compared against experimental data
MC simulation. (dashed lines) [1].
-4 1.5×10
-3 300
1×10 0
-1 200
-6 1×10
-7 isotropic <100>
1×10 -4 -2 100
5.0×10 1×10 isotropic <110>
-8 anisotropic <100>
1×10 anisotropic <110>
1×10 0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
1×10 0 0.0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Gate Voltage [V] Gate Voltage [V]
Fig. 4: ID -VG characteristics for the Fig. 5: The first wavefunctions for three ∆ Fig. 6: ID -VG characteristics at VD =
scaled 10 nm gate length GAA nanowire valleys, in the middle of the 100 channel 0.05 V for the TRI shape FinFET with
predicted by the quantum corrected 3D for the REC (top) and TRI (bottom) cross- the 100 and 110 channel orientations
FE MC. sections at VG =0.8 V and VD = 0.6 V. showing the effect of anisotropic SEQCs.
1×10 3000
3 REC, VD=0.05 V 600
1×10 3
Drain Current [µA/µm]
2000 1×10
Drain Current [µA/µm]
Improved Particle Annihilation for Wigner Monte
Carlo Simulations on a High-Resolution Mesh
P. Ellinghaus, M. Nedjalkov, and S. Selberherr
Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, Gußhausstraße 27–29/E360, 1040 Wien, Austria
E-mail: {ellinghaus|nedjalkov|selberherr}
The effects of surface roughness on quantum transport addresses these large memory requirements through a
in modern transistor architectures, e.g. UTB-SOI, have spatial domain decomposition [3]. However, the com-
become significant [1]. However, to properly model the putational demands of the SPWMC simulator allow it
surface roughness of a Si/SiO2 interface requires a fine to be run on a typical desktop computer, therefore, its
spatial resolution. We investigate the implications of memory demands should also follow suit. Furthermore,
the latter on the Signed-Particle Wigner Monte Carlo a finer resolution also reduces the effectiveness of the
(SPWMC) method, which presents a convenient for- annihilation step: there are more cells and each cell
malism to investigate transient and stationary processes is filled by less particles. Thereby, the likelihood of
in multi-dimensional semiconductor structures, ranging particles with opposite signs to meet and annihilate each
from quantum-coherent to scattering-dominated trans- other is reduced.
port. Fig. 1 shows how the effective channel width, and The highlighted problems can be remedied by re-
thereby the current (Fig. 2), is increased when using an ducing the spatial resolution of the grid on which the
insufficient spatial resolution. The current is calculated particles are recorded for annihilation; the k -values are
by the Ramo-Shockley theorem and a steady-state is discretized and remain fixed. The concept is illustrated
achieved by the periodic injection of individual elec- in Fig. 3. This reduces the memory requirement and
trons, represented by minimum uncertainty wave pack- increases the effectiveness of the annihilation procedure.
ets. Only the surface roughness is considered; phonons To counteract the loss in precision, a statistical fitting of
are switched off. the spatial distribution of the particles in the enlarged
SPWMC simulations rely on the generation of numer- spatial cells is performed before annihilation ensues; the
ical particles with + and − signs [2], generated at a rate obtained distribution is then used to regenerate the par-
in the order of 1015 s−1 . Particle annihilation is used ticles that remain after the annihilation. Fig. 4 compares
to counteract the exponential increase in the number of the regeneration of particles, annihilated on a coarsened
particles: the phase space is divided into many cells; grid, using a uniform distribution and a Gaussian distri-
within each cell particles with opposite signs annihilate bution. The former follows the true solution much better
each other since their contributions to the calculation of than the Gaussian distribution. This is consistent with
any physical quantity cancel out. The particles remaining the observations made in [4]. Both approaches reduce
after the annihilation are regenerated to represent the pre- the memory consumption by a factor of 16, however,
annihilation ensemble. the Gaussian distribution requires some extra memory
The memory required to represent the phase space and computation to calculate the additional moment. The
grid, on which particles are recorded for annihilation, same holds true for more sophisticated fitting techniques,
quickly becomes exorbitant in multi-dimensional simu- using more moments of the pre-annihilation distribution,
lations with a fine spatial resolution, since the number of which eradicates the achieved memory reduction.
cells increases with the power of the dimensionality of It is concluded that the debilitating increase in the
the phase space (the resolution also affects the number memory requirements to perform the annihilation step in
of k -values which must be retained to ensure a unitary SPWMC simulations with a fine spatial resolution can be
Fourier transform). A 30 nm×30 nm domain and a three- effectively remedied by reducing the spatial resolution of
dimensional k -space with a coherence length of 30 nm the phase space grid used for recording and performing
results in an array size exceeding 141 GB at a resolu- a statistical fit by calculating the mean position of the
tion of 0.2 nm. A distributed-memory (MPI) approach particles before the annihilation.
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 93
[1] J.M. Sellier, M. Nedjalkov, I. Dimov, S. Selberherr, Decoherence
and Time Reversibility: The Role of Randomness at Interfaces,
Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 174902 (2013).
[2] M. Nedjalkov, P. Schwaha, S. Selberherr, J.M. Sellier and
D. Vasileska, Wigner Quasi-Particle Attributes - An Asymptotic
Perspective, Applied Physics Letters, 102, 163113 (2013).
[3] P. Ellinghaus, J. Weinbub, M. Nedjalkov, S. Selberherr and
I. Dimov, Distributed-Memory Parallelization of the Wigner
Monte Carlo Method Using Spatial Domain Decomposition,
Journal of Computational Electronics, 14, 151 (2015).
[4] P. Ellinghaus, M. Nedjalkov and S. Selberherr, Optimized Particle
Regeneration Scheme for the Wigner Monte Carlo Method,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8962, 27 (2015).
[5] S.M. Goodnick, D.K. Ferry, C.W. Wilmsen, Z. Liliental, D. Fathy
and O.L. Krivanek, Surface Roughness at the Si(100)-SiO2
Interface, Phys. Rev. B, 32, 8171 (1985).
Figure 3. A distribution of + and − particles in four spatial cells
7 7 (dashed lines). The gray cell, encapsulating all four cells, represents a
6 6 cell of the coarsened phase-space grid used to perform annihilation.
5 5 It is enlarged by a factor 2 in both directions, reducing the array
size by a factor of four. The effectiveness of annihilation is improved
y [nm]
y [nm]
4 4
3 3 from 3 to only 1 surviving particle.
2 2
1 1
0 0 True solution
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 Gaussian
x [nm] x [nm]
between two oxide layers (in black). The roughness of the Si/SiO2
interface is characterized by an exponential auto-correlation function
with a mean displacement, obtained from experiments in [5], used to
perturb the smooth interfaces of the channel. The interface roughness, 0.0001
Probability density
5e-06 0.0001
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time [fs] x-Position [nm]
Figure 2. Comparison of the steady-state currents calculated for the Figure 4. A slice of the two-dimensional probability density of a
geometries in Fig. 1 with a spatial resolution of 0.2 nm and 1.0 nm, wave packet, evolving freely in a domain with a spatial resolution
show an increase in the latter due to a greater effective channel width. of 0.25 nm, after 40 (top) and 80 (bottom) forced annihilation
The current increases as the first wave packet is injected into the steps. The annihilation is performed on a coarsened grid with a
channel from the left and reaches a steady state once the channel 1 nm resolution and the particles are regenerated using uniform and
is saturated with particles. The current for the 0.2 nm case appears Gaussian distributions. The ’true solution’ – the evolution when the
noisier over the time shown, because it takes longer to saturate the annihilation step is omitted – is followed the best when particles are
channel with particles on the finer mesh. regenerated by a uniform distribution.
Modeling Quantum Acceleration of Bloch
Waves in Nanowires
R. Hathwar, M. Saraniti, and S. M. Goodnick
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
The X-matrices are defined as
The drift model used in a ‘free-flight drift’
routine of a Monte Carlo simulation of
semiconductor devices is a single band model that −i ∫ un*,k ( t ) ( x).∇ k un ',k ( t ) ( x).d 3 x (3)
X n ,n ' (k (t )) =
does not work well at band crossings or when the
energy separation between the bands are small. where Ω is the volume of the primitive cell. The
Applying strong electric fields to semiconductors derivative in eqn. 3 is calculated using Rayleigh-
can induce inter band transitions [1]. This effect Schrodinger perturbation theory as shown in eqn.
becomes prominent in materials such as nanowires 4. For degenerate bands the degenerate
where the energy spacing between the bands is perturbation theory is used.
small and the bands intercross more frequently un ',k ∂H / ∂k un ,k
across the Brillouin Zone (BZ). Various ∇ k un ( k ) =∑
n ',n'≠ n e n ' (k ) − e n (k )
un ' ( k ) (4)
approaches have been proposed to incorporate
carrier transitions between different bands such as Equation 1 is solved using the 4th order Runge-
the overlap test [2] and the velocity continuity Kutta method for coupled partial differential
method [3]. Both these methods have a drawback equations [6]. Special care is taken to ensure the
that the transition does not depend on the electric phases of the X-matrices are continuous across
field and is sensitive to the mesh size [4]. Krieger different k-points as noted in [7]. The probability
and Iafrate (KI) have developed a set of equations distributions obtained from eqn. 1 are calculated
which when solved give the transition probability for every k point in the BZ for a given free-flight
of a carrier as a function of time under an electric time step for all possible initial conditions before
field [5]. The KI method has been applied here to the simulation starts. The band structure and
the case of nanowires and the method and results scattering rates of the nanowires are calculated as
discussed in the following sections. shown in [8]. A uniform field Monte Carlo
simulation is then run to calculate the energy field
characteristics. At the beginning of every free-
MODEL flight step the carrier’s momentum is updated
The KI method solves the time dependent according to eqn. 2. Based on the carrier’s initial
Schrodinger equation for Bloch waves under an momentum value and band index the
electric field to give the following set of coupled corresponding probability distributions are
partial differential equations. obtained from the pre-calculated tables and a
∂Cn (t ) random number is used to decide the final band
i = e n (k (t )).Cn (t ) + eE (t ) index. The carrier is then placed in that band.
∂t (1)
× ∑ X n ,n ' (k (t )).Cn ' (t )
where E(t) is the electric field, (-e) is the electronic The nanowires considered in this study are
charge and the wave vector k(t) is determined by 3nmx3nm rectangular Si and InAs nanowires
the semi-classical relation, along the [100] direction. The band structure of a
∂k (t ) 3nmx3nm InAs nanowire is shown in Fig.1. At
= −eE (t ) (2) high energies an electron has the chance of getting
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 95
trapped within a band unless it can tunnel to higher
bands using the electric field. In Fig.2 we see the
difference the quantum acceleration model
produces on the average energy of the electrons in
a uniform field simulation in a 3nmx3nm InAs
nanowire. Without it the electron energy begins to
saturate as the carriers are unable to gain sufficient
energy from the electric field. In Fig. 3 we see a
specific example of a band crossing in the Si
nanowire highlighted by the circle. In Fig. 4 the
probability of finding an electron in each band is
shown after the electron is drifted across the band
crossing under an electric field of -100kV/cm. The
electron is initially placed in the 9th conduction
Fig. 2. Average energy of the electrons in a uniform field
band. simulation with the traditional (semi-classical) drift model
REFERENCES (blue) and with the quantum acceleration model (green) as a
function of electric field. This is for a 3nmx3nm InAs
[1] H-E. Nilsson, A. Martinez, E. Ghillino, U. Sannemo, E. nanowire.
Bellotti and M. Goano, Numerical modelling of hole
interband tunnelling in wirtzite Ga Nans SiC, Journal of
Applied Physics, 90,6 (2001).
[2] E. Bellotti, H.-E. Nilsson, K. F. Brennan, P. P. Ruden, and
R. J. Trew, J. Appl. Phys. 87, 3864 (2000).
[3] K. F. Brennan, E. Bellotti, M. Farahmand, H.-E. Nilsson,
P. P. Ruden, and Y. Zhang, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices
ED-47, 1882 (2000).
[4] Francessco Bertazzi, Michele Moresco and Enrico
Bellotti, Theory of high field carrier transport and impact
ionizationin wurtzite GaN. Part 1: A full band Monte
Carlo model. Journal of Applied Physics,106, 063718
[5] Krieger J B and Iafrate G J 1986 Phys. Rev. B 33 5494–
[6] W. H. Press, B. P. Flannery, S. A. Teukolsky, and W. T.
Vetterling, Numerical Recipes. The Art of Scientific
Computing _Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
(1986). Fig. 3. Band structure crossing for a 3nmx3nm Si nanowire
[7] U. Lindefeldt, H-E. Nilsson and M Hjelm, Semicond. Sci. along the 100 direction. The black dots represent the discrete
Technol. 19 (2004). eigenvalues obtained from the eigensolver.
[8] R.Hathwar,M.Saraniti,S.M.Goodnick,IEEE Nano, Pg. 645,
On the Validity of the Harmonic Potential Energy Surface Approximation
for Nonradiative Multiphonon Charge Transitions in Oxide Defects
Y. Wimmer∗ W. Goes∗, A.-M. El-Sayed∗,†, A.L. Shluger† , and T. Grasser∗
Vienna University of Technology, † University College London, UK , Email:
Abstract: Hole trapping in oxide defects in the gate insulator to two points for each parabola, with q0 being the position of
of MOSFET transistors has been linked to a wide range of the minimum [2, 19] (see Fig. 2). However, as demonstrated in
phenomena like random telegraph noise, 1/f noise, bias temper- Fig. 2, EPar tends to underestimate the crossing point. Since τc
ature instability (BTI), stress-induced leakage current and hot and τe are extremely sensitive to the height of this barrier [8], a
carrier degradation [1–5]. Charge capture (τc ) and emission (τe ) good match in this region is essential for a good approximation.
times of a defect are theoretically described by nonradiative- Very promising results wereobtained using a V-approximation:
multiphonon (NMP)-theory, where the potential energy surface EVap (q) = γ( 1 + β(q − q0 )2 − 1) (2)
(PES) along the reaction coordinate is usually approximated being parabolic near the minimum at q0 but linear for larger
by a parabola [2, 6, 7]. In the classical high-temperature limit, values of |q − q0 |. It should be pointed out that although we
transitions between the different charge states occur at the refer to this function as V-approximation this does not indicate
intersection of those parabolas, which also defines the classical that EVap has a jump discontinuity at its minimum, but rather
reaction barrier. This harmonic approximation has been in use that its shape resembles more a V than a parabola. The constant
ever since the introduction of NMP-theory [8–10]. However,the γ defines the opening angle, for simplicity reasons its value was
quality of this approximation is rarely investigated [7]. In this set to 1.0 eV in this work.
work, we compare different approximations of the PES in order Calculating τc and τe for the OV (see Fig. 3 left), EPar actually
to calculate τc and τe and compare them to the results obtained by is a very good approximation, in this case even slightly better
Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. For this we use than EVap . However, for all the hydrogen-related defects, this is
the DFT-PES as well as two approximations of the PES of several not the case and EPar fails to reproduce the τc and τe values.
defects to calculate τc and τe in a pMOS device. Our study covers Although EPar only tends to slightly underestimate the reaction
different possible defect candidates, which have been previously barrier (as shown in Fig. 2 left), τc and τe are lower by several
identified as sources of degradation in silicon dioxide [11–13]: orders of magnitude (Fig. 3 right). Using EVap the agreement
The oxygen vacancy (OV, see Fig. 1b) in α-quartz, the hydrogen improves considerably.
bridge (HB, see Fig. 1c) in both α-quartz and in amorphous This observation also holds for a statistical comparison for
silicon dioxide (a-SiO2 ) and the hydroxyl E’ center (H-E’, see several defects in a-SiO2 , as can be seen in Fig. 4. Correlation
Fig. 1d) in a-SiO2 . Since the amorphous structures differ from improves significantly when using EVap instead of EPar . This is
each other, also the PES varies. Therefore we have investigated valid for all five voltages presented in these plots.
11 HB defects and 12 H-E’ defects from [14] to provide statistical The slope of the τc (VG ) curve determines the dependence of τc
data. We show that the parabolic fit to the PES underestimates on the gate bias [2]. We determined the τc ′ (VG ) curves in the
τc and τe by several orders of magnitude. Therefore we propose range VG = 1.0 V to 2.5 V by a least square fit to each data
a different approximation that yields to more accurate τc and set. The slope for the different approximations is again plotted
τe and captures several desired features, also in cases where the in correlation-plots (Fig. 5). Like in Fig. 4 EPar gives a poor
parabolic approximation fails. match to the behavior calculated using EDFT , whereas EVap fits
Simulation Framework: For our DFT calculations we used well. This is observed for all four temperatures investigated.
the CP2K framework [15] with the non-local PBE0 TC LRC Finally, a good approximation should also be able to reproduce
hybrid functional [16]. Large a-SiO2 structures containing 243 the temperature dependence of τc (the activation energy). In
atoms (crystalline) or 216 atoms (amorphous) were created using Fig. 6 a least square linear fit for τc (T) at VG = 1.0 V is provided
ReaxFF [17]. Using DFT, the defects were relaxed in their neutral for the τc (T) calculated using EDFT and both approximations
and positive state. This results in slightly different atomic con- discussed. Also here EVap reproduces the results in α-quartz and
figurations for each charge state. The normalized reaction coor- for the H-E’ better than EPar . Interestingly here the fit for the HB
dinate (NRC) is defined as the normalized atomic displacement- in a-SiO2 seams slightly worse than the parabolic approximation.
vector between them. For constructing the PES we used this Conclusions: We have calculated τc and τe for several defects
displacement vector to interpolate configurations between the and several approximations of the PES along the reaction coor-
two states (range 0.0 to 1.0), or extrapolate configurations in dinate. By comparing them to results obtained using DFT, we
the range -1.0 to 0.0 (or 1.0 to 2.0 respectively). The PES was show that the widely used parabolic approximation is poor for
then calculated by computing the energies for 30 configurations most of the investigated defects in this work, since it leads to
along the NRC in the range -1.0 to 2.0, and spline interpolation an underestimation of τc and τe by several orders of magnitude.
in between (see Fig. 2). Furthermore it also fails to represent the slope τc ′ (VG ) or the
These PESs calculated by DFT (EDFT ) were taken as a reference activation energy of the DFT-results. We propose a different
to evaluate the quality of possible approximations. When a gate approximation which captures the curves in the area of interest
bias is applied, the PESs shift relative to each other along the (near the crossing point) much more accurately. This leads to a
y axis, changing the reaction barrier and therebyτc and τe . In much better approximation of τc and τe and their characteristics
the following we will focus on these quantities, investigating for most of the investigated defects.
whether the aforementioned approximations accurately reproduce References:
τc and τe and their dependences. For this purpose the reaction
time constants vs. gate-voltage curves (for VG = −2.5 V to [1] P. Blöchl, Phys. Rev. B 62, 6158 (2000). [2] T. Grasser, Microel. Rel. 52, 39
2.5 V) were calculated for each defect in a pMOS device with (2012). [3] T. Grasser et al., (2015), (IRPS) 2015, accepted. [4] F. Schanovsky
oxide thickness of 2.5 nm, for different temperatures (T= 50 °C, et al., Proc. SISPAD (2013), pp. 1–4. [5] P. Lenahan et al., IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci.
100 °C, 150 °C and 200 °C). For these calcualtions we use a semi- 48, 2101 (2001). [6] A. Palma et al., Phys. Rev. B 56, 9565 (1997). [7] J. Ji et al.,
classical approach based on [9] and [18]. An example of these Proc. IEDM (2014), pp. 21–4. [8] K. Huang et al., Proc .R.Soc.A 204, 406 (1950).
curves for different defects and approximations is depicted in [9] C. Henry et al., Pys. Rev. B 15, 989 (1977). [10] F. Schanovsky et al., JCE
Fig. 3. 11, 218 (2012). [11] F. Feigl et al., SSC 14, 225 (1974). [12] D. Griscom, Phys.
Results and Discussion: An analytic approximation should not Rev. B 22, 4192 (1980). [13] A.-M. El-Sayed et al., PRL 114, 115503 (2015).
only be able to fit the τ (VG ) curves (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4) but also [14] T. Grasser et al., Proc.(IEDM) (2014), pp. 530–533. [15] B. G. Lippert
the dependence on the gate bias (Fig. 5) and the temperature- et al., Mol. Phys. 92, 477 (1997). [16] M. Guidon et al., J.Ch.Theor.Comp. 5,
dependence (Fig. 6). The functions for the parabolic approxima- 3010 (2009). [17] A. van Duin et al., J.Ph.Chem.A 105, 9396 (2001). [18] F.
tion (EPar ) are usually calculated by fitting the parameter α in Schanovsky, Ph.D. thesis, 2013. [19] W. Gös et al., Bias Temp. Inst. for Dev.
EPar (q) = α(q − q0 )2 (1) and Circ., edited by T. Grasser (Springer, 2013), pp. 409–446.
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 97
defect free OV
Si O O
O Si Si
O Si
a) O b) O
Si Si O Si O
c) d) O
Fig. 3: Depending on the applied bias conditions, the PESs in Fig. 2 move up or down changing the energy-barrier that has to be overcome for charge-capture
or emission. The above plots show the reaction time-constants τc and τe at T=100°C. It can be seen that they are very sensitive to a change of the barrier height.
Although the parabolic approximation is good for the oxygen vacancy (left) (even slightly better than the V-approximation), it fails by several orders of magnitude
for all the hydrogen-related defects (right). For the defects in a-SiO2 , the behavior of τc (VG ) (τe (VG )) is of course slightly different for each investigated structure.
The two respective graphs are examplary for one of the investigated structures. One can see a considerable improvement when the V-approximation (2) is used. To
quantify the improvement, a l2 norm for log(τc (DFT))-log(τc (appr.)) (similar for τe ) is shown as score function.
Fig. 6: Arrhenius plots showing the temperature dependence of τc (T) at VG = 1.0 V in the four investigated defects. In the amorphous structures, the values
are distributed over a wide range. The lines are a least square fit to the data points, also providing the slope to calculate the activation energy Ea . To quantify the
improvement, a l2 norm for the differences to the results using EDFT (black) is depicted as score function. For the case of the HB in α-quartz and for the H-E’,
EVap (light blue) is a better approximation than EPar (grey). Interestingly, for the HB in a-SiO2 the score for EVap is slightly worse.
Ultra-thin silicon membranes and silicon
nanowires as nanophononic and thermoelectric
Daniele Selli, Shiyun Xiong, Claudia Mangold, Sanghamitra Neogi, and Davide Donadio∗
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
∗ University of California Davis, One Shields Ave. Davis, CA, 95616
ISBN 978-0-692-50554-0 99
Calculation of phonon transmission in Si/PtSi
Jung Hyun Oh, Moon-Gyu Jang∗ , and Mincheol Shin
Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Daejeon 305-701, Korea
∗ Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Hallym University, Chuncheon 200-702, Korea
T(E) (nm-2)
Energy (meV)
20 N=4
0 20 40 60
0 20
ΓX SY ΓZU RT Z 0 2 4 6 8
DOS E=12meV
50 E=40meV
40 E=6meV
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
20 PtSi layer, N
cells) and their intervals are 8.18nm (15 Si cells), with a cross-
DOS sectional area of 0.546nm×1.092nm.
Fig. 1. Phonon dispersion calculated with an ab initio method 0.08
(upper panel) and a Harrison-type potential (lower panel). An N=0 (a)
κ (109 W/m2 K)
orthorhombic unit cell of size 0.592nm×0.560nm×0.385nm 0.06
is used and there are four Si and four Pt atoms within it.
0.04 N=2
y N=3
Si PtSi x [100] Si N=5
0 200 400 600 800 1000
3 3
Number of atoms
Number of atoms
left right
-8 8
2 2 (b)
30 T=500K
1 1
0.2 0.3 0.4
0.2 0.3 0.4 20 T=100K
Bond length (nm) Bond length (nm)
Thermal conductivity tensor of
InxGa1−xAs/Iny Al1−y As superlattices and
application to quantum cascade lasers
S. Mei,∗ Z. Aksamija,† and I. Knezevic∗
∗ Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA
† Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003, USA
An InGaAs/InAlAs superlattice (SL) on an InP terial mismatch separately. The roughness scatter-
substrate is the mainstream material system for mid- ing is incorporated in the scattering time τb (q)
IR quantum cascade lasers (QCL). The thermal con- and the extra interface resistance caused by mis-
ductivity tensor of SLs is critical for energy-efficient match is added when calculating the cross-plane
performance of QCLs; understanding the relative SL thermal conductivity. We consider a SL with
importance of different factors that influence heat 2n layers in a single stage, which is formed by
flow in these systems is essential in device model- alternating materials 1 and 2 with layer thick-
ing and optimization [1]. It is known that thermal nesses L11 , L12 , ..., L1n ; L21 , L22 , ..., L2n . The in-
conduction in SLs is extremely anisotropic, with the plane and cross-plane thermal conductivities are
cross-plane thermal conductivity much lower than calculated as:
the in-plane conductivity. Unfortunately, it is very n xx xx
κin−plane = (L
1i κ1 +L2i κ2 )
; (2)
difficult to experimentally measure the full thermal n
(L1i +L2i )
conductivity tensor, and systematic modeling of SL n
(L1i +L2i )
systems is also missing.
κcross−plane = n
L1 i
L i
1 1
i=1 κ
yy + κyy
+n G1→2
In this work, we calculate the full thermal con- 1 2 2→1
ductivity tensor in the InGaAs/InAlAs SL sys- Here, G1→2 and G2→1 are the thermal boundary
tem at a specified lattice temperature, considering conductances from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 1, re-
full phonon dispersions, accurate phonon scattering spectively. For materials 1 and 2, κxx1,2 and κ1,2 are
rates, and the thermal interface resistance caused by the in-plane and cross-plane thermal conductivity,
both interface roughness and material mismatch. respectively, and they include τb (q).
We calculate the thermal conductivity tensor Thermal boundary conductance (TBC) is the
based on the phonon Boltzmann transport equation dominant factor in the anisotropy of thermal con-
[2]: ductivity in SLs. TBC has been extensively studied
by molecular dynamics (MD), but very few exper-
καβ = τb (q)Cb,T (q)vbα (q)vbβ (q), (1) iments have been conducted due to difficulties in
sample preparations [3]. Neither does a model exist
where τb (q) is the that explains the experimental or the MD data over a
total phonon relaxation time and
∂ h̄ω(
q) wide range of temperatures and surface conditions.
kB T
Cb,T = ∂T is the phonon heat capacity for There are two primary models describing phonon
mode b at temperature T . Both the group velocity transmission through the interface: the acoustic mis-
and the heat capacity are calculated from the full match model (AMM) and the diffusive mismatch
dispersion relation using the adiabatic bond charge model (DMM) [4]. In the AMM, an essential as-
model (Figs. 1,2). sumption is that phonons are governed by contin-
We have previously shown [2] that we can uum acoustics and can therefore reflect or transmit
treat the influence of surface roughness and ma- at the boundary, following Snell’s law. In the DMM,
Multi-Scale Modeling of Self-Heating Effects in
S. Qazi1, A. Shaik1, A. Laturia1, R. Daugherty1, X. Guo2, E. Bury3, B. Kaczer3, K. Raleva4 and D.Vasileska1
School of Electrical Computer and Energy Engineering,
School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 85287-5706, USA
IMEC, Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies,
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
This paper discusses a multi-scale device modeling methods have to be employed. One such method is
scheme for analyzing self-heating effects in nanoscale the heater-sensor experimental structure (IMEC)
silicon devices. A 2D/3D particle-based device simulator is
self-consistently coupled to an energy balance solver for
[3]; the heater is the device under test (DUT) and
the acoustic and optical phonon bath. This simulator is the sensor determines the local temperature. This
used to analyze the hot-spot temperature and location in configuration uses the proximity of the heater to
various SOI devices, dual gate structures and nanowire the sensor and the temperature dependence of the
transistors. This device simulator has been coupled to a subthreshold slope of the sensor to infer the hot-
SILVACO simulation tool which solves for heat transport
spot temperature in the system.
in interconnects at the circuit level. The proposed multi-
scale simulation scheme allows for analysis of thermal To simulate the conditions in IMEC experi-
effects in an integrated circuit. Simulation results obtained ments, two significant changes were made to the
with this simulator are in agreement with experimental existing simulator: (1) introduction of multiple
measurements from IMEC using specialized heater-sensor terminals to model two transistors in common-
test structures in common-source and common-drain source and common-drain configuration, and (2)
coupling the thermal solver to a circuit level simu-
Since operating voltages do not scale propor- lator to account for heat propagation in the inter-
tionally to device size [1], scaling semiconductor connects. Important SILVACO modules that treat
devices towards the nanometer regime leads to a these self-heating effects are THERMAL3D and
variety of unwanted phenomena. Among them, GIGA3D. This coupling, through a global Gum-
self-heating is of particular interest as it can de- mel loop is schematically illustrated in Fig. 3. In
grade device performance. The mechanism for this arrangement, the SILVACO module simulates
self-heating can be understood through the energy thermal transport characteristics at the interconnect
flow diagram in Fig. 1. Through the application of level, providing temperature boundary conditions
drain bias, electrons gain energy from the applied for the device-level simulation. The device level
lateral electric field and interact with both optical simulator then solves for the lattice temperature
and acoustic phonons. The majority of the electron profile and the temperature of the hot-spot. The
energy is transferred to optical phonons. The zone convergence of the global Gummel scheme is
center optical phonons practically have zero group shown in Fig. 2. Joule heating power and inferred
velocity and the transfer of heat to acoustic pho- temperature of the hot spot are in agreement with
nons via anharmonic decay is very slow. This experimental findings from IMEC.
causes hot-spots to form. The elevated temperature
[1] K. Raleva, D. Vasileska, S. M. Goodnick, and M.
in the active region of the device leads to enhanced Nedjalkov, “Modeling thermal effects in nanodevices,”
phonon scattering, and therefore, mobility and IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 1306–
current reduction. This effect is called self-heating 1316, Jun. 2008.
[2] A. Majumdar, K. Fushinobu, K. Hijikata, “Effect of hate
[2]. voltage on hot electron and hot phonon interaction and
Direct measurement of the temperature of the transport in a submicrometer transistor”, J. Appl. Phys.,
hot-spot is an impossible task; therefore, indirect vol. 77, pp. 6686-6694, (1995)
[3]. E. Bury and B. Kaczer, IMEC, private communication
VG1=1.66V VG2=0.7V
VD1=1.66V VD2=0
Device setup
heater sensor
VG1=1.66V VG2=2.2V
VS1=0 VS2=1.45V
heater sensor
Silvaco GIGA3D
Joule heating
Temperature BC MATLAB
MATLAB Thermal Solver
Joule heating
Lattice temperature
no Converged? yes
Enhanced Seebeck coefficient due to quantum
confinement in gated 2d nanomembranes
A. Kommini and Z. Aksamija
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003, USA
The effective control on electron and phonon of both charge and energy and applied voltage
transport due to confinement, interface and quantum controls the subband seperation. The subband ener-
effects has made nanostrutures as a good way to gies are calculated by self-consistently solving the
achieve high figure-of merit (ZT ). Maximizing the Poisson and 1-D Schrödinger equation. The S of a
power factor S 2 σ (S is seebeck coefficient and σ is nanostructure is given [2] by L(1) /L(0) where the
electrical conductivity) and restricting the phonon transport integrals are
transport can improve ZT . Mahan and Sofo [1] ∞ ∂fF D α
proposed that a delta-shaped Transport Distribution L(α) = −e2 b
∂E σ(E)(E + En − EF ) dE
n,b 0
Function (TDF) σ(E) = τ (E)g(E)v 2 (E) can sig-
nificantly improve S thereby improving the overall and Enb is energy of the n’th subband, gnb (E) is den-
ZT through electron filtering. Achieving a delta- sity of states, τnb (E) is energy dependent relaxation
shaped TDF, however, proved difficult as the sharp time, and vx (E) is velocity along the x direction.
features in the density-of-states (DOS) g(E) are The electron relaxation times are calculated by con-
readily cancelled by related features in the scattering sidering surface roughness, elastic acoustic phonon
rate τ −1 (E). scattering, and inelastic optical phonon (both intra
In this work, we studied ways to achieve such and intersubband) scattering mechanisms. We com-
a delta-shaped TDF by gate-tuning the subband puted S and observed a significant enhancement,
spacing and scattering mechanisms in a gated 2- especially at low temperatures when optical phonon
dimensional silicon nanomembrane. The 2-d nature scattering is the dominant mechanism (restricting
of the system leads to a step-like electronic DOS the other scattering mechanisms) as shown in Fig. 1.
gnb (E) = m∗n /(πh̄2 )Θ(E − Enb ) with one step In a confined nanostructure, the discrete energy
contributed by each subband n in each ladder b. bands limits the states available for electron to
Inelastic scattering rates are proportional to the occupy which in turn limits phonon energies that
DOS; however, inelastic and intersubband scattering can participate in scattering. Fig. 2 shows optical
can only begin to occur when the carrier accumu- phonon energies that can provide enhancement in
lates enough energy so τinel. (E) ∝ g(E ± ∆E) S at low temperatures. Enhancement occurs when
where ∆E is the energy being exchanged–either the optical phonon energy is comparable to the
the difference in subband energies for intersubband subband energy difference. This filters out only
scattering or the optical phonon energy h̄ωop for a narrow energy window between two successive
optical transitions. Hence these mechanisms, when subbands, resulting a higher Seebeck coefficient as
inelastic scattering is dominant, delay the onset of seen in Fig. 2. We thus produce a delta shaped
the step in the scattering rate relative to the DOS Transport Distribution Function (TDF) as shown in
and thus lead to a delta-shaped TDF. Fig. 3 with a peak at lower subbands and decreas-
To explore the practical possibility of achieving ing rapidly towards the high energies. Tuning the
the delta shaped Transport distribution function a energy difference between the subbands to match
back gated undoped silicon nanoribbon (SiNR) on the optical phonon energies by varying the gate
oxide is simulated. The oxide acts as capacitor voltage is demonstrated in Fig. 4. The observed
which induces charges that participates in transport enhancement is more evident at low temperatures
Electrically Doped 2D Material Tunnel Transistors
H. Ilatikhameneh, F. W. Chen, J. Appenzeller, R. Rahman, and G. Klimeck
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47907 USA
Tunnel field effect transistors (TFETs) have Contradictory to the chemically doped devices
attracted a lot of attention as promising candidates where electric field (E) at the tunnel junction
for low power transistors [1, 2]. It is recently shown depends on EOT [7], in electrically doped BLG and
that 2D material TFETs such as transition metal WTe2 TFETs, electric field depends on the oxide
dichalcogenide (TMD) based TFETs can provide a thickness as shown in Figs. 3 and 4.
high ON-current while keeping the subthreshold
swing (SS) less than conventional Boltzmann limit
V1 V2
E (1)
of 60 mV/dec at room temperature [3]. These high 2 Ttot
ON-current values in 2D TFETs are due to the tight Here V1 and V2 are the potential levels at two sides
gate control which translates into a high electric of the tunnel junction. This finding shows that the
field at the tunnel junction. Despite the fact that a new analytic model for electrically doped devices
high chemical doping of the source contact is [8] can be applied to small band gap materials too.
crucial for having a high performance TFET [3], Figures 5 and 6 show that the impact of oxide
this doping method has several drawbacks such as thickness is much larger on the transfer
introducing the defect states in the bandgap which characteristics of the electrically doped TFETs
can degrade device OFF-state performance [4]. compared to the impact of their dielectric constant.
Electrical doping on the other hand, avoiding these
problems, is currently the predominant method in CONCLUSION
the realization of 2D TFETs. It is critical for device In summary, atomistic transport simulations
designers to understand how different parameters unveil that in the novel class of electrically doped
affect the performance of electrically doped TFETs (even those made of small band gap
junctions. Equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) has materials) the key parameter for transistor
been generally accepted as the key performance performance is oxide thickness instead of EOT.
factor in these devices. However, in this work, it is
shown through atomistic simulations that in ACKNOWLEDGMENT
electrically gated junctions the thickness of the This work was supported in part by the Center
oxide rather than EOT plays the main role. Two for Low Energy Systems Technology (LEAST),
small band gap 2D materials Bilayer graphene one of six centers of STARnet, a Semiconductor
(BLG) and monolayer WTe2 are studied for high Research Corporation program sponsored by
ON-current TFET application. MARCO and DARPA.
Two different tight-binding (TB) models are [1] J. Appenzeller et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 196805 (2004).
[2] A. M. Ionescu et al., Nature 479, 329337 (2011).
employed here; WTe2 Hamiltonian is represented [3] H. Ilatikhameneh et al., “Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors in
by a sp3d5 2nd nearest neighbor with spin-orbit 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Materials,” accepted for
coupling while BLG Hamiltonian considers only pz publication in IEEE JxCDC (2015) DOI:
orbital. The atomistic quantum transport 10.1109/JXCDC.2015.2423096, arXiv:1502.01760.
[4] S. Agarwal et al., IEEE tran. on elec. dev. 61, 1488 (2014).
simulations use a self-consistent Poisson-NEGF
[5] S. Steiger et al., IEEE tran. on nano. 10, 6, 1464 (2011).
method. The structures of electrically doped WTe2 [6] J. E. Fonseca et al., Journal of Comp. Elec. 12, 592 (2013).
and BLG TFETs are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, [7] K. Suzuki et al., IEEE tran. on elec. dev., 40, 2326 (1993).
respectively. The total thickness of the device is [8] H. Ilatikhameneh et al., “Scaling Theory of Electrically
shown as Ttot in Fig. 1. All of the transport Doped 2D Transistors,”
simulations have been performed with our
simulation tool NEMO5 [5, 6].
Fig. 3. Conduction band profiles of WTe2 TFET with different Fig. 4. Conduction band profiles of BLG pn junction with
oxide thicknesses while EOT is fixed. Analytic results are different oxide thicknesses while EOT is fixed. Analytic results
obtained following the new scaling theory [8]. are obtained following the new scaling theory [8].
Fig. 5. Transfer characteristics of WTe2 TFET with different Fig. 6. Transfer characteristics of WTe2 TFET with different
oxide thickness (ϵ=20). oxide dielectric constants. (𝑇𝑇𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 = 4.4𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛).
Performance Degradation of superlattice
transistors by scattering
Pengyu Long, Mark Rodwell*, Gerhard Klimeck and Michael Povolotskyi
Purdue Univeristy, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA 47906
University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, USA 93106
Hybrid states and bandgap in zigzag
Graphene/BN heterostructures
V. T. Tran, J. Saint-Martin, and P. Dollfus
IEF, Université Paris-sud, CNRS, UMR 8622, Bât 220, 91405 Orsay, France
e-mail: and
(arb. unit)
0.5 (1)
quantum wells, Science 314, 1757 (2006). 0.2
E (eV)
0 (2)
0.15 (2) (1)
[3] Y. Gao, Y. Zhang, P. Chen, Y. Li, M. Liu, T. Gao, D. Ma,
Y. Chen, Z. Cheng, X. Qiu, W. Duan, and Z. Liu, Toward B-C B-C
Single-Layer Uniform Hexagonal Boron Nitride-Graphene 0.05
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(2013). k a / atom position along y
x x
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a) a) 0.8 b)
c) 1.5 B-C--C-N (upper band)
0.7 B-C--C-B MBN=2
B-C--C-N (lower band) 0.6
1 0.6 Zigzag graphene MBN=3
vgroup (106 m/s)
Egap (eV)
0.4 0.4 MBN=10
0 0.3
b) 0.3
-0.5 0.2
-1 0.1
-0.1 0
-1.5 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
-1 0 1
k x ax / kx (nm-1) M
Fig. 1. a) A pure zigzag graphene ribbon. b) Zigzag Fig. 5. a) Group velocity in different structures. b) Bandgap
graphene/BN with B-C interface. c) Band structure of zigzag in B-C--C-N structures as a function of the graphene width.
graphene ribbon for MCC = 50 chain lines.
a) c
a) 1.5 b) 0.6
1 0.5 BN graphene 0.5
E (eV)
0.5 b)
(arb. unit)
Quantum Dot Lab: An Online Platform for
Quantum Dot Simulations
Prasad Sarangapani1,* , Daniel Mejia1 , James Charles1 , Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh1 , Tarek Ameen1 ,
Andrew Roche2 , James Fonseca1 , and Gerhard Klimeck1
Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
University of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA 70504
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quantum dot structure. nanoelectronics modeling tool.” Nanotechnology, IEEE
Transactions on 10.6 (2011): 1464-1474.
Engineering The Optical Transitions of
Self-Assembled Quantum Dots
Tarek A. Ameen∗† , Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh∗† , Daniel Valencia∗ , Rajib Rahman∗ , and Gerhard Klimeck∗
∗ Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA. e-mail:
† These authors contributed equally to this work.
The use of computational resources operated by the
Network for Computational Nanotechnology funded by the US National
Science Foundation under grant EEC-1227110, EEC-0228390, EEC-
0634750, OCI-0438246, and OCI-0721680 is gratefully acknowledged.
This research is also part of the Blue Waters sustained-petascale com-
puting project, which is supported by the National Science Foundation
(award number ACI 1238993) and the state of Illinois. NEMO5 devel-
opments were critically supported by an NSF Peta-Apps award OCI-
0749140 and by Intel Corp. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
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vapor deposition,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 78, no. 22, C ALCULATED OPTICAL TRANSITION VS EXPERIMENTAL
pp. 3469–3471, 2001.
Theoretical study of excitonic energy transfer in
carbon-nanotube-based photovoltaics
A. H. Davoody, A. J. Gabourie, and I. Knezevic
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
1415 Engineering Dr, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are quasi-one- in Fermi’s golden rule. In the molecular aggregates
dimensional materials with a very unique set of where the sizes of molecules are small relative to the
optical, electronic, and mechanical properties. Their separation between them, the Coulomb interaction
tunable optical band-gap and high optical density is effectively equal to the interaction between the
have drawn the attention of researchers in the optics transition dipoles of the molecules; this is known
community. While a majority of research efforts as the transition-dipole approximation (TDA). In the
have focused on understanding the photophysics original work by Förster [2], it was shown that in
of individual CNTs, understanding the coupling this limit the EET rate is dependent on the overlap
of CNTs to the surrounding environment and the of the emission and absorption spectra of molecules,
nearby CNTs have shown to be of vital importance both of which depend on the bright excited states.
in understanding the photoexcitation dynamics in However, our study shows the breakdown of this
these systems [1]. approximation from different aspects.
Excited states of the electronic system in CNTs First, the EET rate has an exponential decay with
are the bound states between an electron in the increasing spacing between the donor and acceptor
conduction band and a hole in the valence band, tubes, as opposed to the R−6 dependence calculated
known as excitons. The excitonic energy transfer through the TDA (Figure 1a). Second, the EET rate
(EET) from an initial CNT (donor) to a final CNT is significant when the donor and acceptor tubes
(acceptor) is the focus of this study. We show are perpendicular to each other (Figure 1b). This
the unconventional behavior of the transfer rate is in sharp contrast with the result of the TDA
with respect to chirality of the CNTs and their which predicts zero transfer rate at perpendicular
orientation. We also show, for the first time, that the orientation. Third, we show that, in addition to
excitons that cannot be excited by light (dark exci- bright excitons, one type of dark exciton (singlet
tons) contribute significantly to the energy transfer and symmetric) contributes to the EET due to the
process. large size of the CNTs (Figures 1b and 1c). This
The excitonic states are best described by the is a nonintuitive result which underlines the non-
Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE). Here, we use the radiative nature of the EET.
tight-binding single-particle wave functions as a Furthermore, we show that the EET between sim-
basis to solve the BSE and calculate the excitonic ilar chirality CNTs is about 3 orders of magnitude
eigenfunction and energies. The exciton states are larger than the transfer rate between donor and
divided into singlets and triplets according to spin, acceptor CNTs with dissimilar chiralities (Figure
and can have symmetric or antisymmetric wave 1a). This is due to the momentum conservation
function over the relative coordinate. Among the in the parallel orientation. The difference in the
four types of excitons, only the spin singlet and transfer rate rapidly diminishes with rotating the
antisymmetric excitons are bright and the rest are CNTs with respect to each other.
dark [3]. It has been shown that the environmental screen-
The EET rate is calculated by treating the ing of the Coulomb interaction between electrons
Coulomb coupling between CNTs as a perturbation and holes changes the exciton energy dispersion
1 2 3 4 5
2 4 6 8 10
Center-to-center distance [nm] ×10
(a) 2.5 (8,7) to (8,7)
2.5 10
Cκ = 1 (7,5) to (8,7)
2 center to center distance = 1.2 nm
1 2 3 4 5
1.5 (7,5) to (7,5)
(7,5) to (8,7) Dielectric constant
1 (8,7) to (7,5)
(8,7) to (8,7)
0.5 Fig. 2. The EET rate of symmetric and antisymmetric singlet
excited states between donor and acceptor CNTs of various
0 0.5 1 1.5 chirality as a function of environment dielectric constant.
θ [rad]
curve, as well as the exciton wavefunction. Here, we
×10 12
show that the change is not uniform for CNTs with
10 different chirality; As a result, the EET rate tends
to decrease with increasing environment dielectric
constant. This dependence is more pronounced for
Transfer rate [s-1 ]
Cκ = 1
the bright exciton transfer process between CNTs
6 center to center distance = 1.2 nm
of dissimilar chirality (Figure 2).
This work was primarily funded by the U.S.
(7,5) to (7,5) Department of Energy, DOE award No. DE-
(7,5) to (8,7)
2 (8,7) to (7,5) SC0008712. Some preliminary efforts were funded
(8,7) to (8,7)
by UW MRSEC, IRG2 (NSF award No. 1121288).
0 0.5 1 1.5
AJG was funded by the REU supplement to NSF
θ [rad] award No. 1201311.
Fig. 1. (a) The EET rate of antisymmetric singlet excited
states between parallel donor and acceptor CNTs of various [1] M. S. Arnold, J. L. Blackburn, J. J. Crochet, S. K. Doorn,
chirality as a function of tube separation. (b) The EET rate of J. G. Duque, A. Mohite, and H. Telg, Phys. Chem. Phys.
antisymmetric singlet excited states donor and acceptor CNTs 15, 14896 (2013).
of various chirality as a function of the relative orientation. [2] Th. Förster, Annalen der Physik 437, 55 (1948).
(c) The EET rate of symmetric singlet excited states between [3] J. Jiang, R. Saito, Ge. G. Samsonidze, A. Jorio, S. G. Chou,
donor and acceptor CNTs of various chirality as a function the G. Dresselhaus, and M. S. Dresselhaus, Phys. Rev. B 75,
relative orientation. 035407 (2007).
Effect of confinement in III-V nanowire field
effect transistors
A. Price and A. Martinez
College of Engineering, Swansea University
Using quantum transport simulations the The effect of changing the cross-section on the
effect of confinement in III-V gate-all-around relative position of the valleys can be observed by
nanowire field effect transistors (NWFETs) of comparing Fig. 2. and Fig. 3, which show the
different dimensions has been investigated. The energy-resolved current spectra for a 2.2 x 2.2 nm2
Non-Equilibrium Green's Function (NEGF) and 4.2 x 4.2 nm2 GaAs NWFET respectively. For
formalism in the effective mass approximation the 2.2 x 2.2 nm2 NWFET the low mass Γ-valley is
(EMA) has been used, and both ballistic and elevated in energy such that it is higher than the
dissipative transport have been considered. The heavier L and X-valleys. This results in greatly
effective masses have been extracted from tight- reduced current in the Γ-valley for the 2.2 x 2.2
binding (TB) simulations. nm2 device in comparison to the 4.2 x 4.2 nm2
INTRODUCTION device. The Id-Vg characteristics for each valley
for both cross-sections can be seen in Fig. 4. and 5.
NWFETS are one of the promising candidates The transverse potential energy profile and the
being considered towards the end of the electrostatic potential energy is shown in Fig. 6 .
International Technology Roadmap for We have also calculated the percentage tunnelling
Semiconductors (ITRS). [1] III-V nanowires are
and current reduction. For a 2.2 x 2.2 nm2, 6 nm
also being considered because of their high channel GaAs scattering caused a 41% increase in
mobility compared to Si. In this work, GaAs [2] tunnelling and a 72% reduction in the on-current at
and InGaAs NWFETs of cross-section 2.2 x 2.2
low drain.
nm2 and 4.2 x 4.2 nm2, and channel length 6 nm,
10 nm and 20 nm are considered. An example of CONCLUSION
the structure of the devices is given in Fig. 1. In this work, III-V NWFETs of different
MODEL dimensions have been investigated. It was found
that the strong quantisation caused the relative
The NEGF formalism is a widely used tool to position of the valleys to vary with the cross-
study dissipative quantum transport (i.e. inelastic section, with the low mass Γ-valley becoming
electron-phonon transport) in nanotransistors. The
elevated in energy for the 2.2 x 2.2 nm2 cross-
self-consistent Born approximation (SCBA) with
section devices. This resulted in very low current
local self-energies has been deployed. The EMA
in the 2.2 x 2.2 nm2 NWFETs.
has been used, decomposing the 3D problem and
allowing phonon scattering to be implemented REFERENCES
efficiently. All scattering parameters have been [1]
taken from [3], acoustic, optical and polar optical [2] A. Price and A. Martinez, “Investigation on phonon
phonon scattering have been considered. The scattering in a GaAs nanowire field effect transistor using
the Non-Equilibrium Green's Function formalism,” J.
effective masses have been extracted form TB Appl. Phys. (2015 awaiting publication).
simulations. [4] The EM Hamiltonian is given by [3] M. Lundstrom, “Fundamentals of carrier transport,”
Eq. (1). Cambridge University Press (2000).
[4] Y. M. Niquet, A. Lherbier et al. Phys. Rev. B 73, 165319
2 ⎛ 1 ⎞ (1)
Hν (r ) = − ∇ i ⎜ ⎟ ∇ j + V (r ) (2006).
2 ⎝ mν ⎠ij
18 0.2
10 0
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Gate Voltage (V)
Fig. 1. Example of device structure for a 2.2 x 2.2 nm2 cross- Fig. 4. Id-Vg characteristics for each valley for a GaAs core,
section NWFET. 2.2 x 2.2 nm2 cross-section, 20 nm channel length NWFET at
low drain bias, VD = 1 mV, with and without scattering.
x 10
valley ball
valley scatt
10 1
10 0
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Gate Voltage (V)
Fig. 2. Energy-resolved current spectrum for a 2.2 x 2.2 nm2 Fig. 5. Id-Vg characteristics for each valley for a GaAs core,
cross-section, 20 nm channel length, GaAs NWFET with 4.2 x 4.2 nm2 cross-section, 20 nm channel length NWFET at
scattering, VG = 0.8 V and VD = 1 mV. low drain bias, VD = 1 mV, with and without scattering.
Fig. 3. Energy-resolved current spectrum for a 4.2 x 4.2 nm2 Fig. 6. Transverse potential energy profile with 0.2 nm oxide
cross-section, 20 nm channel length, GaAs NWFET with penetration, and electrostatic potential energy up to the
scattering, VG = 0.8 V and VD = 1 mV boundary of the metal at low gate, VG = 0.3 V
Impact of Discrete Dopants in ultrascale
FinFETs and the Effect of XC on Dopant
A. Martinez and R. Valin and JR Barker*
70 Min Ioff
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Gate Potential (V)
Fig. 1: Electron density of a device with discrete random
dopants. Fig. 4 Percentage of tunneling current as a function of the gate
Energy (eV)
5 10 15 20 25
Distance (nm)
Fig. 2: ID-VG characteristics of 35 discrete dopant devices at
Fig. 5. Energy-resolved current spectrum for the device with
high and low gate bias.
discrete random dopants and the cluster of dopants in the
middle of the channel (VD = 0.3 V).
x 10
Current (µA)
10 8
Current (A)
Min Ioff 6
Max Ioff
Tun Min Ioff
no XC
Tun Max Ioff 4
Analysis of Vacancy defects in Hybrid
Graphene-Boron Nitride Armchair Nanoribbon
based n-MOSFET at Ballistic Limit
Anuja Chanana† , Amretashis Sengupta∗ , and Santanu Mahapatra†
† Department of Electronics Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012, India
∗ School of VLSI Technology, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology,
Shibpur, Howrah-711103, India
Simulation of Current-Voltage Curves for CdS
Cylinders Embedded in P3HT
C. Huang, S. Poduri, and M.A. Stroscio
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607, USA
Some polymers are conductive since carriers
can transport in overlap bonds. The overlapping The diffusion constants - and - were
carbon p orbitals in the successive units in a calculated by Einstein equation.
conjugated polymer produce two split energy (7)
levels. One is π bonding orbital and another is π*
anti-bonding orbital. A series of π bonds form a π where is mobility of minority carriers.
energy band which is called the highest occupied The diffusion length of electrons in P3HT (Ln) is
molecular orbital (HOMO), and a series of π* 10-6 cm [5].
bonds form a π* energy band which is called the The diffusion length of holes in CdS is:
lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) in (8)
the energy band of the polymer. These two energy where is lifetime of holes in CdS.
bands are similar to the valence band and
conduction band of inorganic semiconductors DISCUSSION
[2][3]. The band diagrams of CdS/P3HT are The I-V curve was computed iteratively until
shown in Figure 2. CdS is n-type semiconductor the value of EA provided for a simulation closest to
and P3HT is a p-type material. The equation of measurement; this yielded the value of EA to be
heterogeneous pn junction is used to build the 0.3*VA1.88 as shown in figure 4. If the causes of the
simulation model. The I-V curve was measured defects could be figured out and minimized, it is
from -2 eV to +2 eV and compared with helpful for CdS/P3HT to be used in forming
simulation as shown in figure 3. The deviation is photovoltaic and other devices.
caused by lots of reasons such as defects from
growth of CdS, polymer properties…etc. The one
main cause is that defects cause some carriers Work supported, in part, under AFOSR Grant
recombine at the interface. The recombination FA9550-11-1-0271.
Nanosized-Metal-Grain-Induced Characteristic
Fluctuation in Gate-All-Around Si Nanowire
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Devices
Chun-Ning Lai1,2, Chien-Yang Chen1,2, and Yiming Li1,2,3,*
Parallel and Scientific Computing Laboratory; 2Institute of Communications Engineering; 3Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, 1001 Ta-Hsueh Road, Hsinchu
300, Taiwan; *e-mail: (Y. Li)
-3 )
S ta te
Source 0 .0 2 0
y (c m
Grain 1 / 2 / 4 (nm)
E le c t r v e F u n c t io n
60% <200> 0 .0 1 5
n s it
Silicon Orientation 0 .0 1 0 10
on De
on Gr
WK = 4.6 eV 8 8
0 .0 0 5 1e+18 6
Generate random
E le c t r
0 .0 0 0 0 4
grain distribution.
y (
2 2
4 2 4 2
y (
6 6
35 Mean = 14.4 x (n x (n 8 0
m 8 0 m ) 10
Corresponding )
Frequency (number)
30 10
2D structure 25
Metal Gate 15 M e ta l G r a in S iz e = 2 n m
10 C h a n n e l W id th = 1 0 n m
Insulator 5
S ta te
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 .0 2 0
Silicon 5e+18
-3 )
Number of TiN <200> Grain
E le c t r v e F u n c t i o n
y (c m
Setup problem 0 .0 1 5 4e+18
Width boundary 0 .0 1 0 10 3e+18 10
n s it
on Gr
(0, 0) 8 2e+18 8
on De
0 .0 0 5
6 1e+18
Y 6
EOT 0 .0 0 0 0
E le c t r
2 2
4 2
4 2
y (
6 6
X x (n
m) 8 0 x (n
m )
8 0
10 10
M e t a l G r a in S i z e = 1 n m
C h a n n e l W id th = 1 0 n m
-3 )
S ta te
0 .0 3 0 5e+18
y (c m
E l e c t r e F u n c t io n
0 .0 2 5 4e+18
0 .0 2 0
D e n s it
10 3e+18 10
0 .0 1 5
on Gr
0 .0 1 0 8 2e+18 8
W av
c tro n
0 .0 0 5 6 1e+18 6
0 .0 0 0 4 0 4
y (
E le
y (
2 2
4 4 2
6 6
x (n 8 0 x (n 8 0
m) 10 m ) 10
8 8 8
Metal Grain Size = 4 nm Metal Grain Size = 2 nm Metal Grain Size = 1 nm
Channel Width = 10 nm Channel Width = 10nm Channel Width = 10 nm
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2
0 0 0
45 50 55 60 65 70 45 50 55 60 65 70 45 50 55 60 65 70
Ground State Energy (meV) Ground State Energy (meV) Ground State Energy (meV)
Energy (meV)
83.74 83.35
State Energy
tion of
5 4.77 4.01
54.08 54.80 4
Standard Devia
3.67 2.91
Averaged Ele
60 56.42
51.50 52.37
3 2.09
2.79 2.31
Ground State
Electron Ground
2 1e+18
20 9.87E17
6 1 6
0 10 0 10
4 14 Meta4 14
2 VG (V)
Meta l Gra 2
1 in S
in Siz
e (nm m)
Conductance fluctuations in graphene
Bobo Liu, Richard Akis, and David K. Ferry
School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287
Experiment (X14)
(4e /h)
12 12 12 12 12 12
0 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10
Electron Density (cm )
Fig. 1. Potential that arises from the random set of impurities.
A different ensemble is used for each simulation run. Fig. 4. Variation of the amplitude of the fluctuations for
magnetic field sweeps with density. The data from Ref. 2 is
Magnetic Field (T) also plotted for comparison.
0 5 10 15
2 0.4
1 0
δG (4e /h)
δG (4e /h)
(4e /h)
0.5 -0.2
0 -0.4
-0.5 -0.6 0.15
-1 -0.8 0.1
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Fermi Energy (eV) 0.05
Fig. 5. Amplitude of fluctuations for a Fermi energy sweep
when a short range potential is used (blue circles). The red
Theory diamonds are data from Ref. 2 for an in-plane magnetic field.
(4e /h)
Experiment (X14)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Magnetic Field (T)
Reformulation of quantum noise: when
indistinguishable becomes distinguishable?
E. Colomés, D. Marian, and X. Oriols
Departament d’Enginyeria Electrònica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra 08193, Spain
rier can be detected at the same place when the TABLE I, the new P (N ), related to PLR , PLL
transmitted and reflected components become dif- and PRR have a direct impact on the current and
ferent. Then, indistinguishable electrons behave as noise. The usual LBF expressions are obtained if
distinguishable. The only requirement is to con- we consider PRR = PLL = 0.
sider (normalizable) wave packets, instead of the
infinite-spatially extended scattering states used in
the Landauer-Büttiker formalism (LBF) [2]. In Fig. We apply expressions (1) and (2) with the TABLE
1 we schematically show these new possibilities of I for a simple resonant tunneling diode (RTD).
detecting two electrons at the left c) or at the right In Fig. 3 we plot the current and Fano factor
d), with probability PLL and PRR respectively. for our results, LBF and distinguishable particles.
These new two-particle scattering possibilities must The differences in the Fano factor are explained
be added to the usual ones considered by the LBF. because the exchange correlation is reduced in our
i.e. Fig.1 a) and b). Some relevant and unexplained results when indistinguishable electrons behave as
experiments [3] and [4] are in agreement with these distinguishable ones.
new probabilities. Depending on the size of the We have considered a 1D two terminal quan-
initial wave packet and on its central momentum, tum wire device where only one or two electrons
PRR and PLL have two limits: the probabilities are simultaneously injected from the reservoirs. At
associated with the LBF (equal to zero) and the high-temperature, when one-particle or two-particle
probabilities associated with distinguishable parti- processes are relevant, the extension to many-
cles (for more details see [1] and [5]). In Fig. 2 we particle scattering probabilities with self-consistent
report the non-zero probability PLL that provides an potentials can be done straightforwardly but will
increment of the noise level above LBF predictions. not modify the present qualitative discussion. The
correlations [6]. At low temperature, many-particle
When studying scattering events with (normaliz-
able) wave packets, new probabilities P (N ) appear,
place. See Fig.1 c) and d). Therefore quantum Fig. 1: Scattering of two particles in a potential
noise is increased over previous predictions. The barrier system. (a) and (b) are the normally accepted
importance of these new probabilities for the ac- final scenarios. (c) and (d) are now also possible
curate computation of the quantum noise at high final scenarios, both electrons are detected at the
temperatures is discussed by computing the current same position with probability PLL and PRR .
and the Fano factor in a simple RTD.
[1] D. Marian, E. Colomés and X. Oriols, J. Phys. Condens. 0.2
Matter (in press). arXiv:1408.1990v2 [quant-ph]
[2] M. Blanter and M. Büttiker, Phys. Rep. 336, 1 (2000).
[3] R. C. Liu, B.Odom, Y. Yamamoto and S. Tarucha, Nature
391, 263 (1988).
[4] E. Bocquillon, V. Freulon, J. M. Berroir, P. Degiovanni, 0.05
B. Plaçais, A. Cavanna, Y. Jin and G. Fève, Science 339,
1054 (2013). 0
4 0.2
[5] identical 3 0.15
[6] X. Oriols, APL, 85 3596 (2004). x 10
1 0.05
0,6 Distinguishable results
a Injection No injection LBF results
b Transmitted Reflected 0,5
Our results
Transmitted fa fb PLL fa fb Tb (1 − fa )fb
2 Current
0 -1 -1 0,4
Fano Factor
Current (µA)
Reflected PRR fa fb 2
fa fb Rb (1 − fa )fb Fano factor
1 0 0 0,3
electrons are transmitted from left to right reservoir 0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15
Applied bias (eV)
0,20 0,25 0,30
Coupled nano-rings: strain and magnetic field
E. R. Hedin, M. B. Orvis, and Y. S. Joe
Center for Computational Nanoscience, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306, USA
Fig. 2. Transmission through N=8 rings, with εQD = 0.0, VL=VR=VQD=0.5, for different inter-ring couplings: (a) Vm = 0.5, and (b)
Vm = 1.0.
Fig. 3. Resonant transmission at E=εQD vs. number of rings in Fig. 4. Resonance saturation occurs for Vm = 0.60 and
series for 6 different values of inter-ring coupling. Vm = 0.60, Vleads=0.775, giving nearly flat 100% transmission across
0.63, 0.65, 0.7, 0.8, and 1.0 (top to bottom curves). V leads=0.775. the energy range. Shown above for N=10 rings.
Fig. 5. Variation in transmission as a function of magnetic Fig. 6. Variation in transmission as a function of Zeeman
flux. Vleads=VQD=Vm=0.3. splitting of the QD energy levels.
Nanothermocouple Characterization Platform:
Simulation and Experiment
G. P. Szakmany, A. O. Orlov, G. H. Bernstein, and W. Porod
Center for Nano Science and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA
C F 30
E 20
H 10
Position (m)
Position (m)
Position (m)
C 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0.0 B 0.0
0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.1
Temperature increase (K) Temperature increase (K)
Fig. 2. Simulated temperature increase along the thermometer 0.0
0.125 0.126 0.127 0.128
(between points A-B, and D-E) and the temperature at the hot
junction (points C and F), when 300 μA flows through the Temperature increase (K)
heater. The average temperature of the thermometer is Fig. 5. Simulated temperature increase along the thermometer
indicated by the dashed line. and hot junction when 300 μA flows through the heater.
Heater 1
Thermometer 2
TC junctions Measurements
0.15 Simulation
Temperature increase (K)
Thermometer 1
Heater 2 0.00
Low temperature electrostatic simulations of
realistic large-scale structures
H. Sahasrabudhe1, Y. Wang2, M. Povolotskyi2, R. Rahman2, and G. Klimeck2
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette
School of of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Calculation of Band-to-band Tunnelling
Currents in Germanium
H.M. Rafferty, R.W. Kelsall and Z. Ikonic
Institute of Microwaves and Photonics, School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of
Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
Fig. 2. Band-to-band tunnelling current for varying thicknesses of bulk Ge, under a 1.5V bias.
Parallelization of Collision Integrals on DG
solvers for Full Band Boltzmann-Poisson
models of Electron Transport
Jose A. Morales Escalante∗ , Irene M. Gamba∗ ,
∗ ICES, The University of Texas at Austin, USA. e-mail:
Q(f ) =
ci δ(ε − ε + ih̄wp )f dk
i=−1 k,m,n Kkmn Fig. 1. Piecewise Linear Approximation of the Silicon
conduction energy full band structure (ε) color plot in k-space
−f δ(ε − ε + ih̄wp ) dk (1st octant Brillouin Zone) obtained by Local EPM.
Computing analytically the integrals just over the Current - Momentum (I in 10^6/(s m^2) ) vs. (Position, Time) (x,t)
Q(f )(x, ε, k2 , k3 ) = ci χ[ε−k ,ε+k ] (ε + ih̄wp )× 2e+22
i=−1 k
I 5e+21
k2 +
k3 +
n ∂k
k2 + k3 + 3.5
∂k t (ps) 4 4.5 5 0
m n
× dk2 dk3
m n k2 −
m k3 −
∂(ε , k2 , k3 ) ε =ε−ih̄wp
Fig. 2. Current (Momentum) vs. (t, x) for a n+ − n − n+ Si
The computation of these collisional sums will diode with a 400nm n-channel, using an EPM radial average
be parallelized by means of OpenMP and MPI band. From initial time to t = 5.0ps. 0.3 Volts bias.
for two different silicon devices: the benchmark
n+ − n − n+ diode problem and the double gated
MOSFET. We will find the scaling of computational [3] J.A. Morales Escalante, I.M. Gamba, A. Majorana, Y.
Cheng, C.-W. Shu, and J.R. Chelikowsky, Determinis-
time versus the number of compute nodes on TACC tic DG Solvers for EPM-Boltzmann-Poisson Transport,
high performance computing resources. IWCE16 Abstracts, 2013.
[1] Y. Cheng, I. M. Gamba, A. Majorana, and C.W. Shu
A Discontinous Galerkin solver for Boltzmann-Poisson
systems in nano-devices, CMAME 198, 3130-3150 (2009).
[2] Y. Cheng, I. M. Gamba, A. Majorana and C.-W. Shu,
A discontinuous Galerkin solver for full-band Boltzmann-
Poisson models, IWCE13 Proceedings (2009).
Mathematical Consistency of Time Dependent
Density Functional Theory with Kohn-Sham
J.W. Jerome∗
∗ Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 USA
In residence: George Washington University, Washington D.C.
III-Nitride (III-N) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) A coupled MC simulation is performed for elec-
have started a revolution in general lighting and are trons and holes, resulting in device-level character-
on track to replace all the competing lighting tech- istics and distribution functions as a function of the
nologies [1]. Even with the spectacular evolution of bias voltage [8]. The initial values are taken from
III-N LEDs into a very efficient technology, they a standard DD simulation, and the bandstructure is
still suffer from an efficiency droop, whose origin an analytical model fitted to the full band structure
is not fully understood [2]. In addition, the device- shown in Fig. 2.
level understanding of III-N multi-quantum well Figure 3 shows the electron densities from the
(MQW) MQW LEDs is still incomplete, the most DD and MC simulations for the LED structure
obvious indication of which being the difficulty with three QWs at strong injection. The largest
to fit simulated current-voltage characteristics to amount of electrons is located in the rightmost QWs
experiments. closest to the p-side, which is also responsible for
Typically the full device-level models for III-N most of the light emission. The electron densities
LEDs are based on the drift-diffusion (DD) model, from the DD and MC simulations also exhibit a
which assumes quasi-equilibrium carrier distribu- slight difference between each other. This difference
tions [3]. However, Iveland et al. and Binder et is a direct consequence of the fact that the MC
al. have recently measured clear indications of hot simulations do not assume any quasi-equilibrium
electrons and holes in LEDs already at typical distributions for the carriers.
operating conditions [4], [5]. Inspired by these mea- DD simulations typically result in unrealistically
surements, we recently developed a Monte Carlo– high turnon voltages for III-N MQW LEDs. The
drift-diffusion (MCDD) model to specifically study higher turnon voltage in the DD simulation origi-
hot electrons. According to the MCDD simulations, nates from quasi-Fermi losses in the barrier layers
a significant amount of hot carriers is generated by between the QWs [9], which are illustrated by the
Auger recombination, and part of these hot electrons band diagram shown in Fig. 4. The MC simulations
are visible even at the p-contact [6]. At certain for the sample structures of Fig. 1 enable studying
conditions we also detected a significant difference how accounting for hot carriers increases the current
between the MCDD and DD results [7]. density for a given bias voltage. The smaller turnon
In this work, we perform fully bipolar MC sim- voltages given by the MC model clearly indicate
ulations for electrons and holes in realistic III-N that accounting for hot carriers is needed for com-
LED devices taking into account all the relevant plete understanding of the device physics of III-N
scattering and recombination processes and device LEDs.
physics. We acknowledge the Aalto Energy Efficiency
Fig. 1. The III-Nitride MQW structures simulated in this work. 1x10
0.99 1 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04
Distance (µm)
Fig. 3. Electron densities from the initial DD and final MC
simulations for a structure with three QWs, at a current density
of 400 A/cm2 .
2220 (2013).
[2] J. Piprek, Compound Semiconductor 20, 44–48 (2014).
[3] J. Piprek, J. Römer, and B. Witzigmann, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2.5
106, 101101 (2015).
[4] J. Iveland, M. Piccardo, L. Martinelli, J. Peretti, J. W. Choi, 2
N. Young, S. Nakamura, J. S. Speck, and C. Weisbuch, 1.5
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 052103 (2014). −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200
[5] M. Binder, A. Nirschl, R. Zeisel, T. Hager, H.-J. Lugauer, Position (nm)
M. Sabathil, D. Bougeard, J. Wagner, and B. Galler, Appl.
Phys. Lett. 103, 071108 (2013). Fig. 4. Band diagram of the structure with 5 QWs from the DD
[6] T. Sadi, P. Kivisaari, J. Oksanen, and J. Tulkki, Appl. Phys. simulation. The bias voltage is 4.5 V and the current density
Lett. 105, 091106 (2014). is 284 A/cm2 .
[7] P. Kivisaari, J. Oksanen, J. Tulkki, and T. Sadi, J. Comput.
Electron., DOI: 10.1007/s10825-015-0687-z (2015).
[8] P. Kivisaari, T. Sadi, J. Oksanen, and J. Tulkki, Proc. SPIE
9363, 93631S (2015).
[9] P. Kivisaari, J. Oksanen, and J. Tulkki, J. Appl. Phys. 111,
103120 (2012).
Modeling of Parallel Electric Field Tunnel FETs
K. Fukuda, Y. Morita, T. Mori, W. Mizubayashi, M. Masahara, T. Yasuda, S. Migita, H. Ota
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, JAPAN
Fig. 2. TEM image of the PE-TFET and assumed tunnel Fig. 5. The source and gate overlap length dependence of I-V
directions. curves simulated by the nonlocal BTBT model.
Fig. 3. Schematics of the PE-TFET simulated by device Fig. 6. 2D distribution of the BTBT generation rates for
simulation. LOV=200nm case.
Analytic solution of Ando’s surface roughness
model with finite domain distribution functions
K. Moors∗† , B. Sorée†‡ , and W. Magnus†‡
∗ Institute
for Theoretical Physics, KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200-D, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
† Imec, Kapeldreef 75 , B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
‡ Physics Department, Universiteit Antwerpen, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerpen, Belgium
In this abstract we present two variants of a proposed by Lizzit et al., for a one subband toy
new approach to simulate surface roughness (SR) model in Fig. 2 [4]. The distribution functions have
scattering with Ando’s model and the multi-subband different disadvantages (fI : negative weights when
Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) [1]. An crucial C > 3/4, fII : Dirac delta peak for S = S , bivariate
step to obtain the SR matrix element is the inte- normal: non-zero probability for SR crossing the op-
gration of the product of wave functions (of the posite wire boundary) but mutually agree quite well,
initial and final state) over the length of the SR while the PN result is incorrect. The finite domain
deviation in the direction normal to the boundary models allow for fast and accurate simulations due to
surface. Typically one expands this integral up to their analytic expression, while the bivariate normal
first order of the SR deviation, usually even taking model requires numerical treatment. Hence with the
the limit of an infinite barrier height, known as the latter approach simulations are much slower (see
Prange-Nee (PN) approximation [2]. The validity Fig. 3) and we were unable to study metal wires
of these approximations can be seriously doubted with larger diameters.
when applied in metal nanowires, as small diameters For larger diameter simulations the first order
lead to substantial wave function penetration in the approximation and finite domain models agree well
barrier while a large number of subbands is still on the diameter scaling trend, but the predicted
present, allowing for wave functions that oscillate resistivity values differ up to a factor of 2 (see
many times over the typical SR deviation length Fig. 4). The PN model works much better than for
(see Fig. 1). However, this type of approximation the one subband model and in certain cases even
allows for a replacement of the SR deviation by better than the first order approximation, however
its auto-correlation function (ACF), leading to an this is believed to be coincidental.
analytical expression of the absolute value squared A large resistivity drop is observed for D ≈
of the matrix element that appears in the collision 3.25 nm for all methods and appears when the
term of the BTE [3]. bottom of all subbands is as far below the Fermi level
The SR integral can still be solved analytically for as possible. In this case back-scattering of the Fermi
the finite potential well with averaging over the SR level states is suppressed and the current is protected.
if an appropriate SR distribution function f (S, S ) The predicted resistivity values for this drop are in
is chosen, with S, S the SR deviations at different good agreement for the finite domain models, while
positions on a wire boundary. We propose to √ use a the approximate methods deviate substantially.
distribution√ functions on a finite domain ( − 3∆ ≤
S, S , ≤ 3∆) and give two variants below:
[1] T. Ando, A. B. Fowler, and F. Stern, “Electronic properties
fI S, S of two-dimensional systems,” Reviews of Modern Physics,
vol. 54, pp. 437–672, 1982.
1 4
≡ 1 + C θ SS − θ −SS , [2] R. E. Prange and T.-W. Nee, “Quantum spectroscopy of the
12∆2 3 low-field oscillations in the surface impedance,” Physical
(1 − C) Cδ (S − S ) Review, vol. 168, no. 3, p. 779, 1968.
fII S, S ≡ + √ . [3] K. Moors, B. Sorée, Z. Tőkei, and W. Magnus, “Resistivity
12∆2 12∆ scaling and electron relaxation times in metallic nanowires,”
with ∆ the SR standard deviation, C the correlation Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 116, no. 6, p. 063714, 2014.
of the SR at the different positions, provided by a [4] D. Lizzit, D. Esseni, P. Palestri, and L. Selmi, “A new
formulation for surface roughness limited mobility in bulk
given ACF (here Gaussian) and θ the step function. and ultra-thin-body metal–oxide–semiconductor transistors,”
We compare the resistivity results with the bivari- Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 116, no. 22, p. 223702,
ate normal SR distribution function, that was recently 2014.
(a) Subbands
(b) Resistivity
(b) Resistivity
Fig. 4. The resistivity for copper nanowires with square cross-
Fig. 2. In (a) the dispersion relation of a one subband toy model section of equal sides D ranging from 2 to 6 nm (SR standard
is shown with the momentum gap ∆kz indicated. The resistivity deviation of 2aCu ≈ 0.7 nm and correlation length of 5aCu ≈
values obtained with the SR matrix elements of Ando’s model 1.75 nm) are shown in (b), using the different methods for
are shown in (b), using the PN and the first order approximation, Ando’s model that are computationally feasible (same methods
the two newly proposed variants: using fI and fII , and the as in Fig. 3 without Bivariate normal). The subbands dropping
bivariate normal model [4]. below the Fermi level of the D ≈ 2.15 nm wire are shown in
Thermoelectric Transports in Geometry- and
Doping-Controlled Nanostructures
K.H. Park, and U. Ravaioli
Beckman Institute and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois,
Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA
An Advanced Electro-Thermal Simulation
Methodology For Nanoscale Device
L. Wanga, T. Sadia, M. Nedjalkovb, A.R. Brownc, C. Alexanderc, B. Chengc, C. Millarc, A.
School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8LT, U.K.
Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, Gußhausstraße 27–29/E360, 1040 Wien, Austria
Gold Standard Simulations Ltd, 11 Somerset Place, Glasgow, G3 7JT, U.K.
e-mail: Liping.Wang
material, mesh
current converged NO
Poisson Equation
Current Continuity Equations
MC simulation
Energy Transfer Equations
current converged NO
I-V, lattice temperature,
potential distributen, etc. (b)
Fig. 3. (a) Lattice temperature distributions and (b) potential
distribution at high drain and high gate biases resulted from
Fig. 1. Flow chart for the advanced electro-thermal simulation coupled Heat Flow, Poisson, and Current Continuity
methodology. Equations, which will be the initial conditions for the
advanced electro-thermal simulation.
SOU [1] I. N. Adisusilo, K. Kukita, and Y. Kamakura. “Analysis of
RCE er
ac Heat Conduction Property in FinFETs Using Phonon Monte
to Sp
LG Carlo Simulation, ” SISPAD 2014, pp.17-20, Sep. 2014.
W ac
Multiscale-modeling of CNTFETs with
non-regular defect pattern
M. Claus∗§ , D. Teich∗ , S. Mothes∗ , G. Seifert∗∗ M. Schröter§‡
∗ Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden, TU Dresden, Germany,
§ Chair for Electron Devices and Integrated Circuits, TU Dresden, Germany
∗∗ Physical Chemistry, TU Dresden, Germany
‡ ECE Department, UC San Diego, USA,
E − EF (eV)
E − Ef (eV)
0.25 0
0.0 0.0 5
Ef 10
-0.5 -0.5
-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 1 2
k (nm −1
) DOS (a.u.) T (−)
Fig. 1. Atomistically calculated band structure of a (14,0) tube Fig. 4. Local DOS averaged along the channel and transmis-
with (grey contour plot) and without (red lines) 5 defects. sion spectra for different number of defects calculated at the
device level.
0.75 10 1
E − EF (eV)
0.25 1
0 0
0.0 5 Id (µA)
-0.25 10−1
-0.75 10−2
0 1 2
-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4
DOS (a.u.) T (−) Vgs (V)
Fig. 2. Atomistically calculated average DOS and transmission Fig. 5. Averaged transfer characteristic for different number
spectrum T of a (14,0) CNT with 0, 5 and 10 defects of defects. The error bars indicate the variability of the transfer
curves with respect to different defect pattern.
0.5 3
E − EF (eV)
0.25 5
pristine 10
0.0 pattern 1
-0.25 pattern 2
-0.5 5
0 1 2 3 4
T (−) -0.5 -0.45 -0.4 -0.35 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Vth (V) Ion (µA)
Fig. 3. Atomistically calculated transmission spectra T for
0 and 3 defects for different arbitrary defect pattern and the Fig. 6. Distribution of Vth and Ion for different number of
average for 100 arbitrary defect pattern. defects randomly distributed along the channel.
Simulation of transport through a cavity defined
in graphene with electrostatic lithography
P. Marconcini∗ , M. Macucci∗ , M. R. Connolly†‡ , and E. D. Herbschleb†
∗ Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Università di Pisa, Via G. Caruso 16, I-56122 Pisa, Italy
†Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB3 0HE, UK
‡ National Physical Laboratory, Hampton Road, Teddington TW11 0LW, UK
∆ R (Ω )
0.35 −10 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4
Graphene flake VBG (V)
R (K Ω)
1000 VBG (V) 0
x (nm)
0 −6 Experimental
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
y (nm)
Peak index
1000 0.36
x (nm)
a) 500
Probe 0.34
0.03 R (K Ω)
CP (mF/m 2 )
y (nm) 0.3
CP (mF/m 2 )
x (nm)
y (nm) 0
Graphene flake
y (nm)
Fig. 3. The electrostatic coupling between the probe and each
point of the graphene flake is modeled by means of a spatially- Fig. 6. Scanning probe resistance maps computed (a) for a
varying capacitance. single Lorentzian cavity; (b) for a cavity divided into multiple
subcavities in parallel.
Numerical Analysis of Electric Field Enhancement
in ZnO film with Plasmonic Au quantum dots
Min S. Choi, Shripriya Poduri, Mitra Dutta, Michael A. Stroscio*
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL 60607, USA
Numerical Analysis of Scattering Cross Section of
Non-Precious Metallic Plasmonic Nanodisks
Min S. Choi, Mitra Dutta, and Michael A. Stroscio
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL 60607, USA
The recent advancement in plasmonics provided re- f0 ωp2 fj ωp2
(ω) = 1 −
˜ − , (2)
searchers with enormous possibilities. However, the plas- ω(ω − iΓf ) ω 2 − ωj2 + iΓb,j
monic materials currently being used are mostly precious
metals like gold and silver. In this work, the scattering which is referred as Lorentz-Drude model. [2] The
cross section (SCS) of various sized nanodisks made of parameters of Ag, Al, Ni, and Cu used in this work are
three non-precious metals, aluminum, nickel, and copper, taken from reference [2], and are plotted in Figure 1.
are examined and compared to the result of silver. Over-
B. Numerical computation of scattering cross section
all, all three metals show the same red-shifting pattern as
the diameter increases. Unlike the Ag nanodisk, which One of the most interesting quantities regarding the
tends to present the highest SCS in the ultraviolet range, optical response of metals is the scattering cross section
Al, Ni, and Cu nanodisks exhibit the constantly high SCS (SCS). The SCS is in indicator of how strongly plas-
throughout the visible region. Also the amplitudes of the mons interact with the incident electromagnetic waves,
SCS of the Al, Ni, and Cu nanodisks are comparable especially in the visible range. While it is possible to
with the Ag nanodisk in the visible region. These results calculate the SCS at each wavelength of electromagnetic
suggest of the cost effective replacement of precious waves in the interested range, it is more efficient to
metals in application of plasmonics-based optics. apply a Fourier transform on a response spectrum to
a short pulse to get the broad range spectra. [3] The
I. T HEORY scattered power spectrum of an object through a surface
that encloses it is given by
A. Drude-Lorentz model
The high reflectivity of light from metals is due to the
abundance of free electrons. The collective movement Pscat (ω) = R S ([Eω (r) − Eω,0 (r)]∗
of these free electrons, plasmons, responding to eletro- × [Hω (r) − Hω,0 (r)]) · dA (3)
magnetic fields, can be fully described by the dielectric
The SCS, Cscat , can be obtained by taking the ratio of
function. [1] Since the free electrons play a role as
Pscat (ω) to the incident irradiance, I0 :
significant as bound electrons, the dielectric function of
metals can be described mathematically by Pscat (ω)
Cscat = (4)
˜ (f ree) (ω) + ˜
(ω) = ˜ (bound) (ω), (1)
where ˜(f ree) (ω) is the free electron contribution to Overall, all three metals show the same red-shift pat-
the dielectric function and ˜ (bound) (ω) is the bound- tern as the diameter increases. Unlike the Ag nanodisk,
electron contribution. The free electron contribution can which tends to present the highest SCS in the ultraviolet
be described by Drude model and the bound-electron range, Al, Ni, and Cu nanodisks exibit the constantly
contribution can be described by Lorentz model. As a high SCS throughout the visible region. Also the am-
result, Equation (1) can be written as plitudes of the SCS of the Al, Ni, and Cu nanodisks
(b) Al
(c) Cu
(d) Ni
Non-local optical response in silver-silicon-silver
heterostructure system
Min S. Choi
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607, USA
Gautam D. Stroscio
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA
−iA ωs 1
1 0
e−s1 z eiβx
z > h/2
Ex (z) = i A2 ω1 0 2
2− s11 e(−s1 −s2 )h/2 es2 z − s22 + s11 e(−s1 +s2 )h/2 e−s2 z eiβx −h/2 < z < h/2 (1)
i A 1 s1 2 s2 s1 s2 s1
2 ω0 s2 1 2 − 1 e −s2 h
− 2 + 1 e s2 h
es1 z eiβx z < −h/2
−A ωβ1 0 e−s 1 z iβx
e z > h/2
A 1 β s2 s1 s2 s1
Ez (z) = − 2 ω0 s2 2 − 1 e (−s1 −s2 )h/2 s2 z
e + 2 + 1 e (−s1 +s2 )h/2 −s2 z
e eiβx −h/2 < z < h/2 (2)
− A β 2 s2
− s1 e−s2 h − s2 + s1 es2 h es1 z eiβx z < −h/2
2 ω0 s2 1 2 1 2 1
where A is incident field intensity, si and β decay constants, The time-averaged optical power absorption rate is given by
i dielectric functions, and ω the energy. With appropriate
boundary conditions in each region, we get a dispersion Pabs = P(r, ω) · E∗ (r, ω)dr (5)
relation 2
s2i = β 2 − k02 i (i = 1, 2), (3) where the polarization density, P, is given by P(r, ω) =
0 χ̃E(r, ω). The non-local optical power absorption can be
and the continuity of Ex at z = −h/2 gives the dispersion computed by Fourier-transforming the equation (5) to get the
equation sum of contributions of SPP over the momentum space.
s 2 1 − s 1 2 e s1 h = 0 (4)
which has to be satisfied in order for solutions to exist.
The equations () and () are solved numerically. The frequency- The non-local optical power absorption in silicon and silver
and wavevector- dependent dielectric function of silicon, 2 , is are plotted in Figures (2) and (3), respectively. In silicon,
obtained empirically using time-dependent density functional several distinct peaks are appeared at h̄ω =1.4 eV, 2.35 eV, 2.5
theory [5], and the dielectric function of silver, 1 , is calculated eV, and 2.7 eV. These results overlap well with our previous
using Drude-Lorentz model. [6] calculation of the local density of states of plasmons in silver
Thermoelectric power factor optimization in
nanocomposites by energy filtering using NEGF
M. Thesberg1, M. Pourfath1, N. Neophytou2 and H. Kosina1
Institute for Microelectronics, Technical University of Vienna, TU Wien
Gußhausstraße 27-29/E360, A-1040 Vienna, Austria.
School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK
We acknowledge the Vienna Scientific
Computing Cluster for computational resources and
funding from the Austrian Science Fund FWF,
project code P25368-N30.
[1] R. Venkatasubramanian, et al., Nature, 413, 597, 2001.
[2] D. Vashaee and A. Shakouri, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92,
[3] N. Neophytou and H. Kosina. J. Appl. Phys. 114, 044315,
[4] R. Kim and M. S. Lundstrom. J. Appl. Phys. 111, 024508, Fig. 3. Power factor versus barrier shape, defined as an
exponentially decaying profile, described by a decay length, ξ,
[5] N. Neophytou et al, Nanotechnology, 24, 205402, 2013.
from the top of the barrier. The limit ξ=0 corresponds to a
square barrier (left side), which is found to be the optimal one.
The Impact of the Ring Shaped Valence Band in
Few-Layer III-VI Materials on FET Operation
Protik Das∗ , Gen Yin∗, Somaia Sarwat Sylvia,
Khairul Alam† , Darshana Wickramaratne∗ , and Roger K. Lake∗
∗ Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521
† Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Energy (eV)
Current (uA/um)
considered an effective mass of the channel as 0.4 which is the 20 -3
5×10 cm
effective mass of GaS from ab-initio calculation. 10 0
10 -2
10 -4
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Voltage (V)
×10 19
3 Fig. 4. Current versus gate voltage with Vdd = 0.3 V for
Density of States (eV-1 m-2)
2 MH
Energy (eV)
τ (ps)
1 0.10
0.5 1 0.05 1 2
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0
0.00 0.05 0.10
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Energy (eV) Energy (eV) k (1/Å)
Fig. 2. Density of states calculated from the analytical model Fig. 5. (a) Momentum relaxation times calculated from
of Ref. [1] using an effective mass 0.4 and ǫ0 = 0.1 . Coulomb impurity scattering and (b) energy-momentum rela-
tions comparing parabolic and Mexican hat dispersions. The
relaxation times for states on the two different branches of
the Mexican hat dispersion are labeled in (a). The density
of impurity and electron density used are 1 × 10−5 Å−2 and
1 × 10−11 cm−2 respectively.
The Impact of Lead Geometry and Discrete
Doping on NWFET Operation
Si nanowire MOSFET (NWFET) is one of the curves (Fig. 4) show that subthreshold behavior
most promising device to reach the end of the has not been affected by the discrete aspect of the
technological roadmap. However due to the contin- doping in AR. This result is in line with the fact that
uous reduction of the channel length, resistance of subthreshold behavior is mainly controlled by the
access regions may appear as the main contributor channel characteristics, which remained unchanged
of the global resistance [1]. A physically consistent in both devices.
modeling of nanowire transistors then requires a However, as expected [4], the discrete dopants
realistic description of the open character of the degrade the on-current. Surprisingly, the degrada-
system via access regions. The aim of this work tion depends on the access region geometry since
is to emphasize the importance of considering both current reductions are 19 and 30% respectively for
realistic lead geometry and discrete doping. We use the UN and NUN at VGS =0.49 V.
a 3D real-space non-equilibrium Green’s function To understand the higher degradation in the NUN
(NEGF) approach where electron-phonon scattering device, let’s analyze the LDOS at this bias for both
is treated within the self-consistent Born approxima- transistors. In the UN device (Fig. 5), we can clearly
tion (SCBA) [2]. distinguish the two impurity levels (IL) localized
We consider two lead geometries for NWFETs around the impurity positions. Moreover, the IL are
with LG =8 nm as schematically shown in Fig. 1. close to the Fermi level (EF ) of their respective
We shall refer to the device with the uniform contacts and are strongly coupled to S and D, thus
transverse section in Fig. (1.a) by (UN), and by contributing efficiently to the injection and extrac-
(NUN) to its nonuniform counterpart (Fig. (1.b)). tion of carriers in the device. In NUN device, the IL
We first assumed for both devices a continuous is no longer a quasi-localized state of the coulombic
dopant concentration of 1020 cm−3 in the source (S), potential (Fig. 6). Indeed the larger cross-section
drain (D) and access regions (AR) - represented by reduces the impurity binding energy [5], leading
yellow regions in Fig. 1. ID -VGS curves show that to delocalized IL’s well above the Fermi levels of
both devices exhibit the same threshold voltages the contacts, reducing the injection efficiency and
Vth , subthreshold slopes and ON state currents resulting in a reduction of the ON current.
(Fig.2). This result is in accordance with the results This result shows the importance of consider-
previously obtained for double-gate devices [3]. ing both realistic lead geometry and discreteness
However, a concentration of 1020 cm−3 corre- of the dopants to provide an accurate modeling
sponds on average to less then two dopants in a of NWFETs, where access regions will have an
volume of 2×2×4 nm−3 . As a result, the commonly increasing influence.
accepted assumption of continuous doping in the R EFERENCES
access regions is no longer justified.
[1] Y. He et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 213502 (2014).
As a sound example we replace the continuous [2] H. Carrillo-Nunez et al., J. Appl. Phys. 116, 164505 (2014).
doping of the AR in both UN and NUN devices by [3] R. Venugopal et al., J. Appl. Phys. 95, 292 (2004).
one dopant exactly localized on the same positions [4] A. Asenov et al., IEEE-Trans. Elec. Dev. 61, 2745 (2014).
along the channel symmetry axis (Fig. 3). ID -VGS [5] M. Diarra et al., Phys. Rev. B 75, 045301 (2007).
Study of transport in Multi-layered High
Electron Mobility Transistors
Samik Mukherjee, Prasad Sarangapani , Michael Povolotskyi and Gerhard Klimeck
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 47906, USA
[1] Mathieu Luisier, Neophytos Neophytou, Neerav Kharche,
and Gerhard Klimeck, “Full-Band and Atomisic
Simulation of Realistic 40 nm InAs HEMT,” IEDM, 2008.
Fig. 4. Id Vs Vg Characteristics from NEGF simulation
VFF-Monte Carlo Framework for Phonon
Transport in Nanostructures
S. Sundaresan1, M. Rashid1, T. Jayasekera2,3 and S. Ahmed1,3
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2Department of Physics, 3Materials Technology Center
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
1230 Lincoln Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA. (E-mail:;
Modeling phonon transport via the BTE is adopted Fig. 2 shows the group velocity (vg) profiles for a
when the scattering rates of phonons that determine silicon film (thickness ~4 μm) obtained from the
the thermal conductivity vary significantly within a VFF and the empirical models. At this moment, VFF
distance comparable to their respective mean free is used only for the LA (faster) branch. It is seen that
paths. In this regard, the ability of the particle based the VFF computed vg for the LA branch is smaller
Monte Carlo (MC) method to emulate the phonon for ω < 5×1013 rad/s and then increases for higher
behavior and introduce randomness as close to reality frequencies when compared to the empirical model.
has further favored the use of MC based simulation Fig. 3 shows the thermal conductivity profiles plotted
in the recent years. The Ensemble Monte Carlo using the atomistic VFF and the empirical ap-
(EMC) scheme adopted in this work is similar to the proaches. Looking at the Figure it is found that, as
one described in Refs. [1][2]; yet the current work compared to the empirically fitted model, the thermal
stands out owing to its use of atomistically obtained conductivity calculated using the VFF approach
dispersion relations, which serve as input for the deviates by about 8% (~18 W/m-K) (due to the
aforementioned MC simulation. Fig. 1 illustrates the incorporation of atomistic corrections in the LA
MC schema adopted in this work. The dispersion branch alone). The VFF-MC approach, used in this
relation (and associated parameters such as phonon work, not only allows one to capture the atomicity of
frequency, polarization, group velocity, and density- the lattice but also enables the simulation of
of-states) is obtained via the VFF approach available realistically sized structures containing millions of
in the open source NEMO 3-D toolkit and compared atoms. A corrected VFF (for the TA branch) and how
with an empirically fitted model (against experi- the results obtained from the VFF-MC framework
mental data) as provided by Brockhouse [3]. are used in the multiscale modeling of thermoelectric
cooler units will be the subjects of future study and
9280 K 2.234 107 K 2 [LA] presented at the Workshop.
5240 K 2.278 107 K 2 [TA] Supported by NSF Grant No. 1218839.
Fig. 2. Phonon group velocity profiles in silicon thin film of Fig. 3. Thermal conductivity computed using the VFF and
thickness ~4 μm using the VFF and the empirical approaches. the empirical approaches.
Phonon Engineering of Si/Ge Core-Shell
Nanowires for Thermoelectric Applications
Jaime Bohorquez-Ballen1, Hansika Sirikumara1, Shaikh Ahmed2,3, Thushari Jayasekera1,3
Department of Physics
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Materials Technology Center
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, IL 62901, USA. (E-mail:
Diffusive Transport in Monolayer MoS2: Role
of Remote Coulomb Scattering
K. A. Khair and S. S. Ahmed
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1230 Lincoln Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA.
On the Role of Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling in
Graphene Nanoribbons
S. Soleimanikahnoj and I. Knezevic
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1691, USA
0.02 0.02
0.018 0.018
0.016 0.016
0.012 0.012
0.01 0.01
0.008 0.008
0.006 0.006
0.004 0.004
0.002 0.002
0 0 0
0 [A0] 20 0 [A0] 20 0 [A0] 20
Fig. 1: Probability amplitude of the first wave function with a positive energy in an AGNR with N = 40 (N is the
number of carbon along the edge). Panel (a) is in absence of RSO; (b) and (c) are in presence of RSO, for spin
up and spin, down respectively. k = 0 and λR = 0.2t.
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in atomically thin carbon films, Science 306, 666 (2004).
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[3] G. Balasubramanian, P. Neumann, D. Twitchen, M. Markham, R.
Kolesov, N. Mizuochi, J. Isoya, J. Achard, J. Beck, J. Tissler, V.
Jacques, P. Hemmer, F. Jelezko and J. Wrachtrup, Ultralong spin
coherence time in isotopically engineered diamond, Nat. Mater.
8, 383 (2009).
[4] E. I. Rashba, Graphene with structure-induced spin-orbit cou-
pling: Spin-polarized states, spin zero modes, and quantum Hall
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[5] C. L.Kane and E. J. Mele, Quantum spin Hall effect in graphene,
Phys. Rev. Lett 95, 226801 (2005).
[6] Q. Lui, X. Zhang, L. B. Abdalla, A. Fazzio, and A. Zunger,
Switching a Normal Insulator into a Topological Insulator via
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[9] M. Zarea and N. Sandler, Rashba spin-orbit interaction in
graphene and zigzag nanoribbons, Phys. Rev. B 79, 165442
Modeling polycrystalline effects on the device
characteristics of CdTe based solar cells
S. Mukherjee, S. Farid, M. Dutta and M.A. Stroscio
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607,
INTRODUCTION qG( )W (1 e ( ( )W ) )
J h ( , V ) [ h (1 e h )]
Polycrystalline CdTe based solar cells ( h ( )W )
( )W
represents one of the most attractive options for W is the width of CdTe layer, α(λ) and G(λ)
low cost photovoltaic module production [1]. represents the wavelength dependent CdTe
However various efforts to grow polycrystalline absorption coefficient and the carrier generation
CdTe based solar cells resulted in lower rate. We have also taken into account the effective
efficiencies. This is due to the fact that the grain mobility due to grain boundary of the
size associated with polycrystalline thin films polycrystalline CdTe films that directly effects the
affects not only carrier lifetime and grain boundary voltage dependent normalized carrier lifetime τ
limited recombination velocity but also enhance and can be written as
interface recombination that deteriorates the 1/ eff 1/ mono gbl
device performance significantly [2]. Researchers
where µeff is the effective carrier mobility
have focused primarily on modeling single
dependent on single crystal mobility µmono and
crystalline CdTe cells but no complete model is
grain boundary limited mobility µgbl can be
presented until now taking into consideration the
expressed as
polycrystalline effects on the device J-V
characteristics and the external quantum efficiency q g
(EQE) of CdTe based cells [3]. We have m* (3)
developed a comprehensive model to analyze the where m* is the effective carrier mass and τg is
J-V characteristics and the external quantum expressed in terms of intra grain diffusion length L
efficiency of CdTe cells based on minority carrier and average thermal velocity of carriers vt. The
drift and diffusion processes that takes into effective diffusion length is related to the grain
account the grain size distribution due to the size g by
effects of CdCl2 annealing treatment at elevated L
temperatures thereby affecting the carrier lifetime, Lpoly (4)
grain boundary limited recombination velocity and 2S gblL2
interface properties. The model has been 1
thoroughly investigated and matched well with the
published experimental data. where Sgbl is the grain boundary limited
recombination velocity in the CdTe active layer,
THEORY AND MODELING and D is the diffusion coefficient.
The total photocurrent density over all the Further a detailed study to calculate the
incident photon wavelengths λ of the solar spectra effects on varying interface recombination
is first calculated using [4] velocities and CdTe doping on the external
quantum efficiency (EQE) of the solar cell has
J L (V ) [ J e ( ,V ) J h ( ,V )]d (1) been done. The internal quantum efficiency IQE(λ)
is expressed as
IQE( ) IQESCR ( ) + IQEQNR ( )
qG( )W (1 e ( ( )W ) ) ( ( )W )
J e ( , V ) [ e (e ( ( )W ) e )]
( e ( )W )
( )W where the IQE within the space charge region
(SCR) region can be calculated as
Strong negative differential resistance in
graphene devices with local strain
M. Chung Nguyen1,2, V. Hung Nguyen1,2, H. Viet Nguyen2, J. Saint-Martin1, and P. Dollfus1
Institute of Fundamental Electronics, CNRS, Univ. of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
Center for Computational Physics, Institute of Physics, VAST, Hanoi, Vietnam
The effect of negative differential resistance the barrier. When applying strain, the
(NDR) has been widely investigated in devices misalignment (in both the k-space and the energy)
based on conventional semiconductors. This effect of the graphene bandstructure inside (i.e., strain)
is suitable for a wide range of high-frequency and outside (i.e., no strain) the barrier results in a
applications [1]. Recently, many designs of finite energy-gap of transmission at finite bias (see
graphene structures and devices exhibiting an Fig. 3). Because of this effect, the overall current
NDR behavior have been proposed, based on is reduced, especially, the valley current and hence
various physical mechanisms [2]. In most cases, a peak-to-valley ratio (PVR) of NDR behavior is
the opening of a bandgap in the bandstructure of significantly enhanced when a strain is applied
graphene by nanostructuring is used to make the (see Fig. 2). Since the effect mentioned above is
modulation of Klein/interband tunneling possible. strongly dependent on the length of the
Recently, the effects of uniaxial strain on 2D barrier/strained area, it is shown in Fig. 4 that the
unstrained/strained graphene junctions were PVR increases when increasing LS ( ≡ LB) and can
investigated and it was found that a significant reach a value higher than 250 beyond L S = 100 nm
conduction gap of a few hundred meV can be in the ballistic limit.
achieved with a small strain of a few percent [3]. Similar non-linear I-V characteristics can be
This conduction gap is not due to a bandgap achieved in the strained PN diode schematized in
opening in the band structure but to the shift of the Fig. 5, where the strained-induced conduction gap
Dirac cones in the Brillouin zone of the strained allows us to control the interband tunneling. In this
graphene. This effect has been demonstrated to case, even a small strain amplitude of σ = 3% is
strongly improve on/off current ratio in graphene enough to achieve high PVR of a few hundreds.
transistors with local strain in the channel [4]. Additionally, it is shown that the peak current is
Here, we investigate the possibility to use local sensitive to the length of the transition region L T
strain engineering to generate high peak-to-valley separating N and P sections (see Fig. 6), however,
current ratio of NDR behavior in graphene the effect is much weaker than that observed in
devices. We focus on two devices: (i) a single other simple gapped graphene P-N devices [2].
gate-induced potential barrier structure where the In summary, we have shown that local strain
strain is applied on an area of length LS (Fig. 1) engineering is effective to enhance strongly the
and (ii) a PN tunnel diode where the strained area NDR effect in graphene devices thanks to the
covers wide parts of two highly doped regions and conduction gap generated at strained/unstrained
the transition section between them (see the top of interfaces. A PVR of a few hundreds is achievable
Fig..5). Our calculations are based on an atomistic in devices where the current is controlled by a
tight-binding model as in [4], which is solved by gate-induced barrier or a PN junction.
the Green's function formalism in the ballistic
We plot in Fig. 2 the I-V characteristics of the [1] H. Mizuta and T Tanoue, The physics and application of
resonant tunnelling diodes, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995.
single-barrier structure for different strain [2] V. H. Nguyen et al., J. Comp. Electron. 12, 85-93 (2013).
amplitudes with LS = LB = 40 nm and the Fermi [3] M. C. Nguyen et al., Semicond. Sci. Technol. 29, 115024
energy EF = 0.25 eV. In unstrained device the NDR (2014)
effect is very limited due the high transparency of [4] V. H. Nguyen at al., Nanotechnology 25, 165201 (2014).
Fig. 3. (E-ky) map of transmission in strained device for two Fig. 6. I-V characteristics of strained device ( σ = 3%) with
bias voltages (same U0, K0 = unstrained Dirac point position). different lengths LT (LS = 40 nm is fixed, U0 = 0.5 eV).
Inset: peak current as a function of LT.
Influence of quantum confinement effects over device
performance in circular and elliptical silicon nanowire
V. P. Georgiev1, T. Ali1, Y. Wang1,2, L. Gerrer1, S. M. Amoroso3, E. Towie3, Asen Asenov1,3
Device Modelling Group, School of Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G11 8LT, UK
Institute of Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Gold Standard Simulations Ltd, Glasgow G12 8LT, UK
Circular - QM Circular - QM
Elliptical - QM
Elliptical - DD Elliptical - DD
0 0.0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Circular - QM
Gate Voltage (V) Gate Voltage (V)
Fig. 2. Gate capacitance vs Gate voltage for the elliptical and cylindrical Fig. 3. Electron density vs Gate voltage for the elliptical and cylindrical
NWTs based on the classical (DD) and quantum mechanical (QM) NWTs based on the classical (DD) and quantum mechanical (QM)
calculations. calculations (left); 2D charge distribution in the NWTs cross-section based
on the QM and classical DD simulations at VG=0.6V (right).
40 Circular
6 8 10 12 14
Channel Length [nm]
Fig. 4. Impact of the gate length on DIBL (left) and sub-threshold slope – Fig. 5. Impact of the gate length on IOFF (left) and ION (right) for the elliptical
SS (right) for the elliptical and circular nanowire with a 5x5 and 4.16x5 and circular nanowire with a 5x5 and 4.16x5 nm cross-section.
nm cross-section.
[1] B. Yu, L. Wang, Y. Yan, P. Asbeck, and Y. Taur, “Scalling of nanowire
transistors”, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 55, no. 11, pp. 2846-
2858, 2008.
[2] V. P. Georgiev, E. A. Towie, and A. Asenov, “Impact of precisely
positioned dopants on the performance of an ultimate silicon nanowire
transitor: a full three-dimensional NEGF simulation study”, IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 965-901, 2013.
[3] G. Glindalore, S. A. Hareland, S. Jallepalli, A. F. Tasch, C. M. Maziar,
V. K. F. China, and S. Smit, “Experimental determination of threshold
Wavefunctions voltage shift due to quantum mechanical effects in MOS electron and
Fig. 6. 2D cross-sections (at the centre of the channel) of the simulated hole inversion layers”, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 206, pp.
electron density and the first five lowest wave functions in the ON-state 206-208,1987.
region. [4]
[5] B. Bagchi, P. Gorain, C. Quesne, and R. Roychoudhry, “Effective-mass
Schrodinger equation and generation of solvable potential”, Mod. Phys.
Lett. A, vol. 19, pp. 2765, 2004.
Algebraic Multigrid Poisson Equation Solver
X. Guo1, S. Qazi2, R. Daugherty2, D. Vasileska2
School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy,
School of Electrical Computer and Energy Engineering
Full Multigrid
Initialize Stage
Full Approximation
Standard Multigrid Scheme
(Restrict Residual, (Restrict Approximate
Solve Stage
Interpolate Correction, Solution, Interpolate
For Linear System) Correction, For
Nonlinear System)
Fig. 2. Stages and Components of a Multigrid Solver Fig. 5. Vertical Cutline of Potential Profile
Phononic Properties for Enhanced Signal-to-
Noise Photodetector
Yi Lan, Chenjie Tang, Junxia (Lucy) Shi, Mitra Dutta, Michael Stroscio
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago 60607, United State
A reduced signal-to-noise reduced Setting up regions for this structure, the
photodetector has been designed using single-and dielectric function should be considered first. As
double-quantum well structures as well as phonon known, in system such as AlAs and GaAs,
assisted transitions. To increase electron carriers, (1)
delta-doping is used in the first single well. In this
contribution, the energy levels of the single-well—
double-well structure are prescribed by Since , , and depend primarily on
determining the energy spectrum for the interface the x-value of , n-type doping causes
phonon potentials and their dispersion curves. only small changes in the phononic properties.
Accordingly, only the boundaries defined by the
six interfaces in the active part of the single-well—
According to “Enhanced Signal-to-Noise in double-well device, see Figure 1, need to be used
Photodetectors Interface Phonon-assisted to determine the phonon modes and their
Transitions”[1], photodetector is designed into dispersion curves.
three quantum wells, one single well at the left and The single-double quantum well structure is
one double well at the right side. The depicted as Fig. 1, and by a Schrödinger equation
photodetector absorbs one photon, emits a phonon, calculation of energy levels, it is seen that the
and absorbs another photon with the same energy phonon-assisted transition from the single-well to
the same as the first one. Accordingly, signal-to- the double-well can be driven by emission of a
noise as predicted by the Richardson formula is phonon with an energy of 32.19 meV.
enhanced since the electron is approximately twice The phonon potentials, , in the seven regions,
as deep in its initial state as in the corresponding satisfy the boundary conditions [4],
single-well photodetector.
This series of processes - absorbing a photon, (2)
emitting a phonon, then absorbing a photon -
works efficiently only if excess electrons are kept
in the first single well. That’s because electrons (3)
are needed for absorbing photons. Delta doping
enhances the electron concentration that can Using the phonon normalization condition [4]
absorb photons in the first process, and can be and performing all the calculations for different
accomplished in a way that has little impacts on wave vectors, q, from 0 to , where lattice constant
the energy states and offsets of the full
of GaAs is 5.65325Å, we find the results of
Figures 2-6.
In this contribution, the phononic properties in
this structure will be described, including the CONCLUSION
phonon dispersion curve and phonon potential in Herein, the phononic properties for an
the structure in the single-well—double-well enhanced signal-to-noise photodetector have been
structure. determined. Device design characteristics will be
discussed in the presentation.
Electronic Structure Dependence on the Density,
Size and Shape of Ge/Si Quantum Dots Array
Ming-Yi Lee∗, Yi-Chia Tsai∗ , Yiming Li∗ and Seiji Samukawa†
∗ Instituteof Communications Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan (e-mail: (Y. Li))
† Institute of Fluid Science and WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
I NTRODUCTION without nodes as the expected s-orbit. The next three states
Among the next-generation ultra-high efficiency photo- show a two-fold degenerate p-orbit due to symmetry of x-
voltaics technologies, a promising candidate is the use of y plane and non-degenerate p-orbit along z-direction. These
semiconductor quantum dots (QDs). The QDs work as the energy distributions and wave functions reveal the symmetry
intermediate band in solar cell and dramatically increase the of the QDs superlattice.
efficiency because of their ability to absorbing sub-bandgap Fig. 4 presents the DoS for QDs superlattice with varied
photons through the two-photon transition [1]. When uniform interdot space from 0.3 nm to 3.3 nm. As the interdot space de-
QDs are closely packed as the superlattice, wavefunction of creasing, i.e. QDs density increasing, QDs interaction between
each QD couples with neighboring QDs to broaden the discrete discrete levels increases and miniband crossing phenomenon
quantum levels to form finite-width miniband, which is a occurs especially for higher excited states. Because the highest
key parameter to determine two-photon transition. Within the excited states are mixed and become continuous energy levels
envelop-function framework, a 3D finite element method that to Si barrier, the effective bandgap of bulk Si decreases.
surmounts theoretical approximations of the multi-dimensional In Fig. 5, the energy level of the ground band becomes lower
Kronig-Penney method has recently been developed to simu- with varied thickness from 2 nm to 8 nm because of the weaker
late miniband structure and density of states (DoS) [2]. In this confinement in z-direction as expected. Meanwhile, the band
work, the electron structure dependence on the density, size width less depends on the thickness because the interaction
and shape of Ge/Si QDs array is studied in further to instruct between QDs is strongly related to the distance between QDs
realistic QDs fabrication and design. in x-y plane. The significant dependence of band structure on
QDs symmetry is revealed for the third excited band E3,k of
T HE C OMPUTATIONAL M ODEL QDs with the thickness 4 nm, which is non-degenerate p-orbit
For the periodic superlattice, the electronic structure is along z-direction in Fig. 2b. In Fig. 6, this p-orbit along z-
numerically solved by Eq. (1) under Bloch theorem as Fig. 1. direction have much weaker confinement and becomes the first
First, a unit cell formed by the primitive vectors is defined. excited band for QDs thickness 8 nm. On the other hand, the
Then, based on the symmetry of superlattice, the k-points energy level goes lower and band width goes smaller with the
space is defined in an IBZ. To get band structure En,k and QDs radius in Fig. 7 because of the weaker confinement and
bloch function uk (r), Eq. (1) is discretized within a unit cell larger distance between QDs in x-y plane.
in real space and solved by a FEM solver for each sampling k- Fig. 8 presents the calculated energy levels and bandwidth
point in IBZ. Finally, the DoS, a key parameter for electronic of ground band as functions of the QDs volume for three
and optical applications of semiconductor system, is calculated different QDs shapes with the same base radius (3 nm). Bigger
numerically using an improved triangle method [3] by Eq. (2). the QDs volume, lower energy level and larger band width.
The most sensitive to the dot volume is the disk-shape and
R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION the least is the cone-shape. This phenomenon is due to the
Fig. 2 shows the calculated band dispersion relation for QD stronger z-confinement and interaction in x-y plane for disk-
in dimension of the radius 3 nm and the thickness 4 nm [4] shape QDs than that for the other shapes.
and the interdot space 2.3 nm. The energy distribution in IBZ In summary, we have reported the miniband structure de-
for the lowest four bands is shown in Fig. 3. The energy for pendence on the density, size and shape of Ge/Si QDs array.
the ground band is distributed isotropically in k-space and The QDs density has strong impact on the QDs interaction and
minimum in Γ-point. The energy for the first and second miniband width. Meanwhile, the QDs volume and shape affect
excited bands are constant in ky and kx direction respectively the quantum confinement through the geometric symmetry.
while the energy for the third excited band is distributed
isotropically in k-space. These distributions are closely related
to their wavefunctions. Fig. 2b shows the isosurface of wave [1] A. Luque et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 78, p. 5014, 1997.
[2] M.-Y. Lee et al., IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, submitted for publication.
function within Ge QD at Γ-point (k = 0) of IBZ for lowest [3] J.-H. Lee et al., Phys. Rev. B, vol. 66, p. 233102, 2002.
four bounded-states. The ground state has ellipsoid surface [4] M. Igarashi et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 101, p. 063121, 2012.
Energy (eV)
2 nm 4 nm 6 nm 8 nm
1 3 1 3 1 3
10 10 10 10 10 10 101 103
DoS (/eV/Unit Cell)
Fig. 5. The density of states for Ge/Si QDs square superlattice with QD
Fig. 1. The simulation flow chart for an in-plane 3D QDs square superlattice radius 3 nm, interdot space 0.3 nm, and varied thickness from 2 nm to 8 nm.
and material parameters used for simulation.
0.5 0.5
0.460 0.4
Energy (eV)
0.4 0.430
Energy (eV)
0.241 0.1
0.190 2 nm 4 nm 6 nm 8 nm
0.1 0.103
Wave Vector k
Fig. 6. The band structures for Ge/Si QDs square superlattice with QD radius
Γ X M Γ Γ X M Γ 3 nm, interdot space 0.3 nm, and varied thickness from 2 nm to 8 nm. The
highlight band with p-orbit symmetry in z-direction (green dash line) shows
Wave Vector k much more dependence on the QDs thickness.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) The band dispersion relation for 3D in-plane Ge/Si QDs superlattice
with QD’s radius 3 nm, thickness 4 nm and interdot space 2.3 nm. The right 0.5
figure breaks energy axis into several segments in different scale to highlight
the profile of each quantum level. (b) The isosurface of wave function within 0.4
QD at Γ-point of IBZ for lowest four bounded-states: s-orbit E0 , degenerate
Energy (eV)
0.1033 0.1903 0.1904 0.2417
0.1902 0.1903
0.2416 0.1
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)
2 nm 3 nm 4 nm 5 nm
0.1032 0.1901 0.2415
0.2414 0
101 103 101 103 101 103 101 103
0.1899 0.1899
0.4 cone
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)
3.3nm 2.3nm 1.3nm 0.3nm 0.05
0 0 50 100 150 200 250
10 1 3
10 1
10 10 3
10 1 3
10 10 1
10 3 Volume (nm3)
Accelerated 3D Full Band Self-consistent Ensemble
Monte Carlo Device Simulation Utilizing Intel MIC
co-processors on TianHe II
Longxiang Yin1, Minquan Fang2, Lang Zeng3 4, LiLun Zhang2, Gang Du1, Xiaoyan Liu1*
Institute of Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China
School of Computer, National University of Defence Technology, Changsha, China
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China
Spintronics Interdisciplinary Center, Beihang University, Beijing, China
Fig.3. Compile statements used on MIC. Fig.4. FinFET structure used in our simulation. Fig.2. Flow chart of our 3D EMC
QuantumCorrection region is indicated with simulator with ”Quantum Correction”
dashed line. part accelerated by MIC.
Speedup Ratio
Speedup Ratio
79 2 MIC+CPU
3 149 190 10 3.2
10 2400 3.0
2 823s 8
10 6.3 10
3.3 1200
1 1.5
0 10
0 1 2 3 1N 2N 3N 4N 5N
Number of MIC Grid Type
Table I. Different grids number in Fig.5. Convergent time and speedup ratio of the Fig.6. The relation of simulation time and
our simulation. whole program and QuantumCorrection when speedup ratio along with different grids number
utilizing 1,2,and 3 MIC co-processors on one com- when utilizing 1CPU and 1CPU+1MIC on one
puting node. Dashed line is the result of DD computing node. The speedup ratio keeps 3.2.
simulation by Sentaurus with one node. Grids is N.
Drain Current (100uA/um)
6000 6
Speedup Ratio
Fig.10. 3D electric characteristic distributions along y direction in QuantumCorrection region. Table II. structure and operation parameters
Mesh grid number is 130000, particle number is about 2470000. of 14nm FinFET used in our simulation.
Crystal Viewer: An Online Platform for
Learning and Understanding Crystalline
Yuanchen Chu1,*, Daniel F Mejia1, James Fonseca1, Michael Povolotskyi1 and Gerhard Klimeck1
Network for Computational Nanotechnology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
[3] McLennan, M. ”The rappture toolkit.” (2004)
[4] Steiger, S.; Povolotskyi, Michael; Hong-Hyun Park;
Kubis, T.; Klimeck, G., ”Nemo5: A Parallel Multiscale
Nanoelectronics Modeling Tool.” Nanotechnology, IEEE
Transactions on 10.6 (2011): 1464-1474.
Size Dependence of the Seebeck Coefficient for
Single-Material Thermocouples
A. Kommini† , G.P. Szakmany∗ , A. O. Orlov∗ , G. H. Bernstein∗ , W. Porod∗ , and Z. Aksamija†
† Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003, USA
∗ Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA
In this paper, we present calculations which sup- To model size dependence of single metal ther-
port the size-dependence of the Seebeck coefficient, mocouples, we simulate gallium arsenide (GaAs)
observed by us in recent experiments. These find- under very high doping concentration as a proxy
ings further support the possibility of thermocouples for the metal. Rode s method is used to calculate
formed by a single material using size engineering. the electron mobility by iteratively solving for the
Single-metal nanothermocouples (NTCs) are con- near-equilibrium distribution function in response
structed by joining together two or more segments to a small electric field and a small temperature
from the same metal, but with various cross sections gradient. We include scattering rates for acoustic
as shown schematically in Fig. 1. These devices deformation potential, piezoelectric scattering, polar
exploit the size-dependence of the Seebeck coef- optical, impurity, and boundary roughness scatter-
ficient at the nanoscale. A narrow wire segment ing. The Seebeck coefficient is calculated from S =
−|E|/|∇T | = L(2) /L(1) using transport integrals
is placed between two wider wire segments, thus
forming two junctions a few micron apart. If the L(j) [2]. RSC shown in Fig. 4 is obtained by taking
temperature of one of the junctions is increased, the the difference between Seebeck coefficients at two
resulting open-circuit voltage (VOC) is proportional different sizes.
to the temperature difference between the hot and In un-gated and highly doped nanowires, the
cold junctions and the relative Seebeck coefficient relaxation time due to electron-boundary roughness
between the narrow and wide wire segments. scattering [2] is the given by
In order to directly measure the size-dependent τB (k) = 1−p(k) W
relative Seebeck coefficient (RSC) of single-metal 1+p(k) ν⊥ (k)
NTCs at room temperature, we fabricated a char- where W is size (width or height) of the nanostruc-
acterization platform according to the SEM image ture and ν⊥ (k) is the velocity of carriers normal
shown in Fig. 2. A nanoscale heater, energized to the surface. The specularity parameter p (k) =
by AC currents, is used to selectively increase the exp(−4∆2 k 2 ) accounts for the surface roughness
temperature of the junctions. The resulting VOC (∆) and captures the probability of the electron
is measured with the 2ω method [1]. The four- being reflected specularily at the surface based on
terminal thermometer measures the temperature of the momentum of the electrons. Fig. 4 shows the
the hot junction. The platform was designed by variation in the relative Seebeck coefficient (RSC)
COMSOL to ensure that the temperatures are the as a function of the difference in width between
same at the thermometer and at the hot junction. the wide and narrow segments of the nanowire.
The RSCs were directly obtained using simultane- We observe that the trend in RSC agrees well with
ous measurement of the VOC and the temperature the experimental data in Fig. 2. Finally, to justify
differences for various heater currents. Fig. 3 shows the use of highly doped GaAs as a proxy for a
measured RSC for a constant (50-nm-wide) narrow metal, electrical resistivity is calculated at different
segment cross section and wider segment widths. temperature. For metals, the resistivity should in-
New Computational Perspectives on Scattering and
Transport in III/V Channel Materials
Z. Stanojević, M. Karner, F. Mitterbauer, C. Kernstock
Global TCAD Solutions GmbH., Landhausgasse 4/1a, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Email: {z.stanojevic|m.karner|f.mitterbauer|c.kernstock|h.demel}
I. I NTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY geometry and long-range effects. We thus propose an extension
III/V materials are considered good candidates for the to the POP scattering model which takes the entire cross-
replacement of silicon as the channel material due to their section geometry into account, with the square modulus of
low effective mass. The combination of non-planar technology the matrix element being
with III/V channel materials shows the most potential since
q2 h̄ωε0 1 1
it benefits from both superior material properties and good |Hn,n ;k,k |2 = 0 3−d N + ±
2L 2 2
electrostatic control [1]. We took the opportunity to review
the methodology for simulating III/V-channels and extend it ∞ 2 1 1
(εr ) − ∇Un,n ;k,k (r)2 dd r, (3)
to non-planar technology. εr∞ εr0
A. Electronic structure and transport U n,n ;k,k (r) = q0 ψn,k
(r )ψn ,k (r )G∞ d
k−k (r, r )d r . (4)
The electronic structure is modeled using an anisotropic Un,n ;k,k (r) is the perturbation matrix element of a single point
effective mass Hamiltonian with non-parabolic correction, charge at r, which is also used for Coulomb scattering. The
h̄ approach is based on the high-frequency electrostatic Green’s
Ekin (1 + αEkin ) = k · m−1 · k, (1)
2 function G∞ k−k
(r, r ), which, when evaluated numerically from
for Γ, L, and X-valleys. This Hamiltonian was shown to be a discretized Poisson equation, takes into account geometry
effective for the modeling of conduction band in III/V nano- and spatial variation of the dielectric constant.
structures [2, 3], as it correctly reproduces the hyperbolic In addition to the POP scattering model, we employ our
dispersion relation at high energies. The non-parabolic correc- surface roughness scattering (SRS) model for non-planar de-
tion is taken into account on three levels: (i) the confinement vices [8] as well as non-polar acoustic, optical intra-valley,
energies, (ii) the density of states, and (iii) the electron group and inter-valley scattering models.
velocity. The non-parabolic distortion is calculated for each The entire modeling chain has been implemented within the
subband individually accounting for the base kinetic energy VSP simulator [9], part of GTS Framework [10].
due to confinement. To obtain the occupancy the Fermi-Dirac II. S IMULATION AND R ESULTS
integrals need to be computed by numerical quadrature, due As a simulation example we used the device architecture
to the non-parabolic correction terms. presented in [1], which consists of an In0.7 Ga0.3 As layer grown
Transport is modeled on top of the subband structure using on top of a In0.52 Al0.48 As buffer, topped by a InP etch stop.
the linearized Boltzmann-transport-equation (LBTE), The fins are cut out from the InGaAs/InP layers and TaSiOx
h̄kξ h̄kξ h̄kξ is deposited isotropically onto the free surfaces.
Sn,n (k, k ) τn,ξ (E)
− τn ,ξ (E)
mn ,ξ
, (2) We first analyzed the long-channel properties of the InGaAs
n ,k FinFET, by computing the transconductance curve of a 40 µm
where an energy-dependent anisotropic relaxation time tensor long gated fin. The transconductance, shown in Fig. 1, is
τn,ξ is used [4], thus avoiding the shortcomings of the momen- seen to be dominated by POP and surface-roughness. The
tum relaxation time approximation [5]. By solving the LBTE process limited mobilities in Fig. 2 give a more detailed
numerically, channel mobility and conductivity are obtained. picture: POP limits the mobility in the low-density regime,
while scattering off the rough TaSiOx interface limits mobility
B. Scattering models at higher densities.
In contrast to silicon, the most important scattering process To examine the properties of a realistic InGaAs FinFET, we
in III/V semiconductors at room temperature is scattering by combined the electonic structure/transport calculation with the
polar-optical phonons (POP). POP scattering differs from non- device simulator Minimos-NT [11] using self-consistent quan-
polar phonon scattering; unlike non-polar lattice vibrations, tum correction, as shown in Fig. 3. The coupling procedure
which interact with the electrons by altering the band struc- between the two simulators is depicted in Fig. 4. The thus
ture through crystal deformation, polar phonons constitute obtained characteristic and parameters are shown in Fig. 5.
oscillating electric dipoles. Hence, POP scattering constitutes We have demonstrated a framework for simulating novel
an electrostatic perturbation, which is of long-range nature. III/V-based non-planar transistor architectures. The framework
It is unclear whether the bulk perturbation Hamiltonian for is based on physical modeling of electronic structure, scatter-
electron-POP interaction [6, 7] is still applicable as we deal ing, and transport. A combination with a 3D device simulator
with different materials with different dielectric properties. allows to leverage the benefits of physical modeling for the
Also, smaller device feature sizes mean more pronounced simulation of entire devices.
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
Gate voltage / V
Fig. 1. Transconductance curve for a 40 µm long gated fin; Π-gated fin the
has a rectangular shape, 10 nm wide, 20 nm high with a 1 nm InP-layer on top,
and is surrounded by 2 nm-layer of TaSiOx and a metal gate. POP scattering
and SRS dominate transport in the channel. Starting from 0.6 V conductance
becomes severely degraded by SRS. Fig. 3. Electron concentration in an InGaAs FinFET at VG = 1 V and VDS =
0.1 V; fin width and height are 10 nm and 20 nm, respectively, gate length
is 50 nm; the confinement effect due to self-consistent quantum correction is
clearly visible.
Acoustic phonons
106 InP/InGaAs roughness
TaSiOx -interface roughness
Polar-optical phonons
Channel mobility / cm2 /Vs
All processes
ϕ, EFn,p
Minimos-NT Vcorr , µ n,p VSP
Author Index
9 780692 505540