Simufact Additive - Simulation

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Simufact Additive – Simulation

Simufact Additive is based on MSC´s proven MARC solver technology

1. Leading solution for non-linear numerical simulations
2. Covering a broad range of physics
3. Efficient matrix solvers
4. Parallelization and speed-up of the analysis by using multiple processor cores and shared memory
5. Further dedicated advancement for AM purposes
6. Scalable regarding speed and level of detail
7. Enables high resolution models with respect to solid fraction

Total distortion in an AM built bracket

Multi-scaling approach
Simufact Additive´s basic concept lays the foundation for a wide variability and scalability through
different levels of details for the simulation results. Simufact Additive combines best approaches in one
unique software solution.
We call this a multi-scaling approach:
Macroscopic approaches

 Fast layer-based models using inherent strains method

 An extremely fast mechanical method for the prediction of distortion and residual stresses in the
component / base plate
 A thermo-mechanical method for the prediction of global heat distribution, distortion and residual
stresses in the component and base plate
Mesoscopic approach (upcoming versions)

 Intermediate approaches combining the advantages of reasonable analysis times and the desired
level of detail
 Hatching model, e.g. with inherent strain or thermal cycle
Microscopic approach (upcoming versions)

 A fully thermo-mechanically coupled transient analysis to accurately determine the temperature

history and derived properties like the microstructure.
 Heat source model
 High level of detail, based on multiphase models

Scaled calculation methods for more flexibility
Simufact Additive offers several calculation methods:
1. Mechanical
2. Thermal
3. Thermo-mechanical coupled
1. Mechanical Calculation Method
Additive manufacturing processes with metals are always complex time-dependent thermo-mechanical
processes that require a correspondingly high simulation effort. In order to achieve practical results more
quickly, we transferred the "inherent strain" method to additive production in the powder bed when
developing the software.
The method of the inherent strains originates from welding technology and should also be used here to
simplify and accelerate the calculation of complex welding processes. The basic idea behind this is that the
complex thermo-mechanical history of the process ultimately introduces a typical non-elastic (i.e. non-
reducing) strain into the component, the so-called inherent strain. If this strain is now known, the time-
consuming time-dependent thermo-mechanical calculation can be omitted and the purely mechanical
calculation is much faster.
This method has been proven to achieve excellent results in terms of distortion behaviour and also loading
due to internal stresses. It is, therefore, the first choice for achieving practical results quickly, i.e. within
minutes or a few hours.
Calibration with Cantilever
The challenge of the mechanical method is now to achieve the typical inherent elongations of the process
under consideration as elegantly as possible, i.e. quickly and reliably. One possibility would be to determine
this again by a small-scale simulation of the exposure process. In addition to the time required, however,
there are considerable uncertainties regarding the possible result quality, since the nominal but not the actual
conditions of the real process are fully known and can also fluctuate. The calibration of the inherent strains
on test specimens has therefore proven to be the best approach. No simulation, however good, can
completely replace the result of a physical test.
A fast optimization algorithm calibrates the inherent strain values so that they lead to the deformations
measured in the test in the simulation. These strain values represent the (individual) machine used, the
material and also the process parameters used. This enables reliable and fast simulation even for complex
additive components.

Calibration with Cantilevers

Correct calibration is essential to obtain accurate simulation results.
All important data and details for easy and fast calibration, regardless if mechanical, thermo-mechanical or
thermal, are already predefined in the graphical user interface (GUI). This also includes the individual
cantilever geometry, uniform and isotropic inherent strain, the measuring point, and the separation phase.
In Simufact Additive, users can adapt these calibration parameters to their requirements. Besides, they can
calibrate their geometry concerning the spatially dependent process parameters.
User-defined calibration also allows importing user-defined geometries and including the base plate during

User-defined calibration options

Fast optimization algorithm calibrates the inherent strain values
Simufact Additive offers for the first time the possibility not only to use a set of inherent strains for the
entire build space but also to define a location-dependent matrix. This allows, for example, different ratios
to be mapped on the sides and in the corners of the build space, but also in height.
This makes it possible to further improve the quality of earnings, especially in the case of heavily utilised
build space.
The inherent strains can be calibrated automatically for a constant height in the x-y plane.

Definition of locally dependent process parameters (inherent strains)

2. Thermal Calculation Method
The purely mechanical method of the inherent strains has at least one possible disadvantage with all its
advantages - it is no longer possible to gain an insight into the thermal processes, which, however, are
decisive for the additive development process. Specific manufacturing problems may require an insight into
the temperature processes, e.g. to set heat dissipating support structures or to evaluate the effect of a build
plate heating system.
To enable this effect on the component level if required, we have developed a novel thermal calculation
model on the element layer level in Simufact Additive. With knowledge of the essential machine parameters
such as laser power, speed, and exposure strategy, the global temperature curve can be simulated during
the construction process. Since the real efficiency of the melting process is generally unknown, it can be
easily calibrated against a specified peak temperature. A physical test is not necessary.
The results are, for example, the peak temperatures reached, which enable the identification and evaluation
of overheated and underheated areas. The user also can evaluate temporal heating and cooling rates, local
temperature gradients and heat flows.
3. Thermo-mechanical calculation method
In addition to the proven purely mechanical Inherent-Strain method and the purely thermal calculation,
Simufact Additive also offers a thermo-mechanically coupled calculation method. In order to derive
mechanical quantities such as distortion and residual stresses in addition to the temperature curve, we have
mechanically coupled individual calculation steps in Simufact Additive based on the thermal calculation.
As with the inherent strain method, calibration against distortion is also recommended here. In this way,
the user avoids an overestimation of the distortion caused by the model. He uses the same cantilever model
as for mechanical calibration. Here it is important to scale the thermal strains in the calibration to achieve
the measured deformation result in the simulation. This allows the software to predict realistic stress levels.

GUI Calculation Method

The thermo-mechanical simulation is suitable if mechanical and thermal results are to be represented in a
simulation. Besides, better prediction results can be achieved in special manufacturing situations than with
the purely mechanical inherent strains. This is partly because this method takes into account the temporal
influence of layers of different sizes, which is particularly important in the case of major changes in the
layer surfaces.
According to the experience gained, the thermo-mechanical method is recommended e.g.

 Materials with high thermal conductivity

 Thin-walled, filigree and complex components
 Several components on the base plate
 Strong changes in the layer surfaces
With this calculation method, distortions and manufacturing problems can be simulated which are not
obvious in purely mechanical simulation.

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