Research g12

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Being late is one of the main problems of our school, especially to those Grade 12

HUMSS students. As a student in Bukidnon National High School we have observe half of the

students or most of the student are being late. Because of this, students that are late can’t listen in

some of their subject discussion that can cause having low grades. Also affecting their academic

performance that result in low participation, students that are now always late can exhibits

purpose full behavior aimed and achieving academic at goals. Even the low guidance of the

parents on their children can affect the students in being late and also children who came from

low income households, having divorced or separated parents would actually perform better than

average students which have parents who have high income. If a child came from home which

had positive attitudes and strongly supportive atmosphere that came a parent surely a child can

excel and will not be late. That is why children that are always late must have parental support.

According to Oxford Advance Learners’ Dictionary the term “lateness” implies a

situation where an individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual. Furthermore, Lauby

(2009) puts it as term use to describe “people not showing up on time”. Breezes et al. (2010)

contributed by saying that lateness is synonymous with “tardiness”, which implies being slow to

act or slow to respond, thus not meeting up with proper or usual timing. It is obvious therefore

that lateness could be seen as a system of network breakdown (Difiaghor, 2011); a situation of

not meeting up with programmed… a function of time… time is the criteria and determinant of

Lateness to school by students is one of the observable problems in education system.

Lateness to school relates simply to the failure to be present at appropriate time for school

activities/lesson-leading to certain deficiencies in the attainment of the goals and objectives of

the institution. The subject of lateness to school, though not specifically mentioned in the

National Policy on Education, may however be related to ascertain elements in every aspects of

the policy. A student who was not in the school during morning assembly may miss-out on some

important information and may thus be subject to some acts that could cause disharmony in the

institution. Also, where a student is punished for lateness and another is not, for the same

offense, may lead to the undermining of the principle of ‘equality’ in the other country

(Nakpodia, 2010).

Tardiness can cause academic performance which affects their life as a student. A student

that is always late has many things that can miss-out in just one subject. Even though the

students only miss one subject it is still considered that he is already missing out a performance

in that subject. We have observe that when a student miss-out a performance in his school it is

hard for him to caught up on what he have missed in that subject. That is why some students will

always be late because they are shy to enter in that subject because they have missed many

activities in that subject and they are afraid of the teacher that maybe will confront them and

asked them for missing out many activities.

One of the things that the student is being late is because he wakes up late or

maybe he is just tired or lazy in going to school. This can lead us to their parents who

lack motivation to their children that is why their children are not motivated in going to

school. Parents should know what their children is doing in school or how their children

perform in school so that they can know how to deal their children in terms of their
performance. When a parent knows that their child is always late in school they

immediately do something so that their child will never be late again. One of this is to

motivate them that if they do well in their school they can get a reward, or their family

should have bonding and then talk to their children and motivate them after.

Statement of the problem

This study is basically to find out the effect of tardiness of the students in their academic

performance. Generally, the main focus of the study is to know the impact of tardiness on

academic performance in G 12 HUMSS Student in Bukidnon National High School. The result is

used as basics to create possible solution on how to lessen or stop the student tardiness in school.

In this research the problems encountered by the respondents in their academic performance are


1. How often are the grade 12 HUMSS students being late in a week?

2. Is the students in grade 12 HUMSS receive low grade for being late?

3. Does the students are motivated by their parents to go to school?

4. What are the aspects for student’s tardiness?

5. How can lateness affect the student’s academic performance?

6. Does tardiness affect student’s performance?

Research hypothesis

Null Hypothesis

There is significant relationship between Tardiness and Academic Performance of Senior High

School in Grade 12 HUMSS.

Alternative Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between Tardiness and Academic Performance of Senior

High School in Grade 12 HUMSS.

Significance of the study

This study is basically designed to investigate the effect of tardiness of the students in

their academic performance. The result of the study will be benefit for the following.

Students: the result of the study will provide research based information for finding out the

solutions for the tardiness of the students that affects their academic performance by Grade 12

HUMSS. This will help the respondents to do well in their class and to avoid tardiness. To be

inform of the impact of being late especially in school and the effect of their academic

performance by coming late in school, so that the next time that they will do it, they overthink it

what happen to them if they continue being late in coming school.

Teachers: in this study it will provide information to the teachers and identify students behind the

low academic performance in school, considering the tardiness of the students that affects their

academic performance. The teacher could look for varied ways on how to help the students to
avoid being late or motivating them in school. By this means the teacher could innovate teaching

methodologies that would make the students excited to go to school early. to be inform to those

students who are always coming very tardy or not exact of time in school and they can make

recommendations to their students on what are they going to do to keep away being late in

coming school.

Parents: This study can help the parents to know that their children is being late and knowing

that them being late causing their low academic performance in school. This can also help for the

parents to know the ways on how to help their children or how to motivate their children on

going to school and avoid giving the students discouragements.

Others: In this study it can help them to know the certain situation and can motivate others to go

to school. And can inform them that this is happening at school.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

. This study is conducted in Bukidnon National High School, Malaybalay City,

Bukidnon.The researcher will conduct survey used by means of answering questions; the

respondents are the students and it is composed of 20 students that come from Grade 12 humss

students of Senior high school of Bukidnon National High School. It is concerned in identifying

the effects of tardiness of the students in their academic performance. Students in Grade 12

HUMSS are only limited to detect their academic performance. Furthermore, studies highly

recommended reading more in order finding the possible solution.

Definition of terms

Tardiness - the quality or fact of being late; lateness.

Lateness - situation where an individual arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual.

Disharmony - lack of harmony or agreement

Miss-out - fail to include someone or something; omit.

Motivation - a force or influence that can cause someone to do something.

Academic Performance - is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their

short or long-term educational goals. Cumulative GPA. And completion of educational

benchmarks such as secondary school diplomas and bachelor's degrees represent academic


Impact - the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another.
Conceptual framework

Low academic
Late in going to school
Cannot understand
Late in school discussion
Left out in school

Late in school activities

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