Quantitative Research 3
Quantitative Research 3
Quantitative Research 3
website: www.slsuonline.edu.ph
email: slsu_tomas_oppus@yahoo.com
Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
Statement of Hypothesis
Definition of Terms
Chapter 3 Methodology
Research Design
Research Environment
Research Instruments
Curriculum Vitae
• Grading System
Chapter I
One of the most important components of human resource development is education. The
performance of the students is critical in developing exceptional learners. To get exceptional
outcomes, students must put up the utmost amount of effort in their studies. However, a variety
of factors specifically tardiness influences the students' academic success. Many children are
facing major problems as a result of the obstacles, particularly when schools are compelled to
discontinue face-to-face learning activities and quickly transition to an online curriculum.
Online education has grown dramatically in recent decades as a result of benefits such as
flexibility, convenience, and global access to a classroom (Bowers & Kumar, 2015). The online
learning environment, on the other hand, might have a major influence on a student's capacity or
motivation to finish an assignment on time. In addition to the normal obstacles that students
experience, online students have additional hurdles. Isolation and disconnectedness can arise in
the online learning environment (Bowers & Kumar, 2015). According to Arasaratnam-Smith and
Northce (2017), it can be challenging to foster a feeling of community among online students.
"Research conducted over the last four decades has adequately established that tardiness plays a
substantial role in the procrastination problem" (Nordby et al.2017, p493). This unique
characteristic differs from one student to the next. However, family and job commitments can
frequently contribute to the difficulties (Kara, Erdogdu, Kokoç, & Cagiltay, 2019). Students'
learning in their classrooms is also hampered by tardiness (Vukovic, 2017). If a student appears
late for class, the educator will try to explain the lesson again, slowing the learning growth of
other students as it consumes class time, teacher attention, and disciplinary time.
As most schools transitioned towards a new paradigm shift in the new normal. There are
still unresolved questions concerning the effectiveness of the new learning modality. The key
questions are whether distant digital learning, both offline and online, can ensure quality learning
and if teachers can deliver effective lessons through modular teaching. Not to mention, no one
knows what the impact would be on learners who face access-related or technology problems
while learning remotely.
Therefore, in this research, we are going to discuss tardiness that some students have when
participating in the remote learning module since the problem of tardiness among learners has
always been a real dilemma for schools. Furthermore, we will investigate and propose solutions
to the major concerns encountered by the students to help assist teachers, educators, school
institutions, and the Department of Education in resolving the key issues.
As the country adjusts to the new normal of teaching and learning. Tardiness is a
demanding habit to get out of for some. That is why, the researchers believed that there is a need
to address this problem. Regardless of the technical, pedagogical, and access-related obstacles
that both teachers and students confront, students must adapt to various learning modes. Students
can still learn considerably from their quality teachers, which is more important than the
country's education system.
The broad objective of this study is to determine the reasons of tardiness and assess the
degree to which it affects the academic performance of students from an online learning setting
of Grade 12 - STEMS and Grade 12 – HUMSS in Southern Leyte State University- Tomas
Oppus, Laboratory High School.
1.1 Age
1.2. Gender
• What are the ground bases or main factors for the students to be
tardy as they take up Online Class?
This study will be undertaken to properly identify underlying factors and reasons of
tardiness that affects the students in Grade 12 - STEMS and Grade 12 – HUMSS in Southern
Leyte State University- Tomas Oppus, Laboratory High School, factors that affect their online
experience in class during this time of crisis shall be observed and measured.
The Students.
The direct receiver of this study will be the students who are in Grade 12. The information in the
research will aid the students to realize the reasons of tardiness in their online class experience,
and how it has affected them. Any realization and possible adjusting will improve their situations
and pave a way for producing better learning and disciplined actions to adjust to our new norm
The Parents
This research will benefit the parents of the students because as parents realize their children are
experiencing these hardships, they can support them during those situations, it will give students
assurance, and give them the motivation adjust and pull through.
The Teacher
This research will benefit the teachers, for it will give them the perspective of the students during
this time of crisis, and to inform them how to adjust to the students’ possible needs, especially to
teachers who are struggling to adjust to this new norm. This research will let teachers discover
the possibilities of new teaching strategies.
Chapter II
Related Literature
According to Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011), lateness or tardiness contributes to most of the
factors or causes of school performance; going late to bed and waking up late next morning are
the most common, but parents, ultimately are tasked to make sure students does not come late to
school. Habitual tardiness can also be learned from other members of the family, especially from
the older ones. Lack of a firm and consistent policy on punctuality also encourages students to
come late at school since there are no consequences attached to these problems.
In some cases, the habit of lateness is being copied from family members. For instance, the
child that sees the father always going late to work could also either voluntarily or involuntarily
learn the habit, thus the student replicates the situation. This is supported by Peretomode (2001)
and Egbule (2004) when they elaborated the concept of Nature – Nurture as it affects an
individual’s habits.
Related Studies
A study revealed that the causes of lateness among the secondary students in Nigeria
were “going late to bed because of watching films and home movies, resulting in waking up late
in the morning, distance to school and keeping friends who are not students” (Oghuvbu, 2008).
These results were consistent with the results of Oghuvbu’s referenced studies which proves that
tardiness among students has been a growing problem and that it is caused, not just because of
the students, but also because of the lack of imposing discipline from the parents.
Another factor that could be a reason the punctuality of a student is the response of the
teachers to tardy students. Lack of functional and effective punctuality policy, the habit of
waking up late, keeping friends of different status, innate anxiety level: Most people always have
that relax mind in anything they do; they do not even care if they are running late or not; they do
not beat their relax temple or mood of doing things. Cultural background, engagement in
untimely domestic chores/activities, these activities are necessary but doing them at a wrong
timing is what cause lateness to school.
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the Study
This research represents the reasons of student’s tardiness. This study is anchored on the
Tardiness Theory by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011).
Nakpodia and Dafiaghor (2011) mentioned the Tardiness Theory which focuses on day to
day routine of students. This theory processes on the capabilities in which the students are
influenced by other factors of tardiness. Tardiness Theory can be benefitting for people that are
in constant struggles of doing daily activities and school activities. In this theory, it presents the
concept on which students are engaged in activities that are reflective in their daily life.
Tardiness Theory can be influential for helping people and students to be aware, for this theory
addresses students to comprehend the factors of tardiness.
Santillano (2010) stated that the Psychological Trait Theory points out the psychological
trait of a student that is influenced by personal characteristics like low self-esteem and anxiety.
This theory is to help students that are experiencing personal problems that reflects on their
actions of being tardy. It also stated that this theory provides more understanding to personal
traits that involves with personal interactions that includes “self-control, feeling nervous,
uncomfortable with social interactions and getting distracted easily”.
Family Background Theory by Peretomode (2001) and Egbule (2004) which is stated in
the related literature, that essentially implies the relationship of the student and their parents has
some background abundances that affect the student’s day to day life. The purpose of this theory
is to provide a consistent recording background database to help students get aid in hardship and
being tardy. This theory also provides effective self-evaluation and awareness to the students.
This theory focuses on monitoring the student’s behavior and relationship with their parents.
In conclusion, the purpose of these studies is to identify the reasons of tardiness on senior
high school students of SLSU- Tomas Oppus, Laboratory High School. The reasons of students’
behaviour through psychological trait, family background and their characteristics of tardiness.
There is a necessity for students and parents to help identify and proffer solutions to this quality
and if it is not identified, consequences may happen and disturbing problems that could lead to
troublesome situations for the students.
Conceptual Framework
Psychological Trait Theory
-Life Status
-Learning Attitudes
- Learning efficacy
-Life Status
-Learning Attitudes
- Learning efficacy
Significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the reasons of tardiness
Significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the reasons of tardiness
Case of Tardiness in Senior High School Students in SLSU-CTE Laboratory High School
Case of Tardiness in Senior High School Students in SLSU-CTE Laboratory High School
Students will be able to comprehend that tardiness is not a reasonable habit.
Statement of Hypothesis
Definition of Terms
• Barriers- in this study, it refers to the factors that affect students during the
online class
• Learning Behavior- This study refers to the students’ action on the new
• Students-in this study, it refers to the individuals who are involved as the
This chapter explains various methodologies that were used in gathering data and analysis which
are relevant in the study. The methodologies will include areas such as Research Design,
Research Environment, Research Respondents and Sampling Procedure, Research Instrument,
Data Collection Procedure and Data Analysis Procedure. It provides information on the
participants particularly the Grade-12 learners of SLSU-TO Laboratory High School, that is, the
criteria for inclusion in the study, who the participants were and how they were sampled. The
researchers describe the research design that was chosen for the purposae of this study and the
reasons for this choice. The researchers described the instrument that was used for data
collection and the procedures that were followed to carry out this study are also included. The
researchers also discuss the methods used to analyze the data. Lastly, the ethical issues that were
followed in the process are also discussed.
Research Design
The research design to be utilized in the study will be descriptive non-experimental research
design. For the purpose of this study, the research paradigm that was followed is descriptive
since the aim of the study is to give insight and understanding to the underlying reasons and
motivations of the problem of tardiness among Grade-12 learners of SLSU-Tomas Oppus
Laboratory High School. Specifically to describe the behavior and situation of the learners
causing them to be tardy as they take up Online Class.
Research Environment
The school is aimed at the development of a science culture among students with the view to
prepare them for careers in the sciences.
Peretomode (2001) and Egbule (2004). Family Background Theory and factors.