Burger Mcdo of Mcdonald'S Organizational Analysis Activities Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact

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Burger McDo of McDonald’s

Organizational Analysis

Activities Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact

Inbound logistics Transport of raw materials Global warming, Climate
from the suppliers and change
vendors into production
process and storage facilities.

Distributors store all the raw

materials in their cold store
and deliver materials to the
restaurant, wherein the
managers order daily.

This cause of metric tons of

greenhouse gas.
Operations Mcdonald’s buy its beef for Global warming,
hamburger from ranchers all Climate change,
over the world, specifically, Deforestation,
U.S, New Zealand, Australia, Animal extinction,
and Canada Harm to the natural
resources and habitat
Animal agriculture, as a
whole, contributes around 15
percent of global greenhouse
gas emissions, with beef
cattle being the largest
emitters. Cows digest food
via enteric fermentation, they
produce methane, a potent
greenhouse gas, in their

Outbound logistics Burger McDo delivery Global warming and Climate

mostly using motorcycle to change
the end consumer
Marketing and Sales Excessive Packaging, Plastic Environmental waste
Toy accessories (McDonald’s Air pollution
Happy Meal with toy inside),
leaflets, and brochures.
Service Design packaging, closed- Land pollution
loop, recovering, and Environmental waste

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Activities Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact

Obtaining the raw Extraction of cows Natural resource depletion
materials Potential animal extinction
Greenhouse effect
Waste water
Ecological habitat at
Change in a land form
(visual intrusion)
Transporting the raw Cows are mostly Greenhouse effect
materials transported by trucks that Local air quality
emits carbon and transport Noise
Meat processing Water consumption, Greenhouse effect
Energy consumption, Local air quality
methane,  ammonium Noise
sulfate, ammonium Wastewater
chloride, calcium silicate
Packaging the patties Energy consumption and Greenhouse effect
paper Local air quality
Ecological habitat damage
Transporting the processed Using refrigerated van for Local Air quality
meat the distribution of beef Greenhouse effect
patties that consumes Noise
energy and transport fuel
Disposal of Burger McDo Food waste and Packaging Greenhouse effect
waste to Landfill Air pollution
Water pollution
Land pollution
Dangers to the natural
resources and habitat
Issue by Issue

Activities Environmental Environmental Control Measures

Aspect Impact
Obtaining the raw Extraction of cows Natural resource Look for vegan
materials depletion alternative raw
Potential animal materials.
extinction Minimizing the
Greenhouse effect consumption of
Waste water Cows.
Ecological habitat
at damage
Change in a land
form (visual
Meat processing Water consumption, Greenhouse effect Prevent using
Energy consumption, Local air quality toxic chemicals,
methane,  ammonium Noise Minimizing the
sulfate, ammonium Wastewater water consumption
chloride and Improve
energy efficiency
Disposal of the Food waste and Greenhouse effect Choosing
Burger McDo Packaging waste to Air pollution recyclable
Landfill Water pollution components,
Land pollution Reducing food
Dangers to the waste or
natural resources Transforming food
and habitat waste into

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